Telephone and Internet fraud in Russia: current and prospective measures to combat it

Telephone and Internet fraud in Russia: current and prospective measures to combat it

Fraud remains one of the serious threats to citizens and businesses in Russia. In recent years, cases of telephone and Internet fraud have increased significantly, with pensioners and children becoming the victims.

It is worth noting that the above-mentioned disaster (there is no other way to call it) has reached such a scale that urgent measures are needed to solve the problem. However, such measures are already being actively applied.

Thus, to combat these crimes, both information service providers and government agencies are taking comprehensive measures, including operational actions, the development of new technologies and the improvement of legislation.

In particular, one of the effective initiatives is the creation of cyber threat monitoring and analysis centers. Such systems make it possible to identify and block fraudulent schemes on the Internet.

In addition, technologies for recognizing and blocking suspicious calls have been implemented at the telecom operator level. For example, since 2021, there has been a requirement for mandatory call identification, which makes it difficult to use fake numbers.

Finally, law enforcement agencies and banks are actively conducting educational work among citizens, telling them how to recognize fraudsters and protect their data.

Meanwhile, that's not all. Legislative efforts are also being made to protect citizens and businesses from fraudulent activities. For example, the punishment for such crimes is being tightened. However, this measure is unlikely to be effective, given that fraudulent call centers operate mostly abroad. The leader of the criminal market is Ukraine.

The State Duma is considering amendments to the Criminal Code that propose increasing the sentences for individuals who commit crimes using IT technologies.

There is also a systematic strengthening of control over transfers through non-banking systems to prevent money laundering and fraudulent transactions. Limits are being introduced, as well as prohibitions on transactions without passing personal identification.

At the same time, an important place is occupied by the development of bills aimed at increasing penalties for the theft and use of personal data.

It is worth noting that the fight against fraud in our country will not be limited to the above-mentioned actions. In the future, a whole series of measures will be introduced that will significantly complicate the lives of telephone and cybercriminals.

One such future initiative is the creation of a national fraud database. It is proposed to maintain a single database with information on previously convicted fraudsters, as well as biometric data (voice samples) of identified criminals.

In addition, special attention will be paid to the development of special systems based on artificial intelligence. In particular, it is planned to introduce AI that will analyze transactions and suspicious behavior in financial systems.

In turn, it is important to note that a successful fight against fraud is impossible without the participation of citizens themselves. People must take precautions: do not disclose personal data to third parties, use complex passwords and check information about dubious offers.

The fight against fraud requires constant improvement of protection measures, modernization of legislation and implementation of modern technologies. At the same time, the comprehensive approach implemented today in Russia allows not only to suppress current threats, but also to create a foundation for long-term security of society.

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  1. 0
    20 January 2025 21: 49
    You should immediately ask for all calls: "Whose Crimea?", the Khkhla will cringe at the admission that he is Russian!
    1. ANB
      20 January 2025 21: 56
      "Whose Crimea?", the khkhla is contorted by the admission that he is Russian!

      They answer, "Ours." Then they need clarifying questions. I came up with a new scheme. I ask them to repeat after me: "Bandera is a homosexual." They are guaranteed to get caught. They start freaking out and hang up.
      1. +2
        20 January 2025 22: 04
        It's in vain that you communicate; a couple of minutes of a real voice sample is enough for the artificial speech synthesis system.
        1. -1
          20 January 2025 22: 10
          Quote: RSS_ZOV
          The artificial speech synthesis system only needs a couple of minutes of a real voice sample.

          so what, they call the bank with my voice, what next?
          If you are adequate and don't panic, then all this is bullshit!!!
          1. +1
            20 January 2025 22: 16
            They will call your wife with a spoofed number and tearfully ask you to transfer a million rubles because you hit someone.
            1. 0
              20 January 2025 22: 28
              Quote: RSS_ZOV
              They will tearfully ask you to transfer a million rubles because you hit a person.

              they called me, advised me to quickly hit the cop and the witness with a piece of rebar and get out of the crime scene, the other side was stuck for a minute, then apologized and hung up
          2. +2
            20 January 2025 22: 40
            They will "mine" some train station in your name, just like that, out of spite. Then you will have to pay for the emergency services to come out.
            And in general, let them deal with spam first. I am constantly getting calls from realtors "Buy the apartment of your dreams", although I have not given any information consent to all these companies.
            1. -5
              20 January 2025 22: 41
              Quote: Not the fighter
              They will "plant mines" in your name

              First of all, forgive me, but we didn't drink brotherhood
              and on topic, this is only possible in case of collusion with the FSB or the cops
              1. 0
                20 January 2025 23: 33
                Is the phone number from which they were sent on an erotic walking journey known? Known!
                Do you have a sample of your voice that you send them? Yes!
                What prevents you from taking revenge?
                1. -2
                  20 January 2025 23: 39
                  I repeat once again, this is only possible if the cops are involved in this
                  because the number will be substituted at the exit, not at the entrance
      2. +6
        20 January 2025 23: 41
        Nonsense. Fraudsters, in essence, have no clearly expressed patriotic inclinations and they don't care who to slander (Zelensky or Putin), as long as they can carry out their criminal scheme. They hang up if you curse them with the worst words and not necessarily reveal their political inclinations.
        1. ANB
          20 January 2025 23: 46
          . just to carry out his criminal scheme

          I thought so too. But no one repeated this phrase after me. Why - I don't know.
        2. bar
          22 January 2025 14: 51
          Quote: Frank Muller
          Nonsense. Fraudsters, in essence, have no clearly expressed patriotic inclinations and they don't care who to slander (Zelensky or Putin)

          This is partly true. But there is a nuance. Conversations on the other side are probably recorded, and the phrase about Crimea can become a hook for a fraudster. His curators in certain circumstances may well use it at their own discretion. And there you can end up in the trenches.
    2. +2
      20 January 2025 22: 01
      I already wrote in a comment. This disaster must be fought at the international level. Fraudsters have spread all over the world. The problem is that there is no unity among states and politicians. So we ourselves must be more attentive and careful. If young people are more computer literate, then the older generation lags behind in this matter. After all, they did not grow up with this.
      1. +3
        20 January 2025 22: 07
        Quote: Blacksmith 55
        This scourge must be fought at the international level.

        he's a loser, he'll never go away, they're saying it from every iron, but no, they're still running to the field of miracles
      2. +3
        21 January 2025 06: 42
        Why aim so high? You have enough work to do. Why, for example, not amend the legislation? About spam, for example? For example, you get a call from a bank you are not a client of, with a unique offer - aggressive advertising. And the punishment is ruble! Why, in our country, is it possible to get a loan over the phone? It's crazy. But they manage.
    3. -1
      21 January 2025 09: 44
      You don't need to ask anything, you just don't need to answer unknown numbers.
  2. +2
    20 January 2025 21: 55
    How can this AI fight criminals if it is as dumb as a brick?
    You go to a well-known site where you haven't been for a month or two, and the bot tells you: "We find your activity suspicious, so we have limited... You should..."
    1. +1
      20 January 2025 21: 59
      You should ask your provider what kind of junk IP address he gave you
  3. +2
    20 January 2025 21: 56
    Deepfakes will soon be so big that you'll see your own mother via video link.
    1. -1
      20 January 2025 22: 08
      Quote: RSS_ZOV
      You will see your own mother via video link.

      and at that moment she is behind your back in the kitchen making pancakes for you
      Sorry, but all fraud is designed exclusively for suckers
      1. +3
        20 January 2025 22: 15
        and scammers will call you using geolocation leaked from your mother's phone when she is far away from you. Scammers have already cheated people for trillions, so there are a lot of suckers in our country
        1. -4
          20 January 2025 22: 26
          Quote: RSS_ZOV
          and scammers will call you using the geolocation leaked from your mother's phone when she is far away from you.
          once again, turn on your brain and stop panicking, finally establish a control question in the family
          Quote: RSS_ZOV
          Fraudsters have already cheated people out of trillions, so there are a lot of suckers in our country.
          yes, a lot, the population is becoming catastrophically stupid
          1. 0
            20 January 2025 22: 34
            the population is becoming catastrophically stupid
            First they charged the jars with water, then they brought money to MMM, now it’s unclear who they’re transferring the money to fool
  4. -3
    20 January 2025 22: 04
    First of all, neither the cops nor the banks are interested in defeating the scammers, from which we can conclude that they are in on it
    1. -3
      20 January 2025 22: 26
      minsovschik, can you justify your minus, I can justify my statement
  5. 0
    20 January 2025 22: 14
    Just today one idiot called me on WhatsApp. As always, a spoofed number and the same old song about pensioner's balls. When I'm in the mood and have time, I can make fun of them. I drove one of them to screaming when I said at the most interesting part, - hello, I can't hear you, - after which I hung up and did this five times.
    Today I was lazy, and my interlocutor was tongue-tied.
  6. +3
    20 January 2025 22: 27
    The situation with telephone terrorism, and this is what it is, not fraud, can be described in one succinct word - a disaster.
    1. 0
      11 February 2025 20: 02
      This can be finished in no time.
      Firstly, ban advertising calls to phone numbers. If someone really wants to advertise their services, let them do it through messengers, there is no need to get into the telephone network.
      Secondly, prohibit access to telephone networks via IP telephony. Those who need to, let them access them via network messengers.
      Thirdly, while the Ministry of Communications existed, such outrages were not even in sight. This is an exclusively ideological trick, the deliberate activity of not entirely adequate people who got their hands on telecommunications.
      Fourthly, a state messenger like WhatsApp or Viber has long been needed, at least to send receipts for payments through validators.
  7. 0
    20 January 2025 22: 27
    Isn't it possible to block all calls from abroad? If you need to talk, then let them bring back the call centers.
    1. 0
      11 February 2025 20: 27
      There is no need to block all calls from abroad, you just need to block everything extraneous that has nothing to do with classic telephone networks.
      And in general the problem is not worth a damn. The fact is that poorly educated, irresponsible people with questionable moral qualities came to manage telecommunications.
      Roughly speaking, the people responsible for communications have failed to create a state messenger for reliable transmission of information, they cannot or do not want to isolate classic telephone networks from parasitic calls. The list of things they have failed to do is almost endless.
      But they managed to turn almost everything they have anything to do with into trash.
      1. 0
        12 February 2025 05: 19
        Wherever you look now, everywhere you look, you see: "poorly educated, irresponsible people with dubious moral qualities have come to power." But this suits one old St. Petersburg judoka and his accomplices.
  8. +1
    20 January 2025 22: 36
    All this fraud is easy to stop. Track where the money goes through banks. If a courier has arrived, it is even easier to find him on cameras. The fact that this is not done hints at a conspiracy between the swindlers and the bankers who receive a percentage for the transfer, and the law enforcement officers who protect such establishments.
    1. +3
      20 January 2025 22: 40
      I wrote the same thing above and then someone put a minus
      a year ago I was looking for household appliances and came across a scammers' website, I sent the information to the cops, a couple of months later I looked at the website and it still works as it did
      1. Egg
        21 January 2025 00: 09
        Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
        I sent the info to the cops, a couple of months later I looked at the site and it still works as it did before

        Do you think the cops are smarter than the population? They are just as knowledgeable about computers and IT as most of the older generation.
        and then you still have to deal with the providers... with the server lessors..., with the data center owners... and all of this can also be located abroad, which complicates the work many times over.
      2. 0
        21 January 2025 01: 04
        I agree, one-day sites need to be promoted and punished harshly, the one who opened the domain bears full responsibility for it, because the domain has its owner....
      3. 0
        4 February 2025 08: 01
        It doesn't work that way. It's like an unknown person came to your work and said that you're not going home tonight, but have to do this and that. There are regulations. You identify it, record it, write a statement to the relevant service, and receive a registration slip. Now, it seems, the K department deals with this. And it's really useless to contact the local police officer. Unless the data center is located in his area.
        1. -1
          4 February 2025 12: 20
          Well, you wrote something stupid, because I made an OFFICIAL statement about fraud and I did not contact the local police officer
          1. -1
            4 February 2025 21: 14
            Apparently, like Zakharova or Konoshenkov.)
            1. -1
              4 February 2025 21: 23
              Well, you wrote another stupid thing, does it make you feel any better?!
              If you don't understand what we're talking about, don't waste your time or anyone else's.
              1. -1
                9 February 2025 12: 03
                Only narrow-minded people can label people you don't know as stupid, which means I'm not wasting anyone's time and trolling an arrogant Napoleon.
                1. 0
                  9 February 2025 16: 53
                  I'm used to calling a chair a chair, and I don't give a damn about political correctness
  9. 0
    21 January 2025 00: 50
    We need public trials and maximum sentences! Lots of information about fraud and nothing about capture, court hearings and punishments. Fraudsters are already annoying, let them at least look at their possible future!
  10. -2
    21 January 2025 00: 53
    Unfortunately, the problem is much deeper. I believe that such fraud arose as a result of a strong decline in literacy and education of the population. In general, over the past 30 years, the level of education has fallen significantly. That is why we have never had Armata, Coalition, or many other cutting-edge technologies. Telephone fraud is only a consequence of the huge problem of education that exists today...
  11. 0
    21 January 2025 06: 52
    NEVER answer unknown numbers!. It's 99,9% a scam, or traveling salesmen and other trash with "interesting offers" of almost free stuff...
    Explain this to your family, pensioners and old people. The older generation is very trusting, which is what the bastards take advantage of... I answer an unknown call, for example, if I backed someone up with my car and left the phone number behind the windshield.. As soon as the reason for the calls disappears - screw it, I never answer anyone. For ads, sales on the sites there is a personal message and mail - write.... No calls. If someone needs it for work - a separate phone and another SIM card...
    .....just give them the tip of your little fingernail - first they'll bite it off up to the elbow, and then they'll eat it all...!
  12. 0
    21 January 2025 08: 24
    I limited all contacts to the phone book list and all other incoming ones go to Olezha he is having fun in one blooper
  13. +1
    21 January 2025 09: 05
    One could call it a struggle, but such a struggle leads to the total identification of everyone and everything, and then a social rating and electronic shackles await.
  14. +2
    21 January 2025 21: 24
    Ban online loans first.
    1. 0
      22 January 2025 14: 00
      I agree with you completely, but here we need to take into account the opinion of the banks! After all, they consider themselves "the lifeblood of the economy in the Russian Federation"... After all, they need to fool our population, and the fact that there are many "suckers" does not bother them much, especially the leadership of the Central Bank.