Latest generation submarines and frigates: German Navy expansion plan announced

Latest generation submarines and frigates: German Navy expansion plan announced

Sachsen-class frigate of the German Navy

Germany is preparing to make one of the most important decisions regarding the development of its armed forces. The Bundestag is moving towards approving the purchase of a series of latest-generation F127 frigates and four U4CD submarines as part of the expansion plan. fleet.

The F127 frigates are designed to significantly improve maritime defence capabilities in all areas. Designed to replace the aging sister ships of the Sachsen (F124) class, they will specialise in forward air defence missions.

To this end, they will be equipped with Lockheed Martin's Aegis combat information system and SPY-6 or SPY-7 radar. Notably, Germany has chosen to use Aegis almost 30 years after other European navies chose the system for their frigates, such as the Spanish Navy for the F-100.

Sketch of the F127 frigate

To engage air targets, the F127 will be equipped with VPUs capable of using a range of SAMs, including the SM-2 and SM-6. They will also be armed with NSM anti-ship missiles and possibly RGM-109E Tomahawk Block V cruise missiles for ground strikes.

German companies Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems and NVL Group have formed a joint venture to design and build these ships. Work is scheduled to begin in 2025.

The Type 212CD submarines are noticeably larger than their predecessors, with a length of 73 meters and a surface displacement of about 2500 tons. The increase in size will provide greater range and increased combat capabilities.

Sketch of the submarine Type 212CD

According to the developer, the Type 212CD has increased stealth. The integration of state-of-the-art sensor systems, including Hensoldt OMS 150 and OMS 300 optronic masts, combined with a surveillance system with a 4K 360º panoramic camera, will enhance situational awareness and reconnaissance capabilities.

The submarines will be equipped with four 533-mm TA. In addition, it is possible to equip rocket The NSM Block 1A will enable the submarines to deliver precision strikes against both sea and land targets. The Type 212CD is equipped with a so-called 4th generation VNEU, which uses PEM (proton exchange membrane) fuel cells, allowing them to remain underwater for several weeks.

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  1. -1
    29 November 2024 08: 37
    A major economic power is increasingly turning into a military-political mouse...
    Now even large surface ships will not be able to be built without significant technical assistance from the Americans.
    1. +1
      29 November 2024 08: 47
      Quote: Doccor18
      A major economic power is increasingly turning into a military-political mouse...
      Now even large surface ships will not be able to be built without significant technical assistance from the Americans.

      That's all true, but the evil German genius continues to develop his U-boot. Against whom this time?
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +2
      29 November 2024 09: 11
      Quote: Doccor18
      Now even large surface ships will not be able to be built without significant technical assistance from the Americans.

      I thought the same thing. They would have bought Arleigh Burke from the Americans right away and they would have been happy.
      1. +1
        29 November 2024 10: 11
        Quote: man in the street
        I thought the same thing. They would have bought Arleigh Burke from the Americans right away and they would have been happy.

        This is petty, Khobotov.! ©
        First, the Germans need to buy the littoralniks from the US - the Yankees are writing them off anyway. And then, having convinced themselves of their uselessness, order new "Constellations" from them at exorbitant prices - instead of the European FREMMs. Oh yeah, and as a bonus - "Zamvolts".
        Then Trump's soul will be pleased. laughing
        1. -3
          29 November 2024 10: 17
          It's time to introduce armor and anti-torpedo protection on ships
          from subsonic plastic anti-ship missiles and advanced BEKs with warheads up to 3000 kg
          a promising air defense system will protect against hypersonic anti-ship missiles - maybe - sometime later sad
          1. +2
            29 November 2024 20: 14
            Quote: Romario_Argo
            It's time to introduce reservations

            Unarmored cardboard-aluminum ones cost as much as intergalactic space battleships, and if armored ones are built, then the Americans will only have enough for one and a half, and the rest will have enough for half. wassat
    4. +1
      29 November 2024 23: 55
      Quote: Doccor18
      A major economic power is increasingly turning into a military-political mouse...

      After WWII, it was like... its (Germany's) official status was that of an economic giant (by European standards) and a military-political pygmy on the run.
      Quote: Doccor18
      and large surface ships will not be able to be made without significant technical assistance from the Americans.

      Well, AEGIS actually buys everything from the US, and the Japanese too (although it may be licensed), but otherwise... everything is done jointly/cooperatively.
      1. +1
        30 November 2024 00: 21
        Quote: bayard
        official status - economic giant (by European standards)

        Why by European standards? Quite by world standards. A solid third place in the world in terms of monetary equivalent of trade turnover, after China and the USA. As for the "pygmy", it's hard to disagree. But it's clear that Baden-Württemberg was disappointed in its own TRS-4D radar, if they decided to install the American one on ships.
        1. +1
          30 November 2024 00: 52
          Quote: Doccor18
          A solid third place in the world in terms of monetary equivalent of trade turnover, after China and the USA.

          Well, I looked at the PPS, and the rating there is slightly lower. Therefore, for Europe it is definitely a giant, and for the World - a member of the "Big Seven".
          Quote: Doccor18
          But it is clear that Baden-Württemberg was also disappointed in its own TRS-4D radar if they decided to install the American one on ships.

          Apparently for the purposes of unification and for the convenience of data exchange.
          We would like to launch "Ladas" at LIAB into series production as soon as possible. In large series production - there are SUCH capacities idle, not to mention that now we also need to lay down "Ladas" instead of Varshavyankas.
          However, right now, heavy-class IRBMs in commercial quantities are much more important.
          And "Iskander-1000".
          And the two-stage Iskander with a range of 2000 - 2500 km.
  2. 0
    29 November 2024 10: 08
    And on VO everyone writes that Germany's economy is collapsing without Russian resources belay and they can't lie - all their friends are starving sad .
    1. +2
      29 November 2024 14: 03
      Quote: Bolt Cutter
      And on VO everyone writes that Germany's economy is collapsing without Russian resources

      What's wrong? They are already cutting social programs because of the budget deficit and lack of money (this is in Germany). Wet dreams about updating the fleet are just dreams. Sorry, plans. Factories are closing, but they are going to build a fleet. By the way, can you tell me how Volkswagen or BASF are doing? Of course, they can dream out of habit, but reality puts everything in its place. Once again, I'll go back to the beginning. Reasoning about updating the German fleet is just plans, When they build something, then we'll see. But for now, this is empty talk.
      1. -3
        29 November 2024 14: 07
        They are already cutting social benefits
        For a slightly different reason, living on benefits has become a career for a fairly large proportion of the population.
        Factories are closing
        At the same time, there is a terrible shortage of labor in Germany; they are already importing Uzbeks.
        That's when they build something.
        For Germans, "plans" do not equal "castles in the air".