The Last Hope of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Tankers: the Turretless T-84

The Last Hope of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Tankers: the Turretless T-84
3D render of a future Ukrainian version tank

By way of discussion

In scientific literature, the most controversial or ambiguous articles are often marked with the note "published for discussion". The content of the articles can contain opinions that diverge from generally accepted norms and judgments. One such material is "Some issues of tank fuel efficiency (for discussion)" by V. A. Kolesov, published in the famous "Bulletin of Armored Equipment" in 1988. The author proves the need to revise the requirements for tank fuel efficiency by introducing the parameter of travel fuel consumption. In this case, the concept of a gas turbine tank with its unparalleled gluttony is razed to the ground. Kolesov's article went against the views accepted by the Soviet Army and went virtually unnoticed.

Currently, there are no publications on the level of the "Bulletin of Armored Vehicles", and it is unlikely that they will ever appear, which does not prevent us from considering some ideas "for discussion". One of such projects can be considered a fairly well-developed 3D model of a tank for the Ukrainian army. We are talking about a digital prototype of a turretless tank destroyer based on the Kharkov T-84 tank. The appearance of the vehicle is actively wandering around the social networks of Ukraine and, probably, should inspire someone. They say, here it is - the very "wunderwaffen". Considering the art of an unnamed creator (or group of authors) as a promising development is akin to a joke. In Ukraine, there is currently no possibility of producing tanks even of a traditional layout, not to mention exotic "Swedish-type" machines. The first glance at the digital sketches suggests the thought of the Swedish turretless Strv 103, the layout of which turned out to be a dead-end branch of development. But the realities of a special military operation, as we know, have already forced us to rewrite much of the tactics and strategy. And a natural question arises: is there a grain of common sense in a tank without a turret?

In addition to tank building, local craftsmen practice modernizing the BTR-4 Bucephalus

No self-respecting tank in the SVO zone can do without barbecues and other anti-drone devices. On both sides of the conflict. If factory protective screens from Nizhny Tagil and Omsk do not hinder the rotation of the turret, then the products of frontline creativity actually turn tanks into self-propelled artillery installations. In addition, with a noticeable decrease in the crew's situational awareness. So why not do away with the turret altogether?

The tank with a folded barbecue has something of a convertible about it.

The turretless layout of the tank, turning it into a self-propelled gun, has many advantages. The vehicle acquires a squat silhouette, which somewhat reduces visibility and simplifies camouflage. The vehicle simply requires less scarce armor steel - on average, the tank turret weighs 9-12 tons. If you do not strive to reduce the weight of the armored vehicle, then all the gain can be directed to increasing the armor. According to calculations, a 42-ton turretless tank of the T-72 format will receive protection twice as thick. The vehicle is obtained almost without weakened zones, like the turret trap. In the fight against FPV-drones these are not at all unnecessary factors of survivability. The specifics of combat use of military equipment also speak in favor of the tank layout without a turret. Tanks have stopped going into large-scale breakthroughs, with the exception of totally trapped specimens. The tank now either works from closed positions, or is used from afar as a large-caliber sniper rifle. A mobile turret is not a mandatory option in all cases.

An important bonus of a tank without a turret is its relatively low cost. To put it simply, for the price of two classic tanks, you can build three or even four SPGs. In the context of the protracted conflict in Ukraine, this is important for both Russia and Ukraine. But this is where the positive aspects of turning a tank into a self-propelled gun end. Compromises are compromises, so that you sacrifice something.

Ukrainian miracle

The SVO fights not only in open fields or after the total work of "landscape designers", but also in urban conditions. The turretless layout of the combat vehicle in such conditions significantly complicates the maneuver of fire and increases vulnerability. Such a tank cannot go into battle without solid protection from the flanks. It is enough to recall the tactics of using Russian tanks in the assault on Mariupol to understand the disadvantages of self-propelled guns on city streets. The situation on the battlefield has changed greatly since 2022, but the tank in the city has not become less vulnerable, rather the opposite. The only option may be the simultaneous use of two tanks at once - one with a turret for cover and the second, assault, without a turret for the most dangerous directions.

The most important drawback of the turretless tank at the moment is its untimeliness. It is so paradoxical. Despite the relatively low cost, reorganizing production for the new design will require a lot of time and money. And it is not even about reworking the tank hull, which must be reformatted to accommodate the crew and gun.

The loading mechanism is very unclear in design.

The issue is in new units and assemblies. A tank without a turret requires a new automatic loader – the old one will not work at all. And at least several months, if not years of experimental design work. In this regard, I recall story with the T-34, which during the Great Patriotic War underwent only one significant modernization - from the T-34-76 to the T-34-85. There were many projects to significantly increase the combat effectiveness of the Pobeda tank, but they all required time and a decrease in production rates. Therefore, any turretless tank is good for a conflict only if it is produced before February 2022. If you look closely at the problem, the question arises - will a cheaper tank without a turret be needed after our victorious end to the SVO? To what extent will the contours of a hypothetical conflict in the future repeat the realities of a special operation? If we return to the Great Patriotic War, the need for the emergence of the legendary SU-85 and SU-100 was due to the fight against Hitler's tanks. Skirmishes between Ukrainian and Russian tanks are now vanishingly small. The tank without a turret, proposed by Ukrainian designers, was created to counter drones and for the sake of simplification and cost reduction.

The project of the turretless T-84 has been worked out in sufficient detail

Let's take a closer look at the enemy project. Apparently, the T-84, considered the most modern tank in Ukraine, was taken as a platform donor. Other technical features can be discussed very conditionally. After all, this is a 3D model, not even a technology demonstrator. But it is clear that the 125-mm gun does not have an ejector - the barrel is blown with compressed air. Some observers claim that there is some kind of automatic loader and an isolated combat stowage with blow-out panels. On the armor, you can find the "Zaslon" active protection system and elements of the optical-electronic suppression system of the controlled weapons. The crew consists of at least three people, and there is no separate hatch for the driver. To protect the upper projection, the authors of the computer rendering installed a hood of an anti-drone visor. According to Ukrainian tradition, it is made folding. A remotely controlled turret with a large-caliber machine gun completes the image.

As mentioned above, in Ukraine there is currently no possibility to organize even the conversion of old tanks into this crazy miracle. In Eastern Europe there are capacities and specialists, but there are no tank hulls, not to mention the possibility of creating an armored vehicle from scratch. It remains only to assume that the enemy is preparing equipment for the army of the post-war future. Very optimistic plans, nothing to say.
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  1. +14
    17 December 2024 04: 54
    Well, if someone is smart enough to make a truce with the Nazis, then you can expect anything.
    1. -17
      17 December 2024 06: 21
      truce with the Nazis

      First they called Azov Nazis, then the government, then the volunteers, now the whole country, but why suddenly Nazis?
      1. +14
        17 December 2024 06: 23
        And in Germany, were only the SS and the Gestapo Nazis? Or was the whole system rotten?
        Ukraine must be destroyed as an initially anti-Russian project, because there is no other ideology in Ukraine except hostility towards Russia.
        1. +6
          17 December 2024 11: 43
          It is impossible to destroy any anti-project, as well as any ideology hostile to us. The task of "effective" managers in the Russian Federation was to show why it is good with us, and bad without us, because the people are mostly consumers. For 30 years we had everything: brains and the possibility of realization and money and the mentality of the Slavs, and okay, we didn't make our own iPhone, but our Automotive Industry hasn't made a breakthrough compared to the Chinese, because if you think about it, we live thanks to the Soviet legacy, without creating anything fundamental.
          1. +3
            17 December 2024 17: 27
            Quote from Flyer
            The task of "effective" managers in the Russian Federation was to show why it is good to be with us and bad without us,

            First we need to take care of our OWN PEOPLE! And we do not live in a vacuum, and other nations will be drawn to us. hi
          2. +1
            17 December 2024 22: 57
            Well, no one really saw any particular wealth in the USSR. The words "get it" and "deficit" came from us, not them. Everyone was chasing the Krakow and Yugoslav walls, and Bulgaria seemed like a luxurious foreign country... somehow this is not what a resident of the Empire should feel. The Soviet auto industry, to put it mildly, cannot be called a breakthrough either.
            I don’t want to say that the Soviet Union and the like, because it’s all the same, it’s all my country, just like the Russian Empire and Rus' and the Russian Federation, and each generation has some kind of legacy.
        2. -4
          18 December 2024 07: 15
          And in Germany, did everyone support the Nazi regime? And in Germany, there were no people who spoke out against ethnic cleansing? And were all Germans responsible for it and supported it?
          1. +1
            18 December 2024 17: 32
            Look at the footage of the Fuhrer being welcomed into cities, all those crazy faces. He was like Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl.
      2. +4
        17 December 2024 07: 26
        Quote from realing
        First they called Azov Nazis, then the government, then the volunteers, now the whole country, but why suddenly Nazis?

        Of course, not all of them are Nazis. There are Nazis, there are Nazi collaborators, and there are Hataskainik... But that doesn't make things any easier for us! For example, the Anglo-Saxons, during WWII, blamed the entire German people for Nazism! And they carpet-bombed not only cities like Dresden and Hamburg, but also burned down small towns with their entire populations that had no military units or military production facilities...
        And so, typical Ukrainians are like this:
        1. -4
          18 December 2024 07: 12
          Leave these propaganda messages for those who will fall for them.
          1. +1
            18 December 2024 09: 34
            Quote from realing
            Leave these propaganda messages for those who will fall for them.

            Healthy Bulls hi Here's another one for you agitation based on a real photograph wassat :
            1. 0
              18 December 2024 19: 14
              And what do you want to show with this? That people are not very eager to die? And they are right to do so, how many people left during the mobilization? And how many would not have gone to the army if they did not pay there now several times more than the salaries in the regions?
              1. 0
                19 December 2024 08: 47
                Quote from realing
                And what do you want to show with this? That people are not very eager to die?

                You have noted this absolutely correctly! People are not burning with the desire to die - they are burning with the desire to KILL! But when those who yesterday participated in torchlight processions, horse races on the Maidan and the party around the burning Trade Union House in Odessa... today are dragged into the trenches - to die for everything they galloped for... a terrible squeal is heard - AND WHAT ABOUT US??? belay This is exactly what I wanted to say with my, as you put it, propaganda...
                I'll add something banal: ", when they came for me, there was no one left to say anything against" ((from) memory...)
                Quote from realing
                And they are right, how many people left during the mobilization?

                And here is the main question - what to die for? For whose interests?
                Quote from realing
                And how many would join the army if they didn’t pay them several times more than the salaries in the regions?

                That's how we live under capitalism, while there is money - the issue is solved by showering money, when the money runs out, it will come to a general mobilization! And then no one will escape through Verkhniy Lars...
            2. -2
              18 December 2024 19: 15
              I would generally be happy to see how the Russian government and defense forces went to war with the Ukrainian government and defense forces on their own.
              1. -1
                19 December 2024 08: 50
                Quote from realing
                I would generally be happy to see how the Russian government and defense forces went to war with the Ukrainian government and defense forces on their own.

                A_Potanins\Millers\Abramovichs\Kolomoiskys\Akhmetovs\Gates\Rockefellers\Bezoses...they themselves went to the machines, behind the counters and started laying asphalt? What the Kindergarten... No.
      3. -3
        17 December 2024 13: 15
        Because they believe in the superiority of one nation over another?
      4. +1
        22 December 2024 10: 17
        The text of our comment is too stupid, the administration thinks that it does not carry useful information, but still: will you have an acorn? And if you don't, whose Crimea is it?
      5. +1
        23 December 2024 18: 56
        Well, if the whole country there weren't Nazis (the majority), then no Azov could have appeared. It would have been immediately outlawed. And there were countless such Azovs: Right Sector, Tornado and others...
    2. +2
      17 December 2024 08: 44
      Quote: Totor5
      Well, if someone is smart enough to make a truce with the Nazis, then you can expect anything.
      1. +5
        17 December 2024 13: 44
        Comrade Stalin refutes you with his decision in 44 regarding Finland.
      2. 0
        17 December 2024 15: 24
        But unfortunately we don’t have Stalin today.
        1. +2
          17 December 2024 18: 08
          Comrade Stalin was in his time. It is not a fact that he would show himself in today's reality. Especially since there is a real Stalin and a myth Stalin.
  2. +10
    17 December 2024 05: 01
    It is enough to recall the tactics of using Russian tanks in the storming of Mariupol to understand the disadvantage of self-propelled guns on city streets.

    From this point on, more detail could be given.
    What was the tactic there? Jump out to direct fire, fire without aiming and quickly back? Or if there was a self-propelled gun with a 152mm low-ballistic gun, which could send suitcases from a closed position through a house to the roof of another house...
    And a self-propelled gun with such a barrel to the first ravine, even a ditch with the barrel stuck in the ground....madness. Such a self-propelled gun is good with a short 152 mm barrel and an ATGM on the roof
    1. +8
      17 December 2024 06: 02
      It is a self-propelled gun, an assault gun, not a tank. And with a howitzer, not a cannon. Or rather, a universal weapon: howitzer - mortar - ATGM launcher, like NoNa.
      Because the difference is in purpose, you see.
      A tank is for direct fire. Basically. A tank gun has sniper accuracy in this case, not when firing from a ZOP.
      An assault gun is more effective when behind cover, i.e. when aiming is indirect.
      Tanks will be used as a means of breakthrough and development of success as soon as effective anti-drone air defense systems are put into service. Which have already been written about many times.
      Right now, a battalion of UAVs can be sent in passenger cars to the direction where a regiment or division is being introduced into the breakthrough and disrupt the process. request
      Not so much by striking at tanks and armored vehicles themselves, but at supply trucks, of which a TD in an offensive requires one hundred or two hundred per day.
      1. 0
        19 December 2024 12: 15
        It's better to start small and simple
        make a heavy armored personnel carrier based on a T-72 or T-90 tank with a cabin and close everything in a circle in 2 layers of Relikt DZ and in 2 layers of 55 mm ceramic panels + grilles + Arena-M KAZ at least 24 protective ammunition and modify the software from FPV drones to 150 meters per second
        and from this starting point, a more protected tank or assault self-propelled gun/self-propelled gun will start fighting
    2. 0
      17 December 2024 07: 51
      Quote: Konnick
      But if there was a self-propelled gun with a 152mm low-ballistic gun, which could send suitcases from a closed position through a house to the roof of another house...

      I think we will return to assault weapons like the same acacia, but armored like a tank. If, as Belousov says, we should expect a conflict with NATO in the next 10 years, then we should worry about battles in high-rise buildings today.
      1. 0
        17 December 2024 09: 30
        In short, we are waiting for Stug 2.0. Although more likely Sturmtiger 2.0
        1. 0
          17 December 2024 18: 25
          No, that won't work, the weapons must be in a rotating unmanned turret.
          1. 0
            18 December 2024 08: 09
            Then it will not be possible to increase the protection. And the caliber will be sharply limited.
      2. 0
        17 December 2024 18: 24
        Like a tank, but without powerful frontal protection against APFSDS, only anti-cumulative protection, the same on all sides.
  3. +2
    17 December 2024 05: 33
    If Ukraine still has the capacity to produce either turretless or turreted tanks, then this is not the merit of the Ukrainians, but a blatant failure of the Russian army. The Russian Ministry of Defense reports every day that "all targets have been hit." The only question is: are they the right targets?
  4. +3
    17 December 2024 05: 47
    They themselves are crazy to propose such a design. Although... this is R&D for a couple of years for a hefty design bureau. They can saw off a lot of money, and give a bunch of people a reservation from being buried, some for the fact that they can design, and some for the fact that they will bring money to the head of the design bureau. Or they can move the design bureau to a place where "Geranium" does not bloom, say to Poland, or even better to warm Spain, along with all the children and household members. And what will it cost on the battlefield? Well, in a couple of years either the emir will die, or the donkey will die, or the war will end, and then go and see how it defeats everyone. So the decision in the current socio-political conditions is more than reasonable.
  5. 0
    17 December 2024 07: 14
    My favorite SPG T-122-54 is in the park in Krasnodar. A very harmonious machine.
  6. +3
    17 December 2024 07: 32
    Turretless tank proposed by Ukrainian designers created to counter drones and to simplify and reduce costs.

    Judging by the location of the ammunition stowage under the roof, the confrontation will be short-lived.
  7. +9
    17 December 2024 09: 55
    A worthless project. The gun has a miserable aiming angle. Situated low in the front plate, it has no way to raise the 6-meter barrel high, since the breech of the gun will rest against the floor. When moving across the terrain, any hill or ditch can become an insurmountable obstacle. In terms of maneuverability, this tank can be compared to a mobile crane.
    In short, it's nonsense.
    1. +1
      17 December 2024 15: 29
      Judging by the absence of a gun mantlet, there are no vertical and horizontal aiming drives in principle. We can leave it at that.
      In fact, it is a tank destroyer, and tank destroyers, according to the tactics of a "healthy person", do not attack fortifications. Therefore, all comparisons of the characteristics of a tank destroyer with a tank are fundamentally incorrect.
      The best tank destroyer today is a fiber optic FPV drone or a 5th generation ATGM such as Spike and Akeron MP.
      1. +3
        17 December 2024 15: 40
        Quote: Cympak
        Judging by the absence of a gun mantlet, there are no vertical and horizontal aiming drives provided there.
        If they tried to make the gun like the Swedes, then the STRV-103 gun aiming is carried out by means of the suspension and rotation of the entire tank, which the T-64 is absolutely not adapted to.
  8. 0
    17 December 2024 12: 55
    A crazy wunderwaffe will hardly help crazy xoxles. And there is no place to produce it, by and large. You can build one or two copies and nothing more. They won't let you assemble it in the West either, they don't need competitors
  9. 0
    17 December 2024 13: 12
    The technology may be good, but where are they going to produce it?
    These are not UAVs and Rockets that can be assembled in a workshop or garage.
    This is a fully-fledged armored vehicle that must be assembled at the factory.
    The only way out I see is to order assembly at factories in the Czech Republic or Poland.
  10. +2
    17 December 2024 13: 28
    Apart from weight, there is little to gain.
    If you do it from scratch, there is still a chance to improve something.
    Strengthening the roof is possible, but the sides will remain. What's the point then?

    But this new trench will have to be made very wide (to spin around there).
    There is no ball thing, apparently, and the weapon is static. (unlike the aforementioned Su-85)
    That means you also have to spin PRECISELY.
  11. +1
    17 December 2024 14: 32
    This design is not new. A similar one was developed (there were even prototypes) at ZTM named after Malyshev in the late 70s. However, its goals and objectives were different. Stability under the impact of a shock wave of a nuclear explosion. In addition, it could land belly down on the ground.
  12. 2al
    17 December 2024 14: 44
    Regarding situational awareness, the author clearly does not take into account the integration of UAVs and not only in the tank's combat information and control system. Tanks firing from the ZOP adjust fire from UAVs, data input into the tank gun's sighting device directly from the spotter, and not from the tank commander/operator, is already implemented. In fact, the tank's observation devices are needed only for its self-defense. Fancy panoramic sight pedestals are an obsolete rudiment in new-type tanks. A new-type tank is primarily a team player in a network game, not a universal fighter.
    1. 0
      17 December 2024 15: 21
      Tanks firing from the ZOP adjust fire from UAVs; data input into the tank gun sighting device directly from the spotter, and not from the tank commander/operator, has already been implemented.

      What does a tank have to do with it? If artillery should be doing this job. The fact that tanks are used to fire from the ZOP, wasting the gun's resource, is not because life is good, but because of the lack of interaction with artillery, its shortage and the artillery's shortcomings confirmed during the SVO, which experts had previously warned about: no fast topographic referencing via satellite, no modern automated control system, insufficient protection, insufficient firing range and accuracy.
      fancy panoramic sight pedestals are a dying rudiment in new type tanks

      The only question is, how can we ensure accurate fire while the tank is moving when being guided by a UAV?
      1. 2al
        17 December 2024 16: 02
        In real life, firing artillery at full charge kills the gun's resource even faster than that of a tank gun, for example, the resource of a PzH-2000 at full charge is 200 shots, and the barrel of a smoothbore tank gun is also several times cheaper than a rifled barrel of large calibers of the same Msta-M. That is, the solution to the problem of defeating a stronghold and supporting attack aircraft is cheaper and, most importantly, more effective due to the tank being in a zone of direct radio communication with attack aircraft. Aimed fire on the move is generally a feature only in "WoT"
        1. 0
          17 December 2024 18: 04
          In real life, firing artillery at full charge kills the gun's resource even faster than that of a tank gun, for example, the resource of a PzH-2000 at full charge is 200 shots, and the barrel of a smoothbore tank gun is also several times cheaper than a rifled barrel of large calibers of the same Msta-M. That is, the solution to the problem of defeating a stronghold and supporting attack aircraft is cheaper and, most importantly, more effective due to the tank being in a zone of direct radio communication with attack aircraft. Aimed fire on the move is generally a feature only in "WoT"

          This is a new word in military science! Every proposal is a new view. You should teach in academies!
          1. 2al
            18 December 2024 08: 59
            Yes, I am a teacher at the academy.
  13. 0
    17 December 2024 15: 20
    Someone overplayed Badger in tanks. And wanted imbalance in real life.
  14. 0
    17 December 2024 15: 50
    The concept is crazy of course.

    Why the hell stick a gun in the center of the front plate? If the AZ will load it anyway, and you still have to turn it with the hull - why not stick it closer to the roof? Or better yet, move it behind the armor. And put the ammo in a separate compartment.

    This way, the hull won’t have to be exposed for firing, and it’s more convenient to look out of the caponier, and the chances of scooping up dirt during maneuvers are much lower.

    Well, it won't look so cool of course
  15. The comment was deleted.
  16. -1
    17 December 2024 16: 02
    3D render of a variant of the future Ukrainian tank

    Do these Ukrainian tanks have a future?
  17. 0
    17 December 2024 16: 45
    Perhaps, a single, specifically a single production of the presented turretless tank without any hope of serial production, is possible in the near and foreseeable future. At some tank repair plant, where the machines have not yet been broken in all senses, especially for processing large hull parts. With the use of "separate tank hulls", components, semi-finished products, etc., found in all sorts of dumps and dismantlers around the world. Here, each machine will be a separate "OKR on the topic of armored vehicles". With armor steel will be problematic, maybe they have something left in the mobilization reserve, maybe imported, or maybe just "backyard". The gun - it is not fundamental to tie it specifically to the 125, here a gun for a unitary gun would be better suited, which will fit into the dimensions - either Soviet or imported.
    1. 0
      17 December 2024 18: 09
      "home-made" at the tank repair plant the Ukrainians already made - "Azovets", in the end they got "Navozets", which had to be buried. But we must give them credit: the implementation is crap, but the concept anticipated the calls of the SVO for a heavy APC (2 independent remote combat modules with autocannons, all-round protection of DZ). That is, the Ukrainians made the right conclusions based on the results of the ATO, while our military thinkers were busy with God knows what.
      1. 0
        17 December 2024 18: 40
        Why homemade? There are enough competent designers in the same Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau. Based on the available capabilities for assembling the machine, they are quite capable of producing documentation, albeit without a letter, and using this documentation to produce individual machines with the available resources. "Azovets" was, rather, an initiative "from below"
        And the recklessness, I suspect, was forced. The armor steel was welded and rolled for Malyshev in Mariupol. Tank turrets were also cast and welded there.
  18. -1
    17 December 2024 20: 48
    Why don't they make a gun without a tank? They dragged it, fired, and the height is small
  19. 0
    18 December 2024 10: 21
    Commentators, we need to discuss not the 3D model, but the concept, the usefulness of design solutions, R&D and production capabilities, tactics of use, combat capabilities, protection, etc.
    For example, the STRV-103 is a very interesting machine, with many innovations for its time. The world's first serial tank that used a gas turbine power plant. Some experts classify it rather as a tank destroyer, but it is more correct from the point of view of the classic tank layout as a machine with a rotating all-covered turret. It has a non-standard turretless layout with a gun rigidly fixed in the frontal hull plate, the aiming of which in the horizontal plane is carried out by turning the tank hull, and in the vertical plane - by tilting the hull using an electro-hydraulic system connected to the suspension.
    It featured a low silhouette with an emphasis on the tank's survivability and an increased level of crew protection.
    Crew 3 man.
    Engine: 6-cylinder, two-stroke, liquid-cooled diesel and gas turbine. For the first time in the world, two different types of engines, a gas turbine and a diesel, were installed on a tank. The main engine was a multi-fuel diesel K-60 with a capacity of 240 hp manufactured by Rolls-Royce, the second additional two-shaft gas turbine Boeing 502 with a capacity of 330 hp manufactured by Boeing, and in modification C a new gas turbine engine with a capacity of 490 hp Boeing 553 manufactured by Boeing was also installed.
    The transmission allows the use of power from both engines simultaneously or from each separately. A two-speed gearbox is used for movement.
    Due to the specific layout, the driver is actually also the gunner. The commander's workplace is equipped, in addition to observation/aiming devices, with its own control drives; if necessary, he can take over the functions of the driver, thus independently aiming the weapon and hitting the target. This tank is the only machine of its kind in which combat use can be fully carried out by one crew member. The third crew member, the radio operator, located facing the stern, also has duplicate movement controls and can, if necessary, take over control. Due to this, the tank's speed when moving in reverse under comparable conditions is equal to the speed of rectilinear forward movement. Etc.
    Very interesting design.
  20. 0
    18 December 2024 22: 18
    Dreaming is not harmful, it is harmful not to dream!
  21. 0
    19 December 2024 11: 50
    It won't fly in... What are tanks used for? Fire from closed positions - with such a barrel elevation it can only shoot from ramps or reverse slopes of hills...
    Second - fire at firing points in buildings - again, it is difficult for him to shoot at the upper floors...
    Tanks have been ineffective as anti-tank weapons for a long time now... Artillery, aviation, drones are much more effective...
    If we are going to make such a shushpanzer, then it should be conditionally SU-152 (namely SU, not ISU), that is, a short barrel of large caliber - 152-203 mm, while with the ability to raise the barrel at least 45 degrees, if more, then better...
    That is, it is a purely assault weapon, for taking out firing points in cities, destroying enemy positions in the private sector. It is not particularly needed against equipment, although a random salvo at close range is dangerous for any equipment...
    And all these high-ballistic guns are of little use, especially in a low, turretless vehicle...
  22. 0
    21 December 2024 11: 55
    It remains only to assume that the enemy is preparing equipment for the army of the post-war future. Very optimistic plans, nothing to say.

    Quite possibly under the future truce from Trump?
  23. 0
    27 December 2024 07: 48
    They love to draw nonsense. They have a crazy leadership at the head of the country, and they still dream of a crazy tank.