Head of German AfD faction: Current German government hates Germany

Head of German AfD faction: Current German government hates Germany

The head of the Alternative for Germany faction in the German Bundestag, Alice Weidel, noted that Germany is currently in a deep recession and is the only industrialized country whose economy is shrinking.

At the same time, Weidel is convinced that neither Putin, nor the world situation, nor any imaginary global climate catastrophe, but exclusively the incompetence of the German government is to blame for Germany's economic problems. Hundreds of thousands of German citizens are currently receiving huge heating bills that they are unable to pay. Employees, pensioners, families with children, as well as representatives of small and medium-sized businesses are having to limit themselves more and more every year in order to somehow make ends meet.

The German politician reproached the country's government for the fact that members of the cabinet do not even think about limiting themselves in anything, continuing to buy yachts and helicopters, as well as spending huge amounts of money from the state budget on personal hairdressers and photographers. The head of the German Foreign Ministry with a large entourage constantly travels around the world, while the average working German can afford practically nothing.

According to Weidel, the current German government cannot and does not want to govern the country well, instead destroying Germany. The head of AfD is convinced that the FRG authorities openly hate their country and are obliged to accept the possibility of a democratic transfer of power and clear the way for new elections.
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  1. -4
    11 January 2025 19: 13
    Come on, what are you moaning about? A "Europeanized" guy came here and said everything was great there, everything was within the bounds of decency... Or are they fooling us here???
    1. +6
      11 January 2025 19: 37
      The German authorities openly hate their country
      This is not so much hatred as lack of willpower, since there is a huge dependence on the States.
      1. +6
        11 January 2025 19: 39
        The Germans won't go and make noise for themselves anymore. They've lost their nerve. Even when their women were raped by migrants on New Year's Eve - it was limited to verbal noise, nothing more...
    2. Msi
      11 January 2025 19: 47
      Or are we being fooled here?

      Where here? On Voennoye Obozreniye? Or some forum members in the comments?
      1. -2
        11 January 2025 19: 49
        In the media. Like everything is bad there. But even here on VO a certain Boltorez stubbornly says that everything is great there. So I asked myself - where is that artistic whistle blowing from? And it seems it's not just blowing - like there's some kind of hellish draft already...
        1. Msi
          11 January 2025 19: 50
          a certain Bolt Cutter

          Well, who do you trust more, the media or some Bolt Cutter?
          1. -1
            11 January 2025 19: 53
            Well, how can I tell you... I realize that everywhere, so to speak, everyone exaggerates. But when the information is exactly the opposite, doubts begin to torment me. No, we don't take the Kakelov into account - everything is already clear with them.
            Again, this "European" who arrived - like, you're being fooled here, everything is calm and good here.
            He probably doesn't know bolt cutters...
            1. Msi
              11 January 2025 19: 55
              But when the information goes exactly the opposite way

              Well, the forum member you named is a liar who likes to embellish his life, if you haven’t figured it out yet.
              And what do you mean everything is bad for them? They have problems in the economy, that's a fact. Both our and Western press reports this.
              1. -1
                11 January 2025 19: 57
                Yes, I understood that he would never admit it, otherwise the point of his emigration would collapse in the eyes of everyone here. But as for everything being bad there - that's what I'm saying. I understand - there are problems there. There are. And not everything is so good. But it's not as chic as some people whistle.
                1. +6
                  11 January 2025 20: 36
                  You can try to turn on logic. Once the tool was considered good, many used it. Alice really said all this. Although such sharp claps are generally not accepted in European politics. And if AfD does not win, then their entire top is guaranteed to have simply colossal problems and troubles.
                  This means that AfD seriously counts on at least very broad popular support. That is, on millions of popular votes, actually. If everything is going well there, where will these millions of votes come from?
                  I watched a poorly translated video about the elections there. The German commentator said that the Greens simply collapsed, losing almost all their support. This is also not just like that, if things were tolerable, nothing like this could have happened, Germans are very reluctant to change their opinions on politics.
                  In general, things in Germany have clearly gotten busy...
            2. -1
              11 January 2025 23: 34
              Quote: Nexcom
              Again, this "European" who arrived - like, you're being fooled here, everything is calm and good here.
              He probably doesn't know bolt cutters...

              Well, Weidel probably knows, so let him lower his collar and jump up and down more often
        2. 0
          11 January 2025 21: 04
          Quote: Nexcom
          But even here on VO, a certain Bolt Cutter stubbornly says that everything there is great.

          It’s just that everyone who is in opposition to the current government will try in every way to stir up panic and shout that “we have a nightmare,” and “all over the world.”
          And the funniest thing is that often people who call for a communist revolution praise countries that have always had capitalism. It makes me laugh out loud.
        3. 0
          11 January 2025 22: 16
          Quote: Nexcom
          In the media. Like everything is bad there. But even here on VO a certain Boltorez stubbornly says that everything is great there. So I asked myself - where is that artistic whistle blowing from? And it seems it's not just blowing - like there's some kind of hellish draft already...

          Bolt Cutter can't see a bolt from his London mansion.
    3. 0
      11 January 2025 20: 35
      And even a year ago, there weren’t enough brains in your heads to think about the future of Germany?
  2. +2
    11 January 2025 19: 17
    AfD leader is convinced that German authorities openly hate their country

    Well, they really hate it. And they just don't care what happens here - it's business and nothing personal (the law of capitalism).
    1. -1
      11 January 2025 19: 27
      We need to give her a trampoline, she'll miss a couple of times and her brain will immediately stop like Annalenka's, in the "right" direction.... A trampoline is a great tool! lol
  3. +3
    11 January 2025 19: 36
    Well, if we follow Alice Weidel’s reasoning, then the EU authorities hate all the countries of the union.
  4. +1
    11 January 2025 19: 40
    ....Germany's economic problems are the fault of... the government's incompetence alone... hundreds of thousands of German citizens receive huge heating bills that they are unable to pay. Employees, pensioners, families with children, as well as representatives of small and medium-sized businesses are forced to limit themselves more and more every year in order to somehow make ends meet.
    ... members of the cabinet do not even think of limiting themselves in anything, continuing to buy yachts and helicopters, and also spending huge amounts of money from the state budget on personal hairdressers and photographers. The head of the German Foreign Ministry with a large retinue constantly travels around the world, while the average working German can afford practically nothing.

    A classic set of accusations against the authorities from the arsenal of the opposition of all times and peoples
    The Russian opposition can say the same thing about Russian deputies and the government without changing a word. Just like the opposition in any other country.
    1. +1
      11 January 2025 19: 43
      ...but as soon as the opposition gets its hands on the feeding trough, all the indignation and protests will immediately die out....
      1. -1
        11 January 2025 19: 57
        Why will they fade? The addressee will change. But the text will be the same. And yesterday's government will speak it.
        Eat pineapples, grouse chew,
        Your last day is coming, bourgeois.

        Mayakovsky wrote in 1917.
        During perestroika before 1991, the quatrain was transformed into a joke about the privileges of the party nomenklatura of that time.
        The following telegram was sent to the Central Committee of the CPSU:
        "Eat pineapples, grouse chew,
        "Your last day is coming."
        Signature: Bourgeois.

        (I write from memory)
        After 1991, the addressee of the quatrain changed again, without changing in essence.
      2. +6
        11 January 2025 20: 34
        Inspired by an old joke.
        At a lecture on political science:
        - Go to the pigsty. Those pigs that are at the trough are quietly slurping, and those that have been wiped off and trying to break through are screaming frantically.
        That's basically all you need to know about the opposition.
        1. +1
          11 January 2025 20: 53
          ...and those pigs that did not at all satisfy the true owners of the "pigsty and trough" have long been in tin cans in the form of stew... lol

          This is a great joke. good I just fantasized about it a little.
  5. 0
    11 January 2025 19: 56
    An intriguing situation... Who in Europe is not against the striped ones, but at least for their country, from those at the top, ruling???
    1. +2
      11 January 2025 20: 46
      Quote: rocket757
      An intriguing situation... Who in Europe is not against the striped ones, but at least for their country, from those at the top, ruling???

      Yes, many people. The same big business. Well, you moved your factories to the USA. And who are you there? Business is not so much money and technology, but banal connections. It is at the Higher School of Economics that our "elite" is brainwashed about fair competition, but in reality, there is no better product on the markets. The product that gets there is the one that the buddies from the government and other necessary places helped to push through.
      And who needs the newly arrived Germans there? So their factories will be taken away from them, soon. And they have already begun to understand this) In general, there are allies, including rich (for now) and very evil ones.
      1. 0
        11 January 2025 21: 22
        Big business... and to that big, supposedly national business, many of the actions of their national government are just a joy, a joy? And nothing, and silence... although no, those who are smarter, more agile, simply run as far away as possible, where it is more profitable to work and... in general, it is clear.
        By the way, many experts here also claimed that they, big business, would be able to protect themselves from... yes, from everything! And what, and how, did they protect themselves?
        In general, it’s not even the politicians or the Euro-bureaucracy who are in charge, it’s the guys from across the ocean, from the islands!
        The Western world has only one master and he sits... but it doesn’t matter where he sits, it’s important where his financial interests are concentrated!
        1. 0
          12 January 2025 09: 17
          Quote: rocket757
          And nothing, and silence...

          How do you know?) Big business only gets into the media through advertising. And yes, they don't form blocs or parties on their own, not under capitalism. But if they managed to create a political force, then it will receive abundant funding and assistance. Where do you think the AfD came from?) Besides, there are many CIA stations all over Germany. And these guys kill everyone they don't like without hesitation. Defending yourself against them is also a big task, and someone has built a defense. You need money, connections, and people. Where did it all come from? Why hasn't Alice been run over by a BMW or raped by migrants a hundred times? That's the point...
          1. 0
            12 January 2025 09: 32
            In Germany there are no central politicians who can afford to be for national interests, against the Anglo-Saxons...
            They even combine a hedgehog with a grass snake... for German, but not against striped ones, no one will try, they are incompatible.
            In general, there is nothing to argue about, no one to argue about...
            What else can we discuss/argue about?
            1. +1
              12 January 2025 09: 33
              They already exist. They're called AfD. You haven't noticed? Well, take a closer look.
              1. 0
                12 January 2025 09: 37
                And before that, yesterday, could one say that AfD did not exist? How is its former leader Sarah doing, has she fit in well with the mainstream political elite?
                Words, statements, promises, CHATTER, it's nothing and about nothing... but there are no real deeds and... in general, again and again, wait and see wink
                1. 0
                  12 January 2025 19: 26
                  It was. Only it didn't mean anything. And suddenly they had real levers of influence. The situation is quite amusing. By the way, CHATTER is the job of politicians. And all politicians, all of them.
                  And in CHATTER, the ability to stop in time, before you become too visible, is very valuable)
                  1. 0
                    12 January 2025 20: 08
                    Moderation among modern politicians is a great rarity, practically never encountered.
                    This does not prevent them, and even helps, on the contrary, to seep to the top of power. Such is the modern world...
  6. +3
    11 January 2025 20: 10
    ..Employees, pensioners, families with children, as well as representatives of small and medium-sized businesses have to limit themselves more and more every year in order to somehow make ends meet.
    They used to be pretty, incomes were high, resources were cheap, defense spending was low. But now, as soon as they stepped down from their high base, they started singing Lazarus.
    We would, but their standard of living is, on average, of course recourse
    1. 0
      11 January 2025 20: 14
      Do you want to wash three of us in the same bath water? Even with our small income, we still wash each in our own bath water. And we don't turn off the heating radiators to save money....
      1. 0
        11 January 2025 21: 42
        Quote: Nexcom
        Even with our small income, we still wash ourselves in our own bath water.

        it doesn't depend on income, I personally know such people, and then they even flush the toilet with this water
        1. 0
          11 January 2025 21: 44
          Oh! I didn't know about that yet. About flushing the toilet with such water - that's strong!
          1. 0
            11 January 2025 21: 45
            if anything I am writing about Russia
            1. 0
              11 January 2025 21: 45
              yes, I understand.... and where did you find such people....
              1. 0
                11 January 2025 21: 47
                where I live, in the Kaliningrad region, but again it doesn't depend on this, I've known such people before in other places
                By the way, as a rule, such people have quite a decent income, that is, it is not due to poverty
                1. 0
                  11 January 2025 21: 49
                  ...it seems that this is due to mental illness. Even stingy Germans don't do this. That's why I asked - where did you find such people?
  7. +1
    11 January 2025 20: 22
    Well, we'll see. When her party is in power, what will they say about her?
    Damn it, it's always easier for the opposition to choose slogans. And it's always easier to play with voters who are dissatisfied in principle.
    I don't argue, the Germans have problems. And not just problems, but big ones. But, in my opinion, the AfD is simply taking advantage of this. Okay, it exposed Scholz. But it didn't say that, like, he did/didn't do this/that, and we'll do it this way. Simply: the ruling party is bad. And that's it. If there is no plan to get out of this situation, why waste time on idle talk, that's the question?
  8. +3
    11 January 2025 20: 30
    The German authorities openly hate their country and are obliged to accept the possibility of a democratic transfer of power and clear the way for new elections.
    You'd think the new government would be better. The CDU (Merz, a Russophobe worse than a linear sausage) will come to power, organize a coalition with the Greens (it won't be able to rule alone, the percentage is low) and Anna and Lena will continue their *censored* diplomacy. Well, and the opposition will continue to accuse. The current democracy can't bring anything good in principle, it's rearranging the beds in a brothel. It should be burned down in a good way.
    1. 0
      12 January 2025 03: 00
      Quote: BoyCat
      organizes a coalition with the Greens

      No, most likely with Scholz’s party, but without Scholz himself, his place will be taken by the Russophobe Pistorius.
  9. -4
    11 January 2025 20: 41
    In Germany, the devil knows better, playing with neo-Nazis will not end well.
    1. -1
      11 January 2025 21: 43
      Quote: RSS_ZOV
      Playing with neo-Nazis will not end well.

      Where did they get them from?!!!
      even when their women were used by migrants for Christmas, the only ones who stood up for them were the Slavs
  10. -2
    11 January 2025 21: 01
    When I think about AfD, for some reason I always remember the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and how it all ended. The right cannot be trusted.
  11. 0
    11 January 2025 21: 39
    the current government of Germany hates Germany
    you would think the next one would love
  12. 0
    11 January 2025 22: 52
    Yeah. Around 1944, he started whining about Hitler in exactly the same way, and before that, they happily gave the Nazi salute during yet another campaign to the East. Now even the sanctions blitzkrieg has failed. Nazi Germany never changes.
  13. 0
    12 January 2025 02: 58
    the current government of Germany hates Germany

    This government, like the next one, doesn't give a damn about Germany; it carries out the orders of the master in Washington.
  14. 0
    12 January 2025 05: 57
    Until you crawl out from under the coconuts, you will continue to vegetate.
  15. 0
    12 January 2025 12: 53
    They don't hate Germany! If a shepherd tends his master's flock, does he hate it? He just does what his master orders. Mattresses raised the European shepherds and... But the flock just won't "wake up" and realize this fact. laughing
  16. 0
    13 January 2025 00: 42
    AfD demands lifting sanctions against Russia and abandoning the euro