The state and prospects of Polish air defense

The state and prospects of Polish air defense
SAM "Kub" of the Polish army. Photo Wikimedia Commons

One of the tasks of the Polish Armed Forces is to protect the country from air attacks. For this purpose, numerous units and subdivisions of troop and object air defense have been created within their structure. The bulk of their weapons are obsolete models from the Soviet era. They impose certain limitations on combat capability Defense, and therefore measures are being taken to modernize this branch of the military.

Defense organization

In the Polish Armed Forces, as in other modern armies, air defense is divided into two main areas: troop and facility. Units of the two branches of the armed forces must solve different tasks, which determine their structure, equipment and tactics.

The air defense facility is equipped with stationary and mobile anti-aircraft missile complexes designed for long-term protection of specific areas and objects. Air defense units, in turn, have self-propelled or portable weapons, with the help of which they must cover army units and formations.

The air defense of the regions is organizationally related to the air force and is represented by one anti-aircraft missile brigade. The 3rd brigade currently includes seven "squadrons" (divisions) with numbers from 32 to 38. They are deployed throughout Poland and must cover almost all strategic directions.

Polish Osa systems on parade. Photo Wikimedia Commons

The Air Defense Forces are represented by three anti-aircraft regiments, which include divisions on different equipment. These regiments are part of the main divisions of the ground forces, and their batteries and divisions are intended to accompany combined arms units. In addition, the tasks of the Air Defense Forces are assigned to the troops themselves. The infantry is armed with portable anti-aircraft missile systems of several models.

Soviet heritage

The Polish air defense developed most actively during the Cold War. Poland received various Soviet-made equipment and weapons en masse. No attempts were made to independently manufacture the necessary products or to search for alternative suppliers.

At the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, the supply of SAM systems from the USSR ceased. As a result, Poland was forced to abandon its plans to modernize its air defense. The existing models, often not the newest, remained in service. A significant part of them still have to be used, despite all the difficulties and limited potential.

The most widespread system in Poland's air defense system is still the Soviet product S-125. This equipment was acquired during the seventies, and has since become hopelessly outdated. In the late nineties, such an air defense system was independently modernized as part of the Newa-CS project. Then, part of the electronics were replaced, other solutions were implemented, and the system was made self-propelled. At present, the troops have up to 12 S-125 divisions.

The military air defense also continues to use Soviet products. At the beginning of 2024, it had about 20 short-range SAM systems "Kub" and at least 60 "Osa-AK" products. In addition, the troops have a large number of various MANPADS at their disposal, some of which were also supplied from the USSR.

Modern Piorun MANPADS. Photo by

Small-caliber missiles occupy a significant place in Poland's air defense forces. artillery systems. Since the times of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact, 23-mm ZU-23 guns have been in service in self-propelled and towed versions. In the recent past, some of these weapons have been modernized with the installation of new detection and control systems.

Update program

According to known data, the next stage of updating the military and object air defense was planned to be carried out at the turn of the eighties and nineties. At that time, they wanted to buy new types of equipment from the USSR and use it to replace the outdated S-125 or S-200 systems. However, during this period, the Warsaw Pact collapsed, the leadership in Poland changed, and a decision was made to reduce military cooperation with the USSR / Russia.

As a result, ordering new systems and complexes became impossible. At first, they tried to solve this problem by independently upgrading existing products, and during the nineties, acceptable results were obtained. However, in the long term, it was necessary to acquire completely new SAMs and SAMs.

In 2012, after several years of development, the Polish Ministry of Defence presented an air defence development plan for the period from 2013 to 2022. According to this document, it was proposed to develop and bring into service three promising anti-aircraft systems.

The army air defense was planned to be reinforced with a new Piorun MANPADS, which was to be used both independently and as part of the Poprad complex. The Pilica missile and artillery complex was also developed for the close echelon. The short- and medium-range air defense was to be supplemented with the Narew and Wisła complexes, respectively.

Poprad complexes with Piorun missiles. Photo PGZ

The Pilica, Poprad and Narew projects have successfully completed the development stage and have been brought to serial production. By now, the Polish industry has managed to supply the army with a certain number of such products and continues to manufacture them. It is expected that in the coming years these products will cover all the needs of the army air defense and will make it possible to abandon Soviet-made equipment.

Foreign assistance

Due to the limited capabilities of its industry, the Polish Ministry of Defence turned to its leading foreign partner, the United States, for help. In 2017-2018, after conducting the necessary studies and completing other procedures, a decision was made to purchase the American Patriot air defense system in the PAC3+ version.

The first contract for the delivery of these systems was signed in March 2018. According to this document, two complete battery sets of the SAM system were to be delivered to Poland for a total of $4,75 billion. The first battery arrived in Poland only a few years later, at the end of 2022.

In September 2023, a second agreement on Patriots was signed. Now Poland was to receive a total of six SAM batteries. The contracts provide for the delivery of 12 radars, 48 ​​launchers, 644 guided missiles, as well as the organization of training, maintenance, etc. The deliveries of equipment will begin only in the second half of the current decade.

Mixed composition

Thus, at present both types of air defense of the Polish army have a specific appearance, which directly affects their potential and capabilities. In combat units, systems and complexes of the Soviet and NATO models, manufactured at different times, are simultaneously present and operated.

ZRAK Pilica on the training ground. Photo PGZ

The military and political leadership of Poland is aware of the complexity of the current situation and is trying to improve it. Plans are being developed to develop the air defense of troops and facilities, and specific measures are being taken. Some of them have already led to the desired results, and new achievements are expected in the future.

According to the current plans of the Polish Ministry of Defence, the local industry will continue to produce modern anti-aircraft systems of its own design. These systems will gradually be supplied to combat units, replacing outdated Soviet-made systems.

It should be taken into account that at the moment the Polish industry can only produce relatively simple SAM systems with a limited level of characteristics. More complex equipment is supposed to be purchased abroad. For this purpose, contracts for the supply of Patriot SAM systems have been placed in recent years.

The fate of older systems such as the S-125 or the Kub has already been determined. They will remain in service for the coming years and undergo repairs if necessary. However, new upgrades to improve performance and extend service life are no longer planned due to their inexpediency.

As new equipment arrives, the old "Cubes" and "Osas" will be decommissioned. What will be done with them in the future remains unclear. In the past, decommissioned equipment was sent to storage or disposal. However, in the current military-political situation, the possibility of transferring unnecessary systems to Ukraine cannot be ruled out.

Patriot PAC 3+ SAM launcher/ Photo by US Department of Defense

Plans and reality

The current air defense modernization program is of great importance for the Polish Armed Forces. If the approved plans are implemented within the established deadlines, the combat capability of anti-aircraft units will increase significantly, and at the same time the safety of other units and facilities will increase. In addition, due to the general novelty, it will be possible to optimize the operation of the SAM / SAM systems and reduce their costs.

However, the air defense rearmament program may encounter various difficulties and problems. Depending on their nature and scale, they may lead to minor adjustments to the schedule or even to the cancellation of entire projects.

One of the main threats to new projects is their high cost. The needs of the Polish air defense require a large amount of equipment, which is not distinguished by its low price. At the same time, the Ministry of Defense is planning large purchases of other equipment for the army, such as Tanks and MLRS. All these contracts will cost tens of billions of dollars. Whether the country's economy will allow it to fulfill all these plans is a big question.

The new deliveries are based on samples of our own Polish design. However, it is unknown whether they meet all modern requirements for air defense missile systems and air defense missile systems. In addition, it should be taken into account that the nature of the air threat over the battlefield has changed recently. As a result, Poprad or Pilica products may not meet all the requirements of the time.

Thus, an interesting situation is observed. Poland sees and understands its problems in the field of air defense and even tries to take measures. However, the situation of this branch of the armed forces has long left much to be desired, and every year it requires more and more attention. Time will tell whether it will be possible to reverse the negative trends and fulfill all plans.
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  1. +10
    31 December 2024 04: 56
    Frankly speaking, the article is very superficial, has many inaccuracies and in places openly contradicts reality. Some time ago, there was another publication on this topic on VO. It is very revealing to compare them.
    Status and prospects for the development of air and missile defense in Poland
    1. +5
      31 December 2024 06: 27
      Good afternoon!
      Frankly speaking, the article is very superficial, has many inaccuracies and in places openly contradicts reality. Some time ago, there was another publication on this topic on VO. It is very revealing to compare them.

      Well, how - "compare"... here you can only "hug and cry"...
      It is sad that the authors writing for Military Review do not read this Military Review. belay (otherwise there wouldn't be such articles). And it seems like they only read Wikipedia... recourse

      The most widely used system in Poland's air defense system is still the Soviet-era S-125.
      laughing lol lol wassat
      It's a pity the Poles don't know.
      This means that the C125 is mass-produced, and it seems that the author has no idea about the KAMM.
      In addition, the troops have at their disposal a large number of various MANPADS, some of which were also supplied from the USSR.
      - hmm ...
      Projects "Pilica", "Poprad" and "Narev"
      Well, for example, I don’t know about the difference between “Narew” and “Vistula” (yes, yes, there is also “Vistula”).
      And how does Pilica differ from Iodek - well, this is not written in the RuNet at all (or rather, they write, but incorrectly), so what complaints are there...
      1. +5
        31 December 2024 09: 24
        Andrey, Happy New Year!
        Quote: Wildcat
        Well, how - "compare"... here you can only "hug and cry"...

        Yes, "understand and forgive"... request
        Frankly speaking, such publications devalue the reputation of Military Review as a serious information and analytical resource, which is depressing. sad
        1. +3
          31 December 2024 18: 27
          Happy New Year! drinks Or already Happy New Year!! drinks drinks
          Happiness to you, health, love, prosperity! New, interesting topics for creativity! As if by themselves (from the comments wassat to this, so to speak, article feel ) the articles "Current state and future of the missile defense/air defense of Poland/Israel/Germany" come to mind...
          Yes, "understand and forgive".... request
          Yes, you are right, that's exactly it: "understand and forgive"... But you could have read VO before writing an article for VO - what's stopping you? request ?!
  2. -1
    31 December 2024 05: 00
    A kick in the ass, gentlemen! How pathetic they are! Beggars.
    1. +6
      31 December 2024 09: 33
      Quote: Paul Zewike
      A kick in the ass, gentlemen! How pathetic they are! Beggars.

      No one can force you to love a potential enemy. But underestimating him can lead to serious troubles. And outright insults only indicate low intelligence. negative
      Poland has traditionally had very capable armed forces, which even during the Warsaw Pact were considered to be among the strongest among the USSR's allies.
      As for air defense, Poland has now advanced very far in this regard, and among European NATO countries has the most powerful ground component of the air defense and missile defense system. In addition to purchasing imported radars, Polish enterprises produce their own radars. Also, in addition to long-range SAMs, national manufacturers cover the entire line of medium and short range, as well as MANPADS.
      1. -2
        31 December 2024 10: 52
        What air defense systems does Poland produce itself, and not buy? Because in a situation where there is not enough for themselves, no one will sell. Furthermore, air defense is a system, and not individual, even if not bad quality, samples. Where do you see an air defense system? Yes, the article is weak, but the Poles have nothing to be particularly proud of. Except for their "Piorun", which they ripped off from "Igla")))
        1. +2
          31 December 2024 11: 32
          Quote: TermNachTER
          What air defense systems does Poland produce itself and not buy?

          If you don’t know something, or have a good understanding of something, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist! No.

          This is the final part of the series about Polish air defense. At the end of each publication there is a link to the previous parts, get educated!
          1. -1
            31 December 2024 12: 16
            Specifics please - what factory produces what, in what quantities, since when. I repeat for the especially talented - the Polish economic miracle))) is a screwdriver assembly of microwaves and vacuum cleaners from Chinese components. There was and is no radio-electronic industry there. Well, that's just by the way. So - SPECIFIC?))))
            1. +3
              31 December 2024 13: 40
              Quote: TermNachTER
              Specifics please - which plant produces what, in what quantities, since when.

              I have been on VO for a long time, just like you, and several times for those who are too lazy to open the links provided to them I have specially made articles, literally quoting their unique and meaningful comments. It is not difficult for me, I will make an article on the current state of Polish air defense and quote you, fortunately I am well informed on this issue. Do you need to embarrass yourself like that?
              1. -1
                31 December 2024 13: 44
                No need to threaten, just write.
                1. +4
                  31 December 2024 13: 55
                  Quote: Dima 6164
                  No need to threaten, just write.

                  A couple of years ago I already did a series on Polish air defense, starting from the Cold War to the current state at that time. Some things have changed, but Polish air defense has definitely not become weaker.
                  In the past, after statements that South Korea and Turkey do not have their own air defense system, I made reviews of these countries for especially gifted comrades. Do you think these characters commented on these articles? No, they preferred to quietly disappear...
                  That's all for today. The year 2025 is approaching in the Far East. Happy New Year to everyone! Health and all the best!
              2. -3
                31 December 2024 13: 45
                I am not lazy and read that article. The article is a set of cliches about Polish air defense. And I am asking about specifics. Which factories in Poland produce - processors, controllers, memory chips, magnetrons, klystrons, etc.? Which design bureaus develop and which factories produce surveillance radars and guidance systems? Which factories design and produce launchers and SAMs? The SVO showed that it is consumed in huge quantities. What do you think, if the question arises to first cover The Hague, Paris or Warsaw - what will be the answer?
                1. +1
                  31 December 2024 13: 50
                  Quote: TermNachTER
                  I'm not lazy and I read that article.

                  But apparently they didn’t understand anything!
                  1. -3
                    31 December 2024 15: 14
                    Well, enlighten me, I'm ignorant))) so 1. Poland itself does not produce anything. 2. All weapons are purchased, as already mentioned - a very dangerous moment. 3. They are simply purchased - it's all a CREDIT))) and loans tend to run out. Poland received 2024 billion euros in financial aid from the EU in 13. And if they don't receive it tomorrow? What will happen? Who will feed the Zholnezhs?)))
                2. -2
                  31 December 2024 15: 47
                  Do you have some kind of fetish for production? It's not possible for a country with 38 million people to produce everything. There are simply not enough Poles to make tanks, missiles, guns, rifles, cars, refrigerators, TVs, and everything else. But if you care so much, you can easily find information online about who will produce what. For example, regarding the CAMM and CAMM-ER missiles, Poland will also produce them, and several companies will be involved in this, including PGZ, HSW, Mesko, Jelcz, OBRCTM, PCO, PIT-RADWAR, WZE, and WZM.
                  1. -5
                    31 December 2024 16: 47
                    In all the nonsense you've scribbled))) there is one key phrase: "will participate". Or maybe it won't. Industry is not a fetish, it is what the state stands on. That's why I won't be surprised if Poland is divided again.
                    1. 0
                      31 December 2024 17: 06
                      "Will participate" means agreements are signed and there is a process to start a production. You can't start production of modern rockets in one day. You need to assemble lines, teach workers etc.
                      Also as I said - Poland is too small to produce everything. In Poland 34,2% of GDP is made by industry, in Russia... 28,2%.
                      Anything to add?
                      1. -3
                        31 December 2024 19: 31
                        There is a huge gap between participation and the start of production. And the question is, what will they produce? A container for packaging? Do you seriously believe that Poland will be given some serious technology? The French, when they signed a contract with the Indians for the "Rafal", also promised a lot. In fact, they gave a little more than nothing)))
                      2. +3
                        31 December 2024 19: 39
                        Whole production process of CAMM-ER rockets and launchers will be placed in Poland and Poland bought 54% of share in this enterprise. MBDA will be working for Polish PGZ not PGZ for MBDA.
                      3. -4
                        31 December 2024 19: 55
                        CAMM-ER, Europe does not produce it yet, the production is being launched. Do you think that Poland will be given the latest development?))) Well, and the launcher, even Zimbabwe can produce)))
                      4. 0
                        1 January 2025 16: 50
                        Of course, why not? Poland has money, is a member of NATO and EU. Why not?
                      5. -1
                        1 January 2025 17: 37
                        Poland has money as long as they give it))) what is NATO without the USA?)))
        2. +3
          31 December 2024 11: 45
          Quote: TermNachTER
          What air defense systems does Poland produce itself, and not buy? Because in a situation where there is not enough for itself, no one will sell.

          Are you sure that no one will sell? Maybe the production of new versions of Patriot systems in the US has ceased, and the Republic of Korea has withdrawn offers to export its systems?
          Quote: TermNachTER
          Further, air defense is a system, not individual, even if of good quality, samples. Where do you see an air defense system?

          Maybe you should study the material part better?
          1. -4
            31 December 2024 12: 19
            When South Korea faces the problem of war with the North, they will not only forget the word "Poland", but will say that they never knew it at all.
            People love to flaunt common phrases))) Tell me what material part Poland produces?))) and I'll laugh.
        3. 0
          31 December 2024 15: 35
          Poland is too small a country to produce everything. There are 38 million people living in Poland, so it's no surprise that some equipment is bought rather than produced.

          As for the defense system, it's not clear from the article, but Poland has built a very advanced air defense system. It consists of Patriot launchers as long-range weapons, CAMM launchers as medium-range weapons, and lighter weapons like GROM, POPRAD, or Pilica for close defense. Additionally, Poland has purchased two AWACS planes (and plans to buy more new ones) and, I believe, three AWACS aerostats. Furthermore, the new Polish Miecznik frigates are supposed to have very strong air defense capabilities. There will be three of these frigates.
          Piorun has as much in common with Igla as RPG-29 has with Pancerfaust. Stop repeating these nonsense claims. The only thing that was used is that the first versions of GROM had homing head components derived from Igla.
          1. -2
            31 December 2024 16: 11
            I won't "beat around the bush"))) - I don't see the point. I can remind you that in 1939 - Poland was also a small country that did not produce all the weapons and relied on guarantees from large countries))) do you remember how these guarantees ended?))) Well, of course "Piorun" is a purely Polish development, which has no analogues in the world))) it does not have a single Chinese or Taiwanese part))) I have already said more than once that screwdriver assembly of microwaves and refrigerators from Chinese components is not industry. These are fairy tales for suckers)))
      2. -2
        31 December 2024 11: 31
        very combat-ready armed forces, which even during the Warsaw Pact era were considered to be among the strongest among the USSR's allies.
        Perhaps the most numerous, nothing more. Beginning in the middle of the 17th century, the Poles were never the strongest,
        1. +2
          31 December 2024 11: 40
          Quote: Aviator_
          Perhaps the most numerous, nothing more.

          You are mistaken and very biased. Poland now claims to be the strongest army among European NATO countries. Just look at their air defense/missile defense system and their plans to modernize it.
          1. -2
            31 December 2024 11: 43
            and plans for its modernization.
            I'm not talking about now, I'm talking about the Warsaw Pact times. Well, modernization plans won't fill you up, the Poles got into the first tranche of aid from the EU, that's why the EU is supporting their industry, they themselves are not capable of anything.
            1. +1
              31 December 2024 11: 48
              You know, you haven't been noticed in excessive categoricalness before. I'm sure if you dig deeper in this direction, your opinion will change completely. Happy New Year! hi
              1. -3
                31 December 2024 13: 30
                Sergey, I have no desire to delve into the Polish military industry. I had some dealings with their radio industry, which strengthened my opinion, which was formed under the influence of my father, a WWII veteran. He treated even the Germans more calmly than the Poles. Rotten people, incapable of anything. Happy New Year! drinks
                1. +3
                  31 December 2024 13: 48
                  Quote: Aviator_
                  Sergey, I have no desire to delve into the Polish military industry.

                  Sergey, then maybe it’s worth listening to those who dug around?
                  Quote: Aviator_
                  I had a little dealings with their radio industry, which strengthened my opinion, which was formed under the influence of my father, a WWII veteran.

                  Poland is one of the few countries in the Eastern Bloc that has retained high-tech military electronics production. PIT-RADWAR and Bumar Elektronika, together with the Norwegian company Kongsberg, continue to produce good military radars.
                  Quote: Aviator_
                  Rotten people, incapable of anything.

                  Sergey, personally I am against putting labels on any people.
                  1. 0
                    31 December 2024 13: 59
                    Let the people live as they can, no one can stop them here - if they live and don't rebel, then they are happy with everything. Look at the gypsies, who have been living practically the same way for so many millennia, and nothing. The label has nothing to do with it.
                    I am against putting labels on any people.
                    Me too, but it's still not worth saying that a criminal has no nationality. Although this is from another area, it is also about the people.
                    where high-tech production of military electronics has been preserved.
                    But I dealt with this in the 80s. And I really didn't like this type of their activity. However, the generation has already changed, even two. Maybe they started doing it better, or maybe worse.
                    1. +2
                      31 December 2024 15: 55
                      Poland and polish people in the 80's and today are completely different galaxies.
                      he change, not only in the country but also in mentality, is incredible. If you come to Warsaw today, you'll see a city that is not ashamed to stand alongside Berlin or London. The rest of the country is the same. The civilizational leap is amazing. I recently returned from London (I'm Polish), and after landing, I said to myself, "Finally, back in a civilized country."

                      Even more has changed in people. There used to be scheming, slacking, and laziness—something like in Russia. Today, people work hard and honestly, and they resemble Germans from the 70s and 80s more than people from the Eastern Bloc.
      3. -4
        31 December 2024 12: 29
        My highly intelligent friend! How did you determine the combat capability of this dependent cur of Europe? Perhaps by 1939? Or did Poland win any other battles and wars? Oh yeah! They reached Moscow in the 16th century. They only produce modernized Soviet air defense systems on their own. Everything else is a screwdriver assembly. Poland has a budget deficit of billions of dollars, and they have nowhere to get their own funds to purchase new types of weapons. Only beg. And yes, I enjoy insulting the enemy, I cannot deny myself this, my obsequious friend.
        1. +5
          31 December 2024 13: 30
          Quote: Paul Zewike
          My highly intelligent friend

          It's not clear who you're talking to, but I'm definitely not your friend!
          1. The comment was deleted.
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. +1
          31 December 2024 15: 57
          Hmm... Poland won war with Russia in 1920. Is it enough?
          For the rest of screwdriver assembly - just check this:

  3. +2
    31 December 2024 10: 11
    A terribly weak and incomplete article. As if 1/3 of it is ready. Nothing is said about the medium-level air defense system of the Nareva, based on CAMM missiles and iLauncher launchers. Not a word about high-quality radars of Polish manufacture. Not a word about the acquisition of AWACS aircraft, which are part of the defense system. "Igla" is no longer the most common MANPADS, most of them were transferred to Ukraine, "Piorun" is more modern and replaces its predecessor.
  4. 0
    1 January 2025 16: 10
    Where does this Poland get its money?
    1. +1
      1 January 2025 17: 21
      The planned expenditure of the Polish budget for 2025 is 921 billion zlotys. This is 24-25 trillion rubles.
  5. 0
    19 January 2025 09: 41
    The article does not contain any information about the modernization of the Osa air defense system with the AMRAAM missile.