Prices in Russia are out of date again

Prices in Russia are out of date again

They count everything, but not everything counts

There is inflation, and there is price growth – we seem to have been taught that these are not the same thing. Especially since there is also a rise in prices for the most essential things, and a fall in prices for things that no one needs anymore. Some gadgets of outdated models, or smart vacuum cleaners that are of little interest to anyone.

And Rosstat is not lying, it just counts only as it should and as ordered - according to the standards and rules of liberal economic theory. So, Rosstat assures us that in 2024, prices in Russia increased by 9,52 percent.

It is clear that this is an average for the chamber, but thanks to Rosstat - they are no longer particularly hiding which goods have risen in price the most. The general public, naturally, is only concerned about what is in the sphere of mass consumption.

Given that the Central Bank's predicted level of 10 percent has not been broken through - more than two times lower than the insane key rate (21 percent), we can assume that we are on the right course. And it is not for nothing that with the return of Donald Trump to the White House, the ruble has suddenly begun to push the dollar out of the exchange rate.

Consumer prices are about to go down - after all, chicken eggs, which a year ago were breaking all records in terms of growth, have become cheaper. And it doesn't matter that prices were only brought down by manual control and shameful imports from everywhere possible and impossible.

Remember, it was like with all sales and discounts - first they raise prices to the point of insanity, scaring the public, especially with Easter approaching. And then they try to restore demand by reducing it. Today, the issue is rising butter prices, apparently, in 2026 we should expect it to become cheaper.

What, where, how much

In order and briefly - fruits and vegetables have become much more expensive in 2024 - by 22,9 percent at once. All other traditional food products fit almost exactly into the general inflation rate - 9,53 percent. For non-food products, the increase in prices is the lowest - by 6,12%. But services have become more expensive by 11,52%.

At the beginning of last year, both the Ministry of Economic Development and the Bank of Russia predicted annual inflation at 8-8,5%. A percentage with a slight excess is not that much. Now forecasts for 2025 fluctuate from 4,5 to a maximum of 5 percent inflation.

Adding the already used percentage of excess, we get about 6 percent per year, that is, almost heavenly conditions. When both credit rates, starting with the key rate, can be reduced, and the exchange rate can simply be ignored. It is a pity, of course, that the rates on deposits will immediately go down, but do ordinary people have so many of them?

People have much more debt - for the same mortgages, and for consumer loans. Although, if you believe the head of state, then with "taking into account the growth of disposable income"Russians can quite easily characterize the situation in the country as "stable and reliable».

As they say, everything depends on who, where and how they "dispose" of their income. Most people simply take it to the store or the market. The target inflation level of 4 percent has not been cancelled, but in 2025, as it seems, we will not achieve it, no matter how tough or cruel the monetary policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The regulator kept the key rate at 21 percent per annum precisely because the process of disinflation has begun. If this is not disinformation, then, despite high domestic demand, there are all the prerequisites for inflation to return to the target level.

So, it turns out that this is what it's all about, and who is to blame for everything. It is our high domestic demand, dear readers, coupled for some reason with the high growth of prices that is forcing the Bank of Russia to make the credit resource practically inaccessible to anyone.

It is unclear how anything is still moving here. Ten years of confrontation with the West have cost the Russians not just dearly, but very dearly, as can be judged from open data from ministries and departments.

Who benefits?

However, experts, especially those loyal to the cause, have now begun to unanimously insist that, in general, inflation below 10 percent is good. news for the Bank of Russia. You might think that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not skim the cream off good statistics. But manipulating numbers is not the same as defeating inflation.

Moreover, inflation, even hyper, is often to the advantage of those who have money, although it would seem that it depreciates them. India and Turkey, which are gaining momentum, live with inflation, and certainly well-controlled, while crisis-ridden Argentina and many other wild countries, to whom no one is going to give many dollars, live with hyperinflation.

In places where they earn a lot of dollars, the authorities often manage to do almost without inflation, and even with fixed exchange rates. The Chinese yuan is not one of them, although its rate has been skillfully managed by the People's Bank of China for many years. Here, however, every year - expect surprises, both in prices and in exchange rates.

Inflation is beneficial, no matter how much we are convinced otherwise, not only to sellers of everything and anything for currency, that is, primarily to exporters. Price growth is beneficial not least to the treasury, even if moderate - you can't irritate the people, but a constant one is better.

Receiving income, preferably in foreign currency, and then paying with rubles, which have already become cheaper, is not such a big trick. Although it is necessary to camouflage everything with beautiful reasoning about sanctions and other "joys of life". Oil has become more expensive - there is an increase in income, the dollar has become more expensive - also an increase for those who have it in the cash register.

And finally, don't be surprised, the price change is not at all for the better, although in reality it simply doesn't bother those whose incomes are not falling. And we are not talking only about those who simply got a serious salary increase, but also about those whose business is not going under.

Who does not benefit from this?

Well, of course, the rise in prices is disadvantageous to each of us as a buyer. But, as usual, the most vulnerable suffer the most. There will be no indexation of prices and benefits by the same 9,52 percent by definition, but only the lazy do not talk about the growth of salaries, somewhere even multiple.

It is not very profitable to work at the counter with rising prices, oddly enough, for private traders - both chain and small. Demand is falling, and for almost everything, maybe only except bread, potatoes and vodka.

In order not to overflow the shelves and not to work at a loss, you have to do everything - discounts, promotions, sales of what has been lying around. Ask the retail chains if this helps - it is not for nothing that business there shows growth rates at the level of the defense industry.

So, despite everything, the seemingly unstoppable price growth seems to be able to at least be slowed down. And I would really like to finish on a positive note, but January does not allow it. The same Rosstat informed the country that in the first two weeks of 2025 alone, consumer prices jumped by 0,67%.

But let us note coldly and dispassionately – even in primitive annual recalculation this gives not 10, but all 16-17 percent of the notorious inflation. However, enough of the scare stories – let us not forget that the first weeks of January are special.

It is during these days that many manufacturers change their purchasing prices, and trade is not lost during the holiday rush, enjoying good demand. Let's hope that this year the price increase will at least not be higher than last year's. I'm tired of it...
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  1. +30
    27 January 2025 04: 30
    Let's hope that there will be a price increase this year at least not higher than last yearabout.

    Hope is so-so. Because last year's price increase was significant.

    Inflation and moderate (I hope!) devaluation will continue. War requires money. Inflation and war are two inseparable friends. Judging by the history of mankind. The cost of any war falls on the population by raising prices for the most necessary things. And the government simply prints money.
    1. +52
      27 January 2025 07: 04
      Russians have already been warned about price increases for a number of goods in 2025.
      The Russian Ministry of Economic Development has reassured that only two types of goods will become much more expensive:
      "non-food products" and "food products".
      1. man
        27 January 2025 10: 22
        Quote: Walrus
        Russians have already been warned about price increases for a number of goods in 2025.
        The Russian Ministry of Economic Development has reassured that only two types of goods will become much more expensive:
        "non-food products" and "food products".

        Whatever they do, things are not going,
        Seen on Monday, their mother gave birth.
    2. +7
      27 January 2025 15: 01
      Uvu interesting. Yesterday we discussed SVO, more precisely the topic of truce, instant comments high rating of the article. And today the rise in prices. The topic is absolutely of no interest to anyone, complete indifference.
      1. +4
        28 January 2025 12: 11
        so people are used to prices always rising, there is nothing unusual about it
    3. +7
      27 January 2025 19: 55
      Quote: Stas157
      The cost of any war falls on the population in the form of increased prices for the most basic necessities.

      If we proceed from this statement, then since the beginning of the “democratic” changes of the late 80s, we have been going through a war between those who seized power in the country and their own population. wink
      Although in relation to speculators of all levels, one cannot bring oneself to call them “ours”.
      Several times I have posted here the comparative exchange rate of the ruble to the dollar from 1990 to 2022. There is a clear result of "democratic" (market) changes not in favor of the ruble for all the years of the "market" lol
  2. +38
    27 January 2025 04: 38
    We have a unique country, politicians for example have taught us that they say one thing and do something completely different, the constitution, pension reform, the SVO, and many many other things, to which a categorical no was once said. Our economy is even more unique, we do not have such a concept as falling prices, everyone promises them, there are all the prerequisites, but prices are always growing, examples of fuel, or real estate, when a barrel of oil fell from 120 dollars to 35, we felt a decent increase in gasoline prices, although the whole world around was going crazy, it got to the point that in the US a bottle of water cost more than a bottle of gasoline. Real estate is also extremely amazing, and there is its own field of miracles. About salaries, too, solid miracles, many boast about average figures, and show growth, but a million in 2012 and a million now are completely different money. Receiving 2012 thousand rubles in 36, you can afford to be more than now receiving 80. Therefore, when you compare growth in numbers, it turns out to be somehow incorrect, but it sounds so good on TV...
    1. +17
      27 January 2025 05: 01
      Quote from turembo
      We have a unique country in general.

      There is nothing unique about what is happening in the economy, just the usual emerging independent capitalism, so to speak, with national specifics. Well, like China's socialism...

      To Article:
      Let's hope that prices will rise this year

      What to hope for? wassat that some of the billionaires, latifundists and owners of monopolistic retail chains will refuse profits? But let's hope that tomorrow there will be no more hostility on our land, and all people will become good brothers...
      1. +5
        27 January 2025 07: 30
        And in China there is no socialism, just as in Russia there are only individual signs of capitalism.
        1. +6
          27 January 2025 07: 32
          Quote: Gardamir
          And there is no socialism in China

          There, local party members regularly proclaim that they are building “socialism with Chinese characteristics”...
          1. +7
            27 January 2025 07: 36
            Well, specificity or not specificity. But there are basic signs. For example, under socialism there is no exploitation of man by man. So tell the party members that they are stupid.
            1. +8
              27 January 2025 07: 43
              Quote: Gardamir
              So tell the party members that they are stupid.

              Well, why are you like that? They are so smart, that's why they don't want to abruptly destroy the dreams and aspirations of one and a half billion people, who probably guess that the "specifics" are too similar to ordinary capitalism, but still there is hope...
        2. +10
          27 January 2025 11: 21
          And in China there is no socialism, just as in Russia there are only individual signs of capitalism.

          What are the signs? The Russian constitution clearly states that the market, private property - this is capitalism in full swing, and not individual signs.
          And in the Chinese constitution it is written []
          Article 6. The basis of the socialist economic system of the People's Republic of China is socialist public ownership of the means of production, namely, public ownership and collective ownership.

          Article 7. The driving force of the national economy is the state economy, i.e. the socialist economy with public ownership. The state ensures the strengthening and development of the national economy.
          Article 11. ...The State allows the private sector of the economy to exist and develop within the framework established by law....

          And this means NEP.
          1. +8
            27 January 2025 11: 33
            It doesn't mean anything. Actions are important, not words.
            1. +3
              27 January 2025 11: 36
              And how do you see things in China? From the bourgeois press?
              Maybe you don't see the difference between the Soviet period and the Soviet period?
              At that time our constitution was not far from the Chinese one. This is about the influence of the constitution on life.
              1. +7
                27 January 2025 11: 52
                Wikipedia is of course bourgeois, however, in Russia there is no Soviet power. So
                According to the Forbes magazine rating (from 2015), the number of dollar billionaires in China is 213 people; in terms of the number of billionaires, China is in second place in the world after the United States.
                China's registered urban unemployment rate fluctuated between 2019% and 2022% of the working population in 4,7-6,2

                These two examples show that China is a country of rampant capitalism.
                1. +4
                  27 January 2025 11: 54
                  These two examples show that China is a country of rampant capitalism.

                  These two examples show that there is NEP. To evaluate their role, pay attention to the words from the constitution
                  Article 6. The basis of the socialist economic system of the People's Republic of China is socialist public ownership of the means of production, namely, public ownership and collective ownership.
                  1. 0
                    27 January 2025 14: 52
                    Quote: October

                    ova from the constitution
                    Article 6. The basis of the socialist economic system of the People's Republic of China is the socialist public ownership of the means of production, namely, public property and collective property.

                    70% of private industry and 83% of private banking sector say, "No, guys, this is nationwide "there is no property for a looooong time"
                    1. +5
                      27 January 2025 15: 20
                      70% of private industry and 83% of private banking sector say - "nooo, guys, there is no public property here for a long time"

                      You didn't name the source of the figures.
                      1. -5
                        27 January 2025 20: 22
                        Quote: October
                        70% of private industry and 83% of private banking sector say - "nooo, guys, there is no public property here for a long time"

                        You didn't name the source of the figures.

                        and you didn't say where you got the idea that there is NEP - if it says there
                        Quote: October
                        public property and collective property

                        and yes - dollar billionaires
                        Quote: Gardamir
                        According to the Forbes magazine rating (from 2015), the number of dollar billionaires in China is 213 people; in terms of the number of billionaires, China is in second place in the world after the United States.
                        - They probably start up in China because of the dampness? There are twice as many of them there as we do. And I hope you won't deny that we have capitalism?
                      2. 0
                        28 January 2025 08: 01
                        and you didn't say where you got the idea that there is NEP

                        1. I cited articles of the Chinese constitution that state that the basis of the economy is the people's economy and the private sector is under control.
                        2. And what is NEP? This should be known from the History of the CPSU and the course of Scientific Communism.
                        3. You can refer to Lenin’s works, where he substantiated the need for the NEP.
                        "On the Food Tax" (May 1921)
                        “On the Fourth Anniversary of the October Revolution” (October 1921).
                        "Letter to the Congress" (December 1922).
                        "On Cooperation" (January 1923)
                        (will you find the pages yourself?)
                      3. -2
                        28 January 2025 09: 23
                        Quote: October
                        1. I cited articles of the Chinese constitution that say that the basis of the economy is the people's, and private sector under control

                        In the article of the Constitution you cited there is not a single word about the private sector - it is written there in Russian from Chinese
                        Quote: October
                        Article 6. The basis of the socialist economic system of the People's Republic of China is the socialist public property on the means of production, namely, public property и collective own.
                        The constitution in any country is a framework.
                        Therefore, all your premises to justify the NEP are not suitable. no China.
                        В reality - there it is banal state capitalism
                      4. 0
                        28 January 2025 09: 27
                        In the article of the Constitution you cited there is not a single word about the private sector - it is written there in Russian from Chinese

                        You have some kind of selective view, I want to see the argument, I don't want to see it. Look more closely at the thread you joined, you will find
                        Article 11. ...The State allows the private sector of the economy to exist and develop within the framework established by law....

                        The constitution in any country is a framework.

                        Keep your demagogy to yourself. If there is nothing more to say on the subject, then the conversation is over.
                      5. -2
                        28 January 2025 09: 48
                        Quote: October
                        Article 11. ...The State allows the private sector of the economy to exist and develop within the framework established by law....

                        Remind me - under the NEP was it permissible to own companies with billion-dollar turnover and hundreds of thousands of workers?
                        In supposedly communist China there are twice as many dollar billionaires as in capitalist Russia.

                        And yes, due to my job (alas, former job) - I know what distinguishes "Made in China"
                        and "Made in prc".
                      6. 0
                        28 January 2025 10: 37
                        Remind me - under the NEP was it permissible to own companies with billion-dollar turnover and hundreds of thousands of workers?
                        In supposedly communist China there are twice as many dollar billionaires as in capitalist Russia.

                        Your answer is off topic and a repeat of other people in this thread.
                      7. -1
                        28 January 2025 10: 39
                        Quote: October
                        Remind me - under the NEP was it permissible to own companies with billion-dollar turnover and hundreds of thousands of workers?
                        In supposedly communist China there are twice as many dollar billionaires as in capitalist Russia.

                        Your answer is off topic and a repeat of other people in this thread.

                        You haven't refuted the existence of billionaires and haven't explained where they could come from under a supposedly communist system. Just don't bring up the NEP - under the NEP no one would have given the metallurgical plant and mining and processing plant to a private owner...
                      8. +1
                        28 January 2025 11: 44
                        You haven't refuted the existence of billionaires and haven't explained where they could come from under a supposedly communist system. Just don't bring up the NEP.

                        You don't know what NEP is.
                        I understand that you haven’t read Lenin’s articles, the links to which I provided?
                        Have you studied the history of the CPSU and Scientific Communism?
                      9. -1
                        28 January 2025 12: 58
                        Quote: October
                        You haven't refuted the existence of billionaires and haven't explained where they could come from under a supposedly communist system. Just don't bring up the NEP.

                        You don't know what NEP is.
                        I understand that you haven’t read Lenin’s articles, the links to which I provided?
                        Have you studied the history of the CPSU and Scientific Communism?

                        Naturally I studied it, but it was too long ago.
                        In any case, there is no formula there: “We must urgently give everything away—all the factories, plants, banks, etc.—to the capitalists.” And that is exactly what is happening in China now...
                        Let me repeat - unlike you - I know the difference between the countries of manufacture: China and the PRC.
                      10. 0
                        28 January 2025 14: 28
                        Study NEP. If you have studied it, repeat it again.
                      11. -1
                        28 January 2025 19: 14
                        Quote: October
                        Study NEP. If you have studied it, repeat it again.

                        Hm. For you? That's unlikely.
                        Unlike you, my amount of knowledge - real knowledge - and not fiction about the NEP - is quite enough for me to clearly understand that it is state capitalism, and not the NEP. This is a global difference - regardless of what Lenin came up with for himself...
                  2. +2
                    27 January 2025 15: 42
                    These two examples indicate that there is NEP there.

                    They say that China has capitalism. And a very bad capitalism, which is moving with leaps and bounds toward its natural end.
                    To appreciate their role, pay attention to the words from the constitution

                    This article of the Constitution allows us to only appreciate the Jesuitry of words that diverge from deeds. African children working for pennies for the Chinese and ruining their health while extracting rare earth metals in makeshift mines may consider the Chinese to be greater "socialists" than their "Western colleagues", since an extra penny is better than none. But there is little actual difference between the two.
                    1. 0
                      27 January 2025 17: 10
                      They say that China has capitalism. And a very bad capitalism, which is moving with leaps and bounds toward its natural end.

                      During the NEP, we had both rich and unemployed people.
                      This article of the Constitution only allows us to assess the Jesuitry of words that are at odds with deeds.

                      1. 0
                        27 January 2025 17: 33
                        During the NEP, we had both rich and unemployed people.


                        Mentioning the Constitution without taking into account the realities of life? Of course, that's demagogy. I completely agree.
                        But the activities in Africa of such companies as Prospect Lithium Zimbabwe, Congo Dongfang International Mining, La Miniere de Kasombo, Sino-Congo Hiag Development, Huayou African Resources Industry Group are the very realities of life.
                      2. -2
                        27 January 2025 18: 06

                        what and?
                        both the rich and the unemployed exist under the NEP and under capitalism. This feature alone is not enough to draw a conclusion about capitalism.
                        Mentioning the Constitution without taking into account the realities of life? Of course, that's demagogy.

                        I won't engage in arguments with you, it's not interesting.
                        How did you measure the detachment from life? By the presence of companies with private property? That's how they should be under the NEP. The question is what role they play in the life of the country as a whole, and Article 6 of the constitution will tell you about that.
                      3. +1
                        28 January 2025 10: 42
                        and there are rich and unemployed people both under the NEP and under capitalism.

                        Again - And???
                        This feature alone is not sufficient to draw a conclusion about capitalism.

                        The cornerstone is who owns the means of production and the degree of their symbiosis with the state apparatus.
                        The rest is just trinkets.
                        And since you are giving links to Lenin's works, then read them again carefully. NEP is the return of capitalism. And Lenin said this directly and directly about the danger that lies in it. That is why it had to be curtailed so harshly. And China lost its "NEP". First in 1997 at the 15th Congress of the CPC, and then at the 16th Congress of the CPC, after which in 2005 private capital was allowed into the last 30 industries that had previously been closed to it.
                        And the roots of "going down the wrong path" generally go back to the time when for "a jar of jam and a basket of cookies" (read - for receiving from the USA the legal status of MFN - "most favoured nation") in 1979 they allowed the ideological enemy from the capitalist camp to set up monitoring stations for members of the socialist camp (USSR) on their territory.
                        China's current ideology is expressed in Deng Xiaoping's statement
                        Becoming rich is worthy of glory

                        Not fair, not honest, not a protector. RICH.
                        And your references to the constitution are simply ridiculous.
                        How did you measure the disconnect from life? By the presence of privately owned companies?

                        At least (and this is the trump card in my deck, actually) the presence of private companies that are leading an EXPANSION of capital into other countries.
                        Moreover, along with industrial capital, Chinese FINANCIAL capital is also expanding, which is even more indicative.
                        In the USSR during the NEP, did you have many "owners of factories, newspapers, and steamships" in the upper echelons of power? Not to mention the lower ones? Now compare with China. Although everything is beautiful for the sake of form, there is even a "struggle for the purity of the ranks", when for demonstrating immodest behavior, for example, celebrating a birthday "in style", an official can get an administrative investigation. But, again, this is external tinsel, behind which there is only a method of forming a monolith of power, and not following social principles.
                      4. -1
                        28 January 2025 11: 48
                        The cornerstone is who owns the means of production

                        And here you have Article 6 of the Constitution of China in response. Allow me, I will not repeat it for the nth time. Everything else is the theory and practice of the NEP, which can be seen in the relevant courses and works of Lenin.
                        And China lost its "NEP".

                        In response to you, Article 11, which I will not reproduce.
                        The rest of your statements are demagogy, sorry.
                      5. +1
                        28 January 2025 12: 40
                        And here you have Article 6 of the Constitution of China as your answer.

                        In response to you, Article 11, which I will not reproduce.

                        this is it
                        you are demagoguery, sorry.

                        You completely ignore what was written to you, without providing counterarguments, references to scribbles in the constitution are not such, after all, you are the one who ignores it when they show you that what is written there about socialisms and communisms differs from reality.
                        And also tell me why you are not embarrassed by the fact that in China your "NEP" was written into the constitution (well, since you are not bored of mentioning Article 11), which in the USSR even in a nightmare could not have been dreamed of in the constitution of 1924 (at the height of the NEP)?
                        I highly recommend that you read the decisions of the 3rd Plenum of the 20th CPC Central Committee on July 18 last year. Maybe you will understand that the state sector is being increasingly limited, while the private sector, on the contrary, is being increasingly cultivated. Which completely distinguishes what is happening in China from the NEP in our country. The NEP was needed to give impetus to the development of the state sector, which, in fact, did not exist. In China, on the contrary, there was a state sector, which was shrunk to 8% of participants in the country's economy, replacing it with a private one.
                        You are not our demagogue.
                      6. 0
                        28 January 2025 14: 27
                        You completely ignore what is written to you, without providing counterarguments, references to scribbles in the constitution are not such, because you ignore it when they show you that what is written there about socialism-communism diverges from reality.

                        Did you show me this somewhere?
                        You said there are billionaires. That's how they should be under the NEP.
                        And also tell me why you are not embarrassed by the fact that in China your "NEP" was written into the constitution

                        It doesn't bother me. This is the specificity of China. The construction of socialism has common features - the dictatorship of the proletariat, public property in the first place, and in details the construction in different countries does not necessarily have to coincide.
                        I highly recommend that you read the decisions of the 3rd Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee on July 18 last year.

                        I read it last year. I won't look for exact wording now, but in short, they promised to continue developing the national economy based on a planned economy in the interests of workers.
                        The NEP was needed to give impetus to the development of the state sector, which, in fact, did not exist.

                        Sorry, this is demagogy.
                        The state sector is created by nationalization. And the NEP is needed to increase the volume of the economy, to interest the private sector, while the state does not have 100% control or while the state for some reason does not consider it necessary to control everything.
                        In China, on the contrary, there was a state sector that was shrunk to 8% of participants in the country's economy, replacing it with a private one.

                        Where is the source of the figure?
                      7. -1
                        28 January 2025 17: 04
                        Did you show me this somewhere?

                        In each of my messages.
                        You simply chose not to notice the "evidence".
                        It doesn't bother me. This is the specificity of China.

                        I'm not surprised that it doesn't bother me.
                        It's like saying that the "socialism" of the Third Reich is simply... a "specificity" of the Third Reich.
                        The construction of socialism has common features - the dictatorship of the proletariat, public property in the first place

                        But this does NOT exist in China!
                        I read it last year. I won't look for exact wording now, but in short, they promised to continue developing the national economy based on a planned economy in the interests of workers.

                        It's called "I can't see the forest for the trees."
                        Sorry, this is demagogy.
                        The public sector is created by nationalization.

                        Well, you're giving it to me. You can't create a state sector simply by "nationalization". Because the economy is, first of all, CONNECTIONS between economic entities. Simply "nationalization" breaks these connections. Which is what happened in the first years of Soviet power. And the NEP was needed in order to re-create these connections, because private entrepreneurs are more mobile than the cumbersome, and most importantly, not yet regulated state apparatus. It will take years to regulate it, but you need to have a functioning economy now. Or don't you see that you are contradicting yourself:
                        Quote: October
                        And the NEP is needed to increase the volume of the economy, to interest the private sector, while the state does not have 100% control

                        Even if we discard the fact that China WAS 100% control, it actually HAS it now. But the curtailment of the "NEP", "written in the constitution" wassat , something is not expected, but quite the opposite:
                        improve the long-term mechanism that ensures participation of non-state enterprises in the implementation of the most important state projects. Support non-state enterprises with potential to act as organizers in the implementation of state tasks for the development of key technologies, continue expand access for non-state enterprises to critical state research infrastructure facilities.

                        Improve the system of publishing market information, create a system for protecting commercial secrets.

                        etc. This, by the way, is from the decisions of the plenum that I mentioned above. The further, the more the state at all levels merges with the private sector and begins to work in the interests of the private sector.
                        Where is the source of the figure?

                        Ask Xinhua
                        According to the State Administration for Market Regulation of the People's Republic of China, by the end of May 2024, the number of private economic entities in China reached 180,45 million, accounting for 96,4 percent of the total number of economic entities in the country.

                        I even fell behind the times with my 8%.
                        And the increase in the share of privately owned enterprises is not only due to the increase in absolute values. Since the 90s, the state has been consciously pursuing a policy of reducing the share of the state sector.
                        As a result of public sector reforms, the number of state-owned or state-controlled enterprises fell from 118000 in 1995 to less than 25000 in 2004, or by a factor of 4,7. From 1995 to 2001, more than 35 million state-owned enterprise workers were laid off, or almost 33% (and, for example, in manufacturing and trade – 62%).

                        And here, in addition to the words of Deng Xiaoping that you ignored, are the no less remarkable words of the Deputy Secretary General of the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China, Su Wei:
                        China will accelerate structural reform of private enterprises, to support and guide the orderly and healthy development of capitaland to facilitate the creation of a number of world-class enterprises with international competitiveness.

                        The development of private capital (with an emphasis on expansion into other countries) is, of course, the primary task of a state whose ruling force uses (for some reason) the word “communist” in its name.
                      8. 0
                        29 January 2025 09: 52

                        In each of my messages.
                        You simply chose not to notice the "evidence".

                        Let's come back and discuss a couple of these "testimony" of yours.

                        And China lost its "NEP". First in 1997 at the 15th Congress of the CPC, and then at the 16th Congress of the CPC, after which in 2005 private capital was allowed into those last 30 industries that had previously been closed to it.

                        I wouldn't rush into it like that. Not a sufficient argument.

                        And the roots of "going down the wrong path" generally go back to the time when, for "a jar of jam and a basket of cookies" (read - for receiving the legal status of MFN - "most favored nation" from the USA), in 1979, an ideological enemy from the capitalist camp was allowed to set up tracking stations for a member of the socialist camp (USSR) on its territory.

                        As a Soviet citizen I will say that this is not good. However, the Damans incident is no better. Not an argument.

                        China's current ideology is expressed in Deng Xiaoping's statement
                        Becoming rich is worthy of glory

                        Not fair, not honest, not a protector. RICH.

                        Where is the context? Here are the ideological enemies of the book with Lenin's quotes, pulled out of context from afar. It's scary to read them for Lenin.
                        The lack of context can completely change the meaning of a phrase.

                        And your references to the constitution are simply ridiculous.

                        Do you think so? I find it funny that people think they live in a legal vacuum.

                        At least (and this is the trump ace in my deck, actually) the presence of private companies that are EXPANSION of capital into other countries.
                        Moreover, along with industrial capital, Chinese FINANCIAL capital is also expanding, which is even more indicative.

                        There is such a book - the history of the socialist economy in the USSR in 7 volumes. The second volume is devoted to the NEP. In particular, it says

                        The complex system of regulating capitalism developed gradually, beginning with the first days of the transfer of power into the hands of the working class. The New Economic Policy merely changed the forms and methods of implementing this task, bringing them into line with the new principles of socialist construction.
                        The regulation of capitalism by the proletarian state is an integral part of the planned management and administration of the entire economic life of the country in the interests of building socialism.
                        The regulation of capitalism by the proletarian state included the suppression of all forms of resistance by private capital to state measures and economic policy, control and supervision of its activities, determination of the framework, forms and areas of its participation in economic construction, based on the tasks of restoring the national economy; limitation of the rate and extent of its accumulation; protection of the rights of workers in private enterprises, improvement of production and labor conditions in them in order to limit as much as possible the exploitative tendencies of private capital; use of its resources and experience for the development of productive forces in certain areas necessary for the national economy; establishment of a system of accounting for the activities of private capital in accordance with the above tasks.

                        China is still in the process of building socialism. It cannot be approached from the perspective of developed socialism.
                        So why not, provided there is government regulation?

                        During the NEP in the USSR, did you have many "owners of factories, newspapers, steamships" in the highest echelons of power? Not to mention the lower ones? Now compare with China.

                        Do you have enough information for such a comparison? I would refrain. Especially from such harsh conclusions.

                        And further.

                        But this does NOT exist in China!

                        The dictatorship of the proletariat is written into the constitution, read it.

                        It's called "I can't see the forest for the trees."

                        And your vision is legal nihilism and the extraction of individual facts.

                        Well, you're giving it to me. You can't create a state sector simply by "nationalization". Because the economy is, first of all, CONNECTIONS between economic entities. Simply "nationalization" breaks these connections. Which is what happened in the first years of Soviet power. And the NEP was needed in order to re-create these connections, because private individuals are more mobile than the cumbersome, and most importantly, not yet regulated state apparatus.

                        I'll just skip this pearl of yours, sorry. The Bolsheviks were solving much larger problems, and they somehow managed to establish connections.
                        They would have coped. Read Lenin, volume 2 of the 7-volume set, all the tasks of the NEP are described there perfectly.
                        It is the current bourgeoisie that takes credit for building logistics during the Second World War, because they have nothing else good to say about themselves.

                        Even if we discard the fact that China WAS 100% control, it actually HAS it now. But the curtailment of the "NEP", "written into the constitution" wassat, is not expected, but quite the opposite:

                        V. I. Lenin pointed out that since “capitalism is inevitable to a certain extent, as a spontaneous product of small-scale production and exchange,” the proletarian state must use capitalism “as an intermediary link between small-scale production and socialism, as a means, path, method, and way of increasing productive forces”352.
                        The idea embedded in Lenin’s thesis on capitalism as an intermediary link expresses one of the general principles of the economic policy of the proletariat in relation to the bourgeoisie – its use for socialist construction, forcing it to serve the cause of the proletariat, which constitutes an important aspect of Lenin’s teaching on state capitalism under the conditions of the dictatorship of the proletariat.

                        This is from the 2nd volume of the 7-volume edition. If this serves the cause at this stage of building socialism, then so be it.
                        I don't think you are very familiar with the situation on the ground in China.
                        Watch the series on fighting poverty
                        Look for the series "Discovering China" 50 episodes, filmed by a Russian journalist who lives in China.

                        This, by the way, is one of the decisions of the plenum that I mentioned above. The further, the more the state at all levels merges with the private sector and begins to work in the interests of the private sector.

                        Here is the full text of the plenum communique
                        Besides what you wrote, there are still things you missed.

                        It is necessary to steadily strengthen and develop the public sector of the economy

                        The plenum noted that scientifically based macroeconomic regulation and effective government management are an internal requirement for identifying the advantages of the socialist market economy system.


                        Ask Xinhua
                        I even fell behind the times with my 8%.

                        Unfortunately, I don’t have a general book on China, similar to Ioffe’s Soviet “We and the Planet”.
                        I have trouble with the numbers. However, this does not mean that the numbers given there should be interpreted exactly as you do.
                        in a negative way.
                        The same communiqué to the plenum provided the following figures:

                        The private sector is now the backbone of the Chinese economy, providing 50% of tax revenues, 60% of GDP, 70% of innovation and 80% of new jobs.

                        i.e. your 90% of private enterprises provide only 60% of GDP. I.e. these are small and very small enterprises. Considering their huge number
                        I would assume that these are family businesses, like the first cooperatives in our villages in the 1920s.
                      9. +1
                        29 January 2025 11: 36
                        Not a sufficient argument.

                        You forgot to write why it is "insufficient" lol
                        Not an argument.

                        You forgot to write why it is "not an argument" lol
                        Well, the assessment of just "not good" is simply the extreme degree of infantilism. Immediately a sentence to our conversation.
                        Where is the context?

                        belay Don't look for a black cat in a dark room, especially when it's not there. It's a slogan. That is, an INDEPENDENT phrase in meaning.
                        Do you think so?

                        Imagine. Words are words, deeds are deeds. In the Third Reich the constitution was... the Weimar Constitution of 1919. winked
                        There is such a book - the history of the socialist economy in the USSR in 7 volumes. The second volume is devoted to the NEP. In particular, it says

                        And?!?! What does this have to do with CHINA?
                        China is still in the process of building socialism.

                        What a convenient excuse. In China's case, you can use it until the end of time. lol
                        So why not, provided there is government regulation?

                        Because it is excluded in socialist states. This is the most obvious and irrefutable sign of DEVELOPED capitalism, its evolutionary law is the inevitable expansion of private capital, especially financial
                        Do you have enough information for such a comparison?

                        Enough. Because here you don't even need to know about all the "owners" in power to say - here they are, and here they weren't.
                        The dictatorship of the proletariat is written into the constitution, read it.

                        There is a lot of stuff written on the fence, and there is firewood behind the fence.
                        "Dictatorship of the party" does not equal "dictatorship of the proletariat".
                        I'm sorry, but I'll just skip this pearl of yours.

                        No-no-no, don't skip it.
                        Read Lenin, volume 2 of the 7-volume edition, all the tasks of the NEP are described there perfectly

                        Do you seriously believe that if you read Lenin (no, of course it is very good), then you automatically understand what is written? Where does such self-confidence come from? I see that you do not understand, since I am forced to repeat myself once again to your quotes - And?!?! How is what you quote
                        refutes my words? What principle do you use to select your quotes? The more incomprehensible it is to you, the smarter it seems, and therefore the more convincing it will look to your opponent? laughing
                        If this serves the cause at this stage of building socialism, then so be it.

                        The NEP in the USSR served the construction of socialism without including private property in the constitution.
                        I don't think you are very familiar with the situation on the ground in China.

                        Everything is relative in this world. Some people know the situation in China better than me, some people know it worse.
                        Here is the full text of the plenum communique
                        Besides what you wrote, there are still things you missed.

                        Did you seriously expect that the entire huge text would be posted to you?!?! belay This is not even technically possible in one message, since there is a limit on the number of characters.
                        The plenary session noted that scientifically based macroeconomic regulation and effective government management are an internal need to identify benefits socialist systems market economy.

                        Try to understand the information. Throw out the word "socialist" and your text will suddenly appear suspiciously similar to what was said in Italy in the 20s. "State management" does not equal "socialism of the communist type". This is a necessary but not sufficient condition.
                        However, this does not mean that the figures given there should be interpreted exactly as you do.
                        in a negative way.

                        And how should they be interpreted? By putting on rose-colored glasses. That's one. I don't have "positive/negative plans", I just stated a specific fact. That's two.
                        i.e. your 90% of private enterprises account for only 60% of GDP.

                        Only 60% of GDP. The word "only" causes both laughter and bewilderment wassat
                        Yes, in these 96% there are quantitatively more small ones than large ones. This is always the case and everywhere. And it does not depend on the form of ownership or the adopted political and social course. But in China there are still more large private ones than large state ones.
                        I'll tell you more, the real picture is even more unsightly. Because a lot of state-owned enterprises have a double in their structure with the status of "public company", which actually carries out economic activity, providing GDP, for statistics, to a state legal entity.
                        I would assume that these are family businesses, like the first cooperatives in our villages in the 1920s.

                        Your quote contains "provides ... 70% of innovations", therefore, to speak about "like, the first cooperatives in the villages in our country in the 1920s" is very imprudent. The large number is explained, among other things, by the fact that network companies and organizations (and not only them) have many registered legal entities under one owner.
                      10. 0
                        29 January 2025 13: 04
                        Where is the context?

                        Don't look for a black cat in a dark room, especially when it's not there. It's a slogan. That is, an INDEPENDENT phrase in meaning.

                        Actually, after this we can finish our conversation. The rest of your "arguments" are in the same style.
                      11. -1
                        29 January 2025 13: 13
                        The expected outcome is in the style of "all people are like people, and I am the queen."
                      12. -1
                        29 January 2025 14: 04
                        And the funniest thing is, if in the context of our current conversation we look at your comments on the site, well, even over the last few weeks lol
                        Quote: October
                        In more detail: Socialist competition under socialism and competition under capitalism have different goals, mechanisms and approaches to the organization of labor and production.

                        Tell us about the "socialist competition" between, for example, Haier and Gree Electric Appliances Inc. or Jardine Matheson and Hailiang Group. lol
                        Quote: October
                        To repeat the hackneyed thesis that communists are known by their actions I do not want.

                        Why not according to the words in the constitutions? lol
                        Quote: October
                        As a sole proprietor

                        Actually, this is your class essence. You are a class enemy.

                        Are private entrepreneurs class enemies everywhere except in China? Does the Chinese government, with the word "communist" in the party name, also call its private entrepreneurs that? Why not? Is it an enemy or an ally?
                        Quote: October
                        The proletarians are the overwhelming majority, which means he is the hegemon

                        Hegemony is not a quantitative but a qualitative concept.
                      13. 0
                        29 January 2025 14: 37
                        Your very selective approach to citing your opponent's arguments and presenting your own indicates attempts to manipulate your opponent, rather than argumentation.
                      14. -1
                        29 January 2025 14: 45

                        You are not my opponent
                        speaks of attempts to manipulate the opponent, rather than argumentation.

                        Not at all. The method of apagogy was simply used, which in itself is not sufficient to conclude that it is manipulative without revealing the mechanism of manipulation.

                        All the best.
                      15. 0
                        27 January 2025 20: 06
                        During the NEP, there were no private corporations with billions in turnover and hundreds of thousands of hired workers, but in China they exist. In fact, China has capitalism and a market economy.
                      16. -2
                        28 January 2025 07: 55
                        During the NEP era, there were no private corporations with billions in turnover and hundreds of thousands of hired workers, but in China they exist.

                        The number of corporations and workers is secondary, the question is in whose hands is control and management. And the constitution says that the private sector is under control.
          2. 0
            4 February 2025 03: 03
            The Stalinist model of socialism - state ownership of the production of means of production, planned economy, collective agriculture and IDEOLOGY.
            1. 0
              4 February 2025 07: 41

              I understand you said it for the sake of this word? I don't mind, I'll just clarify, what do you mean by ideology? Specifically in this case, not a definition in the form of "The sum of views on....."
        3. 0
          28 January 2025 09: 16
          It is more appropriate to think not in the long-outdated categories of capitalism/socialism, but through the prism of the concepts of freedom/dictatorship and market/state regulation. Based on this, all existing regimes are divided into 4 basic types (and a host of intermediate forms):
          - liberalism (freedom + market);
          - socialism (freedom + state regulation);
          - fascism (dictatorship + market);
          - communism (dictatorship + state regulation).

          In these categories, the PRC is a classic fascist state, like Italy in the 1930s. Stalin's USSR is an example of a classic communist form, and Nazi Germany is a cross between fascism and communism.
          1. 0
            4 February 2025 07: 38
            It is more appropriate to think not in the long-outdated categories of capitalism/socialism, but through the prism of the concepts of freedom/dictatorship and market/government regulation.

            This is revisionism. The big minus of revisionism is that all revisionists sooner or later (most likely sooner) end up on the side of the bourgeoisie and betray the interests of the workers.
    2. +5
      27 January 2025 15: 59
      "We have a unique country in general"

      I paid attention to Germany. In a country with expensive energy resources, high wages and a high standard of living with a population of 84 million, migrants are not needed for the economy to work. In our country, with our 140 million population, is the economy chronically short of workers? When you come to a village in the Central Black Earth Region, you see: of the two collective farms and one special farm, there is not a single one, there is no carpet factory, no agricultural machinery and much more. There is expensive milk, expensive butter in the stores. Why are pig farms successful? They belong to people who are able to sell their products and, if necessary, receive assistance from the state. Medium and small businesses, private individuals will not be allowed into the market.
      1. +3
        27 January 2025 16: 20
        In a country with expensive energy resources, high wages and a high standard of living with a population of 84 million, migrants are not needed to keep the economy running. In our country, with our 140 million population, the economy is chronically short of workers?

        In Russia, there are only 10 (I’ll even write it in words - NINETEEN) industrial robots per 000 people. The world average is more than one hundred and fifty per 19 people. In this indicator, we are worse than Mexico. In Germany, there are more than 10 industrial robots per 000 people (400 in 10). Therefore, the German economy is not affected by population decline, and therefore the decline in the workforce, as it is for us. As in the good old song
        What progress has come to - unprecedented miracles,
        Dipped to the depths and ascended to heaven.
        Forgotten troubles, running stopped,
        Robots inject, not a man.

        What progress has come to - physical labor has disappeared,
        Yes, and the mental will replace the mechanical process.
        Forgotten troubles, running stopped,
        Robots inject, not a man.

        What progress has come to - there was little time
        Now walk around the world, you want with a song, you want without.
        Forgotten troubles, running stopped,
        Robots are injected, a man is happy.
        1. 0
          27 January 2025 22: 40
          It's not about robots in Germany, although robots are important. The question is where the people who lost their jobs work. They survive as best they can, and drink themselves to death, not all of course, but a lot. A state program is needed, but there isn't one and it's unlikely to appear. It's easier with migrants, but it's easier for now.
          1. -2
            28 January 2025 09: 30
            The question is where do the people who have lost their jobs work?

            Are you losing jobs in a country where the workforce is declining and there is unemployment, which means there are vacant jobs?
        2. 0
          28 January 2025 09: 26
          A small note: of these 84 million, only 50% had both parents born in Germany, and only 20% had both grandparents. In fact, among the native German population, the birth rate fell below the death rate between 1965 and 1970 (both in the FRG and the GDR), and the increase was due to two factors - migration of all kinds (from Volksdeutsche from other countries and from ethnically alien elements) and an increase in life expectancy.
          The last factor has been fully played out and today the population is supported solely by migration, which is also becoming a replacement - against the backdrop of the stagnation of the German economy, Germany annually loses 150-200 thousand people (mostly ethnic Germans), the majority of whom leave the country for permanent residence in the USA. These people are replaced by "valuable foreign specialists" from the Middle East, Africa, and recently - also from Ukraine.
  3. +24
    27 January 2025 05: 00
    I especially liked this: "All other traditional food products fit almost exactly into the overall inflation rate - 9,53 percent." This is so touching, against the backdrop of prices in stores....
    And a very funny thesis that “Rosstat does not lie, but calculates according to the norms of liberal economic theory.”
    In fact, within the framework of mafia-oligarchic capitalism, any significant indicators reflect not reality, but the political attitudes of the group that has seized power.
    This is quite typical for countries of peripheral capitalism (third world), but “liberal economic theory” has nothing to do with it.
    How does this happen in reality in the Russian Federation? It's very simple. Let's say there are elections, target indicators are sent down to the Central Election Commission, who will receive how much, who has what quota. Then it's purely their technical work, they send the indicators down vertically.
    Inflation - Rosstat gives inflation figures, say 8%, and how they will justify it, that is their job. And what is happening in reality, no one cares about. But adjustments are, of course, possible, if we say the real price growth is 70%, then for the sake of "realism" they may take pity and raise the official inflation by a percentage or two.
    The same with the level of salaries (there was a very funny dialogue about this between citizen Sobyanin and citizen Putin the other day), with the level of trust in the authorities, well, etc.
    1. +9
      27 January 2025 09: 21
      regarding the matter between citizen Sobyanin and citizen Putin),

      Are you talking about the average salary level in Moscow (160000)? Sometimes it's just unclear whether these citizens are really so out of touch with the earth, or... trolling? In general? It's like the average temperature in a hospital. laughing
      1. +3
        27 January 2025 18: 11
        Quote: ArchiPhil
        Are you talking about the average salary level in Moscow (160000)?

        Yes, that's exactly it.
        Quote: ArchiPhil
        Sometimes it’s just unclear whether these citizens are really so out of touch with the earth, or... trolling?

        Both. These citizens are forced to put on a comedy act in public, but at the same time they sincerely despise their "electorate". They have a classic thief psychotype. A thief, a real thief, is even proud of his status and "work" and despises honest people, "suckers".
        Well, here is also a break from reality. The thing is that if a deceiver deceives all the time, he himself gradually begins to believe in his deception.
        This can be easily seen in the example of the beginning of the "SVO". To attack another country, whose borders and government you yourself recognize, and then on the third day to begin negotiations with this same government in the hope of an agreement could only be a clinical idiot.
        But they are not idiots, they actually believed that at least some rearmament of our army was taking place, that there would not be much resistance, that money would, in fact, solve everything, and they "gave up" to the Ukrainian officials, that "godfather Medvechuk" could decide something there, well, etc.
        So when Mr. Putin complains that he has once again been deceived and led by the nose, he is, in a sense, not being disingenuous.
        1. +3
          27 January 2025 19: 09
          gr Putin

          I think, respected Belisarius, that modern *leaders* of states generally make a very strange impression. They are, God forgive me, some kind of *overseers*. People who do not live the life of their country, but carry out someone's unknown ??? bully give us instructions. And those who had at least some charisma, with a plus or minus sign, have already departed for another world. The leader of the DPRK? Perhaps, yes, an exception from the list. Ours? I don't think so. It's sad, of course. hi
      2. 0
        27 January 2025 20: 08
        As if Putin knows what 160 thousand rubles is, he has been on full state support for at least twenty years.
        1. +3
          27 January 2025 20: 21
          As if Putin knows what 160 thousand rubles are,

          If he were the president of, say, Congo, then yes, no questions would arise for him. But it would be good for the president of the Russian Federation to know that the question about the AVERAGE salary does not sound quite right. laughing If not to say more. Specifics are needed. In everything. Then perhaps His Majesty will be the RESULT, and not good (which I doubt) intentions.
    2. +14
      27 January 2025 14: 38
      Quote: Belisarius
      there was a very funny dialogue about this between citizen Sobyanin and citizen Putin

      Moreover, both of them were talking nonsense.
      Due to my job, I have to work with numbers. Including Rosstat data.
      I have something to say about salaries in Moscow.
      The Russian Federation as a whole - 57 thousand. Moscow - 99 thousand.
      Moreover, this is accrued. Those. Taxes must be taken away from here.
      And therefore - 50 in the Russian Federation as a whole and 86 in Moscow in particular.
      Which, by the way, coincides with my personal observations as a Muscovite. 70-80% of my friends and colleagues receive less than a hundred rubles in hand. My wife, for example, receives 60K per month.
      But if we take not the salaries of hired workers, but the section with income population, then yes, it comes out to about 170. These are the Grefs, Sechins and other Usmanovs with Abramovichs.
      We have 95% of hired workers, and there are “only” 138 Muscovites-Abramovichs.
      The median salary in the country, by the way, was 45 thousand at the end of 2023.
      1. -6
        27 January 2025 14: 58
        Quote: Mishka78
        The Russian Federation as a whole - 57 thousand. Moscow - 99 thousand.
        Moreover, this is accrued. Those. Taxes must be taken away from here.
        And therefore - 50 in the Russian Federation as a whole and 86 in Moscow in particular.
        Which, by the way, coincides with my personal observations as a Muscovite. 70-80% of my friends and colleagues receive less than a hundred rubles in hand. My wife, for example, receives 60K per month.

        The salary of the management of the institute in Moscow (where I once studied) is from 600 to 700 per month, the salary of teachers is 000-100.
        Gastroenterologist freshly graduated from the institute130 NOT in commerce....
        1. +9
          27 January 2025 15: 21
          Quote: your1970
          The salary of the management of the institute in Moscow (where I once studied) is from 600 to 700 per month, the salary of teachers is 000-100.
          Gastroenterologist freshly graduated from the institute 130 NOT in commerce....

          Gref's income is classified, but in 2018 it amounted to just over 85 million rubles per month.
          Miller's income is classified, but in 2018 it was approximately twice as high as Gref's.
          The screenshots show the salaries of ordinary company employees according to the Dreamjob portal.
          1. +7
            27 January 2025 15: 45
            I was interested in the profession of meteorologist. The job requires education. And only 30.
          2. -4
            27 January 2025 20: 25
            Quote: Mishka78
            Quote: your1970
            The salary of the management of the institute in Moscow (where I once studied) is from 600 to 700 per month, the salary of teachers is 000-100.
            Gastroenterologist freshly graduated from the institute 130 NOT in commerce....

            Gref's income is classified, but in 2018 it amounted to just over 85 million rubles per month.
            Miller's income is classified, but in 2018 it was approximately twice as high as Gref's.
            The screenshots show the salaries of ordinary company employees according to the Dreamjob portal.

            what is the relationship between Miller and the loan pushers at Sberbank lol do they relate to the examples I have given from life?
            What relation do they have to our garbage truck drivers from the provinces who travel to Moscow on a shift basis and receive 75 net?
      2. +4
        27 January 2025 18: 27
        Quote: Mishka78
        Which, by the way, coincides with my personal observations as a Muscovite. 70-80% of my friends and colleagues receive less than a hundred rubles in hand. My wife, for example, receives 60K per month.

        Thank you, I know. I am also from Moscow and I know very well what our salaries are. smile
        Sobyanin, of course, was aware of the figures at least from Rosstat, but he simply arbitrarily increased them by one and a half times to please his boss, while carefully making a corridor between 140-160 thousand. But when Mr. Putin said - not enough, even he was slightly surprised...
        Which, by the way, coincides with my personal observations as a Muscovite. 70-80% of my friends and colleagues receive less than a hundred rubles in hand. My wife, for example, receives 60K per month.
        But if we take not the salaries of hired workers, but the section with the income of the population

        The discussion was specifically about salaries. According to my observations, the 160 that Putin said was not enough is actually received by one in 20-25 people in Moscow. But there are 1001 ways to manipulate this, for example, your salary may be 160, but you work half-time, etc.
        Here, by the way, there is another harm: people on the periphery, having listened to this, can really believe that in Moscow such average salaries are paid, that is, hostility on regional grounds is also provoked.
        1. -1
          27 January 2025 20: 42
          Quote: Belisarius
          Here, by the way, there is another harm: people on the periphery, having listened to this, can really believe that in Moscow such average salaries are paid, that is, hostility on regional grounds is also provoked.

          and people on the periphery apparently fool and they don’t understand that a mortgage with a payment of 70 is given only with a minimum salary of 000?
          Or do people on the outskirts not work shifts in Moscow and do not know that locals do not go for a salary less than 80 in principle?
          Don’t you know that fewer people are starting to come to you on a rotational basis because 80 now is not the same as 5 80 years ago?
          Or don't you know that it's not 2000 or 2010, when people were clinging to their positions, that now people leave immediately at the slightest trick, slamming the door? And when manipulated "half-time" they immediately fold?
    3. 0
      27 January 2025 14: 52
      In fact, within the framework of mafia-oligarchic capitalism, any significant indicators reflect not reality, but the political attitudes of the group that has seized power.

      And how can your statement explain the work of the USSR State Statistics Committee? It seems there was no capitalism then, every year they were getting closer and closer to communism, judging by the statistics, but they ended up where they ended up.
      1. +4
        27 January 2025 18: 55
        Quote: moscowp
        And how can your statement explain the work of the USSR State Statistics Committee? It seems there was no capitalism then, every year they were getting closer and closer to communism, judging by the statistics, but they ended up where they ended up.

        1) In the countries of the first capitalist world and in socialist countries (with a planned economy), statistics do not serve the purpose of concealing reality, but are collected to manage society. And they may contain dubious indicators, errors and padding (which is especially harmful for countries with a planned economy, since it then becomes unplanned), but statistical indicators are not made there for the purpose of creating a completely virtual reality.
        2) Judging by the statistics, we could not approach communism, we could approach the creation of the material foundations for it, but even then we did not come close. But communism is not exhausted by material foundations.
        And we ended up where we did not because of statistics, and not because of the economy in general, but because of a change in the ideological priorities of a part of the party leadership that was able to win the intra-party struggle.
    4. +4
      27 January 2025 14: 58
      Further, their purely technical work, they move the indicators down vertically.
      Inflation - Rosstat gives inflation figures, say 8%, and how they will justify it, that's their job. And as for what is happening in reality, everyone in general doesn't care.
      That's how it works. According to the May decrees, scientists should receive twice as much as the regional average, this is written in the employment contract of all directors. As a result, the laboratory has 50 people for 11.5 scientific positions, the figures have been achieved! Or 70% new weapons, which Putin clearly wrote about in his program until 2020. We buy a hundred new Sukhois, write off five hundred old MiGs - the figure has been achieved, victory!
  4. +19
    27 January 2025 05: 26
    First of all, I was surprised by the rise in prices for potatoes - the second product after bread. Potatoes helped people out in the most difficult years. People took their vegetable gardens and, having received the harvest, filled their bins and cellars for the winter. The state gave people land so that people could be confident in the future. Now there are only shopping centers around. Markets are being slowly optimized. Dependence on large private owners has grown. Although a small farmer should participate in many things. But for him, there are often no conditions.
    1. +10
      27 January 2025 09: 25
      Although the small farmer must participate in many ways.

      and how to "cut" it?
      This is okay with a big one, there is always something to do, but what about a small one? ... - so they crush him like a bug...
    2. +12
      27 January 2025 09: 59
      Dependence on large private sector has increased
      This is called a monopoly. The great "helmsman" gave everything to his friends like "iPhone" meat fiefdom. And so on in all groups. Everything is in the best traditions of oligarchic dictatorship. A small private person is a competitor for them and he needs to be either removed or swallowed hi
      1. -7
        27 January 2025 15: 04
        Quote: spirit
        dictatorship. A small private entrepreneur is a competitor for them and he needs to be either removed or swallowed

        You forget DIMENSIONS Moscow - 100 grams of meat every day - 1,31 million kg = 1310 tons в DAY.
        What private sector is capable of providing any kind of competition at such volumes?
        This is a rough slaughter 7 cows per day
  5. +3
    27 January 2025 05: 27
    Let's hope that this year's price increase will at least not be higher than last year's. I'm sick of it...
    There, prices are also rising, even in Soviet times they wrote about the constant rise in prices, inflation, unemployment, now we have had capitalism for three decades... We have fit in, so to speak.. Don't be disingenuous, you are not tired of capitalism.. 100 types of sausage, foreign cars in the courtyards, etc. You better tell some kind of fairy tale, for example, that the US will run out of fuel in two weeks, about the gas ruble that will tear all currencies apart..
    1. +4
      27 January 2025 08: 38
      about the gas ruble that will tear all currencies apart..
      There will be a digital ruble (the Central Bank has already sent instructions to banks for testing), and it will be presented as a panacea for all ills, including corruption. wink
      Another sign of the times is biometrics (mass chipping of the population could not be implemented), it is being implemented little by little, and so that the people do not get too upset, everything is presented as if it is being done for the good of the people.
      1. +1
        27 January 2025 18: 22
        As fabulous as the gas one?
    2. +2
      27 January 2025 09: 01
      By the way, yes, more than two weeks have passed, and fuel in the USA shows no signs of running out. Yes
  6. +3
    27 January 2025 05: 46
    the ruble suddenly began to push the dollar out of the exchange rate
    This is what made me laugh the most wink
    1. +1
      27 January 2025 16: 29
      Quote: Dutchman Michel
      the ruble suddenly began to push the dollar out of the exchange rate
      This is what made me laugh the most

      Nothing out of the ordinary. It's just that a major currency holder was hit by sanctions and started getting rid of the latter. For those interested, it's no secret who this is.
  7. +10
    27 January 2025 06: 09
    Learning from India: The Story of the Golden Goose:

    The "Power/Influence" of a country always depends on (a) the value of its currency. (b) the health of the country's economy. (c) the state of its GDP/PPP. (d) a stable and healthy inflation rate. An unhealthy exchange rate, GDP, and inflation rate will lead the country into a huge financial depression.

    Russia should learn from India's experience. The current regime in India has killed the goose that laid golden eggs for centuries. The main problem was the Indian economy. They have destroyed the global brand called India. The main reasons for this are:

    (A) Unrestricted Corruption: In modern India, corruption is institutionalized. It ranges from local government to the Supreme Court of India. The legislature, executive, judiciary and media are corrupt and rotten to the core. The Indian stock market and public financial institutions operate like scams.

    (B) Blind religious nationalism:
    (C) Tax terrorism:
    (D) Death of the middle income group:
    (D) Unemployment:
    (F) Monopoly of a group of clan business groups:
    (G) Mass migration to foreign countries:
    (H) Failure to provide basic sanitary and hygienic conditions:
    (I) Dangerous Circles for Women's Safety:
    (J) Uncontrolled infectious diseases and poverty
    (K) Lack of proper civic sense among citizens.
  8. +19
    27 January 2025 06: 12
    The only thing that has been growing steadily is prices.
  9. +16
    27 January 2025 06: 16
    A pack of normal butter of 180 grams in Pyaterochka costs 250 rubles now... a year ago it was 9 rubles... what kind of XNUMX percent inflation is this?
    I don't like it when I'm brazenly lied to... and even more so by a government agency... do they take me for a sucker or something?
    1. +2
      27 January 2025 06: 58
      A pack of normal butter of 180 grams in Pyaterochka costs 250 rubles now

      You are not forced to buy it.

      You want war and butter for 100 rubles, it doesn't happen that way
      1. +16
        27 January 2025 07: 32
        But there is no war. There is a small operation that does not interfere with the consumption of bread and circuses.
        1. +4
          27 January 2025 08: 49
          Quote: Gardamir
          But there is no war. There is a small operation that does not interfere with the consumption of bread and circuses.

          Most people think so

          They discuss oil prices, they don't like the rate increase and inflation. They ignore the main reason
          1. +6
            27 January 2025 08: 55
            In order to notice something, you have to not be shy. For many, chewing gum from TV is enough.
            1. -2
              27 January 2025 15: 08
              Quote: Gardamir
              In order to notice something, you have to not be shy. For many, chewing gum from TV is enough.

              If you are not shy, you will only be able to read the newspaper "Pravda" - censorship is provided for in the law on military-political activity.
              Well, there will be war correspondents only from MO......
              1. +3
                27 January 2025 15: 41
                For some reason the word "don't be shy about thinking" slipped out of my mouth.
                1. 0
                  27 January 2025 20: 48
                  Quote: Gardamir
                  For some reason the word "don't be shy about thinking" slipped out of my mouth.
                  -because of yours flew out lol words when I mentioned the law on VP 3 "minuses" flew at me. People apparently think that censorship will not work - if I get a minus lol
                  1. +1
                    27 January 2025 21: 20
                    Well sorry request compensated.
                    1. -1
                      27 January 2025 21: 24
                      Quote: Gardamir
                      Well sorry request compensated.

                      oh well, I probably got about fifty minuses just for this article...
                      I don't like it feel lol ...

                      Where did Mikhan go? belay ?I haven't seen his slogans for about a month now
                      1. 0
                        27 January 2025 21: 52
                        Better not ask. People disappear and appear. It's okay if they don't come because their computer is broken. But what if...
      2. +4
        27 January 2025 07: 37
        Quote: Santa Fe
        You are not forced to buy it.

        I wouldn't buy it...if they didn't give me cheap vegetable oil instead...a surrogate.
        In an attempt to keep prices down, manufacturers resort to outright cheating, reducing the weight and volume of goods, adding all sorts of cheap additives, and writing this on the product in small print somewhere inconspicuous.
        Alas, inflation
        It cannot be overcome under the current system...the state needs to increase taxes, and this can be done through the inflation mechanism.
        1. -1
          27 January 2025 09: 29
          if they didn't give me cheap oil in return vegetable oil...surrogate.

          What about supplies from Malaysia and Indonesia?
          vegetable (sunflower, rapeseed) is much more expensive...
          1. +2
            28 January 2025 14: 22
            "Much more expensive" (very conditionally) - edible vegetable oils, and technical ones, intended, for example, for soap production, are much cheaper. And the entire ingenious Russian business for the last 30 years has been built on buying technical oils in Southeast Asia, which after crossing the borders of our blessed Fatherland are officially converted into edible ones. Although you can't eat them - during extraction they use all sorts of nasty things (for example, kerosene as a solvent), they are stored in technical containers (including from under petroleum products). But if you really need it - then you can. After all, the spread "Vologda sweet-cream" will not make itself and will not sell for 100 rubles for 180 g.
      3. +3
        27 January 2025 23: 05
        Quote: Santa Fe
        You want war and butter for 100 rubles, it doesn't happen that way
        Tell the States about this - let them laugh. Besides, how do these extra 150 rubles get to the military? Were the butter makers taxed extra? No.
    2. +1
      27 January 2025 10: 54
      "A pack of normal butter, 180 grams, on Friday"
      I want to remind you that a pack of normal butter weighs 200 grams, if you don't remember
      1. +7
        27 January 2025 11: 41
        By the way, there is another trick here, when comparing the price of bread in the Union and the Federation, they forget that bread in the Soviet Union weighed one kilogram. Now it weighs anything. Hence the inaccuracy of the calculations.
        200 grams of butter is the Soviet GOST.
      2. +5
        27 January 2025 12: 05
        "A pack of normal butter, 180 grams, on Friday"
        I want to remind you that a pack of normal butter weighs 200 grams, if you don't remember

        Very soon 180 grams will be perceived as a "normal" pack.
        Start getting used to 160 ))
      3. 0
        28 January 2025 00: 02
        You are inattentive. For about ten years now, manufacturers have been packaging butter in 180 gram packages. Very few manufacturers have remained honest, for example, the brand "Brest-Litovskoe".
        1. -3
          28 January 2025 13: 40
          for example, the brand "Brest-Litovsk".

          They have also had small packs of 180 grams for a long time now.
          Here are the big ones, yes, as "usually from ancient times", 400 grams. I think only because they are not in demand.
          There are also enough 200-gram ones, but here the question of quality arises. Because in the conditions of a snowball of inflation, the manufacturer has only two acceptable ways to maintain market share - either reduce the volume or worsen the quality. And one unacceptable one - go down the drain.
        2. 0
          28 January 2025 13: 57
          "You are not paying attention. For about ten years now, manufacturers have been packaging butter in 180 gram packages."
          I am very attentive laughing We've had this kind of packaging for about two years now.
      4. +1
        28 January 2025 14: 36
        If we are talking about "completely normal", then 250 grams is the world standard. In the EU it currently costs about 3 euros, or in terms of our stingy 180 grams - about 240 rubles. This is despite the fact that butter there is a substance obtained from cream with a fat content of 82-85%, there are no Russian 61,5 and 72,5% in principle.
        Well, and something completely sad: the average salary in Russia, according to the honest Rosstat, reached 2024 rubles at the end of 87, and in Germany - 000 euros, or 4 in rubles. With practically equal prices for food products.
    3. +3
      27 January 2025 14: 01
      A pack of normal butter, 180 grams

      Be careful! You can already find 160 gram packs of butter!
      1. 0
        28 January 2025 14: 39
        They are behind the times: the "line" now starts with 50 grams: 50, 80, 100, 160, 180, 200... Well, and a sign of the times - in all supermarkets the butter is laid out in plastic boxes with a magnetic tag, like jars of black caviar once were.
        1. 0
          29 January 2025 09: 24
          120 grams were missed. We still have it just sitting on the shelves.
      2. 0
        29 January 2025 14: 48
        I haven't seen it. The store has a stable 200 grams.
  10. +12
    27 January 2025 07: 01
    Liberal economic theory is a crime against the people. What kind of demography can there be and who will defend our country? Speculators are trying to fill their pockets by taking advantage of inflation. No one wants to understand that demography needs conditions when everything is natural. When pensioners babysit their grandchildren and not work to survive
    1. +10
      27 January 2025 09: 01
      ... and who will defend our country.

      To scorn Brzezinski: we still need to figure out whether this is our country, or whose already? smile
    2. +5
      27 January 2025 09: 43
      Quote: Viktor Grishchenko
      Liberal economic theory is a crime against the people.

      A crime against the people is the irremovability of power, which gives rise to permissiveness.
      1. +2
        27 January 2025 11: 43
        Here, too, everything is complicated. There was Brezhnev and everyone was happy. Now Trump has replaced Biden. Do you think much will change?
        1. 0
          27 January 2025 13: 31
          Here, too, not everything is so simple. Happiness is not just emotions. For example, the UN has compiled a Ranking of countries of the world according to the Happiness Index. There are many indicators. If you are interested in various ratings: Regarding Biden and Trump. They have different approaches to domestic policy. " "Democrats, as a rule, support a large role for the state in the economic sphere, high taxes on the rich and corporations, as well as strong market regulation. Republicans, on the contrary, promote low taxes, deregulation of business, and reduced government intervention in the economy. "Democrats tend to be more supportive of progressive changes in society, such as same-sex marriage, equal rights for the LGBT community, and gender equality. Republicans, in turn, strive to preserve traditional family values. "Democrats generally support an active role for government in solving social and economic problems, supporting social programs and regulating business. Republicans, on the other hand, tend to support a smaller role for government, emphasizing individual freedom, market mechanisms, and reducing government spending." Time will tell.
          1. -3
            27 January 2025 15: 12
            Quote: WIKI
            For example, the UN has compiled a ranking of countries of the world according to the Happiness Index. There are many indicators.

            The Finns are ranked 4th in the world for the absence of corruption - but every time they caught and imprisoned a shift of customs officers in Svetogorsk/Torfyanovka/Brusnichka - with That sides Finnish customs officer NOT noticed contraband...
            And so they don’t have corruption, yeah-yeah...
            1. 0
              27 January 2025 15: 23
              The Finns are ranked 4th in the world for the absence of corruption - but every time they caught and jailed a shift of customs officers in Svetogorsk/Torfyanovka/Brusnichka - on THAT side the Finnish customs officer did NOT notice the contraband.....

              The information you have provided does not allow us to conclude that there is no corruption in Finland.
              Quote: your1970
              And so they don’t have corruption, yeah-yeah...

              Only that in three countries it is estimated at a lower level, and in the remaining countries at a higher level.
              1. -3
                27 January 2025 20: 44
                Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                The information you have provided does not allow us to conclude that there is no corruption in Finland.

                you don't - it's quite possible for me. I just know.....
    3. -1
      29 January 2025 14: 50
      You people? Don't make me laugh! Lazy, envious creatures!
  11. +9
    27 January 2025 07: 25
    in primitive annual terms it gives not 10, but all 16-17 percent of the notorious inflation. However, enough of the scare stories – let’s not forget that the first weeks of January are special.
    - there are still many of these weeks ahead. Prices will rise, for food, gasoline, housing and utilities. The authorities do not seem to see the danger because for them this increase is not particularly noticeable. That is, if your expenses on food were 10%, then an increase in expenses to 20% will not seem critical, BUT! if expenses on food were 40% of income, then an increase in expenses to 80% becomes simply a terrible fact.
    1. +2
      27 January 2025 08: 52
      The authorities seem not to see the danger

      They all see

      The economy can be saved by ending the war
      But this option is even more dangerous.
      1. +3
        27 January 2025 10: 43
        Quote: Santa Fe
        The economy can be saved by ending the war

        It's not a fact at all. The main sanctions won't be lifted, maybe gas supplies to the EU will be restored (maybe that's why the compressor station in Sudzha is intact), but that won't save us.
        1. -2
          27 January 2025 10: 56
          It's not a fact at all. The main sanctions won't be lifted,

          Do you think that the effect of the war is limited to sanctions and gas sales?

          Are there any other consequences of the war that affect the economy?
          1. 0
            27 January 2025 11: 24
            Quote: Santa Fe
            Are there any other consequences of the war that affect the economy?

            If you mean payments to mobilized and contract soldiers, then this is not the worst thing. If this money is not lying under the mattress, but is spent on the domestic market (by relatives, of course), then this, on the contrary, stimulates the economy. Provided that businessmen do not transfer this money abroad because of sanctions. And they exist. Sanctions have reduced the inflow of currency and scare its owners inside the Russian Federation from spending it on business. Paradoxically, the continuation of the SVO will not be as scary as a truce. A truce will allow the West to impose new sanctions without consequences and use them as a bugbear for our concessions.
            1. +4
              27 January 2025 12: 12
              then on the contrary it stimulates the economy

              This joke is outdated, two years ago

              By 2025 it became clear that this was a bubble that would burst at any moment.
              If you are talking about payments to mobilized and contract soldiers

              Look wider

              Unsecured loans for defense enterprises, at the expense of the budget

              Explosive growth of wages for millions of people employed in the military-industrial complex

              They successfully produce drones, but they don't fly drones themselves. And they don't live in a tank. They go to the store with this money and want to buy a house.

              Throwing out money supply that is not backed by anything = inflation

              The results of their labor are burned at the front the next day, without creating any profit.

              From an economic point of view, contract soldiers and home front workers are no different from pensioners with a pension of 200 thousand rubles.

              Every ruble spent on war takes another 10 rubles from the economy.

              In addition to one-time "funeral" payments, the budget is burdened with the maintenance of minor children - up to 18 years old, families who have lost their breadwinner. Payments, compensations, benefits. And so on and so forth.

              And then here they ask with an innocent look why butter has become more expensive. And inflation is so high

              Inflation is a tax on war
              1. 0
                28 January 2025 14: 50
                Not quite so. The production and operation of military equipment requires a lot of resources that were previously exported, but now will be largely unclaimed. A sharp reduction in military production will collapse the indicators of a lot of other sectors of the economy (metallurgy, fuel and energy complex) - with unemployment and a bunch of other problems. Actually, the USSR experienced all this at the time of the collapse and in the subsequent "holy 90s", when the defense industry collapsed at once (and this was 30% of the entire economy), and for completely objective reasons nothing came to replace it. By the way, perfectly understanding this after 1945, in 1950 the mattress makers got involved in the Korean War in full force in order to prevent the collapse of their military-industrial complex and a new Great Depression, as after WWI.
                1. -1
                  30 January 2025 02: 48
                  A sharp reduction in military production will collapse the indicators of many other sectors of the economy (metallurgy, fuel and energy complex) - with unemployment and a bunch of other problems.

                  It will happen inevitably. The slaughter in Ukraine cannot go on forever

                  The slaughter itself, of course, doesn't bother anyone, but the money will run out first; without constant infusions from the budget, military production will die out, and the whole bubble will burst.
      2. -1
        29 January 2025 14: 52
        The only way to save the economy is to work normally! Like the Chinese!
  12. +4
    27 January 2025 08: 29
    I'm so tired of it...
    Are you tired of capitalism? It can't be... When in the USSR they wrote and talked about the delights of capitalism, the authors didn't believe it... but here we have capitalism, in full force, and we're tired of it already... quickly and it hasn't even been 40 years... laughingBe patient, they there in the West have been living under capitalism for hundreds of years... As with all believers, God was patient and ordered everyone to be patient... laughing
  13. +8
    27 January 2025 08: 45
    There are no prerequisites for improvement. Quite the contrary. Soon many things will become a luxury.
    1. -1
      29 January 2025 14: 53
      I hope and pray that you will start eating money instead of bread!
  14. +5
    27 January 2025 08: 57
    It was under Stalin that prices fell, but under Putin they can only rise.
    1. +3
      27 January 2025 09: 11
      "Please treat this with understanding." (c) laughing
      1. +2
        27 January 2025 21: 28
        What did you want from a capitalist economy?
    2. +12
      27 January 2025 09: 21
      Yes, and under Yeltsin, and under Medvedev, prices grew. The market, after all, decides everything. How to reduce prices? For example, for as long as our fish industry has existed, we still haven't found how to reduce prices. At the expense of wages, but no one will come to work for us. There's no point in laying off workers. It's not profitable to bring in migrants. Feed is constantly getting more expensive, as are water, electricity, gas, etc. During the Soviet era, half the district was fed trout and it was affordable to everyone. Now, not everyone. The fish has become golden. Soon we will stop raising trout. We switched to bester, a selection of sturgeon and beluga, 2000 rubles per kg. A bester is two meters, 60-70 kg of live weight and you don’t need to be socially oriented. The bourgeoisie likes sturgeon. Capitalism, you know. The dream of Russians.
      1. +3
        27 January 2025 10: 08
        "A passport for the implementation of the state program for the integrated development of rural areas for the period up to 2030 has been developed
        "Passport of the state program (comprehensive program) of the Russian Federation "Comprehensive development of rural areas"
        (approved by the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 28.12.2024 N MM-P11-46995)

        The list of goals and directions of the Program includes maintaining the share of the rural population in the total population of the Russian Federation, creating conditions for providing affordable and comfortable housing to the rural population, and creating and developing infrastructure in rural areas.

        Among other things, the indicators of the Program for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the volumes of financial support for the years of the Program's implementation have been established."
        Here you see what, the government has developed a complete Passport so that the peasants can live well in Rus', and you, on the other hand, are acting up - you don’t want to raise trout. Yes So what are you doing, let's behave well, or they'll put you in the corner. laughing
        1. +3
          27 January 2025 10: 14
          you don't want to grow trout
          Nope, we don't want to.. the market dictates its own laws.. Sturgeon, it's better.. No, right away, kns, we won't stop.. we'll do something, but not for commercial purposes.. The market decides, everything.. and with Bester, the competition is very low. And as for the Passport, it's like a Far Eastern hectare. About three years ago, four families from the Far East settled here..
        2. +4
          27 January 2025 15: 12
          and you, you want to misbehave - you don’t want to grow trout.

          I want to! But there are no ponds in the area! We are done with Soviet power! People go fishing to the neighboring district or 800 miles away to the Astrakhan region ...
      2. -1
        27 January 2025 15: 17
        Quote: kor1vet1974
        During the Soviet era, half the district was fed trout and it was affordable for everyone.

        How much did the trout cost?
        1. +5
          27 January 2025 15: 44
          Our fish farm was part of a collective farm in Soviet times, it supplied trout to holiday homes, canteens, pioneer camps, and took it to the market. I can’t tell you the price, I wasn’t interested then, I had a child, it’s known from conversations in the family, my father worked there. I’ve been working there since 1997, right after graduating from ASTU. Now we sell 750-800 per kg. If I had known then that you would ask, I would have definitely asked my father and kept it in mind.
          1. -2
            27 January 2025 20: 51
            Quote: kor1vet1974
            Our fish farm was part of a collective farm in Soviet times, it supplied trout to holiday homes, canteens, pioneer camps, and took it to the market...

            we had regular mirror carp, 0,8 small and a ruble per kilo - from the fish farm. Trout was more expensive in different ways - so it's debatable about availability -
            Quote: kor1vet1974
            it was available to everyone at a price

    3. -4
      27 January 2025 15: 15
      Quote: Million
      It was under Stalin that prices were reduced.

      Read - how and why they grew after these reductions.
  15. -9
    27 January 2025 09: 38
    All power to the Soviets of People's Deputies!

    Quote: O. Alexandrov, A. Podymov
    Who does it not benefit? Well, of course, the rise in prices is not beneficial to each of us as a buyer.

    If it is not beneficial for all of us, then why do we stubbornly vote for the "No Money, But Hang in There" (United Russia) party every time during the Duma elections? We ourselves elected such legislators who pass such laws and we are still dissatisfied with something else. Oh yeah, Putin is to blame for everything, and I am talking about those who pass laws...

    If legislators were concerned about the well-being of citizens, and not those who bought them seats in the Duma, then our life would be completely different... Legislators could easily pass the law on the "Constitutional Assembly", which the Duma has been reluctant to pass since its first convocation, which in turn could have passed the Stalin Constitution in its entirety...
    1. -6
      27 January 2025 11: 59
      All power to the Councils of People's Deputies!color]

      Only by changing "our" State Department Constitution is it possible to transfer control of the Central Bank from the West to the Russian government. the Central Bank rate is the primary source of inflation. Shahidzadovna promised to raise the key rate to 25% in February...
  16. +8
    27 January 2025 10: 50
    "You can see consumer prices going down any minute now - after all, chicken eggs, which a year ago were breaking all records in terms of price growth, have become cheaper. And it doesn't matter that prices were only brought down by manual control and shameful imports from everywhere possible and impossible"
    Eggs seem to have become cheaper, but for some reason not to 60-70 rubles, as before, but to 120-150 rubles, as now. If everything is normal with arithmetic - prices have doubled, and there is no talk of any decrease. But who thinks that prices have fallen. And about the shameful import. During that obscurantism with eggs, they were sold in every store and on every corner, as always. There was no deficit. There was a pre-planned and successfully carried out conspiracy of traders with the aim of raising prices. And it succeeded. That shameful import from everywhere - does it continue? Or did it never happen? Where did free (uncontracted, to be clear) eggs come from all over the world in the course of a couple of weeks, in quantities for all of Russia? After all, eggs are not gas - you open a wider valve - more gas and it rustles, in order to increase the number of eggs - you need to increase the number of laying hens. And this is not a matter of one month. and where did they go now, when the need for eggs in Russia has decreased, and our own production is enough? did they go under the knife by the millions?
    "Today's agenda is rising butter prices"
    Today, everything is on the agenda, and not just butter, potatoes, all cereals, for example, all vegetables. Soon it will come to pasta. First, as usual, they will shout - shortage, crop failure, imported machines broke down, and there is nowhere to get them, and most importantly - packaging has become more expensive. This is a sure sign of collusion between sellers with the aim of raising prices. Expect
    "Demand is falling, and for almost everything, perhaps, except bread, potatoes and vodka."
    By the way, vodka, against the backdrop of all this, is becoming only slightly more expensive, not like potatoes, rice and bread
    "Let's hope that this year's price increase will at least not be higher than last year's"
    You are hoping in vain - housing and communal services will become more expensive by 16% in the summer. A new round of price growth is already being prepared
    1. +2
      27 January 2025 11: 52
      It is impossible to give more than one plus, so here it is +++++. Yes
  17. +2
    27 January 2025 10: 55
    Inflation and rising prices are the two faces of the ancient Greek deity Janus.
    The reason is the imbalance of commodity and money supply (with China alone 95% of the turnover of $240 billion in national currencies that need to be printed in addition to domestic needs), and in the Russian Federation it also depends on imports, no matter the method of payment - raw materials, national currencies or hard currency, which has a direct impact on the floating, i.e. non-regulated exchange rate of the wooden currency, and accordingly on domestic prices, i.e. on inflation, which the main bank fights by raising the key rate and gets a vicious circle.
    Who benefits from this? Those who have been trying for many years to tear the economy to shreds and decolonize the Russian Federation.
  18. +2
    27 January 2025 12: 42
    Now the rise in prices is such an exciting gambling game that business (profiteers - speculators) started playing in the 90s, for easy money. And now the state has become interested in this game to cover the budget deficit - low export prices, sanctions, war and the general factor of a weak economy and industry.
  19. +3
    27 January 2025 17: 15
    It seems that they have a secret “Plan-schedule for the order of price increases on Everything” in their database and a line of impatiently stamping hooves of industry experts waiting for the go-ahead:
    - Butter sellers! Your turn!
    - Pharmacists and utility workers, get ready!
    - Eggheads, finish up! To the back of the line, trot, march-march!
    And so on in a circle.))
  20. BAI
    27 January 2025 18: 35
    What's wrong with that? Salaries have increased more than twice. Only 2 dairy products have become more expensive. That is, the average consumer can buy more of everything else with his salary. That is, these products have become more accessible to him.
    1. 0
      28 January 2025 14: 01
      "That is, these goods became more accessible to him."
      well yes, especially potatoes, and also a lot of other things that have also become more expensive
  21. +3
    27 January 2025 18: 53
    In fact, inflation is much higher, because in addition to price inflation, there is also quality inflation.
    95% of the products in supermarkets (except vegetables) are crap.
    Wine, for example, in 2014 and 2025 simply cannot be compared. The same applies to butter, for example - if you remove surrogates and plant additives, the price will not be 1000 rubles/kg, but all 3000.
    Another problem is that food chains are parasites controlled by Western capital, and their existence is incompatible with the existence of the Russian people.
  22. 0
    27 January 2025 19: 43
    War is an expensive pleasure. I watched on Roy TV about the article by American analyst Kennedy about the Russian economy during the years of the Central Military District. The official budget for military expenses should be supplemented by the shadow one. And it seems that by the end of 2024, the profit from hydrocarbon trade could not cover the expenses on defense.
    That's why Trump promises to use sanctions to force our top brass to peace talks. He must have read the reports. And the tanker arrests that have begun are the first step. I think Trump will then start "free" supplying weapons to OPEC countries in exchange for lower prices.
  23. 0
    27 January 2025 22: 50
    "But let's note coldly and dispassionately - even in primitive annual recalculation this gives not 10, but all 16-17 percent of the notorious inflation. However, enough of the scare stories - let's not forget that the first weeks of January are special."

    But the authors can do more. They can go on a peaceful march against Rosstat, against the Ministry of Industry and Trade, against the Ministry of Agriculture and the Pension Fund. But with banners.
    1. 0
      28 January 2025 09: 06
      I remember in January 1905 they also went out for a peaceful march and also with banners, but they did shoot. Do you think it won't be like that now in January?
      1. +2
        28 January 2025 13: 08
        Recently there was news that the Russian National Guard was given tanks and flamethrowers were purchased.
  24. +1
    27 January 2025 23: 31
    The country is being strangled from within, people working in the interests of another state, it's like a thorn in the side, it's just obvious. Even in the conditions of the SVO, this is an abnormal situation.
  25. +3
    28 January 2025 08: 00
    Our incompetent officials are urging on our skinny economic horse, which would have died long ago if it weren't for the sale of the country's national mineral wealth, which the earth generously gifted to its people. It seems that when they run out, they will scatter abroad.
  26. +2
    28 January 2025 08: 34
    Why wasn’t gasoline included in the chart, it’s also a serious indicator on which a lot depends.
    And it turns out so interesting, the Bank of Russia rate is 21%, and inflation is 10%.
  27. +3
    28 January 2025 11: 42
    It is much more effective to reason with a deputy's salary of 450 tr than with a pension of 25 tr or an average salary of 60 tr
  28. +1
    28 January 2025 13: 43
    Capitalism and rising prices are inseparable concepts, so take heart, citizens, the best is yet to come.
    1. 0
      28 January 2025 20: 43
      But there is no capitalism in Russia.
      1. 0
        29 January 2025 08: 18
        I agree. In Russia, as always, it's an unsuccessful copy.
  29. Aag
    28 January 2025 18: 13
    Lately, wherever you go, prices are like at the airport - it seems like we're all flying somewhere... recourse
  30. 0
    28 January 2025 20: 41
    Have the eggs become cheaper? Where? Where is the gasoline. The article is about anything. Poor cancer! It would be good to talk about horse taxes and the connection between horse taxes and natural population loss (NPL). NPL has been the most stable process in Russia since 1992 and already more than 17 million people.
  31. -1
    29 January 2025 14: 47
    I don't care! My own garden of 30 acres, 3 greenhouses allow me to live quite comfortably, and a poultry house for 20 heads
  32. 0
    30 January 2025 09: 35
    In order to hope, there must be preconditions. So far, the preconditions do not allow us to hope at all. On the contrary, it is clear that it will be even worse. Moreover, the areas in which this will happen are expanding. For example, they will introduce a digital ruble.
  33. +1
    30 January 2025 16: 49
    Doesn't this idiot from the Central Bank realize that inflation can't be lower than the key rate? That's the level "economists" have now. That's if we consider it fair laughing