The country we lost

The country we lost

“You can become a communist only when you enrich your memory with knowledge of all the riches that humanity has produced.”
V.I. Lenin

Day of the country that doesn't exist

The USSR was created on December 30, 1922, when the First Congress of Soviets of the USSR approved the Declaration on the Formation of the USSR.

The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) united with the Ukrainian and Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republics and the Transcaucasian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. These republics were created after the Great October Revolution of 1917.

In subsequent years, other republics were created and became part of the USSR. From 1956 to 1991, the Soviet Union included 15 union republics: the Russian SFSR, the Ukrainian SSR, the Byelorussian SSR, the Uzbek SSR, the Kazakh SSR, the Georgian SSR, the Azerbaijan SSR, the Lithuanian SSR, the Moldavian SSR, the Latvian SSR, the Kirghiz SSR, the Tajik SSR, the Armenian SSR, the Turkmen SSR, and the Estonian SSR.

In the second half of the 1980s, the decaying all-Union nomenklatura, part of which wanted to become the new nobility, following the example of the Western elite, began a destructive "perestroika". It was supported by the local nomenklatura, which began to stir up a wave of nationalism and separatism. In general, part of the Soviet elite wanted to appropriate the people's wealth, become new princes, tsars, khans and bays, and part of the global elite-mafia (the idea of ​​convergence).

The security forces had been previously "disarmed" by a wave of purges, personnel changes, disinformation and slander. Therefore, without an order to suppress the "fifth column" and enemies of the people, the KGB and the army did nothing. They say the army is outside politics.

The people, who in their majority supported the preservation of the Union, found themselves without leaders, an organizing structure (the party and Komsomol leaders either participated in the collapse or withdrew). Plus the most powerful information attack on communism from the media, history THE USSR.

Therefore, the collapse of the USSR met with almost no resistance. Except for the inconspicuous attempt of the State Committee for the State of Emergency (GKChP) in August 1991, when part of the Union's leadership tried to remove Gorbachev from power and restore order in the country. The attempt failed. Perhaps it was a provocation from the very beginning with the aim of accelerating the collapse of the USSR, and the GKChP leaders were used "in the dark".

By September 1991, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia had left the Union. On December 8, 1991, in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, the President of the RSFSR Boris Yeltsin, the President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk and the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus Stanislav Shushkevich signed the Agreement on the Dissolution of the USSR.

If they had been arrested and executed as a showpiece at that moment, the USSR could have been saved. Renewed and modernized – in particular, this is what they did in China. Unfortunately, at that moment, there were no people of Stalin or Napoleon's level in the leadership of the Union to neutralize the enemies of the people and save the Soviet civilization.

On December 21, in Alma-Ata, the leaders of 11 republics signed a protocol on the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Patriots called this formation - "Hitler's hopes have come true." What the frenzied Fuhrer and the entire collective West, and the NATO bloc led by the United States could not do, was done by internal enemies of the people, new Vlasovites and Banderites.

On December 25, the first and last president of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev, resigned, and the next day the USSR was dissolved.

Civilization of the future

The new masters of life, the 1% of the rich and their servants, in every way denigrated and scolded the USSR (Great and slandered Soviet Union). They created and supported myths that the Bolsheviks overthrew the Tsar and destroyed the "prosperous" Russian Empire, that the Reds unleashed a bloody Civil War, killed and starved to death millions of people during the Red Terror. That the Communists created a totalitarian empire, turned Soviet people into slaves. That the "bloody regime" of Stalin and Beria killed tens of millions of people, unleashed a war of conquest against "peaceful" Finland (Why did the USSR attack Finland?), occupied the Baltics, and together with the Nazis destroyed and occupied “peace-loving” Poland.

That Stalin's regime was preparing new wars of conquest in Europe, unleashed World War II and was even worse than Hitler's Germany. That the people won the Great Patriotic War, but at a terrible price. The Communists literally "overwhelmed" the Wehrmacht with corpses, and then occupied Eastern Europe, suppressing the freedom and independence of the Poles, Hungarians, Bulgarians, Romanians, East Germans, etc. That Moscow had been suppressing freedom in Eastern Europe and around the world for decades.

But the people have preserved the bright memory of the Soviet Union. About social justice. About the ethics of conscience, when morally and culturally the Soviet person of the 1940s-1960s was noticeably higher than the Russian of the late XNUMXth – early XNUMXst centuries.

About a great idea, a beautiful faraway place. When we were building an advanced civilization of the future.

We won the Second World War. In this war, the Soviet project of the future was like a bone in the throat for the entire fascist world elite-mafia. After all, The USSR, by its example, showed the possibility of a society living without division into the "chosen" (rich) and the rejected, the losers-poor. That it is possible to create a world civilization, organized as a family, symphony, conciliarity of peoples, and not like global racism, apartheid and colonialism, the capitalist version of a slave civilization.

Then the USSR defeated the brown and black plague in Europe (fascism and nazism). Thus destroyed the colonial system. Gave several generations of people the right to choose, freedom. The opportunity to create a freer and fairer world.

They created an alternative universe-world, a society of knowledge, service and creation. The Western world, the predatory parasitic capitalist system, was objectively losing to the Soviet civilization. Crisis moments were already noted in the 1970s and 1980s, a new Great Depression was coming. Only the destruction and plunder of the Union saved the West from a catastrophic scenario.

About a superpower, without which no important issue in the world was resolved. About military security, when Soviet people lived and worked peacefully under the protection of a nuclear shield and sword, the most powerful Soviet army in the world. When no one dared to attack us, bomb our cities.

About the largest state by area and the third largest by population.

About a great and qualitative leap into the future. When from 1913 to 1986 the country increased its national wealth more than 50 times, national income 94 times. The number of students in higher education institutions increased 40 times, the number of doctors almost 50 times. The national income of the USSR by 1986 was 66% of that in the USA, industrial production - 80%, agriculture - 85%. Compare with today's miserable indicators, when one American state like California is richer than the entire Russian Federation!

Another, but qualitative illustration of what a great and bright civilization the world lost in 1991. In 1914, there were 13,8 thousand libraries in the Russian Empire, in 1941 – already 95 thousand! If in 1914 one library had an average of 680 books, then in the mid-30s the average Soviet library had more than 4 thousand books!

Soviet science, culture, art, school and sports occupied leading positions in the world! The Soviet Union opened the space era in the history of mankind, sent the first satellite into space, the first man, the first rocket, built the first cosmodrome (Baikonur), launched the world's first orbital station (Salyut-1).

At that time, Russian culture was the most recognizable in the world. Great Russia (USSR) passed on its advanced standards and values ​​to humanity.
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  1. +6
    3 January 2025 04: 31
    The process is not over yet. The next step is to destroy Russia itself. Economic and industrial collapse, reduction of the army, and we will degenerate into mice, like in that joke. hi
    1. +15
      3 January 2025 05: 33
      A group of my friends in October 1993 rejoiced over Yeltsin's victory over the leftist rebels. Everyone was inspired.
      I said then that they were rejoicing in vain. The process of destruction of the USSR, which began in 1991 under Yeltsin's leadership, will not stop by itself and will spread to Russia. Of course, the guys cheerfully waved it off.
      Several years passed, life became unbearable. And somehow in a conversation the same guys admitted that they were wrong in their joy, that life turned to the people in a completely different way and the defeat of the communists in both 91 and 93 ultimately became a great tragedy for the majority of ordinary people.
      Being determines consciousness....
      1. +4
        3 January 2025 05: 53
        We now have a very curious gentleman deputy Matveychev in the Duma, he broadcasts such things that I want to ask: do our authorities generally monitor what the deputies are talking about and WHOSE deputy is he?
        1. +2
          3 January 2025 07: 22
          curious gentleman deputy Matveychev

          The rise in popularity of scandals, so he is not the first in the Duma who lives by this.
        2. +8
          3 January 2025 11: 12
          Judging by how many ministers, so-called deputies and other nobility from the very "top" of the notorious vertical (just look at that red-haired bastard) live well with the stolen funds in the enemy camp, how our (no) newly-minted oligarchs travel around the world and take the last national wealth out of the country (Norilsk Nickel, for example), how freely foreign agents feel and effectively work in the country, immigration flows, then these so-called bodies not only monitor, but also, it seems, contribute to this bacchanalia in the country. Moreover, with the complete inadequate passivity and self-elimination of the guarantor himself
          1. 0
            4 January 2025 06: 31
            Quote: seacap
            Moreover, with the complete inadequate passivity and self-elimination of the guarantor himself

            Well, why so critical? He copes with his job as the Leader of the New Nobility quite well. :)
            1. 0
              4 January 2025 15: 35
              It seems to me, as far as I know, if it is completely conventional and general, the oligarchy has not allowed him to introduce the monarchical principle of state power throughout all these years, as it is conventionally, of course, in the Republic of Belarus. Hence the dependence on external influence, and the seeming inadequacy of personnel policy, weak reaction to direct threats and attacks, secondary nature in all domestic and foreign policy. This is if it is completely conventional and thinking logically, of course, without any professional analysis and possession of any exclusive facts, which we will most likely never know.
              1. -1
                10 January 2025 16: 57
                Quote: seacap
                It seems to me, as far as I know
                Stupidity is a gift from God, but they should not be abused.
      2. +2
        3 January 2025 08: 25
        Quote: U-58
        The defeat of the communists in both 91 and 93 ultimately became a great tragedy for the majority of ordinary people.

        The defeat of the communists, whose slogan was: “Communists, forward!” was ensured by the overfed party nomenclature, whose principle was: “Communists first!”
        Just like today, the government began to deceive the people all the time, and the people spat on this government, running after the bright wrappers and sweet voices of those same corrupt people with party cards in their pockets... Some still keep them somewhere in a desk...
        1. +1
          3 January 2025 18: 43
          Quote: yuriy55
          The defeat of the communists, whose slogan was: “Communists, forward!” was ensured by the overfed party nomenklatura

          Soviet people eat "Separate" sausage, and separate people eat "Soviet" sausage.

          The people and the party are united! Only the shops are separate.

          This is not anti-Soviet propaganda, and not the machinations of imperialists and Zionists. This is an objective reality that was built by the nomenklatura elite. This is how the collapse of the USSR began under Brezhnev. And it could not have been otherwise. As a result of the military putsch of Zhukov-Khrushch on June 26, 1953, when Stalin's legitimate heir G. Malenkov was pushed from power and his first deputy and Minister of Internal Affairs L. P. Beria was killed, the partycrats came to power. They commanded everyone, but were not responsible for anything. Such a situation could not but lead to the moral and material decay of what is now called the "vertical of power". It was not for nothing that Stalin in his last years tried to push the party away from the direct leadership of the country and especially the economy. The Soviets, and in particular the Council of Ministers, were to exercise leadership, as, by the way, was written into Stalin's constitution, and the party was to deal with party affairs - propaganda, and the identification and training of personnel. But Stalin did not have enough time to bring this division to fruition, and those who could continue it were not allowed.
          1. -2
            4 January 2025 04: 42
            Quote: Nagan
            Soviet people eat "Separate" sausage, and separate people eat "Soviet" sausage.

            The people and the party are united! Only the shops are separate.

            This is not anti-Soviet propaganda, and not the machinations of imperialists and Zionists. This is an objective reality that was built by the nomenklatura elite.

            No, sir, that's exactly it. ANTI-SOVIET PROPAGANDA !
            But don't worry, you are not the only anti-Soviet here, there are many of you here, even on this patriotic site :))
        2. 0
          10 January 2025 17: 02
          Well, they've had enough - each one speaks for the whole nation, but what does "the people" mean, who does what, each one speaks on behalf of the people...!
      3. +1
        3 January 2025 15: 07
        They finally lost in 1996, when Zyuzyukin lost his victory to the alcoholic Borka.
        1. 0
          4 January 2025 04: 47
          Quote: valentber
          finally lost in 1996, when Zyuzyukin lost his victory to the alcoholic Borka.

          Don't rush to bury us, gentlemen! We'll still get our revenge. A-ha-ha!
      4. +1
        3 January 2025 17: 25
        Quote: U-58
        A group of my friends in October 1993 rejoiced over Yeltsin's victory over the leftist rebels. Everyone was inspired.
        I said then that they were rejoicing in vain. The process of destruction of the USSR, which began in 1991 under Yeltsin's leadership, will not stop by itself and will spread to Russia. Of course, the guys cheerfully waved it off.
        Several years passed, life became unbearable. And somehow in a conversation the same guys admitted that they were wrong in their joy, that life turned to the people in a completely different way and the defeat of the communists in both 91 and 93 ultimately became a great tragedy for the majority of ordinary people.
        Being determines consciousness....

        The German people also rejoiced when Hitler came to power.
        1. 0
          10 January 2025 17: 08
          Quote from Kartograph
          I said then
          There's always a black sheep in every family - such talkers have crawled out of everyone and now we have what we have and those we have, but there's no need to worry about today's troubles. Tomorrow there will be new ones!
    2. 0
      3 January 2025 12: 16
      It is technically impossible to break up Russia. No one will fence off borders, establish customs in each region. There is simply no one to do it.
      1. +1
        3 January 2025 12: 24
        The current government has tried hard to divide Russia. Each region looks like a separate state with its own government.
        1. +2
          3 January 2025 13: 20
          To begin with, it is already divided between the oligarchs, governors are appointed by large companies that are engaged in the extraction of raw materials in this territory, or technological production. This includes the production of electricity, aluminum, copper, nickel, fishing and so on in the same spirit.
          They don't need aviation or railways to move masses of people so that they only work for them, without emigrating in search of a better life or at least a better climate.
          Modern serfdom. hi
      2. 0
        4 January 2025 06: 37
        It is technically impossible to destroy Russia.

        Technically it is possible, but why? Neither our nor their bourgeoisie needs it. Therefore the horror story "The enemy wants to destroy Russia" is more for domestic consumption.
    3. -1
      4 January 2025 04: 52
      Quote: V.
      The next step they want to take is to destroy Russia itself.

      Who exactly wants it? I wonder every time I read such messages. About the Anglo-Saxons, the 5th column, etc.
      1. +1
        4 January 2025 07: 33
        Pardon me, what kind of backwater are you living in asking such questions? Read the press, "VO", watch TV, and draw conclusions about the centuries-old confrontation between the West and Russia. Does the West need such a huge and rich country? American Madeleine Albright said Russia has no right to own such riches alone. hi
        1. -1
          5 January 2025 02: 26
          Quote: V.
          Does the West need such a huge and rich country?

          as a supplier of resources - yes, it is needed! You are living in some kind of wilderness if you are not aware that Russia is a "great energy power" and the majority of our exports are gas, oil and other low-value products. And everyone is happy with this, including the West. Now if we exported microchips, then we would pose a real threat to the West.
          1. 0
            5 January 2025 06: 27
            If it were so, they would not have contributed to the collapse of the USSR. But they see suckers who sell everything for pennies, and have abandoned everything high-tech. And why do they need these suckers as leaders, when they themselves are smart enough to manage all this and get everything for free.
            You seem to be saying everything correctly, but you don't see the main thing, and you absolutely don't hear your opponent. So live with your opinion until a foreign master comes to you and tells you how to live.
  2. -15
    3 January 2025 04: 53
    You can't build universal prosperity by confiscating other people's property and repressing them. You have to start building the society of the future with yourself. Start your own business and take each worker as a shareholder instead of paying them a salary. But you will immediately feel some kind of internal barrier, won't you? That's it, capitalism is inside each of us. Neither private property nor market mechanisms in themselves contradict Marxist theory. It's all about the redistribution of profits within the economic entity.
    1. +10
      3 January 2025 09: 13
      Quote: Eugene666
      Start your own business

      Are you an adherent of Medvedev?

      Nowadays, even to open an ordinary hairdressing salon, you need an unrealistically large amount of money. Especially if it is in the city center!
      I have a classmate, a retired police officer, who opened his own hair salon. He thought he would become an oligarch! He dragged it out for a year. He invested all his money. And went broke.
      Nowadays you pay more for rent than you earn.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +1
        3 January 2025 15: 01
        "Are you an adherent of Medvedev or something?"
        That's right - drive him away, laugh at him! Yes
      3. +2
        3 January 2025 17: 29
        Quote: Stas157
        It takes an unrealistic amount of money to open an ordinary hairdressing salon

        Most hairdressers work from home, as do manicurists. A friend of mine bought a beauty salon a year ago (she bought it). She got rid of it after half a year. Moreover, the woman is quite advanced in terms of making money. She was involved in crypto and the stock exchange.
    2. +8
      3 January 2025 09: 52
      Now you don't need to do business, but to become an official. And you're well-fed, and drunk, and your nose is in tobacco, and you can also lie about anything.
    3. +6
      3 January 2025 15: 11
      Complete nonsense. No one is going to build universal prosperity. It is enough to start building life in the interests of the majority (the worker), and not fleece him endlessly with the transfer of wealth abroad. "Start with yourself" - this is a gimmick that is sold to the public in church sermons every day. By the way, the thieves from the 90s fleeced the country and the people, not caring about prosperity. And why should we worry about their prosperity? They robbed - let them rejoice if the factories and industrial enterprises are not taken away from them, but simply raise taxes to the European level.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. +5
          3 January 2025 15: 22
          I don't give a damn about Western associations. I live in Russia and I know from the inside why and how everything happened, in my own family.
          Marx never advised to begin the transition to changing the right of ownership of the means of production with self-improvement. This is naive nonsense.
        2. +3
          3 January 2025 16: 57
          Quote: Eugene666
          The USSR collapsed in a matter of months like a house of cards

          Well, the Russian Empire also fell apart in 1917.
          1. 0
            3 January 2025 17: 31
            Quote: guest
            Quote: Eugene666
            The USSR collapsed in a matter of months like a house of cards

            Well, the Russian Empire also fell apart in 1917.

            The Russian Empire collapsed after 3 years of war
            1. +3
              3 January 2025 17: 35
              Quote from Kartograph
              The Russian Empire collapsed after 3 years of war

              But the USSR did not collapse even after 4 years of war.
              1. +1
                3 January 2025 21: 35
                Quote: guest
                Quote from Kartograph
                The Russian Empire collapsed after 3 years of war

                But the USSR did not collapse even after 4 years of war.

                But the Russian Empire existed for 200 years and grew in size by 2 times. And the USSR existed for 70 years. And the Russian Empire collapsed after the civil war, that is, they tried to defend it, but no one defended the USSR.
                1. +1
                  4 January 2025 00: 28
                  Quote from Kartograph
                  And the Russian Empire fell apart after the civil war

                  In fact, the Russian Empire ceased to exist after the February coup.
                2. 0
                  4 January 2025 05: 07
                  The Russian Empire collapsed after the civil war, that is
                  they tried to defend her

                  Yeah, with the help of intervention, probably. laughing
                  1. 0
                    4 January 2025 10: 26
                    Quote: MBRBS
                    The Russian Empire collapsed after the civil war, that is
                    they tried to defend her

                    Yeah, with the help of intervention, probably. laughing

                    Probably yes. But you won't deny the existence of the Volunteer Army.
  3. +3
    3 January 2025 05: 38
    What about the koloshes that were produced in the USSR? It seems that nothing good was produced anymore?
    1. +4
      3 January 2025 05: 51
      I would kill!
      The one who came up with the sayings about galoshes!
      1. +10
        3 January 2025 08: 52
        Be more careful, now this is called "a call for the violent overthrow of the government."
        1. +2
          3 January 2025 15: 13
          Yes, the government itself is rehearsing changing its shoes. It is no coincidence that Dimon showed up again and the question of the health of you-know-who arose.
    2. +2
      3 January 2025 07: 25
      Quote from andre.gre4ihin
      It seems like they didn't produce anything good anymore?

      How tired I am of the same thing
      Yes, my dears, yes. No need to debate. The fact is that what we produced, and no need to wave your hands, was not needed by anyone, because no one bought our galoshes, except for the Africans, who had to walk on the hot sand. That's the whole point.
      We had a defense industry - cool, strong, and we are still proud of it. We are grateful to our grandfathers and our fathers for creating such a defense industry after the Great Patriotic War.
      Voice from the audience:
      - And the first satellite.
      V. V. Putin:
      - Both the first satellite and the first man in space are our common pride, these are the achievements of the Soviet regime, of which we are all proud. These are nationwide achievements.
      But consumer goods... Zhirinovsky has already said this. Where were they? There were none. Let's not lie to each other and the people. The people know what was and what was not.

      It's like Lenin's statement about a cook who can run the state - in fact, he said something completely different. Well, the situation with consumer goods in the USSR was really not very good.
      1. +9
        3 January 2025 08: 06
        And now? What is being produced now?
        1. +10
          3 January 2025 08: 23
          And now?
          and now we are swimming in imports, clothes, shoes, household appliances, cars, food with imported components, toothpaste, toothbrushes.. washing powders, detergents... Dreams have come true.. And most importantly, now they are whining that there are enemies all around, they want to devour Russia, but the USSR, apparently, did not want to.. How much weapons did the USSR produce to provide for itself and its friends, so that they would not strangle. The Russian Federation does not produce that much, yes
          and there aren't that many friends. But, how many apartments have been built for sale, the Volgograd Tractor Plant is not needed, the territory will be suitable for a housing complex. And we'll buy consumer goods...
          1. +13
            3 January 2025 08: 45
            I completely agree. The text is certainly not enough, but what can you do?
            1. +4
              3 January 2025 09: 24
              Happy New Year, Sergey! And now it’s all television, it’s the only thing that makes us happy, telling us for over 30 years that day by day we live better and better, but for some reason at the end of the year, on December 31, they tell us that this year was difficult for us. We live better and better, but every year is difficult? hi Yes
              1. +3
                3 January 2025 10: 20
                Thank you for your congratulations, Alexey! Happy New Year to you too! I worked with Valery Ivanovich Bogomozov for a long time, he is from Tula. Not a relative?
                1. +2
                  3 January 2025 10: 24
                  We are like "dogs" not cut up in the former Union and all of us are far from being related.. Some originally had a Russian surname, Bogomazov son, others had a Russified Bogomaz-Bogomazov.. Try to guess which one you are. Yes
                  1. +1
                    3 January 2025 10: 26
                    It is clear that there were many icon painters in Rus'. Churches were within walking distance.
                    1. +4
                      3 January 2025 10: 29
                      Besides, another Ivanov, fled to the Sich or to the Don, there they asked who he was? An icon painter's student at the seminary... Aaaaa Bogomaz, then... And here's a new surname, and there they added "ov"... in the 19th century and there were so many of them you can't even count them.
              2. +3
                3 January 2025 17: 00
                Quote: parusnik
                telling that day by day we we live better and better

                When they say the word we, they mean only themselves.
          2. +2
            3 January 2025 15: 06
            You know, don't rock the galley, or the rats on it will get sick. laughing Yes
          3. ANB
            4 January 2025 03: 12
            . But, how many apartments have been built for sale, the Volgograd Tractor Plant is not needed

            Apartments are useful things.
            Who will buy them at such prices and with such mortgage rates?
            Why build them on the site and instead of enterprises? Have we run out of land?
        2. -4
          3 January 2025 08: 27
          Quote: Gardamir
          And now?

          Go into the store and take a look.
          1. +10
            3 January 2025 08: 29
            I looked. Everything is from China. Where it says made in Russia. You just need to rip off the label, underneath it is written in English on plastic about CHAINA.
            1. -8
              3 January 2025 08: 30
              Quote: Gardamir
              I looked. Everything is from China.

              You did it in two minutes? You're not related to Barry Allen?
              1. +6
                3 January 2025 08: 45
                about ten years ago. I tried to buy only Russian stuff for myself, then I gave up. Either it was made in Malaysia anyway, or as I already said, assembled in Russia.
                1. -2
                  3 January 2025 09: 07
                  Quote: Gardamir
                  or as I already said, assembled in Russia

                  Including food, clothing, footwear, etc.?
                  And yes, I know there are a lot of imports.
                  1. +4
                    3 January 2025 09: 18
                    Well, here is a quote from the products.
                    The volume of meat imports to Russia from abroad in monetary terms at the end of 2021 fell by 6,3% and amounted to $893 million. Imports of fresh and frozen poultry meat in 2021 compared to the previous year increased by 5,8% and reached 242,2 thousand tons, while in dollars the figure increased by 28,6% - to $411,6 million. August 25, 2024
                    The main suppliers of cattle meat to our country are the Republic of Belarus, Paraguay, Argentina. Certain types of meat products are imported to our country from New Zealand, Australia, Moldova, Chile and Brazil.
                    1. +2
                      3 January 2025 11: 42
                      Quote: Gardamir
                      Well, here is a quote from the products.

                      Moscow. February 22. INTERFAX.RU - The value of meat and meat product exports from Russia in 2023 exceeded the value of its imports for the first time, Dmitry Rylko, Director General of the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies (IKAR), told Interfax.

                      "In 2023, according to preliminary estimates, the value of exported meat and meat products, including finished products but excluding live cattle, exceeded $1,8 billion. Imports amounted to approximately $1,75 billion. Thus, for the first time in the history of our observations, the value of meat product exports exceeded the value of its imports, that is, Russia became a net exporter in terms of meat value," he said.

                      Russia became a net exporter of meat in physical terms back in 2021.

                      According to Rylko, the growth in export revenues was due to an increase in the volume of deliveries abroad. "Moreover, the greatest dynamics are shown by the export of pork and poultry meat, as well as by-products," he said.
                2. +4
                  3 January 2025 19: 08
                  Quote: Gardamir
                  I tried to buy only Russian products, then gave up.
                  Somewhere around 2010, the only bakery that produced real bread according to USSR GOST standards and on equipment brought from Belarus closed. That's why I started baking black bread myself, and I used rye flour from, if I remember correctly, "Russkoe Pole", which was sold steadily in "Russian" stores. But a couple of years ago, this flour disappeared. I had to switch to local flour, twice as expensive, but with a nice label "natural organic". Yes, once, before the SVO, I tried to buy Ukrainian, and had to throw it out - it was swarming with moths and worms, after that I couldn't get rid of the moths from the house until I got a cat.
                  Where, one wonders, did the Russian flour go? Covid? Sanctions?
                  1. +2
                    3 January 2025 20: 31
                    Sorry, I'm embarrassed to ask!
                    The cat and the moth, how does it work?
                    1. +4
                      3 January 2025 20: 36
                      Quote: Eldorado
                      Sorry, I'm embarrassed to ask!
                      The cat and the moth, how does it work?
                      It's very simple. The cat hunts everything in the house that moves. At some point, there was no one left to lay eggs for the next generation of moths.
              2. +6
                3 January 2025 09: 43
                Quote: Dart2027
                Did you get there in two minutes?

                People go there often anyway! Among household appliances, clothes, shoes... you won't find anything domestic! And haven't you been to the building supplies store for a long time? Now even small things: screws, hammers, axes, screwdrivers... they sell Chinese ones!
                In this regard, I am very interested: what kind of import substitution are we constantly being told about?
                In the USSR, which produced only "useless galoshes", there was no such dominance of imports!
                1. +1
                  3 January 2025 11: 44
                  Quote: Stas157
                  Now even small things: screws, hammers, axes, screwdrivers... and they are sold in China!

                  Nails of Russian production 3000 items

                2. +3
                  3 January 2025 15: 19
                  This is a greeting to Manturov. All he can do is destroy aviation and sell it for scrap metal. He has no brains, only narrow-minded desires. I would hang this beast in the square, so that all traitors would be afraid.
              3. +4
                3 January 2025 11: 19
                Quote: Dart2027
                You did it in two minutes? You're not related to Barry Allen?
                What's the problem with opening a website in 2 minutes?
                1. +2
                  3 January 2025 11: 44
                  Quote: bk0010
                  What's the problem with opening a website in 2 minutes?

                  Quote: Gardamir
                  Looked. Everything from China.
              4. +3
                3 January 2025 13: 34
                A friend's son brought a local beer mug from Texas. He was choosing the very best.
                The father accepted the gift with gratitude.
                Then he began to examine the mug. He tore off a small silver circle on the bottom and in doing so the inscription about China was revealed...
            2. +4
              3 January 2025 09: 32
              Quote: Gardamir
              I looked. Everything is from China. Where it says made in Russia. You just need to rip off the label, underneath it is written in English on plastic about CHAINA.

              And there is something even cooler, you read "PACKAGED IN RUSSIA", "manufactured by order of OOO "Put k Zvezdam", but again outside the Russian Federation. Maybe not in China, but in Vietnam or Malaysia. By the way, name the brand of Russian TV that is made in Russia. I have not found any.
              1. +2
                3 January 2025 09: 49
                It turns out they don't even make galoshes anymore!
                1. +1
                  3 January 2025 10: 00
                  Quote: Gardamir
                  It turns out they don't even make galoshes anymore!

                  It turns out like this. For some reason, I haven't seen galoshes/overshoes like they used to make in the USSR in the last 15 years. Although Ozon offers something similar. But it's not a fact that they are made in Russia. Although I won't argue, for example, the same OMSK tire makes quite adequate tires for cars, as do a number of factories. In principle, I have seen rubber boots with the inscription "made in Russia", in October I ordered "Mongolian" boots from Buryatia for myself. They were sewn in Ulan-Ude. So it is quite possible that galoshes/overshoes are made. Just not in the same quantities. laughing laughing But I haven't seen Russian TVs.
                  1. +3
                    3 January 2025 10: 42
                    There was an attempt to produce TVs in Russia under the brand name "Rolsen" from Chinese components, but it failed. The company took out loans, did not pay off on time and went bankrupt. As for the import of meat products - there is also export from Russia, now "Miratorg", "Velikiye Luki Meat Processing Plant", "Tambov Bacon" supply their products to China. In Russia, "Velikiye Luki Meat Processing Plant" closed most of its brand stores, and exports the bulk of its products. And yes, our stores are overwhelmed by imported goods.
                    1. +1
                      3 January 2025 14: 27
                      Quote: Waterways 672
                      There was an attempt to produce televisions in Russia under the Rolsen brand using Chinese components, but it failed.

                      Why do the Chinese need a competitor? Look at their Xiaomi 55 diagonal, 36 rubles. Quality good , the remote control has a minimum of buttons, and a bunch of functions that even an old lady mastered in 2 days...
                      Quote: Waterways 672
                      And yes, our stores are overflowing with imported goods.

                      Thanks to one "brilliant manager" who said - why should we invest in production if we can afford to buy everything. True, it turned out not everything, but what they want to sell us, and not everyone can afford it...
                    2. +2
                      3 January 2025 17: 36
                      Quote: Waterways 672
                      In Russia, Velikoluksky Meat Processing Plant has closed most of its brand stores

                      Velikiye Luki sausages are available in Auchan, Verny and KB
                      1. +2
                        3 January 2025 17: 53
                        Auchan is not a branded store of the Velikoluksky Meat Processing Plant. They have their own chain of stores, above which is the sign "Velikoluksky Meat Processing Plant", these stores were cut - sold, leased, not all of course. Their products were in other chains before, there were fewer points of sale and volume accordingly.
            3. ANB
              4 January 2025 03: 15
              . written about CHYNA

              No, I recently saw that instead of made in Chaina it says made in PRC. :)
      2. +7
        3 January 2025 09: 24
        Quote: Dart2027
        It's like Lenin's statement about a cook who can run a state.

        No. A cook can't. But a colonel can! A furniture maker can manage an army. A journalist can manage space. Isn't that true?
        1. +2
          3 January 2025 11: 45
          Quote: Stas157
          Isn't it true?

          The USSR was ruled by a seminary dropout.
          1. +1
            3 January 2025 12: 27
            the trick is that you can say anything about the USSR. Today is a taboo day
            1. 0
              3 January 2025 12: 56
              Quote: Gardamir
              the trick is that you can say whatever you want about the USSR

              Well, that's how he managed it.
          2. +1
            3 January 2025 13: 18
            A completed seminarian.
            Didn't show up for the final exams.
            1. -1
              3 January 2025 14: 18
              Quote: Maxim G
              Didn't show up for the final exams.

              Which doesn't change what kind of education he had. And he coped with it.
              1. +2
                3 January 2025 14: 42
                What kind of education did he have?
                1. 0
                  3 January 2025 15: 43
                  Quote: Maxim G
                  What kind of education did he have?

                  Quote: Dart2027
                  The USSR was ruled by a seminary dropout.
                  1. +2
                    3 January 2025 16: 43
                    And after the seminary you didn’t read a single book anymore, did you?
                    1. +2
                      3 January 2025 17: 41
                      Quote: Maxim G
                      And after the seminary you didn’t read a single book anymore, did you?

                      He was self-educated, almost like a correspondence course.
                    2. 0
                      3 January 2025 18: 03
                      Quote: Maxim G
                      Haven't you read a single book yet?

                      I know I read it and not just one. But the point is that the state can be governed by people who studied in different places.
                      1. +1
                        4 January 2025 01: 40
                        They can control, with different results. hi
          3. +1
            3 January 2025 17: 06
            Quote: Dart2027
            The USSR was ruled by a seminary dropout.

            But he turned the country into a superpower.
            1. 0
              3 January 2025 18: 04
              Quote: guest
              he turned the country into a superpower

              Quote: Dart2027
              Which doesn't change what kind of education he had. And he coped with nothing.
      3. 0
        4 January 2025 05: 15
        But consumer goods... Zhirinovsky already said this. Where were they? They were not. Let's not each other to lie and to the people.

        Well, it turns out that the Leader of the Nobility did not consume domestic goods. He did not have any.
        (That's exactly it, let's not lie, let's just not elect a liar again. I've never voted for him, by the way.)
        1. 0
          4 January 2025 06: 51
          Quote: MBRBS
          Well, it turns out that the Leader of the Nobility did not consume domestic goods. He did not have any.
          Not only for him personally, but in the USSR in general.
  4. +6
    3 January 2025 06: 09
    In general, part of the Soviet elite wanted to appropriate the people's wealth and become new princes, tsars, khans and bays.
    And Turkmen President S. Niyazov was even offered to become Shah, but he refused. Apparently, out of modesty. wink
    1. +9
      3 January 2025 06: 34
      he is simply the father of the nation and the founder of the universe, mind you, quite modestly and tastefully
  5. +3
    3 January 2025 06: 33
    Until we begin to destroy all those who destroyed the Union, down to the last degenerate who got rich from the destruction, peace will not come to Rus'.
  6. +2
    3 January 2025 06: 53
    The execution of several leaders would not have changed anything in the fate of the USSR, just as the destruction of the tsars and their dignitaries would not have changed anything in the fate of the Russian Empire. Individual terror cannot fight the ills of society. But the absence of a strong and decisive organization of communists with a coherent ideology and policy decided the fate of our state.
    1. +4
      3 January 2025 08: 28
      Terror cannot combat the ills of society.
      Alas, the ulcers of society must be overcome by a healthy society. The ulcers of the body are not overcome by a healthy body, but.. Modern society in the Russian Federation is also not healthy, metastases are growing, society cannot cope with them..
      1. +3
        3 January 2025 10: 13
        I was not talking about "terror", but about "individual terror". And a healthy society does not appear out of nowhere. Society becomes healthy through treatment - education and coercion. Education through propaganda of truly healthy traits of human life as a participant and builder of a new human society. Coercion through control and suppression of distortions of the ways of ridding society of negative traits.
        1. +2
          3 January 2025 10: 17
          and I didn't mean terrorism, I meant a society that is healthy and can fight, but not healthy - no. At that time, society was not healthy, it was sick. It is sick, and it is now. It is easiest to control the sick. I said it in other words. Nosov described such a society well, especially on the famous island.
  7. -4
    3 January 2025 07: 02
    an interesting little thing, but if someone in 1940 had raised the question about "The country we lost," meaning Russia's loss of its country in 1917, they would have been put up against the wall for such a question. At the very least, under Brezhnev, they would have been put in a mental hospital for such a question... And in general, it was possible to remember that there was a country before 1917, for example, during Brezhnev's time, during political studies, from the report of the deputy commander for political affairs, how many percent in 60 years we had overtaken that country of ours that it was forbidden to remember! And then everything suddenly collapsed! The country that forbade us to remember the country we lost in 1917, itself collapsed in 1991, and yesterday's political officers or KGB colonels became the support of a certain Yeltsin, who handed over the country to the Americans for blue "chicken legs". Yes, yes, when these political officers reported to us by what percentage the USSR in 1980 overtook the Russian Empire of 1913 and that everything in the USSR was produced and grown above plan, at that very same time the USSR was buying grain abroad, although Tsarist Russia was the largest supplier of grain to the world market. So here we should ask ourselves a question - maybe the country we lost in 1917 would have achieved even greater successes by 1980 than the USSR, if we had not lost that country?
    1. +12
      3 January 2025 07: 18
      The Russian Empire would have lost the inevitable Second World War with a bang, and without any options. With all the consequences for us.

      And it's embarrassing to even discuss the nonsense about the largest supplier... At least for the sake of decency read about the structure of grain exports of that time...
      1. -12
        3 January 2025 08: 58
        Why are you so sure that we would have lost World War II? For example, I think that the German troops would not have advanced further than Kyiv and Smolensk. They would not have advanced further than Kyiv and Smolensk under Soviet rule, if not for Stalin's repressions.
        1. +7
          3 January 2025 12: 03
          You can think as much as you like. But in WWI - the Russian Empire barely held back HALF of the German army, and although a large part, by no means all of the Austrian army. And even then - by 17 the front had practically collapsed, and did not fall apart completely only because the Germans were very busy in the West...

          The Russian Empire did not produce its own planes, tanks, engines, or even, damn it, bearings! It did not have many of its own. Conventional weapons - and even then, barely. Do you seriously think that it could have set up production of all this in 20 years??? Like the Bolsheviks? No way!

          And having found itself in such a situation face to face with the ENTIRE Wehrmacht, and in fact - with all of Europe, the Russian Empire would not have let it go further than Smolensk? What an absolutely absurd dream...

          As for the repressions - if comrade Stalin hadn't carried them out, they would have probably fled all the way to the Urals... If they hadn't surrendered right away... A significant part of the innocently repressed people were some real cadres...

          It's about the same as now - if they had cleaned up the arrested figures from military circles before the SVO - you see, everything would have gone completely wrong... Or do you disagree?
          1. -3
            3 January 2025 13: 00
            Quote: paul3390
            And then, by 17, the front had practically collapsed.

            Before or after the February coup in the country?
            Quote: paul3390
            And finding yourself in such a situation face to face with the ENTIRE Wehrmacht, and in fact - with all of Europe

            And why should it have appeared before all of Europe? In that case, the political map would have been completely different.
            Quote: paul3390
            Do you seriously think that she could have set up production of all this in 20 years??? Like the Bolsheviks?

            For some reason, other countries managed without the Bolsheviks.
            1. +6
              3 January 2025 13: 13
              1. Before.
              2. Why? WWI did not resolve any of the contradictions of capitalism. It was not for nothing that Marshal Foch then uttered the immortal - this is not peace, this is a truce for 20 years. He was mistaken by only a year. And even if the configuration had changed, it would only have been for the worse for Russia.
              3. For some reason, other countries without the Bolsheviks carried out industrialization back in the 19th century. Unlike the Russian Empire. I absolutely cannot imagine how it could be accomplished in just 20 years using methods different from the Bolshevik ones. And only they were capable of them. Neither the Tsarist Russian Empire nor a bourgeois-type republic would have been categorically incapable of solving all the problems that had accumulated over the centuries in such a short period of time. And look - 30 years of our modern capitalism are an example for you. What - did it achieve much compared to the USSR?
              1. -3
                3 January 2025 14: 15
                Quote: paul3390
                WWI did not resolve any of the contradictions of capitalism.

                But after it, the USSR found itself surrounded by countries that were all its enemies. For ideological reasons. It is not a fact that Hitler would have come to power in Germany.
                Quote: paul3390
                For some reason, other countries, without the Bolsheviks, carried out industrialization back in the 19th century.

                The reason is simple and straightforward - serfdom. If it had been abolished a hundred years earlier, the result would have been completely different.
                Quote: paul3390
                Yes, look - 30 years of our modern capitalism are an example for you.

                How did the economic war against Russia end?
                1. +5
                  3 January 2025 14: 54
                  Do you really believe that Hitler was brought to power solely out of fear of the Bolsheviks?? belay It's amazing how liberal propaganda works on some immature minds... what

                  What does serfdom have to do with it? Have you ever studied those times? The problem was obvious - Russia simply didn't have the money for industrialization. Here's an interesting twist - we are a poor country. At least - before the USSR. The surplus product in agriculture is very low, the distances are extremely long and therefore the cost of delivery, the climate is disgusting in most of the territory, there is little access to the sea, etc., etc.

                  And as a result, we simply didn't have the money that Europe got by robbing the entire globe. And what we did have, we couldn't just take it, who would give up their own? And only the Bolsheviks managed to get the necessary funds by totally robbing the entire country and the entire people. And they didn't even try to hide it. Another thing is that the results of the robbery went specifically to the forced modernization of the country, and the next generation got everything back with a sizable interest.

                  Were the Romanovs capable of such a thing? No way! And the bourgeoisie? Of course they are capable - but the money from the robbery will be stuffed into bottomless pockets, and not put to use. Which we are seeing very clearly today.
                  1. -2
                    3 January 2025 15: 50
                    Quote: paul3390
                    Do you really believe that Hitler was brought to power solely out of fear of the Bolsheviks?? belay Holy shit, how liberal propaganda works on some immature minds...

                    So you are not aware of the fact that an anti-communist union was being formed in Europe at that time?
                    Quote: paul3390
                    The problem was obvious: Russia simply didn’t have the money for industrialization.

                    Not to that extent. Yes, it was poorer than the colonial empires, but there was money and it could really be used for development. In fact, this is what happened towards the end, but there was not enough time.
                    Quote: paul3390
                    And only the Bolsheviks managed to obtain the necessary funds, having totally robbed the entire country and the entire people. Moreover, they somehow did not hide this. Another thing is that the results of the robbery went specifically to the forced modernization of the country, and the next generation got everything back with a fair amount of interest.

                    This is true, but they had to face the consequences of total devastation, financial crisis and the loss of fairly developed territories. Without this, such drastic measures would not have been necessary.
                    1. +5
                      3 January 2025 17: 12
                      What a funny alliance they had, that everyone fought to the death to begin with... For example, the unforgettable Liddle Hart wrote clearly in plain English - the Second World War was conceived and carried out by the United States with the goal of destroying the British Empire... And he knew what he was writing.

                      Where does the money come from? On such a scale? To pull off industrialization in 20 years? There's never been anything like that in the Russian Empire...
                      1. 0
                        3 January 2025 18: 09
                        Quote: paul3390
                        What a funny alliance they had, that everyone fought to the death to begin with...

                        Fortunately for the USSR, Hitler and the Poles turned out to be too uncontrollable. Otherwise, they would have had to fight everyone at once.
                        Quote: paul3390
                        Where does the money come from? On such a scale? To pull off industrialization in 20 years?

                        When it started, it was going smoothly and there were no financial difficulties. Yes, the pace was lower than in the USSR, but the starting conditions were better, so there was nothing impossible about it. Another thing is that the war began and the process was interrupted.
            2. +3
              3 January 2025 14: 22
              For some reason, other countries managed without the Bolsheviks.
              - Well, figure it out for yourself, since for you it's still "for some reason" laughing
              1. -4
                3 January 2025 14: 37
                Quote: Reklastik
                since for you it's still "for some reason"

                So, in fact, there is nothing to object to?
            3. +4
              3 January 2025 17: 14
              Quote: Dart2027
              Before or after the February coup in the country?

              And who carried out this coup? As a hint, it was not Lenin.
              1. +1
                3 January 2025 18: 10
                Quote: guest
                And who carried out this coup?

                Ministers and generals. I don't justify them.
          2. 0
            3 January 2025 16: 35
            Well, first of all, it produced airplanes, for example, the Ilya Muromets. Tanks were just starting to be produced then, and they were mainly produced by the British. Even the Germans did not really believe in the new "miracle technology" and produced few tanks. But German designers very quickly developed anti-tank rifles, mines and land mines, and the personnel of German engineering units quickly learned to dig trap pits and set up anti-tank obstacles. And our generals were not very inspired by tanks. Where on the Russian front could they be used? In the Carpathians or the swamps of Polesia and the Baltics? Therefore, the tsarist generals quite rightly focused on armored cars, in which they achieved considerable success. About the repressions, Smolensk and Kyiv, this is not my opinion, these are the words of Marshal Vasilevsky, and he is responsible. And apparently the other military leaders agreed with him. Take the Baltics and the Leningrad direction. Voroshilov and the head of the political department Mekhlis, who were sent there to "organize the troops", quickly carried out a series of "successful" operations and by September they were already near Leningrad. General Pyadyshev tried to build a defense on the Luga line, but then another Stalinist protégé, Zhdanov, "took command into his own hands." Pyadyshev was removed and arrested, and the Germans closed the blockade ring. Mekhlis then "distinguished himself" once again, this time in Feodosia, after which he was not allowed to "plan operations."
            1. +5
              3 January 2025 17: 16
              And how many of them were produced? A pittance compared to the production of aircraft by others... And on top of that - on imported engines.

              There is no need to pass off poverty as coolness. Even if they wanted to, the Russian Empire could not produce tanks at all. Even if they wanted to.

              Look at the weapons produced by the Russian Empire during WWI - it's hard to look at without tears. For example, machine guns, especially light ones. And so on and so forth. And would this have been able to withstand the Wehrmacht in 20 years???
              1. +1
                3 January 2025 20: 58
                "Ilya Muromets" is a heavy bomber, they didn't make many of them. Pe-8 wasn't made much during the Great Patriotic War either. They also made other planes. Yes, they bought aircraft engines, BUT they were already building their own factories to produce them. Our aircraft engines are still a weak link in our aircraft industry. Tanks had to be not only produced, but also delivered to the front. Here France and Germany are in a better position. Yes, light machine guns weren't produced during WWI, but who would have stopped them from being produced later?
                1. +1
                  4 January 2025 06: 09
                  fiberboard The main weapon of WWI was a cannon. Find out whose guns we had in service. And also how much our own close-knit bourgeoisie made off of the production of shells, cartridges and their sale to the army. If I remember correctly, they had a 400% profit, given the general shortage of shells at the front.
      2. -1
        3 January 2025 20: 50
        Quote: paul3390
        The Russian Empire would have lost the inevitable World War II with a bang, and without any options.

        If Russia had been among the winners of WWI, there would have been no World War II. German socialists gave birth to Hitler. It should not be forgotten that his party was also social democratic to the same extent as the social democratic party of the Bolsheviks in Russia. Only in Russia the social democrats dreamed of benefiting the whole world by organizing a world revolution, while Hitler's social democrats dreamed of socialism in a single country, Germany, and brainwashed their people with their national socialist state.
    2. -3
      3 January 2025 07: 49
      Quote: north 2
      So here we should ask ourselves a question: maybe the country that we lost in 1917 would have achieved even greater success by 1980 than the USSR, if we had not lost that country?

      Good question. Stalin took over Russia with a plough - that's a fact. But he took over after a civil war in which everything possible was destroyed - and that's also a fact.
      1. +2
        3 January 2025 08: 23
        Quote: Dart2027
        He took it over after a civil war in which everything possible was destroyed - and that is also a fact.

        Absolutely not! Not a fact.
        In those times were absent means of destroying infrastructure. And even if the city changed hands several times... then the maximum... was that the windows were broken... here and there... and a couple of houses burned down. And that's it.
        1. -1
          3 January 2025 08: 29
          Quote: ammunition
          At that time, there were no means of destroying infrastructure.

          What's serious? In order to destroy something, the means that existed in the 10th century BC are enough. As they say, "breaking is not building". But building it is not so easy.
      2. -1
        3 January 2025 09: 10
        And who organized the civil war and destroyed everything?
        1. +1
          3 January 2025 09: 18
          Yes, you, cowardly "nobodies", have proven that you will falsify any, even the most indisputable fact, as it suits you for your vile and criminal purposes.
        2. Msi
          3 January 2025 09: 54
          And who organized the civil war and destroyed everything?

          Like who? Whites of course. In fact, the red terror is a response to the white terror. No other way... No. read something.
          By the way, I remembered, if you don’t want to read, watch the film adaptation of Quiet Flows the Don, the old Soviet one... The Reds come to power at first very quietly and peacefully.
          1. -1
            3 January 2025 11: 51
            Quote from Msi
            In fact, the red terror is a response to the white terror. There is no other way...

            Well, how can I say it? First there was another coup d'etat, and before that there was the "black redistribution of land", plus the fact that everyone who was fishing in troubled waters was actually considered white, so you can't figure out who started it.
            1. Msi
              3 January 2025 13: 01
              there was another coup d'etat

              Thank God he was... It is not known where the Provisional Government would have led the country. But one can assume that we would have disintegrated into many small states already then...
              1. -1
                3 January 2025 13: 03
                Quote from Msi
                Thank God he was there... It is not known where the Provisional Government would have led the country.

                I've never been a fan of VP.
          2. 0
            3 January 2025 17: 02
            Of course they came peacefully, but then it was necessary to feed the workers in the cities, so the "food detachments" appeared immediately. Moreover, unlike the tsarist government (under which they also "confiscated" surpluses), no one bothered with payment. Well, since the grain-producing regions were the Volga region, Don, Kuban, Ukraine, these regions flared up immediately. True, it all began with the uprising of the Czechoslovak corps. Do not forget that even the Don and Kuban did not immediately support the Whites. And only when "the fiery revolutionary" Yasha Sverdlov, who organically hated Russians, and especially the Cossacks, took up the matter and began a mass genocide of peasants and Cossacks, that's when it really flared up. So it has long been clear and understandable that the Reds began the genocide. And "Quiet Flows the Don" is a work of fiction, and it is unlikely that the "Stalin Prize laureate" Mikhail Sholokhov would have written something else.
          3. 0
            3 January 2025 20: 58
            Quote from Msi
            Like who? Whites of course.

            Did the Whites organize the confiscation of property, houses, real estate, deposits and savings from Russian citizens? Did the Whites take officers' families hostage? Did the Whites introduce serial mass murders for the death of their functionaries - of Jewish nationality?
        3. +6
          3 January 2025 09: 57
          Judging by your question, you have already formed your own opinion and no documents will prove anything to you.
          1. +1
            3 January 2025 17: 04
            What documents can you provide me?
        4. 0
          3 January 2025 11: 37
          Quote: fiberboard
          And who organized the civil war and destroyed everything?

          First the conspirators overthrew the monarchy, then they created such a mess that they themselves were overthrown. In short, both of them tried.
        5. +4
          3 January 2025 12: 10
          And who organized the civil war?

          Certainly not the Bolsheviks. Simply because they lacked any significant armed forces by the beginning of 18. Agree - organizing a war without an army is somehow absurd?
          1. 0
            3 January 2025 16: 43
            They already had the Red Guard. The civil war began with the mutiny of the Czechoslovak Corps, before that the Bolsheviks had already managed to form military units. Don't forget that the Bolsheviks promised to solve the "land question", which was very acute. Having promised land to the peasants, factories to the workers and "freedom" to everyone, the Bolsheviks managed to win over a large number of the population to their side.
            1. +4
              3 January 2025 17: 18
              Yes? Look at its numbers... What kind of war is it...

              If there were units, the Czechs would have been crushed in no time. As well as the White Finns, for example. But - alas...

              What do you mean - having promised?? It was the land that was given first of all. Say no?
              1. 0
                3 January 2025 21: 06
                The Czechoslovak Corps was stretched from the Urals to Vladivostok, that's one. And the Red Guard and other units supporting the Bolsheviks were concentrated in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Don't forget, there were also the Germans, the Finns, the Entente in the North and a huge mass of tsarist officers in Central Russia. The White Finns were not crushed, the task that the White Finns set for themselves they accomplished, and they did not climb into Russia. Finland received sovereignty. They gave land, but for how long?
      3. +5
        3 January 2025 09: 32
        The systemic crisis in the Russian Empire led to three revolutions in 12 years. Moreover, Lenin, speaking in January 1917 to Swiss youth on the occasion of the anniversary of the 1905 revolution, declared that his generation would probably not live to see a socialist revolution. Not even a European one.

        The Provisional Government formed by revolutionaries in February 1917 merely "picked up the collapsed power," but did not understand what to use this power for. Therefore, at the end of the year, just like their predecessors, they lost power.

        Lenin began writing the book "State and Revolution" a month before the October Revolution, in which he pondered how and for what to use the ownerless power in Russia. But he did not manage to finish the book. He had to take control of the uprising that took place in October into his own hands. Lenin managed to preserve the Soviet power of the socialist direction of development. And this is also a fact.

        Critics of the Bolshevik government do not understand that real politics is not unlimited desires. Real politics is implemented in real historical conditions in a narrow corridor of existing opportunities. The Bolsheviks walked as if through a minefield and from the rubble of the collapsing (as in all of Europe) Russian autocratic empire, created the Soviet empire - the USSR.
        1. -1
          3 January 2025 09: 43
          Only in October 1917 there was not a coup, but a revolution, as a change not only of power, but also of the socio-economic system. And in their Perestroika, the enemies of the USSR staged a counter-revolution in order to return what was before the October Revolution, and to become the same rich and richest parasites on the neck of the poor and destitute people, as the Bolsheviks, slandered by them, had thrown out.
          1. +4
            3 January 2025 12: 13
            In October 1917 there was not a coup, but a revolution

            Why then were those events officially called the October Revolution for another 10 years? And only after they were convinced that yes, it was possible to change the socio-economic formation, they renamed it the October Revolution.
        2. +2
          3 January 2025 11: 40
          Quote: Tolmach
          The Provisional Government formed by revolutionaries in February 1917 merely “picked up the collapsed power”

          It did not pick up anything. It was a coup d'etat organized by ministers and generals to seize power, probably with the participation of foreign intelligence services. That is why Lenin wrote that
          Quote: Tolmach
          his generation will probably not live to see the socialist revolution
          After all, no one could have imagined such a thing.
          1. +5
            3 January 2025 17: 12
            The Romanov dynasty and its representatives in the highest echelons of power destroyed the autocracy themselves. No one could even imagine such a thing before.

            My generation of citizens of the USSR also could not even imagine that it would be the CPSU - its representatives in the highest echelons of power - that would destroy the USSR.

            I lost a case of cognac to a smart man in a dispute, claiming that such a thing could not happen. This man did not live to see the collapse of the USSR, and the cognac I lost remained my unpaid debt. But this is also the unpaid debt of my entire generation to those who gave their lives to strengthen and protect the USSR, which we lost through our stupidity.
            1. -1
              3 January 2025 18: 14
              Quote: Tolmach
              The Romanov dynasty and its representatives in the highest echelons of power destroyed the autocracy themselves. No one could even imagine such a thing before.

              The question of the role of the Romanovs is rather controversial. It is unlikely that they would have wanted this, if there had been an attempt to get onto the throne instead of Nicholas II, then yes, but that did not happen.
              Quote: Tolmach
              My generation of citizens of the USSR also could not even imagine that it would be the CPSU - its representatives in the highest echelons of power - that would destroy the USSR.

              Yes I remember.
          2. +1
            3 January 2025 17: 22
            Quote: Dart2027
            It was a coup d'etat

            For a coup d'etat to take place, there must be a state, but it was destroyed back in February of that same year.
            1. 0
              3 January 2025 18: 05
              Quote: guest
              For a coup d'etat to take place, there must be a state, but it was destroyed back in February of that same year.
              What am I writing about?
              Quote: Dart2027
              This was a coup d'etat organized by ministers and generals, in order to gain power, probably with the participation of foreign intelligence agencies.
              1. 0
                3 January 2025 20: 31
                Quote: Dart2027
                What am I writing about?

                Well, then what kind of coup d'etat could there have been in October, or now November?
                1. 0
                  3 January 2025 21: 03
                  Quote: guest
                  in October, or in the new November, a coup d'etat

                  But it was precisely the VP that destroyed everything that could, so that the Bolsheviks seized power. Lenin's famous phrase:
                  "Procrastination is like death!"
                  He understood that this government would definitely be swept away, the question was by whom exactly.
                  1. 0
                    3 January 2025 21: 05
                    Quote: Dart2027
                    But it was precisely the VP that destroyed everything that could, so the Bolsheviks took over power.

                    So we have no disagreements here.
        3. +4
          3 January 2025 14: 40
          Critics of the Bolshevik government do not understand that real politics is not unlimited desires. Real politics is implemented in real historical conditions in a narrow corridor of existing possibilities.
          good good good good good
      4. 0
        4 January 2025 06: 13
        after the civil war in which there was everything that could be destroyed was destroyed - and this is also a fact.

        What defense industries were destroyed during the civil war? Examples, please, in the studio :))
        1. -1
          4 January 2025 07: 04
          Quote: MBRBS
          were destroyed during the civil war

          You don't know that after it there was complete devastation? Yes, there were no battles in Petrograd, but in those places where there were battles everything was sad.
  8. +8
    3 January 2025 07: 50
    The current socio-political system of Russia is not capable of ensuring victory over the West, since it is its flesh and blood. Moreover, it simply does not want such a victory. Hence the constant insinuations about "fixed matches".
  9. +5
    3 January 2025 08: 12
    Dear Alexander Samsonov!
    Another article-slogan does nothing for either the mind or the heart. The current generation (the generation of the liberal EBN-system) has a vague understanding of what socialism, the USSR and everything connected with it are.
    Speaking about those who lived some part of their lives (in my case, most of them) in the USSR, they can be divided into two large groups: the first believes that everything was fun and wonderful in the USSR; the second believes that there was nothing in the Soviet Union except galoshes and the totalitarian CPSU... There is also a third group of citizens who understand, despite everything, that in the form in which the country found itself during the rule of the GMS, it simply would not have existed for long, given the freedoms that poured out on the heads of the kitchen revolutionaries.
    Surely, at the beginning of the 20th century, there were also people who asked questions about losing the country and maintaining power, but not everyone could offer the optimal path of development.
    In 1917, in conditions that cannot be compared to those of 1991, the Bolshevik Party took responsibility for the situation in the country and in 1922 a great event took place - the formation of a workers' and peasants' state. Socialism assumed a path of development in which the principle was observed: whoever does not work, neither shall he eat. Much was done to educate the new man of socialist society and this process did not promise to be short. Domestic thieves and foreign bourgeois, foreseeing their own demise, did their utmost to harm the Soviet state, which was moving forward at a tremendous pace...
    Why did it all collapse? And it all collapsed only because the country was saying one thing from the podium, while in the corridors they were puffing with indignation, looking at the fattening Soviet and party nomenklatura... Whether it was good or bad, but the country's wealth worked for the benefit of the people.
    Today we see a different picture, in which even the country’s existing resources are squandered by the nouveau riche and are leaving the country, turning it into a raw materials appendage of the global economy.
    The power formed by the bourgeoisie cannot change the situation, because it itself is part of the system. New people do not come to power (or there are so few of them that they cannot do anything)... And it becomes clear that nothing good awaits us in the future, because the country is experiencing a slow extinction of the state-forming nation...
    Actually, EVERYTHING!!!
    1. +6
      3 January 2025 09: 17
      New people do not come to power
      What new ones? We have local elections, regional, district, the mailbox is filled with posters of candidates. You read. Independent, member of United Russia, again independent, member of United Russia and so on, the same thing, in short, vote or lose. And stop blaming everything on the CPSU, that only Martians were members of the CPSU? Earthlings were not accepted?
    2. Msi
      3 January 2025 09: 26
      The current generation (the generation of the liberal EBN system) has a vague understanding of what socialism, the USSR and everything connected with it are.

      We may not understand it very well, but the electorate of socialist parties in Russia has become much younger. The ideas of social justice and reforms in all spheres are still in demand.
      Those who have a bad attitude towards the USSR now are those who were young in the 80s, they were the ones who rejoiced when it collapsed. What age? 20, 30 years old at the time of the collapse of the Union, add the time that has passed, and that's how we get the numbers... These are quite old people...
      1. ANB
        4 January 2025 07: 35
        Those who have a bad attitude towards the USSR now are those who were young in the 80s, and they rejoiced at its collapse.

        I certainly wasn't jubilant. I was 21 years old.
    3. +2
      3 January 2025 15: 14
      The current state of affairs and the surrounding reality remind me of something terribly, but I haven't yet decided whether it's 1916 or 1990. As they say, find 5 differences.
      1. +2
        3 January 2025 17: 25
        Quote: seacap
        The current state of affairs and the surrounding reality remind me of something terribly, but I haven't yet decided whether it's 1916 or 1990. As they say, find 5 differences.

        1916, definitely.
        1. +1
          4 January 2025 15: 52
          If so, then everything is even sadder than it seems, even at the beginning of 1917, at balls and other merry feasts, no one imagined that in a few months they would be shot in basements and drowned in barges like puppies, the allies and enemies would begin an intervention and tear the country apart, which would plunge into blood and the abyss. The question is different, where is the force or personality that, like 100 years ago, will save and pull the country out of the abyss. It is very likely that the enemies of our civilization will not make such a mistake a second time, then we can only hope for a miracle and the historical traditional communal Russian persistence, diligently destroyed by the so-called elites, in horror of their own people.
          1. 0
            4 January 2025 15: 58
            Quote: seacap
            where is the force or personality that, like 100 years ago, will save and pull the country out of the abyss.

            Unfortunately, such strength and especially personality do not exist today.
  10. +1
    3 January 2025 08: 40
    And what's happening now?
    1. +4
      3 January 2025 09: 02
      An important question. If you don't ask now, then in 20 years they'll start talking again. Why didn't they come out to defend themselves?
      1. +1
        3 January 2025 17: 32
        Quote: Gardamir
        Why didn't you come out to defend yourself?

        To protect whom?
        1. +1
          3 January 2025 18: 22
          Well, now they ask why they didn't come out to defend the USSR. In twenty years, descendants will ask why they didn't come out to defend the country.
          1. +3
            3 January 2025 20: 41
            Quote: Gardamir
            why didn't you come out to defend the USSR

            As a person who was relatively young to come out to defend the USSR, I asked myself this question. And from what I heard from many people, they did not want to come out for Gorbachev, because he was associated with the USSR.
  11. +5
    3 January 2025 08: 55
    The Soviet Union consisted of 15 union republics

    And how many of this number of republics does the collector of Russian lands have?
    1. +4
      3 January 2025 09: 12
      The collector of Russian and non-Russian lands still has a lot to collect and collect, and while the collector is patching up his coat, they put a patch in the form of Karabakh on Azerbaijan, when suddenly it tore, "their" plane was shot down and, believe it or not, it was shot down not by Iranians, not by the Barmaleys, and not even by Ukrainians, but by Russia. As a result, there will be no vegetables or fruits from this southern republic in the summer.
      1. +4
        3 January 2025 15: 46
        Of course, there are none of these, but I personally can somehow manage without vegetables and fruits. Yes
        1. +7
          3 January 2025 16: 35
          Imagine, I live in a town, we had a suburban state farm, right across Kuban. Suburb. Engaged in growing tomatoes. They were one of the bosses of our school. Of course, the bloody communists used the child labor of our school students in the tomato fields. But there were so many tomatoes that the city's enterprises were also engaged in harvesting. But there were heaps of tomatoes on the market and in the company store. And different varieties and they cost pennies. And now two varieties, Azerbaijani and Turkish. The market decided. In our non-market relations, under the damned socialism, when there was no sausage, private traders sold tomatoes of different varieties. There was such a "Black Prince", a tomato with an almost black tint and with the taste of tomato. And now three, pink, red, plum. Our plum, red Turkish, pink Azerbaijani. The Russians and Abkhazians. And the plane, there's just a lot of talk when ours are shot down and we're silent when we're shot down. Maybe we should talk in both cases? Don't create rumors and it's stupid not to make excuses.
          1. +2
            4 January 2025 10: 44
            I can imagine. Maybe. Yes hi "" ""
  12. +4
    3 January 2025 09: 01
    The enemies of the USSR don't even need to be blamed, they themselves admit everything, including the fact that if they have been cowardly whining for 33 years that they "have nothing to do" with the responsibility for their seizure of the USSR, they have made up a bunch of nonsense that "the USSR collapsed by itself", "the USSR fell apart by itself", "and we have nothing to do with it, it's all the communists' fault", they themselves admitted that they seized the USSR with criminal goals.
    And their anti-Sovietism is not just the only justification for their seizure of the USSR, but also a consequence of their evil, aggressive mentality, their pathological mendacity and hypocrisy, their tendency to slander, and their mental problems.
    1. +3
      3 January 2025 09: 30
      "but we have nothing to do with it, it's all the communists are to blame"
      Yeah, only Martians and reptilians were accepted into the communists, but they weren’t accepted, so the reptilians and Martians are to blame, but they aren’t. So, and now, in United Russia, they only accept Martians and reptilians? Yes
  13. +2
    3 January 2025 09: 04
    The article is, of course, correct.
    "Every problem has a first name, last name and patronymic," but for some reason they are rarely indicated.
  14. +6
    3 January 2025 09: 56
    The government is organized.
    The people are disorganized.
    They sell him whatever they want (but you can't write about it)

    therefore everything is logical.
    As they say, fascism is an extreme form of imperialism, one of its signs is the rejection of any signs of democracy and elections, direct repression of the dissatisfied (and not the incitement from behind the backs of the Black Hundreds and Caucasians with green paint and pipes)

    Prigozhin and N are dead. Strelkov is sitting. It has already begun.
  15. +5
    3 January 2025 11: 11
    The national income of the USSR by 1986 was 66% of that of the USA, industrial production - 80%, agriculture - 85%. Compare this with the current miserable indicators, when one American state like California is richer than the entire Russian Federation!

    According to the precepts of Gaidar-Chubais, someone in the entire country did not fit into the market. lol
    Didn't global capitalism have enough cheap raw materials to survive? It got them with the destruction of the USSR, by the hands of the local aborigines themselves.
    Have you ever wondered why capitalism doesn’t interest countries with “aggressive socialism” like Cuba and North Korea?
    Because there is nothing to rob there, unlike in the raw materials-rich Russian Federation. wink
  16. -4
    3 January 2025 11: 56
    The problem of the USSR was not perestroika, Gorbachev, Yeltsin, the Masons, the CIA (cross out the unnecessary). A healthy country cannot be destroyed, no matter how hard you try. The virus of disintegration was already planted at its creation.
    1. -4
      3 January 2025 12: 24
      The decay virus of the 10th century, 1917, 1991 has one name.
    2. +2
      3 January 2025 12: 30
      They also destroyed the Rurikovich Rus, the Romanov Empire...
    3. +4
      3 January 2025 12: 35
      Yes, you, enemies of the USSR, have everything according to Orwell, including the fact that your separatists are "not guilty of anything." And always in world history, those who destroy their own state are state criminals. And you not only divided the USSR among yourselves because of hatred for each other, but you began to destroy the republics of the USSR that you had already captured, all because of your hatred for each other, and you unleash wars among yourselves also because of hatred for each other.
  17. +2
    3 January 2025 12: 10
    El pueblo! Unido! Hamas sera versido!
    El pueblo! Unido! Hamas sera versido!..
    When the people are united
    He is invincible!..

    YouTube doesn't show me anything.
    And only by some strange coincidence - the Song of the Chilean Communists, which I listen to several times, I throw my fist up in the air together with the audience and whisper:
    -- El pueblo! Unido! Hamas sera versido!

    The wonderful distant past is left behind.
    Come back!...
    But ..
    But I have no answer. Some faces from Goya's etchings and Gely Korzhev's paintings keep creeping out of my memory, and suddenly - his - "Raising the Banner"!
    Where are you, my beloved hero? Get up! Rise, appear!
    It's bad without you.
    And... raise the banner higher!
  18. -2
    3 January 2025 12: 25
    The USSR was a humanistic project as opposed to a "prison of nations". This is when Russia was robbed to please various national minorities. To compensate them for "centuries-long humiliation" from the "Great Russians". Therefore, maybe it is good that now there is no need to help various fraternal nations - some with gas, some with coal, some with cartridges. And this entire pioneer camp like space is super-expensive propaganda in a poor country, which is located in the northern latitudes and cannot be rich by definition. Because life is very expensive - heating, food.
    1. +2
      3 January 2025 16: 44
      Quote: AS552000
      in a poor country that is located in northern latitudesx and cannot be rich by definition.

      So Canada, Norway, Sweden and Finland are the poorest countries?
  19. -2
    3 January 2025 12: 30
    Quote: V.
    The process is not over yet. The next step is to destroy Russia itself. Economic and industrial collapse, reduction of the army, and we will degenerate into mice, like in that joke.

    What, what? The Russian Federation is a fragment of the RSFSR. The only good things left in the Russian Federation are the remnants of the USSR's achievements.
  20. +2
    3 January 2025 12: 33
    Quote: AS552000
    The USSR was a humanistic project as opposed to a "prison of nations". This is when Russia was robbed to please various national minorities. To compensate them for "centuries-long humiliations" from the "Great Russians".

    What are you talking about anyway? RF is a supplier of free resources to Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Egypt and most European countries.
    For example, Turkey - "The trade turnover between the two countries, according to the Turkish statistical service, by the end of 2023 decreased by 1,2 times, to almost 57 billion dollars. Of these, 46 billion were Russia's exports to Turkey, and 11 billion were Turkey's exports to the Russian Federation."
    total for the year 35 billion gifts to the Turks. RF gives them resources and Türkiye gives RF terrorists.
    1. -1
      3 January 2025 12: 42
      The enemies of the USSR, who captured our republic of the USSR, got 150 billion dollars for free, which other countries owed to the USSR, but they forgave those countries this money, and even gave loans for tens of billions of dollars to other countries. They pay pensions from our income to citizens of other countries on the territory of the former USSR.
      And the result is that their only truly friendly countries are Belarus and the DPRK.
  21. +1
    3 January 2025 12: 49
    Comrade Samsonov, come on...this is already a real "Zen" style. You are driving the same thing under different names and hyping it up. This "Sputnik" and the first man in space have already gotten on everyone's nerves, how much longer can this be, this measured buzzing and so every year 100 times from each iron, and now you start churning it out...
    Well, it was cool, cool - more interesting in technical terms than now. But let's maybe think about now and tomorrow? The past is in the past, it seems. There will be no USSR, there will not be. There are no volunteers except for the couch potatoes and those listed in the Red Book, who organized themselves so much that Kharitonov was given 3.5% in the last elections.
    That's it, the tales of the past have run out of steam, have become worn out. It's interesting to hear something new, what might await us next or what we should do next, so as not to perish as a civilization.
    1. 0
      3 January 2025 14: 11
      It would be interesting to hear something new about what might await us next or what we should do next so as not to collapse as a civilization.

      Knell, it's amazing how the same thought came to us at the same time. I've written below.
    2. +2
      3 January 2025 14: 41
      so much so that Kharitonov was given 3.5% in the last elections
      Kharitonov is a communist?? Alas, he is a member of the extremely opportunistic CPRF, which has long ago completely discredited itself... That is where the percentages come from.
  22. +4
    3 January 2025 12: 53
    Quote: yuriy55
    Why did it all collapse? And it all collapsed only because the country was saying one thing from the podium, while in the corridors they were puffing with indignation.

    What kind of nonsense is this that everything collapsed?
    The power system still works, the railway network still works, the oil and gas pipelines still work, the most important enterprises were all built by the USSR, and the rest of the applied science too.
    The USSR did not collapse - it was left to the capitalists intact and unharmed - with factories, shipyards, research institutes, engineers and a fleet of equipment.
    IT WAS THE CAPITALITS WHO DESTROYED IT, and not some Soviet nomenklatura.
    Power has passed to capitalists, and foreign ones at that, who are squeezing the last juices out of the legacy of the USSR economic system.
    When this legacy of the USSR ends, then the events in Donbass will seem like a piece of cake.
    1. -3
      3 January 2025 13: 02
      Quote: Dozorny_ severa
      IT WAS THE CAPITALITS WHO DESTROYED IT, and not some Soviet nomenklatura.
      So they were the ones who led the USSR?
      1. +2
        3 January 2025 15: 43
        Quote: Dart2027
        So they were the ones who led the USSR?

        Of course it was Gorbachev and Shevardnadze who destroyed the Lipetsk, Altai, Vladimir and Volgograd tractor factories - who else?
        1. -5
          3 January 2025 15: 43
          Quote: Dozorny_ severa
          Of course it was Gorbachev and Shevardnadze who destroyed it.
          Weren't they the leaders of the Communist Party?
    2. +1
      3 January 2025 13: 16
      Under the mantra “yes, the communists lied”, the enemies of the USSR staged their totally false anti-Soviet Perestroika, created a State of pathological lies, falsifying everything as it suits them.
  23. +2
    3 January 2025 12: 56
    Quote: Max1995
    Prigozhin and N are dead. Strelkov is sitting. It has already begun.

    Oh, what heroes - it's a joy.
    Strelkov is a crazy bun-crunch-white-maker, Prigozhin rose on contracts for the army, drove people to the slaughter for the report. Straight fiery patriots.
    Khodorkovsky was also sitting there - is he also an ardent patriot?
  24. +2
    3 January 2025 13: 01
    Quote: V.
    Economic and industrial collapse, reduction of the army, and we will degenerate into mice, as in that joke

    The economic and industrial collapse happened a long time ago, its consequences have not yet arrived - that's true.
  25. +2
    3 January 2025 13: 02
    Quote: U-58
    The defeat of the communists in both 91 and 93 ultimately became a great tragedy for the majority of ordinary people.

    And in 96... ardent patriots Rogozin and Lebed helped Yeltsin...
  26. 0
    3 January 2025 13: 09
    Quote: Eugene666
    But you will immediately feel some kind of internal barrier, won't you? That's it, capitalism is inside each of us.

    Absolutely correct judgment. Thus being determines consciousness. Socialism won because it relied on people from the ancient Russian peasant community, which was not affected by capitalist relations. The majority of the inhabitants of the Russian Empire were also from this community, for example, in Central Asia there lived then only 7 million people.
  27. -3
    3 January 2025 13: 24
    Quote: Stas157
    A furniture maker can control an army

    Before the Ministry of Defense, the furniture maker actually managed the tax office, quite successfully.
  28. +1
    3 January 2025 14: 06
    The country we lost ...

    "Long grief is also a monster that does not allow the living here and the dead there to live normally..."
    Dmitry Sillov, "The Law of the Mutant".

    It's time to wake up from the long cry and look around. Where is the analysis of what is happening? What awaits us? What to prepare for and how to take a worthy place in insurmountable circumstances, turning them to your advantage.
    I didn't find answers to these questions in any of the articles of the VO. And they - those who are preparing these circumstances for us - they are already being distributed among the strata, already agreeing among themselves who will get what from the fat pieces, and also - how to distract us more cleverly and crush us in case of disobedience.
    1. +1
      3 January 2025 14: 36
      In my opinion, we are stuck and stagnant in the philosophy of this lament for the old days. For us, this is, alas, typical. There was lament for the ancient, boyar, old-fashioned under Ivan the Terrible, under Peter the Great there was a real howl, under Alexander II they simply roared like beluga whales, and after 1917, and after 1956, and after 1985, and after 1991. We must understand that the old days are NOT returning. Everything is moving forward - for better or for worse. We must savor the moment when you are in the moment, if there is something to savor. And then fly forward, trying to take the best - but, of course, not stupidly everything.
      Lately, analytics on VO only aggravates the general depressive mood hanging in the air - again these elephantine doses of retrofetishism from different angles. Having given ourselves over so willingly to sighs for the past, its exaltation - we seem to admit our inability to expect something good from the future, to move it in this direction. But, whether we like it or not - it is coming to us and will come, we can only make it a little better or a little worse. Time cannot be turned back, it is unnatural. We need to think about tomorrow, so that it does not crush us again with a cast-iron boot.
    2. +4
      3 January 2025 15: 49
      We (ordinary people) have been living since the 90s with a subconscious expectation of the inevitable next betrayal of our (no) so-called elites, in the conditions of a deeply class-based society. When 99% of citizens, through laws, through polytechnic legislative manipulations of the same upper class, are removed from any influence on power and state policy, ensuring the irremovability of power through legislation
    3. +1
      3 January 2025 21: 57
      The analysis is simple. At this stage of development of our capitalist society, we still have the opportunity to express our opinions in elections. So we should use this and vote for the CPRF, whose election program includes the construction of a socialist society:
      Step 1: Property for the people. A sovereign economy for Russia
      in Step 4: ...we will prohibit the registration of Russian legal entities in foreign jurisdictions. We will limit the participation of foreign capital in Russian joint-stock companies. We will nationalize wholesale trade enterprises. ...
      Step 6: Curb Tariffs and Prices
      And this is where you need to start.
  29. +5
    3 January 2025 15: 37
    When the power is held by traders for more than 30 years, without honor and conscience, and not very burdened intellectually, who came not to serve and manage, but to rule, for whom the main measure of everything and everyone, spiritual and material, the criterion of success is only money and profit, it is difficult to expect progress, creativity and prosperity, much less selfless devotion, but only dependence and degradation. A deeply class society has been created, divided by an abyss, not only by the material standard of living, ownership of the means of production, but most importantly, by moral and ethical principles and worldview already at the legislative level. The notorious irreplaceable decrepit vertical has been created, when the personnel policy is on the verge of idiocy, based on personal loyalty, clan agreements and criminality from people, where the civil service is considered as a successful personal business project, has no potential, no opportunities for progress and development. Even at the level of the average person, without any special expert knowledge, one can feel the degradation of society and the neocolonial influence of the metropolis, the criminal passivity of the state in actively protecting its interests and in matters of development, acting situationally and sluggishly responding to threats.
  30. +3
    3 January 2025 19: 05
    It looks like a whole institute is working under the nickname Samsonov, churning out propaganda or a cell of the Communist Party.
  31. +1
    4 January 2025 08: 28
    What do we, the people, want from the current top brass, if the president declares that the USSR only produced galoshes??? But now we are ahead of the rest of the world, if you listen to him at the next forum.
  32. 0
    5 January 2025 22: 56
    The greatest event of the 20th century was the collapse of the USSR and socialism. 20 million communists and 35 million Komsomol members fled like rats from a sinking ship. The remaining red-bellied old farts will soon die out completely and the air in Russia will be cleared of the communist stench.
  33. 0
    Yesterday, 15: 07
    Quote: MBRBS
    Quote: V.
    Does the West need such a huge and rich country?

    as a supplier of resources - yes, it is needed! You are living in some kind of wilderness if you are not aware that Russia is a "great energy power" and the majority of our exports are gas, oil and other low-value products. And everyone is happy with this, including the West. Now if we exported microchips, then we would pose a real threat to the West.

    If this suited the West, they would not have imposed sanctions, they would not have blown up pipelines. Why do they need competitors?