Patriots from kindergarten

Patriots from kindergarten

Came to their senses

The so-called LOMs, or public opinion leaders, have recently begun to surprise us often. It is the end of 2024, but only now have legislators come up with the idea of ​​​​patriotic education of the younger generation. We are talking about preschoolers, who are expected to take the course "Fundamentals of Russian Statehood" in the near future. The idea was voiced by State Duma deputy Elvira Aitkulova.

Let us recall that the course "Fundamentals of Russian Statehood" has been taught at universities for a year now. Schools do not have a separate subject on this topic - the topic of citizenship is present in one way or another in social studies courses, stories, OBZR and ODNKNR. For reference, the latter abbreviation stands for "Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia." In addition to classroom lessons, civic-patriotic education is taught at weekly "Conversations about the Important."

According to Elvira Aitkulova, involving preschoolers in the fundamentals of Russian statehood will help create a coherent vertical of patriotic education. To be precise, it will create the foundation for a "unified coordinate system." Later, the child will be immersed in primary school, where the relevant knowledge will deepen. Then the basic and secondary levels of education, secondary and higher educational institutions.

The Duma Committee on Education formulated the task as follows:

"So that high school and university students who are familiar with the educational materials of the discipline "Fundamentals of Russian Statehood" do not experience dissonance, including contradictions of an ideological nature... Today, parents set the task for us, for the state, so that we begin talking about important things already at preschool age, so that the child, from the awareness of himself as a person, a citizen, builds a unified system of coordinates."

In words, everything is very beautiful. There is only one thing left - to ensure a high-quality level of teaching throughout Russia, and this is very difficult. There are a lot of kindergartens and schools, but there are not always enough responsible teachers.

Regarding the education of citizenship, the State Duma Committee on Education formulated the task as follows: "So that high school and university students who are familiar with the educational materials of the discipline "Fundamentals of Russian Statehood" do not experience dissonance, including contradictions of an ideological nature." But what to do if preschoolers feel dissonance? Of course, they do not realize it, but they are also subject to the pernicious influence of Western propaganda. Perhaps even more than schoolchildren and students.

At an older age, critical thinking is still more developed than that of young kindergarten students. At the same time, they are also introduced to “world culture” through YouTube and other imported platforms. And they enter first grade with a considerable set of options, which are then difficult to get rid of. Simply because we receive the strongest stereotypes in early childhood. Someone will clearly object, like, what are we even talking about? A kindergarten graduate often does not know how to tie his own shoelaces, and here we are talking about civic consciousness. Little ones aged 5-6 have not learned to read, and we are talking to them about the Constitution and patriotism? Of course, no one is going to lecture young Russians before nap time - there are more subtle tools for this. First of all, these are play activities as the most organic way of cognitive activity at this age. And the name of the course (training module) would be good to adapt. “Fundamentals of Russian statehood” sounds heavy for a preschooler.

Maybe not?

There is also an alternative opinion in the State Duma regarding the preschool course "Fundamentals of Russian Statehood". First Deputy Chair of the State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education Ksenia Goryacheva stated for the publication "Gazeta.Ru":

"Preschool education sets other goals: to develop curiosity, emotional sensitivity, and the ability to interact with the world in a child. Love for the Motherland is not cultivated through lessons, but through participation in common affairs and creative activities. Formation of a citizen is not only knowledge of laws, norms, and historical facts. It is the ability to respect, appreciate the work and talents of others, to feel responsible for oneself and others. These qualities are formed gradually, through communication and personal example. Civic identity begins to truly form in adolescence, when the first real responsibilities to society appear. True involvement in the Motherland is forged through deeds, not additional disciplines. And in kindergarten, society for a child and the place where his responsibilities and rights are realized is definitely the family."

This opinion has a right to exist, but it is worth reminding Goryacheva about the information background in which a child lives outside of kindergarten. Families do not always provide their children with useful leisure time, but limit themselves to smartphones as universal time-burners. And it is good if the child watches a domestic cartoon there, but what if an American colorful craft about the "great" America? As the old saying goes: "If you do not raise your child, someone else will."

Another group of critics of Elvira Aitkulova's initiative hopes that it is premature - they say, it is too early for such things in kindergartens. They will not understand. One cannot help but recall another thought: "Our main mistake is that we underestimate our children." Therefore, if the theses of citizenship and love for the Motherland are correctly presented, then everyone will understand and accept it.

There is no need to look far for examples. In kindergartens, everyone knows about working with gifted children. There are even special competitions and conferences where 5-6-year-olds report on their scientific research. Yes, that's right. For some reason, in preschools you can play science, but you can't accept your Motherland in a playful way? And this example is not isolated. In kindergarten life, there are many events where a child has to solve problems that are not at all his age level. This is what problem-based learning is based on, by the way.

Now about the real risks of the preschool course "Fundamentals of Russian Statehood". First of all, it is far from 100% coverage of young Russians. A certain proportion of children do not attend preschool educational institutions at all. Mom and Dad, of course, are always the best architects of their children's souls, but they are far from always the best educators. This must be understood. Not all first-graders will come with the same charge on September 1.

The second risk is the proliferation of private kindergartens. As is known, the educational system in such institutions is not controlled by many people. There are many questions. Will the requirements for the course "Fundamentals of Russian Statehood" apply to such institutions? And if so, who will control it? And will everything remain solely on paper for local education authorities? However, the last question is also relevant for state kindergartens.
61 comment
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  1. -6
    30 November 2024 04: 02
    Goryacheva is talking nonsense... it is precisely at the de-Garden age that we need to instill good feelings towards our country.
    Just imagine if a child of a migrant, a guest worker, is developing in our kindergarten...their family often has a culture and views that are completely alien to is extremely necessary to instill in the head of such a child the basics of the culture of our country and our that later on we can avoid a new Crocus.
    Goryacheva doesn’t understand this at all.
    1. +13
      30 November 2024 07: 33
      "Goryacheva absolutely does not understand this."
      Preschool education sets other goals: to develop curiosity, emotional sensitivity, and the ability to interact with the world in a child. Love for the Motherland is not cultivated through lessons, but through participation in common affairs and creative activities. Formation of a citizen is not only knowledge of laws, norms, and historical facts. It is the ability to respect, appreciate the work and talents of others, and feel responsibility for oneself and others.
      A seasoned enemy has entrenched himself in the State Duma, we've seen what he wants - curiosity, emotional sensitivity, the ability to interact with the world, it's immediately obvious that he wants to instill his rotten liberal values ​​in our children. A child should understand from childhood that he lives in a besieged fortress, all his neighbors are enemies who dream of coming to his country and taking away the land and resources from the good, kind people whom the government has appointed to own these very riches. Most importantly, every toddler should know that only his beloved national leader (the baby's mom and dad were born under him, so he knows what to do) and his party can save him from all this horror.
      1. man
        30 November 2024 10: 03
        But I believe that children should be educated even before birth! I propose that maternity hospitals organize mandatory collective listening to all speeches of our beloved leader! Irresponsible women in labor who try to cover their stomachs with a blanket should be mercilessly fined!
      2. -2
        30 November 2024 11: 53
        A child should understand from childhood that he lives in a besieged fortress, all the neighbors around him are enemies who dream of coming to his country and taking the land and resources from the good, kind people whom the government has appointed to own these very riches.

        They fantasized.
        A child should know from childhood that he does not live in a prison of nations, that he has a Motherland with a mother, father, sister, grandmother, brother... which must be protected, defended and loved.
        And you brought God knows what.
        1. +7
          30 November 2024 12: 34
          Quote: Lech from Android.
          A child should understand from childhood that he lives in a besieged fortress, all the neighbors around him are enemies who dream of coming to his country and taking the land and resources from the good, kind people whom the government has appointed to own these very riches.

          They fantasized.
          A child should know from childhood that he does not live in a prison of nations, that he has a Motherland with a mother, father, sister, grandmother, brother... which must be protected, defended and loved.
          And you brought God knows what.
          What fantasies? A brief summary of the propaganda of recent years. Why prison? All at the request of the workers, now they will pass a couple more good laws and it will not be a country but a shining city on a hill.
        2. 0
          1 December 2024 04: 11
          Ooh. And then the child suddenly finds out that in his beloved country, he has to protect himself and his loved ones from the insolent migrants living on the next street. And while protecting his mom and dad, he can get a term from the "Russian" justice system, which is already staffed by bearded men. And the first thing he will think is - why do we need such a country, with such a government?
    2. +8
      30 November 2024 11: 24
      Well, yes, well, yes, it is precisely the exhausted educators with a pittance of a salary, who themselves experience dissonance from what they say and see around them, who are able to instill “love for the country” in migrant children, yeah.
      1. +3
        30 November 2024 12: 21
        Calm down, calm down. Everything is taken into account by the mighty hurricane. The Azerbaijani diaspora will be engaged in the education/upbringing of migrants (for now adults, but in the future, possibly children). At the moment, a pilot project has been launched in Kamchatka, but a bad beginning is a bad beginning.

        Azerbaijanis will teach migrants Russian for money.
        In Kamchatka, the Azerbaijani diaspora "Azeri" will teach Russian to labor migrants. Money from the local budget has been allocated for this purpose, said the chairman Ramazan Guseinov.
    3. +3
      30 November 2024 12: 07
      You won't instill respect for the country and Russians in a small migrant :-) in their own family they receive a completely different upbringing....
      1. 0
        30 November 2024 12: 09
        This is what needs to be told to the State Duma deputies. hi
        1. +2
          30 November 2024 12: 10
          And they won't be interested in listening to it.
          1. 0
            30 November 2024 12: 12
            How else can we influence these people?
            It's not like Bastrykin should complain... smile
            1. 0
              30 November 2024 12: 16
              Of course, you can use force - but then don't be surprised that Caucasians and Central Asians will be standing on our streets with sticks and hoes, and in the West there will be a cry about Russian fascism and the President of the Russian Federation will quickly call in troops from NATO countries to fight Russian fascism.
      2. 0
        Today, 14: 36
        It is quite possible to instill. If Russia starts to be clear and bold, starts to bend everyone, then those brought up in patriarchal families will say that they are also part of this. But it is very difficult to love a country with a carefree population and a cowardly leadership that fawns on the West.
  2. +21
    30 November 2024 06: 24
    Is it possible to start organizing such education in the State Duma itself?
    1. man
      30 November 2024 10: 11
      Quote from: dmi.pris1
      Is it possible to start organizing such education in the State Duma itself?

      This is unnecessary, only those who are well-mannered end up there. love . You probably don't watch TV...
      1. +1
        30 November 2024 14: 13
        True, I don't watch this nauseating crap. But I don't live in an isolated little world, and I go to the store, pay my utility bills, and finally stop at the gas station. And I see that up there they live in a little world isolated from the rest of Russia.
        1. man
          30 November 2024 16: 34
          And I see that up there they live in a little world isolated from the rest of Russia.
          Well, why not? From time to time they still come down to our TV.
          And so that people would not be distracted from watching them, they turned off YouTube.
    2. +2
      30 November 2024 12: 23
      Quote from: dmi.pris1
      Is it possible to start organizing such education in the State Duma itself?

      The education there was organized back in 91 by State Department consultants, and it seems to have gone down so well with the people's representatives that they have been successfully educated ever since and strictly follow the precepts of those who bring democracy for a good salary and other goodies from the state. The main thing is to never remember that they were elected by the people. This is exclusively a gift from God.
  3. +4
    30 November 2024 06: 27
    First of all, children should be taught decency and honesty. Such a person will never let you down. Our main enemy is hypocrisy. When the teacher himself preaches one thing, but acts differently. Do many people, when leaving somewhere, feel nostalgia for their native place? If not, then this is the first step to cosmopolitanism. A person does not care where to live in Moscow or in his native Samara. When teaching children, first of all, we must re-educate ourselves.
    1. man
      30 November 2024 10: 17
      It makes no difference to a person whether he lives in Moscow or in his native Samara.
      To do this, it is necessary to extend the borders of Moscow to Samara.
    2. man
      30 November 2024 10: 36
      First of all, children need to be taught decency and honesty. Such a person will never let you down. Our main enemy is hypocrisy. When the teacher himself preaches one thing, but acts differently.
      That's how we were brought up in the USSR. As a result, we were cruelly screwed in 1991, and now they call us "suckers"
    3. 0
      Today, 03: 31
      First of all, a person needs to be taught to observe, notice contradictions, reason, think. This will be the basis of honesty and integrity. And not brainwash him from childhood, hoping to make a zombie out of him before others do.
  4. +8
    30 November 2024 07: 30
    The State Duma is still a...thing in the Russian Federation. What is preschool patriotic education? Some people claim that a child in the mother's womb in the last months of pregnancy feels and hears what the parents say. So let's whisper patriotic slogans to all pregnant women in the last months. lol Well, but seriously.
    Mom and dad are, of course, always the best architects of their children's souls, but they are far from always the best educators. This must be understood. Not all first-graders will come with the same charge on September 1.
    There is an opinion that a child receives 80% of knowledge before the age of 5, 15% - before the age of 16, and the remaining 5% - during life thanks to personal life experience. And it should be taken into account that education is not a quantitative measure, and it is impossible to measure it in percentages. In these difficult times, what kind of atmosphere do children observe in families? All the problems that the government arranges and they grow like a snowball with each abstruse law of which almost 23 have been adopted in 700 years alone, and life dictates its own laws. Parents are always busy with problems with work, what kind of conversations do children listen to with their little ears? What kind of patriotic education, if they talk about those in power not quite, so to speak, flatteringly. It's good when there are grandparents, to give for some time, but if not? What can we say. In general, the president and deputies we need to keep quiet - It will be better.
    1. man
      30 November 2024 10: 22
      Some people claim that a child in the mother's womb in the last months of pregnancy feels and hears what the parents say. So let's whisper patriotic slogans to all pregnant women in the last months.
      Well... I was in a hurry again... my apologies...
    2. 0
      Today, 14: 42
      Yes, we can start with who our authorities raised, what countries their children live in and what good they did for Russia
  5. Msi
    30 November 2024 08: 28
    I do not support the introduction of "patriotic education" in kindergartens... It is too early, the child is still too young for such complex issues.
  6. +9
    30 November 2024 08: 32
    They are thinking about how to turn children into zombies.
    1. 0
      30 November 2024 12: 25
      Quote: ximkim
      They are thinking about how to turn children into zombies.

      You are too categorical. Just a controlled herd of brainless selfish consumers. New Americans.
  7. +2
    30 November 2024 10: 05
    It is enough to give kindergarten teachers the opportunity to educate children, and not “provide a service,” and they will educate patriots.
    The same thing at school - teachers must teach, and if this means kicking a couple of migrant children out of the class (and some Russians too) - then they should have every right to do so.
  8. +7
    30 November 2024 10: 32
    While reading, I recall a statement by some patriotic director, once quoted by Goblin.
    There was everything like this, and in the end - maybe we should lie less and care about people more?
    But propaganda says one thing, but life shows another?

    Kindergartens are kindergartens (2 units), but on the street if in the village there is dirt from 2 years of repairs, a sharp reduction in buses from the village to the center (to work), there is not even sand in icy conditions (the current situation), low salaries of educators and teachers...

    Guess for yourself..
    1. +1
      30 November 2024 14: 52
      Oh well, let's forget about the sand. Well, there's not enough of it, even in the Sahara... smile It will be more serious. Representative of the Motherland, the Ministry of Emergency Situations proposes:
      "Come on, pack your suitcase,
      Come on, pack your suitcase,
      Come on, pack your suitcase, come on, pack your suitcase.
      The boy told me very politely" (c)
      Because, another guy, the Russian Ministry of Defense, no longer guarantees life and the safety of property. And the Motherland no longer begins with a picture in a primer, but:
      "Where does it begin?
      With confession of childhood sins;
      My homeland is reflected
      "In the kind eyes of the priest" (c).
  9. 0
    30 November 2024 11: 20
    Duma deputy Aitkulova is looking far into the future, or is she trying to curry favor in the spirit of party and government policy.
    The mobilization potential of the Russian Federation is tens of times inferior to the capabilities of the US-EU and associated state entities with a combined population of almost a billion against 150 million in the Russian Federation.
    Passports are issued at the age of 14 and from this age they become full citizens with all rights and obligations, including the protection of their state education and therefore must be brought up in the spirit of readiness for work and defense.
  10. +8
    30 November 2024 11: 42
    Love for the Motherland is not cultivated through lessons, but through participation in common affairs and creative activity.

    Here it is - one of the problems of our mentality. We believe that love can be EDUCATED, i.e. trained Pavlov's dog to secrete gastric juice at the sound of a bell. Stuff a young creature with propaganda so that a certain attitude is formed on a reflexive-unconscious level. What will this attitude be based on? NOTHING! They will simply tell him - friend, you must love and adore all this, SIMPLY BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO. Or because the country is big, the history is old, Suvorov-Pushkin-Tolstoy-Dostoevsky and... profit! Just like in that joke.
    I believe that such a thoughtless and taming approach to the issue is counterproductive. Because thinking people will soon reach a point where they will start getting into situations of dissonance or asking themselves the question: Why does the picture they observe often not evoke those high feelings that they have been told so much about? Why does the state simply EXPECT the citizen to love it passionately - given that it is, frankly speaking, reluctant to approach the citizen and does not show such relations, preferring rather dry and mercantile ones?

    There is much more that could be written here - but I think that the country should strive to be loved, not by brainwashing and propaganda, but by its actions. Daily elections, so to speak. Otherwise, such a structure will only be tempted to exploit, counting on the fact that tomorrow it will be possible to simply throw in even more fairy tales and agitprop.

    It is also necessary to understand that such "patriotic exercises" in terms of real usefulness will hit the bottom because on the one hand our agitprop can be disgustingly sticky and intrusive, and on the other hand it cannot compete with the products of the time, it is stylistically designed for the times of ZhZ and the lack of alternatives. Now citizens, even very young ones, have enough information of all kinds to understand that there are many other countries on the planet and life there can be much more fun. Many will choose not this "irrationally implanted" but quite pragmatically, simply because the ENVIRONMENT ITSELF sharpens them to make a pragmatic choice, since we exist within the framework of capitalist relations. If they go where there is work and choose work based on the principle of "where they pay more" - then this line will inevitably continue further, and they will choose the environment in which it is REALLY profitable and comfortable for them, and not a collection of some dense fairy tales. I am now primarily talking about the most active and creative part of the population.
    This does NOT mean that everyone will go abroad in unison - but it does mean that the country needs to understand that regardless of the fairy tales that it reflexively wants to stuff its children with out of interest in control and indoctrination, there is a completely objective and material external competition with other global players for human resources. In which it will be necessary to work on the gingerbread. Real gingerbread.
    And finally - the reader may be indignant that I combine the concepts of "Homeland" and "Country, State". This unification in my case is based on life experience - you can admire birches-pines-balalaikas for a long time and catch literary orgasms from reading Pushkin, but the overwhelming majority of your life you are in contact not with an abstract "Homeland", but with a very real State. The Homeland is a kind of illusion, the fruit of your selective perception and aesthetic acceptance. And if in the case of ancient times with pre-propagandist states the Homeland could be larger than the State, then specifically now the State has practically monopolized it, describing how and for what you should treat it, stuffing you with forms on this topic, i.e., in general, the state is engaged in the exploitation of this brand to the fullest. Well, if this is so, we come to the conclusion that the Motherland in our time is involuntarily a part of the State in matters that are somewhat distant from rainbow abstractions.
  11. +4
    30 November 2024 11: 43
    Patriotism in a capitalist state? Where everyone is equal, but others are more equal. Are you serious?
    Sorry, but patriotism is fostered not only by words, but also by actions.
    One of the reasons why the population calmly accepted the collapse of the USSR is that young people brought up in patriotism, after finishing school, were faced with the fact that the world is far from what they were taught.
    And this is despite the fact that the level of stratification of the population, injustice and lies was orders of magnitude lower than it is now.
    But this was enough, despite the fact that social lifts were working at the time.
    You can chatter away in the ears of the youth about the greatness of the country, cite the exploits and self-sacrifice of our ancestors as examples, and so on and so forth, but another unpunished run by some Mara
    Baghdasaryan will throw it all into waste.
    It is stupid to consider young people as idiots, to assume that they do not see how the government has abandoned their parents with the pension reform, according to the principle: die at work.
    Young people are well aware that for the capitalist leadership of the Russian Federation, the population is only a food source, and even a part of it, as a guarantee of the integrity of their capital and nothing more.
    1. -1
      1 December 2024 23: 52
      Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
      Young people are well aware that for the capitalist leadership of the Russian Federation, the population is only a food source,

      "Eat liver pies!" - they said that in another country, not in this one....
      1. -1
        2 December 2024 00: 09
        "Eat liver pies!" - they said that in another country, not in this one....

        It's still a question of what was there and what was said. Because to believe what they say about that country in this one, is to disrespect oneself.
        1. -1
          2 December 2024 07: 14
          Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
          Because to believe what they say about that country in this one, is to disrespect oneself.

          It goes without saying that in that country history itself was generally unpredictable.
          Now Trotsky is the creator of the Red Army - now a scoundrel and a villain, now Stalin is the "Great Leader" and then bam - "goat" (and the 20th Congress supports this with "stormy applause turning into an ovation"©).

          However, what was said about the pies is in line with the logic of what happened. How did you have to drive the SOVIET people to a frenzy - this is not like the "Yellow Vests" with their "Let's go after breakfast and burn down the city hall and have lunch" - so that the people would go and smash the city party committee?
          And yes, witnesses in the criminal case said that he did say something about the pies.
          1. -1
            2 December 2024 10: 29
            It goes without saying that in that country history itself was generally unpredictable.
            Now Trotsky is the creator of the Red Army - now a scoundrel and a villain, now Stalin is the "Great Leader" and then bam - "goat" (and the 20th Congress supports this with "stormy applause turning into an ovation"©).

            However, what was said about the pies is in line with the logic of what happened. How did you have to drive the SOVIET people to a frenzy - this is not like the "Yellow Vests" with their "Let's go after breakfast and burn down the city hall and have lunch" - so that the people would go and smash the city party committee?
            And yes, witnesses in the criminal case said that he did say something about the pies.

            There is an opinion that all this "Novocherkassk uprising" is a fabrication of the modern agitprop of the Russian Federation. Although I admit that some events of a smaller scale and purely criminal nature took place. And if you believe in this, and even propagandize, then be so kind as to answer a few questions:
            - Why only Novocherkassk, since the price increase affected the entire USSR, but there wasn’t even a hint of unrest?
            - Why is there not even a hint of the "Novocherkassk uprising" in the people's memory, because you can't hide an awl in a sack, rumors would certainly spread, all this "memory suddenly awakened with glasnost"?
            - Why didn’t any unrest arise anywhere during the “shock therapy” when prices jumped by orders of magnitude?
            1. 0
              2 December 2024 11: 59
              Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
              There is an opinion that this whole “Novocherkassk uprising” is a fabrication of the modern propaganda of the Russian Federation.

              Well, okay...
              Quote: your1970
              In that country, history itself was generally unpredictable.

              For normal People understand that Trotsky was the creator of the Red Army, Stalin was the Great Leader, Novocherkassk, Sablin and Alma-ata were.
              For the rest - the CPSU said that Trotsky and Stalin were bad, and that Novocherkassk did not exist. - that's what they think.
              Since, according to you, I ‘believe and propagate’, there is no point in giving you any arguments.
              Open Yandex and look for documents about reducing production standards - they were issued 4 days after completion.
              They are there.

              Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
              there were some events of a smaller scale and of a purely criminal nature.

              For "purely criminal events" In Moscow, in addition to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they kept ODON. Apparently they foresaw BLM belay lol
              Do you seriously believe in the possibility in the USSR? criminal events in Moscow - for the end of which KPVT are needed????!!!
              And yes, rubber truncheons were also adopted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1962...
              1. -1
                2 December 2024 12: 28
                For normal people it is clear that Trotsky was the creator of the Red Army

                A standard move to get out of the way, or, to put it simply, you wagged your butt.

                Since, according to you, I ‘believe and propagate’, there is no point in giving you any arguments.

                That is, you simply have no answers. So what is the point of your other chatter?
                Although, you have been noticed more than once how you lie in favor of the current Russian Federation, the “payments” for the Soviet order alone were worth something. lol
                1. -1
                  2 December 2024 12: 42
                  Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
                  That is, you simply don’t have any answers.

                  Yes, but there is no point in citing them to you - you "didn't have an event". And the rubber truncheons were adopted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for fun, as a joke...

                  Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
                  You are lying in favor of the current Russian Federation; the “payments” for the Soviet order alone were worth something.

                  I told my mother-in-law that she doesn’t have the 2200 supplement - she was very indignant: “How can it be that there isn’t? It was always there and now it’s not there??”
                  1. -1
                    Yesterday, 09: 29
                    Yes, but there is no point in citing them to you - you "didn't have an event". And the rubber truncheons were adopted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for fun, as a joke...

                    You don't even move your ass. You don't even try to present arguments, you call for belief. And to believe the nonsense that post-Soviet agitprop has concocted.
                    In fact, the riot in Novocherkassk had nothing to do with the workers; it was started by the survivors of Shkuro and Krasnov, who had returned from the camps by that time.

                    I told my mother-in-law that she doesn’t have the 2200 supplement - she was very indignant: “How can it be that there isn’t? It was always there and now it’s not there??”

                    It would seem that what could be simpler than to provide the payment provision in the documents. But no, your level of argumentation, - my mother-in-law told me. lol
                    1. 0
                      Yesterday, 10: 52
                      Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
                      In fact, the riot in Novocherkassk had nothing to do with the workers; it was started by the survivors of Shkuro and Krasnov, who had returned from the camps by that time.

                      Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
                      There is an opinion that this whole "Novocherkassk uprising" is a fabrication of the modern agitprop of the Russian Federation

                      So did it happen or not?
                      "Criminal riot" because there is nothing to eat???
                      "Criminal riot" going not to rob warehouses/stores, but to destroy the City Committee??
                      "Criminal riot" in the 1960s in the USSR??
                      Well, okay
                      You continue the old tradition of the USSR- to lie about my own story
                      Quote: your1970
                      In that country, history itself was generally unpredictable.
                      1. -1
                        Yesterday, 10: 57
                        So did it happen or not?
                        "Criminal riot" because there is nothing to eat???
                        "Criminal riot" going not to rob warehouses/stores, but to destroy the City Committee??
                        "Criminal riot" in the 1960s in the USSR??
                        Well, okay
                        You continue the old USSR tradition of lying about your own history.

                        Did your mother-in-law tell you this again? If you think this is a riot of hungry workers, then why not only in Novocherkassk?
                      2. 0
                        Yesterday, 11: 08
                        Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
                        So did it happen or not?
                        "Criminal riot" because there is nothing to eat???
                        "Criminal riot" going not to rob warehouses/stores, but to destroy the City Committee??
                        "Criminal riot" in the 1960s in the USSR??
                        Well, okay
                        You continue the old USSR tradition of lying about your own history.

                        Did your mother-in-law tell you this again? If you think this is a riot of hungry workers, then why not only in Novocherkassk?

                        And apparently there are a lot of them there
                        Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
                        the remnants of Shkuro and Krasnov,
                        they came in droves, they just went there from the camps, where else would they go - to start a "criminal riot" and destroy the city committee?
                        Keep coming up with your own ideas varnished history of the USSR...
                      3. -1
                        Yesterday, 11: 09
                        they came in droves, they were just going there, where else would they go - to start a "criminal riot" and destroy the city committee?
                        Go ahead and invent your own polished history of the USSR...

                        So you didn’t answer, why only in Novocherkassk?
                      4. 0
                        Yesterday, 11: 15
                        Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
                        they came in droves, they were just going there, where else would they go - to start a "criminal riot" and destroy the city committee?
                        Go ahead and invent your own polished history of the USSR...

                        So you didn’t answer, why only in Novocherkassk?

                        There was nothing to eat there, basically...
                        What is your version of why the “criminal riot” (which you do not deny) is exactly there?
                      5. -1
                        Yesterday, 11: 27
                        There was nothing to eat there, basically...

                        That is, it was all over the country, but not in the black earth region? lol Ask your mother-in-law, maybe she can give you a more convincing version, you're not doing very well.
                        What is your version of why the “criminal riot” (which you do not deny) is exactly there?

                        No, purely criminal riots, this is Odessa, and in those parts, although there was enough criminal element, the reason is different. Akin to Banderaism, because those parts gave the most collaborators. And many of them were released from prison by that time.
                      6. 0
                        Yesterday, 11: 31
                        Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
                        Akin to Banderaism, because those regions produced more collaborators than anyone else. And many of them had just been released from prison by that time.

                        Well, at least you admit that the riot was not criminal but political - and that's good. But before they said that it didn't happen at all.
                      7. -1
                        Yesterday, 11: 38

                        Well, at least you admit that the riot was not criminal but political - and that's good. But before they said that it didn't happen at all.

                        You don’t have to lie.
                        First of all, I didn't say that nothing happened at all. There was no uprising of hungry workers, that's for sure.
                        Secondly, I said that the riot was not purely criminal, it was criminal-revanchist, because the collaborators had become closely intertwined with the criminal world during their time in prison.
                        Why can't you live without lying? Are you an official?
  12. -2
    30 November 2024 12: 06
    It's all logical, the idiocy of the population must be carried out from an early age, Lenin understood this well, and even earlier - Hitler.
  13. +3
    30 November 2024 14: 19
    Quote: mann
    But I believe that children should be educated even before birth! I propose that maternity hospitals organize mandatory collective listening to all speeches of our beloved leader! Irresponsible women in labor who try to cover their stomachs with a blanket should be mercilessly fined!

    These are all half measures, it should be done even earlier: conception only under the Shaman's creativity, and those who were conceived under other sounds or in silence, then from birth they should be put on special watch as prone to foreign agency... :)
  14. +2
    30 November 2024 17: 04
    I think we need to start instilling patriotism and love for the Motherland in the State Duma and ministries, for example, prohibiting deputies and their closest relatives from traveling abroad, prohibiting them from visiting private medical and educational institutions, only state ones, which they themselves "manage"!
  15. 0
    30 November 2024 19: 55
    Do we have an ideology? Well, if we do, then there will be new Octobrists, pioneers, Komsomol members, communists.
    When we go to elections, we vote for an idea, not for some momentary factors in the development policy of the country we live in. So everything is correct.
    And where is Elvira Aitkulova from? Not by birth, but by occupation. From educators? From teachers? From blue-collar jobs? From middle management (people there are very different)? From science or culture?
  16. 0
    30 November 2024 19: 58
    Quote: Esaul
    I think we need to start instilling patriotism and love for the Motherland in the State Duma and ministries, for example, prohibiting deputies and their closest relatives from traveling abroad, prohibiting them from visiting private medical and educational institutions, only state ones, which they themselves "manage"!

    Excuse me, but both your and my thoughts will be put on bread and covered with honey of money. And after this bread with honey the deputies and officials will eat it, they will go where the Tsar walked on foot, and ordered us to go.
  17. 0
    1 December 2024 11: 47
    OBZR and ODNKNR, the foundations of statehood... are you serious? Let's also introduce the word of God. Drawing, astronomy, logic, clubs of aircraft modelers, technicians, programmers? No, no need? Well, we have a "pipe", why do we need these per aspera ad astra.
    Ceterum censeo Washingtago delendam esse
  18. 0
    1 December 2024 13: 25
    As for me, maybe it would be better for professionals from the Academy of Sciences to deal with issues of raising children, developing a unified methodology, etc. Who are deputies? Are they great experts in what? Deputies should be kept away from children, they have already solved the demographic hole, not even a hole, but an abyss, a migration collapse, a pension crisis, the destruction of the education and upbringing system, the collapse of academic science, etc., etc.
  19. +1
    1 December 2024 18: 41
    As a father of a ten-year-old, I can say that all these conversations about important things are causing the opposite effect. Most of the class simply don't like this nonsense, but the children clearly understand that adults are again imposing something and this is causing rejection. I don't speak for everyone, of course, but in my daughter's class, this is mostly the mood.
  20. 0
    2 December 2024 21: 52
    "So that high school and university students who are familiar with the educational materials of the discipline "Fundamentals of Russian Statehood" do not experience dissonance, including contradictions of an ideological nature... Today, parents set the task for us, for the state, so that we begin talking about important things already at preschool age, so that the child, from the awareness of himself as a person, a citizen, builds a unified system of coordinates."

    When the mayor of the city walks along the city street and you can say hello to him - that's a unified system of coordinates. Is the city big? No. 200+ thousand people. Is the mayor of the city good? For me - not very. But the fact that he walked to work, even if less than a kilometer - that's good.

    And you are talking about ideology here. Senators of Ancient Rome could be seen walking to the Senate. And can you see State Duma deputies, members of the Federation Council in the metro? Governors of which regions walk for at least 20-30 minutes on foot along the streets of the capital of THEIR province every day?
  21. 0
    Today, 09: 10
    Private kindergartens are often a breeding ground for liberal infection.