German Press: NATO Plans to Send Troops to Ukraine During Possible Ceasefire

German Press: NATO Plans to Send Troops to Ukraine During Possible Ceasefire

Foreign affairs and security expert Christian Melling said NATO leaders are considering sending military contingents to Ukraine if a ceasefire is established.

According to the German publication Focus, we are talking about hundreds of thousands of military personnel who are supposed to control security in the eastern regions of Ukraine. However, this topic is not being discussed openly at the moment.

In particular, according to a number of sources, the governments of Great Britain and France do not rule out sending their troops to Ukraine. Paris and London are already actively preparing to participate in negotiations on settling the Ukrainian crisis, and after a possible ceasefire is concluded, to send their troops and contingents of private military companies to Ukraine. In political circles of other NATO countries, discussions have also resumed about the advisability of sending limited contingents of ground troops to Ukraine against the backdrop of Washington's possible refusal to continue supporting Kyiv.

Despite the fact that the corresponding statements by French President Emmanuel Macron have caused a sharp rejection by representatives of some European countries, led by Germany, this scenario has not been completely abandoned. In the framework of recent talks in Paris between British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Macron, issues were raised regarding the creation of a solid core of allies in Europe, focused on Ukraine and European security in a broader sense.
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  1. LMN
    11 January 2025 14: 31
    People live in some parallel worlds
    1. +6
      11 January 2025 14: 48
      Even now, nothing prevents them from sending their “volunteers” to Ukraine against Russia, it’s just that if we conclude a truce with who knows who in Ukraine, they will push through the UN to introduce their troops under the guise of peacekeepers.
      And then the classic genre - a military provocation on the demarcation line, with accusations of Russia of aggression against peacekeepers, who by chance are mostly from NATO countries, and a new SVO on the territory of Ukraine, but already with troops from NATO countries, with the possibility of escalating into a full-scale third world war.

      They are used to this. They will follow a well-trodden path. soldier
      1. +2
        11 January 2025 18: 28
        Quote: credo
        They will push through the UN to introduce their troops

        They won’t push it through the UN, we have veto power there.
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +1
          11 January 2025 20: 51
          German Press: NATO Plans to Send Troops to Ukraine During Possible Ceasefire
          To be honest, there is nothing surprising about this! It is noteworthy that former NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (scion of the richest family of the so-called "Norwegian Kennedys", who got rich during WWII/WWII) has now become the CHAIRMAN of the NGO "Bilderberg Meeting Foundation", i.e. in common parlance in the media "the Bilderberg Club"!
          The Bilderberg Group is a club of wealthy Nazi heirs.
          In 2023, the Bilderberg Meeting Foundation suddenly became concerned about the possibility of being recognized as an undesirable (extremist) organization in Russia, not without reason.
          At the same time, the Bilderberg Meeting Foundation decided to officially refute the claims that "the Bilderberg Club secretly rules the world." On the foundation's website, the OFFICIAL purpose of its activities is stated that the annual meetings, organized by a Dutch NGO, are called upon to "promote dialogue between Europe and North America." It is specified that these events do not involve the development of any projects, declarations, resolutions, final statements, etc. And that all "meetings" allegedly represent nothing more than "informal communication" between supporters of Euro-Atlantic cooperation.
          In fact, the NAZI origins of the Bilderberg Meeting Foundation are historically obvious. Namely.
          The Bilderberg meetings began in 1954, when a group of Western politicians and businessmen first met at the Bilderberg Hotel in Holland. The official goal of the event is to promote Atlanticism, i.e. political, economic, and defense cooperation between Western Europe and the United States. At that time, 50 representatives of Western Europe and 11 Americans gathered at the hotel. The sponsor was the BRITISH company Unilever.
          Director of this Unilever Paul Rijken was involved in lobbying on both sides of the front during WWII. Unilever's headquarters were in England, and its main production facilities were in the Third Reich. Paul Rijkens managed to legally divide the company's assets during the war and then put them back together after the war. At the same time, he was able to negotiate with the Americans so that the US would not impose sanctions against Unilever, which were imposed on companies that collaborated with the Nazis. The talk was about lifting the sanctions and legalizing the assets that belonged to former Nazis or those who closely collaborated with them. In turn, they were offered to pay for the services of lobbyists!
          To hold the Bilderberg meeting, they created organizing committee, which included both those who needed to legalize criminal assets and those who were obliged to lobby for this legalization. For example, among the former, WAR CRIMINALS participated: the husband of the Queen of the Netherlands Bernhard, the West German industrialist Friedrich Flick, the Swedish banker Marcus Wallenberg, and others. The lobbyists were represented by American banker David Rockefeller and others. And they all had to agree on capital legalization schemes and scenarios for further cooperation.
          After the Bilderberg meetings began, all claims against the notorious Euro-Nazis of the Third Reich were dropped. And the manager of a significant part of the assets of the listed persons became Bank of America, closely associated with David Rockefeller.

          Thus The CORRUPTION COMPONENT of the "Bilderberg Club" as a supranational radical international organized crime group for criminal globalist LAUNDERING of dirty money and assets is quite obvious!
          In this case, The Bilderberg Meeting Foundation is also a "partner" structure of the Royal Institute of International Affairs Chatham House. And all meetings of the Bilderberg Group are officially held in accordance with the rules of this LONDON organization.
          In 2022, the Russian Prosecutor General's Office recognized the Royal Institute as an "undesirable" (extremist) organization. And now, according to Russian law, all "partner" structures of Chatham House are subject to inspection for extremism.

          TOTALThe fact that former NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg became the chairman of the Bilderberg Club only shows that the "deep West" continues to rely on the continuation of the US proxy war against Russia and will continue to expand and strengthen!
          Hence partly and also stems from and the brazen impudence of the illegitimate Zelensky and his entire clique in Ukraine to continue the war until the LAST Ukrainian!
          There is no faith in the West from Russia in this hybrid war of CONSPIRACIES against peace on the planet in the person of the participants of the "Bilderberg Club" - there cannot be and there should not be!

          See details -
        3. -1
          12 January 2025 09: 38
          Libya was leaked to the Security Council and they can do it.
          1. +1
            12 January 2025 15: 23
            Quote from alanery
            Libya was leaked to the Security Council and they can do it.

            But compared to Libya, this would be suicide in the full sense of the word.
    2. +5
      11 January 2025 15: 38
      For us, they are occupiers, and we need to act against NATO occupiers as we did against VSU - destroy them!
  2. HAM
    11 January 2025 14: 36
    Soon they will completely go nuts on the grounds of "European security"...
  3. +4
    11 January 2025 14: 36
    German Press: NATO Plans to Send Troops to Ukraine During Possible Ceasefire

    Will there be a truce? lol
    The president, Lavrov, and others said that the ceasefire does not reflect the country’s needs, which means it is not necessary, and even harmful.
    They've already done this, so what? Apart from strengthening and "licking the wounds" of the Armed Forces, it hasn't brought anything, but only prolongs the war and suffering.
    So from now on we can forget about a truce. Yes
    Only the capitulation of the Ukrainian-Bandera regime with the fulfillment of ALL of Russia's demands, or war to the last kaklopitek.
    In any case, the war will end the way Russia wants, and not the “world community”. lol
  4. 0
    11 January 2025 14: 36
    I just want to write that all this is not real and that at the very least...
    In general, how and where events will turn, we will have to wait and see later.
  5. +4
    11 January 2025 14: 39
    As reported by the German publication Focus, we are talking about about hundreds of thousands of military personnel,

    Hundreds of thousands - that's all the European NATO troops combined. Does NATO want to occupy Ukraine and have a direct military clash with the Russian Federation? I doubt it. More likely an inability to count, like Annalenina's 360 degrees.
    1. +2
      11 January 2025 14: 53
      More likely an inability to count

      I would say... calculate... the consequences...
  6. +1
    11 January 2025 14: 48
    NATO members, like pedestrians, consider themselves immortal.
  7. +1
    11 January 2025 14: 48
    It is clear that this perverted West will try to squeeze Russia by hook or by crook, and it is absolutely forbidden to give it the initiative.
    Let them watch from the sidelines, so that nothing happens...
  8. +3
    11 January 2025 14: 48
    The West has long since discredited itself in any negotiating positions.
    If our leadership does not go for another scam from these swindlers, then the fulfillment of all the stated conditions by our supreme, must become an indisputable reality for the West, otherwise our guys on the front lines will not understand these antics of our authorities. Only Victory with the unconditional capitulation of Banderastan!
  9. +9
    11 January 2025 14: 52
    So Russia is at war, soldiers and civilians are dying, getting injured, incredible amounts of money are being spent, and the European garden is already getting ready to divide the pie. What did the Russian people die for? For new acquisitions of France and Britain, Poland? These beautiful gardeners have completely lost their critical thinking.
  10. +7
    11 January 2025 14: 52
    Quote: credo
    If we conclude a truce with who knows who in Ukraine, they will push through the UN to introduce their troops under the guise of peacekeepers.
    And then the classic genre - a military provocation on the demarcation line, with accusations of Russia of aggression against peacekeepers, who by chance are mostly from NATO countries, and a new SVO on the territory of Ukraine, but already with troops from NATO countries, with the possibility of escalating into a full-scale third world war.

    That's right. If we agree to a truce, we'll get NATO troops near Kursk and Belgorod on legal grounds, and it will be too late to make a fuss. We can't agree to a truce, only complete capitulation on our terms.
    1. 0
      12 January 2025 09: 16
      Who will sign it on behalf of Ukraine? According to all norms of international law, Zelensky has long been an empty space and has no legal authority. If the capitulation is signed with Zelensky's stump, then the international community (including the long-time pocket pro-American UN) will recognize the document as invalid.
  11. +2
    11 January 2025 14: 57
    We are talking about hundreds of thousands of military personnel who are supposed to control security in the eastern regions of Ukraine
    A specific occupation of Ukraine by the West is being prepared, with the ensuing unpleasant consequences for Russia.
    No truces.
  12. +1
    11 January 2025 15: 05
    German Press: NATO Plans to Send Troops to Ukraine During Possible Ceasefire

    hi These are all blank shots fired into the void with the aim of irritating the Russian leadership.
    The main frog, the liverwurst and many leaders of gayrope are busy fighting to hold on to their shaky seats of power and preparing for a meeting with the Shooter Ear.
    Now is the time for our diplomats and chiefs of information warfare to begin discussions about the reunification of Russian lands, starting with the Baltics and Alaska.
  13. -6
    11 January 2025 15: 08
    Sell ​​the Kremlin ones? Considering that they are always happy to bend themselves. It will be a sad situation.
  14. +1
    11 January 2025 15: 21
    And who is the FRG press? And what is the point of paying attention to the quotation of some Macron in some FRG press? Wet dreams of who knows who, and nothing more!
  15. +4
    11 January 2025 15: 28
    Idiots. At first they wanted a crushing defeat for Russia, and now it's just a wet dream - to send in troops, BUT only after a truce. They are not only "reproducing" in the West, but apparently they are also being listened to. Our leadership has already fed us with statements - there will be no truce. Only the end of the war with the obligations accepted by the parties. And I am sure there will be a clause there about the absence of NATO forces on the territory of Bandar-logia.
  16. -4
    11 January 2025 15: 36
    Well, if NATO won't get anything for this, they'll lead it, and that's it! Here they'll get a punch in the forehead from NATO or they won't get anything for this
  17. +2
    11 January 2025 15: 41
    "...In political circles in other NATO countries, discussions have also resumed about the advisability of sending limited contingents of ground troops to Ukraine in the context of Washington's possible refusal to continue supporting Kyiv..."

    The reality of the threat of a major European WAR is quite probable...
    So far, only fear holds them back... But not rational arguments...

    ...Uncle Sam, with a cheerful and cynical smile, calmly smokes golden cigars on the sidelines...)))))))))))
  18. 0
    12 January 2025 09: 12
    Well, that's right. Half of the Europeans should be converted into homo-driddles-transgenders, and the other half should be disposed of in 404 locations. A brilliant solution to economic problems.
  19. 0
    14 January 2025 14: 58
    We were given a clear message. You end the war, you get NATO troops right next door, along the entire Ukrainian border. I don't think Putin will go for it. It's almost 100% war with NATO in the next 5, maximum 10 years.