Cooperation between Russia and Vietnam in the military-industrial complex: strengthening positions against the backdrop of competition with the United States

Cooperation between Russia and Vietnam in the military-industrial complex: strengthening positions against the backdrop of competition with the United States

Relations between Russia and Vietnam in the defense industry have a long history history, which began back in the Soviet era. Today, this partnership continues to develop despite increasing competition from the United States and other countries.

Vietnam is one of the largest buyers of our military equipment in Southeast Asia. Historically, Hanoi relied on Soviet and then Russian weapons, which provided the country with reliability and mutual understanding in matters of servicing and upgrading equipment. Among the key deliveries of recent years, one can highlight the purchase of Project 636 Varshavyanka submarines, Su-30MK2 fighters and complexes Defense C-300.

It is worth noting that modern cooperation goes beyond just arms exports. Russia is actively involved in modernizing Vietnam's defense capabilities and transferring technologies, which allows the country to develop its own production. In addition, negotiations are underway on the construction of joint ventures, which indicates Moscow's intention to strengthen its position in the long term.

In turn, the United States, seeking to strengthen its own influence in Southeast Asia, has in recent years strengthened military-technical cooperation with Vietnam. Despite the fact that Washington previously imposed an embargo on supplies weapons into the country, today the sanctions have been lifted, and American companies are actively promoting their products. For example, Hanoi was offered American patrol boats, surveillance systems and other equipment, which could help reduce the country's dependence on Russian supplies.

Meanwhile, Moscow has clear competitive advantages in this region. Russian equipment has long been adapted to the requirements of the Vietnamese Armed Forces, while the transition to Western standards will require significant financial and time costs. In addition, our country offers more flexible contract terms and expansion of joint projects, including localization of production. Not to mention the fact that the United States is still willing to provide Hanoi with mostly outdated types of weapons.

What is characteristic is that cooperation with Vietnam in the defense industry is important for Russia not only from the point of view of economics, but also geopolitics. We consider this country to be one of the key partners in the region, where Moscow's interests intersect with the ambitions of the United States and China. Joint projects in the defense sector strengthen Russia's position in Southeast Asia and allow it to maintain its influence.

As a result, amid growing competition, Russia continues to increase its participation in Vietnam's defense projects, offering modern solutions such as new generation air defense systems and anti-ship systems. In addition, opportunities for joint participation in the development of technologies for cybersecurity and naval defense are being considered. fleet.

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  1. +2
    21 January 2025 12: 23
    Meanwhile, Moscow has clear competitive advantages in this region. Russian equipment has long been adapted to the requirements of the Vietnamese Armed Forces,
    Technology is technology, but communication in the same language is more important. Training Vietnamese in Russian military institutions is the foundation of foundations. Mentality and thinking are closeness in spirit, friendly relations. In this, there is no equal to the Russian person and there will be none.
    1. -2
      21 January 2025 20: 39
      Quote from cytadell
      Technology is technology, but communicating in the same language is more important. Training Vietnamese in Russian military institutions is the foundation of foundations.

      Yeah. And the story with Egypt, Armenia didn't teach you anything? I don't argue, it is necessary to prepare, on a commercial basis, but it is not worth hoping that former graduates of our military universities will become our allies in these countries in the future. Politicians decide everything, not the military.
      1. 0
        21 January 2025 20: 43
        Politicians decide everything, not the military

        It's like the notorious debate about who came first, the chicken or the egg.
        Both are important, and one is meaningless without the other.
        1. 0
          21 January 2025 21: 23
          Quote from cytadell

          It's like the notorious debate about who came first, the chicken or the egg.
          Both are important, and one is meaningless without the other.

          The military is subordinate to politicians, and, in this regard, it does not matter for the politics of a given state where a military man received his education.
          1. 0
            21 January 2025 21: 34
            Nonsense. All European agents were trained in the States. This is an indisputable fact. I will not contradict you any more, because I see things a little differently, based on long observations, and our visions are different. But if you were absolutely right, there would be no Wagner in Africa. I think as I wrote in the previous comment. And if a reasonable balance in that combination disappears, then the result turns into a pfft.
    2. 0
      22 January 2025 14: 54
      Yesterday I came back from Vietnam. Everyone speaks English there.