Replacement Migration and Islamization: Trends and Prospects

Replacement Migration and Islamization: Trends and Prospects

Recently, historian Alexander Dyukov wrote in his Telegram channel stated, that if current migration trends remain unchanged, Russia will face the fact that in 10-15 years, Central Asian countries that have banned niqabs in their countries and are actively fighting radical Islam will be forced, for security reasons, to close their borders with Russia, from which the Islamists who have proliferated will leave with impunity.

Some may find this statement ironic and sarcastic or overly exaggerating the problem, but in fact Dyukov wrote the truth. The growth of influence of Muslim organizations, as well as ethnic diasporas (whose representatives profess Islam) is happening like an avalanche, and the authorities are practically not reacting to this, either pretending that nothing is happening, or (even worse) that it should be this way.

In fact, statistics say it all - in 2022, Russia entered the TOP-20 countries in the world for the first time by the number of Muslims living in the country, at that time there were 20 million of them in the country. At the same time, in 2019, the number of Muslims in Russia was estimated at 14-15 million people. If we talk about the rating, taking into account only post-Soviet countries, then here Russia is in an honorable second place, right after Uzbekistan.

This increase is occurring mainly due to migration, which is essentially intended to replace the shrinking indigenous population (due to the demographic pit), and, what is most sad, to replace it with radical Islamists, many of whom cannot do in their homeland what they do in Russia: wear niqabs and hijabs, live “according to Sharia,” engage in propaganda for very dubious political figures (many of whom are essentially terrorists), etc.

The trends towards increasing Islamization of Russia are thus completely obvious.

A little bit about migration policy

Recently, several laws have been passed in Russia aimed at combating illegal migration and somewhat regulating legal migration (which is no less, and perhaps even more, a threat). For example, penalties for organizing illegal migration have been tightened, a public registry will soon be launched where one can find the data of any illegal immigrant who has violated migration laws, schools will no longer accept children who do not speak Russian, etc.

Indeed, certain measures are being taken, but can they be considered sufficient?

Statistics on migration are not very encouraging - as of October 1, 2024, according to official data alone, there were more than 6,5 million foreign citizens in Russia, of which over 740 thousand had no legal grounds for stay. According to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, since the beginning of 2024, the number of these persons has increased by almost 40%.

Legislative initiatives aimed at combating migration are being devalued by other initiatives, in particular, news The news that a registry would be launched on February 5, where it would be possible to find the data of any illegal immigrant, was blurred by the news that, according to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Migration Issues, a patent for carrying out work activities will now not be cancelled in the event of dismissal from the place of work for which it was issued, and a foreigner can get a new job under it. This means that a migrant will not go home after being dismissed, but will calmly and legally choose a new place of work.

It is worth recalling the recent scandal with the apartment in Mytishchi that was gifted to a large Tajik family (Tahmina Samadova and Ramazon Rakhimov) – the Islamists and patriots of Tajikistan were given a certificate for the purchase of a four-room apartment at the expense of Russian taxpayers.

Takhmina Samadova does not officially work anywhere (although, according to information available online, she is actually engaged in business - selling Turkish-made shoes), while she is engaged in charity work exclusively for Muslims - collecting things to send to Tajikistan. And her husband publishes posts on his page with the flag of Tajikistan and writes: "The flag for which I will die. The flag for which I will tear." These citizens have not published a single kind word about Russia and Russians on social networks.

Let's imagine a picture where a Russian, say, from the Tula region, comes to Tajikistan or Uzbekistan to obtain citizenship of these Central Asian countries, but at the same time he will say that he is proud of being Russian, and will publish photos of the Russian flag on social networks and write "Russians, forward!" Do you think he will be able to obtain citizenship of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan?

In Russia, granting citizenship to patriots who are not Russian is a normal practice of “friendly people” policy.

Strange national policy

The difference between Russia and Central Asian countries such as Uzbekistan and Tajikistan is that they have a national state whose priority is the nation, while in Russia they generally try to avoid words such as “nation”, “national state”, “national identity”, etc., and the word “nationalism” is used only in a negative sense.

In this regard, the Russian Federation, as the author has written many times before, continues the Soviet national policy, which (especially in the 1920s and the first half of the 1930s) actively fought against “Great Russian chauvinism” and actively supported the non-Russian population (the policy of “indigenization”).

Some readers accuse the author of being unfair to the Soviet Union and that the national policy of the USSR was supposedly better than the current one. Some even claim that, supposedly, in Soviet times the RSFSR was not flooded with migrants, not realizing the fact that at that time Soviet Russia provided huge subsidies to the national republics, creating jobs, so to speak, "on the ground", and therefore there was no particular need for labor migration.

The author operates with facts: while pursuing the policy of “indigenization,” the Soviet Union largely carried out “ethnic construction,” i.e., the creation of nation-states from raw ethnic material and the endowment of them with their own republican institutions. To supervise nation-building programs from the center, the People’s Commissariat for Nationalities (Narkomnats) was created, which was simultaneously supposed to facilitate nation-building programs and become a forum for representatives of different nationalities to present their difficulties. It is characteristic that All nationalities except Russians were represented in the People's Commissariat.

Within the Russian Republic, the Bolsheviks encouraged non-Russian nationalities wherever possible. As a result, for example, the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic on the territory of the RSFSR was called Mordovian, despite the fact that in 1926 its population was 60% Russian.

The RSFSR also had many Soviets for non-Russian nationalities. In addition to the autonomous republics, 1932 national districts had been formed by 290, along with 7 national village Soviets and about 10 national collective farms. About half of these were Ukrainian. Higher education institutions in the RSFSR set aside special places for candidates from minorities. This created an imbalance, as a result of which Russians rightly felt oppressed.*

How does modern national policy differ from the Soviet one? In general, its concept remains the same – it is not even that Moscow allocates huge subsidies to the Caucasian republics (Dagestan received 106,8 billion rubles in subsidies this year, Chechnya – 53,6 billion rubles, and the Kursk region, which suffered seriously from shelling, only 3,6 billion rubles), but that, despite the fact that Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan are now independent states, Russia continues to behave with them as if it owes them something, hence the reception of a large number of migrants and financial support for these countries.

As historian Alexander Dyukov rightly noted a couple of years ago regarding this policy:

"Global capitalism is interested in importing disenfranchised labor, and the remnants of Soviet ideology demand that the state provide these labor migrants and their families with equal civil rights and social security like everyone else. And the pool ends up with two pipes through which money flows away from the locals: one pipe of global capital, which receives superprofits from using cheap migrants; and the pipe of Soviet friendship, through which budget money flows to support, on an equal basis with its own citizens, newcomers who do not identify themselves with Russia."

Migration policy and the erosion of national identity

The multinational policy being carried out in Russia implies the erosion of national identity – today, officials and the media are trying to use the word “Russians” less and less (preferring the more general “Russians”), and if someone does mention it, it is only in the context that “Russians are not a nationality, but a state of mind” and the like. That is, the emphasis is on the fact that “it doesn’t matter who lives and works here, Tajik or Russian, the main thing is that the person is good.”

The "erosion" of identity is further aggravated by the increase in migration flows - replacement migration, as it is officially called in some documents. In fact, labor migration has already been replaced by family migration - many people from Central Asia bring their families with them, receive citizenship and remain in the Russian Federation. At the same time, the birth rate among migrants is higher than among native residents of Russia.

The vast majority of newcomers are Muslims, and moreover, mostly radical Muslims. Because their numbers are constantly growing, more and more mosques are appearing in Russian cities (at this rate, there will soon be more of them than Orthodox churches), as a result of which the country's cultural identity is changing. Hijabs and niqabs are becoming the norm, Wahhabi beards are becoming fashionable…

It has gotten to the point that the so-called Spiritual Administration of Muslims (SAM) allows polygamy among Muslims in Russia and only retracts its words after a warning from the prosecutor’s office.

These tendencies, as well as the propaganda of Islamism, must be fought, and with very tough methods – in this regard, we can use the experience of China (where more than 26 million Muslims live), where the problem of Islamization and Islamic terrorism does not exist at all. The Chinese are fighting toughly against illegal religious activity and Islamist cells – recently a Muslim woman was sentenced to 17 years in prison for promoting Islam among children.

In addition, it is necessary to introduce a visa regime with the Central Asian countries and stop behaving with them as if Russia owes them something. Otherwise, the trends of Islamization and erosion of identity will only intensify.

*See Hosking D. Rulers and Victims. Russians in the Soviet Union / translated from English by V. Artemov – M: New Literary Review, 2012.
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  1. +47
    19 January 2025 05: 00
    The Soviet Union tried to form from a mass of nations and religions a new community - the Soviet people, equal in rights and responsibilities, on the basis of Soviet ideology, the moral code of the builder of communism.
    Russia simply adds population to itself without any system or ideology, just so that the bourgeoisie's profits don't fall. And it doesn't fight obscurantism in any way - either Islamic or its own priests. A body without a soul, a zombie.
    The pendulum of tolerance and unrestrained migration of ethnically alien people will soon begin to move in the opposite direction. And this movement will either destroy the mechanism (there will be clashes and massacres on national and religious grounds), or drive the country into nationalism and cruel years of reaction. The system is huge, and therefore inert, and the time for the pendulum to move back has not yet come. I hope not to live to see these times, since I do not suffer from optimism.
    1. +29
      19 January 2025 06: 28
      There is no crime that a bourgeois would not commit for the sake of profit. And a bourgeois has no homeland.
      1. +40
        19 January 2025 08: 42
        You know, I don't really believe that the mass import of villagers is happening solely for the sake of capitalist profits. After all, they can only be used in narrow areas for unskilled work. Well, construction and housing and communal services cannot have such influence in the government!! Considering the epic hemorrhoids that migrants cause in the country... No, the issue here is definitely not about the economy, there is a clear program of importation with the purpose of replacing the native population. Otherwise, they would not be given citizenship, they would not be allowed to bring their families, they would not be given benefits. The question is - what benefit does this bring to the native guarantor and his henchmen? Honestly, I don't see it. At all. However, this is happening, and with increasing force. A mystery. And until we solve it, it will be difficult to counter the criminal behavior of the authorities...
        1. +19
          19 January 2025 09: 52
          Greetings Pavel hi

          As Tatyana wrote in one of her comments, this is a direct indication from the West.
          1. -11
            19 January 2025 10: 00
            And what benefit does the West gain? Only to destroy Russia? And Europe? And have hemorrhoids with Islam everywhere? It doesn't add up.
            1. +19
              19 January 2025 10: 07
              Tatyana explained everything very well, I can't repeat it. The erosion of the Russian population, first of all. Accordingly, the decrease in the educational and cultural level of the population. The decrease in the material level of the native population due to newcomers. Internal conflicts... You can't count everything.
              1. +3
                19 January 2025 10: 09
                I did a search for the word "Tatiana" and didn't find the comment I was looking for... request
                1. +4
                  19 January 2025 10: 12
                  I'll read her comments for a few months later. I've been thinking about this for a long time, but I never got around to it. request
                  1. +17
                    19 January 2025 11: 45
                    I'll read her comments for several months later

                    About MOM, perhaps?
                    I am presenting what was considered here, on the VO forums (in particular, by me) long before Tatyana, carefully dissected, discussed and remembered.

                    International Organization for Migration (IOM).
                    Founded in 1951, it has rapidly developed in recent decades, apparently to create global chaos, financed by the Rockefeller family and other famous banking houses through English banks, as well as through the World Bank. The organization is a division of the UN, works directly with governments, the European Union, as well as with Western NGOs and non-governmental partners (diasporas, members of parliament, etc.).
                    The organization develops decrees as a basis for the creation of guidelines that are mandatory for implementation by IOM member countries. The organization includes 175 countries and 8 observer countries.
                    The organization's mission is to promote humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all people in the world (here you can start laughing). I especially emphasize:

                    provides SERVICES to GOVERNMENTS and MIGRANTS (it should be understood that in addition to the guidelines that are mandatory for implementation, --MONEY services).

                    Our country has long been a member of the IOM. It is on the orders of the IOM that Russia is actively being pumped with migrants, the government benefits from all sides: they carried out the order and got a buck from merging with the diasporas.
                    Sobyanin, Khusnullin, Faizullin (Minister of Construction), deputy Zatullin, and others - there are countless of them - work according to the IOM guidelines.
                    All this has long been known and discussed, Russia, as a member of the UN Security Council, cannot leave the organization, which is a division of the UN. Or it really doesn’t want to.
                    1. +1
                      19 January 2025 13: 16
                      Sorry, but no IOM will act to its own detriment. If it really exists, then there should be logic in its actions. For example, in the formulation "to promote humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all people of the world" there is no logic at all. Because of Islam. There is no benefit to banking houses either. Because of Islam.
                      I don’t hope to convince anyone with this comment, I just personally don’t believe in a global conspiracy of bankers to harm themselves.
                      1. +10
                        19 January 2025 13: 29
                        That's why you're not a banker, because you don't know how to make money out of thin air.
                      2. +4
                        19 January 2025 14: 39
                        Money for the sake of money? Money is good when there is somewhere to invest it. But when, for example, hunger sets in, money ceases to be valuable in itself, you can’t eat it for lunch.
                      3. +6
                        19 January 2025 14: 45
                        Alas. You understand everything yourself, there are those who want money for the sake of money.
                      4. +7
                        19 January 2025 13: 36
                        There is a question of reducing the population, because it is difficult to control an ever-increasing population. Guess which one will decrease faster. The quality of the population will decrease. The quality of life will decrease. Small zones will be formed where it will be "clean and bright". The remaining and inconvenient for living territories will be abandoned without any social guarantees for the population. Ask about the instructions of Schwab and the Davos summits.
                      5. +3
                        19 January 2025 14: 36
                        On the contrary, large crowds are easier to control. And for profits, workers are needed. More workers - more profit.
                        The backward territories are on the tiny planet Earth, you can't throw them into space, and ignoring them is a mistake. And even more so cultivating religious fanatics on them.
                      6. +5
                        19 January 2025 15: 50
                        How to create conditions for reducing both the "useful" and "useless" population for TNCs has already been thought up. And, in principle, tested in recent years
                      7. 0
                        6 February 2025 03: 19
                        Stop writing nonsense. Take an interest in the planet's statistics. What's going on with the demography. You'll learn a lot of new and interesting things. It's better than broadcasting nonsense about a global conspiracy.
                      8. +8
                        19 January 2025 14: 24
                        No MOM will act to its own detriment. If it really exists, then there must be logic in its actions.

                        IOM exists in the actions of this organization - the logic laid down by those who created it.
                        According to Eduard Vashchenko, socialism is the highest stage of capitalism development in the conditions of manifestation of socialism power in at least one separate country. Pay attention to the date of creation of IOM - 1951. Immediately after the Great Patriotic War, in which the socialist USSR powerfully defended its right to exist. It became clear to the capitalists of all countries that their own population, having a beacon in the form of the USSR, would, God forbid, move in the same direction. Consequently, such intention of the population of capitalist countries had to be at least dimmed by introducing serious social and material goodies. They say, the worker lives well under capitalism! But it quickly became clear that this has to be done at the expense of a serious reduction in their own profits and excessive expansion of workers' rights, which is extremely undesirable for any capitalist. This means that additional competition in the fight for jobs must be created. Emancipation turned out to be insufficient, women cannot work everywhere. So it is necessary to import healthy passionate youth from third world countries to first world countries - under the guise of humanization and unification of the population of the entire Earth - worthy, right? Otherwise, they are starving there. So much for competition for almost every job! And the fact that those being imported are religious fanatics - that's good! This is an additional factor in the concern of local natives for their safety when confronted with people of a different mentality and religion, which means distraction from the worthless actions of their own politicians, what socialism can there be. At the same time, the decomposition of the Soviet political elite was carried out by all available means (the goal was the destruction of the USSR as a beacon, a parallel process).
                        And now we have what we have. Worldwide chaos. And perhaps after some time, from TV screens: "Attention!... Listen to the throne speech of the ruler of the world, Shaddam the First..." wassat )))
                      9. +2
                        19 January 2025 14: 33
                        In this logic, the shadow world government leads the human herd of planet Earth under its control to conservation, degradation and the danger of extinction. I can assume that such degenerates were carried to the top of power by the seething. However, I do not believe that they, such wretched ones, were able to stay there for a long time (several generations).
                        And if they could, then humanity is not worthy of survival and self-continuation. am
              2. +5
                19 January 2025 12: 52
                Quote: Reptiloid
                You can't count everything

                Perhaps the current Muslims who have come to Europe (and Russia) and even their children, citizens of the respective country, will still remain expendable material in the plans of the puppeteers. The small fry will be destroyed, and serious people will come to take the vacant place. I hope we will not live to see this. Such plans are made for many decades.
                1. +5
                  19 January 2025 13: 28
                  I agree with your thoughts, and examples of such consumables include Afghanistan, the Middle East, and Muslims in Africa.
                  What can we say about plans for decades? The Anglo-Saxons and old European families succeeded in plans for centuries. Unfortunately
            2. 0
              20 January 2025 07: 30
              not so much the West as the Americans. It is beneficial for them to have a low standard of living in Europe by any means, the easiest way is religious conflicts. And this is what they are leading to, the import of migrants from Africa, a decrease in the level of production...
              1. 0
                20 January 2025 07: 46
                Right now, yes, it's beneficial to the US. But in the long term, they're creating problems for themselves. Look, they've already played too much with Al-Qaeda and ISIS...
                1. +1
                  21 January 2025 09: 07
                  They won't have any problems, they'll sit it out behind a puddle! Al Qaeda won't get to them, and if anything happens, they won't have to save the golden billion, but only themselves.
                  1. 0
                    21 January 2025 16: 28
                    Even if we consider the "twin towers" to be a project of the Americans themselves, then even in this case they are full of religious fanatics and reckless migrants. And we should remember - our planet is tiny - here a butterfly flaps its wing - and on the other side of the world there is a hurricane.
                    1. 0
                      23 January 2025 20: 13
                      September 11th is definitely the result of the work of American intelligence agencies.
                      Some US residents are not at all inclined to think, those who are inclined live with the feeling that war will be everywhere except North America and they are not threatened at all. And some produce weapons and think more about who and how to sell more of them - and what will happen next is of no interest to them, it seems.
          2. +20
            19 January 2025 11: 32
            Quote: Reptiloid
            This is a direct indication from the West.

            The West itself suffers from migrants. Even worse than ours. And even if the West is really to blame, there are some intermediaries between the West and the people of the Russian Federation, aren't there? Maybe, before blaming the West, first look at those who are closer? Like Kupetskaya, who gave an apartment to Tajik patriots. And there is someone else above Kupetskaya, and so on, all the way to the top, so to speak. For Russians/Russians - SVO, for migrants - citizenship, benefits and apartments.
            1. +9
              19 January 2025 11: 38
              Quote: Hyperion
              Quote: Reptiloid
              This is a direct indication from the West.

              The West itself suffers from migrants. Even worse than ours. And even if it really is to blame...

              We need to separate, what west-----native population, residents or managers of TNCs undergoing globalization of countries
              1. +12
                19 January 2025 11: 59
                Quote: Reptiloid
                We need to separate, what west

                Before "dividing the West", you need to separate the wheat from the chaff in your own country, as they say. Or the chaff from the chaff - as you like. And you can blame the West endlessly. It will do no good.
                1. +9
                  19 January 2025 13: 16
                  This is just idle talk for you. The forum members above have already written about our country.
                  who benefits

                  Or below? recourse In my opinion, no one blames the West, but states the facts --- the West's order. If in the 90s our leadership wanted to become part of the West. So, it became subordinate to it. So, in addition to laws for migrants, we also adopt other laws in favor of the West. Domestic liberalism pushes through, promotes
                  1. +6
                    19 January 2025 15: 56
                    Quote: Reptiloid
                    This is just idle talk for you.

                    Talking about nothing is repeating the mantra about the West.
                    Quote: Reptiloid
                    Domestic liberalism is pushing through, promoting

                    So who bred liberalism? Our (conditionally) bureaucrats and authorities. If we are so integrated into the Western model, then what is the SVO for? It turns out that it is certainly not for a "special path", "Russian world" and the like.
                    1. +4
                      19 January 2025 16: 04
                      I think about the SVO myself. At the same time, there were Manturov's projects on feeding on black lion flies, this is according to Schwab, and during the SVO. That is, a concession to the globalists. True, they postponed the effect of other directives on food. This, it seems, is resistance to the globalists. And so in everything. request
                      How can one not remember Lenin's words?
                      step forward, two steps back
                      1. +6
                        19 January 2025 16: 38
                        Breeding flies in Russia is no longer the preserve of enthusiasts. A government decree signed by Mikhail Mishustin on October 10 has established a new type of agricultural activity: breeding black soldier flies.
                      2. +4
                        19 January 2025 17: 09
                        Thank you. I didn't know that. I once saw on the Internet that Russian scientists had discovered the enormous benefits of "using insects." That's roughly what it said. I didn't open it.
          3. +6
            20 January 2025 08: 10
            There are more than one such instructions. For example, the export of capital to the detriment of the ruble exchange rate and a stable economy.
            Or, for example, they almost stopped showing how lancets work. It is obvious that their production has not become as mass as it should have been.
            Why did the war not serve as a reason for the beginning of reforms in almost any sector?
            The devil is in the details.
        2. +20
          19 January 2025 10: 15
          There is no mystery here. There are documents on migration policy written for us by the West. There is only one question: who at the top gets the money for lobbying for the import of villagers.
          1. 0
            21 January 2025 09: 51
            A lobby is when there are different groups with different tasks in the law-making authority. A systemic opposition is simpler. In the Russian State Duma there is a single amorphous mass, imitating activity by discussing and voting on an ultimatum lowered from their towers. What we left a hundred years ago, we have returned to. Our autocracy is veiled.
        3. +17
          19 January 2025 10: 17
          Quote: paul3390
          The question is - what benefit does this bring to the native guarantor and his henchmen? Honestly, I don't see it. Not at all.

          As with the international show called COVID, however, it is also a mystery...
        4. +12
          19 January 2025 10: 37
          Quote: paul3390
          I don't really believe that the mass import of villagers is happening solely for the sake of capitalist profits

          The profits there were colossal...
          Quote: paul3390
          After all, they can only be used in narrow areas for unskilled work. Well, construction and housing and communal services cannot have such influence in the government!!

          Construction is practically the locomotive of the national economy
          The volume of construction work in Russian regions in the first half of 2024 reached 6,41 trillion rubles, according to Rosstat data. Growth in comparable prices amounted to 3,9% compared to the same period in 2023.

          © Sherpa Group

          Total: the volume of construction work for the year approached 13 trillion rubles, and this is equivalent to 37% of the country's budget revenue... If we add here the colossal chunks of road construction and repair, logistics and cleaning, then the figures will become absolutely fantastic. And you consider all this "a trifle, not worth the candle"?
          Quote: paul3390
          Otherwise they wouldn't have been given citizenship, they wouldn't have been allowed to bring their families, they wouldn't have been given benefits. The question is - what benefit does that bring to the native guarantor and his henchmen? Honestly

          But one does not interfere with the other. And the earnings are colossal, and the secret project of the owners of world capital is carried out flawlessly. They work in a comprehensive manner...
        5. +12
          19 January 2025 10: 49
          Well, okay, they brought it in, replaced it, and then what? Where does such confidence come from that these masses of newcomers will obey them?
          1. +1
            19 January 2025 12: 55
            Quote: Grencer81
            Where does such confidence come from that these masses of newcomers will obey them?

            They (the masses) will die in conflicts. They are expendable. They have no reason to live at all. They are suicide bombers. Especially their children.
            1. +13
              19 January 2025 13: 14
              They (the masses) do not want to die in conflicts, they want to build a Great Caliphate or a Great Turan here. Which they are already doing gradually by taking government positions and cutting out locals...
              1. +1
                19 January 2025 18: 06
                Quote: Grencer81
                They (the masses) do not want to die in conflicts, they want to build a Great Caliphate or a Great Turan here.

                Who will ask them about what? Serious people will come and decide how and where these current newcomers will live, and whether they will live at all. They are expendable material for the destruction of Europe and its environs, and completely different people will live in the new Europe.
                1. 0
                  21 January 2025 09: 54
                  And what kind of people are these? What region are they from, so serious?
                  1. 0
                    21 January 2025 12: 34
                    Quote: Essex62
                    And what kind of people are these? What region are they from, so serious?

                    The edges may be the same. But as you know, social strata are everywhere, there are leaders and lower strata everywhere. The current newcomers have a task - to destroy European civilization, but they do not necessarily have to live in a new European caliphate, if they die in this fight, then great, the air will be cleaner and there will be more resources, whatever they may be, left.
                    1. 0
                      22 January 2025 06: 49
                      These are all written truths, but you have avoided the answer. I will ask directly, who, in your opinion, will populate our outskirts? What people? Judging by what is happening today, there are few such "serious" people left. Even the mattress Masons are decomposing. I think that Trump will not fix this homosexual swamp. But the Babahi, with their traditional way of life, are more specific. Who will act whom next...
                      1. 0
                        22 January 2025 14: 30
                        Quote: Essex62
                        Let me ask you straight out, who do you think will populate our outskirts? What kind of people?

                        Actually, I didn’t mean our outskirts, but Western Europe. The outskirts still have a chance. And in Europe there will be an Islamic caliphate, I suppose. Now those who have nothing to lose in their homeland are going there, the rabble from Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Anatolia and the Levant, but the captured territory will not be governed by lumpen without a clear education. We are not talking about ethnic groups (you asked What people?), but about social strata.
                      2. 0
                        22 January 2025 18: 14
                        The speech initially (in the article) was about Russia and the villagers, who will definitely and almost without exception turn into babachs, precisely on its territory. What will happen in the gayropes, should not worry us. But there is nowhere for the "serious" to come from. The serious ones ended somehow suddenly, together with the Union. It has become irrelevant to have a mass of such people. In fact, except for the eternal survivors and aggressors of the Jews and maybe also the Turks, with a stretch.
        6. -5
          19 January 2025 11: 26
          What benefit does the native guarantor and his nukers get from bringing in villagers? Honestly, I don't see it. At all. However, it is happening, and with increasing force. A mystery. And until we solve it, it will be difficult to counteract the criminal behavior of the authorities...

          Let's start with the author's statistics:
          - in 2019 - 14-15 million Muslims
          - in 2024 - 20 million Muslims and 6.5 million foreign citizens, 750,000 illegal immigrants.
          - let's say 75% of foreigners are Muslims - about 4.5 million foreigners are Muslims.
          - this means that there will be about 2024 million indigenous Russian Muslims in Russia in 15.5, or about 1 million growth over 5 years.

          What does this mean? It means that there are 3.5 times more Russian Muslims than from the "stans"

          How does this statistic affect the question of the benefits of the specified spectrum of decision makers?

          Here you need to agree to the following input data:
          - Muslims are representatives of one of the indigenous religions and civilizations of Russia,
          - Russia has centuries of experience of neighborly cohabitation of the state-forming Orthodox religion and Russian civilization with Muslims and civilization. Mutual assimilation and mixed marriages confirm the above. And this is in sediment taking into account the centuries of the Yoke (Tatar-Mongol), the Turkestan Campaign, the fight against Basmachi, the Afghan Campaign,
          - Russia has many years of experience in relations with Muslim countries, both ancient ones like Persia and Türkiye and post-colonial ones,
          - Russian Muslims are loyal to the authorities, Russia, and are interested in subsidies from decision makers,
          - the government is interested in improving and resolving the demographic situation in Russia,
          - "stans", as part of the USSR, as beneficiaries of the maximus, as Russian-speaking, demographically healthy, part of the zone of interests and influence of Russia (yes, Russia's attraction is weakening in all dimensions, but Russia has no other such (Russian-speaking and under influence) zone of interests and influence (Muslims cannot be replaced by Koreans)….

          The "fixers" come to the conclusion that there is no choice, foreign hands are needed, preferably from a zone where influence is necessary and exists, a compatible civilization that does not usurp the state-forming Russian people and civilization.

          Yes, not everything is smooth in the migration process, but this is when THERE IS A POSITIVE DEMOGRAPHIC BALANCE, and local authorities have tools to resolve migration problems.

          There is no mystery. A whole series of problems are being cut short and solved by migration from the "stans", and Russia's influence in the "stans" is increasing, despite all the known negative factors.
        7. +21
          19 January 2025 11: 38
          Quote: paul3390
          No - the issue here is definitely not about economics, there is a clear program of imports for the purpose of replacement.

          There is a clear, deliberate replacement of Russians by Central Asians. It is easier for them to obtain Russian citizenship than for a Russian who found himself abroad because of the traitors Gorbachev and Eltsin, and there are 25 million of us like that.
        8. +6
          19 January 2025 12: 20
          Quote: paul3390
          Well, construction and housing and communal services cannot have such influence in the government!!

          Deputy Vasiliev said - to defuse the situation in the former republics. Seems like the truth.
          1. bar
            19 January 2025 18: 30
            Well, yes. And in order to defuse the situation at home, these republics send their extremists to us, out of sight (let's not point a finger at sunny Tajikistan).
            1. +2
              19 January 2025 20: 40
              Quote: bar
              Let's not point fingers at sunny Tajikistan

              Let's not. It seems like their crime rate almost doubled when they started sending them back.
        9. +18
          19 January 2025 12: 43
          Moscow is increasingly turning into Moscowbad. In some ghetto areas, there are already more imported Muslims than Russians. It is scary to walk down the street without a weapon. Young Muslims often wear Wahhabi beards (they shave off their moustaches). This is their fashion, Wahhabi. I feel like I live in Damascus, not Moscow. How will all this end? You can ask Assad about this.
          1. +13
            19 January 2025 12: 48
            Unfortunately, many Russians who do not understand signs and symbols consider Wahhabi beards to be a common fashion.
            1. +15
              19 January 2025 12: 50
              Quote: Gardamir
              Unfortunately, many Russians who do not understand signs and symbols consider Wahhabi beards to be a common fashion.

              What the hell am fashion?
              There are actually hundreds of thousands of Wahhabis in Moscow. angry
              1. +8
                19 January 2025 12: 54
                I live in Lublin, so I see everyone * all the time. Just once again, please note that many Russians shave the same way.
        10. +13
          19 January 2025 13: 35
          The government is anti-people, alien. In the 1990s, there was a seizure of power in Russia, since then this "elite" has been ruling, in order to preserve itself and the stolen wealth, the government imports citizens loyal to it from the post-Soviet space. These new citizens will always be the support of this government, they vote for this government, they do not allow the indigenous population to defend their rights. The government acts according to the principle of "Divide and rule". The government is not "native", under unfavorable conditions for it, it will flee abroad, to Israel. An example of how the "elite" can run fast was shown by the Prigozhin rebellion.
        11. +14
          19 January 2025 15: 36
          Quote: paul3390
          The question is - what benefit does this bring to the native guarantor and his henchmen? Frankly speaking - I don't see any. At all. However, this is happening, and with increasing force. A mystery. And until we solve it - it will be difficult to counteract the criminal behavior of the authorities...

          What is there to solve? The genocide against Russians has yielded its results - the number of Russians is decreasing every year. The article on the titular nation has disappeared from the Constitution and the state Russian language has ceased to be a mandatory state language in many territories.
          Laws are being passed against the Russian population that do not allow them to live a decent life. Even in schools, Russian-speaking children are taught with those whose language is far from Russian.
          Our government is afraid of a Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless, and therefore dilutes the population with peoples alien to the Russian mentality. Most Russian officials leave their service either abroad or to closed settlements. We are abandoned with all our problems to the mercy of fate, which does not bother anyone. Our entire life passes in a thieving and speculative society... Even in cemeteries and crematoriums, the thieves' mafia rules...
          Simply put, our government is terribly far from the people. It simply does what it needs, not what the country needs. However, migrant citizens are not going to fight for the country...
          What they are doing (trying to do) here, only the leaders of the diaspora know...
          1. +8
            19 January 2025 16: 15
            One might think that the inevitable Wahhabi-Tajik rebellion, under such circumstances, would be something much better for the authorities than the Russian one...
            1. +2
              19 January 2025 16: 18
              Quote: paul3390
              You'd think...for the authorities, Russian is somehow much better...

              There are still more Russians...And it will be like in the North-East.
        12. +2
          19 January 2025 19: 55
          The benefit is direct, these will not participate in protests.
          1. +5
            19 January 2025 20: 12
            Of course they will. Only later, and organized by completely different characters. And with the usual methods, like fines and jail time, it will be hard to stop them.
        13. +1
          19 January 2025 23: 41
          It is difficult to resist them in any case)) Well, let's assume we figured out the insidious plan why they are importing. What next? We do not decide anything and we have no choice. There is not a single party in the State Duma that will actually (not in words) act in an alternative way in matters of migration policy. And the economic component is quite a big part of it, since these are people who perform a certain layer of work, pay taxes, make purchases on the Russian market, increase the birth rate, etc. The economy is one of the motivating factors of such a policy, and I also do not exclude what you are saying.
        14. 0
          20 January 2025 01: 00
          1. This is a requirement of the UN, or rather the UN IOM, as the Communist Party deputy Matveyev found out: - go to their website and see for yourself. The UN is gradually becoming the globalists' governing body, which is unpleasant. To put it mildly.

          2. This is not only the profit of the capitalists, but also the ethnic/religious interest of the ethnic capitalists: Alisher Usmanov with his 14.5 billion dollars, Iskander Makhmudov, Mikhail Gutseriev, Vagit Alekperov with his 20.5 billion dollars, Zarakh Iliev, God Nisanov, Samvel Karapetyan, Ivan Savvidi, Seyfeddin Rustamov, Farkhad Akhmedov - all billionaires! And the already famous owner of Crocus City Hall - Araz Agalarov! They are both for increasing the share of their co-religionists and fellow countrymen.

          3. Politicians in Russia, the EU and the US need migrants for political purposes: to quickly grant them voting rights and force them to vote for the "right", pro-migrant parties. Here is a detailed analysis of how this "migration pump" works: - in Britain and Sweden, some politicians directly admitted this around 2009-10, but this is little known.
        15. +2
          20 January 2025 08: 46
          I believe that the benefit of the guarantor is that he is accepted by the leaders of Central Asia, who do this only because of the large number of their fellow citizens in the Russian Federation, and accordingly their economies are supported or maintained on their transfers of funds.... only such an answer can be given... as an example, we can recall the parade on May 9, when of the leaders of states only the leader of Tajikistan was present... their so-called friendship does not make it any easier for us, we found ourselves face to face with the bearded men
        16. 2al
          20 January 2025 11: 34
          The nukers make a pretty good profit from the migrants, and the loyalty of some of the nukers to the guarantor is not at all a fact.
      2. +11
        19 January 2025 14: 03
        Quote: Grencer81
        There is no crime that a bourgeois will not commit for the sake of profit.

        The leader of the United Russia faction, Vladimir Vasiliev, openly stated that the import of "explosive youth" from Central Asia to Russia was organized deliberately. According to the faction leader, it was a simple decision in response to the threat of terrorism in these countries. 

        "The migration issue. A difficult issue. It arose as a simple solution in a difficult situation. Threats of terrorism. Threats of loss of stability in the Central Asian states. Our allied duty, brotherly relations opened the doors for migrants. So that they could somehow channel this explosive youth environment to us.
        1. +16
          19 January 2025 14: 09
          Cool! Now it will explode here. And this man was talking about Lenin's bomb.
          1. 2al
            20 January 2025 11: 35
            By the way, he has the rank of Colonel General of Police.
            1. +1
              21 January 2025 00: 45
              Here are such stupid people (or werewolves) end up in the police in our country and become colonel generals there! Negative selection, no matter how you look at it!
        2. +4
          20 January 2025 04: 51
          He is the same "Vasiliev" as my cat Yamamoto Isoroku...
    2. bar
      19 January 2025 09: 49
      Quote: Sunwenmin
      The Soviet Union tried to form a new community from the mass of nations and religions - the Soviet people

      The Soviet Union was the successor of the Russian Empire, which by definition was a multinational state. Modern Russia, being the successor of the USSR, is essentially an empire too. And there is no getting away from it, we have to live with it and build our national policy with it.
      1. +15
        19 January 2025 10: 59
        A state with a directly opposite socio-political system cannot be a successor.
        1. bar
          19 January 2025 18: 15
          Quote: Essex62
          A state with a directly opposite socio-political system cannot be a successor.

          What does the socio-political structure have to do with it? According to the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, an empire is "a vast state that has incorporated (often through conquest) the territories of other peoples and states." It is precisely the territories of other peoples that determine the multinationality of the Russian Empire - the USSR - modern Russia. And attempts to bring it to a mono-ethnic state are destructive for the country.
          Will you argue?
          1. +1
            19 January 2025 21: 45
            With this no, with continuity yes.
      2. +10
        19 January 2025 15: 39
        Quote: bar
        The Soviet Union was the successor to the Russian Empire, which was by definition a multinational state.

        And the church was indeed separated from the state... And there were no mosques in Russian cities at all...
      3. 2al
        20 January 2025 11: 45
        No, in the Russian Empire only an Orthodox Christian could be a full-fledged loyal subject, it was a real working filter/bond and a mechanism of influence on subjects that required not only the formal fulfillment of duties. In today's Russian Federation there are no bonds in fact, only simulacra such as assurances of "deepest gratitude" and even then they increasingly do without it.
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +2
      19 January 2025 13: 46
      Sanwenmin, you should decide for yourself: is it religion (obscurantism, in your opinion) that needs to be fought, or “a body without a soul, a zombie”?
      1. +5
        19 January 2025 22: 18
        The soul is outside of religion, even an atheist has one. But obscurantism must be fought.
        1. +1
          21 January 2025 03: 59
          Religion (any) is the antithesis of true spirituality and is an atavism of human society that hinders progress. And the soul of the country, in my opinion, should be ideology, purposefulness, a view of the future and a plan for the implementation of the desired. And not religion, which is not faith, but only a set of dogmas and personnel for the implementation of these dogmas.
    5. 0
      20 January 2025 22: 58
      And he doesn't fight obscurantism in any way - neither Islamic nor his own priests. A body without a soul, a zombie.

      What does it mean that Russia does not fight "its own priests"? Orthodoxy is precisely the antipode and restraining factor of Islamization. And Patriarch Kirill has repeatedly advocated the abolition of "replacement migration" that changes the "original code of the nation." The USSR also fought against priests and this was part of the plan for the "derussification" of historical Russia. When the communist ideology and the construction of the community called the "Soviet people" by the CPSU collapsed, an "ideological vacuum" arose, which created a favorable environment for the spread of "Islamism" not only among "traditional Muslim communities," but also among the Slavs and other peoples who historically professed Christianity and Buddhism. You either do not see where the real danger comes from, or you are a "professional provocateur."
      1. 0
        21 January 2025 03: 54
        Call me whoever you want, but my deep conviction is:
        Religion (any) is the antithesis of true spirituality and is an atavism of human society that hinders progress.
        And toothless and fattened Orthodoxy demonstrates its "ability" to resist assertive and purposeful Islamic fundamentalism...
  2. +42
    19 January 2025 05: 20
    Diasporas should be equated with organized crime groups and extremist organizations! And if all these Khusnulins are so short of workers at construction sites - labor migration without obtaining citizenship. Shift work and no families - work, leave.
    1. +23
      19 January 2025 05: 37
      Quote: Alexey
      no families - worked, left.

      And the government allowed bringing families...What is that?
      1. +25
        19 January 2025 07: 02
        For example, recently in Mytishchi, Muslim families with many children were given an apartment. The indigenous population only got a mortgage. Who gets more benefits?
        1. +12
          19 January 2025 09: 02
          Without getting up from the couch I will say that there were those who prepared the documents and those who agreed and signed them without looking. In all fairness, an investigation should be conducted into corruption. I suspect that they were given an apartment as people on the waiting list, but where did those who stood in front of them in the queue go?
          Most likely they bought/allocated a four-room apartment, and according to internal parameters it turned out that this family was first in line. How many children are there in our Russian large families, should I remind you?
          In this case, the allocation of this apartment will be legal, there is no way to find fault.
          1. +5
            19 January 2025 13: 41
            Ne_boets (Roman), two plus two equals four. Question: how old is mom?
            This is very similar to your explanation.
            1. +3
              19 January 2025 14: 44
              How to do this LAWFULLY?
              1.1 There is a certain amount in the municipal budget "for improving the housing conditions of large families". In accordance with the plans of the party and the government, you can't find fault :)
              1.2. A four-room budget/economy class apartment "flew" into the developer's sales department. It is unclear who to sell it to, those who are buying apartments now have no money for extra meters in principle.
              2. The administration holds a tender, and based on its results (at the price of 1 m2), the winner is the same four-room apartment. Everything is according to the law. The discount there was big, otherwise it would not sell. Again, the administration pays immediately without any mortgages. The most you can find there is inside information.
              3. At the commission meeting, and there definitely was one, it turned out that it was too fat to give such an apartment to Russian families with many children (there are certain standards, but for us, Russians, what is a large family?), and the next in line large family that can lay claim to THIS apartment are those same “new Russians” who were given the apartment.
              The only way to seize an apartment is to prove forgery of documents when applying for better housing conditions. Patriotism of Tajikistan (after receiving Russian citizenship) is not an obstacle to the allocation of an apartment, much less its seizure.
              1. +10
                19 January 2025 14: 50
                There, the husband and wife also have different last names. If they have been living together for a long time, then it is somehow haram to live under different last names.
                And by the way, this is a very "respectable Russian" family because they always help the poor. Well, and we won't tell anyone that these poor people are all Tajiks.
        2. +23
          19 January 2025 10: 00
          Moreover, they gave the Tajiks an apartment in Mytishchi. And it turns out that the Tajik writes such things about Russians....
          I'm curious. Migrants are given citizenship. I've heard about a Tatar battalion, a Yakut battalion, and even a Chechen one. And have you heard about a Tajik or Uzbek battalion? That's right. I haven't heard either.
          And in the context of all these new citizens having dual citizenship. If there is a real mess in our country. Either they will flee en masse to their historical homeland, or they will start to slaughter the indigenous population.
          1. +13
            19 January 2025 10: 53
            Quote: Eugene_4
            Either they will flee en masse to their historical homeland, or they will begin to slaughter the indigenous population.

            Most likely (a hundred rupees) the latter.
      2. +13
        19 January 2025 09: 10
        Quote from Uncle Lee
        And the government allowed families to be brought...

        Hey, honey, the government lives on another planet! (C)
    2. +28
      19 January 2025 06: 24
      They can be equated to extremist organizations only through a law, the law is passed by the State Duma, then the Federation Council. And there sit Matveychev, who thinks that corruption is normal, Zatullo Dushanbinsky, Madame Matvienko and simply those who can be bought...
      More precisely, those whom the diasporas have already bought lock, stock and barrel...
      1. +20
        19 January 2025 10: 03
        There are also people with the last names of Stein, Kiy, Berg, Man. And those hiding under Russian last names.
        And what can I say? Our oligarchy and big business are represented by such names.
        They are the beneficiaries of the import of migrants.
        1. +19
          19 January 2025 10: 34
          Oleg Matveychev is not a stein, not a berg, not a cue, not a man. Besides, he is from Siberia, from Novokuznetsk... But he is a true Muslim who is against all the visiting rabble of Wahhabis.
      2. +12
        19 January 2025 10: 30
        What does this mean? Is GDP bad or something? :)
        1. +15
          19 January 2025 11: 37
          VVP is good. He is just constantly being deceived. By anyone and everyone.
          1. +5
            19 January 2025 19: 57
            Or does it create the appearance that he is being deceived?
        2. +6
          19 January 2025 11: 38
          VVP is good. He is just constantly being deceived. By anyone who feels like it.
          1. +8
            19 January 2025 15: 43
            Quote: Hyperion
            VVP is good. He is just constantly being deceived. By anyone who feels like it.

            Ah, it’s not difficult to deceive me! .. I’m glad to be deceived myself!
    3. +18
      19 January 2025 06: 38
      Quote: Alexey
      Shift work and no families - work, leave
      It would be desirable for the workforce to be hired there, at special labor exchanges at embassies and consulates, with a mandatory request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic about convictions and arrests.
    4. +22
      19 January 2025 07: 06
      Diasporas must be equated with organized crime groups and extremist organizations!
      And Khusnullin is a foreign agent.
    5. +30
      19 January 2025 07: 08
      I completely agree. The experience of the UAE and Saudi Arabia will help. There they conduct strict filtration and no families. If you come to work - work! If you start to mess up or work in a way that is not your specialty - they send you away with a dragged ticket. If someone does not leave, problems not only for the migrants, but also for the companies that accepted them. Construction there is almost entirely done by migrants!
      1. +16
        19 January 2025 10: 07
        It is right.
        The employer must bear responsibility. And the migrant must see the city from the window of the shift bus.
        1. +9
          19 January 2025 11: 49
          Quote: Eugene_4
          The employer must bear responsibility. And the migrant must see the city from the window of the shift bus.

          Saudi Arabia, a huge number of Pakistanis, live in separate areas with their families, to work and back. Both the guest worker and the family go out into the city once a week - Sunday. And they are also Muslims.
    6. +11
      19 January 2025 11: 46
      Quote: Alexey
      And if all these Khusnulins really don't have enough workers on their construction sites - labor migration without obtaining citizenship. A rotational method and no families - work, leave.

      Learn from the Balts. The migrant worker has worked off his contract and is back home. If he has a good recommendation from his employer, he can return back. The maximum a migrant worker can get is a residence permit. And no families who came with him.
      That is why there are only a few Central Asian guest workers in the Baltics.
      1. 0
        20 January 2025 09: 49
        How can you learn something like that from them? What are you talking about! They're all gays, lesbians and Satanists, and they won't teach you anything good. Yes laughing
  3. +18
    19 January 2025 05: 38
    Modern "Islamism" is a gigantic social and financial (well, that's the only way to call it) piggy bank, where thousands and thousands of horizontal organizations are intertwined. It is useless to fight this web in the usual way, like "they banned this and that" - in place of this and that there will be five of these and these. Unlike the Christian branches of the old formation with their ordination and, accordingly, mentoring and succession, here everyone can, with the presence of education, create their own "school" and "organize" something. Organize - put forward a "knowledgeable person" and here you have a new part of the network. By the way, thousands of Western Protestant organizations and societies are built on a similar principle. There are analogs of ordination in some Sufi communities, but (what is characteristic) Sufi societies are not very popular in modern "Islamism", just as asceticism is not very popular in secular societies in general.
    Apart from establishing order in the migration sphere as such, the only real way to combat Islamization of the current type is to create one or two spiritual and educational centers in Russia, like the University of Medina or Al-Azhar in Egypt, and license and approve all clergy only through training there. When the program is clear, as well as the continuity from one person to another, i.e. a kind of guarantee. No other forms will improve the situation. Well, something like that.
  4. +14
    19 January 2025 05: 53
    The enemies of the USSR are incorrigible, they will never let go of the USSR, including the fact that anger against everything Soviet is their only justification for the seizure of their republics by the USSR in 33 years, including their cowardly whining, “but we have nothing to do with it, it’s all the communists’ fault,” “but we have nothing to do with it, it happened in the USSR too, and we’re still dealing with it.”
    Including the fact that they are afraid to honestly discuss what they themselves have created.
    So, why such a demographic failure, high mortality and low birth rate? And this is precisely the result of what they did to the Russian, especially the Russian people. It is because of them that for the first time in many centuries the Russian people began to die out at a tremendous rate. But they will never admit that this is their fault. Why, of all the republics of the USSR captured by the enemies of the USSR, did they let such a huge number of migrant workers into their state? Why does Lukashenko not have them? There is no answer.
    But they really like to blame the Bolsheviks for fighting
    "Great Russian chauvinism"
    , and discuss everything that the Bolsheviks-communists and their supporters did in their State
    1. 0
      19 January 2025 06: 20
      The Bolsheviks also carried out "Ukrainization"... After the October Revolution, two peoples, the Little Russians and the Great Russians, disappeared...
      The so-called "Ukrainians" appeared, whose idea was nurtured in Austria-Hungary, and simply Russians.
      1. +10
        19 January 2025 06: 57
        You don't like being Russian, or are you a Russophobe?
        The enemies of the USSR and the Soviet people don't know what to come up with in your anti-Sovietism. Those who captured the RSFSR accuse the Bolsheviks of "Ukrainization", and those who captured the Ukrainian SSR accuse the Bolsheviks of organizing the "Holodomor", "to destroy the national self-awareness of the Ukrainians".
        And again, even after 33 years of your bragging, like all of you, “it’s better now than in the USSR,” with any comparison of what the Bolsheviks-communists and their supporters did with what you YOURSELF did, you all selflessly rush to criticize what they did, but none of you are capable of defending what you yourselves did.
        1. +6
          19 January 2025 10: 21
          And what do Russians have to do with it? It is more than known that in the former Little Russia and Novorossiya local members of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine carried out mass and forced Ukrainization of the Russian population.
          In the same way, the leadership of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine carried out collectivization, zealously and selflessly reporting to the leadership of the USSR. Which, together with drought and crop failure, led to famine.
          What do Russians have to do with this?
          1. +4
            19 January 2025 15: 50
            Quote: Grencer81
            What do Russians have to do with this?

            Indeed...What nationality is our head of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation and who can't find a replacement for her and what is she doing in this position after 70 years?
            1. +1
              20 January 2025 04: 53
              Every "ko-ko" ends in "o"...
      2. +1
        19 January 2025 08: 19
        All power to the Soviets!

        Quote: Grencer81
        The Bolsheviks also carried out “Ukrainization”...

        After the formation of the USSR, 15 republics of free... After the collapse of the USSR, 24 republics were formed on the territory of the RSFSR. On 04.10.2022/1922/1991, the Donetsk and Lugansk republics became part of Russia... Then, in 2022, there were Bolsheviks, and in XNUMX, the Bolsheviks were no longer in power. In XNUMX, there was no sign of the Bolsheviks in power, and the processes of fragmentation of Rus' continued... So who is behind all this?
        1. +10
          19 January 2025 08: 43
          At the time of the creation of the USSR there were only 4 republics: the RSFSR, the Ukrainian SSR, the BSSR and the ZSFSR. Only then they were different. For example, the RSFSR included the autonomous Kyrgyz Republic.
          1. -1
            19 January 2025 09: 02
            Bolshevism is the essence of Russian civilization.

            Quote: Gardamir
            At the time of the creation of the USSR there were only 4 republics

            That's right. I'm talking about the end result.
            All decisions in the party are made by a majority vote (I do not agree with this). At the time of the creation of the USSR, the majority in the party was Trotskyists (for every 1 Bolshevik there were 8 Trotskyists, etc.) and it was they who implemented this idea with the republics, through Lenin. It was they who carried out Ukrainization. During perestroika, the Trotskyists again found themselves in power and continued their dirty tricks...

            About immigrants.
            First of all, it is necessary to create jobs in the republics. Then the citizens of these republics will not have the desire to leave their father's house, the graves of their ancestors, friends, acquaintances and go to a foreign land, where everything is alien to them, both the language and the culture...
            1. +12
              19 January 2025 09: 09
              First of all, it is necessary to create jobs in the republics.
              That's true. But where are the problems with jobs in the Russian republics? This is Dagestan. But all sorts of Tojikistons and Ozbekistans are foreign countries.
              1. -5
                19 January 2025 09: 26
                Bolshevism is the essence of Russian civilization.

                Quote: Gardamir
                problems with jobs in the Russian republics

                Chechnya, which is not the most highly subsidized, copes quite well with creating jobs. "It wasn't about the granny..."

                Quote: Gardamir
                But all sorts of Tojikistans and Uzbekistans are foreign countries.

                "We are responsible for what we have tamed."
                The lot of "independent" countries is to be instruments in the hands of others.

                In 1991, when the Congress of People's Deputies voted for the independence of the RSFSR. We essentially abandoned them, threw them out from under the wing of Russian civilization and gave them into the clutches of Western and Eastern civilizations. It is necessary to return them to the orbit of Russian civilization.
                1. +6
                  19 January 2025 11: 47
                  Quote: Boris55
                  Chechnya, which is not the most highly subsidized, is doing quite well in creating jobs.

                  Are you delirious? A rhetorical question, the answer to which is strictly positive.
                  Quote: Boris55
                  "We are responsible for what we have tamed."
                  The lot of "independent" countries is to be instruments in the hands of others.

                  They tamed them and tamed them. There is no need for instruments to replace the indigenous people of the Russian Federation and increase the crime situation.
                2. +2
                  19 January 2025 16: 00
                  Quote: Boris55
                  Chechnya, which is not the most highly subsidized, is doing quite well in creating jobs.

                  Have they completely pupated already?
                  Population: 1
                  Gratuitous receipts - 103,736 billion rubles.
                  Priorities have been set: Chechnya will receive almost 2025 times more subsidies in 15 than Kursk Oblast
                  In total, 2025 trillion rubles have been allocated for subsidies to regions in Russia in 1,2. At the same time, the Chechen Republic will receive 53,6 billion rubles, and the Kursk region only 3,6 billion rubles. Subsidies to Chechnya will exceed federal aid to the Kursk region by almost 15 times, - follows from information provided by INTERFAX.RU.

                  I hope you learned math at school?
                  1. +1
                    21 January 2025 10: 12
                    Well, it's the towers that pay tribute. There's a problem of loyalty there, on acceptable equal terms, which in principle cannot be solved. Well, except maybe as the Father of Nations.
        2. +7
          19 January 2025 10: 25
          And here is the first "gift" to Ukraine from the Soviet government in the RSFSR... Even before the formation of the USSR, the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Soviet Republic was transferred to the Ukrainian SSR...
        3. 0
          19 January 2025 12: 24
          Quote: Boris55
          04.10.2022/1922/1991 Donetsk and Lugansk republics became part of Russia... Then, in 2022, there were Bolsheviks, and in XNUMX the Bolsheviks were no longer in power. In XNUMX, there was no sign of Bolsheviks in power, and the processes of fragmentation of Rus' continued...

          Is returning to Russia a split?
    2. -4
      19 January 2025 06: 57
      Quote: tatra
      The enemies of the USSR are incorrigible, they will never get rid of the USSR, including the fact that they are angry against everything Soviet

      That is, essentially nothing to argue.
      1. +8
        19 January 2025 07: 01
        And what kind of answer do you expect in essence? The Bolshevik communists and their supporters created their own State, you, the eternal "irrelevant ones" also created your own State, and there is no need to constantly drag the USSR into your State.
        1. -5
          19 January 2025 07: 10
          Quote: tatra
          The Bolsheviks-communists and their supporters created their own State

          The author operates with facts: while pursuing the policy of "indigenization", the Soviet Union mostly carried out "ethnic construction", i.e. the creation of nation-states from raw ethnic material and the endowment of them with their own republican institutions. To manage nation-building programs from the center, the People's Commissariat for Nationalities (Narkomnats) was created, which was simultaneously supposed to facilitate nation-building programs and become a forum for representatives of different nationalities to present their difficulties. It is characteristic that all nationalities except Russians were represented in the People's Commissariat.

          Within the Russian Republic, the Bolsheviks encouraged non-Russian nationalities wherever possible. As a result, for example, the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic on the territory of the RSFSR was called Mordovian, despite the fact that in 1926 its population was 60% Russian.

          The RSFSR also had many Soviets for non-Russian nationalities. In addition to the autonomous republics, 1932 national districts had been formed by 290, along with 7 national village Soviets and about 10 national collective farms. About half of these were Ukrainian. Higher education institutions in the RSFSR set aside special places for candidates from minorities. This created an imbalance, as a result of which Russians rightly felt oppressed.*
          Quote: tatra
          And what kind of answer do you expect in essence? The Bolshevik communists and their supporters created their own State, you, the eternal "irrelevant ones" also created your own State, and there is no need to constantly drag the USSR into your State.
          1. +6
            19 January 2025 07: 15
            But here are the critics of the USSR, the truth is that pro-Soviet people of different nationalities coexisted calmly and peacefully, and it was under the USSR that the Russian people were better off than in the Russian Empire and the Russian Federation, and your anti-Soviet people dismembered not just the USSR, but centuries-old Russia, and then also began to unleash wars among themselves.
            And AGAIN an article about the Russian Federation, and the enemies of the USSR are again angry against the USSR, because they admit that they are NOT capable of defending the Russian Federation in any way. They are incorrigible.
            1. -1
              19 January 2025 07: 57
              Quote: tatra
              But the truth is, critics of the USSR, that pro-Soviet people of different nationalities coexisted calmly and peacefully

              in official reports, where any excesses were forbidden to be mentioned and because
              At that time, Soviet Russia provided huge subsidies to the national republics, creating jobs, so to speak, “on the ground”

              Quote: tatra
              not even just the USSR, but centuries-old Russia

              So it wasn't the communists who created Ukraine?
              1. +3
                19 January 2025 08: 02
                The communists did NOT create Ukraine. Ukraine, like the Russian Federation, was created by you, the enemies of the USSR, who seized the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR.
                1. 0
                  19 January 2025 08: 03
                  Quote: tatra
                  The communists did NOT create Ukraine

                  Show me a map of Ukraine before it was created in the USSR?
                  1. 0
                    19 January 2025 08: 13
                    Ha, yes, I already answered you that the communists did not create any Ukraine, what map do you want?
                    You, enemies of the USSR, it’s time to learn to think with your own minds, and not to trust propaganda manuals.
                    1. 0
                      19 January 2025 09: 23
                      Quote: tatra
                      Ha, yes, I already answered you that the communists did not create any Ukraine, what map do you want?

                      That is, before its creation in the USSR there was no Ukraine.
                  2. +12
                    19 January 2025 08: 39
                    Type in the search "UNR" and you will get a map of Ukraine before the Bolsheviks. Ukraine was proclaimed by the universal (law) of the Ukrainian Central Rada, but not by the Bolsheviks
                    1. -7
                      19 January 2025 09: 21
                      Quote: Gardamir
                      Type in the search "UNR" and you will get a map of Ukraine before the Bolsheviks.

                      So you are saying that the Bolsheviks occupied an independent state?
                      1. +7
                        19 January 2025 09: 25
                        Before the USSR, there was Ukraine. The Ukrainian People's Republic. Only the Bosheviks annexed it to the RSFSR, and the democrats, represented by Yeltsin and Putin, reduced the country.
                      2. -1
                        19 January 2025 09: 28
                        Quote: Gardamir
                        Before the USSR there was Ukraine. The Ukrainian People's Republic. Only here
                        This so-called republic was a banal Gulyai-Pole in which there was no state, and the so-called Rada could only change the signs in Kyiv.
                        Quote: Gardamir
                        Only now the militants annexed it to the RSFSR
                        Really? Actually, in the USSR, the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR were separate entities, and those who wanted to be in the RSFSR were forcibly shoved into the Ukrainian SSR.
                      3. +5
                        19 January 2025 09: 31
                        What a waste of time, at least look at the map of that Ukraine, almost like the current one. And don't confuse 1977 and 1922.
                      4. -4
                        19 January 2025 10: 39
                        Quote: Gardamir
                        What a wild ride!
                        An ordinary one, in which every pan-ataman considered himself a sovereign and didn’t give a damn about some Rada, if he even knew about it.
              2. +10
                19 January 2025 10: 46
                Ukraine was created by collaborators during the destruction of the Russian Empire. The Bolsheviks did not invent anything new. It was necessary to solve problems here and now. And they did. And the critics of the USSR have not solved a single problem in 35 years. Not a single one.
                1. -1
                  19 January 2025 10: 56
                  Quote: cast iron
                  Ukraine was created by collaborators during the destruction of the Russian Empire. The Bolsheviks did not invent anything new. It was necessary to solve problems here and now.
                  And as a solution, they began to develop this project.
                  1. +5
                    19 January 2025 11: 07
                    Criticism of the USSR has not solved a single problem. Not a single one. 35 years have passed. What will you answer to this? Will you again criticize the USSR, which has not existed for 35 years?
                    1. -2
                      19 January 2025 11: 08
                      Quote: cast iron
                      Critics of the USSR have not solved a single problem. Not a single one.

                      That is, there is nothing to argue?
                      Quote: Dart2027
                      Quote: cast iron
                      Ukraine was created by collaborators during the destruction of the Russian Empire. The Bolsheviks did not invent anything new. It was necessary to solve problems here and now.
                      And as a solution, they began to develop this project.

                      And it has to be resolved now - with artillery fire.
                      1. +8
                        19 January 2025 11: 50
                        And it has to be resolved now - with artillery fire.

                        Say thank you to your beloved democrats who haven't dealt with Ukraine since 1991. But the enemies have. The result is obvious.
                      2. -5
                        19 January 2025 12: 14
                        Quote: cast iron
                        Say thank you to your favorite democrats who haven’t dealt with Ukraine since 1991.

                        To deal with an independent state? Which arose and became independent thanks to your beloved communists?
                      3. +3
                        19 January 2025 20: 16
                        It became independent in 1917. In fact, the collapse of the Russian Empire. You won't believe it, but the communists made mistakes. At that time, it was the right decision, but then it had to be changed. They didn't. Which doesn't diminish the fact that today's democrats have destroyed everything they touched. And Russia should deal with its neighbors, just like the US, Israel, Turkey, China and other countries do.
                      4. -2
                        19 January 2025 20: 45
                        Quote: cast iron
                        It became independent in 1917, following the collapse of the Russian Empire.

                        As I already wrote, it was a free-for-all, not a state.
                        Quote: cast iron
                        At that moment it was the right decision, then it had to be changed. They didn't change it.

                        When the USSR was created, the project with autonomies was almost accepted, but Lenin pushed through this nonsense with republics.
                        Quote: cast iron
                        Which doesn't help the fact that the current Democrats have destroyed everything they touched.

                        Really? The USSR was destroyed under the leadership of the CPSU.
                        Quote: cast iron
                        And Russia should take care of its neighbors, just as the USA, Israel, Türkiye, China and other countries do.

                        After the pogrom that was in the 90s, what neighbors could we talk about? In fact, the threat of the country's disintegration was finally eliminated by 2005-2006. And NATO was at home there all this time.
          2. +12
            19 January 2025 07: 57
            The author is being disingenuous
            Quote: Dart2027
            Within the Russian Republic, the Bolsheviks encouraged non-Russian nationalities wherever possible.

            First of all, what is this "wherever possible"? Precisely where such a population lived. Indigenous, actually.
            And what does "encouraged" mean? The Russian people as a whole were more developed than small nations, so they weren't "encouraged", but rather, as far as possible, they were pulled up to the level.
            1. 0
              19 January 2025 08: 02
              Quote: Vladimir_2U
              It was there, where such a population lived. Indigenous, actually.
              And what does "encouraged" mean?

              Within the Russian Republic, the Bolsheviks encouraged non-Russian nationalities wherever possible. As a result, for example, the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic on the territory of the RSFSR was named Mordovian, despite the fact that in 1926 its population was 60% Russian.
              1. +7
                19 January 2025 08: 05
                Quote: Dart2027
                As a result, for example, the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic on the territory of the RSFSR was named Mordovian, despite the fact that in 1926 its population was 60% Russian.

                And? And the 40% of Mordvins, are they newcomers? And what powers does autonomous have, other than cultural ones?
                1. 0
                  19 January 2025 09: 18
                  Quote: Vladimir_2U
                  And? And the 40% of Mordvins, are they newcomers?

                  And 60% of them are not people?
                  1. +4
                    19 January 2025 09: 19
                    Quote: Dart2027
                    Quote: Vladimir_2U
                    And? And the 40% of Mordvins, are they newcomers?

                    And 60% of them are not people?

                    What a rotten way of posing the question.
                    What kind of rights have Russians suffered in the autonomous republics?
                    The answer is none. They don’t even need to know the local language; training and office work are in Russian.
                    1. -5
                      19 January 2025 09: 25
                      Quote: Vladimir_2U
                      What a rotten way of posing the question.

                      So the answer will be or not?
                      Quote: Vladimir_2U
                      What kind of rights have Russians suffered in the autonomous republics?

                      And what kind of reduction in rights did all these small but proud peoples have as part of Russia without any divisions?
                      Quote: Vladimir_2U
                      They don’t even need to know the local language; education and office work are in Russian.

                      This happened after it became clear that it was physically impossible to conduct it in national languages ​​within the state.
                      1. +8
                        19 January 2025 09: 29
                        Why are you so worried about nationalities? Russian tsars did the same. If you want to be a bey or a khan, convert to Orthodoxy or you will become a serf.
                      2. -5
                        19 January 2025 10: 32
                        Quote: Gardamir
                        Russian tsars did this.

                        The Russian tsars did not interfere in the internal affairs of different peoples, but they did not foster their nationalism either.
                      3. 0
                        19 January 2025 16: 55
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        The Russian tsars did not interfere in the internal affairs of different peoples, but they did not foster their nationalism either.

                        And they didn't nurture them in the USSR. They put a lot of nationalists up against the wall in the 30s. Non-Russians, mind you.
                        Another thing is that later the matter was left to its own devices.
                      4. -1
                        19 January 2025 17: 03
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        And they didn't nurture them in the USSR. They put a lot of nationalists up against the wall in the 30s. Non-Russians, mind you.

                        But at the same time, they did not stop the policy of cultivating national self-awareness, which they promoted.
                      5. +2
                        19 January 2025 17: 25
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        But at the same time, they did not stop the policy of cultivating national self-awareness, which they promoted.

                        Facts? For example, they put the Khikhlovs against the wall after the beginning of the 30s. Specifically, those who promoted Ukrainization. And it was Ukrainization that was stopped. And it was the most aggressive.
                      6. 0
                        19 January 2025 18: 16
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        And it was precisely Ukrainization that was stopped.

                        If it had been stopped, then half (at least) of the so-called Ukraine would have returned to the RSFSR. And not only it.
                      7. +1
                        20 January 2025 03: 26
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        If it had been stopped, then half (at least) of the so-called Ukraine would have returned to the RSFSR. And not only it.

                        If only. Soviet Ukraine was created as a counterweight to the UPR, and not just like that, all the lands, up until 39, of course, were annexed to Soviet Ukraine before the start of Ukrainization.
                        So that mushrooms would grow.
                      8. -1
                        20 January 2025 19: 40
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Soviet Ukraine was created in opposition to the UPR, and not just like that; all lands, up until 39, of course, were annexed to Soviet Ukraine before the start of Ukrainization.

                        And what prevented it from being Russia, except for the Russophobic policy, of course?
                      9. 0
                        19 January 2025 23: 05
                        But the "Great Russian chauvinists" Voznesensky, Kuznetsov, Rodionov and Popkov were also put up against the wall. Voznesensky did not particularly hide his attitude towards Caucasians and Jews.
                      10. +1
                        20 January 2025 03: 36
                        Quote: Sergej1972
                        But the "Great Russian chauvinists" Voznesensky, Kuznetsov, Rodionov and Popkov were also put up against the wall. Voznesensky did not particularly hide his attitude towards Caucasians and Jews.

                        Holy shit, they found patriots of the Russian land.

                        Those convicted were charged with creating an “enemy group” within the party, conducting “sabotage and subversive work,” including election fraud, and corruption—the theft of state funds for personal enrichment.
                      11. +6
                        19 January 2025 10: 44
                        What nonsense! The bais, khans, and beks remained who they were after joining the Russian Empire. And the peasants too... At the same time, the khans, bais, and beks did not convert to Orthodoxy.
                      12. +4
                        19 January 2025 11: 14
                        I'm not talking about the empire ruled by the Germans Romanoff, but about the Russian kingdom
                      13. 0
                        19 January 2025 13: 11
                        So, is the empire where the German Romanoffs ruled really bad?
                      14. +5
                        19 January 2025 13: 19
                        Yes, no, everything was fine, we were crunching on buns.
                      15. 0
                        19 January 2025 15: 09
                        Only poor Jews were oppressed...That's why poor Lev Bgonshteyn went to the ranks of the Gevolutionists!!! And with him a bunch of comrades!
                      16. +3
                        19 January 2025 16: 26
                        You find this amusing. But I am seriously annoyed that migrants are being brought in by entire countries. Russian doctors cannot find work, but Uzbeks with bought diplomas sit in crowds in clinics. If this amuses you so much, I sincerely wish to fall into the hands of such so-called doctors.
                      17. -2
                        20 January 2025 04: 58
                        The clinic where I am registered lacks a lot of specialists. To see a cardiologist, I had to go to the other end of the city, not even with "bought diplomas".
                        But there is Aibek in traumatology, an Uzbek by nationality, and an excellent specialist. Of all three who are there, including the head of the department Andryukha N.
                      18. 0
                        19 January 2025 16: 53
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        So the answer will be or not?

                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        What kind of rights have Russians suffered in the autonomous republics?
                        The answer is none. They don’t even need to know the local language; training and office work are in Russian.

                        Why is this answer not satisfactory?

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        And what kind of reduction in rights did all these small but proud peoples have as part of Russia without any divisions?
                        Are you talking about tsarist Russia? About the same reduction in rights as the Russian people. If we take the bulk. Only these peoples were not taught Russian in schools. Like in the autonomous republics.
                      19. +1
                        19 January 2025 17: 02
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Why is this answer not satisfactory?

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        And what kind of reduction in rights did all these small but proud peoples have as part of Russia without any divisions?

                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Are you talking about tsarist Russia? Yes, about the same reduction in rights as the Russian people.

                        That is, none.
                      20. 0
                        19 January 2025 17: 23
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        That is, none.

                        And what reduction in rights did Russians receive in the autonomous republics of the RSFSR?
                      21. +1
                        19 January 2025 18: 15
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        And what reduction in rights did Russians receive in the autonomous republics of the RSFSR?

                        Given the policy of cultivating national cadres? Given the indigenization, when could a Russian be recorded as someone there?
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        And what kind of reduction in rights did all these small but proud peoples have as part of Russia without any divisions?
                      22. 0
                        20 January 2025 03: 20
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        And what reduction in rights did Russians receive in the autonomous republics of the RSFSR?

                        Given the policy of cultivating national cadres? Given the indigenization, when could a Russian be recorded as someone there?

                        This is not an answer. So what kind of demotion in rights did Russians receive in the autonomous republics?

                        And indigenization did not at all imply the registration of Russians in some other nations. It should not be confused, most likely intentionally, with Ukrainization. For which, since the 30s, Ukrainians were actually imprisoned and shot after they refused it.
                      23. 0
                        20 January 2025 19: 39
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        This is not an answer. So what kind of demotion in rights did Russians receive in the autonomous republics?

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Given the policy of cultivating national cadres? Given the indigenization, when could a Russian be recorded as someone there?

                        Well, he remembers Lenin and his ideas, exactly the same as BLM.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        And indigenization did not at all imply the registration of Russians into some other nations. It should not be confused, most likely intentionally, with Ukrainization.

                        And was it carried out in another state? When a region is formed under the control of a "small but proud people", then they will strive to assimilate all foreigners as much as possible.
                      24. 0
                        21 January 2025 13: 25
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Soviet Ukraine was created in opposition to the UPR, and not just like that; all lands, up until 39, of course, were annexed to Soviet Ukraine before the start of Ukrainization.

                        And what prevented it from being Russia, except for the Russophobic policy, of course?

                        And what is so modest, and what are not the same claims to the GDR, Czechoslovakia, Poland, China finally. Why did they not become the USSR? Yes, for the same reason why Soviet Ukraine did not become Soviet Russia. Because there were plenty of nationalistically inclined not even socialists, but communists in Ukraine of those years. And this was not invented by the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks had to put up with this, in order to at least return Ukraine to Russia.
                        And the countries with Ukrainians have not gone anywhere - Poland, Hungary, Romania. And that means Soviet Ukraine is an additional factor in favor of the USSR.
                        The simplest thing!
                        Quote: Dart2027

                        And was it carried out in another state? When a region is formed under the control of a "small but proud people", then they will strive to assimilate all foreigners as much as possible.
                        What nonsense? In the union republics NO ONE assimilated Russians. But indigenization is a process of preparing peoples for assimilation in the USSR. At least because in order to start learning Russian en masse, you need to be able to at least read/write in your own language.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Well, he remembers Lenin and his ideas, exactly the same as BLM.

                        This is so stupid that it doesn’t even hurt the great man.
                        BLM justifies and encourages criminal and antisocial behavior of blacks and other parasitic ethnic groups against whites.
                        Where is this encouragement of national groups against Russians in Lenin? Where?
                        Firstly, Lenin wrote about “chauvinism” after a stroke.
                        Secondly, Lenin was no longer the head of government at that time.
                        And thirdly, Lenin wrote this as a reproach to Stalin, Ordzhonikidze and the comrades from the center who beat up the local, self-important figures at the conference in Georgia. laughing
                        So this comparison either exposes the one making the comparison as poorly informed, very poorly informed, or not particularly smart, to put it mildly, or an outright liar.
                      25. 0
                        21 January 2025 19: 17
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        And what is so modest, and what are not the same claims to the GDR, Czechoslovakia, Poland, China finally. Why did they not become the USSR?

                        Do Russians live there?!!! Are all these countries populated, in the language of that time, by Great Russians or, at worst, Little Russians?!!!!
                        Cool... Without exaggeration - very cool. Aren't you tired of writing all sorts of nonsense?
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        But indigenization is a process of preparing peoples for assimilation in the USSR. At least because in order to start learning Russian en masse, one must at least be able to read/write in one's own language.

                        What is the source of this maxim?
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        BLM justifies and encourages criminal and antisocial behavior of blacks and other parasitic ethnic groups against whites.

                        We exchange whites for Russians and get the same thing.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Firstly, Lenin wrote about “chauvinism” after a stroke.

                        Are you saying that towards the end of his life he went crazy?
                      26. 0
                        22 January 2025 03: 43
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Do Russians live there?!!! Are all these countries populated, in the language of that time, by Great Russians or, at worst, Little Russians?!!!!
                        Cool... Without exaggeration - very cool. Aren't you tired of writing all sorts of nonsense?

                        The fact that you didn't understand that this was sarcasm is just a trifle. But the fact that you missed these words says a lot.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Because there were plenty of nationalistically inclined not even socialists, but communists in Ukraine in those years. And it wasn't the Bolsheviks who came up with this. The Bolsheviks had to put up with it in order to at least return Ukraine to Russia.
                        And the countries with Ukrainians have not gone anywhere - Poland, Hungary, Romania. And that means Soviet Ukraine is an additional factor in favor of the USSR.

                        namely, about your cognitive abilities. Or moral qualities.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        But indigenization is a process of preparing peoples for assimilation in the USSR. At least because in order to start learning Russian en masse, one must at least be able to read/write in one's own language.

                        What is the source of this maxim?

                        It is useless to write to you about common sense. At least because the main complaint of people like you about indigenization is that it was prescribed to reduce the number of publications in Russian in favor of the local language, not in Russia, of course. But you do not understand this, do not know, cannot connect it with the study of a foreign language.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        BLM justifies and encourages criminal and antisocial behavior of blacks and other parasitic ethnic groups against whites.

                        We exchange whites for Russians and get the same thing.
                        But this is a direct lie and you will NOT be able to refute it in ANY WAY, although, if we are talking about modern Russia, then perhaps not. Only Lenin has absolutely nothing to do with it. But people like you, liars about Russia's past, have everything to do with it.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Are you saying that towards the end of his life he went crazy?
                        A person after a stroke does not always "go crazy", but often becomes incapacitated, and this confirms that Lenin no longer made decisions with mandatory implementation. And therefore his letters could not, and did not become an ideology. Well, and the fact that you ignore the following words:
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Secondly, Lenin was no longer the head of government at that time.
                        And thirdly, Lenin wrote this as a reproach to Stalin, Ordzhonikidze and the comrades from the center who had beaten up the local, self-important figures at the conference in Georgia.

                        confirms my opinion of you.

                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        So this comparison either exposes the one making the comparison as poorly informed, very poorly informed, or not particularly smart, to put it mildly, or an outright liar.
                      27. 0
                        22 January 2025 19: 38
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        The fact that you didn't understand that this was sarcasm is just a trifle.
                        That is, there are no objections?
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Because the nationalistically minded are not even socialists, but communists
                        Very touching. That's what they knew how to suppress discontent very well and without long delays. When they wanted.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        There is no point in writing to you about common sense.

                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        But this is a direct lie and there is NO WAY you can refute it.

                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        So this comparison either exposes the one making the comparison as poorly informed, very poorly informed, or not particularly smart, to put it mildly, or an outright liar.

                        Really? So it wasn't Lenin who wrote that Russians owe everyone just because they are Russian?
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        A person after a stroke does not always go crazy, but often becomes incapacitated
                        So did she go or not?
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        This means that his letters could not and did not become an ideology.
                        But in fact, it was after his intervention that the project he lobbied for was adopted.
                      28. 0
                        23 January 2025 03: 30
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        The fact that you didn't understand that this was sarcasm is just a trifle.
                        That is, there are no objections?

                        So you ignore it even now?
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Because there were plenty of nationalistically inclined not even socialists, but communists in Ukraine in those years. And it wasn't the Bolsheviks who came up with this. The Bolsheviks had to put up with it in order to at least return Ukraine to Russia.
                        And the countries with Ukrainians have not gone anywhere - Poland, Hungary, Romania. And that means Soviet Ukraine is an additional factor in favor of the USSR.

                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Because the nationalistically minded are not even socialists, but communists
                        Very touching. That's what they knew how to suppress discontent very well and without much delay. When they wanted.
                        in the 18-19-20s? The Bolsheviks could do something at that time only by uniting with other forces, and for this they were forced to make concessions. This is a fact.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        But this is a direct lie and there is NO WAY you can refute it.

                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        So this comparison either exposes the one making the comparison as poorly informed, very poorly informed, or not particularly smart, to put it mildly, or an outright liar.

                        Really? So it wasn't Lenin who wrote that Russians owe everyone just because they are Russian?

                        Let's have a quote confirming this, and with a link. You are already writing some kind of outright nonsense.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        A person after a stroke does not always go crazy, but often becomes incapacitated
                        So did she go or not?

                        Of course not, but you are simply ignoring the words below, which are a fact.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Are you saying that towards the end of his life he went crazy?
                        A person after a stroke does not always "go crazy", but often becomes incapacitated, and this confirms that Lenin no longer made decisions with mandatory implementation. And therefore his letters could not, and did not become an ideology. Well, and the fact that you ignore the following words:
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Secondly, Lenin was no longer the head of government at that time.
                        And thirdly, Lenin wrote this as a reproach to Stalin, Ordzhonikidze and the comrades from the center who had beaten up the local, self-important figures at the conference in Georgia.

                        And ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        This means that his letters could not and did not become an ideology.
                        But in fact, it was after his intervention that the project he lobbied for was adopted.

                        Come on, come on, project, dates, acceptance arguments.
                        Otherwise, all I get from you is just words, with attempts to troll by repeating stupid statements.

                        And also, where are the facts that confirm these words of yours?
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Well, he remembers Lenin and his ideas, exactly the same as BLM.

                        And also, where is the answer, with confirmation, to this question?
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U

                        And what reduction in rights did Russians receive in the autonomous republics of the RSFSR?

                        The nonsense you write is not an answer, it’s a twisting and turning, and a really poor one at that...
                      29. 0
                        23 January 2025 03: 54
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        A person after a stroke does not always go crazy, but often becomes incapacitated
                        So did she go or not?

                        If you are unable to use the search, well, maybe your cognitive abilities do not allow it, then here it is.
                        Post-stroke psychosis is a mental disorder that occurs as a result of organic damage to the brain and is characterized by psychomotor agitation, delirium, hallucinations. The main symptoms are inappropriate behavior, aggressiveness, expression of persecutory ideas, clouded consciousness
                        At least two of the main signs were not observed in VIL. This means that the stroke, in his case, only greatly limited his ability to work.
                      30. 0
                        23 January 2025 19: 30
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        So you ignore it even now?

                        Ignore what? That the Bolsheviks began to develop a project invented by the Poles and launched by the Austrians about dividing the Russian people with the invented Ukrainians.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        in the 18-19-20s? the Bolsheviks could do something at that time only by uniting with other forces, and for this they were forced to make concessions

                        So the Bolsheviks were just a gang of ethnic minorities who wanted to create appanage principalities for themselves?
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Let's have a quote confirming this, and with a link. You are already writing some kind of outright nonsense.

                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Well, he remembers Lenin and his ideas, exactly the same as BLM.

                        In relation to the second nationalism, almost always in historical practice we, the nationals of a large nation, find ourselves guilty of an endless amount of violence, and even more than that, we commit an endless amount of violence and insults without noticing it, one only has to recall my Volga memories of how we treat foreigners, how a Pole is not called anything other than a “Polish girl”, how a Tatar is not ridiculed anything other than a “prince”, a Ukrainian anything other than “Ukrainian", Georgians and other Caucasian aliens, as "Capcasian man".
                        Therefore, internationalism on the part of the oppressing or so-called “great” nation (albeit great only by its violence, great only in the way that the government is great) must consist not only in maintaining the formal equality of nations, but also in such inequality that would compensate on the part of the oppressing nation , the nation is large, the inequality that actually develops in life.

                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Of course not, but

                        That is, he was of sound mind when he pushed through Russophobic ideas.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Secondly, Lenin was no longer the head of government at that time.
                        And thirdly, Lenin wrote this as a reproach to Stalin, Ordzhonikidze and the comrades from the center who had beaten up the local, self-important figures at the conference in Georgia.
                        This means that his letters could not and did not become an ideology.

                        Until his death, Lenin was Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Come on, come on, project, dates, acceptance arguments.
                        Otherwise, all I get from you is just words, with attempts to troll by repeating stupid statements.

                        Lenin blocked the project of a single state proposed by Stalin.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        And what reduction in rights did Russians receive in the autonomous republics of the RSFSR?
                        The nonsense you write is not an answer, it’s a twisting and turning, and a really poor one at that...

                        Indigenization was a political and cultural campaign of the Soviet government on the national question in the 1920s and early 1930s, as well as during a short period from March to June 1953 (Beria's national reforms), designed to smooth out the contradictions between the central government and the indigenous population of the national republics of the USSR. Indigenization was expressed in the training and promotion of representatives of local nationalities to leadership positions, the creation of national-territorial autonomies, the introduction of languages ​​of national minorities in office work, in education, and the encouragement of the publication of media in local languages.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                      31. 0
                        24 January 2025 04: 52
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Ignore what? That the Bolsheviks began to develop a project invented by the Poles and launched by the Austrians about dividing the Russian people with the invented Ukrainians.

                        What? Ignore the FACT that by 1917 Ukrainianism had already taken shape and had a history of more than half a century and had significant influence in Ukraine (Little Russia) and neighboring countries, much greater than that of the Bolsheviks. You are consciously ignoring this fact.
                        Deliberate ignoring of facts is a sign not of insanity, but of utter mendacity.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        in the 18-19-20s? the Bolsheviks could do something at that time only by uniting with other forces, and for this they were forced to make concessions

                        So the Bolsheviks were just a gang of ethnic minorities who wanted to create appanage principalities for themselves?

                        You are deliberately ignoring the fact that the Bolsheviks, thanks to such a policy, both grew stronger and gathered together both Russia, in the form of the RSFSR, and a significant part of the Russian Empire, in the form of the USSR. In addition, you are ignoring the fact that the appanage principalities, in which gangs of ethnic minorities ruled, are a sign of the Russian Empire. Because:
                        The Russian administration, after conquering the region, in an effort not to disrupt the way of life of the local Muslim peoples, retained, with minor changes, the court of qazis according to sharia (Muslim religious law) for settled peoples and the court of biys according to adat (custom) for nomads.

                        And you ignore the fact that it was with the Bolsheviks' coming to power and the consolidation of this power that the eradication, including physical, of local nationalists began. The Basmachi are precisely nationalists.
                        Deliberate ignoring of facts is a sign not of insanity, but of utter mendacity.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Therefore, internationalism on the part of the oppressing or so-called “great” nation (albeit great only by its violence, great only in the way that the government is great) must consist not only in maintaining the formal equality of nations, but also in such inequality that would compensate on the part of the oppressing nation , the nation is large, the inequality that actually develops in life.
                        Oh, a quote, wow, at least some confirmation of my own, mmm, untrue stream of other people’s cliches, lies.
                        Only, firstly, this is a quote from the notes of the VIL, and not from the bills,
                        secondly, I'll rub it in, this was a reaction to the assault of non-Russians by nationality on non-Russians by nationality:
                        I am also afraid that Comrade Dzerzhinsky, who went to the Caucasus to investigate the case of the "crimes" of these "social-nationalists", distinguished himself here only by his truly Russian mood (it is known that Russified foreigners always overdo it in terms of truly Russian mood)... .... not even an insult can justify this Russian assault and that Comrade Dzerzhinsky is irreparably guilty of having treated this assault frivolously... ... That Georgian who disdains this side of the matter, who disdains tosses around the accusation of "social-nationalism" (while he himself is a real and true not only "social-nationalist", but also a crude Great Russian bully), that Georgian, in essence, violates the interests of proletarian class solidarity

                        And thirdly, none of the measures proposed by VIL in these records were taken.
                        Well, and fourthly - there was no defeat in the rights of the Russian people in the national and especially autonomous republics. These are facts.
                        Deliberate ignoring of facts is a sign not of insanity, but of utter mendacity.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        That is, he was of sound mind when he pushed through Russophobic ideas.
                        To call even such rather crude words a Russophobic idea is a lie:
                        in essence, a scoundrel and rapist, which is what a typical Russian bureaucrat is. There is no doubt that an insignificant percentage of Soviet and Sovietized workers will drown in this sea of ​​chauvinistic Great Russian scum, like a fly in milk.
                        Because here we are not talking about the Russian people, but about the Russian bureaucrat, and these words are written in order to shame the guilty, and to convince the rest to somehow punish the guilty.
                        And even in these words there is no Russophobic idea:
                        For the proletarian it is not only important, but also essential to ensure him the maximum trust in the proletarian class struggle on the part of foreigners. What is needed for this? Not only formal equality is needed for this. For this it is necessary to compensate in one way or another, by one's treatment or one's concessions towards the foreigner, for that mistrust, that suspicion, those insults which were inflicted upon him in the historical past by the government of the "great-power" nation.

                        I think that for the Bolsheviks and the communists there is no need to explain this further and in detail.

                        Because the appeal, and even concessions, are not an encouragement to foreigners to commit lawlessness against Russians. At least because concessions can be different. These are facts. And all this has nothing to do with the project of the USSR structure. Elementary by dates. Fact.
                        Deliberate ignoring of facts is a sign not of insanity, but of utter mendacity.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Until his death, Lenin was Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR.
                        The Council of People's Commissars is an EXECUTIVE organ. And Lenin was the NOMINAL head of the Executive organ. This is a fact.
                        Deliberate ignoring of facts is a sign not of insanity, but of utter mendacity.

                        Quote: Dart2027

                        Lenin blocked the project of a single state proposed by Stalin.
                        Lenin did not block the IVS project, but proposed his own project. Which won during collective discussions, but the project included proposals from Stalin's group on the creation of a powerful union center, which was essentially the same "autonomization", but in a different formulation.
                        And the words about "chauvinism" have nothing to do with the project of the USSR structure. Elementary by dates. Fact.
                        Deliberate ignoring of facts is a sign not of insanity, but of utter mendacity.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        designed to smooth out the contradictions between the central government and the indigenous population of the national republics of the USSR. Indigenization was expressed in the training and promotion of representatives of local nationalities to leadership positions, the creation of national-territorial autonomies, the introduction of languages ​​of national minorities into office work, in education, and the encouragement of the publication of media in local languages.

                        The national republic of the USSR is not an autonomous republic of the RSFSR - this is a fact
                        There was no loss of rights for Russians in either national or, even more so, autonomous republics - this is a fact.
                        Smoothing out contradictions begins with basic mutual understanding, and this is learning a language. In order to begin learning another language, it is necessary to learn to read and write in your own, native language. This is a fact.
                        The training and promotion of local representatives is one of the factors in strengthening central authority - this is a fact.

                        Deliberate ignoring of facts is a sign not of insanity, but of utter mendacity.
                        There was no loss of rights for Russians on the territory of the USSR.
                        You are lying directly and indirectly about this. There are no facts proving that you are right.
                        However, this does not apply to the current situation, and on the territory of Russia.
                      32. 0
                        24 January 2025 19: 03
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        What? Ignore the FACT that by 1917 Ukrainianism had already taken shape and had a history of more than half a century and had significant influence in Ukraine (Little Russia) and neighboring countries, much greater than that of the Bolsheviks. You are consciously ignoring this fact.

                        The fact that so-called Ukrainianism was invented by the Poles and promoted by the Austrians is again ignored.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        You are deliberately ignoring the fact that the Bolsheviks, thanks to such policies, became stronger.

                        To put it simply, they patronized the ethnic minorities in order to use them to gain power.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        The Russian administration, after conquering the region, in an effort not to disrupt the way of life of the local Muslim peoples, retained, with minor changes, the court of qazis according to sharia (Muslim religious law) for settled peoples and the court of biys according to adat (custom) for nomads.

                        But back then there was no right to leave or to register Russians as someone.
                        Deliberate ignoring of facts is a sign not of insanity, but of utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        And you ignore the fact that it was with the Bolsheviks' coming to power and the consolidation of this power that the eradication, including physical, of local nationalists began. The Basmachi are precisely nationalists.

                        And after what did the Basmachi appear?
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Only, firstly, this is a quote from the notes of the VIL, and not from the bills,
                        secondly, I'll rub it in, this was a reaction to the assault of non-Russians by nationality on non-Russians by nationality:
                        And thirdly, none of the measures proposed by VIL in these records were taken.
                        Well, and fourthly - there was no defeat in the rights of the Russian people in the national and especially autonomous republics. These are facts.

                        Fifthly, this article was written after it became clear that the project proposed by Stalin would be accepted, and the assault had occurred much earlier than that.
                        It seems that I am greatly to blame before the workers of Russia for not intervening energetically and sharply enough in the notorious question of autonomization, officially called, it seems, the question of the union of Soviet socialist republics.
                        In the summer when this question arose, I was ill, and then, in the fall, I placed excessive hopes on my recovery and that the October and December plenums would give me the opportunity to intervene in this matter. But, meanwhile, neither the October plenum (on this question) nor the December plenum did I succeed, and thus the question passed me by almost completely.

                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Calling even such rather crude words a Russophobic idea is a lie

                        So this is not Russophobia? What is Russophobia then? Simply put, you have nothing to say in response and you are trying to primitively deny what exists.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Because the appeal, and even concessions, are not an encouragement to foreigners to commit lawlessness against Russians. At least because concessions can be different. These are facts. And all this has nothing to do with the project of the USSR structure. Elementary by dates. Fact.

                        Read the quote from your Russophobic idol. Simply put, you have nothing to say in response again and you are trying to primitively deny what exists.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        The Council of People's Commissars is an EXECUTIVE organ. And Lenin was the NOMINAL head of the Executive organ. This is a fact.

                        There is no such legal concept as "nominal head", if a person is the head of government, then he is. Simply put, you again have nothing to object to and you are trying to primitively deny what exists.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U

                        Lenin did not block the IVS project, but proposed his own project. Which won during collective discussions, but the project included proposals from Stalin's group on the creation of a powerful union center, which was essentially the same "autonomization", but in a different formulation.
                        And the words about "chauvinism" have nothing to do with the project of the USSR structure. Elementary by dates. Fact.

                        Let's open Lenin's article again and read.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        The national republic of the USSR is not an autonomous republic of the RSFSR - this is a fact

                        You are lying directly and indirectly about this. There are no facts proving that you are right.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                      33. 0
                        26 January 2025 13: 28
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        The fact that so-called Ukrainianism was invented by the Poles and promoted by the Austrians is again ignored.

                        You ignore the fact that Ukrainianism was much more than 1917 years old by 80. You ignore the fact that Ukrainianism, for this reason alone, was already a much more influential movement, locally, than the Bolsheviks.
                        This has already been pointed out to you.
                        Deliberate ignoring of facts is a sign not of insanity, but of utter mendacity.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        You are deliberately ignoring the fact that the Bolsheviks, thanks to such policies, became stronger.

                        To put it simply, they patronized the ethnic minorities in order to use them to gain power.

                        You are lying because the Bolsheviks came to power in ethnic Russia. without help sympathizing nationalists, and you ignore the fact that the Bolsheviks, with the help of sympathizing nationalists, returned ethnically non-Russian territories to the control of Russia. They had broken away from Russia due to the fault of the tsarist and then the Provisional governments.

                        Deliberate ignoring of facts is a sign not of insanity, but of utter mendacity.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        But back then there was no right to leave or to register Russians as someone.

                        But in fact, the national outskirts broke away from Russia without any words in the constitution, which did not exist, simply due to the fact of the incompetent rule of the tsar and the Provisional. And the recording of Russians as khikhly was stopped, with the punishment of zealous recorders, including physical destruction.
                        You ignore it.
                        You are already ignoring your own words.
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        So the Bolsheviks were just a gang of ethnic minorities who wanted to create appanage principalities for themselves?

                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        And you ignore the fact that it was precisely with the Bolsheviks coming to power and consolidating this power that the eradication, including physical, of local nationalists began.

                        Deliberately ignoring facts is a sign not of insanity, but of complete mendacity. Incidentally, ignoring one's own words also brings to mind insanity...

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        And after what did the Basmachi appear?
                        Ignoring cause-and-effect relationships also makes one think of insanity. The reason the Basmachi appeared was because the tsarist government and the provisional government DID NOT PERSECUTE the nationalists.

                        Deliberately ignoring facts and cause-and-effect relationships is a sign not only of insanity, but also of utter mendacity.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Fifthly, this article was written after it became clear that the project proposed by Stalin would be accepted, and the assault had occurred much earlier than that.
                        What did you want to say? You're already weaving who knows what...
                        This is not an article, but a letter, and of course it was written AFTER the assault, and of course after the adoption of the project, but BEFORE the legislative consolidation of the status of the USSR. This means that additions to the status could still have been accepted, but no one accepted them, as well as punished the "Russians laughing bully laughing "

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        But, in the meantime, I was unable to attend either the October plenum (on this issue) or the December one, and thus the issue passed me by almost completely.

                        What did you want to say? You're already weaving who knows what...

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        So this is not Russophobia? What is Russophobia then? Simply put, you have nothing to say in response and you are trying to primitively deny what exists.

                        Primitive denial of the existing is the lot of those who consciously ignore facts and cause-and-effect relationships - senile people and complete liars. And of the two of us, that's definitely not me.
                        And regarding your phrase... Only a liar can accuse a person of Russophobia based on a couple of phrases, taken out of context at that. For example, I don't call Lenin a Russian nationalist based on these HIS phrases:
                        And we, Great Russian workers, full of a sense of national pride, want by all means a free and independent, independent, democratic, republican, proud Great Russia, which builds its relations with neighbors on the human principle of equality, and not on the serfdom principle of privileges that humiliates a great nation. ...

                        Is the feeling of national pride alien to us, Great Russian class-conscious proletarians? Of course not! We love our language and our homeland, we work most of all to raise its working masses (that is, 9/10 of its population) to the conscious life of democrats and socialists.

                        We are full of a sense of national pride, for the Great Russian nation also created a revolutionary class, also proved that it is capable of giving humanity great examples of the struggle for freedom and for socialism.

                        Well, unlike lying senile fools, any decent person will not form an opinion, much less impose it on someone, based on a couple, or more, phrases, much less taken out of context.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        There is no such legal concept as "nominal head", if a person is the head of government, then he is. Simply put, you again have nothing to object to and you are trying to primitively deny what exists.

                        The executive body is precisely that, executive, which means it is lower than the legislative one. A fact, and a well-known one at that.
                        If the proposals of the "head" are ignored, then it is obvious that this "head" is nominal. And this is a well-known fact.
                        Ignoring well-known facts and cause-and-effect relationships is a sign not only of insanity, but also of utter mendacity.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        And the words about "chauvinism" have nothing to do with the project of the USSR structure. Elementary by dates. Fact.
                        Let's open Lenin's article again and read.

                        The words about "chauvinism" have nothing to do with the project of the USSR structure.
                        You ignore even well-known facts.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        The national republic of the USSR is not an autonomous republic of the RSFSR - this is a fact

                        You are lying directly and indirectly about this.

                        Why am I not surprised by such insanity? After all, to consider the National (Union) Republic of the USSR as the Autonomous Republic of the RSFSR is obvious insanity.
                        Because ignoring well-known facts and cause-and-effect relationships is a sign not only of insanity, but also of utter mendacity.

                        You wrote complete nonsense, comparing literally a couple of phrases, and even taken out of context, VIL with some BLM ideology. You cannot prove in any way that Russians were discriminated against on the territory of the RSFSR on the basis of nationality. You ignore facts, factors and cause-and-effect relationships.
                      34. 0
                        26 January 2025 15: 10
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        You ignore the fact that Ukrainianism was much more than 1917 years old by 80. You ignore the fact that Ukrainianism, for this reason alone, was already a much more influential movement, locally, than the Bolsheviks.

                        And therefore, their so-called council could only change the signs and had no power.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        You are lying because the Bolsheviks came to power in ethnic Russia. without help sympathizing nationalists, and you ignore the fact that the Bolsheviks, with the help of sympathizing nationalists, returned ethnically non-Russian territories to the control of Russia.

                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        But in fact, the national outskirts broke away from Russia without any words in the constitution, which did not exist, simply due to the incompetent rule of the tsar and the Provisional.

                        And then all these nationalists suddenly became Bolsheviks? They were Bolsheviks from the very beginning.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        And the registration of Russians as Khikhlov was stopped, with the punishment of zealous recorders, including physical destruction.
                        After the entire "Leninist guard" had been disposed of. However, the fact that it was Lenin who launched this process cannot be disputed.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        And you ignore the fact that it was precisely with the Bolsheviks coming to power and consolidating this power that the eradication, including physical, of local nationalists began.
                        After which they continued the careful cultivation of nationalist elites, who replaced the former national minorities.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U

                        Ignoring cause-and-effect relationships also makes one think of insanity. The reason the Basmachi appeared was because the tsarist government and the provisional government DID NOT PERSECUTE the nationalists.

                        The first significant centers of this movement arose after the defeat of the Kokand autonomy in Turkestan by the Bolsheviks in 1918, and after the national demarcation - in the territories of modern Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan, which had as its goal the fight against Soviet power and the expulsion of the Bolsheviks.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        What did you want to say? You're already weaving who knows what...
                        That is, there is nothing to argue.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        This is not an article, but a letter, and of course it was written AFTER the assault, and of course after the adoption of the project, but BEFORE the legislative consolidation of the status of the USSR.

                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        But, in the meantime, I was unable to attend either the October plenum (on this issue) or the December one, and thus the issue passed me by almost completely.

                        What did you want to say? You're already weaving who knows what...
                        I quote your Russophobic idol.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Primitive denial of the existing is the lot of those who consciously ignore facts and cause-and-effect relationships - senile people and complete liars. And of the two of us, that's definitely not me.
                        And regarding your phrase... Only a liar can accuse a person of Russophobia based on a couple of phrases, taken out of context at that. For example, I don't call Lenin a Russian nationalist based on these HIS phrases:

                        That is, "national pride" consists in Russians becoming some kind of "universal people", well, and then we remember BLM/
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        The executive body is precisely that, executive, which means it is lower than the legislative one. A fact, and a well-known one at that.
                        If the proposals of the "head" are ignored, then it is obvious that this "head" is nominal. And this is a well-known fact.

                        And were they ignored? There is a fact - that Lenin pushed through the structure of the country proposed by his nationalist friends. And who exactly was higher in status
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        The words about "chauvinism" have nothing to do with the project of the USSR structure.
                        After Lenin's project was accepted, it is strange to read such primitive lies.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        You wrote complete nonsense, trying to defend your Russophobic idol. You ignore facts, factors and cause-and-effect relationships.
                      35. 0
                        26 January 2025 16: 34
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        And therefore, their so-called council could only change the signs and had no power.

                        This is a delusional lie. Because besides the Rada there was also Petliura. With whom the Bolsheviks fought.

                        Quote: Dart2027

                        And then all these nationalists suddenly became Bolsheviks? They were Bolsheviks from the very beginning.

                        Basmachi became Bolsheviks? This is a delusional lie.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        The first significant centers of this movement arose after the defeat of the Kokand autonomy in Turkestan by the Bolsheviks in 1918, and after the national demarcation - in the territories of modern Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan, which had as its goal the fight against Soviet power and the expulsion of the Bolsheviks.

                        To then restore the tsarist power in Central Asia, right? This is already insanity. The Bolsheviks destroyed the nationalists.
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        This is not an article, but a letter, and of course it was written AFTER the assault, and of course after the adoption of the project, but BEFORE the legislative consolidation of the status of the USSR.


                        There is no way you can refute this.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        What did you want to say? You're already weaving who knows what...
                        That is, there is nothing to argue.

                        You've included a quote that's out of place, it's just stupid flooding.
                        What can I object to, just stupid flooding?

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        This is not an article, but a letter, and of course it was written AFTER the assault, and of course after the adoption of the project, but BEFORE the legislative consolidation of the status of the USSR.

                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        There is no way you can refute this.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        But, in the meantime, I was unable to attend either the October plenum (on this issue) or the December one, and thus the issue passed me by almost completely.

                        What did you want to say? You're already weaving who knows what..
                        I quote your Russophobic idol.

                        A completely inappropriate quote is a flood. Anyone who doesn't understand this is a moron.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        That is, "national pride" consists in Russians becoming some kind of "universal people", well, and then we remember BLM/
                        To link these quotes to BLM is complete nonsense.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        And we, Great Russian workers, full of a sense of national pride, want by all means a free and independent, independent, democratic, republican, proud Great Russia, which builds its relations with neighbors on the human principle of equality, and not on the serfdom principle of privileges that humiliates a great nation. ...

                        Is the feeling of national pride alien to us, Great Russian class-conscious proletarians? Of course not! We love our language and our homeland, we work most of all to raise its working masses (that is, 9/10 of its population) to the conscious life of democrats and socialists.

                        We are full of a sense of national pride, for the Great Russian nation also created a revolutionary class, also proved that it is capable of giving humanity great examples of the struggle for freedom and for socialism.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        And were they ignored? There is a fact - that Lenin pushed through the structure of the country proposed by his nationalist friends. And who exactly was higher in status

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        The words about "chauvinism" have nothing to do with the project of the USSR structure.
                        After Lenin's project was accepted, it is strange to read such primitive lies.

                        The fact that you ignore the fact that neither the project nor the constitution says a word about the loss of rights of Russians is not surprising...
                        Because ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        But you can't even compare the dates. It's so pathetic...
                        Lenin made his proposal on the structure of the USSR, then there was a stroke, then there was assault, then there was a letter from which you tore quotes, and in which there were calls for punishment and additions to the proposal. Both the calls and the additions were ignored.
                        You don’t understand simple things and are not able to compare them...

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        You wrote complete nonsense, trying to defend your Russophobic idol. You ignore facts, factors and cause-and-effect relationships.

                        You have zero thoughts of your own, you spit on facts, but logic, on dates, you add quotes that are neither here nor there, and you even quote my own words to me. laughing
                        Well, go ahead and quote...
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Ignoring well-known facts and cause-and-effect relationships is a sign not only of insanity, but also of utter mendacity.

                        Well, let me remind you - you wrote complete nonsense, comparing literally a couple of phrases, and even taken out of context, of VIL with some BLM ideology. You cannot prove in any way that Russians were discriminated against on the territory of the RSFSR on the basis of nationality. You ignore facts, factors and cause-and-effect relationships.
                      36. 0
                        26 January 2025 19: 30
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        This is a delusional lie. Because besides the Rada there was also Petliura. With whom the Bolsheviks fought.

                        That is, you yourself admit that this council did not represent any Ukraine, and the so-called Ukrainianism was simply anarchy.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        And then all these nationalists suddenly became Bolsheviks? They were Bolsheviks from the very beginning.

                        So it wasn't you who was ranting about how many nationalists there were who helped the Bolsheviks? You're completely confused in your own nonsense.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        To then restore the tsarist power in Central Asia, right? This is already insanity. The Bolsheviks destroyed the nationalists.

                        That is, you admit that there were no Basmachi until the Bolsheviks came there, and they fought only against those who openly resisted them.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        This is not an article, but a letter, and of course it was written AFTER the assault, and of course after the adoption of the project, but BEFORE the legislative consolidation of the status of the USSR.
                        There is no way you can refute this.
                        And did I refute this? You are completely confused in your own nonsense.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        You've included a quote that's out of place, it's just stupid flooding.
                        What can I object to, just stupid flooding?

                        That is, there is nothing to argue.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        A completely inappropriate quote is a flood. Anyone who doesn't understand this is a moron.

                        That is, there is nothing to argue.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        To link these quotes to BLM is complete nonsense.
                        We read the article (letter) and change Russian to white, then we read the BLM ideology.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        The fact that you ignore the fact that neither the project nor the constitution says a word about the loss of rights of Russians is not surprising...

                        We remember the indigenization, we remember the distribution of Russian lands to different national minorities, we remember the division of the Russian people, we remember how the republics grew fat at the expense of the Russians.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Both the calls and the additions were ignored.

                        But in the end, the project lobbied by Lenin was accepted.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        And who exactly was higher in status?
                        Will the answer be?
                      37. 0
                        27 January 2025 04: 11
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        That is, you yourself admit that this council did not represent any Ukraine, and the so-called Ukrainianism was simply anarchy.

                        It was you who brought up the Rada, and I poked you that, in addition to the Rada, there were also plenty of representatives of Ukrainians, and they were massive and well organized.
                        And you, based on this, claim that the RSDLP/VKPB/Bolsheviks appeared earlier than Ukrainianism...
                        Which is sheer idiocy.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        So it wasn't you who was ranting about how many nationalists there were who helped the Bolsheviks? You're completely confused in your own nonsense.

                        What kind of moron do you have to be to think that the Basmachi helped the Bolsheviks?
                        And reliance on national personnel in national localities is the basis for consolidating the power of the center.
                        Only a moron cannot understand this.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        That is, you admit that there were no Basmachi until the Bolsheviks came there, and they fought only against those who openly resisted them.
                        Of course not, because the tsarist government did not fight nationalism and savagery in the national outskirts. As soon as the Soviet government began to fight savagery, the Basmachi appeared.
                        Only a moron could deny this.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        This is not an article, but a letter, and of course it was written AFTER the assault, and of course after the adoption of the project, but BEFORE the legislative consolidation of the status of the USSR.
                        There is no way you can refute this.
                        And did I refute this? You are completely confused in your own nonsense.

                        You are so "gifted" with intelligence that you don't remember your own words.
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Fifthly, this article was written after it became clear that the project proposed by Stalin would be accepted, and the assault had occurred much earlier than that.

                        This is a sign of intellectual inferiority...

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        You've included a quote that's out of place, it's just stupid flooding.
                        What can I object to, just stupid flooding?

                        That is, there is nothing to argue.
                        Why object to stupid flood? Which has nothing to do with hammering into your head the simplest things...

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        To link these quotes to BLM is complete nonsense.
                        We read the article (letter) and change Russian to white, then we read the BLM ideology.
                        Only a half-wit, or a lying drizzle, can compare socialism, with its slogan "From each according to his ability, to each according to his work" and punishments for parasitism, with the encouragement of lawlessness on racial grounds.

                        Quote: Dart2027

                        We remember the indigenization, we remember the distribution of Russian lands to different national minorities, we remember the division of the Russian people, we remember how the republics grew fat at the expense of the Russians.
                        I have already poked you, like a kitten, that indigenization was aimed at pulling up national minorities to a minimum civilization level. People like you have repeatedly poked you that the cutting off of lands within the USSR meant nothing, because control came from the center. The claim to the USSR and Lenin about the division of the Russian people, which occurred after the collapse of the USSR, is outright insanity. And the fattening of the republics in the USSR, by the way, due to the difference in taxation, and not direct subsidies, does not compare in any way with the stupid gifting of RUSSIAN funds to the now simply outright Russophobes of Central Asia and Transcaucasia in our time.
                        Only a lying, feeble-minded scumbag can not remember this, not understand this, and ignore it.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Both the calls and the additions were ignored.

                        But in the end, the project lobbied by Lenin was accepted.
                        Only a feeble-minded individual does not know or does not remember that Lenin’s project was accepted as a result of discussion and with significant rights and changes by Stalin’s group.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        And who exactly was higher in status?
                        Will the answer be?

                        Only a moron would fail to know, with access to the Internet, that the legislative branch has supremacy over the executive branch.
                        You keep telling me the same thing, even though I poke you in the eye over and over again.
                        The Russian people say about people like you: "Even if you splash water in their eyes, it's still God's dew."

                        Not even arguing, but simply communicating with a moron and lying scum is unproductive and disgusting. But I have to, that's just my character.
                      38. 0
                        27 January 2025 19: 46
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        It was you who brought up the Rada, and I poked you that, in addition to the Rada, there were also plenty of representatives of Ukrainians, and they were massive and well organized.

                        That is, before its creation by the Bolsheviks, there was no Ukraine, but a bunch of lords and atamans who simply wanted to seize power.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        What kind of moron do you have to be to think that the Basmachi helped the Bolsheviks?

                        That is, you are trying to abandon your own assurances that without the nationalists the Bolsheviks had nowhere to go.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Of course not, because the tsarist government did not fight nationalism and savagery in the national outskirts.

                        Simply put, the Basmachi were banal opponents of the Soviet government. Of course, it fought them.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U

                        You are so "gifted" with intelligence that you don't remember your own words.
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Fifthly, this article was written after it became clear that the project proposed by Stalin would be accepted, and the assault had occurred much earlier than that.

                        We open the article and read the beginning, where Lenin complains that he did not take part in the past meetings.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Why object to stupid flood? Which has nothing to do with hammering into your head the simplest things...

                        Simply put, I can’t come up with anything.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Only a half-wit, or a lying drizzle, can compare socialism, with its slogan "From each according to his ability, to each according to his work" and punishments for parasitism, with the encouragement of lawlessness on racial grounds.

                        We open the article and read about how Russians owe everyone. We remember the indigenization, we remember the distribution of Russian lands to different national minorities, we remember the division of the Russian people, we remember how the republics grew fat at the expense of the Russians
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        I have already poked you, like a kitten, that indigenization was aimed at pulling up national minorities to a minimum civilization level. People like you have been poked many times that cutting off lands within the USSR meant nothing, because control came from the center.

                        Well, then why did they cut it down? And why were all these republics needed at all?
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        And the republics in the USSR were getting fat, by the way, due to the difference in taxation, and not direct subsidies.
                        And how does this change the fact that they were supported at the expense of the Russians, in full accordance with the precepts of Lenin (BLM)?
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        does not compare in any way to the stupid giving away of RUSSIAN funds to the outright Russophobes of Central Asia and Transcaucasia in our time.

                        So what kind of funds are being given away, and how much of this is from what the USSR gave away?
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Only a feeble-minded individual does not know or does not remember that Lenin’s project was accepted as a result of discussion and with significant rights and changes by Stalin’s group.

                        But it was Lenin’s project that was accepted.
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U

                        Only a moron would fail to know, with access to the Internet, that the legislative branch has supremacy over the executive branch.

                        Well, who exactly will be the answer?
                        Ignoring the facts is a sign of either insanity or utter mendacity.
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U

                        Not even arguing, but simply communicating with a moron and lying scum.

                        That you are self-critical.
                2. +1
                  19 January 2025 23: 02
                  The ASSRs had quite extensive powers, not only in the cultural sphere, but also in the socio-economic sphere. They had no less powers than the regions and oblasts.
                  1. 0
                    20 January 2025 03: 38
                    Quote: Sergej1972
                    The ASSRs had quite extensive powers, not only in the cultural sphere, but also in the socio-economic sphere. They had no less powers than the regions and oblasts.

                    How did these powers contribute to the disenfranchisement of Russians? In no way.

                    All laws of the autonomous republic had to comply with both the laws of the union republic of which the ASSR was a part and the laws of the USSR; in the event of a legal conflict, the all-union normative legal act or the normative legal act of the union republic had supreme force over the NPA of the ASSR. Laws of the autonomous republics were published in two languages: Russian and the language of the titular nationality of the ASSR.
            2. +6
              19 January 2025 11: 21
              "Exactly where such a population lived."
              Here you are wrong
              Let's take my native Karelia (Karelian ASSR) as an example. I've lived here all my life, and I've never heard a single word of Karelian. And I've never seen anyone, anywhere, speak to anyone in a language other than Russian.
              And God willing, people with Karelian surnames make up 2 percent of the population.
              Now the question is: why the hell did the Bolsheviks come up with this Karelian ASSR? Having renamed the Olonetsk province and that same Kemsky volost.
              1. +6
                19 January 2025 11: 30
                Well, what do you expect? If it weren’t for the Great Patriotic War, the Volga German Republic would still exist.
              2. +1
                19 January 2025 12: 16
                Quote: Reporter
                Now the question is: why the hell did the Bolsheviks come up with this Karelian ASSR? Having renamed the Olonetsk province and that same Kemsky volost.

                A question that not a single communist can clearly answer.
              3. +1
                19 January 2025 17: 06
                Quote: Reporter
                And God willing, people with Karelian surnames make up 2 percent of the population.
                Now the question is: why the hell did the Bolsheviks come up with this Karelian ASSR? Having renamed the Olonetsk province and that same Kemsky volost.

                Well, maybe because the Bolsheviks weren't such liars as some people.
                The essence of the "Proposal" was to solve three problems by creating a Karelian Commune in the area from the Svir River to the Arctic Ocean: to satisfy the national interests of the Karelian population, to deprive Finland of grounds for laying claim to Eastern Karelia, and to create a springboard for preparing a revolution in Finland and the Scandinavian countries. In accordance with these "Proposals", the Karelian Commune was to become a kind of socialist alternative to the bourgeois Finnish state[8]. ...
                ...The total area of ​​the KTK was 115186 km², the population was 147,3 thousand people (60% Karelians, 37% Russians).

                In addition to the question of autonomous status, E. A. Gyulling proposed to exclude the Pudozh district (95% of the Russian population) from the Karelian Labor Commune and to annex the Murmansk province in its entirety. Organizational Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) rejected the proposal to change the composition, but decided to change the status of the Karelian Labor Commune.
                1. 0
                  19 January 2025 23: 15
                  The area of ​​Karelia is now 180 thousand square kilometers. It is larger than the original Karelian Labor Commune.
                  1. +1
                    20 January 2025 03: 43
                    Quote: Sergej1972
                    The area of ​​Karelia is now 180 thousand square kilometers. It is larger than the original Karelian Labor Commune.
                    Damned Bolsheviks!

                    In April 1938, Kandalaksha received the status of a city, and in May 1938 The Kandalaksha region was separated from the KASSR and transferred to the Murmansk region[3].

                    After the Soviet-Finnish Winter War part of the territory of Finland was transferred to the USSR, in particular a large part of the Vyborg province and the territory of the Salla and Kuusamo communities, which were annexed to the Karelian Autonomous SSR, transformed on March 31, 1940 into the Karelo-Finnish SSR - a union republic within the USSR.
                    1. 0
                      20 January 2025 09: 44
                      In fact, a significant part of the territories transferred to the Karelo-Finnish SSR after the Soviet-Finnish War were transferred to the Leningrad Region in 1944, including Vyborg. To be more precise, three of the seven districts transferred in 1940. According to the latest census, the Karelian population makes up only 5,5% of the republic's population. The Karelians themselves are now included in the list of small peoples of the Russian Federation. Plus a few Finns and Vepsians. It seems to me that such a republic makes little sense for the Karelians themselves. Or take the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. With a population of 1 million 750 thousand, the Khanty and Mansi account for only 30 thousand. Less than one and a half percent. What influence do they have on politics and economics, on the management of the autonomous okrug that bears their name?
                    2. 0
                      20 January 2025 09: 46
                      And so, initially, first in the KTK, then in the KASSR, territories with a very small percentage of Karelian population were indeed included. The same Pudozh you mentioned. And Petrozavodsk itself was a Russian city, and remains so.
                      1. 0
                        20 January 2025 09: 53
                        Quote: Sergej1972
                        In fact, a significant part of the territories transferred to the Karelo-Finnish SSR after the Soviet-Finnish War were transferred to the Leningrad Region in 1944, including Vyborg. More precisely, three of the seven districts transferred in 1940.

                        Do you even understand what you are writing? The area has increased anyway, and not at the expense of the RSFSR, but at the expense of Finland.

                        Quote: Sergej1972
                        According to the latest census, the Karelian population makes up only 5,5% of the republic's population. The Karelians themselves are now included in the list of small peoples of the Russian Federation. Plus a few Finns and Vepsians.
                        And what does this have to do with not even the moment of formation, but at least with 1956? What?
                        The claim was generally made against the formation of the autonomy of Karelia.
                      2. 0
                        20 January 2025 10: 03
                        Compare the area of ​​the KTK and the area of ​​the AKSSR and KASSR before 1940. The area of ​​the autonomous republic was larger than the area of ​​the KTK. And so, the population of the districts transferred to the Leningrad region in 1944 was larger than the population of those former Finnish territories that remained in the KFSSR. The claim is that, probably, it was not necessary to include in Karelia territories with a predominantly Russian population and with a small or absent Karelian population. On the other hand, without these territories, the status of the ASSR would be redundant. At most, an autonomous region or autonomous okrug. I have studied the works of historians dedicated to the history of the KASSR and KFSSR. Everyone admits that when making decisions on the creation and development of these entities, they were guided not only by the interests of the Karelian population. There were other political considerations related to neighboring Finland, etc.
                      3. 0
                        20 January 2025 10: 07
                        Quote: Sergej1972
                        Everyone acknowledges that when making decisions about the creation and development of these entities, they were guided not only by the interests of the Karelian population. There were also other political considerations related to neighboring Finland, etc.

                        That's it.
                        And you also miss the point that the areas received from Finland were uninhabited, due to the evacuation of the population by the Finnish authorities. And they were definitely not populated by Karelians and Vepsians and Russian Finns, but simply by Russians. This led to a decrease in the percentage of non-Russian population.
                        And Petrozavodsk was chosen as the capital because of its geographical location and status.
                      4. +1
                        20 January 2025 10: 11
                        In his report to the session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1956, Kuusinen, justifying the need to transform the republic from a union republic into an autonomous republic, emphasized the predominance of the Russian population, the small percentage of the Karelian, Finnish, and Vepsian population, and the fact that this percentage would become even smaller as economic development progressed. That is, it was believed that the KFSSR clearly did not qualify for the status of a union republic. Although, judging by the publications of the minutes of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU, they were initially going to create an autonomous region. But then they decided that it would be difficult to explain to the population the transformation of a union republic into an autonomous region, so they settled on the ASSR option.
            3. -1
              19 January 2025 11: 27
              Quote: Vladimir_2U
              First of all, what is this "wherever possible"? Precisely where such a population lived. Indigenous, actually.

              Managers all 4 People's Commissariats who created Soviet nuclear weapons were "persons of Caucasian nationality".
              Quote: Vladimir_2U
              The Russian people as a whole were more developed than small nations, so they were not “encouraged”, but rather, as far as possible, pulled up to the level.

              There were no "more developed" people of our own in the position of People's Commissar, so we had to "pull them up"?
              1. +1
                19 January 2025 17: 16
                Quote: your1970
                The heads of all four People's Commissariats that created Soviet nuclear weapons were "persons of Caucasian nationality."
                So what? I'm even perplexed by such an absurd claim.
                For example, the People's Commissar of Armaments in 1941-53 was Ustinov.

                Quote: your1970
                There were no "more developed" people of our own in the position of People's Commissar, so we had to "pull them up"?
                But what, they failed and the USSR did not receive nuclear weapons?

                The anti-Soviets are somehow sad in the head...
                1. -2
                  20 January 2025 07: 23
                  Quote: Vladimir_2U
                  The anti-Soviets are somehow sad in the head...

                  The “advisers” apparently had their heads smashed on the floor - here some pearls were bent
                  Quote: Vladimir_2U
                  The Russian people as a whole were more developed than small nations, so they didn’t “encourage”, but rather as much as they could pulled up to the level.
                  1. +1
                    20 January 2025 08: 13
                    Quote: your1970
                    The “advisers” apparently had their heads smashed on the floor - here some pearls were bent
                    Quote: Vladimir_2U
                    The Russian people as a whole were more developed than small nations, so they were not “encouraged”, but rather, as far as possible, pulled up to the level.

                    And what in this phrase does not correspond to reality? It is clearly not as pathetic as this claim of yours.

                    Quote: your1970

                    Yesterday, 11: 27
                    Quote: Vladimir_2U
                    First of all, what is this "wherever possible"? Precisely where such a population lived. Indigenous, actually.

                    The heads of all four People's Commissariats that created Soviet nuclear weapons were "persons of Caucasian nationality."
                    Quote: Vladimir_2U
                    The Russian people as a whole were more developed than small nations, so they were not “encouraged”, but rather, as far as possible, pulled up to the level.

                    There were no "more developed" people of our own in the position of People's Commissar, so we had to "pull them up"?
              2. +1
                20 January 2025 10: 07
                Can't you give the names of these leaders? Are Ustinov and Vannikov among them? Or Yefim Slavsky? He was not a People's Commissar, but he had something to do with the creation of weapons. By the way, he is mistakenly classified as a Jew, although he was Ukrainian.
                1. -2
                  20 January 2025 11: 44
                  Quote: Sergej1972
                  Can you provide the names of these leaders?

                  "On February 11, 1943, the State Defense Committee issued order 2872 "On additional measures in organizing work on uranium." The People's Commissariat of Ferrous Metallurgy (People's Commissar I.F. Tevosyan), the People's Commissariat of Foreign Trade (People's Commissar A.I. Mikoyan), the People's Commissariat of Medium Machine Building (People's Commissar S.A. Akopov), and Giprotsvetmet (Director Gazaryan) were involved in the work on creating atomic weapons."

                  I admit my guilt - due to the length of time, I forgot that the 4th in the Resolution is not the People's Commissar, but the director. But this is compensated by L.P. Beria.....
                  1. +1
                    20 January 2025 14: 21
                    Why didn't you mention Saburov, Pervukhin, Lomako, who are mentioned in this resolution? And the People's Commissar of Finance Zverev?
                    1. -3
                      21 January 2025 12: 05
                      Quote: Sergej1972
                      Why didn't you mention Saburov, Pervukhin, Lomako?

                      You insist on my opponent's position.
                      Quote: Vladimir_2U
                      The Russian people as a whole were more developed than small nations, so they were not “encouraged”, but rather, as far as possible, pulled up to the level.

                      Your right...
          3. +2
            19 January 2025 10: 32
            And he did the right thing by developing nations.
            1. +2
              19 January 2025 10: 40
              Quote: Kronos
              And he did the right thing.

              And what did this lead to?
          4. 0
            19 January 2025 16: 04
            Quote: Dart2027
            The author operates with facts:

            What other facts? Corrected NSH, adjusted GMS and EBN?
            How is it that they haven't figured out yet that it was the Red Army, under the leadership of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), that attacked peaceful Germany...
            1. -1
              19 January 2025 16: 32
              Quote: yuriy55
              What other facts? Corrected NSH, adjusted GMS and EBN?

              So in the USSR there was no policy of indigenization and Ukrainization?
        2. -2
          19 January 2025 13: 09
          And what about the fact that the Bolshevik-Communists created their state on the ruins of another state? Oh, yes! For the Bolshevik-Communists it was "tyugma-nagodov"...
          1. +5
            19 January 2025 13: 23
            So yours also destroyed the Union and built democracy on the ruins.
            1. -1
              20 January 2025 04: 49
              Democracy is a carrot in front of the donkeys' faces... However, in the so-called "people's democracy countries" from the "socialist camp" they also broadcast a lot about it on the radio and TV...
    3. +14
      19 January 2025 08: 56
      Quote: tatra
      They were the ones who let such a huge number of migrant workers into their state? Why doesn't Lukashenko have any?

      So in the USSR there were no migrant workers. At all! Although there were not enough workers. And there was no unemployment in principle.
      1. +8
        19 January 2025 09: 11
        Quote: Stas157
        So in the USSR there were no migrant workers. At all!

        To be fair, something similar did happen. There were definitely Vietnamese in Moscow and North Koreans in Siberia and the Far East in the 80s.
        1. +10
          19 January 2025 09: 13
          Quote: Vladimir_2U
          There were definitely Vietnamese in Moscow and North Koreans in Siberia and the Far East in the 80s

          I don't know. I haven't seen it! But what's happening now is visible to everyone with the naked eye. Feel the difference.
          1. +5
            19 January 2025 10: 45
            I know...I saw...They were...
          2. +4
            19 January 2025 11: 35
            Quote: Stas157
            I don't know. I haven't seen it!

            It's clear that you didn't open your eyes - otherwise you would have seen Koreans in 1960 and Vietnamese in 1970.
            Kurds - KURDS!!!!! - appeared in the Saratov region in the 1970s.
            Have you ever been to the Armenian Central Market on Tsvetnoy Boulevard?

            Quote: Stas157
            So in the USSR there were no migrant workers. At all!

            Armenian and Moldavian moonlighters, haven't you heard? Who violated all the Codes, including the Criminal Code and the USSR norms taken together.....
            1. +2
              20 January 2025 09: 54
              I don't know, collective and state farms signed contracts with brigades of Moldavian, Caucasian, and Western Ukrainian migrant workers to perform work. This was a completely legal activity. When I lived in the village as a child, migrant workers, Armenians and Dagestanis, built livestock and other facilities, and Ukrainians processed sugar beets. And this was before perestroika, everything was completely official. They earned quite well. By the way, there were also brigades of Russian "moonlighters", mainly from among factory engineers and workers who earned extra money during their vacations.
              1. -2
                20 January 2025 11: 31
                Quote: Sergej1972
                contracts were concluded for the performance of work. This was a completely legal activity.

                Quote: Sergej1972
                They made money not bad.

                Now think about it - why didn't LOCAL construction companies work, but the migrant workers did?
                Everything is simple to the point of indecency - a STACK of work books was brought in and a team of 15-20 people was registered, but only 4-5 people worked. And then all the money went to these workers minus a kickback to the collective farm and the owner of the labor.
                In the USSR there was an upper ceiling for - above which it was impossible to pay. That is, 1000-1500 per month for this moonlighter законно I couldn't get it.
                But the local construction and assembly departments couldn't commit such fraud - and for a regular salary the workers weren't eager to fight from dusk till dawn.
                Such scams - under Article 2 of the Criminal Code, for day laborers - under Article 1 - were carried out where there were either mountain children or cunningly made Moldovans.
      2. +3
        19 January 2025 16: 07
        Quote: Stas157
        So in the USSR there were no migrant workers. At all!

        So there was the death penalty and there was a police force... They may not have liked it, but they didn't ignore it like they do today's police...
  5. +16
    19 January 2025 06: 31
    The government simply tried to revive the Russian Empire, where there were Great Russians, Little Russians and other foreigners. What resulted was the SVO and the "dominance" of Central Asian migrants.
    The propaganda of Orthodoxy gave an opportunity to the propaganda of other religions. Judaism did not spread because of the departure of Jews, and now there are mosques in every large city. It was necessary to fight religion as a secular state, and not build military temples and maintain company priests. The Kremlin cannot ban Islam and cannot fight it because it itself is imposing Orthodoxy.
    The problem is not in the replacement of Russians by Tajiks. It is not the Tajiks' fault that Russians are dying out. The problem is in the replacement of culture. Several million Italians moved to France after the First World War. The French were also worried that the Italians were replacing the French, but now no one remembers because France is a secular state and the migrants have mixed with the local population. In Russia, there is practically no mixing of the population.
    1. +2
      19 January 2025 07: 13
      Quote: smart fellow
      The French were also worried that the Italians were replacing the French, but now no one remembers because France is a secular state and migrants mixed with the local population. In Russia, there is practically no mixing of the population.

      A small procedural detail - there was no mixing of populations in any USSR, and the “friendship of peoples” was exclusively on paper.
      And if you look at today's France, you won't see any mixing of Muslim migrants with the "natives".
      1. +6
        19 January 2025 07: 19
        You, enemies of the USSR, do not unite your anti-Soviet people, who both under the USSR and after your capture of the USSR hate both the Soviet people and each other - with the Soviet people, who truly had Friendship of Peoples, there were many interethnic marriages.
        1. -3
          19 January 2025 07: 59
          Quote: tatra
          You, enemies of the USSR, do not unite your anti-Soviet people, who both under the USSR and after your capture hate the USSR as the Soviet people

          It remains to find these very Soviet people.
          1. +5
            19 January 2025 08: 10
            Ha, so he hasn't disappeared anywhere even 33 years after the capture of the USSR by your anti-Soviet people. That's why according to polls by social services, more than 60% are for Lenin and Stalin, that's why the majority regrets the destruction of the USSR.
            But you yourselves don’t have any anti-Soviet people, you all cowardly “have nothing to do” with what you did both in the Soviet period and in your anti-Soviet period, starting with your Perestroika.
            Active participants of VO know that I am for the USSR, but in the many years that I have been on this site, not a single real supporter of the Russian Federation has appeared here, not a single normal opponent of the supporters of the USSR.
            And there are none like that on the entire Internet.
            1. -2
              19 January 2025 09: 19
              Quote: tatra
              Ha, so he hasn’t disappeared anywhere even 33 years after the capture of the USSR by your anti-Soviet people.

              In the person of the communists.
              Quote: tatra
              not a single real supporter of the Russian Federation has appeared here, not a single normal opponent of the supporters of the USSR

              Said the man who could never answer a single question about how the USSR ended.
          2. +1
            19 January 2025 16: 10
            Quote: Dart2027
            It remains to find these very Soviet people.

            The current government is engaged in its extermination, depriving people of ideas, ideals, a clear future and an independent homeland...
            1. -1
              19 January 2025 16: 33
              Quote: yuriy55
              The current government is engaged in its extermination, depriving people of ideas, ideals, a clear future and an independent homeland...

              That is, it does not exist and never existed.
      2. +12
        19 January 2025 07: 31
        A small procedural detail - there was no mixing of populations in any USSR, and the “friendship of peoples” was exclusively on paper.

        You probably didn't live in the USSR. "Friendship of Nations" is a political slogan.
        By the way, about 10 years ago I worked in one company and a colleague told me that he was married to a Tatar and a Muslim (he himself is Russian). And what's even funnier is that she loved to travel and, being a Muslim, she went to Israel most of all - 3-4 times. Everyday life and political slogans are different things.
        And if you look at today's France, you won't see any mixing of Muslim migrants with the "natives".

        I haven't been to France, but the problem, even if you recall the film "District 13 (2004)", is that the migrants there live in ghettos where they can't mix with the local population. The same thing in the US and even in China, blacks live in ghettos with their own culture. Italian migrants in France didn't create ghettos and therefore, in a generation or two, they mixed with the local population.
        Ghetto - parts of large cities, set aside for voluntary or forced residence of minorities, in the modern world as a result of social, legal or economic pressure. Initially, the term was used only for areas inhabited by Jews or Jews, and later to denote disadvantaged areas in general.
        1. 0
          19 January 2025 08: 01
          Quote: smart fellow
          You probably didn't live in the USSR.
          He lived.
          Quote: smart fellow
          I haven't been to France, but the problem, even if you recall the film "District 13 (2004)", is that migrants there live in ghettos where they can't mix with the local population.
          And are they driven there under threat of machine guns?
          Quote: smart fellow
          a colleague told me that he is married to a Tatar and a Muslim (he is Russian)

          Such examples have existed all the time, long before the USSR.
        2. 0
          19 January 2025 11: 51
          Quote: smart fellow
          A colleague told me that he is married to a Tatar and a Muslim (he is Russian). And what is even funnier

          Pushkin's ancestor being a black man - I suspect that he was in the Empire at that time 1 belay - married a Russian woman.
          And there were a lot of such mixed marriages, and especially with the Tatars...
          Did this have anything to do with the USSR's "Friendship of Peoples"?
      3. 0
        20 January 2025 14: 15
        In the Volga regions, in Mordovia, Tatarstan, Bashkiria, peoples really lived and live mixed, there are a lot of mixed marriages. A lot of people were born in mixed Russian-Tatar and Russian-Mordvin marriages.
        1. 0
          20 January 2025 19: 45
          Quote: Sergej1972
          In the Volga regions, in Mordovia, Tatarstan, Bashkiria, peoples really lived and live mixed together, there are a lot of mixed marriages.
          You are talking about areas where such a system has been developing over the course of several centuries.
          Quote: Dart2027
          Such examples have existed all the time, long before the USSR.
          But if you look at the various "brotherly" republics, the picture there was somewhat different. Yes, you can find examples of mixed marriages, but all these peoples always stuck to their own and very clearly distinguished who was whose.
    2. +13
      19 January 2025 08: 39
      Quote: smart fellow
      There is virtually no mixing of populations.

      There is no mixing, there is substitution... A couple more generations, and it will be possible to create a "high-level" program for the preservation of the "small Russian people"...
  6. +9
    19 January 2025 06: 41
    Equal rights and equal responsibility - that's what was most important in the previous state. Labor was never built on a national basis. We rebuilt cities after the war, where there was equal participation by nationality. We don't need anything far-fetched. Everything lies in the experience of our country. We can't go overboard with nationalism. We just need to protect the identity of each nationality. At the same time, we mustn't forget that the traditions of a large nation are eroded faster than those of small ones. We just need to see the problems, and not turn away from them.
    1. +1
      19 January 2025 10: 47
      Equal rights and equal responsibility? Well, yes, well... Only some people just had more rights...
      1. +1
        20 January 2025 08: 36
        Yes, it's clear that a salami sandwich and a personal "Volga" do not give peace to a limited number of citizens, working, mind you, like everyone else, for a salary. Well, what rights did you personally lack in the Union? If, of course, you lived there?
        1. 0
          20 January 2025 10: 00
          Lived...What rights were missing? Those that were declared in the Constitution of the USSR, but were not fully observed. As now. In this matter, the Russian Federation is the true successor of the USSR.
        2. 0
          20 January 2025 10: 02
          I would like to note that it is precisely those "working people" who had a personal "Volga" who are currently those same bourgeois...
          1. 0
            20 January 2025 15: 37
            What does that have to do with it? Some of them are so what? Well, they are turncoats, enemies of the people. Our entire country has been formatted for capitalism. And then they were almost like everyone else. Smoked sausage and a personal computer under the ass, an indicator of differences so-so. And there were, like, a handful of them.
            Personally, I, a Soviet worker, did not observe any contradictions between the rights declared by the Constitution of the USSR and reality.
            1. -1
              20 January 2025 19: 27
              Not some, but all of them... Either secretaries, or instructors, or party organizers in the USSR...
              It's just that at a certain point they got tired of playing this game with socialism-communism...
              1. 0
                20 January 2025 20: 58
                Nothing of the sort. Most of the dealers are bandits. And yes, these turncoats carried out the counter-revolution.
                1. 0
                  21 January 2025 03: 49
                  The most genuine communists and Komsomol members... They weren't just taken into the district and city committees...
                  1. 0
                    21 January 2025 10: 18
                    The percentage of real people there was tiny in the late 80s. I observed from the inside. I had a chance to work for a short time in the district committee of the Komsomol. I flew out very quickly, like a foreign element. And I already understood how it would all end.
                    1. 0
                      21 January 2025 10: 31
                      So all these district committee "workers" were already profiteers and black marketeers back then. Starting with the last instructor...
                      And from the district or city committee workers of enterprises were used in personal farms. So there were real communists and Komsomol members there.
                      Especially in the republics of Central Asia and Transcaucasia.
                      1. 0
                        22 January 2025 07: 15
                        Your logic is bad. What kind of communists and Komsomol members are they if they were hucksters? It's not about the certificates and positions, but about the convictions.
                        In Moscow, in the 80s, these "comrades" did not do this openly. There was an opportunity to pinch them and they did pinch them if they were caught. Laws and morals were still socialist. But they prepared the ground for the liquidation of these laws. Moreover, their ideological inspirer sat on the throne, with unlimited resources.
                        In the bai's "republics" there was never any real Soviet power.
                      2. 0
                        22 January 2025 12: 04
                        Yes, I had such an instructor of the district committee of the Komsomol living in my house. Every Sunday his granny sold jeans at the flea market, and he brought them when he went at least once a month to the Baltics, St. Petersburg, Moscow or Minsk.
                        And the guys and I who came after the service as cover for this granny. So, I'm in the know...
                        Now he has two jewelry workshops and some pawn shops.
        3. +1
          20 January 2025 10: 03
          I dare to suggest that, obviously, the right to travel to Israel. laughing
          1. +1
            20 January 2025 15: 54
            And not only there. But also to speculate with impunity, at least in small things, and proudly call oneself a businessman.
  7. +19
    19 January 2025 06: 52
    These tendencies, as well as the propaganda of Islamism, must be fought, and with very harsh methods.

    And who needs it?
    Judging by reality - only to commentators.
    The appearance of a fight against illegal immigrants has been promoted.
    Well, if they are legal, will that make it easier for us?
    In reality we see an epic struggle for the "Russian world" for Tajiks. Russians successfully kill Russians, freeing the "Russian world" for the newest poorly Russian-speaking Russians.
    You can make some noise, get indignant and write appeals.
    But here's the thing - the capitalist doesn't care at all what nationality his workers are... At least - Russian. I know them well from friends and acquaintances...
  8. +13
    19 January 2025 07: 35
    Articles like this have been coming out regularly on VO lately)) Are you kidding us about the terrible nose-mongers among our friendly multinational community))? We are not losers either, we unanimously approve of the friendship of nations)) There will be more Central Asian representatives in government structures over time, and this is inevitable, we will only be happy)) In the 90s, the Druzhbonarodniks from our fraternal republics amiably saw off Russians, they saw them off especially hotly in Chechnya and they saw me off from Tashkent))) We understood and understood everything, so we have been bustling about for a long time and bought a house.... In an African village, we will longingly watch programs about birches from near Bulawayo, or there will be Comrade Khusnullin singing nasheeds, you never know when the percentage of Muslims will increase, what will Russia believe in
  9. +10
    19 January 2025 08: 08
    In this regard, China's experience can be used

    How is that possible? Will capitalist Russia be able to use the experience of communist China? China is really a secular country, but we have a hoax, the whole country is shown how the president visits an Orthodox church, in China, they don’t show that, there is almost three billion population and a bunch of different religions. Let’s say, if some Khunsulin were the president of Russia, they would show him to the whole country how he visits a mosque? And if he becomes one? It’s scary to think what will happen, will the Bolsheviks be blamed again? In the country, they only declare that the state is supposedly secular. But nothing is done for this. Hence the Islamization of the country and the influx of Islamic extremists. We have tolerance, patience. The funniest thing is that there is no tolerance for atheists, either from the Orthodox hierarchy or from the faithful. For them, this category is 100 times more terrible than Islamic extremists.
    P.S. Are niqabs banned in Chechnya and Dagestan? And the most interesting thing is that Russians don't go there. At one time, the Russian population was expelled from Chechnya, from Russian territory, to Russian territory and back, and they don't plan to compensate the expelled Russian citizens for the damage. Or is it something else?
    1. +3
      19 January 2025 08: 45
      Quote: parusnik
      The funniest thing is that there is no tolerance for atheists... this category is 100 times more terrible than Islamic extremists.

      Apparently, they are not convinced... request
      1. +2
        19 January 2025 08: 53
        Apparently, they are not convinced... request
        Apparently, soon they will start burning at the stake. But that is not the point. One more thing. The hypothetical Russian citizen Alikhalov, who performed a feat at the front, immediately becomes a Russian soldier and Russian by nationality, the same Russian citizen, with the same surname, who committed a crime, a "Tajik" and an Islamic extremist.
        1. +14
          19 January 2025 11: 04
          The first does not work. As soon as the "Russian" warrior Alikhanov returns from the trench to his natural habitat in the village to the mullahs and imams, he immediately throws off his "Russianness". And even in the trench he does not consider himself "Russian" at all. This is such a propaganda "friendly people" decoy to prove that Russians do not exist, which has nothing in common with reality. And if the Tajik and Islamic terrorist Alikhanov commits a crime, does he miraculously cease to be a Tajik and an Islamic terrorist? Miracles!
        2. +2
          19 January 2025 11: 07
          Quote: parusnik
          A hypothetical Russian citizen Alikhalov, who performed a feat at the front, immediately becomes a Russian soldier and Russian by nationality, the same Russian citizen, with the same surname, who committed a crime, a "Tajik" and an Islamic extremist

          Pure nationalities do not exist in nature - you want to say that? Well, it is not a secret anyway. Even Russian princes married the daughters of Polovtsian khans and vice versa - but there is a nuance. Children who grew up in their houses considered themselves Russians, and those who grew up in the yurts of the khans - Polovtsians. And then they lived accordingly.
          Or if we take migrants, the problem is not in what kind of "face" they have, but in the fact that they consider themselves to be anyone but Russian (in any sense) and behave as if they are the masters. How many of them perform feats at the front, and how many commit crimes, and specifically on ethnic grounds? One deputy directly said that we accepted all radicals in order to stabilize the situation in the Asian republics. There was probably a grain of truth in this, but something needs to be done about it.
          Yes, labor migration is possible, but we need to establish order here and very seriously.
        3. +11
          19 January 2025 11: 22
          By the way, regarding "we are all Russians" the cases with Saida Suleimanova and Liya Zaurbekova are very typical. And the girls had the audacity to have relationships with Russian guys, which their "Russian" relatives considered shameful. So much for the friendship of peoples and we are all "Russians". But on TV there are series and films about "sultans of her heart" and "eastern fairy tales", where the Russian Vanka is a slacker, a drunkard and a useless father, unlike the true believer, Allah-loving main character. So much for us being "Russians".
          1. +8
            19 January 2025 11: 39
            By the way, the mass import of migrants began with propaganda that all Russians are lazy and drunkards, and Muslims can support a bunch of wives and be caring husbands.
            By the way, it was with anti-communist propaganda that the destruction of the USSR began. Now migrant substitution is taking place.
    2. -3
      19 January 2025 12: 30
      Quote: parusnik
      How is this possible? Will capitalist Russia be able to use the experience of communist China?

      To call a country communist is one where 70% of industry and 83% of banking capital belong to private faces - well, so-so. This is not even the NEP or Stalin's artels - these are many branches of industry where there is no state at all and there is classical capitalist exploitation of man by man.

      And yes, 20 million Muslims out of 1.3 billion people in China is a statistical error that doesn’t even reach 1/1 of the population, while in our country it’s 6/XNUMX of the population.
      So in this matter China is not the boss.
      1. 0
        20 January 2025 15: 49
        Quote: your1970
        Quote: parusnik
        How is this possible? Will capitalist Russia be able to use the experience of communist China?

        To call a country communist is one where 70% of industry and 83% of banking capital belong to private faces - well, so-so. This is not even the NEP or Stalin's artels - these are many branches of industry where there is no state at all and there is classical capitalist exploitation of man by man.

        And yes, 20 million Muslims out of 1.3 billion people in China is a statistical error that doesn’t even reach 1/1 of the population, while in our country it’s 6/XNUMX of the population.
        So in this matter China is not the boss.

        good I agree with you that it rarely happens.
    3. +1
      20 January 2025 10: 06
      "and we have a hoax, the whole country is shown how the president visits an Orthodox church..."
      Yes, indeed, he visits an Orthodox church wearing a Jewish kippah with a Koran under his arm. laughing Yes
    4. 0
      20 January 2025 21: 26
      The population of China is slightly over 1 billion 400 million. What three billion? Why overstate the number by more than two times?
  10. +15
    19 January 2025 08: 37
    . the country's cultural identity is changing. Hijabs and niqabs are becoming the norm, Wahhabi beards are becoming fashionable...

    Never before has a Muslim migrant lived in Russia as well as under Putin!
    87% in favor.
    1. -3
      19 January 2025 12: 35
      Quote: Stas157
      . the country's cultural identity is changing. Hijabs and niqabs are becoming the norm, Wahhabi beards are becoming fashionable...

      Never belay No Muslim migrant has ever lived in Russia as well as he did under Putin!
      87% in favor.

      You just said that life was bad for them in the USSR. fellow belay lol ???? !!!!
      But ...
      Armenian market (Central) and Azerbaijani (Cheremushkinsky) in 1970 in Moscow - slightly shocked....
      1. +2
        22 January 2025 07: 27
        Firstly, Armenians are Christians, and secondly, what do markets have to do with it? Well, these citizens were hucksters, they lived in Ostankino, in three hotels. They haggled and left. And they were under police control. Can you compare it to today, when diasporas push "political" issues, not to mention businesses.
        1. -2
          22 January 2025 18: 52
          Quote: Essex62
          Well, these citizens were hucksters, they lived in Ostankino, in three hotels. They haggled and moved out.

          - oh yeah, oh yeah...
          Auntie's neighbor in Moscow on Profsoyuznaya in 1984 - Azerbaijani. Meat chopper on Cheryomushkinsky, he got the job from his father.
          2000-2500 per month.
          Ego syn automatically(may not have served lol - but dad) served in a restricted area near the Moscow Ring Road - dad moved him to the police and the party at the same time.
          Now remember the Soviet film "Station for Two" and the reseller "Uncle Misha". Remember?
          So, on Cheryomushkinsky, it’s all Azerbaijanis and Armenians on Tsentralny.
          Back then, these people had more power than they do now - it's just that no one knew about it (who hadn't encountered it) and they didn't shout about it on the radio/TV.
          A sick leave for the whole family for a week - for 3 working adults - cost him 2 kg of meat. He went on vacation to the south like that - whenever he wanted........
          1. 0
            22 January 2025 20: 07
            So what? Well, there was such a phenomenon. They didn't live here in large diasporas and demand their rights. I repeat, he sold carnations and tangerines and went home. I know a little (or a lot). That's exactly how it was before the brakes were released. Then the marked one came and with him came the furry animal to the order and rules of the closed city of Moscow.
            1. -2
              23 January 2025 10: 51
              Quote: Essex62
              closed city of Moscow.

              Yeah, and there were no limits...

              We have it in the middle of the country 1970 were KURDS(!!!!!!!!) - from us to the conditional Kurdistan - a meter on the map. And in Moscow there were no visitors, yeah....

              However, I know a way to rid Moscow of migrants - everyone in Moscow needs to cut their salaries by 3 times. And in a week you won't have any of our Kazakh shift workers, or imported migrant workers, or "newcomers"...
              And you will be happy...

              But the best idea would be to start paying the redistributed wages in Naryan-Mar, then in 5 years in Yakutsk, then in Vorkuta, and then in Yekaterinburg - and so we'll slowly turn the country into a gem...
              1. 0
                23 January 2025 13: 52
                Moscow, like a native, 80% of the limit. But these are, in the mass, Russians. I'm talking about horsemen and villagers. There was a vkazivka, to keep under control, not to allow settling en masse and it was carried out.
                Yes, in Moscow there is nothing to pay wages for. The entire industry has been liquidated. The rest are useless parasites, unless of course they are pensioners / pre-pensioners. We have done our part for the good of the Motherland.
                Personally, I haven't cared about this happiness for a few years now. I went to the region and am immensely happy.
                1. -3
                  23 January 2025 18: 00
                  Quote: Essex62
                  There was an order to keep it under control, not to allow it to settle en masse, and it was carried out.

                  This worked until the 1970s, no more. Then there were all the nationalities of the USSR, and the question of "80% Russians" was not even a question by the 1990s.
                  Let me repeat - if you didn't see it, it doesn't mean it didn't happen.
                  1. 0
                    24 January 2025 20: 57
                    I personally observed this. And I had information about it first-hand, from the person who carried out this vkazivka. They held the visiting horsemen and aul-bashi tightly for Faberge. But when I returned from the military service, the picture really changed dramatically. This was already the mid-80s. Lenya left and chaos began.
                    1. -2
                      24 January 2025 22: 10
                      Quote: Essex62
                      The visiting horsemen and aul-bashi were held tightly to Faberge.
                      - open the magazine "Man and Law" from the 1970s - and you will be surprised to learn about VOLUMES money that was floating around the country in the 1970s. What Faberge, yeah...
                      However, a simple example is when the earthquake happened in Armenia, there was a commission based on the results. It turned out that something had been stolen. several tens of thousands wagons of cement. Some of it was delivered to Armenia and then taken to the Black Sea coast, and some of it went straight there - bypassing Armenia and having been there on paper.
                      And on the coast of the World Cup there was a construction boom throughout the 1970s and 1980s - pensioners from the North with money were heading there....
                      What do you think - what level of a person is capable of manipulating a hundred or two echelons of deficit in the USSR?
                      These people could be the Central Committee of the CPSU buy wholesale, taking the KGB along with it.
                      I wouldn't be surprised if it was they who took part in the collapse of the USSR.
                      1. +1
                        24 January 2025 22: 17
                        You are in your element as always. I will not discuss your nonsense. Buy the Politburo, right? The one where Lenya was in charge? Well, well. fool
                      2. -2
                        24 January 2025 22: 43
                        Quote: Essex62
                        You are in your element as always. I will not discuss your nonsense. Buy the Politburo, right? The one where Lenya was in charge? Well, well. fool

                        oh, and daughter Galya apparently has diamonds salary did you buy daddy's??!!! A ring with earrings worth 18 000 rubles - one set from a large collection?? Or a Mercedes for dad?
                        No, of course they didn’t write about this in Pravda - those were different times......

                        The "cotton case" was hushed up and collapsed - only it lasted not a year or two, but a decade for sure, and the money went high to the top.
                        The cement business, the forestry business, the Ingushzoloto business (well, it's small stuff there feel -total 1 200 belay kg of gold was confiscated from the Ingush in Magadan), fish business, caviar....
                        The case of the judo kimono of the 1970s - when was it officially purchased factory belay for the production of kimonos, they brought it to Tajikistan and immediately wrote it off. After which they collected it and almost all kimonos in the USSR came with this illegal belay factories under the wing of the head of the Tajik SSR. Moreover, this kimono was of better quality than the imported one....

                        All this happened, all this is not fiction, all this even slipped out in the USSR media - but you didn't read them carefully
                        I repeat, "Man and the Law" - quite a lot slipped through
                        For example, only during the filming of the execution of the old man Silantiy in Eternal Call, 8 rubles were stolen, and in total about 000 were stolen. belay And this 1 film out of 250-300 on average filmed per year.
  11. +13
    19 January 2025 08: 57
    The problem is not that migration is "legal" or "illegal". The problem is that the mass of foreigners in the territories of Russia has become critical, in the diasporas which, if not yet the first power in the Country, are certainly not the second. With a critical mass of foreigners, they do not want to live by Secular Laws and will not. Which will later result in big problems for the Russian State.
    There is no economic component in bringing in such a large number of migrants along with their families and handing them passports.
    We already have enough problems with the “national question” in certain regions of Russia, where Secular Laws simply do not work.
  12. -5
    19 January 2025 08: 59
    This is how things were with Muslims in 2021.
    1. +5
      19 January 2025 10: 09
      And what did you mean by that?
      Shouldn't there be Muslims?
      1. -4
        19 January 2025 10: 18
        I wanted to say that these Muslims are citizens of Russia and they were, are and will be.
      2. +3
        19 January 2025 16: 15
        Quote: Eugene_4
        And what did you mean by that?
        Shouldn't there be Muslims?

        I don't know what Andrey wanted to say, but I'll tell you that in the US, everyone considers themselves an American, not a Texan or a Californian. And in Russia, Russians consider themselves Russians...
        1. 0
          19 January 2025 17: 00
          What about the Tatars, Mari, Chuvash, Karelians, Ossetians, Adyghe, Kalmyks, Buryats, Evenks, Chukchi, Yakuts and hundreds of indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation?
          Who are they?
          1. +1
            19 January 2025 18: 13
            Quote: Eugene_4
            Who are they?

            If they think, speak and write in Russian, they are Russians.
            1. 0
              19 January 2025 18: 39
              And if not?
              So who?
              Or do you think that in a remote Tatar village, a Yakut ulus or a Dagestani aul, everyone thinks in Russian, speaks and writes in Russian? Then you are wrong.
              And why would they need it?
              You've simply never lived in a national republic, so you're writing nonsense.
              1. 0
                19 January 2025 18: 55
                Quote: Eugene_4
                You've just never lived in a national republic,

                Does Belebey count? And Khromtau?
                Keep your opinion...
                1. 0
                  19 January 2025 22: 25
                  You still haven't answered!
                  Are the indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation who do not use Russian in everyday life and who do not think in Russian considered Russians?
                  1. 0
                    20 January 2025 10: 10
                    So, who are the Jews who speak, write and think in Russian? feel
                  2. 0
                    23 January 2025 16: 00
                    All citizens of Russia are Russians
                    1. 0
                      23 January 2025 19: 28
                      The commentator above, for some reason, doesn’t think so.
  13. +15
    19 January 2025 08: 59
    Historical Russia will be destroyed by all possible means. Ethnic substitution with further national conflicts precisely in the core Russian part is only one of the fronts of the future slaughter. An excellent way to paralyze the country from within, during which foreign intervention will begin.
    1. +5
      19 January 2025 10: 34
      Historical Russia has long been destroyed. The enemies of the USSR took away from Russia and its people 90 percent of the Russian/Russian that was in the USSR and the Russian Empire, leaving only religion and the Russian language, littered with Anglicisms. In order to humiliate the USSR, Stalin, Lenin, they deliberately violate the rules of the Russian language, write them with a small letter. They raised children and youth to hate the history of our country and people, and foreignness.
  14. +22
    19 January 2025 09: 04
    This whole situation arose because "power" in Russia was seized by "temporary workers". These "people" do not connect themselves and their descendants with Russia. Example: Kozyrev, Chubais, Khloponin, former "best minister of economy" Kudrin, former head of Russian Railways, former minister of agriculture (a cardiologist by education). All of them once worked together with a former judoka, KGB officer, FSB chief, etc. What can we say if the head of one of the pro-government youth movements received a "Green Card" and, having arrived in the USA, loudly exclaimed on the plane's steps: "Finally, I have escaped to a free country" and crossed herself. And Vasya Yakemenko, former "ours" and government functionary. He gave a devastating interview, where he spoke about the order reigning in "our" government and the mental abilities of its representatives. Another leader of "ours" also emigrated to Germany. That's why I think that this whole "company" is sitting and waiting for the "cauldron" that they have brought to a boil to explode. And then the main thing for them will be to escape in time. The author forgot to write that in the same Mytishchi, in October of last year, under the leadership of the same head of the administration, a large meeting took place. At this meeting, together with representatives of the "diasporas", they decided how to fight the "Russian community" which "really interferes with normal life."
    1. +4
      19 January 2025 14: 26
      Did you remember Masha Dryukina))? Yes, I saw her interview there))) This is some kind of disgrace laughing In Shvonder's words, they are right on topic. In 2009, Maria Drokova held a PR campaign of throwing shoes and boots at American politicians.
      "Bush left, and the boot of Iraqi journalist Muntazer al-Zeidi flew after him. He missed. Our boots will fly at those of Bush's protégés who made their political capital by throwing mud at Russia, inciting anti-Russian sentiments and absurd provocations against our country. And we will hit," said the Nashi commissar Maria Drokova at the time.
      It should be noted that Drokova threw her boots at photographs of George Bush, Mikhail Saakashvili, Viktor Yushchenko, as well as at portraits of Estonian President Andrus Ansip and Boris Nemtsov.
      1. +1
        20 January 2025 10: 14
        Apartheid is certainly not good, but if it had remained in South Africa, I would probably have gone there. It was the only normal place in Africa. Yes
        1. +2
          20 January 2025 14: 31
          in South Africa it's generally soft bro I often go there a hut can be bought for a million and a half wooden it's a 500m plot house in a house a couple of bedrooms garage etc. in short there are tons of offers but this is the cheapest I once bought one I have two garages on the wings of the house three bedrooms huge hall the only thing here in the hall they stick windows along the entire wall but at least the fences are in place ... made of reinforcement))) this is not the USA and if you are Russian then the attitude is even, brotherly in short by the way if you are an engineer or a specialist you can also get yourself a job through the local Ministry of Labor specialists are valued in Africa too) in short you won't regret it
  15. +3
    19 January 2025 09: 33
    What's the point of talking about this if the people don't want power and don't want to rule their country themselves, but give power to the rulers, "completely trusting" them. If you don't want to rule yourself and your country, you will be ruled. If you don't want to be ruled, rule yourself. If you don't rule yourself, accept what is given to you. It's been the same thing for 20 years now.
    People! If you want to change something, take power in your country (peacefully) and change life as needed.
    1. +11
      19 January 2025 09: 39
      How to do this? I wanted to offer power to Grudinin, but the former did not give it up and will not give it up peacefully.
      1. +2
        19 January 2025 09: 42
        Again, it's not that. Some hypothetical "Grudinin" doesn't need it. You need it. And everyone.
        1. +3
          19 January 2025 11: 12
          All power to the Soviets!

          Quote from gribanow.c
          It is necessary for you. And for everyone.

          All power belongs to the people. It's funny, do you think I'm passing off wishful thinking as reality?

          I will try to explain.

          Some men got together to decide how we should live. Some decided this way, others that way, and still others another way. As a result, there are three concepts, three types of conceptual power - which one to choose? The men went to the people, each to agitate for his own idea. This is how the power of ideologies appeared. After some time, elections were held and one of the concepts won. From then on, this concept became dominant. For its survival, so that other concepts could not threaten its coexistence, the Legislative, executive and judicial-repressive powers were created.

          Why did some decide this way, others that way, and still others that way? Each group of people has its own idea of ​​how, say, to organize Russia. Their opinion can be adjusted in one direction or another with the help of ideological power, which includes the media, which do not convey information, but form the opinion of the people, cinema, books, posters, plays, paintings, etc. For the same purpose, free radio and television exist in all countries.

          This is how an egregor of the people with different concepts is formed. What is it - the Internet will help you. The authorities spend a lot of money to shape it in the direction they need. If this or that decision is not supported by the majority, then the majority ignores its implementation, up to open sabotage. As K. Marx said: "Any idea is dead if it is not supported by the people."

          The government does only what we allow it to do on an egregorial, collective unconscious level. By changing everyone's opinion, by giving everyone knowledge on management, hidden from the people, we are able to change the vector of Russia's goal-setting without revolutions, without bloodletting, beatings and lowering the country to the Stone Age.

          How the seizure of power took place almost peacefully in 1924, 1991 and how it is happening now before our eyes - this is a question that requires its own inquisitive investigator.

          To illustrate what I have said above, I suggest you look at the "picture":
          1. +9
            19 January 2025 11: 18
            Who is the conceptual power in Russia?
            1. -3
              19 January 2025 11: 27
              Bolshevism is the true essence of Russia

              Quote: Gardamir
              Who is the conceptual power in Russia?

              The people. It is the people who form concepts.

              Having intercepted the control of this power, the necessary opinion of the people (egregor) is formed through the ideological power. All types of power are used to support the dominant concept, power.

              I.V. Stalin was also conceptually powerful, and V.V. Putin is. They reflected and reflect the opinion of the people, and the people are grateful to them.
              1. +11
                19 January 2025 11: 33
                So you want to say that it is the people who are asking for migrants to be brought in? It is the people who dream of kleptocracy?
                1. 0
                  19 January 2025 11: 45
                  All power to the Soviets!

                  Quote: Gardamir
                  So you want to say that it is the people who are asking to bring in migrants?

                  I repeat. Having seized control of this power, the necessary opinion of the people is formed through ideological power.

                  Emigrants did not appear today, and even less so, the people come and the overwhelming majority vote for United Russia. So, answering your question, we can safely say that it is the people who bring in emigrants, regardless of whether they understand it or not.

                  That's all, thank you all for the chat. hi
                  1. 0
                    22 January 2025 20: 30
                    Voting? Are you sure?
              2. 0
                22 January 2025 20: 36
                No wonder I see a galosh-hater covering the Mausoleum with plywood at the Victory Parade every year. And I also remember "to treat with understanding". Do you know how many such people there are, grateful?

                And I beg you, Borya, stop discrediting Bolshevism.
          2. +3
            19 January 2025 12: 48
            Egregor is a category from the realm of fantasy.
            I'm talking about specific things.
            I propose a new model for assessing democracy.
            1. Any power that is not a direct people's democracy is not recognized as democracy at all.
            2. The so-called "plebiscite democracy" is not democracy.
            The term "plebiscite democracy" is when they choose a president, in elections, everything, "fair elections", and give him power so that he can rule, because he has the so-called "trust of the people"))))))
            So, the flaw and lie of this model is that it is no longer the people who rule, but
            this specific person. That is, the so-called "plebiscite democracy" is a lie and a trick adopted in most modern countries, the so-called "developed" countries of the world, a lie aimed at the oligarchic ruling elite taking power away from the common people through the mechanism of "elections".
            What is "direct people's democracy"? These are all forms of people's participation in governing the state. These are referendums on the most important, fundamental issues. This is a parliamentary form of government, a people's parliament, whose deputies are elected at their place of residence, by registration, at local people's assemblies, in each city, in each microdistrict. The same applies to regional and local representative bodies of power. This is a mass people's political party, which includes at least 20% of the population with the right to vote, a party with a socialist ideology, in which decisions are made by a majority of votes of local party assemblies (the result is summarized from local party assemblies throughout the country, when voting on a specific issue). This is the distribution of the budget between the center and the regions in a ratio of 70/30 in favor of the regions, and powers and state power itself are distributed in the same way. Where the largest and largest enterprises are all in the joint-stock form of ownership and the shares belong partly to the work collective, partly to the common people, residents, citizens, with the condition - no more than 0,01% of the shares in one hand. And so on. All this together is direct people's democracy.
            1. +1
              21 January 2025 17: 06
              Direct popular anarchy, anarchy, utopia. In fact, nonsense
              1. -1
                21 January 2025 17: 25
                Power is not a person. Power is laws-taxes-elections. Instead of the ancient monarchical model of "power-personality" we need a model of middle-class power and the power of the social-democratic people's party, in a parliamentary republic.
                1. 0
                  22 January 2025 20: 26
                  Quote from gribanow.c
                  Power is not a person. Power is laws-taxes-elections. Instead of the ancient monarchical model of "power-personality" we need a model of middle-class power and the power of the social-democratic people's party, in a parliamentary republic.

                  This is the power of the huckster again. Nothing will change. Formally, he is like this today. So what?
          3. 0
            22 January 2025 20: 22
            What nonsense. Sabotage leads to immediate punishment. At least one saboteur, at least a hundred, at least a million (but there won't be that many when a hundred are crucified as a showpiece). The government doesn't pay attention to the people at all. It grazes them, milks them and whips them. Sometimes in extremely cruel forms. (Nazi Germany, Bandera's outskirts, etc.) You told us about a unique period in the history of mankind - the USSR. Yes, it was like that, but it ended.
      2. -1
        21 January 2025 17: 05
        I voted for Putin and we are the majority.
        1. 0
          21 January 2025 18: 29
          so you also like Caucasians and Central Asians.
          1. 0
            23 January 2025 15: 56
            I like Great Russia, not what it was before 2000
  16. +17
    19 January 2025 09: 34
    If this is being done, it means someone needs it.
    As an option, the authorities are considering the possibility of using migrants to suppress unrest among the Russian population.
    Just like it was once, when "protesters" were beaten with pipes at the entrance by people from the Caucasus.
  17. -1
    19 January 2025 10: 21
    It's easy to whine and cry. It's hard to help your own, to be strong and smart, not to become an alcoholic, to obey the laws and not to give bribes.
    The land belongs to those who work it.
  18. +13
    19 January 2025 10: 57
    A good article based on statistics and real facts falls below the baseboard as soon as the author declares the USSR to be the problem of all today's problems. Again the old and painfully hackneyed record that Russia fed everyone and they are ungrateful. Yes, the Bolsheviks did not have time to solve all the national issues, but how can you make a radical change in 70 years when everything has been accumulating for thousands of years. Can you imagine the scale? 70 years and thousands of years. The only thing that says that the path was correct is that under the Union, even the most frostbitten head could not have imagined the Armenian-Azerbaijani, Georgian-Abkhazian, Moldavian-Transnistrian and other wars. And if you started broadcasting about the Russian-Ukrainian war, then even the KGB would not be interested in you, only a mental hospital. The basis of all national problems is capitalism. And until it is defeated in the country, talking about their solution is pointless.
    1. +1
      19 January 2025 12: 30
      Quote: oleg Pesotsky
      under the Soviet Union, even the most frostbitten head could not have imagined the Armenian-Azerbaijani, Georgian-Abkhazian, Moldavian-Transnistrian and other wars

      Could it have been during the Russian Empire?
  19. +9
    19 January 2025 11: 06
    Dyukov is a servant of capital and his vomit is aimed at shifting the blame for organizing the import of potential terrorists to the USSR.
    Everyone should already understand one simple thing - any supporter of capitalism in the Russian Federation is a traitor to the Russian people.
  20. +7
    19 January 2025 11: 11
    Quote from gribanow.c
    Again, it's not that. Some hypothetical "Grudinin" doesn't need it. You need it. And everyone.

    The people of the Russian Federation are currently ignorant and uneducated in the field of economic relations. In terms of understanding of the work of the real economy, modern residents are inferior to the peasants of 1917.
    The peasants at least understood that there are no good kings or good landlords, and the best way to ensure your future is a rifle.
  21. +9
    19 January 2025 11: 13
    Quote: tralflot1832
    I wanted to say that these Muslims are citizens of Russia and they were, are and will be.

    Just like the corrupt commentators who are ready to justify any crime for a couple of shekels.
  22. The comment was deleted.
    1. +10
      19 January 2025 12: 11
      Here, apparently, the principle "if you can't stop it, lead it" worked. So he led it. That's what I think. A new loyal electorate is being brought in. It's not for nothing that Kupetskaya is holding a meeting with the heads of organized crime diasporas on how they can resist the "Russian community". This is about the weak self-organization of Russians. This same self-organization is suppressed at the state level. But foreign national-cultural autonomies are supported in every possible way.
    2. +1
      19 January 2025 12: 26
      abandoned by children Russian old people ... and so it is everywhere in central Russia. What to do? This question is for the guarantor Putin.

      Come on, don't you notice the violation of logic here?
  23. +6
    19 January 2025 12: 03
    Here the interests of the local bourgeoisie, in which there are more than enough representatives of different nationalities, and foreign special services, especially MI6, are big experts in this matter, coincided. Also corrupt representatives of local authorities and security forces at the local level. Thus, national diasporas are currently replacing NGOs, which have been slightly suppressed. Thus, the ground is being prepared for "color revolutions" with national shades. We already see something similar in Ukraine, how with the help of nationalists the West made "Vyrusians" out of Russians; no one saw anything like that at all back then.
  24. +4
    19 January 2025 12: 39
    In order to fight Islam harshly, we need to offer an alternative viable ideology, but they cannot offer it.
  25. +2
    19 January 2025 12: 41
    Another problem is that our people are primitive in their thinking.
    Yes, there is a problem.
    What solutions do comrades see?
    Purely power.

    Well, not everyone remembers Newton's second law, I'll remind you:
    The more you press people, the more resistance there is.

    When a worker from Central Asia goes to work in Russia, what does he feel?
    The hatred of average marginals and parasites, the suspicion of security forces, the indifference of bureaucrats.

    What can he hope for? For the help of his fellow countrymen and faith in God.

    This must be taken into account.

    Where is our soft power?
    Where is a single film about how the Zoroastrians of Samarkand heroically resist the Arab invasion? Where is a series about how the great Khorezm defends its identity in the face of Islamization?
    Where is the blockbuster, how the Khagan of the Western Turks defends his faith in Tengri in the fight against the Persians?
    What do you want? They gave away the history of Central Asia without a fight, now there will be no thought there that they are descendants of the Greeks of Alexander the Great, or descendants of Zoroaster.
    Well, we have what we have.
    1. 0
      20 January 2025 03: 10
      This won't go down well with their audience, then something like "Sufis vs. radicals". An old Sufi "reprogramming" a modern Islamist or something like that. The idea is not bad, it's a question of the right accents.

      In general, it is necessary to break down such a phenomenon as modern "political Islam" into its components, and specifically modern, and separately by regions: Europe, Turkey, Arabistans, Central Asia. Then it will be possible to think through methods. Otherwise, this network model will wear down any modern state of modernity.
  26. +10
    19 January 2025 12: 55
    The USSR positioned itself clearly and distinctly as a secular society. Without any preference for any religion over neutral secularity. Therefore, in the Arctic hinterland, neither the Orthodox, nor the Muslims, nor the Jews could impose anything radical and new on the public, historically formed on the territory. They start to pump their rights, that's it, radicalism and extremism, religious leaders and preachers and sects are completely routed and thrown in jail. If this does not happen prominently, not demonstratively, then please, believe and observe, but not in public places and institutes, schools, stores and parks and roads, but at home and within the walls of approved religious institutions. Period. And no snot about us, there is no room for us, etc. Do it in a queue, in shifts, etc.
  27. 0
    19 January 2025 13: 00
    Schools will no longer accept children who do not speak Russian

    Absolute idiocy, before banning studying without knowledge of the Russian language, it is necessary to create organizations that will teach this language, and not only in Moscow, these should be state organizations right down to district centers, and even smaller settlements.
  28. +8
    19 January 2025 13: 11
    Quote from Kuziming
    What do you want? They gave away the history of Central Asia without a fight, now there will be no thought there that they are descendants of the Greeks of Alexander the Great, or descendants of Zoroaster.

    And they gave up their history without a fight - in the Vologda hinterland at one time they killed Christian hermits, and after them came the monasteries that carried out the enslavement of the peasantry by religious feudal lords. The monks don't work very hard - they need workers - they are real parasites.
  29. +3
    19 January 2025 13: 27
    Quote: Sunwenmin
    The Soviet Union tried to form from a mass of nations and religions a new community - the Soviet people, equal in rights and responsibilities, on the basis of Soviet ideology, the moral code of the builder of communism.

    In which Russians as a people had no representation. And those who tried to get such representation were quickly and cruelly executed "Leningrad affair". Resource Feudalism simply continued and finished what the Soviet nationalless elders were going to do. To transport here the excess population of Central Asia to the RSFSR and give them autonomy here without any IOM in the late 80s and early 90s. The collapse of the USSR postponed this task, but did not cancel it.
  30. +11
    19 January 2025 14: 40
    Quote: paul3390
    You know, I don’t really believe that the mass import of villagers is happening solely for the sake of profit for the capitalists.

    The entire pro-government gang is sitting in real estate up to its tomatoes - so it is necessary to support the demand for real estate. The potential of the locals is exhausted, it is necessary to bring in new ones - and the law on housing rental has been prepared for them.
  31. -1
    19 January 2025 17: 31
    Do you know what the problem is? I always voted for Zhirinovsky, but you didn't. And don't say that he was a figurehead, a puppet, his political views are important. Remember his statements about Russians in Russia? Where were your votes? And now you wonder why migrants, why they bomb Russia, and we don't answer, and other questions that have only one answer. Who are you for?
    1. +4
      19 January 2025 17: 38
      Statements and what of it?
      1. +2
        19 January 2025 17: 44
        Who did you vote for? Well, don't be surprised or indignant. In general, I am for greater control and responsibility for fulfilling pre-election promises.
        1. 0
          20 January 2025 16: 20
          Quote: staer-62
          Who did you vote for?

          It doesn’t matter who they voted for, what matters is how they counted, as 1996 showed.