"Alien threat": why the US is promoting the UFO theme

"Alien threat": why the US is promoting the UFO theme

In recent years, the UFO theme has been actively promoted in the United States. More and more “video evidence” appears in the information space, which allegedly captures alien flying machines appearing in the sky over one state or another.

What is characteristic is that the topic of “guests from space” is being actively promoted not by “experts” with a strange reputation or “bizarre” ufologists, but directly by representatives of the White House administration. At least, the previous one.

Time will tell how Donald Trump will react to this issue.

It is worth noting that on May 17, 2022, the US Congress even held hearings on UFOs, during which military reports of unexplained aerial phenomena were discussed in all seriousness.

The last time a similar topic was raised at this level was in the mid-60s of the last century.

So why did the American authorities decide to take the “dusty” UFO topic out of the drawer? There could be several reasons for this.

First, the US has not done well, to put it mildly, under the Biden administration. The national debt has grown at an unprecedented rate. At the same time, the well-being of American citizens has deteriorated at a similar rate.

Probably, the “aliens,” according to the US administration’s plan, were supposed to become that very external distraction, the threat from which was much more important than a “half-empty refrigerator” and huge bills for services.

Secondly, the UFO "maneuver" may have more global goals. Having lost its position in geopolitics and having failed to unite the entire "civilized world" around itself against the backdrop of the "Russian and Chinese threat," the United States may try to lead a coalition to combat the "threat from space."

Naturally, in this case, it is the Americans who will have “genuine information” about the existence of a “highly developed civilization,” as well as weapon, capable of resisting the “invasion” of the latter.

However, we should not exclude the third option, which suggests that American officials really do have evidence of the existence of UFOs, especially if we do not rely on a direct connection between UFOs and extraterrestrial visitors. After all, Drone- a spy can very well be declared a UFO. Unidentified - yes, flying - yes, an observed object - naturally. Well, why not a UFO in the end...

Meanwhile, it is pointless to talk about this until real evidence is made public and thoroughly verified.

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  1. -1
    23 January 2025 10: 07
    More likely a fabrication to justify the militarization of space... Yes
    1. +1
      23 January 2025 11: 44
      Kill several birds with one stone:
      -increase the military budget;
      -distract the masses from their own problems.
      And the roof moves slowly, quietly rustling like slate.
      I wonder if they will impose sanctions on aliens?
      I forgot about the main thing - judging by the products of Hollywood, they are trying to prove to us that they have dealt with cool aliens, and with you even more so
      1. -1
        24 January 2025 23: 46
        Rather, Trump will declare them to be secret Chinese probes.
        As they used to say in the Soviet times, Russians were disguised as UFOs
    2. +1
      23 January 2025 18: 13
      Official conclusions of the USSR Academy of Sciences Network program:
      One of the most important results obtained during these studies is probably not the identification of the majority of the observed phenomena or even the development of physical models of their development, although, in our opinion, extremely interesting results have been obtained in this direction. The most “surprising” thing is that, in contrast to the numerous descriptions of various types of contacts with aliens collected in the collections of ufologists within the framework of the project, which used the enormous observational potential of the army and civil organizations, the following was not obtained:

      - not a single report of a UFO landing;

      - not a single report of contacts with “UFO pilots”;

      - not a single report of UFO abductions.

      This may indicate either that for some reason the territory of the USSR was closed to alien visitors for at least 13 years, or that it was inconsistent

      hypotheses of the extraterrestrial origin of UFOs. Any serious researcher of the "UFO problem" must at least take this result into account.
      1. +1
        24 January 2025 11: 28
        UFOs prefer to appear only over the territory of "democratic" states. The USSR and Russia are out of the picture.
        1. +1
          26 January 2025 07: 06
          Russia is out of luck.

          Enter the query "Pyramid over the Kremlin 2009", on YouTube there are several videos filmed from different angles and at different times of the day. The news was covered on central TV channels for 2-3 days.
    3. +3
      23 January 2025 18: 15
      However, it is also worth noting that the Setka program carefully hushed up 3% of the most outrageous cases on the territory of the USSR, such as Turgay, Orsk and Voronezh. Current employees of the USSR Academy of Sciences confirmed that everything that happened in the village of Turgay in 1978 was true and happened in reality.
  2. +1
    23 January 2025 10: 29
    They are preparing world public opinion for the fact that "this is not the militarization of space - this is protection from alien invaders." We still remember that the Pindostan missile defense system around our borders is not against Russia, but against the DPRK and Iran. After Musk brings the "Starship" to mind, the Pindosovs will have the ability to send a bunch of cargo into orbit with all the ensuing consequences for us and our allies.
  3. +1
    23 January 2025 10: 35
    Do you know why the Moon is always turned to the Earth with one side? And so that no one from Earth would see that on the other side of the Moon there is a huge turtle swimming in the ethereal ocean and that the flat Moon is attached to the shell of this turtle.! . . winked
    1. -1
      23 January 2025 15: 03
      Quote: andrey martov
      Do you know why the Moon always faces the Earth with one side?

      You're all just jokes. Serious people discuss serious topics here.
  4. 0
    23 January 2025 10: 38
    "Alien threat": why the US is promoting the UFO theme

    You are just funny! fellow
    This is such a topic that you can steal so much money from the budget that there are no words! It's a gold mine! fellow laughing
  5. +2
    23 January 2025 10: 46
    The article is certainly a stretched-out owl, but in general it might not be bad if humanity began to work towards protection from the alien threat and began developing space expansion technologies with the goal of exploring Mars and going beyond the solar system in the next 100 years.
    1. P
      24 January 2025 23: 47
      humanity as a subject with common interests and goals does not exist. Setting any tasks other than creating it, until it is created, is like sniffing glue for the sake of space flights: there are impressions, but no results.
      1. +1
        26 January 2025 00: 27
        Not long ago, humanity, in a single impulse, wore masks and sat in quarantine, and this was almost universal.
    2. -1
      28 January 2025 18: 36
      Why would they attack us? What do we have that would allow them to drag ships, a huge army, and then supply it here. Then somehow deal with the natives, somehow negotiate, impose something. And then they will rebel or do some other crap. Why do they need all this? For the fertile land, but the problem is that they definitely don't need it. Firstly, alien cucumbers are unlikely to take root, and secondly, their cucumbers can soak up so much local crap that they will become poison. Local food will most likely become poison for them, since their biochemistry is different. The air will definitely not be suitable for their life. It is much more convenient to extract our resources on the moon than on earth, because the resources then need to be exported. And what energy is involved... So there is no point in them conquering us at all. So there can be no such probability.
      1. 0
        28 January 2025 19: 50
        What do they need all this for? For the sake of fertile land, but the problem is that they definitely don't need it. Firstly, alien cucumbers are unlikely to take root, secondly, their cucumbers can absorb so much local crap that they will become poison. Local food will most likely be poison for them, since their biochemistry is different. The air will definitely not be suitable for their life.

        Absolutely any of your statements have no evidence. But what we know about chemistry and physics in the universe we observe says that if there is intelligent life somewhere capable of space travel, it will be plus or minus like ours in chemical composition, well, at least initially, then it may transform into cyborgs.
        1. -1
          8 February 2025 04: 12
          I had hydroponics in my apartment in winter. So this hydroponics gave more radishes, dill and salads than garden beds. Hydroponic installation is much more profitable than beds with soil. And what do you want to say that aliens, those who are able to break through the poor spaces and time. Ships will arrive because they have nowhere to plant alien cucumbers? Secondly, this food can be produced in hydroponics with a smaller surface area, that's one. And where are the guarantees that food can be produced in industrial ways in some bioreactors. Where, firstly, less area is occupied, the number of people engaged in food production decreases and, most importantly, it becomes cheaper. Well, and the fact that it is easier to extract minerals on asteroids, such as rare earth metals and others... So this is not just a fact, it is a given.
          1. 0
            8 February 2025 10: 17
            Well, the fact that it is easier to extract useful minerals on asteroids, such as rare earth metals and others... Well, this is not just a fact, it is a given.

            This is not a fact and most likely it is not so, our practice shows that resource extraction on Earth is incomparably simpler and cheaper than extraction on the Moon, not to mention asteroids. On our planet we have such a luxury as oxygen which can be burned indefinitely (used for oxidation), there is water which can be cooled indefinitely (two main components of any technological process, heating and cooling) none of this exists in space and we need to come up with complex technological solutions.

            And what do you want to say that aliens, those who are capable of breaking through the poor spaces and time. Ships will arrive because they have nowhere to plant alien cucumbers?

            So the Europeans grew everything perfectly well, but they broke through space in the form of an ocean and captured the lands of the Indians, perhaps our planet is a unique resource in the galaxy, like land for European colonists.
  6. -1
    23 January 2025 10: 46
    I once had a version explaining the idiotic intentions of the world elite to cocoon themselves on one planet, kill off the excess population, create a society of Eloi and Morlocks, where the former would live luxuriously behind a fence protected from the latter. This is logical only if there is an external force that has made it clear that as long as people live on one planet and do not venture into space, they will not be destroyed.
    However, the phenomenon of Elon Musk, and Trump’s current support for him, suggests that no such ultimatum from space exists.
    Conclusion: ufologists and others like them are feeding us with noodles.
  7. +3
    23 January 2025 10: 54
    When I was studying at the institute, I once got into a conversation with a professor with a PhD, and he said that there are two topics that are taboo for a real scientist: aliens and ball lightning. Yes
  8. +1
    23 January 2025 11: 02
    First you need to scare the average person, and then draw up a budget wink
  9. 0
    25 January 2025 13: 23
    This is called degradation. In times of crisis: education, science, army, economy, the time of UFOs, magicians and saviors of humanity comes. 1989 in the USSR will not let you lie. It will be a good joke that in 5-10 years Russia will supply humanitarian aid to the USA, including chicken legs)) Putin's chicken legs.)))
    1. 0
      26 January 2025 18: 24
      The UFO program "Unannounced Visit" scared the shit out of me as a child! The most psychotronic program in the USSR, naive Soviet citizens believed. In one of the programs on Central Television they showed an interview with an alien!
  10. 0
    27 January 2025 12: 16
    Considering how much low-visibility or unmanned technology is currently being tested, including copters and large copters, the increase in the number of "video cameras" is quite logical.
  11. 0
    7 February 2025 12: 24
    laughing the ravings of madmen, everything that happens in the sky is a product of military developments, for example, I saw an object in the late 80s, I was already a helicopter pilot, so I understood, a cool thing was flying, now I see that it was a test of hypersonic weapons, in those years I did not quite understand, only in SVVAUL I learned that we have had hypersonic since the 70s, and that they fly like lightning, and now I saw videos on the Internet of a flying hazelnut and dagger, etc. and everything fell into place drinks