Trump Threatens BRICS, Demands Not to Create Alternative to US Dollar

Trump Threatens BRICS, Demands Not to Create Alternative to US Dollar

US President-elect Donald Trump has begun threatening BRICS. Let us recall that BRICS includes countries from different continents. These are Russia, China, Brazil, India, South Africa, Ethiopia, Iran and others.

Trump said he was demanding a "commitment" from BRICS that they "will not create their own single currency."

Trump's account published threats against BRICS:

We demand that they do not create a single BRICS currency or support any other currency to replace the mighty dollar. If they do not, they will receive 100 percent tariffs from the US and say goodbye to sales to our wonderful economy.

According to Trump, who himself criticized the dollar and the gigantic American debt in his campaign rhetoric, “there is no chance of replacing the US dollar.”


Anyone who tries to do this must say goodbye to the United States.

I wonder if anyone has reminded Trump that China holds over a trillion dollars in US debt and is the US's largest exporter. If Trump were to cut off US trade with China, entire sectors of the US economy could go down the drain, since no non-BRICS bloc can currently supply the US with such volumes of goods and services.
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  1. +57
    30 November 2024 21: 48
    Trump Threatens BRICS

    Which is what was required to be proven. The sum does not change from the order of the terms, i.e. the arms clans will not let Trump stray from the beaten path. All his slogans about an immediate suspension of the war in Ukraine are pre-election balancing act. There's more to come!
    1. +21
      30 November 2024 22: 47
      Quote: kventinasd
      As required.

      But what does Ukraine have to do with it? There's a jack of all trades.
      Why is everyone so angry at comrade Trump?
      Trump is the President of the USA. He speaks for the interests of the USA. For his taxpayers. We all spoke out against globalism for national interests. Or did we?
      Comrade Trump said - anyone who is against the dollar will not receive America's support.
      If VVP said - whoever is against the ruble will not receive support from the Russian Federation

      Or are both of them wrong?
      In my opinion, both are right.
      1. +25
        30 November 2024 23: 05
        Countries around the world are accustomed to living by the dollar exchange rate; they are afraid to change the flow of the currency river.
        The striped ones are used to having everything on their hook and don’t want to change the flow of this river.
        While the world economy is approaching a collapse in trade.
        The BRICS countries do not need the dollar, it slows down their mutual settlements. And the striped ones will do everything to ensure that the dollar remains alone on the mutual settlements market, if they stop controlling trade, they will immediately come to an end.
        1. -18
          30 November 2024 23: 26
          Quote: Arkady007
          The BRICS countries do not need the dollar; it slows down their mutual settlements.

          The world needs a common currency.
          "The dollar" is needed by everyone. The whole world. Some common currency is needed, to which everyone can tie themselves in mutual settlements. Let it not be the American $, but the Chinese yuan, or the Russian ruble, but such a currency is necessary, both for corporations and ordinary people. So that, for example, having arrived in the Cape Verde Islands, you could buy the same goods as in Moscow, for about the same money and not bother.
          1. +31
            1 December 2024 00: 32
            Quote: BABAY22
            We need some kind of common currency that everyone can use for mutual settlements.

            GOLD has always been such a world currency! And Stalin understood this well!
            The retreat from Stalinism and the betrayal of socialism began with the coming to power of the "corn man" Khrushchev.
            1. -15
              1 December 2024 00: 56
              Quote: Tatiana
              GOLD has always been such a world currency! And Stalin understood this well!

              What to do with the gold rate - so that everyone recognizes it? Focus on the LME lol ?
              What should those countries do - where there is no gold? None at all?
              1. +30
                1 December 2024 01: 03
                Quote: your1970
                What should those countries do - where there is no gold? None at all?

                These countries should create their own domestic goods and sell them to other countries for gold!

                Now the same thing is happening, only instead of gold the American dollar is a piece of paper, which is printed in incredible quantities by Jewish bankers of the US Federal Reserve System. No other country, except the USA, issues American dollars.
                It would be the same as if the only gold in the world was in the United States.
                1. -19
                  1 December 2024 01: 18
                  Quote: Tatiana
                  These countries should create their own domestic goods and sell them to other countries for gold!

                  And who will buy them from them? Especially for gold? What can countries that do not have their own gold produce that others do not?
                  1. +23
                    1 December 2024 01: 26
                    This means that these countries will sit with their tails between their legs, in their place, and not show off, like, for example, the TRIBALTS and the like!

                    They will value their enterprises, their domestic labor market, and also the labor of other peoples and countries invested in their development.

                    There will be peace and quiet.
                    1. -17
                      1 December 2024 02: 26
                      Quote: Tatiana
                      This means that these countries will sit with their tails between their legs, in their place, and not show off, like, for example, the TRIBALTS and the like!

                      Quite the opposite - they, just like the Limitrophes, will be forced to find a strong master and will bark at his command. And if he orders, they will try to grab your throat.
                      So your option is not only unfeasible, it also won’t bring peace...
                      1. +19
                        1 December 2024 03: 26
                        Firstly, it is natural that peace is a relative concept.

                        And secondly. The limited availability of physical gold in nature also limits the capabilities of all countries, including in terms of waging war. Including, first of all, the globalists of the US "deep state". That is, from the side of the US Federal Reserve bankers with their desire for world domination.
                        After all, their dollar bill is essentially just a piece of paper, promoted by financiers as a branded product of a specific bank on the financial market, which can be exchanged for anything, just like in a financial pyramid.

                        In itself, this dollar bill-paper as a commodity is worth nothing. Its nominal value exists only in our brain. But you can print as many dollars as the bankers-sellers want - an abyss! And exchange them for all the wealth of the gullible naive natives, leaving them with these pieces of paper as if there was a default, for which it will be impossible to buy anything.

                        By the way. The freezing of $300 billion of Russian money in the West by Washington and the "Washington Regional Committee" countries is essentially the same artificial default of US dollars for the purpose of robbery by raider methods.

                        That is why now the same Great Britain and other countries are buying up gold in huge quantities, by the way, from the same Russia.
                        Why our Central Bank Nubiullina and the Minister of Finance Siluanov do this, I don’t know.
                      2. +2
                        1 December 2024 06: 40
                        Quote: Tatiana
                        That is, from the side of the US Federal Reserve bankers with their desire for world domination.
                        After all, their dollar bill is essentially just a piece of paper, promoted by financiers as a branded product of a specific bank on the financial market, which can be exchanged for anything, just like in a financial pyramid.

                        Tatyana hi , it would be interesting to see an article about the analysis of the expansion of the American dollar in the West - an unplowed field.
                        An organization like NATO serves, among other things, to guarantee the “non-departure” of countries that have fallen into dollar bondage.
                      3. +1
                        2 December 2024 06: 15
                        Quote: Tatiana
                        Why our Central Bank Nubiullina and the Minister of Finance Siluanov do this, I don’t know.

                        This is exactly what it was put in place for - to restrain Russia's growth, to collapse the ruble exchange rate on command, to maintain a high or prohibitive interest rate on loans and to export gold to England. And it succeeds.

                        And yet Trump is magnificent, I simply applaud him standing up - in one fell swoop he killed the world dollar system under the slogan of protecting the dollar and at the same time completely closed his market to cheap goods from competitors in order to launch his own production.
                        And who will be assigned the blame?
                        I just admire Trump's work, and he hasn't even taken office yet.
                  2. +2
                    1 December 2024 07: 37
                    Quote: your1970
                    Quote: Tatiana
                    These countries should create their own domestic goods and sell them to other countries for gold!

                    And who will buy them from them? Especially for gold? What can countries that do not have their own gold produce that others do not?

                    Excellent question! Even if you replace gold with any sv
                    Do you think that in Georgia they ask such questions? For example - What can we offer to the world market that the "banana" ("tangerine", "tomato") republics cannot offer? Apart from Russophobia and the threat to the Russian Federation, which are already obvious without any hints how they will end?
                  3. +2
                    1 December 2024 08: 23
                    What can countries that do not have their own gold produce that others do not?

                    In the same context one can ask:
                    "What can countries produce that don't print their own US dollar?"

                    The STUPIDEST questions!!!
                    1. -3
                      1 December 2024 10: 30
                      Quote: Kollega
                      What can countries that do not have their own gold produce that others do not?

                      In the same context one can ask:
                      "What can countries produce that don't print their own US dollar?"

                      The STUPIDEST questions!!!

                      For you personally - they produce Russophobia. You can print a lot of dollars, but not much physical gold.
                      and you can't print it.
                      This means that the US will demand much more for gold, for example, from the Limitrophes not only to bark - but, for example, to send sabotage and reconnaissance groups into the Russian Federation. Will we be able to cope - if ALL the Russophobes around and inside the Russian Federation do this?
              2. +3
                1 December 2024 04: 49
                Quote: your1970
                What should those countries do - where there is no gold? None at all?

                Switch to payment in frog skins...
                1. -3
                  1 December 2024 09: 43
                  Quote: ROSS 42
                  Quote: your1970
                  What should those countries do - where there is no gold? None at all?

                  Switch to payment in frog skins...

                  Funny ....
                  There are half the world's worthless paupers like these... And they will all unanimously extend their hands and be given gold - for Russophobia.
                  Only now dollars are printed and gold is limited. It will be given only for [b]actions (and not for the current barking) /b] of Russophobes - for example, for sabotage in the Russian Federation.
                  And to everyone at once - we won’t be able to buy off the US mongrels, too much gold will be required to change regimes.

                  So no one answered - how to set the gold rate? LME won't work feel , the stock exchange is generally impossible, the Russian Federation can be ruined for cowards in 10 minutes - by dropping trading.
                  1. +2
                    1 December 2024 13: 49
                    Quote: your1970
                    So no one answered - how to set the gold rate? LME won't work, stock exchange is impossible in general, RF can be ruined for cowards in 10 minutes - by dropping the trades.

                    This way you can bring down any currency, it all depends on who the financial system is subordinate to. Therefore, for now the only insurance can be several financial systems and not the monopoly you dream of.
                    1. -4
                      1 December 2024 14: 37
                      Quote: ettore
                      there may be several financial systems and not a monopoly that you are talking about, dreaming belay .
                      I actually just against the gold monopoly performed fool
                      1. 0
                        1 December 2024 15: 08
                        Quote: your1970
                        I actually spoke out against the gold monopoly

                        And there is no need to be rude.
                        Nothing prevents gold from being a measure in different financial systems.
                      2. -2
                        1 December 2024 15: 13
                        Quote: ettore
                        And there is no need to be rude.

                        There is no need to attribute to your opponent something he did not write.
              3. +1
                1 December 2024 10: 36
                These countries don't even have a printing press that prints dollars. They live
                1. -2
                  1 December 2024 10: 41
                  Quote: Sergey250455
                  These countries don't even have a printing press that prints dollars. They live

                  They get paid for Russophobia, for example...
          2. +8
            1 December 2024 00: 33
            China holds US debt more than a trillion dollars and is also the largest exporter for the United States.

            Japan, which holds $1,1 trillion in assets, sold $61,9 billion, while China with 0,75 trillionreduced its assets by $51,3 billion.
            This data is for September 24. The author of the article needs to be more correct.
            Let's wait until Trump's inauguration day and then we'll see.
            And this is all just idle chatter and empty talk of a politician.
          3. +8
            1 December 2024 01: 14
            Having arrived on the Cape Verde Islands, you could buy the same goods as in Moscow, for about the same money, and not bother.

            Well, try to buy, for example, Tula gingerbread in Moscow and on the Cape Verde Islands. Why on earth should the prices be the same if it takes 200 km from Tula to Moscow, and from Tula to the islands about 15 km
          4. +2
            1 December 2024 01: 39
            Quote: BABAY22
            Quote: Arkady007
            The BRICS countries do not need the dollar; it slows down their mutual settlements.

            The world needs a common currency.
            "The dollar" is needed by everyone. The whole world. Some common currency is needed, to which everyone can tie themselves in mutual settlements. Let it not be the American $, but the Chinese yuan, or the Russian ruble, but such a currency is necessary, both for corporations and ordinary people. So that, for example, having arrived in the Cape Verde Islands, you could buy the same goods as in Moscow, for about the same money and not bother.

            And who's paying for the "banquet"???
          5. 0
            1 December 2024 06: 37
            Quote: BABAY22
            "The dollar" is needed by everyone. The whole world. Some kind of common currency is needed,

            Not necessarily. Russia and China would be better off converting part of their trade into rubles and yuan, at least in the amount of equivalent exchange of goods. This would be easy to do under a state and socialist economy. It is very easy to start trade with the DPRK without the dollar. All that is needed is Putin's will to break the sabotage of the Russian Foreign Ministry.
            1. -2
              1 December 2024 10: 13
              Quote: gsev
              Quote: BABAY22
              "The dollar" is needed by everyone. The whole world. Some kind of common currency is needed,

              Not necessarily. Russia and China would be better off converting part of their trade into rubles and yuan, at least in the amount of equivalent exchange of goods. This would be easy to do under a state and socialist economy. It is very easy to start trade with the DPRK without the dollar. All that is needed is Putin's will to break the sabotage of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

              The only problem is that you can only trade in rubles with the Russian Federation - few people need rubles, and in dollars or yuan - with a significantly larger number of countries
              1. +2
                1 December 2024 10: 34
                Few people need rubles

                If we were to demand that goods from Russia be paid for only in rubles, then many would need rubles...
                1. -5
                  1 December 2024 10: 38
                  Quote: Ilnur
                  Few people need rubles

                  If we were to demand .

                  Well, it would be better to demand that the world trade only in rubles. The USA would die immediately.....
                  Yea Yea.....
                  1. 0
                    1 December 2024 10: 42
                    so that the world trades only in rubles

                    Not yet evening...
                    If not for rubles, then for BRICS, the collapse of the dollar is just around the corner, and the West understands this, which is why they cling to it so fiercely, including with a war on Ukrainian territory...
        2. 0
          2 December 2024 00: 47
          Quote: Arkady007
          The BRICS countries do not need the dollar, it slows down their mutual settlements. And the striped ones will do everything to ensure that the dollar remains alone on the mutual settlements market, if they stop controlling trade, they will immediately come to an end.
          Well, the BRICS countries should introduce mutual settlements equivalent to the market value of gold (!). Even if in their national currencies. And at the same time they would also massively "unload" themselves from US dollar debt bonds... !!! Let the US and the EU "have an economic fever, and amuse the dissatisfied with revolutions" a little, with civil wars on THEIR territories... !!!
          Look, they will have less time to “export their democratic values” while they will be forced to “patch up their own caftans”... ?!! what
          Wouldn't it be fun to watch all this...?!! smile

          Trump Threatens BRICS, Demands Not to Create Alternative to US Dollar
          laughing winked

          In such cases, I.V. Stalin used to say:
          - if our enemies scold us, it means we are doing everything right!! wink
      2. -1
        1 December 2024 04: 03
        Yes, both are right. And also about China and its power in relation to the USA. If Trump cuts off ties with China, then first of all it will not be the US economy that will collapse, but the PRC
      3. +5
        1 December 2024 05: 26
        Why is everyone so angry at comrade Trump?
        Trump is the President of the United States. He advocates for the interests of the United States.
        He has every right to advocate for the interests of the United States, but he has no right to dictate his terms to other countries. Will the BRICS countries say goodbye to the United States? And what will happen to the United States after that? Without Chinese goods, without the minerals needed for electronics, without uranium, which they do not enrich?.. Without many things that the Americans export?
        And what if after this the BRICS countries demand repayment of the debt on obligations?
        No, Donald is simply burying the US with such a statement. And driving it into a trap.
        1. +1
          1 December 2024 10: 39
          Without a lot of things that Americans export?

          And paid for by cut green paper, which is not backed by anything, and the price for them is the cost of this cut paper. If the role of the dollar in the world falls, then it will become only cut paper, the internal monetary unit of the USA...
      4. The comment was deleted.
    2. +17
      30 November 2024 23: 14
      Quote: kventinasd
      Trump Threatens BRICS

      Which is what was required to be proven. The sum does not change from the order of the terms, i.e. the arms clans will not let Trump stray from the beaten path. All his slogans about an immediate suspension of the war in Ukraine are pre-election balancing act. There's more to come!

      As required.
      If Trump threatens the BRICS countries for creating a single currency, then such a currency must be created.
      This is just some kind of hysteria from Trump. laughing
      If the US is not afraid of BRICS competition, then why threaten?
      1. +1
        2 December 2024 15: 37
        Work on mutual settlements in BRICS is in full swing, which is why Trump is in such a hurry.
    3. +4
      1 December 2024 02: 02
      Quote: kventinasd
      Trump Threatens BRICS
      Which is what was required to be proved. The sum does not change when the order of the terms is changed,
      In general, I didn't think that Trump would come up with such an idea himself. Although, for example, the first one who said that the "SP-2" under construction would be destroyed was Trump. And now Germany wants to sue Trump for damages for the explosion of "Nord Stream".
      Most likely, Trump's threat to the BRICS countries comes not so much from Trump himself, but from the bankers of the US Federal Reserve at the instigation of the Rothschilds. Namely.

      According to data as of January 16.01.2016, 174, the Rothschilds recognized their influence on 193 banks, despite the fact that UN member states are XNUMX. The Rothschilds are rumored to have unlimited influence in all but five of these 174 countries. But since the list also includes banks that the Rothschilds do not own, it means that the Rothschilds have some other leverage over them. Who isn't on the list!
      Until recently - As of 2016, there were only 5 independent State Banks in the world, and, consequently, UN member countries: Belarus, Venezuela, Vietnam, Cuba and Syria. Regarding Iran and North Korea, there is no exact data, and the status of unrecognized territories is not taken into account.
      Nevertheless, the list showed: 14. National Bank of the Republic of Belarus: 170. Central Bank of Venezuela; 171. GB of Vietnam; 41. Central Bank of Cuba.

      I looked for the Central Bank of Russia and other Russian banks in the list, but so far - 2016 - I have not found them in the list.

      Here is a list of these banks *:

      * Legend:
      Central Bank - Central Bank
      RB - Reserve Bank
      NB - National Bank
      GB - State Bank
      TsRB - Central Reserve Bank
      NRB –National Reserve Bank
      VFU - monetary and financial department
      Fed - Federal Reserve System

      1. Bank of Afghanistan; 2. Bank of Albania; 3. Bank of Algeria; 4. Central Bank of Argentina; 5. Central Bank of Armenia; <…> 7. Republic of Australia; 8. National Bank of Austria; 9. Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan; <…> 15. National Bank of Belgium; 14. National Bank of the Republic of Belarus; <…>; 20. Central Bank of Bolivia; 21. Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina; 23. Central Bank of Brazil; <…> 24. Bulgaria: Bulgarian NB; <…> 29. Bank of Canada-Banque du Canada; 33. Central Bank of Chile; 34. People's Bank of China; 35. Colombia: Bank of the Republic; <…> 40. Croatian National Bank; 41. Central Bank of Cuba; 42. Central Bank of Cyprus; 43. Czech Republic: Czech National Bank; 44. National Bank of Denmark; 48. Central Bank of Egypt; <…> 51. Bank of Estonia; <…> 53. European Union: European Central Bank; <…> 55. Bank of Finland; 56. Banque de France; <…> 59. National Bank of Georgia; 60. Germany: Deutsche Bundesbank; <…> 62. Bank of Greece; <…> 69. Hungary: Magyar Nemzeti Bank; 70. Central Bank of Iceland; 71. Republic of India; 72. Bank of Indonesia; 73. Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran; 74. Central Bank of Iraq; 75. Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland; 76. Bank of Israel; 77. Bank of Italy; <…> 79. Bank of Japan; <…> 91. National Bank of Kazakhstan; <…> 93. Bank of Korea; <…>95. National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic; 96. Bank of Latvia; <…> 99. Central Bank of Libya; 100. Central Bank of Uruguay; 101. Bank of Lithuania; 102. Central Bank of Luxembourg; <…>104. National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia; 1<…>07. Central Bank of Malaysia; 109. Central Bank of Malta; <…> 112. National Bank of Moldova; 113. Bank of Mongolia; 114. Central Bank of Montenegro; <…> 119. Bank of the Netherlands; <…> 125. Central Bank of Norway; <…> 127. State Bank of Pakistan; <…> 131. Philippe Pines: Philippines; 132. National Bank of Poland; 133. Bank of Portugal; 134. Central Bank of Qatar; 135. National Bank of Romania; <…> 141. National Bank of Serbia; <…> 145. National Bank of Slovakia; 146. Bank of Slovenia; <…> 149. Bank of Spain; <…> 154. Sweden: Sveriges Riksbank; 155. Swiss National Bank; 156. National Bank of Tajikistan; <…> 163. Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey; <…> 165. National Bank of Ukraine; 166. Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates; 167. Great Britain: Bank of England; 168. US Federal Reserve System, Federal Reserve Bank of New York; <…> 170. Central Bank of Venezuela; 171. State Bank of Vietnam; <…>.
      See detail -
  2. +10
    30 November 2024 21: 49
    Trump's usual tactic is to first threaten dire punishments, then offer a deal.
    1. +12
      30 November 2024 22: 25
      Threatens 100% duties, but so be it, there will be 50% duties. I won't be surprised if in 10 years, following Pelevin's precepts, the US will simply impose a tithe on every person on the planet. Because they can. And all the rulers will agree.
      1. +13
        30 November 2024 22: 28
        I'm not an economist, but I think that if Trump tries to impose 50% tariffs on ALL BRICS members, the first to suffer will be the US itself.
        1. +5
          30 November 2024 22: 33
          And he is sure that BRICS will be the first to get scared and back down. I don't remember the US receiving any tangible economic response since 1973, they start putting pressure on someone and that someone backs down or at most fights back weakly. request
          1. 0
            30 November 2024 22: 38
            But the economy of the USA, Europe, China and Turkey is a mess. In Turkey, there are already 1 billion worth of counterfeit dollars. 2 months of waiting for dancing in the fire, not "on", but "in". 1973 was not even flowers, but seeds.
          2. +8
            30 November 2024 22: 38
            This was because they used the "divide and rule" method and put pressure on each individual. Now the conditions have changed a little and if the BRICS countries show more unity than before, then the US may break its teeth.
            They themselves discredited the dollar. Actually, that is why BRICS is developing. Here, in addition to threats, something else is needed to maintain weight in the global economy.
            1. +6
              30 November 2024 22: 50
              Well, for now they are able to separate. The sanctions against R are being implemented by the other BICS.
              1. +6
                30 November 2024 23: 11
                Quote from alexoff
                Well, for now they are able to separate. The sanctions against R are being implemented by the other BICS.

                Apparently, they are not doing it in good faith, at least not in China, otherwise it would be noticeably more difficult for us.
            2. +1
              1 December 2024 00: 11
              Quote: Dinich
              if the BRICS countries show greater unity than before

              Unfortunately, there are still problems with this.
        2. +2
          1 December 2024 04: 55
          Quote: Dinich
          I'm not an economist, but I think that if Trump tries to impose 50% tariffs on ALL BRICS members, the first to suffer will be the US itself.

          I am not an economist either, but I am firmly convinced that as long as the American dollar dominates the list of reserve currencies, they (the US) don’t care about anything... That’s why Trump got so furious about the creation of the BRICS currency.
      2. +14
        30 November 2024 22: 36
        Quote from alexoff
        Threatens 100% duties
        And hasn't he forgotten that the US market is three times smaller in terms of heads than, for example, India? Not to mention China.

        The US has no economic methods to ensure the hegemony and inviolability of the dollar. They have ALL run out.
        Options? As usual, bomb? And the belly button won't come undone?
        The same India, not to mention China and Russia, is not Gaddafi with his “golden dinar”.

        Let them relax and enjoy themselves. And then - it's up to us. May God give us enough strength to finish what we started in the world.
        The collapse of the dollar as a world currency, in my opinion, is quite comparable in significance to the collapse of the colonial system in the last century. There was enough strength then. And now, I would like there to be enough.
        1. +5
          30 November 2024 22: 52
          They count not by heads, but by wallets. An American can buy much more than any Indian village. And Indians dream of becoming programmers and moving to the USA. I won't even mention how many Chinese there are in the USA. And the big question is - who are they for? For their old or new homelands?
          1. +3
            30 November 2024 23: 02
            Quote from alexoff
            They don't count heads, but wallets.
            Well, I don't believe that a 100% duty on imports to the US is a whip only for BRICS. It seems to me that it will whip the US no less. Trade is a mutual matter. Yes, one will not know where to sell. But the other will know where to buy.

            And, moreover, Alexander, that your truth is -
            Quote from alexoff
            An American can buy much more than any Indian village.
            WHAT will he buy if the seller cannot sell with such duties? Will Europe become China's "import substitute"? laughing
            1. +7
              1 December 2024 00: 28
              Quote: Zoldat_A
              It seems to me that he will whip the USA no less.

              not less, but for Americans everything is simple - if you don't have enough, then it's your own fault. They don't remove homeless people and drug addicts from the city center so that those living in the houses know - if you behave badly, you'll join them. Democrats will already be telling that it's all Trump's fault.
              Quote: Zoldat_A
              But the second one will know where to buy.

              Well, as usual - some India will merge, it's okay for them to sell to the Americans, their foreign trade deficit is more than a hundred billion. The Americans are so brave because there is no leadership among their enemies, they will bury their future for the sake of immediate gain.
              Quote: Zoldat_A
              Will Europe become China's "import substitute"? laughing

              India and other Vietnams, they are actually in the process. And the Chinese want things to be like before, somehow new, they are not very eager. With their capabilities, it is some kind of wildness to behave like this
              1. +2
                1 December 2024 01: 36
                Quote from alexoff
                The Americans are so brave because there is no leadership among their enemies; they will bury their future for the sake of immediate gain.
                No matter how much I watched and talked to them, I think that not only do we have different upbringing and ideology. Probably, our internal organs are different, too, since there is such a difference. lol
                1. +2
                  1 December 2024 03: 15
                  Keep in mind that if they fall, a couple of hundred countries will line up to kick them and demand compensation. If you open the CIA archives, you can probably arrange a trial there that is worse than Nuremberg. That's why they are ready for a lot.
          2. +6
            30 November 2024 23: 29
            Have you seen how some people in America buy?) They just take and load the carts, and don't even think about payment)))
            1. +2
              1 December 2024 00: 29
              So it is paid, they will just add it to the price of the goods for those who pay. Or the store will go bankrupt, as if it were the first time
            2. +2
              1 December 2024 01: 40
              Quote: BedMax
              Have you seen how some people in America buy?) They just take and load the carts, and don't even think about payment)))
              Well, for example, I can also allow myself to "load" and not think about whether I have enough money at the checkout or not. I don't think that sweeping up everything that comes to hand in three carts, whether necessary or not, is a sign of great intelligence.
        2. +3
          1 December 2024 03: 12
          A small correction: There are now more heads in India, whose population has exceeded that of China.
        3. +1
          1 December 2024 04: 58
          Quote: Zoldat_A
          And hasn't he forgotten that the US market is three times smaller in terms of heads than, for example, India? Not to mention China.

          Four times, dear comrade, four times... The US is intimidating the entire world, hoping to sit it out overseas during the turmoil - a limited number of countries can reach them there, the main ones being the BRICS members...
          1. +1
            1 December 2024 08: 55
            Quote: ROSS 42
            Four times, dear comrade, four times...
            Quote: ROSS 42
            The US is intimidating the entire world, hoping to sit it out overseas during the turmoil
            The last time it was possible to "sit it out" was about 50 years ago. And even then I'm not so sure. And today... For mutual destruction, in general, it doesn't matter whether they are in another hemisphere or directly bordering us.
            If American schools taught geography better, they would know this.
        4. 0
          1 December 2024 10: 20
          Quote: Zoldat_A
          Hasn't he forgotten that the US market is three times smaller in terms of heads than, for example, India?

          There are many heads - 3/4 of which are poor even by Indian standards. As consumers of goods, they do not make the weather and do not increase the domestic market.
  3. +12
    30 November 2024 21: 50
    Well, here the peacemaker has begun. The beast.
  4. +10
    30 November 2024 21: 51
    Trump made threats
    . This is expected and normal, from their point of view... and this is ONLY THE BEGINNING!
    1. +10
      30 November 2024 22: 03
      Quote: rocket757
      Trump made threats. This is expected and normal, from their point of view... and this is ONLY THE BEGINNING!

      Within the usual framework of Western democracy, everything is logical - the chief democrat sets the rules of conduct for everyone else, and, moreover, exclusively by democratic methods. Yes Like, you may want to do things your way, but we have long arms. negative
      1. +2
        30 November 2024 22: 07
        So democrats are such a thing... flexible, multi-purpose!
        Where they don't agree with their democrats, there is a target for attack and this is still an "easy" option! If you are weak and can't fight back, they can/will try to level and say that it was like that! soldier
      2. +2
        30 November 2024 22: 29
        Trump simply decided to punish countries that are disappointed in the US by not letting them into the US, and to impose this dollar on economies that reject the dollar and threaten them... What an absurdity...
    2. +2
      30 November 2024 22: 06
      This is the whole essence of the policy of all American presidents. Although the presidents themselves do not always decide for themselves. Not to let others grow, to slow them down in every possible way. But they miscalculated a little with China. China can easily be called if not the first then the second economy. And now they are trying to put pressure on it.
      1. +2
        30 November 2024 22: 10
        So yes, the president is a public figure, there is such a vast, greedy, ruthless backstage that... in general it is clear, the public face is just a cover...
        However, nothing new, it’s exactly the same everywhere.
        1. 0
          30 November 2024 22: 45
          That's how we need to start too!
          - We demand!
          Our people need to learn how to make demands.
          - We demand that countries not join NATO!
          And then the Ministry of Foreign Affairs mumbles something incomprehensible, difficult to understand, difficult to translate... for the people to whom it is addressed.
          1. +6
            30 November 2024 23: 12
            Well then demand it, who's stopping you...
            In this situation, demand or not, it's all the same, the foreign democrats have bitten the bit and are foaming at the mouth... they don't hear or listen to anything or anyone.
            It will be like this until their horns are knocked off, then maybe their ears will clear up and their brains will at least start working somehow.
            Conclusion... until you defeat the enemy on the battlefield, no one will listen to you.
            Everyone hears the winners, but no one hears the losers.
    3. +1
      30 November 2024 23: 20
      Quote: rocket757
      Trump made threats
      . This is expected and normal, from their point of view... and this is ONLY THE BEGINNING!

      This isn't even the beginning. No.
      There are just under two months left until the inauguration, and Trump is already hysterical.
      He promises to impose duties on Mexico and Canada. He is ready to impose duties on half the world. Will the tax system not crack? fellow
      War in Ukraine, Syria, Middle East, Houthis etc. Now trade wars of everyone with everyone. US intelligence report that Russia will never use nuclear weapons.
      It looks like the world is rapidly heading towards World War III.
      1. +2
        30 November 2024 23: 31
        What is happening in our world in general, what is happening with our global economy... what is happening with the economies of countries that WERE the locomotive of everything and everyone???
        The fact that everything and everyone is interconnected is not a figure of speech, it is just that way...
        Some experts claim that prohibitive duties, in some cases, are a blow to the gut, first of all, to their own citizens, who are used to buying cheaper imported goods and will not be happy with a sharp increase in price, or even a complete absence of what they are used to buying at affordable prices!!!
        Another question: how will the authorities of the Strip replace what they intend to fence themselves off from with all sorts of prohibitions and restrictions???
        Although, the producers of those cheap goods will also not be happy, and may even howl from "grief"... this can also happen, it will certainly happen, if the new administration of the Strip carries out its threats!
        The best of all will be those whose trade turnover with the Poles is close to zero... like, we have nothing to lose... although, as an option, our BRICS partners can... but what they CAN do, that's a big question???
        The world has not revolved around one stripe for a long time now, it is MUCH, MUCH MORE!!!
        1. 0
          30 November 2024 23: 46
          The economy is not so good. If trade wars start, the consequences will be unpredictable. Moreover, everyone has enough problems with the economy, starting with the golden billion. There is no safe haven in sight. No.
          1. +1
            1 December 2024 00: 07
            A safe haven... of the significant ones, there are probably none. Although, those who are largely self-sufficient, self-sufficient, will not be hit by the tsunami that destroys the economy with such force as some others.
            In general, it will be possible to sit on the sidelines, not without losses and certainly not for everyone.
            1. +1
              1 December 2024 00: 52
              Quote: rocket757
              A safe haven... of the significant ones, there are probably none. Although, those who are largely self-sufficient, self-sufficient, will not be hit by the tsunami that destroys the economy with such force as some others.
              In general, it will be possible to sit on the sidelines, not without losses and certainly not for everyone.

              We have fuel, food, resources, a nuclear weapon. Maybe we'll hold out.
              1. +2
                1 December 2024 01: 20
                Well, we HAVE EVERYTHING WE NEED... it's just that the list/inventory of those very necessities differs from everyone else for different people... and we didn't yelp here that they CAN'T LIVE without jamon and oysters from Lausanne laughing
                Here are some of the sdris with s, closer to their favorite oysters negative
        2. +1
          1 December 2024 05: 02
          Quote: rocket757
          but what they CAN do, that's a big question???

          First, we need to work out a common course and link economic ties with military support... This is exactly what the US did when it created NATO and other alliances...
          1. +1
            1 December 2024 18: 37
            The striped ones were twisting the world to suit themselves, but it couldn't go on forever... so the time had come for them to twist themselves.
            Apparently, this is not a joy for them!!! good
  5. +5
    30 November 2024 21: 51
    It's started, Trump starts trying to "make America great again" with threats, as the states have long been accustomed to doing.
    1. +1
      30 November 2024 22: 14
      Okay, he will do it... let's say.
      What's next? Will he send AUGs to Ethiopia? And to Brazil? Or will he arrange a Latin American "spring"?
      I'm not talking about China and Russia yet...

      I think BRICS could even "turn into" a military alliance.
      1. 0
        30 November 2024 22: 21
        Quote: Vasya_2
        will he send AUGs to Ethiopia? And to Brazil? Or will he arrange a Latin American "spring"?

        It can be assumed that it will not come to this, they will try to put pressure economically. AUGs, this is more likely for the Middle East in the long term, if Iran fulfills its promise to respond to Israel. Let's see what will happen in reality after January 20.
        1. 0
          30 November 2024 22: 23
          There will be WW3.
          Your comment text is too short
          1. 0
            30 November 2024 22: 30
            Quote: Vasya_2
            There will be WW3.
            Your comment text is too short

            Be that as it may, all these "hawks" are not suicides. They also have an instinct for self-preservation.
  6. 0
    30 November 2024 21: 52
    so this is what Trump has been silent about lately...
  7. -8
    30 November 2024 21: 53
    . Trump Threatens BRICS, Demands Not to Create Alternative to US Dollar

    Oh Trump, how many idiots admired you. What should Solovyov and Skabeeva do now?
    1. +7
      30 November 2024 22: 09
      Quote: Buskan
      Oh Trump, how many idiots admired you

      Don't waste your time with nonsense, no one admired him or had any illusions, by the way, Trump has a trait, he first threatens, but as soon as they show him their teeth, he immediately pretends that he was just passing by and didn't mean anything like that
      1. -1
        30 November 2024 22: 37
        Trump behaves exactly as shown in the movie "The Apprentice (2024)" about him. By the way, there he is shown as a greedy, ungrateful, unprincipled, mean and deceitful person.
    2. +7
      30 November 2024 22: 12
      This is something new. Neither Solovey nor Skabeeva were admired by Trump. And they have said more than once that nothing will change for the Russian Federation.
      1. 0
        1 December 2024 00: 08
        It’s strange, no one said it, but for some reason it all started to come out that “Trump is ours” and he will sort everything out.
        1. 0
          1 December 2024 02: 21
          Maybe someone did say it. But no one said such words, and I listen to Solovyov and Skabeeva quite often, in all seriousness. Sometimes jokes were made on this topic, but they were presented as jokes.
      2. +1
        1 December 2024 01: 04
        They say what they are told from above. Naturally, the towers understand perfectly well that "making America great again" is only possible on the bones of competitors and they do not expect any gifts from Trump. But at least you can bargain with him, unlike the crazy neocons who dream of seriously reducing the number of mouths to feed by getting the world hooked on the rainbow. And also rushing towards the nuclear finish at full speed. I think they will find a common language and come to an agreement.
        1. 0
          1 December 2024 02: 22
          Well, the Supreme Commander once publicly declared that it would be better for the Russian Federation for Biden to win the elections. He said this, I think, to Zarubin.
          1. 0
            1 December 2024 02: 27
            Well, that means there are reasons. There are opportunities to untie the knots of our Civil War and, in essence, NATO intervention, with him.
  8. 0
    30 November 2024 21: 56
    If this does not happen, they will receive 100% tariffs from the US and say goodbye to sales to our wonderful economy.

    Well, he won’t scare Russia with this, we are already under their hellish sanctions.
  9. +1
    30 November 2024 21: 59
    Yes, yes, and will the US continue to impose sanctions against countries?
    Donald, lift all sanctions, all countries. And countries will reach for the dollar themselves...
  10. +1
    30 November 2024 22: 00
    They ate fish soup there.
    They really think that they can give orders to all countries in the world.
    I hope the BRICS member countries will not fall for these words of yet another White House inmate.
    1. +1
      30 November 2024 22: 31
      Quote: Leshak
      I hope the BRICS member countries will not fall for these words of yet another White House inmate.
      He is not even the owner yet. And his statements mean absolutely nothing. And he will not be able to introduce anything.
  11. +3
    30 November 2024 22: 04
    China and India, despite their economic interests, are taking into account the US demands for sanctions against Russia. They will also take this order into account. In fact, BRICS is just a political club, not an organization. .....
    P.S. The Russian Federation also does not demonstrate "opposition" to the dollar. On the contrary - its rate is growing. Or, Elvira Sakhipzadovna is Trump's agent. laughing
    1. +3
      30 November 2024 22: 09
      Considering how sanctions are currently being imposed on China and it is responding. Your comment made me smile.
      1. -1
        30 November 2024 22: 17
        Quote: Skobaristan
        Considering how sanctions are currently being imposed on China and it is responding. Your comment made me smile.

        The smile of wisdom is wonderful. But China takes into account the interests of the United States and limits financial cooperation with the Russian Federation. Why?
        1. +2
          30 November 2024 22: 22
          And who told you that China is limiting cooperation? No, well, if you watch the videos of UNIAN, you can find out even more)
        2. +1
          30 November 2024 22: 30
          Because the Chinese rich don't live in China either. The Americans are going to impose sanctions on a Chinese (or rather Hong Kong) bank, which itself is subject to an anti-Russian sanctions regime. Without any attack on Taiwan, just - bite it. And China will supposedly limit the export of something in response, and the West won't even notice the shortage of this something. Like what happened with rare earths
          1. -2
            30 November 2024 22: 54
            Yes of course laughing Poor Chinese, what will they do if they don't provide cheap goods to the Americans? request When Americans stop wearing underwear and socks, the entire Chinese light industry will go under, I guess. After all, the consumer is the main one, right? If he doesn't eat, the only thing the manufacturer can do is hang himself from idleness. recourse What a deep thought...
            Your reasoning reminds me of the same profound thoughts of one of our Oscar-winning directors. He said that serfdom in the Russian Empire was a blessing for the peasants, because the master... provided them with work. What would they do without him?
            1. +1
              1 December 2024 01: 16
              The conventional West is the main consumer of Chinese goods. The loss of this market will force "work for the warehouse", and in China there is capitalism. They will crumble in a crisis. No?
    2. -3
      30 November 2024 22: 39
      Quote: samarin1969
      China and India, despite their economic interests, are taking into account US demands for sanctions against Russia. They will also take this order into account.

      India and China have their own capacious markets, and the US market is a drop in the ocean for them. What will the US do without the Indian and Chinese markets? Empty talk!
      1. +4
        30 November 2024 23: 02
        Quote from Eugene Zaboy
        India and China have their own capacious markets, and the US market is a drop in the ocean for them. What will the US do without the Indian and Chinese markets? Empty talk!

        I risk being naive, but I don't see any radical steps by China against US protectionism. India, which is hostile to the Chinese, is demonstrating military-technological cooperation with the US in every possible way. Gandhi's times are a thing of the past. Indian and Chinese corporations do not have such interests with the Russian Federation that they would quarrel with the Hegemon over them.
        1. -2
          30 November 2024 23: 18
          Quote: samarin1969
          I risk being naive, but I don't see any radical steps by China against US protectionism. India, which is hostile to the Chinese, is demonstrating military-technological cooperation with the US in every possible way.

          India and China are big enough to ignore the daily, momentary statements of US leaders. They benefit from economic cooperation, they cooperate, knowing that the US will not go anywhere, no matter what they say. Trump is a hegemon in the US, but an annoying fly in India and China.
      2. +1
        1 December 2024 01: 22
        The capacity of these markets will shrink instantly if exports to the hegemony and its satellites are cut off. Salaries are not fat anyway, they will go down. A third of the rich population will not be able to digest everything that a billion workers produce.
        1. +1
          1 December 2024 02: 06
          Quote: Essex62
          The capacity of these markets will shrink instantly if exports to the hegemony and its satellites are cut off.

          And what will the hegemony do then? Where will it get iPhones, computers, TVs, clothes, household appliances, etc. Most likely, they will quickly slide into the Stone Age. The US already tried to start a trade war in 1927 and this event ended with the Great Depression. They can repeat it squared, since they decided to compete with the entire BRICS at the same time. A trade war between the US and India and China at the same time is the end of the US.
          1. 0
            1 December 2024 02: 13
            That's what he dreams about, that all this would be his own in the States. In reality, these are only threats, but Trump has the ability to twist the arms of "that side" without duties 100%, Pinpoint, individually. They will bend the elite. For now, BRICS is an intention. There is no front.
  12. +5
    30 November 2024 22: 06
    Truly, truly I tell you that BRICS will not create an alternative to the dollar, but BRICS will create a replacement for the dollar... fellow
  13. -1
    30 November 2024 22: 17
    Many are surprised, like, how such a peacemaker and dandelion changed his shoes....other Chukotkas....I initially said that Trump is worse than Biden and Harris...he is a crazy emotional psycho...who WILL UNLEASH THE 3RD WORLD WAR...not liberal Satanists...but specifically Trump.
    1. +1
      30 November 2024 22: 58
      Oh well. They'll shoot him if anything goes wrong. laughing They have a tradition of shooting presidents from time to time...
  14. -1
    30 November 2024 22: 23
    Haha ...
    1. kvv
      30 November 2024 22: 34
      Well, this is clear to us, those who live in this world, but those heavenly inhabitants in the Kremlin still do not understand anything, they now have only one desire to return everything to normal as quickly as possible and become their own again
      1. 0
        1 December 2024 01: 43
        No, they haven't been hoping for that for a long time. People are experienced, they themselves know how to take down competitors from the run and they understand that "spiritual mentors have written them off" and want to replace them. Only it's troublesome, the second time, in a short period of time, it won't work to shake up our color forest. No one will succeed, after the first one they got their fill. And they will deal with the corrupt scum, whoever is supposed to. And there is no other way to change this government.
        And no need now, let them agree on how to stop the war, on favorable terms. I would like to return the Russian land in its entirety, but not under these conditions. Russia will not be able to handle a war with NATO, without real allies, with a powerful economy. It will end in Armageddon.
  15. +1
    30 November 2024 22: 28
    Trump said he was demanding a "commitment" from BRICS that they "will not create their own single currency."

    I'm embarrassed to ask - why? On what grounds?
    1. 0
      1 December 2024 00: 01
      Quote: Peter_Koldunov
      I'm embarrassed to ask - why? On what grounds?

      What are the reasons?
      Interests of one's own country, one's own economy
      In principle, it is absolutely normal to look after your own interests.
      But only until your interests become aggression for others.
      1. +1
        1 December 2024 01: 34
        Quote from sdivt
        But only until your interests become aggression for others.

        This is the key here. Yes
        1. 0
          1 December 2024 10: 42
          Quote: Peter_Koldunov
          This is the key here.

          The stronger a country is (economically, politically, militarily, or in any other way), the more ambitions it has and the desire to dictate its will to everyone else.
          And this applies to all countries and all times, there are no exceptions.
          Justice and democracy are just a veneer, and if something happens, they use truncheons
          Military, political, economic - whatever you have.
          In short, nothing new. Either you are strong, or you will be eaten.
  16. -4
    30 November 2024 22: 28
    I hope this is a flyradar glitch
  17. +2
    30 November 2024 22: 28
    What is characteristic is that he has not yet officially taken office.
    Well, who was it that called him almost pro-Russian?

    In general, US policy, under any president, is the same
    Or you don’t stop us from doing our business on you,
    or a hundred thousand tons of democracy are floating towards you
    1. 0
      30 November 2024 22: 35
      so the BRICS countries are not the DPRK. He even sent two hundred there...
  18. 0
    30 November 2024 22: 29
    Donya got a little carried away, as they say in preference - the layout was wrong.
  19. 0
    30 November 2024 22: 30
    Yeah.. Keep feeding the US.. And you will get paper cut in response called a dollar
  20. +1
    30 November 2024 22: 30
    Yes, the whole world has been dreaming of saying goodbye to the USA forever for many years and will be infinitely happy when it finally happens )))
  21. +1
    30 November 2024 22: 31
    Trump said he was demanding a "commitment" from BRICS that they "will not create their own single currency."

    Where is Trump, and where are BRICS. The US market is certainly attractive, but it is possible to live without it, but whether the US will survive without the BRICS market is a question.
  22. kvv
    30 November 2024 22: 31
    Well, here it begins, and someone was really expecting the red-haired guy to become the president of the Yankees.
  23. +4
    30 November 2024 22: 49
    If the introduction of such a currency were real, it would have been introduced long ago.
    And so it became just a party: we met, took some photos, hugged and went our separate ways
    1. -1
      1 December 2024 00: 41
      We've been moving towards the Euro and the EU since 50. You want it here and now. No, you can of course convince yourself that BRICS is just "taking pictures". Then why did Trump say that? He's probably joking, right?)
      1. 0
        1 December 2024 05: 06
        Quote: Skobaristan
        We have been moving towards the Euro and the EU since 50.

        Yeah...Since 1812, when Napoleon led them to Moscow...
        The European Union (EU) is an economic and political association of 27 European states. The European Union was created by the Maastricht Treaty on 7 February 1992, which entered into force on 1 November 1993...

        This NATO was concocted immediately after WWII.
        1. 0
          1 December 2024 06: 41
          Well, actually, the EU's path has been counted since 51. This is not a secret, and the Europeans themselves think so.
          1. 0
            1 December 2024 06: 44
            Quote: Skobaristan
            This is not a secret, and the Europeans themselves think so.

            Yes, they think that a man can be a woman, and a woman can be a man... There is a document, and what they wanted there is their "wants"...
            1. -1
              1 December 2024 06: 48
              And there is a document: The first step towards the creation of the modern European Union was made in 1951: Belgium, West Germany[nb 4], the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Italy signed the Treaty on the Establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), the purpose of which was to unite European resources for the production of steel and coal, this treaty came into force in July 1952. (c)
              1. 0
                1 December 2024 06: 54
                Quote: Skobaristan
                And there is a document.

                Step to the side... Jump on the spot...
                The EU as it exists (see above)
                Don't tell me about the efforts to create a "Common Market":
                The European Economic Community (EEC), the Common Market, was an integrated economic association of Western European countries from 1958 to 1993. It was formed by members of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC; Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) in accordance with the Treaty of Rome (signed on 25 March 1957), which entered into force on 1 January 1958.
                1. 0
                  1 December 2024 06: 59
                  Sami in the EU: our history begins in the 50s. You: no! I know better. Funny, yes.
                  1. 0
                    1 December 2024 07: 05
                    Quote: Skobaristan
                    I know better. It's funny, yes.

                    It's funny that the mouth is on the side...
                    And you start with the "League of Nations" and move on to the UN...
                    What are you trying to convince me of about free movement within EU countries, about a single currency... The EU has a legal status since (see above)...
                    1. 0
                      1 December 2024 07: 38
                      Alternative history is like that. I don't care how it was in reality, and how it is recognized by historians. The main thing is what you think. I'm not interested in anything else.
                      1. 0
                        1 December 2024 07: 46
                        Quote: Skobaristan
                        Alternative history is like this. It doesn't matter how it was in reality, and how it is recognized by historians.

                        I have already shown you how and what happened in history, and here you are trying to equate the creation of the “Common Market” and the “EU”...
                        I'm telling you about the documentary history of creation... I don't think so - that's what the documents say, but you definitely have some kind of alternative history. I'll interest you right now, I'll motivate you...
  24. -3
    30 November 2024 22: 52
    This character is turning into a real clown.
  25. +1
    30 November 2024 23: 10
    The single currency BRICS is an unrealistic political fantasy, while US sanctions are very real
  26. +1
    30 November 2024 23: 24
    Trump Threatens BRICS

    Look how loud he is. Threaten your Europe...
  27. +2
    1 December 2024 00: 38
    This is about whether it is necessary to meet the West halfway. It is not necessary. And Ukraine must be liberated at any cost, even with nuclear weapons, even by shooting off the top brass, even by knocking out all energy. Giving the West 4/5 of its territory and people is a geostrategic defeat for Russia. The West will not stop there. And Trump has nothing to do with it. He is not the master of the States. The West completely owns Norway, Finland, the Baltics, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria. Now they are pulling the outskirts, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia towards themselves. After Georgia and Armenia there will be Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. In Belarus, they are again planning to organize a Maidan in January. Right now, at this very time, they are breaking Syria. They are bossing around in Iraq and are trying to persuade Iran to support them after the assassination of the president. They have already shaken Mongolia. A picture in oil. The enemies of Russia in action. There is daily work to encircle Russia with unfriendly countries, to put it mildly. Problems in the Baltic, NATO in the Black Sea. The route to the south via Iran is in question. Boycott of the Northern Sea Route. And our only real friend is the DPRK. It's not fun. In these conditions, we can't make any agreements to give the Eurofascists a break. This will do absolutely nothing good for Russia. On the contrary, we need to knock out the vertical of power in the outskirts and put out their lights. Now only the capitulation of the Euro-Hutsuls will change the balance in our favor. The enemy needs to be finished off. They didn't finish it off in Syria and here's the result. And all this was organized by the same West. They want to distract attention from the outskirts and deprive Russia of bases in Syria and Armenia. And break through the passage to the Caspian. The outskirts need to be finished off at any cost. 50 days until Trump comes to the White House. During this time, the outgoing US administration will do some bad things.
    1. +1
      1 December 2024 01: 55
      It is necessary. With what forces? Mobilization? The war cannot be won by eliminating Zelya and his entourage, there is ideology at work there, and there are too many of its carriers as targets. Territories must be occupied. Nuclear weapons are excluded in principle, this is our land and there are Russian people there.
    2. 0
      2 December 2024 04: 52
      I am ready to sign under every word you say. And regarding the DPRK - yes, they are covering our "back". There is not much hope for China - traders, like the Yankees... The only thing I think is that another betrayal will happen, they will not forgive us for it. And I would also include Iran among our allies. A military-political alliance with it is necessary. As with the DPRK. All the other BRIX members will be watching the results of the work in 404...
  28. +4
    1 December 2024 01: 03
    What is BRICS? It is essentially the same Maidan, a crowd gathered to make noise against someone. But alas, none of those gathered are ready to sacrifice anything for the sake of a common goal, everyone is waiting for some freebie, for their mere presence at such a noisy event.
  29. -1
    1 December 2024 01: 38
    It would have been better to choose a chick.
  30. 0
    1 December 2024 04: 04
    Nothing new. Mattress chatterbox...
  31. 0
    1 December 2024 04: 09
    Trump's statement is a declaration of war.
  32. -1
    1 December 2024 04: 22
    Peskov was asked about the dollar exchange rate, he said that everyone receives their salary in rubles, the dollar is not needed, but damn, he didn’t say that everything is calculated according to the dollar exchange rate.
  33. 0
    1 December 2024 04: 44
    What is he smoking? Or sniffing?
  34. 0
    1 December 2024 05: 03
    Well, here it goes. He was just elected and he's already starting to scare, and what will happen after the inauguration? Biden and Trump are the same, only the names are different. So we shouldn't be too happy, he'll also continue with Ukraine what this old senile man started.
  35. 0
    1 December 2024 05: 07
    Well, ok, he will introduce duties, then what? Today, stores have enough goods for a week-2-3 months, the times of huge warehouses at the store are gone, today logistics is built on fast delivery to the required date of the necessary items, their own reserves are minimal. They will gobble up and remain with nothing. And what will happen with oil, there will be a sharp shortage of gasoline in America. But those who produce will not lose anything, they will simply send the goods to another place, for example, Canada and Mexico or somewhere else. The Americans themselves will instantly deflate from such duties. However, this is in the style of Trump's business, an ultimatum bluff and a deal that is profitable for him. But in this case it is a bluff, and not a smart one at all. It is calculated to scare those accustomed to the dollar.
    1. 0
      1 December 2024 06: 14
      Whatever nonsense you talk, they'll have enough, if not they'll print more bucks and everyone will run to sell them for dollars, I haven't looked at how much a dollar is worth here.
      1. 0
        1 December 2024 07: 28
        You are talking nonsense, you submit to the decisions of the regional committee in advance. I have critically explained that this is a bluff and it will hurt them more if they introduce duties on 100% goods from BRICS. World logistics is built on the principle of just-in-time delivery (warehouse stocks max 2-3 months or even a week, saving on warehouse space). All consumer goods are BRICS, not all oil, but it will jump, and there are a lot of cars there. What can the US offer as a carrot to those who agree, except for the dollar? - continue to eat the inflation of the dollar at home, sell it for beads further, what else? Such a step by the US will instantly ruin, at least isolate the world economy into closed blocks a la the West CMEA, let's see how much the West consumes from the BRICS countries and how much the BRICS countries from the West, how many Western enterprises will instantly go bankrupt in the BRICS countries when they cannot supply goods to the States, their businesses will clearly not say thank you to such decisions. Yes, there will be small countries that are totally dependent on imports to the US, but who is stopping them from selling to BRICS if the conditions are better. And the BRICS's counteraction to such duties will be immediate and tough, because the US is essentially setting an ultimatum, and no one likes this except for the obedient fans of the US. The share of BRICS in real industry is much larger than the US, so it will survive, but the West is not a fact, then they can also raise prices for energy from BRICS with the same ultimatum, either at this price or go to hell, where will they get it from?
        1. 0
          1 December 2024 07: 39
          If the dollar falls to at least 50 rubles, then I will say you were right, we are all waiting for the West to rot and the USSR waited, did not wait long enough, and suddenly died. Until we start opening factories here, it will be like this, I will not be surprised if the dollar is 200 rubles if we continue to whine.
          1. +1
            1 December 2024 07: 53
            The Union refused the economic and other destruction of the West, preferring dialogue and peaceful coexistence in two different camps, butted heads on the periphery, but had no serious plans or implementation to strangle the West and did not use them. The States did not change tactics for a moment because of imperialistic motives, and after the collapse of the Union, they went completely crazy from the understanding that they can do everything with impunity on the planet. Which, in fact, led to today's realities; if they were not so obsessed with profit and thirst for power, they would have lasted three hundred years as a hegemon and everyone would have been only for it.
  36. +1
    1 December 2024 06: 38
    While BRICS thinks, Trump acts. I wonder when BRICS will respond?
    1. +1
      1 December 2024 09: 33
      Where is he? Just chatting for now.
      And you want our actions right away. Let's wait and see. Patience.
  37. -1
    1 December 2024 06: 51
    "You don't know me yet!" Second Lieutenant Dub (Trump) barked. "You may know my good side, but wait - you'll know my bad side too."
    J. Hasek. The adventures of the good soldier Schweik.
  38. 0
    1 December 2024 06: 56
    Quote: Sergey Prutkov55
    This is about whether it is necessary to meet the West halfway. It is not necessary. And Ukraine must be liberated at any cost, even with nuclear weapons, even by shooting off the top brass, even by knocking out all energy. Giving the West 4/5 of its territory and people is a geostrategic defeat for Russia. The West will not stop there. And Trump has nothing to do with it. He is not the master of the States. The West completely owns Norway, Finland, the Baltics, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria. Now they are pulling the outskirts, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia towards themselves. After Georgia and Armenia there will be Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. In Belarus, they are again planning to organize a Maidan in January. Right now, at this very time, they are breaking Syria. They are bossing around in Iraq and are trying to persuade Iran to support them after the assassination of the president. They have already shaken Mongolia. A picture in oil. The enemies of Russia in action. There is daily work to encircle Russia with unfriendly countries, to put it mildly. Problems in the Baltic, NATO in the Black Sea. The route to the south via Iran is in question. Boycott of the Northern Sea Route. And our only real friend is the DPRK. It's not fun. In these conditions, we can't make any agreements to give the Eurofascists a break. This will do absolutely nothing good for Russia. On the contrary, we need to knock out the vertical of power in the outskirts and put out their lights. Now only the capitulation of the Euro-Hutsuls will change the balance in our favor. The enemy needs to be finished off. They didn't finish it off in Syria and here's the result. And all this was organized by the same West. They want to distract attention from the outskirts and deprive Russia of bases in Syria and Armenia. And break through the passage to the Caspian. The outskirts need to be finished off at any cost. 50 days until Trump comes to the White House. During this time, the outgoing US administration will do some bad things.

    During this time, the outgoing US administration will do some damage.
    During this subsequent time, the incoming US administration will do some damage.
    For this, after some time, the incoming US administration will do some damage.
  39. -1
    1 December 2024 06: 58
    Quote: Ura Orlov
    While BRICS thinks, Trump acts. I wonder when BRICS will respond?

    "The state of affairs in the transport shop section will be reported to us by the head of the transport shop, Nikolai Yegorovich Oprya." BRICS's response will come from him.
  40. 0
    1 December 2024 07: 43
    Quote: kapitan92
    Let's wait until Trump's inauguration day and then we'll see.
    And this is all just idle chatter and empty talk of a politician.

    Chatter, but not empty chatter. Information warfare, who knows who. Maybe not with BRICS, but designed for the domestic consumer. Information leaks, like reconnaissance in force, like a false offensive, or not false, or reconnaissance in force, which can go on the offensive under favorable circumstances. In fact, it seems to me that Trump is in a very difficult situation, things have gone very far in all directions, it will definitely not be possible to restore order without sudden movements.
  41. +2
    1 December 2024 09: 17
    The USA is a wolf country. Don't feed the wolf, don't sell or buy anything for dollars. And the wolf will die on its own. It is impossible to negotiate with a wolf, you can only kill it, or the wolf will eat you.
  42. 0
    1 December 2024 09: 19
    Trumpv should be sent to hell and that's all, let him introduce duties, let's see how US consumers will howl when they come to the stores, there will either be empty shelves or goods with double markup, one of two things
  43. 0
    1 December 2024 09: 31
    Quote: BABAY22
    "Dollar" is needed by everyone. The whole world. Some common currency is needed

    On one condition - that this currency will be neutral. And this is not realistic in today's world.
    The single currency is becoming a condition and a reason for pressure from the owner, which is clearly visible today!
    As well as a single or unified system of banking payments! If something goes wrong for the hegemon, he immediately begins to twist the arms and legs of not only others but also his own!
  44. +1
    1 December 2024 11: 06
    China holds more than a trillion dollars in US debt
    I read that China is slowly and quietly starting to sell them off.
  45. 0
    1 December 2024 11: 11
    Quote: Tatiana
    Quote: BABAY22
    We need some kind of common currency that everyone can use for mutual settlements.

    GOLD has always been such a world currency! And Stalin understood this well!
    The retreat from Stalinism and the betrayal of socialism began with the coming to power of the "corn man" Khrushchev.

    1) No, it started with the ignorance of VO commentators like Tatyana about history!
    2) In 1923 (not by Stalin) a gold coin of "one chervonets" denomination was issued in the USSR, containing 7,74235 grams of gold. However, the circulation of the Soviet chervonets was small, and the exchange of paper money for it was severely limited.
    3) In 1937, in the USSR (by Stalin), the ruble was calculated on the basis of the dollar. Up until 1950, the fixed rate was in effect - 5,3 rubles for 1 dollar.
    4) Yes, he understood... by 1950... it dawned on him.... On February 28, 1950, by decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Stalin), the peg to the dollar was abolished, the ruble was transferred to a permanent equivalent basis, a gold basis, somewhere until 1961 (if I'm not mistaken).
    5) N. Starikov: "As such, there was no trace of the gold ruble. There was a gold chervonets for settlements with foreign countries. It was not in circulation within the country. But due to the fact that Western countries refused to accept gold chervonets as payment for their goods, the circulation was melted down. However, not all the coins were melted down. The price on the numismatic market is from 20 thousand rubles. The coin depicted a peasant sowing grain. In the 70s, replicas of these coins were issued. The price is higher than the real ones issued in the 20s. The Soviet ruble was always equal to the country's gold reserves. This was abolished and reintroduced by Stalin in order not to be dependent on the American dollar. This secured the country's economy. If anyone remembers, but the ruble to dollar exchange rate was less than a ruble. It seems 64 kopecks. If my memory serves me right.
    So Stalin did not remove the gold ruble from the economy. It did not exist. There was a gold chervonets nicknamed the Sower. That was it. But only for settlements with foreign countries.
    It had no effect on the economy. And it was melted down into the usual ingots. And so they became the measure of calculation on the international market.
    Subsequent rulers also did not return to the gold ruble. But the ruble rate was always equal to the gold (and then currency) reserves of the country."
  46. bbb
    1 December 2024 13: 40
    The dollar is much more important for the US than Ukraine.
    1. 0
      2 December 2024 04: 36
      Ukraine is their dollar, you need to know the history, the value of Ukraine, the appetites of the capitalists
  47. -1
    1 December 2024 22: 00
    There is nothing to talk about until Trump takes office on January 20, if he lives that long. It is all just "white noise". All of Trump's reasoning is about business, not politics. These are different things. If he does not understand this, then that is his problem. He will not force anything on anyone. There will be no American-style peace. They have nothing to offer for a long time.
    1. 0
      2 December 2024 04: 34
      And war? And sabotage? And blackmail? How is it nothing? As long as they are alive, it will be even worse, more sophisticated! This is such a rotten nation, At least in England, at least its offspring on the American continent, where they destroyed the entire population, without exception. And no one has ever even called it genocide! As long as this criminal nation is alive, there will be no happiness on the planet Zkmlya!
  48. +1
    2 December 2024 03: 47
    Quote: Eldorado
    That's how we need to start too!
    - We demand!
    Our people need to learn how to make demands.
    - We demand that countries not join NATO!

    And what then? That's the thing... We don't have any methods against Kostya Saprykin. But they do. This doesn't mean that nothing should be done, we just need methods, they need to be created. Created in Latin American countries. And not only in currently friendly ones, but also in those in the Pindostan orbit. Imagine, for example, a change of regime in Panama. Would that create a problem for the mattress makers?
  49. 0
    2 December 2024 04: 25
    Quote from gribanow.c
    The USA is a wolf country. Don't feed the wolf, don't sell or buy anything for dollars. And the wolf will die on its own. It is impossible to negotiate with a wolf, you can only kill it, or the wolf will eat you.

    Allow me to disagree. In my opinion, your allegory is wrong. Firstly, you don't feed a wolf. A wolf chooses its victim and feeds itself. But if you have tamed it, then you can negotiate with it. To do this, you first need to tame it (which is hardly possible). As for the SSP, it is not a wolf. It is a tick. And you can't negotiate with it either. It can only be removed from the body, and only completely, otherwise there will be complications. And destroy it.
  50. 0
    2 December 2024 04: 27
    I am over .70. In my life I have listened to many different leaders, both my own and Anglo-Saxon. That is why I believe in our proverb: history teaches nothing, that is why geographical shake-ups happen. Not a single Anglo-Saxon leader will ever be an ally of the USSR-RF. How many kisses were there with them, how much equipment was cut due to the reduction of armaments. And what? After that, it was necessary to increase armaments many times over. And imagine how much material values, labor it takes from the resources of planet Earth and everything goes to dust?! Communism would have been on Earth long ago! But such Trumps and all capitalists like him strive to establish slavery on the planet, oppression of people. Not by war, but now cybernetics will help to drive people into the human herd. Are you dancing to Trump? Capitalists? Well, well!!!
  51. 0
    2 December 2024 07: 42
    Let him demand... from Melania! Maybe it will work out!!!
  52. 0
    2 December 2024 09: 32
    So they're pissing. There's no need to force it, but after 10 years of integration we can think about a common currency.
  53. -1
    2 December 2024 10: 18
    So, Volodya, you yourself have already stated that there are no plans to abandon the dollar.
  54. 0
    2 December 2024 18: 55
    Quote: Skobaristan
    We've been moving towards the Euro and the EU since 50. You want it here and now. No, you can of course convince yourself that BRICS is just "taking pictures". Then why did Trump say that? He's probably joking, right?)

    I beg you. In 50, Soviet troops stood in the GDR, Austria, and for many more days. To what euro were they heading???