One of the Ukrainian TCCs admitted that they are mobilizing reserved employees of critical enterprises

One of the Ukrainian TCCs admitted that they are mobilizing reserved employees of critical enterprises

Despite the imitation of “vigorous activity” on the part of the Kyiv authorities in the matter of counteracting the abuse of power by military commissars during mobilization, the terror of ordinary citizens by TCC employees continues in Ukraine.

In recent days, videos have appeared online, filmed on the streets of Ukrainian cities, showing the "catching" of conscripts. In some cases, the latter even received injuries, including broken limbs.

At the same time, as it turns out, even employees of enterprises that are critical to the Ukrainian economy and have a mobilization exemption cannot escape the fate of being seized right on the street and sent to the front lines.

Thus, according to a message from the Rada MP Oleksandr Fedienko, the TCC admitted that they are mobilizing those who have a deferment.

The Ukrainian parliamentarian reported back in mid-December that military commissars were sending conscripts with a deferment to the front. However, he now cites a response from the Nikolaev Regional TCC, which states that the cancellation of the deferment was carried out by officials who did not take into account the conscripts' deferment for an enterprise recognized as critically important, and not by the direct executors of the mobilization task.

This means that now it is possible to cancel a deferment for an employee of a critical enterprise without even noticing that it was booked.

- Fedienko wrote on social media.

At the same time, the MP emphasized that it is practically impossible to return such employees who were sent to the front by mistake.
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  1. +2
    6 January 2025 16: 16
    Kiev authorities are against the abuse of power by military commissars during the graveyard. Hee-hee-hee. Bees against honey! laughing
    1. 0
      6 January 2025 20: 18
      - mobilize reserved employees.
      1 This does not concern the Westerners - this is not their war.
      2. If you don't complete the plan for the "people catcher", you'll go yourself.
  2. +1
    6 January 2025 16: 41
    From school, instead of lessons, starting from the 8th grade, they will soon begin to totally take us to war. And, in kindergartens, children will study weapons and dig trenches in full profile...
  3. ANB
    6 January 2025 16: 49
    . it is practically impossible to return such employees sent to the front by mistake.

    Well, that's right. Even if the corpse is returned (which the Ukrainians don't bother with anymore), it will no longer be able to work.
  4. -1
    6 January 2025 16: 50
    What, military commissars can profit from the war by selling fake deferments for health reasons, but the director of the plant can't, I'm sure she's still alive, like, how many full-time employees are there like, "irreplaceable turner of the 48th category" on a salary of 100 rubles? - a lot.
    When our mobilization began, the companies that had the ability to provide a reservation boasted so much about it that they almost openly suggested that people go to work for them for a purely symbolic salary just because of it. Moreover, such nonsense was done by design bureaus that were quite well-known since Soviet times, a pitiful sight.
  5. +1
    6 January 2025 16: 50
    This is what the owner Zelya ordered - he is doing it, they need a territory clean of Ukrainian fauna.
  6. 0
    6 January 2025 17: 03
    If TCC grabs a relative of the owner of the market in Lviv, surely the "Zelensky officials" won't put TCC in its place?
  7. 0
    8 January 2025 15: 06
    Well, what can I say, glory to TCC