The 15th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks): a word from Comrade Stalin

The 15th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks): a word from Comrade Stalin
The 15th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). In the foreground (from left to right) Rykov, Skripnik, Stalin

I. V. Stalin. Quote from the final speech on the report
at the XV All-Union Conference of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) on November 3, 1926

Today we continue the topic started in the previous materials of "Hints from the Origins" and will get acquainted with the speech of I.V. Stalin already at the XV Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), where he also said a lot of interesting things. It was held in Moscow from December 2 to 19, 1927 and outlined the course for industrialization and collectivization of the country. He made a large report, in which practically all external and internal aspects of the country's life were touched upon.

Well, let's start with the general characteristics of the current moment that he gave.

"In general, world trade has already approached the pre-war norm, and in some countries, for example in North America and Japan, it has already exceeded pre-war norms. ... Capital has succeeded not only in terms of production growth, as well as in terms of trade, but also in the area of ​​improving production technology, in the area of ​​technical progress, in the area of ​​rationalization of production, ... the share of America and Asia in world trade turnover is increasing at the expense of Europe."

Surprisingly, it sounds extremely topical, as if Stalin were talking about today, doesn't it? Apparently, stories like to repeat itself over and over again, although each time on a slightly new level. However, it gets even more interesting further on...

“Of the 1905 million population of the entire globe, 1134 million live in colonies and dependent countries, 143 million live in the USSR, 264 million live in intermediate countries, and only 363 million live in large imperialist countries that oppress colonies and dependent countries.”

But today, as of January 2025, the population of the Earth is 8,2 billion people. Until the early 1970s, the world's population increased according to the hyperbolic law; but since 1988, its growth rate has slowed. Even more interesting is this data: only in 2009, for the first time in human history, the urban population finally equaled the rural population and amounted to 3,4 billion people. In 2023, 57,5% of the Earth's population lived in cities, and in 2050, according to UN forecasts, 68,6% of the world's population will live in cities.

It is a pity, however, that the percentage of generations among city dwellers is not traced. After all, yesterday's peasant with a fully formed petty-bourgeois consciousness and patriarchal mentality will not become a city dweller by moving to live in the city. That is, the generation of patriarchal consciousness already in the urban environment even in 2009 still took place. Well, during the life of comrade Stalin, this consciousness not only persisted. It dominated!

Returning to the text of his speech, we read the following:

"We cannot forget Lenin's words that a great deal in the work of our construction depends on whether we succeed in postponing the war with the capitalist world, which is inevitable, but which can be postponed either until the moment when the proletarian revolution in Europe matures, or until the moment when the colonial revolutions mature fully, or, finally, until the moment when the capitalists fight among themselves over the division of colonies." That is, once again we see hope for a "world revolution" or... a war between capitalist countries, the result of which will again be a "world conflagration."

Now we read this:

“Our country is moving towards socialism confidently and quickly, pushing capitalist elements into the background and ousting them step by step from the national economy.”

And that's exactly how it was!

At the same time it was like this:

"This is a more or less tolerable annual increase in agricultural production. But it can in no way be called a record in comparison with capitalist countries, nor sufficient to maintain in the future the necessary balance between agriculture and our nationalized industry.

This is explained as follows the extreme backwardness of our agricultural technology and the too low level of cultural status of the village(emphasis added by the author, V.O.), and especially by the fact that our scattered agricultural production does not have the advantages that our large-scale united nationalized industry has. Agricultural production, first of all, is not nationalized and not united, but is scattered and dispersed in pieces. It is not carried out in a planned manner and is still, for the most part, subordinated to the elements of small-scale production. It is not united and not enlarged along the lines of collectivization, in view of which it still represents a convenient field for exploitation by kulak elements. These circumstances deprive scattered agriculture of those colossal advantages of large-scale, united and planned production that our nationalized industry has."

"Those comrades who think that it is possible and necessary to finish off the kulak by administrative measures, through the GPU, are wrong: said, affixed a seal and that's it. This is an easy means, but far from effective. The kulak must be taken by economic measures and on the basis of Soviet legality. And Soviet legality is not an empty phrase. This does not, of course, exclude the use of some necessary administrative measures against the kulak. But administrative measures should not replace economic measures. Serious attention must be paid to the distortions of the party line in the area of ​​combating the kulaks in the practice of our cooperative bodies, especially in the area of ​​agricultural credit" - a flexible, moderate approach, in no way orthodox or "hurrying up", which is precisely what is often attributed to Stalin.

And here, and without any comments from my side: "Finally, we have such minuses as vodka in the budget, an extremely slow pace of development of foreign trade and a lack of reserves. I think that it would be possible to begin a gradual curtailment of vodka production, introducing into the business, instead of vodka, such sources of income as radio and cinema. Indeed, why not take these most important resources into our hands and put shock people from real Bolsheviks on this matter, who could successfully inflate the matter and finally give the opportunity to curtail the business of vodka production?"

But as far as the “figures” about the quantitative growth of the working class and hired labor in general are concerned, here it is: “There were 1924 thousand hired workers (excluding the unemployed) in 25/8, and 215 thousand in 1926/27. An increase of 10%. Of these, there were 346 thousand manual workers, including agricultural and seasonal workers, in 25/1924, and 25 thousand in 5448/1926. An increase of 27%. Of these, there were 7060 thousand workers in large-scale industry in 29,6/1924, and 25 thousand in 1794/1926. An increase of 27%.

And again Stalin gave these figures without specifying what percentage of workers were city dwellers in the first, second and third generation. He did not know that this is precisely what has enormous potential significance. However, let us recall that the theory of generations appeared only in 1991.

Here we have very interesting data on the specifics of the development of the Soviet village in the 20s:

"Under capitalism, extremes grow: the poor and the kulaks, and the middle peasants are washed away. In our country, on the contrary, the middle peasants grow at the expense of a certain part of the poor, who rise to the middle peasants, the kulak grows, and the poor decrease. This fact shows that the central figure in agriculture has always been and remains the middle peasant. A bloc with him, relying on the poor, is of decisive importance for the fate of our entire construction, for the dictatorship of the proletariat."

"What is the weakness of our state apparatus? The presence of bureaucratic elements in it, spoiling and distorting its work. In order to drive out bureaucracy from it, and it cannot be driven out in one or two years, it is necessary to systematically improve the state apparatus, bring it closer to the masses, renew it with new people devoted to the cause of the working class, remake it in the spirit of communism, and not break it, and not debunk it. Lenin was a thousand times right when he said: "Without the "apparatus" we would have perished long ago. Without a systematic and persistent struggle to improve the apparatus, we will perish before creating the basis of socialism."

But I didn't know about this phenomenon before I carefully read the report at the congress. And in my youth, when I read it, I didn't pay attention. I. V. Stalin says:

"Finally, the facts about the "zadvizhentsy". It turns out that, in addition to the workers who were promoted, there are also "zadvizhentsy" who have been pushed into the background by their own comrades not for their inability or lack of skill to work, but for their conscientiousness and honesty in their work.

Here you have a worker, a toolmaker, promoted to a well-known position at the plant as a capable and incorruptible person. He works for a year or two, works honestly, brings order, destroys mismanagement and wastefulness. But, working in this way, he affects the interests of some warm company of "communists", disturbs their peace. And what happens? The warm company of "communists" puts a spoke in his wheel and forces him, thus, to "move aside". "You wanted to be smarter than us, you don't let us live and make money in peace - move aside, brother."

And here is another worker, also a toolmaker, a bolt-cutting machine adjuster, who is promoted to a well-known position at the plant. He works zealously and honestly. But, by working like this, he disturbs the peace of someone. And what happens? They find a chance and get rid of the "restless" comrade. With what did this promoted comrade leave, with what feeling? Here is what:

"Everywhere I was appointed, I tried to justify the trust placed in me. But this promotion, which played a cruel joke on me, I will never forget. They threw mud at me. My desire to bring everything to light remained just a desire. Neither the factory committee, nor the plant management, nor the cell wanted to listen to me. I died for the promotion, and even if they showered me with gold, I will not go anywhere" (Trud, No. 128, June 9, 1927). What can I say: simply a remarkable phenomenon in the 10th year of Soviet power, which the General Secretary of the Party even had to talk about at the congress!

Stalin also repeated Lenin's words that "the main thing we lack is culture, the ability to manage... Economically and politically, the NEP fully ensures our ability to build the foundation of a socialist economy. It is "only" a matter of the cultural forces of the proletariat and its vanguard."

"You know that Lobov has been approved as Chairman of the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the RSFSR. He is a metalworker. You know that Ukhanov, a metalworker, has been elected Chairman of the Moscow Soviet instead of Kamenev. You also know that Komarov, also a metalworker, has been elected Chairman of the Leningrad Soviet instead of Zinoviev. Therefore, the "lord mayors" of both capitals are metalworkers. (Applause.) True, they are not nobles, but they manage the economy of the capitals better than any nobles. (Applause.) You will say that this is a tendency toward metallization. I think that there is nothing bad about this."

This moment is also interesting in its own way. Stalin praises the new Soviet administrators – metalworkers Lobov and Ukhanov, as well as Komarov. However, what was the fate of this trio? You can’t envy them: Lobov eventually became the People’s Commissar of the Food Industry of the RSFSR, and in 1937 he was shot for participating in an anti-Soviet counter-revolutionary terrorist organization. Komarov was from a poor peasant family. In 1937 – a member of the Central Committee. In the same year he was shot for participating in a Trotskyist-Zinoviev anti-Soviet organization. Ukhanov was repeatedly elected as a member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, and was a member of their Presidium. In 1923-1937 he was a member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). He was awarded the Order of Lenin for overfulfilling the 1935 production plan for the People's Commissariat of Local Industry of the RSFSR and for his achievements in organizing production and mastering technology. In 1937, he was executed on charges of counterrevolutionary activity.

Well, which of these "revolutionary metalworkers" from the people could be counter-revolutionaries? And there was also a slogan: "Cadres decide everything!" And many of our readers on "VO" write just that - they say, "bad" people, "careerists" got into the party, and that's why it "rotted". And the party itself got rid of people who were sincerely devoted to the cause of the revolution. But since "a holy place is never empty", who came to take their place? That's the point...

And here is what Stalin himself said then about criticism:

"Marx said that the proletarian revolution, by the way, differs from any other revolution in that it criticizes itself and, by criticizing itself, becomes stronger. This is a very important indication of Marx. If we, representatives of the proletarian revolution, close our eyes to our shortcomings, resolve issues in a family way, hushing up our mistakes and driving the ailments inside our party organism, then who will correct these mistakes, these shortcomings?"

This is precisely about the fact that we cannot move forward without critical articles about the past, as well as hushing up the past. This is not Marxist!

P.S. The example of three metal workers who managed to "regenerate" into enemies of the Soviet power in some 10 years may seem unimportant to someone for the author's conclusion. But then there is another list - "The personal composition of the Central Committee elected by the XNUMXth Congress". It does not include those who safely died of old age. There are extremely few of them. But all these "Central Committee members" and cadres of the builders of socialism received the highest measure from the "dear party". True, they were later rehabilitated. There are their biographies on the Internet. Mostly these are people from the lower classes, some had seven brothers and sisters, shed blood for the revolution. And they died in dirty basements, having received a bullet in the back of the head, or died in hard labor in the camps.

• Akulov, Ivan Alekseevich (1888-1937)
• Antipov, Nikolai Kirillovich (1894-1938)
• Bauman, Karl Janovich (1892-1937)
• Bubnov, Andrey Sergeevich (1884—1938)
• Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovich (1888-1938)
• Gamarnik, Jan Borisovich (1894-1937)
• Goloshchekin, Filipp Isaevich (1897 – executed on October 28, 1941.)
• Dogadov, Alexander Ivanovich (1888-1937)
• Zhukov, Ivan Pavlovich (1889-1937)
• Zelensky, Isaac Abramovich (1890-1938)
• Kabakov, Ivan Dmitrievich (1891-1937)
• Kviring, Emmanuel Ionovich (1888-1937)
• Knorin, Wilhelm Georgievich (1890-1938)
• Kolotilov, Nikolai Nikolaevich (1885-1937)
• Komarov, Nikolai Pavlovich (1886-1937)
• Kosior, Joseph Vikentievich (1893-1937)
• Kosior, Stanislav Vikentyevich (1889-1939)
• Kotov, Vasily Afanasyevich (1885—1937)
• Krupskaya, Nadezhda Konstantinovna (1869-1939)
• Kubyak, Nikolai Afanasyevich (1881-1937)
• Kulikov, Yegor Fyodorovich (1891 - in February 1937, sentenced to 10 years in a labor camp. Died in prison in 1943)
• Lobov, Semyon Semyonovich (1888-1937)
• Oppokov, Georgy Ippolitovich (1888-1937)
• Lyubimov, Isidor Evstigneevich (1882-1937)
• Medvedev, Alexey Vasilievich (1884—1937)
• Mikhailov, Vasily Mikhailovich (1894-1937)
• Moskvin, Ivan Mikhailovich (1890-1937)
• Orakhelashvili, Mamia Dmitrievich (1881-1937)
• Postyshev, Pavel Petrovich (1887-1939)
• Pyatnitsky, Joseph Aronovich (1882-1938)
• Rudzutak, Jan Ernestovich (1887-1938)
• Rumyantsev, Ivan Petrovich (1886-1937)
• Rukhimovich, Moisey Lvovich (1889-1938)
• Rykov, Alexey Ivanovich (1881-1938)
• Smirnov, Alexander Petrovich (1878-1938)
• Sokolnikov, Grigory Yakovlevich (1888-1939)
• Stetsky, Alexey Ivanovich (1896-1938)
• Strievsky, Konstantin Konstantinovich (1885-1938)
• Sulimov, Daniil Egorovich (1890-1937)
• Syrtsov, Sergei Ivanovich (1893-1937)
• Tolokontsev, Alexander Fedorovich (1889-1937)
• Tomsky, Mikhail Pavlovich (1880-1936)
• Uglanov, Nikolai Alexandrovich (1886-1937)
• Ukhanov, Konstantin Vasilievich (1891-1937)
• Chubar, Vlas Yakovlevich (1891 - as an agent of German intelligence, executed in 1939)
• Chudov, Mikhail Semenovich (1893-1937)
• Schmidt, Vasily Vladimirovich (1886-1938)

To be continued ...
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  1. +9
    1 February 2025 04: 47
    "But then there is another list - "The personal composition of the Central Committee elected by the 15th Congress." It does not include those who died happily of old age." (c)
    For example, Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya died of peritonitis.
    Yes, we need to check everyone and not take the author’s word for it.
    1. 0
      1 February 2025 06: 43
      Quote: ee2100
      everyone needs to be checked,

      Go ahead and check it out. The list is available.
      1. +3
        1 February 2025 08: 11
        It won't quite fit into the theme you are writing about, but without the history and reasons for the mass repressions, the so-called Yezhovshchina, the picture will not be quite complete and the impression will be that "bloodthirsty Stalin" took and put everyone under the knife.
        1. 0
          1 February 2025 08: 27
          Quote: Andrey VOV
          the picture will not be quite complete

          All in good time.
        2. +5
          1 February 2025 09: 56
          Quote: Andrey VOV
          It won't quite fit into the theme you are writing about, but without the history and reasons for the mass repressions, the so-called Yezhovshchina, the picture will not be quite complete and the impression will be that "bloodthirsty Stalin" took and put everyone under the knife.

          This is certainly true. The reasons for the repressions could be very different. And we should not forget about all sorts of White Guard underground organizations, as well as other anti-Soviet sentiments, for example, among former kulaks. Also, Trotskyists sometimes united with criminal elements.
    2. +4
      1 February 2025 17: 13
      After the civil war, many different grievances, many different groups and movements remained. Former White Guards, Makhnovists, Petliurists, Antonovites, etc. remained in the country. At the beginning of 1918, the Bolsheviks were a clear minority in the Soviets. The bulk of the deputies were dominated by Socialist Revolutionaries, anarchists, and Mensheviks. These sentiments among the masses, although transformed during the civil war, did not go away. And among the peasants, the workers, and the military. Let us add that after the civil war, a broad discussion unfolded about the further development of the country. And during the NEP, some friends became enemies. In the army, there was hostility between the "Tukhachovites" and the "First Cavalrymen." Therefore, by the XNUMXth Congress, there were plenty of polar opinions and movements, including among the workers. Therefore, the phrase: "Well, which of these "revolutionary metalworkers" from the people could be counterrevolutionaries?" is incorrect.
      And the fact that almost all the delegates fell under repression - so clearly in the country there was a struggle in the echelons of power, which became extremely acute by 37. And the delegates of this congress - clearly were not "whipping boys".
      As an opposite example: Marshal of the USSR Govorov L.A. He was an officer under Kolchak, went over to the Reds. He was under suspicion in 1931 and 1937, but was quickly released. His colleagues noted his apoliticality, which was one of the factors.
      1. -1
        1 February 2025 18: 59
        Quote from shikin
        His colleagues noted his apolitical nature, which was one of the factors.

        A wonderful quality for a Soviet citizen!
      2. +1
        1 February 2025 20: 02
        Marshal of the USSR Govorov L.A.

        Marshal of Victory Hero of the Soviet Union. In Leningrad, St. Petersburg there is a street of Marshal Govorov in the Kirovsky district
        1. +4
          1 February 2025 20: 19
          Exactly. I live there, Govorov 1, also known as Krasnoputilovskaya 10 near Komsomolskaya Square.
          And from his son Vladimir Govorov I have a medal with Stalin's profile, which I am very proud of, you can hardly see one like that anywhere now (it was designed in the form of a small Order of Victory on a pendant)
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. 0
            1 February 2025 20: 51
            Quote: faterdom
            ..... from his son Vladimir Govorov I have a medal with Stalin's profile, which I am very proud of, now you can hardly see one like that anywhere else (it was designed in the form of a small Order of Victory on a pendant)

            I am glad to talk to you. I know this street well, I had a chance to work there, then on Stachek 47, BC. I like the Kirovsky district for its revolutionary past, all the architecture of the USSR there is a monument to Stalin's time. The Leningrad metro stations are wonderful.
            1. +2
              1 February 2025 21: 13
              My wife and I were choosing a place to live in retirement, we trampled all the areas that interested us. Avtovo gave me the feeling of "I want to live here". Stalinist architecture, wide sidewalks, large courtyards, when you arrive, there is always a place for a car.
              And for three years now I have only become convinced of the correctness of my choice - I am happy to return here from any other area of ​​the city. And it is easy to leave the city from here - there are practically direct roads in all directions - to Murmansk, to Moskovskoe Shosse, to Tallinskoe and Petergofskoe. I walk to Yunona, to Leninsky Prospekt or to Narvskaya, Yekateringofsky Park or to Obvodny.
              History is in every hundred meters, an experimental KV with an 85mm gun (they solved the problem of how to hit Tigers, the first three of which were captured near Leningrad), the first tram traction substation and a monument to the siege tram. A famous place of the 19th century - the Red Tavern on the Krasnenkaya River, where everyone leaving St. Petersburg was taken for a farewell drink, and all the officers who were forbidden to appear in the city on weekdays, brightened up their evenings in this tavern, which was, so to speak, "out of town". In his honor, the street was called Krasnokabatskaya (now Krasnoputilovskaya). On the site of Komsomolskaya Square there was Schastlivaya Street, which the Red Guards dismantled for barricades - they were waiting for Yudenich. Yudenich did not reach St. Petersburg, but the street was never restored.
              1. +1
                1 February 2025 21: 28
                I like the sculpture groups of the DK im. Gaza. I like the preserved names of the KIROVSKY plant from the port side. I even like the constructivist houses that are now falling apart. After all, they were built in the early 30s, when there was absolutely nothing. Like the houses of Stalinist classicism built immediately after the Great Patriotic War..... Nvrvskaya metro station. Mosaics. Avtovo metro station. Interior decoration.
              2. +1
                1 February 2025 21: 36
                The Red River. The series STREETS OF BROKEN LIGHTS. They just discovered there.... In general, the first seasons were filmed in the Kirovsky district. Reliable, house numbers, everything. Absolutely. And for work I happened to go to the police, where the author of these works worked. Kivinov. The first floor of a Stalinist house. There is a memorial plaque, an office. I don't know if that department is there now. It was at the beginning of the century.
                1. +1
                  1 February 2025 23: 00
                  Yes, only the metal railings from the old tram bridge (below), where Dukalis met with the agent, have now been stolen by someone. Dukalis didn't keep an eye on them.
                  1. +1
                    2 February 2025 00: 19
                    Quote: faterdom
                    Yes, only the metal railings... now someone stole them. Dukalis didn't keep an eye on them.

                    Apparently, because he got promoted. request My mom is watching LITEINY-4 now. I started watching the cop series back in school, like everyone else. I rarely visited the Kirovsky District, although I was interested in the metro stations and their history.
                    Then they started filming in the Petrogradsky district, closer to Lenfilm, and even opposite it. laughing I knew all these streets well and still go there most often. There is such a place there --- Chkalovsky, Petrozavodskaya, where the police are, Pudozhskaya, Gazovaya streets .... Inner courtyards .... They often filmed there, from different angles .... B. Zelenina, Levaashovsky, the bridge to Krestovsky .....
  2. Des
    1 February 2025 05: 47
    Unusual for Mr. Shpakovsky. No references to sources, literature. Probably will be in the sequel.
    It is difficult to understand that time, much less evaluate it objectively.
    Because as a result, one still has to become (be) on the side of the socialist development of the USSR, or someone else.
    Now, looking at the criminal and not quite criminal cases against officials, party members (not only the ruling party), military leaders, leaders of various ranks, and other "top brass"... a cleansing is required.
    There is also such a talented author Rezun (Suvorov).
    So it goes.
    1. -1
      1 February 2025 06: 16
      Quote: Des
      There is also such a talented author Rezun (Suvorov)
      And what is he so talented at?
      1. Des
        1 February 2025 06: 48
        The books are easy and interesting to read, the facts are provided (supported by links)).
        But a traitor.
        I also read his "refuters" - they are less convincing and unconvincing.
        "There is an opinion" that this project "Rezun" is the fruit of several authors.
        1. +5
          1 February 2025 08: 08
          You are a naive person, many of Rezun's links are fake, facts were taken out of context and simply manipulated
          1. Des
            1 February 2025 14: 00
            Quote: Andrey VOV
            You are a naive person, many of Rezun's links are fake, facts were taken out of context and simply manipulated

            Of course you are a more serious specialist in this. From what I have read - no one has really refuted (specifically, all the links, facts, manipulations). Rezun is a traitor.
            1. -1
              1 February 2025 16: 34
              Facts in the studio... Nobody and nothing... And in your opinion he is not a traitor???
              1. Des
                1 February 2025 16: 39
                Quote: Andrey VOV
                Facts in the studio... Nobody and nothing... And in your opinion he is not a traitor???

                Mutually. Read carefully, please. I'm finishing the polemic.
                1. 0
                  1 February 2025 17: 07
                  It's generally embarrassing to communicate with a person who believes that Rezun is not a traitor, as they used to say in my childhood.
        2. +3
          1 February 2025 08: 27
          Quote: Des
          The books are easy and interesting to read, the facts are provided
          Fantasy or adventure novels are much easier and more interesting to read wink
          1. Des
            1 February 2025 14: 01
            Here it's about interests))). For many (not you) comics are fine.
        3. Fat
          1 February 2025 09: 01
          Quote: Des
          "There is an opinion" that this project "Rezun" is the fruit of several authors.

          There is one author, but the selection of "secret materials" for the books is the work of a group of consultants from the special services.
          1. +1
            1 February 2025 19: 30
            There is one author, but the selection of "secret materials" for the books is the work of a group of consultants from the special services.

            It's more complicated there. Of course, Rezun and Co. had access to classified materials. But they couldn't refer to them, because a mere mortal wouldn't check.
            That’s why everything in his books is based on open sources, everything is verified. Yes
            1. Fat
              1 February 2025 20: 44
              It's not about the facts as such, but about their interpretation. Having adopted a position hostile to the USSR and Russia as a basis, the former "intelligence officer" created a number of logical constructs similar to reality. Most of the myths created by Rezun are nothing more than "Option 'Bis'" by Sergei Anisimov. Believe it or not...
              P.S. For the planet Venus, the Sun rises in the west, this is "retrograde rotation". Scientific fact from open sources, but it is not applicable to our planet... You can see for yourself laughing drinks
              1. 0
                1 February 2025 21: 44
                It's not about the facts as such, but about their interpretation. Having adopted a position hostile to the USSR and Russia as a basis, the former "intelligence officer" created a number of logical constructs similar to reality. Most of the myths created by Rezun are nothing more than "Option 'Bis'" by Sergei Anisimov. Believe it or not...
                P.S. For the planet Venus, the Sun rises in the west, this is "retrograde rotation". Scientific fact from open sources, but it is not applicable to our planet... You can see for yourself laughing drinks

                I agree.
                Was the USSR's doctrine offensive in June 1941? Did the Red Army's forces and resources configuration correspond to attacks on Warsaw and beyond? Were we going to beat the enemy on his territory?
                Absolutely - Yes. 3 times.
                And here Rezun speaks the truth and the facts confirm it.

                But did Stalin intend to attack Germany in the summer of 1941?
                As Rezun again asserts.

                Of course - No. There was no point in it, at that time all territorial, political, economic and other issues with Germany were settled. We simply did not need it.
                1. 0
                  4 February 2025 20: 25
                  "But did Stalin intend to attack Germany in the summer of 1941?
                  As Rezun again asserts.

                  Of course - No. There was no point in it, at that time all territorial, political, economic and other issues with Germany had been settled. We simply did not need it." Are you serious? On November 25, 1940, Molotov presented Schulenburg with a memorandum with the conditions for the USSR's participation in the Three Power Pact. Among these demands were the withdrawal of Wehrmacht units from Finland, as well as the signing of a Soviet-Bulgarian treaty of mutual assistance, recognition of Soviet claims to the south of Batumi and Baku in the direction of the Persian Gulf, an agreement with Turkey ensuring Moscow the creation of naval bases on the Black Sea straits, and Japan's renunciation of the right to extract coal and oil in the north of Sakhalin. And there were also USSR claims to Bulgaria and the Balkans...
      2. +2
        1 February 2025 22: 31
        Quote: Dutchman Michel
        And what is he so talented at?
        He wrote brilliantly, my brain only switched on when I finished reading. If you weren't interested in the topics discussed in the book before, you'll accept his opinion. It's good that I was aware of the hemorrhoids with the tracks, otherwise I would have believed in his highway tanks against Europe. And the constant repetition of the same theses pisses me off, and he was guilty of this.
    2. 0
      1 February 2025 06: 20
      Quote: Des
      as a result, one still has to become (be) on the side of the socialist development of the USSR, or someone else.

      That's it! Or someone else!
    3. -2
      1 February 2025 06: 48
      Quote: Des
      cleansing is required.

      And it is always required, constantly. Because power corrupts people!
      1. -1
        1 February 2025 07: 23
        It is not only power that corrupts people, but also worldly glory. This was said in the early Christian times by the Fathers of the Church, even holy ascetics fell into delusion, then came the fall. That is why it is necessary - when praised, to remain silent in response, or to remind yourself that you are a complete nonentity, a filth.
        1. -1
          1 February 2025 08: 24
          Quote: bober1982
          that you are a complete nonentity, a scumbag.

          This is if you believe in otherworldly forces, and if not, then sometimes you can say something in response!
        2. Fat
          1 February 2025 09: 08
          Quote: bober1982
          remind yourself that you are a complete nonentity, a scumbag.

          He. "Memento mori" was said to the triumphant during triumphal processions by a special slave. Yes
          1. +1
            1 February 2025 09: 34
            In ancient times there were kings who, in the midst of a feast, a specially trained slave would approach the king with a tray on which was a human skull, and the slave would say to the king: remember that you too are mortal.
            1. +1
              1 February 2025 12: 31
              Quote: bober1982
              In ancient times there were kings who, in the midst of a feast, a specially trained slave would approach the king with a tray on which was a human skull, and the slave would say to the king: remember that you too are mortal.

              That's how it was in ancient times, Vladimir. wink Now kings keep and train their slaves for other purposes hi
          2. +3
            1 February 2025 12: 43
            If memory serves, he was called an opponent.
    4. -2
      2 February 2025 09: 30
      Quote: Des
      Now, looking at criminal and not quite criminal cases against officials, party members (not only the ruling party), military leaders, leaders of various ranks, etc. "at the top"... it is required Cleansing.
      - now, looking at the "cleansing" of Korolev, who was accused of "misappropriation of funds", you understand how lucky the country was that the investigator was sluggish - he was trying to prove only the theft of funds. He would have been caught slightly more energetically and would have started to sew up Trotskyism or spying - we wouldn’t have had Korolev.
      And Rokossovsky...

      A banal example: Popov - a thief or just signed without paying attention?
      1. +1
        8 February 2025 21: 15
        Quote: your1970
        - now, looking at the "cleansing" of Korolev, who was accused of "misappropriation of funds", you understand how great it is

        Why "sewed"? "Sewed" is when there was no fact of "spending", but when the fact is obvious?
        There is financial discipline. It does not allow funds allocated for one expense item to be spent, even with good intentions, on another item. And there is no getting away from it.
        So, Korolev, with all our respect to him, was convicted for a reason.
        1. 0
          8 February 2025 23: 50
          Quote: Krasnoyarsk
          There is financial discipline. It does not allow funds allocated for one expense item to be spent, even with good intentions, on another item. And there is no getting away from it.

          This works everywhere except science - science, unfortunately, cannot be programmed.
          You can set a plan to sharpen 100 bolts at a certain price by the end of the quarter, but you can’t set a task to discover a new law of nature by the end of the quarter.

          They all - possibly - were convicted for the case, the problem is that, for example, Bekauri's UAV could have been brought to mind, for example, in 1950 - as electronics caught up. But the hole in the head got in the way...
          1. +2
            9 February 2025 14: 00
            Quote: your1970

            This works everywhere except science - science, unfortunately, cannot be programmed.

            Well, you tell that to the lawyers.
            And that's not what this is about. The author blames the government, like, - oh, what a good guy and they put him in jail for nothing. But in essence, what does the government have to do with it?
            1. 0
              9 February 2025 14: 45
              Quote: Krasnoyarsk
              Quote: your1970

              This works everywhere except science - science, unfortunately, cannot be programmed.

              Well, you tell that to the lawyers.
              And that's not what this is about. The author blames the government, like, - oh, what a good guy and they put him in jail for nothing. But in essence, what does the government have to do with it?

              No legally Korolev was guilty. The problem is that if you beat someone, then in principle you will also admit that Kennedy was shot...
              I have known for a long time that the world of science is a world of envious people and competitors, I have crossed paths with them many times and for a long time...
    5. +1
      8 February 2025 21: 07
      Quote: Des

      There is also such a talented author Rezun (Suvorov).

      A talented liar? They wanted to say.
  3. +14
    1 February 2025 06: 11
    USSR - 143 million snouts. The same as in the Russian Federation now. And they rub our ears that for the development of the economy, it is necessary to have at least 500 million consumers. And in general - there are no workers, it is necessary to bring in villagers... How is that possible?
    1. +15
      1 February 2025 08: 19
      In a word - our government is comprador. And the deputies are the same, for the most part. "The Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation refused to prohibit labor migrants from bringing their families to Russia"
      Don't they understand that the dense "valuable foreign specialist" will wipe them all out? It is impossible to compromise with them... Do they think that they will sit it out behind the high "Rublevka" guarded fences? Are they either that naive or just plain stupid.
      1. +10
        1 February 2025 09: 32
        No one will sweep them away; they will scatter like cockroaches all over the world.
        1. +4
          1 February 2025 22: 34
          When the country is gone, at best they will be treated abroad like the widow of the Philippine dictator Marcos, with everything taken away. At worst, they will suffer the same fate as Berezovsky.
          Even without them, there are enough people in the West who want to live well.
    2. +1
      1 February 2025 08: 32
      Those who want, look for an opportunity. Those who don't, look for a reason.
    3. +4
      1 February 2025 10: 05
      Quote: paul3390
      ...... they rub our ears that for the development of the economy, at least 500 million consumers are absolutely necessary......

      It is possible that it is so ----- 500 млн at the current level of production development. But the former republics of the USSR from the Central Asian region are not consumers of our goods at all. Turkey, China, ---- that's what they consume, even if they live with us
    4. +2
      1 February 2025 22: 36
      Quote: paul3390
      USSR - 143 million snouts. The same as in the Russian Federation now. And we are being told that for the development of the economy, at least 500 million consumers are absolutely necessary.
      They are right to point out that factories have become both more expensive and more productive. If you want to make a normal profit, you need to build a complete production chain. And for this entire industry to pay for itself, you need a sales market, a large sales market.
    5. -2
      2 February 2025 10: 37
      Quote: paul3390
      USSR - 143 million snouts. The same as in the Russian Federation now. And we are being told that for the development of the economy, at least 500 million consumers are necessary.

      If there are no consumers, there will be no factories, and there will be no one to sell the goods produced.
      A trivial example is Elbrus - it can be shoved into government agencies, but no one will buy it until there is an alternative.
    6. -1
      8 February 2025 21: 31
      Quote: paul3390

      USSR - 143 million snouts. The same as now in the Russian Federation. And they rub our ears that for the development of the economy it is necessary to have at least 500 million consumers.

      This is an excuse for an incompetent government. They bring in unskilled, illiterate Uzbek-Tajiks, etc., and there are a lot of unemployed people in the country. In the villages, men suffer from idleness, drink vodka. Why? Because there is no government, which is, in fact, the organizer of all work in the state. And there is a lot of work in Russia. You will say - entrepreneurs and businessmen. But they have their own interests, they do not care about the state interest, but about their own pockets. The government should be concerned about the state interest. But it only receives fabulous salaries. For what? For not being able to organize the work of the entire economy of the country in the state interest?
    7. -1
      8 February 2025 23: 54
      Quote: paul3390
      USSR - 143 million snouts. The same as in the Russian Federation now. And we are being told that for the development of the economy, at least 500 million consumers are absolutely necessary.

      There is a budget of the USSR for 1935 on the Internet - look at the main tax revenues under which item.
      You will be surprised - but this is not industry, not oil and not even vodka. This is bread - which has exceeded all other positions in terms of income many times over.
      And now the budget cannot be replenished with bread alone....
  4. 0
    1 February 2025 06: 14
    And here is another worker, also a toolmaker, a bolt-cutting machine adjuster
    A toolmaker, due to the specifics of his work, can in no way be a tuner of any machine tools. In a sense, he is a working elite
    1. Fat
      1 February 2025 08: 52
      Quote: Dutchman Michel
      A toolmaker, due to the specifics of his work, can in no way be a tuner of any machine tools. In a sense, he is a working elite

      Such workers are literally the elite. The same "caftan workers" at the Ural factories of the RI defense industry complex are one example.
      And the instrumentation and automation adjusters are not the proletariat as a whole, but rather the technical intelligentsia.
      1. -1
        1 February 2025 10: 58
        Fat, I mean workers only in the metalworking line. A lot of manual work, a lot of things need to be thought through with the head, not with the machine. I do not belittle the importance of a turner or a milling machine operator, but I still put the toolmaker in first place
        1. Fat
          1 February 2025 11: 06
          A toolmaker is a generalist, not just a "master of the file"...
          I didn't even try to dispute your thesis. drinks laughing
  5. -1
    1 February 2025 06: 32
    By the opening of the congress, the intra-party opposition had been effectively routed, which provided Stalin with enormous support among the congress delegates. Individual opposition speeches by Rakovsky and Kamenev were laughed at. Apparently, it was at this congress that Stalin began to be perceived as a leader, in the Bolshevik sense.
  6. +2
    1 February 2025 08: 27
    The list of those executed in this article included Jan Gamarnik, who shot himself after the arrest of his neighbor Uborevich. Gamarnik and Uborevich were regulars at the skits at the apartment of E.A. Shilovsky, they all lived in the same house. The skits were organized by his wife Elena Sergeyevna with her sister Olga, Nemirovich-Danchenko's personal secretary, always with the invitation of Bulgakov, the main instigator of these events. Of course, the skits took place during the apartment owner's business trips, Shilovsky himself was alien to these gatherings, he did not suffer from the repressions, perhaps because he was not a party member, he wrote an application for admission to the party in the fall of 41, already being a lieutenant general.
    1. -2
      1 February 2025 08: 33
      Quote: Konnick
      Jan Gamarnik, who shot himself

      He got there because he wouldn't have survived anyway. And Krupskaya's death raises many questions...
      1. -2
        1 February 2025 08: 46
        He got there because he wouldn’t have survived anyway.

        Gamarnik committed suicide and thereby admitted his guilt.
        1. 0
          1 February 2025 09: 15
          Quote: Konnick
          Gamarnik committed suicide and thereby admitted his guilt.

          This is your point of view. But there is another, no less convincing, I did not want to suffer in prison.
        2. 0
          1 February 2025 11: 33
          Quote: Konnick

          Gamarnik committed suicide and thereby admitted his guilt.

          Nadezhda Alliluyeva and Yakov Dzhugashvili also admitted their guilt?
        3. +1
          1 February 2025 22: 37
          Quote: Konnick
          Gamarnik committed suicide and thereby admitted his guilt.
          Bosh what.
      2. +5
        1 February 2025 11: 35
        And Krupskaya's death raises many questions...
        Naturally, without these Stalinist repressions, she would have lived forever.
        1. -3
          1 February 2025 11: 49
          Quote: Aviator_
          she would live forever.

          No, but she ate the cake and died. And who sent her the cake, huh?
          1. +3
            1 February 2025 20: 31
            And who sent her the cake?

            The main fact that refutes Khrushev's version of poisoning is that none of the guests who ate the "Stalin" cake together with Krupskaya felt unwell. We are talking about the Krzhizhanovskys, the Arkhipovs, Vera Menzhinskaya, Felix Kon and Lenin's brother Dmitry Ulyanov.
            1. +4
              1 February 2025 20: 40
              By and large, Stalin had no need to deal with Krupskaya in such a complicated way – as a politician, she no longer had the same influence in the party, and under pressure from Stalin, she always took the point of view of the “leader of the peoples.”
              According to academician Shabalin:
              Most likely, Krupskaya fell ill around 10 o'clock the day before the guests arrived, putting up with complaints. During the celebration, especially, she did not want to distract the attention of her guests with the deterioration of her health. And as time passed, a picture of diffuse purulent peritonitis developed, which N.K. could not cope with. In any case, the "age" and concomitant diseases - Graves' disease, hypertension, arthrosis and severe arrhythmia - were important. I believe the cause of peritonitis was acute gangrenous appendicitis, with perforation and the development of peritonitis. Sometimes the development of appendiceal necrosis occurs as a result of acute thrombosis of the appendiceal artery, leading to gangrene within 1-2 hours (c)
            2. +2
              3 February 2025 15: 20
              Unfortunately, there are so few comments like this. The poisoning version is out of the question. Or the circle of those involved is growing (joke).
        2. -1
          1 February 2025 11: 59
          Hello Sergey Ivanovich hi! What I'm interested in is the wording for Trotskyism Was it then? Or only now, 100 years later? After all, when the fight against Trotsky's ideas began, he was very popular, his portraits hung in houses next to Lenin's. A remarkable orator, the head of the RVS
          Did they explain to people why this was so? Or not. Did they simply stop mentioning him and destroy all printed publications that mentioned him? And his various
          followers were tried as foreign spies?
          Although, recourse , there were foreign spies, as they write now in various publications
          1. -3
            1 February 2025 13: 11
            Dmitry, look up the documents from those years where the wording is given. I am very far from this topic.
          2. 0
            1 February 2025 13: 45
            Quote: Reptiloid
            After all, when the fight against Trotsky’s ideas began, he was very popular, his portraits hung in houses next to portraits of Lenin.
            Because back then everyone still remembered very well his role in the revolution and the creation of the Red Army.
            1. 0
              1 February 2025 14: 03
              That's why I doubt there was a wording Trotskyism recourse although, maybe it was, but they tried to reduce it at the expense of espionage? After all, it was difficult to explain why they suddenly refused to liberate the entire world proletariat, if they first wanted to and set the masses of the people up for this recourse By the way, unfortunately, various foreign specialists who came to the USSR to help in industry, oriented towards the World Revolution later, were repressed or even shot (that is, for Trotskyism).
              By the way, the Mexican artist Rivera, who came to the USSR after the Revolution, was a Troskyist by conviction. But he didn't stay in the USSR for long. And it's good that they didn't subject him to it. (It was in his house that Trotsky was wounded with an ice pick)
              1. 0
                1 February 2025 16: 22
                Quote: Reptiloid
                That's why I doubt that there was a formulation of Trotskyism.
                Yes, yes. Counter-Revolutionary Activity - KRD. And if it was also tied to Trotsky, then KRD (t). Guess for yourself about the letter "t" in brackets. wink
                1. +1
                  1 February 2025 16: 34
                  Quote: Dutchman Michel
                  ..... Counter-Revolutionary Activity - KRD. And if it was also tied to Trotsky, then KRD (t). Guess for yourself about the letter "t" in brackets wink

                  I am generally surprised that all the gangs were somehow suppressed. Especially considering the size of the country and the level of transport and communications.
              2. -1
                2 February 2025 11: 39
                Quote: Reptiloid
                Here I am I doubt, that there was a formulation of Trotskyism, although, perhaps, there was,

                You jog or are you trolling?

                It is a OFFICIAL there was a formula. For example, Vyshinsky's speech in "The Case of the Anti-Soviet Trotskyist center" 1937.

                "In 1933, direct orders from the enemy of the people L. Trotsky, who was expelled from the USSR in 1929, along with the existing so-called United Trotskyist-Zinovievist the center, consisting of Zinoviev, Kamenev, Smirnov and others, created in Moscow an underground so-called parallel anti-Soviet Trotskyist center, which included Yu. L. Pyatakov, K. B. Radek, G. Ya. Sokolnikov and L. P. Serebryakov.

                Into the anti-Soviet Trotskyist the organization, which operated under the direct supervision of this “center,” as established by the investigation, also included those brought in as defendants in the present case: Livshits Ya. A., Muralov N. I., Drobnis Ya. N., Boguslavsky M. S., Knyazev I. A., Ratanchak S. A., Norkin B. O., Shestov A. A., Stroilov M. S., Turok I. D., Grashe I. I., Nushin E. E. and Arnold V. V.

                The preliminary and judicial investigation established that based on the instructions of the enemy of the people L. Trotsky anti-Soviet Trotskyist The center's main task was to overthrow Soviet power in the USSR and restore capitalism and the power of the bourgeoisie through sabotage, subversion, espionage and terrorist activities aimed at undermining the economic and military power of the Soviet Union, accelerating a military attack on the USSR, assisting foreign aggressors and defeating the USSR."
                1. +1
                  2 February 2025 12: 32
                  Thank you for your answer, dear Sergey! hi Of course, I'm as serious as ever.
                  I'm not making fun wink

                  It's just that due to the age difference we read different books and I had less time for all this. After all, before registering for VO, I didn't think about it at all. And here I didn't start right away request
            2. +1
              1 February 2025 14: 10
              In general, no one wanted to accept Trotsky, who was expelled from the USSR, in any country due to fear of Stalin’s wrath.
              Only Rivera took in the old and impoverished Trotsky together with his Sara. And Trotsky behaved badly in the house where he was sheltered and provided for
              1. +1
                1 February 2025 16: 24
                Quote: Reptiloid
                Trotsky, who was expelled from the USSR, was not accepted in any country for fear of Stalin's wrath
                They weren't afraid of Stalin, but of the fact that he would start to stir things up for them too. After all, he was hugely popular.
                1. +1
                  1 February 2025 16: 29
                  I met that it was Stalin's anger. Because he had great fame. And what funds to stir up? Funds in the past
      3. -1
        8 February 2025 21: 53
        Quote: kalibr
        He got there because he wouldn’t have survived anyway.

        Because he was a member of a group of conspirators who planned the overthrow and murder of Stalin.
        I understand that you think of yourself as an awesome historian, but an intelligent person will not be embarrassed to read the works of his colleagues in the industry.
        Yu.I. Mukhin "Katyn Detective", "War and Us" in 2 books, "Fathers Commanders", "The Riddle of '37", "Aces and Propaganda", "If Not for the Generals", "Crusade to the East", "The Murder of Stalin and Beria"
        This is a small fraction of his work.
        1. 0
          8 February 2025 22: 12
          Quote: Krasnoyarsk
          Yu.I. Mukhin "Katyn Detective", "War and Us" in 2 books, "Fathers Commanders", "The Riddle of '37", "Aces and Propaganda", "If Not for the Generals", "Crusade to the East", "The Murder of Stalin and Beria"

          We have already discussed Mukhin. And I am glad that you have read all of this. But now I am more interested in reading documents and Stalin's actual words, not paraphrases.
          1. -1
            8 February 2025 22: 27
            Quote: kalibr
            read. But now I am more interested in reading documents and Stalin's actual words, not retellings.

            There are practically no quotes from Stalin in these books. Although documents are quoted. But, I knew that you would not want to use the "Pythagorean theorem", you decided to "invent" it yourself. Well, well.
            1. 0
              9 February 2025 08: 11
              Quote: Krasnoyarsk
              There are practically no quotes from Stalin in these books. Although documents are quoted. But, I knew that you would not want to use the "Pythagorean theorem", you decided to "invent" it yourself.

              Why do I need someone else's retellings when I can read Stalin's own works and speeches? What should I "invent"? You open it and read. Don't you really understand that Stalin is better than Mukhin?
              1. -1
                9 February 2025 14: 34
                Quote: kalibr
                You open it and read. Is it really not clear to you that Stalin is better than Mukhin?

                , as well as Komarov. However, what was the fate of this trio? You can't envy them: Lobov eventually became the People's Commissar of the Food Industry of the RSFSR, and in 1937 he was shot for participating in an anti-Soviet counter-revolutionary terrorist organization. Komarov was from a poor peasant family. In 1937 - a member of the Central Committee. In the same year he was shot for participating in the Trotskyist-Zinoviev anti-Soviet organization. Ukhanov was repeatedly elected as a member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, and was a member of their Presidium. In 1923-1937 he was a member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). He was awarded the Order of Lenin for overfulfilling the 1935 production plan for the People's Commissariat of Local Industry of the RSFSR and for achieving success in organizing production and mastering technology. In 1937 he was shot on charges of counter-revolutionary activity.
                Well, which of these “revolutionary metalworkers” from the people could be counter-revolutionaries?
                Based on your question - "Well, which of these...." it becomes clear that you still haven't understood anything. Therefore, to help you, I advised you to read Yu. Mukhin. His books are not fiction, not novels, but research books. Maybe then it will become clear to you.
                Although, knowing your tendency towards narcissism, you are unlikely to bother yourself with searching for the truth.
                1. -1
                  9 February 2025 15: 40
                  Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                  Maybe then it will become clear to you.

                  Having Stalin's works at hand, I have absolutely no need to read some Mukhin. Stalin said and wrote quite a lot and in detail. I have a head on my shoulders, experience of scientific work from 1982 to 2017. Why do I need interpreters and "truth seekers" when I have its SOURCE? That is who I need to turn to and compare his words with deeds and results. And I don't need commentators who make money on ignoramuses as assistants.
                  1. -1
                    9 February 2025 16: 33
                    Quote: kalibr
                    there is no need to read some Mukhin.

                    A narcissist is a narcissist laughing
                    1. 0
                      9 February 2025 17: 03
                      Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                      A narcissist is a narcissist

                      I read about him on the Internet. And I realized that I shouldn't read him at all. He's not even a PhD, not a doctor, the author of a number of completely delusional hypotheses, and also a prisoner for extremism. He denies genetics, admires Lysenko, writes about secret conspiracies. His "work" is the same crap as Fomenko's books. A techie by education and then "he stuck his pig's snout into the Kalashnikov row". Everything he writes is intended for a certain category of people, like you, who believe that official history deceives them, "historians hide", and in the secrets of the Madrid court". They themselves are too lazy to read the original sources, but people like him "explain them in an accessible way".
                      1. -1
                        9 February 2025 18: 22
                        Quote: kalibr
                        "with his snout in the Kalashny row." Everything he writes is intended for a certain category of people, like you, who believe that official history is deceiving them, "historians are hiding things," and that secrets

                        Only a person of limited intelligence could come to such a conclusion.
                        I haven't read it, but I angrily condemn it. wassat
                        Quote: kalibr
                        and also a prisoner for extremism.

                        Stalin, by the way, is also a "jailer" wassat
                      2. 0
                        9 February 2025 19: 04
                        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                        but I angrily condemn.

                        I condemn not what is written, but the man. Who, in my opinion, despite what has been written about him, cannot claim the role of "Stalin's discoverer", as well as his defender. I simply don't care about the books of such a man. How many times do I have to hammer at you - WHAT THE FUCK IS MUKHIN WHEN THERE'S STALIN? Will it finally get through to you?
                        And Lenin... an exile. But they were "then", and this one is now - A BIG DIFFERENCE. Is it understandable to you?
                      3. -1
                        Yesterday, 08: 52
                        Quote: kalibr
                        my opinion, given what has been written about it, cannot claim the role of "discoverer of Stalin",

                        You won’t believe it, but he didn’t “discover” Stalin; he was busy with completely different research.
                        Quote: kalibr
                        How many times do I have to hammer at you - WHAT THE FUCK IS MUKHIN WHEN THERE'S STALIN? It will get through to you,

                        It never dawns on you that Stalin won't give you an answer about the reasons and scale of the "repressions" among the military. But Mukhin does, and quite convincingly.
                        Quote: kalibr

                        And Lenin... an exile. But they were "then", and this one is now - A BIG DIFFERENCE. Is it understandable to you?

                        What is the difference between "then" and "now"?
                        After all, the question is not about time, but about the conflict between the individual and the authorities. Am I explaining this clearly? Otherwise, I have doubts about your ability to understand what you read.
                      4. 0
                        Yesterday, 09: 48
                        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                        Quote: kalibr
                        my opinion, given what has been written about it, cannot claim the role of "discoverer of Stalin",

                        You won’t believe it, but he didn’t “discover” Stalin; he was busy with completely different research.
                        Quote: kalibr
                        How many times do I have to hammer at you - WHAT THE FUCK IS MUKHIN WHEN THERE'S STALIN? It will get through to you,

                        It never dawns on you that Stalin won't give you an answer about the reasons and scale of the "repressions" among the military. But Mukhin does, and quite convincingly.
                        Quote: kalibr

                        And Lenin... an exile. But they were "then", and this one is now - A BIG DIFFERENCE. Is it understandable to you?

                        What is the difference between "then" and "now"?
                        After all, the question is not about time, but about the conflict between the individual and the authorities. Am I explaining this clearly? Otherwise, I have doubts about your ability to understand what you read.

                        You have been trying to convince me for so long that I am wondering whether you understand what has been written. I have already written to you: "Why the hell do I need Mukhin when there is Stalin." When he writes and defends at least a PhD thesis on these topics, then maybe I will read it. But I have no time to read popular books for the ignorant.
                      5. -1
                        Yesterday, 11: 17
                        Quote: kalibr
                        Maybe I'll read it. But I don't have time to read popular books for the ignorant.

                        That's right, don't read. Stay at the same level of intellectual development as you are now.
                        And in general, I would like to collect all the books and burn them, except for your works, of course.
                      6. 0
                        Yesterday, 12: 29
                        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                        And in general, I would like to collect all the books and burn them, except for your works, of course.

                        Completely... (a word banned in VO and meaning an extreme form of mental degradation!)
  7. BAI
    1 February 2025 09: 03
    What can I say: this is simply a remarkable phenomenon in the 10th year of Soviet power, which the General Secretary of the Party even had to talk about at the congress!

    Well, what's happening in America now? Trump wasn't allowed to work in his first term, now he's going to do it again, with his own team, so as not to repeat the mistakes.
    Any system gets rid of "troublemakers", those who try to break the established order.
  8. +2
    1 February 2025 09: 04
    "Without theory, we are dying, dying, dying..."
    I.V. Stalin


    "All that we see is only one visibility.
    Deep from the surface of the sea to the bottom.
    Consider inconsequential manifest in the world,
    For the secret essence of things is not visible. "

    The actions of heads of state should be judged by the country they accept and the country they leave behind.

    Standing in the pose of an ostrich who is not scared enough, looking with a magnifying glass at the grains of history between the toes, a place for which undoubtedly should be, one must not forget that the backside remains bare.

    Quotes from the work of comrade I.V. Stalin:
    "Economic problems of socialism in the USSR 11.1951.

    Moreover, I think that it is necessary to discard some other concepts taken from Marx's Capital, where Marx analyzed capitalism, and artificially attached to our socialist relations. I mean, among other things, such concepts as "necessary" and "surplus" labor, "necessary" and "surplus" product, "necessary" and "surplus" labor time...

    I think that our economists must put an end to this discrepancy between the old concepts and the new state of affairs in our socialist country, replacing the old concepts with new ones that correspond to the new situation. We could tolerate this discrepancy for a certain time, but now the time has come when we must finally eliminate this discrepancy."

    For communists, both past and present Marxism remains a dogma. They never developed a new theory. The result is well known to all - there is no USSR...
    1. -3
      1 February 2025 09: 17
      Quote: Boris55
      They never developed a new theory.
      I would also add: “corresponding to the requirements and specifics of the time.”
  9. +15
    1 February 2025 09: 28
    Shpakovsky's bottom has hit the ground again.
    He's been coming here a bit too often.
    It would be better if he wrote how he painted the horse from "Young Technician".
    1. -3
      1 February 2025 12: 03
      Quote: Million
      He painted the horse from "Young Technician".

      Do you really want to rave in public?
      1. +5
        1 February 2025 12: 06
        The horse is an allegory. But you did something similar.
        1. -6
          1 February 2025 12: 07
          There have never been horses in "Young Technics"!
          1. 0
            Yesterday, 09: 02
            Quote: kalibr
            There have never been horses in "Young Technics"!

            It was said that the horse is an allegory
  10. +7
    1 February 2025 10: 32
    We read: “These are mainly people from the lower classes, some had seven brothers and sisters, they shed blood for the revolution.”
    Shpakovsky, as always, is lying - he cheerfully placed all his fellow tribesmen in the social bottom - the poor fellows are just innocent lambs.
    Who is from the lower classes - Zelensky - a clerk, Gamarnik - a tradesman, Goloshchekin - from a family of clerks... and so on.
    They shot the opportunistic turncoats and did the right thing.
    By the way, an example of a turncoat and hidden enemy of the USSR is Shpakovsky himself - he diligently taught Marxism, but kept his fig in his pocket, and as soon as the situation changed, he immediately betrayed Soviet power.
    It's a pity that they don't shoot people like that now - but many should be - Chubais, for example, Khodorkovsky - they are also opportunists, traitors and murderers.
    1. +9
      1 February 2025 11: 05
      People like Shpakovsky, only of a much higher rank, destroyed the USSR.
      People without a homeland, honor and conscience...
      1. -5
        1 February 2025 11: 53
        Quote: Million
        destroyed the USSR.

        And the people stupidly watched as this happened, not to mention that those “of higher rank” were also from the people - from the workers and peasants!
        1. +6
          1 February 2025 11: 55
          If you study their biographies carefully, it will become clear where they were from. Most of them are a bit "Shpakovsky"
          1. -3
            1 February 2025 11: 59
            Quote: Million
            If you study their biographies carefully, it will become clear where they were from. Most of them are a bit "Shpakovsky"

            Vlad, how many times do I have to write that I shouldn't hint at my Jewishness? And then, who established the Soviet power anyway? Sverdlov, Dzerzhinsky... there was only one Russian, Kalinin, at the top... So you Jews need to bow to the waist for the revolution, and for the USSR, and for the creation of its missile-nuclear shield...
            1. +2
              1 February 2025 12: 00
              There are two types of Jews: some do good and others do evil.
              I respect some people, but not others.
              This contrast is more pronounced than among other nationalities.
              1. -3
                1 February 2025 12: 02
                Quote: Million
                I respect some people, but not others.

                Well, in our history there were so many of both that...this is essentially their history, both good and bad - ha-ha!
                1. ANB
                  1 February 2025 13: 39
                  I personally have only met good Jews.
                2. +3
                  1 February 2025 21: 42
                  Vlad, how many times do I have to write that I shouldn't hint at my Jewishness?

                  Forgive me, but it feels like the institute of commentators in this section is turning into a get-together of old ladies at the entrance. Let's close the topic of Caliber's Jewishness once and for all.
                  Let me give you an idea - when receiving his passport, young Slava Shevchenko decided to choose his stepfather's surname. Why he did so is his personal business.
                  1. +2
                    2 February 2025 13: 39
                    I also don't think it's necessary to emphasize nationality, especially since ethnically Shpakovsky is in no way Jewish. As are Sechin, Prokhorov, Nabiullina and Miller. However, his passion for profit, which he is simply proud of here more than once (280 rubles was not enough for him in the USSR), provokes such conversations.
                  2. -1
                    8 February 2025 22: 01
                    Quote: Richard

                    Let me give you an idea: when receiving his passport, young Slava Shevchenko decided to choose the surname of his stepfather.

                    Essentially betrayed his father.
                    1. 0
                      9 February 2025 17: 06
                      Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                      Essentially betrayed his father.

                      And did the father not betray his son, abandoning him in the cradle? A real father is not the one who injects the seed, anyone can do that, but the one who brings up and helps in life.
        2. BAI
          1 February 2025 20: 39
          And the people stupidly watched as this happened,

          1. One traitor can destroy an entire combat-ready army. A traitor at the head of a state can destroy (and has destroyed) a state.
          2. What do you mean the people watched stupidly? The problem is in the mentality - the Russian people have always trusted the rulers absolutely, because it could never occur to anyone, and there was no such thing, that a Russian ruler would act to the detriment of the state. Therefore, the highest expression of will was always perceived without criticism, because everyone was sure, it was in the genes - everything from above is for the good of the state. And it was always like that. It could never occur to anyone that the head of state could betray the state he leads.
          1. -3
            2 February 2025 06: 59
            Quote: BAI
            Therefore, the highest expression of will was always accepted without criticism, because everyone was sure that it was in the genes - everything from above is for the good of the state.

            Yes, you are talking about mentality...
          2. -2
            2 February 2025 14: 47
            Quote: BAI
            One traitor can destroy an entire combat ready the army.
            - at COMBAT-CAPABLE in the army there are always special agents and just honest people - NOT self-seekers/careerists.
            If they are not there - the army NOT combat-ready, there are attributes of an army, but there is no army...

            Quote: BAI
            A traitor at the head of state can destroy (and has destroyed) the state.
            - if 1 leader is enough, it means that the state no longer exists, but there is imitation states - in which everything lay down your manhood on the state: the apparatus, the KGB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the people...

            Quote: BAI
            because everyone was sure, it was in the genes - everything from above is for the benefit of the state. And it was always like that.

            Sure sure.
            That's why in Rus' always They felt sorry for the convicts: “He went against the authorities!!!”
            You portray the people as a flock of sheep, which neither the Russian nor the Soviet people have ever been.
            In general, your formula of "Unlimited trust of the people in the government" is extremely Russophobic in essence. You are depriving the people of the right to think....
            1. +1
              8 February 2025 22: 19
              Quote: your1970

              In general, your formula of "Unlimited trust of the people in the government" is extremely Russophobic in essence. You are depriving the people of the right to think....

              You don’t understand at all what power is and what the sacredness of power is.
              No one deprives the people of the right to think. But are you ready to imagine that turner Vanya or tractor driver Petya, coming home from work, will think about state construction? Believe me, he has other concerns, this is the first, and second, not the level of education.
              No one explained to him what Gorby was leading to. Both of them see that something is wrong in the country, but they don't understand the reasons because TV says that everything is going according to plan - perestroika.
              1. -1
                9 February 2025 00: 44
                Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                But are you ready to imagine that turner Vanya or tractor driver Petya, coming home from work, will think about state construction? Believe me, he has other concerns, this is the first, and secondly, not the level of education.

                Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                No one explained to him what Gorby was leading to. Both of them see that something is wrong in the country, but they don't understand the reasons because TV says that everything is going according to plan - perestroika.

                That is then - "The people are stupid, they have no time for that after work, no one explained it to them, they don't understand the reasons, TV is to blame"
                And now - even here in the Higher School of Economics - there are professors - political scientists - like manure behind a sheepfold, they don’t work, they are strictly busy with politics, they understand all the reasons and don’t watch TV.
                Don't you think that this is - the same people what in the USSR, what now?
                Or they different people - then a dumb one for whom everything was according to feng shui and he happily ate, chomping, the news from the box about "milk yields and milk yields", and now an advanced, diplomatically savvy one, knowing all the secrets of the politics of all countries, their budgets, and so on, so on, so on?
                Vanya and Petya thought that power was sacred, but now everyone knows that power is crap, and every second person talks about how he would restructure power?
                According to your theory, there lived a horned, mooing tribe then, right?
                1. -1
                  9 February 2025 14: 06
                  Quote: your1970

                  According to your theory, there lived a horned, mooing tribe then, right?

                  And now things are no better in terms of understanding state power.
                  In terms of education and culture it is much worse
                  1. -1
                    9 February 2025 14: 51
                    Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                    And now things are no better in terms of understanding state power.

                    So you understand that 90% of VO commentators - when they scream at the authorities - at the very least do not understand the state authorities?
    2. +4
      1 February 2025 11: 41
      It's a pity that they don't shoot people like that now - but many of them should be - Chubais, for example, Khodorkovsky - they are also opportunists

      About Khodorkovsky from Wiki:
      In 1986, he graduated with honors from the Moscow Chemical Technology Institute, receiving a diploma in the specialty of "engineer-technologist". According to the vice-rector of the Moscow Chemical Technology Institute Zhilin, Khodorkovsky was not invited to graduate school due to inability to work in experimental chemistry. Worked as deputy secretary of the Komsomol committee of the Moscow Chemical Institute. Gave the USSR KGB a written undertaking that he was informed about the danger of disclosing state secrets, although it is “difficult for Khodorkovsky himself to say whether this was recruitment in their view.”
      Of course, it’s a pity that the highest measure of social protection is not applied to such people.
      1. -1
        1 February 2025 12: 11
        Yes, an interesting biography. negative
        Quote: Aviator_
        It's a pity that they don't shoot people like that now - but many of them should be - Chubais, for example, Khodorkovsky - they are also opportunists

        ...... Worked as deputy secretary of the Komsomol committee of the Moscow Chemical Institute. Gave the USSR KGB a written undertaking that,.....
        Of course, it’s a pity that the highest measure of social protection is not applied to such people.

        Instead, a movie was made about him some time ago
      2. +1
        2 February 2025 13: 45
        Judging by the minuses, there are three admirers of Chubais and Khodorkovsky here.
        1. +1
          2 February 2025 21: 42
          Quote: Aviator_
          Judging by the minuses, there are three admirers of Chubais and Khodorkovsky here.

          Somewhat silent bully liberals. They are embarrassed, tongue They're probably being modest.
          1. 0
            3 February 2025 07: 54
            This is not trendy yet. These "masters of life" are too odious now.
            1. +1
              3 February 2025 12: 33
              It is probably not the "masters" who are here, but their servants, small speechless liberals who quietly make a mess, express their PROTEST against the USSR, Lenin, Stalin, the CPSU, the Russian Federation... The title of the article is just right for this. It is strange that this cycle has only been noticed now, and not earlier. It would be interesting if they would justify their minuses. And in detail and in detail.
              1. 0
                3 February 2025 19: 58
                It would be interesting if you would justify your disadvantages. And in detail and in detail.
                Well, you yourself wrote that they are petty lackeys. Most likely, they do it even for free, for self-affirmation. In their souls, they realize their worthlessness.
    3. -1
      1 February 2025 11: 51
      Quote: Dozorny_ severa
      and so on.

      They had seven or eight brothers and sisters and were from poor families. You should go through all the biographies...
    4. -3
      1 February 2025 11: 55
      Quote: Dozorny_ severa
      and he kept a fig in his pocket

      And who saw this? Was it you?
    5. 0
      Yesterday, 09: 06
      Quote: Dozorny_ severa

      Who is from the lower classes - Zelensky - a clerk, Gamarnik - a tradesman, Goloshchekin - from a family of clerks... and so on.
      They shot the opportunistic turncoats and did the right thing.

      Gamarnik is not just a "converter-opportunist", he is one of a group of conspirators who planned to carry out a coup d'etat by assassinating Stalin.
  11. -5
    1 February 2025 12: 05
    These circumstances deprive scattered agriculture of those colossal advantages of large-scale, united and planned production.

    And how did the farms of the USA, Germany, etc. manage without collective farms/state farms, without the forced herding of tens of millions of peasants into them, without the exile and robbery of millions, without millions of dead and shot peasants, without the close and detailed management of the NKVD, GPU in sowing, harvesting, and Comrade Stalin personally giving instructions on burning out the mite under the floors of storage facilities, while still a third of the harvest went under snow, dirt and rot? Where, in what country does the Ministry of Internal Affairs control... harvesting, storage, etc.? And the result in comparison with the results of the USA and other countries is ridiculous.

    At the same time, the village itself was robbed of tribute, quitrent, corvée, depopulated and never recovered, and hunger was a constant complication of the life of the Soviet city.
    1. +3
      1 February 2025 17: 12
      Quote: Olgovich
      And how did the farms of the USA, Germany, etc. manage without collective/state farms, without the forced herding of tens of millions of peasants into them, without the exile and robbery of millions?

      If we remove the ideological component, then the processes of consolidation of agricultural lands and the forced displacement of peasants from their lands also took place in Europe. It just happened much earlier, on the basis of laws that did not have an ideological coloring, and "extra" peasants were hanged, for example, for vagrancy. And the Europeans did not do this in such a hurry, because they did not need to catch up with anyone. (In the USA, this was not required until recently due to their comparative youth and initially larger farms with slaves and the presence of unclaimed Indian lands, but now their agricultural corporations are putting pressure on farmers quite powerfully, including by lobbying for laws that discriminate against them)
      1. -1
        1 February 2025 19: 57
        Quote: Chief Officer Lom
        And the Europeans did not do this in such a hurry, because they did not have to catch up with anyone.

        and who did the collective farms catch up with? 1913 FORTY years later?
        Quote: Chief Officer Lom
        they have agricultural corporations

        and our collective farms cannot be compared - they are like heaven and earth.
        1. 0
          1 February 2025 20: 09
          Quote: Olgovich
          and who did the collective farms catch up with?

          Labor productivity in agriculture has increased many times over compared to tsarist Russia. And if you distort and refer to the failures of Soviet agriculture, then remember the famine in the USA in the 30s. The fact that ignorance in the implementation of collectivization, and in a broader sense in the management of the USSR economy, led to negative results, does not mean that the idea itself was unsuccessful.
          1. -1
            2 February 2025 12: 37
            Quote: Chief Officer Lom
            Labor productivity in agriculture has increased many times over compared to tsarist Russia. And if you distort and refer to the failures of Soviet agriculture, then remember the famine in the USA in the 30s.

            The party members achieved a harvest of ..43 years, except for 1937, the harvest of 1953 was less than the harvest of 1913, the consumption of bread, meat, etc. reached the level of 1913... after forty years!

            At the same time, tens of millions of peasants were broken over their knees, millions were shot and exiled, many millions died in mass cannibalism, there was permanent hunger, gigantic material and financial resources were wasted, the outcome was a puff and a loss.

            Aren't you ashamed to talk about the famine in the USA against the backdrop of cannibalism and corpse-eating in the USSR?
            1. +1
              2 February 2025 13: 07
              Quote: Olgovich
              party members achieved the harvest of 1913

              You are a master of distortion. By the way, do you know the difference between harvest and yield, and labor productivity and the amount produced?
              Regarding yield:
              1913: 8,3 centners/ha
              But: 1900 - 6,1 c/ha, 1901 - 5,0, 1902 - 7,0, 1903 - 6,3, etc. (1906-4,9, 1911 - 5,1)
              In this case: 1920 - 5,7, 1921 - 5,0, 1922 - 7,6, 1923 - 7,2.....1930 - 8,5, 1931 - 6,7, 1932-7,0...1940 - 8,6...1950-7,2...1960-10,7...1970-15,6
              It should be taken into account that during the period of the empire that I have cited, there were no wars on its territory, it included Poland and the entire territory called Ukraine by Soviet historians with the corresponding climate and black soil, and 85% of the country's population worked in the countryside, while in the USSR it is necessary to take into account the loss of Poland and the west of "Ukraine" before 1939, the consequences of the civil war and WWII, and also the fact that by 1940 67% of the population worked in the countryside, by 1960 - 48%, and by 1970 - 38%.
              1. 0
                2 February 2025 13: 12
                For those who like to twiddle numbers, there are statistics on average yields in Russia over the decades:
                1900s - 6,23 c/ha, 1910s - 6,79, 1920s - 7,12, 1930s - 7,19, 1940s - 5,59 (it’s clear why), 1950s - 8,24, 1960s - 11,14, 1970s - 14,54
                PS statistics for wheat
      2. 0
        1 February 2025 20: 14
        In my opinion, it is necessary to take into account the climatic features of Russia. Both in the Russian Empire and later. Europe has a warmer climate and the yield has always been higher than in Russia. Maybe it was in common with China. Where a significant part of the land is unsuitable for agriculture
        1. +2
          1 February 2025 20: 18
          Quote: Reptiloid
          Where a significant portion of the land is unsuitable for agriculture

          The Chinese have a saying: "If you are lazy, sow wheat!"
          1. +1
            1 February 2025 20: 26
            If they were so hardworking, then why did they only start eating enough in this century? After all, it was precisely because of the lack of food, and not because of hard work, that they started eating worms, insects, dogs, foxes, frogs, snakes and literally everyone else. And animals, fish, birds, etc. cooked dishes from all the internal organs, etc. In our country, they didn’t even eat anything like that.....waste-free production hi
            1. 0
              2 February 2025 06: 57
              Quote: Reptiloid
              If they were so hardworking, then why did they only start eating enough in this century?

              Dmitry! Why, why - I don't know. I cited their proverb, that's all. Do you want me to cite another? "If the sky is falling, don't support it!"
              1. 0
                2 February 2025 09: 12
                They eat you know who with chopsticks, and they also consider honey hedgehog bile to be a medicine... Who knows what they do and say. It's strange that you decided to listen to them. The Chinese have their own sky, the Russians have their own.
                1. 0
                  2 February 2025 10: 46
                  Quote: Reptiloid
                  It's strange that you decided to listen to them.

                  Dmitry! "Listening" and accepting for use are different things. I "listen" to the ancient Egyptians, so what? And also the Indians, the Japanese, you can't list them all. This is the knowledge and experience of humanity, which is always worth knowing.
      3. 0
        2 February 2025 01: 06
        In the United States, this was not required until recently due to their comparative youth and initially larger farms with slaves and the presence of unclaimed Indian lands.

        What about Roosevelt's defarming?
        Photos from that time were used to illustrate the Holodomor.
    2. -1
      1 February 2025 22: 45
      Quote: Olgovich
      And how did the farms of the USA, Germany, etc. manage without collective/state farms, without the forced herding of tens of millions of peasants into them, without the exile and robbery of millions, without millions of dead and shot peasants, without close and detailed management...
      I don't know about Germany, but in the USA during the Great Depression there was a natural collectivization. Only the extra peasants were not left on collective farms, but were driven wherever their eyes looked. And the farms of the abandoned peasants began to belong to banks. Due to chemicalization, mechanization and enlargement of sown areas, food production only increased. As for management, what was to be done? The peasants themselves were not eager to work (engineers and schoolchildren went to help them), there were not very literate people among them.
    3. -1
      Yesterday, 09: 11
      Quote: Olgovich
      And how did the agricultural enterprises of the USA, Germany, etc. manage without collective farms?

      You should first familiarize yourself with the agriculture in these countries.
  12. 0
    1 February 2025 12: 08
    Quote: kalibr
    So you Jews need to bow to the waist for the revolution, and for the USSR, and for the creation of its nuclear missile shield...

    Well, it was worth digging deeper and it became clear that an anti-Soviet person is always a Nazi.
    By the way, who should we bow down to for not putting striped robes on Soviet citizens of Jewish nationality?
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. Fat
      1 February 2025 13: 58
      Quote: Dozorny_ severa
      By the way, who should we bow down to for not putting striped robes on Soviet citizens of Jewish nationality?

      So who should I bow to, Andrey? Write, respect your colleagues, discuss the opus. Not everyone is so quick-witted, to immediately understand what kind of heresy you are deigning to carry
    3. 0
      1 February 2025 15: 10
      Quote: Dozorny_ severa
      Soviet citizens of Jewish nationality were not given striped robes?

      And the Jews too. In terms of the number of military awards, the Jews were in fourth place after the Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. Of these, 177 people received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Per 100 population, these figures look like this: Russians - 000, Jews - 6149, Ukrainians - 5324, Tatars - 4804, Belarusians - 4054, Kazakhs - 3759 people.
      During the war, about 500 Jews served directly in the Red Army. Among the various branches of the armed forces, they were distributed as follows: 7,2% in the air force, 14,7% in the navy, 19% in mechanized and armored units, 14% in the artillery, 5% in the sapper units, 3% in the signal troops, and 27,1% in the infantry. More than 32 were officers, 276 were generals and admirals. The participation of Jewish women in the Red Army and partisan formations was quite large. According to estimates, about 20 people served in the air force, ground forces, air defense units, and medical units. Up to 200 servicemen and partisans died in battle. About 80 were shot in prisoner of war camps, having been handed over to the Nazis by their fellow soldiers. The most complete data on the participation of Soviet Jews in the Great Patriotic War are published in the article by Z. Rogov and G. Glazer "The Role of the Jewish People in the Great Patriotic War" (Bulletin 12, 1995). These data should be used as guidelines, keeping in mind that at that time the political leadership did everything it could to hinder the recognition of the exploits of Jews, and many Jews and half-breeds indicated in documents that they belonged to the indigenous nationality.
      Therefore, the figures given should be considered underestimated.
      Jewish servicemen especially distinguished themselves in the first, most difficult period of the war. Thus, according to statistics for October 1942, the number of those awarded by nationality was distributed as follows: Russians made up 68,5% of those awarded, Ukrainians - 17,9, Belarusians - 2,9%, Jews - 2,8%, Tatars - 1,54%. Per 100 thousand of the population, the number of those awarded was 172 Jews, 126 Russians, 93 Ukrainians, 66 Tatars, and 65 non-Belarusians.
      Over the entire period of the war, the total number of those awarded was distributed as follows:
      Russians made up 66,49%, Ukrainians - 18,43%, Belarusians - 3,35%, Tatars - 1,88%, Jews - 1,73%, Kazakhs - 104%.
      Government awards were given to 200 Jewish soldiers, or 000% of their number in the Red Army (later the Soviet Army). By comparison, in the United States, 40% of Jews in the armed forces were awarded during the same period.
      1. -4
        1 February 2025 19: 07
        What relation do you have to these Jews - heroes of the USSR's war against fascism?
        The overwhelming majority of the Jews you mentioned were happy to take you to the wall as an enemy of the USSR and therefore an accomplice of the Nazis.
        1. +1
          1 February 2025 19: 24
          Quote: Dozorny_ severa
          as an enemy of the USSR

          What ... a word forbidden in VO, meaning a mentally defective person..., Did I tell you that I am an enemy of the USSR? Have you forgotten Stalin's words that Marxism is not a dogma, but a guide to action? And that means we need to analyze the mistakes made in the past and draw conclusions from them so as not to repeat them in the future. Dull pedants are a much greater evil and enemies of the USSR, because they do not want to notice that everything flows and changes, they do not want to see mistakes in the past, and therefore risk repeating them in the future.
          And what is the attitude? You asked who to bow to - I answered: all those named, including Jews!
      2. -1
        Yesterday, 09: 14
        Quote: kalibr

        In terms of the number of military awards, Jews were in fourth place after Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians.

        But the strange thing is that most Jews received this title after the war. So to speak, according to newly discovered documents.
        1. 0
          Yesterday, 09: 50
          Quote: Krasnoyarsk
          Most Jews received this title after the war.

          A source of information?
          1. -1
            Yesterday, 11: 20
            Quote: kalibr
            Quote: Krasnoyarsk
            Most Jews received this title after the war.

            A source of information?

            Why do you need it? You don’t read anything except your books and, oh miracle (!!), the speeches of Comrade Stalin.
            1. 0
              Yesterday, 12: 30
              Quote: Krasnoyarsk
              Why do you need it? You don’t read anything except your books and, oh miracle (!!), the speeches of Comrade Stalin.

              I don't like chatterboxes!
  13. ANB
    1 February 2025 13: 37
    Until the early 1970s, the world population increased according to a hyperbolic law;

    Vyacheslav Olegovich, hyperbola is a decreasing function. Parabolas and exponentials increase.
    There is a term "hyperbola" in the literature, but it is not equal to a function.
    Please correct.
    Otherwise, I like the article.
    1. ANB
      1 February 2025 13: 44
      Clarification: a hyperbola decreases when its argument is positive.
      1. Fat
        1 February 2025 13: 51
        "Hyperbole in literature is a trope that consists of an excessive exaggeration of certain properties of the depicted object or phenomenon." (C) Yandex neural network.
    2. 0
      1 February 2025 13: 52
      It's no use, colleague. Mathematics is not Shpakovsky's thing. Dyscalculia is obvious.
  14. +2
    1 February 2025 14: 07
    Quote: Thick
    Quote: Dozorny_ severa
    By the way, who should we bow down to for not putting striped robes on Soviet citizens of Jewish nationality?

    So who should I bow to, Andrey? Write, respect your colleagues, discuss the opus. Not everyone is so quick-witted, to immediately understand what kind of heresy you are deigning to carry

    "I drink, first of all, to the health of the Russian people because it is the most outstanding nation of all the nations that make up the Soviet Union. I raise a toast to the health of the Russian people because it has earned general recognition in this war - as the leading force of the Soviet Union among all the peoples of our country."
    Stalin's toast at the banquet on June 24, 1945.
    1. +1
      1 February 2025 15: 27
      Quote: Dozorny_ severa
      North watchmen

      About 1 representatives of nationalities of the USSR fought on the side of Nazi Germany, including:
      400 Russians (including former White Cossacks and White Guards);
      250 Ukrainians;
      70 Belarusians;
      70 Cossacks;
      150 Latvians;
      90 Estonians;
      50 Lithuanians;
      70 Central Asians;
      12 Volga Tatars;
      10 Crimean Tatars;
      7 Kalmyks;
      40 Azerbaijanis;
      25 Georgians;
      20 Armenians;
      30 people from the North Caucasus.
      Which nation is not named?
      1. -5
        1 February 2025 19: 13
        Come on, that damned American is slandering - "American historian Brian M. Rigg claims that 150 thousand Jews served in the German Wehrmacht during World War II." RIA Novosti, 05.06.2008
        Rejoice in the honorable first place in percentage terms, and third place in the absolute standings.
        Congratulations. Erich Milch was still diligently blaming the Nazis.
        Here they are, your ideological buddies - money doesn't stink.
        1. +1
          1 February 2025 19: 19
          Quote: Dozorny_ severa
          "150 thousand Jewish people served in the German Wehrmacht"

          But not Soviet ones!
  15. 0
    1 February 2025 14: 25
    herself criticizes and, by criticizing himself, becomes stronger. This is a very important indication of Marx. If we, representatives of the proletarian revolution, close our eyes to our shortcomings, resolve issues in a family way, hushing up our mistakes and driving the ailments inside our party organism, then who will correct these mistakes, these shortcomings?

    Who of Stalin's critics survived?
    1. -1
      Yesterday, 09: 28
      Quote: Olgovich

      "she criticizes herself and, by criticizing herself, she becomes stronger".

      Quote: Olgovich
      Who of Stalin's critics survived?

      You didn't understand what you quoted.
      It was about self-criticism.
      Next. There is criticism and there is criticism. Criticism is when the critic offers something better, which is supported by the majority.
      And those who are not able to offer, not only the best, but cannot offer anything at all, engage in criticism. But they, with their criticism, interfere with those who work. Therefore, they were deprived of the opportunity to engage in criticism.
      And to follow up, - "Everyone can criticize and be angry, but not everyone can work" V.I. Lenin
  16. +2
    1 February 2025 15: 57
    Personally, I realized that every 10 years the elite in our country must be changed by any means, otherwise there will be no result. I would also like to read in detail a similar speech by Nicholas II before the State Duma.

    Thanks to the author.
  17. 0
    1 February 2025 22: 49
    A warm company of "communists" puts a spoke in his wheel and thus forces him to "step aside".
    There you go! Stalin says they are communists, but Tatra says they are not.
    An example of three metal workers who managed to “regenerate” into enemies of the Soviet power in just 10 years
    And here too.
    Meanwhile, the party itself was getting rid of people who were sincerely devoted to the cause of the revolution.
    It is not a fact at all (that they are sincerely devoted to the cause of the revolution).
  18. +1
    2 February 2025 01: 11
    "Started well, ended badly." Started with the congress in 1927, ended with executions in the late 30s. The author clearly draws a direct connection between collectivization, industrialization and Stalin's repressions. Only for some reason the article is called differently. belay Nothing about plans for the congress. Stalin's repressions are a separate big topic and a simple list won't do.
    Stalin could not foresee the collapse of the USSR, but he named one of the reasons. Let me remind you, in 1927. "Zadvizhentsy" and "communists". Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Putin, Chubais, Gaidar, ... Shpakovsky - "communists".
    "Stalin gave these figures without specifying what percentage of workers were city dwellers in the first, second and third generation. He did not know that this is precisely what has enormous potential significance. However, let us recall that the theory of generations appeared only in 1991."
    Maybe you could share this dubious theory with the author? wink
    1. 0
      Yesterday, 09: 52
      Quote: There was a mammoth
      Maybe you could share this dubious theory with the author?

      It's all on the Internet! But you can open any sociology textbook and read about it there.
      1. 0
        Yesterday, 17: 43
        Quote: kalibr
        It's all on the Internet! But you can open any sociology textbook and read about it there.

        Oh! The freebie was lost. wink
        What I like about the humanities is the ability to turn any speculation, even an absurd one, with a certain amount of "dexterity" of mind, into evidence and then into a theory. Especially a theory from 1991. wink We have heard about Soros grants and now USAID.
        "And again Stalin gave these figures without indicating what percentage of workers were city dwellers in the first, second and third generation. He did not know that this is precisely what has enormous potential significance."
        He was a narrow-minded man, however. wink
        Who is a city dweller?
        1. 0
          Yesterday, 17: 49
          Quote: There was a mammoth
          He was a narrow-minded man, however.

          It's not a matter of short-sightedness, but rather that science didn't pay attention to these indicators at that time. They talked about social stratification, about how there are hereditary workers and those who just came from the village. But in general, they didn't go that "deep" back then and underestimated the impact on society as a whole. Stalin simply couldn't jump higher than the roof.
          1. 0
            Yesterday, 18: 17
            Quote: kalibr
            Stalin simply could not jump higher than the roof.

            This is where Stalin should have jumped, enriched with "deep" knowledge. Stalin is a political figure and philosopher.
  19. 0
    2 February 2025 15: 53
    Quote: kalibr
    Quote: ee2100
    everyone needs to be checked,

    Go ahead and check it out. The list is available.

    Your little list is typical, in terms of the nationalities of the composition. Almost all of them were in the party wing of Leiba Bronstein, or Bundists. The Bund wing was quite influential at that time. Will you tell us about this, "historian"? bully
  20. 0
    2 February 2025 15: 54
    Quote: Radikal
    Quote: kalibr
    Quote: ee2100
    everyone needs to be checked,

    Go ahead and check it out. The list is available.

    Your little list is typical, in terms of the nationalities of the composition. Almost all of them were in the party wing of Leiba Bronstein, or Bundists. The Bund wing was quite influential at that time. Will you tell us about this - "historian"? bully
    1. +1
      Yesterday, 09: 57
      Quote: Radikal
      You will tell about this

      There will definitely be talk about the Bund.
  21. 0
    3 February 2025 15: 17
    The comments are depressing, the main ones are of the "myself" and "if there is no water in the tap" category, well, everyone knows the rest. And how I wanted a detailed discussion.
    1. 0
      Yesterday, 09: 33
      Quote: Mother Teresa
      The comments are depressing, the main ones are of the "myself" and "if there is no water in the tap" category, well, everyone knows the rest. And how I wanted a detailed discussion.

      Discussions about what? About the author's libel? How can one discuss a dog's bark or a cat's meow?
      1. 0
        Yesterday, 18: 40
        Then it is generally stupid to comment on the barking of a dog and the meowing of a cat.
        1. 0
          Yesterday, 19: 18
          Quote: Mother Teresa
          Then it is generally stupid to comment on the barking of a dog and the meowing of a cat.

          That’s why no one comments on the article, you’ve seen it for yourself.
          1. +1
            Yesterday, 19: 22
            No, they do comment and I am convinced of this. They comment long and persistently. Putting themselves in a bad light.
          2. +1
            Yesterday, 19: 42
            Postyshev P.P.
            The “enthusiasm” with which Postyshev was effectively destroying all power in the districts of the region seemed excessive even to the top of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), even though it was 1937, the very peak of the repressions.
            The head of the Kuibyshev regional committee was summoned to Moscow, where he was asked to explain himself. Postyshev sincerely did not understand what the problem was.
            "I calculated and it turns out that enemies were sitting there for 12 years. For example, in our regional executive committee, right down to the technical workers, there are the most seasoned enemies who have admitted to their sabotage work and behave insolently, starting with the chairman of the regional executive committee, his deputy, consultants, secretaries - all enemies. Absolutely all departments of the executive committee were littered with enemies. Take the trade line - there were also enemies there, who accumulated their supporters, planted them everywhere. Now take the chairmen of the district executive committees - all enemies. 66 chairmen of the district executive committees - all enemies. The overwhelming majority of second secretaries, I'm not even talking about first secretaries, are enemies, and not just enemies, but there were a lot of spies sitting there: Poles, Latvians, they picked up all sorts of rabid scum," Postyshev reported to the members of the Politburo.
            "Were there honest people there? You're not exaggerating?" the party leaders would interrupt him periodically, but they would answer that no, there were no exaggerations.
            Despite the fact that a day later Postyshev came to his senses and repented of his speech ("I myself do not know why I said it," he said, which confirms the version about his possible mental illness), he did not have long to rule the region, and indeed to live. In February 1938 he was arrested, and a year later he was shot.
            Transcript No. 138 of the meeting of the plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) on 14.01.1938
      2. +1
        Yesterday, 19: 20
        I think that the discussion should be done approximately like this.
        Kosior S.V.
        On February 1, 1932, S. Kosior and V. Chubar signed the decree "On Seeds", which ordered local committees to refuse any seed assistance to Ukrainian collective farms. On March 17, 1932, he signed the decree "On Seed Stocks", which led to increased repression against peasants who resisted the confiscation of grain. On March 29 of the same year, the decree "On Polesie" was signed, according to which 5000 peasant families were deported from the Polesie region of Ukraine.
        In April 1932, S. V. Kosior sent a telegram to I. Stalin, in which he stated: "We have individual cases and even individual villages that are starving, but this is only the result of local bungling, excesses, especially in relation to collective farms. Any talk of "famine" in Ukraine must be categorically rejected. The serious assistance that was provided to Ukraine gives us the opportunity to eliminate all such hotbeds."
        To which Stalin I.V. responded with a telegram
        "Pay the most serious attention to Ukraine. Chubar with his decay and opportunistic guts and Kosior with his rotten diplomacy (in relation to the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party) and criminally frivolous attitude to the matter will completely ruin Ukraine. These comrades are not up to leading today's Ukraine. I have the impression (perhaps even the conviction) that both Chubar and Kosior will have to be removed from Ukraine. It is possible that I am mistaken. But you have the opportunity to check this matter at the conference."
        — Stalin in a coded message to Kaganovich and Molotov, 2.7.1932
        Here is a comment, and the data is taken from Wikipedia, but many are too lazy, many want to demonstrate their awareness.
        1. -1
          Yesterday, 19: 48
          Quote: Mother Teresa

          Here is a comment, and the data is taken from Wikipedia, but

          If I were you, I wouldn't get carried away with believing in Wikipedia. It's been proven more than once that it's biased, deliberately distorted and often lies. This "directive" got into Wikipedia from here
          Court ruling on recognition of the Holodomor of 1932-33 in Ukraine as an act of genocide

          On February 1, 1932, continuing criminal actions aimed at the genocide of the Ukrainian national group, Kosior S.V. and Chubar V.Ya. signed and sent for execution to regional, city and district party committees the directive “On seeds”, according to which the collective farms of Ukraine were denied seed assistance.
          And I would not trust the Ukrainian court.
          1. +1
            Yesterday, 19: 50
            I trust the cipher of Comrade Stalin I.V.
            1. 0
              Yesterday, 20: 23
              Quote: Mother Teresa
              I trust the cipher of Comrade Stalin I.V.

              The encryption - yes, the directive about seeds, I would be wary. The thing is that there was sabotage, but so open, by the top officials of the republic... Has the instinct of self-preservation atrophied?
              As for Postyshev... Have you ever thought about what pushed Postyshev to accuse, read repress, everyone and everything?
              Do you think he was mentally ill? Not at all.
              And the founder of the repressions is considered to be R. Eikhe, secretary of the West Siberian regional committee.
              It was not Stalin who initiated the repressions, but the secretaries of the regional and territorial committees. And it is easy to understand why.
              1. +1
                Yesterday, 20: 36
                Well, there you go, we have a normal dialogue. There is something to discuss.
    2. 0
      Yesterday, 09: 54
      Quote: Mother Teresa
      The comments are depressing, the main ones are of the "myself" variety.

      What kind of people are they, such are their rulers!
      1. -1
        Yesterday, 19: 21
        Quote: kalibr
        What kind of people are they, such are their rulers!

        So it was you and those like you who applauded the new (your) government in the 90s.
        And today, spray poison at the old government and the communists who built the country.
        1. 0
          Yesterday, 20: 51
          Quote: Krasnoyarsk
          And today, spray poison at the old government and the communists who built the country.

          Where did you see poison splashes in this article?
      2. +1
        Yesterday, 20: 35
        Well, here you are wrong. Rather, the one who appeals to the opponent's nationality should not dare to call himself a communist. He is anyone but a communist. The one who quotes, communicates with slogans in and out of place is a useful fool. Who herself does not understand whose mill she is pouring grist on.
  22. 0
    5 February 2025 17: 24
    Quote: kalibr
    Quote: Dozorny_ severa
    Soviet citizens of Jewish nationality were not given striped robes?

    And the Jews too. In terms of the number of military awards, the Jews were in fourth place after the Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. Of these, 177 people received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Per 100 population, these figures look like this: Russians - 000, Jews - 6149, Ukrainians - 5324, Tatars - 4804, Belarusians - 4054, Kazakhs - 3759 people.
    During the war, about 500 Jews served directly in the Red Army. Among the various branches of the armed forces, they were distributed as follows: 7,2% in the air force, 14,7% in the navy, 19% in mechanized and armored units, 14% in the artillery, 5% in the sapper units, 3% in the signal troops, and 27,1% in the infantry. More than 32 were officers, 276 were generals and admirals. The participation of Jewish women in the Red Army and partisan formations was quite large. According to estimates, about 20 people served in the air force, ground forces, air defense units, and medical units. Up to 200 servicemen and partisans died in battle. About 80 were shot in prisoner of war camps, having been handed over to the Nazis by their fellow soldiers. The most complete data on the participation of Soviet Jews in the Great Patriotic War are published in the article by Z. Rogov and G. Glazer "The Role of the Jewish People in the Great Patriotic War" (Bulletin 12, 1995). These data should be used as guidelines, keeping in mind that at that time the political leadership did everything it could to hinder the recognition of the exploits of Jews, and many Jews and half-breeds indicated in documents that they belonged to the indigenous nationality.
    Therefore, the figures given should be considered underestimated.
    Jewish servicemen especially distinguished themselves in the first, most difficult period of the war. Thus, according to statistics for October 1942, the number of those awarded by nationality was distributed as follows: Russians made up 68,5% of those awarded, Ukrainians - 17,9, Belarusians - 2,9%, Jews - 2,8%, Tatars - 1,54%. Per 100 thousand of the population, the number of those awarded was 172 Jews, 126 Russians, 93 Ukrainians, 66 Tatars, and 65 non-Belarusians.
    Over the entire period of the war, the total number of those awarded was distributed as follows:
    Russians made up 66,49%, Ukrainians - 18,43%, Belarusians - 3,35%, Tatars - 1,88%, Jews - 1,73%, Kazakhs - 104%.
    Government awards were given to 200 Jewish soldiers, or 000% of their number in the Red Army (later the Soviet Army). By comparison, in the United States, 40% of Jews in the armed forces were awarded during the same period.

    Link to the source of that time in the "studio" please! Otherwise it's blah-blah-blah, or even worse - disinformation! bully
    1. +1
      Yesterday, 08: 43
      Quote: Radikal

      Link to the source of that time in the "studio" please! Otherwise it's blah-blah-blah, or even worse - disinformation!

      When asked if there were Jews in their regiment (a separate IPTAP), my father, a front-line soldier, said: “There were. One. The chief of finance.”
    2. 0
      Yesterday, 09: 56
      Quote: Radikal

      Press a couple of buttons on your computer and you will be happy.
  23. 0
    Yesterday, 08: 38
    Quote: kalibr
    I condemn not what is written, but the person.

    Are you familiar with him? Or is "some old woman told me" enough for you? wassat
  24. 0
    Yesterday, 21: 16
    Quote: Krasnoyarsk
    Or is it enough for you to say "one old woman said so"?

    Enough has been written about him on the Internet. With links to sources...