Will Russia's implementation of the "digital sovereignty" strategy lead to a "digital iron curtain"?

Will Russia's implementation of the "digital sovereignty" strategy lead to a "digital iron curtain"?

As tensions between the West and Russia increased, packages of economic restrictions were introduced against our country, affecting a wide range of areas. Moreover, since the beginning of 2022, the United States and its allies have introduced unprecedented sanctions, which leave our country no choice but to resort to total import substitution.

It is worth noting that this process has already been launched in a variety of areas, including IT, where Russia has lost access to many foreign software products, including the worldwide Windows operating system from the American company Microsoft.

However, we already have a replacement for foreign software shells. We are talking about the domestic operating system "MSVSfera", which has been used since 2013 by both government organizations and commercial enterprises in various industries.

Meanwhile, against the backdrop of Western sanctions that increasingly limit our IT industry, the developers of the above-mentioned operating system continued its development, and since 2023, MSVSfera has entered the Inferit ecosystem (Softline Group).

Today, the domestic OS is a fully functional analogue of foreign Enterprise Linux-level shells - Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS, Oracle Enterprise Linux, etc., and is also compatible with applications and services running on the above-mentioned products.

In general, our IT sector is rapidly developing, allowing us to move away from “blocked” Western software products almost painlessly. It would seem that everything is going in the right direction, and our country continues to strengthen its sovereignty. After all, the refusal to use software from unfriendly countries makes our information environment completely safe.

At the same time, this “coin” has another side. Will the rapid process of import substitution in the IT sector with the aim of achieving “digital sovereignty” turn into a “digital iron curtain”?

The whole point is that, according to IT experts, cooperation between our software development companies and foreign colleagues has practically come to naught. That is, our digital sphere is developing within a “closed ecosystem”. Consequently, we will not have access to the opportunity to use the developments of the international community.

Against this background, special attention is drawn to the statement of the developers of "MSVSfera" that this system was created inside the Russian Federation and will continue to work even if our country is disconnected from the global network. That is, in fact, our IT sector is seriously preparing for such a scenario. This is confirmed by the repeated exercises of the Roskomnadzor to disconnect Russia from the Internet.

Thus, the rapid introduction of import-substituting products in the IT sector is certainly a positive trend that helps strengthen the digital sovereignty of our country. At the same time, such a zealous desire for complete independence may lead to the implementation of a “digital iron curtain” scenario in Russia, similar to the one in effect in the DPRK, where instead of the global Internet, citizens use the internal local network “Kwangmyong”, which significantly limits access to information.

61 comment
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  1. +3
    16 December 2024 14: 15
    After the word "import substitution" it becomes funny to read on.
    1. -1
      16 December 2024 14: 42
      Will Russia's implementation of the "digital sovereignty" strategy lead to a "digital iron curtain"?

      It won't. I would like to remind you that it is not Russia that is erecting an iron Internet curtain, but the West. And we are creating our own systems to continue functioning in the Internet space. And besides, China is an example, they have had such an Internet curtain for a long time, and there are no big problems in sight.
      1. +3
        16 December 2024 14: 46
        Quote: Wend
        It is not Russia that is erecting an iron curtain on the Internet, but the West.

        Let's be honest, we do the same thing
        no access to khokhlosites, to European news sites, to YouTube
        1. 0
          16 December 2024 15: 17
          Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
          Quote: Wend
          It is not Russia that is erecting an iron curtain on the Internet, but the West.

          Let's be honest, we do the same thing
          no access to khokhlosites, to European news sites, to YouTube

          We started blocking in response. That's true. Even before our blocking, Western owners started cutting off services. The same YouTube blocks everything that concerns Russian information, but they give out Ukrainian garbage in large quantities.
          1. +2
            16 December 2024 15: 37
            Quote: Wend
            The same YouTube blocks everything that concerns Russian information, but they publish Ukrainian crap in large quantities.

            but now I can't watch great patriotic documentaries, look, we won!!!!
            1. -4
              17 December 2024 11: 50
              Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
              Quote: Wend
              The same YouTube blocks everything that concerns Russian information, but they publish Ukrainian crap in large quantities.

              but now I can't watch great patriotic documentaries, look, we won!!!!

              Why? Welcome to Rutube and digital TV.
              1. -1
                17 December 2024 12: 02
                Quote: Wend
                Welcome to Rutube and digital TV.

                to find something in Rutube you need to apply considerable abilities
                1. 0
                  17 December 2024 16: 10
                  Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
                  Quote: Wend
                  Welcome to Rutube and digital TV.

                  to find something in Rutube you need to apply considerable abilities

                  Why?) The search engine works so well)
                  1. -1
                    17 December 2024 16: 33
                    I understand that you haven't used either the first or the second service. Firstly, YouTube selects topics for you based on your interests. Secondly, you often don't know the name of the film. Thirdly, 90 percent don't even know how to search.
                    Well, the cherry on the cake, a search on "patriotic" Rutube and "enemy" YouTube for the phrase "documentary films about the war"
                  2. 0
                    20 December 2024 07: 52
                    Why?) The search engine works so well)
                    - gee-gee-gee!
                    The other day, using the Chrome browser, I turned to Google, which knows everything. I needed to find an article on the site "One Homeland". In response, Chrome started to spout such nonsense that at first I thought it was a virus. I sent requests for a long time and senselessly, receiving everything except the article I was looking for. In the end, I got tired of it and went straight to the site. The first thing I saw there was that the site "One Homeland" is under Western sanctions. The puzzle was complete.
                    1. 0
                      20 December 2024 10: 29
                      Quote: Old electrician
                      Why?) The search engine works so well)
                      - gee-gee-gee!
                      The other day, using the Chrome browser, I turned to Google, which knows everything. I needed to find an article on the site "One Homeland". In response, Chrome started to spout such nonsense that at first I thought it was a virus. I sent requests for a long time and senselessly, receiving everything except the article I was looking for. In the end, I got tired of it and went straight to the site. The first thing I saw there was that the site "One Homeland" is under Western sanctions. The puzzle was complete.

                      That's exactly it, under WESTERN SANCTIONS.
      2. +1
        16 December 2024 15: 52
        You might as well say that YouTube doesn't work because their equipment is old)
        1. -1
          17 December 2024 11: 52
          Quote from Flyer
          You might as well say that YouTube doesn't work because their equipment is old)

          Why?))) Yes, YouTube works, but you can't download everything from it and watch it too)))
  2. 0
    16 December 2024 14: 20
    Why, roughly speaking, in terms of replacement, ArchLinux (not Russian but kind of free) is not OK, but the fork from Vasyan (Bolgenous) is already OK?
    So what about the fact that the core itself in the fork is the same?
    (many distributions are a parade of masturbators-entertainers, more often than not they transfer the same thing there, and "beautifully" decorate it)
    No, it is clear that government agencies should have software that is almost as verified by the KGB, but then it is more logical to talk not about some kind of replacement, but about control/verification.
    1. 0
      18 December 2024 23: 53
      Fork from Vasyan which is Bolgen is a long-standing bad joke. There are normal Russian distributions, they work no worse than Arch. There are versions tested by the secret service. They work quite well in government agencies.
      1. 0
        19 December 2024 13: 38
        Quote: ZAV69
        There are normal Russian distributions, they work no worse than Arch. There are versions tested by the secret service. They work quite well in government agencies.

        It's understandable, but it's about the same as "we ordered it from China and stuck a nameplate on it."
        Well, in the case of the secret service, at least the meaning is clear.
        It would look like a replacement if they paid for an open source project or a fork + improvement of something.

        (arch and bolzhenos are chosen as 2 almost extremes, one is "sit and configure", the second is "the standard of distributions in the style of zverCD")
        1. 0
          23 December 2024 23: 47
          Dear Sir, It seems you haven't used domestic distributions. So they are different. They differ greatly from imported ones. Although the principle is the same for all Linuxes, and the programs seem to be the same, but there are a ton of differences. And I only looked at the general civilian versions, I only saw the certified ones from the outside, I didn't dig myself. It's not like putting a nameplate on China... And what about... what year was it? And how many versions? But for about ten years now, everyone and their dog has been remembering them, even without knowing what we're talking about.
          1. 0
            24 December 2024 18: 15
            Quote: ZAV69
            the principle is the same for all Linuxes, and the programs seem to be the same, but there are a ton of differences

            Differences in packaging and settings.
            The desktop environment, package manager, etc. do not change anything (this is generally something that the user chooses).
            Well, yes, there are distributions where something is actually added (compilation for Elbrus, or a fork of the DBMS, for example).
            But the majority of distributions in general (this is not so much a stone in the garden of Russian distributions as open source in general) are a chewing of the same thing with a waste of energy.
  3. +6
    16 December 2024 14: 24
    It will most likely lead to this, since we can’t do our own normally, YouTube has slowed down, there is Rutube, which is like that weather, sometimes snow, sometimes rain, the site is damp, the quality is disgusting, whoever has a program with the brand “made in Russia” on their computer, no, it’s just vital to develop your own, but first you need to test it and then act rashly, otherwise we run ahead of the locomotive and then scratch our heads and climb through the VPN
  4. 0
    16 December 2024 14: 27
    What does the iron curtain and isolation of the internal network from potential cyber attacks have to do with it at the time of a hypothetical hot confrontation? The author clearly confuses cause and effect, saying that sanctions will disconnect us from the external network, and it is our own fault that we are developing sovereign systems? )))
    1. +1
      16 December 2024 14: 50
      Quote from Vrotkompot
      saying that sanctions will cut us off from the external network, but it is our own fault that we are developing sovereign systems?

      What are we developing by closing access to European news sites?
      like youtube is a competitor to rutube so we'll close it, but it's like a zaporozhets is a competitor to mercedes
      sorry but you can't do better, at least do the same and then support
      1. -2
        16 December 2024 15: 14
        By closing YouTube, we at least close the propaganda mouthpiece that works against us during the SVO, promoting Ukrainian and Western anti-Russian videos among the residents of the Russian Federation. Try to go to TV from a clean new account (don't log in, just open YouTube), there are only videos against the president, against our army, etc. That is, when the algorithm does not know your preferences (no viewing history), you are given anti-Russian propaganda by default. It is more difficult to repeat this trick now, since the resource has been closed again. I checked about a month ago, when it was opened for a couple of days.
        Secondly, I see how Rutube and VK Video immediately began to develop, especially the second one. It's a pity, of course, YouTube has a colossal knowledge base. But if I had to choose between the Syrian/Ukrainian scenario and a more censored IT ecosystem, I would choose the second one.
        1. +4
          16 December 2024 15: 35
          Quote from Vrotkompot
          By closing YouTube, we are at least closing the megaphone of propaganda

          I'll tell you a terrible secret, you're not hiding anything, moreover, you're only making things worse
          If at the time the liar Solzhenitsyn had not been banned, but on the contrary, he had been published, and even with explanations of his lies...
          Quote from Vrotkompot
          Secondly, I see how Rutube and VK Video immediately began to develop.

          in which place?!!!!!
          I'm sorry, the quality of the platform was below the baseboard and it remains the same, once again, because the sales of the Constipation in the USSR were higher than the sales of the Mercedes in the USSR, the Constipation did not become better than the Mercedes
          Quote from Vrotkompot
          But if I had to choose between the Syrian/Ukrainian scenario and a more censored IT ecosystem, I would choose the latter.

          you are either naive or
          a pig she will find a dream everywhere therefore it is necessary not to prohibit but to lead
          1. -6
            16 December 2024 15: 45
            It is impossible to reproduce in half a year what was created over decades and for money 100 times greater than the capabilities of Rutube and VK Video. The measures are drastic, because the war is going on, but apparently not everyone has understood yet. You see, it has become inconvenient for them to watch films.
            1. +1
              16 December 2024 15: 54
              Quote from Vrotkompot
              It is impossible to reproduce in half a year what was created over decades and for money

              It's been 14 years since 10, YouTube was actually created in 2005, RuTube in 2006, is there anything that needs to be explained?!!!!
              he was a piece of shit and he remains one, it was easier for them to be a miserable gray thing than to develop and compete, and now they won't even develop in a bad way
              we paid for visa for 20 years until a nibble hit us in the ass, by the way, we would have continued to pay, why create our own, we will sell oil and buy the rest
              We still haven't taken advantage of the window of opportunity, we didn't want to produce our own and we still don't want to, we've just switched from high-quality European products to crappy Chinese goods
              Quote from Vrotkompot
              The measures are drastic, because the war is going on, but apparently not everyone has gotten it yet. You see, it has become inconvenient for them to watch films.

              young man, calm down, people like you in the 30s and 40s oppressed those who said that we need to learn from the West, they are better, people like you don't need better, you are fine with sh*t, but what about your own, and I want my own to be the best
              1. -1
                16 December 2024 16: 15
                Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
                develop and compete

                Where is Google's money with YouTube, where do they pay well for affiliate programs?
                So it was easier for the user to go straight to YouTube.
                This would have been (possibly) realistic within the Russian Federation if YouTube had been blocked already in 2006.
                1. 0
                  16 December 2024 16: 18
                  Quote: Hitriy Zhuk
                  Where is Google's money with YouTube, where do they pay well for affiliate programs?

                  and who stopped us?!
                  Or are you now going to tell fairy tales about how Google is private?!!
                  Quote: Hitriy Zhuk
                  So it was easier for the user to go straight to YouTube.

                  There is no age difference between YouTube and Rutube today, it's just that some made it and others sawed off the money
                  you'd think our government services or any other similar platform would be well done
              2. -3
                16 December 2024 17: 08
                What exactly are you proposing, besides pensioners’ indignation?
                1. +2
                  16 December 2024 17: 16
                  Quote from Vrotkompot
                  besides pensioners' indignation?

                  Well, first of all, don't introduce stupid bans, those who need them will get around them anyway
                  secondly, don't pretend to work, but work, rutube is a talentless piece of crap that works half-heartedly, invest money not in the illumination of monuments, but in necessary things, but also demand a return, now everything is based on the principle - for money, and then it doesn't matter whether it works or not, how it works, by and large all digital platforms in the Russian Federation are made without taking into account the convenience of users and through one place, and a lot of money has been spent
                  1. -3
                    16 December 2024 17: 22
                    Right now YouTube has blocked all our channels that broadcast our position to the world and launched a stream of Ukrainian disinformation on our citizens. Suggest a solution here and now.
                    1. 0
                      16 December 2024 17: 55
                      It's even worse than I thought!!!
                      and in our country, our channels are only broadcast via YouTube?!!!
                      you will be surprised, but firstly, there is satellite TV broadcasting, secondly, all channels have their own website with streaming video
                      You should first get the material part down and then start discussing similar topics
                      1. 0
                        19 December 2024 00: 01
                        Actually, our channels broadcast not only through YouTube, there is already a whole bag of these services. Search and you will find.
                      2. -1
                        19 December 2024 08: 26
                        yesterday I decided to find one transmission from Pobeda, but I couldn't find it
            2. +1
              16 December 2024 15: 59
              Quote from Vrotkompot
              The measures are drastic because the war is going on.

              You'll be surprised, but we don't have a war, we even trade in sharovary
        2. +3
          16 December 2024 16: 14
          An information vacuum harms objectivity. You can close yourself off from the world and bring your boss beautiful reports from the scene, but the halva doesn't get any sweeter.
          1. -3
            16 December 2024 17: 06
            And if the information is used for war against your country, is it also harmful to create a vacuum? Yes, we are already working with the consequences, unlike China, which prevents such things in the bud. But we are not China at the moment.
            1. 0
              16 December 2024 17: 17
              Quote from Vrotkompot
              And if the information is used for war against your country

              an example in the studio, only a concrete one, and not sucked out of an abstract finger
  5. 0
    16 December 2024 14: 30
    The author was even embarrassed to sign this set of words with the epilogue "Everything is being taken away, the client is leaving."
  6. 0
    16 December 2024 14: 43
    I don't know about protection, they are creating a real pain in the ass for now, my mother watched Soviet films through YouTube, first they created a pain in the ass with YouTube, then with VPNs
    Rutube, sorry, is not just raw, it's useless at all
    What's wrong if we know what BBC Deutschland and others write about us?!!!
    Why was it necessary to block them?
    1. +2
      16 December 2024 14: 47
      The alarm bell was already the anti-Soviet Migalkov with his "tax on blanks" (well, when 2% from each sale of a storage device went to the union of copyright holders (it doesn't matter that you store your own photos on a flash drive).
      This was already disgusting back then and a kind of presumption of guilt.
      1. +1
        16 December 2024 15: 06
        Migalkov with his "tax on blanks"

        + 100500!
        nothing changes under this moon...
    2. -1
      16 December 2024 15: 19
      There is VK Video, almost all films are there, especially Soviet ones.
      1. 0
        16 December 2024 15: 38
        The Internet has everything, even things that are prohibited by the Criminal Code, YouTube has a great platform that selects content, or do you really think that pensioners go in and type in movie titles and then choose?!!
        1. -3
          19 December 2024 00: 07
          YouTube will select content with a nod to the State Department. When Leshik posted his masterpiece about Putin's dacha, it was on the 2nd or 3rd line in any search. And if you went to YouTube without logging in, the entire main page was filled with these masterpieces.
    3. +2
      16 December 2024 16: 18
      Yes, officials on both sides are similar in terms of intellectual development. Some think that if we ban the Russian language, everyone will instantly become patriots, others think that if we ban YouTube, people will believe Channel One.
  7. +3
    16 December 2024 14: 50
    The curtain has ALREADY been created. And it doesn't matter on whose element base it will function.
    And not only here. I have long compared articles in the same publication, but in different languages. . As well as what search engines push. I guarantee you that we and the average EU citizen live in completely different inforealities.
    Today ALL countries are happy to use the excuse of the SVO for total filtering and destruction of dissenters. Although these processes have been going on for a long time. Today everything has just accelerated.
    1. 0
      16 December 2024 15: 07
      What we and the average EU citizen -we live in absolutely different inforealities.

      there is such a thing ...
      You just have to open their news...
  8. +2
    16 December 2024 15: 05
    MSVSphere is by definition capable of working in its own address space. However, it was developed for the Armed Forces and has been improved for over 20 years. There is also a similar system, Astra Linux. Also protected, with a long "flight" history.
    But their implementation in itself does not "create an iron" curtain in the IT sphere. The threat can arise only if Russia is deliberately disconnected from the central system of IP-addresses and domain names distribution in the American company Network Solutions. But even in this case, the disconnection will be conditional, because for money there will always be providers ready to connect any other network through their VPN.
    1. +1
      16 December 2024 15: 20
      Yes, but the author of the article needed to somehow justify the loud title. In the end, he published an article for the sake of an article ))
    2. 0
      19 December 2024 00: 13
      In fact, IP subnets have long been distributed and divided. And national domains too. Giving Russian ranges to, say, Denmark will not work out. Unless the networks are physically separated. Completely separated. Otherwise, such a madhouse will begin in the networks......
      1. 0
        19 December 2024 10: 25
        Quote: ZAV69
        In fact, IP subnets have long been distributed and divided

        You are probably writing about IPv4. Now there is a gradual transition to IPv6. As far as we know, in Russia the implementation of IPv6 is very slow, just over 9%.
        1. +1
          24 December 2024 22: 32
          The main protocol, no matter how you look at it, is ipv4.0. And ipv6.0 is still just a dream about allocating its own address to each nail. And it will remain so for a long time.
  9. 0
    17 December 2024 00: 36
    At the same time, this “coin” has another side. Will the rapid process of import substitution in the IT sector with the aim of achieving “digital sovereignty” turn into a “digital iron curtain”?

    Competition is observed between the closest allies of the Western community. For example, today the US is destroying the economies of Germany, France and Great Britain in its own interests. This is an inevitable process that has existed forever. The only way out is to develop our own production and regulate imports, otherwise they will eat us up. Having a Tesla, iPhone, Galaxy S24 Ultra, the latest MacBook, etc. is, of course, nice, but if our own manufacturer disappears, it will be bad for everyone.
  10. +1
    17 December 2024 06: 19
    Why was it necessary to block them?
    In order to further limit the population's knowledge wink
  11. 0
    17 December 2024 11: 44
    We can certainly fence ourselves off, but how long and firmly we could do so is a matter of skepticism.
  12. 0
    17 December 2024 20: 41
    It's very possible. At least, judging by the period since 2014, everything is smoothly moving in that direction.
    North Korea didn't become one in a day. And Big Brother has a lot to teach us about this issue.
  13. 0
    22 December 2024 14: 02
    Even if it does, I won't be against it.
  14. 0
    9 January 2025 08: 04
    For now, "digitalization" leads to the leakage of information from banks and other structures of personal and not only (medical) data of Russians into the Internet, where not the most law-abiding representatives of humanity and all sorts of cynicism-savage scum live. I believe that good old paperwork is much safer. Your own d..c.r.k. is often worse than your enemy.
  15. 0
    12 January 2025 13: 09
    Today, the domestic OS is a fully functional analogue of foreign shells of the Enterprise Linux level.
    False. This is not an analogue, but Linux itself.
  16. 0
    17 January 2025 23: 40
    Will Russia's implementation of the "digital sovereignty" strategy lead to a "digital iron curtain"?

    That's the whole point: if necessary, close it; if not, open it and mark the information; 100% blocking of any external resource by court order.

    The problem will only arise after the legalization of Star-link in the territory of the Russian Federation...
  17. 0
    Yesterday, 08: 27
    Here we see only sovereignty from common sense. The issue is being dealt with by people who are far from understanding it.