School Poverty and the Future of Russia

School Poverty and the Future of Russia

School crisis

Government officials tell tales of economic growth, technological breakthroughs, innovations and digital schools. But schools are experiencing a critical shortage of regular teachers of mathematics, physics, chemistry and other subjects.

At the same time, teachers are getting old and leaving, there is no one to replace them. Salaries in the provinces are miserable - 25 - 30 thousand. Terrible overload, they work 1,5-2 positions just to survive.

Teachers are getting older and leaving schools, and young people are not replacing them fully, not to mention the level of qualifications, which is also falling. This is the conclusion has done "Native School" based on the results of a large-scale analysis, the results of which were published in an analytical note on issues of general and additional education.

According to the Ministry of Education, "everything is fine, beautiful Marquise." At the beginning of the last school year, the number of teaching positions was 1 million 617 thousand. Less than 18 thousand positions were vacant, or slightly more than 1%. That is, the shortage of teachers is minimal.

However, the real shortage of teachers in Russia (with each teacher working normally for one position) is 550 thousand people. These are huge numbers. They show that school education is in a severe crisis caused by a huge personnel deficit that cannot be closed in a short time, and at the current level of teachers' salaries - never.

Plus teachers leaving schools (stressful situations, “burnout”, conflicts with the administration, parents and students, overload, etc.), their aging. If in 2016 there were 30 thousand teachers under 149, and 60 thousand over 116, then in 2023 the proportions have seriously worsened: 151 to 164.

That is There are more retired teachers (or rather, retired women, since almost all school teachers are women) than young ones! The school's main personnel base is people of retirement and pre-retirement age. Only by attracting working pensioners are schools able to formally close positions, achieving a formally low number of vacancies. But what is the future of our education with this approach? What will happen to it in 10-15 years?

This is another, or rather two problems. Children are taught by elderly people who are in many ways "burned out" and are simply practicing their numbers. And when they leave, who will teach?

Another problem is – There are almost no male teachers in schools. There is no masculine principle. All education is on women. This makes future men infantile, spineless. They have no role model. Plus the issue of discipline, order in schools.

Beggarly salaries

The personnel issue is largely caused by low salaries of teachers, lecturers – highly qualified specialists. "Native School" held a large and unique analysis based on data from the Ministry of Education itself, and the beggarly salaries of teachers became an official statistical fact.

The median salary of a Russian teacher in 2023 was 25-28 thousand rubles per month for a full-time position!

These are people with higher, secondary specialized education! Highly qualified! Often having given the best years of their lives, their whole lives to their native school! And they receive several times less than loaders, warehouse workers, couriers, construction workers, etc.

I remember in 2016, when asked about low teacher salaries, Russian Prime Minister Medvedev said that it was necessary to “earn money somehow differently” and go into business. “I am often asked about teachers and lecturers. It is a calling, and if you want to earn money, there are many wonderful places where you can do it faster and better. The same business. But you did not go into business, as I understand it, well, that’s it,” said prime.

Actually, since those times, despite the high words (constant empty talk) about the school and teachers, nothing has changed. Teachers on average receive half as much as the average salary in the region.

At the same time, 28 thousand is if you calculate for all regions. So, in Moscow the salaries are good, and In half of the regions the salary is even lower! This also causes staff turnover: teachers leave rural areas for cities, and from there to Moscow, to lyceums, where they can pay good salaries.

This The country has a terrible personnel policy. Or lack thereof. After all, the situation is similar with the qualified personnel of factories and plants (the majority), teachers of higher educational institutions, engineering and technical personnel. With a significant part of medical personnel, etc. It turns out that it is easiest for specialists to forget about their education, qualifications and go to work in a warehouse.

There is a clear connection between the salary per position and the personnel issue: the higher the salary, the more young people. Raise teachers' salaries - and young teachers will go to school and stay there. Another result - the higher the salaries, the more male teachers there are in schools.

Endless reforms and optimizations have led to the fact that schools in Russia are literally on the brink of complete disaster.

Without an advanced school, which, for example, was in the USSR, we will not have any breakthroughs in science and technology, cosmodromes and spaceships, a strong army and fleet, capable of ensuring the security of the state. A continuous "pipe" in all directions (Capitalism is killing Russia).

In words, Russia opposes the collective West. But in reality The school has been following the course that was determined in the West, and it continues to do so. This is a simplification of the mass school. Creation of elite lyceums-colleges for some of the students - children of the new nobility and talented individuals. Programmers, engineers, architects, designers, etc. are needed, in general, intellectual, cultural and technical service of the nobility.

Plus the digitalization of the school, which also leads to its degradation and simplification. The basis of the school is personal contact between the teacher and the student, with the transfer of knowledge and experience. With the simultaneous improvement and self-development of the teacher himself. The ideal option is when the student surpasses the teacher.
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  1. +19
    25 November 2024 05: 14
    I almost completely agree with the article. As for the fact that pensioners are burnt out... I don't know how it is now, but I had the chance to study with pensioners. In the 80s. So, we didn't want to leave the chemistry lesson. It was interesting with them.
    1. +24
      25 November 2024 05: 39
      It's not just interesting with them, it's necessary with them. If you want to learn something. People who know their children and grandchildren and not so much still take them to Mom's classes, no matter how much I forbid her to do something like that - enough, take a rest. My parent since 1944. They don't make such Teachers now. Why do the authorities need them in the era of consumption...
      1. +19
        25 November 2024 08: 19
        My mother is a math teacher. Having reached retirement age in 1983, she immediately left school. To work as a hotel administrator. Although she was a teacher with a capital letter. The school sucks out the teaching staff completely. And in the elementary grades, masochists work.
    2. +2
      25 November 2024 06: 39
      Quote: Grandfather is an amateur
      So, we didn’t want to leave the chemistry lesson.

      And what a math teacher we had in those same years, even the stupidest students understood math. And now we have it much worse than you.
      1. +5
        25 November 2024 07: 40
        And what a math teacher we had in those same years, even the stupidest students understood math. And now we have it much worse than you.
        And where are you from, excuse me?
        1. +1
          25 November 2024 10: 39
          Quote: Grandfather is an amateur
          And where are you from, excuse me?

          From the left bank of the Narva River.
      2. +1
        25 November 2024 08: 23
        At our school the physical education teacher teaches math now))))
    3. +5
      27 November 2024 13: 55
      We live in a world where football players earn millions for losing and high school teachers buy their own stationery.
  2. -34
    25 November 2024 05: 14
    poor... and socially inferior...!!!
    author motherfucker! change the record.
    I specifically logged into my account for a long time just for you!
    for reference: Krasnoyarsk, their salaries start from 60000 rubles.
    Finally make some amendments to your manual! It's painful to read!
    1. -3
      25 November 2024 05: 53
      And they don't pay utility bills... And the elections will be held as they should be.
      1. -3
        25 November 2024 07: 39
        Quote: Popuas
        And they don't pay utility bills... And the elections will be held as they should be.

        Everything needs to be taken away and divided. hi
      2. +2
        25 November 2024 08: 24
        who doesn't pay? we pay utility bills
        1. 0
          25 November 2024 08: 30
          They don't pay for electricity
          1. +2
            25 November 2024 09: 09
            They pay for everything: water, gas and electricity.
          2. -2
            25 November 2024 10: 41
            Quote: Popuas
            They don't pay for electricity

            In Soviet times, my grandfather, a teacher, did not pay and firewood was cheaper.
          3. +2
            25 November 2024 12: 27
            we pay, Krasnodar region
    2. +3
      25 November 2024 08: 50
      Quote: dirty trick
      for reference: Krasnoyarsk, their salaries start from 60000 rubles.

      Tula - 60 rubles. I think that this is not enough for a teacher and that is why I would like to know more specifically where the 000 is?
      1. +1
        25 November 2024 20: 19
        Quote: Dym71
        where is 25?

        What is a "rate"? How many hours a week? The article doesn't say anything about it, there's nothing to rely on.
        1. +1
          26 November 2024 11: 44
          Quote: Motorist
          What is a "rate"?

          A school teacher's salary is a fixed rate of pay.
          Quote: Motorist
          How many hours a week?

          18 hours for secondary school, 4 lessons per day with a five-day week.
      2. +2
        26 November 2024 13: 48
        Crimea. And at the university the salary of an associate professor is 36000 rubles. There are fewer teachers in schools. They removed the bonuses.
        The worst thing about all this is that the teacher has ceased to be an authority. Children can do anything at school and it is difficult for the teacher to cope with them. They will record on the phone how the teacher scolds an innocent child, and the parents call the police. And then goodbye work and hello prosecutor's office. There were such cases at the school where my children study. The labor teacher was able to provide a full video recording, where at first the children mock him, and only then he reacted. But the gym teacher could not. And that's it, goodbye dear physical education!
        In class chats, moms write such things, it's just crazy! "My daughter got two Cs in Russian! Let's change the teacher!" Or maybe instead of sitting on the phone in the evening, you could teach your daughter Russian? It helps, I tried it.)))
        It’s scary that the state no longer stands behind the teacher!
        1. +1
          26 November 2024 14: 58
          Quote: dnepropetrovsk
          Crimea. And at the university the salary of an associate professor is 36000 rubles.

          Accordingly, he gets 70 thousand a month, not much of course, but not 25-30 like the author.
          I agree with the rest. hi
          1. +1
            27 November 2024 00: 39
            Unlike schools, university teachers do not work two full-time positions. Most work one full-time, some work 1,1-1,5 full-time. And older teachers can work half-time or even a quarter-time. In addition to the salary, there are payments under an effective contract, but they vary greatly at different universities.
          2. +1
            27 November 2024 11: 42
            Enlighten me where 70 comes from? Standard control does not allow overtime. The work of a deputy dean is not paid. If you are replacing the head of a department, then payment is with the BOM and not for the entire period. It is better not to remember about an effective contract.
            And the author wrote about the school. And schools, as far as I understand, are under the jurisdiction of local authorities. It's even sadder there!!!
            1. +1
              27 November 2024 17: 04
              Quote: dnepropetrovsk
              Enlighten me, where does 70 come from?

              I won’t enlighten you, I assumed by analogy with school, that 2 positions are possible there.
        2. 0
          1 December 2024 20: 57
          It’s scary that the state no longer stands behind the teacher!

          But why, if the goal of the state is to prepare not an educated person, as it was in the USSR, but a consumer, modern Russia does not need teachers, therefore the state does not stand up for the teacher...
      3. +1
        1 December 2024 20: 49
        I would like to be more specific

        Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Western Siberia, the capital of Lukoil, a teacher with one salary, without class management, two years ago she received 25-30 thousand, and this is in an oil-producing region... And to receive 50-60 thousand you have to live in the school...
        The work is hellish, a lot of reporting, unbearable children - 30 years of experience, I left...
    3. +2
      25 November 2024 10: 31
      In reality, 25 thousand is good, and by the way, is 60 thousand such a lot of money in today's times?
  3. +12
    25 November 2024 05: 28
    How much the state invests in education, that's how much they get. We are in tenth place in this indicator, starting from a hundred. How many ministries of education do we have? Exactly as many as there are cities with a population of over a million. The ministries require teaching aids from teachers. And they, the poor ones, have no time to work with students. The lower the status of a person, the more demands are made of him. Apparently, those at the top rely on fee-paying schools. But people study there not to teach children. They have other dreams.
    1. +7
      25 November 2024 07: 17
      No. The Ministry of Education (although not a single educational institution (school) in Russia falls under their jurisdiction) is using its experiments: surveys, data verification, quality checks, Unified State Exam-Based State Exam-All-Russian Testing (absent from the law on education 273-FZ) and other nonsense, to wash out billions from the education budget.
      From here: beggarly wages, per capita payment, constant imposed digitalization.
    2. +1
      25 November 2024 11: 12
      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      The state receives as much as it invests in education.

      The state invests 4% of GDP in education. This is comparable to developed economies. And I will even say more, the average salary is 2.5 times higher than the minimum. For example, in Germany the minimum salary is 2180 euros, and the average for education is 3940. It turns out that we are again ahead of the planet..... Apparently this paradox is not connected with the overall GDP, but how much of this stuff falls on a person. Here we are in 74th place. Alas, and ah.
  4. -1
    25 November 2024 05: 37
    There are a ton of problems with education, plus a small cart. But the most important thing is teachers' salaries. That's where we need to start.
    1. +3
      25 November 2024 05: 45
      Quote: Dutchman Michel
      The head of everything is teachers' salaries. This is where we need to start

      Remind me what DAM himself said in a similar situation? "There's no money, but hang in there!" (C)
      1. +7
        25 November 2024 11: 54
        Remind me what DAM himself said in a similar situation? "There's no money, but hang in there!"

        For such words he should have been immediately buried in the ground up to his waist. Head down!
        And his buddy didn't even say "ouch-ouch" to him!
      2. VLR
        25 November 2024 18: 57
        Specifically, Medvedev advised teachers to "go into business" in response to a question about salaries. Incidentally, my aunt (from Kiev) in the 90s endlessly "naggled" her daughter, a graduate of Moscow State University, the head teacher of a "Russian school", that she was doing nonsense instead of going to Poland to buy clothes. That's the level of Medvedev - the former president of Russia, Putin's bosom friend. Is it any wonder that they both opened the Yeltsin Center, which is still operating?
    2. +10
      25 November 2024 05: 59
      The problem here is not only about salaries, but also about the fact that teachers have been "lowered below the baseboard". A teacher has practically no rights. But the school is the future of the country.
    3. +5
      25 November 2024 08: 59
      Quote: Dutchman Michel
      There are a ton of problems with education, plus a small cart.

      No problems. Everything is going according to plan. For a "qualified consumer" the education is simply gorgeous, nothing more is required. "Cattle should know their place", and for the elite children of "parents who have fit into the market" there are enough teachers, and for the children of "effective managers" there are Oxfords and Cambridges. So the author is in vain stirring up panic, everything is going according to plan...
    4. +3
      25 November 2024 12: 55
      You have to start from the head (well, you know where the fish rots from). When the government changed, most teachers were sure that the minister would change - hopes were not justified. There is hopelessness, apathy and opportunism in the school.
  5. +4
    25 November 2024 05: 46
    Quote: Nagan
    "There is no money, but you hold on!" (C)
    Well, these lines can be carved in granite and hung as a plaque on the wall of any ministry. wink
  6. +7
    25 November 2024 05: 47
    What is there to discuss - the bourgeois Russian Federation does not even have any project for a bright future. In principle, none. And education is not the main problem here. Its actual collapse is a natural consequence of the basic conditions of the current system.
    1. +10
      25 November 2024 08: 17
      The bourgeois Russian Federation does not even have any project for a bright future

      Why do they need projects? The bourgeoisie of the whole world lives in a bright future.. our people try to keep up with unfriendly partners. laughing
  7. +11
    25 November 2024 05: 58
    There was a "cultural revolution" at one time, the elimination of illiteracy, now there is a "cultural counterrevolution" and it is happening in all sectors.
    1. +6
      25 November 2024 09: 47
      Quote: parusnik
      There was a "cultural revolution" at one time, the elimination of illiteracy

      From the peasant bast shoe Russia of the 19th century, where 90% of the population was illiterate, Soviet Russia took a giant step forward and became a modern and, perhaps, the most educated country in the world. Education was available to everyone, and it became completely free.

      Now it is impossible to say so. The "Unified State Exam" education is incomplete. It cannot exist without paid tutoring. And the share of paid higher education is about 70%.
      1. -6
        25 November 2024 12: 52
        Quote: Stas157
        Education was made available to everyone and became completely free.

        And it didn't save us from 91. Although educated people should have understood what was what.
      2. +1
        25 November 2024 13: 22
        Quote: Stas157
        From the peasant bast shoe Russia of the 19th century, where 90% of the population was illiterate,......
        Under Ivan the Terrible, primary education in the country was free. And the illiteracy in Russia in the 19th century is clearly some kind of fairy tale. My grandfather, for example, graduated from a parochial school, although the family was not rich (they were middle class, which was the majority in Russia), but they had enough money to pay for school.
        1. +1
          25 November 2024 20: 48
          Quote: Bad_gr
          My grandfather, for example, graduated from a parochial school,
      3. 0
        26 November 2024 02: 00
        The number of students on a budget in the Russian Federation now exceeds the number of students in the RSFSR.
      4. +2
        26 November 2024 13: 01
        It cannot exist without paid tutoring.
        paid tutoring is the result of the lack of parental restraint, I have a bunch of tutors around me and everyone agrees that they teach amoebas who will do nothing unless you stand over them and watch. And they teach the same school curriculum, those who want more than what they give in school - there are only a few of them
  8. +22
    25 November 2024 06: 13
    As a person who has worked in a school, I can say that the problem of education, in addition to the problem of teacher pay, is a general problem of society - the actual lack of rights of the teacher, the absence of his power over the students. Without this, there is no discipline, without discipline there is no assimilation of the material. There is no respect of children for the teacher. There is burnout and the expenditure of nerves to "pacify" unruly students. Even those who came to teach children "by vocation" very quickly understand that in a real school they do not receive what they were striving for. Not a benevolent transfer of knowledge, but a nervous atmosphere of attempts to reason with unruly minors, moreover, without having any means for this.
    1. -2
      25 November 2024 12: 54
      Quote: Sunwenmin
      Not a benevolent transfer of knowledge, but a nervous atmosphere of attempts to calm down unruly youngsters, especially without having any means to do so.

      It was the same in the Soviet school that I left after working in a rural school from 1977 to 1981. There was also plenty of savagery there...
      1. +4
        25 November 2024 12: 58
        Don't proceed from the logic of "your neighbor is in total disrepair," but from the logic of "how can I do it better than everyone else?" wink
        Besides, I remember my school from 79-89 completely differently.
  9. +9
    25 November 2024 06: 47
    Endless reforms and optimizations have led to the fact that schools in Russia are literally on the brink of complete disaster.

    Because either idiots or traitors sit in the Kremlin. There is no other explanation.
    1. +7
      25 November 2024 07: 08
      Quote: Million
      Because either idiots or traitors sit in the Kremlin. There is no other explanation.

      These words are set in granite!
    2. +6
      25 November 2024 08: 10
      There are either idiots or traitors in the Kremlin. There is no other explanation.

      Why not? Foreign agents...And so they sit for 30 years..
    3. +4
      25 November 2024 10: 13
      Quote: Million
      Because either idiots or traitors sit in the Kremlin. There is no other explanation.

      Moreover, there are many more traitors than idiots.
    4. +2
      25 November 2024 11: 56
      Because either idiots or traitors sit in the Kremlin. There is no other explanation.

      Not idiots! Just agents...
  10. +14
    25 November 2024 06: 48
    A rare case when the author even embellished the picture. In fact, everything is even gloomier with discipline, salary and knowledge... There are students who cannot write and count to 10 and receive a certificate. Almost all crimes in school are blamed on the "unprofessionalism" of teachers. The salary of a young specialist is at the level of 18-19 thousand...
    If it weren't for the police need to control teenagers, schools would have switched to distance learning long ago. Amazingly, the state has completely removed itself from the problems of education. Apparently, there are grandiose optimization plans in the vein of "pension reform".
    1. -6
      25 November 2024 09: 11
      Where is zp 18? Name the region
      1. +8
        25 November 2024 09: 54
        Quote: Andrey VOV
        Where is zp 18? Name the region

        Republic of Crimea
        1. +2
          26 November 2024 02: 04
          But young teachers are entitled to a bonus. Many, having moved from the category of young specialists and having stopped receiving this bonus, leave the school.
        2. 0
          26 November 2024 02: 05
          Does this teacher have a completed higher education, and what is the workload? Does he have a category?
          1. +2
            26 November 2024 06: 18
            Quote: Sergej1972
            Does this teacher have a completed higher education, and what is the workload? Does he have a category?

            I can state the fact that a teacher with 1,5 positions with additional payment for experience and 1st category is less than 20 rubles "in hand". If it is just a position - do the math yourself. Yes, there is an additional payment for young people. But this time quickly ends along with enthusiasm. With all this, salary is not the main problem. Those who survived the 90s will survive modern "innovations". More tragic is the absurdity of the organization of the educational process, the complete lack of rights for the teacher. "Foil helmets" are an indicator. Children's "pranks" are gradually turning into criminal chronicles.
    2. +6
      25 November 2024 10: 04
      Quote: samarin1969
      Surprisingly, the state has completely removed itself from the problems of education.

      Why was it eliminated? They do everything that is needed in the shortest possible time. So only one thing comes to mind - everything is planned in advance and is being carried out precisely. And that means that someone at the top really needs it...
  11. +6
    25 November 2024 06: 48
    Moreover, the children of “valuable specialists” are becoming more and more familiar with Russia and Russian schools... “Let’s Eat Russia” - there is such a party!
  12. -17
    25 November 2024 06: 53
    Indeed, Samsonov, the methodology needs to be changed and what kind of office is this whose figures are cited as the truth in the first instance?? Outback, a small town with a population of 10 thousand, a student works at a school on an individual schedule, a salary of 40 thousand, upon receiving a diploma she will receive district and regional payments of 220 thousand, with mandatory work for three years.. Again, Samsonov, there is a rate, to it there are additional payments in the form of incentives, bonuses, plus additional payments for class leadership..
    Stop throwing manure at the fan without studying the topics. There are problems, like everywhere, and if you write about them, then study them from beginning to end.
    1. +10
      25 November 2024 07: 21
      I knew everything was actually fine.
    2. +16
      25 November 2024 07: 43
      What is a salary of 40 thousand and a one-time payment of 220 thousand? It's nothing. It's better to be a "taxi driver or pizza delivery guy". At least you can feed your family there. But the problem is that Teachers are the future of the Country, not "taxi drivers and pizza delivery guys".
      1. -3
        25 November 2024 09: 12
        For a working student who does not have a first or higher qualification, it is quite normal
        1. +7
          25 November 2024 09: 20
          And for a non-student? You still have to get the 1st and highest category, and what money will a young teacher have to live on during this time? And a teacher has practically no rights when working with "blockheads".
          1. -7
            25 November 2024 09: 25
            Do you work at school or does your wife?
            1. +6
              25 November 2024 09: 28
              My wife used to work, but now she doesn't work anymore...
              1. -6
                25 November 2024 09: 30
                A lot depends on the management of the school itself, as well as the district and city education departments, in terms of work and relationships in the team, both between teachers and with students.
                1. +7
                  25 November 2024 09: 41
                  I agree, it all depends on the "top" in our country. Teachers' hands really drop, even those whose calling is to teach children.
          2. 0
            26 November 2024 02: 07
            In many regions there is an additional payment for young specialists.
    3. +4
      25 November 2024 09: 02
      Quote: Andrey VOV
      There are problems, like everywhere else.

      What problems? People like you and Medvedev will come and send everyone into business.
      1. -4
        25 November 2024 09: 13
        What do you know about me to put me on the same level as Medvedev?
        1. +1
          25 November 2024 09: 22
          Quote: Andrey VOV
          What do you know about me to put me on the same level as Medvedev?

          But you wrote about yourself. Your thoughts exactly coincide with this character!
          1. 0
            25 November 2024 09: 27
            So, my dear man, I know the situation at the school from the inside, because 8 people in my family all work at the school, and my wife, and my daughter, and my mother, and my mother-in-law, and my wife's aunt, and my wife's brother and my cousin, so don't throw propaganda at me. Did I say that everything is fine? No, but don't lie either,
    4. +5
      25 November 2024 10: 38
      Come on, we know at our school, in the Tula region, some especially close to the emperor had 70 tons net, while the majority received 20-30. (And this was in 17!) In 21, I got out of there to a metropolis and I don’t regret it. The salary there seems to have been raised to 40 thousand now, for the majority of those without connections, but that’s not certain. By the way, in the Krasnodar region in 18, the salary was even less, 15-18 tons. I couldn’t understand how in 9 years, with a salary increase of 3-5% every year, it remained the same in 21 as in 14??? laughing This is super "USE" mathematics! And this is despite the fact that one and a half rates + half rate of a worker at school.. But! It turned out that not everywhere is like this and salaries can grow and an effective contract turns out to exist.. I found out about it after 10 years of work wassat already in a new place and not in the Tula region of course. And yes, now I'm all in loans, but! The amount of the monthly payment is twice the salary that I had there. Yes, with two rates and part-time work. And since my wife is also a teacher, we're pulling through, though while her health allows, i.e. it won't be for long. And what then? Who knows - collapse probably. But perhaps it will be like with the workers at the factory - suddenly)) they'll sharply raise salaries and everyone will rush to school to teach their children something or other winked
  13. +5
    25 November 2024 07: 12
    Where will decent salaries come from if the Ministry of Education steals all education for experiments that no one needs?
    Latest: Virtual psychologist 400₽
    Put such a ministry on a stake
  14. +19
    25 November 2024 07: 15
    My mother worked as a math teacher at school all her life, she didn't earn millions, her legs hurt from standing at the board all day, she left school this year, although she has been retired for a long time, and deserved a pension of 20 with a little bit. And she is glad that she left, although she misses her children, but she says that recently it has become simply impossible to work, from all sorts of reports, filling out all sorts of programs, electronic journals that simply duplicate paper ones, and other unnecessary babble. I myself work as an engineer in a government office, and also without millions, but they demand as from an astronaut, here you just need experience, and several educations, but with a light hand of the president, I am now writing a table of what I do at work, because the staff will be reduced, and we are overwhelmed with the current staff and cannot cope, and I am 35, I am the youngest employee, young people are not coming, there is no knowledge, the responsibility is great, they pay little, so in many areas it is like that. Previously, personnel was everything, now no one needs personnel, and then we bite our elbows and try to find specialists who no longer exist.....
    1. +4
      25 November 2024 08: 20
      but he says that recently it has become simply impossible to work, due to all sorts of reports, filling out all sorts of programs, electronic journals that simply duplicate paper ones, and other unnecessary nonsense.

      I am not a teacher, but I am familiar with this problem. Previously, the accounting staff at the plant was 4 people, after 10 years when I quit already under 20... computerization... higher organizations got a taste for beautiful tables and graphs, and senseless ones at that. And how did they work before without these computers, which are now mostly used as advanced typewriters.
      1. +4
        25 November 2024 08: 26
        I completely agree with you. When I worked in a large power grid company, we had almost 3 thousand people, we had two HR officers, and the girls handled everything, and notified everyone, and did everything, that is, the employee just signed and that's it. And now we have a staff of less than 100 people, and we have 4 HR officers, and at the same time I write everything myself, and applications, and even partially fill out the timesheet myself, I don't understand what they do at all, but they sigh, we have a lot of work, and if you call in the middle of the working day, there is no one left, I won't even mention the accounting department, soon they will fall out of the windows....
  15. +9
    25 November 2024 08: 13
    The ideal scenario is when the student surpasses the teacher.
    This option has arrived. The one that Yeltsin Center banged up has long since surpassed its teacher...
    1. +3
      25 November 2024 08: 50
      Quote: kor1vet1974
      This option has arrived. The one that Yeltsin Center banged up has long since surpassed its teacher...

      He surpassed him in everything. In popularity too. The majority always voted for Yeltsin. The overwhelming majority voted for his follower.

      But now (after leaving office) Yeltsin is not liked. Will the student surpass his teacher?
      1. +5
        25 November 2024 09: 02
        Will the student surpass his teacher?
        Yes. Already. The student became immortal. Highlander.
  16. +8
    25 November 2024 08: 21
    Medicine and education are being transferred from the organic functions of the state, which were in the USSR, to the category of services. This is the same liquidation as the past deindustrialization. The 90s are not over.
  17. +7
    25 November 2024 08: 33
    That is, there are more retired teachers (or rather, retired women, since almost all school teachers are women) than young ones!

    And who will replace the pensioners? Will they hire migrants? By the way, there are already people who look like migrants in medical institutions. Maybe they will even get to school.

    and if you want to earn money, there are a lot of great places where you can do it faster and better. The same business. But you didn't go into business, as I understand it, well, that's it.»

    Why didn't the iPhone go into business itself and feed itself on government food?
    And why does the state, at the expense of the people, support this parasite like a billionaire, while the teacher only has enough to survive?
    1. +1
      1 December 2024 21: 17
      By the way, in medical institutions there are already faces that look like migrants

      Not only did they appear, but almost the entire staff now consists of them...
  18. +4
    25 November 2024 09: 48
    Is there at least one sector of the country's and people's existence in which the enemies of the USSR, with their highly paid work and their vaunted business, did well? There are none. And they themselves admit it, that's why their ideology for all 33 years has been - AND WE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.
    1. -5
      25 November 2024 11: 09
      Quote: tatra
      Is there at least one sector of the country’s and people’s existence in which the enemies of the USSR, with their highly paid work and their vaunted business, did well?

      If someone talks about a decent salary, it means that there are those who are worthy of it and those who are not - right? Could you name a couple of unworthy professions (perverts are not recommended)?

      Wealth is only visible against the backdrop of poverty. That is why the rich will always be against increasing the well-being of the common people...

      Under Stalin, prices were lowered every year and the poor became richer, the purchasing power of the people grew - the entire people. Now our incomes are raised every year, but prices are growing faster, which is why the rich become richer and the poor become poorer. Each of us, looking into our wallets, understands this...

      The division of society, according to various characteristics, is a direct path to its fascism.
      1. -3
        25 November 2024 11: 22
        Everyone has their own thing, but the enemies of the USSR are talking about money. You captured the USSR only in order to redistribute the income of the country and the people in your favor under the spell of the mythical "equalization" in the USSR, and created an ANTI-System of payment for work.
        And did you like accusing others of fascism so much? The new favorite manual of the enemies of the USSR.
        You have always, both under the USSR and after your capture of the USSR, lived and live parallel to your country and people, always cowardly “having nothing to do with” the harm that you have inflicted on your country and people, to all your crimes.
        1. 0
          25 November 2024 11: 38
          Quote: tatra
          Everyone talks about something else, but the enemies of the USSR talk about money

          "Money is extremely generalized information about goods and services."

          For us, money is a way to survive. For the government, the country, it is a way to control us and other countries. You can blame Comrade Stalin as much as you like for lowering prices (about money), but under him, the people lived and fought for the country where labor was honored. Every worker and employee understood that the more surplus product they produced in the country, the more goods would have their prices lowered. Everyone was an accomplice in the construction of a bright future.

          It is better to have "equalization" than a gap in incomes that is tens of times larger.
          1. -3
            25 November 2024 12: 59
            Quote: Boris55
            but under him the people lived and fought for that country,

            At times now people do not live and do not fight for this country? They fight for Mars?
            1. 0
              26 November 2024 07: 42
              Quote: kalibr
              And what about the people who don’t live and fight for this country now?

              Lives and fights for Rus, Russia, USSR and Russia. There is no other land for us.
              But there are those who have fled. For whom "I" is higher than "WE". For whom the concept of Homeland is absent... maybe they will understand what it is.
              1. 0
                26 November 2024 07: 44
                Quote: Boris55
                what it is

                That is, under any system there will be those who fight for Russia! And those who either run away or go over to the enemy's side. In the USSR during the Great Patriotic War there were also many of them, much more than now.
                1. 0
                  26 November 2024 07: 48
                  Quote: kalibr
                  In the USSR during the Great Patriotic War there were also quite a few of these, much more than now.

                  Then there was a general mobilization, but now it is a one-time, partial one.
                  1. 0
                    26 November 2024 07: 49
                    Quote: Boris55
                    and now - one-time, partial.

                    That is why there are fewer people who went over to the enemy’s side than during the Great Patriotic War.
                    1. 0
                      26 November 2024 07: 49
                      Quote: kalibr
                      That is why there are fewer people who went over to the enemy’s side than during the Great Patriotic War.

                      That's exactly what I mean. But there were many, many more who defended the Motherland.

                      According to the picture for the article. Could you name the professions that should be paid an unworthy salary?
                2. 0
                  26 November 2024 23: 36
                  Quote: kalibr
                  There were also quite a few of these in the USSR during the Great Patriotic War, much more than now.

                  And what is this statement based on? Are there any specific figures? What is the ratio of traitors to those who are fighting/fought for their homeland? Also, for some reason, the fact that the traitors were mainly representatives of certain republics, mainly the Baltics and Ukraine, is hushed up.
                  1. 0
                    27 November 2024 07: 30
                    Quote: guest
                    And what is this statement based on? Are there any specific figures? What is the ratio of traitors to those who are fighting/fought for their homeland? Also, for some reason, the fact that the traitors were mainly representatives of certain republics, mainly the Baltics and Ukraine, is hushed up.

                    Yes! Everything is there. Learn to use the Internet and you will find out everything. And the ratio is not difficult to calculate. It is simple mathematics. There are data on self-inflicted gunshots, deserters, and those who committed criminal offenses (fighters and officers of the Red Army). Moreover, I cited them all in an article here on VO with links to documents from the Ministry of Defense archive. I don’t remember what the article was called. It was a long time ago. And no one is hushing up the fact of who served in the SS. All national units were named and more than once. I think the article was called “The Garbage Can of Europe”. But the word “mostly” is incorrect. There were plenty of Russians there too, Krasnov’s corps alone was worth something.
                    1. 0
                      27 November 2024 13: 36
                      Quote: kalibr
                      But the word "mainly" is not correct.

                      I'm talking about the percentage ratio.
                      1. 0
                        27 November 2024 13: 40
                        Quote: guest
                        I'm talking about the percentage ratio.

                        You should find an article...
                      2. 0
                        27 November 2024 14: 26
                        Quote: kalibr
                        You should find an article...

                        Well, unfortunately, it is not so easy to find an article here, unless you have a direct link to it, of course.
                      3. 0
                        27 November 2024 16: 00
                        Quote: guest
                        Quote: kalibr
                        You should find an article...

                        Well, unfortunately, it is not so easy to find an article here, unless you have a direct link to it, of course.

                        It's a pity I don't remember the names. But I have more than 2000 of them.
  19. +4
    25 November 2024 10: 31
    The problem of this country is not only in the colonial power, but also in ourselves, who expect the government to make it different.
    Will not.
    Next, they are preparing to destroy the country along with its people in the European slaughterhouse.
    We need to become different in order to save the country, ourselves and our children.
    People who do this will be able to make their own lives better.
    1. -1
      26 November 2024 23: 09
      What to do? The salary of a State Duma deputy from a region should be equalized to the average teacher's salary in the region. Then the "servants of the people" will have an incentive to think about this problem, and the budget will have additional considerable money. And I strongly suspect that progress will not be long in coming.
      1. 0
        26 November 2024 23: 13
        And I strongly suspect that progress will appear soon.

        In our situation, limiting ourselves to just this is not enough. I think so.
        1. -1
          26 November 2024 23: 24
          This is suicide

          Explain why? I would like to hear your objections in more detail. What I wrote above is not my idea. I took it from conversations with our rural teachers - my wife's colleagues.
          1. 0
            26 November 2024 23: 59
            The country is being handed over to the enemy for slaughter along with all its contents and us too. In these conditions, doing nothing is suicide. And not only "self".
  20. +10
    25 November 2024 10: 36
    I am a history and geography teacher by education. I graduated from YSPU in 2016, I have not worked at school for a day, because I want my family to live in decent conditions. Now I work in a warehouse, salary 170k/month. My wife worked for two years after university, I managed to drag her, now she works in HR remotely, earns about 100 thousand, is happy with everything, says she will not return to school.
    After all, it is the state that sets priorities; if doctors and teachers have such a miserable salary, then someone needs it.
    1. 0
      25 November 2024 20: 38
      Quote: GRIGORIY76
      I am a history and geography teacher by education. I graduated from YSPU in 2016, I have never worked at school... Now I work in a warehouse, salary 170k/month.

      So, the state spent money on you so that you could spend your time in a warehouse for your own pleasure? Does that mean that it (the state) took money from other teachers at your expense? If you studied with your own money, then all questions are removed.
  21. -4
    25 November 2024 11: 29
    The author has no idea about the education system and salaries. Better not write.
    Teachers don't get the minimum wage and their real salaries have long exceeded 40 rubles. And that's in the provinces. Damn, my wife, an economist, calculates their salaries and with all the markups gets 000 percent less, and her workload is higher than that of teachers.
    1. +3
      25 November 2024 14: 00
      40 thousand is poverty.
  22. -7
    25 November 2024 11: 31
    If you want to write about poverty, write about doctors. Theoretically, the average salary for doctors should be 2 times higher than for teachers, but in reality it is lower.
  23. +4
    25 November 2024 11: 40
    I have already written it many times and I can repeat it again: "The government lives on another planet."
    We have TWO states in our country. In the state of the rich everything is fine with education, their children study normally, the rest (according to reports) too. What is there to worry about?
  24. +6
    25 November 2024 11: 44
    It's a dirty job with professional deformations and burnout, and it will remain that way. Even if you overwhelm a person with money, he won't burn out any less, he won't be happier checking notebooks at home, and there won't be more time in the day. In addition to the factor of increasing wages, which is more relevant for the provinces (a teacher I know in Moscow has her own hundred a month, although she eats UZ-littles by the handful), there is also the factor of bringing this profession into a framework in which it will not resemble a sugar plantation.
    1. -1
      25 November 2024 20: 46
      Quote: Knell Wardenheart
      burn out

      Where did this, if you will, term even come from?! In the West, even travel agents with working hours from Mon to Fri "burn out". Just to twiddle their thumbs, damn it!
  25. +2
    25 November 2024 12: 51
    Alexander, your article is, unfortunately, simply a list of consequences. Why? Because the system of fundamental and applied science, the health care system, the system of secondary, specialized and higher education, the movement of inventors and innovators, as well as social, political and cultural activities, all of this is the infrastructure for providing and servicing industrial production. So, this infrastructure, SYSTEMATIC, according to plan, was formed by the state authorities, functioned and developed in the USSR. But after the destruction of the Soviet Union in 1992, which entailed the destruction of the planned distribution economy, industrial cooperation and tens of thousands of industrial enterprises, the launch by the "Soviet" nomenklatura of the mechanisms and instruments of privatization and corporatization of former state property, a completely different structure of private commercial property was formed and, on its basis, as on the foundation, a new regime of the dominance of private property, a liberal structure of the economy was created, in which the "Soviet" infrastructure of provision and service turned into a poor, downtrodden stepdaughter, with an evil and greedy stepmother. And, under the conditions of the dominance of large commercial property, there WILL NOT be another fate for the systems of the “Soviet” infrastructure. Why? Because large commercial capital has privatized not only the means of production and the infrastructure that services it, it has created a political-economic environment in which the revival of infrastructure of the necessary scale and quality for the accelerated social development of society is impossible, since modern science-intensive and high-tech industrial production and this very infrastructure, recreated, even on the principles of private property, will act as irreconcilable gravediggers of the regime of large financial usurers and commercial speculators, who have been privatizing EVERYTHING in Russia for 30 years now. Therefore, under the existing legal relations of the dominance of private property and the state, only two capitalist interests can fight for power and influence in the country. This is the industrial capitalist interest in making profit and the commercial capitalist interest in making profit. Services do not count, since they are subordinate to one of these two rivals and follow in the wake of their interests. And, therefore, the existence and, especially, the development of the infrastructure of provision and maintenance, in the conditions of a capitalist economy, entirely and completely depends on the victory of industrialists over businessmen, and the subordination of one capitalist interest to another. But, even under the conditions of the dominance of private property, there are several ways to form a system of industrial production and the infrastructure that serves it. For example, I am a supporter of petty-bourgeois social capitalism and the leading role in the economy of collective private property, on the principles of which it is possible to form public production, engineering, infrastructure and agricultural enterprises and small and medium-sized corporate business organizations.

    PS Is the general higher than the specific? No.
    The particular is above the general. Also no.
    Then what? THE PARTICULAR as part of the GENERAL.
    1. 0
      25 November 2024 14: 54
      collective private property
      - illogicality.
      Is the general above the particular? No.
      The particular is above the general. Also no.
      All living things are characterized by the primacy of the whole over its parts (K. Lorenz).
      1. 0
        25 November 2024 18: 36
        Tell this to the "rich"). I hope they will hear you...
  26. -3
    25 November 2024 12: 56
    At the same time, teachers are getting old and leaving, there is no one to replace them. Salaries in the provinces are miserable - 25-30 thousand.

    I specifically went to NN ru

    English teacher
    from 55 000
    Teacher speech therapist
    from 60 to 000 ₽ in hand
    Required work experience: 1-3 years

    Full time, full day

    Primary school teacher
    from 60 to 000 ₽ in hand
    Required work experience: 3-6 years

    Full time, full day

    Where do you get these salaries? The workload there is crazy, but 30 tr is not a salary
  27. 0
    25 November 2024 14: 57
    There are ways to develop.
    1. Raising wages to a decent level. Serious punishments for parents for any insults or attacks by their children on teachers.
    2. Automation of the educational process with minimal human involvement.
    3. Attracting migrant teachers.
    4. Transfer of public educational institutions entirely to a commercial basis, with annual payment.
    1. +2
      25 November 2024 18: 17
      My opinion: other than a salary increase, all other proposals are terrible and counterproductive.
      Parents themselves have no legal rights or tools to influence their own children. In addition, parents are not always sane, especially when it comes to difficult children.
      Automation of the educational process - ask those whose children have been learning remotely for a long time.
      Migrant teachers - what could be worse??? It might not be your child who returns from school, but a little Muslim...
      The transfer of schools to a non-fee-paying basis - and here again illiteracy and poverty for the poor.
      Terrible offers negative crying
      1. 0
        25 November 2024 22: 14
        These are not my suggestions, but rather what can be seen further down the chain.
        For insane parents and similar children, appropriate bodies and institutions should work.
  28. VLR
    25 November 2024 19: 05
    The problem is not only money, but also the complete lack of rights of teachers, whom today's "kids" can insult and even beat with impunity. And inadequate parents write complaints for any reason. Teachers cannot control the situation in class when one or several thugs are making the whole class upset. It is now possible to work in a school only out of complete hopelessness. If there is an opportunity to escape from school, they run without thinking, regardless of their length of service.
  29. +2
    25 November 2024 19: 07
    "I am often asked about teachers and lecturers. It is a calling, and if you want to earn money, there are many wonderful places where you can do it faster and better. The same business. But you did not go into business, as I understand, well"
    Vote for United Russia, multiply my good.
    Ceterum censeo Washingtago Delendam esse
  30. 0
    25 November 2024 22: 07
    I don't remember where and who said it...
    - If you want to defeat the enemy, teach (educate) his children....
    that's what's happening to us, they're giving us "vaccinations" of everything that comes to hand, in the hope that we'll "die"...
    another question is how much "herd immunity" everyone will have and what it will turn into later...
    ... and so, looking at education now is "sadness and sorrow", melancholy, however =)
  31. 0
    26 November 2024 15: 03
    Well, first of all, why the hell do the top brass need literate, educated people? They might start thinking... No, a small number of chosen ones from the so-called elite, and for the rest, two classes of the Central Party School will be more than enough.
    Secondly, children should not go to school, but stand in churches for prayer services; there is no need to study all sorts of scientific heresy when there is holy scripture.
  32. +1
    26 November 2024 22: 29
    Author, thank you, but you did not mention the real problem of teachers in the article, although you tried very hard. I will say right away that I am a physical education teacher, Master of Sports of the Russian Federation. I returned to the profession in January 2024. I have 18 years of experience. I also worked part-time as a coach (this is my main profession). The most important thing in the profession is status. Who is a teacher? Why does Russia need one until 2022? Gref certainly does not need him and his sycophants. The capitalists do not need him either. In order to receive a decent salary, you have to live at school! Live, yes, yes. A teacher's rate is 18 hours. Then he must be creative and generally the best teacher. But look how much this is in money? There are really no men in schools. I wouldn't say that the attitude towards teachers is good. Personally, physical education is not very good, most gyms are just chicken coops, they do not meet the requirements. All reconstructions, as a rule, are done through subcontractors, naturally, what is expected of them? But digitalization is generally the road to hell. I completely agree with you here. And I also paid attention to the school programs, there is a complete madhouse, books are one thing, programs are another. No coincidence at all. And I will also separately say that the best education and physical education have simply been destroyed, there is no growth! And all the laws are against teachers. So far, all the joys I see are only on TV. And most importantly, there is no ideology or real patriotism in school. You can't raise defenders of the Fatherland and read Solzhenitsyn's books. And lastly, they lie a lot, a lot. And the cherry on the cake - FC hours 34, overtime hours 6, additional education 12 and .................. not even 60000 in salary! And yes, there is an additional payment for the title and the governor's and anti-drug!!! The rank still needs to be confirmed. In general, I don't understand what else is needed. But I still have the desire to work.
  33. 0
    28 November 2024 18: 32
    Unfortunately, nothing can be changed.
    Teachers are probably leaving. Everything is supported by pensioners. They share, in order to live, all sorts of extra rates - janitor, worker, cleaner, etc.
    And in the management there are often left-wing people. A transfer position for officials, so that they can change their colors into some kind of deputies.
  34. 0
    28 November 2024 22: 28
    I am a man, a teacher, I work at a school. You won't understand.
  35. 0
    30 November 2024 18: 50
    I agree with the opinion of the majority here. Education is the foundation of foundations. Cultural, moral, technological and in general the sovereignty of the country. Only a fool does not understand this. The current alternative and reality is gambling, social networks and just laziness. As a result - the effectiveness of education is 10%. The foundation and future vector of tomorrow's Russia are so-so. This is where all the deep problems for the Future of this state begin.