Unmanned boats: only a system of systems can resist them

Unmanned boats: only a system of systems can resist them

So, we return to the topic of confrontation with unmanned boats (UB), including enemy kamikaze UUBs.

In the previous article BEC vs. Helicopters: So, Have We Waited? Or Not Yet?? we talked about the fact that hunting for BECs using combat helicopters is not the most optimal solution, since the enemy is actively integrating into the BEC weapons capable of hitting air targets - machine guns and automatic rapid-fire cannons modified for launching from the surface missiles air-to-air, and in the future, anti-tank missile systems (ATGM) such as the Sguna-P and man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS).

As an alternative to combat helicopters, it was proposed to use Orion unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) - the only medium-altitude, long-endurance UAVs that are mass-produced for the Russian Armed Forces (RF Armed Forces), but we cannot get by with Orion UAVs alone.

Initiative and stealth

This is what determines the success of the BEC on the battlefield. The BECs used by the enemy are weapons attacks, and they are small, low-visibility targets, which are extremely difficult to detect on the water surface, especially in rough seas. Do not forget that the enemy has the initiative - it is he who chooses the time and place for the attack, of course, that he will do this based on the advantages that he can get.

The thermal radiation of the BEC can be minimized by providing engine cooling with seawater, and you can be sure that the hour is not far off when the enemy will begin to use fully electric or hybrid BECs - their range will increase, and thermal visibility will decrease even more.

Detecting BECs using radar stations is also not an easy task, and the stronger the sea waves, the more difficult this task is, especially for radars located at a low altitude above the water surface.

The BECs themselves will also be improved - their speed, maneuverability and range will increase, their profile will be reduced, to the point that only the satellite communications antenna and the optical-electronic system (OES) will stick out above the water, and the presence of weapons on the BECs will allow them to fight back if someone tries to attack them.

So how do you detect and destroy BECs?

This is what requires a "system of systems" that includes subsystems for detection, additional search, and destruction of UAVs. We have already considered something similar in the context of solving the problem of countering long-range kamikaze UAVs, now let's see what kind of "system of systems" is required to counter UAVs.

Image army.ric.mil.ru

Detection subsystem

To counter long-range kamikaze UAVs, the author proposed subsystem "Global ear", which includes a number of hardware and software solutions designed to detect kamikaze UAVs by the sound they produce, through its triangulation - a similar system has been deployed in Ukraine for several years now.

Currently in Russia, the company JSC NPP together with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Research Institute of Radio is creating a system of acoustic reconnaissance of UAV routes based on hydrophones. The system will have two echelons of protection - near and far zones.

According to the official representative of JSC NPP Igor Potapov, the detection system is based on fiber-optic acoustic vector sensors (vector hydrophones), which were originally developed for underwater conditions, but have the ability to adapt to work on the surface. These hydrophones measure both sound pressure and particle velocity, which allows determining the direction of the sound source.

It sounds complicated, the question is, how quickly and in what quantities will it be possible to deploy such a system at least in the European part of Russia? However, now we are more interested in the moment: "...which were originally designed for underwater conditions...".

What does this mean in terms of BEC detection?

That hydroacoustic buoys attached to cables, including above-water and underwater parts, as well as communications equipment, could potentially be developed. These buoys should provide primary detection of enemy UAVs by their acoustic signature in the water and in the air, as well as any other underwater, above-water, and possibly flying objects - the same long-range kamikaze UAVs and cruise missiles.

In addition to stationary buoys, hydroacoustic detection systems could potentially be deployed on Russian BEKs, which are also supposedly being developed, but there are no or very few cases of their use yet. However, in the absence of domestic high-speed satellite communications, this direction will not have great prospects for us.

Perhaps the most important issue, in addition to the development and deployment of hydroacoustic buoys, is the creation of data processing centers (DPC) and special software (SSP) for them based on artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms or simply neural networks.

For example, a joint analysis by Foreign Policy and IEEE Spectrum describes how AI systems process massive amounts of data collected from distributed sensor networks across vast expanses of ocean. AI algorithms trained to detect subtle disturbances in these data sets can detect anomalies such as the slight underwater displacements caused by submarines.

In the near future, this may lead to significant problems with stealth in submarines of traditional design. In fact, the need to create a data center with AI was also considered by the author in the above-mentioned material, as part of solving the problem of detecting long-range kamikaze UAVs.

Search and Destruction Subsystem

The primary means of additional search for UAVs should be the previously mentioned Orion UAVs. In fact, they can and should perform primary detection during patrolling of the area, but their main task should be to move to the place of possible detection of enemy UAVs and their additional search using their own OES.

In case of detection, the information can be transferred to the means of destruction or the enemy's BEC can be independently destroyed by standard guided weapons, directly from the Orion UAV. Destruction of the detected enemy BEC directly from the Orion UAV minimizes the risks of losing the target, but the need to carry ammunition will reduce the patrol time of the Orion UAV.

In the material Destruction with confirmation: the use of the Lancet-3 kamikaze UAV from the Orion UAV carriers will defiantly destroy Ukrainian Patriot air defense systems and HIMARS MLRS, as the name suggests, we looked at the possibility of integrating the Lancet-type kamikaze UAVs onto Orion carrier UAVs. This combination could be more than effective in hunting enemy kamikaze UAVs as well.

In principle, the scheme of launching a kamikaze UAV from a carrier UAV is already being used by both the enemy and the Russian Armed Forces on an initiative basis, so it can be considered quite operational.

Another platform designed to destroy enemy BECs should be Russian BEC hunters. As mentioned above, due to the lack of domestic high-speed satellite communication networks, we will have to bother with repeaters, otherwise the operating range of such BECs will be severely limited, however, this also applies to the Orion UAV.

The advantage of these platforms is the ability to remain in the open sea for a long time while waiting for information from the detection subsystem. To increase the efficiency of the additional search, BEK hunters can be equipped with a lifting mast with a light OES or the so-called "quasi-mast" - a tethered UAV on a power and control cable, the viewing range of which will be greater than that of any rigid mast.

To destroy enemy BEKs, Russian BEK hunters should presumably also carry kamikaze UAVs, such as FPV-drones. For greater efficiency and flexibility of use, these can be either radio-controlled FPV drones or fiber-optic controlled FPV drones.

Some sources talk about the difficulty of defeating highly maneuverable enemy BECs using FPV drones, well, here we can consider the option of a directed charge and its remote detonation by the FPV drone operator - after all, enemy BECs are clearly much worse protected than armored vehicles, a direct hit of a cumulative jet is not required here, that is, new warheads adapted to this type of target and an algorithm for their initiation are needed.

I would like to recall another platform that could potentially be used to hunt enemy BECs, namely UAV-seaplane "ADEBRA" from the company "IMPULS 82"According to the developer, the specified UAV "ADEBRA" can patrol the water surface for up to 24 hours, with periodic takeoffs and landings.

The working prototype of the UAV "ADEBRA"

The developers are working on the possibility of integrating a small-sized sonar on the ADEBRA UAV, which can be submerged on a cable to a depth of 70 meters, designed to monitor water areas. It can be assumed that equipment for detecting enemy UAVs can be installed in the same way.

The same FPV drones can be used as weapons – this possibility is also being worked out.

Does it make sense to use surface ships to hunt enemy BECs?

More likely no than yes - their location will always be revealed by the intelligence means of "third parties" who hang around the region with impunity, and whom we do practically nothing to counter. And after our ships are discovered, they themselves will become a priority target for attack for the enemy.

The argument is that fleet The fact that the US is successfully defending itself against the Houthi kamikaze submarines in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea can hardly be considered relevant – the quantity and quality of kamikaze submarines used by the Houthis are not comparable to the quantity and quality of ships that the US Navy has.

In addition, if the Houthi kamikaze BECs do not have the Starlink communications system, then their range is severely limited and they can be detected by the US Navy’s electronic intelligence (ELINT) systems and jammed by electronic warfare systems (EW), and if there is Starlink on them, then the data on the location of all Starlink terminals in the region can be transmitted to the US Navy directly by SpaceX - there are clearly not thousands of terminals in the open sea, you can check everything, at least by analyzing the coordinates and direction of movement.

Once again, without our own high-speed satellite communications system, both the BEK and the UAV will have extremely limited capabilities – in essence, between us and Ukraine, as well as between the Houthis and the US, there is now a “one-sided game”.

At the same time, despite all of the above, US Navy ships try to stay out at sea.


It is possible and necessary to fight the enemy’s BEC, but simple measures will not suffice here – it is necessary to create a “system of systems”, a comprehensive solution for the initial detection, additional search and destruction of BEC – potentially all the subsystems necessary for this either already exist in Russia or are in the development stage.

Time cannot be wasted, otherwise there is a risk that the enemy will completely seize the initiative in the Black Sea, which at the beginning of the Russian special military operation (SMO) in Ukraine seemed impossible in principle.
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  1. +4
    10 January 2025 04: 58
    These hydrophones measure both sound pressure and particle velocity, allowing the direction of the sound source to be determined.

    What particles? What particles are there in the water?

    If defense against aerial drones is similar to "large" air defense, then defense against BEKs should be similar to anti-submarine defense.
    It looks like we have buoys with hydrophones along the coast and they are working. Lately, we haven't heard about any incidents with BEKs in our ports. Helicopters fly out to destroy targets already knowing their approximate location. Otherwise, at night in the endless sea, you can't just find them. But judging by the latest incident with the destruction of Pantsir by a drone delivered to the coast by a BEK, acoustic buoys are not everywhere.
    The best option is to have a small missile ship on duty at sea with a hydrophone array (like any ship with anti-submarine protection) and equipment that allows for precise determination of the direction and distance to the target. Target destruction can be carried out by both air drones and sea BEKs - hunters with their own acoustic homing heads. Exactly like against enemy torpedoes.
    Moreover, BEKs - hunters, although more expensive, will be more important, since very soon, as correctly noted, BEKs will have only an antenna and a camera with a snorkel above the surface of the water.
  2. 0
    10 January 2025 08: 14
    An effective fight against BEC is possible only by destroying space communications. And if you turn a blind eye to this, nothing will work.
    1. +1
      11 January 2025 17: 41
      Destruction of space communications? What are you talking about? The Supreme Commander cannot give the order to destroy the bridges across the Dnieper. And giving the order to destroy the space communications of "partners" is something from the realm of fantasy. Remember, in all cases, we will be the only "suckers".
  3. +4
    10 January 2025 09: 19
    The indicator is not that the Americans have "more ships", but also that they have not suffered any serious losses from the BEKs. At the same time, they are active and provide control on the water. It's all about the operation of all ship systems and competent management of these systems. The same universal artillery is capable of a lot, if you know how to use it.
  4. +2
    10 January 2025 09: 22
    Are you chasing a swarm to kill wasps or mosquitoes? You can, of course, but you'll only end up out of breath and sweating, not to mention scratching your blisters. You shouldn't chase every midge, you should destroy their nests. One precise strike on the base - and the swarm is gone.
    1. 0
      10 January 2025 12: 45
      The problem is that the swarm can be secretly brought to the shore directly from the factory 1000 km away. Dimensions are decisive.
  5. +1
    10 January 2025 09: 35
    acoustic reconnaissance system for UAV routes based on hydrophones.

    In water, there is only acoustics. If in 41, the Prince Eugen, moving at a decent speed, sensed the English with passive acoustics at a very decent distance, then with modern technologies...
  6. 0
    10 January 2025 10: 00
    For all the good against all the bad...
    Another round of the arms race, started due to the reduction and cheapening of the basic base.
    In essence, a reduction in the size of offensive means should lead to a reduction in the size of defensive means.
    Massive mini-buoys, mini-rockets, mini-security boats, UAVs, etc.
  7. -5
    10 January 2025 10: 01
    The topic is very relevant, we urgently need to switch to diving corvettes, we can do it on the basis of Varshavyanka, a full range of weapons: AFAR, SAM, AK-630, torpedoes, cruise missiles and Zircon are already in the base, this will really level the situation, well and drones for patrolling based on the Orion UAV with a diesel engine and PKTM-7,62 and radar.
  8. -4
    10 January 2025 10: 57
    In the previous article BEK vs. helicopters: well, have we waited? Or not yet? we talked about the fact that hunting BEKs with combat helicopters is not the most optimal solution, since the enemy is actively integrating into the BEK weapons capable of hitting air targets - machine guns and automatic rapid-fire guns, modified for launching air-to-air missiles from the surface, and in the future, anti-tank missile systems (ATGM) of the Sguna-P type and man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS).

    The author imagines himself to be at least an emperor? Since WE are talking about himself.
    Firstly, the fact that the Russian Federation sends helicopters to shoot at explosive targets with machine guns does not mean that the helicopters are bad (in the USSR, a commander who gave such an order would have been put on trial), but that in the Russian Federation, bureaucratic ̶greed̶ and ̶ind̶optimization has reached such proportions that there simply aren’t enough ATGMs for helicopters.
    Secondly, the BEK is a weapon of the poor, which is cheaper than a torpedo or anti-ship missile, whose function it is intended to replace.
    And that's the whole point of this weapon, don't feel sorry for it. If one gets sunk, then to hell with it.
    And no one in their right mind will mount a MANPADS with a targeting system on a BEK if all this will exceed the cost of the BEK itself many times over. Especially considering that the probability of successful use of the MANPADS in this case is below the baseboard. At most, this will be done by mock-ups.
    1. +3
      10 January 2025 12: 25
      And no one in their right mind will mount a MANPADS with a targeting system on a BEK if all this will exceed the cost of the BEK itself many times over. Especially considering that the probability of successful use of the MANPADS in this case is below the baseboard. At most, this will be done by mock-ups.

      You apparently missed the news that our helicopter was shot down by a missile from a back-up. That is, they already mounted missiles on the back-ups and successfully used them.
      1. -4
        10 January 2025 12: 34
        You apparently missed the news that our helicopter was shot down by a missile from a back-up. That is, they already mounted missiles on the back-ups and successfully used them.

        This "news" is at the level of "one old woman said it". That is, a typical propaganda injection.
        Because 100% of the danger for the helicopter in this case is that when fired from a BEK machine gun, the helicopter is guaranteed to enter the blast zone of the BEK warhead.
        I'm not surprised that our command seized on the missile version, they need to cover their generals' asses. Not to say that they themselves sent the crew to be slaughtered.
        1. +4
          10 January 2025 12: 39
          This "news" is at the level of "one old woman said".

          It's called: "Even if you piss in your eyes, it's all God's dew."
          An attempt to put on rose-colored glasses, but this will not change reality.
          Suspecting officers of not being able to maintain a distance from the back? I don't even know what to call it. Don't you serve in the General Staff?
          1. -6
            10 January 2025 12: 46
            It's called: "Even if you piss in your eyes, it's all God's dew."
            An attempt to put on rose-colored glasses, but this will not change reality.

            Do you have evidence that the helicopter was shot down by a missile?

            Suspecting officers of not being able to maintain a distance from the back? I don't even know what to call it. Don't you serve in the General Staff?

            Young man, my entire service was spent on this type of helicopter. And I know very well that even when using the YaKB-12,7, you are guaranteed to get into the shrapnel zone.
            Well, with the Mi-8, shooting it down by PKT is another Caucasian roulette. The distances are even shorter there.
            1. +1
              10 January 2025 12: 52
              Do you have evidence that the helicopter was shot down by a missile?

              Dozens of videos of boats equipped with missiles trying to launch missiles and firing machine guns at helicopters.
              For you, this is probably a deepfake.
              When using YaKB-12,7, you are guaranteed to enter the area of ​​destruction by shrapnel.

              Dozens of videos where backs are shot from a safe distance are also not a fact for you.
              And of course, the testimonies of our pilots in telegram channels, I won’t even talk about them. For you, this is apparently nothing.
              1. -2
                10 January 2025 13: 52
                Dozens of videos of boats equipped with missiles trying to launch missiles and firing machine guns at helicopters.
                For you, this is probably a deepfake.

                Provide at least twenty videos of different cases, and authentic ones at that.

                Dozens of videos where backs are shot from a safe distance are also not a fact for you.
                And of course, the testimonies of our pilots in telegram channels, I won’t even talk about them. For you, this is apparently nothing.

                Young man, unlike you, I have been involved in aerial shooting. And I know very well that even the FAB-100 has a fragmentation damage zone of 1000 meters. This is much greater than the effective firing range of even the YaKB 12,7, which does not exceed 600 meters, and there is nothing to say about the PKT.
                The fact that there were some desperate souls who wanted to shoot at the BEK from the onboard PKT is one thing. But the fact that sooner or later this could not end well is another matter.
                1. 0
                  10 January 2025 16: 04
                  Provide at least twenty videos of different cases, and authentic ones at that.

                  Why not thirty or forty? Were you banned from Google? Or are Telegram channels unavailable to you? I asked you to tell me you don't serve in the General Staff? The methods of work are very similar. Denying reality to the last.
                  Young man, unlike you, I have been involved in aerial shooting. And I know very well that even the FAB-100 has a fragmentation zone of up to 1000 meters.

                  It's hard to believe that you've ever done aerial shooting or seen a shell explode. You probably served in peacetime, grandpa. That's why you don't know anything except outdated instructions about safe distances.
                  Read our active pilots who write from the front. "Voivode" and "Fighterbomber". I believe them more than you.
            2. +2
              10 January 2025 13: 46
              Do you have evidence that the helicopter was shot down by a missile?

              A video was published on VO, which shows a missile being fired at a Mi-8. With the comment "it is unknown what the consequences of the shelling were." The same film in Western sources lasts 30 seconds longer and shows the damaged Mi-8 falling into the water. So there is evidence, although you won't see it on VO.
              1. -3
                10 January 2025 13: 56
                A video was published on VO, which shows a missile being fired at a Mi-8. With the comment "it is unknown what the consequences of the shelling were." The same film in Western sources lasts 30 seconds longer and shows the damaged Mi-8 falling into the water. So there is evidence, although you won't see it on VO.

                The video quality is like, what can you see there?
                1. +1
                  10 January 2025 14: 23
                  Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
                  A video was published on VO, which shows a missile being fired at a Mi-8. With the comment "it is unknown what the consequences of the shelling were." The same film in Western sources lasts 30 seconds longer and shows the damaged Mi-8 falling into the water. So there is evidence, although you won't see it on VO.

                  The video quality is like, what can you see there?

                  Is there at least one official confirmation from the Ministry of Defense that we lost ships to the backers? Or maybe we're making a fuss in vain, having watched the video from the Ukrainians? For example, there was an explosion on the cruiser Moskva as a result of a fire, maybe the same thing happened on the other lost ships?
                  1. -1
                    10 January 2025 14: 38
                    Is there at least one official confirmation from the Ministry of Defense that we lost ships to the backers? Or maybe we're making a fuss in vain, having watched the video from the Ukrainians? For example, there was an explosion on the cruiser Moskva as a result of a fire, maybe the same thing happened on the other lost ships?

                    I won't say anything here. The fact that shooting at the BEK and machine guns, even not from the course ones, is recklessness, that's true.
      2. 0
        10 January 2025 13: 22
        This news indicates that our onboard defense systems on helicopters do not work properly. If they were installed on these helicopters at all.
      3. +1
        11 January 2025 09: 17
        Quote: glory1974
        You apparently missed the news that our helicopter was shot down by a missile from the back.

        Back brought the UAV - which attacked Pantsir...
        Our Ministry of Defense is commanded by "traders" who are not interested in victory as such, but in profit
        and the longer the process goes on, the more of it there is
  9. 0
    10 January 2025 11: 07
    Simply put, the author proposes to return to the normal Cold War-era OVR system, replacing the MPCs and helicopters with UAVs. smile
    By the way, instead of universal reconnaissance and strike UAVs, it will be cheaper to use the already proven on-land combination of reconnaissance UAVs and kamikaze UAVs. Otherwise, when a group of UAVs is detected, the Orion carousel will be truly epic: it will not be possible to fight for long with two missiles on board. On average, 2 missiles per target, taking into account misses, that is, the patrol UAV will use up its entire load on 1 UAV and will be forced to return to base.
    At the same time, by eliminating the shock load on the reconnaissance UAV, it will be possible to either increase the patrol time or install more advanced (and heavier) equipment. And moving the detection line from the protected object by 50-75 kilometers will allow the UPA to be hit by coastal kamikaze UAVs before going on the attack.
  10. +4
    10 January 2025 11: 17
    Large ships in closed waters are always vulnerable to the actions of the mosquito fleet and minefields. The Black Sea and Baltic fleets are useless as fleets due to the lack of the ability to enter the world ocean.
    The solution is simple: move large ships out of closed waters and develop your own mosquito fleet.

    Will they go for it? Of course not - it is much more comfortable to serve in Sevastopol, Novorossiysk, Petersburg than in Severomorsk...
    1. 0
      10 January 2025 13: 34
      Will they go for it? Of course not.

      Because it requires
      develop your mosquito fleet

      We built boats like the Raptor from Western components, have any new ones appeared in recent years? I don't even know what they learned to produce in series after the BMP-3, it seems nothing
  11. 0
    10 January 2025 11: 18
    Well, as an option for combating BEC, it is probably worth considering depriving Ukraine of access to the sea coast.
    And then, use all these gadgets described by the author (low landing, low visibility, increased power reserve and speed) first against the Turkish fleet (they are probably "bored" with the straits). And then the royal fleet (which has not ruled the seas for a long time). And then the "world hegemon" will habitually take its place in quotation marks.
    How does the author like this option?)
  12. 0
    10 January 2025 12: 31
    How to act to start fighting effectively from tomorrow?
    Or do we need to wait a few years until hydrophones are installed everywhere and UAVs are made with weapons?
    I propose to put submarines on reconnaissance patrols. They have equipment, let them listen and identify targets. Either they themselves strike with torpedoes, or transmit data to the shore.
    Then the ships go out to hunt for the mosquitoes, using their weapons, knowing where they are, that is, acting as a hunter, and not a victim drifting near its shore. Aviation can work from high altitudes on the mosquitoes, beyond the reach of visual detection. Surely, actions against the mosquito fleet were practiced during exercises before the war? Who wouldn’t chicken out and give the command for combat use?
  13. +1
    10 January 2025 13: 03
    At least they could suppress GPS with a radio, it would be much more difficult to use BECs.
  14. DO
    10 January 2025 16: 39
    Currently in Russia, the company JSC NPP together with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Research Institute of Radio, is being created acoustic reconnaissance system for UAV routes based on hydrophones.

    Yes, reconnaissance hydrophones are needed not only for preliminary determination of coordinates of surface BECs. But first of all, for detection of underwater kamikaze drones, the appearance of which is not far off. These can be classic means - sets of point hydrophones, directional hydroacoustic antennas with an array of hydrophones, dropped "illumination" buoys. Means of destruction of underwater vehicles can also be classic - these are primarily coastal launchers of homing torpedoes, missiles - homing torpedoes. But preferably with less power, adjusted for the size of the target.
    However, "is created" is an imperfective verb. Therefore, YES,
    how quickly and in what quantities will it be possible to deploy such a system at least in the European part of Russia? However, now we are more interested in the moment: "...which were initially developed for underwater conditions...".

    The primary means of additional search for UAVs should be the previously mentioned Orion UAVs. In fact, they can and should perform primary detection during patrolling of the area, but their main task should be to move to the place of possible detection of enemy UAVs and their additional search using their own OES.

    In case of detection, the information can be transmitted to the destruction means or the enemy’s BEC can be independently destroyed by standard guided weapons, directly from the Orion UAV.
    (...) we have considered the possibility of integrating the Lancet-type kamikaze UAVs onto the Orion carrier UAVs. This combination could be more than effective for hunting enemy kamikaze UAVs.

    Lancets have proven their effectiveness in defeating ground mobile objects, primarily armored vehicles (self-propelled guns, MLRS launchers, air defense missile systems on the move, tanks, armored personnel carriers), heavy vehicles. However, the aforementioned heavy vehicles cannot maneuver as quickly as the nimble BEKs, which have a maximum speed of up to 110 km/h. Having noticed the danger, the BEK operator (or the BEK with autonomous AI) will certainly begin extreme survival maneuvers. And there are big doubts that classic Lancets will be effective here.
    Many commentators have suggested using guided cluster munitions to destroy the BECs. In the case of Orion's armament, this could be a free-fall guided cluster bomb.
    A laser target illumination system is desirable on board Orion.
    Another platform designed to destroy enemy BECs should be Russian BEC hunters.

    Yes, it is possible. But for work only in the immediate vicinity of the protected ship, as a penultimate means of protection (the last resort is the shooting on the ship itself). Because the maximum speed of the BEC-hunter is approximately the same as that of its "victim". And in the open sea, the BEC-hunter may not only fail to arrive in the required square, but it may also be unable to simply catch up with its "victim".

    What should be used as the main means of destruction? Manned helicopters and fighters have the greatest reliability.
    Helicopters as a means of additional reconnaissance and destruction. This is the protection of the near and middle zones, in which helicopters must destroy the BEKs that have broken through the defenses of the far zone. In the case of a small protected zone, a helicopter can be on duty on a site near it, and with its maximum speed of about 300 km / h can manage to fly into a nearby square. Classically, it is advisable to work with a cannon / machine gun from a helicopter only if the "wolf pack" does not have or does not have any combat-ready boats with anti-aircraft weapons. If there are any, they are priority targets, and the helicopter must work on them from afar. For example, from a great height with free-falling guided cluster bombs. If with missiles, then also with guided cluster ones.
    A fighter (for example, a MiG-29) as a means of additional reconnaissance and destruction. This is the protection of the lower zone. Duty fighters take off from a coastal airfield, and due to their speed, they can make it to the required square. The principle of operation on a "wolf pack" is probably similar to a helicopter, but taking into account that a fighter can dodge an anti-aircraft missile, but a helicopter cannot.
  15. DO
    10 January 2025 17: 39
    Separately about electronic warfare.
    The Starlink system uses automatically guiding directional antennas on the satellite and on the terminal. Therefore, to create interference, the jammer must be inside the radio beam organized between the satellite and the terminal. In addition, both the satellite and the terminal are moving. When the satellite goes beyond the horizon, the terminal is automatically transferred to another satellite, with which a new radio beam is organized. Therefore, it is very difficult to simply jam Starlink.
    The only more or less effective way to significantly "crush" Starlink can only take place in a not very desirable future, in the event of a direct conflict between NATO and Russia. If Starlink satellites whose orbits are accessible from Russian territory are disabled, Starlink owners will be forced to shrink the "orbit donut" closer to the equator, so that the satellites become inaccessible to Russia's anti-satellite weapons. Then it will be known on which side of the theater of military operations the satellites are located and at what angle. And then, using a set of directional antennas with an oval-elongated directional diagram, it is possible to create a radio interference field with the required geometry, and jam the radio beams from the Black Sea and from the LBS in Europe to the satellites.
    1. 0
      10 January 2025 19: 03
      The next stage of development of sea drones will obviously be underwater drones with an internal combustion engine, a snorkel (and an antenna for a starlink) plus batteries. Due to the small size of such a drone, its detection will be an order of magnitude more difficult than detecting a submarine, and then a conventional anti-submarine torpedo may simply not hit a small drone.
      1. DO
        10 January 2025 19: 24
        agond, if the drone has a permanent above-water part (air intake for the internal combustion engine, antenna, video surveillance cameras), this knob will be searched for by detection means, and a helicopter can simply work on it with a cannon/machine gun.
        Worse is a fully submersible drone, the problems of detection and destruction of which you noted. The problems are difficult, but probably solvable.
  16. 0
    10 January 2025 19: 11
    Why not consider the possibility of using small ekranoplans. The BEK will not get away from the ekranoplan, that's a fact. Mini-torpedoes and mortars as weapons.
  17. 0
    11 January 2025 11: 57
    You can fight BEC, but simple measures won't do! You're a genius, author! But where were you at least in 2023? Today, this is already a pointless writing!
  18. 0
    11 January 2025 19: 43
    mini ekranoplans play with new colors? The fight against Ukrainian BEKs is only one to deprive them of the Black Sea coast
  19. 0
    11 January 2025 23: 41
    There is only one conclusion: using the example of the US Navy, the BEC is not much of a threat given the developed system of defense, reconnaissance, and target designation.
  20. 0
    Today, 16: 40
    Во время ВМВ миллиметровые радары на самолётах позволяли по словам авторов мемуаров обнаруживать перископы, шнорхели и сразу по азимуту направлялся противолодочный самолёт. Неужели БЭКи менее радиозаметные или противолодочные самолётов нет?