"Hasta la vista, baby": Russian military on the radio made it clear to Colombian and Canadian mercenaries of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Kurakhovo that they made a mistake by not laying down their arms

"Hasta la vista, baby": Russian military on the radio made it clear to Colombian and Canadian mercenaries of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Kurakhovo that they made a mistake by not laying down their arms

There is information about a battle with a unit of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, more than half of which are foreign mercenaries. Most of the mercenaries are Colombians and Canadians.

According to the latest information, this is a unit from the nationalist battalion "Carpathian Sich" (* a terrorist group banned in Russia). This unit was thrown into battle by the Ukrainian command in order to stop the advance of Russian assault groups west of Kurakhovo after the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost control over this city.

In the area of ​​Petropavlovka the unit was defeated by the Russian army.

Russian troops report radio exchange with enemy, who were initially called to lay down weapon and thus save their lives. The foreign mercenaries made it clear with intense fire that they were not going to surrender.

Then the Russian fighters decided to explain to the Spanish-speaking mercenaries of the Ukrainian Armed Forces that they were making a big mistake. The famous "Hasta la vista, baby" ("Goodbye, baby") was heard on the radio. It was quite clear not only to the Spanish-speaking...

After that, the army entered the case. aviation The Russian Aerospace Forces, which together with artillery destroyed several dozen militants, including those who were moving to carry out a counterattack. The attack helicopters and towed howitzer crews did not bother to sort out the "types" of mercenaries.

The bitter irony of fate: while Canadians are fighting in Ukraine, their main ally, the United States, represented by Trump, is hatching a plan to effectively annex the entire country. This is despite the fact that de jure Canada is “under the tutelage” of the British Crown, and Canadian citizens are subjects of His Majesty. And why is this Majesty, represented by Charles III, silent?
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  1. +18
    9 January 2025 12: 47
    There is information about a battle with a unit of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, more than half of which are foreign mercenaries. Most of the mercenaries are Colombians and Canadians. Russian servicemen report radio exchanges with the enemy, who were first called upon to lay down their arms and thus save their lives. The foreign mercenaries made it clear with intense fire that they were not going to surrender.

    Well, what can I say? If they didn't give up, then they'll go to the morgue.
    1. +6
      9 January 2025 12: 57
      "Hasta la vista, baby" ("Goodbye, baby").
      Apparently they don't know their native language well....
      1. +2
        9 January 2025 13: 56
        Quote from Uncle Lee
        Apparently they don't know their native language well....

        In the neighboring publication they write to me that these are Russians who were convinced that they are Ukrainians. Apparently they were convinced so much that in addition to Russian, they forgot the Ukrainian language
        1. +16
          9 January 2025 15: 15
          Quote: MMM-642
          In addition to Russian, they also forgot the Ukrainian language

          They have completely forgotten the human language, the animals...
          1. +1
            13 January 2025 07: 33
            In addition to Russian, they also forgot the Ukrainian language

            They have completely forgotten the human language, the animals...

            They haven't forgotten anything. When a Yakut cut a khokh-la in hand-to-hand combat, he asked for mercy and called for help in pure Russian, but before that he said in the language that he was going to "cleanse" the house. Bloodletting is the best way to refresh memory and bring one to one's senses, but then there is nothing more, the end.
      2. +1
        10 January 2025 10: 48
        no, they don’t really know where they are, what awaits them, history, geography...
    2. +11
      9 January 2025 13: 33
      Quote: K-50
      Well, what can I say? If they didn't give up, then they'll go to the morgue.

      And these, I mean all mercenaries of any nationality, are not to be taken prisoner. Just don't notice that they are surrendering. And not "goodbye, baby", but farewell
    3. +9
      9 January 2025 13: 42
      And if they were also handed over to the morgue.
      1. +5
        9 January 2025 21: 05
        Why do you throw them all in the morgue and morgue, why waste money? Throw them in a trench and raze them to the ground and forget about that place.
    4. +29
      9 January 2025 13: 59
      I don’t know about the Colombians, but the Canadian units include descendants of nationalists who fled to the US and Canada after WWII.
      1. -2
        9 January 2025 14: 04
        And in what years was the Great Patriotic War renamed into the World War II and in what place? I'm just curious.
        1. -1
          9 January 2025 18: 35
          And in what years was the Great Patriotic War renamed into the World War II and in what place? I'm just curious.
          Apparently this is how they teach victims of the Unified State Exam these days - this is how they downvote you, colleague. hi
          1. +10
            10 January 2025 07: 38
            Those who are not victims of the Unified State Exam apparently do not know that the Great Patriotic War is one of the theaters of military actions and episodes of the Second World War. For Canadians, there was no Great Patriotic War, but there was the Second World War.
        2. +1
          9 January 2025 19: 38
          I think there were many Banderites in the West who were not handed over to the USSR after WWII but were sent to Canada. Let's say there was WWII in France and those who surrendered there ran out of ...
          1. -2
            9 January 2025 19: 41
            And when was WWII in France, as you say, specify the time frame, how long did it resist the fascists, or as they are now called?
            1. 0
              10 January 2025 07: 40
              May - June 1940, then from June 1944 to May 1945.
              1. +1
                10 January 2025 09: 59
                However, the French fought very well against the Germans.
                In fact, France did not resist. The people of the country were infected with the virus of pacifism, hoping for the impregnability of the Maginot Line, and very reluctantly accepted the challenges of the time. After the fall of the Spanish Republic (March 1939), France found itself surrounded by fascist states on almost all sides, and after Hitler's attack on Poland (September 1939), Paris stupidly followed in the wake of the insidious British policy. Therefore, Hitler's attack on French soil turned out to be a snowball effect.
                The Germans attacked France from the weakly fortified section of the Maginot Line, having previously crushed Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg. On 10 MAY the invasion began. By 13 May the Germans came into direct contact with French troops on French soil, and on 15 MAY they broke through the Maginot Line in the Sedan area (Guderian's group particularly distinguished itself in this battle). Overall, in 17 days of fighting the German troops completely routed the enemy and reached the English Channel, cutting off the French from English aid. True, the English managed to evacuate some of their troops from Dunkirk, but this did not affect the outcome of the campaign. The Germans entered Paris without resistance, and on 22 JUNE the French government signed the capitulation.
                And in May 1945, Berlin was defended by the French SS division Charlemagne - does this also relate to the fight against fascism?
                The French SS men of Charlemagne became the last defenders of the Reichstag and the Reich Chancellery. During the day of fighting on April 28, out of the total of 108 Soviet tanks destroyed, the French of Charlemagne destroyed 62. On the morning of May 2, following the announcement of the capitulation of the capital of the Third Reich, the last 30 Charlemagne fighters out of 300 who had arrived in Berlin left the Reich Chancellery bunker, where, apart from them, no one else remained alive. Along with the French, the Reichstag was defended by the Estonian SS. In addition, Lithuanians, Latvians, Spaniards and Hungarians took part in the defense of Berlin.
                The French SS men of Charlemagne became the last defenders of the Reichstag and the Reich Chancellery. During the day of fighting on April 28, out of the total of 108 Soviet tanks destroyed, the French of Charlemagne destroyed 62. On the morning of May 2, following the announcement of the capitulation of the capital of the Third Reich, the last 30 Charlemagne fighters out of 300 who had arrived in Berlin left the Reich Chancellery bunker, where, apart from them, no one else remained alive. Along with the French, the Reichstag was defended by the Estonian SS. In addition, Lithuanians, Latvians, Spaniards and Hungarians took part in the defense of Berlin.
                Learn history not from Soros's cartoons.
                1. -1
                  10 January 2025 11: 17
                  What difference does it make how long France fought? It was a participant in World War II, as were Poland, Hungary, Romania and Yugoslavia, regardless of who fought and how. Tens of thousands of Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians and others served on the side of the Wehrmacht, some in the SS, some as Hiwis. What next? The point was that the Great Patriotic War and World War II were inseparable.
                2. +2
                  10 January 2025 12: 19
                  Are you always this crooked in one eye?
        3. +1
          11 January 2025 03: 48
          The Great Patriotic War began in 1941 and ended in May 1945 with the capitulation of Germany, and World War II began in 1939 and ended in September 1945 with the capitulation of Japan. It was after the end of World War II that the most vicious cannibals and maniacs of Japan were taken by their American colleagues to North America, and the rest of the more or less significant figures of the Nazi regime were also brought there. So everyone is right when they say "victims of the Unified State Exam". It was the Great Patriotic War for us and for us, and for the rest of the world it was World War II.
          1. 0
            14 January 2025 13: 15
            So "victims of the Unified State Exam" is written correctly. It was for us and for us the Great Patriotic War, and for the rest of the world it was the Great Patriotic War.
            That's exactly it - WWII is for the rest of the world and for Prometheus wassat
        4. -1
          11 January 2025 11: 35
          Calm down. The Banderites have too much honor to be called warriors of the Great Patriotic War. They were collaborators, despised by the best of the nations that participated in the WWII slaughter against the Nazis.
    5. +1
      9 January 2025 20: 24
      Quote: K-50
      Well, what can I say? If they didn't give up, then they'll go to the morgue.

      Who needs it, to fill the morgues? The forest orderlies will clean it up.
    6. 0
      10 January 2025 01: 17
      Quote: K-50
      Well, what can I say? If they didn't give up, then they'll go to the morgue.

      What morgue, why? Bury him right there.
  2. +2
    9 January 2025 12: 49
    Why are you silent, Karl?!! (c)
  3. +10
    9 January 2025 12: 52
    the bitter irony of fate: while Canadians are fighting in Ukraine, their main ally, the United States, represented by Trump, is hatching a plan to actually annex the entire country. This is despite the fact that de jure Canada is "under the tutelage" of the British Crown, and Canadian citizens are subjects of His Majesty. And why is this Majesty, represented by Charles III, silent?

    This is not quite so, or rather not at all so! Don't imagine Trump as a home-grown, weak-willed Napoleon, he is no less connected to the globalists than others - but only in a different project. USA + Mexico + Panama Canal + Canada + Greenland - that's practically all of North America! This will be a new great America with a new currency AMERO! Holders of American debts and dollars, get your pistols with 1 bullet ready!
    1. -1
      9 January 2025 13: 38
      Quote from: Peter1First
      USA + Mexico + Panama Canal + Canada + Greenland - that's practically all of North America! It will be a new great America with a new currency AMERO! Holders of American debts and dollars, get your pistols with 1 bullet ready!
      You started thinking correctly, but then religion burst into your thoughts and destroyed everything. Trump makes statements, attacks, and then he will make a deal! And the deal will concern customs tariffs for Canada, and the cost of US bases on a green island completely covered in ice. That is, Denmark will be asked to pay for the US bases. And Canada will be told why they suddenly have to pay high customs tariffs. In the same way, Panama will be forced to lower prices for the passage of US ships. Mexico got it there too, banditry, drug trafficking, migration from its side will require the introduction of duties on cheap goods.
      And to sow doubts in your religion, I can't, but at least I'll try. The main holder of the US debt, American corporations themselves and top banks from the US themselves. i.e. in your opinion, they will screw themselves. Oh well.
      1. -1
        9 January 2025 13: 54
        Don't be afraid, they won't screw themselves, but they will screw people like you who trust them. The US debt is already too big to service - everyone understands that this bubble must burst someday! Besides, no one will tell you how many "assets" and "derivatives" a company or bank has, and even more so, no one will tell you who their real owner is.
        1. 0
          9 January 2025 15: 42
          Quote from: Peter1First
          The US debt is already too big to service - everyone understands,

          And how is the US debt and the US dollar related? The issuer of the USD is the Federal Reserve (the commercial bank of all US banks). And you suggest that these guys themselves saw off the branch they are sitting on?
          1. -2
            9 January 2025 16: 47
            They print dollars on credit, or rather, they take the profit from the issue for themselves, and leave the debt to the state - brilliant and simple. But servicing this debt has become unaffordable even for America, and with the reduction in the use of the dollar in international settlements - even more so!
            1. -1
              9 January 2025 17: 01
              Quote from: Peter1First
              But even America has become unable to afford to service this debt.
              They don't give a damn about the US. They haven't printed anything in the last 2 years. Moreover, they've withdrawn 2.1 trillion dollars from what was printed earlier. It was 9, now it's 6.9. The withdrawal process continues, albeit at a slower pace. The US as a country owes 36 trillion, but the M2 aggregate is now 21 trillion. So the Fed is doing well with its balance, and the Fed is not very concerned about the problems of the US.
              1. 0
                9 January 2025 18: 30
                So the Fed is doing well with its balance sheet, and the Fed is not very concerned about the problems of the US.

                Well, you got carried away:
                the head of this "gang" a certain Jerome Powell, at the last meeting regarding the discount rate, told his parishioners that the problems of inflation in this country do not concern him, he is concerned about how to "raise" the economy...
                you feel the "difference", and also - you feel what a far-sighted step he took...
  4. +3
    9 January 2025 13: 01
    Attack helicopters and towed howitzer crews did not bother to sort out the “types” of mercenaries
    It will be a good fertilizer for Russian fields. And since there is more sh..t in them than is required, the fertilizer will be doubly good wink
    1. +3
      9 January 2025 13: 12
      Quote: Dutchman Michel
      Attack helicopters and towed howitzer crews did not bother to sort out the “types” of mercenaries
      Military folk wisdom: the chief of artillery doesn't give a damn what the enemy is wearing or what language he speaks
  5. +1
    9 January 2025 13: 05
    ..Russian soldiers report radio exchanges with the enemy, who were first called upon to lay down their arms and thus save their lives
    There is an expression "casting pearls before swine", I believe this is exactly the case angry
    1. 0
      10 January 2025 02: 25
      Quote from borisvt
      There is an expression "casting pearls before swine", I think this is exactly the case
      I think the 'Sicilian offer' is more appropriate here. It's when they cock the gun at your head and say with a smile: - Bene per favore...
  6. -3
    9 January 2025 13: 18
    Everyone is wondering whether Trump was serious when he announced the annexation of Greenland, Canada and the Panama Canal. But for some reason no one, including the UN, remembered the "inviolability of borders", the right of a country to self-defense and other "nonsense" that Russia is accused of violating.
    This is different!

    Abolishing or ignoring historically established international relations for the sake of short-term benefits can lead humanity very far. And not for the better.
    1. -1
      9 January 2025 13: 24
      That's exactly what they say when they attack Russia with American missiles - they have the right to self-defense, but when they burned people alive in Odessa - they were silent, and when they bombed Belgrade they were also silent
    2. 0
      9 January 2025 13: 30
      Of course, it's different!
      How did they say it before?
      this is in our area of ​​interest.

      Moreover, whether it is about Africa or the Middle East, their interests are everywhere.
    3. 0
      10 January 2025 10: 55
      "Historically formed" - tales for believers in evolution and progress. Real "Everything in this raging world is ghostly" (C). And the further it goes, the more “ghostly”, while the “raging” simultaneously intensifies.
  7. +3
    9 January 2025 13: 20
    I remember how they figured out a kh0khla who tried to pose as a Chechen prisoner in Chechnya. He introduced himself as Magomed. But the characteristic Little Russian "g/kh" "burned" him.
    1. +1
      9 January 2025 16: 18
      Quote: Stepnyak
      But the characteristic Little Russian "g/h" "burned" him.

      And he probably also ate lard and drank vodka. laughing
  8. -1
    9 January 2025 13: 21
    Sootsepek misses them
  9. +2
    9 January 2025 13: 24
    Who needs this rabble in the morgue? Only in the ground, to renew the black soil! All Bandera fascism only in the black soil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. 0
    9 January 2025 13: 26
    Why is Carla silent? First, the Royal visit to the countries of the English Commonwealth was supposed to show unity. And then some started talking about compensation for the colonial past. They won't pay, but the aftertaste remains. Second, Carla is fighting the "cancer" disease. And third, Trump pointed out to Starmer that 20 billion for wind (wind power) is a bad decision. American banks have already thought about it and are getting out of this nonsense.
    1. 0
      9 January 2025 18: 35
      get out of this nonsense.

      so, the "withdrawal" will involve the loss of a lot
  11. HAM
    9 January 2025 13: 39
    The Canadians urgently need to go home - they still have to fight as guerrillas in their native prairies and forests... the occupier from the south is already close...
    1. 0
      9 January 2025 13: 50
      Hello, Canadian Ukrainians have already started digging caches along the shores of the Great Lakes
      It won't be easy for Trump with our sharovary brothers
      the word "sharovarny" is not a swear word, if anything, I looked it up in reference books
      1. 0
        9 January 2025 18: 59
        "Sharovary" is a Russian word. This is what Russians called the pants in which Ukrainians "cook" their "shars". This is how the word "sharovary" appeared.
  12. 0
    9 January 2025 13: 54
    "Carpathian Sich" --- half are mercenaries. Colombians from a poor LA country, of course. But what about the Canadians --- those who are descendants of Westerners or some White Guards, Vlasovites, policemen? Descendants of the "first" and "second wave" emigrants. They decided to die for the "cause" of the predevots. negative
  13. 0
    9 January 2025 14: 40
    And why is this majesty in the person of Charles III silent?

    A very sick overlord, he has no time for Canadians (or rather, Americans).
  14. +2
    9 January 2025 16: 01
    Something tells me that it's time to prepare to support the NOD of Canada, Panama, Greenland. It can't just go like this, the boomerang MUST RETURN
  15. +1
    9 January 2025 16: 58
    .. Canada is "under the tutelage" of the British Crown, and Canadian citizens are subjects of His Majesty. And why is this Majesty in the person of Charles III silent?

    Because it doesn't matter which pocket the money is in, as long as the jacket is the same :)
  16. +1
    9 January 2025 17: 08
    The Russian military must make it clear on the radio to the Colombian and Canadian mercenaries of the Ukrainian Armed Forces that they will not be taken prisoner! stop negative hi
    1. +1
      10 January 2025 02: 32
      Quote: senima56
      Russian military needs to tell the Ukrainian Armed Forces mercenaries on the radio that they will not be taken prisoner
      These people were lucky that they were contacted, many don’t do this - then there’s the hassle of paperwork... but they buried it near the toilet and forgot about it.
      According to experienced guys, and they have been doing this for a very long time: - captivity is when we drink tea and he himself came with a weapon. But if in a fight they corner you and you raise your hands... - there will be no tea, nothing at all will happen
  17. +3
    9 January 2025 18: 02
    Why ask anything from mercenaries at all? - they went to kill and ended up being slaughtered - everything is fair!
  18. 0
    9 January 2025 18: 31
    Regarding Charles III: he is silent because he has nothing to say... The "student" treats the "teacher" the same way the "teacher" once "taught" the "student" to act, fighting for his rights and privileges... And regarding the Canadian mercenaries - these are people who earn money by being mercenaries, but who regularly pay taxes to Canada... So what questions or claims can there be to them from the Government of Canada or Charles III? At the moment, the figure of the British monarch is a historical symbol from the past for Canada, nothing more... Regarding the Colombian mercenaries, briefly and to the point: for the Colombian government - "A woman off the cart is easier for a mare...." Moreover, the ranks of mercenaries are not the best male part of the Colombian population....
  19. 0
    9 January 2025 18: 41
    Why is there a last paragraph in this article?
    Call someone to reason? Ridiculous. They came and died. This information is enough for us. It is quite satisfactory. Regardless of whether this Canada exists in the world or not.
  20. 0
    9 January 2025 19: 00
    There is a counter-terrorist operation going on in Kursk Oblast, VVP made it clear to the public - these are terrorists. Treat them accordingly, why call sick animals diagnosed with rabies to reason or euthanize them.
  21. +1
    9 January 2025 19: 10
    As comrade Stalin said: "if the enemy does not surrender, then he is destroyed." And it is necessary there too, sometimes you can not even notice that they surrender.
  22. 0
    9 January 2025 19: 27
    Foreign military mercenaries have always been everywhere. PMCs in Syria, for example.

    I remembered an incident about 20 years ago, when a dead drunk passenger pestered an English-speaking person on a flight from Irkutsk to Moscow, trying to speak to him in broken German. He didn't understand a word and was in shock. The drunk started a row, the stewards tied him up. Then at Sh1 after landing, the plane drove to a distant parking lot, the ramp pulled up and the cops handed this jerk over. Only then did the plane go to the terminal.
  23. 0
    9 January 2025 22: 16
    And why is this majesty in the person of Charles III silent?

    Because the majesty ended at the moment when the peace was signed following the results of WWI. Of course, something was fluttering there for several decades, but that was due to inertia.
  24. 0
    9 January 2025 22: 18
    The largest number of mercenaries killed so far are from Colombia.... I think Russia should support the leftist guerrillas there.
    1. 0
      10 January 2025 00: 30
      So the secret is simple - the mattresses recruit coke inmates from Columbia to their prisons, much like the Wagners did in the Russian zones.
  25. 0
    10 January 2025 00: 28
    "Majesty" the Dwarf the Third is already dying. Generally, Britashka has no luck with dwarves: the First was beheaded, under the Second there was a plague epidemic of the 1660s, which was only dealt with thanks to the Great Fire of 1666, when all the plague rats burned down along with London along with most of the Londoners. The Third hasn't even had time to ascend the throne, as he's kicking the bucket...
  26. +1
    10 January 2025 01: 36
    There should be no communication at all with foreigners who have come on safari to "Muscovites". Straight to the worms.
  27. -2
    10 January 2025 02: 50
    Too beautiful to be true. Lacks hazelnut strikes, calibers and zircons.
  28. 0
    10 January 2025 06: 31
    then it's not baby but chavala, and it's easier to call it marikones
  29. 0
    10 January 2025 08: 06
    Disposed of. And that's good news! Everyone... to the toilet.
  30. 0
    10 January 2025 11: 30
    The king is democratic to the end, that's why he remains silent.
  31. 0
    10 January 2025 12: 46
    Charles III is silent because he has nothing to say. I think neither MI6 nor MI5 can offer adequate proposals to their king. The British have played themselves out. At the moment, England has no allies who are ready to stand up for it with troops. Germany and France are frankly weak. They are no allies. China? Beijing will screw Britain over like the priestesses of Venus from this situation and will do nothing. Russia. Well, they will be even more happy about the quarrel. Considering the extreme dislike of ALL layers of the Russian government and population for Foggy Albion. Then they can be sympathized with. Britain and its dominions found themselves in the same situation as the Russian Federation in 1991-1999. Only they do not have a leader equal to their GDP. In my opinion, Europe is doomed without the Russian Federation. If I were in the place of the royal house of Denmark, I would urgently seek support from the Russian Federation. But for this, you need to overcome your pride. And make HUGE concessions. In short, EUROPE turned out to be like a flock of sheep that was brought to the slaughterhouse.
  32. 0
    10 January 2025 16: 07
    There is most likely an international rabble there and you need to communicate with them in English. Although I think this is also useless. Having gone on a "safari" expecting an easy walk, they got a good punch in the teeth and most likely understand that in captivity they are facing 20 years in camps beyond the Arctic Circle, so they are trying to fight back and somehow escape.
    Of course, the Colombians are of no use to anyone in the West, but for the Canadians or the British who were taken prisoner, one could try to exchange those whom the Ukrainians are extremely reluctant to give up - political prisoners and officers.
  33. 0
    10 January 2025 16: 12
    Quote from Carlos Sala
    The largest number of mercenaries killed so far are from Colombia.... I think Russia should support the leftist guerrillas there.

    These same "partisans" may well fight on the side of the outskirts. In Colombia, many of the so-called leftists who sat in the jungle were to one degree or another connected with drug cartels. And after the process of political settlement began, they found themselves out of work and without income. And they know nothing except how to shoot.