Reassessing the Arsenals: Whose Side Has the Tactical Nuclear Weapons Advantage?

Reassessing the Arsenals: Whose Side Has the Tactical Nuclear Weapons Advantage?

Four to one

It is worth starting with a paradoxical thought. Despite the fact that the danger of nuclear war is about to be literally touched by hands, there is a special meaning in using weapon mass destruction is absent. With reservations, as always. We are talking about tactical nuclear weapons and so far only about the theater of military operations in Ukraine. It's all about the dispersal of combat formations on both sides of the front.

Tactical nuclear weapons (TNW) were initially developed as a tool to compensate for the shortage of personnel and combat equipment. At one time, NATO was very afraid of the well-equipped and numerous Soviet Army, which is why it was forced to maintain a solid arsenal of TNW. The Soviet Union, among other things, counted on similar weapons in a possible conflict with China. Tactical nuclear strikes on the enemy were supposed to knock out a good share of personnel, which the Chinese had in excess. For all the designated scenarios, classical methods of waging war were assumed with the concentration of a huge amount of equipment and military personnel in the direction of the main attack. These were the targets for which tactical nuclear weapons were practiced.

The events of the special operation forced us to abandon any concentration of personnel. This is true both for the front line and for the deep rear. Therefore, if we are talking about the use of tactical nuclear weapons against the Ukrainian army, then we will have to carry out a whole series of strikes. Otherwise, there is no point in talking about military expediency - a single strike would be another political statement. A series of successive strikes along the front line can really thin out the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, but many civilians will die with it. Let us recall that now most of the events of the special operation are unfolding in new territories of Russia, that is, civilians on the other side of the front are potential Russian citizens.

Another matter is tactical nuclear weapons for European military purposes. If NATO openly talks about the inevitability of war with Russia almost in the current decade, then maybe it is not worth waiting and striking first? For the Americans, for example, one of the options for using tactical nuclear weapons is "de-escalation of a hypothetical conflict." However, we will leave all discussions about the advisability of strikes on Europe or the United States to the highest military-political leadership of Russia. The main thing in this situation is to understand how our Armed Forces can unpleasantly surprise the enemy.

Little more than nothing is known about the TNW stockpiles of Russia and the United States. Unlike strategic nuclear weapons, no one has counted tactical ammunition. The last attempt to limit TNW took place in 1991 on the initiative of Mikhail Gorbachev. Already in the status of President of the USSR, he proposed to the Americans to mirror the reduction of tactical special ammunition on warships, submarines, aircraft and systems Defense. The last position requires clarification. Special combat units of anti-aircraft missiles could be used to repel a massive enemy attack, and also allowed reaching the enemy's satellite group. Most likely, a considerable part of the TNW from the air defense is still stored in warehouses.

After years 1991 story with mutual limitations of tactical nuclear weapons of Russia and the USA is shrouded in darkness. It seems that the Americans have reduced their ammunition from 11,5 thousand to 500. About two hundred B-61 type aerial bombs (modifications -3; -4; -10) are now in Europe - in Germany (Büchel, more than 20 units), Italy (Aviano and Ghedi, 70-110 units), Belgium (Klein-Brogel, 10-20 units), the Netherlands (Volkel, 10-20 units) and Turkey (Incirlik, 50-90 units). The Pentagon keeps a hundred bombs in reserve. Another hundred "Tomahawks" with a special warhead are at the disposal of the Navy fleet USA. But no one can verify the veracity of these figures. The Russian leadership declares an eleven-fold reduction in arsenals of tactical nuclear weapons. From 1991 to 2011, stockpiles decreased from a gigantic 22 thousand charges to two thousand.

At present, according to the publication “Moscow University Bulletin. Series 25. International Relations and Politics”, the Russian arsenal of tactical nuclear weapons presumably includes:

– about 500 warheads for Tu-22M3 medium-range bombers and Su-24 and Su-27IB/Su-34 frontline bombers;

- about 300 aviation missiles and bombs of naval aviation;

– about 500 anti-ship, anti-submarine, anti-aircraft missiles (including up to 250 long-range sea-based nuclear cruise missiles);

– about 630 warheads on S-300, S-400 anti-aircraft missiles and other air defense systems.

Data is given for 2011.


As mentioned above, there is currently no urgent need to use TNW in Ukraine. The same cannot be said about military facilities on the territory of NATO countries. The principle here is quite simple - the more enemy units are deployed near the Russian border, the more nuclear bombs and Iskanders will appear nearby. Russia is a priori incapable of fighting the entire NATO bloc on equal terms - there are not enough human or material resources. That is why the stake is placed on TNW. That is why Russian special munitions are deployed in Belarus.

Potential targets for the Russian Oreshnik

The enemy is not standing still. Firstly, the production of B61-12 nuclear bombs is actively increasing and American bases in Europe are being re-equipped with them. This high-precision guided bomb is currently considered the most dangerous non-strategic munition of the US Army. The next modification, the B61-13, with an enlarged warhead from the 7th version and a correction system from the 12th, is on the way. The capacity of the promising product will exceed 340 kilotons, which allows the bomb to be considered a strategic weapon.

Secondly, nuclear weapons are gradually approaching the borders of Russia, which cannot be considered anything other than a stage of escalation. Forward airfields in Poland (Malbork, Lask, Minsk-Mazowiecki air bases, etc.) and the Baltic states (Zokniai, Lielvarde, Emari air bases) have been prepared for the relocation of carrier aircraft and special munitions. Speaking of aircraft, there are about four hundred potential carriers of the B61 family of aerial bombs in Europe. Some commentators say that nuclear missiles for the S-300 and S-400 systems have been removed from combat duty in Russia. It seems that it is high time to return the special products to our anti-aircraft gunners.

Another sign of the coming escalation is the unrest in the West regarding the imbalance in the number of TNWs between the US and Russia. Abroad, they claim that America has 250 nuclear weapons. This is two times less than previously mentioned. Where the Pentagon hid another 250 items is not mentioned. The story being promoted about Russia's almost tenfold advantage in TNWs is nothing more than a call to launch the Western military-industrial complex machine. To rearm as quickly as possible with the latest B61-12 and bring the 13th version to combat readiness. The media is working in unison with the provisions of the "Nuclear Posture Review" dated 2022. In this document, the Americans state that "US competitors continue to expand, diversify, and modernize their nuclear forces, while increasing dependence on nuclear weapons."

The tactical nuclear arms race has officially started. It is most dangerous because of the almost complete lack of control on both sides. Russia currently has a serious advantage, but it could melt away in a matter of years. And then it will be very difficult for NATO to resist the temptation to launch a disarming first strike. Especially since preparations for it have already begun.
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  1. +5
    25 December 2024 03: 46
    there is no particular point in using weapons of mass destruction.
    I am against the use of nuclear weapons in the conduct of the SVO, but this is debatable. I understand the difference between a strike on combat formations and infrastructure and tactical, operational-tactical and strategic nuclear weapons, but strikes on nuclear strikes on airfields in the depths of the non-country and on tunnels, bridges and transport hubs near the western borders of Ukraine would greatly help Russia.

    For now, Russia has a serious advantage, but it could melt away in a matter of years.
    But here, I’m afraid, even without the enemy’s build-up, the Russian leadership can cope on its own if nothing changes in military policy.
    1. +3
      25 December 2024 13: 27
      I also noted this simplification of the situation.
      The events of the special operation forced us to abandon any concentration of personnel. This is true both for the front line and for the deep rear. Therefore, if we are talking about the use of tactical nuclear weapons against the Ukrainian army, then we will have to carry out a whole series of strikes. Otherwise, there is no point in talking about military expediency - a single strike will be another political statement.
      Why doesn't the author consider bridges, power plants, industrial enterprises and other infrastructure facilities that provide the enemy's defense potential as targets for TNW strikes? What a one-sided analysis!
      But God forbid that it comes to testing these theories in practice!
    2. -1
      26 December 2024 00: 23
      But here, I’m afraid, even without the enemy’s build-up, the Russian leadership can cope on its own if nothing changes in military policy.

      Besides, if Russia goes to a long war, then Ukraine will also get nuclear weapons. A demonstrative nuclear strike on the edge of Ukraine is needed to end all this faster.
  2. -2
    25 December 2024 04: 31
    We need to place our TNW as close as possible to the US borders. Agree with bases in Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and place a sufficient number of TNW there... following the example of the Americans who placed their nuclear weapons in Europe.
    The Kremlin's pacifist policy abroad does not contribute to the security of our country.
    Step by step, the US and NATO are moving their bases and nuclear weapons closer and closer to the borders of Russia.
    1. +5
      25 December 2024 17: 40
      Agree with bases in Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and place a sufficient number of tactical nuclear weapons there

      And you probably haven't heard about the Cuban Missile Crisis? The US is not Russia. They don't give a damn about international law, opinion, sanctions. They will simply turn Cuba or Nicaragua into Palestine, or Hiroshima. Now we don't even have a fleet like the USSR had in the early 60s. This is in a relative sense, not in terms of performance characteristics.
  3. +5
    25 December 2024 04: 48
    To re-evaluate something that is in some kind of underdeveloped state is a thankless task. It was precisely the TNW that was created so that the almost billion population of a potential enemy would not delude itself with hopes. Moreover, for local use, the power of such ammunition should vary from 0 kt (equivalent to 3 tons of TNT) to 300 kt (equivalent to 1 tons of TNT)... I even remember a song by V.S. Vysotsky, which contains the words:
    I'm going to explode right now like three hundred tons of TNT,
    — There is a charge of uncreative evil in me...

    But this is lyricism, and in practice, to talk about some kind of humanity when hundreds of thousands of soldiers armed to the teeth are moving to destroy your home, reasoning, like delay, is like death.
    So decide what is humane: to lie under the boot of the enemy or to be consoled by all sorts of lovers of easy money who have been smashed to smithereens.
    It would seem that an alternative to TNW has been obtained, but this advantage alone will not work without application. And here it is inappropriate to keep repeating: "Halva!" - it will not become sweeter from this.
    I don't know what arguments our country's leadership is satisfied with, but I believe that sovereignty is an unshakable concept, and it must be defended BY ANY MEANS!!! And the enemy must answer in full for the ruined lives of our compatriots, so that in the future he will not have any mean thoughts about revenge.
  4. +6
    25 December 2024 04: 53
    Quote: yuriy55
    The enemy must answer in full for the ruined lives of our compatriots, so that in the future he will not have any mean thoughts about revenge.

    I agree... but looking at our politicians, listening to their speeches, you are amazed by the gap between their words and their actions.
    1. +1
      25 December 2024 11: 58
      breaking their words with their deeds
      Well, the boss said that terrorist call centers are not targets for strikes - the boss did. But you can constantly hit Ukrainian thermal power plants so that they don't get repaired, well, and what about the nuclear power plants - well, we're not like that
  5. +6
    25 December 2024 06: 03
    I am sure that the Americans did not cut anything, most likely they simply removed it and put it into storage and conservation, that is how they do with everything. Well, ours rushed headlong to reduce and dispose of it, they deceived...
    1. +4
      25 December 2024 17: 05
      Quote from turembo
      removed and placed into storage and conservation

      In plutonium, however, helium bubbles accumulate over 35-40 years... that's exactly how long it's taken... request
  6. +6
    25 December 2024 06: 18
    The whole point is that we don't know the real state of affairs with nuclear weapons. Kremlin officials are carefully hiding it, and now there is no trust in them. For example, before the SVO, I thought that everything was fine with conventional weapons. Looking at the T-14, Kurgan and other Boomerangs passing through Red Square. "Tank biathlons" are a separate song. But the SVO began and trains of T-80,72,55, 1,2, 1,5, BMP-XNUMX, XNUMX, artillery guns almost from the Great Patriotic War began to move to the front line. And then an acute shortage of shells was revealed, XNUMX million sets of uniforms were missing, etc., etc. And the weaving of nets, the collection of blankets, communications equipment, surveillance began... So it is impossible to say exactly what our current situation with nuclear weapons is. There, too, Sergei Kuzhugetych and his “glorious generals” (who, for the most part, did not graduate from “military schools and academies”) were in charge.
    1. -2
      25 December 2024 14: 38
      For example, before the SVO I thought that everything was fine with conventional weapons. Looking at the T-14, Kurgan and other Boomerangs passing through Red Square.

      Well, that's your personal problem. At all the parades they said that these are PROMISING weapons, that is, they will be in the troops in the future. And at the biathlons, you could see T-72s riding around.
      You are probably one of those who only read the headlines and then blame the authors of the articles.
      However, there are many such people, and here on VO too
      1. +1
        25 December 2024 15: 39
        You are apparently one of those who cannot understand the meaning of two sentences, and in order not to lose face, you pick out familiar words, or a couple of combinations that you could remember, and present an answer. Otherwise, the fact that the stated problem of a shortage of equipment and weapons, in addition to the problem that promising equipment should have long ceased to be promising, can be answered exclusively in the context of "armored weapons" can not be explained except with rosy drool. And unfortunately there are many like you.
      2. 0
        25 December 2024 17: 16
        And when will this prospect arrive? Or is it like communism: first Vladimir Ilyich promised, then Joseph Vissarionovich said that we are firmly moving towards communism, then "dear Nikita Sergeyevich" said that "the next generation will live under communism", dear Leonid Ilyich also said that "the country is firmly on the path to communism". Well, now they have arrived, communism has arrived. True, not for everyone, but for a group of St. Petersburg judoists and members of the "Ozero" cooperative. So here, with new military equipment - only prospects.
        1. +4
          25 December 2024 23: 35
          I noticed that everyone who asks logical and pressing questions is fiercely downvoted)) And all sorts of demagogy is upvoted. Nobody talked about 2200 Armatas in 2019, I think? Or about hundreds of Su-57s? Kurganets and Boomerangs? And they showed them at parades without comment, like don't flatter yourself, all this is just promising equipment and maybe it will be, or maybe it won't be in the future, but they constantly called them the latest models for rearmament and released a bunch of programs on Zvizda TV about how much better they are than all sorts of Western junk! And they made exactly that number of models so that the people would have a sense of pride in the army. No one has ever seen a single Boomerang, Kurganets, Armata, etc. in the SVO, even for testing purposes. Did they really just stupidly make running models for parades?
          1. +4
            26 December 2024 08: 29
            The site has changed a lot for the worse. This happened after it was classified as a media outlet (it gained a certain number of subscribers). About ten or fifteen years ago, there were serious articles and then a lot of real experts analyzed the article in the comments. And often in the comments you could learn a lot of new and interesting things. Good experts in the fields of communications, electronic warfare, aviation, tanks, metallurgy, navy, air defense evaluated the article and wrote comments. For example, there was a series of articles about the battle in the Yellow Sea between the Russian and Japanese squadrons during the Russian Yamal-Navy War. Now "trolls" have come running and all the comments boil down to "oh-oh-well, we gave them that, they will regret it!" This is not only my opinion, on other military sites you can meet former subscribers of VO, everyone says that the site has become much worse. Mostly news, serious articles have become a rarity.
  7. Msi
    25 December 2024 06: 19
    about 500 warheads for medium-range bombers Tu-22M3 and frontline bombers of the Su-24 and Su-27IB/Su-34 type;

    – about 300 aircraft missiles and bombs for naval aviation;

    – about 500 anti-ship, anti-submarine, anti-aircraft missiles (including up to 250 long-range sea-based nuclear cruise missiles);

    – about 630 warheads on S-300, S-400 anti-aircraft missiles and other air defense systems.

    And that's all??? Where's the rest? It seems like there was special ammunition for artillery guns... request and what about Iskander? what
    1. +3
      25 December 2024 08: 42
      and under the 2S4 "Tulip" mortar too...
    2. +1
      25 December 2024 09: 46
      These figures clarify a lot. Now it becomes clear why Western "partners" have completely lost their fear.
    3. -3
      25 December 2024 11: 08
      Quote from Msi

      And that's all??? Where's the rest? It seems like there was special ammunition for artillery guns... request and what about Iskander? what

      I repeat.
      And you.

      There has never been, is not, and is unlikely to be a Special BC under Iskander.
      It was not planned or developed.
      For those "children" who think that SpetsBC is made like in the movies "in a year" - this is not so.
      Special warheads have been developed and tested for decades.
      20-30 years before production began.
      For advanced types of weapons.
      1. +1
        25 December 2024 12: 01
        The special warhead is smaller than the regular warhead, instead of the regular warhead, a strategic warhead can easily fit into the Iskander
        1. +2
          26 December 2024 00: 00
          Quote from alexoff
          The special warhead is smaller than the regular warhead, instead of the regular warhead, a strategic warhead can easily fit into the Iskander

          Please understand at last.

          A special warhead is not an iron block that can be simply taken and moved from one carrier to another simply based on the weight and dimensions.
          This is impossible.

          A special warhead is not just a nuclear assembly module-block.
          This is also an automation unit. Where there are hundreds of elements that work with hundreds of indicators and parameters. Which need to be powered, coordinated with another carrier. Perform pairing according to data transfer protocols, according to the connector design.
          And the operation of the automation unit is specifically tied to a specific carrier and its characteristics.

          Ketonov below simply writes his fantasies without realizing it.
          He easily removes a warhead from a late 50s development and a mid-60s missile and puts it on a 90s missile with completely different flight characteristics, a completely different control system. A completely different command system.
          For him it's as easy as pie.
          Install a video adapter (processor, memory module) from a computer from the early 90s into a modern computer... Can you do it?
          I don’t think so, but Ketonov succeeds.
          Here is a simplified example, I hope it will be more illustrative.

          Even if the assembly on BC number 60 or 92 has not degraded (which is unrealistic), there is no need to change the octogen (it is absolutely necessary because it has degraded), but replacing the entire element base, especially high-voltage capacitors, is vital. Well, they don't live for 50 years. They don't live.
          It is necessary to redesign the entire circuitry, the entire command system for the new carrier.
          Under its characteristics.

          This is called redesigning a new nuclear warhead - a special warhead.

          And not to move from Tochka-U.
          Dreamers who simply cannot be taken seriously, especially in view of this article: "Preventive Nuclear Strike. How to Avoid a Big War"

          Ketonov seriously believed a year ago, and still believes, that we can, without any repercussions, take and destroy nuclear facilities in the UK, France, and nuclear bases in Europe. With our own nuclear strike, and nothing will happen to us for it. They will tuck their tails between their legs and start to fawn. Well, well...
          1. osp
            26 December 2024 00: 50
            I have already written to you about the isotope americium-241, which accumulates in old nuclear charges as a decay fragment of weapons-grade plutonium.
            The older the charge, the more of it there is.
            It changes the physics of a nuclear charge for the worse significantly.
            And cleaning the charge from this isotope is difficult and expensive.
            And fresh plutonium needs to be added.
            But it doesn’t exist in Russia, no matter what the hurray-patriots write.
            It has not been purchased or produced for 30 years due to the fact that
            The production reactors have been shut down.
            The latter operated as a nuclear power plant until 2010 and was shut down in the presence of the American ambassador.
            Few ordinary people know what international obligations Russia has had since the 90s, not only regarding the disposal of weapons-grade uranium, but also the disposal of weapons-grade plutonium.
            1. +2
              26 December 2024 20: 12
              Quote from osp
              I have already written to you about the isotope americium-241, which accumulates in old nuclear charges as a decay fragment of weapons-grade plutonium.
              The older the charge, the more of it there is.
              It changes the physics of a nuclear charge for the worse significantly.
              And cleaning the charge from this isotope is difficult and expensive.
              And fresh plutonium needs to be added.
              But it doesn’t exist in Russia, no matter what the hurray-patriots write.
              It has not been purchased or produced for 30 years due to the fact that
              The production reactors have been shut down.
              The latter operated as a nuclear power plant until 2010 and was shut down in the presence of the American ambassador.
              Few ordinary people know what international obligations Russia has had since the 90s, not only regarding the disposal of weapons-grade uranium, but also the disposal of weapons-grade plutonium.

              I'm telling you for the second time. BUT Lesnoy never stopped.
              If you personally don’t know what it is and where it is, that’s not my problem.
              1. osp
                27 December 2024 00: 36
                But were there any weapons-grade reactors there?
                Assembling charges is one thing.
                But I have never heard of weapons reactors there, they were in Ozersk, Seversk and Podgorny.
                Chelyabinsk region, Tomsk region and Krasnoyarsk region.
                Natural uranium for their work was supplied from Novosibirsk.
                It was these reactors that produced weapons-grade plutonium.
          2. 0
            26 December 2024 00: 54
            Can you clarify - did the special warheads just go bad or can't they be put anywhere? As far as I know, regular warheads are mass-produced here and it's not much more difficult to reassemble them on a modern base, using the most expensive thing in a nuclear weapon - plutonium. And as I wrote before - a warhead from a mace can fit in an Iskander and there will still be room left, without any need to dig out the special warhead from an S-200
      2. +2
        25 December 2024 17: 10
        Quote: SovAr238A
        There has never been, is not, and is unlikely to be a Special BC under Iskander.

        "At the moment there are 70 nuclear warheads that can be installed on the Iskander," writes the enemy Wiki... request
        Quote: SovAr238A
        Special warheads have been developed and tested for decades.

        Seriously? What's stopping you from attaching the old SBC to a new rocket with the same overall dimensions and weight parameters? feel How does the SBC differ from the regular BC in this regard? request
      3. +3
        25 December 2024 17: 15
        Good day. There is no need to develop a new SBCh for the Iskander. It already exists. The fact is that in the USSR they more often developed a missile for the SBCh, and not a SBCh for a missile, with very rare exceptions (SLBM R-13). Those previously created for the Tochka-U and Oka are quite suitable for the Iskander. Four types of SBCh of different power from 10 kt to 200 kt. There are more than 12 of them in the warehouses of the 500th GUMO. All these SBCh are universal and identical, they fit any missile without any alteration. Read more in my articles. Yes, one more thing, remember the exercises "on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons" in May. They showed a lot there, including the deployed Iskander SPUs on launch sites with blurred warheads. Why do you think the warheads of the missiles were blurred? Although the missile itself and the SPU were clearly visible. The same story with the R-33 missile, shown at the exercises, the ground personnel hung it on the pylons of the MiG-31. There, too, everything was perfectly visible except for the clearly blurred dimensions of the missile warhead. As I understand it, your knowledge of nuclear weapons is zero. But sometimes you can turn on your brain, it can be useful.
        1. 0
          25 December 2024 23: 30
          Quote from sergeyketonov
          Good day. There is no need to develop a new SBCh for the Iskander. It already exists. The fact is that in the USSR they more often developed a missile for the SBCh, and not a SBCh for a missile, with very rare exceptions (SLBM R-13). Those previously created for the Tochka-U and Oka are quite suitable for the Iskander. Four types of SBCh of different power from 10 kt to 200 kt. There are more than 12 of them in the warehouses of the 500th GUMO. All these SBCh are universal and identical, they fit any missile without any alteration. Read more in my articles. Yes, one more thing, remember the exercises "on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons" in May. They showed a lot there, including the deployed Iskander SPUs on launch sites with blurred warheads. Why do you think the warheads of the missiles were blurred? Although the missile itself and the SPU were clearly visible. The same story with the R-33 missile, shown at the exercises, the ground personnel hung it on the pylons of the MiG-31. There, too, everything was perfectly visible except for the clearly blurred dimensions of the missile warhead. As I understand it, your knowledge of nuclear weapons is zero. But sometimes you can turn on your brain, it can be useful.

          I can tell you that:
          Do you really know what you're talking about?
          Do you know exactly the contents of the automatic control units on the YABCh from "Tochka"?
          Its element base? Types of control signals?
          A signal interfacing system with the carrier?
          GPIT - what is your power source?
          The element base for the point was developed since the end of the 50s.
          You just took it and put it on a modern rocket?
          For you, the SpetsBC is just a dumb iron block, right?
          What a feeling that for you it is like putting an old engine with a gearbox from a Ford T into a modern electric car.
          Without understanding the structure of both.
          There is no need to say with pathos and aplomb what you either don’t know or don’t have the right to say.
          In both cases, you look very stupid and ridiculous.
        2. 0
          26 December 2024 00: 59
          Maybe I'm wrong, but the Iskander has the same warhead as the Kh-101. And their special warhead is also similar. And this is not a TNW at all, TNW is minus a village, and here minus a city
    4. +2
      25 December 2024 12: 12
      Special warheads for artillery shells were developed when missiles were still as tall as a multi-story building and flew with an accuracy of +- 3 kilometers. Nowadays, they are unlikely to remain in service - they cause more problems than good.
  8. -2
    25 December 2024 07: 30
    here the whole question is (what kind of father am I, the son of Lieutenant Schmidt)) who will strike first((
  9. +3
    25 December 2024 07: 37
    Nuclear warheads are practically not used in air defense. We could have nuclear warheads installed on the S200, but... in reality, they were not there, while our brigade (having a group of S200 divisions) actually protected strategists. I think the same is with the S300/400, they seem to exist, but no one is going to install them. The radius of destruction is 900 meters, in fact, this is the destruction of 1-2 aircraft, almost no difference from a conventional warhead, plus a special approach is required, heating, I won't even mention protecting the location.
    1. +1
      25 December 2024 16: 42
      Quote: Victor Sergeev
      We could have had nuclear warheads installed on our S200, reality, they didn’t exist, and our brigade (having a group of S200 divisions) was actually protecting the strategists.

      At the same time, there were definitely storage facilities for the S-200 in the regiments. In 1994, during the training sessions at the anti-aircraft missile regiment near Tula, I saw such a storage facility - it was used to store especially valuable equipment that needed to be saved from dispossession (complete and working S-125).
      So, most likely, the SBC for the air defense missile system in peacetime lay somewhere in the depths of the 12th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense and were only supplied to the units during periods of threat.
    2. -1
      25 December 2024 17: 34
      Victor. Good afternoon. For the S-200 SAM system, or more precisely for the 5V28N SAM, the 12th GUMO warehouses contain the TA-11 and RA-52 SBCH. Both have a yield of 10 kt. The radius of destruction of B-52 bombers flying at an altitude of 11 meters is 000 meters. That is, if a squadron of bombers is in this zone, they will all perish from one missile. These same SBCH were installed on the B-3 SAM during the modernization of the S-000 systems in the Moscow region. instead of the outdated SBCH 25A300.
      1. 0
        25 December 2024 23: 45
        If these SBCs are from the mid-80s, are they even still in working order? There's a problem with the half-life of weapons-grade plutonium, right? Or are they constantly being serviced?
        1. osp
          26 December 2024 01: 01
          Americium-241 accumulates in charges during the decay of plutonium.
          The charges need to be disassembled and cleaned of it, which is expensive and difficult.
          Remelt the spheres and add new plutonium.
          And it hasn't been developed for a long time. For about 30 years already.
  10. +1
    25 December 2024 09: 11
    Tactical strikes will very quickly become strategic. There will be no limited nuclear war in the American style, everything will fly at everyone. The Sorosites apparently do not understand this, time will tell
    1. +1
      25 December 2024 17: 12
      Quote from Aleprok
      Tactical strikes will very quickly become strategic.

      Who knows, maybe they won't switch... request For example, Poland does not have the Human Rights Council, do you think the US or France will intervene for them under the threat of a strike on their territory? Somehow this did not happen in 1939... request
  11. +1
    25 December 2024 09: 31
    Since 1993, according to the Gore Chernomyrdin agreement, 500 tons of weapons-grade (highly enriched) uranium (equivalent to about 20 thousand nuclear warheads) were to be processed from Russia into low-enriched uranium - fuel for US nuclear power plants. And now the question is how much weapons-grade uranium is left on Russian territory for nuclear charges if 500 tons were completely processed and given to the US. (By 2013, they were completely processed, and after that, up to 2021-450 tons of low-enriched uranium were exported from Russia annually until 500). And now think carefully about why Western countries and NATO members do not believe the red lines and the latest arguments about a nuclear strike. They simply know that Russian nuclear deterrence is a soap bubble.
    1. +1
      25 December 2024 14: 46
      Actually, TNW mainly use plutonium. Therefore, the Gore-Chernomyrdin deal has little to do with TNW. But you, like all the khokhols and others, may not believe it.
      But what is known for sure is that the US has liquidated its enrichment industry and now they do not produce new weapons-grade uranium and plutonium, but modernize old warheads. But it cannot be used for a long time.
      1. -2
        25 December 2024 17: 28
        You can continue to be mistaken that the uranium that Chernomyrdin sold is not the same warheads for tactical nuclear weapons.
        And so, judging by everything, Russia now does not even have a ready charge to produce a nuclear underground explosion, which could really become a shock and would be exactly that very red line.
      2. osp
        26 December 2024 01: 05
        Weapons-grade plutonium has not been produced or ordered in Russia for 30 years.
        There is nowhere for it to come from - all reactors producing it were closed back in the 90s, only the last one worked as a nuclear power plant until 2010, when it was shut down forever.
        And since the 90s, Russia has had very vicious agreements not only on the disposal of weapons-grade uranium but also weapons-grade plutonium into MOX fuel for nuclear power plants.
      3. +1
        27 December 2024 10: 09
        Quote: bk316
        Actually, TNW mainly use plutonium. Therefore, the Gore-Chernomyrdin deal has little to do with TNW. But you, like all the khokhols and others, may not believe it.
        But what is known for sure is that the US has liquidated its enrichment industry and now they do not produce new weapons-grade uranium and plutonium, but modernize old warheads. But it cannot be used for a long time.

        They are already producing. They have already reached a rate that allows them to produce 25 Slokas for BC.
        In a year there will be production for 36
    2. 0
      25 December 2024 16: 47
      Quote: Parvis Rasulov
      Since 1993, according to the agreement with Gore Chernomyrdin, Russia had to process 500 tons of weapons-grade (highly enriched) uranium (equivalent to approximately 20 thousand nuclear warheads) into low-enriched uranium - fuel for US nuclear power plants. And now the question is how much weapons-grade uranium is left on Russian territory for nuclear charges if 500 tons were completely processed and given to the US.

      If I remember correctly, as a result of the implementation of START-2 alone, the Russian Federation has accumulated 400 tons of “free” weapons-grade uranium.
    3. +1
      25 December 2024 17: 15
      Quote: Parvis Rasulov
      Up to 450-500 tons of low-enriched uranium were exported from Russia annually

      Why was it taken away? To destroy US enrichment plants? request
      Quote: Parvis Rasulov
      they just know that Russian nuclear deterrence is a bubble

      wow, what an expert bully Looks like another bachelor of humanities... bully
  12. 0
    25 December 2024 09: 36
    As the SVO shows, numbers on a piece of paper are no longer as important as the political will to use this type of weapon.
  13. The comment was deleted.
  14. +2
    25 December 2024 11: 04
    Nobody writes about nuclear mines. In 1969, I served in a training camp in Tapa (ESSR) in a special mining company. Controlled minefields, nuclear landmines with radio detonation. The entire border with the FRG and the PRC was mined. The power of the landmines was 5-15 kt.
  15. -1
    25 December 2024 13: 01
    Article by Staver from VO.
    The article itself is as always.)) laughing
    But some of the comments are very good... wink
  16. -1
    25 December 2024 15: 08
    For now, Russia has a serious advantage, but it could melt away in a matter of years. And then it will be very difficult for NATO to resist the temptation to deliver the first disarming strike. Especially since preparations for it have already begun.
    NATO has plans, and they are following them, if they see that the chances of bending the enemy are very high, they will not think long about the Russian Federation, but will act
  17. -3
    25 December 2024 15: 40
    The people really stirred when they heard about the TNW.
    It already happened during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, when Cuba had TNW bombs and nuclear missiles, and Pentagon was already horrified.
  18. +5
    25 December 2024 15: 54
    According to the SUBJECT:

    1. The article contains many errors, for example: "Another hundred Tomahawks with a special warhead are at the disposal of the US Navy.
    - about 500 anti-ship, anti-submarine, anti-aircraft missiles (including up to 250 long-range nuclear sea-based cruise missiles)
    By an exchange of letters between the Presidents of the USA and the Russian Federation, all non-strategic weapons have been removed from the fleet. In the US part, "nuclear Tomahawks" have been removed and even "nuclear weapons servicing groups from aircraft carriers" have been removed.

    2. There is no faith in the "data of the Federation of American Scientists", "Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 25. International Relations and Politics" or "The Pickwick Papers" in terms of tactical nuclear weapons. There is no official data - reliable data - for any country.

    3. The main problem of US TNW for the Russian Federation is that their TNW in the form of bombs on the F35 can fly to _____ (insert possible). Well, in our case, to which US state can the Su24/25/34/57 fly?

    4. The TNW that is in Europe is for "European partners". About 200 bombs are a legacy of the Cold War, when all sorts of Italians and especially Germans were told "hey, you don't need to make your own nuclear weapons, "if anything" - take American bombs". And now these bombs perform the function of "tie with a nuclear bomb/blood if anything", so that after WW3 no Dutch will wring their hands and howl "that it's not our fault".

    4. "Last, not left". It would be good for all fans of the "unparalleled air defense" sect to think about the effectiveness of the "F35 with B61" option using the example of Syria/Lebanon or Iran. If the launch of a ballistic missile from Montana/Wyoming/From Dakota is clear how to record; the launch of Tridents - well, theoretically it is also clear. But how to determine the departure of more than a thousand F35 - departures "with nuclear filling"? The "Sevastopol wake-up call"/US exercises on TO in the 80s ("our Pearl Harbor") may turn out to be kindergarten.
    1. 0
      26 December 2024 01: 15
      Here's how to determine the departure from more than a thousand F35
      Such things are best calculated using SVR. No super-duper radars or air defense are needed. As one smart Chinese guy once said, investing in intelligence is more profitable than investing in any weapon. A thousand F35s with nuclear loaves, warming up their engines, can be easily shot down with ten maces or thirty hazelnuts with nuclear loaves right on the concrete. I'll say more - fifty of Musk's satellites can be shot down with an FPV drone on fiber optics, launched from some shed near the cosmodrome. I can imagine how stunned the Pentagon would be by this laughing
      It's a pity that this will most likely happen at Baikonur, and the SVR seems to exist only on paper. request
      1. 0
        3 January 2025 03: 02
        Such things are best calculated using SVR. No super-duper radars or air defense are needed. As one smart Chinese guy once said, investing in intelligence is more profitable than investing in any weapon. A thousand F35s with nuclear loaves, warming up their engines, can be easily shot down with ten maces or thirty hazelnuts with nuclear loaves right on the concrete. I'll say more - fifty of Musk's satellites can be shot down with an FPV drone on fiber optics, launched from some shed near the cosmodrome. I can imagine how stunned the Pentagon would be by this

        I'm actually wondering how China will react to all this? Somehow I don't think China supports the plans for a "big war". Because then it would be "kaput", so to speak. For some reason, everyone here is actively developing plans to "hit it big", not thinking that China won't "sit out" on the sidelines in such a case. Radiation, it will be radiation in China too. Will China really support the plans for a "big war" knowing this?
        1. 0
          3 January 2025 03: 19
          For some reason, China thinks that the plans for its blockade, the deployment of American and US-controlled missile systems in the main straits, and the fight against the New Silk Road, which have been in development since 2010, are some kind of joke and that power is in money, whereas power is primarily in power, which generates money. But it is clear that China loves to trade and has profit, and does not want to fight with anyone, but war is not a marriage, where mutual consent is needed.
  19. DO
    25 December 2024 18: 53
    The shelf life of a nuclear warhead is limited:
    Even if we replace the strontium pulsed neutron initiator, which has a guaranteed life of 100% operation for about 12 years, the uranium charge loses its ability to operate 100% normally after 30 years, and the plutonium charge after 15...18 years. Over time, due to the slow fission reaction, the power of the nuclear charge decreases.
    Nuclear tests are carried out to experimentally test the operation of a warhead from a storage batch and measure its power.
    Today, the political situation around Russia requires testing the combat properties of Russian nuclear charges in storage. What are the priorities here?
    It is clear that the main priority is nuclear warheads.
    What is the priority of TNW warheads?
    Considering that the bulk of nuclear and conventional missiles in service with NATO countries are carried by the NATO Navy, the priority is logical
    - about 500 anti-ship, anti-submarine (...) missiles
    Data is given for 2011.
  20. +1
    25 December 2024 21: 20
    "....whose side has the advantage in tactical nuclear weapons...." - from the title of Yevgeny Fedorov's article... Who will be the first to use, but under the condition of actual surprise and impressive mass... All the "songs" about how there will be no winner in a nuclear war are, by definition, stupidity and an attempt to convince oneself and the enemy of this, and one's own average citizen in case "We were deceived"... Yes, there will be enough damage "in our own ranks", but the enemy will hardly be able to come to his senses for a worthy and adequate "response".....
    1. 0
      26 December 2024 00: 00
      The problem with the Russian SBC is that the sector of application against NATO is very limited. There is a border with the Scandinavians and Poland and that's all. Kaliningrad is in the palm of NATO's hand and they are unlikely to take risks, they will roll into pieces everything that will be under suspicion of carrying SBC. During the USSR, there were tactical spaces on the territory of Eastern Europe and the GDR for strategic and tactical aviation, just as NATO's eastern border passed through the GDR, and now even Ukraine is on the way and it will not be possible to threaten with Iskander-type systems. NATO, on the contrary, has an advantage in this, a powerful Air Force and Navy. It turns out that the exchange of TNW is not in the interests of the Russian Federation at all, even if the Russian Federation suddenly uses it first.
      1. osp
        26 December 2024 01: 13
        Ukrainian kamikaze UAVs (read: now fully-fledged light aircraft) fly freely throughout almost the entire European part of Russia.
        They flew to Tatarstan, to the Caucasus, to Murmansk, even to the Kremlin.
        And how many cruise missiles and stealth aircraft capable of carrying nuclear warheads does NATO have?
        Even the B61 free-fall bombs transferred to Ukraine can be used by the F-16s.
        1. 0
          26 December 2024 01: 20
          That's what I'm writing about, that it is not in the interests of the Russian Federation to start exchanging tactical nuclear weapons with NATO. The problem with Ukrainian drones that fly all over Western Russia is that, unlike NATO, whose important part of the air defense is the F-16 links with AFAR radars, which are very effective primarily due to the early detection of low-flying and radio-contrast targets like cruise missiles, the Russian Federation has nothing like that, all hope is on ground-based radars. By the way, this is another minus factor for assessing the potential for exchanging tactical nuclear weapons.
          1. osp
            26 December 2024 03: 48
            Only European NATO countries can have up to 5-6 AWACS aircraft operating in the AWACS Component system and the Nage air defense system on combat duty every day.
            Germany, France and Britain have E-3 Sentry of various modifications.
            In total, NATO has approximately 25-30 AWACS aircraft on the European continent, without the participation of the US Air Force.
            This means that they can conduct 24-hour combat patrols from operational airfields in Norway, Britain, France, Germany, Greece, Italy and Turkey.
            They interact with F-16/F-35 fighters and other NATO air forces via Link-16.
            There is a single air defense network.

            There are also satellites that monitor Russian aviation flights at airfields.
  21. +1
    26 December 2024 00: 18
    As the American General Pershing said: "Infantry wins the battle. Logistics wins the war." To win in the SVO, we need to completely destroy Ukrainian logistics. Ports, large railway junctions, bridges, dams, large power plants, gas storage facilities, etc. Then we will win the war. Otherwise, everything will end in another rotten agreement and a new war in a few years. In other words, either we crushingly win using massive strikes of tactical nuclear weapons, or we are doomed to obscurity.
  22. 0
    26 December 2024 03: 48
    Why is the option of launching TNW strikes on Western Ukraine, through which all deliveries of weapons, ammunition and reserves prepared in the West are carried out, not being considered...

    Destroy the entire transport and energy infrastructure of Western Ukraine with tactical nuclear warheads and the Ukrainian Armed Forces will "deflate" in 2-3 months, because military transport aircraft cannot bring much to Kyiv, and the risks of their destruction are quite high.
  23. -1
    27 December 2024 11: 35
    And fresh plutonium needs to be added.
    But it doesn’t exist in Russia, no matter what the hurray-patriots write.
    It has not been purchased or produced for 30 years due to the fact that
    The production reactors have been shut down.

    Where did the largest plutonium reserve in the world go, which was in the USSR? Was it lost or given to the USA?
  24. -1
    27 December 2024 11: 38
    Even if we replace the strontium pulsed neutron initiator, which has a guaranteed life of 100% operation for about 12 years, the uranium charge loses its ability to operate 100% normally after 30 years, and the plutonium charge after 15...18 years. Over time, due to the slow fission reaction, the power of the nuclear charge decreases.

    This fully applies to nuclear charges of the USA and other NATO countries. Or do they have different laws of physics?
  25. +1
    27 December 2024 12: 02
    The main problem of US TNW for the Russian Federation is that their TNW in the form of bombs on the F35 can fly to _____ (insert possible). Well, in our case, to which US state can the Su24/25/34/57 fly?

    About manned aircraft, with return to the airfield, can fly to the USA only from bases in Cuba, Venezuela and the like. But the S-70 Hunter is capable of reaching the USA one way and is no worse than the F-35.
  26. 0
    27 December 2024 12: 06
    Quote: Parvis Rasulov
    And now the question is how much weapons-grade uranium is left on Russian territory for nuclear charges if 500 tons were completely processed and given to the USA.

    Russia today has the most powerful uranium enrichment industry in the world. It is capable of producing new fresh weapons-grade uranium for thousands of warheads per year.
  27. 0
    27 December 2024 12: 15
    Quote: SovAr238A
    There has never been, is not, and is unlikely to be a Special BC under Iskander.
    It was not planned or developed.
    For those "children" who think that SpetsBC is made like in the movies "in a year" - this is not so.
    Special warheads have been developed and tested for decades.

    But under the R-17 and then under the "Oka" there was a special munition. And they were not developed for 20-30 years, but approximately several times less years and this was dozens of years ago.
    Why today the development and production of special ammunition for Iskander, Kalibr or Okhotnik will require 20-30 years? People left or the documentation was lost?
    1. -1
      28 December 2024 21: 32
      Quote: Kostadinov
      Quote: SovAr238A
      There has never been, is not, and is unlikely to be a Special BC under Iskander.
      It was not planned or developed.
      For those "children" who think that SpetsBC is made like in the movies "in a year" - this is not so.
      Special warheads have been developed and tested for decades.

      But under the R-17 and then under the "Oka" there was a special munition. And they were not developed for 20-30 years, but approximately several times less years and this was dozens of years ago.
      Why today the development and production of special ammunition for Iskander, Kalibr or Okhotnik will require 20-30 years? People left or the documentation was lost?

      Because special BC is developed with long service life. It is necessary to have long-term tests of each electronic element. To have reliability of 30/50 years.
      The technological process for them must also be developed and re-tested over the years.

      The technological process of production of the nuclear layer cake itself. To work out.
      Create a process technology. For each element of both automation and nuclear puff pastry.
      From hundreds of suppliers.
      They also need to modernize their production base.
      All this is planned much earlier than actual production begins.
      This is the same long-term planning.
      This is exactly what is done 20 years before the start of real production.
      This is an axiom of any production process that is critical to national security.
  28. 0
    27 December 2024 12: 29
    Russia's main advantage in a nuclear war is that the survivability of the US and EU to this weapon is an order of magnitude worse.
    This applies both to the armed forces - the navy and aviation are the best game for special ammunition, and to the economy - NATO countries not only have a large concentration of population and production, but also an inability to control society. Remember New Orleans and think about what will happen in the US and EU if there is a real threat of using nuclear weapons. Who will stop the self-evacuation of hundreds of millions of people in neighboring countries and the complete collapse of their society?
    As they say in the USA - he who lives in a glass house should not throw stones.