The Bundeswehr is planning to create a task force to protect key infrastructure facilities in Germany

The Bundeswehr is planning to create a task force to protect key infrastructure facilities in Germany

The Bundeswehr command plans to create an operational combat unit in the near future, whose tasks will include protecting key infrastructure facilities in Germany. This is reported by Tagesschau. The publication notes that another function of the unit will be to defend German territory in the event of the redeployment of army units to the borders of the Russian Federation.

The tasks of the unit will include protecting ports, the railway network, freight stations, pipelines, bridges, troop transport routes, transport interchanges, and digital infrastructure.

- notes the publication.

It is emphasized that the Bundeswehr has good reason to assume that in the event of an emergency, NATO command will transfer German divisions closer to the eastern borders of the alliance, most likely to Poland or the Baltic countries.

Then the new unit will be ready for action to defend the territory of the FRG.

– explains the logic of the German generals Tagesschau.

Let us recall that the Bundeswehr is currently continuing to form a heavy brigade in Lithuania. It is expected to be fully deployed in 2028.

Permanently stationing a brigade abroad is something new for the Bundeswehr. The 4800 soldiers and 200 civilian employees of the Bundeswehr must have sufficient resources to carry out their duties, as well as adequate housing. In addition, we must ensure that soldiers can travel to Lithuania and back to Germany, and that their children can attend a Lithuanian school.

– the German Ministry of Defense emphasizes.

Although the German brigade in Lithuania exists mostly on paper, the name of the commander of this unit became known some time ago. According to the German Ministry of Defense, it is Brigadier General Christoph Huber.
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  1. 0
    11 January 2025 15: 42
    The facade of the Reichstag will once again be covered with inscriptions in the languages ​​of the Great Peoples of Russia....
    1. +2
      11 January 2025 16: 14
      Quote: Puler
      The facade of the Reichstag will once again be covered with inscriptions in the languages ​​of the Great Peoples of Russia....

      I doubt it, it would be better to have a lake with a bottom of melted glass in this place
      1. 0
        15 January 2025 19: 30
        this option is more suitable for this task...
  2. +3
    11 January 2025 15: 49
    The Germans have no army, just a half-dead misunderstanding, the remains of more or less serviceable scrap metal are given to Ukraine. I feel that soon Poland will conquer Germany.
  3. 0
    11 January 2025 15: 51
    The tasks of the unit will include protecting ports, the railway network, freight stations, pipelines, bridges, troop transport routes, transport interchanges, and digital infrastructure.

    And who was supposed to protect all this before? For example, Nord Stream.
  4. +2
    11 January 2025 15: 55
    Almost 5000 potential dead men. We will not feel sorry for them, our genetic memory will allow us to tolerate these huskies on our lands.
  5. +2
    11 January 2025 16: 33
    Permanently stationing a brigade abroad is something new for the Bundeswehr

    Something new, this forgotten old... they just beg to be reminded of how it ends...
  6. 0
    11 January 2025 17: 31
    What kind of infrastructure is the German babbling about protecting in the event of sending troops to the Eastern Front?! belay Hazelnuts will taste like baklava to you!
  7. 0
    11 January 2025 17: 44
    Schutzstaffel - "security squads";
    . back to the old ways.
    It's just doubtful that there will be enough Nordic-correct faces to complete them...
  8. 0
    11 January 2025 19: 34
    Bundeswehr 2025 is not Bundeswehr 1976 and let them want, it doesn't hurt to want, the country of Germany itself has turned into an amoeba, they were already under the Americans and now it's a disgrace for a once great nation