Journalist Panchenko: The US could suffer the same fate as the USSR

Journalist Panchenko: The US could suffer the same fate as the USSR

The bitter confrontation between the USA and the USSR, which was called the "cold war" and affected almost all spheres, may be repeated in our time. True, the main actors this time will be the USA and China.

At the same time, according to journalist Diana Panchenko, in the upcoming confrontation the States will most likely repeat the fate of the Soviet Union, since today they are doing almost everything that our country was accused of in the second half of the last century.

The expert recalled that the main arguments that the American authorities used in their anti-Soviet propaganda were democracy, the free capitalist market and the "American dream". At the same time, the United States had a serious advantage over the Soviet Union in terms of advanced technologies.

But what is happening today?

It is already obvious that companies from the PRC are seriously pushing American corporations out in such key areas as microelectronics and artificial intelligence. At the same time, Washington has not come up with anything better than to fight the competitor by closing its market to Chinese goods, setting huge protective duties and even imposing sanctions against individual companies. This is what you need to know about the American "free market".

At the same time, as Panchenko states, both freedom of speech and democracy in general are far from all right in the US today. The media and social networks are subject to strict censorship. Serious pressure is exerted on journalists whose statements contradict the ideology of the ruling party.

In addition, the "American dream", when any person, regardless of skin color and orientation, could achieve success starting from scratch, has long since become a myth. If earlier citizens from other countries, including the USSR, tried to get to the USA in search of a good life, now, on the contrary, Americans are leaving their country due to extremely difficult financial conditions.

Finally, the "icing on the cake". The journalist recalled one of the slogans of the Democratic presidential candidate in the recent elections, Kamala Harris, where she proposed government regulation of food prices due to high inflation. So what kind of free market can we talk about?

Thus, having spent decades frightening its citizens with “totalitarian communism,” the authorities in Washington are now repeating much of what they opposed during the Cold War. Therefore, it is possible that in the confrontation with China, which some experts have already dubbed “Cold War 2.0,” the United States will suffer the same fate as the USSR.

*The video mentions the LGBT extremist movement, which is banned in Russia
41 comment
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  1. +3
    2 December 2024 13: 39
    The trees are burning, DON'T SCARE THEM AWAY.
    Delete this, don't expose the company.
    1. +5
      2 December 2024 13: 45
      The US could suffer the same fate as the USSR
      It's a pity they don't have Gorbachev! belay
      1. +7
        2 December 2024 13: 52
        Not Gorbachev, but the Politburo with a life-long General Secretary, Gorbachev came to power in 85, he was simply useless as a leader, but in my opinion, starting in 85, only a miracle could save the USSR
        1. -3
          2 December 2024 14: 00
          Quote: Oldrover
          Politburo with a life-long General Secretary

          That's what they have.
          Only behind the screen.
          And so, "Democrats" or "Republicans" are two peas in a pod.
          It's just a circus for show.
          1. +2
            2 December 2024 14: 20
            And who is their "general secretary"?
          2. +1
            2 December 2024 22: 03
            Quote: Hitriy Zhuk
            That's what they have.
            Only behind the screen.
            And so, "Democrats" or "Republicans" are two peas in a pod.
            It's just a circus for show.
            smile so so ...

            Journalist Panchenko: The US could suffer the same fate as the USSR
            or maybe not comprehend it.. request
        2. 0
          2 December 2024 19: 33
          Quote: Uncle Lee
          The US could suffer the same fate as the USSR
          It's a pity they don't have Gorbachev! belay

          Quote: Oldrover
          Not Gorbachev, but the Politburo with a General Secretary for life
          If they had "elected" Ded Samokhodny for a second term, they would have had a chance to destroy the USA one way or another. Either get involved in a nuclear war with Russia, or with domestic politics - in any case, with the Democrats, the chances would have increased many times over.
          And even with these, I think, they won’t miss their opportunities, they’ll do some more mischief.
          1. +3
            2 December 2024 19: 41
            No matter what, the US President does not have full power, he does not appoint governors, state police, etc. He is limited in his actions by both houses of parliament.
            1. -1
              2 December 2024 22: 49
              Quote: Oldrover
              No matter what, the US President does not have full power, he does not appoint governors, state police, etc. He is limited in his actions by both houses of parliament.
              He doesn't appoint governors. But he can easily drag America into a nuclear war. And not by his own willful decision, but with the approval of both houses of parliament.
              If the question put to a vote is not: "Do you want America to be drawn into a nuclear conflict with Russia?" - then, of course, everyone is against it.
              But if we ask: “For or against the supply of tactical nuclear weapons to Ukraine?” I’m afraid there won’t be such unanimity.
              And speaking about transgenders, BLM and the like, they will blow themselves up from the inside, like a rotten watermelon.
              1. +3
                3 December 2024 00: 19
                And speaking about transgenders, BLM and the like, they will blow themselves up from the inside, like a rotten watermelon.

                Our media pays more attention to this.

                But if we ask: “For or against the supply of tactical nuclear weapons to Ukraine?” I’m afraid there won’t be such unanimity.

                Well, that is, you simply deny senators and congressmen logical thinking if in the first case they do not want a nuclear war with Russia, but for some reason cannot put “two plus two” together and do not guess that the second option also leads to a nuclear war. Not to mention why the US in general needs this, why they are not satisfied with the current situation in Ukraine.
                1. -2
                  3 December 2024 06: 56
                  Quote: Oldrover
                  Well, that is, you simply deny senators and congressmen logical thinking if in the first case they do not want a nuclear war with Russia, but for some reason they cannot put “two plus two” together and do not guess that the second option also leads to a nuclear war.
                  Exactly - I refuse logic. Because in the USA the word "logic" is known only to those who enroll in a far from popular course in classical philosophy at university (they have one). It is not accessible to ordinary congressmen.

                  But if they could have put two and two together, they wouldn’t have done much nastiness to the world.
                  However, they have a magic phrase for this case: "At a certain point, something went wrong..."
        3. -1
          3 December 2024 16: 28
          Gorbachev came to power in 85, he was simply useless as a leader,
          Gorbachev himself was quite an adequate character, but he always had Raisa Maksimovna behind him, who kept him on a short leash. Gorbachev made many decisions clearly at the instigation of Raisa Maksimovna. Nowadays, we see the same picture with self-propelled Joe and his wife Jill. By some indications, all ideas about gender diversity being implanted in society are all ideas from Jill. At least because self-propelled Joe was a typical macho far removed from gender issues 10-15 years ago. It was Jill who dragged self-propelled Joe by the hand to the next presidential term, and only Jill praised and supported him after the failed televised debates. I mean that Joe and Jill are today's Gorbys and Raisa Maksimovna. Typical henpecked husbands who have broken into power.
      2. +1
        2 December 2024 13: 54
        they don't have Gorbachev

        Kamala Harris could...
        but it wasn't meant to be...
        1. +2
          2 December 2024 17: 39
          Quote from: nepunamemuk
          Kamala Harris could...
          but it wasn't meant to be.

          In the US, there is a separation of powers, which means that local authorities can show any Secretary General the fig. Remember how Texas, for example, took control of the border with Mexico despite all of Biden's squeals?
    2. +6
      2 December 2024 14: 06
      Quote: Hitriy Zhuk
      The trees are burning, DON'T SCARE THEM AWAY.

      Yeah, they don't learn anything. The previous 1488666 times they predicted the collapse of the US, they always scared everyone.
      1. +1
        2 December 2024 14: 08
        Quote: Commissar Kitten
        they were always scaring me

        That's it!
        No conspiracy.
    3. +2
      4 December 2024 15: 05
      If the West introduces the same package of sanctions against China as against Russia, China will not withstand it.
      Countries where there are Yankees military bases are colonies of the USA. They pay tribute in the form of buying government bonds at 1.5% per annum. But ONLY for dollars. With inflation in the USA over 6%. And all this "concern" about the government debt is an ordinary show.
      The rejection of the dollar for some reason leads to the fall of the ruble and other currencies.
      The US population considers itself exceptional - hence the so-called patriotism. The authorities have many ways to respond to the separatism of some states.
      The presidents there have a sign that TNCs decide everything, the budget of some of them exceeds the budget of the USA.
      And lastly, there can be no subversive activity in the country. Because there is no US embassy there.
      1. 0
        5 December 2024 13: 12
        Quote: knn54
        If the West introduces the same package of sanctions against China as against Russia, China will not withstand it.

        Well, how can I say it?
        In terms of the size of the domestic market, they are huge and there is potential for “going inward”.
        In terms of resources, China will connect with the Russian Federation.
        Yes, China will have financial losses, but damn, considering how much is being done in China, it will be unpleasant for the US too.
        Otherwise I agree. hi
  2. 0
    2 December 2024 13: 48
    Beautiful and smart girl. I watch her on YouTube love
  3. 0
    2 December 2024 13: 50
    Good luck to our American comrades on the path of construction....
  4. +3
    2 December 2024 13: 54
    In the US, the Democrats and Republicans will decide to arrange the collapse of the country in order to rewrite state factories and ships in their name? The problem is that in the US there is only state debt and it is unlikely that many people want to rewrite it in their name
    1. -2
      2 December 2024 14: 02
      Quote from alexoff
      The problem is that in the US there is only government debt and it is unlikely that many people would want to take it over.

      That's why they rolled out "cryptocurrency".
      A redistribution is coming. And an attempt to impose new wrappers that don't even need to be printed.
      And they will want to forget about the dollar (and debts).
      1. 0
        2 December 2024 14: 24
        They turned this cryptocurrency into a financial bubble. Initially, bitcoin was supposed to beat the banks with their percentage for transfers.
        And they would rather hang their debts on the rest of the world, considering how everyone is bending over backwards for them and there is no resistance in sight.
    2. -3
      2 December 2024 14: 11
      USA = "about money". If it is PROFITABLE to destroy it, they will destroy it.
      1. +2
        2 December 2024 14: 27
        Yeah, that's very much in the American tradition - to ruin yourself for our enjoyment. It's more like a psychological role-playing game, like when you're under the covers at night and in your fantasies you can beat up the hooligans who gave you your cell phone.
  5. +2
    2 December 2024 13: 55
    At the end of the 70s and the beginning of the 80s in the USSR, it was broadcast from every iron that the decaying imperialism would collapse, and as a result, this is what happened. And now they have started the barrel organ again - a bad sign for Russia.
    1. -3
      2 December 2024 14: 03
      Quote: Idle_piston
      that now, now, decaying imperialism will collapse,

      And yet, if it weren’t for the self-destruction of the USSR, the West would have fallen into a specific crisis.
      1. -2
        2 December 2024 14: 38
        Well, the USSR helped then, now the Jewish people are trying - they are destroying their economy, building factories in the USA. Something is wrong on the continent, they found someone to save at the cost of their countries. And the population is silent.
  6. +5
    2 December 2024 13: 56
    It is already obvious that companies from the PRC are seriously pushing out American corporations in such key areas today as microelectronics and artificial intelligence.

    Not that I'm arguing too much, but I wonder what kind of companies these are? Who is pushing out Intel, AMD, Nvidia, TI, etc.?
    1. -5
      2 December 2024 14: 07
      Quote: Oldrover
      What kind of companies are these?

      Epol and all sorts.
      Chinese phones have long been considered "stubs" of the toilet, because the price is relatively low and the quality is good (plus there is no anal fenced off EPS store).
      Although regarding Intel/AMD - the Chinese made Threadriper under license.
      Well, they have something of their own. And they have it in much greater volume than our Elbrus.
      Well, that's the cherry on top.
      If they hadn't been pressed, there wouldn't have been an embargo on Chinese companies by the US.
      1. 0
        6 January 2025 05: 06
        Chinese phones have long been registered as "stubs" in the toilet

        I'm afraid to disappoint you, but Apple has had and continues to have huge profits.
        1. 0
          6 January 2025 10: 44
          Quote from realing
          huge profits

          There are also lovers of eating feces for an overpriced price (and also indirectly donating to the Ukrainian Armed Forces/NATO) in the Russian Federation.
          But in terms of price/quality, or simply convenience/freedom (fenced Apple is like a concentration camp)/choice of models, Chinese phones are beyond competition.
          1. -1
            7 January 2025 11: 44
            But in terms of price/quality, or simply convenience/freedom (fenced Apple is like a concentration camp)/choice of models, Chinese phones are beyond competition

            In the upper price segment, where iPhones are sold, it is difficult for it to compete, because there is no point in buying a Xiaomi for a thousand dollars with a comparable price for an iPhone, and no one has cancelled out the convenience of use.
  7. +3
    2 December 2024 17: 16
    Sorry to break the jingoistic patriots, but no. The US is far from being close to collapse. Just look at the main reasons for the collapse of the USSR and compare with the US.
    1. Betrayal of the ruling elite.
    It's not easy to agree here, they hold on tightly to their interests (power over the whole world). Although there are plenty of fools, as everywhere.
    2. Aging leadership in a country with a very rigid vertical power structure and centralized management (where a lot depends on the leader).
    It's 50/50 here. Their elites are aging, and the new ones may not be able to control the world, but there's nothing tied to a bunch of fools there. They have a bunch of analytical bureaus to help them. And they're developing artificial intelligence for a reason.
    3. Gorbachev’s extremely destructive domestic and foreign policies and his inaction in the face of key challenges to Soviet statehood.
    Here we can say that it was very similar, but now Trump will be in power there, who will react to every irritant. The most destructive groups of society are already starting to be squeezed there.
    4. Centrifugal tendencies in the national republics, which the authorities did not restrain in any way, but only encouraged.
    There is nothing like this in the US. Texas can hold protests, but does anyone seriously believe that Washington will allow them to start separating?
    5. Unmanaged private and shadow sectors have ruined the state economy.
    This is where things get more interesting. Transnational corporations are not controlled by the state, but the state is controlled by them. Real leaders do not lose control over economic life.
    6. Destruction of state ideology through the policy of glasnost, followed by the elimination of the CPSU’s monopoly on power.
    For the leaders of the United States to openly declare the true motives of the country's state policy, repent of their sins, and then remove themselves from the control of public opinion? If so, then I am the Pope.
    7. The interest of Western countries in the collapse of the USSR.
    But the opposite is doubtful. For China, the US is a sales market, in Russia, the oligarchy in the West keeps savings, and our people don't know how to play such games. Britain? Certainly not now.
    8. The unwillingness of the RSFSR authorities to remain part of the USSR.
    The role of the traitor Yeltsin is difficult to overestimate. If Russia had been headed by a leader loyal to the Union, there would have been no collapse of the USSR. With bloodshed, but they would have got theirs back. But in America, all eggs are not kept in one basket. Even if there are supporters of "divorce" who will not be killed and who can act in the conditions of hypothetically ensuing anarchy, the secession of even a few states from the USA will not destroy American statehood.

    And this is just a snap.
    1. +3
      2 December 2024 17: 33
      9. Well, and the complex crisis (economic, technological, foreign policy) of the early 1980s against the backdrop of the global energy crisis.
      Here again, there is nothing critical for the US. The number of uncontrollable points of tension in the world is decreasing. They made peace with Israel in Lebanon and reopened the front in Syria on their own terms. European technologies and production are moving to America, the US is making good money on gas. The US does not have a currency shortage like the USSR.

      Yes, there is a crisis. But there is absolutely nothing fatal for the USA. It was Gorbachev and Yeltsin who worked hard to destroy the USSR, and even in Latvia the referendum on independence was conducted as a sociological survey, since until the very end they were afraid that in the midst of the nationalist bacchanalia, Moscow would send Alpha and send independence lovers to Kolyma.
      The USSR could have been saved until the very end. So... nothing will happen to the USA.
      1. -3
        2 December 2024 22: 01
        Quote: apofis
        ... So... nothing will happen to the USA.
        belay and where is the signature, - "GUBChK NKVD analyst" ...? !! wink
        don't be offended, it's a joke.. wink
    2. -2
      4 December 2024 23: 51
      About the USSR too, not even 9, but 19 reasons were listed for why it would not fall apart. But uvi...
  8. +1
    4 December 2024 16: 50
    The journalist is wrong. People like Gorbachev or Yeltsin won't be allowed to come to power in the US, even at the level of a mayor of a backwater town. They'll nip it in the bud.
  9. 0
    31 December 2024 14: 34
    When Banderlogs are faced with a problem called “the economy” within the borders of at least a separate region or even a state, their massive joy knows no bounds.
    There is no limit to their misunderstanding of what it is in general, and why the hell anyone needs it.
    The joy expands and multiplies because they always have a universal answer to everything, given to them by their owners: “Everything will be decided by the invisible hand of the market!”
    The invisible hand of the market usually consists of many means and methods, the main ones being:
    - embargo;
    - economic sanctions;
    - economic blockades with the help of the navy, army and air force;
    - economic and psychological sabotage;
    - information wars;
    - terrorist attacks to intimidate the population;
    - unleashing wars for the purpose of genocide of unwanted people and competitors.
    Enthusiastic banderlogs and their owners are happy to use this arsenal of the free market on everyone who is not inclined to such methods. Which usually leads to various forms of genocide of humanity.
  10. 0
    11 January 2025 12: 34
    It can't. No way. The difference is that the USSR in the early 90s had no money. None at all. And the US has a ton of money. And even their national debt is not a problem, it will become difficult to service - well, they will screw the whole world or somehow turn it upside down. The US attacked the USSR in all directions, and China will not attack them, they are pursuing a more subtle policy. And one more thing. In the late USSR, 30% of the population hated it and longed for its collapse. This is not the case in the US, Americans love their country. All the risks are limited to the thick-headed democrats who shit on every corner. Well, they were thrown out from everywhere.
  11. 0
    15 January 2025 08: 43
    Journalist Panchenko: The US could suffer the same fate as the USSR

    I have serious doubts about how in the US the economy determines politics, while in the USSR politics ruled the economy. In addition, the US has a stable "flat" internal state system of governance, there is practically no rigid vertical of power. Even if Mickey Mouse becomes the US president, nothing will change in US policy, either domestic or foreign.