2024: It wasn't easy, but we did it

2024: It wasn't easy, but we did it

Special operation of attrition

Even a superficial analysis of the events of 2024 indicates a serious change in the tactics of military operations on both sides of the front. Changes are present at both the operational-tactical and strategic levels, but they are not so significant. Let us begin, however, with the global results of the outgoing year.

Whatever some commentators and analysts say, 2024 passed under Russia's undoubted control. The origins of this situation were laid back in early 2023, when Russia's military-political leadership chose the path of a military conflict of attrition. The SVO of attrition was based on two principles.

The first is that the human and military-industrial potential of the opposing sides is incommensurate. Even if the Russian Army did not have long-range fire weapons (drones-kamikaze, ballistic and cruise missiles), Ukraine would still experience a serious shortage weapons and equipment. The enemy, in principle, does not have military-industrial complex capacities comparable to the defense clusters of central Russia and the Urals. And when the Russian Army operates its "switches" throughout the enemy's territory, the fading of Ukraine's defense potential becomes a matter of time. The slow but sure advance to the West in 2024 is clear evidence of this.

For the first time since 2022, Ukrainian units have begun to find themselves in operational and complete encirclement. This indicates a serious superiority of the Russian Army in priority areas. The advantage created is direct evidence of the gradual escalation of the crisis in the Ukrainian army. The collapse of the front is still far away - the Ukrainian Armed Forces are strengthening relatively quickly on new lines of defense. Forecasts are currently a thankless task, but we can assume a 2-3-fold acceleration in the pace of the Army's advance as early as the summer of 2025. This will happen if two conditions are met. First, Russian units, at a minimum, do not reduce the pressure of the offensive. Second, the degradation of Ukraine's strategic defense will continue under missile strikes. If at least one condition is not met, the front will freeze again.

Ukrainians did not go to fight for Zelensky. It sounds like a cheap propaganda slogan, but that is exactly it. We can confidently talk about the failure of the mobilization that started in Ukraine on May 28, 2024. And this is also one of the most important results of the military-political events of the outgoing year. Zelensky's regime was never able to gain the trust of its own people in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and, above all, in the command staff. Neither the lying telethon "United news", nor strict all-Ukrainian censorship. As a result, TCC fighters are committing atrocities on the streets of Ukraine, and the number of deserters is estimated at tens of thousands.

Surprisingly little attention is paid in Russia to a unique phenomenon – the decriminalization of the enemy’s “unauthorized abandonment of a unit.” In the Ukrainian Army+ app, you can remotely file a report and return after unauthorized abandonment of a unit within 24 hours. Naturally, after this innovation, the number of deserters in Ukraine has increased significantly. If we use data from the end of December, only about 4 thousand soldiers decided to use the electronic service, although tens of thousands deserted. The Ukrainian prosecutor’s office reports 50 thousand deserters in 2024 alone. Western journalists have counted more than 2022 thousand deserters since February 200, which has practically compensated for the mobilization that started in May 2024.

Given the chronic shortage of both contract and mobilized soldiers, mass desertion has become one of the defining factors of the military campaign of the outgoing year. Currently, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are short of at least 160 thousand recruits. On average, the Ukrainian troops are replenished by 16 thousand people every month. It seems like a lot. But the monthly irretrievable losses of wounded and killed significantly exceed this number. Everything is heading towards the fact that in 2025 Zelensky will be faced with a choice - either to curtail the senseless resistance, or to lower the age limit for mobilization to 18 years. Both options are tantamount to a catastrophe for the Kyiv regime.

"Nut" and others

Among the military-political events of 2024, the most important one is undoubtedly the invasion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces into the Kursk region. This is an extraordinary event, and Russia will remember it for decades. Despite its tragic nature, it once again showed that for the country's top military-political leadership there is no difference between the territories of Russia officially recognized throughout the world and the new entities. No one rushed to withdraw units from Donbass to mitigate the threat in the Kursk region. Frankly speaking, if this had happened, the residents of the new territories could have seen this as betrayal on our part.

As a result, the Ukrainian Armed Forces invasion group is gradually losing the captured territories and becoming another symbol of the senselessness of the Kiev regime's resistance. None of the set goals (if they were formulated at all) were achieved, and inside Russia, on the contrary, anti-Bandera sentiments have intensified. There are no exact statistics, but it can be assumed that the number of contracts signed with the Ministry of Defense after the invasion of the Kursk region has reliably increased. If this is what Syrsky and Zelensky wanted to achieve, then they succeeded.

The most controversial event of 2024 can be considered the combat tests of the medium-range ballistic missile "Oreshnik". The missile did not cancel the strikes of NATO long-range weapons on the territory of Russia - and this is, perhaps, the main disappointment of the entire patriotic public. But, if you think about it, "Oreshnik" could not scare Zelensky's team. It is not worth separately reminding that he literally does not care about Ukrainians, and another escalation, which is impossible without new victims, only plays into his hands. And potential massive strikes with "Oreshnik" are a real escalation. Zelensky was almost happy about the appearance of new weapons in Russia, especially since it does not pose any threat to him personally. This, by the way, is the main mystery of the entire special operation - why the physical elimination of the entire top of the Kyiv regime has not yet taken place.

But "Oreshnik" worked after all. Only not for Zelensky, but for European capitals. Western bigwigs had suspected before, and now they know for sure about Russia's technical ability to strike any point in Europe. Previously, several dozen minutes were allocated for this - now they won't even have time to squeak. Medium-range missiles are returning to Europe - and this is a new round of the arms race. Right now, the risks of nuclear war have decreased, but the future is becoming increasingly uncertain. The main thing is that this future does not include a new Gorbachev, who ineptly dumped the Soviet nuclear shield in Eastern Europe in the 80s.

Summing up the year, one cannot help but recall the large-scale reshuffle in the Ministry of Defense. In the future, we will remember these events as nothing less than the "golden generals' case." Considering that up to a third of the budget is currently spent on military needs, it was impossible to leave the leaking financial coffers of the military department. History will show how much they managed to block corruption schemes, but no one will definitely dispute the beneficial nature of the changes. However, the Ministry of Defense is now only at the beginning of the path to reform. One of the signs of the residual sluggishness of the military machine was the frankly belated organization of a new type of troops - unmanned systems. Drones have been fighting for a long time, but only now a separate command and staff structure have been organized for them. Better late than never.

And finally, let's return to where we started - with new tactics of conducting military operations. This "gold standard" completely rewrote all the military regulations of the Russian Army. The main striking force in the offensive was again the infantry. Only now it was not covered by armor and supported tanks, and saddled with light buggies and motorcycles. All the inventions of the 20th century went to waste - no tank breakthroughs and direct air support. Of course, there is no need to provide support, but now the Aerospace Forces are working on designated targets outside of line of sight. UMPKs from the air decide on the battlefield. Dispersion is the main principle of the troops' work both in the offensive and in the defensive. The enemy has learned to reveal movements and deliver preemptive strikes with FPV drones too quickly. Often, no more than a dozen fighters, and sometimes two or three people, go into an attack on the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces that have been previously destroyed by bombs and shells. And this is the unparalleled heroism of the Russian soldier, gnawing out every meter of his land from the enemy. For the third time in a row, this is the main result of the past twelve months.
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  1. +7
    31 December 2024 06: 07
    The main mystery of the entire special operation is why the physical elimination of the entire top of the Kyiv regime has not yet taken place.

    I believe the Kremlin hopes to accept capitulation from these Nazis, and there are also economic reasons for such tolerance towards the Banderites.
    In general, politicians have caused a lot of trouble for our military.
    Israel has shown a clear example of how to talk to the enemy's leadership... the Kremlin looks pale in comparison.
    In general, of all the policy options, they chose the worst one... requiring a lot of time and a lot of effort for our army.
    What is surprising... our army managed to withstand this experiment on itself... great respect to the soldiers and officers who, despite everything, fulfilled their military duty. hi
    Restructured and adapted to this difficult war.
    Order beats class... The Ukrainian Armed Forces will not withstand a war of attrition.
    1. +7
      31 December 2024 10: 04
      I congratulate all readers, commentators and the editorial staff of "Military Review" on the upcoming New Year! I wish you good health and that in the coming year our Army finally breaks the back of the Bandera militarism!
    2. +9
      31 December 2024 10: 17
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      Of all the policy options, they chose the worst one

      That is why Strelkov turns out to be right in his gloomy predictions. But in reality, everything could have been arranged differently.

      Quote: Lech from Android.
      Order beats class...

      Where is the order and where is the class? And how is this expressed?
      1. +1
        3 January 2025 10: 25
        Are we still dragging around Girkin's political corpse? How much longer can we go on... (
        Quote: Stas157
        That's why Strelkov
        1. +1
          3 January 2025 10: 55
          Quote: deathtiny
          we still carry it political corpse Girkin? How much more can you... (

          For you and for those who planted him, he may be a corpse. But for many people, he is a significant figure.
    3. +1
      31 December 2024 21: 44
      Still, our leadership tries to comply with the norms of international law. Yes, it doesn't always work out, and the interests of big business interfere where they shouldn't. Mzrael, all his life, had a life-or-death question. Over the decades of this struggle, the Jews realized that it is possible to beat the Arabs by eliminating key figures in the leadership of parties, governments and military command. If there is no leader capable of making responsible decisions, the Arab world will not move until such a leader appears, the East is a delicate matter.
    4. 0
      4 January 2025 22: 38
      Each generation of "effective" managers has its own Khrushchev, who will certainly amnesty enemies in order to make them "friends". Unfortunately, there are a lot of "Khrushchevs" these days.
  2. +17
    31 December 2024 06: 24
    ...This, by the way, is the main mystery of the entire special operation – why the physical elimination of the entire top of the Kyiv regime has not yet taken place...

    There are many mysteries.

    Why do Russians (Russian residents) buy US government bonds?
    There are many areas of the economy in Russia where these financial resources could be useful.

    "...In October 2024, Russia invested $28 million in US government bonds. The volume of funds is estimated by Kommersant, citing data from the US Treasury Department.
    Over the month, Russia invested 24 million dollars in long-term American bonds and four million dollars in short-term bonds. A month earlier, the state invested 25 million in US government debt, in August and July - 24 million each. In June, the figure reached 44 million, in May - 45 million, in April - 46 million, and in March, February and January it was around 43-47 million..."

    Why does the Russian Federation supply strategic raw materials to European countries?
    This raw material can be used for military purposes against Russian soldiers.

    "...An analysis of European statistics for 2023 shows that the EU continues to import oil, oil products and natural gas from Russia (totaling €29,1 billion), as well as ferrous metals, nickel, aluminum, platinum group metals, fertilizers, inorganic chemical products (including nuclear fuel, ammonia, etc.)..." https://www.rbc.ru/economics/16/02/2024/65ce0b359a79470ffd7493db

    Why does Russia consider Hungary and Slovakia friendly countries?
    These countries are part of the EU and supply their products to European countries, including Germany, which is unfriendly to Russia.

    "...The data in Figures 1 and 2 indicate the close integration of Hungary into the EU economic space: more than 3/4 of export deliveries and more than half of import purchases come from EU member states. The largest trading partner is Germany, with trade turnover amounting to 53,6 billion euros (26,2%). Also, its closest neighbors occupy a significant place among consumers of Hungarian products: Slovakia, Romania, the Czech Republic, Austria [9–11, 13, 14]. Outside the EU, important export destinations are Great Britain [12] and the USA..."

    “...The data in Figures 3 and 4 show that about half of the Hungarian turnover is made up of mechanical engineering products, primarily automotive products. After the entry of the Central and Eastern European countries into the EU, the production capacities of the largest transnational corporations from old Europe were transferred to the territory of the new member states, including Hungary. Currently, four leading automobile manufacturers have established themselves in the republic: Audi, Mercedes, Opel and Suzuki. In the crisis year of 2020, 433 thousand cars were produced in Hungary. The BMW Group is also entering the Hungarian market, planning to build the largest automobile plant in Debrecen worth about 1 billion euros with a production capacity of 150 thousand cars per year [22, 23]. In addition to cars, Hungary successfully exports energy equipment, metallurgical products, and medicines [5].
    To sum up, we can conclude that the modern Hungarian economy is closely integrated into the pan-European market. At the same time, Germany is Hungary's main trading partner and investor. After joining the European Union, large international capital came to this country, turning it into the largest car assembly site..." https://panor.ru/articles/vneshnyaya-torgovlya-vengrii-na-sovremennom-etape/79460.html#

    Hungary, through its far-sighted economic policy, is gradually becoming a leader in the European Union.

    P.S. Without solving these riddles, Russian soldiers will not be able to achieve a convincing victory in the SVO in Ukraine.
    1. +10
      31 December 2024 07: 39
      Why does the Russian Federation supply strategic raw materials to European countries?
      And to Ukraine, diesel fuel... They still transport it in barrels, on the decks of ships, with the difference that ship owners began to pay for transportation. In 2015-2016 they did not pay... This is all reflected in the ship documents that go through our administration.
      1. +7
        31 December 2024 11: 35
        Quote: parusnik
        And to Ukraine, diesel fuel... They still transport it in barrels, on the decks of ships, with the difference that ship owners began to pay for transportation. In 2015-2016 they did not pay... This is all reflected in the ship documents that go through our administration.

        The most interesting thing is that the people are openly lied to and spat in the face, and they continue to believe these people. Truly, Rus' is rich in fools.
    2. 0
      31 December 2024 16: 22
      Without solving these riddles, Russian soldiers will not be able to achieve a convincing victory in the SVO in Ukraine.

      How does ignorance of all the nuances of political negotiations and behind-the-scenes games prevent a soldier from winning on the battlefield? Soviet soldiers had no idea that the Germans were conducting separate peace negotiations with the Americans, and the Soviet government found out about it, but this did not prevent the crossing of the Oder and the Berlin operation.
    3. +3
      31 December 2024 16: 34
      Quote: AA17
      Without solving these riddles,

      Is it a mystery to you why Russians keep $95 billion in cash? They are probably no more stupid than the state. But I can't bring myself to condemn them for this.
      1. +2
        31 December 2024 17: 52
        ...why do Russians hold $95 billion in cash?

        What kind of Russian citizens are these who "hold $95 billion in cash"?

        Could it be the teacher Marya Ivanovna, or maybe it’s the electrician Petrovich or the plumber Uncle Vasya?
      2. +3
        31 December 2024 18: 03
        ...why do Russians hold $95 billion in cash?

        ...The share of Russians keeping savings in dollars has decreased to 6%. https://www.rbc.ru/finances/22/08/2023/64e4aa589a79471e513dfa2f
  3. +25
    31 December 2024 06: 27
    And what did you cope with? December 31 on all channels of the country: it was a difficult year, but we coped! Is this about this?
    1. +22
      31 December 2024 07: 30
      it was a tough year but we made it! is this what this is about?
      The same thing was said about 2023,2022,2021,2020, XNUMX, XNUMX, XNUMX, etc.
      1. +20
        31 December 2024 07: 50
        They've been saying the same thing for a quarter of a century))) But, to spite all the devils - Happy New Year!
        1. +10
          31 December 2024 07: 52
          And where to go? laughing The planet is still spinning... laughing
      2. +17
        31 December 2024 10: 18
        The harsh years are passing, the struggle for the country's freedom! Others are coming after them - they will also be difficult. request
      3. +11
        31 December 2024 11: 42
        Quote: parusnik
        The same thing was said about 2023,2022,2021,2020, XNUMX, XNUMX, XNUMX, etc.

        Moreover, these are the very people who made this year difficult, and at the same time, they couldn’t cope with anything.
    2. +10
      31 December 2024 09: 28
      And what did you cope with?

      Our Podolyak described 2024 as "the year of missed opportunities." I think that's true. The changes in the Ministry of Defense are evidence of that.
      1. +2
        2 January 2025 22: 25
        Podolyak is a Ukrainian adviser to the President's Office. And our blogger is Yuriy Podolyaka.
        1. +2
          2 January 2025 22: 28
          And I mean the Sevastopol blogger Podolyak. Many write about the SVO. Including former military, mostly military journalists, but our blogger is still closer to normal coverage of the war.
          1. +1
            2 January 2025 22: 29
            This is the first time I hear about Sevastopol Podolyak, to be honest.
            1. +1
              2 January 2025 22: 31
              Our blogger is a Sevastopol blogger.
    3. +8
      31 December 2024 13: 48
      Well, those people who are on TV, stayed in power, and this is their main task. Because apart from this they have only two paths - to the Hague or to Lefortovo, the question is where it will be worse for them
    4. +1
      3 January 2025 10: 27
      the ritual part of a formal congratulation.
      Quote: Alexey 1970
      Is this about it?

  4. +23
    31 December 2024 07: 10
    By capturing part of the Kursk region, the Banderites gave our intelligence and General Staff a slap in the face. This is a great propaganda and populist success for Ukraine. We have been unable to liberate the regional center for six months now.
    Another problem is air defense. It seems like everything is there, but the enemy's UAVs fly like they're at home.
    The longer the SVO goes on, the more questions there are.
    Regarding 18-year-old conscripts. Our entire Soviet Army and Navy consisted of 18-year-old soldiers and sailors. And they served well, fought, carried out combat duty, went on long campaigns both on and under water.
    We must look for Suvorov, Zhukov, Vasilevsky, the victorious generals. Otherwise, we will be liberating Ukraine for thirty years.
    I would like to congratulate all commentators and authors of "Military Review" on the New Year. And may it be victorious for Russia.
    Thanks to everyone who paid attention to my comments, giving any ratings and leading a discussion, defending their point of view. Happy New Year again!
    1. +11
      31 December 2024 09: 05
      We must look for Suvorov, Zhukov, Vasilevsky, the victorious generals.

      It is necessary, but where? The activities of the *irreplaceable* have led to the flourishing of *grayness* and the ability to lick you-know-what.
      Happy New Year to you! All the best in the New Year! hi
    2. +2
      31 December 2024 09: 36
      By capturing part of the Kursk region, the Banderites gave our intelligence and General Staff a slap in the face. This is a great propaganda and populist success for Ukraine. We have been unable to liberate the regional center for six months now.

      However, the military field season began with an unsuccessful operation from Belgorod (Liptsy-Volchansk). If they had added troops, even from Donbass, they could have brought down the enemy group north of Kupyansk by cutting it off along the left bank of the Seversky Donets and further to Kupyansk-Izyum. And then they could have taken up Donbass. In this case, the Ukrainian Armed Forces would not have had time for Kursk. The initiative would have been in our hands.
    3. 0
      31 December 2024 11: 44
      Quote: V.
      Otherwise, we will be liberating Ukraine for thirty years.

      You are a real optimist.
    4. -4
      31 December 2024 14: 53
      as IVS used to say... I have no other generals for you... and yes, if someone thinks that with the end of SVO the 404 problem will be resolved, then... so that YES, then NO... because the freedom-loving Ukrops (as they chatted on the Maidan) are ready to continue fighting for ridiculous $$$... because "that's the way"...
  5. +16
    31 December 2024 08: 36
    No matter how and when all this ends, it is an axiom that after this it will be much worse for Russia and the majority of the people than it was before this began. This is the result.
    1. +1
      31 December 2024 08: 41
      This is the result.

      Irina, I agree with you! You get *+* from me, personally. Happy New Year to you and may everything be great for you in the New Year! good
    2. +13
      31 December 2024 08: 54

      And you know my dear opponent? Someday, but the time will come to pay off debts, I mean the activity of the GDP. The time will come. For the retirement age too!
      1. +13
        31 December 2024 09: 04
        the time will come to pay off debts
        For the new cities built, for 25 million, Karl! 25 million technological jobs.
        "A little man came to our club, he was lively and talkative, he conquered everyone that evening, well, we thought - an artist! A musician, part dancer, can tame tigers. It turned out - he is a master, only a master of promises" (c).
        1. +5
          31 December 2024 09: 09
          "A master, only a master of promises" (c).

          Oh, Alexey! You can't count on the judgment of people. On God's? As a person, for me he *died* after the sinking of the *Kursk*.
          Happy New Year to you! All the best!
          1. +5
            31 December 2024 09: 12
            It started with Kursk, and it will end with Kursk. All the best! Happy New Year to you too!
            1. Msi
              31 December 2024 15: 14
              It started with Kursk and it will end with Kursk

              You will not live to see our defeat, no matter how much you would like it...
          2. +1
            31 December 2024 17: 19
            As a person, for me he *died* after the sinking of the *Kursk*.

            I wonder: what does VVP have to do with the loss of the Kursk submarine? No need to stretch an owl onto a globe.
            1. -4
              31 December 2024 17: 25
              In my opinion? Direct!!![quote][/quote]
              1. +1
                31 December 2024 17: 27
                In my opinion? Direct!!!

                What exactly did he do wrong?
                1. +1
                  1 January 2025 03: 38
                  Quote: Alexey Lantukh
                  What exactly did he do wrong?

                  They dragged it out for a week until they allowed the Norwegians (or Dutch) to start rescuing the submariners. A week later, the survivors suffocated.
                  1. 0
                    1 January 2025 12: 42
                    They dragged it out for a week until they allowed the Norwegians (or Dutch) to start rescuing the submariners. A week later, the survivors suffocated.

                    Well, well! And how many days do you think it would take for the Dutch to start the rescue if the agreement had been reached on the 2nd or 3rd day? Calculate. After all, ours tried to dock themselves at first, but it didn't work out.
                    1. +1
                      1 January 2025 19: 11
                      They were nearby and could have started the rescue on the very first day, August 12th, but they were allowed in only on August 20th, and already on August 21st they penetrated the sector with the 23 submariners who had survived the disaster.
                      1. +2
                        1 January 2025 21: 52
                        14 August, Monday
                        At 11.00:XNUMX the Russian fleet command makes the first statement that the submarine Kursk has sunk to the bottom.
                        I'll add: the officers of the base returned home that day with a stench. They remembered their comrades. They knew how it would end.
                      2. +2
                        1 January 2025 22: 09
                        The rescue operations were carried out by the Northern Fleet and took place from August 13 to 24, but were unsuccessful. The underwater vehicles AS-15, AS-32, AS-34 and AS-36 were used. The press service of the General Staff of the Navy explained the failures by a strong underwater current, low water transparency, rough seas and a large list of the Kursk - about 60 degrees. However, Captain 3rd Rank Andrei Sholokhov, who dived three times on the deep-sea vehicle Priz, claimed that the speed of the underwater current was no more than 0,7 knots, visibility was acceptable for rescue operations and there was no list. Only on August 20 was the Norwegian vessel Seaway Eagle allowed to work, and its divers were able to open the submarine's stern emergency rescue hatch the following day. It was necessary to allow it from the 13th-14th, if the lives of the surviving sailors were in the first place, and not the "prestige of the country". After all, they agreed. You know that the submarine should have been repaired, or decommissioned, and not for exercises, and also driving a 150m long submarine into areas with a depth of 100m was also negligence. The story of Kursk is a story of negligence and irresponsibility.
                        Quote: Alexey Lantukh
                        I'll add: the officers of the base returned home that day with a smell. They remembered their comrades.

                        Maybe because the authorities rushed to make a statement that all 118 sailors died in the explosion?
                      3. +2
                        2 January 2025 11: 22
                        Rescue operations were carried out by the Northern Fleet and took place from August 13 to 24, but were unsuccessful.

                        Incompetent in maritime service and technical matters of accidents and rescue.
                        Rescue operations were carried out by our forces! And what should VVP think and what decisions should he make when something was reported to him by the fleet leadership? It is quite possible that they reported that the work was underway, rescue measures were being taken and there would be a result. I do not think that VVP himself is a great specialist in the field of the Navy and, moreover, had reliable information about the state of the fleet. Probably he trusted the reports. But then he had to talk to the widows of the sailors.
                      4. +3
                        2 January 2025 20: 16
                        I remember as if it were yesterday that the Dutch offered to help immediately start rescuing at least 7 days before they were allowed. And it was Putin who was dragging his feet, he made this decision. And I remember that conversation with the widows, as they called them.
      2. +2
        31 December 2024 10: 53
        Quote: ArchiPhil
        Someday, the time will come to pay off debts.

        Yeah, apparently, just like the coordinator of the Union perestroika, who had a hand in the tragedy of the collapse of a great country, but lived in wealth and honor in the enemy camp until 91...
        Quote: ArchiPhil
        For retirement age

        Dream, dream ...

        Happy New Year to all comrades! I would like to wish that your wishes mostly coincide with your possibilities, and that your dreams border on reality, and, of course, that everyone has good health for many years to come!
        1. -3
          31 December 2024 10: 59
          Do you realize that thanks to this *perestroika coordinator* we have the opportunity to communicate? No?
          1. +4
            31 December 2024 11: 06
            I never thought that we communicate thanks to a second-rate politician who betrayed his homeland... request
            We communicate because we are capable of it, have the desire and the opportunity, and before the invention of Kayo and Berners Lee we communicated, including with people from other countries. If you are talking about the "iron curtain" and censorship, then there is a lot to write about it, but in some respects today's time is not inferior to the long-gone... hi
            1. +3
              31 December 2024 18: 41
              but in some respects today's time is not inferior to the long-gone... hi

              It's you, beautiful! And Lee too. Beautiful!
        2. +1
          31 December 2024 20: 01
          health for many years!
          To you, amigo!
          1. -1
            31 December 2024 20: 34
            Quote: ArchiPhil
            health for many years!

            And you health and good luck! drinks
    3. +4
      31 December 2024 09: 10
      after this it will be much worse for Russia and the majority of the people
      And it hasn't gotten any better all these years, for example, the cattle population has been decreasing all these years, but there is more and more sausage and dairy products... The decreasing livestock population has pleased us with unprecedented milk yields and unprecedented meat growth... in return laughing
      1. +9
        31 December 2024 09: 17
        years, for example, the cattle population has been decreasing all these years, but sausages and dairy products are still

        By the way, yes, you are right. But?*...I ask you to be understanding....*And in general is there anything positive about his *rule*?
        1. +9
          31 December 2024 10: 01
          is there anything positive about his *reign*?
          25 years of trust is no less than 87%, and that is worth a lot. Yes
      2. +2
        31 December 2024 11: 18
        Holiday greetings hi
        Quote: parusnik
        All these years, for example, the number of cattle, all these years has been decreasing, but sausages and dairy products are increasing...

        There is a "riddle of the century" with this dairy product. If we resort to statistics, then the livestock has really been constantly decreasing since 1991 and has decreased almost 3 times, from almost 21 million to 7. But the quality of the livestock has been continuously improving, which has had a more positive effect on milk yields, which have also increased 3 times (from 2800 to 8100), and this, according to elementary calculations, should have given the same amount of milk as in 1991, but unexpectedly we learn from the same statistics that milk consumption per capita has fallen by one and a half times... Either the livestock of private subsidiary farms was not taken into account (which was very significant, and now tends to zero), or something else... request
        1. +3
          31 December 2024 12: 14
          Happy New Year! If milk yields have increased, meat has grown, there should be more of it, it should become cheaper along with dairy products, like the law of the market, and the consumption of both is decreasing, and the price is growing, the price usually grows for something that is scarce, and not for something that is abundant. Sweet potatoes in the sixth are expensive, they are not produced in Europe, and potatoes, in comparison with them, are cheap, as an example. Or as with oil, the price in the world is falling, gasoline in Russia is becoming more expensive. Although it makes no difference whether it is cheap or expensive, the price of gasoline in the Russian Federation has not fallen yet. hi We live in a wonderful country. In the land of fairy tales.
          1. +2
            31 December 2024 13: 04
            Quote: parusnik
            In the land of fairy tales

            "Visiting a Fairy Tale"...
    4. 0
      3 January 2025 10: 28
      "axiom" - something that does NOT require proof.
      Your thesis requires it, otherwise it is just a propaganda cliche...
  6. +26
    31 December 2024 09: 04
    A very "positive" article, full of delight. Yes, of course, there was a big victory in the past year - Shoigu was fired from the post of Minister of Defense after long delays and they began to arrest his generals. But it did not help much. In his place, the president appointed the economist-financier Belousov, Petya Fradkov and the president's niece. Apparently there are no more talented generals, or they do not inspire confidence, I will not write to whom, the moderator does not allow it. In the article they forgot to write about "our great victory" in Syria (which our president was presented with by his "friend" Erdogan), about the explosion of the ship "Big Dipper", about the fact that Ukrainian saboteurs first killed a colonel of the Special Operations Forces, then a missile designer and finally the head of the NBC Protection troops. These are apparently also "achievements of the past year". And finally, the terrorist attack in Crocus, which took the lives of at least 145 people and is the "crowning achievement of the migration policy" of "our" authorities and personally of President Putin. And at the end of the year, the incident with the Azerbaijani plane. And it is not so much the incident itself that is important, but the fact that after it, not only Pashinyan, but also Aliyev began to be openly rude to the Russian president. To this we can add the fact that the United States allowed Russia to be hit with its long-range weapons, and Europe supplied the Ukrainians with F-16s. I really hope that in a year, another Russian president will congratulate us all on the New Year 2016.
    1. +6
      31 December 2024 09: 20
      President of Russia.

      Bravo! Applause to the studio! Not adequate, but extremely adequate commentary! My respects!!! hi
    2. +2
      31 December 2024 09: 22

      Sorry, but I didn't understand? Typo?
      1. +4
        31 December 2024 09: 26
        Typo, typo 2026!
        1. 0
          31 December 2024 09: 27

          Understood! bully What a joke, otherwise they write that the comment is short.
        2. +8
          31 December 2024 09: 39

          You know? We are ruled by an appointee. You can laugh and mock Ren-TV as much as you want, but? It exists. I don't mean Ren-TV, but the theory of world government. We lived until 22, then a sharp command *get it!* and? It started. We couldn't do anything before that? Ambassadors to/in Ukraine... Zurabov, Chernomyrdin, well, you can laugh at these characters. Or cry that we and Was it really necessary to lead the SVO to *war*?
          1. +5
            31 December 2024 10: 10
            We are ruled by an appointee.
            And before that, how could he not be an appointee? Those who are not appointees do not bless even the supposedly former potential opponent in parliament and do not swear to fight communism.
    3. The comment was deleted.
  7. +5
    31 December 2024 09: 28
    Often, no more than a dozen fighters, and sometimes only two or three people, go into an attack on Ukrainian Armed Forces positions previously destroyed by bombs and shells.

    Such an attack can be easily stopped by a couple of UAVs... a dubious tactic, just like an attack with single tanks
    1. +9
      31 December 2024 09: 45
      Such an attack can be easily stopped by a couple of UAVs... a dubious tactic, just like an attack with single tanks

      Yeah. That's if you're fighting, not conducting *SVO*. Question: for what and for whom are the boys dying?
      1. Msi
        31 December 2024 15: 16
        Question: why and for whom are the boys dying?

        You haven't understood this after so many years... fool
    2. +6
      31 December 2024 09: 55
      Such an attack

      Eh, if only we could bring Zelinsky and our VVP out into the open field and??? We, Slavs, have nothing else to do? No problem?
      1. Msi
        31 December 2024 15: 17
        Eh, if only we could bring Zelinsky and our VVP and into the pure field

        Listen, my friend, at least keep to the shore... And stop drinking...
      2. Msi
        31 December 2024 17: 26
        yes our GDP and

        In general, this is called calls for extremism, and maybe even terrorism...a legal assessment is needed here.
        I wish I could charge you with this, but I don't know where to report it... request It’s problematic to get hold of these friends of yours in Ukraine, but it’s real to get hold of you, our Muscovite.
  8. +3
    31 December 2024 09: 50
    Happy New Year!
    All the best and best.
  9. +8
    31 December 2024 10: 20
    "And they threw their caps into the air...", what's going on with the Kursk region, author?
    1. +2
      31 December 2024 10: 27
      with Kursk region author

      Well...*...I ask you to be understanding...*. Damn, what do you expect from this *appointee*. He, with the knowledge of the patronage, led us to war. That's it! Abtsats
      1. +5
        31 December 2024 10: 31
        Well, yes, well, yes, and "she drowned" and such a nasty grin, I remember...
        1. +5
          31 December 2024 10: 32

          She's not disgusting! She's repulsive!!!!
  10. +2
    31 December 2024 10: 20
    The men at the front know their business, victory will be theirs. But, I am more concerned about the chaos that is happening inside the country, which is more reminiscent of 1916
    1. +7
      31 December 2024 10: 31
      The men at the front know their business, victory will be theirs.

      And you don't have time to take care of the house? There are few problems, let the Asians solve them? Right?
      1. Msi
        31 December 2024 15: 18
        And you don't have time to take care of the house? There are few problems, let the Asians solve them? So

        So you take care of the solution while the soldiers are busy, suga...
      2. 0
        31 December 2024 16: 46
        [quote] and [/quo[quote][/quote]t
  11. +6
    31 December 2024 10: 36
    Our achievements in the Kursk region are especially impressive.
  12. +11
    31 December 2024 12: 01
    The best congratulations to all of us came from the head of the United Russia faction, Vladimir Vasilev, in an interview with one of the TV channels. He basically admitted that they brought in an explosive mass of migrants from Central Asia. To fulfill, as he put it, "a brotherly duty."

    "Our allied duty is to open the doors to Russia for the explosive youth from Central Asia.
    The migration issue. A difficult issue. It arose as a simple solution in a difficult situation. Threats of terrorism. Threats of loss of stability in the Central Asian states. - explained the former head of Dagestan and chairman of the United Russia faction in the State Duma Alik Asanbaev, better known under the name Vladimir Vasiliev. - Our allied duty, brotherly relations opened the doors for migrants. So that they could somehow channel this explosive youth environment to us."

    That is, in essence, we are talking about a mega-scale sabotage against our state and country. Moreover, one of the perpetrators of this sabotage himself admitted it. So what?
    1. The comment was deleted.
  13. +7
    31 December 2024 12: 48
    Quote: V.
    We must look for Suvorov, Zhukov, Vasilevsky, the victorious generals. Otherwise, we will be liberating Ukraine for thirty years.

    Oh, where are you going? The commanders listed above would not tolerate such betrayal...
    1. Alf
      31 December 2024 16: 21
      Quote: Dozorny_ severa
      Quote: V.
      We must look for Suvorov, Zhukov, Vasilevsky, the victorious generals. Otherwise, we will be liberating Ukraine for thirty years.

      Oh, where are you going? The commanders listed above would not tolerate such betrayal...

      One of them didn't stand it, and the plane suddenly exploded in the air...
      1. -1
        31 December 2024 17: 13
        Well, it's so dangerous to juggle grenades on board an airplane, especially after sniffing cocaine.)
        1. Alf
          31 December 2024 17: 15
          Quote: Oldrover
          Well, it's so dangerous to juggle grenades on board an airplane, especially after sniffing cocaine.)

          It's strange that the investigation didn't mention that everyone on board was dead drunk. A failure of the authorities...
      2. -1
        1 January 2025 01: 54
        One of them didn't stand it, and the plane suddenly exploded in the air...

        The key word is "one". When a revolutionary situation ripens in the country, you can't put everyone on planes and blow them up.
        1. Alf
          1 January 2025 22: 49
          Quote: Alexey Davydov
          The key word is "one". When a revolutionary situation ripens in the country, you can't put everyone on planes and blow them up.

          I absolutely agree. An interesting point. On June 23, 2024, our entire "elite" suddenly disappeared from Russia. Even Flight N1 abruptly flew to Ilyinka, 23. A trend, however...
      3. 0
        4 January 2025 11: 16
        So he was not a military leader, but an ordinary arrogant lackey.
  14. BAI
    31 December 2024 17: 01
    Even if the Russian Army did not have long-range fire weapons (kamikaze drones, ballistic and cruise missiles), Ukraine would still experience a serious shortage of weapons and equipment.

    The whole problem is the lack of desire to win on the part of Russia’s leadership.
    Forecasting is currently a thankless task, but one can assume a 2-3-fold acceleration in the pace of the Army’s advancement as early as the summer of 2025.

    At the current rate - about 3000 sq km per year, it will take more than 100 years to occupy the entire remaining territory of Ukraine. To accelerate by 2-3 times - means a war of 30-50 years
  15. +1
    31 December 2024 18: 10
    Quote: ArchiPhil
    In my opinion? Direct!!!
  16. The comment was deleted.
  17. 0
    1 January 2025 19: 52
    "self-deprived of parts"
    This is perhaps the main disappointment of the entire patriotic public
    Quotations in the language of the enemy, "patriotically minded public" - are we being prepared for a new "Brest Peace"?