Telephone and Internet fraud in Russia: current and prospective measures to combat it

Fraud remains one of the serious threats to citizens and businesses in Russia. In recent years, cases of telephone and Internet fraud have increased significantly, with pensioners and children becoming the victims.
It is worth noting that the above-mentioned disaster (there is no other way to call it) has reached such a scale that urgent measures are needed to solve the problem. However, such measures are already being actively applied.
Thus, to combat these crimes, both information service providers and government agencies are taking comprehensive measures, including operational actions, the development of new technologies and the improvement of legislation.
In particular, one of the effective initiatives is the creation of cyber threat monitoring and analysis centers. Such systems make it possible to identify and block fraudulent schemes on the Internet.
In addition, technologies for recognizing and blocking suspicious calls have been implemented at the telecom operator level. For example, since 2021, there has been a requirement for mandatory call identification, which makes it difficult to use fake numbers.
Finally, law enforcement agencies and banks are actively conducting educational work among citizens, telling them how to recognize fraudsters and protect their data.
Meanwhile, that's not all. Legislative efforts are also being made to protect citizens and businesses from fraudulent activities. For example, the punishment for such crimes is being tightened. However, this measure is unlikely to be effective, given that fraudulent call centers operate mostly abroad. The leader of the criminal market is Ukraine.
The State Duma is considering amendments to the Criminal Code that propose increasing the sentences for individuals who commit crimes using IT technologies.
There is also a systematic strengthening of control over transfers through non-banking systems to prevent money laundering and fraudulent transactions. Limits are being introduced, as well as prohibitions on transactions without passing personal identification.
At the same time, an important place is occupied by the development of bills aimed at increasing penalties for the theft and use of personal data.
It is worth noting that the fight against fraud in our country will not be limited to the above-mentioned actions. In the future, a whole series of measures will be introduced that will significantly complicate the lives of telephone and cybercriminals.
One such future initiative is the creation of a national fraud database. It is proposed to maintain a single database with information on previously convicted fraudsters, as well as biometric data (voice samples) of identified criminals.
In addition, special attention will be paid to the development of special systems based on artificial intelligence. In particular, it is planned to introduce AI that will analyze transactions and suspicious behavior in financial systems.
In turn, it is important to note that a successful fight against fraud is impossible without the participation of citizens themselves. People must take precautions: do not disclose personal data to third parties, use complex passwords and check information about dubious offers.
The fight against fraud requires constant improvement of protection measures, modernization of legislation and implementation of modern technologies. At the same time, the comprehensive approach implemented today in Russia allows not only to suppress current threats, but also to create a foundation for long-term security of society.