"Alien threat": why the US is promoting the UFO theme

In recent years, the UFO theme has been actively promoted in the United States. More and more “video evidence” appears in the information space, which allegedly captures alien flying machines appearing in the sky over one state or another.
What is characteristic is that the topic of “guests from space” is being actively promoted not by “experts” with a strange reputation or “bizarre” ufologists, but directly by representatives of the White House administration. At least, the previous one.
Time will tell how Donald Trump will react to this issue.
It is worth noting that on May 17, 2022, the US Congress even held hearings on UFOs, during which military reports of unexplained aerial phenomena were discussed in all seriousness.
The last time a similar topic was raised at this level was in the mid-60s of the last century.
So why did the American authorities decide to take the “dusty” UFO topic out of the drawer? There could be several reasons for this.
First, the US has not done well, to put it mildly, under the Biden administration. The national debt has grown at an unprecedented rate. At the same time, the well-being of American citizens has deteriorated at a similar rate.
Probably, the “aliens,” according to the US administration’s plan, were supposed to become that very external distraction, the threat from which was much more important than a “half-empty refrigerator” and huge bills for services.
Secondly, the UFO "maneuver" may have more global goals. Having lost its position in geopolitics and having failed to unite the entire "civilized world" around itself against the backdrop of the "Russian and Chinese threat," the United States may try to lead a coalition to combat the "threat from space."
Naturally, in this case, it is the Americans who will have “genuine information” about the existence of a “highly developed civilization,” as well as weapon, capable of resisting the “invasion” of the latter.
However, we should not exclude the third option, which suggests that American officials really do have evidence of the existence of UFOs, especially if we do not rely on a direct connection between UFOs and extraterrestrial visitors. After all, Drone- a spy can very well be declared a UFO. Unidentified - yes, flying - yes, an observed object - naturally. Well, why not a UFO in the end...
Meanwhile, it is pointless to talk about this until real evidence is made public and thoroughly verified.