Army Recognition: The Dutch Navy monitored the Russian submarine Novorossiysk in the North Sea

Army Recognition: The Dutch Navy monitored the Russian submarine Novorossiysk in the North Sea

On January 10, the Dutch Navy successfully tracked the Russian submarine Novorossiysk (hull number B-261) and its accompanying frigate Boykiy (hull number 822) in the North Sea, Army Recognition reports.

The operation was carried out by the Dutch frigate Zr. Ms. Friesland and an NH90 maritime attack helicopter, highlighting growing concerns about Russia's military presence in European waters, the newspaper writes.

According to Army Recognition, the Russian submarine was heading from the Mediterranean towards Northern Europe, passing through the Netherlands' exclusive economic zone in the North Sea.

Renowned for their quiet operation and ability to remain undetected, submarines of this class are ideal for covert missions, including intelligence gathering. The stealth capabilities of the Novorossiysk make it an important strategic asset for Russia, capable of conducting operations in close proximity to European waters without being easily detected.

- the publication notes.

The frigate accompanying the submarine, the Boykiy, is designed to perform a range of missions, including anti-submarine and anti-aircraft warfare. The Russian frigate is equipped with advanced radar and sonar systems, as well as vertical launch systems for missiles surface-to-air class.

The North Sea is a critical maritime corridor for European trade and security, connecting various NATO and EU member states.
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  1. 0
    11 January 2025 17: 15
    If they are afraid, it means they are respected! No one forbids them to look, as long as they don’t try to do any harm!
    1. -1
      11 January 2025 17: 53
      So I understand that you need to remind us not to relax...,
      They came in on soft paws, we didn't want anyone to even sniff...
  2. +5
    11 January 2025 17: 20
    Army Recognition: The Dutch Navy monitored the Russian submarine Novorossiysk in the North Sea

    What a funny! fellow
    So what? Did you find out a lot of secrets? Did you watch people swimming?
    Why not keep an eye on her if she is moving along the surface in a surface position. laughing
    And what if it had submerged? Well, you never know, the command might set the task of disrupting the escort by NATO ships, or whatever the training exercise is properly called.
    That's when I understand there would be something to brag about. Or there wasn't. lol
  3. HAM
    11 January 2025 17: 23
    If "Boykiy" hadn't existed, then there wouldn't have been any "observation"... but they did "observe". - stripes or diamonds on the shoulder straps...
  4. UVB
    11 January 2025 17: 51
    What, the corvette "Boykiy" project 20380 was reclassified as a frigate?
    1. +2
      11 January 2025 18: 02
      The authors were too lazy to make a normal translation into Russian. According to the classification of the Russian Federation, the ship of the project 20380 is a corvette. According to NATO classification, the ships of this project are small frigates.
    2. 0
      12 January 2025 23: 02
      Quote: UVB
      What, the corvette "Boykiy" project 20380 was reclassified as a frigate?
      laughing yeah. and they changed the tail number at the same time. Okay, okay, the unfortunate Dutch (!), they can be forgiven. But for the editors of VO, reprinting their news, not to know the tail number of their corvette...?!! request
      You should at least look at your own, to clarify... (at least in the blog, - navy_korabel ). wink
  5. +2
    11 January 2025 17: 57
    The boat was returning from patrol in a surface position, accompanied by a frigate, and had no intention of hiding. So the Dutch were "wetting their pants" for nothing.
    1. +2
      11 January 2025 18: 05
      Along with the Dutch, the English also make the same kind of ceremonious speeches when our submarines pass through the English Channel in a surface position.
    2. +3
      11 January 2025 18: 11
      It was not in vain! It's winter outside. At least we warmed up!))
    3. +2
      11 January 2025 18: 31
      "They were "pissing hotly" only in the author's article. In reality, they simply escorted a group of foreign warships near their shore. This is a fairly common practice.
  6. 0
    13 January 2025 05: 29
    And what?
    Underwater (as well as on land and in the air) everyone is watching everyone else. Someone will pick a new hole in their shoulder straps, and someone else might have one removed...Ce la vie babe
  7. 0
    13 January 2025 05: 35
    Quote: Amateur
    The boat was returning from patrol in a surface position, accompanied by a frigate, and had no intention of hiding. So the Dutch were "wetting their pants" for nothing.

    Since when do submarines return from patrol in the surface position? Maybe they shouldn't sail there anymore? What important tasks for the country are carried out in this region?