Anticipation of the apocalypse

Anticipation of the apocalypse
V. A. Serov. "Soldiers, brave lads, where is your glory?", 1905.

Russo-Japanese detonator

The outwardly prosperous Russian Empire of the early 20th century was seriously ill (The approach of the Russian Time of Troubles). The society was split into several separate worlds. Rapid economic development (industrialization of the era of Alexander III) required effective management. However, the highest bureaucracy was dense and thieving. The royal family, represented by the grand dukes, was mired in various dark schemes and banal embezzlement. The upper classes continued to live in Russia as if in a colony, exporting capital abroad, living in Western Europe, which they considered a model to follow.

Nicholas II was a good family man, perhaps a mid-level officer, but as a top manager he was weak. For a stable time, his skills and the "bonds" of the empire would have been enough. But not for an era of change.

The overwhelming majority of the raznochintsy intelligentsia, including those from the nobility, hated the tsarist regime. They dreamed of its destruction. Of freedom, democracy and equality. Some wanted to create a “nice and enlightened” Europe in Russia. Some wanted a Marxist utopia. There were also anarchists. These sentiments were transmitted to the students.

The armed forces were outwardly the most powerful in the world. But the generals were already mostly "parquet", making a career. Initiative, decisive and smart people were not promoted. At parades and marches everything was fine. In peacetime. In addition, Russia traditionally prepared for war in the European theater. Here were the main and best forces, fortresses, supplies.

In the state of Russia at that time, it was impossible to fight. It was necessary to maintain the strategy of Alexander III – to refrain from conflicts and direct all attention and resources to internal development.

Unfortunately, St. Petersburg failed to reach an agreement with Japan on the division of spheres of influence in Korea and China. Although there was an example of good neighborly relations when the Russian fleet spent the winter in Nagasaki. Britain and the USA easily outplayed Russia, having pulled Japan over to their side and set it against the Chinese and Russians. In addition, in St. Petersburg they greatly underestimated the "Japanese monkeys" and believed that they would easily defeat the Asians.

The war immediately exposed a dangerous split in Russian society. For the first time in history In Russia, entire social groups almost openly wished for the defeat of their country. The leader of the Social Democrats, Lenin, put forward the slogan of Russia's defeat. St. Petersburg students sent congratulatory telegrams to the Japanese emperor, welcoming the victories of the samurai.

The severe failures at the front further divided society, demoralizing the statists and inspiring the defeatists. Revolutionaries of all stripes became active. The intelligence services of Japan and the Western powers also had a hand in this. Our Western "partners" were afraid of Russia's growth and development, that it would establish allied relations with Germany in the West and Japan in the East. Therefore, the West of that time, through various channels, including Masonic clubs and lodges, where the Russian aristocracy and high society were lured, did its best to corrupt Russia from within.

In particular, through agents of influence such as Witte, Russia was forced to conclude the Portsmouth Peace with Japan. Although by the summer of 1905 Japan was completely exhausted financially and economically, and could no longer build up its army on the continent, its human reserves were exhausted. Russia, on the contrary, had finally gotten going, was ready for a counteroffensive. It was possible to throw the Japanese into the sea and dictate a peace that was beneficial to us.

Bloody revolution

In order to force Russia to peace, a revolution was organized in early 1905. First there was the murky story of Bloody Sunday. When the scoundrel provocateur priest Gapon led crowds of gullible workers to the residence of Nicholas II, the Winter Palace. The peaceful and loyal demonstration was shot down.

Apparently, there were provocateurs among the palace guards and among the demonstrators. Shots were fired from both the guards and the demonstrators. When the first soldiers were killed and wounded, the enraged guards opened fire.

The provocation of January 9 (22), 1905 was a masterpiece. The Tsar, to whom peaceful people came with icons and banners, secured for himself the nickname "Bloody". In the country, which was waging a difficult external war, a bloody mess began, which almost led to a full-scale turmoil. The beginning civil war was extinguished, but it was later resumed in 1917.

The main social base of the Time of Troubles was the Russian common intelligentsia, which basically hated the tsarist regime, “this country.” It formed a wide variety of revolutionary parties and groups: Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs), People's Socialists, Anarchists, Workers' Social Democrats (Bolsheviks and Mensheviks), Bundists (Jewish socialists), Georgian, Armenian, Ukrainian, Polish, Baltic and Finnish socialists (in fact, nationalists, separatists).

At the same time, the security structures of the Russian Empire were struck by liberalism, apathy, and strange inaction, although they had all the data on the leaders and activists of revolutionary groups. Russia clearly lacked SMERSH, the Stalin-style KGB. That is, it was possible to suppress the unrest in the bud by seizing and destroying the revolutionary leaders, their secret sponsors, and organizers from the Russian elite. Spontaneous demonstrations were not dangerous.

It was also possible to cut off the channels of financing the revolutionaries. The money came from American and European banks. The West then discovered that the Russian Empire could be blown up from within. It was enough to give money to the Russian "cannon fodder" - various kinds of perestroika revolutionaries.

Along the way The West has dealt a powerful blow to Russia's financial system and robbed it. Russia then tried to borrow money from an international association of banks in order not to borrow money from England and France. However, at that time a series of Jewish pogroms were organized in Russia. Jews became one of the most passionate forces of the revolution.

At the same time, the world community of that time was in a state of hysteria over Russian anti-Semitism. In England, a British-Jewish committee was created, which collected funds for Jewish militants in Russia. Imports to Russia were made through England and Finland. weapons for revolutionaries. Soon Rothschild also created a committee in England to collect funds for the victims of Jewish pogroms.

Also during the revolution, capital began to flow from Russia to the West. Former Tsarist minister Witte wrote about hundreds of millions of rubles in gold that were flowing out of Russia. As a result, the Western economy received a "golden rain" from Russia.

Russian securities on world exchanges collapsed by 20%. The decrease in capitalization meant large losses in investments. The Western press reported almost a complete collapse of Russian finances.

War against Russia

Red (Bloody) Sunday in its results became more terrible than the loss of Port Arthur and the destruction of the fleet in the Battle of Tsushima. In June, the battleship Potemkin revolted. In October, the All-Russian strike began. In December, bloody battles were already underway in Moscow. Russia was plunging into the abyss of fratricidal slaughter.

It was a real war that revolutionary militants, with the help of Western structures, organized inside Russia. These were provocations. Combat groups were created, the targets of which were banks, pawnshops, post offices, transport and drinking establishments. This was mass terror against Russian managers and the military. Moreover, the best, most decisive and strong-willed were eliminated. Along the way, ordinary people who happened to be at the scene of terrorist acts died. Bombs and bullets of the Socialist Revolutionary terrorists killed and wounded thousands of people. There were fierce battles in Moscow, Siberia and the Caucasus. Military mutinies in the navy - on the Potemkin, in Kronstadt and Sveaborg. Peasants began to encroach on the property of landowners, burning estates, the first signs of a peasant war. And much more.

The situation was saved by the fact that the tsar had two more "bonds". A professional army and the Guard, who by 1917 had perished in Poland, Prussia and Galicia. There were decisive generals who were not afraid to shed a little blood in order to avoid a lot. In general, the armed forces were for the Tsar, the authorities. There was also "deep people", who still believed in the Tsar-father, tired of turmoil, disorder, anarchy, and which was headed by the so-called "Black Hundreds" - right-wing, conservatives, traditionalists. The "Black Hundreds" spoke out against anarchy and revolutionaries. There was also a man who gave battle to the turmoil - Stolypin. He took responsibility upon himself - military field courts, "Stolypin ties" (gallows).

In the end, order was restored, the country was calmed. In 1917, Nicholas II had nothing left. The regular army loyal to the throne perished in a war that the country did not need. The generals themselves participated in organizing the coup. The "Black Hundred" organizations were destroyed and disintegrated. The people were angry about the war, the socio-economic troubles. Among the top, there was no decisive and strong person who could have suppressed the unrest in the bud. On the contrary, the entire top, including the generals, the grand dukes and the church hierarchs, came out against the sovereign.

Thus, the Russo-Japanese War became a dangerous detonator that almost destroyed the Russian Empire. The authorities needed two years of the most difficult efforts to suppress the unrest that had begun. Russia suffered serious material damage. At the same time, a serious moral breakdown occurred: the people's faith in the Tsar was destroyed, the masses felt their strength, the taste of rebellion and blood. Everything was heading towards a new, more serious catastrophe.
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  1. +30
    28 January 2025 04: 11
    Well, it's clear - as always, the enemy agents are solely to blame. And the fact that the Romanovs and the then elite brought the country and the people to such a state that they began to be perceived as enemies of the people - we don't take into account.

    A cool opus, quite in the current liberal spirit. Tales about the supposedly benevolent shining Russian Empire, destroyed by the nasty Jewish Bolsheviks.. Well done, author - well, always manages to keep his nose in the wind...
    1. +20
      28 January 2025 07: 29
      I was especially amused by the part about the provocateurs... If the author had read the eyewitness accounts, he might have written less of such nonsense...
      "For some time the company stood idle. But then on Nevsky Prospect and on both sides of the Moika River, groups of people began to appear - men and women. After waiting for more of them to gather, Colonel Riman, standing in the center of the company, without making any warning, as was established by the regulations, commanded:

      - Directly in crowds shooting in volleys!

      After this command, each officer of his unit repeated the command of Riemann. The soldiers took the gun, then, at the Platoon command, put rifles to their shoulders, and at the command of Pli, volleys were heard that were repeated several times. After shooting at people who were no more than forty or fifty steps away from the company, the survivors rushed to run back in haste. After two or three minutes, Riemann gave the command:

      — Shooting right at those running!

      A chaotic rapid fire began, and many who had managed to run away three or four hundred paces fell under the shots. The fire continued for three or four minutes, after which the bugler sounded the ceasefire." Nikolsky, captain of the General Staff.
      1. +8
        28 January 2025 10: 42
        Moreover, many policemen died during the shooting - they shot at everything that moved, and the crowd, like any loyal people's procession, was accompanied by the police.
    2. +6
      28 January 2025 07: 55
      Quote: paul3390
      ..... Tales about the supposedly benevolent shining Russian Empire, destroyed by the vile Jewish Bolsheviks.. Well done author - ...

      The author wrote nothing about Prince Tsushima and theft during the Russo-Japanese War. .... It is surprising how and why Stolypin was not mentioned? And nothing about Stolypin's murder. But it would have been possible to write about Stolypin's repressions, and about Stolypin's ties, and about Stolypin's carriages, and about Stolypin's unsuccessful reforms, which, having created an influx of peasants into the cities, turned them into a revolutionary proletariat? Maybe the author does not know anything about Stolypin. recourse But it turns out that he doesn't know about the Stolypin readings and forums that are held here every year... there are a lot of questions about the article.
      1. 0
        28 January 2025 08: 10
        No, no, I was wrong, I didn't finish reading it then! There is one line about Stolypin. Still, very little. Undeservedly little - (c). sarcasm. And nothing about the murder. And it was all very suspicious.
        I wonder what provoked the February Bourgeois Revolution. There is nothing about it.
      2. +4
        28 January 2025 08: 24
        Quote: Reptiloid
        It's surprising how and why Stolypin is not mentioned? And nothing about Stolypin's murder. But it would be possible to write about Stolypin's repressions and Stolypin's ties,

        It's amazing - how can you comment on articles,,,, without reading them?
        1. 0
          28 January 2025 08: 27
          I just didn't finish reading it then, which I wrote about below. All the same ---- it's undeservedly little. request
      3. +6
        28 January 2025 18: 26
        Maybe the author doesn't know anything about Stolypin
        He knows nothing at all, but is listed as a full-time historian at VO. I haven't been his for a long time, I only read his comments.
        1. +2
          28 January 2025 19: 38
          It's interesting here, why nothing about Stolypin? After all, everyone in the Russian Federation is trying to make him a Great Man. With persistence worthy of a better application
          1. +1
            28 January 2025 19: 48
            I wonder why there is nothing about Stolypin?
            The author hasn't reached the letter "C" in the encyclopedia yet, so that's all.
            1. +1
              28 January 2025 19: 50
              Or maybe he doesn't like Stolypin? He's not upset by his murder. recourse Anything can be assumed
              1. +2
                28 January 2025 19: 53
                Come on, Dmitry, there's no point in laughing at the poor guy, it's a sin. Not only do you have to copy-paste Vika here, you also have to think sometimes. It's hard for "historians".
                1. 0
                  28 January 2025 19: 58
                  I'm not laughing at all. I'm just guessing. I don't like Stolypin's reforms and his modern read in liberal circles, I don't like that such events are held in higher education institutions
                  1. +2
                    28 January 2025 20: 14
                    I don't like Stolypin's reforms
                    Moreover, most of those who were supposed to move to farmsteads did not like them either. In the vicinity of today's Zhukovsky there is a microdistrict called "Kolonets" - named after the village that was here from the beginning of the 60th century until the XNUMXs, until it was swallowed up by the city. The story is as follows: initially the village of Kolonets was located near a tributary of the Moskva River - the mouth of the Pekhorka River, so, as you can guess, it was heavily flooded with every flood. When Stolypin announced the resettlement to farmsteads, the Kolonets peasants received loans for the resettlement, and moved the entire village to a higher place. Stolypin, inspecting the result of his reform, was very surprised at how the peasants from the Moscow region had cheated him.
                    1. +2
                      28 January 2025 21: 13
                      laughing lol was very surprised at how he was fooled!!
                      That's why he wanted to destroy peasant communities. But this time he didn't succeed. drinks
    3. 0
      29 January 2025 13: 19
      Quote: paul3390
      And the fact that the Romanovs and the then elite brought the country and the people to such a state that they began to be perceived as enemies of the people - we don’t take into account.

      So they were "cheated", as was the current government in Russia. It would be better to remember about Witte how he pushed through the link to the gold standard in Russia, which in fact was under the Rothschilds. This is the so-called "monetary reform" of Witte in 1897. After that, the debt, and especially the external debt, of Russia began to grow rapidly.
      However, tsarism itself was rotten, and its collapse was a matter of time. World capitalism was waiting for a world leader and master, the whole question was whether the Anglo-Saxons or the Second Reich would have become the first. Russia clearly could not be either the first or the second, and did not want to. The creation of a new world pole, with the emergence of the USSR, was our happiness, if Russia had remained in capitalism then, the Yeltsins and Chubais of 1917 would have long ago destroyed and sold Russia. Everything is repeating itself, we need to revive our pole of power in socialism, otherwise we will not be allowed to live normally.
      1. +1
        29 January 2025 14: 12
        pushed through a link to the gold standard in Russia, which was in fact under the Rothschilds. This is the so-called "monetary reform" of Witte in 1897. After that, the debt, and especially the external debt, of Russia began to grow rapidly.

        Is there a connection between the growth of Russia's external debt at the beginning of the 20th century and Witte's monetary reform?
        1. +1
          29 January 2025 14: 25
          Look into it. Witte's reform has a connection, but it is certainly not the main reason for the loans that were taken out before the First World War.
          1. +1
            29 January 2025 14: 34
            Take an interest.

            Well, that's what I asked you about in my previous message ))
            1. 0
              30 January 2025 08: 40
              Quote: Nefarious skeptic
              and asked in the previous message
              Timur, there is a lot of information on the Internet, both for and against. If you are interested in my attitude to this topic, you can look at an example, - "They destroyed the empire - Prime Minister Sergei Witte" (Vladimir Kuchin). Of course, not everything is clear-cut, and "the truth is somewhere nearby"...
    4. 0
      31 January 2025 14: 51
      The 1905 revolution was the main reason for the crop failure. According to N.A. Rubakin's "Russia in Figures" (1912), due to the population growth, the average allotment in Russia decreased from 4.8 (1860) to 2.6 dessiatines (1900). By 1905, the number of landless households reached a huge percentage (14,9%), and the number with insufficient allotments exceeded even this last (19,7%).
      “Grain production per capita decreased from 25 poods in 19001904-22 to 19051909 poods in 1900-1913.” The surplus of labor in the village increased from 23 million to 32 million people during the period XNUMX-XNUMX.
      “After the famine of 1891, which covered a vast area of ​​29 provinces… Samara province suffered from famine 8 times, Saratov province 9. Over the past thirty years, the largest famines occurred in 1880 (Lower Volga region, part of the lake and Novorossiysk provinces) and 1885 (Novorossiya and part of the non-chernozem provinces from Kaluga to Pskov); then… there was the famine of 1892 in the central and southeastern provinces, the famines of 1897 and 98 in approximately the same area; in the 1901th century. the famine of 17 in 1905 provinces of the center, south and east, the famine of 22 (1906 provinces...), which opened a whole series of famines: 1907, 1908, 1911 and 1891 (mainly eastern, central provinces, Novorossiya) However, after the abolition of serfdom and before the beginning of the First World War, the Russian peasantry experienced unprecedented years of famine, caused, according to a number of researchers, by circumstances of both a socio-political and economic nature. In the period from 1912 to 12, famine struck Russia XNUMX times.
      A feature of the hungry years of 19051906-1909 was the almost complete lack of feed for livestock. According to A. S. Ermolov, this was "almost a bigger problem compared to the lack of food grain" [Ermolov, 320, p. 19061907]. This happened mainly because the peasants plowed all their allotment land, including fields, meadows and even forests. For the same reason, especially in the harsh winter of XNUMX-XNUMX, the problem of lack of fuel for peasants' huts became apparent. So, of course, there was interference from the West, provocateurs, etc. But the main thing is different!
  2. +21
    28 January 2025 05: 33
    Classic Samsonov. Horses and people got mixed up...
    The Russian Empire lacked Stalin's KGB to catch... comrade Stalin... The Russian Empire was winning the war, but the insidious agent of influence Witte (the second man in the empire) forced them to conclude an unfavorable peace... well, etc.
    It's a disaster when one half of the head is engaged in a decisive battle with the other half.
    1. -1
      28 January 2025 23: 17
      Quote: Belisarius
      The Russian Empire lacked Stalin's KGB to catch... comrade Stalin...

      Comrade Stalin belonged to the small, non-aggressive party of Lenin-Trotsky and was not a great enemy of tsarism. Much more dangerous were the Cadets, who had the support of the big bourgeoisie and the military. No less dangerous were the Socialist Revolutionaries, who had broad support among both the intelligentsia and the peasantry. For this, the Tsar-father had a very effective system of investigation and political provocation, perhaps even more effective than the Cheka-KGB (the Romanovs ruled for 300 years and the communists only 70). Workers' organizations controlled by the investigation were created, which pretended to protect the interests of the workers, but their main goal was to neutralize radical revolutionary and terrorist currents in the liberation movement. Once a strike was organized at a French enterprise in Russia. The French told the members of the potato society that such activity would lead to a tightening of credit by France to the parasitic top of Russia and that lovers of potatoes and strawberries (prostitutes from the Mariinsky Theatre) could have problems paying for Madame Kshesinskaya's comrades. Therefore, they said "Fu" to the loyal Black Hundreds in the form of shooting the demonstrators who had petitioned the Tsar.
  3. +8
    28 January 2025 05: 47
    I don’t like Solzhenitsyn at all, but in one of his articles he very accurately described the reign of Nicholas II: the emperor managed, in the first eleven years, having received the state from Alexander III in power, to bring it down into the abyssI write from memory, but close to the text.
    1. +4
      28 January 2025 11: 45
      It was possible to say the same about Alexander I, and even then with a reservation, but about Alexander III, under whom they issued a circular about cooks' children? Read more Solzhenitsyn.
      1. +4
        28 January 2025 13: 35
        Read more Solzhenitsyn
        This isn't about cooks' children, but about the general state of the country. Read the comment more carefully.
        1. +2
          28 January 2025 14: 32
          The general state of the country? Does the reduction of gymnasium education mean anything to you? Counter-reforms and stagnation under Alexander III prepared everything for 3.
  4. +9
    28 January 2025 05: 48
    Russia was plunging into the abyss of fratricidal slaughter.
    Brother Stolypin, hanged and shot peasant brothers with tears in his eyes. "Well, what about brother...? Yes, so brother." (c) An amazing distortion of history, even Bloody Sunday, the author renamed it Red
    1. +6
      28 January 2025 08: 21
      Quote: parusnik
      Brother Stolypin, hanged and shot peasant brothers

      And the king shot the cats! Cat tears flowed out for him...
      1. +4
        28 January 2025 10: 45
        A scoundrel, definitely. negative There he is dear.
      2. 0
        28 January 2025 23: 20
        Quote: Puncher
        And the king shot the cats! Cat tears flowed out for him...

        That's how they fought rabies back then. Cats and puppies are exterminated more radically now.
        1. +2
          29 January 2025 04: 57
          Quote: gsev
          This is how they fought rabies back then.
          He shot them for fun, and did not carry out sanitary and epidemiological raids.
  5. +8
    28 January 2025 05: 49
    And back then, did the English, Americans and French also make a mess in our entryways and front doors?
    1. +2
      28 January 2025 08: 25
      Quote: Konnick
      And back then, did the English, Americans and French also make a mess in our entryways and front doors?

      This is their fate... Whoever is in power, the Englishwoman always does dirty tricks to the Tsar, the communists, and the current bourgeoisie, so much so that you just want to shout "Stop it!!!!"
      P.S.: a logical question, are today's Russian bourgeois, having become English, doing harm to themselves?
    2. +4
      28 January 2025 08: 26
      Quote: Konnick
      And back then, did the English, Americans and French also make a mess in our entryways and front doors?
      Then and now, the State Department is shitting in our front doors wink
      1. +2
        28 January 2025 09: 03
        Quote: Dutchman Michel
        Then and now, the State Department is shitting in our front doors

        And in the USSR, these same villains hid grain and produced defective products in factories
  6. +12
    28 January 2025 05: 59
    I read the first couple of paragraphs of the article and realized: more than a hundred years have passed, but ABSOLUTELY nothing has changed. One to one, word for word.
    1. man
      28 January 2025 08: 49
      Quote from: FoBoss_VM
      I read the first couple of paragraphs of the article and realized: more than a hundred years have passed, but ABSOLUTELY nothing has changed. One to one, word for word.

      Did the emperor of that time also organize fights in the alleys?
      1. +1
        28 January 2025 14: 10
        Quote: mann
        Did the emperor of that time also organize fights in the alleys?
        He drank bootleg vodka with his close associates wink
        1. man
          28 January 2025 14: 12
          Quote: Dutchman Michel
          Quote: mann
          Did the emperor of that time also organize fights in the alleys?
          He drank bootleg vodka with his close associates wink

          And this is already slander against the current one, he prefers beer smile
    2. -1
      29 January 2025 07: 35
      Quote from: FoBoss_VM
      I read the first couple of paragraphs of the article and realized: more than a hundred years have passed, but ABSOLUTELY nothing has changed. One to one, word for word.

      It all depends on the author - it is just as easy and casual to call Gorbachev Nikolai II and stretch everything described by the author onto the late USSR - except perhaps without the Bloody Sunday in the capital.
      The main thing for the author is - don't get into it and just jump around..
  7. +16
    28 January 2025 06: 17
    The royal family, represented by the grand dukes, was mired in various dark schemes and banal embezzlement. The upper classes continued to live in Russia as if it were a colony, exporting capital abroad, living in Western Europe, which they considered a model to follow.

    But nothing has changed.

    Dying - you'll start again first
    And everything will repeat, as it was in old age:
    The night, the icy ripple of the canal,
    Pharmacy, street, lantern.
    1. +28
      28 January 2025 06: 55
      Their history teaches them nothing...Soon they will convince us that the return of Serfdom in the country means stability, guaranteed jobs and confidence in the future.
      1. +10
        28 January 2025 08: 01
        Quote: Pereplut
        Their history teaches them nothing...Soon they will convince us that the return of Serfdom in the country means stability, guaranteed jobs and confidence in the future.

        This is probably what the construction deputy thought when she spoke this year about forced labor for lazy people who don't want to work on her construction site. At the same time, there were words that they are ---- worms on the body. The end of the speech was PEACE, LABOR, MAY
        1. -4
          28 January 2025 08: 21
          Quote: Reptiloid
          that they are ---- worms on the body

          Dima, I was interested and had to find out the details of this sensational statement. What happened.
          All these events took place almost a year ago, on the eve of May Day, a lady deputy of the Tomsk council made an unfortunate and thoughtless statement, about which she was warned - about the inadmissibility of such insults, that is, to hold her tongue.
          1. +3
            28 January 2025 08: 25
            Well yes laughing ---- "this year" laughing , I also sometimes remember 2024. What's interesting here is that various officials are either silent or they have one thing after another, like a fountain. Apparently they have no strength to endure it.
          2. +4
            28 January 2025 09: 11
            //that is, so that she holds her tongue.//
            "If my job didn't require women, I wouldn't say a word to them. They sweep with their tongues like a broom. The pests." am
        2. -4
          28 January 2025 08: 27
          Quote: Reptiloid
          PEACE, LABOR, MAY

          Don't follow reality, now it's OWN, LABOR, MAY!
          1. +2
            28 January 2025 08: 30
            So these were her words, she had a piece of paper in her hands.
      2. man
        28 January 2025 09: 04
        Quote: Pereplut
        Their history teaches them nothing...Soon they will convince us that the return of Serfdom in the country means stability, guaranteed jobs and confidence in the future.

        You are behind the times. For several years now they have been trying to convince...glorifying... Saltykova was rehabilitated...only with the beginning of the SVO they stopped. Apparently they decided that the people had enough joy...
        1. +5
          28 January 2025 23: 29
          Quote: mann
          You are out of touch with life. For several years now they have been trying to convince...glorifying... Saltychikha has been rehabilitated...

          I got the impression that the government is trying to free the worker from the bondage of a monopoly firm. If a person has the qualifications, he can easily earn as a self-employed person or open an individual entrepreneur if his income is more than 2 million a year. By the way, Ekho Moskvy regularly heard notes of indignation that dictator Putin does not introduce draconian taxes on growing potatoes in the country and because of this, unfortunate businessmen have to overpay workers in the summer who find it more profitable to feed on Brezhnev's 6 acres.
    2. -3
      28 January 2025 08: 07
      Quote: Stas157
      But nothing has changed.

      When the night lanterns swing,
      and the dark street is dangerous for you to walk,
      I'm coming from the pub,
      I'm not waiting for anyone
      1. man
        28 January 2025 09: 09
        Quote: bober1982
        Quote: Stas157
        But nothing has changed.

        When the night lanterns swing,
        and the dark street is dangerous for you to walk,
        I'm coming from the pub,
        I'm not waiting for anyone

        Was it you who the widow drank away her father's house with? smile
      2. -1
        28 January 2025 23: 32
        Quote: bober1982
        I'm coming from the pub,
        I'm not waiting for anyone

        In recent years, people around me have started drinking much less. Putin has carried out dealcoholization and de-Naconization more effectively than Nicholas II, Lenin, Trotsky, Kosygin and Gorbachev. By the way, all cigarette and booze manufacturers in Russia are controlled by the US and Europe, and they take their profits there to finance the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
  8. -8
    28 January 2025 06: 32
    Well, the demand to immediately hold a Constituent Assembly is not an innocent demand of the workers who came to this peaceful march. It is essentially a demand to immediately change the state structure of the country. The workers in Russia at that time were surprisingly literate and, most importantly, independent, weren't they?
    Surprisingly, the Navalnyites have recently turned out to be just as literate and independent in today's Russia, in the "peaceful" "Bolotnaya" rallies. But one thing is obvious: if the Navalnyites' leaders were paid by the West, then
    the leaders of peaceful workers in 1905 were led from outside. Or how, Navalny's followers are also people who have already suffered for the truth, only for them in 1905 it ended badly, because then the National Guard did not have rubber truncheons and steel shields, but immediately a rifle and a saber?
    1. +18
      28 January 2025 08: 11
      The leaders of the peaceful workers in 1905 were led from outside
      The workers were led from outside, the uprisings of soldiers and sailors from outside, in two years more than 20 peasant uprisings swept across the country, also from outside... Pugachev, the French with the Poles and Turks financed, the Copper and Salt Riots in the 000th century, which swept across many cities of the Muscovite kingdom, probably also from outside... If so, then it turns out that the people in Russia are completely corrupt, especially the lower classes, show them a penny and they won’t sell out the Motherland, not to mention the nobles, boyars, gentry, landowners, modern oligarchs, right?
      1. man
        28 January 2025 09: 17
        Pugacheva, the French, Poles and Turks financed
        You're saying something... Pugachev was financed by Israel
        1. +2
          28 January 2025 09: 37
          North 2 (Vidas) Claims that Pugacheva was financed by the Ottoman Empire, France, Poland.
          1. man
            28 January 2025 14: 18
            Quote: kor1vet1974
            North 2 (Vidas) Claims that Pugacheva was financed by the Ottoman Empire, France, Poland.

            Are you saying that it is Vitas who is defending Israel, and not you? request
            I'll expose you! fellow
            1. +4
              28 January 2025 14: 23
              I'll expose you!

              "Give me your hand in the middle of the river...Give me your hand - we still have a long way to go.
              Even though we sometimes get tired on the river, it will still be easier for us to walk on the water together" (c)
              1. man
                28 January 2025 14: 35
                Quote: kor1vet1974
                I'll expose you!

                "Give me your hand in the middle of the river...Give me your hand - we still have a long way to go.
                Even though we sometimes get tired on the river, it will still be easier for us to walk on the water together" (c)

                On water like a staff? smile In this intricate way, they finally acknowledged that I was right about Pugachev being financed by Israel! laughing
                I didn’t know that Moses himself financed it, and out of habit I blamed Netanyahu... request
                1. +2
                  28 January 2025 14: 41
                  So you won't give me your hand in the middle of the river... Yes
                  1. man
                    28 January 2025 14: 52
                    Quote: kor1vet1974
                    So you won't give me your hand in the middle of the river... Yes

                    You have completely confused me. request smile
                    If you are talking about Sarukhanov's song, then there is an appeal to lady and he asks for her hand in the middle the way
                    Why aren’t you satisfied with Moses? He fits perfectly into my version of financing? laughing
                    1. +2
                      28 January 2025 14: 53
                      It's somehow easy to confuse you, I can't wait for my hands, in the middle of the river...
                      1. man
                        28 January 2025 15: 04
                        Quote: kor1vet1974
                        It's somehow easy to confuse you, I can't wait for my hands, in the middle of the river...

                        Are you drowning? Hugging your computer? request Why on the river and not in your own trout pond? smile
                      2. +1
                        28 January 2025 15: 07
                        So I'm waiting for you, standing in the middle of the pond, with trout...
        2. +4
          28 January 2025 09: 38
          "You're saying something... Pugachev was financed by Israel."
          Taki always suspected this. laughing
          1. man
            28 January 2025 14: 05
            Quote from AdAstra
            "You're saying something... Pugachev was financed by Israel."
            Taki always suspected this. laughing

            It wasn't hard to guess after Alla, Pugachev's illegitimate daughter, went to Israel to work off her father's debts laughing
        3. +3
          28 January 2025 14: 12
          Quote: mann
          You're saying something... Pugachev was financed by Israel
          External backstage wink
          1. man
            28 January 2025 14: 40
            Quote: Dutchman Michel
            Quote: mann
            You're saying something... Pugachev was financed by Israel
            External backstage wink

            Are you implying that America is involved too? laughing
            1. -1
              29 January 2025 07: 59
              Quote: mann
              Quote: Dutchman Michel
              Quote: mann
              You're saying something... Pugachev was financed by Israel
              External backstage wink

              Are you implying that America is involved too? laughing

              No, they had no time for that - they were chasing their Indians then
        4. 0
          28 January 2025 23: 35
          Quote: mann
          Pugachev was financed by Israel

          Israel did not yet exist under Pugachev, and Jews appeared in Russia only after the partitions of Poland. In addition, the Pale of Settlement existed at that time.
          1. man
            29 January 2025 00: 08
            Quote: gsev
            Quote: mann
            Pugachev was financed by Israel

            Israel did not yet exist under Pugachev, and Jews appeared in Russia only after the partitions of Poland. In addition, the Pale of Settlement existed at that time.

            Do you seriously think I don't know this? smile
            1. +1
              29 January 2025 12: 09
              Quote: mann

              Do you seriously think I don't know this?

              I have met people who really believe in the "blood libel". By the way, the site is full of characters who consider Fomenko's theory plausible.
              1. man
                30 January 2025 01: 45
                Quote: gsev
                Quote: mann

                Do you seriously think I don't know this?

                I have met people who really believe in the "blood libel". By the way, the site is full of characters who consider Fomenko's theory plausible.

                I believe in it smile Once, in a thread about Estonian threats to Russia, I carelessly expressed my concerns that Estonia would introduce its division (!) of the APL (!!!) into the Neva (!!!) and received a bunch of downvoteslaughing
                It's good that a good Samaritan was found who dispelled my confusion about this and recommended that I definitely put emoticons in such cases. laughing
          2. man
            30 January 2025 02: 03
            In addition, the Pale of Settlement existed at that time.
            I will add that at the same time, Jews who accepted Christianity received all rights. They were called converts
            1. 0
              30 January 2025 02: 09
              Quote: mann
              They were called converts

              It seems to me that in the 19th century, Jews, compared to, for example, Germans, did not have an excessively large influence in Russia. By the way, Germans had influence in the USSR comparable to Jews until 1941, and perhaps even surpassed them in their position in the USSR. I have a feeling that Germans and Tatars are starting to regain their influence or power in Russian society. By the way, I do not consider Jews to be some kind of supermen. I have seen both Germans and Tatars more successful compared to Jews I know. Perhaps that is why I react skeptically and with a grin to versions of Jewish influence on individuals like Pugachev, Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Putin. It's just that no one writes about the influence of Finns or Afghans on Putin, and he also often communicates with representatives of the intelligentsia or elite of these peoples.
      2. -1
        29 January 2025 07: 57
        Quote: kor1vet1974
        outside..If so, then it turns out that the people in Russia are completely corrupt, especially the lower classes, show them a penny and they won’t sell out their homeland,

        Based on your logic, the miners who sat on Vasilievsky Spusk in 1989 and demanded privatization of mines, all ruble and half of foreign currency belay statistics - Who are they??? "Sellout little people" or their nobles... pardon me, did the Soviet authorities bring it to this???

        The failed Bloody Sunday in 1989 - which showed everyone that power can be twisted around easily and casually. And nothing will happen for this...
        In China they shot Tiananmen - did anyone notice that both countries did it in the same year? - we couldn't. China survived - the USSR didn't
  9. +5
    28 January 2025 07: 00
    Yeah, the emperor forever and the entire population are 100% nobles, and what is reality is not something that was dreamed, so what's the difference? The main thing is "stream of consciousness" wassat laughing
  10. +10
    28 January 2025 07: 05
    I also wonder who the author's ancestors were, did they really crunch on a bun in the morning? Or did they beat people in the stables on Saturdays?
    Class composition of the Russian Empire in 1913:

    Nobility. Made up about 1% of the population. The bulk of the nobility did not have large estates and fortunes, being in civil or military service or living on a salary.
    Honorary and eminent citizens. These classes included the "upper crust" of the townspeople.
    Clergy. It included ministers of the Russian Orthodox Church - black (monastic) and white (preaching in the world) clergy.
    Guild merchants. Made up about 1,5 million people.
    Peasants and Cossacks. They made up 69%, including the wealthy - 19%, the middle - 25%, the poor - 25%.
    Proletariat. By 1913, it constituted about 19% of the population. It was formed by people from the poorest strata of different classes (mainly petty bourgeois and peasants).
    Lumpen elements. Beggars, vagrants, criminals - about 1%.
    This is just to remind you.
    1. +3
      28 January 2025 08: 13
      Or were they flogged in the stables on Saturdays?

      They probably flogged those whom the master ordered.
  11. +2
    28 January 2025 07: 21
    At the beginning of the Russo-Japanese War, Russian society was absolutely decomposed, first of all the liberal intelligentsia, students, and newspaper riffraff.
    What can we talk about if after the defeat of the Russian army, there followed simply a joyful and malicious howl from the whole crowd - female students of the Higher Women's Courses, students from the capital, professors.
    There were so many jokes on the topic of schadenfreude (or maybe not jokes)
    Here is one such joke (or maybe not a joke)
    - Russian liberals after Tsushima sent a congratulatory telegram to the Japanese Emperor, who was very happy, but not because he was congratulated, but because they were not his subjects.
  12. Fat
    28 January 2025 08: 16
    Amazing things. The Gendarme Corps, reporting to the Minister of Internal Affairs, happily slept through the beginning of the mass demonstrations. As a result, the OZHK lost the best part of its officers in the first days, killed by terrorists. After 1905, it was necessary to recruit whoever came to hand, without exams or checks.
    The tsarist government had to use the Life Guards to suppress the uprising.
    In 1905, the Semenovsky Life Guards Regiment played a key role in suppressing the armed uprising in Moscow. On December 16, when the regiment arrived in Moscow by train from St. Petersburg, the rebels still held the Presnya quarter, as well as the Moscow-Kazan railway line to Golutvin.
    The regiment commander, Colonel Georgy Min, allocated the third battalion under the command of Colonel Nikolai Riman to participate in the battles around the Presnensky barricades. Colonel Min himself commanded the assault on the center of the uprising, giving the order not to take prisoners.
    To suppress the unrest outside Moscow, the commander of the Semenovsky Regiment, Colonel G. A. Min, allocated six companies from his regiment under the command of 17 officers and under the command of Colonel N. K. Riman. The regiment's servicemen carried out illegal searches and reprisals against residents of workers' settlements and employees of stations on the Moscow-Kazan railway line.
    In total, during the suppression of the uprising in Moscow, 150 people were shot without trial on Presnya, among whom were people who had nothing to do with the uprising.
    In 1905, the Semenovsky Life Guards Regiment played a key role in suppressing the armed uprising in Moscow. On December 16, when the regiment arrived in Moscow by train from St. Petersburg, the rebels still held the Presnya quarter, as well as the Moscow-Kazan railway line to Golutvin.
    The regiment commander, Colonel Georgy Min, allocated the third battalion under the command of Colonel Nikolai Riman to participate in the battles around the Presnensky barricades. Colonel Min himself commanded the assault on the center of the uprising, giving the order not to take prisoners.
    To suppress the unrest outside Moscow, the commander of the Semenovsky Regiment, Colonel G. A. Min, allocated six companies from his regiment under the command of 17 officers and under the command of Colonel N. K. Riman. The regiment's servicemen carried out illegal searches and reprisals against residents of workers' settlements and employees of stations on the Moscow-Kazan railway line.
    In total, during the suppression of the uprising in Moscow, 150 people were shot without trial on Presnya, among whom were people who had nothing to do with the uprising.
    1. +4
      28 January 2025 11: 00
      Amazing people, of course - the Semenovites - they didn't even think about retaliation and insurance. After the revolution they were caught for a long time throughout the country and brought to revolutionary court.

      From the protocol of additional interrogation of the accused Sivers Yakov Yakovlevich, conducted at the PP OGPU in the LVO
      Leningrad, November 28, 1930
      In 1905, as the commander of the 10th company, I left for Moscow with the rest of the regiment to suppress the revolution. General Min was at the head of the regiment. Colonel Riman was the commander of the 3rd battalion, which included my company. The entire 3rd battalion was sent along the Kazan railway with a punitive expedition upon arrival in Moscow. My company left and occupied the Golutvino station. At this station we shot about 30 people, of whom I personally shot one railroad worker who was arrested with a weapon. At the Golutvino station, in comparison with other stations on this railway, a greater number of workers were shot.

      I had under my command Lieutenant Polivanov Aleksey Matveyevich, who, on my orders, personally supervised the executions and gave the command. In the Moscow expedition, as I now recall, there were also Shramchenko and Shelekhov. It is possible that the engineer Ukhtomsky was shot at the Golutvino station, but not by me or my company. All the officers received awards for suppressing the 1905 revolution. I was given the Anna of the 3rd degree.
      1. +4
        28 January 2025 11: 24
        Sivers, Polivanov, Shramchenko and Shelekhov, of course, are now innocent victims of the bloody repressions of the "KGB" who suffered for nothing. Yes
      2. Fat
        28 January 2025 12: 23
        The whole point is that the Semenovites' actions caused total hatred not only among the revolutionaries, but also among the entire people. My great-grandfather served in the Semenov regiment in the 80s. And this cup did not pass him by, although he had nothing to do with the events of 19...
      3. -4
        28 January 2025 13: 11
        Quote: hhurik
        from the protocol of additional interrogation of the accused Sivers Yakov Yakovlevich, carried out in the PP OGPU

        what about sivers, read the interrogations themselves chairmen/national committees of the OGPU/NKVD USSR Yagoda and Yezhov: they confessed (themselves) to... the murder of Gorky and his son, Kirov, the assassination attempt on Stalin and the entire Central Committee, etc., etc.
      4. +2
        28 January 2025 18: 32
        It is possible that the engineer Ukhtomsky was shot at the Golutvino station,
        The machinist Ukhtomsky was shot in Lyubertsy, the old punisher lies.
        1. 0
          28 January 2025 18: 43
          It is not known where exactly they smeared his forehead with green paint, the defendant himself does not remember. A memorial plaque hung at the Lyubertsy railway station (it has now been torn down), but it is doubtful that it was right there - they were all beaten up in chorus like a combat unit of Socialist Revolutionaries, well, those who were not bayoneted upon capture. That is, some kind of preliminary investigation was carried out, which means it could have been carried out in a comfortable and safe place - and not on the tracks.
          1. +2
            28 January 2025 19: 44
            They were all killed in chorus like a combat unit of Socialist Revolutionaries, well, those who weren’t bayoneted during their capture.
            Everything is known. He took the militants from Presnya out of Moscow on his train, in Lyubertsy during a raid on craftsmen he did not have time to throw away his revolver, was taken with the weapon - and shot. Before the execution he gave his details - last name and first name, otherwise he would have been missing. They shot him on the platform, now the "Ukhtomskaya" platform.
            1. 0
              28 January 2025 20: 16
              And at the Lyubertsy railway station there was a sign that he was shot there - I used to travel from there to the capital by electric locomotive to the Zhdanovskaya metro station for about 10 years. So nothing is known for sure - except for the fact of the shooting. The neighboring station was called "Ukhtomskaya" for fun, since Lyubertsy is a large point relative to the railway, so they didn't change the name.
              1. +1
                28 January 2025 20: 19
                Thank you about the electric locomotive! laughing I actually live not far from here and regularly visit these places. Volkov and Smirnov were shot then - now these are streets in Lyubertsy. There is information in the city museum, go there if you live nearby.
                1. +2
                  28 January 2025 20: 30
                  I only go to the Lyubertsy weapons arsenal for fun, to find out the prices for cartridges. In general, Ukhtomsky is one of those combat ̶p̶e̶d̶e̶r̶a̶s̶t̶o̶s̶r̶ Socialist-Revolutionary ̶p̶e̶d̶e̶r̶a̶s̶t̶o̶s̶r̶s̶, and they only blew up and wet the Bolsheviks' path when they had a disagreement over property. It's unclear how the communists exalted him, just for the sake of appearances.
                  In general, for some reason there are a lot of blacks in Lyubertsy. I hate apartheid and blacks. drinks
                  1. +1
                    28 January 2025 22: 06
                    I hate apartheid and blacks.
                    Well, as the sapper Vodicka from "The Good Soldier Schweik" said - Some Magyars are not to blame for being Magyars. It's the same with blacks. drinks
    2. +5
      28 January 2025 11: 22
      When suppressing the uprising on Presnya, they fired at the squares from guns, and not at the barricades, how humanely the Semenovsky regiment treated the rebellious workers. What inhuman humanism the Whites would have shown if they had won the Civil War.
      1. Fat
        28 January 2025 12: 50
        Quote: kor1vet1974
        workers...What inhuman humanism the whites would have shown if they had won the Civil War...

        1. History does not have a subjunctive mood.
        2. The Whites could not win the civil war. They had no single goal, no ideology, no unified command. By 1919 they had no one to rely on.
        1. +6
          28 January 2025 12: 54
          The whites could not win the civil war.
          It's a pity, isn't it? The mortgage would have started earlier, the land would belong to five land oligarchs, and not to collective farms, there would have been no cultural revolution, no industry, everything would be nice as before... true, they still haven't registered people as nobles and haven't distributed serfs, etc. They would have gotten up off their knees earlier
          1. +1
            28 January 2025 13: 03
            Quote: kor1vet1974
            It's a pity, isn't it?

            The White movement could not win, absolutely unclear slogans, complete chaos, even if we assume their victory, the remnants of the empire would go down the drain.
            The victory of the Reds - this is where God's Providence was revealed.
            1. +6
              28 January 2025 14: 19
              The victory of the Reds - this is where God's Providence was revealed.
              ..Hence, the conclusion is that when the reds stopped being red, they were drawn to the bourgeoisie, and God turned away..
            2. 0
              28 January 2025 19: 46
              Quote: bober1982
              ......The White movement could not win, absolutely unclear slogans, complete chaos, even if we assume their victory - the remnants of the empire would go down the drain.
              The victory of the Reds - this is where God's Providence was revealed.

              good Finally you came to your senses! I'm glad
          2. Fat
            28 January 2025 13: 55
            Should I take your attempt at sarcasm as a personal insult? Or are you an extremist by nature?... laughing
            1. +6
              28 January 2025 14: 18
              Should I take your attempt at sarcasm
              An insult, I would write, but I'm being sarcastic, of course.. Now, it's kind of trendy to write about revolutions, uprisings from the negative side, about the exploits of the imperial army, during suppression, "grimy", like in the film "A Piece for a Mechanical Piano", "grimy, can't play" (c), and now, the absolute majority are "grimy", but.. almost nobles laughing
              1. -2
                28 January 2025 14: 36
                Quote: kor1vet1974
                like in the movie "A Piece for a Mechanical Piano", "he's dirty and can't play"

                I apologize for interrupting your conversation, but this message of yours has sparked interest.
                The film itself was shot by N. Mikhalkov based on Chekhov's works (A.P. Chekhov), so as not to go into details (so as not to tire) - the plot of the film is the eternal intellectual throwing, someone ran to drown himself because of unhappy love, but did not drown, the river turned out to be shallow.
                Grimy musicians, that's not it at all.
                1. +3
                  28 January 2025 14: 37
                  Grimy musicians, that's not it at all.

                  Then, that was, now even more so.
      2. -1
        28 January 2025 23: 44
        Quote: kor1vet1974
        During the suppression of the uprising in Presnya, they fired at the squares from cannons

        The tactics of the revolutionaries at that time were a sudden ambush or attack and then a rapid retreat through the passageways. Defending barricades in the city against an army with magazine rifles is pure suicide. In films and books about the revolution, the tactics of the revolutionaries in organizing underground circles and organizations and in taking power were deliberately distorted.
      3. -1
        29 January 2025 08: 19
        Quote: kor1vet1974
        When suppressing the uprising on Presnya, they fired at the squares from guns, and not at the barricades, as humanely as the Semenovsky regiment dealt with the rebellious workers.

        Students were shot at Tiananmen - China exists.
        The miners were not shot on Vasilievsky Spusk - there is no USSR.
    3. 0
      28 January 2025 14: 18
      Quote: Thick
      The Gendarme Corps, reporting to the Minister of the Interior, successfully slept through the beginning of the mass demonstrations
      If the gendarmerie corps had worked according to the Cheka/NKVD/MGB/KGB manual, there would have been no revolution to this day wink
      1. 0
        28 January 2025 23: 47
        Quote: Dutchman Michel
        according to the manual of the Cheka/NKVD/MGB/KGB, there would have been no revolution and still is

        In 1991, she was. People who knew the results of the posthumous search of the apartment of the Afghan singer Ahmad Zair assured me that Stalin was overthrown and killed during a coup-revolution.
  13. +5
    28 January 2025 08: 16
    We would live well, there would be no revolutions and no troubles. But now there are some fairy tales, and provocateurs, and titushki, and Maidans, and all the NATO members around are shaking our holy autocracy...
    1. 0
      5 February 2025 11: 00
      *and the Maidans, and all the NATO members around are shaking our holy autocracy*...
      Well, how do you explain all this to the TV propagandists?
      At first everything was going well about *rebirth* and *getting back on our feet*. People ate it up.
      After 30 years it turned out that this is not the case, and the refrigerator is starting to win over TV.
      but not a single Kremlin official will admit that he brought things to this point.
      and Kiselev and Skabeev were given new manuals, Grudinin was shit on, and Strelkovy and Platoshkin were declared foreign agents.
  14. +8
    28 January 2025 08: 24
    Britain and the US easily outplayed Russia, winning Japan over to their side and setting it against the Chinese and Russians
    Yeah, in 1898-1901, all together, Russia, the USA, Great Britain, France, Italy and even Austria-Hungary, suppressed the Boxer Rebellion in China, and then Britain and the USA deceived Russia, pulling Japan over to their side. Yeah.
  15. +13
    28 January 2025 08: 34
    The leader of the Social Democrats, Lenin, put forward the slogan of Russia's defeat.
    Lenin was not the leader of the Social Democrats, but only the leader of the Bolshevik faction, which at that time was the united RSDLP; the Bolsheviks became a separate party in 1912. In the events of 1905-1907, the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks participated together, and other Social Democrats who did not join these factions.
  16. +2
    28 January 2025 08: 52
    To be fair, it must be said that on the eve of the Russo-Japanese War, it was not only Russian liberals who became morally corrupt.
    The church was in deep crisis, there was a lot of random rabble in the religious institutions, the army was not ready for war, the upper classes and the aristocracy were corrupted, the so-called common people were drinking themselves to death.
    The powder keg exploded.
    1. +1
      28 January 2025 09: 08
      In general, the country was experiencing a profound internal crisis, which was primarily connected with the moral state of the people themselves, and a way out of which was not really being sought at that time.
      1. 0
        28 January 2025 09: 19
        Quote: Trapper7
        In general, the country was experiencing a profound internal crisis, which was primarily connected with the moral state of the people themselves, and a way out of which was not really being sought at that time.

        Yes, this very internal crisis was precisely the deepest, and was connected precisely with this very moral state of people - it was very low, and this concerned all strata.
  17. +12
    28 January 2025 09: 16
    The author certainly pleased with the mention of a “Marxist utopia”.
    At the same time, he forgot that he still lives in a building built by "Marxist utopians" and feeds off their economic legacy. But nothing - not much time left - soon we will all remember the "Marxist utopia" as the best time in the entire history of the Russian people.
  18. +2
    28 January 2025 09: 19
    Quote: Stas157
    Pharmacy, street, lantern.

    But still, something changes - in different eras, different people ended up on the lanterns.
  19. +5
    28 January 2025 09: 22
    Quote: bober1982
    What can we talk about if after the defeat of the Russian army, there followed simply a joyful and malicious howl from the whole crowd - female students of the Higher Women's Courses, students from the capital, professors.

    Because it was not the Russian people who lost the war, but the degenerate Romanov clique, which acted in its own interests.
  20. +12
    28 January 2025 09: 30
    And again the "damned Bolsheviks". I won't be surprised when I read one day that they, too, had a hand in Napoleon's burning of Moscow. Author, if it weren't for these "damned Bolsheviks" you would now be somewhere in a field by a plow from dawn to dusk, and not writing articles for VO. Yes laughing
    1. +6
      28 January 2025 11: 29
      "damned Bolsheviks"
      And the Great Patriotic War was probably won by the White Guards, with Ataman Krasnov. Yes Lenin's Mausoleum is regularly covered with plywood on May 9th. So that Lenin doesn't see the troops passing by with tricolor flags.
      1. Fat
        28 January 2025 14: 34
        Comrade Vlasov is a well-educated commander. Both his general education and military training are good. During his deployment, he carried out a number of important tasks. He showed himself to be knowledgeable and enjoyed good authority. Due to nerves, he sometimes slipped into rudeness. Finding himself in very difficult conditions, he showed himself to be a worthy Bolshevik of our Motherland. He has sufficient willpower and firmness. Persistent, sociable. Active in public life. Devoted to the cause of Lenin and Stalin. Has good Marxist-Leninist training. Can keep a military secret. Practically healthy and resilient in field life. Has a desire to leave his foreign service and join the ranks.

        Conclusion: Comrade Vlasov, while on a business trip, did a good job. He deserves to be appointed to the post of army chief of staff and awarded the extraordinary rank of brigade commander.
        Cavalier of the Order of Lenin, by the way.
        How did you manage not to mention the main collaborator? Doesn't fit into the pattern?
        1. +5
          28 January 2025 14: 51
          Krasnov is not the main collaborator, he is secondary... And in general, the White Guard guys who lived in Yugoslavia, Italy, France, Bulgaria, all went to the partisans to fight Nazism, Denikin, even being in the occupied territory, collected a train car with medicines and sent it to the USSR... Yes Watch the film, "Motherland of Soldiers", about General Karbyshev, who joined the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in 1940, being a man of great experience and age. Karbyshev is a real communist, Vlasov is a member... of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), and these are two very different things. For you, the "new nobles", from the "grimy ones", apparently there is no difference.
          1. Fat
            28 January 2025 15: 09
            Vlasov a member of the CPSU? ROA Lieutenant General Vlasov did not live to see 1952. He was hanged in the summer of 1946, a week after the Victory Parade.
            1. +6
              28 January 2025 15: 17
              Is Vlasov a member of the CPSU?
              You understood that it was a typo, that it was corrected, but you grabbed at it like a straw to somehow poke your nose in it, that's how all the current "new nobles" act. laughing
              He was hanged in the summer of 1946, a week after the Victory Parade.
              And General Karbyshev, for his steadfastness, for his loyalty... was tortured by the Nazis in a concentration camp, they poured ice water on the prisoners, among whom was Karbyshev, in the cold of February 18, 1945, the Soviet general, a communist, died. And who was hanged? Who was simply a member of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), and not a communist, not an honest man who pretended all his life, unlike Karbyshev.
      2. +4
        28 January 2025 14: 35
        "So that Lenin does not see the passage of troops with tricolor banners..."
        Exactly! Yes
        1. +6
          28 January 2025 14: 52
          By the way, the Vlasov banners were also flying towards the mausoleum..
  21. +10
    28 January 2025 11: 40
    In order to force Russia to peace, a revolution was organized in early 1905. First there was the murky story of Bloody Sunday. When the scoundrel provocateur priest Gapon led crowds of gullible workers to the residence of Nicholas II, the Winter Palace. The peaceful and loyal demonstration was shot down.
    Apparently, there were provocateurs among the palace guards and among the demonstrators. Shots were fired from both the guards and the demonstrators. When the first soldiers were killed and wounded, the enraged guards opened fire…

    Samsonov! I admire the wildness of your imagination. You have given birth to a classic example of folk history. In the article "The Approach of the Russian Time of Troubles" you claim that:
    Gapon, who had provoked the masses, hid and then fled abroad. The excited crowd smashed shops, erected barricades, attacked policemen, soldiers, officers and people simply passing by in cabs. There were many killed and wounded, the numerical data on this in different sources differ significantly. According to official data, 130 killed and 299 wounded. The press spread rumors about thousands of victims.

    Where did you get the figure about 130 killed?
    Soviet historian V.D. Bonch-Bruevich collected military reports on the number of volleys fired by different military units on January 9, 1905, and multiplied them by the number of soldiers who fired. As a result, it turned out that 12 companies of different regiments fired 32 volleys, a total of 2861 shots.
    A favorite pastime of the 19th century was counting how many people a rifle bullet or cannonball would pierce. According to those statistics, a blunt-nosed cartridge of the 1891 model for a Mosin rifle was capable of piercing 9 people straight through. Therefore, to kill and wound 1000 people, it was enough to fire 110 shots into the crowd. Where else did the 2750 bullets from 32 volleys go? Into the air?
    According to eyewitnesses, the Cossacks chopped the crowd with sabres. This was their favorite pastime. Therefore, in addition to the bullet wounds, we should add an indefinite number of victims from single shots, bladed weapons, and horse hooves.
    Against this background, your figure of 130 killed looks simply ridiculous. But it perfectly corresponds to the manuals of the Washington regional committee.
    Continuing the pro-monarchist propaganda.
    The surviving white émigré A.A. Kersnovsky, referring to some official data, claims that only 30 demonstrators were killed. Why didn't you refer to him?
    Trotskyist and Soviet historian V.I. Nevsky, in his article "January Days in St. Petersburg in 1905" suggested that there were 150 to 200 killed, 450 to 800 wounded, and the total number of victims was 800 to 1000. This is only his suggestion, not a statement of fact. The source of his information is on the ceiling.
    In defiance of Nevsky, the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, volume 48, 1941, says that more than a thousand people were killed and over two thousand were wounded. Considering the 2861 shots fired into the crowd and the massacre carried out by the Cossacks, this is a very realistic figure.
    The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd edition, 1969-1986, claims that about 4600 people were killed and wounded. I agree that this figure seems exaggerated.
    As you write there:
    There were decisive generals who were not afraid to shed a little blood in order to avoid a lot.

    I don’t know how it was about the small amount of bloodshed, but according to official, undisputed data, the government had called in troops from Pskov, Tallinn, Narva, Peterhof and Tsarskoye Selo in advance to reinforce the St. Petersburg garrison, and had concentrated over 9 soldiers and police in St. Petersburg by January 40. The plan to disperse the march was approved by the government on January 8 at a meeting with the Minister of Internal Affairs P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky. The troops (over 18 battalions, 21 squadrons, 8 hundreds) were concentrated in eight combat areas into which the city was divided. It was known in advance that the crowned jerk was preparing a massacre of the Russian people. Therefore, on the evening of January 8, a delegation of the intelligentsia, which included M. Gorky, visited the chairman of the cabinet of ministers S. Yu. Witte with a request to prevent bloodshed. Witte sent a delegation to Svyatopolk-Mirsky, who did not receive it. Finita la commedia.
    You write:
    Apparently, there were provocateurs among the palace guards and among the demonstrators. Shots were fired from both the guards and the demonstrators.

    The provocation did take place – on the part of the crowned jerk. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia 3rd edition writes on this matter:
    "Assembly of Russian Factory and Plant Workers of St. Petersburg" was a pro-government legal workers' organization that existed in 1903-05. It was founded by the secret police agent priest G. A. Gapon on the model of Zubatov organizations (see Zubatovshchina). In order to gain the trust of the working masses, he created a group of "initiators" from among the workers (N. M. Varnashev, A. E. Karelin, and others), who, together with him, managed the affairs of the society. The charter of the society was approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on February 15, 1904. According to the charter, workers could be members of the "Assembly".
    ...certainly of Russian origin and Christian faith...
    The true aims of the society were to incite monarchist, chauvinistic and religious prejudices in the working class. The society opened on April 11, 1904. By the end of 1904, there were 11 centers ("departments") of the "Assembly" in the city, uniting more than 10 thousand people. Under the influence of the growth of the revolutionary movement and the propaganda activities of the Bolsheviks, a crisis arose in the "Assembly" (see Gaponism). On Gapon's initiative, a petition was developed and a workers' march to the tsar was organized. On January 1905, XNUMX, thousands of workers gathered at the premises of the "departments" and headed to the city center. After the shooting of the peaceful workers' march, the society was disbanded.

    - refute the TSB, please!
    In conclusion, please give more details about the shots fired by the demonstrators. Before Perestroika, when people began competing in lying, no one had heard of anything like that.
    Wikipedia, citing the 1991 edition, writes:
    The head of the St. Petersburg secret police department, A. V. Gerasimov, cites Gapon's words in his memoirs about the alleged plan to kill the tsar, which Gapon told him about during a conversation with him and P. I. Rachkovsky: "I suddenly asked him if it was true that on January 9 there was a plan to shoot the sovereign when he came out to the people. Gapon answered: "Yes, that's true. It would have been terrible if this plan had been realized. I learned about it much later. It was not my plan, but Rutenberg's... The Lord saved him..."

    - to trust Wikipedia is to disrespect oneself, but even Wikipedia claims that two revolver shots were fired from the crowd after the news of the demonstration being shot at had spread and a general riot had begun with the call “To arms!”
    P.S. In my opinion, shooting a peaceful demonstration during an unsuccessful war is idiocy to the highest degree with far-reaching consequences. It's a good thing Nick 2 was shot in a basement.
    1. 0
      28 January 2025 12: 48
      According to those statistics, the blunt-nosed cartridge of the 1891 model for the Mosin rifle was capable of piercing through 9 people.

      You made me laugh, you really did. It seems like we are on a forum of near-military, that is, including weapons topics.
      1. +1
        29 January 2025 06: 25
        You made me laugh, you really did. It seems like we are on a forum of near-military, that is, including weapons topics.

        - He laughs best who laughs without consequences.
        There is such a thing as the penetrating action of a bullet. Not to be confused with the lethal action of a bullet. In the era of muzzle-loading rifles, infantry moved across the battlefield in a dense formation. When a bullet or cannonball hit such a formation, it or it pierced several people at once. Therefore, in the 19th century, the penetrating action of a bullet was characterized by the number of people or horses pierced through. Let's call this indicator "hole-men" am. Calculating "hole-people" is simple. When penetrating a person, the bullet loses some energy. If this energy is known, we divide the muzzle energy of the bullet by it and get the number of "hole-people".
        The same principle was used to determine the penetrating action of the Mosin rifle with the 7.62x54 cartridge mod. 1891. Not to be confused with the 7.62x54 cartridge mod. 1908 and its later modifications. I do not have reference books from the 7.62th century, so I will roughly demonstrate the calculations. The bullet of the 54x1891 cartridge mod. 13,73 had a mass of 1891 g and when fired from an infantry rifle mod. 685 had an initial velocity of 3221 m/s. That is, its muzzle energy was 300 J. I repeat once again that I do not have data on bullets of the 400th century, so I will use modern data, according to which the energy per "hole-man" is 8 - 10 J. This is where we get XNUMX-XNUMX “hole-persons” for the Mosin rifle.
        For the 19th century, the muzzle energy of a bullet in "hole-men" was convenient. Especially when training illiterate soldiers, who had a hard time explaining what a joule was.
        From the point of view of modern forensics, the obtained indicator will have a fairly large spread, because it is affected by many random factors. Nevertheless, it can be used as a rough guide for the case of shooting into a crowd.
        After the mass introduction of rapid-fire rifles, marching on the battlefield became irrelevant, and the indicator of penetration action in "hole-men" lost its relevance. Therefore, the 7.62x54 cartridge mod. 1908 is characterized by the penetration of 36 dry pine boards at a distance of 100 m.
        For modern cartridges and bullets, the "hole-people" indicator makes no sense at all, since almost all modern bullets are unstable after hitting the target. The cops were bragging. When detaining two armed criminals, they literally riddled their car with several AKS-74Us. Both criminals were wounded multiple times, but did not receive a single fatal injury. In fact, all the wounds were superficial. Now if the cops had a Maxim chambered for 7.62x54 model 1891, then...
        1. 0
          29 January 2025 09: 49
          There is such a concept... Not to be confused with...

          Victor, let's do it more simply. I will not write a sheet of text that will show that everything you have written, from beginning to end, is, to put it mildly, far from reality. I will simply photograph the literature, which in the issue under consideration is part of my knowledge base regarding the "7.62x54 cartridge mod. 1891". Unlike the unnamed "XNUMXth century reference books" and "I will use modern data".
          I hope this will be enough to stop this stupid argument.
          1. 0
            30 January 2025 16: 07
            …I hope this will be enough to not continue this stupid argument.

            - Do we have a dispute? What is the subject of the dispute? That in the 19th century there actually existed such an indicator as the calculated characteristic of the penetrating action of a bullet or cannonball in the form of the number of people or horses shot through? The reliability of this indicator can be disputed. For modern weapons it looks like complete nonsense, but it is impossible to cancel it retroactively.
            Since this indicator is calculated, it does not appear in the documents of the tsarist GAU. The GAU operated only with facts. Therefore, for example, the penetrating action of the 1908 model bullet is characterized by the penetration of up to 36 dry pine boards one inch thick and installed in the form of a package with gaps of one inch. That is, the GAU did not find volunteers for such an experiment. am and replaced each volunteer with a package of four boards.
            No modern rifle is tested in this way. Because today, only suicides can line up for a fight in a square as they did in 1812. In the XNUMXst century, the possibility that one bullet can hit two or more people is not even considered hypothetically.
            I came up with the term "hole-men". Don't shoot the pianist - he plays as best he can. The characteristics of rifles in "hole-men" were used at least by the lower ranks of the army when training soldiers. Of course, this will not be an authoritative source for you, but I heard from my grandfather - a veteran of the First World War - that the Mosin can penetrate a column of nine people. They were taught this. I have also come across references to such characteristics of guns and rifles in fiction.
    2. +5
      28 January 2025 12: 58
      The Cossacks chopped up the crowd with sabers.
      Dragoons, they chopped... Actually, it doesn't matter who
      1. +2
        29 January 2025 07: 36
        21 dragoon squadrons and 8 Cossack hundreds took part in the massacre. A total of about 3700 sabres. There really is no difference between them.
  22. +2
    28 January 2025 11: 40
    You, sir, are a member of the Black Hundreds, and you write complete nonsense. I read the article to the end, through force, I forced myself to do so.
    1. +3
      28 January 2025 13: 01
      Are you aware that the Union of the Russian People has been recreated? Ideologist Dugin, sponsor billionaire Malofeev...
      1. +5
        28 January 2025 13: 09
        I know, but what’s scary is that Russia, with the stubbornness of an idiot, keeps stepping on the same rake.
        1. +3
          28 January 2025 14: 26
          Russia, with the stubbornness of an idiot, keeps stepping on the same rake.
          Everything is back to normal... It seems that this event was still covered in the temple, representatives of the authorities were there... Just like when they pinned the Mannerheim plaque...
        2. 0
          29 January 2025 10: 12
          So walking/running on a rake is our national pastime, a staple, so to speak.
      2. +3
        28 January 2025 13: 13
        Are you aware that the Union of the Russian People has been recreated? Ideologist Dugin, sponsor billionaire Malofeev...

        They shook the dust off him.
        It was "recreated" back in 2005. They didn't know what to do with it though.
        Now, apparently, they have come up with something. But different ones.
        1. +4
          28 January 2025 14: 27
          Now, apparently, they've come up with something.
          Breathed new life, to replace the gray, black always come (c)
  23. +11
    28 January 2025 12: 38
    IMHO, the author may be fibbing.
    I listened to several programs of historians at one time. With examples, testimonies, proofs.
    1) Lenin predicted the defeat in the war of 1905, but did not wish it. He wanted to use the fruits of defeat in favor of the left. A logical approach.
    2) the revolution of 1905 was chaotic, poorly organized, with different currents
    3) They do remember the murders of managers. But mass murders of ordinary people by troops and officials, deaths from starvation and disease - no-no for such avors.

    Commentators seem to see this too.

    However, it is the same now: "300 people with one bomb - oh, well done, they are Ukrainians" (not verbatim, from the media)
  24. +1
    28 January 2025 16: 29
    The armed forces were outwardly the most powerful in the world. But the generals were already mostly "parquet", making a career. Initiative, decisiveness and intelligence were not promoted. At parades and marches everything was fine. In peacetime.
    In the state of Russia at that time, it was impossible to fight. It was necessary to maintain the strategy of Alexander III - to refrain from conflicts, to direct all attention and resources to internal development.
    Unfortunately, Petersburg (Moscow, Putin) failed to reach an agreement with Japan (USA) on the division of spheres of influence in Korea (Ukraine) and China (the Baltics).

    Nothing new. Everything is in a spiral of development. You can't understand Russia with your mind. You can only believe in Russia.
  25. +2
    28 January 2025 16: 49
    Hitler had such propaganda that "the revolution was a stab in the back" of the Kaiser's army in the First World War. In the Second World War, "the stab in the back" did not happen, but Hitler's Third Reich rolled to unconditional surrender. Such (unconditional surrender) has never happened before or since in world military history.
    It will be good for Russia if its monarchists someday understand that it was not the revolution that led Russia to defeat on the battlefield, but on the contrary, the defeat on the battlefield led to the revolution.
  26. +2
    28 January 2025 20: 04
    The sovereign must deal with the state, not just the family. And in the end, he lost both the family and the state. If we lose this war, then it is quite possible that problems may arise within the country.
  27. +3
    28 January 2025 20: 19
    A good article on religious subjects!
    The Japanese, the French, the British and all sorts of others were behind the mass riots in Russia. Tsarism had nothing to do with it.
    "There was also a man who fought the turmoil - Stolypin. He took responsibility upon himself - military field courts, "Stolypin ties" (gallows)."
    The best means against the people is executions and gallows.
    Stolypin was a man of his time and acted sincerely, pacifying the "rabble". He survived 10 assassination attempts, the 11th was fatal. The ideas of class confrontation had not yet taken hold of the masses and the terrorists of that time also sincerely believed that by eliminating a specific person they could eliminate the causes.
    "Among the Russian people there will always be a dozen people who are so devoted to their ideas and so ardently feel the misfortune of their homeland that it is no sacrifice for them to die for their cause. Such people cannot be intimidated by anything." Ah, Ulyanov.
  28. +3
    28 January 2025 21: 05
    Author, don't write any nonsense, there were no shots fired by citizens walking to the Tsar's palace during the people's movement. It's just that the leaders, completely out of their minds, as they would say now, of the Tsar's administration decided to teach the cattle a lesson, they taught, the detonator worked, Russia took up the axe. Of course, it was a provocation with the aim of putting the cattle in their place. From our new history, let's remember the shooting of the White House in 1993, and what couldn't be agreed upon? No, they started shooting at people. And isn't that a provocation, anyway, since no one wanted to give up power back then.
  29. +2
    28 January 2025 23: 39
    My great-grandfather, a gendarme colonel, died on this Krasnaya Presnya. After the revolution, my great-grandmothers were sent to Venev - to the 101st kilometer. I tried to find something in the newspapers. Leafing through the newspapers of that time, several things surprised me. - Complete support and sympathy for the workers. Collection of funds to help the workers. And the attitude to the war - there the emperor is fighting with his army - we don't care. And not a word about helping the soldiers' families. Well, what's the point of soldiers fighting with such "popular support". Of course, such a society, without an ideology, is doomed to perish.
  30. 0
    29 January 2025 16: 10
    The history of the Russian Empire in a nutshell. Brief, false and phony. History textbooks for high schools are written today using exactly the same templates. The result is idiots who have absolutely no knowledge of their country's history, but are firmly convinced that this, this and this (these) are to blame for this, this and this, with the exact dates of their guilt being announced. This is for the Unified State Exam, so that the correct point in the assignment can be marked.
  31. -1
    29 January 2025 17: 57
    Excellent article! The very essence of the long game against our Fatherland is captured!
  32. 0
    31 January 2025 21: 54
    What did I just read? Is this a reprint from some white émigré newspaper from the 1930s?))
  33. 0
    2 February 2025 08: 39
    Society was split into several separate worlds. ... However, the highest bureaucracy was dense and thieving. The royal family, represented by the grand dukes, was mired in various dark schemes and banal embezzlement. The upper classes continued to live in Russia as if it were a colony, exporting capital abroad, living in Western Europe, which they considered a model to follow.
    The armed forces were outwardly the most powerful in the world. But the generals were already mostly "parquet", making a career. Initiative, decisiveness and intelligence were not promoted. At parades and marches everything was fine. In peacetime.

    Is this definitely about 1905? request
  34. 0
    5 February 2025 05: 09
    What kind of industrialization was there in the era of Alexander the Third?