The US intends to "punish" Bashar al-Assad, who fled to Moscow, as well as everyone who helped him do so

The US intends to "punish" Bashar al-Assad, who fled to Moscow, as well as everyone who helped him do so

The United States intends to hold former Syrian President Bashar al-Assad accountable, and Blinken threatens to punish everyone who helped him escape to Russia, the Western press writes.

The outgoing Biden administration intends to raise the issue of holding Assad accountable for all his "sins" as president of Syria. The Americans are not concerned about the former Syrian leader's presence in Russia; they intend to do so through "appropriate channels," but they refused to disclose the details. Such statements were made in Washington the day before, and Biden was there, too, intending to "punish" Assad.

I saw information that Russia gave political asylum to Assad… I think that we will continue to raise the issue of responsibility through appropriate channels,

" said one senior White House official.

But the head of the State Department, Anthony Blinken, does not intend to waste time only on Assad; he has decided to punish all those who helped the former Syrian president escape to Russia. Naturally, he intends to do this through the UN, which is effectively controlled by the US. But this must be done before Trump's inauguration; it is not a fact that the new administration will do this; Trump has already stated that the war in Syria should not concern the US.

We will support international efforts to hold the Assad regime and those who supported it accountable for the atrocities and abuses committed against the Syrian people, including the use of chemical weapons weapons and the unjust detention of civilians,

— the head of the State Department said.
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  1. +23
    9 December 2024 06: 19
    The US intends to "punish" Bashar al-Assad, who fled to Moscow, as well as everyone who helped him do so

    Punish him like Saddam Hussein was punished?
    And who authorized the United States to be the international prosecutor?
    1. +13
      9 December 2024 06: 26
      Quote: yuriy55
      And who authorized the United States to be the international prosecutor?

      They appointed themselves.
      Remember their expression... Heh heh...
      "Order based on rules."
      Rule number one: might is always right.
      Rule number 2: When in doubt, look at rule number 1.
      1. -2
        9 December 2024 06: 53
        The question is, how did they become strong? What did they do for this? Did their power fall from the sky? No! They successfully crushed their competitors, creating problems for them and driving them into spending even without war. They created international organizations headed by them. The banking system is under their control. Those who manage money, manage processes (the world)! The medical organization is under their control. Trade is under them. Sports is under them. It is already clear about the military. Regions (like the EU) are under their control. Well, how can one not consider oneself strong with such a concentration of control!? The idea of ​​a world revolution has clearly come to life! And this idea works great if it is managed by smart people!
        1. +4
          9 December 2024 07: 12
          smart or bloodthirsty and devoid of human dignity maniacs ready to do anything for the sake of power?
          1. 0
            9 December 2024 07: 17
            What's the point of snot that doesn't do anything?
        2. +2
          9 December 2024 13: 03
          Quote: North Caucasus
          The question is how did they become strong?

          It's simple. First, they captured and developed a huge territory, with virgin resources and a favorable climate. And also with an ideal geographical position.
          Then the most persistent with their own labor, they developed this territory... into a country "flowing with milk and honey." Fortunately, no one interfered with them.
          And already by 1913, industrial production in the world was as follows:
          (USA – 35,8%, Germany – 15,7%, Great Britain – 14% and France – 6,4%, Russia – 5,3%).
          After which.. they.. relying on their own scientific, technical and industrial might, began to convert it into military-political power in the world.. Especially into financial power. Of course - ruthlessly suppressing potential competitors. Although.. few could compete with them.., having such advantageous and favorable geo-political and geographical.. positions..
          These are the objective...reasons.
          1. +1
            9 December 2024 15: 02
            They, or rather the English, figured out how to rob the world with the help of the financial system, to deceive gullible people. Crooks. That's the reason. They are not distinguished by any special diligence or talent. They are not ashamed to lie, but it is normal, even at the everyday level.
            1. +2
              9 December 2024 22: 09
              There is no need to put the cart before the horse, the "Angles" did not invent anything. The very system of robbing natural, geographical peoples with the help of trade, and ultimately - the entire financial system, led to the separation of the Arabs from their trading caste. And only then, having monopolized the trade in slaves and things, this non-geographical small people in the "dispersion" headed the "Angles" themselves, and gradually began to stretch the European peninsula, to the Volga, under Catherine, and now to the Urals.
              But it seems that the scythe has found its way to... the Chinese.
          2. +1
            10 December 2024 19: 32
            Why all this snot, Americans are this, Americans are that. It's just that on that continent, all competitors of the USA were eliminated, some economically, some politically, some militarily. And most importantly, the cunning Americans did not fight on their own territory - since 1897, no one burned, no one broke, no one destroyed anything. America raked in a huge, exorbitant jackpot from two wars, helping to restore the fucked up old Europe, which was destroying itself with rapture, what loans, what opportunities, where what country could think of selling dollars to the world, this is the scope of printing paper candy wrappers. The question of the solidity and strength of America is debatable, the narrow-eyed Japanese have repeatedly put the Americans in a pose, remember Pearl Harbor, and in general the Japanese beat Americans, be healthy. Had to grit their teeth and ask the USSR for help and drop a nuclear bomb. Remember Vietnam and the war in Indochina, where the Americans got it in full, take the Negro-racial issue, the recent unrest on racial grounds. The confusion and inability of the United States to counter terrorism in its own country. The shameful fiasco in Afghanistan. And in Ukraine in the near future, problems with migration and poverty. What kind of great state are you talking about? Yes, impudent, impudent, economically and militarily powerful, but look at the root, this is an ear of corn on clay feet and someone will cut these feet someday, it's a matter of time. It's a pity that the USSR self-destructed in the fight for peace in the whole world, otherwise we would have fought.
        3. +2
          9 December 2024 21: 24
          Their strength is the dollar. As long as most of the world gives away everything they have for green unsecured paper and receipts: resources, goods, conscience and even lives, then the States will dominate. All sorts of aircraft carriers, missiles, satellites - it's all secondary...
          1. WIS
            10 December 2024 22: 07
            Quote: Technician_Harlan
            Their strength is the dollar.

            For each new "American Credit to Themselves", and at the same time together with the rapid fall of the dollar into the abyss from the printing of virtual banknotes, for which process the whole World "carefully scrupulously" and simply watches", others pay not least. The collapse of the dollar from the fall is successfully cancelled. Everyone climbs into a debt hole paying for their existence with dollars.
            Gold, Oil and many more were the "standard" of international settlements...
            Euro... - they also wanted to change something..., probably...
    2. +3
      9 December 2024 06: 30
      Quote: yuriy55
      And who authorized the United States to be the international prosecutor?

      Well, if the US is an "international prosecutor", then let Zelya first be convicted of genocide of the peoples of Ukraine. Zelya did not run away to Moscow and it is much easier to get him than Assad in the Russian Federation.
      1. -2
        9 December 2024 07: 05
        I propose to exchange Assad for Zelik. No joke.

        Russia has become a haven for corrupt officials who have screwed up their own countries.

        A Rostov prisoner (what, he didn’t steal?), a noble Kyrgyz, and now also a Syrian...

        I will repeat my post below: how much the Syrian sands have been watered with Russian blood, how much has been invested in Syria - all in vain! Who will answer for this?

        I have a feeling of profound failure of Russian international policy.
        1. +3
          9 December 2024 07: 19
          P.S. As a postscript: I am categorically against shouting "all is lost!"

          I am for analyzing the situation, including retrospective analysis. And for developing a strategy.

          I believe that Russia's main problem is internal. Russia has no ideology. It is prohibited by the constitution.

          That's why we fail on the international stage. We bring nothing to the minds of other countries.
          Liberation from the enemy is not an ideology. Getting contracts for resources in other countries is not an ideology - it is capitalism.
          Uncontrolled admission of migrants is suicide for the country.

          We need to take care to stop the next failures of foreign policy.
          Where will they be? In my opinion - Turkey, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan.

          Iran? A situational ally, but will be in relations with Russia as long as it is recognized as an outcast.
          1. +3
            9 December 2024 12: 13
            Quote: Ilya-spb
            Russia has no ideology. It is prohibited by the constitution. That is why we are failing on the international stage

            You speak as if the US has an ideology permitted by the Constitution. Which does not prevent them from being a very successful state in the international arena.
            1. +1
              9 December 2024 16: 38
              It’s not about the presence or absence of a Constitution, but about the ideology of the state.

              The United States certainly has an ideology.
              1. 0
                9 December 2024 18: 03
                Quote: Ilya-spb
                The US certainly has an ideology

                Yeah, and this is the same capitalism that you don’t consider an ideology, apparently.
              2. +1
                10 December 2024 07: 08
                The United States certainly has an ideology.
                They have no ideology. The law of the strong rules. Self-propelled Joe knows that he will soon lose his power and pardoned his son Hunter. What kind of ideology is there? Rather, the absence of any ideology
          2. +2
            9 December 2024 14: 48
            Quote: Ilya-spb
            I believe that Russia's main problem is inside. Russia has no ideology. It is prohibited by the constitution.

            I agree with this 100%.
          3. WIS
            10 December 2024 22: 23
            Quote: Ilya-spb
            I believe that Russia's main problem is inside. Russia has no ideology. It is prohibited by the constitution.

            That's why we fail on the international stage. We bring nothing to the minds of other countries.

            You see, dear sir... hi
            we are us
            they are THEY.
            THEY write the Law with a capital letter for you and me.
            But I can't help but agree - the number of internal problems, especially for Russians, in Russia does not decrease from year to year and this, judging by how THEY behave, is a "natural tendency" for us under such rulers.
        2. -2
          9 December 2024 18: 18
          You see, dude, how we are different from Western cattle? Because we are PEOPLE. You figure out the rest yourself.
    3. +1
      9 December 2024 07: 14
      In the film "Shirli-Myrli" - this is not an advertisement for the film! - there were shots of the trial) of the hero of the film. Do you remember the composition of that court? That's about the same with the Americans. The prosecutors themselves, the judges themselves, and the executioners themselves
      Today, 06: 19
      The US intends to "punish" Bashar al-Assad, who fled to Moscow, as well as everyone who helped him do so

      Punish him like Saddam Hussein was punished?
      And who authorized the United States to be the international prosecutor?
    4. +4
      9 December 2024 08: 36
      Quote: yuriy55
      And who authorized the United States to be the international prosecutor?

      Not a prosecutor, but an executioner. There was no investigation, no trial, and the conversation is about punishment, not about investigation.
    5. 0
      10 December 2024 16: 48
      Quote: yuriy55
      Punish him like Saddam Hussein was punished?

      No. First, he must be torn to pieces, like Gaddafi, and only after that, hanged, like Saddam. So that all the "doubting rulers" would remember and fear.
  2. +5
    9 December 2024 06: 19
    We will support international efforts to hold the Assad regime and those who supported it accountable for the atrocities and abuses committed against the Syrian people, including the use of chemical weapons and the unjust detention of civilians,

    Well, here we go again, chemical weapons, and sanctions again! laughing
  3. 0
    9 December 2024 06: 20
    and can we not mention this Assad, a coward, a mediocrity, and a traitor.
  4. -7
    9 December 2024 06: 20
    Let them come and take it in exchange for 300 billion bucks. I don't mind.

    How much Syrian sands have been watered with Russian blood, how much has been invested in Syria - all in vain! Who will answer for this?
  5. Msi
    9 December 2024 06: 21
    Arms are short... Assad is already dead... laughing
  6. +4
    9 December 2024 06: 24
    Blinken and Biden have short arms, they are "lame ducks" on both legs. How they got all cocky, Trump said that he won't touch them. Maybe he himself won't, but not the government structures "subordinate" to the US President? bully
    1. +2
      9 December 2024 06: 42
      Quote: tralflot1832
      , they are "lame ducks" on both legs. How they got cocky

      It's not logical, somehow. Then "lame roosters".
      1. -1
        9 December 2024 08: 10
        What roosters?))) every sense))))
    2. 0
      9 December 2024 21: 26
      Blinken is an ardent Zionist and he earns his due in full. In all matters.
  7. +3
    9 December 2024 06: 24
    It's time to turn off this policeman of the whole world! Yes
  8. -1
    9 December 2024 06: 34
    The United States intends to hold former Syrian President Bashar al-Assad accountable, and Blinken threatens to punish anyone who helped him escape to Russia

    Blinken's hands are too small to reach Putin.
    Putin will most likely punish Blinken.
    Assad is now in the position of Yanukovych... in a microdistrict for loyal presidents under protection.
  9. -3
    9 December 2024 06: 35
    How do we know that Assad is in Russia?
    To put it bluntly, I would never have given him permanent asylum. Assad did nothing worthwhile, despite numerous warnings from Tehran. The result is the collapse of the regime, the collapse of Russian policy, the collapse of Iranian initiatives.

    Let the Iranians deal with him.
    1. +1
      9 December 2024 06: 53
      The Kremlin doesn't abandon its own, even if they're losers. And I think he didn't run away empty-handed.
      1. +1
        9 December 2024 19: 14
        hmm... how much can you load into an IL-76? The opposition (ISIS mujahideen) wrote that they shot down Assad's plane right on takeoff. Hazef Assad is not enough for them - he would have brought order to the country. I was in the SAR during Hazef's rule - peace and quiet.
  10. +3
    9 December 2024 06: 53
    I.V. Stalin, having agreed to place the UN in the USA, made a big mistake. Although he can be understood. Placing the UN in New York should have strongly tied the USA to this organization, and a strong USSR, having 3 votes in the UN, should have become an effective counterweight.
    But it turned out "they wanted the best, but it turned out as always." That's why the Americans are behaving like "the world's sheriff."
    1. +2
      9 December 2024 12: 56
      Everything worked fine while the Soviet Union existed. There is no need to blame the current shame and weakness of Russia on "Stalin's mines".
  11. +2
    9 December 2024 06: 56
    One question, but an exceptional one: who will pay for this shame?
    1. +1
      9 December 2024 11: 30
      like who?
      you me he she
      together friendly...
      People once again...
  12. +7
    9 December 2024 07: 00
    I think we will continue to raise the issue of responsibility through appropriate channels,
    " said one senior White House official.
    First, hold your people accountable for Yugoslavia and Libya. I won't say anything about Iraq and Afghanistan.
    You are jackals and scavengers.
  13. 0
    9 December 2024 07: 19
    gigimon said he will punish, so he will punish))))
  14. -1
    9 December 2024 08: 01
    Selfish interest went down the drain - a ban on gas from Qatar, a military base. It was and it's gone. It's time to join in and also present the one who fled. And present more to yourself for "helping hungry African children", the constant draining of the budget, common funds into the toilet.
  15. 0
    9 December 2024 08: 15
    What can I say, I read the comments like I was drunk, but once upon a time they were more interesting than the articles themselves.
    1. 0
      9 December 2024 19: 16
      Don't drink or you'll turn into a goat. But the people are angry.
  16. +1
    9 December 2024 08: 34
    And how is Blinkin going to punish Assad? - catch him and spank him on his bare ass? - his arms are too short - a naive Jewish boy.
    1. 0
      9 December 2024 09: 58
      You might be surprised, but Blinkin won't even get up from the table. There are specially trained people for this.
      1. +1
        9 December 2024 10: 04
        Well, why should I be surprised by this - there are many people in the world who want to stain their hands with someone else's blood, from sadists to simple enemies, it's just that something else is surprising - what Assad personally did to Blinkin personally, that Blinkin suddenly got so excited.
        1. 0
          9 December 2024 12: 59
          He just wants to divert attention from Netanyahu and Galant, for whom the International Court in The Hague has issued arrest warrants. Right now, Galant is traveling around the US and the "hegemon" is only bowing to him instead of arresting him.
    2. 0
      9 December 2024 11: 47
      Assad may have deposits in Western banks
      1. 0
        9 December 2024 11: 52
        So what? - Do you think Blinkin doesn't have any bank deposits? - But what deposits to make and in what currency - that's the question, as for me, it's hard to find a better currency than gold these days.
        1. 0
          9 December 2024 11: 53
          Why this emotional noise?
          1. 0
            9 December 2024 11: 55
            Noise? - where is the noise, I'm just thinking - are you communicating with me...
            1. 0
              9 December 2024 11: 59
              Assad may be punished by confiscating or blocking his deposits in Western banks
              What does Blinken and his contributions have to do with this?
              1. 0
                9 December 2024 12: 04
                What does Blinkin have to do with it? - after all, the essence of the article is that Blinkin needs to catch and punish Assad, and the arguments were about why Blinkin should punish Assad, well - there is nothing to punish for, the question is simply that "you are to blame for the fact that I want to eat", as our fabulist Krylov said - that's all there is to it.
                1. 0
                  9 December 2024 12: 07
                  Where in the article does it say catch and punish?
                  that's why you have emotional noise
                  neither read nor write...
                  learn to be concise...
                  1. 0
                    9 December 2024 12: 09
                    No need to teach me - I'm still young, you need to read the article so you don't ask unnecessary questions -
                    The US intends to "punish" Bashar al-Assad, who fled to Moscow, as well as everyone who helped him do so
                    1. 0
                      9 December 2024 12: 14
                      youth is a disadvantage that passes very quickly
                      half of my peers have already left

                      It is necessary to read and read again
                      "punish" in quotes is not catch and punish, but rather punish in quotes
                      you need to read and then write
  17. -1
    9 December 2024 10: 10
    There will be a note demanding that Assad be handed over to the “public” for judgment, and with a high degree of probability, they will hand him over.
    1. -1
      9 December 2024 10: 26
      They won't give up. The fighters have no illusions left, they are next.
  18. 0
    9 December 2024 10: 59
    This is called "development of success". Russia suffers a strategic defeat: troops and ships are leaving the Mediterranean, the ruble is devalued due to an acute shortage of currency, another Arab ally of some kind is lost, the Kursk thorn is firmly in place. In short, Oreshnik did not beat the dollar. Once again, a donkey loaded with gold took another city. So maybe something should be done with the dollar, and not with the crazy proxies?
    1. 0
      9 December 2024 11: 20
      The ruble has been devalued due to an acute shortage of foreign currency

      Your information is very outdated. The ruble has long since rolled back, today's Forex rate is 98,3 ₽. There is no sign of a currency shortage - the government has allowed exporters to leave most of their foreign exchange earnings abroad, rather than sell them.
      1. 0
        9 December 2024 12: 21
        Quote from Andy_nsk
        Your information is very outdated.

        From my observations, the manuals are updated once a quarter, at best. But more often they just add points on current events. Now they started writing about the shame in Syria in the comments. Yesterday there was nothing like that, but today, as if on command. Well, I mean not as, but as if on command. From such details you can figure out who is here for a salary, and who is signing on out of love for art - the latter are always late, they do not work out current topics so synchronously and not so consistently.
      2. 0
        10 December 2024 09: 48
        Have you been to the store or market lately, Andy_nsk?
        Prices jumped with the rise of the dollar, but did not roll back along with the exchange rate, and that’s the case with everything!
        1. 0
          10 December 2024 10: 50
          I assure you, the government could easily return the ruble exchange rate to 80, simply by forcing exporters to sell their earnings. But then the budget would not be balanced. The problem of inflation is in the imbalance of the state budget. Expenses have increased sharply due to the SVO, and revenues have remained the same or even decreased. Inflation is also, of course, connected with the ruble exchange rate, but the ruble exchange rate is not the root cause of inflation.
          1. 0
            10 December 2024 11: 13
            You know that most Russians don't care about the dollar exchange rate, and Putin has repeatedly stated that the ruble is not tied to the dollar.
            The state, having got involved in the SVO, spends more than a third of the budget on defense and security forces, and instead of cutting its own expenses (for example, under the article on public administration, almost 8% of the budget is spent on officials, this is the same as on education and medicine combined, under the USSR these expenses were less than 1%), as you can see, there is room to move...
            And it's high time to curb the appetite of the "siloviki", this will not lead to anything good except multi-billion theft. There are 5 million security forces in the country, but there is no one to fight, that's the paradox...., 300 thousand ordinary men are mobilized from factories and offices, the last tractor drivers from rural areas are put behind the controls of tanks, and the security forces sit in warm offices....
            1. 0
              10 December 2024 11: 20
              Prices jumped with the rise of the dollar, but did not roll back along with the exchange rate, and that’s the case with everything!

              You know that most Russians don't care about the dollar exchange rate, and Putin has repeatedly stated that the ruble is not tied to the dollar.

              You seem to change your views on economic laws very abruptly :)
              1. 0
                10 December 2024 20: 10
                You are trying to "suck something out of your finger" when there is nothing concrete to say...
  19. 0
    9 December 2024 11: 20
    I wonder how the outgoing US administration, led by the "lame duck" Biden, will achieve this decision? Empty talk. They will be "sent" silently.
  20. 0
    9 December 2024 12: 47
    Well, striped ones, are you going to bring tanks into Moscow or what?
  21. 0
    9 December 2024 12: 52
    I wonder how they are going to do it. Most likely empty talk.
  22. +1
    9 December 2024 13: 01
    The US wants to divert attention from Netanyahu and Galant (former Israeli Defense Minister), for whom the International Court in The Hague has issued arrest warrants. Right now, Galant is traveling around the US and the "hegemon" is only bowing to him instead of arresting him.
  23. 0
    9 December 2024 20: 13
    Another example of the incompetent foreign policy of Putin's gang...
    The same thing is repeated over and over again: first spend tens, if not hundreds, of budget billions, and then screw it all up....
    1. 0
      10 December 2024 07: 20
      the incompetent foreign policy of Putin's brotherhood.
      This is actually a resource for decent people. And you, without removing the pan, are letting the liquid out.
  24. 0
    9 December 2024 21: 30
    And what can the little Jew say... He got the idea to kill Bashar, so he's angry. The bastard.
  25. 0
    9 December 2024 23: 35
    Well, everything is as usual. Billions were shaken out of Gaddafi, Saddam was gutted, now it is necessary to rob another wallet under the guise of criminal talk according to the rules.
  26. 0
    10 December 2024 04: 14
    Looking at how shamefully Moscow "washed its hands" of Honecker, Karmal, Gaddafi and Ocalan, why not...
  27. 0
    10 December 2024 07: 16
    here they started talking about Hussein. Saddam Hussein was executed, at least for the sake of decency, simulating a trial and investigation. For example, the Libyan leader Gaddafi was simply demonstratively torn apart on camera. I suspect that they also planned to simply tear Assad apart at the hands of militants. Assad was a thorn in the side of many.
  28. 0
    10 December 2024 15: 41
    I think we will continue to raise the issue of responsibility through appropriate channels.
    Is Biden's anal canal considered suitable?
  29. 0
    10 December 2024 18: 58
    Doctor's office, doctor, patient, grandfather, 80 years old. Doctor, I have no idea with women. Grandfather, what do you want about the age of the disease? But neighbor Petrovich says that he is oh-so-great, and he is 85. Grandfather, who is stopping you from speaking? Who is stopping Tony Blinken from speaking??? If a bicycle-riding Joe is speaking?
  30. 0
    10 December 2024 20: 41
    "... he intends to do this through the UN, which is effectively controlled by the US..."

    Are we in the UN or have we already given up?
    If the UN "... is effectively controlled by the US...", then what did our representatives do at the UN?
    Did they represent themselves on the international stage? Or did they represent the country that sent them as representatives on the international stage?
    1. WIS
      10 December 2024 20: 54
      Quote from Fangaro

      If the UN "... is effectively controlled by the US...", then what did our representatives do at the UN?

      Did they represent themselves on the international stage? Or did they represent the country that sent them as representatives on the international stage?

      They probably imagined that they were still on the world stage...
      Yes, what difference does it make, actually, excuse me, in the modern world this "Wordplay"?
      He who has the Power is Right!
  31. 0
    12 December 2024 21: 01
    Blinky(e)n will fly in Apache with a Kalashnikov in his hands to punish Moscow. A ready-made plot for an action movie.
  32. 0
    13 December 2024 22: 47
    We need to learn from real history, not from fictional history.
    I wonder, did all those who betrayed their nations for the sake of accounts in Western banks keep their assets? The same Yanukovych, for example?