Norway begins building bomb shelters in case of worst-case war scenario

Norway begins building bomb shelters in case of worst-case war scenario

The Norwegian government intends to reintroduce requirements for new buildings over 1000 square meters to have shelters installed, NRK reports. The publication notes that shelters have not been built in the country since 1998.

The situation around us is more unpredictable. We must take care of the civilian population in case of the worst-case scenario of war or armed attack. In this case, shelters are one of the protective measures we need

– said the head of the Norwegian Ministry of Emergency Situations, Emilie Mehl.

As the Norwegian press has found out, the country's government is proposing to build two types of shelters. The first should provide protection from weapons mass destruction, and the second - from conventional weapons.

It is noteworthy that the construction of the corresponding structures will be paid for by ordinary citizens. According to calculations, the shelters will cost 2,5 thousand euros per person. And this amount is planned to be included in the cost of new apartments.

As the Norwegian government explains, the country's current shelters are sufficient to ensure the safety of only 45 percent of the population. While in neighboring countries this figure is an order of magnitude higher.

For example, in Finland, approximately 90 percent of the population can take refuge in shelters, in Denmark – 80 percent, and in Sweden – 70 percent of citizens.

Let us add that earlier the Swedish government was concerned about finding additional places to build cemeteries in case of war with Russia.
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  1. 0
    11 January 2025 13: 18
    Norway begins building bomb shelters

    Sweden is concerned about finding additional places to build cemeteries
    What's more important to each person! laughing
  2. +1
    11 January 2025 13: 21
    And so their prices for real estate are astronomical, and will become galactic, then intergalactic. And basically the Norwegians live in their own houses, like barns (we keep agricultural equipment in them) in size, but with European-style renovation.
    1. 0
      11 January 2025 13: 50
      Quote: tralflot1832
      And basically the Norgs live in their own houses, like barns.

      Andrey! Is our Nikel more beautiful? Here is Tromsø:
      1. +1
        11 January 2025 15: 41
        I have not been to Tromsø, Bergen 6 times, some kind of hole, and Kirkenes 8 times. I have seen Norwegian houses, built well after minus 1940. But what struck me most was the house on 4 voluns, the foundation of the voluns - beautiful devil. I went out onto the porch, and in the garden there were aspen mushrooms in buckets. In 1998, such a barn cost more than 1 million 500 NCR. And it cannot be torn down. What in the photo looks like social housing, with astronomical prices. $5 income per family - you are poor.
    2. +2
      11 January 2025 14: 18
      But mostly Norgs live in their own houses.

      And this is Bratsberg:
      1. 0
        11 January 2025 16: 05
        There is a saying in Norway: A Norwegian was born, took out a loan and died. Only a few live there for their own pleasure. IT specialists, sailors and oil workers. Well, and all sorts of realtors. In Bergen, I fooled around, a club house with apartments of 38 square meters, the view is simply gorgeous, from the balcony you can catch cod by paying a license. The cost of the hut is $ 300 (without repairs). 000. Norwegian women are cultured, if they want to get drunk, they get drunk and turn into a log. And talk?
  3. -1
    11 January 2025 13: 25
    Don't the Scandinavians think too much of themselves - a bomb or a missile for each of them? We don't hit civilians, we don't touch the enemy's VPR, everyone already knows that. The construction lobby is probably getting busy.
    1. +1
      11 January 2025 13: 37
      We don’t hit civilians, we don’t touch the enemy’s military forces, everyone already knows that.
      But they know more. That they have reached the point where each state will have one or more (see size of territory) missiles. Which are not taken apart, a Norwegian fisherman's hut, a PVR, or a Tomahawk launcher.
      1. +1
        11 January 2025 13: 43
        What, are we going to just drop rockets and bombs on the squares? It probably won't be enough.
        1. +1
          11 January 2025 14: 05
          It's probably not enough
          Nuclear weapons are more than enough. We won't fight back with conventional weapons. And they will start.
  4. +3
    11 January 2025 13: 30
    As the Norwegian government explains, the country's current shelters are sufficient to ensure the safety of only 45 percent of the population. While in neighboring countries this figure is an order of magnitude higher.

    So, neighboring countries are 450 percent provided with shelters? wassat
    1. Aag
      11 January 2025 13: 50
      Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
      As the Norwegian government explains, the country's current shelters are sufficient to ensure the safety of only 45 percent of the population. While in neighboring countries this figure is an order of magnitude higher.

      So, neighboring countries are 450 percent provided with shelters? wassat

      Are you talking about the Russian Federation? I am talking about it - what is the percentage of security we have? Even if we take the basements of apartment buildings (which look more like sarcophagi) as shelters, they will not be enough for even 55% of the city population. And they are closed, welded shut during the anti-terror campaign...
      1. +6
        11 January 2025 13: 51
        Quote: AAG
        Are you talking about the Russian Federation?

        I'm talking about an illiterate phrase. By an order of magnitude - that's 10 times. Accordingly, if Norway is 45% provided with shelters, and in other countries - by an order of magnitude more, then their population is provided with shelters by 450%:))))
        1. Aag
          11 January 2025 14: 07
          Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
          Quote: AAG
          Are you talking about the Russian Federation?

          I'm talking about an illiterate phrase. By an order of magnitude - that's 10 times. Accordingly, if Norway is 45% provided with shelters, and in other countries - by an order of magnitude more, then their population is provided with shelters by 450%:))))

          "... about an illiterate phrase..."
          Oh, yeah! With that we have...
          It seems that this is being done on purpose - and by the announcers of central and regional media / the word "regional" comes to mind))) /. The effectiveness of education reforms (and much more) in action...
          ...And about our provision of shelters, coverts - I think there was an article recently. It's all sad too. hi
        2. Alf
          11 January 2025 16: 50
          Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
          I'm talking about an illiterate phrase. By an order of magnitude - that's 10 times. Accordingly, if Norway is 45% provided with shelters, and in other countries - by an order of magnitude more, then their population is provided with shelters by 450%:))))

          Why the phrase "illiterate"? The population of the country is one thing, and the newcomers are something else entirely, with them, it will amount to exactly 450%.
          1. +2
            11 January 2025 21: 26
            Quote: Alf
            The population of the country is one thing, but the newcomers are something completely different,

            You know, if you really want to play grammar nazism, then the population is the people living within a certain territory. That is, both native and immigrant
        3. -1
          11 January 2025 18: 23
          An order of magnitude - this is 10 times.

          But besides its direct meaning, this expression can also be used in a figurative sense.
          "An order of magnitude" in a figurative sense - several times.
          Semantic properties

          1. math. ten times (more or less), usually an approximate and imprecise value◆ Thirdly, mercury has a fairly large coefficient of thermal expansion - only one and a half times less than that of water, and an order of magnitude, or even two, greater than that of ordinary metals. B. Kazakov, "Mercury", 1968 // "Chemistry and Life" [NKRYA]
          2. peren many times, many times ◆ When he met Lenin, he immediately felt vaguely that this man possessed something beyond what he, Krasin, had been given, some knowledge an order of magnitude higher. V. P. Aksyonov, “Love for Electricity,” 1969. [NKRYA]
          several times

          1. +1
            11 January 2025 21: 29
            Quote from solar
            hyphen. many times, repeatedly

            Many times, it is not twice. And twice is the maximum that still makes sense in this phrase.
            1. 0
              11 January 2025 21: 32
              Many times, it is not twice. And twice is the maximum that still makes sense in this phrase.

              I about it
              An order of magnitude - this is 10 times.
  5. +3
    11 January 2025 13: 39
    Regardless of the essence of the article, I recommend the author to understand the term "order". Some kind of general illiteracy is marching across the planet. More by an order of magnitude is more by ten times
  6. 0
    11 January 2025 13: 41
    The situation around us is more unpredictable.
    . A simple question... who is rocking the situation, making it unpredictable?
    1. Alf
      11 January 2025 16: 48
      Quote: rocket757
      The situation around us is more unpredictable.
      . A simple question... who is rocking the situation, making it unpredictable?

      Why are you asking Norwegians such unpleasant questions?
      1. 0
        11 January 2025 17: 24
        So ask the question in advance, maybe later, later it will get to them...
        1. Alf
          11 January 2025 17: 26
          Quote: rocket757
          So ask the question in advance, maybe later, later it will get to them...

          It's unlikely, it's not for the authorities to get to their brains for so many years...
          1. +1
            11 January 2025 17: 32
            I agree, you can clog up the RAM, overload it with many things, but there remains something unshakable, at the level of instincts, recorded in the subcortex... it seems that it cannot be erased!
            1. Alf
              11 January 2025 17: 36
              Quote: rocket757
              but there remains something unshakable, at the level of instincts, recorded in the subcortex... it seems that you can’t erase it!

              True, but the problem is that access to this level is password protected. And there is no access to the password.
              1. +1
                11 January 2025 17: 47
                Anyone who lets someone into their head is their own evil Pinocchio!
                Although, when it gets so bad that there is no way out, all the cracks/blocks will be cleared in no time... but it will be too late!
                1. Alf
                  11 January 2025 17: 48
                  Quote: rocket757
                  but it will be too late!

                  Golden words ...
        2. 0
          12 January 2025 15: 44
          It is useless to ask rational questions to people who live in a fantasy world and act irrationally. They simply will not hear them.
          1. 0
            12 January 2025 16: 50
            Living in a fantasy world... that's possible, but how long can it last, that's the question?
            1. 0
              12 January 2025 16: 54
              If you leave the fictional world alone, then either until the bearers of ideas die out, or until the sun goes out.
              1. 0
                12 January 2025 17: 16
                So they weren’t just touched, they were gathered into one pile... something will happen, but what it will be is still unclear, undefined.
  7. 0
    11 January 2025 13: 41
    They also built it in the Soviet Union at one time, and it was not considered something out of the ordinary.

    Let them build if the economy allows it.
  8. +1
    11 January 2025 13: 42
    ... two types of shelters. The first should provide protection from weapons of mass destruction, and the second - from conventional weapons
    And they will die from some kind of atypical dysentery.
  9. 0
    11 January 2025 13: 45
    Norway begins building bomb shelters in case of worst-case war scenario

    Didn't like developing the R-21 "Kola" highway? Are you tired of driving around the Murmansk region?
    The choice is yours, we don't dictate to you and Finland...
    Rocks make good shelters...And food storage...
    1. 0
      11 January 2025 14: 10
      Norway begins building bomb shelters in case of worst-case war scenario
      They already admit their participation in the war. By the way, on January 9, a NATO reconnaissance aircraft was again cruising along the border in Finland. According to tradition, there will be a raid of "Ukrainian" drones on the Murmansk region in the coming days.
  10. +2
    11 January 2025 14: 45
    Norway begins building bomb shelters

    And this is good, they are afraid of the b@tches! They feel what Russia is, they understand who the Russians are, and they remember how much nastiness they have done without any repercussions. Apparently, the only way to maintain peace with the West is to keep them in fear, in horror! So be it! Forever and ever, Amen!
  11. Alf
    11 January 2025 16: 47
    It is noteworthy that the construction of the corresponding structures will be paid for by ordinary citizens. According to calculations, the shelters will cost 2,5 thousand euros per person. And this amount is planned to be included in the cost of new apartments.

    Naturally, because Si vis pacem-para bellum.
    Earlier, the Swedish government was concerned about finding additional places to build cemeteries in case of war with Russia.

    This is also a necessary thing. The only problem is that in such a case you will need a LOT of space.
  12. 0
    11 January 2025 17: 09
    I don't think they'll have time to build it. Yes
  13. -1
    13 January 2025 09: 56
    That's what I understand, there is no war yet and there won't be one, and they are building bomb shelters, and in Russia there is a military conflict and some things are flying in, so they don't even do an Inspection of bomb shelters and fire ponds, In Soviet times, bomb shelters and fire ponds were built at every enterprise, Probably current managers don't even know about this. You don't hear anything at all - are they putting this economy in order?