Great and slandered Soviet Union

Great and slandered Soviet Union


In 1992, the book by the famous French historian Nicolas Werth, “History Soviet state. 1900-1991". In France, Werth's book became a university textbook, and in Russia it was recommended as a teaching aid.

The essence of the book was completely anti-Soviet: "The year 1991 has a chance to go down in history as the completion of the experiment begun in 1917, which led to the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The unviability of the system, which for seven decades in the form of the USSR was the de facto successor to the tsarist empire, gave rise to more problems than it was able to solve...".

The only valuable thing in Werth's book is the recognition of the systemic continuity of Soviet Russia in relation to Tsarist Russia. The lie about the Tsarist "White" Russia is intertwined here with the lie about the Red Empire. Westerners hate any Russia - monarchical, communist or democratic. After all, this is Russia - the state of the super-ethnos of Rus-Russians, the main opponents of the Western project in the Great Game, where the stake is the planet Earth.

During the period of Gorbachev's "perestroika" and Yeltsin's "reforms", Russia was overwhelmed by a wave of false myths about Soviet civilization. The dismantling of the great civilization, the Soviet state, was underway, the people needed to be confused, deceived. Therefore, all the fakes were used, starting from the Nazi propaganda of the times of Goebbels and Hitler and the lies of various dissidents like Solzhenitsyn (Propaganda lie of Solzhenitsyn) and developments of the CIA and other Western intelligence agencies.

The USSR was called an ugly social experiment, a totalitarian "evil empire"; a country created by the agent of world Zionism and German intelligence Lenin; a "prison of nations" that suppressed national minorities, a giant concentration camp where people were slaves of the Gulag system and the "bloody tyrant" Stalin. That Stalin exterminated tens of millions of peoples of the Soviet Union (The Myth of Stalin's "Great Terror"), waged wars of conquest, started World War II and was no different from Hitler, and perhaps even worse.

That the Great Patriotic War was won by the "executioners" Stalin, Zhukov and Beria only by driving millions of Red Army soldiers against the first-class but numerically small Wehrmacht. They "filled up" all of Europe with corpses, and then enslaved Eastern and part of Southern Europe.

They said that the USSR was a country of semi-literate slaves, where any freedom was suppressed, where people were grey and gloomy, and spent all their free time in lines and looking for sausage. They lived on coupons.

If we are to believe researchers like Mlechin or Svanidze, the USSR was an ignorant country, with science and technology that was hopelessly behind that of the West or Japan.

This myth has penetrated so deeply into the new Russian nobility that even V.V. Putin said in 2012: “The thing is that what we produced (and there’s no need to wave our hands) was of no use to anyone. Because no one bought our galoshes, except for the Africans, who had to walk on hot sand.”

This gave rise to the myth that the USSR only made galoshes. Although the Russian Federation exists only due to the Soviet foundation: from the school (the education system, which in the Russian Federation was only “optimized”, destroyed, westernized) to the Armed Forces, the missile and nuclear arsenal.

"Mriya" with "Buran" on its back

New world

Why are Westerners, including Russian Vlasovites and Banderites, trying with all their might to slander the USSR?ate in fear of the Soviet civilization. It was an alternative model of human development, based on social justice and ethics of conscience, and which has proven its effectiveness in the fight against the pinnacle of Western capitalism and imperialism – the dark genius of the Nazis (magic plus tank divisions).

Moreover, after the war, the USSR recovered so quickly and developed so rapidly that the capitalist world again found itself on the brink of collapse. The crisis of capitalism in the 1970s and 1980s threatened to develop into a catastrophe. Only the destruction and development of the wealth of the Soviet Union and other countries of the socialist camp saved the Western world from a new Great Depression. True, only for a while. Now we are again in the crisis of capitalism, which has already developed into a catastrophe and war (the Middle East, Ukrainian fronts).

The red project of the Russian communists, led by Lenin and Stalin, decisively broke with the past world, with predatory capitalism.

Lenin clearly demonstrated his understanding that the Bolsheviks were creating a new world on the ruins of the old one. However, it was not they who destroyed the old world; it collapsed under the weight of its own mistakes. It is clear that the Bolsheviks and other socialists had a hand in this, but nothing more. The old Russia of the Romanovs destroyed itself. All the efforts of the collective West of that time would not have led to success if the Russia of the Romanovs had not rotted from within.

The Bolsheviks had everything to build a new world on the ruins of the old: 1) an image of the future, desirable and attractive to the majority of the people; 2) will, energy and a fiery faith in the victory of communism. For this faith they were ready to die; 3) a structure, a party, which united all those who wanted to save the Russian world, including part of the former tsarist General Staff (there is a version that the Bolsheviks were generally a project of the tsarist intelligence and General Staff) and the officer corps.

The ideal was communism, a community of people living according to truth and conscience. An earthly paradise, close to Christian ideals. Therefore, many Christian thinkers of that time were also socialists.

A very important element of the Red Project was the fact that it opposed social parasitism, the exploitation of man by man. Communism rejected the spirit of robbery, appropriation and looting inherent in capitalism and in general the Western project of development at the expense of other civilizations, peoples and cultures. Communism stood at the primacy of honest labor, and in this it was close to the Russian Old Believers.

Revolutionary changes were made in the interests of the working masses who produced the main product of the country. Workers and peasants. Labor, activity and creation are the most important foundation of the new world. Communism opposed social parasitism, when small privileged social groups (aristocracy, capitalists, bourgeoisie, bankers, merchants) exploited the state and the people, wasted their lives, took their capital abroad, and the overwhelming majority of the people lived in poverty and misery. When the system sucked people dry, killing them before their time. Thus, representatives of the upper classes lived 70-80 years, as on average now, and peasants 30-40 years.

Communism stood for constructive, creative work. Factories and plants, schools and laboratories instead of taverns and brothels, cultural centers and design bureaus instead of church porches.

Bolsheviks saved Russia from death

Under Gorbachev and Yeltsin, they created a myth that the "bloody commissars" overthrew the tsar, destroyed the autocracy, the old Russia. That the Great October Revolution became a curse for Russia, excluded it from the family of "enlightened, civilized" nations, and the entire history of Soviet Russia became a continuous catastrophe, the degradation of the people and the state.

In reality, everything was different. In 1917, the Bolsheviks were the only force that, after the destruction of the empire by the Februaryist revolutionaries (mostly the elite of the former Russian Empire: generals and admirals, bankers and capitalists, politicians and public leaders, grand dukes and high church hierarchs, aristocrats and State Duma deputies), tried to save the state and create a new world-reality on the ashes.

All the rest tore Russia apart. Nationalists, separatists and Cossacks created their own state formations and armies. The Whites, who were backed by the Februaryists, supporters of Russia's development according to the Western model-matrix, and the Entente, fought to make Russia a colony of the collective West and Japan. The peasant world gave birth to its own project of free farmers and began a war against the city and any authority. The Basmachi and bandits simply robbed and dragged the country into the past, into feudalism, a slave society.

It was a civilizational, project and state catastrophe. Russia was in agony. If it were not for the Bolsheviks, who proposed a project of a new reality, Soviet Russia, then the Russian world and people would have come to an end.

It is clear that among the Bolsheviks there were enemies of the Russian state and people - Trotsky, Sverdlov, Kamenev, etc. Revolutionary internationalists, ready to bury Russia for the sake of world revolution. Representatives of the "fifth column", working for the West.

But in general The red project absorbed the basic values ​​of Russian civilization and the Russian superethnos – justice, the primacy of truth over law, spirit over matter, the general over the particular. Bolshevism was for the ethics of conscience. For the work ethic., which brought them closer to the Russian Old Believers, who preserved the best qualities of the Russian people under the conditions of repression by the Romanov state.

The struggle between internationalism and national Bolshevism was the core and main conflict of the Russian Time of Troubles and the 1920s, when the country was being rebuilt. In the end, the Russian communists, led by Stalin, gained the upper hand and built a superpower capable of confronting the Western world on equal terms.

By the way, this is one of the reasons for the hatred of today's European social democrats, the "greens" towards modern Russia. After all, they are all ideological heirs of the Trotskyists and Maoist revisionists. And they hate the country in which the supporters of building socialism in a single country won.
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  1. +37
    30 December 2024 03: 54
    It is an indisputable fact that it was the socialist state that won a victory over Hitler's Germany, which no capitalist country in the world could confront on equal terms in 1941. Therefore, an integral part of the anti-army campaign were the efforts of the perestroika media to downplay the significance of the Soviet people's Victory in the Great Patriotic War and popularize the slogan "They covered us in corpses." I believe that the number of human losses in the USSR of 27 million people is politicized. During perestroika, 7 million were added to the existing official figure of total losses of the army and civilians, as if deliberately blurring the greatness of the Victory. On May 8, 1990, Mikhail Gorbachev, on the eve of the 45th anniversary of the Victory, informed the Supreme Soviet of the USSR that during the Great Patriotic War the country had lost "almost 27 million lives of Soviet people." (Who believes Gorbachev now?)
    1. +5
      30 December 2024 04: 17
      The Red Project has absorbed the basic values ​​of Russian civilization and the Russian super-ethnos – (...) the primacy of truth over the law
      This hasn't gone away, by the way. It's called "concepts".
      1. +2
        31 December 2024 15: 22
        And everyone has their own truth, and usually whoever has more money and power is right.
    2. AAK
      30 December 2024 11: 07
      Well, if communist socialism was such a wonderful socio-economic formation, then for what reasons did the USSR collapse? And if we consider "false fabrications", then the USSR was a real "prison" only for one people - the Russians, starting from the Leninist-Bolshevik struggle with "great-power chauvinism" and continuing through the "nationalization" of management personnel, as a result, "the growth of prosperity of the fraternal Soviet republics" was carried out exclusively at the expense of funds earned by the RSFSR and the BSSR, well, and a little bit of the Ukrainian SSR... Well, as for the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, it is necessary to take into account that the alternative was either to win, or to become the ashes of a concentration camp crematorium
      1. +15
        30 December 2024 12: 57
        There is no point in proving anything to the Bandera member and the Hitler Youth, they are slaves of the lamp, capitalist dunces.
      2. Fy;
        30 December 2024 18: 11
        The Union was destroyed by the authorities who betrayed the country and the people, the nomenklatura, who wanted to become, albeit small, but little tsars.
        And what kind of "prison" the USSR was for Russians - we can judge from the following figures:
        The number of Russians in the USSR in 1989 was 145 million people.
        Today, there are only 105 million Russians left in the Russian Federation in 2020, there were 80%, 71% remain - and this is despite the millions of Russians who moved to Russia from Ukraine and other republics of the former USSR!
        1. -21
          30 December 2024 20: 04
          Due to the criminal rule of the communists, Russia (not the USSR) suffered demographic losses of about 20 million people during the 137th century.
          1. +2
            31 December 2024 01: 43
            watch out, don't get confused in the sidelocks - a fighter for the Russian people...
          2. +2
            31 December 2024 17: 49
            And the gray line that is like "how it should have been" based on what? The wishes of the one who drew it? It could have been taken even cooler
          3. Fy;
            1 January 2025 09: 25
            What kind of nonsense are you talking about, Andron? What "hypothetical population"? You might as well post Mendeleev's erroneous prediction and blame the Bolsheviks for the deaths of several hundred million UNBORN )))
            Although, you have already done this, with your "hypothetical numbers" and mythical "accumulated losses" from this "hypothetical numbers )))
            It seems like both you and author the tablets have already drunk at least half a liter without a snack.
            And the real number should be based on the real population growth rate adjusted for the real mortality rate, which is shown in the graph of the change in the number of Russians in the RSFSR/RF by year.
            And this graph has nothing in common with your lying nonsense:
            1. -6
              1 January 2025 18: 59
              Well, argue with professional demographers. And lying nonsense is a communist privilege. The communists' lies led to the collapse of the country.
              1. Fy;
                2 January 2025 11: 43
                Here is a graph from professional demographers showing the growth of the number of Russian people and citizens of the USSR under the USSR, and its decline under the Russian Federation.
                What is in the picture above is a professional lie, because they are counting the SUPPOSED increase - from the series "what if..." - and they are not counting the real losses of real living people - but those who were NEVER BORN, that is, there is pure manipulation and lies.
                1. -6
                  6 January 2025 22: 00
                  You will deny the millions of victims of the civil war, the famine of 22, the famine of 33, the repressions, the victims of WW2, the famine of 46. For the criminal conspiracy of Hitler and Stalin, the Soviet people paid 27 million lives, 40 million demographic losses. For the Famine of 32 - 7 million lives, and from 26 to 38 inclusive due to hunger, dispossession, repressions 14-16 million demographic losses, the civil war - 10 million. Hence the figure of demographic losses due to demographic catastrophes in 54 - 76 million. And then pure arithmetic with the same birth rate, with a population larger by 76 million and will grow even more. And since 60, mortality in Russia began to grow - the aging of the population plus alcoholism. Of course, the figures are calculated, but if not 137, but, for example, 130 million, what would have been easier for you?
                  1. Fy;
                    7 January 2025 19: 21
                    I will deny your interpretation.
                    For example - why the hell are you blaming the victims of the civil war on the Bolsheviks and the USSR, and not on the Whites who started it? The Bolsheviks didn't need this war! And they didn't start it - the Bolsheviks already had power.

                    Banderovites love to talk about the "conspiracy between Stalin and Hitler", it's strange that you are repeating their tales here.

                    There were many famines in the history of tsarist Russia - but for some reason you don’t want to count the demographic losses from famine and from WWI, and why?
                    1. 0
                      10 January 2025 19: 46
                      Well, give us some data on the victims of the famine in Russia. In the First World War, there were about 700 thousand casualties. The civil war was started by the red-assed scum that seized power in an armed coup. The greatest event of the 20th century was the collapse of the red-assed government.
                      1. Fy;
                        10 January 2025 22: 56
                        Regarding hunger, here is the data:
                        There is no need to drag your Bandera nonsense that "the war was unleashed by the Reds" here, because I don't know how it is in your parallel reality - but in our world the Bolsheviks, after they gained power, were least of all interested in the war, because they had a bunch of other problems inherited from the tsarist government - criminals released from prison, a ruined economy, a parade of sovereignties, huge territories occupied by the enemy and to respond to them, although they did not start this war - in general, they had enough concerns without a civil one.
                        And that is precisely why the Bolsheviks DID NOT START A CIVIL WAR.

                        And it was the Whites who started it. First there was the attempt by Ataman Kaletin to seize Rostov and other cities - by the way, with money from the West.
                        Then the English soldier Kolchak, a rare scumbag, began to act.
                        The first cases of white terror were noted then, which provoked the red terror as a response. Well, "Kolchak" is still the name given to the most evil and finished dogs in Siberia, so much grief and troubles Kolchak brought to the people. He lost, by the way, also because the Siberian partisans took out all his rear supplies - without any Bolsheviks. Even Lenin said that no one did as much to establish Soviet power in Siberia as Kolchak)
              2. +1
                2 January 2025 22: 50
                Well, argue with professional demographers.

                Do we have professional demographers in Russia? And what do they do, I wonder??? Do they personally increase the birth rate of the titular nation??? Well, well...
                1. -8
                  5 January 2025 22: 51
                  Repeating the lying propaganda of professionally lying red-bellied propagandists will definitely increase the birth rate of the titular nation. He doesn't want to know anything except communist nonsense.
        2. +1
          30 December 2024 21: 10
          We are talking about people who indicated their nationality. During the last census, the number of people who did not indicate their nationality increased many times. The overwhelming majority of them are Russians, mostly young people. There was a whole campaign on social networks - either not to indicate nationality at all, or to call themselves Vyatichi, Meryu, etc.
          1. Fy;
            1 January 2025 09: 28
            Russians are Russians as long as they associate themselves with the Russian people. When a person does not call himself Russian - it does not matter whether he is not Russian by birth or because he believed some television propaganda - then he is not Russian.
            Russians in Russia are those people who, during the census, indicated their nationality as Russian, those who consider the Russian people to be their native people.
            Those 7 million who did not indicate their nationality are not Russian.
        3. -1
          30 December 2024 23: 22
          The country was destroyed by people just like you and me. They were born, educated and employed in the USSR. But all of this was not enough to preserve the existing system. The Soviet elite was simply stupid, incompetent and greedy. Having unlimited natural resources, territory, population under the thumb and so ineptly merging the state only confirms these definitions.
          1. Fy;
            1 January 2025 09: 29
            The country was destroyed by traitors in power, not by "people like you and me." The overwhelming majority of ordinary citizens of the USSR were for preserving the Union.
          2. +1
            2 January 2025 23: 03
            ...the elite were simply stupid, incompetent and greedy.

            It is not worth calling the "elite", the stupid, incompetent and greedy contingent that crawled to the leadership chairs. These were quite competent, cunning and smart people who knew what they wanted and what was required of them! And what was required was to be a devoted fool and a sycophant to the high management, and if you had a diploma from some university, then you were smart by definition!!! And it does not matter that at the same time you did not know anything and did not know how to do anything with your own hands... Everything was determined by the flexibility of the spine. A clear example - Andropov and Gorbachev...
      3. +12
        30 December 2024 18: 14
        The destruction of the USSR was the main goal of the West since 1945. It was necessary to remove its main competitor, which was the second strongest state in the world, which everyone reckoned with. On the one hand, the USSR was betrayed by rotten elites who wanted to live like in the West, not caring about their people. As a result, a clone of Tsarist Russia has now been restored with all the ensuing consequences. Under Gorbachev, experienced political strategists reformatted the people in the direction of denying their history. But the late USSR had mistakes. It was necessary to offer society new ideas and saturate the consumer market. However, empty shelves are also part of the plan to collapse the USSR.
        1. +4
          30 December 2024 19: 51
          Quote: Alexander Odintsov
          The destruction of the USSR has been the West's main goal since 1945.
          No. The destruction of the USSR has been the main goal of the West since December 31.12.1922, XNUMX. Or do you think that Hitler invaded in 1941 not with the goal of destroying the USSR? Excuse me, but for what purpose then?
          The issue is not only in the West. The issue is more in ourselves. Why did a party elite suddenly come to power in the country, aimed not at the victory of communism, but at the collapse of the USSR? This elite was not thrown to us from the West. And not from Mars. The party leadership came from the people. They were pioneers, Komsomol members. Then old communists gave them recommendations to the party.
          How did it happen that traitors were able to penetrate the Politburo? After all, the process of traitors penetrating power is not a momentary process. Why did the immune system of the party and the state, called upon to protect the state, not only by removing from the system of power not only current but also simply potential traitors, not work?
          After all, the entire elite that destroyed the USSR had at one time passed through all (or almost all) steps of party positions. No one jumped into the General Secretary's chair from the combine operator's chair.
          What, all the "real communists" of the country didn't understand who they were pushing to the top? That's bad. Because stupidity doesn't lead to anything good.
          Or were all the “real” communists of the country blind and deaf in matters of promotion to the top? And that's bad too. This is a loss of vigilance.
          Or did all the "real communists" not give a damn about anything, including who to promote to the top? And that's bad. Very bad. That's indifference. Remember: "be afraid of indifferent people - it is with their silent consent that all the most terrible crimes in the world occur."
          Or were all the "real communists" wiped out during the war? But we were convinced that after the war the party only grew stronger, since millions of the best and bravest fighters and commanders joined it at the front.
          Unfortunately, I have no answers to these questions. Or we must admit that this K. Marx, who believed that revolution could only happen in countries where the industrial proletariat prevailed, was right. According to his calculations, these were industrially advanced countries, which he included England, France, Germany and the USA. In other countries, according to Marx, the proletariat would not be able to take power under any circumstances. It would seem that the Bolsheviks, who were able to take power, refuted Marx. But... sad
          1. P
            30 December 2024 20: 18
            There are answers. The party can be the vanguard at the initial stage of the revolution, but it should never and under no circumstances become the real power in the country. The real power without division into branches should be exercised by the proletarian class through the system of councils (and there should be no other power in the country at all). Councils should be formed exclusively on the production principle, so that the enemy could never get into the system. The rotation of nominees back to the team should be carried out constantly and from all levels and not necessarily periodically, elections are continuous and replacement is possible at any time. During rotation, the representative's activity is assessed by the team, if necessary, the assessment includes trial and execution. The hypothetical Khrushchev hypothetically proposed a virgin lands adventure, rotation, assessment, execution.
            1. +1
              31 December 2024 17: 09
              Naive. I recommend reading the brochure by F. Engels "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State". Or M. Khazin "Back to the Future". It describes how human society is structured and how it is managed. There is no need to fantasize about a new man of the communist future. This is very harmful to "health". The USSR died from this disease.
              1. P
                1 January 2025 17: 31
                This is not a fantasy, but a well-established practice that worked until 1936.
        2. +3
          31 December 2024 03: 29
          The destruction of the USSR was the goal of the capitalist world not since 1945, but since the creation of the USSR. Hitler was raised for this, and he was set on this.
        3. +2
          1 January 2025 01: 23
          [quoteBut the late USSR made mistakes, it was necessary to offer society new ideas and saturate the consumer market. However, empty shelves are also part of the plan to collapse the USSR][/quote]
          Very true statement!
      4. +7
        30 December 2024 19: 47
        Well, I am Belarusian myself, I was born, I live and hope to die here later. However, I cannot understand how a territory deprived of resources can feed someone left. Let's look, with an "armed" eye, the republics were churning out semi-finished products, the BSSR was engaged in finishing, assembly, etc. The profit was also written on the BSSR. "What is there to divide, we are all our own." Catch an economist who can calculate who is whose. How much for cotton, how much for workers' vacations at resorts, how much for sugar, salt, etc., etc., and at market prices? The USSR was a large corporation, where everyone worked for the result. And the above statistics are only intended to sow discord and flatter the ego of some backward people.
    3. +7
      30 December 2024 18: 52
      Well, 27 are military + civilians (military, I think, 11.8 million). It is precisely because the Germans committed genocide, that is why there are such huge numbers of losses. Moreover, these numbers include those who fought on Hitler's side, all sorts of Forest Brothers, Bandera supporters, ROA, since they were also citizens of the USSR
  2. +50
    30 December 2024 04: 25
    Happy birthday, Motherland!
    I don't want to, I can't, I haven't resigned myself to it
    And I will erase all boundaries in my soul,
    I was born in the Soviet Union
    And I will die in the Soviet Union!
    1. +15
      30 December 2024 16: 15
      There was a Red Banner and gold
      Ears of corn in the Coat of Arms of the country!
      There was unity between the Hammer and Sickle.
      In the Soviet country everyone is equal!

      In the twenties, in spite of
      All the bloody intervention,
      The bayonets of that Red Army
      The enemies were driven back with glory.

      There was a white project ---
      They dreamed of tearing Russia into pieces
      Pests, spies to us
      They sent them across the border

      No matter how hard all the enemies tried,
      We defeated them with all the world,
      No matter how hard we clench our fists,
      Our strong union was not broken

      Factories, mines and workshops,
      They issued three norms,
      New villages grew...,
      What our people created

      And for industry to grow ---
      Hydroelectric power stations were built on the rivers!
      Our people are growing! The country was blooming!
      And everyone helped each other!

      I wrote this in 2020, after conversations with a wonderful communist from Odessa ------ Alexander Green (Alexander Grinyaev), whom I met here at VO.
    2. +15
      30 December 2024 18: 15
      How we were deceived and what we lost In the USSR we knew that we were the second pole of the world, the second strongest state with the most powerful army and a nuclear shield Now we are fed up with NATO, there is a war in Ukraine and the Kursk region is an enemy There are shootings in the Kursk and Belgorod regions In the USSR, the people had confidence in the future No one was looking for work, everyone had it Now for many this is a problem In the regions, the salary is 25 thousand, so everyone goes to the rubber Moscow, which is being expanded to infinity Housing was free, it was paid for by the housing cooperatives, but not at such draconian prices as now Now people are put on mortgages People move into empty apartments and take out loans to repair a car, etc. Education was totally free Now only the remnants are budget places Medicine is free Then every student was assigned to a job Now people often get an education that no one needs as a manager, marketer or lawyer and then work at McDonald's or as couriers In the USSR, there was people's power, there was no such theft Now we are ruled by an oligarchy and officials are sawing off the budget In the USSR the population of the Russian Federation grew by an average of 800 thousand per year now there is a total demographic catastrophe So why all this, where are we going? Sobering up is inevitable!
      1. -1
        30 December 2024 20: 50
        What a horror. So much text and not a single punctuation mark.
      2. +2
        30 December 2024 21: 20
        What remains? Currently in the Russian Federation the annual number of budget places in universities exceeds the annual enrollment in universities of the RSFSR in the late Soviet period.
  3. +27
    30 December 2024 05: 01
    It is also worthy of a response to the topic, which was mentioned by the author in passing.
    The creation of the USSR was slandered by those same traitors who convinced the people that there was no sausage or jeans in the country only because no matter what a Soviet person did, the result was either galoshes or product No. 2...
    And how many "scary tales" were composed by those who were born during the fifty-year history of the Soviet Union... And today all knowledge about the USSR is passed on to new generations mainly by those who were born after the death of LIB... And it's good that they are not yet migrant teachers...
    The Soviet Union does not need advertising, as well as the sermons of those priests who, on the Soyuz channel, enjoy howling in an incomprehensible language and claim that the Bolshevik government only did what it did, drowning in ice holes and publicly chopping up defenders of the Christian faith, forgetting to mention that it is this church that turns a blind eye to the condemnation of abortions, glorifying the state, which from year to year grows with various migrants, diasporas and non-believers...
    * * *
    For the particularly stubborn, I will repeat that many mistakes were made in the construction of the WORLD'S FIRST SOCIALIST STATE, but the general line chosen was correct:
    From each according to his ability, to each according to his work! He who does not work, shall not eat!
    It was in the USSR that people felt the power of the workers' and peasants' state. It was here that the creative potential of every Soviet person was revealed. It was socialism that opened the eyes of African and other colonial formations to a new life, to a new path of development...
    All that remains is to find out from these detractors of the Soviet system what prospects they have prepared for the Russian people, what they can captivate and what conquests they can inspire the Russians to?
    1. -19
      30 December 2024 10: 38
      Quote: yuriy55
      It was in the USSR that people felt the power of the workers' and peasants' state. It was here that the creative potential of every Soviet person was revealed.
      1. +17
        30 December 2024 13: 05
        There is only one answer for a Bandarlog like you.
      2. +9
        30 December 2024 14: 55
        And the photo is modern, army pants from the 90s
      3. +4
        30 December 2024 16: 52
        it is in Galicia that the Poles cultivate former collective farm fields
    2. -9
      30 December 2024 11: 09
      Quote: yuriy55
      The creation of the USSR was slandered by those same traitors who convinced the people that there was no sausage or jeans in the country only because no matter what a Soviet person did, the result was either galoshes or product No. 2...

      I was born in the USSR. I had a pretty decent childhood in the country of the Soviets. I regret that a large country has disintegrated into many parts that are assessed ambiguously. Many of those who are yearning for the USSR today remember the best school, the reading people... I just want to ask, have the "reading" people of the past forgotten the Aesopian language and figurative expressions that were studied in Soviet schools along with the works of Krylov, Saltykov-Shchedrin? Most likely, we somehow studied poorly if we take the president's phrases about galoshes literally. Otherwise, the Finnish boots that people lined up "to the death" for in daily queues, Komatsu, Katarpillers and other Magiruses that were used to develop Siberian deposits would pop up in our memory... And this is not blasphemy against the USSR, but a sober admission that technologically we were catching up with the West throughout the 20th century. And yes, our tanks were the best in the world, but because strategically everything best in the national economy was directed toward defense, while group B production (consumer goods, etc.) developed on a residual principle.
      Quote: yuriy55
      For the particularly stubborn, I will repeat that many mistakes were made in the construction of the WORLD'S FIRST SOCIALIST STATE, but the general line chosen was correct:
      From each according to his ability, to each according to his work! He who does not work, shall not eat!

      To begin with, I will say that the general line and slogans are two very different things. And one could argue about the correctness of the general line, because it was precisely from a squiggle in this line that the country's food problems, and housing problems for the people, and other failures with the food, light and other industries, including the auto industry, appeared... In general, it can be stated that, despite the progressive doctrine, in the second half of the 1991th century we diligently screwed up in the practical implementation of the installations of this doctrine. Which logically ended in XNUMX.
      1. +16
        30 December 2024 11: 14
        Quote: Hagen
        To begin with, I will say that the general line and slogans are two very different things.

        To begin with, I will note that the general line of the CPSU was the program of building a communist society, the first stage of which was socialism.
        From each according to his ability, to each according to his work! He who does not work, shall not eat!

        These are the basic principles of socialism, not slogans...
        And this was enshrined in the Constitution:
        Article 14. The source of growth of public wealth, the well-being of the people and each Soviet person is the labor of Soviet people free from exploitation.

        In accordance with the principle of socialism "From each according to his ability, to each according to his work", the state exercises control over the measure of work and consumption. It determines the amount of tax on taxable income.
        Socially useful work and its results determine a person's position in society. The state, combining material and moral incentives, encouraging innovation, a creative attitude to work, contributes to the transformation of work into the first vital need of every Soviet person.
        1. -8
          30 December 2024 11: 21
          Quote: yuriy55
          To begin with, I will note that the general line of the CPSU was the program of building a communist society, the first stage of which was socialism.

          Before making any statement, it would be a good idea to cover the issue with theory. What you personally understand by the general line is not one. The general line of the party is a system of doctrines, ideological guidelines.... I could write a whole article on that, but I won't. And "communism through socialism" is a set of goals.
          1. +9
            30 December 2024 11: 23
            Quote: Hagen
            Before making any statement, it would be a good idea to have some theory behind the issue.

            Let's finish here...I don't need discounted goods and strange services. I don't have any loans...
            1. -5
              30 December 2024 11: 24
              Quote: yuriy55
              On this and finish ...

              Yes, meeting reality can be painful...
              1. +6
                30 December 2024 11: 30
                Quote: Hagen
                Yes, meeting reality can be painful...

                Young man, are you speaking so that someone will understand you or are you just speaking?

                I'm not interested in empty chatter...
        2. -4
          30 December 2024 17: 26
          Quote: yuriy55
          From each according to his ability, to each according to his work! He who does not work, shall not eat!

          These are the basic principles of socialism, not slogans...

          And trade happily ignored this principle and gobbled it up with three mouths throughout the entire existence of the Soviet state.
          Judging by the amount of products, workers and peasants did not work at all compared to trade.
          1. +5
            30 December 2024 17: 37
            Quote: your1970
            And trade happily ignored this principle and gobbled it up with three mouths throughout the entire existence of the Soviet state.

            I will agree with you only in that it was so and was especially felt in the southern republics, where the OBKhSS operated only in the movies... An example is the fate of a well-known billionaire:
            In August 1980, 26-year-old Usmanov, together with his friends Bakhadyr Nasymov, an operative of the special department of the KGB, the son of the deputy chairman of the KGB of the Uzbek SSR, Mukhammed-Amin Nasymov, and Ilkham Shaikov, the son of the Minister of Agriculture, was sentenced to 8 years in prison on charges of complicity in accepting a bribe under aggravating circumstances, fraud committed by a group of persons, and group theft of socialist property In 1986, Usmanov was released from prison on parole “due to sincere repentance” and “for exemplary behavior.”

            Another example:
            During his arrest, the director of the Eliseevsky grocery store, Yuri Sokolov, had a little more than 100 thousand rubles confiscated and was shot.

            In the RSFSR there was better control and there was less theft...
            But, you must admit, these are subjective costs...
            1. -2
              30 December 2024 21: 35
              Quote: yuriy55
              But, you must admit, these are subjective costs...

              When "subjective costs" are systemic - when in ANYONE in the country's populated area it was possible ANYONE In the "Meat" store, you can find weathered, centuries-old bones on display, and then fresh tenderloin on the counter.
              When the competition to enter trade institutes was higher than to enter polytechnics, and sometimes even higher than "for an artist" - this is a system...
              This is not an ounce of expense.
              I was driving through a summer cottage village in 1980 - a factory that made paint for KAMAZ - EVERYTHING in the village was painted orange: fences, roofs, toilets, houses and even trees.
              We had strategic aircraft at the airfield in 1968-1969. They flew away...
              And then there was a fire in the garages - lucky, they filled it up successfully. There are 12 boxes of 23 mm in the cellar, the ensign who hid them died in the 1970s. So there is no answer to the question - WHY???
              Taps, drills, files - the factories have been gone for 30 years, but the USSR still brings them to the market. Can you imagine the volume of what's been brought into the bins?
              The collective farm shepherds - who have two lambs, a rarity (they don't) - and their own number increased to five hundred and six hundred heads.
              The chairmen of collective farms - who took teams of Armenian day laborers (boo-ga-ga, what kind of migrant workers are there in the USSR, what are you talking about??) 15 people according to labor contracts, but in fact three worked hard, but were paid for 15 - they didn’t know that they were paying dead souls...

              And so, wherever you poke in the USSR - "Subjective costs!!"
              1. 0
                31 December 2024 06: 16
                To all your verbal ... . I will answer with a specific example. Winter frost below -20, a leak begins in a working boiler. The question is either to turn off the boiler (with freezing of the system) or to do something? My father (he was then the deputy for general issues, or if you want, the quartermaster), finds a welder nearby (well, really, 50 km is not far?), this welder climbs into a hot boiler (naturally, it was stopped! But if you wait for it to cool down, the entire heating system of the houses will freeze), his wet cotton work clothes were charred and smoking! But he did the impossible! Less than a day had passed since the accident! The welder asked for 300 rubles for the work (the 70s), they paid him, but then my father had problems with reporting. I do not know all the subtleties (he was too petty), but you must agree that 300 rubles are pennies compared to a man-made accident! Well, where is the truth here? On the side of the father? Or on the accounting side?
                1. -1
                  1 January 2025 03: 08
                  Quote: non-primary
                  For all your verbal ...
                  This is an old feature of Soviet power fans - to hang a label. They hang it and everything is immediately clear to them.

                  Quote: non-primary
                  So where is the truth here? On the father's side? Or on the accounting side?

                  The truth is that it depends on the time and the Criminal Code in effect at that time. If they had defrosted it under Stalin, it is quite possible that they would have stitched sabotage + to the theft of public funds.
                  If they had defrosted it during the LIB, he would have been charged with embezzlement until a sudden
                  If the system does not allow the issue to be resolved legally and it is resolved illegally, this is a question of the viability of the system.
                  Before the collective farms, those who took Armenian day laborers and were caught doing this, and this happened (and even in the Investigation, experts say it happened) - they were jailed for a hefty term
                  A team of day laborers built two apartment buildings in 3-4 weeks, a team of local builders - a year, they were getting paid, why bother if they won't get two salaries?
                  1. +1
                    1 January 2025 19: 42
                    You throw around terms well! You're obviously a humanities major. But I'm a techie, and the main thing for me is that everything works (as it did for my father), and how you'll slander us later is a matter of indifference to me.
                    1. -2
                      1 January 2025 21: 10
                      Quote: non-primary
                      I'm a techie, and the main thing for me is that everything works (just like for my father), and how you'll criticize us later is of no concern to me.

                      for techies - your father would have gone to jail like a good boy. He was just lucky, it happens...
                      If the system is designed to be illegal, it will die. As a techie, you understand this - either change the instructions or the design. If you always act against the instructions, it means it was written by rams - if the design is correct
                      1. 0
                        1 January 2025 21: 30
                        But I was right after all! Your demagogy is through the roof! And to bring an isolated case under the system? Cool! Boring.
                      2. -2
                        1 January 2025 22: 33
                        Quote: non-primary
                        And how about including a single case into the system?

                        single?you for yourself Do you believe? Do you believe that this is a unique case? Everyone who traveled 200 km in any direction from Moscow lived like this.
                        I have given you a mountain of cases above - those that worked VS systems - where either the instructions or the design were impossible to implement/inoperative.
                        And this ultimately destroyed the USSR. And this is a real fact - with which, unfortunately, nothing can be done.
                        You can think that hardware was not stolen, there were no lambs, your dad did not persuade the welders, there were no moonlighters and nothing else happened - your opinion has no meaning against the fact of the death of the USSR, including because of this.
                      3. 0
                        1 January 2025 22: 55
                        demagogy and nothing else. And the moonlighters were, are and will be! And by the way, they built well.
                      4. -3
                        2 January 2025 17: 04
                        Quote: non-primary
                        demagogy and nothing else. And the moonlighters were, are and will be! And by the way, they built well.

                        the problem is that they brought 10-15 labor for 3-5 people and received wages for 3-5 each. This is an article and corruption.
                        And yes, if they tried to build poorly, who would take them from those who are under the article?
                        Quote: non-primary
                        demagogy and nothing more.
                        - this is a denial of facts. It is you who are denying the facts - not me...
                      5. +1
                        3 January 2025 02: 55
                        I see that you are completely out of the loop. The day laborers were paid for the final result, not for the number of workers. Even if two people delivered the object on time, they received the entire amount under the contract! Where is the injustice here? Just no demagogy.
                      6. -2
                        4 January 2025 12: 52
                        Quote: non-primary
                        I see that you are completely out of the loop. The moonlighters were paid for the end result, not for the number of workers.

                        That's right!!! According to the project and estimate, a certain number of people were building the facility, but in fact these people were not there - dead (sometimes really dead!!) souls. The salary calculated according to the standards for the object - they divided it not by 15, but by 3-5 people. For this, they collected work books from the entire village - and the local manager of the facility automatically fell under 2 articles of the Criminal Code.
                        There was upper limit in terms of wages in the USSR for all professions - it was determined by the Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbooks (ETKS). If some profession began to produce more under the same conditions - checks began (usually it was a hack job, defective work, etc.), and if everything was normal - the ETKS was revised. Therefore, by the way, the plan was overfulfilled by 1-1,5%, no more.
                        Therefore, it was impossible to legally take and make an object with two people - if according to the standards there were 10 people there.
                        The Armenians were the best at collecting labor documents - that's why they became famous, and not at all because they were super-duper builders there. The Moldovans worked no worse - but in Moldova there was more order with documents.
      2. +8
        30 December 2024 13: 08
        Can a savage who flies a supersonic bomber or a spaceship, who creates nuclear energy, who builds wild factories and cities in the taiga, not envy a civilized Westerner?
        After all, he does not engage in such nonsense, which none of the enlightened inhabitants need, but sunbathes culturally in Hawaii, long since liberated from uncultured savages. Spending his life in civilized bliss and lofty thoughts about further world development and the spread of freedom of speech and democracy... To Aesopian language.
        1. -3
          30 December 2024 13: 24
          Quote: Dedrusav
          Can a savage who flies a supersonic bomber or a spaceship, who creates nuclear energy, who builds wild factories and cities in the taiga, not envy a civilized Westerner?

          He can say anything out loud, but when it comes to choosing a car, well.... clearly not a VAZ or UAZ...
          Quote: Dedrusav
          After all, he doesn’t engage in such nonsense, which is of no use to any enlightened citizen, but rather sunbathes culturally in Hawaii.

          And in between sunbathing in Hawaii, he composes the Internet, Windows and other tomographs and mammographs.... with the help of which you are treated, and you enter the world information space. I say this because there is no need to engage in self-righteousness. And the West has not lost its technological leadership today. And if you do not consider yourself a savage, then this must be confirmed by your attitude to the matter, to those around you. And if you do not agree with your interlocutor, then bring an authoritative argument in your favor. This is how a civilized discussion is usually conducted, without sticking the label of "enemy of the communists" (not to be mentioned at night) on your opponent. wink Everyone has the right to their own opinion. Reasoned...
          1. +4
            30 December 2024 13: 26
            Ah, what inventions for the sake of democracy and freedom of speech! Why did the wild Soviets invent the artificial heart? Why were they the first to master space? Hawaii does not give such fantasies? The stupid Hawaiians do not understand sarcasm, they are all Bidenites...))
            1. +1
              30 December 2024 14: 11
              Quote: Dedrusav
              Ah, what inventions for the sake of democracy and freedom of speech! Why did the wild Soviets invent the artificial heart? Why were they the first to master space? Hawaii does not give such fantasies?

              Your post is just an example of home-grown kvass "patriotism", like they are all idiots there, but we.....!!! Nevertheless, with what OS are you hammering this post? About space... Well, yes, we are also worth something there, but we do not have our own Hubble, just as we did not have a manned Shuttle. And all the radiologists pray to the old GE X-ray machine, because our analogue is very buggy. All of us, both Russians and non-Russians, and completely European ones are some part smart, some not so much. I would like the first to be more in the VO forums than the second. It is interesting with smart people...
              1. +2
                30 December 2024 14: 27
                It seems you have Coca-Cola pedriotism. You always compare yourself to your bitter enemies. Or you are simply one of them. In that case, all your words are just diarrhea...))
                1. 0
                  30 December 2024 14: 45
                  Quote: Dedrusav
                  You all take your cues from your fierce enemies.

                  How can we not be equal to them, if we have to compare the same rutube with youtube, and the comparison is not in our favor?! But we also invented computers. Are you not interested in understanding why this happens? Apparently not... You are more interested in physiology, the peculiarities of someone else's defecation... Well, you and I have different interests in historical processes. request
                  1. +1
                    30 December 2024 21: 08
                    You wrote about defecation. I have different thoughts, I work for the country.
                    1. -1
                      31 December 2024 04: 27
                      Quote: Dedrusav
                      You wrote about defecation.

                      You already manage to "change your shoes" on the third line. Apparently, that's how you work. And paper tolerates everything. The Internet even more so... Who would have known how much truth you have written about yourself. But I am distrustful. I read what you have written, and one thing does not match the other...
                      1. +1
                        31 December 2024 10: 36
                        I don't know what you see there, our Coca-Cola is Latin-lettered, but your shit is boring, clearly Biden-like. I understand, Floridoids have always been STUPID...)))
                      2. -1
                        31 December 2024 14: 02
                        Quote: Dedrusav
                        I don't know what you see there.

                        No wonder. You have problems with analytical work, and therefore your right hand does not understand what the left one is doing. You have not tried to say anything meaningful in any of your comments. You whine about the USSR, which you yourselves screwed up. And you do not even try to understand the reasons for what happened. And therefore you are not capable of building anything, you can only be rude to your interlocutor. You are boring in your primitivism.
                      3. 0
                        31 December 2024 14: 03
                        Enough, Florida-like, whining about your great foolishness, wake up and get drunk.
                      4. -1
                        31 December 2024 14: 07
                        Quote: Dedrusav

                        You put a minus and calmed down? That's it? Are you out of arguments? Actually, I didn't expect anything else... People usually get wiser with age. But this is not your case. You don't have to answer,
                      5. +1
                        31 December 2024 14: 08
                        This is for you: The outskirts of all countries populated by Bandar-logs, mixed with an insignificant part of the unsavory, that is, developing and developed anthroposes, and surrounded by centers and capitals that are totalitarian in relation to them, have always dreamed of living independently and freely. That is, independently.
                        Independence is when something is not left lying around, but is constantly taken out from the most unexpected places, like trousers, and shown to others. Or, to put it simply, it doesn’t lie down, but stands.
                        Including industry and education.
                        That is, it does not require physical and intellectual labor.
                        This leads to the production of a standing wave, which causes a wave frequency resonance in the banderlog environment, combined with the tunnel effect of the place in which the brain should be located.
                        Thanks to this long standing, banderlogs develop massive jumping ability in height, length and width, which obeys the law of periodicity depending on the ambient temperature.
                        And therefore the main slogan of all the independent Svidomo: “Whoever does not ride is a Muscovite!”
                        It has been noticed and documented that mass jumping ability does not apply to Muscovites and unseen anthropos. They simply have no time to jump, they work and study.
                2. man
                  30 December 2024 17: 05
                  Quote: Dedrusav
                  It seems you have Coca-Cola pedriotism. You always compare yourself to your bitter enemies. Or you are simply one of them. In that case, all your words are just diarrhea...))

                  Sorry to interrupt hi I remembered that there was a great natural soda called "Baikal" in the USSR. And how it was worse than Pepsi-chemicals, I still can't understand. Stalin was right to fight against servility to the West...
                  1. 0
                    31 December 2024 05: 02
                    Quote: mann
                    I remembered that there was a great natural soda called "Baikal" in the USSR.

                    Baikal, Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola are equally harmful to health. 10 grams of sugar per 100 grams of drink. A direct path to pancreatic dysfunction (diabetes). How did Stalin fight the servility of the West, can you give examples? Maybe he immediately refused to support the Bretton Woods system? Or what did he do? He refused to participate in the UN work on Korea and achieved the introduction of the US army under a UN mandate. He refused to occupy Hokkaido, despite the preliminary plan. Politics is the art of the possible. Each politician works in his own unique conditions. Therefore, they cannot be compared with each other. And each has both victories and defeats to his credit.
          2. man
            30 December 2024 16: 56
            And the West today has not lost its technological leadership position.
            And it's no wonder. While we haven't even stood still since the 90s, but have been rolling into the abyss, they have been developing
          3. The comment was deleted.
      3. +10
        30 December 2024 13: 59
        Everything is clear in comparison. Now there are no galoshes, no Finnish boots. In addition to komatsu, there were Soviet Belazzes and Krazes. What do we have now?
        1. -5
          30 December 2024 14: 14
          Quote: Gardamir
          Besides Komatsu, there were Soviet Belazzes and Krazes

          KrAZs?! Invented by a designer whose drivers raped his wife? (That's what our conquerors of Western Siberia say about them). laughing
          1. +8
            30 December 2024 14: 42
            You carefully ignored my question. What are they doing now?
            1. -7
              30 December 2024 14: 47
              Quote: Gardamir
              You carefully ignored my question. What are they doing now?

              Go to "made in Russia". Read and learn.
              1. +8
                30 December 2024 14: 55
                I went in. It's not interesting to read about every toilet in the village.
      4. man
        30 December 2024 16: 39
        strategically, all the best in the national economy was directed towards defense, while the production of group B (consumer goods, etc.) developed on a residual principle.
        That's right, that's how it was. I was also unhappy with this in the 80s, but already in the 90s and especially after the start of the SVO, I changed my opinion to the opposite. Our generation simply did not understand what a sacred word "PEACE" is! I don't give a damn about these Finnish boots, domestic ones were also not bad, but if I have to stand in line, I'll! If only our Army was the strongest and there was PEACE!
        1. 0
          31 December 2024 04: 44
          Quote: mann
          Our generation simply did not understand what a sacred word “PEACE” is!

          It's not true. Everyone understood everything perfectly well, they just sat and discussed in their kitchens how the reports at congresses did not coincide with life, and at meetings everyone was in "a single impulse unanimously for the only candidate proposed from above...". They fought in Afghanistan for the last 10 years... and knew the price of the word PEACE, especially when they drove disabled internationalists out of social institutions with the words "we didn't send you there". No external forces destroyed the Union, it collapsed itself. And it is not customary for us to talk objectively about the dead. And today you can't even force anyone to read about this dead man. So all sorts of fables are born in the faces.
          Quote: mann
          I was also unhappy with this in the 80s, but already in the 90s and especially after the start of the SVO, I changed my opinion to the opposite.

          We say - an egg is expensive for Christ's day. Well, your change of mind is not expensive. It should have been changed earlier, while the Union could have been saved. But so, we have what we have.
    3. The comment was deleted.
  4. -33
    30 December 2024 05: 04
    The red project of the Russian communists, led by Lenin and Stalin, decisively broke with the past world, with predatory capitalism.

    Another attempt by Alexander Samsonov to wash away the blood of the millions of innocent citizens of the Russian Empire from the Bolsheviks and communists.
    Despite the bloody industrialization and no less bloody victory in the Great Patriotic War, the Bolsheviks and the Communists do not deserve justification. In fact, they carried out a coup d'etat and plunged the country into a bloody civil war at a turbulent stage of its development, in fact, perestroika. All the achievements of the Bolsheviks and Communists are based on the solid foundation of the bloodless achievements of the Russian
    empires. As soon as they were exhausted, stagnation began, due to the lack of trained engineering staff and creative intelligentsia.

    But in general, the Red Project absorbed the basic values ​​of Russian civilization and the Russian superethnos - justice, the primacy of truth over law, spirit over matter, the general over the particular. Bolshevism was for the ethics of conscience. For the work ethic, which brought them closer to the Russian Old Believers, who preserved the best qualities of the Russian people under the conditions of repression by the Romanov state.

    Bolshevism and the communist movement and doctrine had and do not have anything in common with Russians, Russian traditions and culture. The ideology of Bolshevism and communists consisted of the destruction of the Russian ethnic group, culture and traditions. For this purpose, for example, they exempted people of Jewish nationality and small nations from conscription into the army, deliberately destroying the Russian population. As a result, the ratio of the Russian and Jewish population in the USSR changed from less than 1901% to more than 3% in 30. If this is not deliberate genocide, then what is?
    1. +14
      30 December 2024 06: 49
      Jewish nationality

      Is this in some alternate universe?
      1. -12
        30 December 2024 07: 38
        Quote: Maxim G
        Is this in some alternate universe?

        Take the Russian Empire Population Census (1897) and compare it yourself. Everything is there in detail.
        The question is not about Semitism or anti-Semitism, but about statistics and the reflection of historical facts.
        1. +12
          30 December 2024 07: 46
          You, enemies of the USSR and the Soviet people, are real only when you have no benefit from lying and being hypocritical in your vile and criminal goals. After you captured the USSR, you committed genocide against tens of millions of people. Under you, for the first time in centuries, the Russian people began to die out at an enormous rate. And you all proved that you don’t care about it.
          1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +13
          30 December 2024 08: 04
          You have been asked a specific question.
          When were people of Jewish nationality exempted from military conscription in the USSR?
          1. +10
            30 December 2024 09: 52
            Quote: Maxim G
            When were people of Jewish nationality exempted from military conscription in the USSR?

            What are you talking about? I had a Jew serving in my battery in the late 80s - Zhenya Gorodetsky - a good guy.
            Those who were exempted from conscription into the Russian Armed Forces were natives of the Chechen Republic...
            1. +6
              30 December 2024 09: 53
              Quote: yuriy55
              What are you talking about? I had a Jew serving in my battery in the late 80s - Zhenya Gorodetsky - a good guy.
              Those who were exempted from conscription into the Russian Armed Forces were natives of the Chechen Republic...

              Am I carrying this? Look who wrote this and who am I asking!
              1. +6
                30 December 2024 10: 29
                Quote: Maxim G
                Am I carrying this? Look who wrote this and who am I asking!

                My fault, boss! I spilled compote on myself... lol
                I barely found this phrase from the guy who writes the word “Semitism” sometimes with an “e”, sometimes with an “i”...
          2. -9
            30 December 2024 09: 57
            From the very beginning of military operations on the Eastern Front on June 22, 1941, the Soviet government began to pursue a policy of evacuating the population and material assets beyond the Urals and to Central Asia. During the transfer of industrial enterprises to the rear and the displacement of the civilian population, which began in the first days of the war and continued until 1942, a large number of Jews living in the USSR were saved. According to rough data, in the Soviet Union, within the borders of 1939, as already noted, there lived more than 3 million Jews. After the annexation of the western parts of Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova, the number of Jews increased by another 2 million people.

            Even taking into account the difficulties of the evacuation policy, the number of Jews in the USSR who survived was very large. The greatest difficulties were caused by the evacuation of the population from the border western regions of the country, adjacent to Germany and the first to be attacked. Due to the success of the first months of the "blitzkrieg", no more than 2% of the 12 million Jews living in Western Belarus, Western Ukraine, the Baltics and Moldova were evacuated, that is, only about 200 thousand people. From the rest of the territory of the USSR, located at a greater distance from the front line, by the time the German troops arrived, more than 1 million Jews had been evacuated beyond the Urals, which constituted a third of the Jewish population of the European part of the Soviet Union. In addition, a significant number of Jews, although precisely unknown due to the lack of any reliable statistics, escaped, without the participation of state services responsible for the evacuation.

            Thus, the total number of Soviet Jews who were outside the German occupation zone throughout the war and therefore not exposed to the risk of physical extermination was 2 million 250 thousand people (of which, as noted above, about 200 thousand people were taken from the western regions of the USSR, another slightly more than 1 million from the European part of the country, including Moscow and Leningrad, and, finally, about 1 million Jews lived in territories that were not subject to German occupation at all)4. Immediately after the start of the war, on June 24, 1941, the Evacuation Council was created under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, chaired by L. M. Kaganovich. Although the Council did not issue any direct or separate directives regarding the movement of Jews, the percentage of Jews among the 12 million people taken beyond the Urals was in practice high. According to the materials of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, a significant part of the evacuees was resettled in Western Siberia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The fate of the people who remained in the territories occupied by the German army was similar to that of Eastern European Jews - they were placed in ghettos, their property was confiscated, and they themselves were subsequently exterminated.

            Already on July 22, 1941, NKO Directive No. 090 ordered: “Cleanse all units of questionable people (italics mine – A.B.), taking into account that among those called up in the western regions of Ukraine, Belarus, as well as among those called up in Moldova, Bukovina and the Baltics, there was a significant number of traitors”7.

            Directive No. 0477 of the Deputy People's Commissar of Defense and Chief of the Main Directorate of Forms E.A. Shchadenko dated December 9, 1941 on the formation of labor columns among the contingents designated for their staffing were also ethnic groups of citizens of the USSR related to countries at war with the Soviet Union or unfriendly to it: Germans, Bulgarians, Finns, Romanians, Turks, Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Western Ukrainians and Belarusians, peoples of the Baltics, natives of Northern Bukovina12.

            Therefore, in July 1942, a new wave of purges was required. By order of the Deputy People's Commissar of Defense E.A. Shchadenko No. M/1/292620, people from the western regions of the USSR (Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, natives of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina), Germans, Finns (the latter - except for natives of the USSR, "who did not raise doubts"), Italians, Romanians, Hungarians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Turks, Japanese, Chinese, Koreans "and other nationalities of countries fighting with us" were removed from the ranks of the Red Army. All of them were to be weeded out of military units, dismissed from the Red Army and immediately sent to the disposal of the Molotovugol Trust (Tomsk Railway)21.

            If in 1941 the restrictions concerned, first of all, military personnel of a number of nationalities, then from 1942 they began to extend to young people of draft age and to citizens liable for military service. Consequently, it was no longer a question of purging the ranks of the Red Army, but of preventing new contingents from among “unreliable” ethnic groups from entering these ranks. Pre-conscription youth from among Westerners (Western Ukrainians and Belarusians, representatives of the peoples of the Baltics, Moldovans, Karelian-Finns) were assigned to conscription stations on an equal basis with their Russian peers23. With the announcement of the next conscription, citizens of the listed nationalities were called up for military service, but were distributed into labor columns.

            In the spring of 1942, restrictions first affected the North Caucasian highlanders. The first to stop conscripting were the Chechens and Ingush. According to incomplete data from the Main Directorate of Military Forms, by April 1, 1942, about 25 Chechens had been conscripted, and about 5 Ingush. 25 However, in general, conscription of Vainakhs into the army at the beginning of the war was carried out with great difficulty. In early April, all mobilized people on the territory of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR were sent home. 26 On July 26, 1942, by State Defense Committee Resolution No. 2100ss, a nationwide campaign was announced to conscript into the army “all citizens” born in 1924. 27 The State Defense Committee Resolution itself did not contain any ethnic restrictions. But a few days later, on July 30, in the order of the People's Commissariat of Defense No. 0585, which explained the procedure for implementing the State Defense Committee resolution, a clarification was made: “Conscripts of the mountain nationalities of Checheno-Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria and Dagestan, as well as nationalities that were not called up in Transcaucasia” (i.e. Adjarians, Khevsurs, Kurds, Mokhevs, Svans) are not subject to conscription. 28 This norm, in a slightly modified form (“do not call up until special instructions”) was repeated in the order of the People's Commissariat of Defense No. 0974 of December 21, 1942, which explained the procedure for the next conscription of citizens.
            The restrictions on the conscription of North Caucasian peoples, introduced back in 1941–1942, remained in place until the end of the war. In 1942, they were extended to the Adyghe and Circassians, who were not initially affected31, and in 1943 – to the Ossetians32. The reasons for these restrictions were not explained by the state in any way, but they should be directly linked to the growth of socio-political tension in the mountain regions, the disruption of mobilization measures in a number of them, and the incidence of mass desertion.

            Uzbeks, Tajiks, Turkmens, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Kirghiz, Uighurs, Dungans and Bukharan Jews were subject to discharge into the reserve. There were 79 of them in just five reserve units of the Central Asian Military District (the 32th reserve rifle regiment, the 16nd reserve rifle brigade, the 13th reserve cavalry regiment, the 86th reserve automobile regiment and the 12th reserve anti-aircraft artillery regiment).
            1. +8
              30 December 2024 10: 05
              The answer to my question is where?
              You have been asked a specific question.
              When were people of Jewish nationality exempted from military conscription in the USSR?
              1. -6
                30 December 2024 10: 25
                Quote: Maxim G
                The answer to my question is where?
                You have been asked a specific question.
                When were people of Jewish nationality exempted from military conscription in the USSR?

                There was certainly no general exemption. Nevertheless, a significant percentage of the Jewish population of the USSR was not subject to service in combat units, due to the peculiarities of the mobilization policy.
                1. +5
                  30 December 2024 10: 53
                  The percentage of military personnel killed in WWII from the total number of nationalities among Jews is approximately the same as among Belarusians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Chuvash, and Mari - above 4%.
                  For Jews - 4,71%.
                  1. BAI
                    30 December 2024 21: 58
                    Yes, but the civilian Jewish population in the occupied territories was exterminated by 90% (by the Germans)
                2. mz
                  30 December 2024 14: 36
                  Quote from Eugene Zaboy

                  There was certainly no general exemption. Nevertheless, a significant percentage of the Jewish population of the USSR was not subject to service in combat units, due to the peculiarities of the mobilization policy.

                  This was only because the percentage of qualified specialists (workers, scientists, engineers) among the Jews was higher, and they were more needed in the rear and in production, and not because they were Jews. There were also Jews as generals (Y. Kreizer, D. Dragunsky). And they also signed up as volunteers (V. Etush, Z. Gerdt, for example). For the Soviet state, they were no different from Russians.
                  1. -1
                    30 December 2024 14: 52
                    Quote: mz
                    This was only because the percentage of skilled professionals (workers, scientists, engineers) was higher among the Jews,

                    Rather, the reasons were different. A large percentage of the Jewish population lived in the western regions of Ukraine and Belarus, as well as in Moldova. After the evacuation, these people were not registered for military service, but were sent exclusively to work in the rear. Polish, Baltic and other Jews from neighboring states, Mountain Jews, as well as Bukharan Jews were also not subject to mobilization. In total, these are millions of citizens forcibly excluded from mobilization.
    2. +18
      30 December 2024 07: 39
      Everything is known in comparison. The current government came to power on blood. I'm not even talking about the unrest in the republics. After the collapse. I'm talking about October 3-4, 1993. You know how many thousands of civilians were killed. About the Russian ethnic group. Those who bring in entire countries of migrants are certainly not the Bolsheviks.
    3. +17
      30 December 2024 08: 04
      Quote from Eugene Zaboy
      For this reason, for example, they exempted people of Jewish nationality and small nations from conscription into the army, while deliberately destroying the Russian population.

      Ahaha, another exposer of "kiavavyh balsheviks". In the Russian Empire, neither of them were called up to the RIA in principle. However, there are even more stubborn commentators. For whom the Brest Peace is a bloody crime of Bolshevism, but the surrender of Russian lands by the White generals, without any benefit, just to screw over the Bolsheviks, the Germans, in 18, is just the cost of a civil war, it happens to everyone, it's part of life... Two-faced individuals.
    4. +12
      30 December 2024 08: 56
      The Bolsheviks and the Communists do not deserve justification. In fact, they carried out a coup d'etat and plunged the country into a bloody civil war at a turbulent stage of its development, in fact, perestroika.

      This kind of nonsense was already heard from every iron during Gorbachev's perestroika and, especially, in the wild 90s, when the power in Russia was seized by traitors of Russia and its people, liberals.... And now to the point.
      1. Regarding the coup d'etat in 2017
      The 1917 coup d'etat was carried out by liberals in February 1917, when they overthrew the legitimate government in the Russian Empire. The fact that the Bolsheviks later took power is a natural consequence of all the work of the liberals, who never knew how to do anything, but only shouted loudly, too loudly, and sold Russia wholesale and retail. This was the case after February 1917 and in the wild 90s. The collapse of the Russian Empire began with this February coup, which is still celebrated by all liberals as a great victory in Russia. If we add here antics provisional government in the area of ​​management and the collapse of the front, then the picture turns out to be generally bleak.
      Adding to what has been said: Russia was moving towards victory in the First World War by leaps and bounds, but it was the liberals who snatched this victory from its grasp by organizing a coup d'etat in February 1.
      2. Regarding the beginning of the civil war.
      After the Bolsheviks took power in 1917, uprisings against the Bolshevik power began to occur in the Cossack territories of the Don, Kuban and the Southern Urals - the uprising of Kaledin, Dutov, the rebellion of the Czechoslovak Corps, Yudenich's offensive on Petrograd. All this was the beginning of the civil war. So, the role of the Bolsheviks in unleashing the civil war is exactly the same as that of their opponents, who were supported in every possible way by the Entente.
      1. +3
        30 December 2024 11: 09
        “The only correct proletarian slogan is the transformation of the modern imperialist war into a civil war. It is this transformation that follows from all the objective conditions of the modern military catastrophe, and only by systematically propagandizing and agitating in this direction can workers’ parties fulfill the obligations they assumed in Basel.
        PSS V. I. Lenin 5th edition, v. 26, p. 362
        And this is from the Preface to Volume 26:
        "Based on the imperialist character of the war, Lenin defined the party's position in relation to it. He put forward the slogan: to transform the imperialist war into a civil war. "Revolution during war is a civil war," Lenin pointed out. Therefore, the Bolsheviks fought for revolution in the conditions of the world imperialist war under the slogan of transforming it into a civil war."
        1. +4
          30 December 2024 16: 32

          Yes, Lenin had such a slogan in his article "On the Defeat of One's Government in the Imperialist War", written in 1915. But this slogan has nothing to do with the civil war in Russia. The essence of the slogan is not in the call for a civil war in 1918, but in turning the imperialist war of imperialists against each other into a war of the people against their government, in the call for the people to take power into their own hands and stop the war.
          1. -2
            30 December 2024 18: 46
            Quote: The Truth
            Yes, Lenin had such a slogan in his article “On the Defeat of His Government in the Imperialist War,” written in 1915. But this slogan has nothing to do with the civil war in Russia.

            Are you out of your mind?...
            Long before Kaledin, Dutov, etc., Lenin, fulfilling the demands of the Basel (1912) Congress of the International, outlined the methods for inciting civil war, that is, war against one’s LEGAL government.
            Now his rightful place would be on the bench of especially dangerous foreign agents.
            1. +1
              31 December 2024 14: 06
              Are you out of your mind?...

              Well, I am in my right mind and I understand perfectly well what I am talking about. But you, I suppose, as an inveterate liberal, have a mess in your head, if this is simply a delusion and not a deliberate lie of a liberal.... sta... Indeed, in 1912, at the Congress of the International, a resolution was adopted on transferring the imperialist war, which was already looming on the near and distant horizon, into a civil war. But this document, like Lenin's article from 1915, meant only that the army, which consisted of the people, in order to stop the war must turn its weapons against its government, and the people, thus, must take power into their own hands. But nowhere in this article is there a word that after the people, then the Bolsheviks, come to power, the people must oppose this new people's government and unleash a civil war against the Bolsheviks.
    5. +1
      30 December 2024 09: 47
      Quote from Eugene Zaboy
      Another attempt by Alexander Samsonov to wash away the blood of the millions of innocent citizens of the Russian Empire from the Bolsheviks and communists.

      Let's wash away the capitalists of modern history:

      There is one country on the planet
      Russia is its name.
      From the south, from the north, from the east
      We are not afraid of a raid,
      But for now there is war in the West.

      Our people live differently:
      He drinks, trades, dances and sings.
      Some people are wagging their tongues,
      Some people move their hands,
      Someone is filling their belly.

      In Rus' they love to “snatch” from us -
      There's nothing to add or take away here.
      Deputy ministers steal here,
      Everyone is a capitalist,
      Well, these deputies... Damn them!

      The New Year's Eve "fun" will end
      And the complete chatter will begin:
      About NATO aggression,
      About the damned lying West
      And about the rye that grew.

      I told this for the purpose of
      So that it becomes clear to everyone why
      All the troubles continue
      And we don’t see victory,
      And there is no one to blame.
    6. +7
      30 December 2024 09: 59
      For this reason, for example, they exempted people of Jewish nationality from conscription into the army.

      I am - don't laugh! - the daughter of a Soviet Army officer (not that one). So, I testify that my father had Jewish colleagues. Moreover, when
      Because of my father's illness (tuberculosis), we settled in Abkhazia. Among our family's friends was a legless Jewish colonel who was brutally tortured by local bandits during perestroika because of real estate.
      According to my father, Jews fought heroically at the front during WWII.
      1. 0
        30 December 2024 10: 19
        I am not going to argue, you are absolutely right. There are several peculiarities. Residents of Western Ukraine, Bukovina, Moldova, among whom a high percentage of the Jewish population were not called up for combat units, but were sent to work in rear units. The same applied to the mountain population and the peoples of Central Asia. Naturally, there were many exceptions, but this was regulated and controlled by the government. In fact, the European population of Ukraine, evacuated to the east, was not subject to further conscription, in the main, but was sent to work.
        1. +3
          30 December 2024 11: 11
          Residents of Western Ukraine, Bukovina, and Moldova, among whom a high percentage of the Jewish population were not drafted into combat units, but were sent to work in rear units. The same applied to the mountain population and the peoples of Central Asia.

          Let me explain.
          The mood of the "westerners" was understandable, the sovietization of the population there was still unstable due to the proximity of Western Europe. There could have been mass betrayals at the front (war was foreseen!) - namely of the "westerners" and, perhaps, of a certain number of Jews who had not gotten used to the situation and were living there. These were ideologically unstable, unpatriotic regions.
          As for small nations - it would be cruel to call up very small ones to participate in the coming war, there are so few of them! But the Caucasus and Central Asia, as far as I know, were initially sent to the front, then - only volunteers. I remember a joke from my childhood.
          -- Rus, surrender!
          An Asian rises from the trench:
          - Rus no, Uzbek nada?
          That is, Asians are no warriors. They can be mujahideen, massacre peaceful Russian population, but they can't fight front to front, because Genghis Khan completely crushed them.
          1. 0
            30 December 2024 11: 32
            Quote: depressant
            The sentiments of the "Westerners" were understandable; there, the Sovietization of the population was still unstable due to the proximity of Western Europe.

            Quote: depressant
            As for the small nations - it would be cruel to call up the very small ones to participate in the coming war, there are so few of them! But the Caucasus and Central Asia, as far as I know, were initially sent to the front, then - only volunteers.

            That's where the millions came from. Bukharan Jews, Mountain Jews and others from Asia, about 200 thousand people were evacuated from Western Ukraine in the first days of the war, later more than a million, from Bukovina, Western Belarus, Moldova, etc. All these categories were not eligible for conscription, including evacuated Polish and Baltic Jews. They were sent exclusively to work in the rear, as residents of unreliable regions. That's what they decided at the top and that's what they did. Naturally, there were exceptions, naturally, Jewish soldiers showed heroism and died along with others, but that's a different matter. A strange policy was pursued, inexplicable.
          2. man
            30 December 2024 17: 31
            That is, Asians are no warriors. They can be mujahideen, massacre peaceful Russian population, but they can't fight front to front, because Genghis Khan completely crushed them.
            Actually, Tamerlan got his revenge pretty well later.
            And when there was a massacre of peaceful Russian population in Uzbekistan, can you please give more details?
            1. 0
              30 December 2024 17: 44
              And when there was a massacre in Uzbekistan

              Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan.
              A wartime joke could not reflect the future reality. It is about something else. Do not replace one with the other.
              1. man
                30 December 2024 18: 48
                Quote: depressant
                And when there was a massacre in Uzbekistan

                Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan.
                A wartime joke could not reflect the future reality. It is about something else. Do not replace one with the other.

                I understand, the Uzbeks have nothing to do with it.
                Kyrgyzstan. I heard about the massacre in Osh, but there the Kyrgyz massacred not Russians, but Uzbeks.
                The Uzbeks were not innocent lambs either, at the end of the USSR they also carried out a massacre, but they slaughtered the Meskhetian Turks, and in such a way that not a single Meskhetian remained in Uzbekistan. Soviet troops managed to save some of them, they were resettled to the Krasnodar region and ... Karabakh. One can easily guess what happened to them there after the collapse of the USSR. In the Krasnodar region they were also disliked and the Americans (!) took them to America, where the unfortunates finally found peace. Their happy faces were shown on TV as they wandered around New York. I remember that a girl was filling out a questionnaire in which, apparently, in the "race" column she wrote "black", and an American woman corrected her that she should write "white". And she laughed happily that she had been "black" all her life and suddenly became "white". I am going into such detail because I am ashamed in front of this small nation, I seriously thought that something was wrong with them.... they can't get along with anyone. The Georgians kicked them out and didn't let them back in, the Uzbeks slaughtered them, the Azerbaijanis couldn't find anything better than to settle them in Karabakh (!)... And that's how it is... request When with people sincerely warmly treated, they open up like a flower...
                The only terrible massacre in Central Asia was in Tajikistan. The civil war after the collapse of the USSR. On one side, Islamists, mostly highlanders, plus (how cute!) Tajik liberals request
                On the other hand, the clan that usually rules the republic. Our base supported this clan. A crime boss named Sangak too!
                Unfortunately, I have to interrupt, my wife is calling me to have another drink for the USSR. I can't refuse for the Soviet Union smile
                If you want, I’ll tell you later what I read and know from stories.
                1. +2
                  30 December 2024 19: 37
                  . I can't refuse for the Soviet Union

                  Thank you for your sincerity, dear colleague!
                  Happy New Year to you and your family!
                  Best wishes to you! love hi )))
                  1. man
                    9 January 2025 16: 06
                    Quote: depressant
                    . I can't refuse for the Soviet Union

                    Thank you for your sincerity, dear colleague!
                    Happy New Year to you and your family!
                    Best wishes to you! love hi )))

                    And to you too, Happy New Year! smile
                    Sorry for the delay, first day on the site since then (!) request I celebrated all these days in style laughing
                2. +1
                  30 December 2024 21: 47
                  Are you not aware that a large number of Meskhetian Turks were settled in the Oryol region and a number of other regions of Central Russia in 1989-1990? Moreover, some of them still live there.
                  1. man
                    9 January 2025 16: 09
                    Quote: Sergej1972
                    Are you not aware that a large number of Meskhetian Turks were settled in the Oryol region and a number of other regions of Central Russia in 1989-1990? Moreover, some of them still live there.

                    No, I don't know, I've never heard of it. request And are the locals happy with them? smile
                    1. +2
                      9 January 2025 16: 55
                      Yes, in general, a neutral attitude. By the way, some of the young people really did go to the USA under some program. Some went to Turkey. In general, their number has become much smaller compared to the period twenty or thirty years ago. But some remained. I knew one Russian guy who married a Turkish Meskhetian. True, they later divorced.
      2. +4
        30 December 2024 10: 24
        According to my father, Jews fought heroically at the front during WWII.

        When I was studying at the institute, we had a vice-rector for research work, Goldberg, an elderly modest man... and before May 9, a large stand with photos of war veterans from the institute was hung near the rector's office, so Goldberg had the most military orders, it's a pity I don't remember his first and middle names. I asked someone who was close to the vice-rector where Goldberg fought and they told me that in the fall of 41, sabotage groups were formed in Moscow from Jews, like the one Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was in, only strictly mono-national, since Jews were not allowed to surrender. So this Goldberg fought in a sabotage Jewish group for the entire war. It may not be true, but this was also told to me by a Jew, only younger.
        1. +3
          30 December 2024 10: 36
          Quote: Konnick
          I asked someone who was in close contact with the vice-rector where Goldberg fought and they told me that in the fall of 41, sabotage groups of Jews were formed in Moscow, like the one Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was in, only strictly mono-national, since Jews were not allowed to surrender. So this Goldberg fought in a sabotage Jewish group throughout the war. It may not be true, but I was told this by another Jew, only younger.

          Why is it not true, most likely it is true. There is no simple answer to this question. The fact is that residents of the western regions of Ukraine and not only, where a large percentage of the Jewish population lived, were not called up to combat units, but were assigned to various jobs.
      3. BAI
        30 December 2024 22: 03

        Among our family's friends was a legless Jewish colonel who was brutally tortured by local bandits during perestroika over real estate.

        My wife is Jewish, and her father (a Jew) was a partisan from the age of 15, and after the war he became a military man, a major.
        Grandfather (Jew) died at Kursk. In a week he passed through 2 positions: commanders were knocked out, he was appointed. And he died.
    7. BAI
      30 December 2024 10: 37
      . As a result, the ratio of Russian and Jewish population in the USSR changed from less than 1901% to more than 3% in 30. If this is not a targeted genocide, then what is?

      There are 60 million Jews in the USSR? There have never been so many on the entire planet.
      Or did the population of the USSR drop to 10 million?
      1. 0
        30 December 2024 10: 39
        Quote: BAI
        There are 60 million Jews in the USSR? There have never been so many on the entire planet.
        Or did the population of the USSR drop to 10 million?

        Look at the results of the latest population censuses.
        1. BAI
          30 December 2024 10: 42
          According to censuses, there are more than 200 elves living in Russia
        2. 0
          30 December 2024 21: 51
          And when, according to the census, we had 30 percent Jews in the population of the USSR? I was just looking.
          1. 0
            31 December 2024 01: 01
            Quote: Sergej1972
            And when, according to the census, we had 30 percent Jews in the population of the USSR? I was just looking.

            I'm surprised myself. I remember looking and not being able to understand where and how such a ratio came from, but I don't see any more of this information.
            1. 0
              31 December 2024 10: 00
              Turn on your logic. There could not have been such a multiple, more than tenfold increase according to any laws of demography. You have to be critical of any information, double-check it and not trust the first material you come across on the Internet. You have overstated the maximum percentage of Jews during the USSR by more than ten times. Those who are in the know will also treat other information you broadcast as unverified and false.
              1. +1
                31 December 2024 10: 29
                Quote: Sergej1972
                Those who are in the know will also treat other information you broadcast as unverified and false.

                It seems that talking about verified information from the Internet is pointless. I myself observed how the Greeks edited a scientific article for about a year more than once. One text disappeared from the article and was replaced by another. And if someone referred to it.
    8. +3
      30 December 2024 19: 12
      Eugene Zaboy
      I wonder what country you grew up and got your education in? And in what years was the infrastructure you use built?

      For this reason, for example, they exempted people of Jewish nationality and small nations from conscription into the army.
      You yourself didn't serve in the army, so don't lie! In my company there were 2 Jews, an Udmurt, a Mari, a Chechen, a Lak, an Avar - I can't remember all the nationalities.

      And what are you doing on this forum, and in "this country"?! Go to your beloved "liberal countries" and you will be happy!
  5. -18
    30 December 2024 05: 05
    Power to the Soviets! Peace to the peoples! Factories to the workers! Land to the peasants!
    (Lenin's slogans under which he came to power)

    1. Power in the USSR always belonged to the party (RSDLP(b), VKP(b), CPSU (by 1991 also "b", but in a different sense), and the Soviets under it were something like a quartermaster.
    2. Peace to the nations through the "shameful Brest Peace" as a result of which Ukraine was occupied by the Germans and this still reverberates today.
    3. 4. Neither factories nor land have ever belonged to the workers. They do not belong to the peasants now. Only under the USSR everything belonged to the state, and now to the bloodsucking capitalists.
    This is according to the slogans.
    The entire Leninist economy turned out to be a complete failure and ended with the NEP, in which there was a complete 0 (zero) of the ideas of communism.
    Only I.V. Stalin, who managed to defeat the "old Bolsheviks" and carried out the industrialization of the country, created such a foundation of economics, patriotism and statehood that it has not been able to be broken or stolen for 33 years.
    1. +19
      30 December 2024 05: 50
      The best years of life were spent in the USSR. And there is something to compare with. And so Happy Birthday to the USSR!
      1. +6
        30 December 2024 06: 32
        Thank you! And to you too, Happy Birthday USSR and Happy New Year!
      2. -6
        30 December 2024 11: 13
        Quote from Uncle Lee
        The best years of my life were spent in the USSR. And there is something to compare with.
        1. +5
          30 December 2024 13: 15
          Do you have many such pictures in your p"ndosne? I can throw in some of yours.
          1. -2
            30 December 2024 16: 56
            I have them. Please. Here's more about the greatness of the USSR, which has been forgotten.
            1. +1
              30 December 2024 21: 07
              How is it like this? Do you want to comment?
    2. +6
      30 December 2024 07: 43
      Lenin himself called this treaty obscene because no one can see the future. Either surrender Petrograd or sign a treaty. And then everything fell apart in Germany. And the treaty was signed as if in vain.
      The factories belonged to the people's state.
      1. +4
        30 December 2024 08: 10
        Despite the fact that Ukraine was liberated from German troops quite quickly.
        1. 0
          30 December 2024 09: 06
          Ukraine was quite quickly liberated from German

          Nobody liberated Ukraine. There was a revolution in Germany, so the Germans left themselves. Otherwise, there would have been no way they would have been kicked out.
          1. +3
            30 December 2024 09: 09
            Well, yes, there were no partisans in Ukraine.
            And weapons did not come there from Russia, from grandfather Lenin.
            1. -2
              30 December 2024 09: 26
              Well, yes, there were no partisans in Ukraine.
              And weapons did not come there from Russia, from grandfather Lenin.

              What partisans in Ukraine under Lenin? And if partisans, then what does Lenin have to do with it? It looks like the New Year celebrations have begun! good
              1. +4
                30 December 2024 09: 52
                For example, such.
                1. -1
                  30 December 2024 19: 55
                  I like this song! drinks Grandma sang it to Mom, and her younger brother, and all the other ----- nephews, grandchildren. And to me too.
                  We have returned the former name to Shchorsa Avenue. It became Maly Avenue. Now we have 2 Maly Avenues! On Vasilievsky Island and on Petrogradskaya Side. Where is the sense! And at the end of Maly P.S. they installed a bust of Shevchenko TG. And why? It is not clear request
    3. +8
      30 December 2024 08: 07
      Quote: Amateur
      2. Peace to the nations through the "shameful Brest Peace" as a result of which Ukraine was occupied by the Germans and this still reverberates today.

      Lie, the lands WERE already captured by the Germans, before the signing. The treaty stopped further surrender. By the way, the Whites, without any treaties, gave the Germans lands.
      1. +6
        30 December 2024 08: 33
        That's it
        The Russian lands occupied by Germany on the day of the abdication of the Russian Emperor - 02.03.1917 - and effectively lost, had an area of ​​0,3 million square kilometers with a population of 23,2 million people (in 1914).

        And the Ukrainian enemies of the Bolsheviks had signed the Brest Peace Treaty with the Germans a month before them.
      2. -2
        30 December 2024 09: 15
        Lie, the lands WERE already captured by the Germans, before the signing. The treaty stopped further surrender. By the way, the Whites, without any treaties, gave the Germans lands.

        Before writing the word "lie" you should at least look at the dates in Wikipedia.
        On March 3, 1918, the Brest Peace Treaty was signed between the Bolsheviks and the Germans, according to which the territory of the Kharkov province was in the German occupation zone. During Operation Faustschlag, the Germans advanced to the east and began occupying the Krivoy Rog and Donetsk basins. In early April 1918, German troops approached Kharkov. On April 7, the Germans entered the city from Yekaterinoslavskaya Street[1].

        Well, as for the "whites", who appeared in 1920, it's just funny.
        1. BAI
          30 December 2024 10: 39
          Well, as for the "whites", who appeared in 1920, it's just funny.

          The White Terror appeared in 1918, and the Whites in 1920?
        2. +2
          30 December 2024 12: 23
          Quote: Amateur
          Before writing the word "lie" you should at least look at the dates in Wikipedia.
          On March 3, 1918, the Brest Peace Treaty was signed between the Bolsheviks and the Germans
          If only...
          On August 27, 1918, in Berlin, in an atmosphere of the strictest secrecy, a Russian-German supplementary treaty to the Brest Peace Treaty and a financial agreement were concluded.

          Quote: Amateur
          Well, as for the "whites", who appeared in 1920, it's just funny.

          What was handed over does not seem to raise any objections...
          At the same time, the presence of the Germans was approved by the Cossack leadership, which was then in alliance with Denikin's Volunteer Army: the counter-revolutionary forces received protection from the Red Army's offensive and launched large-scale trade with Germany, the total volume of which for the entire period exceeded 15 million marks. True, most often all trade was reduced to the exchange of food and other goods for weapons. In the first month and a half alone, 11,6 thousand rifles, 46 guns, 88 machine guns, 110 thousand artillery shells, 11,5 million rifle cartridges were delivered to the Don.
    4. +2
      30 December 2024 08: 49
      To be fair, it should be noted that industrialization itself was not carried out without the help of American industrialists. There was a catastrophic shortage of our own personnel for such projects, since most of them were either destroyed in the "class struggle" or immigrated.
      In particular, GAZ is a project of Henry Ford, and the Stalingrad Tractor Plant was designed by Albert Kahn. This plant was actually transported from the USA and installed in half a year. The prototype of Magnitka was the American metallurgical plant US Steel Corporation. Blast furnaces of the MC Kee company are still in operation at Magnitka today.
      1. +5
        30 December 2024 08: 58
        And the Russian Empire didn't have its own personnel. Industrialization in the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century was carried out mainly by foreigners, and Russian oil was pumped out by the Nobels and Rothschilds. And Nicholas II also sold the Russian Empire to foreigners.
        1. +1
          30 December 2024 09: 06
          Well, in the USSR, industrialization was not carried out for free. They paid with grain, gold, and precious stones. There were not a surplus of specialists in the Russian Empire, but there were enough. It is worth remembering that the First World War was underway, but they had already begun to master the production of shells in sufficient quantities for the front by 1916.
        2. +2
          30 December 2024 09: 22
          The Russian Empire didn't have its own personnel

          Have you heard of a name like Mendeleev? Or Shukhov, who built the world's first oil pipeline for the Nobels in Baku?
        3. +3
          30 December 2024 13: 48
          Quote: tatra
          And the Russian Empire didn’t have its own personnel...

          There were scientists, there were... Take an interest in the GOELRO project
          1. -1
            31 December 2024 01: 44
            Sikorsky (automotive industry), Zvorykin (electronics and television), Ipatyev (organic chemistry and oil refining) - this is an incomplete list of Russian emigrants in America. They all made a huge contribution to the development of science. And they could have served Russia if they had not ended up in the category of "class enemies"
      2. +4
        30 December 2024 09: 20
        not without help American industrialists.

        What do you mean "not without help"? The USSR BOUGHT these projects and factories from the USA, paying for them in gold, and the Americans simply fulfilled the contract.
        By the way, the USSR then greatly helped the Americans, who were going through an economic crisis. That is why they built factories, and many American engineers worked in the Union. Money, as we know, has no smell.
        1. 0
          30 December 2024 09: 27
          I didn't write that it was charity. The Great Depression had an effect. But sometimes even for money they don't help for political reasons, as now sanctions have been imposed because of the SVO. But at that time no one imposed them on the use of foreign specialists. I still can't find an answer to the question why?
          1. 0
            30 December 2024 09: 44
            But at that time no one imposed them on the use of foreign specialists. I still do not find an answer to the question why?
            After Trotsky (Bronstein) with the money of J. Schiff from the bank Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and Ulyanov (Blank) with the money of the German General Staff (who does not believe - read the memoirs of A.I. Denikin) destroyed the Russian Empire, none of the bourgeoisie believed that Stalin would be able to retain power and a united Russia. Therefore, they "built for themselves", hoping after the overthrow of Soviet power to appropriate for themselves "newspapers, steamships, locomotives and factories" built with Russian gold.
            But it didn’t work out. Stalin them all E-Male.
            1. 0
              30 December 2024 09: 49
              Then it turns out that “they came for their own” in 1991. Interesting version.
            2. mz
              30 December 2024 14: 47
              Quote: Amateur

              and Ulyanov (Blank) with money from the German General Staff (who doesn't believe it - read the memoirs of A.I. Denikin)

              He is Ulyanov, not Blank. In the Russian Empire, children inherited their father's surname, and ascribing his mother's surname to him is simply stupid. There is no evidence that he received money from the Germans to "collapse the Russian Empire". If there were such evidence, then there is no doubt that they would have definitely presented it... Well, to believe the memoirs of Denikin, who worked for the CIA - that's true...!
              1. -1
                30 December 2024 14: 55
                Denikin, who worked for the CIA

                A.I. Denikin died on August 8, 1947, and the CIA was created on July 26, 1947, so he only managed to work for it for 2 weeks. fool
                And his memoirs
                "Essays on the Russian Troubles" is a book by Lieutenant General A. I. Denikin, a historical and biographical essay by one of the leaders of the White movement about the revolutionary events that caused the collapse of the Russian Empire and the events of the Civil War in Russia. The book covers the period from February 1917 to April 1920. The first volume was published in Paris in 1921, and the last, fifth, in Berlin in 1926.
                1. mz
                  30 December 2024 15: 00
                  Quote: Amateur

                  A.I. Denikin died on August 8, 1947, and the CIA was created on July 26, 1947, so he only managed to work for it for 2 weeks.

                  It doesn't matter what the organization he worked for was called: the CIA or the Office of Strategic Services. The main thing is that he was a real "patriot", and it is unreasonable to consider his memoirs as a serious historical source.
                  1. -1
                    30 December 2024 15: 09
                    It is unreasonable to consider his memoirs as a serious historical source.

                    Well, don't count. There are quite a few people who hold the opposite opinion. And as for what kind of patriot he was, read his biography and his books. He hated the Bolsheviks, but was always for Russia.
                    ps His father was a major of the border guard, who rose to this rank from serfs. So I.A. Denikin rose to the rank of lieutenant general of the Russian Imperial Army with his brains, sweat and blood.
    5. -6
      30 December 2024 11: 03
      Quote: Amateur
      Only I.V. Stalin, who managed to defeat the "old Bolsheviks" and carried out the industrialization of the country, created such a foundation of economics, patriotism and statehood that it has not been able to be broken or stolen for 33 years.

      He created and created, and then the USSR just collapsed. Traitors again? Send them to Siberia, to hard labor, or to the wall, like in the good old days?
      1. +6
        30 December 2024 11: 47
        So the Russian Empire collapsed, what next?
    6. 0
      30 December 2024 21: 56
      A lot of old Bolsheviks were repressed, but many of them were not subjected to repression, and some of them even participated in these repressions. After all, Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov, Kuibyshev, Ordzhonikidze, Kirov, Kalinin, Zemlyachka, Manuilsky, Mekhlis also belonged to the category of old Bolsheviks. True, Mekhlis was initially in a slightly different organization.)
  6. +6
    30 December 2024 05: 10
    The red project absorbed the basic values ​​of Russian civilization and the Russian super-ethnos – justice, the primacy of truth over law, spirit over matter, the general over the particular.

    I agree with this.
    I believe that the beginning of the destruction of the Red Project was the consolidation of various material benefits for managers of various levels.
    The attractiveness of material benefits increased the number of unscrupulous people wanting to become leaders.
    Result: the top party leadership of the USSR did not want to lose benefits after completing their state service. Various lower-level leaders were also not against securing material benefits for them.
    This is the main reason for the destruction of the Red Project.

    There should be no privileges in the New Project, everything is on a general basis. The best incentive for leaders is a kind word from the People.
    1. 0
      30 December 2024 07: 44
      Now tell us about the reasons for the destruction of the tricolor project.
      1. +2
        30 December 2024 09: 58
        Now tell us about the reasons for the destruction of the tricolor project.

        Dear Gardamir.

        I didn't quite understand your phrase. What's the catch?

        The Red Project has sunk into history. I voiced my brief version of the cause of its demise.
        The tricolor project still exists. I don't like it. I'm not a prophet. I don't know when it will collapse. But everything collapses and dies. The only thing I'm afraid of is that with the collapsed tricolor project, the united state of Russia may disappear.
        This is what needs to be taken into account.
        1. +1
          30 December 2024 10: 34
          I don't like the word project. First there was the Rurik project, then the Zakharyinsky project for about 150 years, then the Romansky project, finally the Red project, and now the current one. I wonder if these are projects. Who designs them?
          1. +2
            30 December 2024 10: 49
            I wonder if these are projects. Who designs them?

            The USSR was designed and implemented by Lenin and Stalin. Isn't that right?

            But the current Russian Federation is...

            "Look, the mid-1990s - early 2000s - in the early 2000s I had already cleaned everyone out there, but in the mid-1990s, as it later turned out, we had, as advisers, official employees of the Russian government, career employees of the US Central Intelligence Agency," Putin said at a meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights (HRC).

            Many high-ranking officials from the 90s are still in their positions, and even occupy higher positions in power.
            Who knows, maybe the CIA employees "worked" with them.
      2. +1
        30 December 2024 20: 06
        Quote: Gardamir
        Now tell us about the reasons for the destruction of the tricolor project.

        I could, easily. But I'm embarrassed. recourse I'll think about it. Best regards. hi
    2. -1
      30 December 2024 11: 16
      Quote: AA17
      I believe that the beginning of the destruction of the Red Project was the consolidation of various material benefits for managers of various levels.

      Perestroika foremen studying in Austria. Who do you think sent them there?
      1. +4
        30 December 2024 11: 57
        Everything would be fine, but this is 1991.
        1. +1
          30 December 2024 15: 26
          So what? ....What difference does it make when the KGB sent them to learn how to destroy the country?
    3. -1
      30 December 2024 19: 44
      Quote: AA17
      There should be no privileges in the New Project, everything is on a general basis. The best incentive for leaders is a kind word from the People.

      A stillborn idea. In the USSR it degenerated into certificates and orders/medals. By the end of the 1980s, the significance of awards had been reduced to zero.
      Strict leaders - who drive everyone crazy for the sake of the cause, including alcoholics, slackers and incompetents - will automatically never receive a kind word from the people.
  7. +6
    30 December 2024 05: 37
    The book by the famous French historian Nicolas Werth, “History of the Soviet State. 1900-1991,” was published in print
    And this shit historian didn't write how Russia weakened the German offensive on Paris with its own blood in 1914? And how they sat behind the Maginot Line when their ally Poland was being crushed by German tanks? And about Marshal Petain and his treacherous policy? And about the cheerful and carefree life of the French when the rest of the world was fighting fascism? Didn't write?
  8. +7
    30 December 2024 05: 39
    Everything is written correctly in general. But as usually happens with Samsonov, the "flight of thought" is too broad. How, for example, could a supporter of the "world revolution" Kamenev "work for the West"? They would have been surprised in the 20s by such a turn of events. European social democrats as heirs of the Trotskyists or, even more so, Maoists, that's also cool. Trotskyism can be sought in the Western university establishment, it was in our perestroika people and, accordingly, in Yeltsin's RF (then pure thieves came to power), but certainly not in Western social democrats.
    That is, the author is clearly floating in the ideology of socialism, and, by the way, if Maoism (the ideology of traditionalist-peasant national socialism) can be felt in anyone, it is in the author.
    But the main problem with such articles is not such details. It is that they are directed to the past.
    Well, okay - the West is bad, the Russians are good, the USSR is good. We understand that. What's next?
    It is unclear from them how to move from point A (thieves who are destroying the Russian Federation) to any other point. And what exactly is this point?
    1. +5
      30 December 2024 07: 36
      Quote: Belisarius
      We understand that. What's next?

      And then comes the triumph of “spiritual, dear capitalism,” and everything is like everyone else’s...
      1. +4
        30 December 2024 13: 43
        Quote: Doccor18
        And then comes the triumph of “spiritual, dear capitalism,” and everything is like everyone else’s...

        So the author needs to say it straight out, what's there to be embarrassed about, we're all our own. Glory, so to speak, to Putin the Don, let's dispose of more of these nasty Russians, bring in more nice migrants and all that. But he's silent, he's a good boy.
        Judging by the context of the article, one can assume that he is hinting that it would be nice to return to socialism. But two questions immediately arise
        a) How to do this?
        b) What kind of socialism was this supposed to be?
        If socialism of 1984, then, in addition to the fact that it had its weak sides, it is completely unclear how we will restore all the destroyed military, industrial, human and any other potential destroyed during the 30 years of power of the "marketeers" named Yeltsin-Putin
        If by some miracle we manage to restore socialism, then we must understand that the "power of patriots" will leave us with ashes. In the literal sense of the word.
        1. +4
          30 December 2024 15: 35
          Quote: Belisarius
          But he is silent

          Well, this is not about "hyperborea", for such reasoning they might ask for an answer...
          Quote: Belisarius
          How to do it ?

          So solutions exist, but they all run counter to the current “effective” program, and will therefore be suppressed extremely harshly.
          Quote: Belisarius
          What kind of socialism was this supposed to be?

          In general, socialism is not a goal, but only the first stage of the transformation of society, the fastest and most brutal stage. The main goal is a communist society. But to create it, no more and no less, it is necessary to change human psychology itself, which has been "raped" by alien concepts for centuries...
          Quote: Belisarius
          If, by some miracle, we manage to restore socialism,

          This does not require a "miracle", but 1. a people pushed to the limit, 2. the presence of a political party expressing the interests of the people, 3. a total crisis of the existing government. So far, none of the three points correspond to reality, which means there is no point in waiting for a "miracle", but you can read "heart-rending" articles by authors "crying" about socialism, but completely in solidarity with the "effective managers" in almost everything...
        2. 0
          31 December 2024 15: 08
          Well, the USSR was built on such ashes, because the country went through the First World War, then the Civil War + it was left with an almost completely illiterate population
    2. -5
      30 December 2024 09: 33
      All power to the Soviets!

      Quote: Belisarius
      how to move from point A (thieves are in power in the Russian Federation and are destroying it) to some other point.

      You have already answered your own question - remove the thieves.

      Putin, attracting the heroes of the SVO, who have proven their loyalty to the Motherland with their blood, forms his personnel from them, training and placing them in key leadership positions. Only by replacing the Gorbachev-Yeltsin "elite" can the country's movement be reversed from capitalism (from point A) to socialism (to point B).

      Happy holiday to everyone, and I wish Putin success in his work to revive the USSR.

      Those who destroyed socialism are the ones who shout loudest about the failure of socialism.
      1. +8
        30 December 2024 11: 01
        Quote: Boris55
        Putin, attracting the heroes of the SVO, who have proven their loyalty to the Motherland with their blood, forms his personnel from them, training and placing them in key leadership positions.

        I am trying to understand how to put Kiriyenko, Rotenberg, Lavrov, Matviyenko, Zolotov next to the heroes of the SVO, who proved their loyalty to the Motherland with blood...
        1. 0
          30 December 2024 13: 10
          Quote: yuriy55
          I am trying to understand how to put Kiriyenko, Rotenberg, Lavrov, Matviyenko, Zolotov next to the heroes of the SVO, who proved their loyalty to the Motherland with blood...

          I would also like to understand what a SVO hero and an economic manager - administrator have in common. Of course, a manager must be a patriot of his homeland, but whether a SVO hero can become an effective manager, despite his patriotism, is still a question. The communists appointed the best party members to leading economic positions, but only a few achieved success. The specifics are too different.
        2. -5
          30 December 2024 14: 18
          All power to the Soviets!

          Quote: yuriy55
          what side are next to the heroes of the SVO

          Look at it from the wrong side. It is not Kiriyenko, Rotenberg, Lavrov who should be placed among the heroes of the SVO, but on the contrary, their knowledge of management should be raised to the level of the heroes of the SVO. Which is what Putin is doing. Putin, Lavrov - are not eternal, and they need to prepare a replacement for themselves. Not all of the heroes of the SVO will rise to the very heights of power, Copper pipes are not for everyone...

          Quote: yuriy55
          Kiriyenko, Rotenberg, Lavrov

          Kiriyenko: Everything is fine with our nuclear industry - we are ahead of the rest of the world.
          Rotenberg. The Crimean bridge, which neither the tsars nor the communists could build.
          Lavrov: What's wrong with our foreign policy?
  9. +6
    30 December 2024 05: 59
    Now we've already gone through all the leaders of the USSR. And the conclusion is that if the leaders are flawed, then there's nothing to say about the country. It doesn't matter that there was nothing objective in these judgments. It doesn't matter that hundreds of cities were built in the USSR. And people lived in them. And now many of these cities have become either monuments or half-empty. Has there ever been a problem with old people, a problem with their own burials? Put aside a little money. And everything will be honorable. Now we need big money.
    1. -4
      30 December 2024 19: 51
      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      It's okay that hundreds of cities were built in the USSR. And people lived in them. But now many of these cities have become either monuments or half-empty.

      It was built for a specific task of the state, no one thought about what would happen next...
      The Dead Road is a classic of the genre. One leader felt the urge to build it - they started building it, another felt the urge - they abandoned it. And they abandoned it so hard that they forgot the locomotives and carriages there - given the country's shortage of them......

      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      Have you ever had a problem with old people, a problem with their own funeral? Put aside a little money.
      In the USSR, to be buried not in a swamp, but in a dry, decent place, in Saratov it cost 1, in Moscow in a decent cemetery - 500.
  10. +2
    30 December 2024 06: 33
    This myth has penetrated so deeply into the new Russian nobility that even V.V. Putin said in 2012: “The thing is that what we produced (and there’s no need to wave our hands) was of no use to anyone. Because no one bought our galoshes, except for the Africans, who had to walk on hot sand.”
    How tired I am of the same thing
    Yes, my dears, yes. No need to debate. The fact is that what we produced, and no need to wave your hands, was not needed by anyone, because no one bought our galoshes, except for the Africans, who had to walk on the hot sand. That's the whole point.
    We had a defense industry - cool, strong, and we are still proud of it. We are grateful to our grandfathers and our fathers for creating such a defense industry after the Great Patriotic War.
    Voice from the audience:
    - And the first satellite.
    V. V. Putin:
    - Both the first satellite and the first man in space are our common pride, these are the achievements of the Soviet regime, of which we are all proud. These are nationwide achievements.
    But consumer goods... Zhirinovsky has already said this. Where were they? There were none. Let's not lie to each other and the people. The people know what was and what was not.
    It's like Lenin's statement about a cook who can run the state - in fact, he said something completely different.
    The ideal was communism, a community of people living according to truth and conscience. An earthly paradise, close to Christian ideals. Therefore, many Christian thinkers of that time were also socialists.
    Yes, in theory, communism is almost an ideal form of government (I am absolutely serious), but the key words are "in theory". The problem is that "personnel is everything" not only in the sense of skilled workers and engineers, but in all spheres of life. People are a biological species and they are characterized by certain behavioral algorithms that are far from ideal. Yes, you can find "good" and "bad" people, but those who are better suited to the struggle for power are the ones who are not distinguished by altruism. This was the reason for the death of the USSR. Technical, economic and other problems (and there were many of them) were solvable, but those who were at the top did not care about communism, otherwise no Gorbachev or Khrushchev would have done anything.
    1. +5
      30 December 2024 07: 38
      The communist system is personnel, and the task of the Communist Party is to raise and control these personnel, this was no longer the case in the era of Sredne-Brezhnev, hence the successes of Stalin and the failures of the later comrades
      1. +4
        30 December 2024 08: 12
        Quote: evgen1221
        and the task of the Communist Party is to raise and control these personnel

        The problem is that the party is also made up of people, and these people have the same shortcomings.
        1. +2
          30 December 2024 09: 00
          Well, this is a problem of dogmas and dogmatists like Suslov and before, about raising a new person, there was no need to put forward such slogans since they had no recipe, they could have quietly just worked on this step by step, and not to the mountain by such and such a year there will be a new person. A herd is more effective under control.
          1. +1
            30 December 2024 09: 07
            Quote: evgen1221
            there was no point in putting forward such slogans since they didn't have a recipe

            And without this, everything else is, in principle, impossible to achieve.
            1. +2
              30 December 2024 10: 36
              Yes, it is not feasible in the grandeur of plans on a gigantic scale, but with education without pomp and control over what has been raised, it is quite possible. The West can do without dogmas about new people.
              1. 0
                30 December 2024 10: 41
                Quote: evgen1221
                The West can do without dogmas about new people
                But they are not needed there. In order to live under capitalism, the humanity that exists now is enough. Communism... Here we need humanity with the "psychology of people of the future", but it has not appeared yet.
                I mean humanity as a whole, and not individual people, who were then and still are.
      2. +4
        30 December 2024 08: 25
        Quote: evgen1221
        hence the successes of Stalin and the failures of his later comrades
        After Stalin, they are no longer comrades. wink
      3. 0
        31 December 2024 05: 48
        Well, in the Great Patriotic War, you could say that the core of the Communist Party (ideologically grounded) died, and those communists who were there after the war were no longer of the same quality in ideological preparation. That's why it was easier to make their brains
      4. 0
        31 December 2024 17: 52
        A lot of good, well-trained personnel were eliminated during the Great Patriotic War, and after the Great Patriotic War there was no time for personnel, they became less selective
      5. 0
        1 January 2025 11: 30
        On the other hand, most of the USSR leaders in the Brezhnev period were protégés of the Stalin era. Well, except for the youngest of that period, like Gorbachev. And most of the Central Committee members elected at the 19th Party Congress were elected to the Central Committee at subsequent Party Congresses under Khrushchev and Brezhnev.
  11. +1
    30 December 2024 06: 34
    In the West, politicians and elites are not fools, they are literate people, and they have studied and understood and understand that Russia cannot exist as an Empire. But this has never been said and will never be said publicly and openly. And therefore, in order to destroy Russia, in order for Russia to disappear or even destroy itself from within, the West will promote narratives for both the Western audience and the audience inside Russia that Russia as any Empire, be it the Russian Tsardom, the Romanov Empire or the Red Empire of the USSR, is the death of Russia itself and a danger to the West, as long as Russia exists as an Empire. If Russia becomes a stump, then it will be good for everyone. In reality, the West understands that this is exactly when Russia will perish. That is why they shout at the top of their lungs that Russia must not return to the state of an Empire.
    1. +3
      30 December 2024 07: 41
      Quote: north 2
      that Russia should not return to the state of Empire.

      And what is "empire"? The presence of an emperor? Almost... Dignitaries of the imperial variety? As many as you want... Imperial ambitions? Through the roof... And what else?
  12. +4
    30 December 2024 07: 16
    I wonder if the Mausoleum will be draped at the Parade in honor of the 80th anniversary of the Victory?
    1. +5
      30 December 2024 07: 44
      Quote: avia12005
      Will the mausoleum be draped?

      Ask the younger generations now - what is it? 95% of them won't be able to explain it to you clearly. In another 15-20 years, no one will know anything about it. How sad...
      1. +5
        30 December 2024 07: 48
        It would be quite logical to build historical policy at the present time on the basis of the inseparable connection of all state formations of Russia. As they do in Great Britain and France. It does not occur to anyone to throw mud at Cromwell or Napoleon. Or in China they have adopted the brilliant formula according to Mao - 70 percent of what he did, he did correctly.

        But in our country the authorities are mortally afraid of such an approach. And it is clear that this is connected with the desire for justice that was inherent in socialism.
  13. 0
    30 December 2024 07: 54
    No matter how much the enemies of the USSR slander the USSR, they themselves have proven everything about themselves. Even 33 years after they destroyed the USSR, there are those who are for the USSR and those who are against the USSR, but among the enemies of the USSR there is no one who is for the Russian Federation. Because they themselves admit that they have done everything worse for the country and the people than it was under the USSR.
    But they are seriously “proud” of the imports, counterfeits of Soviet products, and how many things they have exported from the Russian Federation.
    1. +1
      30 December 2024 16: 05
      How did you get... Well, let's go point by point
      Quote: tatra
      Even 33 years after they destroyed the USSR, there are those who are for the USSR and those who are against the USSR, but among the enemies of the USSR there is no one who is for the Russian Federation.
      Did you interview them all? No, who did you interview? Prove your assertion, in one word.
      Quote: tatra
      Because they themselves admit that they have made everything worse for the country and the people than it was under the USSR.
      Provide links to enemies of the USSR that confirm your words.
      Quote: tatra
      But they are seriously “proud” of the imports, counterfeits of Soviet products, and how many things they have exported from the Russian Federation.
      And again, where is the evidence?
      Why do you lie all the time?
  14. +2
    30 December 2024 08: 02
    The anti-Sovietism of the enemies of the USSR has long ceased to be just the only justification for their seizure of the USSR, but has already turned into their paranoia. Now they are fighting against each other, killing each other, but still all together they are raging against the USSR.
    1. -1
      30 December 2024 08: 13
      Quote: tatra
      The anti-Soviet sentiments of the enemies of the USSR have long ceased to be simply the only justification for their seizure of the USSR

      Perestroika was carried out by the communists.
      1. +4
        30 December 2024 08: 27
        *And the revolution is the nobles.*
        1. -2
          30 December 2024 09: 04
          Quote: Gardamir
          And the revolution was carried out by the nobles

          February? Including them, but what does this change for the USSR?
          1. +4
            30 December 2024 09: 07
            And in October, among the Bolsheviks there were many nobles, starting with the hereditary nobleman Ulyanov-Lenin.
          2. +4
            30 December 2024 09: 11
            Half of the first Council of People's Commissars of Soviet Russia.
            1. -2
              30 December 2024 10: 31
              So what does this change for the USSR?
              1. +3
                30 December 2024 10: 36
                The USSR no longer exists, but now there are still many former communists in power. But this does not change anything for the Russian Federation.
                1. -1
                  30 December 2024 10: 38
                  Quote: Gardamir
                  The USSR no longer exists, but now there are still many former communists in power.
                  That is, no one captured the USSR and perestroika was not organized by the mythical “enemies of the communists who captured the USSR,” but by the communists themselves.
                  1. +3
                    30 December 2024 10: 43
                    Well, to be more precise, not enemies of communists, but enemies of communism.
                    By the way, here is a saying by Kozma Prutkov: "If you see the inscription "buffalo" on an elephant's cage, don't believe your eyes."
                    1. 0
                      30 December 2024 14: 47
                      Quote: Gardamir
                      Well, to be more precise, not enemies of communists, but enemies of communism.
                      That's right. The only problem is that they turned out to be the leadership of the Communist Party.
                    2. +1
                      31 December 2024 05: 36
                      Indeed! Gorbachev and Yeltsin later openly said that "their life's work was the fight against communism", but at the same time some citizens claim that it was the communists who destroyed the country. Then apparently Emperor Nero, burning Christians, was the most important Christian
      2. +3
        30 December 2024 08: 35
        Together with whom you, the enemies of the communists, slandered the Bolshevik-communists and justified your crimes and the crimes of your accomplices, the interventionists and the Nazis, and you cowardly blamed the Bolshevik-communists for the two wars that you unleashed together with them against the Soviet people.
        1. -3
          30 December 2024 09: 04
          Quote: tatra
          Together with whom you, enemies of the communists

          So the USSR was not led by communists?
          1. +4
            30 December 2024 09: 12
            If it is so important to you, then after the events of August 1991, Yeltsin banned the CPSU.
            1. -1
              30 December 2024 10: 32
              Quote: Gardamir
              Then, after the events of August 1991, Yeltsin banned the CPSU.

              And? Who led the USSR and organized perestroika?
              1. +4
                30 December 2024 10: 39
                You like to play with words. The USSR was led by the liberal Gorbachev
                1. 0
                  30 December 2024 10: 42
                  Quote: Gardamir
                  The USSR was led by the liberal Gorbachev

                  He was in charge, and who were the rest? Without the support of the entire top of the party, nothing would have worked out for him.
                  1. +4
                    30 December 2024 10: 45
                    That is, you didn’t even deign to notice the word liberal? By the way, he quickly changed the top.
                    1. -1
                      30 December 2024 14: 48
                      Quote: Gardamir
                      they didn't even deign to notice the word liberal

                      Whose problem is this? He was the head of the Communist Party, and the fact that he was a liberal is whose problem? And who did he exchange it for? For the same communists.
      3. 0
        31 December 2024 05: 39
        After the collapse, Gorby openly said that the purpose of his life was to fight communism. Is a person fighting communism a communist in your opinion? It was precisely such anti-communists who carried out Perestroyka
        1. +1
          31 December 2024 08: 45
          Quote: Mikhail Krivopalov
          After the collapse, Gorby openly said that the purpose of his life was to fight communism. Is a person fighting communism a communist in your opinion?

          So how did he become the head of the CPSU?
          Quote: Dart2027
          He was the head of the communist party, and the fact that he was a liberal is whose problem?

          Besides, he was far from alone.
          1. 0
            31 December 2024 17: 54
            Well, he said that he was fighting communism after the collapse, not when he joined the party. Yes, he was not alone, and he probably tried to surround himself with like-minded people and keep opponents away.
            1. +1
              31 December 2024 18: 00
              Quote: Mikhail Krivopalov
              Well, he said that he was fighting communism after the collapse, and not when he joined the party.

              Well, yes, he is a natural-born Shitirlitz, capable of leading anyone by the nose.
              No, I can believe that he was aiming for this from the very beginning, but it's hard to believe that no one around saw it. And his like-minded people didn't just fall from the moon either.
    2. -5
      30 December 2024 08: 48
      All power to the Soviets!

      Quote: tatra
      their capture of the USSR

      So nothing came of it...
      There was no seizure! Everything belonged to them anyway.
      It is impossible to seize (steal) anything from ourselves!!!

      The Trotskyites who had seized power: Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Chernenko, Andropov and Gorbachev with Yeltsin, carried out a redistribution of property and income from public to private ownership. Some got the living room, others the kitchen, others the doormat.
  15. 0
    30 December 2024 08: 37
    У the Bolsheviks had everything, to build a new world on the ruins of the old: 1) an image of the future, desirable and attractive to the majority of the people; 2) will, energy and ardent faith in the victory of communism. For this faith they were ready to die; 3) a structure, a party
    And where is it all?
    1. +2
      30 December 2024 08: 43
      Are you asking the Bolsheviks? They've been gone for a long time. It's you, their enemies, who need to be asked - why, having had a huge freebie from the results of the work of the communists and their supporters, you were only able to ruin everything and parasitize on the results of their work.
      1. +4
        30 December 2024 08: 54
        Quote: tatra
        Are you asking the Bolsheviks?

        Everyone, you for example.
        Quote: tatra
        They've been gone for a long time.

        And where are they, where are their students, children, grandchildren?
        Quote: tatra
        This is for you, the enemies.

        What enemy have I done to you?
      2. +1
        30 December 2024 13: 19
        And who are you for the USSR? Answer. It seems you like to speculate, and in modern terms --- PR yourself on the destruction of the USSR. How many years have you been doing this here? HOW exactly did you save the USSR and why didn't you.
  16. -1
    30 December 2024 08: 54
    Samsonov has squeezed out another empty article for today's schoolchildren and grown-up uncles have rushed to react to the provocateurs and degenerates... I can't even bear to comment on anything... Take care of your priests, gentlemen...
    1. +8
      30 December 2024 09: 05
      Well, today is still another anniversary of the formation of the USSR, to which external and internal enemies, who unleashed two destructive, predatory, murderous wars, gave about 35 years for calm development and a calm life for the people. But all the same, during this time the USSR became a better State both in development and for the majority of the people than the Russian Empire was, 80 percent of the capitalist countries of the world, and even more so, the States of the enemies of the USSR on the territory of the USSR captured by them, in which the enemies of the USSR made everything worse for the republics of the USSR they captured and their peoples than it was in the USSR.
      1. +2
        30 December 2024 09: 11
        Yes, I remember, after all, I was born and raised in that great country... It's sad...
  17. Msi
    30 December 2024 09: 05
    Yes, indeed, we have liberals in power. We fuss over Ukrainians. We should mix all of Ukraine with shit. We need Stalin. We should resettle Ukrainians somewhere in Siberia, and give each of them a "shovel", let them work, let them air out their brains and cleanse them of their nationalistic shit.
    1. +5
      30 December 2024 09: 09
      Yes, the fact that the enemies of the USSR not only captured the USSR, but also divided it among themselves, and the fact that they immediately began to unleash wars among themselves is a direct consequence of your evil mentality and your mental hatred for everything and everyone, including each other.
    2. +4
      30 December 2024 09: 13
      He resettled the most zealous ones. Across Siberia, across Kazakhstan. And then this ghoul came and ruined everything...
  18. +3
    30 December 2024 09: 15
    The Soviet Union was way ahead of its time. It did not correspond to the moral and psychological standards of today's humanity, and even such geniuses as V. I. Lenin and I. S. Stalin could not fix it, such is human nature. It would be like if the norms of humanism and equality had been introduced in the Middle Ages. No one would have understood what it was and why. But why should everything be for the benefit of the people and for the benefit of the people, if I, such a cool party activist, cannot pass it on to my children as an inheritance? That is why the nomenklatura was interested in destroying the socialist system.
    1. +2
      30 December 2024 09: 42
      All power to the Soviets!

      There was such a precedent in history. Feudal Mongolia, having skipped the stage of capitalism, became socialist.
    2. 0
      31 December 2024 05: 25
      Well, according to Marx, capitalism should have happened first, they decided to jump over it and didn’t jump enough.
  19. +1
    30 December 2024 09: 18
    It was the 107th (almost 108th) year since the end of the Russian Empire and the 34th year since the end of the USSR - the whites continued to bite the reds, the reds - the whites. The money (as usual) went into the pockets of the liberals - the blues. Amen.
  20. +5
    30 December 2024 10: 12
    The Soviet Union is great, no doubt about it. But after Stalin, pygmies came to power. In essence, all their desires boiled down to "eating well and drinking sweetly." And the last leaders were complete idiots. They sold out the country for the opportunity to advertise pizza. And their assistants were the unfinished Trotskyite, White Guard and Bandera scum, as well as lackeys from the common people.
  21. BAI
    30 December 2024 10: 32
    Maoist revisionists.

    Maoists are more consistent and firm supporters of socialism than the communists after Stalin's USSR and even more so than the current Communist Party of the Russian Federation
  22. +4
    30 December 2024 10: 43
    Everything is to the point. Nothing to add or refute.
  23. -3
    30 December 2024 11: 00
    What nonsense? The Bolsheviks are the undertakers of the Russian world. They are the ones who betrayed and destroyed Russia! All of today's problems in Russia are the consequences of the betrayal of the Bolshevik gang of murderers of the Russian world!
    Even if you downvote, you still won't downvote the truth.
    1. -1
      30 December 2024 11: 25
      Quote: RockerMan
      The Bolsheviks are the undertakers of the Russian world.

      Absolutely right. Lenin's words confirm this:
      6) The task of the Social Democracy of Russia is, in particular and first and foremost, a merciless and unconditional struggle against Great Russian and tsarist-monarchist chauvinism and its sophistic defense by Russian liberals, the Cadets 6, part of the Narodniks 7 and other bourgeois parties. From the point of view of the working class and the toiling masses of all the peoples of Russia, the least evil would be the defeat of the tsarist monarchy and its troops, which oppress Poland, the Ukraine and a whole series of peoples of Russia and foment national hatred in order to increase the oppression of the Great Russians over other nationalities and to strengthen the reactionary and barbaric government of the tsarist monarchy.
      PSS v.26 p.6
    2. +2
      30 December 2024 13: 30
      It's funny, the bearer of a Latin nickname is fighting for the "Russian world"...))
  24. +2
    30 December 2024 11: 45
    At first I wanted to soberly analyze all of this, point by point, but then I thought - it’s like arguing with a “church granny” about the meaning of life and God.
    But I will still get to the bottom of one point - the exploitation of "man by man" in the USSR was gracefully replaced by the exploitation of "man by the system". The system got into man's pants as deeply as never before, and scooped everything out, reorganizing everything else the way it wanted. Initially, it (the system) motivated this by the need for a breakthrough to a bright future, but subsequently the "hand in the pants" remained, while the bright future floated away somewhere beyond the horizon, and in 1991, on the deathbed of the USSR, there were a ton of communal apartments in the capitals, conceptually not far removed from the barracks of the dawn of the USSR, the "damned tsarist legacy". Well, such a cool, wonderful, progressive system did not have the resources for its people to live in normal conditions. They were on space, they were on #NUCLEARWEAPONS, they were on Negroff and on 100500 tanks - but not on such crap as this.
    Exploitation, dear author, is when a person is given 15 years in a camp for words and he works like a donkey in these camps, and no one cares whether he survives or not, because he is deprived of rights and an enemy of the people. Exploitation is when they take away your horse and drive you to a collective farm, and there they take away your passport so that you, God forbid, don't run away from there to the city for a better life. Who will grow the goodies then?!
    Exploitation is when a guy is not allowed out of the system to go abroad because he is needed here as a specialist, but it is easier for the system to nail him down here than to organize a comfortable life and some freedom for him.
    "The triumph of the spirit over the flesh", holy shit...
    1. +4
      30 December 2024 12: 17
      Where and when was it different? They worked very freely in the times of Oliver Twist, for example. A good and effective practice was capaciously called "fencing". The mortgage topic is generally no better in meaning than the Soviet waiting list for an apartment. What's there - what's there. Although there are nuances to argue about. The people must be shepherded "with an iron rod", and ideas must be given to delight the heart. After all, Grandfather Moses wrote that it happens when there is no order, but only consumption and relaxation, when the wind of freedom tickles. And it's not about capitalism-communism, but about a firm hand and order.
      And Israel grew fat and stubborn; he grew fat, and stout, and obese; and he forsook God who had made him, and despised the Rock of his salvation (Deuteronomy)

      And in the end it will be
      For they are a people who have lost their minds, and there is no sense in them (ibid.)
      1. +2
        30 December 2024 12: 55
        Well, it was all started so that "it would be different", wasn't it? That's really sweet and new. But in the end it turned out to be the same pig, only in profile.
        And regarding the "firm hand" - was the degree of firmness in the USSR reasonable or useful? No, it was not. Otherwise, the system would not have merged with such KGB staffs. The system was firm selectively, and this selectivity ultimately did not turn out to be smart. Perhaps this should prompt us to rethink the paradigms you are talking about, but no - if you read many commentators, they want to scratch along the same rails, literally illustrating the apt description given by someone to "madness" - "madness is when you repeat the same thing over and over again, hoping for a different result."
        Are we objectively more successful than our neighbors? If so, how is this expressed? If not, then why haven't we tried to take their success apart piece by piece and assemble our own? Why are we always fixated on a failed model that lost the competition in the HV, as if it had all the answers to the necessary questions?
        1. +5
          30 December 2024 13: 20
          And we traditionally drain all the success relative to our neighbors. And, it should be noted, the whole world drains it. Not only the "oligarchs" and other bloodsuckers. Actually, the model was not losing to any competition. Here we must agree with many commentators that the USSR was drained. The question of why is much more interesting. At first glance, it was drained for types of sausage and jeans. But the "norota" needed them, especially the intelligentsia, because an intellectual without jeans was not a full-fledged intellectual. At higher levels, many, of course, wanted property and infrastructure by inheritance. This is true, but such a transformation could have been done without any "bowing down to the West." This would, of course, have been a very specific "socialism," but not the current one. Something like a hereditary Politburo and economic "nomenklatura." The funniest thing is that this is exactly what is now being done through "evolution." laughing at 33 years old and is being built.
          The USSR was being sold for a much more remarkable purpose - to rule the world, to set rules, not only to look at the "iron rod", but even to hold on to it. They wanted to join the World Government project. At that time, this topic was very popular in the Club of Rome, but without the elites of the USSR, it made no sense. That's what they (the elites of the USSR) were luring there, and that's exactly why they were climbing into the Club of Rome, even without being members. After all, they were inviting them to steer. So, our Soviet elites sold out the great and mighty not only for oil and other goodies. They thought that they would sit in the Areopagus, at the great table of the world's King Arthur. That's much more money or sausage. But they "cheated". They didn't let them sit, much less twirl the rod. In the West (those who are smarter) they still say that if they had let the former Soviets steer too, there would have been fewer problems. But there are few of them like that.
          The USSR would have overtaken the collective West if it had fully developed the CMEA. But it did not develop it because it merged with the global common project. After all, Eastern Europe did not want to leave the CMEA, they said at events - if there was a deficit of industrial goods and the same sausage in the USSR laughing Give us a part of the market of at least the RSFSR, we will close these holes, and not like you buy "with a limit". And who didn't want it? Moscow. And what didn't they want? They were waiting for the iron rod to be given to them soon and a chair to be pulled up in the Areopagus.
          So it's not about competition, but about mistakes in goal setting and in general description of the future. Well, and how it went further - well, it's all out the window.
          1. +2
            30 December 2024 13: 48
            I look at this myth, Mikhail, as a kind of analogy of a "knife in the back" that the proto-NSDAPists were spreading in the taverns of the Weimar Republic. They say that everything was heading towards success on the fields of VV1, that they almost won, but "THEY INSIDIOUS !!1" ruined everything.
            This is a straight up 1:1 allusion. Because it is always easier to blame a certain group of people than to admit that all efforts were made through a fig and that at the root there was some kind of nonsense on nonsense.
            At the root of the USSR was the thesis that we would inspire a world revolution - a kind of chain process that, like dominoes, would topple the capitalist countries and a kind of world socialism would reign. In this case, there would be no problem of competition between capital and socialism, and everything would work like clockwork, no matter how contradictory and raw this very socialism might be.
            And the fact that these competitions are potentially harmful - this was understood back at the dawn of the USSR, including when people's brains were broken. There was an understanding that "herd priorities" will not suit everyone, that there are individualists and owners, there are people who can do more and who need more.
            However, the world revolution did not receive S. This was the first half of the problem - that across the border from the USSR there lived capitalist countries and multiplied the product, sawed up weapons, invented various things.
            And socialism had to compete with them not on the basis of what it considered important, but on the basis of how they were dangerous to it. It's like if you came to a taekwondo competition and they tell you - screw this, go fight with knives. But you're not really into knives, and who cares :-)
            The USSR ultimately "could not" impose ITS competition on the West for freedom of activity or standard of living or development of rights. There were some pitiful scraps, there were also strong things - but the system did not work out and we were worn out, and in this even before the Great Patriotic War, by the way.
            The other half of the problem was that the capitalist states stubbornly refused to dry up and die according to Marx, they continued to evolve further, both on their own due to internal reasons and as a result of the struggle and competition with the socialist bloc. And, given their resources and strengths, they were doing quite well. The West survived the collapse of its colonial systems supported by the USSR, it survived and developed an antidote to playing the racial card (the "black question" in the USA), it remade the proletariat into something much more well-fed and less dangerous, it created a "consumer society and pluralism of opinions" in contrast to the original Soviet vision of expanding the Law, which by that time had degraded to the extreme.
            In parallel with the evolution of the West, the USSR is degrading and ossifying. These processes did not fall on its sinful head under Gorby "who buried everything." They took place under IVS, who is revered as a great sage. As a result, in terms of the quality of services and goods (in bulk, not in individual positions), the USSR began to lag behind the "collective West" long before its fall, but even with resources and a "seemingly more perfect system," it could not/did not want to do anything about it. They tried - well, yes, but you know, Olympic gold is not given for trying.

            I will finish my long thought with what I started with - I am not fighting the USSR, which has long since died (which is sad, but true). I am fighting various myth-makers, apologists for "a knife in the back of success", who remind me 1 to 1 of the proto-NSDAP members in their goals. The goals are to direct us back to the tracks we were already on and waste 100500 polymers and time on this. Personally, I like "USSR 2.0" as a project, but I am NOT impressed by the idea of ​​myth-making around the old union, saturated with the stupidest politics, idiotic restrictions and outright mockery of the very idea of ​​law and convenience. We must admit that the system was asshole and died because it was asshole. We must draw conclusions from this and do better, and not engage in necrofetishism.
            1. +2
              30 December 2024 14: 08
              Nektofetishes, of course, are not needed, although Western gender theory will soon get to this point. "Political theory" is, if we really delve into this topic, always and everywhere stupid and any ideological power gives more restrictions than power based on resources, capital and a military club. A club requires bowing of heads, capital - contributions from the wallet, and an ideologist requires your brain, in the old-fashioned way "soul". Since ideologists are mainly the offspring of economic fat, that is, fat, then the fatter and richer the life, the stronger the ideologists, because they have a lot of food. As a result, they begin to believe that they are entitled to food a priori. To get rid of political theory, you need to drain the fat from the system (not from the people, they will never have fat, because such is the limit - an ox threshing must have enough food to turn the whetstone). It doesn't depend on the system - now in the West the ideologists are much worse than the Soviet ones, the latter at least allowed the threshing ox to live, but these ones threaten to saw off even the horns of the ox, not to mention the charlatans.
              And so - the systems did not differ so fundamentally from each other in terms of issuing calories and general development. If the USSR had not been kicked by the CMEA itself, then a lot could have been fixed and the holes plugged in the consumer basket, to everyone's satisfaction. With computerization and some gadgets, perhaps they would have lagged behind, but we must also remember that the US productivity reserves ran out back in 1985-1987. I have so many books lying around, there is a continuous discussion there, like, the Popenhagen of American productivity has arrived. Then Korea and Japan got into the ranks and it turned out that everything was not so great in the Washington kingdom either. Europe even overtook the US in the 1980s, they were good at playing cooperation. The USSR had the potential to get out of even the 1980s, it did.
              1. +2
                30 December 2024 14: 33
                That there was potential to turn around in the late 80s - I agree. Just like we had it until recently. But potential is not equal to situational readiness. Potentially, you or I can also be trained to be special forces and cosmonauts, but in fact, it doesn't hurt us and we need to strain ourselves "beyond and beyond". For us, this would be in the range of theory, but outside the range of sustainable practice, so to speak.
                This is the range where the "dog is buried" for our country. Traditionally, this range revolves around approximately the same thing, so we come to approximately the same result. We need to expand it somehow, and this, in turn, needs to be worked on systematically and methodically. Which is not the case in the current range. It turns out to be a vicious circle - when there is understanding (this is the very "potential"), but there is no motivation and conditions for its emergence as a driving force. Petya wants to quit drinking, he understands that it is harmful and that it is a dead end, but he still binges, because it is familiar to him, more familiar than not drinking. And what will he do then? request This is the question we are asked every time there is a temptation to turn away from the usual, towards greater freedoms, for example, or greater rights for M-C business. Or towards simpler and more convenient laws.
                A kind of vicious circle of a vicious system, on the one hand, aimed at total control, but objectively incapable of using this total control usefully.
      2. +2
        30 December 2024 13: 23
        worked freely during the time of Oliver Twist

        hi In addition to fencing, the English also had workhouses. A wise decision laughing sarcasm
        1. +3
          30 December 2024 13: 34
          So Oliver Twist asked for his famous second bowl of porridge there, so he appreciated the humor hi
          Almost as quickly, Oliver realized that the workhouse was not much different from the place where he spent his childhood. But, one way or another, his new, but no less hungry life began right here.
          During the three months he spent in the workhouse, Oliver Twist became even weaker and thinner than he had been before.
          1. +2
            30 December 2024 13: 40
            I was simply horrified when I read it! Well, I, a little schoolboy, had to read this! Sarcasm. After all, no one forced me to visit my grandmother during the holidays
            1. +2
              30 December 2024 13: 48
              This is how the imperial "project" was forged on the Island. The most interesting thing is that no one there today says that "Great Britain was born in repression and totalitarianism", but no one also talks about "the British empire of high spirit", like "born of the great capitalist revolution" or "we will not give up Oliver Twist's conquests" and so on. We can't do that - either Stalin is a god or a demon. Well, our people can't do it without reflection, like a collective Tatyana from E. Onegin
              Who are you (Stalin), a guardian angel,
              Or an insidious tempter:
              You can solve my doubts.

              Well, how else, either a tempter of the Russian people, or a guardian... laughing
              1. +2
                30 December 2024 13: 57
                Quote: nikolaevskiy78
                This is how the imperial "project" was forged on the Island. The most interesting thing is that no one there today says that "Great Britain was born in repression and totalitarianism"... laughing

                As if she is alone? wassat they don't talk about other countries either ---- not about France, not about Spain or Holland..... yes, all European countries have gone through totalitarianism and bloody strife
                Quote: nikolaevskiy78
                .... no one talks about the "British Empire of the high spirit", like "born of the great capitalist revolution" or "we will not give up Oliver Twist's conquests" .... laughing
                But we need to remember this, who praises themselves in what way,
              2. +2
                30 December 2024 14: 02
                The path should not only lead to the result, but also bring to it. We forget about this, reasoning on the topic of the fact that the contemporaries of Ivan the Terrible, for example, were no less bloody than Ivan the Terrible. At the beginning of the 20th century, the same Scandinavian states were dirty sewers, with poor people and weird factories dumping waste into local rivers. Life there was not so great - but this led them (without revolutionary breaks) to the success that they have now. From a technical point of view, the WB you mentioned also came to the success that it has now without breaks from the times of Oliver Twist. Yes, this is the "autumn of the patriarch", but a graying lion is still a lion, and a pound is still valued in the world. In their case, we see evolution, ambiguous but definite, inseparable. With failures, falls, stupidities - but also with the final result. There was an upswing, then we reached a plateau, so to speak.
                In our case, history not only broke apart several times under the pretext of some future success (adventure), not only was success not achieved but resources were spent, and not small ones, but we also found ourselves in this cycle of perceiving things, which hinders evolutionary development, judging by the observed picture. These same "filthy" VBshniks got their hands dirty in their talk shops about how to do something a little better or at least not much worse, so that gradually they would form a fairly decent standard of living and smooth out the edges. We were unable to do anything like that.
                1. +2
                  30 December 2024 14: 11
                  Couldn't, but didn't want to. In fact, this is not a banality at all. To study why they didn't want to when they could, is a much more interesting "case" than studying "infirmity".
                  1. +1
                    30 December 2024 14: 40
                    It seems to me that "unwillingness" very often runs up against "inability", just at different levels. The Soviet elites could have organized things differently, but for this they would have had to learn to talk to each other, listen and decide together (and they did not know how to do this, they were not taught this either in childhood or in politics). They were taught to deeply imitate and urgently wrap holes with duct tape. As a result, where something deeper was required, they tried to somehow slip away from the question "head-on". One could designate the strategy of action after Stalin (and partly under him already) as "Duct tape at any cost!"
                    NEP was already duct tape, the Non-Aggression Treaty with GG was duct tape, Korea was duct tape and so on and so forth. Then there was simply more duct tape and it began to be used more often at the system level and not by individual voluntarism of power. Well, I see it this way...
      3. +1
        30 December 2024 16: 09
        Quote: nikolaevskiy78
        Where and when was it different?
        In Switzerland. Now.
        1. +1
          30 December 2024 16: 37
          Was it like that in Switzerland or is it now in Switzerland?
          1. +1
            30 December 2024 16: 44
            Quote: nikolaevskiy78
            Was it like that in Switzerland or is it now in Switzerland?

            Now in Switzerland
            1. +1
              30 December 2024 16: 45
              Well, how did the question sound? You yourself allocated it wink
              Where and when was it different?
              1. +1
                30 December 2024 16: 48
                So I answered you right away: "Otherwise, right now in Switzerland." What is unclear, I just can't understand?
                1. +1
                  30 December 2024 17: 00
                  It is unclear why you answered about now, if the question was about "was". You did not answer when it was, but you say that now it has become and is. However, what if you are a gnostic, for whom time is a point where was, is and will exist simultaneously? laughing Now it's a popular trend again.
    2. +5
      30 December 2024 12: 53
      Happy New Year, have a great holiday and good mood!
    3. 0
      30 December 2024 14: 18
      and then I thought - it's like arguing with a "church granny" about the meaning of life and God.

      Yes, it is useless. People's youth and all their youth passed under the USSR. Childhood, first love, family, career.
      They involuntarily dream of being in a place where everything was great, fresh, and bright.
      You can't blame them for that, of course. request
      But to drag this enthusiastic nonsense here about the “great, mighty, unfairly slandered” is of course a disgrace.
      The USSR collapsed. Collapsed with a bang. And if you all hadn't wanted it, it would have stayed.
      No one stood up for this house of cards.
      And I remember the conversations of adults, when back in the 80s they traveled from our town near Tula to Moscow for sausage, bananas and candy. I listened to their conversations, ordinary people.
      And you know, I, an October child, and then a pioneer, an example to everyone, did not understand how it was possible to SO not love the country.
      And when, literally within a few years, the Union fell apart, it became clear that no one needed it.
      So stop howling like a beluga whale, old farts. negative
      You fucked it up. Sold it. Ripped it apart. Consulted it. Nomenclatured it.
      They would be silent too.
      1. +1
        30 December 2024 14: 54
        You forgot two things here. The empire collapsed and for some reason it was the Americans, the English, the French who needed it most. They were the ones who supported the whites.
        The second point. Of course, it is dangerous to talk about it now, but at least why does the country need so many migrants? Could it happen that your children will tell you?
        You screwed it up. Sold it. Ripped it apart. Consulted it. Nomenclatured it.
        They would be silent too.
        1. +2
          30 December 2024 18: 17
          The Westerners didn't need a revival of the Empire, but a long bloody civil war! In the end, they showed their Russophobic mug when they threw Kolchak in Siberia!
      2. 0
        30 December 2024 15: 41
        Quote: Arnok
        and then I thought - it's like arguing with a "church granny" about the meaning of life and God.

        They involuntarily dream of being in a place where everything was great, fresh, and bright.
        You can't blame them for that, of course. request
      3. +1
        30 December 2024 16: 32
        Quote: Arnok
        .........we traveled from our town near Tula to Moscow........

        I wonder which town it is - Aleksin or Novomoskovsk?
  25. +1
    30 December 2024 14: 05
    The USSR was not without flaws - that's a fact. But it was based on an idea that the majority believed in. It's natural that slop was poured from abroad. It's much less natural that there were also many enemies inside the country, and sometimes even more dangerous ones.
  26. -3
    30 December 2024 15: 07
    Some kind of freak show of red wankers. Let go of the great past already. Keep the love for it and let go of the great civilization that fell apart on its own. Now the country faces other tasks and challenges. Stop singing about how vodka was stronger and sugar was sweeter.
    1. P
      30 December 2024 20: 10
      so capitalism also collapsed on its own, as did monarchism. There are no options, we have to choose from the previous forms.
  27. +1
    30 December 2024 16: 22
    Why was the author of this text released from the mental hospital?
  28. log
    30 December 2024 17: 29
    I consider the era of the USSR to be the highest achievement of the Russian people. I am sure that Russia will certainly become socialist at the new turn of history, because this form of community life is closest to Russians. Stalin is a great leader of the country, and Beria is a brilliant manager.
    1. 0
      1 January 2025 12: 10
      And immediately after Stalin's death, on Beria's initiative, political cases like the "Doctors' Plot", the Mingrelian Case, were reviewed, and there was talk of reviewing the "Leningrad Case". And Beria was one of the initiators of the termination or conservation of a number of national economic projects. Don't you see a contradiction here? And the two irreconcilable opponents, Khrushchev and Molotov, were unanimous when they said that after Stalin's death, Beria spoke quite critically of the leader.
  29. +1
    30 December 2024 18: 14
    I respect the USSR as a country where a great generation of heroes lived who bore on their shoulders two world wars, two revolutions and a civil war. As the respected father Dmitry Smirnov, God rest his soul, said, any other nation would have ceased to exist after such upheavals, but not the Russians! With all this... statements that the USSR is the highest point of development of Russian civilization? Such a thing! Firstly, we should not lie to ourselves, everything Russian was destroyed in the USSR by all means, how then can it be the highest point of Russian civilization??? Secondly, in its more than 1000-year history, the glory of Rus' was no less than 70 years of the Soviet system.
  30. 0
    30 December 2024 19: 19
    I think it's time to stop singing the praises of the USSR. It's the past, albeit a glorious one. But it can't be brought back. Sergei Kara-Murza (not to be confused with his foreign agent relative!) has done an excellent analysis of the history of the USSR and the reasons for its destruction.
    You can't bring back the past anyway!
    We need to take all the best from the USSR and move forward! We need a new project. Not a chimera of a mixture of the symbols of the USSR and tsarist Russia. Otherwise, we are moving towards a tsarist-white guard country with red banner attributes.
    1. P
      30 December 2024 20: 09
      we need systematic work on working on mistakes, yes
  31. +1
    30 December 2024 19: 46
    Quote: Fy;
    The Union was destroyed by the authorities who betrayed the country and the people, the nomenklatura, who wanted to become, albeit small, but little tsars.

    It's strange, did you always think that the building was Soviet or was you mistaken? Or was there no trace of the Soviets there by the time of the collapse?
    1. P
      30 December 2024 20: 08
      there was no smell, the Supreme Council was an ordinary bourgeois parliament, and the party organs decided all the issues
    2. +2
      30 December 2024 22: 15
      And don't you remember what happened to the Soviets? In particular, to the Supreme?
  32. +1
    30 December 2024 19: 54
    There is one drawback of the article, but by omitting it, the article completely loses its meaning. The author did not show the development of the Soviet Union in dynamics and time. from the point of view of changes in the structure of power and society as a whole. For example, under Stalin, artels were engaged in consumer goods, Khrushchev closed them down, flexibility in the production of assortment, updating of models was lost. There was a shortage of high-quality clothing and footwear, and where is this reflected in the article. And there are many such examples, but they are not in the article.
    1. P
      30 December 2024 20: 07
      Khrushchev would not have covered anything up if he had been removed and shot in one day for his antics. But the Union ceased to be Soviet back in 1936.
    2. 0
      1 January 2025 12: 14
      They were active for half of Khrushchev's rule. One of the reasons for their closure was that they were initially created as cooperatives of artisans and craftsmen, but in practice many of them became quite normal, "real" industrial enterprises. It was precisely these powerful artels that were transformed into state enterprises several years before the closure of industrial cooperation as a whole.
  33. -4
    30 December 2024 20: 01
    The nonsense of communist propagandists.
    1. 0
      31 December 2024 15: 04
      I understand that you are the owner of factories, plants and steamships, that Capitalism is so dear to you. Otherwise, if you are not the owner of the means of production for which the poor workers work, your position is not clear
  34. P
    30 December 2024 20: 06
    This is all wonderful. However, the basis of the USSR was materialism. "Will, energy, ideology, ardent faith" - this is the direct opposite of a scientific approach, plan, convictions. By the way, the supremacy of the party over the soviets is the direct cause of the collapse of the USSR, work on mistakes must be done and any party member who even talks about disarming the soviets, or about forming soviets from enemy personnel on a territorial principle, must be consistently cut off. Well, or about the Supreme Council / General Secretary / anyone elected not from the bottom up according to the system of soviets
    1. 0
      1 January 2025 12: 19
      A system of multi-stage councils cannot exist without a party supervising it. This was shown by both the experience of the USSR and the experience of Tito's Yugoslavia, where a multi-stage delegate system existed, and most delegates were elected on the production principle. According to the 1936 Constitution, they switched to direct elections on the territorial principle precisely because the multi-stage system, where only city council and village council deputies were elected directly, had exhausted itself. But they never created a normal new system either; everything was formalized to the limit.
      1. P
        1 January 2025 17: 37
        What class organ will the party be after the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat? How else can we ensure that the system is cleansed of the class enemy? How can we ensure the direct and immediate responsibility of any person who begins to work against the workers?
  35. 0
    30 December 2024 20: 08
    There is one drawback of the article, but it affects the whole article. The author did not show the development of the Soviet Union in dynamics and time, from the point of view of changes in the structure of power and society as a whole. For example, under Stalin, artels were engaged in consumer goods, Khrushchev closed them down, flexibility in the production of assortment, updating of models was lost. There was a shortage of quality clothing and footwear and where is this reflected in the article. And there are many such examples, but they are not in the article. The USSR is called an experimental project, right, its existence was closely connected with the development of society in the theoretical and practical sense. After Lenin, there were no serious works on the development and explanation to society of the theory of development (what is being done and why). Just slogans - "we will catch up. overtake", we will achieve ... and for what, how exactly will the life of an ordinary person improve?
    How the structure of power changed. Well, you can't say that society in 1924 was similar to 1928 or 1936.
    1. 0
      31 December 2024 15: 29
      Artels are artels, but the main thing is that Khrushchev introduced such a capitalist concept as PROFITABILITY for enterprises! And he even gave quality control to these same enterprises.
  36. 0
    30 December 2024 20: 11
    Quote: Pandemic
    Khrushchev would not have covered anything up if he had been removed and shot in one day for his antics. But the Union ceased to be Soviet back in 1936.

    You are mistaken in 1928
  37. -1
    30 December 2024 20: 12
    Quote: Pandemic
    there was no smell, the Supreme Council was an ordinary bourgeois parliament, and the party organs decided all the issues

    And where is this reflected in the proposed article? It's a real high road there.
  38. +1
    30 December 2024 20: 41
    Quote: Come in large numbers
    Some kind of freak show of red wankers. Let go of the great past already. Keep the love for it and let go of the great civilization that fell apart on its own. Now the country faces other tasks and challenges. Stop singing about how vodka was stronger and sugar was sweeter.

    Well, you know how it is with people - you criticize - make a suggestion. - you suggest - do it. You do it - answer. We are waiting for your suggestions, the old system can be forgotten. I really want to hear something completely new from you.
  39. -1
    30 December 2024 20: 46
    Quote: RSS_ZOV
    I respect the USSR as a country where a great generation of heroes lived who bore on their shoulders two world wars, two revolutions and a civil war. As the respected father Dmitry Smirnov, God rest his soul, said, any other nation would have ceased to exist after such upheavals, but not the Russians! With all this... statements that the USSR is the highest point of development of Russian civilization? Such a thing! Firstly, we should not lie to ourselves, everything Russian was destroyed in the USSR by all means, how then can it be the highest point of Russian civilization??? Secondly, in its more than 1000-year history, the glory of Rus' was no less than 70 years of the Soviet system.

    Strong conclusion. However, many people want to get a US passport now, many wanted to be citizens in Rome. Name the period of Russian history (the Union does not count) when many people dreamed of living in Russia.
  40. -2
    30 December 2024 20: 57
    Quote: troza
    I consider the era of the USSR to be the highest achievement of the Russian people. I am sure that Russia will certainly become socialist at the new turn of history, because this form of community life is closest to Russians. Stalin is a great leader of the country, and Beria is a brilliant manager.

    Read the latest decrees of the sovereign (that's what they called him on Russian radio, explaining that there's no need to be surprised, sovereign comes from the word state). There are only a few steps left before Stalin's repressions.
    1. +1
      31 December 2024 05: 31
      What does GDP have to do with socialism? It is a representative of big capital.
  41. +1
    30 December 2024 21: 02
    Quote: Arnok
    And I remember the conversations of adults, when back in the 80s they traveled from our town near Tula to Moscow for sausage, bananas and candy. I listened to their conversations, ordinary people.

    And now, has something changed? Yes, now you have to buy essentials online. Of course, you can object. That there is a lot of Chinese crap in the stores, well, if you are a fan of this "good". And we are used to quality at the expense of quantity.
    1. 0
      1 January 2025 12: 25
      To be fair, Chinese goods have become much better quality in the last twenty years. I've met quite a few people who, oddly enough, like Chinese cars.
  42. 0
    30 December 2024 21: 17
    Quote from: dvv1951
    It is an undeniable fact that it was the socialist state that won a victory over Hitler's Germany, which no capitalist country in the world could confront on equal terms in 1941. Therefore, an integral part of the anti-army campaign were the efforts of the perestroika media to downplay the significance of the Soviet people's victory in the Great Patriotic War and popularize the slogan "They covered us in corpses." I believe that the number of human losses in the USSR of 27 million people is politicized. During perestroika, 7 million were added to the existing official figure of total losses of the army and civilians, as if deliberately blurring the greatness of the

    Tell me. Are you aware of the general shortage of personnel before the war. After the repressions? If the losses were real. Well, there was no other way, then why did the generals of victory hide their exploits, for example, Konev's memoirs
    . they start in 1943, do you need to remind where the above mentioned hero was before 1943 and what successes he had? They were ignoramuses, but loyal to the leader. They studied for the first two years, and the soldiers died, that is why they say that they were covered with corpses. Then there were assaults on holidays and much more. with corresponding losses.
    1. +2
      31 December 2024 05: 26
      And do you know that most of those the army lost were simply dismissed because they were not up to the age or qualifications. And do you seriously think that it would be better for the army if there were more traitors in it?
  43. +2
    31 December 2024 01: 51
    Quote: The Truth
    in transforming the imperialist war of imperialists against each other into a war of the people against their government

    only in the war of the peoples, and not the nation... and yet they managed to ignite - a revolution in Germany, Hungary, support from British and French soldiers, sailors and workers...
    1. +1
      31 December 2024 05: 28
      Yes, if the Soviets had managed to retain power in Finland, Germany, Hungary and Poland, then France and England would most likely have been defeated, and there would have been a World Socialist Revolution.
  44. +2
    31 December 2024 05: 24
    The author is fulfilling his agenda, all this newspeak "collective West", "Western project" ... 1) there is no collective West, and never was 2) and the ideas of Socialism did not come from the West, as the next model after Capitalism? K. Marx and his predecessors were apparently from the East? Christianity also apparently from the East? 3) it was not the "collective West" that fell upon the USSR, but collective capitalism, since Western workers quite organized strikes and sabotage in order to interfere with the sending of weapons to the interventionists. 4) there are classes and these classes have their own interests: when capitalism began to emerge (progressive at that time), all feudal states unanimously strangled it; when socialism began to emerge, all capitalist states unanimously rushed to strangle it.
  45. +1
    31 December 2024 06: 26
    "Russia is a country populated by a super-ethnos of Rus-Russians" Is this something from fascism with its superhumans and subhumans?
  46. +1
    31 December 2024 10: 51
    Quote from Etwas
    Tell me, are you aware of the general shortage of personnel before the war, after the repressions?

    Where will they come from, the personnel? What will they bring from Mars?
  47. 0
    31 December 2024 10: 56
    Quote from Etwas
    For example, under Stalin, consumer goods were produced by artels, but Khrushchev closed them down, and flexibility in the production of the range was lost.

    What other flexibility? Where did the artels get raw materials and supplies, electricity, heat? The artels were closed because it became possible to build new factories and plants.
    No artels are capable of competing with industrial production.
    And flexibility under capitalism is a fiction. Fashion exists to stimulate sales of new clothes and the recycling of old, still usable ones.
  48. +1
    31 December 2024 11: 00
    Quote: futurohunter
    We must take all the best from the USSR and move forward!

    I wonder who will let us take the best from the USSR?
    On the contrary, the authorities persistently rid the country of this very best - destroying industry and science, for example.
  49. 0
    31 December 2024 14: 11
    The Banderlogs admiringly vying with each other say the following about themselves, again noted by the notorious Rudyard Kipling:
    “We are great! We are free! We are worthy of admiration! Worthy of admiration like no other people in the jungle! We all say that, so it’s true!”
    This is so reminiscent of the speeches of the presidents of many Banderpeians and especially Bandericans that you begin to understand Kipling’s predictions.
    And how they revel in themselves, having destroyed someone’s statehood and thereby depriving the lives of sometimes millions of innocent anthropos!
    Here is an example of one such speech to the jubilant Bandericans by one of their elderly leaders:
    1992 GEORGE BUSH Sr., US President:
    “The Soviet Union no longer exists. This is a victory for democracy [burgers] and freedom [gangsterism and homosexuality]. This is a victory for the [immoral] power of [brutes and scum], our [smelly and rotten] values, [involved in war, betrayal and blackmail]. Every [pig-nosed] American can be proud of this victory - from the millions of American [perverted, effeminate] men and [masculine] women who served our [unscrupulous] country in the Armed Forces, [raping and killing yellowfaces, blacks and Latinos for markets for our crap ], to millions of [stupid] Americans who supported their [gangster] country with their tacit [redneck] consent [and strengthened the attack on independent countries] during the period of nine [garbage] Presidents... Despite the potential opportunity [and actually created conditions for ] instability and chaos, this event - the collapse of the USSR - clearly meets our [robber] national interests.”
    Parts of the entire draft were accidentally preserved in parentheses, crossed out later for the sake of euphony. You can make sure that even with the removal of what is in brackets, the same “WOW!” sounds. (this is “WOW!”), with which the Seluk cattle express delight, watching how a bloody old man, who was the head and guardian of their country, is beaten to death on live television.
  50. 0
    1 January 2025 11: 58
    Quote from Eugene Zaboy
    Another attempt by Alexander Samsonov to wash away the blood of the millions of innocent citizens of the Russian Empire from the Bolsheviks and communists.

    There were no citizens in the Russian Empire - why lie so laboriously. Before 17, there were a number of privileges that made people unequal. For commoners, any paths to the top were closed. Voting rights or women's rights were unheard of.
  51. 0
    1 January 2025 12: 10
    Quote: Glock-17
    There was a catastrophic shortage of our own personnel for such projects, since most of them were either destroyed in the “class struggle” or emigrated.

    Where did they get specialists in building automobile factories in the Russian Empire? Under the holy Tsar Martyr, the country had no automobile industry and there were no specialists either. The most interesting thing is that as soon as the damned communists left, the automobile industry in the Russian Federation began to be destroyed at an unprecedented rate. You have to know how to screw up such an industrial legacy.
  52. 0
    1 January 2025 12: 51
    You can complain about the commentator to the editors.

    How can I complain about the author?
    Personal opinion...
    The author indulges in interethnic hostility (even to the point of hatred).