Where will the Unified State Exam take us?

Where will the Unified State Exam take us?

Where to go?

The education system in any country is a very conservative state institution. Abrupt changes in the structure are undesirable, as they can have a very unpleasant effect in the future not only on the well-being of entire generations, but also on the entire state. The authors of the "Strategy for the Development of Education until 2040", which is currently being developed, understand this very well. Education Minister Sergey Kravtsov outlined the contours of the future:

"Today, much has already been done: the formation of a unified educational space continues, a unified educational program is being implemented in schools. It is important for us to consolidate these trends so that graduates love their homeland and adhere to traditional spiritual and moral values. It is also necessary for the school to provide a broad outlook and prepare for professional education."

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Chernyshenko was even less specific when explaining the essence of the education of the future in Russia. According to him, the younger generation in the foreseeable future will face rapid changes in the labor market, demographic issues, the need to ensure scientific, technological and industrial sovereignty, large-scale digitalization of all spheres of life, as well as economic and administrative barriers and unprecedented sanctions and ideological pressure. Frankly speaking, the challenges are not new at all - Russia has been living in similar realities for at least a decade. In general, the "Strategy for the Development of Education until 2040" requires separate consideration on the pages of "Military Review", and there is hope that we will return to this topic.

We will learn the essence of the Strategy being developed in the near future (they say already in March), but one thing is clear – the Unified State Exam will not disappear from school life of the present and future. Perhaps this is the most resonant story in all of Russian education. Spears have been fought over the expediency of the Unified State Exam for decades, especially during the final assessment of school graduates. But the situation does not change. Society lets off steam, humiliating everyone involved in the "scary old woman Unified State Exam", and then forgets about the problem for a while. Only to remember it again at the end of May.

The abolition of the Unified State Exam in the near future is unlikely. According to most experts, the procedure brings more positive than negative. The strictness of the assessment procedures, uniform for the whole country, is written into the karma of the Unified State Exam. The exam allows to build the educational process in schools in such a way that in Magadan, Vladivostok and Kaliningrad the programs remain approximately the same. The minimum level of knowledge of graduates of 9th and 11th grades is standardized, which was not observed before. In addition to applicants to higher education institutions, the Unified State Exam forced them to abandon corruption schemes during admission. Another issue is that bribery has now moved in time to the internal sessions of institutes and universities. Didn't pay when entering a university? Well, you will pay at the very first session. It is worth mentioning right away that this is not a widespread phenomenon in universities, but it is still present.

Probably the last bonus of the Unified State Exam system is the unique opportunity for every successful graduate to enter any university in the country. Of course, if everything is OK with the scores and the specialty corresponds to the chosen subjects. Schoolchildren from the above-mentioned Magadan, Vladivostok and Kaliningrad apply to the leading universities of the country with the help of State Services. Previously, it was possible to apply to all suitable faculties, since last year the palette was limited to five universities. In the 90s and 2000s, for a considerable part of graduates, this was impossible in principle. One trip from Magadan to take an exam, for example, at Moscow State University was simply beyond the means of the average family. And it was necessary to fly more than once or twice - let's remember the specific and expensive courses for future applicants. Initially invented as a way to improve the knowledge and skills of schoolchildren, they eventually turned into an option for pumping money out of parents. According to statistics, the monthly price for tutors varies from 30 to 150 thousand rubles.

Down with the Unified State Exam?

The Unified State Exam is good in its own way (as discussed above), but it also has plenty of disadvantages. And there is more and more speculation around this topic. For example, it became known that young Russians are going bald prematurely. They say that they are permanently stressed. Some of the public will certainly associate this with the "USE granny" and the need to immediately ban her. We will not repeat the exercises of the enemies of the Unified State Exam, but we will try to identify the points in the system that should be tweaked. Or even replaced, just to be on the safe side.

One of the unresolved problems of the Unified Exam is the story of personnel. Teachers who have learned to effectively prepare schoolchildren for the final assessment are leaving school to become tutors. And they do not regret it at all. Many, according to the law, open self-employment statuses, but most still accept payment in cash. Nobody knows how much the tutoring market is worth in Russia now, but it is certainly not a few tens of billions.

As the Russian mathematician Alexey Savvateyev rightly noted, each tutor works with a child one-on-one, and he does it well. But he could teach lessons in a class of 30 schoolchildren. But he doesn't. Firstly, there is an overload of papers and reports. Secondly, the salary is low. If you want to earn a decent salary, then take on a workload of 35-40 hours a week. Here, there is no talk of any quality of education even with the most professional teacher.

There is another recipe for increasing a teacher's income. According to it, a teacher takes a relatively small workload (20-25 hours), but actively earns extra money as a tutor. Including with his own students. Many teachers do this without a twinge of conscience. Didn't learn chemistry in the time allotted by the educational standard? Come to me for extra classes. Only now you will pay no less astronomical amounts for an astronomical hour.

All this together revives the phenomenon of elitism of higher education. Not in the sense that only the smartest and most capable go to universities. Elitism implies success, the best security. Unfortunately, the Unified State Exam has somewhat equalized the chances of admission for applicants from different regions of the country, but at the same time increased the dependence on the solvency of parents. If you have money, you'll hire a tutor, if not, sorry.

The government understands this very well. They understand, but the solutions they offer are difficult to implement. For example, expensive tutors will soon be “replaced with free services that improve the quality of education for students.” Perhaps they will raise teachers’ salaries so much that they will really be able to replace tutors with free services? At least to the level of a tutor’s income, who can earn 200-300 thousand a month. No, instead they decided to improve the quality of education. No viable scheme for implementing such a beautiful idea has been presented. They only talk about the best teachers’ practices, courses for regional methodologists, and even classes with university professors. There is no money, but you, gentlemen teachers, hold on. And to help you, the universal digitalization of school life. As if it can replace a teacher.

The Unified State Exam has another fundamental drawback – forced and narrowly specialized training of schoolchildren on individual topics of the subject course. For several years now, they have been talking about practical training of future chemists, physicists and biologists. The Unified State Exam is an extremely theoretical procedure. A child can pass the chemistry exam for 100 points, but at the same time will not be able to distinguish acid from alkali in test tubes. And vice versa, a young chemist who is keen on practice is not able to pass the exam for a specialized faculty. At one time, they tried to introduce a practical part in exams in natural sciences, but they abandoned it. It is too expensive and complicated, and not all teachers can organize the process competently. So it turns out that first-year students are taught to light spirit lamps in the first year of the chemistry department. But they should have been taught at school.

Strict regulation of the procedure and content of the Unified State Exam has brought to light another shortcoming: schoolchildren are taught not the subject, but the skills to solve problems. Of course, this does not make the graduate any dumber, and his horizons are expanded, but it could have been much better.

Mathematician Savvateev rightly pointed out the demo version of the Unified State Exam, which is updated annually by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements. It clearly describes the structure of the examination material, significantly narrowing the educational field. The codifier of control and measuring materials has approximately the same function, describing in detail what and in what part of the Unified State Exam will be diagnosed.

All this resembles a kind of blinders that are put on school graduates. As Savvateev rightly noted, remove the demo version with the codifier, and the success of school graduates will fall by 20-30 percent. The Unified State Exam is turning into a tool for preparing school graduates for the standards that are formed by the Unified State Exam itself. It turns out to be a hermetic system, looped in on itself. But does this have any relation to real education?
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  1. +6
    22 January 2025 04: 05
    The issue with the Unified State Exam is as follows...
    Who does the state want to get from school... a creator or a consumer... an inventor or an indifferent citizen. request
    To build is not to destroy... without those who are not taught to create and invent, our society will not develop.
    1. -5
      22 January 2025 05: 53
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      The issue with the Unified State Exam is as follows...
      Who does the state want to get from school... a creator or a consumer... an inventor or an indifferent citizen. request
      To build is not to destroy... without those who are not taught to create and invent, our society will not develop.

      It's okay, factories also need turners and milling machine operators.
      1. +5
        22 January 2025 06: 25
        Quote from Kartograph
        It's okay, factories also need turners and milling machine operators.
        Where did you see factories? wink
        1. +1
          22 January 2025 08: 08
          Quote: Dutchman Michel
          Where did you see factories?

          Go to at least hh 250 vacancies for a turner in Moscow. Salary 150-250 thousand rubles.
          1. +13
            22 January 2025 08: 32
            Quote: Kotofeich
            Go to at least hh 250 vacancies for turner in Moscow
            I don't live in Moscow. And we don't have such salaries. And factories too. There are shopping malls
            1. +8
              22 January 2025 09: 55
              I will add that they stand on the site of former factories. Yes
            2. +3
              22 January 2025 13: 06
              Quote: Dutchman Michel
              And we don’t have such salaries.
              Therefore, for ordinary men, only as an option from a caricature.
            3. +2
              22 January 2025 16: 37
              [quote=Dutchman Michel]I don't live in Moscow.[/quote
              ]What's the difference? Moscow, as an example.
              Republic of Tatarstan - 164 vacancies for turners. salaries from 100 to 300 tr.
              There is a huge shortage of turners and other skilled workers throughout the country.
            4. -2
              25 January 2025 14: 12
              Water does not flow under a lying stone! Machine operators are needed all over RUSSIA!
          2. +4
            22 January 2025 08: 49
            Go to at least hh 250 vacancies for a turner in Moscow.

            so this is Moscow...
            but beyond the Moscow Ring Road - everything is different...
            there is a "different" country...
            1. +1
              22 January 2025 16: 31
              Quote: Dedok
              so this is Moscow...

              Yeah. Then the question is: Why does Moscow need so many turners if Moscow doesn't produce anything?
              1. +5
                22 January 2025 18: 21
                Yeah. Then the question is: Why does Moscow need so many turners if Moscow doesn't produce anything?

                Alas! Moscow has long since turned from a city-worker into a huge megalopolis-parasite, which eats up what the whole country produces. And distributes the money.
                1. -2
                  22 January 2025 18: 22
                  You did not answer the question
                  Quote: Eugen 62
                  Why does Moscow need so many turners?

                  Maybe they are going to import them to China? laughing
          3. 0
            22 January 2025 17: 54
            They asked about factories, not about salaries.
            1. +1
              22 January 2025 18: 15
              Quote: Reklastik
              They asked about factories, not about salaries.

              And where are turners needed? For production or to deliver pizza?
              1. -2
                22 January 2025 19: 10
                To be honest, I haven't seen young turners working on lathes at the nearest factory for a long time - it's all CNC and CNC. Old guys are finishing up on old lathes, and there are fewer of them every year. But you can't call it production either - just a small series. So I can't even imagine what kind of "production" requires "turners". But they eat pizza at the factory. And pizza and its delivery vehicles are really production. laughing
                1. -2
                  22 January 2025 20: 40
                  Quote: Reklastik
                  I can't even imagine it anymore.

                  I can’t either, but they are required and the salary is not bad. good
        2. 0
          24 January 2025 08: 50
          Quote: Dutchman Michel
          Quote from Kartograph
          It's okay, factories also need turners and milling machine operators.
          Where did you see factories? wink

          I work on it
      2. +4
        22 January 2025 06: 34
        Quote from Kartograph
        It's okay, factories also need turners and milling machine operators.

        Well, how can I say, turners and milling machine operators used to be pretty good from those who didn't go to 10th grade... And someone needs to design and build high-precision CNC complexes, where these same workers will work for the good of the Motherland. But who will be engaged in the technical re-equipment of industry, moving it into the future, if everything is limited to the solvency of parents and the talent of a tutor... This is a road to nowhere.
      3. +2
        22 January 2025 06: 44
        Turners and milling machine operators do things that not every professional can do... not to mention all sorts of efficient office managers.
        I looked at their work... sometimes a talented turner with golden hands carves a part like an artist... you'll be amazed.
        1. +4
          22 January 2025 07: 23
          Quote: Lech from Android.
          Turners and millers do things that not every professional can do...

          Each has its own tasks. But I have never heard of turners designing the next generation of machines.
          Quote: Lech from Android.
          Sometimes a talented turner with golden hands turns a part like an artist...you'll be amazed.

          So that's their job!
          1. +1
            22 January 2025 07: 25
            Quote: Doccor18
            But I have never heard of turners designing the next generation of machines.

            Go to the website "Lekha the Techie" ... a talented devil... this man has not a mind, but a clever mind... and golden hands and a head in the right place.
            1. +2
              22 January 2025 10: 23
              Quote: Lech from Android.
              talented devil...

              Yes, our long-suffering land has never experienced a shortage of talent...
          2. +2
            22 January 2025 11: 31
            But I have never heard of turners designing the next generation of machines.

            A turner must be able to read the designed drawing, according to which the part is to be manufactured, and all the designations indicated on it. Otherwise, everything will go to scrap metal.
            1. +2
              22 January 2025 11: 35
              Quote: Dimy4
              The turner must be able to read the designed drawing.

              Of course, but reading and conducting scientific design activities are not the same thing.
              And yes, today there are greater demands on a turner than there were forty years ago.
              1. +1
                22 January 2025 11: 50
                Of course, but reading and doing scientific design work are not the same thing.

                I agree, the enterprises already have working projects according to which the products are manufactured. I remember there were whole piles of folders. And for me, as the most "experienced" laughing, even (long ago) entrusted with the production of 110x20 studs, the machine 1В62Г is old.
                1. -2
                  25 January 2025 14: 14
                  If it is led by modern university graduates, then that's the end! You should see what these "designers" are doing!
            2. -1
              23 January 2025 02: 09
              The turner must be able to read the designed drawing, according to which the part is manufactured.

              Not a drawing, but an operational map prepared by a technologist.
              Drawing (sketch) for a turner - only for pilot production.
              1. 0
                23 January 2025 14: 29
                With sketches you need to go to art school, but a specialist in metal cutting only has a drawing! Even if it's by hand, clumsily, in the form of a drawing by a three-year-old inventor - thrower - bullet-maker, it's still a drawing...
                1. 0
                  23 January 2025 17: 50
                  Even if it's hand-drawn, clumsily, in the form of a drawing by a three-year-old inventor - a thrower - a bullet-maker, it's still a drawing...

                  A drawing is a document prepared in accordance with the Unified System for Design Documentation (ESKD).
              2. 0
                23 January 2025 14: 36
                Previously called "Technological process", where the description from a piece of iron to the final packaging was with a description of all participating units of technological equipment and operational transitions, tools, devices, equipment operating modes, tool and device replacement time, time for operations and the cost of work for this entire cycle of the birth of a part.
                1. 0
                  23 January 2025 17: 52
                  Previously called "Technological process"

                  Operational cards are included in the technological process.
                2. 0
                  25 January 2025 23: 21
                  Quote: nerovnayadoroga
                  where the description from a piece of iron to the final packaging was with a description of all the units of technological equipment involved

                  At NPO Lavochkin, in the technological documentation, one could read: "Drill a square hole 8x8 mm with an 8x8 drill", check the operability of the circuit "with a driglometer according to GOST...", (meaning a homemade dialer with a vibrator instead of a bell or a light bulb). By the way, the products of NPO Lavochkin visited Mars and Venus. For a complex unit, workers sometimes had to mold a model from plasticine in order to understand the drawings and understand how to make the parts and then assemble them into a unit.
          3. +1
            24 January 2025 08: 56
            Quote: Doccor18
            Quote: Lech from Android.
            Turners and millers do things that not every professional can do...

            Each has its own tasks. But I have never heard of turners designing the next generation of machines.
            Quote: Lech from Android.
            Sometimes a talented turner with golden hands turns a part like an artist...you'll be amazed.

            So that's their job!

            We are talking about slightly different things now. I graduated from a vocational school and have been working as a CNC operator for 37 years. Therefore, I do not see anything terrible if some of the young and talented people study not to become managers and economists, but to become workers.
            1. 0
              24 January 2025 09: 26
              Quote from Kartograph
              Therefore, I don’t see anything wrong if some of the young and talented people study not to become managers and economists, but to become workers.

              What's so terrible, on the contrary, let them go...
              But I'm also talking about something else - excellent talented workers will not replace/do not cancel the need for highly qualified engineering personnel. Without them, the national industry is doomed to regression and eternal backwardness. But such a system is unlikely to be able to educate talented design engineers, rather in spite of than thanks to...
        2. -6
          22 January 2025 07: 56
          The joke was a success:
          Turners and millers do things that not every professional can do...

          “I can do the same, and you play “Murka” for me…”

          You made me laugh this morning!
          And about "office efficient managers" offset.
          And where would you get something from in Shesterochka without them? Order something from Markets? Who would organize logistics throughout the country? Programmers to write Android? Finally, read laughing And so on, and so on, and so on.
          Now, close any non-power ministry for a week, or even a month, and nothing in the country will change, not even a little. But close the X-5 office - there will be a food collapse.

          A good mood was ensured! good
          1. +8
            22 January 2025 08: 59
            Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
            A good mood was ensured!

            We had a good laugh...shut up the turners and milling machine operators and you'll be bringing nuts and bolts from China.
            Shut down plumbers, electricians, builders, drivers, mechanics, cooks and so on, you will be without water, electricity, elevators, transport, food... a computer in an office without all this, oddly enough, is just a piece of iron and plastic.
            You forget about those who provide work for your office.
            Had a good laugh. smile good
            1. +1
              22 January 2025 09: 12
              They closed it anyway, you haven't seen it yet?
              And now our "Chinese friends" are taking over big business. KAMAZ has already lost sales (for the first time in two decades!!!) to Chinese trucks.
              And for more fun about offices)))
              Where I worked as a turner laughing there is not even dust, no factories, what kind of turners?
              what kind of milling machines?
              We worked on the Hammer and Sickle machines, where is the Sickle, and where is that Hammer?
              About fifteen years ago it was converted into real estate laughing
              That's why I stubbornly refuse
              You will be importing nuts and bolts from China.
              , and you carry nuts, bolts, corners ... and other hardware. Absolutely everything.
              1. +3
                22 January 2025 09: 15
                Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
                carry nuts, bolts, corners... and other hardware. Absolutely everything.

                We're driving, we're driving... smile
                I order all sorts of little things for Arduino from China...in Russia there is trouble with this...
                I have nothing to say to you about this...let's fall behind, grey-paws.
                I'm just surprised...why can we make intercontinental missiles...but can't make some cheap CNC hardware for Arduino at home. request
                1. +3
                  22 January 2025 09: 30
                  About twenty years ago, I read an interesting article in Expert, where they compared why our shoe industry is collapsing, while in China it is growing.
                  And for it to exist and develop, the most extensive cooperation is needed: from leather to fittings.
                  So, within China, all this was developed by that time, “office managers” had built connections and permanent logistics chains, but for us everything was falling apart: there was a factory and then there wasn’t.
                  And gradually, all these components, for example, fittings, became unprofitable to produce.
                  I've seen it myself since the 90s, last year you were still buying rondelles in St. Petersburg, and the plant went under. And your pharmaceutical production will stop, you'll run around like you've been stung... and oops, the People's Republic of China.
                  So it turns out (I didn’t say this), in order to make simple shoes in one factory, there would need to be another fifteen related factories.
                  And when they are not there?
                  1. +1
                    22 January 2025 09: 33
                    Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
                    People's Republic of China.

                    Why were the Chinese communists able to organize all the economic chains, while our communists ruined everything with their perestroika? request
                    What was missing?
                    Intelligence, will, resources?
                    Why did the ideology of communism not work in Russia, but in China it easily merged with the ideology of capitalism... One country... two systems. request
                    1. +5
                      22 January 2025 09: 47
                      Why did the ideology of communism not work in Russia, while in China it easily merged with the ideology of capitalism...

                      Alexey, I would like to emphasize that in my opinion it worked very well and much better and more effectively than in China. To be sure, the USSR, at its very end, was 18% of world GDP, China today, about 20% (well, 22). Now divide this by the population and the effectiveness of the Soviet system will be obvious.
                      Due to historical development, we had a counter-revolution, or restoration, as after any revolution in the world. Now let's leave out of the equation: why and who exactly is to blame. This happens in history and very often.
                      But, as a result, it turned out that the capitalist system is contraindicated for Russia, not because it is capitalist, but because there was a system that provided both sustainable growth and development in difficult climatic conditions of military threat, which we do not observe in any large nation in the world. And this system is not capable of doing this: nowhere, and in nothing.
                      So there is no Paradox:
                      "Grenades of the wrong system"
                      1. +1
                        22 January 2025 10: 02
                        But still, the USSR collapsed with its socialism...that's a fact. request
                        This means that this system is also unstable and can also collapse due to internal reasons... unfortunately, it is too late to correct the mistakes.
                        It is impossible to predict today where Russia will go in its economic development. what
                      2. +3
                        22 January 2025 10: 32
                        But still, the USSR collapsed with its socialism...that's a fact.
                        Why is this a fact?
                        It seems that way to you, maybe you dreamed it or imagined it, or it’s your personal opinion, and not a fact.
                        It's not even "cast in granite" anywhere.
                        And methodologically, it's also a mistake. For this kind of thing, you get a bad grade at a university.
                      3. 0
                        22 January 2025 11: 10
                        The university is of course good. smile
                        When it seems I am being baptized.
                        But socialism has been gone for 30 years, and the USSR is also not around...maybe it seemed that way to me. smile
                      4. +3
                        22 January 2025 11: 56
                        Socialism has been gone for 30 years, the USSR is also gone...maybe it seemed that way to me

                        The fact that there has been no socialism in Russia for 30 years does not mean that the USSR collapsed because of socialism. There is no connection here.
                        You asked about efficiency - I answered you, and you again said "Foma": no USSR, no, I didn't argue with you about that and wouldn't argue, it's of course a fact.
                        I'm talking about the effectiveness of the USSR and China.
                        In this regard, it’s strange to talk about 30 years of the Russian Federation’s effectiveness.
                      5. +1
                        22 January 2025 11: 25
                        All our problems are because the USSR was destroyed by Gorbachev and Yeltsin together with the compradors. We need to restore the Soviet education system, it was one of the best in the world. And industry, so that there would be somewhere to work. During the USSR, university graduates had a guaranteed job, often several enterprises fought for them. And now they often go to work at McDonald's. We need to look at it, since Trump is trying to expand the territory of the United States, then we need to do the same. There are opportunities, but not under the liberals of course.
                      6. +3
                        22 January 2025 15: 40
                        Quote: Alexander Odintsov
                        All our problems are due to the fact that the USSR was destroyed by Gorbachev and Yeltsin together with the compradors.

                        I'm afraid that such compradors have accumulated in half the country and more. And in the end, the nomenklatura and the people agreed that the old way is not wanted and cannot be done - a new way is needed.

                        Quote: Alexander Odintsov
                        We need to restore the Soviet education system, it was one of the best in the world.

                        The American one was also wonderful, we can take it as an experiment.

                        Quote: Alexander Odintsov
                        During the Soviet era, university graduates had a guaranteed job, and often several companies competed for them.

                        You forgot to add that it was mandatory and the person had to work where he was assigned and they didn’t ask his wishes.

                        Quote: Alexander Odintsov
                        We need to look at it: since Trump is trying to expand the territory of the United States, it means we need to do the same.

                        It would be better to organize order and beauty in what is there before going further.

                        Quote: Alexander Odintsov
                        There are opportunities, but not under liberals, of course.

                        How unflattering is your attitude towards the citizens of the Russian Federation, do you think that our people can only work under duress, and are incapable of anything without a guiding hand? Or is it simply your personal preference, you can go felling trees today on your own without arranging repressions for the entire country.
                      7. 0
                        24 January 2025 17: 08
                        Quote: NordOst16
                        You forgot to add that it was mandatory and the person had to work where he was assigned and they didn’t ask his wishes.

                        Well, yes. That's why all pedagogical universities are filled to the brim with students, half of whom study at the expense of the state, and in schools there are only pensioners with 2 positions, because after university graduates go to work as salesmen and waiters with delivery people.
                        Quote: NordOst16
                        and without a guiding hand he is not capable of anything?

                        Show me at least one successful enterprise that would work without a "guiding hand"... There are none. And the "stronger" this hand, the more successful the enterprise.
                      8. 0
                        24 January 2025 17: 33
                        Quote: Hagen
                        and in schools there are only pensioners working 2 jobs, because after university graduates go to work as salespeople, waiters and delivery people.

                        Maybe the problem is that young people want to live decently and therefore go where they are paid well. I think if there were good salaries in schools and less exhausting paperwork, people would strive to go there.

                        Quote: Hagen
                        Show me at least one successful enterprise that would work without a "guiding hand"... There are none. And the "stronger" this hand, the more successful the enterprise.

                        Any successful private enterprise. But with tyrants and lovers of a "hard hand" where it is not necessary, people run away.
                      9. 0
                        24 January 2025 17: 45
                        Quote: NordOst16
                        Any successful private enterprise.

                        The liberal hand is immediately noticeable... wink And I am not trying to give this definition an evaluative character. I will only say that in order to reason like this, one must have some statistics. Because the enterprises that successfully build rockets are state-owned. And a whole bunch of private ones manage to go broke and go bankrupt. And not every director who demands compliance with production and technological discipline is necessarily a tyrant. And the dismissal of an alcoholic is not yet an act of "hard hand", but an action that is quite necessary for the success of production.
                        Quote: NordOst16
                        Maybe the problem is that young people want to live a decent life and so they go where they are paid well.

                        Here, I think, is a question of responsibility to oneself and to the state, which in this regard shows excessive liberalism. When a person goes to a university, most of them already know in advance where and as what they can graduate.
                      10. 0
                        25 January 2025 13: 15
                        Quote: Hagen
                        Because the companies that successfully build rockets are state-owned. And a whole bunch of private companies manage to go broke and go bankrupt.

                        Because the state sets fixed prices for military-industrial complex products. And materials become more expensive every year. That's why salaries don't grow that much. But the most important thing is, yes, the manager must be a business manager and be able to defend the interests of the enterprise before the state, and not like now - Rostec came, created a holding company and set tariffs like the head office in Uryupinsk. After that, half of the workers left for another enterprise, where the salary is 2-3 times higher.
                      11. 0
                        24 January 2025 11: 10
                        Quote: Edward Vashchenko
                        Why did the ideology of communism not work in Russia, while in China it easily merged with the ideology of capitalism...

                        Alexey, I would like to emphasize that in my opinion, it worked very well and much better and more effectively than in the PRC. In order not to be unfounded, the USSR, at its very end, was 18% of world GDP, the PRC today, about 20% (well, 22). Now divide this by the population and the effectiveness of the Soviet
                        [/ I]

                        Just one small amendment: the USSR's GDP was significantly influenced by the supply of oil and gas abroad, which, incidentally, is still the case today.
                      12. 0
                        24 January 2025 11: 32
                        Just one small amendment: the USSR's GDP was significantly influenced by the supply of oil and gas abroad, which, incidentally, is still the case today.

                        Either you are not familiar with statistics at all or you are deliberately misleading. Resource sales for the USSR played a minimal role. Look here on VO my article about the "oil needle" with statistical data.
                        Yes, if you use your brain, how did the USSR manage to have a share of 18% with oil alone, the RSFSR 10-11% (if I’m not mistaken), and the Russian Federation with the same oil less than 2%?
                  2. +7
                    22 January 2025 13: 05
                    Why is our shoe industry collapsing, while China's is growing?

                    Very good question. The newspaper "AiF" conducted its investigation several years ago.
                    The subway in China reduces fares every year. A Chinese official explains: "We build new stations, more people ride, more money comes in, we have the opportunity to reduce fares, attract even more passengers."
                    The Russian metro increases fares every year. A Russian official explains: "We build new stations, more passengers travel, and providing transportation becomes more expensive."
                    The conclusion is that our system is not for development, but for pumping out money. Who benefits from this? Clearly not the people.
                  3. 0
                    26 January 2025 20: 25
                    First one plant, then another, and when a third one appears, we should think about logistics and cooperation. Not the creation of offices, as was proposed by the young reformers, the invisible hand will arrange everything.
                2. +4
                  22 January 2025 09: 37
                  why we can make intercontinental missiles...

                  And about the "rockets".
                  Somehow fate brought me together, in our days, with specialists from a Soviet institute engaged in the algorithmization of processes.
                  The research institute wrote an algorithmic program in a short period of time (this was in the 80s) for the integration of all suppliers, of which there were more than 2000, for the production of the Buran.
                  But the question is, these suppliers were just there, and the bolts and nuts for Buran were not purchased in China: any plant that received such a production order would have churned them out on a CNC.
                  1. +1
                    22 January 2025 18: 32
                    Nuts and bolts are not made on CNC. If they are, they will be strictly special. And still, CNC alone is not enough, heat treatment, grinding and other things are needed.
                  2. 0
                    24 January 2025 17: 33
                    Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
                    The research institute wrote an algorithmic program in a short period of time (this was in the 80s) for the integration of all suppliers, of which there were more than 2000, for the production of the Buran.

                    What a problem, there is a program, but no Buran... Why would that be? And yes, today we are not able to produce all the products that we need in our country. It's just that 150 million people are not enough for autarky. We need at least twice as many. And given the need to maintain a fighting army at a high level, even more. Therefore, China is provided for in this regard, but we are not.
                3. +2
                  22 January 2025 10: 57
                  Why we can make intercontinental missiles.
                  Are we sure we can? Or is this from memories of a vanished country?
              2. 0
                24 January 2025 09: 00
                Quote: Edward Vashchenko
                They closed it anyway, you haven't seen it yet?
                And now our "Chinese friends" are taking over big business. KAMAZ has already lost sales (for the first time in two decades!!!) to Chinese trucks.

                Gave in because the Chinese are simply more numerous and cheaper. Let's introduce huge prohibitive duties so that Kamaz becomes a monopolist, and it will overtake them again
              3. 0
                25 January 2025 23: 29
                Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
                KAMAZ has already lost sales (for the first time in two decades!!!) to Chinese trucks.

                The Chinese government pays its firms that managed to win a tender from Kamaz the difference between the price that the Chinese announced at the beginning of the tender and the price they dropped when winning the tender from Kamaz. For this, Chinese officials at the regional and district level are often satisfied with a salary of 10000-15 rubles. For example, the deputy head of the district inspectorate of public education.
                1. 0
                  26 January 2025 09: 07
                  Moscow. May 10. INTERFAX.RU - The average annual salary of urban civil servants in China in 2022 increased by 7,19 thousand yuan (6,7%) and amounted to 114 yuan (about $029 thousand), Xinhua reported, citing data from the National Bureau of Statistics of the People's Republic of China.
                  1. 0
                    26 January 2025 21: 36
                    Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
                    Average annual salary of city civil servants

                    What can you say about the level of salaries of rural civil servants in disadvantaged counties of the PRC? Under Stalin, collective farmers worked for sticks and survived on their garden plots and theft on the collective farm. Under Stalin, designers earned above average. Under Brezhnev, I earned 2,5 times less than the workers who worked under my supervision according to my drawings. By the way, in a city with a population of over a million in the PRC, the position of a university teacher is valued higher than the position of mayor of this city. A relative of my client refused to run for a second term as mayor of a city with a population of over a million in the PRC, although the CPC in every possible way forced him not to return to teaching but to take up the post of mayor again.
                    1. 0
                      27 January 2025 08: 04
                      What can you say about the level of salaries of rural civil servants in disadvantaged counties of the PRC?

                      I just don't know what I should tell you. hi
                      1. 0
                        27 January 2025 09: 31
                        Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
                        I just don't know what I should tell you.

                        A year ago, I read an article by a Chinese author in Russian about the low salaries of civil servants in rural areas of China. 10-000 rubles is not uncommon for them. An employee of a large Chinese company told me about the intricacies of competition between Kamaz and the Chinese auto industry around 15.
      4. +4
        22 January 2025 11: 43
        Where did you see that we teach turners and milling machine operators?
      5. +1
        23 January 2025 14: 17
        Who needs stupid turners and milling machine operators? A generalist turner's job requires physics, chemistry, drawing, algebra and geometry, otherwise he's just a clown at a machine cleaning up shavings with a broom.
    2. +2
      22 January 2025 08: 54
      It could be simpler.
      Where will the Unified State Exam take us?

      Straight to the grave, or to the dustbin of history.
      It's a matter of preference.
      1. +4
        22 January 2025 13: 10
        I generally get the impression that everyone who defends this EG is a planted Soros mercenary sponsored by them. After all, they need slaves, not literate Russians.
      2. 0
        24 January 2025 11: 19
        Quote: Obi Wan Kenobi
        It could be simpler.
        Where will the Unified State Exam take us?

        Straight to the grave, or to the dustbin of history.
        It's a matter of preference.

        What are you picking on? It's just a form of assessing knowledge. The education system itself needs to be changed. I know the smartest guys who get presidential scholarships and I know the laziest people who can't finish college. And who came up with all these education and healthcare systems, do you know?
        Yesterday I read about the police. It turns out that there is a terrible shortage of personnel there, and all because of the small salaries, as in education and medicine....
  2. +3
    22 January 2025 04: 15
    And why has the tutoring system grown so astronomically in Russia? It is precisely because of the Unified State Exam system. Which does not provide real knowledge. If in the USSR tutors were needed only by really lagging students. Today, everyone has been made lagging. And now everyone needs tutors. That is, a situation has developed between two parallel schools. A regular school. And a school of tutors.
    1. +6
      22 January 2025 04: 31
      If in the USSR tutors were needed only for really lagging students. Today, everyone has been made lagging. And now everyone needs tutors.
      In the USSR, tutors were not only for those who were lagging behind. Even if a person got good grades at school, he would take a tutor to prepare for university exams. To increase the chances of admission.
      1. +5
        22 January 2025 04: 35
        Yes. I agree. But this does not change the fact that it is the Unified State Exam system that makes children stupid.
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. The comment was deleted.
            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. +1
                22 January 2025 07: 31
                They don't do it out of the kindness of their hearts! And the young people who only know about the USSR from textbooks translate! And the people who draw holy water... What would you call them?
              2. The comment was deleted.
                1. The comment was deleted.
                  1. The comment was deleted.
                    1. The comment was deleted.
              3. +9
                22 January 2025 08: 24
                And what else can you call the bearers of the best Soviet education in the world?

                The best Soviet education in the world provided training in professional skills; no one could even imagine that capitalism would pass and the following would begin: whoever is the biggest crook is the hero.
                If these "old farts" hadn't made technology worth trillions, taking decades off from themselves, today there would have been nothing to fight with.
                1. The comment was deleted.
                  1. The comment was deleted.
                2. -1
                  24 January 2025 11: 24
                  Quote: Edward Vashchenko
                  And what else can you call the bearers of the best Soviet education in the world?

                  The best Soviet education in the world provided training in professional skills; no one could even imagine that capitalism would pass and the following would begin: whoever is the biggest crook is the hero.
                  If these "old farts" hadn't made technology worth trillions, taking decades off from themselves, today there would have been nothing to fight with.

                  Yes, of course, 80 submarines would be very useful. And a couple thousand mbrs, which by that time would have rotted away. And a hundred combat ships like the Moscow... And on top of all this goodness, another million contract soldiers servicing them.
                  1. -1
                    24 January 2025 11: 41
                    Yes, of course, 80 submarines would be very useful. And a couple thousand mbrs, which would have rotted away by now. And a hundred combat ships like the Moscow...

                    I would say it in the words of my platoon commander, but a Russian proverb will suffice:
                    Poor Vanechka is all in ... stones.
              4. The comment was deleted.
              5. The comment was deleted.
    2. +6
      22 January 2025 09: 31
      When was the last time you watched the Unified State Exam, for example, in mathematics? Well, try writing it without real knowledge.

      If during the USSR tutors were needed only for really lagging students.

      In the USSR, medal winners rewrote their papers several times, and the exam was not strict at all. It was not without reason that there were entrance exams in universities and no one trusted school certificates.
      1. +4
        22 January 2025 09: 37
        I wasn't talking about particulars in the USSR. I was talking about the education system. And it really was the best. Recognized all over the world. Although not officially. Politics didn't allow it. And by the way. Medical science was the best at that time, oddly enough, in Cuba. Even then they could cure stage 4 cancer. Like F. Castro. I don't know how things are today.
        1. 0
          22 January 2025 09: 50
          I wasn't talking about particulars in the USSR. I was talking about the education system. And it really was the best.

          What are the particulars in our USSR? Not a single university trusted school education at all and conducted their own exams for yesterday's schoolchildren, who, it would seem, passed their final school exams and have certificates. Now, based on the results of the Unified State Exam, you can enter a university without entrance exams. Because in the USSR, for the most part, final school exams were a sham (at least in the 70s and 80s).

          And by the way. Medical science at that time was best, oddly enough, in Cuba.

          This is a specific story, it was the best, it was from the “cheap and cheerful” category, especially since in Cuba they basically would not have had enough resources for the entire spectrum of medical science.
          1. 0
            22 January 2025 09: 52
            But cancer was cured. Fact.
            1. +1
              22 January 2025 09: 56
              So he was treated in many places at that time and even much earlier.
              1. 0
                24 January 2025 13: 34
                Quote: Oldrover
                So he was treated in many places at that time and even much earlier.

                But some people were not cured even in Israel
          2. +1
            22 January 2025 10: 07
            Exams to universities in the USSR are not a question of trust/distrust of the system. It is a test of the suitability of a specific applicant for a specific university. Yes, a test of his knowledge. Because in the village there is one education, in a small town another, in a big city a third. And you need to get to know the person. His personal background. Maybe he is a humanities student and goes to a technical university or vice versa. And today, entrance exams to universities are even more necessary. To open the eyes of many. Among my relatives, two are from a remote village. But by studying independently, they achieved a very serious position in society. They have two and three higher educations.
            1. -1
              22 January 2025 10: 14
              Exams for higher education institutions under the USSR are not a question of trust/distrust in the system. They are a test of the suitability of a specific applicant for a specific higher education institution.

              No, it is precisely a question of trust, because even a gold medal received in a Soviet school did not guarantee that the student would not be given one, unless he/she accidentally turned out to be a relative of, for example, an important person.
              The introduction of the Unified State Exam and unified standards made it possible to impartially assess knowledge and trust the results of the Unified State Exam.
              1. +1
                22 January 2025 11: 17
                This dispute is about nothing. And how to teach and learn. And what the education system should actually be. It was said long ago by Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi - a Swiss educator, one of the greatest humanist educators of the late 18th - early 19th centuries, who made a significant contribution to the development of pedagogical theory and practice.
                And no Unified State Exam!!!
                1. +2
                  22 January 2025 11: 35
                  Well, now the Unified State Exam is the most optimal system and in the USSR it was really lacking. Otherwise, why take school exams in order to then take entrance exams in the same subjects at universities, with the exception of various theater and other institutes. And so I passed mathematics at school with an A, then the entrance exam at the University was also mathematics, so what is the point of such actions then, except for mistrust of school education.
                  1. +1
                    22 January 2025 16: 54
                    at school in Russian 3
                    in mathematics 4
                    entrance exams to university without any tutors
                    essay 4
                    math 5
                    and in Soviet times they bullied me at school
            2. 0
              22 January 2025 12: 54
              I don't understand why two or three higher educations are needed?
              Didn't learn it the first time?
              provide jobs for higher education workers?
              waste the state's time and money am
              1. +1
                22 January 2025 15: 07
                My relative has three higher educations. Legal, economic and technical. And he is a businessman. He understands everything himself thoroughly. He does not have to resort to the services of strangers. And also trust them and pay.
                1. +2
                  22 January 2025 16: 56
                  There is no need to resort to the services of strangers. And even trust them and pay.

                  if you are such a great specialist, then you don't even need to hire workers
                  so as not to believe and not to pay wassat
                  1. -1
                    22 January 2025 17: 02
                    Do you really not see the difference between business owners, managers, engineers and workers?!
    3. +2
      22 January 2025 13: 11
      This is precisely because of the Unified State Exam system, which does not provide real knowledge.

      The Unified State Exam is an exam. It cannot provide knowledge a priori. It tests the level of knowledge.
      And the level of teaching has fallen in schools, that's for sure. Medvedev also suggested that teachers who don't have enough money should go into business. This year, the same Medvedev stated that schools are short 300 thousand teachers.
      This is the problem that needs to be solved first, not the exams that need to be reformed.
      1. -4
        22 January 2025 15: 02
        The Unified State Exam is definitely an exam. And the learning process is preparation for the Unified State Exam. That's why the level has dropped, among other things. And not only because of that. But in general, before writing anything, all commentators should read the works of great teachers Makarenko, Pestalozzi, etc. You'll see and your position will change. I've read it.
        1. 0
          23 January 2025 15: 33
          The fact that the learning process has become preparation for the Unified State Exam is not the fault of the Unified State Exam itself.
          In the Unified State Exam itself, only the first two points of the task are related to testing, but in schools, all preparation consists of this testing. Because this is the easiest option for both teachers and examiners.
          The rest of the assignment points are exactly the same as they were in Soviet school: solve a problem, an example, write an essay on a given topic, etc.
          This is a question about the organization of training.
      2. 0
        26 January 2025 21: 42
        Quote: glory1974
        Medvedev also suggested that teachers who lack money should go into business. This year, the same Medvedev stated that schools are short 300 thousand teachers.

        It's just that the smartest teachers listened to Medvedev, saluted and went into business on his orders. In general, the intelligentsia in Russia is very obedient. The authorities should always think twice before sending them somewhere.
    4. The comment was deleted.
    5. 0
      25 January 2025 23: 33
      Quote: Vitaly Lyalin
      If during the USSR tutors were needed only for really lagging students.

      Why bother teaching the weak? There are people who will never learn how to add and multiply fractions or solve trigonometric equations. The state should give everyone a chance to enter first grade, but probably they should be accepted into 6th grade after entrance exams.
  3. +6
    22 January 2025 04: 32
    And why has the tutoring system grown so astronomically in Russia? It is precisely because of the Unified State Exam system. Which does not provide real knowledge. If in the USSR tutors were needed only by really lagging students. Today, everyone has become lagging. And now everyone needs tutors. It is not for nothing that the expression "victim of the Unified State Exam" is circulating among the people. That is, a situation has developed of two parallel schools. An ordinary school. And a school of tutors.
    In general, learning is a creative process. And the teacher is also a creator. He creates like an artist from a "clean sheet". He should, in any case. How can one, for example, digitalize the work process of Michelangelo, Rembrandt, etc.?
    1. +5
      22 January 2025 05: 35
      How can you, for example, digitalize the work process?
      Can you, for example, make many cinematic masterpieces in 30 years? It's not that they made money, but are they masterpieces? It's the same in education.
      1. -1
        22 January 2025 09: 39
        You don't mean to say that the digitalization of the film industry will fill the world with masterpieces!?
        1. +2
          22 January 2025 17: 34
          Do you think that in Russia, over the past 30 years, masterpieces have been made...
      2. -2
        22 January 2025 11: 26
        Judging by your comment, your education was not a money-making endeavor. The first sentence is worded crookedly, you still haven't learned how to place commas, with the goal of correctly conveying your idea to the public...
        Ehhh... Downvote. I'm ready.)))
    2. +1
      22 January 2025 13: 26
      Why has the tutoring system grown so astronomically in Russia?
      because the Internet appeared, where every MSU student can offer his services, and parents in any city can hire him. Well, and people now have money for tutors. Before the Unified State Exam, in the nineties and noughties, universities organized courses in specialized subjects for a moderate fee, almost my entire class went to such courses.
      In general, learning is a creative process. And the teacher is also a creator. He creates like an artist from a "clean sheet".
      Excuse me, did you even go to school or was this a long time ago and not true?
    3. 0
      22 January 2025 13: 38
      If during the USSR tutors were needed only for really lagging students.

      Nothing like that, tutors were also widely used to prepare for admission to universities.
      Secondly, the current school curriculum is incomparably more difficult than the Soviet one. Now, by the time a child reaches first grade, they are already required to be able to read and count to a hundred or a thousand. English begins in third grade, a second foreign language begins in fifth grade, and this is a regular secondary school in Novosibirsk.
      1. +3
        22 January 2025 16: 50
        The workload at school has increased and this is very bad. The amount of homework is off the charts. But students are not given real knowledge. At school they juggle formulas and definitions.
        1. +1
          22 January 2025 19: 09
          Whatever they give, those who want it are given "real knowledge", the problem is only in desire, but it goes beyond the school and is generally global in nature, gadgets have brought a sea of ​​"cheap dopamine".
    4. 0
      25 January 2025 23: 35
      Quote: Vitaly Lyalin
      This is precisely because of the Unified State Exam system, which does not provide real knowledge.

      In Russia, a self-education system has been built. You can download free textbooks and video materials, for example, on working in the Codesys program. Probably only in Russian can you learn to program the automation of the most complex equipment for free.
    5. 0
      26 January 2025 21: 44
      Quote: Vitaly Lyalin
      Why has the tutoring system grown so astronomically in Russia?

      It’s just that under Putin’s late rule, knowledge in Russia began to acquire value and people began to pay more for it.
  4. +8
    22 January 2025 05: 31
    One of the few articles without hysteria on the topic of education. Most of the thoughts are correct. As for the numbers - debatable. I do not agree that the Unified State Exam leads to elitism.
    The Unified State Exam is the only chance for many children from poor families to get a useful education. If we now return to the mass of SCHOOL and UNIVERSITY exams. Corruption in admission to the "budget" is invincible.
    There are two problems with the Unified State Exam: an overloaded program and casuistry of assignments. I think that most professors, if given the Unified State Exam assignments without preparation, would have solved them for 30-40 points.
    Over the years of working at the school, I have not seen a SINGLE student who would master the program at least 50%. The overwhelming majority of students simply get an idea of ​​history at 3-4% of the program. So in order to pull the student up to the level of 30-50%, they hire tutors or teach at home individually. Why such a profanation of "mastering" knowledge is necessary - this is for the authors of the Federal State Educational Standard and the "Federal Educational Program".

    P.S. I am convinced that the rich parents of lazy students and the university "elite" are behind the bullying of the Unified State Exam. If the Unified State Exam is cancelled, then more will have to be prepared, and more will have to be spent on tutors, and the "stress" will not go away, and the subjectivity of assessment will become absolute.
    1. +1
      22 January 2025 07: 06
      I absolutely agree with you. It is necessary to just slightly change the requirements and organizational process of accepting the Unified State Exam. I say this because the percentage of those who passed the Unified State Exam with very high scores in the "national republics of the Caucasus", for example, is much higher than in the regions of Russia. But when they start studying at a university, graduates of the North Caucasian republics cannot confirm their knowledge. The same applies to Tuva. Often, a school graduate shows 80-90 points in a subject, and when checking at the beginning of their studies, a maximum of 20-30. I think such "comrades" should be transferred to targeted training. Our universities graduate a large number of doctors, teachers, etc. every year, but the shortage of personnel remains large. And the quality of the "specialists" they graduate leaves much to be desired. The best option would be if universities began to select for themselves in advance. For example, by testing high school students in schools, olympiads, interviews, targeted tests. In addition, normal scholarships should be returned to students. My daughter is studying - a lot of kids are forced to work, and studying is hard, the amount of information is large. Therefore, "tails, debts", and accordingly, smart kids are expelled. Another issue is the situation with physical education in universities. Students who do well in their core subjects, but do poorly in physical education are often expelled. This is not right. It is necessary to simply introduce sections in universities instead of mandatory physical education classes, and one or two sections for the student to attend. And prohibit expelling for failing physical education.
      1. Aag
        22 January 2025 09: 37
        "... The best option would be if universities started to conduct selection for themselves in advance. For example, by testing senior students in schools, Olympiads, interviews, targeted tests..."
        In this case, schoolchildren, even very capable and prepared ones, from the provinces have no chance of getting into higher education institutions.
        "... In addition, we need to return normal stipends to students..." ... And also pensions for pensioners, salaries for workers...
      2. +3
        22 January 2025 09: 51
        What I mean is that the percentage of those who passed the Unified State Exam with very high scores in the “national republics of the Caucasus,” for example, is much higher than in the regions of Russia.

        At least open Yandex and check before writing such nonsense

        The main period of the Unified State Exam ended on July 5, with about 700 graduates taking the exam. TASS analyzed the results of the 2024 examination campaign.

        According to the results of the study, 100 graduates scored 41 points from three subjects on the Unified State Exam. More than a third of the 300-point scorers are graduates from Moscow (14 people). In second place is the Moscow Region with four graduates. Also, 300 points were scored by two graduates from St. Petersburg, the Republic of Tatarstan, Tula, Tyumen and Nizhny Novgorod regions. In addition, among the 300-point scorers, there is one graduate from the DPR.

        Moscow (200 graduates) and the Moscow Region (168 graduates) are also in the lead in terms of the number of 62-point students. Also, more than 20 graduates scored 100 points in two subjects in St. Petersburg, the Republic of Tatarstan and the Krasnodar Region.

        Read more about the Unified State Exam results in the TASS infographic.
      3. +3
        22 January 2025 11: 10
        Another question is the situation with physical education in universities.

        August 30, Moscow State University, "zero" lecture for the first year. "If you look at the curriculum, the most hours you have are math. The second place is physical education. And you will be required to do it for the first four years. We have a bunch of sections up to and including taekwondo and yacht club. Even if someone has a certificate, we will select a load for you."
        1. +1
          22 January 2025 12: 58
          MSU trains sports personnel, if the second place in hours is for physical education? Of course, there needs to be physical education, but one or two classes a week is more than enough. And even better: bring a certificate from the section and that's it. Well, you can't expel a person from a university because of physical education and all sorts of "world culture", life safety. It's like they used to expel people for Marxism-Leninism (as a zootechnician, why do I need this Marxism-Leninism, as well as agronomists, veterinarians, mechanics, etc.?). Madhouse.
        2. 0
          22 January 2025 13: 38
          Where is this four years of physical education? It's always been two! And the physical education at the Moscow State University is still okay, but at the Russian Chemical Technology University it's a milking machine for the administration. There are a bunch of paid sections where you can do nothing, and in the free one you'll run the whole class and then pay 5 thousand yourself for it to end.
      4. 0
        25 January 2025 23: 39
        Quote: fiberboard
        Our universities graduate a large number of doctors, teachers, etc. every year, but the shortage of personnel remains large.

        In Russia there is a shortage of personnel, primarily low-paid ones. In South Korea, a Moscow C-student is a successful student who is tried out as a groom by Korean girls from wealthy families and who may be asked for advice on where to invest daddy's inheritance.
    2. +2
      22 January 2025 07: 09
      In Magadan, and in Vladivostok, and in Kaliningrad

      But for some reason, the most 100-pointers come from the North Caucasus
      1. +4
        22 January 2025 07: 19
        Maybe that's why... Yesterday there were such battles in the local group... I don't know why fourth-grade students need to know this! But I'm a mom... they scream about the horizons! And on Rutube, ads pop up about how to do namaz correctly...!
        1. 0
          22 January 2025 07: 23
          And here's another one, to broaden your horizons:
          Writing on the wall
          Jokes category B
          10 Mar 2019
          “I have, by long and curious experience,” answered Gargantua, “invented a means of wiping myself, the most lordly, the most excellent, and the most useful that could ever exist in the world.”

          "What is it?" asked Grangouzier.

          - I'll tell you now, - said Gargantua. - Once I had the chance to wipe myself with a velvet mask of a young lady and I liked it, because the soft silk caressed my body. Another time I took a slipper of the same young lady for this, and I also liked it. The third time - a scarf, the fourth - a belt of red satin, but the embroidery of gold beads that decorated it scratched my whole body; and I wished that Anton's fire would strike the large intestine of the goldsmith who made the beads, and the young lady who wore it. This pain went away when I wiped myself with a page's slipper, decorated with feathers in the Swiss style. Then I caught a marten in a bush and wiped myself with it, but it scratched my body with its claws. From these scratches I was molded the next day, having wiped myself with my mother's gloves, scented with dewy incense. After that I wiped myself with sage, dill, anise, marjoram, roses, pumpkin leaves, cabbage leaves, beet leaves, grape leaves, marshmallow, mullein, lettuce and spinach. All this was very good for my leg. Then I wiped myself with wood-grass, nettle, peppermint, tallow root; from this I began to bleed, from which I was cured by wiping myself with a flap of trousers, sheets, a blanket, curtains, a pillow, a carpet, a tablecloth, a napkin, a handkerchief, a dressing-gown. All this gave me more pleasure than a mangy person gets when he is scratched.

          “Very well,” said Grangousier, “but which method, in your opinion, is the best?”
      2. +2
        22 January 2025 08: 27
        Quote: novel xnumx
        But for some reason, the most 100-pointers come from the North Caucasus


        NOT A SINGLE region from the North Caucasus Federal District is among the leaders in terms of 210-point scores.. example from the article: Moscow + region - 21, Krasnodar region - 5 XNUMX-point scores, Chechnya - XNUMX..
        1. -2
          22 January 2025 09: 10
          NOT A SINGLE region from the North Caucasus Federal District is among the leaders in terms of 210-point scores.. example from the article: Moscow + region - 21, Krasnodar region - 5 XNUMX-point scores, Chechnya - XNUMX..

          Where do you get such statistics?
          1. 0
            22 January 2025 09: 12
            Quote: Dedok
            Where do you get such statistics?

            from the link in my comment... yes, you can just Google the 100-point scores by region - there are a bunch of different sources there..
            1. 0
              22 January 2025 09: 14
              from the link in my comment... yes, you can just Google the 100-point scores by region - there are a bunch of different sources there..

              it's like the average temperature in a hospital - where do the 100-point patients in our Admissions Committee come from?
              everything is more complicated than what the Internet publishes, much...
              1. -1
                22 January 2025 09: 17
                Quote: Dedok
                it's like the average temperature in a hospital

                why average? a specific number of people for each region.. here is TASS data - official media https://tass.ru/obschestvo/21341439
                perhaps there are simply a lot of people applying to a particular university.
                1. -1
                  22 January 2025 09: 19
                  why average? a specific number of people for each region.. here is TASS data - official media https://tass.ru/obschestvo/21341439

                  it's like the Council at the Garant on February 23... - "everything is fine with us" - we can begin...
                  but in reality...
              2. +3
                22 January 2025 13: 56
                And without the Unified State Exam, these 100-point students would go to the dean's office or rector's office bypassing the admissions committee and enter with the maximum scores on the exams. And then the sessions would be closed with the maximum, although none of the teachers or classmates saw them. A name with an A would appear on the transcript
            2. Aag
              22 January 2025 09: 50
              Quote: 2 level advisor
              Quote: Dedok
              Where do you get such statistics?

              from the link in my comment... yes, you can just Google the 100-point scores by region - there are a bunch of different sources there..

              I do not dispute either your arguments or the opinion of your opponent. ...Then it turns out that Vesti-FM was being disingenuous in their news when speaking about the results of the Unified State Exam.
      3. +1
        22 January 2025 08: 58
        But for some reason, the most 100-pointers come from the North Caucasus

        Not for a long time now. Moscow is the leader.

      4. -1
        22 January 2025 09: 12
        But for some reason, the most 100-pointers come from the North Caucasus

        look how many of these there are from Central Asia... - you'll be surprised
        1. 0
          22 January 2025 09: 13
          And what does Central Asia have to do with our Unified State Exam?
          1. +1
            22 January 2025 09: 15
            And what does Central Asia have to do with our Unified State Exam?

            and how can graduates from Central Asia enroll here? - correctly, through the Unified State Exam...
            and can you see the composition (national) of those admitted to the university?
            1. -2
              22 January 2025 09: 16
              These are other countries, aren't they?
              1. 0
                22 January 2025 09: 17
                These are other countries, aren't they?

                Do you work at a university?
                1. 0
                  22 January 2025 09: 20
                  No way. Shop electrician
                  1. +1
                    22 January 2025 09: 21
                    No way. Shop electrician

                    and I worked in the admissions office for many years and saw a lot of different things, that's why I'm writing this
                    1. +1
                      22 January 2025 09: 24
                      So I ask you to explain how a resident of another country can take our Unified State Exam? Or are they just newcomers?
                2. 0
                  22 January 2025 16: 55
                  I work at a university. Foreign citizens are admitted according to a completely different scheme. Central Asians do not take any Unified State Exam. With the exception of those who are citizens of Russia. Go to the website of any university, in the section "Applicants", there is detailed information about the admission of foreigners.
      5. +3
        22 January 2025 09: 52
        The main period of the Unified State Exam ended on July 5, with about 700 graduates taking the exam. TASS analyzed the results of the 2024 examination campaign.

        According to the results of the study, 100 graduates scored 41 points from three subjects on the Unified State Exam. More than a third of the 300-point scorers are graduates from Moscow (14 people). In second place is the Moscow Region with four graduates. Also, 300 points were scored by two graduates from St. Petersburg, the Republic of Tatarstan, Tula, Tyumen and Nizhny Novgorod regions. In addition, among the 300-point scorers, there is one graduate from the DPR.

        Moscow (200 graduates) and the Moscow Region (168 graduates) are also in the lead in terms of the number of 62-point students. Also, more than 20 graduates scored 100 points in two subjects in St. Petersburg, the Republic of Tatarstan and the Krasnodar Region.

        Read more about the Unified State Exam results in the TASS infographic.
    3. 0
      22 January 2025 07: 19
      Quote: samarin1969
      In terms of numbers, it's debatable. I don't agree that the Unified State Exam leads to elitism.

      Quote: samarin1969
      The vast majority of students simply get an idea of ​​history at 3-4% of the program. In order to pull the student up to the level of 30-50%, they hire tutors or teach at home individually.

      Aren't you contradicting yourself?
      We are being stubbornly led to the realities of the times of the Russian Empire, where the number of people receiving higher education was 8 times! less than in the USSR. Moreover, more people studied economics and law than agriculture, health care and transport combined. That's the thing, how great things were with economics and law under the imperial princes, especially "with the rights of the disenfranchised"... This all reminds me of something, because even now there is a record number of lawyers per square meter, and how many economists and managers...
      1. -2
        22 January 2025 07: 48
        [quoteMoreover, more people studied economics and law than agriculture, health care and transport combined. That's the thing, how great things were with economics and law under the imperial princes, especially "with the rights of the disenfranchised"... This all reminds me of something, because even now there is a record number of lawyers per square meter, and how many economists and managers...][/quote]

        I don't have access to your statistics...But...Over the last 12 years, hundreds of IT specialists, doctors, psychologists, engineers, military personnel, police officers, veterinarians have graduated. ...Only 2 lawyers, not a single economist or "manager". Perhaps this is an anomaly in Crimea. laughing
    4. -4
      22 January 2025 09: 17
      The Unified State Exam is the only chance for many children from poor families to receive a useful education.

      it's a slogan and nothing more...
    5. +3
      22 January 2025 09: 50
      Let's say I'm not an elite. And I have nothing to do with universities. And oligarchs are not in my circle of friends. Ordinary people. And in general I work with the population. Thousands of people. So, in many years of work I have never met a supporter of the Unified State Exam. On the contrary. Aggressive denial as a rule.
      And one more thing. Information not related to the Unified State Exam. But characterizing many teachers in general. My son studied at the gymnasium together with the well-known David Manukyan (Dava). The gymnasium positioned itself almost as an elite one. We relaxed, parents. And when everyone moved to the 4th grade. It turned out that the whole class could barely read and write (I'm exaggerating a little). Not to mention anything serious. There was a scandal. We had to save ourselves somehow. And we, who could, finished the gymnasium only with the help of tutors.
      1. +1
        22 January 2025 11: 01
        Quote: Vitaly Lyalin
        The gymnasium positioned itself

        Yes, "even if you call yourself a pot", but the teaching staff over the years has less and less interest in going out of their way to teach the younger generations. People go anywhere and not necessarily to tutor. So the beautiful names: lyceum and gymnasium no longer guarantee anything...
  5. +8
    22 January 2025 05: 35
    The Unified State Exam itself is not scary. If internal social relations are not built, then no revolution in education will help. Teachers leave schools because of the rudeness of children, children leave schools for the same reason. For some time now, parents' respect for teachers has been purely consumerist. Teachers are overloaded with useless manuals. This is what we need to think about first of all. They have no time to think about students. They need to fill in what the Ministry prescribes. In fact, it is not teachers who are engaged in education, but bureaucrats. This is exactly what Speransky wanted to break in the century before last, when he began to form the Tsar's Lyceum. It was necessary to educate a handful of students with civic understanding.
    1. Aag
      22 January 2025 10: 09
      Quote: Nikolai Malyugin
      The Unified State Exam itself is not scary. If internal social relations are not built, then no revolution in education will help. Teachers leave schools because of the rudeness of children, children leave schools for the same reason. For some time now, parents' respect for teachers has been purely consumerist. Teachers are overloaded with useless manuals. This is what we need to think about first of all. They have no time to think about students. They need to fill in what the Ministry prescribes. In fact, it is not teachers who are engaged in education, but bureaucrats. This is exactly what Speransky wanted to break in the century before last, when he began to form the Tsar's Lyceum. It was necessary to educate a handful of students with civic understanding.

      Because even here we are discussing education (in particular the Unified State Exam) in isolation from Upbringing! It is not the first generation that has been raised with different goals, convictions, and ideology. (((
  6. +5
    22 January 2025 06: 11
    Here, I found it for comparison - the program of church parochial schools. By the way, in terms of hours it is generally full, if you look at it by the week.

    Number of lessons in two-grade, four-year parochial schools according to the programs of 1884-1902:

    - Law of God: 1st year of study – 7 lessons per week; 2nd year of study – 7 lessons per week; 3rd year of study – 6 lessons per week; 4th year of study – 6 lessons per week.
    - Church Slavonic singing-reading: 1st year of study – 4 lessons per week; 2nd year of study – 4 lessons per week; 3rd year of study – 3 lessons per week; 4th year of study – 3 lessons per week.
    - Church singing: 1st year of study – 2 lessons per week; 2nd year of study – 2 lessons per week; 3rd year of study – 2 lessons per week; 4th year of study – 3 lessons per week.
    - Russian language: 1st year of study – 7 lessons per week; 2nd year of study – 7 lessons per week; 3rd year of study – 6 lessons per week; 4th year of study – 6 lessons per week.
    - Numerical calculation (arithmetic): 1st year of study – 4 lessons per week; 2nd year of study – 4 lessons per week; 3rd year of study – 4 lessons per week; 4th year of study – 4 lessons per week.
    - Examination: 1st year of study – 3 lessons per week; 2nd year of study – 2 lessons per week; 3rd year of study – 2 lessons per week; 4th year of study – 2 lessons per week.
    - Russian history and brief church history: 1st year of study – 2 lessons per week; 2nd year of study – 2 lessons per week; 3rd year of study – 2 lessons per week; 4th year of study – 2 lessons per week.
    - Geography, natural science: 1st year of study – 2 lessons per week; 2nd year of study – 3 lessons per week; 3rd year of study – 2 lessons per week; 4th year of study – 3 lessons per week.
    - Drawing, sketching: 1st year of study – 0 lessons per week; 2nd year of study – 0 lessons per week; 3rd year of study – 1 lesson per week; 4th year of study – 1 lesson per week.
    1. +2
      22 January 2025 14: 08
      This didn't stop my great-grandfather from becoming the head of an airfield with a church school.
  7. +2
    22 January 2025 06: 39
    Therefore, the state benefits from such education.
    1. +4
      22 January 2025 07: 52
      The retinue makes the king, literally and figuratively.

      Quote: Million
      Therefore, the state benefits from such education.

      Who supplies us with management personnel:
      - HSE, a child of perestroika, trains management personnel in the interests of the West (USA);
      - "Senezh" trains management personnel in the interests of the local oligarchy;
      - "Time of Heroes" trains management personnel in the interests of Russia.

      "The time of heroes" has not yet arrived, but the process has begun and cannot be stopped. Only by replacing the elite with a pro-Russian one will there be radical changes in the state, including in education, but for now the president sets tasks for the development of the country, and the existing elite essentially blocks them...

      The most striking example of sabotage by "our" pro-Western elite is the action of Shahidzadovna. The state can develop only with the Central Bank rate of 3-5%. The rate above this percentage is destructive for production and the country as a whole.
      1. +5
        22 January 2025 08: 11
        This is a rare occasion when I agree with you.
  8. +6
    22 January 2025 06: 55
    What is most alarming is not the Unified State Exam as a tool for testing knowledge. After all, its forms can be different from a Talmudic test to a deep test of acquired knowledge, i.e. the ability to apply it. What is worrying is G. Gref's active involvement in the process of forming the requirements for training. The obligatory introduction of AI runs through the red thread, and since this "intellect" is trained on the Internet, its IQ is steadily decreasing to a trickle. The ultimate goal of G. Gref's efforts is the creation of Big Brother based on data collected by AI.
    1. +3
      22 January 2025 07: 16
      Well, what else can you expect from Gref, who normally invites a barefoot Hindu beast-lizard to a major forum from Sberbank, who looks like a beast-lizard and speaks like a beast-lizard. In general, Hindu practices are among the most insane and it is not for nothing that these sects were once bred in the USA to collect data on methods of liquefying and boiling away brains. Well, we have "brought a teacher". Mahatma ...
      1. -3
        22 January 2025 13: 43
        Goef has nothing to do with education at all, but it’s safer to kick him than the Ministry of Education.
  9. +7
    22 January 2025 07: 24
    So, the rulers don't need too many smart people, this has been said for a long time. They need consumers, working ants, and the economy, finances and other management will be handled by those who can afford it, to increase their wealth. And the poor people will go to factories and so on. This is what it is all designed for, they don't hide it much, what is there to talk about.
  10. +4
    22 January 2025 07: 56
    Probably the last bonus of the Unified State Exam system is the unique opportunity for each successful graduate to enter any university in the country.

    You don't need to read the rest of the article. Literally below, the Moscow State University mentioned has entrance exams for each faculty, it is impossible to get there based on the results of the Unified State Exam alone. And Moscow State University was the first to bring back entrance exams, and this says a lot.

    In many universities, individual faculties have such entrance exams.

    Regarding stress, it is important to note that the Unified State Exam as such has nothing to do with it. Graduates were extremely nervous during tests before the Unified State Exam, and after that, during entrance exams to universities. Some did some crazy things after not getting in, some went to the mental hospital in an ambulance. This is a systemic problem when almost from the first grade they hammer it into your head that even after a two there is no life (and in some families even after a four), and after failing a test or not getting into a university, it is better not to come home at all.
    1. +2
      22 January 2025 13: 21
      My niece from a remote village got into the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University using the Unified State Exam. Without the Unified State Exam, her parents wouldn't have had enough money to even come to the exams.
      My daughter got into St. Petersburg, where she wanted to, also based on the Unified State Exam.
      Therefore, I disagree with you.
      1. -1
        22 January 2025 14: 49
        What do you disagree with? That MSU has entrance exams? Or that there was stress even before the Unified State Exam?

        Without the Unified State Exam, parents wouldn’t have enough money to even come to the exams.

        Why go there, especially for parents? The same Moscow State University conducts its exams remotely. It's already 2025.
        1. +1
          22 January 2025 17: 56
          The article is not about Moscow State University, but about the general possibilities of entering higher education institutions. For example, there are no additional courses at higher education institutions.
          1. -1
            22 January 2025 18: 36
            What I've highlighted in the article is "at any University of the country." As we can see, not in every one.
        2. 0
          23 January 2025 15: 29
          I don't agree with your statement that "you don't need to read any further."
          The Unified State Exam provides an opportunity to enter a university based on school knowledge, remotely, without bribes.
          Except for MSU, all military higher education institutions have the right to conduct additional testing (examination). This rule was introduced based on practical experience. Therefore, the fact that MSU conducts entrance exams does not mean anything.
          1. 0
            24 January 2025 15: 34
            I don't agree with your statement that "you don't need to read any further."

            So, in your opinion, the author is not mistaken, and it is possible to enter MSU without entrance exams? We are waiting for confirmation that MSU has cancelled entrance exams.

            Therefore, the fact that Moscow State University holds entrance exams does not mean anything.

            This means that the original idea of ​​the Unified State Exam has been recognized as a complete failure. Let me remind you about the original idea - replacing entrance exams. As we can see from the example of Moscow State University, it was not possible to replace them.

            And these exams were introduced after it became clear that the results of the Unified State Exam do not correspond to the real knowledge of applicants. The most famous example is the 100-point students from the Caucasus. And this is a consequence of those very bribes that, in your opinion, are not in the Unified State Exam. This is what you call "practical experience" (c).

            It’s just that Moscow State University is so important that it was allowed to bring back entrance exams in all areas; it is the most prestigious university in the country and it simply could not lose this title.
            1. 0
              28 January 2025 16: 18
              I don't know why Moscow State University brought back entrance exams. I didn't look into it.
              Military universities conduct additional exams due to the specifics of their training. It is necessary to understand whether a person can be trusted with a weapon at all, etc. The Unified State Exam at school cannot resolve these issues. This is practical experience.
              The 100-point students from the Caucasus are the result of corruption, not the Unified State Exam. And this corruption has moved from universities to schools, but even there it is being driven out and fought against. And the 100-point students from the Caucasus have long since disappeared.
              The replacement of entrance exams was successful. Children from remote villages enter the country's leading universities without bribes, with knowledge, as a result of the Unified State Exam. If the Unified State Exam is cancelled, it will be a big mistake. But it needs to be improved.
              1. 0
                29 January 2025 18: 17
                And as expected, we saw no confirmation.

                And what is characteristic is that first you write

                "Standing scorers from the Caucasus are the result of corruption, not the Unified State Exam. And this corruption has moved from universities to schools"

                And right after "Children from remote villages enter the country's leading universities without bribes."

                At first there are bribes, then there are no bribes.

                And the 100-point scorers from the Caucasus have been gone for a long time.

                There are no more 100-point students, that's true. They attract too much attention. But there are a lot of kids with high, but not maximum, scores. And so, in particular, there was a period when students from the European part of Russia transferred to schools in the Caucasus just before the Unified State Exam. Probably the education there is better, yeah.

                We need to figure out whether a person can be trusted with a weapon, etc.

                Even district military registration and enlistment offices cope with this very well.
                1. 0
                  30 January 2025 16: 55
                  At first there are bribes, then there are no bribes.

                  I don't understand the complaint. There is corruption, no one disputes that. And children from remote villages are admitted, or do you disagree with that? What evidence do you need?
                  In particular, there was a period when students from the European part of Russia were transferred to schools in the Caucasus just before the Unified State Exam.

                  Corruption does not give up. But those who fight it do not give up either. The process is endless.
                  Even district military registration and enlistment offices cope with this very well.

                  If they introduced additional exams, it means they can't cope. And who is there to cope? There are no people in the military registration and enlistment offices, there are civilians with salaries of 15-20 thousand.
                  Professional selection at higher educational institutions has always been conducted, even during the USSR. And it is still conducted now, and this is another test for applicants, in addition to the Unified State Exam.
                  1. 0
                    30 January 2025 17: 11
                    You do not agree with my assertion that the author is mistaken in that the Unified State Exam can be used to enter any university in the country. You have not shown any evidence of your disagreement.

                    If they introduced additional exams, it means they can't cope. And who is there to cope? There are no people in the military registration and enlistment offices, there are civilians with salaries of 15-20 thousand.

                    The military commissariats "fail to cope" so much that cases of executions of fellow soldiers are isolated. In recent years, only two cases can be recalled - Gyumri and Shamsutdinov.

                    That is, with those who can be trusted with weapons, and those who cannot, they, on the contrary, cope very well.

                    Children from remote villages entered the USSR, where there were entrance exams, and continue to enter the already mentioned Moscow State University. The only difference is that now the entrance exam can be taken remotely, and it is not necessary to go to Moscow.

                    That is, the Unified State Exam did not do anything unique, so it is possible without it, which is proven by a practical example. It is not the Unified State Exam that "gives the opportunity to enter a university based on school knowledge, remotely, without bribes." (c), but technological progress. I will tell you even more - now an independent assessment of qualifications is carried out in exactly the same way (if this means anything to you).

                    But the fact that the Unified State Exam is not fulfilling its original purpose is a fact that has essentially already been recognized. It was not possible to replace entrance exams, they began to return them, and it was not possible to defeat corruption either.

                    The only thing that worked out was to reduce the subjective factor of assessment at school. If earlier a school teacher could lower the grade on a test, then this will no longer be possible on the Unified State Exam. But as I already wrote above, this can be done without the Unified State Exam.
  11. -1
    22 January 2025 07: 56
    It won't get better, it's also worse, money has been allocated for the program, it needs to be spent.
    1. +1
      22 January 2025 08: 39
      Our country has been prepared for entry into the new world order since the mid-70s of the last century. What is happening with education is part of this program; in the USA this system was introduced since the end of the 60s. Let us recall the words of G. Gref:
      "People don't want to be manipulated when they have knowledge," the official admitted with regret. "In Jewish culture, Kabbalah, which gave the science of life, was a secret teaching for three thousand years, because people understood what it meant to remove the veil from the eyes of millions of people and make them self-sufficient."
      1. +2
        22 January 2025 08: 49
        I will supplement my post above, the goal of the modern education system in the Russian Federation:
        Sberbank President, former Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Russia, German GREF, delivered a shocking lecture on the structure of power at the International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg. Relying on the authority of BUDDHA, CONFUCIUS and MARX, he tried to prove that the people should be purposefully dumbed down and under no circumstances allowed to have access to the mechanisms of government. The main thing in society is strata: hierarchically structured groups, the top of which is allowed everything, the bottom - nothing.
  12. -2
    22 January 2025 08: 15
    The absence of the Unified State Exam did not prevent citizens of the USSR from massively charging their cans in front of the TV during the "sessions" of Chumak and Kashpirovsky, believing in all sorts of perestroika nonsense, creating the concept of "dynastic parallelism" and other nonsense.
    1. +2
      22 January 2025 08: 27
      The absence of the Unified State Exam did not hinder the citizens of the USSR

      The presence of the Unified State Exam does not interfere with this in any way: the highest rated TV programs are psychics.
      1. 0
        22 January 2025 08: 49
        Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
        The presence of the Unified State Exam does not interfere with this in any way: the highest rated TV programs are psychics.

        which are watched mainly by former citizens of the USSR over 50. laughing
      2. Aag
        22 January 2025 10: 29
        Quote: Edward Vashchenko
        The absence of the Unified State Exam did not hinder the citizens of the USSR

        The presence of the Unified State Exam does not interfere with this in any way: the highest rated TV programs are psychics.

        It looks like it's a comprehensive program.
        (whose?!) dumbing down of the population. And TV succeeds in this even with the Internet - it sets priorities, forms views. Even memes have already appeared on the topic of "higher TV education"... (((
      3. +3
        22 January 2025 11: 42
        Most of the Unified State Exam generation do not watch TV.
      4. 0
        22 January 2025 17: 06
        You know, I understand perfectly well that this is nonsense, but sometimes I watch programs with psychics. It's interesting at times.)
    2. +1
      22 January 2025 08: 43
      And does the presence of the Unified State Exam somehow prevent Russian citizens from immersing themselves in the obscurantism that pours out from the news channels?
      1. 0
        22 January 2025 11: 53
        First understand the meaning of what I have written, and then ask questions.
    3. 0
      22 January 2025 08: 47
      Yes, the anti-Soviet people, "liberated" by Gorbachev, proved that even the best education and upbringing are useless to them. They turned out to be so stupid that they ruined all the industries in all the republics of the USSR that they captured, and became a zombie of the propaganda of their anti-Soviet government, starting with Gorbachev and the perestroika people.
      1. +2
        22 January 2025 13: 22
        The people don't decide anything. Who, when and what asked the people?
  13. +2
    22 January 2025 08: 39
    Another drawback: schoolchildren are taught not the subject, but the skills to solve problems.

    Problem solving skills are one of the most important. For any engineer. In practice, they only do this. Without knowledge of the subject, it is also impossible to solve the problem, if anything. They came up with some kind of nonsense and are pushing it.
    In education, as in any other area of ​​life, there is either competition and motivation and, accordingly, progress, or there is not. Hence the tutors and the money spent on them, special schools, lyceums, etc. This is not going anywhere. The Unified State Exam has the main thing - an independent, fair assessment of knowledge. This is worth a lot. This is much better than how parents used to spend money instead of paying tutors on bribes when entering universities.
    1. +1
      22 January 2025 09: 42
      All power to the Soviets!

      Quote: malyvalv
      In education, as in any other area of ​​life, there is either competition and motivation and, accordingly, progress, or there is not.

      Competition in the sculpting of images (education) among the younger generation? Does the Unified State Exam contribute to the assessment of students' figurative thinking? No. This means that schools are not educating students, but something else.

      Quote: malyvalv
      The Unified State Exam has the most important thing - an independent fair assessment of knowledge. This is worth a lot.

      Here you are right, an independent fair assessment is expensive and it is not about bribes, but about the results of this "education" that influences our entire daily life. The lack of imaginative thinking will destroy everything that has been created and will not build anything new...

      Knowledge is given to the people as needed by the authorities to solve the problems they have formulated for the development or degradation of society:
      - Tsarist Russia, an agrarian country, 3 church parishes were enough;
      - USSR, industrialization, from seven-year school to compulsory 10 grades;
      - Russia, a country of gas stations, the Unified State Exam is enough;
      - Russia today, industrialization 2.0. Highly qualified personnel are needed. Changes in education are inevitable.
      1. +2
        22 January 2025 13: 24
        The Unified State Exam is an exam, it does not provide education, it evaluates what exists.
      2. -1
        22 January 2025 17: 04
        Competition in the sculpting of images (education) among the younger generation? Does the Unified State Exam contribute to the assessment of students' figurative thinking? No. This means that schools are not educating students, but something else.

        They took the fashion from the late Zadornov to split words and give words some kind of nonsense instead of meaning. But he was a humorist and a satirist.
        Is the formation of kidney stones also image sculpting in your opinion?
        Education is a single word. The meaning is getting something out of nothing. If you want to talk about the nuances of education, use words like teaching, learning, cognition, and the like.

        Highly qualified personnel are needed.

        And not so much with humanitarian imaginative thinking as with precise knowledge and the ability to solve problems.
  14. +2
    22 January 2025 08: 49
    It’s all useless, not only is the anti-Soviet period a total degradation compared to the Soviet period, but also in the anti-Soviet period itself there is constant degradation.
  15. +1
    22 January 2025 08: 58
    According to most experts, the procedure brings more positive than negative. The strictness of the assessment procedures, uniform for the entire country, is recorded in the karma of the Unified State Exam.

    aFFFtor, what are you talking about?
    about 100 points - in Russian - for an applicant who writes every word by mistake in her handwritten Application?
    Another question is what now bribery has moved in time to internal sessions institutes and universities.

    aFFFtor, are you writing about the Unified State Exam or about the "inner workings" of universities?
    How does an applicant get 100 points if he doesn't know the subject even for 20 points?
    you jump from one thing to another without trying to explore the question at hand....
    If you have money, you'll hire a tutor; if you don't, you're sorry. The government understands this very well.

    so what to do with the Unified State Exam? - if to "pass" it - money is needed at all stages????
    then why do we have school?
  16. +1
    22 January 2025 09: 05
    Regarding tutoring - it is better to teach at school to provide a sufficient amount of knowledge to pass the Unified State Exam.
    Without getting up from the couch, I can say from my own experience that all schoolchildren are divided into three categories:
    1. The poor students. "I wish I could pass the Unified State Exam!!", that is, those who need additional study to pass the Unified State Exam.
    2. C students. "Oh, I'll pass anyway." They'll pass anyway, the school curriculum is enough for them. There are most of them.
    3. Excellent students. "I want to go to university, I need 100 points." They need more than what is written in the school curriculum.
    It is necessary to revive electives "under the wing" of the school, when the teacher works not with the whole class but with those students who NEED. This immediately creates motivation. Moreover, two electives can be organized - for "less advanced" minds who need to finish their studies in order to pass the Unified State Exam normally, and "for more advanced" ones who already in school have set their sights on entering a university, and their goal is 100 points.
    The payment is small, perhaps free for the poor, especially for the "more advanced".
    1. -2
      22 January 2025 18: 04
      Quote: Not the fighter
      Moreover, two electives can be organized - for "less advanced" minds, who need to finish their studies in order to pass the Unified State Exam normally, and "for more advanced" ones, who already in school have set their sights on entering a university, and their goal is 100 points.

      In general, if you don’t have a goal to enter a university, then, ideally, there’s no need to go to 10th or 11th grade and take the Unified State Exam.
  17. +1
    22 January 2025 09: 52
    Where will the Unified State Exam take us?

    A strange way of posing the question. It seems to me that it will not lead, but has already led - to the complete degradation of secondary education.
  18. +3
    22 January 2025 10: 05
    The Unified State Exam brings school education under a common denominator and equalizes the chances of graduates from different regions to continue their education, and this is a huge plus of the Unified State Exam, which outweighs all the shortcomings, of which there are not many and they are not so significant as to ruin the Unified State Exam.
    Bribery for good grades has been and always will be under any system, but if someone is stupid, no amount of purchased good grades will help him.
    The only thing that causes complaints is the distance learning behind the ear.
    1. +1
      22 January 2025 14: 53
      and equalizes the chances of graduates from different regions to continue their education

      Which the Unified State Exam does not do and is physically incapable of doing. Simply because the Unified State Exam is a system of assessment, not learning.

      And there is a big difference between a student at an elite school in Moscow and a student in a provincial town where the level of teaching is not just poor, but there simply aren’t many subject teachers.

      They will have the same Unified State Exam, but the level of preparation for it will be fundamentally different.
      1. -2
        22 January 2025 18: 06
        Quote: rait
        but there simply aren't many subject teachers.
        They will have the same Unified State Exam, but the level of preparation for it will be fundamentally different.

        and what does the Unified State Exam have to do with it if there are no teachers in the provinces like in Moscow? that's a slightly different problem
      2. +1
        23 January 2025 13: 08
        Our physical education teacher teaches math)))))
        1. 0
          24 January 2025 15: 38
          Unfortunately, this is a very common situation. And if earlier there were problems with physics and then we suddenly "found out" that "Oh, who needs this physics! The Unified State Exam is not required for it!", then mathematics is a required subject.
  19. +2
    22 January 2025 10: 30
    The Unified State Exam was needed exclusively for the "Bologna system" - for the recognition of educational documents. A single test was needed throughout the world, so that personal files would not have to be sent in batches to universities.
    Due to the fact that we were asked to leave the Bologna Process, and the Higher School is switching to a specialist program, all sense in the Unified State Exam has disappeared.
    1. -1
      22 January 2025 18: 08
      Quote: nobody75
      The Unified State Exam was needed exclusively for the “Bologna system” – for the recognition of educational documents.

      Where did you get this from? "The Unified State Exam (USE) is not part of the Bologna system. This was stated by the head of Rosobrnadzor Anzor Muzaev."
      1. +1
        22 January 2025 19: 41
        Anzor Muzaev can say whatever he wants. He has nothing to do with this Unified State Exam. He will soon admit this himself when his aides explain to him that the Unified State Exam was implemented throughout the CIS by the Soros Foundation.
  20. +2
    22 January 2025 11: 08
    Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi was a Swiss educator, one of the greatest humanist educators of the late 18th – early 19th centuries, who made a significant contribution to the development of pedagogical theory and practice.
    Contemporaries have completely forgotten about this great man. He would go crazy if he knew how children are being crippled today with the help of the Unified State Exam. If anyone is interested. Read his works. If you are a supporter of the Unified State Exam. Then maybe you will change your views?
  21. +1
    22 January 2025 11: 30
    In a dishonest/market society there will always be a "skewing". You remove corruption in one part, and it inevitably transfers to another part of life. The same with education...
  22. 0
    22 January 2025 11: 55
    The local minus-voters are unable to understand what I have written, for some reason they decided that I am defending the Unified State Exam...
  23. +3
    22 January 2025 12: 45
    Generally speaking, education is a social function of the state. But in post-Soviet Russia, education was turned into a service. And off it went. Heaps of different educational programs, unnecessary subjects, useless textbooks. No system or uniformity. Only formalism and money.
    1. +1
      22 January 2025 18: 42
      The state itself has set educational qualifications. Things have reached the point of madness, to professional standards for engineers. In this scheme, education is the responsibility of the state, not a social function.
  24. +5
    22 January 2025 12: 53
    Quote: Lech from Android.
    close the turners and milling machine operators, you will be bringing nuts and bolts from China.

    That's how they carry it. Stainless, titanium, regular steel hardware has long been from China, they are even sold according to Western GOST in the product description. And this did not appear yesterday. Half-threaded studs, which only formally relate to metric threads, could be bought 15 years ago.
    Try to find domestic bolts and nuts on sale, especially those made of corrosion-resistant alloys. Nope.
  25. +2
    22 January 2025 15: 10
    Where will the Unified State Exam take us?

    He has already led us to a place where the rules do not allow us to say.
  26. +1
    22 January 2025 15: 43
    I am surprised by the complete obliviousness of many commentators. They write about education, about systems, about teachers and teaching. Without knowing what it is? They frankly believe that the school should cram the maximum amount of knowledge into the students' heads. And they complain that it is difficult and that it does not work out that way. And it will not work out. For a reason unknown to them. If only they would read the works of the great teachers Makarenko, Pestalozzi and others. They would know. That a teacher should not cram the maximum amount of diverse knowledge into students. But first of all, teach them to learn! To think, to reason independently. To arouse interest in the process. After all, they are not churning out robots on a conveyor belt?! As is approximately what is happening in schools today. "Robots" teach "robots". This is what the Unified State Exam was created for. And this whole picture is aggravated by the total digitalization of everything and everyone.
    1. +1
      22 January 2025 18: 45
      You don’t understand anything about Makarenko and even less about Sukhomlinsky. wassat
      Makarenko said that we need to flog, and Sukhomlinsky said that we need to be gentler with people and take a broader view of things. laughing
      1. -1
        23 January 2025 03: 36
        That's exactly it. You need to think more broadly. Read: Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi was a Swiss educator, one of the greatest humanist educators of the late 18th - early 19th centuries, who made a significant contribution to the development of pedagogical theory and practice.
        We need to teach, learn and build the education system the way he did. And it wouldn't hurt you to learn. He took a word out of context. And immediately made far-reaching conclusions.
  27. +1
    23 January 2025 12: 38
    And you're lying again.. The Unified State Exam in Moscow is an order of magnitude easier than the Unified State Exam for the Far East... And in general, you're preparing slaves without wings and souls... It's a problem to find a good turner or milling machine operator now... The system built by Putin will not allow the country to be among the leaders of science... Everything is set up for slow extinction... oh... somewhere we've already heard about such a brilliant plan... developed back in the 50s in the USA...
  28. 0
    24 January 2025 19: 13
    An essay in the loud "analytics" section from a person who has no idea of ​​the topic of his "work". The goal of giving a negative assessment of everything described is set before writing. Therefore, the theses are carefully drawn to this goal. Analytics is reasoning using the decomposition of the whole into parts and the identification of significant patterns. Here is a collection of "unimaginable news" about tutors for 150 thousand monthly, about teachers teaching a program for money to those who should be taught for free ... and lengthy discussions about creativity and consumerism. It seems that the main customer was an offended rector of the university, from whom the "bribe clearing" was taken away and transferred to his subordinate teachers. And then tutors appeared only with the Unified State Exam, and training with solving tickets in the 10th grade of a Soviet school was somehow strikingly different from training in solving KIMs. The issue has already been resolved and drowned at the top level. It was suggested that the advocates of the elimination of the Unified State Exam should propose a better method of certification and then decide. All opponents of the Unified State Exam shut up and disappeared. Only a few activists remained, stirring up the masses far from the topic. The attempt to attract the soft to the warm is not very well argued and therefore unconvincing. Opportunistic work. Like "for everything good against everything corrupt, etc." ... I have personal parental experience of both preparing for the Unified State Exam and comparing the KIMs of the beginning of the Unified State Exam epic with intermediate states 15 years later. I can confidently say that the difference is striking, and excellent students of the Soviet school, according to the same story, would hardly confirm their results. The comments, those that concern the topic, were overwhelmingly written by people far from the topic.
  29. 0
    25 January 2025 19: 38
    And in the US, there's some stupidity: "Russian Mathematics" in the US: what is it
    According to The Atlantic, getting into private math centers in the US is now more difficult than getting into a new Broadway musical, and registration for math clubs for schoolchildren at New York University closes in less than five hours.

    The most famous organization, the Russian School of Mathematics (RSM), a giant among Russian math programs, was founded in 1997 by Inessa Rifkin and Irina Khavinson, who emigrated to America from the USSR in the late 80s. Their business began with homework: Inessa discovered that her son, who was in the 8th grade of an American school, could not add fractions with different denominators, and, being an engineer, began to prepare her son and his friends

    Gref is not on them!
  30. 0
    25 January 2025 19: 42
    "The shortcoming of the Soviet education system was the formation of a creative person, but our task is to raise a qualified consumer."
    Andrey Fursenko, former Minister of Education.
    And further according to Fursenko’s precepts.
  31. 0
    26 January 2025 09: 13
    When they talk about the next strategies, you can immediately see another worthless piece of paper-plan, which will be reduced to annual formal reports from lower authorities. During the entire existence of the Russian Federation, not a single plan has been issued on how to increase the number of teachers in schools and what to do with the 300000 deficit of teaching staff. And how can you explain that when a teacher and a janitor come to work at a school, they will receive the same minimum wage at the start. And now the question is who is more profitable to get a job at a school - a janitor or a teacher for 20000 rubles, with different levels of responsibility? Therefore, Kravtsov, go to hell with your strategies.
  32. 0
    26 January 2025 13: 44
    What a wonderful article. The article is about education, and the comments are about anything but it. And the most important thing is that everyone knows everything about it, and depending on how you look at it, who is a turner, who is a manager. I will say this as a teacher who, after 15 years of work, went to tutoring. The pros of the Unified State Exam are listed correctly in the article, but I do not agree with everything about the cons. First of all, about the blinkers. At one time, for me, the winner and prize-winner of physics Olympiads from the district to the regional level, it was a big revelation that it turns out that school tools for solving problems are not enough. It turns out that everything needs to be solved through integrals, and I studied not in an ordinary school, but in a school where physics was taught by teachers from that very University. Therefore, to say that they teach poorly in school is wrong, it is simply that the University wants much more and immediately. Higher education should be elite. But engineers' salaries should also be several times higher, because socialism ended almost forty years ago, and an engineer, on whose work the workers' work depends, often receives less than them.
    Well, and most importantly, until they bring order to inadequate parents, good teachers will run away from school.