US Press: Russia Close to Agreement with New Syrian Authorities to Maintain Two Military Bases in the Country

US Press: Russia Close to Agreement with New Syrian Authorities to Maintain Two Military Bases in the Country

The American press writes that the new authorities in Syria are ready to guarantee the preservation of Russian military bases in the country. We are talking about the logistics center of the Russian Navy in Tartus, as well as the military airfield in Khmeimim. Let us recall that the runway of this airfield is capable of receiving any type of aircraft, including heavy transport aircraft.

The Bloomberg news service, citing sources, writes the following:

Russia is close to reaching an agreement with the new Syrian government to retain two military bases in the country. The port of Tartus and the Khmeimim airbase would remain under Russia's control under such an agreement.

At the same time, Bloomberg sources say that it is still premature to talk about 100 percent certainty in such an agreement. This is explained by the extremely unstable situation in Syria, where after the fall of Bashar al-Assad, the country is being effectively redistributed between a variety of forces. On one side are pro-Turkish armed formations, on the other are the Kurds supported by the US, and on the third is the Israeli “defense” army. And there are also other armed units and groups, including the terrorist organization ISIS, banned in Russia. Moreover, there are several surviving units of the Syrian army, which, as it itself claims, is located in the area of ​​the border with Lebanon and “is ready to continue the resistance.”

Official Russian sources have not yet commented on the publication in Bloomberg. At the moment, Russian military ships are at anchor in the area of ​​the port of Tartus.
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  1. +5
    12 December 2024 20: 11
    The new Syrian authorities themselves may find the presence of Russian military bases useful in the future.
    1. +1
      12 December 2024 20: 51
      There are no specific authorities there in Syria. Maybe something will work out, although I doubt it.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. +2
          13 December 2024 03: 47
          Yes, Russia was clearly deeper in these negotiations! Why did Russia hand over 2 observation posts on heights of great strategic importance to the Zionist? In general, I would like the Basmachi to kill all the American and Israeli proxies (Druze and Kurds). And then go and invade the genocidal entity. What fun that would be! Eat your creation with big spoons! I wish the Basmachi success in the matter of unifying the country and further destroying the Zionist entity!
        2. +1
          13 December 2024 06: 46
          Quote: Sky Strike fighter
          "Moscow's information about preparations for a large-scale offensive prompted it to take urgent response measures (within 48 hours). The Syrian authorities were informed through confidential channels that armed groups would advance towards Aleppo, and from there – to other Syrian cities," he said in an exclusive interview with the Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper. ... Moscow asked Assad to order the troops not to engage in military confrontation, which "was agreed upon with the Turkish and Iranian sides." ... Assad agreed to this proposal within hours. The Syrian defense minister ordered the army and special services not to resist. He ordered officers and soldiers to stay at home, take off their military uniforms and change into civilian clothes.

          Good excuse.
    2. +2
      12 December 2024 22: 20
      If the Russians leave their bases, the Turks will immediately rush in. It is better for both the US and Israel for the Russians to stay there. And for Syria, who knows who and what is better, because right now who knows if Syria even exists, and if it does, what it is and who represents it.
      1. +3
        12 December 2024 22: 24
        Quote: Nagan
        It is better for both the US and Israel that the Russians remain there.

        Especially for Israel, because the Turks can stop the expanding Israel under the cover of noise)
        1. +2
          12 December 2024 22: 31
          No, for the US, because if the Turks try to attack Israel, they will get it in the neck. And after that, the US will have a template breakdown, because it will not be easy to decide what is more important, a bilateral agreement with Israel or Article 5 of NATO. Especially since the decision will have to be made in real time, there will be no time to think.
          1. +7
            12 December 2024 22: 39
            You know, after such a comment a crazy thought came to mind. Maybe I should just roll out of there, to let Turkey and Israel collide? Although, of course, it would be better to somehow provoke it without rolling out myself. But still, breaking the US template is an extremely attractive prospect.
            1. +1
              13 December 2024 01: 05
              No, there is no point in creating problems for yourself. Leaving there will create the need to look for another place for bases, and build them anew for huge amounts of money, during a war it is better to spend money on defense enterprises and on fighters.
              1. 0
                13 December 2024 12: 44
                I think we all know this feeling. There is a product in front of us. We know that if we eat (drink) it, we will feel good right away. But we also know that it will be much worse than it was before. So we pass by the tempting short-term perspective.
          2. +1
            13 December 2024 11: 27
            Quote: Nagan
            And after that, the US will have a breakdown, because deciding what is more important, a bilateral agreement with Israel or Article 5 of NATO, will not be easy.

            You'd think this would be the first time NATO has had Article 5 issues over Turkey. Last time, it was at war with another NATO member. laughing
      2. 0
        14 December 2024 02: 40
        Quote: Nagan
        It is better for both the US and Israel that the Russians remain there.

        For Israel it may be better, because the bogeymen who came to power are the same Hamas, but for the Americans the main thing is to do something nasty to Russia.
    3. +2
      13 December 2024 07: 04
      Quote: Alexej
      The new Syrian authorities themselves may find the presence of Russian military bases useful in the future.

      Is there a chance to preserve the bases? Possibly. But do we need it in the current geopolitical situation? A big question. The experience of deploying peacekeepers in Karabakh has already shown that sending a weak contingent to a hostile region is not a projection of force, but the handing over of hostages to "partners". Such combinations end with the death of our people as a result of "accidental" incidents.

      Syria is a fairly large country, filled to the brim with weapons, which will be ruled by people who are now politely called "armed opposition", but in essence, who have remained what they were just a week ago: terrorists, jihadists and thugs. Giving our military hostage to such partners looks like a frankly bad idea.
    4. 0
      13 December 2024 14: 25
      Yes, Moscow has always been a reliable ally of Israel, the new "authorities" of Syria, the "rebels", will not object to either the Gus military bases on the coast, or to Bibi's tanks near Damascus.
    5. 0
      14 December 2024 02: 00
      The new Syrian authorities themselves may find the presence of Russian military bases useful in the future.

      So, the bandits will want to use us for their own purposes? Possibly. But do we need it? To hang around there, under constant threat, in an unfriendly environment?
      We need to get out of there while we still have the opportunity. And the bases can be preserved purely formally, in hopes for the future.
  2. -2
    12 December 2024 20: 12
    What kind of new authorities are these? This is a contract with people with disabilities in the head.
    It is of course clear that something is better than nothing. But this is a contract between the deaf and the dumb.
  3. -2
    12 December 2024 20: 17
    Now Israel will secure its occupation zone, that is, its new lands, then threaten Iran not to interfere, and Iran has clearly become afraid to get out. Turkey has already received its piece from the north, the Kurds theirs. The rest is wild land. Why we are there, it is completely unclear. At any moment, our bases will simply be swept away and there will be great shame. And there will be constant provocations, the Anglo-Saxons will not leave us alone
    1. +7
      12 December 2024 20: 21
      Quote: Vadim S
      At any moment our bases will simply be swept away and it will be a great disgrace. And there will be constant provocations, the Anglo-Saxons will not leave us alone

      But something along the same lines was said about our contingent in East Germany. True, at first under the sauce of "why do we need bases if they are now our friends." They withdrew. And what? Did it get easier?
      1. +4
        12 December 2024 20: 36
        It is incorrect to compare the USSR contingent in East Germany and the Russian bases in Syria, not in terms of strength, not in terms of means, not in terms of influence on the situation.
        The contingent could have destroyed the FRG on its own, plus the GDR was a real ally of the USSR.
      2. +2
        12 December 2024 20: 42
        We are still dealing with the consequences of this tragedy and the next 2-3 generations will deal with it...GDR, the wall, the Warsaw Pact, the USSR...And not only in our country and the CIS. Syria, that's all.
      3. 0
        14 December 2024 02: 21
        Quote: Volodin
        our contingent in East Germany. True, at first under the sauce "why do we need bases if they are now our friends." They withdrew. And what? Did it get better?

        Don't confuse the effect with the cause! First the decision was made to unify Germany, and then to withdraw troops, and not the other way around.
      4. 0
        14 December 2024 02: 30
        Quote: Volodin
        They took you out. And what? Did it get better?

        Things are getting easier for our enemies.
    2. +1
      13 December 2024 01: 42
      the Anglo-Saxons will not leave us alone

      Definitely. You can have no doubt about it.
  4. +2
    12 December 2024 20: 18
    Well, that's fine if that's how it will be. I mean, the base will continue to belong to Russia.
  5. +3
    12 December 2024 20: 22
    "The East is a delicate matter" - it was not for nothing that the hero of the film "White Sun of the Desert" Fyodor Sukhov said this phrase. We'll live and see.
    1. +5
      12 December 2024 20: 30
      The East is a false thing. This is how it would be more correct
  6. +1
    12 December 2024 20: 25
    "Russia is close to reaching an agreement with the new Syrian government to preserve two military bases in the country. The port of Tartus and the Khmeimim airbase will remain under Russia's control under such an agreement."
    ... Which confirms the phrase "money conquers evil." laughing
  7. -1
    12 December 2024 20: 27
    We hope that servicemen at our bases don’t end up as hostages.
    There is a video from the "new authorities" of Syria filming our base from a drone. There is a solid construction around the base. How to defend the base if several thousand bandits come?
    The Barmaleys in Syria are not an independent force, there are a lot of groups there and behind each group there are either "partners" or "friends".
  8. -1
    12 December 2024 20: 30
    It is possible to reach an agreement, if only there was someone to negotiate with. Agree with Turkey, agree with Iran, agree with Israel, you also need to agree with the Kurds, and again you can’t do without an agreement with the US - no agreements will be enough!!!

    P.S. I wrote myself in the first line, it should have been read as "there would have been someone to".
    In the early days there was a Minister of Foreign Affairs nicknamed "Mr. No".
    1. +5
      12 December 2024 20: 43
      Quote: Michael
      There was a Minister of Foreign Affairs in the early days, nicknamed "Mr. NO"

      It’s just that he received this nickname when he was the USSR’s representative to the UN for using his veto power – it’s like Nebenzya now.
      And as Foreign Minister, "Mr. No" concluded numerous treaties, including the 1963 Three-Environment Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, the 1972 ABM Treaty, SALT I, and the 1 Agreement on the Prevention of Nuclear War.
      1. -1
        12 December 2024 21: 04
        Quote from: nik-mazur
        And in the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs, "Mr. No" concluded many treaties

        Probably because he could firmly say “NO!!!” if the terms of the contract did not suit the contracting parties.
        1. +4
          12 December 2024 21: 40
          Quote: Michael
          Probably because he could firmly say "NO!!!"

          If a diplomat says yes, it means maybe. If a diplomat says maybe, it means no. If a diplomat says no, it means he is not a diplomat.
          In general, I like the logic: when it comes to concluding agreements now, these are deals due to spinelessness, but if it concerns agreements from the distant Soviet past, this is a sign of firmness and the ability to say "no". Exceptional flexibility of thought.
          1. 0
            12 December 2024 21: 54
            Quote from: nik-mazur
            but if it concerns agreements from the distant Soviet past, then this is a sign of firmness and the ability to say “no”

            Yes, no. Probably.
  9. +1
    12 December 2024 20: 38
    This could become a sore point that all the neighbors, and especially Recep's friend, will be influenced by.
    1. -4
      12 December 2024 20: 54
      Quote: Vulpes
      This could become a sore point that all the neighbors, and especially Recep's friend, will be influenced by.

      This may not become a sore point for pressure on Russia. But it may become a sore point for Israel and the Turks. Why are you all so fussed, worried about the Russian Navy and Aerospace Forces base in Syria? Are you worried about Israel and Turkey?
      1. -4
        12 December 2024 21: 03
        Wait... we will also organize the Alawite People's Republic in Latakia, as part of Russia.
        Russia needs land on the Mediterranean coast... But Israel has no business there... The best place is in Latin America. In the wilds of the Amazon. There you have Tel Aviv, Ashdod and Haifa... tongue ... and many many wild ones wassat monkeys...
  10. +2
    12 December 2024 20: 43
    The only thing that can be said with certainty is that the day Russia leaves these bases, Israel will bomb them.
    1. 0
      12 December 2024 20: 55
      Quote: belost79
      The only thing that can be said with certainty is that the day Russia leaves these bases, Israel will bomb them.

      Russia will not leave its military bases. Israel can keep its cool.
      1. +3
        12 December 2024 21: 05
        I have an opinion (strictly personal, of course) that our people abandoned Bashar themselves. He became of very little use, he became lazy, "the commander went wild", as one movie character put it (an example - the army, they ran away without the slightest resistance, well, and many other things from the same series). Well, with whom did you discuss the situation in advance. Cynical? Yes, but ... politics, in general, is a nasty business. Time will tell.
        1. -2
          12 December 2024 21: 06
          Quote from: ALCA056000
          I have an opinion (strictly personal, of course)

          We think alike. drinks
        2. -1
          13 December 2024 09: 28
          "I have an opinion (strictly personal, of course) that our people themselves rejected Bashar."
          And brought to power the opposition with which they fought for 5 years? Which is controlled by the West and the Turks? A very cunning plan. And reliable, like a Swiss watch.
          1. 0
            13 December 2024 13: 06
            Don't distort the facts. They didn't bring anyone to power, but they refused to spend money on someone who didn't want to do their job. Did the Taliban's mattresses "bring" power to power in Afghanistan too? Did the Turks "bring" the Kurds to power in Syria now too? Do you only read the news headlines?
  11. +1
    12 December 2024 21: 16
    This is unexpected news, if true, it looks like some kind of behind-the-scenes deal was made between Turkey and Russia.
  12. -5
    12 December 2024 21: 18
    In this situation, an air base is not needed, without ground support - it is a goal and nothing more. But a naval one - yes, as a transshipment and refueling point.
    1. +2
      12 December 2024 22: 38
      Right now is the right time to bring the right kurbashi some cash so that he will approve the ground forces base around the airfield. When (if ever) everything settles down in Syria, and the kurbashis start calling themselves ministers and generals, more and more recipients will have to be brought in.
      1. +1
        13 December 2024 08: 51
        There is such a specificity there that today there is one kurbashi, tomorrow another...
    2. +4
      13 December 2024 02: 49
      If the airbase in Syria disappears, then all forces will have to be withdrawn from Africa. The surrender of this one airbase now means the surrender of Africa, because it is through this airbase that supplies are supplied to all units and organizations working there.
      1. -1
        13 December 2024 09: 26
        Sitting on a powder keg? The Turkmen or Israel will come up with something to smoke us out of there. And they will do it at the most inopportune moment. And Africa has its own interested states that will also help.
        1. 0
          13 December 2024 15: 19
          Quote: Yuri EVRAZ
          Sitting on a powder keg? The Turkmen or Israel will come up with something to smoke us out of there. And they will do it at the most inopportune moment. And Africa has its own interested states that will also help.

          Can you suggest another airfield of this class for a stopover for our transport aircraft?
  13. 0
    12 December 2024 22: 45
    Syria has been paid for the bases for 49 years, leaving them is an incredible stupidity, you should frankly not give a damn about the wishes of others. Example: America in Cuba, the main thing is to understand how the agreement is drawn up and not to give in to any panic actions. Like it or not, be patient my beauty. This is how the strong act in politics.
    1. 0
      13 December 2024 08: 53
      Syria has been paid for the bases for as long as 49 years

      Well, maybe Assad brought this money with him to Moscow, in black cash. It wasn't for nothing that he flew in on a heavy transport plane.
      Everything that is acquired through hard work, as they say...
      1. -1
        16 December 2024 05: 52
        There is such an opinion, not without sin. VVP has enough voluntary sponsors. The change of regime should not affect the contract and payment, but this is the East, you understand.
  14. 0
    12 December 2024 22: 56
    My opinion is that thermonuclear weapons will be used on the territory of this country....
    1. -2
      12 December 2024 23: 06
      By whom, when and why? Or maybe about Iran after all?
      1. 0
        12 December 2024 23: 22
        The feeling of permissiveness will let you down (fox fur lovers) - you will get some painful grief...
        1. -2
          12 December 2024 23: 33
          What does permissiveness have to do with it? Who is threatened by Syria now? The remains of the military infrastructure have been destroyed, the army no longer exists.
          But it is clear who wants to strike Iran. They have been trying to figure it out for a long time. I am not sure that Iranian nuclear facilities will survive.
  15. The comment was deleted.
  16. 0
    12 December 2024 23: 51
    The powers of the interim government are valid until March 1, after which it will be replaced and a new government will have to work. Therefore, we can talk about the existence of bases until this date.
  17. -1
    13 December 2024 00: 04
    Russia has done a great job of protecting and liberating everyone. I think they'll put up a monument to Putin in Israel.
    1. 0
      13 December 2024 01: 08
      Well, he definitely collected enough for a monument, no doubt about it. Both in terms of time and percentage of voters. Where will they put it, that's the question? Of course, it's logical in his hometown. Peter, Paul, Nicholas and the women squeezed in there. Vladimir will definitely find a place in the history of the Russian state. When the mausoleum is unraveled at the Victory Parade. He'll make a center out of this fucking place, well, at least some kind of institute where Russian children will study.
  18. 0
    13 December 2024 05: 29
    Quote: Sky Strike fighter
    Asharq Al-Awsat sheds light on Russia's actions the night before the fall of the Assad regime. Moscow offered the former president a safe way to leave the country on the condition that he agree not to resist the opposition. "Moscow had precise information about the timing, scale and objectives [of this operation], but it was too late. It had to hastily organize Assad's escape to prevent Syria from being drawn into a destructive conflict, the consequences of which would have been catastrophic," said Russian Foreign Ministry adviser Rami al-Shaer.

    "Moscow's information about preparations for a large-scale offensive prompted it to take urgent response measures (within 48 hours). The Syrian authorities were informed through confidential channels that armed groups would advance towards Aleppo, and from there – to other Syrian cities," he said in an exclusive interview with the Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper. ... Moscow asked Assad to order the troops not to engage in military confrontation, which "was agreed upon with the Turkish and Iranian sides." ... Assad agreed to this proposal within hours. The Syrian defense minister ordered the army and special services not to resist. He ordered officers and soldiers to stay at home, take off their military uniforms and change into civilian clothes.

    It seems like putting a good face on a bad situation.
  19. -1
    13 December 2024 05: 43
    Quote: KZAKVO32923
    Yes, Russia was clearly deeper in these negotiations! Why did Russia hand over 2 observation posts on heights of great strategic importance to the Zionist? In general, I would like the Basmachi to kill all the American and Israeli proxies (Druze and Kurds). And then go and invade the genocidal entity. What fun that would be! Eat your creation with big spoons! I wish the Basmachi success in the matter of unifying the country and further destroying the Zionist entity!

    1) The lexicon of Ellochka the Cannibal (aka KZaKVO32923 Yerevan) consists of 30 words:
    Words 1-5: "Hasbara"
    Words 6-10: "Zionazis"
    Words 11-15: "genocynists"
    Words from 16 to 20: "Basmachi"
    Words 17 through 30: KZaKVO32923, Yerevan, "Khasbara", "Zionacists", "Basmachi", KZaKVO32923, Yerevan, "Khasbara", "Zionacists", "Basmachi", KZaKVO32923, Yerevan, "Khasbara", "Zionacists", "Basmachi", and two copied blanks from several sentences, which he sticks everywhere.
  20. -1
    13 December 2024 05: 59
    Quote: 30 vis
    Quote: belost79
    The only thing that can be said with certainty is that the day Russia leaves these bases, Israel will bomb them.

    Russia will not leave its military bases. Israel can keep its cool.

    1) Russian bases did not bother Israel for 10 years.
    2) CNN Turk reported on Sunday that Russia had asked Turkey to help evacuate them from Syria. This is especially notable since Ankara has been supporting rebel groups opposed to Assad.
    3) However, in several countries Russia abandoned its bases, and unfriendly countries settled in some of them.
    4) Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia has lost its military presence abroad more often than it has acquired it. Among the countries that have decided to liquidate Russian bases are Vietnam, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Cuba, etc. Russian troops have left their bases in northern Syria. This was reported in Russian troops have left bases in Manbij and Kobani in northern Syria, which were previously used for patrolling and monitoring the ceasefire with Turkey, leaving them until the fall of the Bashar al-Assad regime. The fall of Bashar al-Assad's government in Syria could be a serious blow to the Russian presence in the Middle East. Local media reported that Russian troops allegedly had to leave all military bases that Russia used in Syria.
  21. 0
    13 December 2024 08: 19
    I do not believe !
    let this comment be short
  22. 0
    14 December 2024 02: 29
    US Press: Russia Close to Agreement with New Syrian Authorities to Maintain Two Military Bases in the Country

    It's not the first time for these guys in the military-political leadership of the Russian Federation to betray their allies - they have a teacher in front of their eyes, who was awarded the highest orders of the country, at a time when the whole, literally the whole country called the "spotted" scoundrel a traitor. Well, that's how it turns out - "like - like". 1985-2024 - the era of traitors, at all levels. When our descendants find out, if they find out about that level of betrayal - they will be horrified. Or maybe, on the contrary, they will be glad that the country has fallen apart once again, since with such an ideology that is present in the Russian Federation, there can be no other outcome. sad