Hot Finnish guys are preparing to repel the Russian attack in the rear of the Russian army

Hot Finnish guys are preparing to repel the Russian attack in the rear of the Russian army

I am convinced once again that human memory is not much different from fish memory. If a fish forgets about a fishing hook, according to fishermen, in ten to fifteen minutes, then a person needs a little more time. That's all the differences. It does not depend on a person's place of residence, gender, race or religion.

A frightened crow is afraid of a bush, but we... Here are the "white and fluffy Finns". "Good neighbors"... What are they thinking about when they whip up military hysteria in their own country, when they "enrolled" in NATO in an accelerated manner? And what are we thinking about? About the fact that "if there is a war tomorrow", then we?.. Are we looking at the numbers again? There are many of us, and few Finns? We have a huge army, and they have a dud?

"They are not idiots to attack us." Well, yes, this is for the "little fish", but I will remind you of one fact. In the 20th century, we had four major conflicts. The first began in 1918, then in 1920, then 1941, and 1944. Who was the initiator in the first three of them? Small and defenseless Finland! Remember?

And during the Great Patriotic War, where were the fiercest battles in the north? And with whom? Again, "harmless". And why? Murmansk!!! Then the Finns did not reach the road and railway by several dozen kilometers, and there are only 200 of these kilometers, if you count from the border. Two hundred kilometers - and that's it. Murmansk is cut off from the country ...

Today, almost nothing has changed. The highway has become the federal highway "Kola", and the "railway" operates in the same mode. Only a large city (by northern standards, of course) Kostomuksha has appeared 30 kilometers from the border and a large metallurgical plant - Kostomuksha Mining and Processing Plant. After all, the city appeared because the largest iron ore deposit in Europe is nearby...

Now about another "mine" that we "don't notice" yet. We don't notice it, although there were talks about it back when the Russian Defense Ministry decided to restore the Moscow and Leningrad Military Districts. In the USSR, despite "peace, friendship, corn" with the Finns, there were troops and border troops in Karelia. Today, despite the Defense Ministry's order to create a corps in these places, the once abandoned military towns are still uninhabited...

Why did I remind you of this? Everything is, as usual, simple. I wrote above that the Finns need to go 200 kilometers to the railway and highways, but I did not write that our troops sent to cover the border will need to go the same distance. From Kostomuksha to Segezha (also a large town, but smaller than Kostomuksha) is 200 km, and to Petrozavodsk - 500!

Perhaps someone is now thinking that the Finns don't need this. They live peacefully, why start another mess?.. Alas, read the Finnish press, listen to Finnish experts and politicians. A generation has grown up there that doesn't know about 1944. Doesn't want to know. But they remember 1941. And they shout quite loudly about revenge, about the return of "Finnish" territories.

For now, I emphasize, for now, the Finns are afraid of fighting Russia. And they really want to. I think this fear is not caused by the strength of the Russian weapons, and... by the elected President Trump. Who knows what this unpredictable man will come up with. And it's scary to attack Moscow alone. Even with NATO's help, it's scary...

What is happening today on the Russian-Finnish border has personally brought back memories from my childhood. When we "took revenge" on a neighbor who told our parents about our pranks by ringing the doorbell and running away... And the classic Moska and the Elephant. They do a little mischief...

"Kirves 24" is not a defensive exercise

So, after joining NATO, Finland has shown unprecedented activity in the matter of "strengthening the defense" of the alliance countries. Now, another exercise is taking place on its territory, practically on the border with Russia. On the one hand, everything seems clear. Russia is nearby, and the danger is close.

But, on the other hand, can anyone name even one Russian politician who would voice territorial claims against the Finns? I'm not even talking about ordinary people. Well, they live and live. They make butter and other dairy products quite well. All kinds of paper, furniture... Yes, a lot of things that people buy with pleasure in Russia.

When the conversation turns to Finland, or more precisely to the military hysteria that reigns there, most Russians widen their eyes. "The government has gone crazy. But the people are ours. They treat us well." I wonder who elected this government, this president and other "anti-Russian" figures? Who supports the anti-Russian rhetoric?

We are looking for some excuses for Finland. Did the Americans put pressure? Is the EU threatening not to buy Finnish goods? Are there too many "outsiders" in Suomi who influence the opinion of local residents? Well, we cannot believe that a friend can become an enemy just like that, without a reason. Although the example of Ukraine is before everyone's eyes.

For a friend to turn into an enemy, it is enough to simply believe. That's right. Just believe, want to believe. They say that Russia has always pretended to be a friend, so it must be true. The enemy often pretends to be a friend. We believe. And the facts? Who needs them? This is Russian propaganda. In this case, the idea of ​​Russia preparing to invade Finland "played"

Now about the exercises themselves. Perhaps, to readers accustomed to tens of thousands of servicemen, they will seem like toys. Well, 2800 servicemen, up to 600 units of equipment, including Tanks, armored personnel carriers, helicopters... The Utti Jaeger Special Forces Regiment. "Playing" in the area of ​​the Kuhmo municipality, 70 kilometers from the border.

Nothing interesting, it seems. If it weren't for the fighters of the Kainuu Brigade. According to some reports, they are involved in the main, combat part of the exercises. In addition to being one of three permanent readiness brigades, the main brigade for training reservists, it is also the base for the rapid response units of the Finnish army.

One of the battalions of this brigade, the Kainuu Jaeger Battalion (Kainuun jääkäripataljoona), is the equivalent of the Special Operations Forces in other countries. They were the ones who were brought into the combat unit. Their specialization is reconnaissance and sabotage behind enemy lines. Until 2023, there were no such specialists in the Finnish army.

Again, some sources say that the rangers practice covert advancement to the front line, penetration into the rear, and sabotage. Well, purely defensive measures are practiced by hot-blooded Finnish guys.

What should we do?

Indeed, is it worth taking any measures in connection with the increase in anti-Russian hysteria in Finland? Is it important? To be honest, well, we slept through the offensive on Kursk Oblast, we missed the offensive on Aleppo in Syria. Well, there will also be a cut road to Murmansk. Sudzha, Aleppo and Kostomuksha... We will later, when we gather our strength, when we get angry...

Once upon a time, the scandalous MMA fighter, Fedor Emelianenko's brother, Alexander Emelianenko, said a phrase that simply stuck in my memory. I can't quote it from memory, but the gist is this: we Russians are an original people. At first we are a little afraid, we measure seven times, and then we don't care (I softened Alexander a little), and then everyone is afraid of us...

So maybe it's time to stop being afraid? Is it time to move on to the next phase? When do we stop caring? Look around, how many dwarf states have suddenly become aggressive. Who wouldn't want to bite us? They showed "The Hazelnut Tree" once. I don't think that's enough. But "bombing" a nuclear bomb somewhere on a testing ground would be quite enough.

But this does not cancel the reaction at a “lower” level. The North is becoming one of the regions of rivalry. Too many minerals have been found there. The North must be strengthened, including militarily. The confrontation in this region is just beginning. Finland is today on a par with Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the USA and Canada…

Given the more than 1000 km of land borders with this country, it is worth thinking about possible provocations...
151 comment
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  1. +18
    5 December 2024 03: 06
    We need to take a closer look at the Finns who have already visited our territory.
    Perhaps one of them, following the example of Hitler's Edelweiss, who stormed the Caucasus, will storm Vyborg and Murmansk.
    In 1918, the Finns committed genocide of the Russian people in Vyborg...there are photos and videos of shootings and executions of Russian people...
    the same thing happened in 1941, then it reached concentration camps for Russian children and women...horrible facts...Finnish criminals were not punished by Stalin...they are heroes there.
    And I am sure that the Finns can do something similar now...this cannot be forgotten, this cannot be treated superficially.
    They will kill us in the European style using advanced Western technologies.
    1. +30
      5 December 2024 05: 54
      Maybe for starters it is worth making claims against the Finns for the genocide of the Russian people, imposing an embargo on trade with Finland, equipping the border with a video surveillance system, etc. Butter should be made locally, not bought from Finland. The Finns can sell their dairy products to Europe. They are very much awaited there.
      And the Leningrad Military District needs to be strengthened, otherwise it will happen again: The Dawns Here Are Quiet.
      1. +15
        5 December 2024 08: 31
        The Leningrad Military District must be strengthened

        People need to start preparing for this right now... Since the NATO regular army on the border, as always, will be useless - who will defend our native St. Petersburg? It's time to create territorial battalions.. Inviting those who want to. Those who can and will be ready to fight. To give at least some training and bring down the units. Otherwise - which collection points to run to when it starts, who will command, where they will give out everything necessary - it's not clear at all... Avon - at least organize the owners of weapons - they at least have shooting skills, and some ammunition..

        Personally, I don't need anything from the state except live ammunition, I have everything of my own. Although, of course, I wouldn't refuse night vision optics, they're an expensive bastard. And I have them - precisely because I've long understood how it will all end... My city wasn't taken in that war - and they won't take it in the coming one either. And I have plenty of friends who think like me.

        Well, in our old age we'll see who's cooler in the forest - the vaunted Finnish huntsmen, or us, who once climbed the Karelian Isthmus... Of course, there are no special illusions, we're not that old, but we'll probably still be good for something.

        But it is vitally important to start holding all the organizational events right now. At least in the western border territories. Otherwise, as always, we will be late...
        1. +6
          5 December 2024 18: 27
          I'm ready to shake off the old ways, I can shoot well with anything hand-held, I AGREE - give me some equipment and weapons, appoint commanders and a gathering place. Conduct training. Otherwise, we'll continue to hide behind the "shock women's battalion" in green shoulder straps.????
      2. +1
        5 December 2024 15: 24
        What the hell do you need Finnish EU butter for? It's everywhere... except for the Russian Federation, why? Until the peasant-farmer in the Russian Federation produces it, it won't exist, just like everything else.
      3. +4
        5 December 2024 17: 26
        The Finns don't give a damn about our claims. Like the rest of the West. We just need to make a statement that if the Finns, Swedes, Norwegians and any other riffraff cross the Russian border, Russia will, to begin with, launch nuclear strikes on cities, infrastructure, and military bases. In that order. And I don't care about the consequences - I, a resident of the Leningrad Region, don't want to be a slave to some Finn or die in a civilized European concentration camp. It's better for them to die.
    2. +8
      5 December 2024 08: 02
      This is how my wife’s great-grandfather died in that very year of 1918. Thanks to grandfather Lenin.
      I never believed in "friendship" with the Finns.
      1. +3
        5 December 2024 08: 17
        I never believed in "friendship" with the Finns.

        And who did they believe in? The Houthis? Let me remind you that after the end of World War II, the USSR had 3 border conflicts with China, but not with Finland.
        1. -5
          5 December 2024 17: 30
          When the Russian boot went over the Chinese mug - there were no more conflicts. The same thing happened with Finland. With Japan. And with many others. Time just passed and new generations forgot what it was like to get into trouble with the USSR/Russia.
        2. Aag
          5 December 2024 17: 47
          Quote: Anatoly_4
          I never believed in "friendship" with the Finns.

          And who did they believe in? The Houthis? Let me remind you that after the end of World War II, the USSR had 3 border conflicts with China, but not with Finland.

          It seems that your colleagues on the site did not understand your analogies... (((.
          Yes. Everything flows, everything changes...
          Of course, - different time periods, - but... Well, I really don't see any changes for the better in the Russian Federation!
          Well, at least stop me, downvote me...
          Let's do it this way: Whoever sees real development "on the ground" - please signal! Otherwise, I get the impression that all regions are "Prut", only our Irkutsk region is "slowing down"...
          .. You read the comments of your colleagues, - no, - you are not alone!
          So where is the development going?!
        3. +1
          5 December 2024 17: 50
          Because Finland knew that statehood would be terminated without options. This was actually decided in 1944, either they were peaceful or without statehood. Now they chose war, hoping that Russia would be finished off.
          1. +2
            5 December 2024 21: 58
            Quote: NG inform
            Now they have chosen war, hoping that Russia will be finished off.

            And who, over the last 30+ years, brought Russia to the state where it is no longer respected or feared?
            1. 0
              6 December 2024 23: 25
              Good question. It seems that the Finns and Swedes have already made their conclusions twenty years ago and were just waiting for an excuse to join the team of those who want to try the new "dranknahosten". But there are just so many of them this time...
            2. -2
              10 December 2024 03: 17
              How many children do you have? If you're referring to Putin, he's the greatest leader in history.
            3. 0
              10 December 2024 10: 02
              We all know very well who did this, of course the liberals.
            4. 0
              19 January 2025 00: 39
              Russia has been brought to such a state by the liberals - Yeltsinoids - that we are barely getting out of it, and they are still present in the power structures!
        4. +3
          5 December 2024 23: 12
          After the war they sat quietly. With the awareness of the experience gained. And with the collapse of the Union they slowly began to cultivate ideas of revenge.
      2. +5
        5 December 2024 15: 46
        Thanks to grandfather Lenin.
        I never believed in "friendship" with the Finns.

        What does the sapper have to do with it? The Finns "didn't want to be friends" with Russia for a long time, but the Tsarist secret police wouldn't let them. As soon as the Tsar lost his nerve, the Finns broke away, on completely legal grounds. What do Lenin and the Bolsheviks have to do with it anyway?
        Then the Civil War, which is not a war of the Reds against the Whites, but a war of everyone against everyone all territory of the former Republic of Ingushetia. And there were claims as a result all to allThere is no point in remembering who cut whom and where during the Civil War, everyone got dirty there. Some more, some less.
        Ours in 39-44 also showed how we can be friends. And we made the right conclusions. It is better to be friends peacefully.
    3. +2
      5 December 2024 12: 47
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      We need to take a closer look at the Finns who have already visited our territory.

      Not only to them. The whole point is that they sensed "the impotence of power in Russia." Among the Western dwarfs, there is a rush to "have a bite" when the "big boys" start dividing up the skin. Judging by the signals from the Kremlin, everything is heading in that direction.
      1. +2
        5 December 2024 16: 09
        Quote: skeptic
        sensed "the impotence of the authorities in Russia"

        The whole world, starting from the USA, England and Turkey and ending with the republics of Central Asia and Transcaucasia, has seen and known this for a long time.
    4. BAI
      5 December 2024 16: 04
      Horrible facts...Finnish criminals were not punished by Stalin

      Found on the murdered Finn. According to his notes, the girl was especially abused
    5. 0
      6 December 2024 08: 28
      They will kill us in the European style using advanced Western technologies.
      But isn't this happening now? Only it's not the Finns who are killing, you know.
    6. 0
      25 January 2025 14: 47
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      Finnish criminals were not punished by Stalin.

      Stalin, although powerful, could not pull everything off.
      But what prevented Putin from declassifying the documents 20 years ago and demanding that the Finns repent?
      1. 0
        25 January 2025 14: 49
        Quote: Hitriy Zhuk
        But what prevented Putin from declassifying the documents 20 years ago and demanding that the Finns repent?

        Well, it is not Putin’s fault here, but rather the Central Committee of the CPSU... because of its policy of internationalism, which hid such terrible facts of the Finns’ crimes against the Russian people from our people.
        Perhaps Putin kept all these secrets for his own policy... when necessary, they will be pulled out of the archives and the Finns will be rubbed in the nose with them.
  2. +6
    5 December 2024 03: 41
    The Old Believer must be kicked out of the publicists
    to screw up so badly am
    1941 1944
    1. 0
      5 December 2024 14: 26
      In 41, the Finns helped Hitler, in 44 they left the war, so everything is correct.
      1. +4
        5 December 2024 14: 53
        what is true?
        I completely forgot about 39
        41 and 44 are the same war
        there is nothing to divide
        I myself am not much of an expert in historical matters
        but it's so messed up on official websites am
        If I had some kind of decisive vote on this site, I would have banned him for at least a month am
        1. -3
          5 December 2024 15: 50
          I completely forgot about 39

          Very conveniently, by the way, I forgot. Just like I forgot about the actions of Soviet saboteurs. About the creation of a pro-Soviet puppet government for Finland and so on.
          In general, "who lets bygones be bygones..." But I only remembered the Finns.
  3. +6
    5 December 2024 04: 06
    The Finns should be the first to be put under pressure by the Poles with thermonuclear fusion, if necessary, of course.
    1. 0
      6 December 2024 12: 51
      in general, in Karelia, the 44th Army Corps has already been formed and the 14th Army Corps is being developed into an army
  4. +6
    5 December 2024 04: 07
    The Finns are a small, aggrieved people who lost the history lottery. An aggrieved nonentity, who by the way have long been in a sluggish crisis, is looking for someone to take it out on. We are the best people to take it out on. We do not intend to make it so that the Finns as a nation no longer exist, we will not demolish Helsinki, like the Jews did the Gaza Strip, we will not destroy all their ports and send them back to the Middle Ages without fuel and electricity. The Americans can do this, we know this, the Finns know this, the Americans know this. If the Americans ask convincingly, the Finns will not think long. We will forgive! The Tajiks are our enemies, yes! They build millions of square meters of housing, deliver food, lay asphalt - but they are enemies. And the respected white gentlemen from the West can exterminate our compatriots by the millions and we will not consider them enemies. No one has such a thing in their heads - that there are enemies there. No, they were forced, they made a mistake, we will come up with excuses for them! But never for people from other former Soviet republics, they are not rich and respected enough.
    1. +9
      5 December 2024 05: 36
      Quote from alexoff
      Offended nonentity
      A classic nation that everyone has walked all over throughout its history. The dying Baltics can also be included here. And Poland too. wink
      1. 0
        5 December 2024 14: 14
        I understand if, for example, a hypothetical Stalin wrote this to a hypothetical president of Finland. But when ordinary users write, well, compare the life of an average Finn on whom someone wiped their feet and the average resident of the USSR or Germany during Hitler's time and what a big difference and the question is in whose favor? And it is even sadder if you compare the losses in WWII to the population and then it is not at all clear who wiped what on whom.
        1. 0
          5 December 2024 14: 24
          A stupid question. The one with the larger population and on whose territory the war is taking place has more losses.
          1. 0
            5 December 2024 14: 29
            I think I wrote about the relative parameter of losses, not the absolute one, and it turns out that the average resident of Finland, the Czech Republic, France had a higher chance of survival than a resident of Germany or the USSR, despite the fact that formally these countries were either occupied or were in the zone of influence.
            1. 0
              5 December 2024 14: 33
              Of course, higher. They weren't subhumans. They worked for their master faithfully. Why exterminate them?
              1. 0
                5 December 2024 14: 37
                Didn't ordinary people work in the USSR or Germany? What was the difference in the standard of living of ordinary people working in the USSR, Germany or Finland? If everyone wiped their feet on the Finns, but not on the USSR, then the standard of living should have differed greatly in favor of the USSR, but in fact it didn't.
                1. -1
                  5 December 2024 14: 39
                  Did I say that they wiped their feet on the Finns? What absolutely stupid claims.
                2. 0
                  14 December 2024 11: 43
                  You don't understand the meaning of the phrase "wiped their feet on me". According to you, material wealth is the main criterion of human dignity, but this is not so.
        2. 0
          5 December 2024 14: 56
          Quote: Oldrover
          if you compare the losses in WWII to the population
          Here we need to narrow the question and determine among which population the losses were enormous? Civilian or military population? Far fewer people passed through the Red Army during the entire period of the war than the total losses, and hence the conclusion: who fought with the civilian population, and who only with people in uniform.
    2. -3
      5 December 2024 14: 23
      This is some kind of nonsense, to be honest. Our forgiveness is not required here. There are 5 million Finns. If they plan a military adventure, a third will be killed, a third will run away to other countries, and only horns and legs will remain of Suomi.
      1. +2
        5 December 2024 15: 03
        The Finns don't come up with anything on their own. And it's not our tradition to leave horns and legs
    3. +5
      5 December 2024 16: 05
      Quote from alexoff
      The Tajiks are our enemies, yes!

      That's not true! The Tajiks are our brothers! Just like the Uzbeks, Kyrgyz and Azeris. Ask any member of the government, a deputy of the State Duma and the Federation Council, the head of a construction corporation and an agroholding, a judge and a prosecutor, the head of the Department of Internal Affairs. Just don't ask the children of migrants and new Russians, children won't lie.
      1. +2
        5 December 2024 16: 39
        Yeah, and the Finns and other Germans with the English are enemies, that's what the children of any member of the government and the Federation Council think. They live in a hostile environment.
        1. 0
          5 December 2024 16: 47
          Of course not))) for the children of our elite they are anyone but enemies.
          1. +1
            5 December 2024 16: 57
            And for our people they are not enemies. There is only one crazy president and that's it, the rest are good, even if tomorrow they start shelling St. Petersburg with artillery. You can't offend white people. And Tajiks are all bad, except for those who perform feats in the SVO, and even then I'm not sure.
            1. -2
              5 December 2024 17: 02
              The whole problem is that we have no enemies. And the Finns and the Swedes and the Norwegians are not our enemies, nor are the Balts and the chinks (as long as our child is not being kicked at school). We did not believe until the very end that Ukrainians enemies to us, until we saw their bestial nature. But we are the enemies of all mankind. Except for the very poor African countries and the DPRK.
              1. +1
                5 December 2024 17: 20
                Yeah, and then the Japanese make cartoons about us, so cut off from the world and apparently wanting to die out, and bask in the rays of glory.
          2. 0
            6 December 2024 23: 35
            You are looking for enemies in the wrong places...
      2. Aag
        5 December 2024 18: 40
        Quote: AlexSam
        Quote from alexoff
        The Tajiks are our enemies, yes!

        That's not true! The Tajiks are our brothers! Just like the Uzbeks, Kyrgyz and Azeris. Ask any member of the government, a deputy of the State Duma and the Federation Council, the head of a construction corporation and an agroholding, a judge and a prosecutor, the head of the Department of Internal Affairs. Just don't ask the children of migrants and new Russians, children won't lie.

        Be careful!! Not everyone will appreciate or understand sarcasm... (((
    4. 0
      6 December 2024 20: 52
      Quote from alexoff
      The Tajiks are our enemies, yes! They build millions of square meters of housing, transport food, lay asphalt - but they are enemies.

      After what they did in the 90s - yes!
  5. +11
    5 December 2024 04: 21
    The nuclear bomb at the testing ground had to be detonated in 2022, now it is not enough. Combat use is necessary.
    1. +1
      5 December 2024 08: 52
      Combat use is required

      Where to?
      Wherever you strike, you will get a response.
      The only target after which we won’t get hit back is Ukraine, but after that we will be left alone.
      Neither China nor Iran will work with us after this.
  6. +10
    5 December 2024 04: 26
    In the 20th century, we had four major conflicts. The first one started in 1918, then in 1920, then 1941, and then 1944.

    What is this??? Maybe 1939-1940, and then 1941-1944?
    1. +3
      5 December 2024 09: 52
      Well, the author means the conflicts that Finland initiated by declaring war on the USSR.
      1. +3
        5 December 2024 10: 46
        What does 1944 have to do with it then? The peace treaty...
  7. +1
    5 December 2024 04: 59
    For how many centuries have we had problems with the Scandinavians, the Varangians, the Swedes, the Finns. And how much have we forgiven them?
    Maybe we should occupy them again so that they can live in peace.
    1. +4
      5 December 2024 05: 38
      Quote: V.
      Maybe we should occupy them again so that they can live peacefully.
      They have already been occupied by people from the Middle East and Africa.
    2. +1
      5 December 2024 08: 55
      Let's at least defeat Ukraine in the 4th year? sad
    3. +3
      5 December 2024 11: 09
      As history has shown, often all countries have problems with almost all their neighbors. The USSR, Russia, Finland, Poland, China, Turkey fought among themselves. Such is the damned life. Everyone wants something more.
      1. +2
        5 December 2024 11: 19
        YOU are absolutely right, but why is this happening? The fight is either for a pasture or a stream, for water, minerals, for energy resources. We, too, are basically fighting for the territory where we have everything, where everyone who doesn't get there opens their mouths, although we are ready to take off our last shirt to please everyone. soldier
    4. +1
      5 December 2024 14: 25
      The Finns are not Scandinavians. The Varangians are southern Balts. And from the Scandinavians we had the Murmans, that is, the Norgs.
      1. 0
        5 December 2024 14: 38
        I am not an expert in this, but it seems to me that a new community is emerging from these countries, they will name themselves, call themselves by names, or their neighbors will give them nicknames. hi
        1. +1
          5 December 2024 14: 42
          There is no community there. Everyone is for himself. The Swedes compete with the Norwegians and both laugh at the Finns.
          1. 0
            5 December 2024 14: 48
            This is understandable, both the Norwegians and the Finns were under the heel of Sweden until they became independent states, although Finland was in the Russian Empire after Sweden and only became independent after the revolution.
    5. Aag
      5 December 2024 19: 01
      Quote: V.
      For how many centuries have we had problems with the Scandinavians, the Varangians, the Swedes, the Finns. And how much have we forgiven them?
      Maybe we should occupy them again so that they can live in peace.

      "...So that they could live peacefully..." Nikolaev, Kherson, Odessa had to be taken quickly, beautifully, - "...without noise, and dust..." (without critical destruction, discontent of the civilian population)...
      Aaaa... That can't happen?! Well, I can't see it from the couch, - of course, - the State Duma can see it better...
      But... When the President put the question to a vote, one head of the foreign intelligence service hesitated... And why?! (how they didn't "rinse" him! Well, of course, - HIMSELF, on live television, asked: "Are you against it? / about holding, starting the SVO/".
      I repeat, Bortnikov, it seems, knew the real balance of forces and resources... In accordance with this, - his reaction. And, it seems, - he is doing his share of work, and not just singing along.
      Another example: Ze's "adventure" with the Kursk region. Of course, - I am not destined to know how it was in reality, but, I think, - even with the general degradation / whoever disagrees, - justify it! / of all things, foreign intelligence simply could not miss the fact of the preparation of the operation! I am sure - politics (with a capital, small letter) intervened again, commerce...
  8. +5
    5 December 2024 05: 05
    Quote from: nepunamemuk
    The Old Believer must be kicked out of the publicists
    to screw up so badly am
    1941 1944

    No need...who will write the articles?
    I don't have talent, Staver does...let him work on his mistakes. smile
  9. +14
    5 December 2024 05: 49
    I will probably express an unpopular opinion, but I will. You know, we can throw a nuclear bomb at our entire arsenal, will they be afraid of us after that? I doubt it, imagine a large country with nuclear weapons, a large army, whose president, the president of a country like Tajikistan, allows him to set conditions for the president of a large and powerful country. When the entire political elite gathers to meet the Gabonese ambassador at the steps of the plane, he almost drops his loincloth in surprise, and here is the president standing at the steps. It is not shameful to be poor, it is shameful to be cheap, and I am not talking about the material component now. But when our foreign policy reaches a political orgasm, when Macron shook Lavrov's hand, and this is extolled as a real victory, this is already a diplomatic problem. It is like in elementary school, when a cool guy just said hello to you, and you are just an inconspicuous guy, and you are all glowing like he is cool, he said hello, and therefore you are cool too. Take as an example how China conducts negotiations, restrainedly, detachedly, and pushing its line, if you don't want to, goodbye, but they will never betray their interests for the sake of friendship or anything else. Let's go back to the Finns, I remember since the summer of 2021, all the newspapers of NATO countries were full of the fact that Russia would start a joint military operation in Ukraine, we denied it in every possible way and said that it was all untrue, and the joint military operation had begun. And now the Finns are being told that Russia can start a joint military operation in Finland, we deny it in every possible way, do the Finns believe us? I doubt it, although we simply have no interests in capturing Finland, but it is no longer so easy to explain this to the Finns.
    1. 0
      5 December 2024 15: 12
      You know, you can have different attitudes towards US intelligence, but it wouldn't hurt to listen carefully to its information. It was they who said that the Russian Federation would soon start something in 2021, they warned their people before Crocus, they closed embassies before the "hazelnut tree"... You can't remember everything. But we mention it in passing.
      But it says nothing about Russia attacking NATO, so the Finns can relax.
      And listening to the yellow Western press and the same "politicians" who shout "the Russians are coming!" means not respecting yourself.
      1. Aag
        5 December 2024 19: 07
        Quote: Neo-9947
        You know, you can have different attitudes towards US intelligence, but it wouldn't hurt to listen carefully to its information. It was they who said that the Russian Federation would soon start something in 2021, they warned their people before Crocus, they closed embassies before the "hazelnut tree"... You can't remember everything. But we mention it in passing.
        But it says nothing about Russia attacking NATO, so the Finns can relax.
        And listening to the yellow Western press and the same "politicians" who shout "the Russians are coming!" means not respecting yourself.

        Excuse me, colleague, but does US intelligence work for you?!
        What I mean is that information, propaganda, disinformation are also a tool of counteraction, of War...
        It works in two ways, and in both directions.
    2. Aag
      5 December 2024 19: 08
      Quote from turembo
      I will probably express an unpopular opinion, but I will. You know, we can throw a nuclear bomb at our entire arsenal, will they be afraid of us after that? I doubt it, imagine a large country with nuclear weapons, a large army, whose president, the president of a country like Tajikistan, allows him to set conditions for the president of a large and powerful country. When the entire political elite gathers to meet the Gabonese ambassador at the steps of the plane, he almost drops his loincloth in surprise, and here is the president standing at the steps. It is not shameful to be poor, it is shameful to be cheap, and I am not talking about the material component now. But when our foreign policy reaches a political orgasm, when Macron shook Lavrov's hand, and this is extolled as a real victory, this is already a diplomatic problem. It is like in elementary school, when a cool guy just said hello to you, and you are just an inconspicuous guy, and you are all glowing like he is cool, he said hello, and therefore you are cool too. Take as an example how China conducts negotiations, restrainedly, detachedly, and pushing its line, if you don't want to, goodbye, but they will never betray their interests for the sake of friendship or anything else. Let's go back to the Finns, I remember since the summer of 2021, all the newspapers of NATO countries were full of the fact that Russia would start a joint military operation in Ukraine, we denied it in every possible way and said that it was all untrue, and the joint military operation had begun. And now the Finns are being told that Russia can start a joint military operation in Finland, we deny it in every possible way, do the Finns believe us? I doubt it, although we simply have no interests in capturing Finland, but it is no longer so easy to explain this to the Finns.

      hi drinks
    3. 0
      6 December 2024 03: 40
      Quote from turembo
      I will probably express an unpopular opinion, but I will. You know, we can throw a nuclear bomb at our entire arsenal, will they be afraid of us after that? I doubt it, imagine a large country with nuclear weapons, a large army, whose president, the president of a country like Tajikistan, allows him to set conditions for the president of a large and powerful country. When the entire political elite gathers to meet the Gabonese ambassador at the steps of the plane, he almost drops his loincloth in surprise, and here is the president standing at the steps. It is not shameful to be poor, it is shameful to be cheap, and I am not talking about the material component now. But when our foreign policy reaches a political orgasm, when Macron shook Lavrov's hand, and this is extolled as a real victory, this is already a diplomatic problem. It is like in elementary school, when a cool guy just said hello to you, and you are just an inconspicuous guy, and you are all glowing like he is cool, he said hello, and therefore you are cool too. Take as an example how China conducts negotiations, restrainedly, detachedly, and pushing its line, if you don't want to, goodbye, but they will never betray their interests for the sake of friendship or anything else. Let's go back to the Finns, I remember since the summer of 2021, all the newspapers of NATO countries were full of the fact that Russia would start a joint military operation in Ukraine, we denied it in every possible way and said that it was all untrue, and the joint military operation had begun. And now the Finns are being told that Russia can start a joint military operation in Finland, we deny it in every possible way, do the Finns believe us? I doubt it, although we simply have no interests in capturing Finland, but it is no longer so easy to explain this to the Finns.

      If it continues in the same direction... then the window to Europe will have to be replaced with double-glazed windows! Who will suffer in this case? Violet! Finns, Balts, Swedes, Danes or Poles, what difference does it make! The main task is the security of our state, and most importantly the people who inhabit it!
  10. +6
    5 December 2024 06: 36
    Today, despite the order of the Ministry of Defense to create a corps in these places, the once abandoned military towns are still uninhabited...

    Do you have information on military towns of the Ministry of Defense? belay
    I am of the opinion that no one will restore old abandoned towns, since it is much cheaper to build new and modern ones than to mess around with ruins.
    An example of this can be medical centers built in the shortest possible time during the pandemic for the treatment of coronavirus (at that time it was presented that way) and these centers came in very handy during the SVO. Apparently this is a simple coincidence, and not advance preparation. smile
    If we don’t know something, don’t see it, don’t feel it, don’t hear it, and can’t taste it, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. (C)
  11. +6
    5 December 2024 06: 56
    "The first one started in 1918, then in 1920, then 1941, and then 1944."

    Well, you don't need to read any further.

    The Soviet-Finnish (Winter) War - began in 39-om ended in 1940.
    The Soviet-Finnish War within the framework of the Military District has begun 25 1941 June by 44-th year.
    It's a shame to get the dates mixed up.
  12. +10
    5 December 2024 06: 59
    Finland's entry into NATO is a failure of our diplomacy and a triumph for the State Department. The Finns themselves are quite inert in the mass, but the seeds of nationalism and propaganda (without any significant reaction from Russia) have done their job. Western foundations, such as Soros, time and again play up our diplomacy both conceptually and economically, but no conclusions are drawn. To be honest, Finland held out for a long time, since we even lost Ukraine in this regard. Those same Asian republics are absolutely hostile to Russia and Russians, mainly because of their initially insane concept. Note that the more preferences a country receives, the more it sits on its neck and begins to demand in the future. An attempt to buy love at the expense of migrant workers is even worse. Apparently, no one was seriously involved in Finland, being confident that economic ties decide everything, but in fact they got what they got.
    The Finnish political elite are 100% State Department chicks, Finland's interests are an empty phrase for them, they are not interested in the country's economy, but only in mastering the military budget.
    1. +2
      5 December 2024 14: 28
      I don't think that in this case it is a failure of our democracy. Our Foreign Ministry has done some bad things, but it has nothing to do with it. When the union was strong, the Suomi were sitting quietly under a snag. As soon as glasnost and other delights came, the Finns crawled out of their holes. No diplomacy will help here. Only brute force.
      1. +1
        5 December 2024 14: 38
        I agree. As soon as the USSR collapsed, they immediately began to make claims against Russia.
        Until there is a strong army and navy, this will always continue.
    2. 0
      14 December 2024 12: 00
      After the collapse of the USSR, Finland's departure from neutral status was only a matter of time.
      Because the system of international relations lost one of the two main players. However, from that moment on, not a unipolar world was formed, but a bipolar world lost stability and a struggle for a new world order began. It was within the framework of this struggle that Finland decided - it is part of the West. And there is no need to escalate here.
  13. BAI
    5 December 2024 07: 24
    The first one started in 1918, then in 1920, then 1941, and then 1944.

    And what conflict, in the author's opinion, was there with Finland in 1944?
    1. 0
      5 December 2024 08: 57
      Maybe the author is German? And for him the Lapland War counts.
  14. 0
    5 December 2024 07: 59
    Quote: avdkrd
    Finland's exit to NATO is a failure of our diplomacy and a triumph for the State Department. The Finns themselves are quite inert in the mass, but the seeds of nationalism and propaganda (without any significant reaction from Russia) have done their job. ...

    no funds or other diplomacy will replace economic interests. Both the Finns and the Swedes (with whom we have nothing to share at all) really wanted to participate in the plundering of Russia, which, according to Western analysts, was supposed to follow our inevitable economic collapse after the start of the NWO. But it didn't work out.

    Soroses and the like are just ideological pumping, but the main thing is money.

    And our diplomacy would not have done anything here: economically, we have nothing to offer them, compared to China.

    But the fact that both the Swedes and the Finns cannot "back down" is due to the already educated pro-American elites, who would rather ruin the economy than admit their failure.
  15. +4
    5 December 2024 08: 55
    And where is the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940? Has the author already erased it from the annals of history?
    But try spending the night in the forest in Karelia in winter at -40, when you’re wearing an overcoat and a Budyonnovka with tarpaulin boots.
    Hyperthermia is guaranteed! When vodka turns into gel and bread into a brick.
    And even with this, the Red Army performed a MIRACLE! In three winter months, it broke through the Mannerheim Line, which everyone considered impregnable.
    Winter clothing, felt boots, and sheepskin coats made of lamb appeared (thanks to our ally Mongolia).
    Since 1940, ski training was introduced in all schools of the USSR.
    From 1809 to 1917 there was an autonomous Grand Duchy of Finland, which was part of the Russian Empire.
    Until 1809, 600 years under the protectorate of Sweden.
    1. +1
      5 December 2024 10: 01
      The autonomy was finally formalized under Alexander II. But it was a very broad autonomy. Some experts believe that it was something between broad autonomy and a real union of the two states.
      1. 0
        5 December 2024 14: 28
        It is very similar to Poland, where there was also a Sejm.
        1. 0
          5 December 2024 16: 36
          Quote: dragon772
          It is very similar to Poland, where there was also a Sejm.

          Poland was a long way from Finland. In fact, the VKF was a full-fledged state with all branches of government, a banking system, an army, an education system. There was even a border and customs.
    2. BAI
      5 December 2024 10: 15
      lamb tulups (thanks to our ally Mongolia).

      Tulups are made of sheepskin, lamb is meat
    3. 0
      5 December 2024 14: 32
      From 1809 to 1917 there was an autonomous Grand Duchy of Finland, which was part of the Russian Empire.

      Not quite correct. They were not part of it. There was a union tied to the crown of the Russian Empire. After the revolution, they were not formally subordinated to anyone. Lenin did not have much choice when he gave them complete autonomy. The Finns also had their own armed forces. And those officers who served in the imperial army were "super arrogant, but mostly talentless." I don't remember whose words these were.
      1. 0
        5 December 2024 14: 35
        Mannerheim was not untalented, as we see in history.
        Served in the Russian army with the rank of cornet from 1887. Took part in the Russo-Japanese War, volunteering. Dismissed from the Russian army as a lieutenant general in 1917.
        He was the President of Finland in 1944–1946. He received many awards, including the Russian Order of St. George, 4th degree, in 1914.
        1. +1
          5 December 2024 14: 40
          were "super arrogant, but mostly talentless"

          In the mass, i.e. basically all, but not everyone. And one can say a lot about whether he was outstanding. For me, no, forgive me.
          He received many awards, including the Russian Order of St. George, 4th degree, in 1914.

          And a memorial plaque in the city he destroyed. Ugh, disgusting...
      2. 0
        5 December 2024 16: 05
        Lenin didn't really have much of a choice when he gave them complete autonomy.

        But he didn’t give them anything at all) And he couldn’t.
        1. 0
          5 December 2024 16: 11
          There was a casus belli, they could have dragged them in by force, maintaining the obedience of the RSFSR as the successor of the Russian Empire, etc. The proclamation of 1917 would have been called a rebellion. But in 1920, Lenin signed a peace treaty, which stated that the Finns were now a completely sovereign state, etc.
          Doesn't that mean giving independence?
          1. 0
            5 December 2024 19: 15
            maintaining the obedience of the RSFSR as the successor of the Russian Empire

            One of the cornerstones of the RSDLP is that the RSFSR is not a successor to the Russian Empire, like other new states. The Bolsheviks created a new state based on communist ideas. This is not a coup, this is a real revolution. At least they tried.
            What casus belle? Do you even know what this means? Who was forcibly dragged into the RSFSR?
            The proclamation of 1917 would have been called a rebellion.

            Are you aware that Finland became independent before the RSFSR appeared?
            They declared independence on all grounds from the Russian Republic. Rebellion against what and whom?
            But in 1920, Lenin signed a peace treaty, which stated that the Finns were now a completely sovereign state, etc.

            The recognition of Finland's independence by the RSFSR was issued on January 4, 1918. Unexpected?
            What does the 1920 peace treaty have to do with it?
            At least read your school textbooks. And turn off Tsargrad already. My God, your head is such a mess.
            Doesn't that mean giving independence?

            Text of the Tartu Peace Treaty:
            The Government of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic and the Government of the Republic of Finland, taking into account that Finland in 1917 proclaimed itself an independent state and that Russia recognized the Finnish state within the borders of the Grand Duchy of Finland as independent and sovereign, guided by the desire to end the war that subsequently broke out between the two countries, to create strong mutual peaceful relations and to finally settle the relations caused by their previous state unity, have decided to conclude a treaty for these purposes
  16. 0
    5 December 2024 09: 24
    This is a rare case when I completely agree with the author.
  17. +1
    5 December 2024 09: 28
    Quote: Bearded
    Maybe for starters it's worth making claims against the Finns for the genocide of the Russian people

    Work in this direction is underway. Materials on genocide are being raised, court hearings are being held. This year, materials from archives were collected and summarized, and specialists were involved. For example, Bair Irincheev has repeatedly appeared in court this year in the Republic of Karelia. Not yesterday, as we would like, but the work is underway.
  18. +2
    5 December 2024 09: 35
    Quote: MMM-642
    I am of the opinion that no one will restore old abandoned towns, since it is much cheaper to build new and modern ones than to mess around with ruins.

    And in most cases there is nothing to restore. After the military left, there were 2 options:
    1. the military unit was disbanded in accordance with the Agreement with the "partners" and then everything there was leveled to zero so that the respected "partners" could see it from the satellite;
    2. First the military themselves, and then the local population, tore everything down to the ground in the 90s and later, to the point of tearing out the lit PAG from the airport runways.
    Thus, not only military towns disappeared, but also air defense positional areas, cadre tank regiments, weapons storage bases, airfields, communication centers, etc.
    1. +1
      5 December 2024 10: 07
      Frankly speaking, some small military towns looked so shameful and miserable, at least the housing of officers and warrant officers, that there was nothing to restore there. When schoolchildren in the late 80s went on an excursion to one such military town in a small village, where a separate radio engineering company was stationed, and once a separate division, the thought arose: "Can't our rich country really find money for a decent life for soldiers, families of officers?"
      1. 0
        5 December 2024 17: 46
        Quote: Sergej1972
        Can't our rich country find money for a decent life for soldiers and officers' families?

        Well, back then the authorities believed that this was exactly what our military “deserved.”
  19. +2
    5 December 2024 09: 48
    Those who are interested in American politics have probably heard of the "Anaconda Loop" - a plan to encircle and slowly strangle Russia, developed by NATO (a long time ago). One of the former CIA analysts warned us about this openly through the idiot box. Now this plan is being implemented and will be brought to completion, judging by the sleepy state of the authorities and the ignorance of the commander-in-chief. If the authorities wanted to defend the country, the mobilization of the economy would have been announced in 2022. In reality, the strangulation of the economy is happening, which means the towers have other plans.
    1. 0
      5 December 2024 17: 43
      Quote: valentber
      If the government wanted to protect the country, they would have announced the mobilization of the economy in 2022. In real life, the economy is being strangled, which means the towers have other plans.

      Well, the fans of Nicholas II are in power and they could end up the same way.
  20. +3
    5 December 2024 09: 51
    The article is generally correct. But don't get hysterical like the Finns and drink like them.
  21. +2
    5 December 2024 10: 19
    Hot Finnish guys are preparing to repel the Russian attack in the rear of the Russian army

    And we will take it and make a "knight's move".
    Instead of sending our sons, brothers and fathers there, let's throw down nuclear loaves, so that instead of the "beautiful Suomi" a nuclear bald spot will form and all your training in repelling will go down the drain. fellow laughing
    Although I just don’t understand why we should attack the dates if they don’t attack us first? what
    What do they have that Karelia doesn’t have to attack?
    Thousands of lakes?
    So in our country there are tens, if not hundreds of thousands of them.
    Well, in Siberia there are certainly more of them, since there is more space.
    In general, we won’t go to you, everything is fine with us.
    If you try, you'll get hit with a loaf of bread. I'm sick of you, ungrateful neighbors. Yes angry
  22. +1
    5 December 2024 10: 22
    Abandoned military towns are only where there is no civilization nearby, where there is at least some town nearby, it has been sold and built up. So the units being formed should either be assigned to tents or the entire infrastructure should be rebuilt from scratch.
  23. +1
    5 December 2024 10: 24
    In the 20th century, we had four major conflicts. The first one started in 1918, then in 1920, then 1941, and then 1944.

    The author got the dates mixed up somehow.
  24. 0
    5 December 2024 11: 01
    Quote: Vladimir_2U
    The Finns should be the first to be put under pressure by the Poles with thermonuclear fusion, if necessary, of course.

    So precipitation will come to us in Karelia.
    1. +1
      5 December 2024 16: 40
      So what? The main thing is that ours are alive and the Finnish ones are not.
  25. 0
    5 December 2024 12: 00
    As for Finland. It is a very specific state. 90% of the population is located in the South. The Northern part of the country is deserted and undeveloped. There are no roads there either and there are also swamps. Where the main clashes will be, it is in the area of ​​Vyborg, St. Petersburg.
    All the main tactics of the Finnish troops are precisely designed for guerrilla actions.
    1. 0
      5 December 2024 16: 39
      They are now actively preparing to deploy missiles and take out St. Petersburg and its environs at the first opportunity. They are immediately ready not to take prisoners - they say so openly. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that the war with them will begin immediately, as soon as the issue with Ukraine is settled, it is necessary to be ready for this.
  26. 0
    5 December 2024 12: 25
    Quote: Sergej1972
    Frankly speaking, some small military towns looked so shameful and wretched, at least the housing of officers and warrant officers, that there was nothing to restore there.

    Not without it. In this issue, in most cases, the infrastructure is more fundamental - utility networks, highways and railways, numerous bridges on them. For decades, underground cables of the main, backup power supply, communications in the forests were dug for metal, artesian wells were ruined, etc.
  27. 0
    5 December 2024 12: 49
    I will correct the author, there were 20 wars with the Finns in the 4th century, in 2018 and 2020, that's right, then 1939, and in 1941. Moreover, all 4 were heavy in blood and cruelty. The Finns are evil, no better than the Norwegians and Danes.
    We should be more careful with the accuracy of dates - History is an exact science!
    1. +1
      5 December 2024 13: 44
      Quote: Glagol1
      I'll correct the author, there were 20 wars with the Finns in the 4th century, in 2018 and 2020, that's right

      wassat I was probably absent from Mars in 2018 and 2020!!!
      This is some kind of HORROR!!!
      The beginning of the conflicts between Finland and the USSR in the 20th century:
      Quote: Glagol1
      We should be more careful with the accuracy of dates - History is an exact science!

      Standing ovation!!!
  28. +1
    5 December 2024 13: 41
    In the 20th century, we had four major conflicts. The first one started in 1918, then in 1920, then 1941, and then 1944. Who was the initiator in the first three of them? Small and defenseless Finland! Remember?

    Is this some kind of alternative history? Where did the author get these dates from? wassat
    1. Soviet-Finnish armed conflict (1918–1920). Military actions between the White Finnish troops and the Red Army units on the territory of Soviet Russia from March 1918 to October 1920. Ended on October 14, 1920 with the signing of the Tartu Peace Treaty between the RSFSR and Finland.

    2. The Karelian Uprising (1921–1922). It began on November 6, 1921, with the invasion of Finnish volunteer units into the RSFSR on the territory of Karelia. It ended on March 21, 1922, with the signing in Moscow of the Agreement between the governments of the RSFSR and Finland on the adoption of measures to ensure the inviolability of the Soviet-Finnish border.
    3. Soviet-Finnish War (1939–1940). It began on November 30, 1939 and ended on March 13, 1940 with the signing of the Moscow Peace Treaty between Finland and the USSR. 12
    4. Soviet-Finnish War (1941–1944). Military actions between Finnish and Soviet troops in Karelia as part of World War II and the Great Patriotic War. They began on June 22, 1941 and ended on September 19, 1944 with the signing of the Armistice Agreement, formally the Paris Peace Treaty of 1947.

    How can you write such historical nonsense? negative
  29. 0
    5 December 2024 13: 59
    Well, we also have an Arctic brigade. They train near Murmansk. The author didn't scare us. Si vis pacem, para bellum!
  30. +1
    5 December 2024 14: 07
    And during the Great Patriotic War, where were the fiercest battles in the north? And with whom?

    Near Leningrad. With the German fascists. The Finns fought mainly in Karelia. And they didn't go deep into the USSR. Yes, they helped the fascists close the Leningrad blockade, but the most fierce battles were not there.
    1. +2
      5 December 2024 16: 35
      What kind of nonsense is this? They got through exactly as far as they were allowed and there was constant war there. And there were very fierce battles until the Finns ran out.
      1. 0
        5 December 2024 16: 52
        Quote: NG inform
        What kind of nonsense is this? They got through exactly as far as they were allowed and there was constant war there.

        Mmm, how profound!!! Just like "you'll die if I kill you..." laughing
        Quote: NG inform
        And there were very fierce battles until the Finns were gone.

        This is even more profound!!!
        And I thought that they still haven't ended. But then, in 1944, they left the war when the Red Army threw them out onto their territories.
        1. +2
          5 December 2024 20: 31
          They left the war exactly at the moment when it became clear that the USSR had a direct path to the main territory and there was nothing left to defend itself with. The USSR simply did not want to be distracted by them, so they were forced into strict neutrality, which is the foundation of their sovereignty. Legally, we now not only must, but also have the right to liquidate them and rebuild them differently.
    2. +1
      5 December 2024 16: 41
      Quote: Zoer
      Near Leningrad. With German fascists.

      And with the Finns - on the Karelian Isthmus and north of Lake Ladoga.
      Quote: Zoer
      The Finns fought mainly in Karelia. And they did not go deep into the USSR.

      Yeah... they didn't, of course. The Finns were miraculously held back on the Svir. By and large, Meretskov was saved by disagreements between the Germans and the Finns: the Finns did not want to carry out the tasks originally assigned to the German division.
      If the Germans had allocated another division to help the Finns, there would have been a second blockade ring.
      1. -1
        5 December 2024 16: 49
        Quote: Alexey RA
        And with the Finns - on the Karelian Isthmus and north of Lake Ladoga.

        The fighting there wasn't the most intense.
        Quote: Alexey RA
        Yeah... they didn't climb, of course.

        No, they didn't. Mannerheim decided that they had had enough.
        1. 0
          5 December 2024 19: 05
          Quote: Zoer
          No, they didn't. Mannerheim decided that they had had enough.

          Only on the Karelian Isthmus - when they ran into KaUR. North of Ladoga, the offensive stopped only because of "allied forces" - the 163rd Infantry Division was unable to complete its tasks.
        2. 0
          5 December 2024 19: 25
          Quote: Zoer
          The fighting there wasn't the most intense.

          Well, how can I say it? It was not because life was good that right before the first attempt to break through the Leningrad blockade, we had to take the 314th Rifle Division away from A. Kulik's 54th and drive it to the Svir line, throwing it into battle on the move. And also throw the newly formed 313th Rifle Division into battle.
        3. 0
          10 December 2024 03: 19
          He didn’t decide that, there simply wasn’t heavy artillery to overcome the fortifications.
  31. +1
    5 December 2024 14: 46
    It seems to me that the author is trying to create a scare here. And ends everything with a call to the hazel.
    At the same time, in his verbal eruption he mixes up dates and cites absurd facts. In general, the topic is interesting, the content is mediocre. Not interesting.
    Author, please develop the topic, but provide more analysis and facts.
    1. +1
      5 December 2024 16: 36
      Talk to the Finns and you will understand that the author greatly understates the complexity of the Finnish question. They are enemies that must be destroyed, or they will destroy us (totally).
      1. 0
        5 December 2024 17: 12
        Well, I talked to them, we went skiing together in Khibiny. They were broken, but we talked. They love pelmeni and vodka. In general, they are normal guys.
        I wouldn't say that the Finns are belligerent. But such articles, both ours and theirs, add fuel to the porridge.
        1. +2
          5 December 2024 17: 29
          You didn't communicate much, or they just didn't tell you unpleasant things out of politeness, which is most likely. We are already at war with them, and these nice guys will kill your family if they have the opportunity, without any reflection.
          1. 0
            5 December 2024 17: 33
            Somehow this reminds me of artificial tension. The same as between the Ukrainians and us. Yes, the same as between us and the Americans. They also paint for them that we want to conquer half the world and dream of "raping" them all. Do we want that?
            1. -1
              5 December 2024 17: 37
              Everything is already tense there and they are already fighting against us. That's it, they have arrived. Either them or us.
              I have been following the development of khokhlism for 30 years, and in Finland this ultra-Nazism, although it was a bit latent while the USSR was threatening, has completely raised its face since 22, Hitler and Mannerheim are completely justified and the guys are burning with the desire to fight in the heat of the moment.
              Remember what the first thing the Finnish soldiers did when they arrived in Ukraine was shoot an unarmed negotiator.
              That's it, the train has already left. Your soothing speeches are essentially criminal, since they create the illusion that the Finns are not aggressors or criminals.
              I will say even more. The fact that Russia has not started a joint military operation against Finland right now will be very painful for us in a few years, since they will accumulate missiles and strike weapons, which during the upcoming joint military operation will make life in the Northwest of Russia approximately like in the DPR. It is clear that there are not enough resources, but that's it, there will be a massacre.
            2. 0
              10 December 2024 03: 21
              I repeat, we are already in a state of war with Finland, the degree of which is continuously increasing and approximately doubling every year, and either they will destroy us, or we will destroy them. There are no other options. They are already pumped up for an active war, ready not to take prisoners, to commit genocide in St. Petersburg and do not hide it. Go to their forums and read something like:
              But Finland was not Nazi country. We joined them because it was only way to survive. Like deal with the devil. Half of the Finns would be in Siberia or killed if Stalin occupied Finland. Finnish socialist people who moved voluntarily to the Soviet Union for a better life, eventually got killed by Stalin. So better join Hitler than get genocided by Stalin. Stalin actually killed more people than Hitler. Even school Russian books in 90s told the truth but they have recently changed even the school books in Russia. I know this because I have relatives in Russia. They tell what is happening.

              We joined Germany but Mannerheim himself refused to give Finnish jews to Germany. Finnish Jews actually fought in Finnish army same side with Germany. But they fought for Finland, not for Germany.

              And of course western media is not 100% truthful. Its propaganda in both sides. United States is also interested in spreading its influence and get Ukrainian gas etc. But I would still choose to live under Americans than under Russians. Atleast there is much more freedom of speech and democracy in Russia. You can criticize the president of the United States without fear that you "drop out of the window". It seems to happen a lot in Russia.
            3. -1
              10 December 2024 03: 29
              Let me repeat, we are already in a state of war with Finland, the degree of which is continuously increasing and approximately doubling every year, and either they will destroy us, or we will destroy them. There are no other options. We need to look at the dynamics of military potentials, statements and the build-up of army groups. For example, I had no doubt that there would be a war in 2022, since Ukraine was being military pumped up, and creating a threat to Russia is a trigger for a counterattack. The same for Finland, they do not think of stopping in increasing the threat, which means we will be forced to destroy them (as well as XXL - everyone who does not have time to escape). And I did not understand why everyone perceived the statements of our leadership in 2021-2022 as statements about refusing to interfere - there was an open warning about the need to stop.

              They are already pumped up for active war, ready not to take prisoners, to commit genocide against St. Petersburg and do not hide it. Go to their forums and read something like:
              But Finland was not Nazi country. We joined them because it was only way to survive. Like deal with the devil. Half of the Finns would be in Siberia or killed if Stalin occupied Finland. Finnish socialist people who moved voluntarily to the Soviet Union for a better life, eventually got killed by Stalin. So better join Hitler than get genocided by Stalin. Stalin actually killed more people than Hitler. Even school Russian books in 90s told the truth but they have recently changed even the school books in Russia. I know this because I have relatives in Russia. They tell what is happening.

              We joined Germany but Mannerheim himself refused to give Finnish jews to Germany. Finnish Jews actually fought in Finnish army same side with Germany. But they fought for Finland, not for Germany.

              And of course western media is not 100% truthful. Its propaganda in both sides. United States is also interested in spreading its influence and get Ukrainian gas etc. But I would still choose to live under Americans than under Russians. Atleast there is much more freedom of speech and democracy in Russia. You can criticize the president of the United States without fear that you "drop out of the window". It seems to happen a lot in Russia.
  32. 0
    5 December 2024 15: 55
    And during the Great Patriotic War, where were the fiercest battles in the north?

    And what, was there anyone north of Leningrad except the Finns? And the fronts with the Finns were the calmest.

    You vaguely remember...
    1. 0
      5 December 2024 16: 36
      They simply didn't have artillery, no need to justify the finished beasts.
      1. 0
        5 December 2024 19: 27
        They simply didn't have artillery.

        Well, actually there was one. Not much, but there was one. No need to make things up.
        no need to justify the finished beast

        Who justifies them?
        The author simply blurted out some stupidity, as if there was anyone in the north other than the Finns, as if there was anyone to compare with. And as if the battles there were actually harder than Stalingrad.
        In terms of the scale of operations, this was the quietest front.
        And the soldiers' cruelty has nothing to do with their ability to fight. As the SS showed, you can be a complete scumbag and still fight worse than the Romanians.
        1. 0
          5 December 2024 20: 32
          I understand that you haven't seen the defense of Murmansk and the photos of its remains? There was a wild fight there, very underestimated.
          1. 0
            6 December 2024 12: 15
            about the defense of Murmansk

            A successful operation. The fortified area held out, the Germans were unable to approach the city, suffered high losses and did nothing there until the end of the war.
            Have you seen a photo of its remains?

            I saw it. And?
            Is this an indicator of heavy and intense fighting? Large-scale operations? One of the quietest places.
            And the fact that the wooden city is burning down to zero is no secret. As if Murmansk is the only one like that. What is remarkable. The Germans bombed Murmansk incredibly hard. But the ports in Murmansk did not stop working.
            There was a wild fight there

            North of Leningrad there were real "squabbles" until the autumn of 41. Incomparable with other fronts, but such as they are. After high losses and the inability of either the Germans or the Finns to carry out any adequate operations, everything there was simply rolled up. The Finns were stuck in Kaur and Svir, the Germans were in the defense of Murmansk and Kandalaksha. And local battles for fortifications are always tough, the battles on Mustatunturi do not particularly stand out in this regard. Except that the battles there really were:
            very underrated.

            The Arctic is the only place where the enemy I couldn't do anything.
            1. 0
              6 December 2024 12: 35
              very underrated

              Well, and we need to add about the Northern Fleet. They also gave the Germans a hard time. The most successful Soviet fleet in WWII. Everyone had their own way, but they fulfilled all their tasks to the fullest, "for all their money."
    2. 0
      5 December 2024 19: 21
      Quote: English tarantass
      So, was there anyone besides the Finns north of Leningrad?

      There were Germans from the "Norway" Army Group, who even before the war had divided zones of responsibility with the Finns and subordinated "foreign" units in their zones to a single command.
      On 15.06.1941 June 163, the northernmost Finnish V Army Corps (later renamed III Army Corps) was subordinated to the command post of the Norwegian Army Headquarters located in Rovaniemi. On the other hand, the Finns commanded the XNUMXrd Infantry Division located on their territory.
      One of the peculiarities of the German-Finnish coalition was the absence of a common supreme commander in Finland, although Mannerheim exercised command over the German troops that found themselves in his zone (163 D), and Falkenhorst, starting on 15 June 1941, over the Finnish divisions in Lapland (3 D and 6 D).
      © Jokipii Mauno. Finland on the Road to War.
      1. 0
        5 December 2024 19: 31
        I know about the Germans in Norway and on the Volkhov. It's not serious, they were essentially making a presence there, filling the holes in the Finnish army with their materiel and numbers. Whether they were there or not. All the same, on the same miserable supply, on the residual principle. It is impossible to seriously advance there, and pointless. At least just sit there.
        1. 0
          5 December 2024 20: 03
          Quote: English tarantass
          This is not serious, they were essentially making a presence there, filling the holes in the Finnish army with their material part and numbers. Whether they were there or not. All the same, on the same miserable supply, on the residual principle. It is impossible to seriously attack there, and pointless. At least just sit there.

          The problem is that we had even fewer forces there - the same 1st TD, which held the Kandalaksha direction, was pulled out near Pskov.
          Therefore, in 1941 the fighting was really tough, literally on the edge - especially considering that the defeat of our forces on the Svir led to the destruction of Leningrad, and in the north - to the abandonment of Murmansk.
          Even with the Kaur, things were not so clear-cut - considering that all normal units of the 23rd Army were transferred to the southern direction. During the first week of fighting, the infantry filling of the fortified area was cosplayed by several previously defeated divisions (including those evacuated from coastal cauldrons) of extremely low complement with practically only rifles, as well as militias and combined detachments "from all over the world on a string." And against them - Finnish complete divisions.
          1. 0
            6 December 2024 12: 30
            The same 1st TD, which held the Kandalaksha direction, was pulled out near Pskov.

            The units were transferred after the front had stabilized. They were transferred because of the Finns' inability, and indeed impossibility, to attack.
            that the defeat of our forces on the Svir led to the destruction of Leningrad

            Troops were transferred from the Svir to the east, specifically to hold Tikhvin from the Germans, troops from the north of the isthmus were transferred to the south, also taking into account that the Finns would not break through the Kaur (and did not try, as well as the Svir defense), but the Germans definitely needed to be held to the south.
            Even with KaUR, things weren't so clear-cut

            The Finns had run into the Kaur and Svir and stubbornly refused to attack. On the isthmus, this was due to the mediocre capabilities of the Finnish army. They would never break through the fortified region. And in Karelia, this was due to the fact that it was impossible to carry out serious supplies there due to the terrain, the great length of communications for the Finnish army, and the need to force the river. They could hold bridgeheads on the southern bank, but they could not develop them, and they did not want to.
            The defeat of our forces on the Svir led to the abandonment of Murmansk.

            The Finns had already cut the railway to Murmansk. Supplies were going north-east, ours had added a railway line towards Arkhangelsk. In principle, as long as Murmansk and Arkhangelsk were standing and working, and the enemy was not moving east of Onega, there was a northern route.
            During the first week of fighting, the infantry filling of the fortified area was cosplayed by several previously defeated divisions (including those evacuated from coastal cauldrons) of extremely low complement with practically only rifles, as well as militias and combined detachments "from all over the world on a string." And against them - Finnish complete divisions.

            That's what UR is for. There are ammunition and weapons there. There is already a defense. Fortifications and lines of barriers and obstacles. Anyone can sit there, even the militia, the main thing is the fullness and completeness of the weapons.
            Where is the mat part of KaUR, and where are the Finnish complete divisions...
  33. +1
    5 December 2024 16: 32
    When the conversation turns to Finland, or more precisely to the military hysteria that reigns there, most Russians widen their eyes. "The government has gone crazy. But the people are ours. They treat us well." I wonder who elected this government, this president and other "anti-Russian" figures? Who supports the anti-Russian rhetoric?

    In short - hello, rake. It wasn't enough for us to have one poor, innocent, brotherly people deceived by Banderovites...
    1. 0
      5 December 2024 16: 37
      All of Europe is like that. Aren't you surprised that Spain called us a historical enemy?
      Europeans literally do not understand the concept of peaceful coexistence and the concept of Human Rights. They live civilized only under the supervision of Russia, when we control them and extinguish European culture.
      1. 0
        5 December 2024 19: 48
        Quote: NG inform
        Are you not surprised that Spain called us a historical enemy?

        Nope. This is a heavy legacy of the Franco era, when the USSR, having supported the legitimate government in the fight against the army mutiny, after the rebels' victory was appointed responsible for everything bad in the country for many years.
  34. 0
    5 December 2024 16: 33
    The Finns are inadequate, they almost all have a cult of victory, as they crushed us in the continuation war (World War II). They will have to be eliminated.
  35. 0
    5 December 2024 18: 40
    For the most part, in history, Russia has most often punched someone in the face and left. HOW TO EXPLAIN to idiots that there is no point in conquering them, none at all!! Of course, if you imagine us as ferocious orcs from fairy tales, then of course, "we are driven only by the thirst for blood and destruction" - nonsense! Where is the logic??
  36. 0
    5 December 2024 21: 37
    We Russians are an original people. At first we are a little afraid, we measure seven times, and then we stop caring and then everyone is afraid of us...
  37. -1
    6 December 2024 14: 04
    How many smart guys are there, raving about the enemies of Great Russia!!! Well, everyone wants to conquer it. And the Finns, and Iblis, and the reptilians...
  38. 0
    6 December 2024 20: 16
    I read all the funny comments, I can't call it anything else. No offense.
    Have you all lived among the children of nature, its northern children, I accidentally lived there, or rather was there. What are you talking about, hazel, nuclear bombs. This is such nonsense in an area completely crossed by hills, hollows, rivers, rocks. Plus to this add a huge network of logging roads, like a spider web, along which you can get anywhere on snowmobiles, to Murmansk or Petrozavodsk, it makes no difference. And they are all quite passable after -20, and if you add frozen rivers and lakes to them, then I generally expect an apocalypse in light of the development of current military actions. Unfortunately, our perverted leadership does not expect an invasion of two hundred thousand snowmobiles with sleds on which machine guns and mortars are mounted. Who at the moment can stop this mosquito armada from absolutely different directions. Why 200 thousand snowmobiles. Because in every family, as a rule, there is a snowmobile for traction for the dacha, for the farm, for heavy work. There is a high-speed snowmobile for entertainment. But this is all lyricism, every man from the areas north of Kuhmo and further to Lapland calmly spends the night in polyethylene under the snow, while fishing, hunting and just walking in nature. They have such a lifestyle, it is officially called unity with nature. And I completely agree with the author of the article that it was time to scratch a long time ago. Oddly enough, this style of unity has become fashionable among other residents of the Scandinavian countries for about twenty years. To be honest, I am very afraid of this winter. From the hills on our side, I often saw their exercises in the winter through binoculars. I was very sad about our boasting.
  39. 0
    10 December 2024 22: 08
    It's just that the Finns lost a little territory under Stalin, now they have nothing to fear: why should they be afraid of Putin, he is for some kind of international law, and reminds me of Leopold the Cat: guys, let's live in peace! Although for thousands of years humanity has understood: the enemy respects only force and learns only through pain.
  40. 0
    13 December 2024 12: 11
    So the same people who destroyed and sold the country are in power, the SVO will end, foreign agents will return and everything will go back to the old way.
  41. 0
    19 December 2024 08: 09
    Let's be honest, the chances of Finland even attacking in the next few years are very small, and it would rather be a gift, the Finnish army is really, extremely weak, for your information, for some reason the article does not provide the size of their army, but it should, the total number is only 34000 of which 22000 are conscripts, plus that number includes the navy and aviation and expeditionary forces not in Finland, and civilian positions, honestly, they do not have any real chance, even if the brains of everyone in the government rot, and they really decide to attack with such a balance of forces, then even with the forces available on the ground, plus conscripts plus the guard will be able to if not stop them then delay them, but they will have to stop the offensive in their zone, and transfer part of the forces, namely very experienced soldiers, to the north, and then the Finnish army will simply be defeated, and Finland captured, and here no NATO will help, if you carefully read the charter, it will become clear why, believe me, the United States will not oblige itself to something that is not beneficial to them, plus with such an action Finland will show itself, and de facto will turn out to be an aggressor, which will completely push away neutral countries and the Western electorate, and no matter what anyone says, this is important, and there will be an influx of patriotism here, as after the invasion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region, more Danats from the population to the army, more volunteers, so if they do not want to help Russia, then they are unlikely to go for this, and the clearest proof is that they did not attack at the most ideal moment, which has long been missed, general sentiments for Ukraine in the West have fallen sharply, the Russian army has recovered from the defeats of the fall of 2022, the military-industrial complex has been dispersed to the maximum, an agreement has been concluded with the DPRK, in short, I think everything is clear
  42. 0
    7 January 2025 07: 39
    Hot Finnish guys are preparing to repel the Russian attack in the rear of the Russian army

    From every corner and every fig leaf we hear nothing but that the people, here in Finland, also in Germany, France and so on down the list, do not want war, that only the frostbitten rulers want war. And this nonsense has been and is being hammered into our heads throughout the 1941th century. First in relation to Hitler's Germany, then Finland, etc. As a result, we got XNUMX and the Germans near Moscow, and the dates near Leningrad. But enough, it's time to wake up and move away from this Bolshevik view of the people and their government and history. The people always do what they want, what they order them to do and what their government does. So all this talk about the dates not wanting war is empty talk. The army (the people of Finland) of Finland will go where the leadership of Finland orders it.