'To protect common interests': Australia and New Zealand to merge their militaries

'To protect common interests': Australia and New Zealand to merge their militaries

Australia and New Zealand have agreed to merge their armed forces, a decision made following a meeting of the two countries' foreign and defense ministers, according to a joint statement.

According to the statement, Australia and New Zealand have decided to pool their military forces to “defend common interests.” In addition, Canberra and Wellington will strengthen their bilateral military alliance, and the Australians promise to involve New Zealanders in other alliances that have previously excluded New Zealand. This includes projects within the framework of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD), which includes the United States, Japan and India, and AUKUS, which includes the United Kingdom and the United States.

It is worth noting that talks about uniting the armies of the two countries have been going on for quite some time. The thing is that the armed forces of New Zealand do not represent a significant military force, and the country often turns to its larger neighbor for protection. And the lack of personnel played a role.

Last year, Canberra and Wellington announced closer cooperation between their armies under the ANZAC plan, which aims to work more closely together on training, capabilities and personnel readiness. This year, they agreed to fully integrate.

In effect, New Zealand is handing over its military to Australia in exchange for future protection.
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  1. -2
    6 December 2024 12: 47
    "To protect common interests"
    Too shy to ask...
    And what common interest do they have in that "back of beyond"?..
    There was a queen... But she's not with them anymore?!
    Unless... Breed hobbits?.. belay
    1. 0
      6 December 2024 13: 08
      The COMMON interest is the UK. Both countries are dominions ruled by the British monarch through his viceroys, the governors-general.
      1. 0
        6 December 2024 14: 01
        Well then... let the good sharks eat them there.
    2. +1
      6 December 2024 13: 42
      Quote: I dare_notice_
      And what common interest do they have in that "back of beyond"?..

      Confronting the expansion of China, which is actively climbing into their ass
  2. 0
    6 December 2024 12: 49
    Australia and New Zealand to merge their militaries

    This is what China should be concerned about first and foremost.
  3. -2
    6 December 2024 12: 49
    The funniest thing is that the Chatham Bank is under the control of New Zealand, its bioresources have been destroyed by us and China. Let them count the penguins. wassat
  4. -1
    6 December 2024 16: 38
    It is unclear, these 2 countries are populated by prisoners, who do they want to fight with, or the owner of the colony or something.
  5. 0
    6 December 2024 20: 43
    It's a pity about the Australian Navy. Glorious History. But, to hang the N.Z. fleet on itself, with homosexuals:
    Don't slow down.