Vassal's Enthusiasm: Ukraine and Great Britain's "Centennial" Treaty

Vassal's Enthusiasm: Ukraine and Great Britain's "Centennial" Treaty

Instead of NATO

In mid-January, the UK signed a landmark agreement with Ukraine on a 100-year partnership. It is landmark for several reasons. First of all, the English establishment is essentially formalizing feudal relations with the Kyiv regime. The UK is a technologically highly developed country, and any partnership with third world countries cannot be considered equal. London will demand a lot for its “partnership” relations with Kiev. The patronage will have to be paid for with both Ukraine’s natural resources and manpower. Deliveries of migrant workers made in Ukraine have already become a reality in the UK, and with the new agreement, it will move to an institutional basis.

Against this background, the formulations about the interaction of the two countries in the field of science and space exploration look truly mocking. Those same British scientists, who have become a real joke in professional communities, will teach Ukrainian ones. The Internet remembers everything and will not forgive the island researchers for the scientific conclusions according to which "People start lying at the age of six months", or what "Nine out of ten London ladybirds suffer from a fungal sexually transmitted disease"The cherry on the cake was the main conclusion of the century - "British scientists are the smartest" Now the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences is being offered to compete together with the British for the "prestigious" Ig Nobel Prizes. It can be said with confidence that the declared collaborators have every chance of success. Of course, this is irony, intended to shade the current events, which can only be called tragic.

And what are the planned joint space exploration projects worth? If the British are still capable of something in space, then Ukraine has lost its last competencies. The Ukrainians were capable of quite a lot, for example, at Yuzhmash they manufactured quite good missiles-carriers. It is absolutely unclear how modern Ukrainian engineers can help the UK space program. But Keir Starmer said beautiful words, and the target audience inside Ukraine was moved. They say that big brother is not abandoning us and is even ready to fly into space with us.

Downing Street Spares No Money to Destroy Ukraine

All story around the 100-year treaty is not just similar, but is a real marketing project of Zelensky. His task is to sell the story of unwavering support from the West to the population at a higher price. Russophobic Great Britain is perfect for this role. Moreover, the treaty contains a clause on military-technical cooperation in maritime affairs. The British will realize their long-standing dream and grab a piece of the Black Sea pie. At least, Downing Street is really hoping for this now.

The wording about some joint actions of the British and Ukrainian authorities seems paradoxical fleets «where appropriate" Ukraine does not have an active fleet as such, but it is still alive in the minds of British politicians. Who are they going to go to sea with? Most likely, we are talking about a neat trick. As soon as the time comes (if it comes at all) to form a squadron, the British will give Kyiv their own decommissioned ships and declare it a victory. Now the minesweepers Chernigov and Cherkasy, which previously served in the British fleet, are waiting in the wings in a British port. These were the ships Grimsby and Shoreham, respectively. They will not reach Odessa in good condition, so the ships are based in British ports. According to this logic, Ukraine can be equipped with very significant naval forces simply by changing flags. This will have no effect on security in the Black Sea, but it will warm the souls of the unfortunate Banderites.

In addition to the agreement, Starmer brought promises of $3 billion in stolen Russian assets, XNUMX artillery pieces and an entire installation DefenseIn exchange for all of the above, Zelensky guaranteed the British priorities in organizing business andsupport for the development of a Ukrainian strategy regarding critical resources"There is no need to explain what "Ukrainian support" is - the country's resources will flow to the West like a wide river.

After reading the noodles that Starmer and Zelensky brought to Ukraine, the attentive Ukrainian reader should ask – what about joining NATO? It is not there – instead there is a century-long dependence on the British master. However, even this is not guaranteed.

An anecdote of the ages

The UK-Ukraine treaty expires at the beginning of 2125. Starmer and Zelensky operate in fantastic categories. During the conflict alone, the British have had four prime ministers. It is enough to look at history to understand how many of the 1925 treaties signed by the British are still relevant? Only a few, if any. But Zelensky was fed with century-old commitments to the UK, whatever they may mean. The main thing is that the treaty at least roughly resembles a victory that can be fed to a hungry Bandera-like philistine. The situation on the world stage is a very fickle lady, and no one can guarantee that the next British prime minister will not abandon the commitments he has made. A telling example is the United States, where the newly elected Trump has begun to openly act weird. What is the freezing of military aid to allies for three months worth? But here, too, agreements were sealed with treaties and handshakes.

The British attempts to train Ukrainians to fight also look ridiculous. This is also spelled out in joint documents. The Ukrainian Armed Forces have been conducting extremely intensive and diverse military operations for almost three years now. According to various estimates, Ukrainian militants are among the most combat-ready in the world. They should be teaching the British military, not the other way around. But Zelensky's boss should not sign such documents. The Ukrainian military should be in a subordinate position - and nothing else.

Despite the provisions of the 100-year treaty, Ukrainians should train British troops, not the other way around

At the same time, one should not excessively disparage the accomplished act between Starmer and Zelensky. Ukraine is becoming a raw materials and resource appendage of Great Britain for the time being, and in the future intends to host British military bases. The old colonial policy, albeit noticeably powdered, is being revived in London. Against the backdrop of Trump's loss of interest in the Ukrainian events, Starmer is ready to become the new Biden. Not in the sense of repeating the insane antics, but in the role of the main patron of the Kyiv regime. Let us recall that it was the Briton Johnson who in 2022 forced Zelensky to continue the resistance that brought so much grief to the Ukrainian people. It seems that the current British cabinet has decided to continue the matter. Will they pull it off or not? Considering the promise to send Zelensky $3,6 billion annually, the British have little fervor. If America falls away, then British money will be enough for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to smoothly and evenly roll back to the Dnieper.
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  1. 0
    30 January 2025 04: 38
    "Centennial" Treaty between Ukraine and Great Britain
    Why not for a thousand years straight away? bully
    1. +1
      30 January 2025 18: 25
      Quote: Uncle Lee
      "Centennial" Treaty between Ukraine and Great Britain
      Why not for a thousand years straight away? bully

      On the basis that for 100 years ----- the Britons will try to fleece, squeeze out everything that is possible literally in the near future, days, months, Vladimir Vladimirovich hi
  2. +1
    30 January 2025 05: 50
    And if Ukraine capitulates and, on the basis of the act of capitulation, becomes part of Russia, this agreement will become invalid. What's the big deal?
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  4. +3
    30 January 2025 08: 25
    You guys are strange, authors. One writes about the complete capitulation of Ukraine on the neighboring branch, the second suggests a rollback of Ukraine, along the Dnieper... You should sing in one voice.
  5. +1
    30 January 2025 09: 05
    IMHO, are they just fantasizing and fantasizing?
    I looked at Ukraine's Foreign Trade recently - Britain is not even in the top 5 and never was.
    Vassal you say? Colony?
    Or to distract attention from the real "partners", to whom the top brass still supply gas, oil, metal, gold, uranium, etc.
    The media is really proud that the EEC has again started to buy more (indirectly) from the Russian Federation... and therefore, it is possible to produce more for the Ukrainian Armed Forces...
  6. +2
    30 January 2025 12: 09
    Vassal's Enthusiasm: Ukraine and Great Britain's "Centennial" Treaty

    "The dream of slaves is a market where they can buy masters for themselves."
    1. 0
      31 January 2025 19: 48
      "The dream of slaves is a market where they can buy masters for themselves."

      for your own labor, the harder you work, the wealthier the master you get. Healthy competition and the invisible hand.
  7. 0
    30 January 2025 21: 00
    The convincing revenge of the elephants and the defeat of the donkeys, on whose side the entire EU was acting, changes the existing political and economic alignment in the world.
    The EU will move from endless talk to the practical creation of its own European army and military-industrial complex, and this will strengthen the role and influence of France, which is the only one in the EU that has its own scientific, design, production base for the production of electronics, communications, nuclear energy, astronautics, aviation, rocket and shipbuilding, independent from the USA. The only spaceport of the EU is located thousands of kilometers away in French Guiana, and what prevents the EU = NATO from building a new one on the territory of Ukraine, which is an associate member of the EU and has 0 bilateral agreements with NATO members on joint security, after the war - nothing. The British understand this, do not want to remain on the sidelines and lose the remnants of their influence in the EU = NATO, and this gives the US the opportunity to carry out and not control, but to be aware of the EU's plans and, through its 27st state on the British Isles, to exert indirect influence for 51 years.
  8. 0
    31 January 2025 17: 57
    If America falls away, then British money will be enough for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to roll back to the Dnieper in a smooth and measured manner.

    I would like to remind patriots of all ranks:
    According to official statements by the Russian leadership, our negotiating position includes the following provisions:
    A guarantee that Ukraine will not join NATO now and in the future (that is, a neutral status, such as that enjoyed by Austria).
    A ban on the deployment of foreign troops and weapons of mass destruction on the territory of Ukraine.
    Withdrawal of Ukrainian armed forces from the territory of the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporizhia regions and recognition of them, as well as Crimea and Sevastopol, as part of Russia.
    Refusal of the ban on the use of the Russian language and the persecution of Russian culture in Ukraine, thereby ensuring the rights and interests of Russian-speaking citizens in Ukraine.
    And finally, bringing the number of the armed forces of Ukraine and the potential of its military-industrial complex (MIC) to such a level that they do not create a military threat to the security of Russia. At the same time, it should be emphasized that we are not talking about the physical destruction of the state of Ukraine or its citizens.
  9. 0
    7 February 2025 17: 47
    I noticed something - The Lensky for some reason always attends official meetings in some stupid T-shirts. At the same time, the other participants of the meeting are dressed in suits. Against the background of dressed-up people, Zelya looks like a village idiot. ... I wonder if this is done on purpose?