Fixing a Costly Mistake: US Continues to Make Plans to Arm Three Zumwalt Destroyers with Hypersonic Weapons

Fixing a Costly Mistake: US Continues to Make Plans to Arm Three Zumwalt Destroyers with Hypersonic Weapons

US Navy plans to equip hypersonic weapons stealth destroyer USS Zumwalt. This was reported by the Associated Press. The publication notes that in this way, an expensive and unsuccessful development will be transformed into a powerful weapon.

The USS Zumwalt is at a shipyard in Mississippi where workers are installing missile shafts that replace twin towers artillery system that was never activated due to its high cost. Once the system is ready, Zumwalt will be a platform for delivering fast, precise strikes from long distances, increasing the utility of the warship.

- says the publication.

It is emphasized that the development of hypersonic weapons has been carried out in the United States for the alleged past 20 years. However, the Russian Federation and China have managed to bypass the United States in this component.

Tests by Russia and China have increased pressure on the U.S. military to speed up production.

– notes AP.

Experts with some knowledge of the work in question note that one of the programs being developed in the United States for the Zumwalt-class destroyers is “Conventional Rapid Strike.”

It is launched like a ballistic missile and then releases a hypersonic glide vehicle that travels at seven to eight times the speed of sound before hitting its target. The weapon system is being developed jointly by the Navy fleet and the Army. Each Zumwalt-class destroyer will be equipped with four missile launchers, each of which will carry three missiles, for a total of 12 hypersonic missiles per ship.

- emphasizes the publication.

Experts say the Navy's choice of the Zumwalt is no accident. The Navy is trying to improve the efficiency of the $7,5 billion warship, which critics say is a costly mistake despite serving as a test bed for many innovations.

Zumwalt was supposed to provide a land-attack capability with an advanced artillery system that would launch rockets that would open a path for Marines to land. But the system, with 155-millimeter guns hidden in stealth turrets, was canceled because each rocket-propelled projectile cost between $800 and $000 million.

– reminds the author of the material.

At the same time, he admits that, despite the blemishes on their reputation, the three Zumwalt-class destroyers remain the most advanced surface warships in the US Navy in terms of new technologies. But the US, while making plans to arm them with hypersonic missiles, still cannot decide where to apply these “advanced technologies.” Especially considering that there have already been cases when the “advanced” stealth destroyer Zumwalt had to be towed to a military base by non-advanced tugs after problems with the propulsion system were discovered.
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  1. +3
    30 November 2024 18: 20
    There's nowhere to put it, but it's a shame to throw it away.
    1. 0
      30 November 2024 18: 36
      Quote: Gray-haired Zinnik
      There's nowhere to put it, but it's a shame to throw it away.

      You can't throw it away! Then you'll have to saw and saw. The superguns were replaced with hyper-rockets, then it will turn out that the rockets are of the wrong system, they will be replaced with something else.
      1. 0
        30 November 2024 18: 42
        Emi gun didn't work, we change it to missiles, missiles didn't take off, we change it to Lazars, etc. until it goes to needles. This song will sound for a long time. Such a cut project is gorgeous, it's not like building Fords according to the CD.
      2. +1
        30 November 2024 18: 47
        It looks like they won't change anything else. Musk's department will count the money and close the unprofitable project. We just have to wait a couple of months. hi
    2. 0
      30 November 2024 21: 51
      Gray-haired Zinnik
      Today, 18: 20
      There's nowhere to put it, but it's a shame to throw it away.

      hi I think the word saw, and not only metal and wood, was invented and is used very well in many countries, including penguins. soldier
  2. The comment was deleted.
  3. -1
    30 November 2024 18: 30
    But me and the USS Zumwalt and their problems are like that before the Moon. I can't live with them and I wish they would fly to that Moon.
  4. 0
    30 November 2024 18: 38
    But in the US, while making plans to arm them with hypersonic missiles, they still cannot decide where to use these “advanced technologies”.

    To terrorize Yemen's Houthis?
    1. +1
      30 November 2024 18: 43
      No, why the Houthis, they can sink them, but to terrorize the military budget, that's fine!)))
  5. -1
    30 November 2024 18: 56
    It's time to admit that this is a psychological weapon: it should frighten with its ugliness.
  6. 0
    30 November 2024 19: 09
    The publication notes that in this way, an expensive and unsuccessful development will be transformed into a powerful weapon.
    . Is that true?
    Very few people, very few, have managed to do this.
  7. -1
    30 November 2024 19: 13
    Well, if you fail with supersonic speed, re-equip the long-suffering Zumwalt into a carrier of the future imperial "Death Star".
  8. -2
    30 November 2024 19: 17
    It will work under Trump.
  9. 0
    30 November 2024 19: 22
    equip hypersonic weapons stealth destroyer USS Zumwalt. The publication notes that the costly and unsuccessful development will turn into a powerful weapon.
    belay Equip with what is not there... fool Yes, it will be something. They didn't design it to have a railgun, a superlaser, and a super-long-range cannon... And hypersonics are for you in Yemen. request
    warship worth 7,5 billion dollars
    Only $517/kg will be too little for the "golden ship". feel
  10. 0
    30 November 2024 21: 36
    Awesome suitcase without a handle))) no use at all, but it's a shame to throw it away))) where haven't they tried it on?)))
  11. 0
    1 December 2024 00: 47
    Invisible with hypersonic - what else do you need to be happy. True, it was not a destroyer that was invisible, but hypersonic.