Europe is next: The West is preparing for World War III

Europe is next: The West is preparing for World War III
The West now sees the hot spots of a future war with Russia like this

There will be no draw

The Europeans can be understood. For decades, they have been cultivating pacifists and liberals, saving hundreds of billions on military spending, but have not stopped slowly and steadily moving east. The leaders in Washington only pushed Europe, fully aware of their strategic remoteness from the potential theater of military operations. For the first time, NATO bosses thought that they could talk to Russia from a position of strength at the beginning of the Chechen war. Since the beginning of 1995, real euphoria reigned in the enemy headquarters - the successor to the great Soviet Union could do nothing against the rebels, who were many times inferior in numbers and quality. After that, it was decided to steamroller the entire Soviet and Russian heritage.

NATO rushed to the east, Yugoslavia was completely destroyed, and in the immediate vicinity of Russia's borders the enemy launched a hybrid war. Moscow lost the Baltics, Moldova and Ukraine to one degree or another. For the liberal part of outside observers, the events are perceived as a kind of "people's choice". They say that this is the democratic choice of Ukraine and Moldova - to crawl towards Europe. After all, these are sovereign states? It is useless to argue with such states, but one cannot help but cite the example of 1962.

62 years ago, one sovereign power (the Soviet Union) agreed with another sovereign power (the Republic of Cuba) to host missiles medium-range. The fact that these missiles threatened the east coast of the United States does not cancel out the independence of the decisions taken. These were decisions of Havana and Moscow. Only in Washington they did not perceive the situation "democratically." President Kennedy was preparing to address the nation with the following message:

"My fellow Americans, with a heavy heart and in fulfillment of my oath, I have ordered the United States Air Force to commence conventional military action. weapons, to wipe off the face of the earth the nuclear missiles stationed in Cuba."

Fortunately, it didn't happen. If we don't take into account the Cuban Missile Crisis, let's simulate the situation with rebellious Mexico, in which a pro-Russian leader suddenly came to power. For example, in 2020-2021. And the Kremlin, in turn, does not lose its head and pumps the country with defensive weapons, trains LOMs (public opinion leaders) in Moscow according to the relevant programs. In how many months or even weeks would the Pentagon have carried out Operation Storm in Mexico City?

What does Europe have to do with it? At a certain point, they lost touch with reality and ceased to correspond to the level of their claims to Russia. And now the third year of the conflict is ending, in which two of the most combat-ready armies in the world were forged. That's right. Now it is not NATO that should teach the Ukrainian Armed Forces how to wage war, but vice versa. Not to mention Russia, which has tested all types and kinds of weapons in Ukraine, including the equipment of the Strategic Missile Forces. But things are inevitably moving towards a logical victory for Russia. This means that in the near future the most combat-ready army will be on NATO's borders. Will it stop? The Europeans are not sure about this.

War with NATO

Many are talking about the upcoming new treaty regulating European security. Taking into account Russia's interests, of course. The events in Ukraine are only the first act of this drama. It is difficult and long, but we must negotiate. One option could be Russia's demand, dated December 2021. The new treaty with NATO was to include the withdrawal of armies from countries accepted into the alliance after 1997. This list, taking into account Finland and Sweden, includes sixteen countries. Of course, no one in NATO took Vladimir Putin's completely legitimate demand seriously on the eve of 2022.

By the end of 2024, the situation will be completely different. No, they will still not withdraw their troops. But Europe also has no faith in the ability to confront the Russian army in the post-Soviet space. Someone will remember Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty. They say that Washington will help us and bring down all its might. But there has been no precedent for Article 5 to actually work. But the Americans have more than enough acts of betrayal of their allies. One of the latest was the shameful flight from Afghanistan.

Maybe the European Union as a whole is capable of dealing with Russia on its own? This is the crux of the problem. European bigwigs have failed to convert their industry to a war footing. Business has not believed in a long war with Russia and has not invested in production. Especially when politicians have unanimously started talking about a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine. The situation looks like a dead end.

The ordinary electorate in Europe is either indifferent to the situation in the East, or thoroughly fed up with it. The elite, contrary to the opinion of the majority, cannot invest substantially in defense and create even a semblance of defense against a mythical Russian invasion. Or is it not mythical? The West has left so many traces in the post-Soviet space that it simply cannot help but expect retribution. Only for twenty years this was impossible, because there was nothing and no one to punish with.

The leaders have to take a long and unpopular path - trying to hammer into the consciousness of Europeans the inevitability of war with Russia. After some time, according to the authors of the concept, this will allow the majority opinion to put hundreds of thousands of soldiers with the appropriate weapons under arms. It is necessary to reach at least the level of the height of the Cold War on the continent, and this is oh so difficult.

The West now sees the hot spots of a future war with Russia like this

Water wears away stone. The next act of the play was plans for war with Russia along almost the entire line of contact with NATO countries. The authors of Newsweek drew a map according to which the field of the future battle will be Finland, the Suwalki Gap, Transnistria, the Black and Baltic Seas. In the flow of Western propaganda, this event could have gone unnoticed, if not for a couple of nuances.

The first is that hypothetical events unfold, judging by the map, even before the final liberation of Ukraine from the Zelensky regime. According to the artists, the Russian army has increased its potential so much that it is ready to hold a thousand-odd kilometers of front with Finland. Synchronously with the course of the special operation.

The second nuance is that previously, a war with Russia in Europe was considered mainly around the aforementioned Suwalki Corridor. And now there are plans for several fronts at once with the potential involvement of several dozen countries. In the Black Sea, even multi-vector Turkey may get it. Very typical planning from Western analysts, it should be noted.

There will be several conclusions. Russia is rapidly being demonized in the West. Since 2022, opinions have shifted from the classic "colossus with feet of clay" to "a power that is really capable of challenging NATO." This is a typical manifestation of fear. If they are afraid, then they are respected. At the same time, the fear is concentrated not among peaceful Europeans, but among a very specific layer of the elite. It is they who have been trampling on the law and provoking Russia for decades. They have played to the point that there is nothing to defend themselves with. It is not possible to take the electorate (including business) out of their comfort zone and mobilize them against the Russian threat. And the map of the war with Russia published by Newsweek is unlikely to help. One can only guess what other steps our former partners are capable of taking to neutralize Russia's growing military potential.
91 comment
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  1. +2
    20 December 2024 04: 30
    The West has left such a mark on the post-Soviet space that it simply cannot help but expect retribution.
    Yes, they did a lot of damage! But they are partners! what
    1. +5
      20 December 2024 05: 17
      In fact, TMV is already underway.
      If we recall WWI and WWII, they began with a series of local conflicts, which we are still seeing today. NATO troops are fighting in Ukraine under the guise of mercenaries from different countries. More than 50 countries supply weapons to Ukraine. The BRICS economic bloc is being formed around Russia and China from countries dissatisfied with the dollarization of the world economy and the neocolonialist policies of the West. The French are being intensively expelled from their African colonies. The civil war in Syria threatens to draw Turkey, Iran, Israel and all neighboring countries into the conflict. Israel is already at war with all its neighbors except Jordan and Egypt. And there are still a lot of conflicts around the world: Yemen, Somalia, Ethiopia, African conflicts, etc.
      1. +8
        20 December 2024 08: 22
        In fact, TMV is already underway

        Good day!!!! Was it in vain that they surrounded us with all sorts of biolabs??? There will be no nuclear war, there will be a large-scale artificial epidemic and chemical warfare in full swing
        1. +2
          20 December 2024 18: 32
          First, biological.
          Then nuclear.
          No one will die peacefully. They will take the enemy with them.
  2. +3
    20 December 2024 04: 35
    Some media outlets in the West write about the Russian threat.
    Politicians insist that Russia will not stop at Ukraine.
    It all reminds me of the parable about the boy who cried wolf.
    And finally the wolves came.
    The West, especially the governments of the Baltic countries, are asking for war themselves; from them more often than from others we hear about the threat of World War III.
    It's good to shout from behind the backs of Ukrainian soldiers.
    The economy is in decline, debts are growing, the standard of living is deteriorating, plus there is record-breaking unjustified budget spending, bordering on crime.
    And the war will write everything off!
    For your own good, you can sacrifice your people.
    1. +2
      20 December 2024 10: 20
      Quote: ee2100
      The West, especially the governments of the Baltic countries, are asking for war themselves; from them more often than from others we hear about the threat of World War III.

      They are afraid of war. And therefore they are trying with all their might to scare, to stop the front at a distance. A very big miscalculation has occurred on their part. They did not just believe, but were sure that Russia is a "colossus with feet of clay" and economic sanctions will quickly bring it down. Everyone wanted to join the glory of the victors, to show their involvement in the Western union. To punish the "barbarians" who have an old way of thinking about values ​​and many resources that are so lacking for them - "civilized and developed".
  3. +20
    20 December 2024 04: 38
    We have played to the point where we have nothing to defend ourselves with. It is not possible to take the electorate (including business) out of their comfort zone and mobilize them against the Russian threat. And the map of the war with Russia published by Newsweek is unlikely to help. We can only guess what other steps our former partners are capable of taking to neutralize Russia's growing military potential.

    Here it would be better to work with numbers.
    The easiest way to start is with the fleet: for example, with the Baltic Fleet and compare it with the fleets not even of the US, but of the "Baltic NATO states" (there is a lot of paint on the Baltic map in the article). Or the Black Sea Fleet and the "Black Sea NATO". Or the Northern Fleet and the US fleet.
    Then you can try to compare the Air Force, NATO (even without the USA) and the Russian Federation.
    Then you can join the ground forces... but it's not necessary.
    You can try to understand something about the rearmament programs of the European NATO countries, but that is also not necessary.

    You can just look at the attached map and be surprised that even the alarmists from Newsweek do not draw "throws to the English Channel" and "massacres in Fulda". The question in Newweek is posed about the "Suwalki corridor": how about with Poland and Lithuania, will it be possible to go 100 km to the Kaliningrad region?

    About the rest, including the war with Turkey "Even multi-vector Turkey could get it in the Black Sea" - Well, it's not even funny.

    All with Friday!
    1. +3
      20 December 2024 19: 22
      Here it would be better to work with numbers.

      The numbers don't lie. That's right. Well, what do we want anyway!? The population size has a corresponding potential in other indicators. If we can't increase the population, we must compensate for it with technological and military superiority many times over. We don't have that either. So we wipe our faces and shrug our shoulders. If it weren't for the SVO, we would be throwing dust in the eyes of ourselves and the whole world. But we made people laugh and laugh...
  4. +4
    20 December 2024 05: 38
    This means that the most combat-ready army will soon be on NATO's borders. Will it stop? The Europeans are not sure about that.

    Everyone repeats this like a mantra. Russia will go further. But can you tell me: WHY?? laughing Why the hell does Russia need Europe to go there with a war? I understand Ukraine, these are Russian lands. For many centuries conquered by Russians, developed by Russians and populated by Russians. I will understand if the Tribalts are given part of the lands that never belonged to them, along with Narva. Or the north and center of Kazakhstan, for the same reason. But Europe? What do these LGBT people have to fear?
    1. +2
      20 December 2024 08: 11
      Quote from: FoBoss_VM
      I will understand if the Tribalts are deprived of some lands that never belonged to them, together with Narva. Or the north and center of Kazakhstan, for the same reason.

      To take at least something, you need to have a couple of million people to populate these territories.
      1. +3
        20 December 2024 08: 51
        Quote: your1970
        To take at least something, you need to have a couple of million people to populate these territories.

        Is there a small population in Moscow that has nowhere to settle?
        1. +8
          20 December 2024 09: 56
          Quote: yuriy55
          Is there a small population in Moscow that has nowhere to settle?

          so they rushed from Moscow to the border to cross laughing
        2. +2
          20 December 2024 11: 44
          Quote: yuriy55
          Quote: your1970
          To take at least something, you need to have a couple of million people to populate these territories.

          Is there a small population in Moscow that has nowhere to settle?

          And they will come from Moscow??!!
        3. +2
          20 December 2024 22: 54
          If you give the initiative, then maybe other millions of inhabitants of the First Throne will rush after you! Of course, voluntarily. Or, after all, by force? laughing
    2. -1
      20 December 2024 19: 52
      Hunger and cold, and this will happen in the very near future.
  5. +27
    20 December 2024 05: 49
    Russia is rapidly being demonized in the West. Since 2022, opinions have shifted from the classic "colossus with feet of clay" to "a power that is truly capable of challenging NATO." This is a typical manifestation of fear. If they fear, then they respect.

    I'm afraid we need to look at it from the other side, let's face the truth. They weren't afraid of us, they looked at us more or less askance before the SVO, and more or less kept their distance. They were afraid of the USSR, they were afraid of the red stars, the tramp of soldiers' boots, and that all this avalanche of tanks, equipment, in quilted jackets and earflaps, hugging bears and vodka, we will start marching through "civilized" Europe. Now no one is afraid of us, moreover, they openly laugh at us, like a classmate who is laughed at by the whole class, and gradually even the biggest quiet ones of the class are starting to joke. The policy of toothlessness and impotence has shown itself perfectly, to do everything loudly and demonstratively, and then quietly disappear. And when they stop being afraid, the stakes go up, but we turned out to be unprepared for this, we basically quietly dropped out of world trade, politics, science, and a bunch of other areas, we all think that without us the whole world will perish, but in fact this world doesn't need us, it needs land and resources. We turned out to be unprepared for such challenges, and there is still no understanding that we are not partners, no one is going to raise the country from the ruins, and when they write that they are afraid of us and the whole world will go to dust, this already rather evokes a smile, a sad smile. And how can you be afraid of a country that is being led by the nose, conditions are set, and we smile, invite guests, treat them to caviar, part of our population will celebrate the New Year under occupation, if this part is still alive, and this is the level of a superpower...
    1. +25
      20 December 2024 06: 31
      Moreover, the leader of this country, without the slightest embarrassment, tells the whole world that yes, I was deceived, am being deceived and will probably continue to be deceived, judging by his actions. The whole world is leading him by the nose, he knows this perfectly well and still gets carried away like a smelt on foam rubber. Well, how is that even possible? And this is a country that claims some kind of role on a planetary scale, and wants to become a pole of power? Well, it doesn't fit the bill, as I think, we need a leader of a completely different character, made of a different material. Highly alloyed.
      1. AAK
        20 December 2024 07: 16
        Dear Colleague! You see in our Russia, at least on the distant horizon, "a leader of a completely different character, made of a different material. Highly alloyed..." Unfortunately, I do not see such a thing, "managers" of all kinds are like candy wrappers at a fool, but there are no leaders... But there is another, more unpleasant thought - in the article they write that in Europe a generation of pacifists has grown up, but this generation has grown for about 80 years, while in our country in just 30 years a generation of indifferent people and conformists has grown up, passionaries and sub-passionaries no more than 15-20%, a simple example - we have been going on a war for almost 4 years, let's call things by their proper names, with Bandera's national fascism, supported by the entire world global "democratic" imperialism - so over the past 3 years in schools they have not even learned to teach basic military training normally and do not particularly intend to, and I don't even want to talk about the rest - yesterday's 4.5 "hours of happiness" showed that really painful questions to the Great were either filtered out, or presented in a completely "tinsel" form, or pronounced by "servants of world imperialism"... it would be just funny, if it weren't so sad... Well, and a few smiles, in my opinion, the "cherry on the cake" of yesterday's press conference was Ksyusha the patriot, that's what I never expected...
        1. +9
          20 December 2024 07: 47
          Quote: AAK
          You see in our Russia, even on the distant horizon, a "leader of a completely different character, made of a different material. Highly alloyed
          Where can you see such a leader? All media are under constant control
          1. -3
            20 December 2024 08: 05
            We must focus not on the leader, but on the party.
            And this is the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. This is the best we have.
            1. +11
              20 December 2024 10: 06
              Quote: October
              And this is the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. This is the best we have.
              Alexander Borisovich!... Yes, Gennady Andreyevich discredits the great idea more than he promotes and develops it. It seems that the old man who whines about dogma has been satisfied with everything in this Russian oligarchic capitalism for a long time. We need a new, or at least a renewed party of communists, communists, not party members. There are enough of those renegades who have now become capitalists wherever you point your finger, a former member of the CPSU. Chubais alone was worth something...
              1. -1
                20 December 2024 10: 33
                It seems that the dogmatic old man has been satisfied with everything for a long time now

                Where does this come from?
                Now, unfortunately, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is not the party in power and not even the majority.
                And being a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is not at all a piece of cake these days, as many people for some reason think.
            2. 0
              20 December 2024 10: 57
              Yeah, the head of the CPRF is a hero of capitalist labor, it's just surreal. And with such a head, it becomes somehow suspicious for the whole party.
              1. +1
                20 December 2024 11: 59
                Yeah, the head of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a hero of capitalist labor, it’s just surreal.

                This is the 100th question at the moment. Almost our entire government is former members of the CPSU, who don't even want to hear about socialism, that's where the real "surrealism" is.
                1. 0
                  20 December 2024 17: 35
                  Alexander Borisovich, is there communism in China, the ruling party there is the CPC? You know, there is an old Russian proverb: "As is the priest, so is the parish."
                  1. 0
                    20 December 2024 17: 38
                    Alexander Borisovich, and in China there is communism, after all, the ruling party is the CPC

                    The mistake is that the fact that the CPC is in power does not mean that there is communism there.
                    As the Chinese themselves say, they are building socialism.
                    1. 0
                      20 December 2024 17: 46
                      No, the Chinese government is simply following the “normal” path of evolution that the country needs, and you can call it whatever you like, communism, socialism or capitalism - the essence of the government does not change from this.
                      1. 0
                        21 December 2024 15: 30
                        No, the Chinese government is simply following the "normal" path of evolution.

                        You are a revisionist.
                        Let's open the constitution of the PRC [] and read
                        Article 1. The People's Republic of China is a socialist state of a people's democratic dictatorship under the leadership of the working class, based on an alliance of workers and peasants. The socialist system is the basic system of the People's Republic of China. No organization or individual has the right to undermine a socialist state.
                        Article 6. The basis of the socialist economic system of the People's Republic of China is socialist public ownership of the means of production, namely, public ownership and collective ownership.

                        Article 7. The driving force of the national economy is the state economy, i.e. the socialist economy with public ownership. The state ensures the strengthening and development of the national economy.
                      2. +1
                        21 December 2024 19: 52
                        Thank you for enlightening me about the state system in China, only I know about it, as well as about the fact that the supreme organ of power there is the CPC Congress, but this does not prevent members of the CPC Central Committee from being dollar millionaires. It was not for nothing that I wrote to you that the system can be called whatever you like. But if the authorities have their own interests that contradict the interests of the state and the people - woe to such a state.
                      3. 0
                        22 December 2024 15: 19
                        but this does not prevent members of the CPC Central Committee from being dollar millionaires. It was not for nothing that I wrote to you that the system can be called whatever you like.

                        You just have to read it carefully. China has NEP, is someone hiding this from you? Or do you think that by writing the words "in the process of building socialism", I had absolutely no idea what I was writing?
                        It was not for nothing that I wrote to you that the system can be called whatever you like.

                        Usual demagogy. I just don't know which side you're on - a victim from the proletariat or a class enemy who realizes that he's engaging in demagogy.
                        I lived long enough in both the USSR and the Russian Federation to compare life and see that the words of the constitution were not written in vain.
                      4. 0
                        22 December 2024 18: 40
                        Well, instead of a serious conversation, you've taken up empty talk and labeling. I'll write it again - you can call the existing system whatever you like, but if it promotes the development of the country and the well-being of its population, it is the "correct", people's system. And what would you call the existing system, which acts exclusively to please oligarchic groups, leading its country along the path of slow and painful stagnation?
                      5. 0
                        23 December 2024 08: 13
                        Well, instead of having a serious conversation, you started talking empty words and labeling.

                        I didn't label you - I call things by their proper names. Above you write
                        the Chinese government is simply following the "normal" path of evolution that the country needs, and you can call it whatever you like, communism, socialism or capitalism

                        and then duplicate it
                        I'll write it again - you can call the existing system whatever you like, but

                        i.e. you have abandoned the class approach when considering social phenomena. According to the definition of the word revisionist (see for example [])
                        The revisionists proclaim the doctrine of class struggle as “obsolete” or begin to pursue a policy that in fact renounces it.

                        Discuss the issue
                        What would you call the existing system, which acts exclusively to please oligarchic groups, leading its country along the path of slow and painful stagnation?

                        there is simply no point in dealing with a person who has rejected the class approach.
                      6. 0
                        23 December 2024 08: 38
                        Well, yes, the class approach is our everything. And aren't you tired of it? It's the 40st century, the Internet will help you, open it and look at the standard of living, not even in China, but for example in Bahrain. A monarchy in which XNUMX years ago there were practically no normal highways, and today? And you, still the class approach - yes, the class approach. You live according to ancient manuals.
                      7. 0
                        23 December 2024 08: 53
                        Well, yes, the class approach is everything to us. And aren't you tired of it?

                        Are you saying that our factory owners have disappeared?
                        Do you want to say that the attitude towards belonging to the owners of factories and plants does not affect the size of income, the standard of living, access to heaps of benefits?
                        Are you saying that all this is not hereditary?
                        Do you want to say that workers still make up 50% of people's deputies?
                        Are you saying that I made a mistake in writing all this?
                      8. 0
                        23 December 2024 14: 16
                        Alexander Borisovich, open your eyes at last and stop thinking and speaking in populist slogans from the times of Tsar Pea. You know there is a saying: "It is not shameful to be rich - it is shameful to be poor. And here is a concrete example for you - in the city of Krasnodar there is such a place "Galitsky Park", admission is free, people come to see it from all over Russia, and not only. And it was built by the entrepreneur - millionaire Galitsky with his own money.
                      9. 0
                        23 December 2024 16: 46
                        You did not answer any of the questions asked of you, but instead began to persuade me as if I were an unreasonable child.
                        Alexander Borisovich, please open your eyes and stop thinking and speaking in populist slogans from the time of King Pea.

                        It reminds me of the style of communication of a Jesuit carrying the white man's burden in America, trying to convert the "ignorant native Indians" to his faith.
                        Conversation is over.
            3. 0
              23 December 2024 08: 56
              And the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a Hero of Labor, who has never held anything heavier than a pen. And he is still sort of in opposition to the current government. Here he is in opposition for free, and they pay him a ton of cash.
              1. 0
                23 December 2024 09: 03
                And the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a Hero of Labor, who has never held anything heavier than a pen.

                В свое время он работал учителем [,_%D0%93%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%90%D0%BD%D0%B4%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87]. Считаете, это недостойным занятием?
                Here he is in opposition for free, and they also pay him a ton of cash.

                Submit a bill to stop them from paying. I think United Russia will carry you around in its arms.
                1. 0
                  23 December 2024 09: 08
                  A year as a teacher, two years as a lecturer at the institute and that’s it, then party work.
        2. -2
          20 December 2024 10: 55
          So now such leaders are “killed while they are little”, as in that joke.
      2. -2
        20 December 2024 08: 57
        Quote from: FoBoss_VM
        Well, what is this anyway?

        This is out of the question...
        Quote from: FoBoss_VM
        Well, it's not Senka's style, I think. We need a leader of a completely different character, made of a different material - high-alloy steel.

        It is difficult to obtain it from the available manure, or at best from alumina...
      3. 0
        21 December 2024 09: 03
        without embarrassment he tells the whole world that yes, I was deceived

        There is an extract from many speeches about me being deceived.
  6. +4
    20 December 2024 05: 55
    And yet, people decide everything. Powerful weapons can only destroy. But they cannot occupy cities and hang out the flag of victory. When selfless relationships disappear in families and friendships, the state must think about its security. It is the absence of self-interest that has worked miracles in both peaceful and military life. These are not words. This is life itself. However, you can talk about it for a long time, and it will all be useless.
  7. +7
    20 December 2024 06: 13
    One can only guess what other steps our former partners are capable of taking.
    Is that it with gas? We don't supply any more? Like other resources?
    1. +19
      20 December 2024 08: 25
      Is that it with gas? We don't supply any more? Like other resources?

      Yesterday, VVP calmly said: we are transferring several hundred million dollars to Ukraine for gas.
      And this is not considered sponsoring terrorism?

      We sell cheap natural resources to Europe, which sponsors and supports terrorists.
      1. 0
        20 December 2024 15: 10
        We transfer several hundred million dollars to Ukraine for gas.
        To supply gas to unfriendly partners who supply weapons to Ukraine. Oops! laughing
  8. +7
    20 December 2024 06: 33
    Someone will remember the 5th article of the North Atlantic Pact. They say that Washington will help us and bring down all its might. But there was no precedent for the real work of the 5th article. But the Americans have more than enough acts of betrayal of their allies. One of the latest is the shameful flight from Afghanistan.
    Excellent plan, the main thing is reliable. The Anglo-Saxons will be scared of the SVO and will give it to us
    This list, including Finland and Sweden, includes sixteen countries.
    It seems that the Japanese and Germans had approximately the same plan for the war: "we'll divide the small change fairly, we'll come to an agreement with the elders", and at first it even worked, but something went wrong. Why is the author surprised that after such statements as in 21 and the beginning of the SVO with Ukraine, we suddenly became
    Russia is rapidly being demonized in the West. Since 2022, opinions have shifted from the classic "colossus with feet of clay" to "a power that is truly capable of challenging NATO." This is a typical manifestation of fear. If they fear, then they respect.
  9. +2
    20 December 2024 06: 49
    There are two points here. They are used to dominating and are trying to maintain this status. And secondly, no one wants to talk to Russia on equal terms, for a number of reasons. A dilemma is emerging. And no one really knows what to do. A classic push-pull.
    1. +6
      20 December 2024 07: 21
      It's clear what to do. The behavior pattern of you-know-who works: bark loudly and then crawl under a snag. He doesn't seem to know the Russian proverb "Having given your word, hold on, and having not, hold on." The space between the chairs has become a chronic diagnosis.
  10. +12
    20 December 2024 07: 04
    The West cannot help but take into account the example that if the USSR, out of nowhere, without stumbling over anything, still feeling great in 1982, without aggression from outside, without a single shot from outside, collapsed nine years later, then Russia can also be toppled in the same way. If, for the May 9 Parade, they had not covered Lenin's Mausoleum with plywood, but had torn down the Yeltsin Center and publicly and officially cursed Gorbachev, then the West would have understood that in Russia the people in power are no longer Gorbachevites-Yeltsinites and that it will not work with Russia as with the USSR. But as long as the Yeltsin Center stands and an aspen stake is not driven into the Marked One's grave and foundations named after him are not banned, that is, as long as Russia is ruled by loyal Gorbachevites-Yeltsinists, whose idols worshiped the West and were thrilled with happiness when the West deceived them, the West will not give up its efforts and labors to destroy Russia. Well, who dissolved the Warsaw Pact? The West, or the Gorbachevites-Yeltsinists? Who withdrew troops from the GDR and destroyed the GDR? The West, or the Gorbachevites-Yeltsinists? The West is not stupid and understands the same thing as the patriots of Russia. In the West, their elites also understand that Russia can only exist as an Empire. In the West, the elites are publicly silent about this, so as not to push Russia to restore the empire destroyed by the Gorbachevites-Yeltsinists. After all, the loyal Yeltsinist told everyone that anyone who dreams of restoring the empire is sick in the head. And then he complains that the West has already screwed him over and deceived him several times.
    1. +4
      20 December 2024 07: 23
      The current team is not there to restore the country, but to finish it off. Not only the entire government must change, but the idea itself must change from capitalist to socialist. Then relations with China will suddenly improve.
      1. +5
        20 December 2024 08: 20
        Quote: valentber
        Then relations with China will suddenly improve.

        Why would that be? Socialist China attacked and killed Soviet border guards.
        And during the war socialist China with socialist Vietnam - about 100 total losses.
        And yes, now the Russian Federation is a market for China, under socialism this market will disappear sharply - and this means losses for China.
        Why would relations suddenly improve??
      2. 0
        20 December 2024 09: 07
        Quote: valentber
        Then relations with China will suddenly improve.

        They may suddenly improve if Russia becomes less dependent on Chinese consumer goods... Or if China becomes more in demand for something specifically from Russia...
        I can assume that the roots of Russian-Chinese "friendship" lie in the depths of American-Chinese trade and economic wars. China does not want to be led by the USA.
        1. 0
          20 December 2024 09: 08
          Again, we need to change the economy. In the current system, dependence on the Chinese will not disappear.
          1. +2
            20 December 2024 09: 15
            Quote: valentber
            Again, we need to change the economy.

            To change the capitalist and financial-speculative economic system to a socialist one, when the country's wealth will serve the people and not the bourgeoisie, when making money out of thin air will become a criminal offense...
            It is precisely this kind of “business”, created by the thieves and bandits of the Yeltsin era, that continues to ruin our country and destroy state structures...
    2. -7
      20 December 2024 07: 28
      But while the Yeltsin Center stands and an aspen stake has not been driven into the Marked One’s grave

      Well, as for the marked one, his comrades have either died or are already thinking about eternity. So, there is no problem with him. Well, and in the Yeltsin Center they need to look at the internal contents of this organism and replace it if necessary. That's all. They need to focus on the current moment. Well, and the West needs to offer a duel: Oreshnik - Western Air Defense on the border of Ukraine with Poland on the bridges over the Western Bug. Only Oreshnik should be equipped not with crowbars, but with small nuclear charges, slightly smaller than Hiroshima.
    3. +7
      20 December 2024 07: 35
      Quote: north 2
      The West cannot fail to take into account the example that if the USSR, on level ground, without stumbling over anything, back in 1982 ( 1986-m ) a year that felt great, without aggression from outside, without a single shot from outside, collapsed after nine (5) years, then Russia can also be toppled in the same way.

      From the outside (from some Norway), it looked like this -
      Suddenly! Out of the blue, a great and powerful state, with complete internal social peace and quiet, began to sprinkle ashes on its head.. to fawn and curry favor with the USA and the West.. Suddenly! It began to destroy itself. To destroy, to break.. to blow up its missiles.. to destroy its morality!.. and to look into the mouth of the USA.. waiting for praise. etc. Of course, all this put the peoples of the USSR on the brink of survival.. Barely.. somehow survived.. The noughties and tenth years came. It would seem - Restore everything broken and destroyed.. fortunately, a golden rain poured down from the prices of oil and gas.. Restore morality and lost harmony. But No! "They" say that they will bomb Norway... because Norway is supposedly to blame for their troubles!
      This is how it all looks from Norway -))))
      Norwegians are perplexed -)))
  11. +8
    20 December 2024 07: 08
    NATO rushed to the east, Yugoslavia was finally destroyed, and in the immediate vicinity of Russia’s borders the enemy launched a hybrid war.

    We have a great Soviet legacy, a missile and nuclear shield created by the Soviet people. This is the main thing that hinders the West and the renegades, who cannot openly surrender the country because of this. Under Gorbachev, to please the "partners", they surrendered Iraq to the Americans, did not provide support, shared information. Then they surrendered Yugoslavia. Milosevic's words here are prophetic.
    Russians! I now appeal to all Russians; the inhabitants of Ukraine and Belarus in the Balkans are also considered Russians. Look at us and remember - they will do the same to you when you disconnect and give slack. West - a rabid chain dog clings to your throat.

    Brothers, remember the fate of Yugoslavia! Don't let me do the same to you! ” from the last interview with Slobodan Milosevic.

    While the selfish interests of the henpecked Western oligarchs prevail over the interests of the Russian people, "One can only guess what other steps our yesterday's partners are capable of...", to whom we sell everything they will not refuse, right under their sanctions and military operations against our troops in the North-Eastern Military District. Apparently, we can afford such kindness and gestures of goodwill, with a "multipolar world" and "the first economy in Europe"...
    1. +13
      20 December 2024 07: 26
      Milosevic addressed the Russians, and the authorities are all Jewish, comprador and anti-people. If you don't listen to the total lies of the idiot box, then the opposition of interests of the authorities and the people is striking.
      1. +2
        20 December 2024 07: 49
        Quote: valentber
        If you don't listen to the total lies of the idiot box
        Don't listen. I don't even have a TV at home. wink
        1. +1
          20 December 2024 07: 52
          I'm watching with the sound off, it's a freak show.)))
  12. +3
    20 December 2024 07: 28
    Dear editors! Proofread the texts and correct mistakes using the dictionary. There is a word "nik'ya". What/who won't be there? - nik'ya.
  13. +3
    20 December 2024 07: 30
    We ourselves are to blame for what is happening. What the hell made us disarm, reducing the army, navy, aviation, industry to a minimum, if not less. And the West smiled at us and nodded in agreement. And now he has decided, it's time, it's time to bring down this bear.
    Here our General Staff is losing war games in case of war with NATO with the forces that we have? And with the forces that NATO can put up against us? What will we throw at NATO except hats?
    We have a lot of weapons that have no analogues, but how many of them? Will they be enough for a long war or will we again build weapons factories in Siberia from scratch?
    Another issue is the number of personnel in the Army. Everyone should be called up for military service now
    For any period, the main thing is to teach how to use weapons, and there was a combat reserve. Maybe even in all educational institutions from technical schools and above introduce military departments, at least for training UAV operators.
    These actions could cool NATO's fighting spirit. soldier
    1. +2
      20 December 2024 07: 51
      Quote: V.
      What the hell made us disarm, reducing the army, navy, air force, industry to a minimum?
      Champions of universal human values wink
    2. 0
      20 December 2024 09: 54
      Quote: V.
      Here our General Staff is losing war games in case of war with NATO
      There are losses and wear and tear of equipment, losses of personnel, strategic reserves in case of a major war are being depleted. What is stored in case of NATO aggression, "Burevestnik" and "Poseidon", as the last nuclear trump card? It seems that, under our oligarchs, it will already be said - why do we need Russia, without our billions, and not why do we need the world without Russia. Maybe the SVO, like the squandered opportunities in 2014, was created in order to bleed Russia dry, and then find a pretext to surrender, in the name of peace and humanism. Somehow it is hard to believe that the bourgeoisie, henpecked by the West, want to defeat their masters, who left them to milk Russia, and store the loot in Western banks.
  14. -1
    20 December 2024 07: 59
    We are only guilty because they want to eat.

    I wonder what is there in the West that we don’t have and for which we would go to war against them, but for them, who are used to living at someone else’s expense, oh how they want it, their stomachs are glued to their vertebrae...
  15. 0
    20 December 2024 08: 31
    Who in Europe wants to fight? Only presidents, defense ministers and commanders of the highest ranks, and those who have not yet understood what war is. The Poles, for some reason, do not want to bring in troops together with the French, they fought for two years, lost a couple of brigades and the desire disappeared. And we should not forget about money, and there is not enough money.
    1. +3
      20 December 2024 09: 13
      Quote: South Ukrainian
      Who in Europe wants to fight?

      There are two types of wars: wars of conquest and wars of liberation.
      The first one is fought for by scumbags. The second one is fought for by patriots.

      Wars of conquest do not start out of the blue. A number of preparatory measures are carried out. The media brainwashes people, the people become impoverished, etc., etc. When the people are mature, they are given a choice - either to die of hunger or to go to war and fatten themselves to the brim. Most choose the latter...

      The West is now carrying out preparatory activities...
      1. +2
        20 December 2024 17: 26
        You have a rare sound idea, Boris Leontievich. good Boris, you're right! Where is your "all power to the Soviets!"?
  16. 0
    20 December 2024 09: 01
    They are really afraid to fight, but they really like to "rattle their weapons"
    You just have to start, and they will find such "scumbags", but then it will be impossible to stop, everyone will get it, no one will feel sorry for them as "ours in Ukraine".
  17. +7
    20 December 2024 09: 06
    This means that the most combat-ready army will soon be on NATO's borders. Will it stop? The Europeans are not sure about that.
    .Okay, the most combat-ready army, after it takes Kramatorsk and Slavyansk, will go further, all the way to the city of Lisbon. It will land in Alaska, to the joyful cries of citizens of Canada and the USA, it will reach Washington, hoist the tricolor on the Capitol. And then what? The dollar, the KNS will fall to the very baseboard, our oligarchs will receive the assets of almost all Western companies, all of them: Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, in Israel, Israeli citizens will storm the Russian embassy, ​​with applications to receive Russian citizenship, and with a request to accept them into the Russian Federation, to protect them from attacks by the Arabs and other goodies. In short, they are dying, the Russian oligarchy is establishing paradise on earth. laughing
  18. +6
    20 December 2024 10: 32
    And we do not demonize the West? We do not make plans to destroy them, even on the Internet? We started the SVO. And with a big concert in the capital. Yes, it was in response to the actions of the West, but we accepted this game. You should not be surprised by publications in the press from both sides, there is a conflict now. You should be surprised by the activity of NATO troops in the same Ukraine. And the impotence of our authorities. Have you ever seen where part of a Great Power was occupied? Have you seen where the same Americans or Chinese were taken prisoner at gunpoint? In fact, to a concentration camp. I can’t write anything else that will be uncensored, law-abiding and politically correct.
  19. 0
    20 December 2024 11: 18
    Even the deaf and the blind understand that there will be a big war.
  20. +2
    20 December 2024 11: 29
    By the end of 2024, the situation is completely different - if earlier Putin spoke unequivocally about achieving all the set goals, then at the press conference on 19.12.24/7/XNUMX he was already talking about a compromise, and the topic of the SVO in questions to the president moved to XNUMXth place.

    If NATO were afraid, they would not have demonstratively ignored all the warnings of the Russian Federation, they would have been wary of accepting Sweden and Finland into NATO, they would have behaved more modestly in Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, the OSCE and the UN, they would not have dared to threaten to send troops into Ukraine, loudly declare victory on the battlefield and the decolonization of the Russian Federation,
    What does Nata have to fear if the most important commander and chief of staff of the entire one and a half million strong army of the Russian Federation talk about Nata's direct participation in the war against the Russian Federation and do nothing in response?
    1. +3
      20 December 2024 15: 20
      If only Nata was afraid
      She then wasn't afraid... There was no Hazelnut. But the other day, there is Hazelnut. Yes smile
  21. BAI
    20 December 2024 11: 30
    Perhaps the European Union as a whole is capable of dealing with Russia on its own?

    Without the US - no. In a military conflict. They have hundreds of times less nuclear weapons.
    Economically - also no. The payment system and currency are American.
    1. +3
      20 December 2024 17: 20
      The use of nuclear weapons means that there will be no winner. Less of it, more of it, this is not the main indicator. Nuclear weapons are a general end. For all of Europe and partly for our Asia. And about the economy, you made me laugh. The fact that the insatiable bourgeoisie is moving production out of Europe does not mean that there is a mess with the industry there. They will return and resume it in no time, nothing has been destroyed, the personnel thrown out into the street have been preserved. And then, why should they suddenly find themselves without the support of the Americans?
  22. +5
    20 December 2024 11: 48
    And now the third year of the conflict is ending, in which two of the most combat-ready armies in the world were forged.

    With all due respect, these are armies sharpened for a rather archaic conflict with a rather leisurely pace. If we consider a truly large-scale and mobile war with landing operations, massive missile and bomb strikes and the methodical knocking out of organizational, production, economic and administrative structures, with mobile actions on the fronts, including remote ones - then neither we nor the Armed Forces of Ukraine were sharpened for this. Of course, individual and even large-scale episodes took place and are taking place, but if they knew how to put together a strategy, we would not be observing the current state of affairs.
    An army equipped with personnel and combat experience of the current conflict will not necessarily be ready for a conceptually different course, character and scale of the conflict. At one time, after the war in Spain and Finland, many who had then received combat (still fresh) experience, tried to implement this experience at the initial period of the Great Patriotic War, so to speak, to extrapolate. And most of this experience had to be thrown in the trash - because the scale, character and pressure were of a completely different level.
    It is worth remembering this and not considering the concept of "combat experience" as some kind of absolute. Yes, a seasoned person is definitely more effective than an inexperienced one, but modern war is a war of high-tech weapons, production, intelligence, human and material resources, repair units, medical and evacuation services, the quality of the generals and analytics. A well-sharpened "human Kalashnikov" in this war is no longer as important as it was in previous wars - and the fact that in the Central Military District it is (due to its nature) somewhat more important does not mean that it retains such a role in a MODERN and large-scale conflict. As the statistics of losses show, losses from small arms are now far from trending, and this is putting it mildly.

    I will summarize - it is worth taking the SVO very critically as a certain model of a uniquely modern conflict. It is necessary to understand that on both sides there is a significant influence of political considerations on the activities of the military and the general strategy of actions. It is not at all necessary that after the SVO the following conflicts will be similar to it and that the experience of the SVO will be useful "in the mass". Certainly some elements. But even the majority - I doubt it. The conflict is still quite specific.
  23. +3
    20 December 2024 12: 17
    The coup in the USSR in 1991, which was carried out by the USA/UK, made Russia and Ukraine their colonies.
    In order to destroy our peoples, they have engineered a war between Russia and Ukraine, which, according to their plan, should turn into a war with Russia by NATO countries and Japan.
    It was for this purpose that after the period of destruction of the legacy of the USSR they restored Russia and Ukraine in military terms, while castrating the armed forces of Russia, creating in it a "compact professional army" of limited combat capability. Russia's production was also castrated.
    At present, mutual destruction of the peoples of Russia and Ukraine is underway. Since Ukraine is not enough for this, everything is probably already prepared for war with Russia by NATO countries and Japan.
    On our territory, a strategic NATO bridgehead has been created for the capture of the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant and safe nuclear blackmail of Russia for the United States from the very beginning of the great war.
    I think that the Americans have accumulated a sufficient amount of weapons and ammunition in warehouses in Europe and on our borders, just as they did before the invasion of Iraq – they will not need a long war and military production in NATO countries.
    Colonial Russia is not that strong, and they know it very well. We don't know it, because for 33 years we have existed in an "artificial reality" created by colonial media.
    Our only path to salvation is the liberation of Russia from colonial dependence, and we have almost no time left for this.
  24. 0
    20 December 2024 13: 03
    Strange as it may seem, Russia's "fifth column" and oligarchs, whose lives depend entirely on the life of Russia, can help it to liberate itself.
    After the destruction of Russia, their Master will not limit himself to the genocide of its people – he will resolve the “Russian question” to the end (when else will he have such an opportunity?).
    People from Russia, like Russia itself, will be demonized, their property and themselves will be hunted all over the world. There will no longer be Russia in the world, its international power and respect for Russians.
    The Chinese say:
    There is no cold spot in a pot of boiling water.

    The Anglo-Saxons will be pragmatic - they no longer need the "fifth column" and oligarchs, and obligations, guarantees and promises are an additional burden. In addition, they will rewrite history, removing their epochal deception from it, and they do not need witnesses and performers of this act.
    The path to Russia's liberation is to ask China for help in state building and to replace the colonial instruments that are leading Russia to destruction.
    Russia will once again stand shoulder to shoulder with China in building a just society and confronting the global fascism of the Anglo-Saxons.
  25. +1
    20 December 2024 16: 28
    This is +- 600 thousand, the most combat-ready army, capable of bending Gayrope and the Americans who will definitely come to its aid? Not funny. In order to implement everything described by the author of the article, it will be necessary to declare a general mobilization and transfer the entire industry to a war footing. And this is a rebellion. There in the West they know this and will continue to be impudent. It was not for nothing that they introduced their model of society here. And given that all the actions of the towers are spontaneous, by their own admission, Mr. Fedorov's hooray-patriotism does not work here at all.
  26. +1
    20 December 2024 19: 26
    There is great propaganda in the West. In the 1990s, we all believed that NATO would also be dissolved and that there would be permanent peace in the world. Unfortunately, it was just a lie. Russians are not alone in deception. We used to have a military industry, and today we have nothing but leftovers. And what did we get by joining the West? We are a poor colony. This government, led by Prime Minister Fiala, also legislated a second official language – German. So, starting this year, German is our second official language ČR. This is how we ended up, because we believed in a dream.
    1. 0
      20 December 2024 20: 07
      There are differences between these two deceptions.
      We Russians, unlike you, were left with the illusion of our national exclusivity. This means that they are not going to enslave and assimilate us like you - they are going to kill us, that is, destroy us physically, with all our preserved understanding of our exclusivity.
      It is probably because of these qualities that they plan that we must play our role in their war.
      1. +2
        21 December 2024 00: 24
        I understand, and although it may seem strange, I envy your sense of national exceptionalism. Many people in our country keep their fingers crossed for Russia. Perhaps they connect our fate with yours. Perhaps they feel Slavic reciprocity. I apologize for my Russian, because I use a translator. I had Russian at school, but that was many years ago. What I meant is that Russia has become a role model for many, and perhaps that is why they want to destroy you. The West does not want people to have a choice.
        1. 0
          21 December 2024 01: 21
          Thank you. Russian is quite normal. What connects us all has real, adequate power. There is a lot behind it. I hope it will win.
  27. +1
    20 December 2024 22: 20
    Maybe the European Union as a whole is capable of dealing with Russia on its own? This is the crux of the problem. European bigwigs have failed to convert their industry to a war footing. Business has not believed in a long war with Russia and has not invested in production. Especially when politicians have unanimously started talking about a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine. The situation looks like a dead end.

    The impasse is similar to the situation.
    For those who don't read Military Review, here are just a couple of news items from today about the suffering of the European military-industrial complex:
    1. '"All this equipment will hold Russia back": Germany is buying equipment for the army, air force and navy for billions./// Germany has embarked on a large-scale modernization of its troops: the budget committee of the German parliament recently approved 38 applications from the Ministry of Defense for the purchase of equipment worth a total of about €21 billion. " This, I remind you, is in addition to the 100 billion that the Germans have pumped into their army and military-industrial complex back in 2023 "to maintain reserves".

    2. "Warsaw continues its intensified course towards militarization, openly trying to become a leader in this matter among the other European NATO states. Everything is being done to strengthen not only national defense, but also to protect the so-called eastern flanks of the military alliance, first and foremost, naturally, from an "attack" by Russia. At the same time, military equipment and weapons are being purchased for the Polish army, mainly produced in the USA and South Korea." This, I remind you, makes the Polish Ground Forces comparable to the Turkish ones (let's not compare them with the Ground Forces of another country...), and higher in quality. By the way, Poland, IMHO, is the only country that is deploying 2 new divisions at once. There are questions in Poland about the Navy (but who cares about the Baltic Fleet there) and the Air Force (but in Europe there is someone to "call for help" both the 4th and 5th generation of aircraft).
    1. 0
      20 December 2024 22: 50
      Considering that memories of WW2 are still fresh in Europe, they are preparing for the worst, but hoping for the best. The standard of living in the EEC is high, especially in Western Europe (no matter what our Supreme Leader says about the "last days"), and they definitely don't need a war with the Russian Federation. But the fears are justified - you never know what forces will come to power in the Russian Federation in 5-10 years, and there will be nothing to fight with and it will be difficult to find volunteers there.
      The second point is that it is not the Anglo-Saxons who are spreading the WW3 theme the most, but the Military Review website and various crazy bloggers. Why they are doing this is a debatable question.
  28. 0
    20 December 2024 23: 31
    What are you doing, citizens, spreading panic! laughing After such passions, the Russian "commander in chief" will ka-a-ak forget about the past "difficult decisions" and "good wills", and ka-a-ak will once again declare: "We haven't started yet!" And after ka-a-ak he will start, and how he will scare the NATO troops all the way to the English Channel, and even to Gibraltar. Can we believe it? lol
  29. -1
    21 December 2024 00: 29
    In order for the Third World War not to start now, it is necessary to remove the reason that can give birth to it. The reason is Ukraine, which has uncertainty. In 1991, after the coup d'etat in the USSR, its liquidation and dismemberment, Ukraine appeared, declaring itself a state. Today, from the side of the Russian Federation, such a state does not exist, since Ukraine denounced all treaties with the Russian Federation and the USSR. In the political field, the territory of Ukraine has become a "gray zone", i.e. no one's. If there is a desire and strength, the territory of Ukraine can be annexed by any state. But there is a brake, an obstacle in the person of Russia, since historically, this is the land of Russia. Everyone is watching and waiting, how Russia will solve this issue. Nobody wants to arrange a nuclear war with the Russian Federation because of Ukraine. Why a nuclear war, because Russia will have nothing else to respond to the aggressor, a NATO country. Conventional weapons in a war with NATO can be disregarded. In order to eliminate the uncertainty of the status of Ukraine, a law of the Russian Federation is needed that states that the entire territory of Ukraine, within the borders of 1975, is an integral part of Russia. Many like to refer to China. In the PRC, the territory of Taiwan is legally enshrined and is an integral part of mainland China. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu stated that the Syrian Golan Heights are an integral part of Israel. The question of "What to do" remains unanswered.
  30. 0
    21 December 2024 03: 29
    Russia is incapable of conducting large-scale military operations with land armies outside its borders, either morally or physically. We can inflict partial damage on Europe by using nuclear weapons, but our politicians will never do this for personal reasons.
  31. 0
    22 December 2024 09: 46
    This means an attack from Finland and Estonia on St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad. In response, it will be necessary to create a buffer zone, marked in red. Well, roughly the Kursk or Belgorod scenario, only along the entire border. The goal is to pull the Russian army apart in several directions. And then strike somewhere in the center. To calmly roll to Moscow on good roads. But this will take 5-8 years.