Bimetallic armor: aluminum and steel in one bottle

Bimetallic armor: aluminum and steel in one bottle

There are no questions today about how to combine aluminum alloys and steel in the structure of protection of light combat vehicles, since a kind of gold standard in this matter has been developed for a long time. It implies the use of aluminum as the basis of armor, and steel plates - in the form of complementary screens (as in the BMP-3 and Bradley), which allows for the required bulletproof and projectile-proof resistance within the strict restrictions on the weight of the vehicle.

However, in the old days, about fifty years ago, other options for combining these materials were actively developed. One of them was to create bimetallic armor or, in other words, to turn sheets of steel and aluminum alloy into a single plate by welding. We will talk about the advantages of such armor parts in this article.

A little about the interest in bimetallic armor

Perhaps we should start with the main thing - why was it necessary to go through all this fuss with welding steel and aluminum sheets. To do this, let's remember why aluminum began to be used in the production of light military equipment.

The reason is simple: aluminum alloys have a much lower density than any type of steel. Yes, because of this, as well as low hardness values, they in any case lose in terms of resistance to destructive means, since where ten millimeters of steel armor will suffice, twenty (or even more) millimeters of aluminum will be needed. But the main thing is the gain in weight.

With the same requirements for protection against bullets or small-caliber gun shells, aluminum armor, although thicker than its steel counterpart, will be much lighter. Therefore, it is often given priority - especially in those situations when a combat vehicle must have not only good air transportability (so that several units fit into an airplane and there is a reserve for other cargo), but also airdroppability.

However, there is a fly in the ointment: it is practically impossible to radically improve the characteristics of aluminum alloys in terms of their resistance to destructive agents. This is not steel, after all, with the hardness, impact toughness and other parameters of which you can "play" in a fairly wide range using various technologies.

BMD-1 - carrier of armor made of aluminum alloy ABT-101

160–170 HB (Brinell hardness) is the limit beyond which brittle destruction begins in the form of breaches, other substandard damage and low survivability of the armor "aluminum". And in principle, nothing could be done about it before - if we take the USSR as an example, they even did some "downgrade", abandoning the harder alloy ABT-101 (used, for example, in the BMD-1) to the less hard and plastic ABT-102 (in the BMP-3, etc.) in favor of improving the survivability and resistance of the armor to shelling in exchange for increasing its thickness.

So the idea of ​​creating bimetallic plates from aluminum and steel sheets, providing much higher characteristics compared to homogeneous aluminum armor, was treated with some enthusiasm. And one example of this enthusiasm was far from in vain is the research conducted in the second half of the 70s in the USSR.

Manufacturing technology

During these works, the researchers, of course, had to suffer greatly with the development of the technology for manufacturing bimetallic armor, since the usual method of diffusion welding and rolling of steel and aluminum sheets did not give any positive results due to the formation of an intermetallic layer between the sheets being joined, which became a source of brittle destruction during shelling.

To avoid these consequences, Soviet engineers used explosive welding of steel and aluminum sheets. And to get rid of the negative impact of the intermetallic layer, they used sublayers (spacers between the welded sheets) of copper and pure aluminum, which, in general, gave a fairly good and relatively durable connection.

The process of making “bimetal” itself looked like this.

A BT-70 steel sheet of the required dimensions, completely cleaned of any contamination, was taken and placed on a rigid base of steel plates. A copper plate about 5 mm thick was installed on top, with a gap of 10-0,5 millimeters, glued with tar to the duralumin sheet. And then an explosive mixture of ammonite and ammonium nitrate was applied to the duralumin sheet in an even layer of 15-20 mm, detonated using a detonation cord.

After the copper and steel had been welded together by the energy of the explosion, the duralumin sheet was removed. In its place, again with a gap, a plate of pure aluminum 0,8–1 mm thick was installed over the copper layer, also glued to the duralumin sheet. Then the explosive was applied again and detonated.

Then a sheet of aluminum alloy D20 was welded to the plated steel blank in a similar way - a kind of "sandwich". It seems to be crudely made, but it works. Which is what the tests showed.


These armored parts from BT-70/D20 were tested, as they say, to the fullest extent: they were fired at with armor-piercing bullets of 7,62 mm and 12,7 mm caliber, as well as 23 mm armor-piercing incendiary shells BZT. The results of the shelling were compared with the resistance of homogeneous plates made of such materials as aluminum alloy ABT-102, titanium alloy VT-6 and steel BT-70Sh.

What came out of this can be seen in the images below.

This image shows the resistance (A PKP – maximum angle of non-penetration) of bimetallic armor against 7,62 mm armor-piercing bullets in comparison with homogeneous plates made of other materials. 1 - bimetallic armor, 2 - aluminum alloy ABT-102, 3 - steel armor BT-70Sh, 4 - titanium armor VT-6.

This shows the durability of bimetallic armor (shaded area) compared to homogeneous steel and aluminum armor of similar mass when fired at by 12,7 mm armor-piercing bullets from a distance of 100 meters. 1 - bimetallic armor, 2 - aluminum alloy ABT-102, 3 - steel armor BT-70Sh. The thickness of aluminum and bimetallic armor here is reduced to the thickness of equilibrium steel.

Projectile resistance of bimetallic armor (V pkp — maximum velocity of non-penetration), obtained by explosion welding, and folded aluminum and steel plates when fired at by 23-mm armor-piercing incendiary shells at an angle of 90 degrees. 1 — steel armor BT-70Sh, 2 — aluminum armor ABT-102, circles with a cross inside — bimetallic armor, welded by explosion.

Thus, if we evaluate the level of armor protection of bimetallic sheets from BT-70/D20 by the maximum speed of non-penetration and maximum angles of non-penetration, we can say the following. In comparison with the homogeneous steel armor of BT-70Sh and aluminum armor alloys, "bimetal" clearly wins in terms of durability, especially when fired at small angles or even at normal.

Against 7,62 mm armor-piercing bullets, the gain in this case is about 10%; 7,62 mm armor-piercing bullets - 25%; 23 mm armor-piercing incendiary shells BZT - 15%. So, for example, for protecting the frontal parts of the hull and turret of combat vehicles, where there is not much room for play with the angles of inclination, "bimetal" was very well suited, surpassing other materials in durability. However, ideally, this armor could be useful not only in the forehead - in other projections too.

It is also important to understand that these figures are far from being the standard. Using other types of armor steel and aluminum alloys, you can achieve an even greater increase in durability. And this is without taking into account that explosion welding does not provide a 100% weld - with another, more advanced technology, the quality of the armor could be even higher.


Bimetallic armor is a good thing, of course, but why then was it not used in the production of military equipment? There is no point in looking for insidious saboteurs. There is only one reason: high costs with an uncertain result.

Yes, in the future, if work on “bimetal” was closely pursued, a good alternative to homogeneous aluminum armor could be obtained, but to produce it, many different methods would have to be tried, and it is not a fact that they will be cheap and relatively simple, because the price and technological advancement determine the mass production.

It is enough to recall the tension with which the development of layered aluminum armor (LAA), which was planned to be installed on promising combat vehicles in the Russian army, was carried out - a working technology had already been invented and successfully tested, but it was still expensive to make, although easier than pairing aluminum with steel.

I.D. Zakharchenko, M.I. Maresev, N.P. Neverova-Skobeleva, et al. Combined armor made of steel and aluminum alloy for light VGM/ I.D. Zakharchenko, M.I. Maresev, N.P. Neverova-Skobeleva, et al. // Issues of defense technology. – 1979. – No. 86.
51 comment
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  1. +8
    26 November 2024 06: 03
    armor-piercing bullets of 7,62 mm caliber - 25%;
    There seems to be a mistake here, I dare to assume that we are talking about the 12,7 mm caliber.
    I think there is another reason why such armor is not used. Anyone who has tinkered with cars with their own hands knows that steel and aluminum do not get along, and oxides form in the places where they come into contact. I think that after some time such a pie will simply begin to delaminate.
    1. +5
      26 November 2024 07: 32
      Quote: Popandos
      steel and aluminum do not get along, and oxides form in the places where they come into contact

      And "aluminium" doesn't get along with copper (copper layer), electricians know that
      1. +4
        26 November 2024 08: 43
        Quote: Pike
        And "aluminium" doesn't get along with copper (copper layer), electricians know that

        What idiots the testers were, they didn't know this elementary thing! However, let me remind you that the galvanic pair starts working in the presence of electrolyte, and where would it come from if there is no access of air and water to the seam, and pure copper and aluminum were used as a gasket to exclude the action of oxides from the alloys?
        1. +3
          26 November 2024 13: 45
          where would it come from if there is no access of air and water to the seam
          I don't think the testers are idiots, but I have questions:
          How will you protect the ends of the slabs and openings? And don't forget that the equipment is floating, and not always in fresh water.
          I'm also curious how they planned to join these panels?
          And how was the difference in linear expansion compensated for with temperature changes?
          1. +1
            26 November 2024 14: 09
            Quote: Popandos
            How will you protect the ends of the slabs and openings? And don't forget that the equipment is floating, and not always in fresh water.

            And just like with simple metals - by painting.
            Quote: Popandos
            I'm also curious how they planned to join these panels?

            The question is interesting, I am not a real welder, and in general this is a question for technologists, but it is possible to weld first on steel, and then weld through and correct the melted aluminum.

            Quote: Popandos
            And how was the difference in linear expansion compensated for with temperature changes?
            And this is a question for technologists, but this problem is relevant during welding, and here the plasticity of aluminum is decisive.

            However, these two questions have no relation to the problem of the galvanic pair. wink
            1. +1
              26 November 2024 14: 31
              have nothing to do with the problem of the galvanic couple
              but here you are wrong, because of the difference in
              linear expansion with temperature change
              during operation, protection of joints and openings
              just like simple metals - by painting.
              it won't work, there will be cracks, and they will appear right away
              access of air and water into the seam
              1. 0
                26 November 2024 14: 37
                Quote: Popandos
                linear expansion with temperature change
                during operation, protection of joints and openings
                just like simple metals - by painting.
                it won't work, there will be cracks, and they will appear right away

                It is very curious, where does such a big difference in the expansion of metals come from to form cracks during the operation of a small machine? And let me remind you, aluminum is a plastic metal.
            2. +2
              26 November 2024 14: 39
              this problem is relevant when welding
              With a temperature difference from -20 to +50 degrees, the stainless 3-meter guide is extended by 2 mm, while the aluminum one is extended by 5-6 mm.
              These are deformations during operation, how can delamination be avoided?
              1. +2
                26 November 2024 16: 46
                The ratio of the coefficient of linear expansion of aluminum to steel is 2:1. Elongation depends on the geometry of the part and the temperature difference. The figures you gave will occur with a difference of 100 degrees.
    2. +1
      26 November 2024 10: 47
      But bimetallic wires have been hanging on poles for decades and nothing has been done with them.
      1. 0
        26 November 2024 11: 44
        Read about what an "electrochemical pair" is and under what conditions it is formed. wink
        1. -2
          26 November 2024 11: 47
          What makes you think I should read this? Suggest it to the overcautious people who claim that corrosion is dangerous. Or suggest it to someone else. You're giving advice to the wrong people.
      2. +1
        26 November 2024 13: 20
        bimetallic wires hang on poles
        Bimetal in energy is an attempt to cross a hedgehog and a boa constrictor: steel can withstand tensile loads, and aluminum conducts electricity.
        But there is a nuance here: they are in no way welded together.
        And if you take a fairly old cable from a pole, you will see that the aluminum sheath is all cracked from the oxides inside the cable.
        1. 0
          28 November 2024 09: 02
          Don't you think that your conclusions do not correspond to the actual causes? Why are cracks on aluminum conductors suddenly due to corrosion, and not due to metal fatigue from deformation? Does corrosion really look like cracks?
          1. 0
            28 November 2024 21: 54
            Don't you think... Why are cracks on aluminum conductors suddenly due to corrosion, and not due to metal fatigue from deformation?
            It does not seem
            Does corrosion look like cracks?
            No, but cracks can appear from the expansion of oxides at the junction of steel and aluminum.
            During my work at the Ministry of Railways, I observed bimetallic wires. In places where such a wire was attached to the insulator on the poles, the aluminum sheath was always damaged, and over time, in these places, due to corrosion, the outer aluminum sheath began to crack along wires, so it's definitely not from deformation. If somewhere in your area there are old overhead communication lines, then there are probably still such wires hanging on them that the "metalworkers" haven't reached, there is an opportunity to take a look with your own eyes.
  2. +4
    26 November 2024 08: 20
    It is known that steel and aluminum do not get along, and oxides form in the places where they come into contact
    Absolutely right. I immediately remembered the activity series of metals that hung on a poster in our school chemistry room 50 years ago.
    1. -3
      26 November 2024 10: 51
      And what about such an unknown phenomenon as bimetallic wires? They hang there even in a very aggressive environment and hang there for decades.
      Perhaps we should admit that school knowledge is somewhat watered down and one-sided?


      The cable has a steel core and an aluminum conductive core. Neutral grease fills the core. The substance is resistant to heating. This type of cable, as well as ASKP, is used in conditions of high salinity. These are sea coasts, areas with saline sandstones. It is also used for laying overhead networks.
      .. "
      1. -1
        26 November 2024 11: 31
        Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
        But what about such an unknown phenomenon as bimetallic wires?
        .. "

        Perhaps it is the presence of a load current that makes them resistant to corrosion. It seems that bridges are still protected by connecting them to the cathode.
        1. +1
          26 November 2024 11: 40
          Quote from cpls22
          It seems that bridges are still protected by connecting them to the cathode.
          This is how metal parts in underground utilities are protected from corrosion. It is called - electrochemical protection...
          1. +1
            26 November 2024 12: 28
            Quote: Luminman
            This is how metal parts in underground utilities are protected from corrosion. It is called - electrochemical protection...

            Yes, there is also a passive option, without connecting current - "sacrificial anode".
      2. -1
        26 November 2024 11: 42
        In this variant, an electrochemical pair is not formed.
    2. +1
      26 November 2024 16: 52
      In theory, you are right, but if you fasten aluminum plates with stainless steel fasteners, everything is in accordance with SNiP, but with galvanized fasteners, it’s a disaster.
  3. -1
    26 November 2024 09: 37
    A bit off topic. It is common to praise the Bradley, how well armored it is, although the SVO has shown that they all burn almost equally, both the Marders, the Bradleys, and the BMP-2,3. How convenient it is for landing and embarking troops. At the same time, it is somehow forgotten that Western BMPs cannot swim. In the SVO, this very bad feature has not shown itself somehow, because the Banderoffensive is mainly sitting on the defensive, the counteroffensive of the summer of 2023 did not work out. But if there was a breakthrough somewhere and a mechanized battalion on the Bradley (Marder) ran into a 30 m wide river, and there are quite a lot of them there, then everyone would say: "Ugh, what a nasty thing - a heroic offensive was left by a river that can be surpassed." Therefore, it is necessary to find a reasonable compromise between the protection of personnel and mobility (the ability to overcome water obstacles without bridges, local or built by sappers). By the way, the armor can also be ceramic - a very promising material.
    1. +1
      26 November 2024 11: 37
      Well, tell me how the BMP-3 will "float" on an unexplored and unprepared shore. All this "floating" is to the detriment of the most important thing, protection.
      1. +2
        26 November 2024 11: 43
        I don't know exactly how it will float. But I think that all the activities you listed can be carried out within 15-20 minutes, using the forces of a motorized rifle battalion. But I know for sure that the "Bredlya" and "Marder" will definitely not float anywhere.
        1. -1
          26 November 2024 16: 43
          Have you been to exercises, at least regimental ones? There were whole dances with tambourines for armored personnel carriers to simply drive through enemy fortifications, overcoming water obstacles exclusively in prepared areas, no swampy areas, only a hard surface for entry and exit of equipment. And these are exercises, but what if the equipment gets stuck in combat conditions?
          1. 0
            26 November 2024 17: 05
            We are actually not a bit in favor of exercises. In war it's a bit different.
            1. -1
              26 November 2024 17: 15
              Naturally, in a “different” way, here if you get stuck in the coastal floodplain, then you’re screwed, and if not you, then the equipment is definitely screwed.
            2. -1
              26 November 2024 17: 19
              And so, as a company commander, I would prefer to see in my unit a vehicle similar to the Bradley, even if it is not amphibious, rather than a coffin on a gusli in the form of a BMP-3.
              1. 0
                26 November 2024 18: 04
                Until the moment when you need to cross the Konka River, after which your sympathies will instantly change.
                1. -2
                  26 November 2024 18: 07
                  Even if they have to cross the Oder, they won’t change.
                  1. +1
                    26 November 2024 19: 10
                    I would really like to see how the "Bredli" fords the Oder.
    2. 0
      26 November 2024 13: 20
      Quote: TermNachTER
      ran into a small river, 30 m wide,

      1) You can find a ford.
      2) The troops include pontoon units.
      3) You yourself have shown that swimming is exotic for BT. Let's imagine a battalion on BMP reinforced by a tank company, there is a river ahead - we abandon the tanks? request
      1. 0
        26 November 2024 13: 56
        1. You may find it, or you may not. And if you consider the weight of Western BMPs - 30 tons and more, and the mud on the bank and at the bottom of the river, then this is an insurmountable obstacle.
        2. The pontoon-bridge park is in the combat formations of a mechanized battalion?)))
        3. So far we have been talking about the BMP. If it is impossible to transport the tanks, we stop waiting for the sappers and seize a bridgehead on the other bank.
        1. -1
          26 November 2024 15: 41
          Quote: TermNachTER
          You may find it, or you may not find it

          When I was taught topography, they were marked on maps... request
          Quote: TermNachTER
          and the dirt on the bank and at the bottom of the river, then this is an insurmountable obstacle.

          does the ability to swim help against this? bully Especially to enter the water, and most importantly to get out of it? feel
          Quote: TermNachTER
          Pontoon and bridge park

          Quote: TermNachTER
          ran into a small river, 30 m wide,

          you should stick to the same input data request
          Quote: TermNachTER
          So far we have been talking about the BMP.

          Are BMPs marching towards you alone? Without reinforcement by tanks, artillery, sappers, air defense... bully
          Quote: TermNachTER
          and we ourselves seize a bridgehead on the other bank.

          to which we are building/constructing a bridge...
          1. +2
            26 November 2024 16: 15
            1. When were the topographic maps of Ukraine updated? Do they correspond to reality?
            2. A lighter IFV that can swim has this capability, while Western ones don't have it at all, even theoretically. No one has cancelled kg/cmXNUMX yet.
            3. In your opinion, the pontoon-bridge park goes right behind the GPD? No division commander would allow this, so as not to be left without bridges when the need arises.
            4. Yes, we build/erect a bridge when the bridgehead has been expanded to reasonable limits, ensuring minimum safety for both the bridge and those driving on it. That is, it won't be in five minutes.
            Therefore, it is premature to abandon the ability to swim and follow the Western path of development, just because it was not useful in the SVO. And the SVO is not over yet, perhaps the ability to swim will still be needed.
            1. 0
              27 November 2024 12: 11
              Quote: TermNachTER
              1. When were the topographic maps of Ukraine updated? Do they correspond to reality?

              this is to the relevant department of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation bully I'll give you a hint - satellites...
              Quote: TermNachTER
              only because it wasn't useful at SVO, it's too early for now

              It seems like you're not a general, but you're stubborn... bully where was the last time in the USSR/RF war that this quality of armor was used? Think about it - you'll be surprised...
              Maybe armor enhancement is more important?
          2. 0
            26 November 2024 16: 47
            No crossing can be carried out without a reconnaissance. Maps are maps, but what is really there can only be determined on the spot.
            1. 0
              27 November 2024 12: 12
              Quote: Pioneer1984
              No crossing can be carried out without a reconnaissance.

              Does anyone argue with this? But you can't send a floating armored vehicle anywhere on the river either... request
              1. 0
                27 November 2024 12: 23
                Actually, this is exactly what I was talking about.
      2. 0
        27 November 2024 16: 58
        In fact, tanks can cross the river bottom, which is common knowledge, especially since there are no significant deep rivers in the North-Eastern Military District, with the exception of reservoirs and the Dnieper itself. But, during the Great Patriotic War, even T-34s crossed the river bottom.
        1. 0
          27 November 2024 17: 42
          Quote: Alexey Lantukh
          Actually, tanks can cross along the river bottom,
          They can, but they prefer to go by bridges... will you dispute this? request
          1. +1
            27 November 2024 22: 39
            I don't argue. In the 70s, I served in the OTR brigade as a topographic surveyor. One of the tasks was to survey bridges across not very large rivers, since not all bridges could withstand the weight of the launcher, even according to topographic maps, and the rest of the bridges also had to be surveyed. And if the bridge was "not the right one", then they looked for fords. And it happened that a column went across a bridge, and the launcher next to it across a ford (up to 2 meters deep was allowed). It also happened that they crossed the Desna via a pontoon bridge. And you can also put a pipe on a tank. So, I think not all BMP-APCs should float, but only a separate part of them.
  4. +1
    26 November 2024 11: 40
    I wonder if they tried to make armor using powder metallurgy? Powder metallurgy allows you to get unique compounds. For example, steel particles evenly distributed in aluminum or corundum particles....
  5. +3
    26 November 2024 12: 50
    A copper plate was installed on top, with a gap of 5-10 millimeters.

    Explosion welding necessarily requires the installation of the sheets to be welded at a slight angle to each other and initiation from the edge where the gap is smaller.
    explosives made from a mixture of ammonite and ammonium nitrate,

    What kind of tautology is this?
  6. 0
    26 November 2024 16: 01
    In Bradley, the curtain panels are made of steel with something
  7. 0
    26 November 2024 16: 53
    Can't you make it simpler? Mix molten aluminum and granite crushed stone or aluminum and quartz crushed stone. Or maybe sand will give a result. Viscosity due to aluminum, hardness due to crushed stone... The size of the crushed stone is determined by the caliber of the weapon. For a rifle caliber - crushed stone 20-40...
    1. +1
      26 November 2024 18: 44
      At the very least, you'll get a PhD here! laughing
      1. 0
        26 November 2024 19: 53
        No, it doesn't shine. Everything has already happened, albeit in different combinations:
        How ultra-porcelain balls appeared in the T-64 turret
  8. 0
    26 November 2024 18: 41
    So this kind of armor is found in many places.
    The same BMP-3 and Bradley...
    The only thing is, of course, that "aluminum" and steel are separated...
    And so the body is made of aluminum armor, and on top there are steel screens.
    M113 and BMDs are purely "aluminum", although there seems to be a steel body kit for them too...
  9. +1
    27 November 2024 01: 18
    Quote: whowhy
    I wonder if they've tried making armor using powder metallurgy?

    Of course they tried. But pressing powders and subsequent high-temperature sintering is a very expensive pleasure. Sintering occurs in an inert gas environment or vacuum. It is economical for individual parts with unique characteristics, but the production of armor will be unreasonably expensive.