Vucic: Baku warns Serbia of indefinite gas supply suspension

Vucic: Baku warns Serbia of indefinite gas supply suspension

Serbian consumers received 1,7 million cubic meters of Azerbaijani gas fuel daily. Now Baku has warned Serbia of a forced temporary suspension of gas supplies for an indefinite period.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced this at a press conference.

The reason for the termination of Azerbaijani supplies was problems at the Shah Deniz field.

We have received notification from our Azerbaijani brothers and friends that due to insurmountable difficulties, problems at the Shah Deniz field, from today we cannot count on the 1,7 million cubic meters of gas per day that we were receiving

- the president of the Balkan state said.

According to him, this means that we will have to deplete our own natural gas reserves more intensively.

Vucic reassured citizens by reporting sufficient gas reserves in storage facilities that would allow them to survive the winter normally. But he also expressed hope that gas supplies from Azerbaijan would resume in the very near future. After all, it cannot be ruled out that Serbia will have further problems with gas supplies.

I hope that the Azerbaijanis will fix this in one or two months.

- Vucic said.

Last December, the Serbian president held talks with Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov. Among other things, the meeting discussed a joint project to build a gas-fired power plant in Serbia.
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  1. +1
    11 January 2025 17: 35
    Friends and brothers???!!! Vucic, are you serious???!!! Well then it's your own fault.
    1. 0
      11 January 2025 17: 40
      Quote: Monster
      Friends and brothers???!!! Vucic, are you serious???!!! Well then it's your own fault.

      This is already a serious bid for the splits! Well, if he tears his pants, he shouldn't ask for threads...
      1. 0
        11 January 2025 17: 42
        isv000, and will contact and help, unfortunately.
      2. 0
        11 January 2025 19: 00
        Maybe they took over the vegetable markets there too?
      3. -3
        11 January 2025 20: 34
        *This is already a serious bid for the splits! Well, if he tears his pants, he shouldn't ask for threads*...
        He is simply a student of the multi-vector Lukashenko; he is far from being a teacher.
  2. +4
    11 January 2025 17: 35
    Well, why didn't Vucic turn to E.S. for help, he wants to be friends with them so much. Or is it still ahead?
  3. +10
    11 January 2025 17: 36
    Aliyev has gotten a bit carried away. Now he's asking Putin about the plane, now he's going to shut off the gas. He's gotten out of hand. It's time to call the humpbacked fly back from vacation. I don't think Persian tomatoes will get any worse, rather the opposite. And trade with Iran needs to be increased.
    1. +4
      11 January 2025 17: 38
      isv000 hiBy the way, things have slowed down a bit with the decryption, they promised it would be done in the shortest possible time, and our own specialists are decrypting it, but the results are not heard.
    2. +4
      11 January 2025 19: 12
      Aliyev decided to get on the same train with Erdogan, apparently he also swallowed the hook of the great Turan.
    3. 0
      11 January 2025 19: 13
      Aliyev decided to get on the same train with Erdogan, apparently he also swallowed the hook of the great Turan.
    4. 0
      12 January 2025 16: 15
      Quote: isv000
      Now he's asking Putin about the plane, now he's going to turn off the gas. He's gotten out of hand.

      Most likely, Aliyev is counting on profit from Vucic's game of Eurointegration and Russophobia. For Vucic's desire to ruin Russian investors in Serbia, he will probably have to pay Aliyev and Erdogan a pretty penny.
  4. +6
    11 January 2025 17: 47
    If they wish, the Serbs can also buy "Turkish gas" in the required quantities. What difference does it make from Urengoy, that is, Istanbul? laughing or from Baku, also Urengoy laughing he's coming...
    1. 0
      11 January 2025 19: 14
      The Turkish Stream's capabilities are not unlimited. Plus, all volumes are contracted for a year in advance
      1. 0
        11 January 2025 21: 11
        Quote from Storm1978
        Plus all volumes are contracted for a year in advance

        volumes... the question is how to deliver these additional volumes... Aliyev
        "On the one hand, they ask us for additional supplies, on the other hand, they deprive us of funds. For example, the European Investment Bank has completely stopped financing fossil fuel projects. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, as far as I know, still has a very small share. If this continues, there will be no funds for investment, because corporate financing in this business is about 30%, and the rest of the funds are borrowed. So where will we borrow money? Or do the Europeans want to build interconnectors between themselves? So this is an issue that, I think, needs to be resolved," the head of state explained.
    2. 0
      12 January 2025 16: 17
      Quote: Thrifty
      If they wish, the Serbs can also buy additional “Turkish gas” in the required quantities.

      In the absence of competitive Russian gas supplied to Serbia via Ukraine at dumping prices, Aliyeva can sell gas to Vucic at prices only slightly lower than European ones.
  5. +5
    11 January 2025 17: 47
    Anyone who even slightly supports Russia or is even neutral towards it is being pressured by all available means. Hungary, Slovakia and Serbia, of course, are being pressured with energy resources in order to undermine the economy and social sphere.
    1. LMN
      11 January 2025 18: 16
      Quote: Irokez
      Anyone who even slightly supports Russia or is even neutral towards it is being pressured by all available means. Hungary, Slovakia and Serbia, of course, are being pressured with energy resources in order to undermine the economy and social sphere.

      ..and they somehow need to survive. Or am I missing something? request
      1. +6
        11 January 2025 18: 28
        Quote: LMN
        and they somehow need to survive.

        You understand everything correctly and that is why they are looking for different ways of survival even if we don’t really like them.
      2. +1
        11 January 2025 20: 56
        Quote: LMN
        They need to survive somehow.

        The issue is in the reliability of supplies - if something happened in Russia, then it was possible to switch and find workarounds, the consumer hardly suffered. Here the problem is on the platform and off we go
        - BP-Azerbaijan, the technical operator of the Shah Deniz field, has stopped operations at the Alpha platform due to a malfunction in the underwater pipeline designed to transport condensate, the company told Interfax. "There are no problems on the platform itself. The technical problem arose on the underwater pipeline for transporting condensate, the pipeline connects the Alpha platform to the Sangachal terminal.
        An accident on the platform, an accident at the LNG plant and the consumer will have to get out of trouble again (force majeure for the seller)
      3. +1
        11 January 2025 22: 26
        Mi vama nismo took away the sanction and kada us je NATO tukao vis ste nama took away the sanction, subsetnik.
        1. +2
          12 January 2025 00: 12
          Quote: Radan
          Mi vama nismo took away the sanction and kada us je NATO tukao vis ste nama took away the sanction, subsetnik.

          But still learn Russian - it will come in handy ...
          1. -1
            12 January 2025 22: 30
            Mislim da nam neće trebati. A vi učite kineski.
            1. The comment was deleted.
            2. The comment was deleted.
              1. 0
                12 January 2025 22: 41
                Ti se sada šališ. Situacija za Srbiju je ozbiljna i mnogi su izazovi pred nama. Činjenica je da smo mi mala zemlja. Činjenica je i da nam Rusija, prema kojoj srpski narod gaji ljubav i očekuje pomoć, u stvari nije pomogla. Naročito kada se 19 zemalja obrušilo na nas. I sada, očekujete da zarad ljubavi prema Risiji, ostanemo bez gasa, bez nafte.
            3. 0
              12 January 2025 22: 40
              Quote: Fiorino
              Mislim da nam neće trebati. A vi učite kineski.

              It's time for you to learn Chinese. You're visiting it more and more often. And do you remember the attack on Pristina? Russia stood alone to the death for brotherly Serbia, and here you are, whining...
              1. -1
                12 January 2025 22: 48
                To je tačno što kažeš. Ali, što sada SAD ima bazu na Kosovu? Srbi bi voleli da su Rusi tamo.
                1. 0
                  12 January 2025 22: 56
                  Quote: Fiorino
                  To je tačno što kažeš. Ali, što sada SAD ima bazu na Kosovu? Srbi bi voleli da su Rusi tamo.

                  Russian, come! Russian, help! Didn't come on time? Didn't provide everything in full?
                  And remember Kennedy: don't ask what America can do for you, ask what you can do for America!
                  Let me explain: we have a song-cry "Get up, huge country!", and you?
                  And in your difficult times, many of the best of the best fought for us.
                  1. -1
                    12 January 2025 23: 10
                    Nisi pažljivo čitao moj komentar. 19 zemalja NATO pakta je, mimo odluke saveta bezbednosti, napalo Srbiju. To je sila pod kojom bi mnoge veće i vojno sposobnije zemlje pale. Then su nam oduzeli Kosovo. A zatim su nam, potpomognuti neprijateljem iz zemlje, dajući im ogromne sume novca, šefa države odveli u Hag i postavili marionetsku vladu koja se zaklinjala u demokratiju, au stvari, je rasprodala zapadnim kapitalistima sve što je vredelo u ovoj zemlji. Pri svemu tome, brat iz Rusije, niko da pomogne. A znaš kad je sve to u stvari počelo. Kad ste se vi Rusi povukli iz Istočne Nemačke i kada je prestala ravnoteža sila u svetu.
                    1. 0
                      12 January 2025 23: 20
                      Quote: Fiorino
                      Kad ste se vi Rusi povukli iz Istočne Nemačke i kada je prestala ravnoteža sila u svetu.

                      Do you remember how the Parisians greeted the Germans with tears in their eyes? And how the Russians greeted the Fritzes near Leningrad and in Stalingrad?! ​​And how all of Europe was pushing against us and we didn't give in, that's why now we don't make excuses but celebrate the Victory. Our Victory!
    2. -7
      11 January 2025 20: 18
      And you're a joker. The Serbs sold the hohols $800 million worth of ammunition. The Slovaks and Hungarians supply Saloreikh with electricity. It's time for Russia to wake up and understand that it has two allies, Iran and the DPRK, and maybe Venezuela, and the rest are just sucking in the freebies from effeminate Vladimir. China is no exception. Batka Biblorus had the opportunity to go with us, but he continues to be multi-vector: you give it to me, I'll sell it to you.
      1. +2
        11 January 2025 20: 49
        Quote: ss29
        The Serbs sold ammunition worth 800 million dollars to the Ukrainians.

        And the Anglo-Saxons bought a lot of oil and gas from us for billions, which we will spend on weapons against them.
        And where is the rational logic? Everything is sold and everything is bought and looking for who is a friend and who is an enemy becomes impossible because everyone is for himself in such crazy changes in the world.
        For example, the Turks are in NATO, but not on their own and are also trying to survive, and why haven't the Armenians broken all their agreements with Russia yet (and they're scared and don't know what to do next). The Georgians, why are they fighting for independence? And why are some former US partners getting into BRICS? It's all because their own shirt is closer to their bodies and they put themselves first and sometimes even against their allies. This is the world of existence for small or weak countries where people live who also want to live, and this must be taken into account and planned in their behavior.
        1. -1
          12 January 2025 03: 41
          Of course, you haven't heard about added value. Stalin didn't supply tungsten to Hitler, I don't think he's stupid. And here we are, giving them resources, and a million shells for our guys. By the way, about the weapons we'll buy... How many countries will sell them to us, and how can we deliver them if even the Finns drained the oil from the tanker? And our ship has also joined the Northern Streams.
      2. +2
        11 January 2025 23: 06
        And you are a joker. The Serbs sold ammunition worth 800 million dollars to the Ukrainians.

        And what's the problem? Gazprom paid the hohols 1 billion for gas transit, and maybe they bought it from the Serbs with that money. What do you want from the Serbs? The main purchases of weapons are made with Russian money... Oh, you're making claims against the wrong people... The Serbs have never sworn allegiance to Russia or its people (unlike some Russian characters). They should be held accountable, at least with their votes, at the elections...
        1. -1
          12 January 2025 03: 45
          I want no one to be like China.
      3. 0
        11 January 2025 23: 22
        It's time for Russia to wake up and understand that it has two allies: Iran and the DPRK, and perhaps Venezuela. 

        Iran is an ally? laughing Isn't it this same Iran that has been listed several times from allies to traitors and back? Iran has no allies, it has either dependent protégés or momentary fellow travelers.
        Fatherlessness DPRK ally? Maybe someday it will be revealed for what goodies this loneliness has become an ally.
        Venezuela is an ally... feel
        Syria withdrew, the burden of alliance with Russia turned out to be too much to bear...
        ...You can still fit a cube in...
        Being appointed an ally and then demoted to a traitor has already become a national pastime. hi
        1. 0
          12 January 2025 03: 36
          Iran provided shells and geraniums, the DPRK provided shells, self-propelled guns, and volunteers.
      4. 0
        12 January 2025 22: 42
        Quote: ss29
        It's time for Russia to wake up and understand that it has two allies: Iran and North Korea

        Russia has two allies - the army and the navy!
        1. -1
          13 January 2025 02: 04
          Well, it can be different here. Trust in the army, but don't be lazy yourself.
  6. +4
    11 January 2025 17: 50
    Serbia refused to purchase our weapons under the signed contracts... And the gas ran out... Coincidence? wink
    1. +4
      11 January 2025 17: 57
      Alexander X hi, do you mean to say that Moscow took revenge on Belgrade through Baku? Well, that's very unlikely.
      1. 0
        11 January 2025 18: 03
        Do you mean to say that Moscow took revenge on Belgrade through Baku? Well, that's highly unlikely.
        Most interesting wink
        1. +1
          12 January 2025 07: 50
          There are very good economic ties with Serbia, not just gas.
          And Vucic knows perfectly well what the matter is. The specific reason is not the disruption of arms supplies, but the gas cut-off by Ukraine. The thing is that Serbia buys gas supposedly for itself, but resells it to the rest of Europe. It is clear that Vucic was forced. That is why they cut off the gas: if the Europeans are so cunning, let them force Ukraine to open the pipeline again. Azerbaijan has very limited capabilities, not enough for all of Europe.
    2. +2
      11 January 2025 17: 58
      Quote: Alexander X
      Serbia refused to purchase our weapons under the signed contracts... And the gas ran out... Coincidence? wink

      Vutich is trying to save his face-image in front of the EU, but in reality, his soul has long been rotten...
      1. +2
        11 January 2025 18: 23
        Yes, he was always like this - multi-vector, like those Bulgarian brothers.
    3. Egg
      11 January 2025 18: 27
      Quote: Alexander X
      Serbia refused to purchase our weapons under the signed contracts... And the gas ran out... Coincidence?

      and how are we going to deliver weapons to them? There is no border with them, enemies are all around, they don't allow any passage or overflight... either Serbia itself will refuse or we won't be able to deliver and we will owe a penalty, does it make a difference?
      1. LMN
        11 January 2025 18: 39
        Quote: Telur
        Quote: Alexander X
        Serbia refused to purchase our weapons under the signed contracts... And the gas ran out... Coincidence?

        and how are we going to deliver weapons to them? There is no border with them, enemies are all around, they don't allow any passage or overflight... either Serbia itself will refuse or we won't be able to deliver and we will owe a penalty, does it make a difference?

        Who is interested in such "trifles" here? laughing
      2. 0
        11 January 2025 21: 59
        Serbia has access to the sea through friendly Montenegro. Serbia has already bought Russian weapons, Pantsirs, for example.
        1. Egg
          11 January 2025 22: 08
          Quote from solar
          Shells, for example

          the shells were delivered by planes back then, this was before the skies were closed
          1. The comment was deleted.
      3. 0
        12 January 2025 22: 47
        Quote: Telur
        and how are we going to deliver weapons to them? There is no border with them, there are enemies all around, they don’t allow us any passage or overflight...

        Let me ask it more simply: when our paratroopers occupied the Pristina airport and were ready to fight the NATO forces that outnumbered them, why didn’t the Serbs stand shoulder to shoulder?!!
        1. Egg
          13 January 2025 09: 21
          Were you there? If not, why are you asking such a question? Or do you know exactly what happened there then?
          For some reason it seems to me that by asking such a question you are pursuing a different goal, and are not trying to find out the truth.
    4. 0
      11 January 2025 20: 20
      It's no coincidence that these weapons were supplied cheaply and resold to the Ukrainians. The Serbs simply decided to put an end to this disgrace themselves.
    5. +1
      11 January 2025 22: 20
      Moram yes we teach you everything, dredges of Rus' mi nismo odbili veћ you can’t but deliver it to us where! Kada је us NATO tukao i unishtavao where vy biste dredge Rus,, mi zaista vas podzravamo ali ve us uvek prodate sparingly of Anglo-Saxonism. What's left of Kosovo, yes they stayed poogli bi us, mi smo mali and finished off smo batine and nadam se yes you neћete and yes ћete ove Anglo-Saxon deliberately hit the English head...whatever you want, help or whatever you want, don't fret, you'll get rid of it Behold and beat bre ov that frock coat. Goodbye
    6. +1
      11 January 2025 22: 32
      We were knocked out, we were busy where and about the avioni, we were about nato and didn’t get the nishta and we were taken away. And when did you help us, hook me up....
  7. 0
    11 January 2025 17: 54
    We have received notification from our Azerbaijani brothers and friends that due to insurmountable difficulties, problems at the Shah Deniz field, From today on we cannot count on the 1,7 million cubic meters of gas per day that we received
    But you were informed that for the same money you will be able to receive slightly less gas laughing
  8. +1
    11 January 2025 17: 57
    Not our topic at all: gas - Serbia - Azerbaijan. Our topic: USA - Greenland - Canada - Panama
  9. +1
    11 January 2025 18: 04
    The most important thing for him is the interests of his country. If it was profitable with the Russian Federation, he was with the Russian Federation; if it became profitable with someone else, he will be with someone else.
    1. LMN
      11 January 2025 18: 14
      Quote: opuonmed
      The most important thing for him is the interests of his country. If it was profitable with the Russian Federation, he was with the Russian Federation; if it became profitable with someone else, he will be with someone else.

      Are they supposed to eat grass? what
      Or should we all hang ourselves?
      We can't deliver coal and gas to Transnistria now. And there is a specific enclave there. They have to live somehow. request
      1. -5
        11 January 2025 18: 43
        It is necessary. But this does not mean that you should lay down under anyone...
        1. LMN
          11 January 2025 18: 52
          Quote: Nexcom
          It is necessary. But this does not mean that you should lay down under anyone...

          What does "is being planted" mean in the case of Serbia?
          They can't even help us with parallel imports now. Except maybe cast a vote in the UN, it's not clear why.
          We also can’t really help them now.

          How can the country continue to live?
          It is vital for them to contact the world and solve their life issues.
          1. -2
            11 January 2025 18: 56
            And the Serbs have not been planning to cooperate in any way for a long time. The only thing left is to give them gas. Everything else has already been completed on their part. At the same time, despite the sanctions, they manage to buy from China. As they say, if there is a desire, they will find a way to buy and deliver. If there is no desire, they will look for excuses...
            1. LMN
              11 January 2025 19: 07
              Quote: Nexcom
              And the Serbs have not been planning to cooperate in any way for a long time. The only thing left is to give them gas. Everything else has already been completed on their part. At the same time, despite the sanctions, they manage to buy from China. As they say, if there is a desire, they will find a way to buy and deliver. If there is no desire, they will look for excuses...

              You don’t describe it directly, and it’s hard for me to imagine how Serbia can help us now.
              Well, let's stick to our own.
              1. -1
                11 January 2025 19: 11
                Serbia can't really help us in any way except politically. But even for that, their arms are twisted. And the further we go, the more pro-Western approach there grows. Unfortunately, Russia can't change this, so it's only a matter of time...
                1. LMN
                  11 January 2025 19: 18
                  Quote: Nexcom
                  Serbia can't really help us in any way except politically. But even for that, their arms are twisted. And the further we go, the more pro-Western approach there grows. Unfortunately, Russia can't change this, so it's only a matter of time...

                  Where does the "pro-Western" approach come from? !
                  They buy weapons from China, not from the West! And this is supposedly a "pro-Asian" approach?)

                  Where do such extremes come from?? I would understand if they had a choice. But they don't have a choice. They call it whatever they can.
                  1. -2
                    11 January 2025 19: 21
                    From there. They buy from both China and the West.
                    We had cooperation - the Serbs are now curtailing it, citing general state policy. And I'm not talking about defense. I've worked with them for a long time. Now they are quietly starting to curtail cooperation with us. The motivation is that the West has more offers and with money, not out of interest...
                    1. LMN
                      11 January 2025 19: 24
                      Quote: Nexcom
                      From there. They buy from both China and the West.
                      We had cooperation - the Serbs are now curtailing it, citing general state policy. And I'm not talking about defense. I've worked with them for a long time. Now they are quietly starting to curtail cooperation.

                      And I'm working with them now.
                      1. -1
                        11 January 2025 19: 25
                        Me too for now. With the University of Belgrade. But I already explained....
  10. -1
    11 January 2025 18: 22
    The union of shawarma and Vucic is a strange phenomenon.
  11. -1
    11 January 2025 18: 36
    ...sooner or later, multi-vectorism will run into the wall of a specific choice. or something will burst from multi-vectorism...
    1. -2
      11 January 2025 18: 56
      Quote: Nexcom
      or something will burst from multi-vectorism...

      Trousers??? lol
      It is quite possible to sit on many chairs - consider it the splits. wassat
      1. -1
        11 January 2025 18: 57
        Oh well, the pants are fine, I hope my butt doesn't burst...
  12. +3
    11 January 2025 19: 15
    Vucic can also be understood. If his country had at least some border with Russia and was not surrounded by, let's say, not very friendly countries, then maybe he would have been more categorical.
    1. -1
      11 January 2025 19: 35
      Then why don't you justify the other "brothers"? It's not about borders, but about the desire to preserve one's identity. There is no such desire, there is a desire to get a lot of goodies from the buyer - well then what do borders have to do with it? The Czechs, for example, have always sold out, so what?
      1. +1
        11 January 2025 21: 48
        Other "brothers" in the EU, there the collective Brussels decides everything for them, NATO did not bomb them, did not dismember them, and so on.
  13. 0
    12 January 2025 07: 57
    Serbia has good relations with Azerbaijan, and Vucic has good relations with Aliyev personally.
    And the "big" Europeans take advantage of this, throw mud at Azerbaijan, but send Vucic ahead, like you are friends, let him give more gas. Bastards.
  14. 0
    12 January 2025 23: 30
    Druže moj, ti porediš Rusiju i Srbiju. Rusija je velika sila i mogla je da se izbori protiv cele Evrope. Sada i protiv Amerike, koja sa evropskim saveznicima šalje oružije u Ukrajnu. Srbija i Rusija su prirodni saveznici. Dve pravoslavne zemlje. Ali smo daleko. Ti i ja se u ovom dopisivanju ne svađamo. Mi Srbi samo tražimo da nas Rusi razumu.
  15. 0
    13 January 2025 11: 20
    Well then it's his own fault. Eh, he has hair on his ass, he'll eat it.