Hot Finnish guys are preparing to repel the Russian attack in the rear of the Russian army

I am convinced once again that human memory is not much different from fish memory. If a fish forgets about a fishing hook, according to fishermen, in ten to fifteen minutes, then a person needs a little more time. That's all the differences. It does not depend on a person's place of residence, gender, race or religion.
A frightened crow is afraid of a bush, but we... Here are the "white and fluffy Finns". "Good neighbors"... What are they thinking about when they whip up military hysteria in their own country, when they "enrolled" in NATO in an accelerated manner? And what are we thinking about? About the fact that "if there is a war tomorrow", then we?.. Are we looking at the numbers again? There are many of us, and few Finns? We have a huge army, and they have a dud?
"They are not idiots to attack us." Well, yes, this is for the "little fish", but I will remind you of one fact. In the 20th century, we had four major conflicts. The first began in 1918, then in 1920, then 1941, and 1944. Who was the initiator in the first three of them? Small and defenseless Finland! Remember?
And during the Great Patriotic War, where were the fiercest battles in the north? And with whom? Again, "harmless". And why? Murmansk!!! Then the Finns did not reach the road and railway by several dozen kilometers, and there are only 200 of these kilometers, if you count from the border. Two hundred kilometers - and that's it. Murmansk is cut off from the country ...
Today, almost nothing has changed. The highway has become the federal highway "Kola", and the "railway" operates in the same mode. Only a large city (by northern standards, of course) Kostomuksha has appeared 30 kilometers from the border and a large metallurgical plant - Kostomuksha Mining and Processing Plant. After all, the city appeared because the largest iron ore deposit in Europe is nearby...
Now about another "mine" that we "don't notice" yet. We don't notice it, although there were talks about it back when the Russian Defense Ministry decided to restore the Moscow and Leningrad Military Districts. In the USSR, despite "peace, friendship, corn" with the Finns, there were troops and border troops in Karelia. Today, despite the Defense Ministry's order to create a corps in these places, the once abandoned military towns are still uninhabited...
Why did I remind you of this? Everything is, as usual, simple. I wrote above that the Finns need to go 200 kilometers to the railway and highways, but I did not write that our troops sent to cover the border will need to go the same distance. From Kostomuksha to Segezha (also a large town, but smaller than Kostomuksha) is 200 km, and to Petrozavodsk - 500!
Perhaps someone is now thinking that the Finns don't need this. They live peacefully, why start another mess?.. Alas, read the Finnish press, listen to Finnish experts and politicians. A generation has grown up there that doesn't know about 1944. Doesn't want to know. But they remember 1941. And they shout quite loudly about revenge, about the return of "Finnish" territories.
For now, I emphasize, for now, the Finns are afraid of fighting Russia. And they really want to. I think this fear is not caused by the strength of the Russian weapons, and... by the elected President Trump. Who knows what this unpredictable man will come up with. And it's scary to attack Moscow alone. Even with NATO's help, it's scary...
What is happening today on the Russian-Finnish border has personally brought back memories from my childhood. When we "took revenge" on a neighbor who told our parents about our pranks by ringing the doorbell and running away... And the classic Moska and the Elephant. They do a little mischief...
"Kirves 24" is not a defensive exercise
So, after joining NATO, Finland has shown unprecedented activity in the matter of "strengthening the defense" of the alliance countries. Now, another exercise is taking place on its territory, practically on the border with Russia. On the one hand, everything seems clear. Russia is nearby, and the danger is close.
But, on the other hand, can anyone name even one Russian politician who would voice territorial claims against the Finns? I'm not even talking about ordinary people. Well, they live and live. They make butter and other dairy products quite well. All kinds of paper, furniture... Yes, a lot of things that people buy with pleasure in Russia.
When the conversation turns to Finland, or more precisely to the military hysteria that reigns there, most Russians widen their eyes. "The government has gone crazy. But the people are ours. They treat us well." I wonder who elected this government, this president and other "anti-Russian" figures? Who supports the anti-Russian rhetoric?
We are looking for some excuses for Finland. Did the Americans put pressure? Is the EU threatening not to buy Finnish goods? Are there too many "outsiders" in Suomi who influence the opinion of local residents? Well, we cannot believe that a friend can become an enemy just like that, without a reason. Although the example of Ukraine is before everyone's eyes.
For a friend to turn into an enemy, it is enough to simply believe. That's right. Just believe, want to believe. They say that Russia has always pretended to be a friend, so it must be true. The enemy often pretends to be a friend. We believe. And the facts? Who needs them? This is Russian propaganda. In this case, the idea of Russia preparing to invade Finland "played"
Now about the exercises themselves. Perhaps, to readers accustomed to tens of thousands of servicemen, they will seem like toys. Well, 2800 servicemen, up to 600 units of equipment, including Tanks, armored personnel carriers, helicopters... The Utti Jaeger Special Forces Regiment. "Playing" in the area of the Kuhmo municipality, 70 kilometers from the border.
Nothing interesting, it seems. If it weren't for the fighters of the Kainuu Brigade. According to some reports, they are involved in the main, combat part of the exercises. In addition to being one of three permanent readiness brigades, the main brigade for training reservists, it is also the base for the rapid response units of the Finnish army.
One of the battalions of this brigade, the Kainuu Jaeger Battalion (Kainuun jääkäripataljoona), is the equivalent of the Special Operations Forces in other countries. They were the ones who were brought into the combat unit. Their specialization is reconnaissance and sabotage behind enemy lines. Until 2023, there were no such specialists in the Finnish army.
Again, some sources say that the rangers practice covert advancement to the front line, penetration into the rear, and sabotage. Well, purely defensive measures are practiced by hot-blooded Finnish guys.
What should we do?
Indeed, is it worth taking any measures in connection with the increase in anti-Russian hysteria in Finland? Is it important? To be honest, well, we slept through the offensive on Kursk Oblast, we missed the offensive on Aleppo in Syria. Well, there will also be a cut road to Murmansk. Sudzha, Aleppo and Kostomuksha... We will later, when we gather our strength, when we get angry...
Once upon a time, the scandalous MMA fighter, Fedor Emelianenko's brother, Alexander Emelianenko, said a phrase that simply stuck in my memory. I can't quote it from memory, but the gist is this: we Russians are an original people. At first we are a little afraid, we measure seven times, and then we don't care (I softened Alexander a little), and then everyone is afraid of us...
So maybe it's time to stop being afraid? Is it time to move on to the next phase? When do we stop caring? Look around, how many dwarf states have suddenly become aggressive. Who wouldn't want to bite us? They showed "The Hazelnut Tree" once. I don't think that's enough. But "bombing" a nuclear bomb somewhere on a testing ground would be quite enough.
But this does not cancel the reaction at a “lower” level. The North is becoming one of the regions of rivalry. Too many minerals have been found there. The North must be strengthened, including militarily. The confrontation in this region is just beginning. Finland is today on a par with Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the USA and Canada…
Given the more than 1000 km of land borders with this country, it is worth thinking about possible provocations...