Everyone has their own Mayan pyramid

Everyone has their own Mayan pyramid
"Mayan Pyramid". Not an exact copy of the Kukulkan pyramid, but very similar. Model and photo by the author

They came from the north, and even the word “north” — “shaman” in their language — is associated with the concept of “ancient,” “left behind.” It is difficult to say with certainty when the Mayan Indians first settled the lands of Guatemala and Honduras, and then the Yucatan Peninsula. Most likely in the first millennium BC, and since then story, culture, the whole life of the Maya are connected with this sun-scorched, tropical rain-drenched, lush vegetation-covered, swamp-flooded land.
"The Secret of the Mayan Priests" by V.A. Kuzmishchev

History with your own hands. And it happened that in 1968, just when the magazine “Technology for Youth” published an article by A. Kazantsev about the secrets of ancient civilizations, my mother gave me a book by V. Kuzmishchev “The Secret of the Mayan Priests”, and for some time it became almost my favorite reading. Everything that could be read about them in addition, I tried to find and read and was very sorry that I could not go to Mexico and the Yucatan Peninsula to take part in the study of the ancient Mayan culture. My imagination was especially excited by the pyramids of the Mayans and Aztecs. Not as high and “pyramidal” as those of the Egyptian pharaohs, but multi-tiered and covered with intricate ornamentation. I remember that I really wanted to make such a pyramid for myself then... But I could not figure out how and from what.

And this is the real pyramid of Kukulkan from the city of Tsichen Itza. Photo by Daniel Schwen

Many years have passed. I have never been to Yucatan and will never go there, but I am now well aware of what kind of pyramids the Mayans built, and most importantly, what significance they had for them, what symbolism was embedded in them during construction. For example, one of the most beautiful Mayan pyramids is the Kukulkan pyramid in the city of Chichen Itza. The Spanish call it "El Castillo", that is, "the castle", but in fact it is a temple structure, raised to the sky on a nine-step foundation, surviving among the ruins of the ancient city. Well, Kukulkan was the Mayan analogue of the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl or "Feathered Serpent".

Models of Mayan pyramids, and in particular the Kukulkan pyramid, are everywhere today. Here is a pyramid in Krajno-Zagórze on the Alley of Miniatures…

Another copy. City of Tinus, Yucatan.

And one more...

That is, the pyramid itself is a temple, the area of ​​which is about 18 hectares! The height of the pyramid is 24 m (and another 6 m is the height of the temple itself, built on its top). Each of its sides is 55 m long, and each facet has nine steps. From the base to its top there are four steep stairs, oriented to the cardinal points. On the sides of the stairs there is a stone balustrade, starting at the bottom from the head of the snake and in the form of its curving snake body going to the very top of the pyramid.

And this is Mexico City again, Constitution Square, where a replica of the Kukulkan pyramid was recently erected!

The builders of the pyramid were truly experts in their field. Because they erected it in such a way that on the days of the autumn and spring equinox, standing next to it, you can see a unique sight - the shadow of the "Feathered Serpent". Simply the shadow from the stepped edges of the pyramid is superimposed on the stones of the balustrade, and it creates the impression that the Feathered Serpent is crawling. Moreover, in March it will climb up, and in September, accordingly, down.

The number of steps on each of the stairs is 91. And this is not just a random number. Their total number is 364. But if you add the platform-base at the top, you get 365 - the number of days in a solar year. By the way, the nine steps of the pyramid, cut in two by the stairs, are equal to 18, or the number of months in the Mayan calendar year. And the nine ledges of the temple themselves, according to Toltec mythology, correspond to the "nine heavens". 52 stone reliefs on each wall of the sanctuary symbolically depict one Toltec calendar cycle, which consisted of 52 years.

The temple at the top of the pyramid is quite small. It has four entrances. Each one is opposite its own staircase. It was here that sacrifices were made, including human ones, because the Mayan gods fed on hot human blood, and without this offering they could easily die.

Pyramid of Kukulkan in the park of Mexico City…

The main entrance to the temple is on the north side and was decorated with two massive columns in the form of writhing snakes standing on their heads. Inside was a sacrificial figure of Chac-Mool and the "Jaguar Mat" (the Jaguar Throne of the main leader of the city). It is now known that under the foundation of the pyramid at a depth of about 20 meters there is an underground karst lake, which does not bode well for the pyramid and can lead to its destruction.

Chac-Mool – photograph by Luis Alberto Melogran. National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City. It is quite possible that it was… something like a “tray” (or altar) on which the bloody heart taken from a person was placed…

In general, in any case, no matter who you tell about all this, they will not remain indifferent. This is especially true for school-age children, sixth-graders studying the culture of Mesoamerica as part of a school history course. And if so, then why not make a “Kukulkan pyramid” for them as a visual aid? This idea came to my mind and... was brought to life after some time. The first requirement for such a model is the most accessible materials, so the entire pyramid was assembled from parts cut out of packaging cardboard from the Magnit store.

This is what the four step parts of the pyramid look like before they are glued together... Packaging cardboard, one cardboard...

Nine double tiers, cut in half. Well, double, that is, from two, not one piece of cardboard, in order to get the desired thickness, about 5-6 mm, that is, the thickness of a coffee stirrer.

This is how each of the four sides looks after gluing, papering and coating with wall putty. The latter is necessary to cover up all the empty spaces in the packaging cardboard!

And this is the profile of the side wall of the stairs. You need four of these for each staircase, glued in pairs...

In addition, you need four ladders in a very small scale. You can use strips of corrugated plastic for them, although you can also glue them together from 1 mm thick and 2 mm wide slats, gluing pieces of the required length one on top of the other to make steps. And you will need only one such ladder. And then you need to remove four paraffin forms from it and pour epoxy resin diluted according to the instructions into them.

The sides for paraffin forms can be made from sculptural plasticine…

Then they are lubricated with oil, hot paraffin is poured into them, and when it has almost hardened, you will need to press your finished ladder into it, and repeat this operation four times.

Finished prints

And these are the stairs already cast from epoxy

Their width is equal to the width of ordinary school rulers made of birch. For strength, they are glued with superglue to these rulers and processed in this way. Thanks to this, your stairs will acquire extreme strength, as will the pyramid itself.

The sides of the pyramid are decorated with protrusions made of veneer strips…

The veneer can be replaced with coffee stirrer sticks!

Ready-made stairs

The temple on top of the pyramid is glued together from thin cardboard (or foam board) and decorated with slats of different thicknesses.

To make the pyramid look “wild and cute”, it needs to be painted accordingly. One of the options is shown in the photos. First, the entire surface was painted white with acrylic paint with the addition of tooth powder, then, after drying, all protruding parts on its surface were covered with “Hard Wood Oil with Wax”. In fact, it is liquid. The color is “walnut”. Moreover, tooth powder was also added to the oil, which after drying gave the surfaces of the pyramid a certain “stone” texture.

This is what the finished model of the "Mayan pyramid" looks like.

This is not an exact copy of the Kukulkan pyramid, since it would have required a number of very complex details due to its miniature size, which are generally not important to children, but it is a fairly accurate copy of the Mayan pyramid “in general”!

The podium for its installation is made from a piece of foam plastic measuring 29x29 cm. The wooden frame is again made from school rulers, covered with rosewood wood stain. The surface of the podium is painted with yellow ochre mixed with tooth powder, which is why it looks very similar to being covered with sand. The grass is from a branded set for decorating models. The bushes are moss, and also branded. All of this was purchased online. The plants were bought at the Leonardo store, where they are plentiful for every taste and any size.

Models of the Kukulkan pyramid, as you may have already noticed, now exist in a variety of forms, and they look different. My pyramid looks like this and is quite suitable for a school teaching aid.

I wonder what yours will look like if you suddenly want to make it together with your son or daughter and give it to your home school or the school where your children study?
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  1. +3
    24 November 2024 07: 10
    Great, thank you Vyacheslav Olegovich!
    1. +4
      24 November 2024 07: 43
      I'm glad you liked it, Vladislav! Now if only there were another person... 2,3...10 who would write - we'll pick up the initiative. We accept the slogan "Visual aids for school with your own hands". We announce a social competition - who is the best... The prize is the book by V. Shpakovsky "History with your own hands". Photos of use in lessons - attached. That would be great. But one, in general, is not a warrior in the field.
  2. +6
    24 November 2024 07: 41
    There will soon be no room left for visual aids in your school! You'll have to build an extension) )
    1. +7
      24 November 2024 08: 54
      I have THREE schools under my patronage. There is enough space!
  3. +7
    24 November 2024 08: 03
    my mother gave me a book by V. Kuzmishchev "The Secret of the Mayan Priests"
    I had such a book when I was a child.
    Thank you, Vyacheslav Olegovich!
  4. +5
    24 November 2024 08: 44
    Everyone has their own Mayan pyramid

    it is yes:
    1. +8
      24 November 2024 09: 39
      Any normal man looking at a brick thinks about women, and only Olgovich thinks about Lenin wassat.
      1. +6
        24 November 2024 11: 00
        Quote: Bolt Cutter
        Any normal man looking at a brick thinks about women

        If bolt cutters see a pyramid as... a brick, then who do they love instead of... women?! belay what request
        Quote: Bolt Cutter
        about Lenin

        This is his pyramid...
        1. +7
          24 November 2024 11: 03
          This is his pyramid.
          If you constantly think about Lenin and see his machinations everywhere, including pre-Columbian civilizations, then one day something irreparable will happen laughing- your legs will carry you to the May Day demonstration with a red banner in your handsYes
          1. +5
            24 November 2024 11: 22
            Oh well, let's talk about women: so who do you love instead of a brick? wink
            1. +4
              24 November 2024 11: 26
              oh well, let's talk about women
              There's no point in jumping off topic. What do you think about the criticism of Chernov's position in the work "Materialism and Empiriocriticism"? Do you agree with the classification of Poincaré as an agnostic?
              1. +7
                24 November 2024 11: 39
                Quote: Bolt Cutter
                What do you think?

                then let's start with the basics: how many tons of clover from each laying hen will be poured into the incubators after the fallow land is threshed? wink
                1. +5
                  24 November 2024 11: 40
                  how many tons of clover from each laying hen

                  You won't lead me into a kulak-petty-bourgeois deviation either. tongue
          2. +8
            24 November 2024 11: 35
            including pre-Columbian civilizations,
            Now Aunt Tatra will come and brand everyone as "enemies of the Mayanists."
            "There will be Mayan happiness,
            Happiness forever!
            After all, Kukulkan,
            The power is great!"
            1. +11
              24 November 2024 11: 39
              After all, Kukulkan,
              The power is great!
              It is worth noting that the Mayans were growing corn even before the Party decided to make it mainstream. Yes .
              1. +2
                25 November 2024 23: 12
                And the pyramids, naturally, also long before the mausoleum on Red Square... Although the mausoleum is already a mixture of two cultures, don't you think? The shape of the pyramid refers to the Maya, and Ilyich to the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt...
                1. +1
                  25 November 2024 23: 17
                  The pyramid's shape is reminiscent of the Maya
                  Rather, to the ziggurats of the Sumerians.
                  Don't you think it's a mixture of two cultures?
                  It's hard to say. The atmosphere of the Mausoleum reminded me of the catacombs of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.
            2. +7
              24 November 2024 11: 43
              "There will be Mayan happiness,
              Happiness forever!
              After all, Kukulkan,
              "The power is great!"

              good drinks wassat ))))
              I have no strength today!
              All that remains is to watch the battles of the gods)))
              But I carefully read the technology of making the model - Mother of God! No longer for me.
              1. +7
                24 November 2024 12: 28
                Not for me anymore.
                This is all because, Lyudmila Yakovlevna, there is no Magnit store nearby. And you stir your coffee with a spoon, not a stirrer. laughing
                1. +6
                  24 November 2024 13: 08
                  you stir your coffee with a spoon

                  That's it!
                  And let's laugh some more, since the pyramids are the devil's refuge. Yesterday, between nine and ten in the evening or somewhere around there, I heard air defense working! I must say, I can distinguish the makes of planes, guns and other things firing on the fly. And then - the feverish crackling roar of air defense! How is that possible? We have nothing here that would be attractive for enemy missiles to fire at us. I rush to Telegram - nothing! And only an hour later it appeared - an attack on the Kursk region. You will say where I am and where that region is. Yes, I looked at the map - more than 500 kilometers! In general, a property of the atmosphere. Firstly, long waves (low frequency) have an enveloping ability. Secondly, low clouds form a corridor with the ground in which the sound "walks", repeatedly and consistently reflecting off the clouds and the ground - that's how the air defense "reached" me. And while I was looking for where it was and what it was, I came across a note on Zen, saying, you know, right now two galaxies, 290 million km away from us, collided, and the sound of the collision reached us...
                  What's up, huh? Well, the devil never sleeps!
                  1. +6
                    24 November 2024 13: 24
                    where am i and where is that area
                    My wife and I were in Paphos that evening, staring at the flashes of Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon. They were reflected in the clouds.
                    1. +4
                      24 November 2024 17: 28
                      It was reflected in the clouds.

                      At one time I came across, I don't remember where, a story about how Penelope communicated with Odysseus. To do this, she climbed some mountain and shouted her messages to him from there, and he responded to her - mind you, he was already in the Black Sea. I thought then, well, these Greeks are such inventors. And then I came across a description of this case in one of the editions of "Entertaining Physics" and it turned out that such a thing could have happened. Well, the sound of a volcanic explosion goes around the entire Earth. It's just that we have lost the habit of listening attentively to space - we have not been hunters or even gatherers for a long time. wassat )))
                      1. +3
                        24 November 2024 18: 04
                        already in the Black Sea
                        I think the Black Sea is about Jason... what
                      2. +1
                        24 November 2024 18: 12
                        I think the Black Sea is about Jason...

                        Yes, their travels begin in the same way in the northern Aegean, it’s not surprising to get confused, I should refresh my memory – there are gaps! )))
                      3. +3
                        24 November 2024 18: 46
                        I think the Black Sea is about Jason... what

                        And straight from memory: *-Argooo! May heaven send us a path with the moon and stars....* laughing
                        Hello Anton!
                      4. +2
                        24 November 2024 18: 48
                        It all ended sadly, though.
                        Hello, Sergey!
                      5. +2
                        24 November 2024 18: 51
                        everything is sad.

                        But they sang beautifully. laughing
                        *Iveria*, if I'm not mistaken.
                      6. +3
                        24 November 2024 18: 16
                        Penelope communicated with Odysseus. To do this, she climbed some mountain and shouted her messages to him from there, and he shouted something back to her.
                        "- Where are you going, Odysseus?
                        From a wife, from children?
                        - You should go home, Penelope!"(C)
                      7. +2
                        24 November 2024 18: 20
                        You should go home, Penelope!

                        good drinks wassat )))
                        I remember this dialogue! There were times...
                        No, I wasn't present )))
                      8. +2
                        24 November 2024 18: 37
                        I remember this dialogue!

                        VIA *Akkord*. Excellent humorous song. bully
                      9. +2
                        24 November 2024 18: 42
                        VIA *Accord*.

                        Lately, all sorts of VIA have faded from memory, I only remember "serious" groups like "Voskresenye"
                        --Who is to blame that you are tired?
                        That I didn’t find what I was waiting for,
                        I lost everything I was looking for,
                        Rose in the sky and fell
                        Well and so on )))
                      10. +3
                        24 November 2024 18: 56
                        Well and so on )))

                        This is exactly why I love YouTube! Music for every taste and from any time. bully
                      11. +2
                        24 November 2024 19: 07
                        This is exactly why I love YouTube!

                        I don't have YouTube anymore! But what historical videos I saved!
                      12. +2
                        24 November 2024 19: 21
                        Well, I don't know. I have YouTube on my mobile devices.
                      13. +3
                        24 November 2024 19: 26
                        I have YouTube on my mobile devices.

                        Some kind of charmed! Probably a vpn spell? I can't decide, who knows, you put it, and now they're dragging you to the sacrificial stone.
                      14. +3
                        24 November 2024 19: 57
                        They all seem to be under a spell!

                        The ban was simply introduced in the interests of mobile operators. Unlimited tariffs were gradually disabled, and for exceeding the limit, of course, you have to pay. Wi-Fi? That's exactly what YouTube doesn't work through. In short, pure business (although can you call it a purely business approach???) with a lot of lobbying. What's most outrageous here is the position of the authorities, allegedly proceeding from state interests. Yeah, the U.S.A.! They proceeded from the interests of mobile operators!
                      15. +3
                        24 November 2024 20: 12
                        Sergey, don't push things!
                        I still pay 5₽ a month 750 years ago.
                      16. +2
                        24 November 2024 20: 14
                        Sergey, don't push things!

                        This is your archive tariff!!!! Now they are all limited. By the way, that is why I ran to SberMobile, more gigs.
                      17. +2
                        24 November 2024 20: 17
                        This is your archive tariff!!!!
                        "My years are my wealth!" (C)
                      18. +2
                        24 November 2024 19: 58
                        A vpn spell, I bet?
                        I came here from Google.
                      19. +2
                        24 November 2024 20: 04
                        From Google

                        Yes, I have Gul's YouTube - it won't open, the bastard! But he regularly sends messages, like, come on in, this is the topic. It just stirs up my soul.
                        We all have a soul, each of us is wounded in some way, and most importantly, deeply.
                    2. +4
                      25 November 2024 07: 31
                      Quote: Bolt Cutter
                      Evening in Paphos

                      Alex, if you haven't been, go to Khirokitia. It's far from Paphos, but it's worth it - one of the most ancient cities on the planet! Pre-Pottery Neolithic! And to Larnaca... There you can hold the skull (real) of St. Lazarus! Well, and to the cat monastery, if you like cats. And... we are waiting for your materials about the visit with photos!!! "From our special correspondent from Cyprus."
                      1. +2
                        25 November 2024 23: 06
                        This time there was little time - you can't do everything there in a week. But I will definitely do it - we liked Cyprus.
                      2. +1
                        26 November 2024 07: 30
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        This time there was little time - you can't do everything there in a week. But I will definitely do it - we liked Cyprus.

                        There is an amazing place in the Ayia Napa area: Cape Makronidis. There is an archaeological park and Greek tombs on it, but nothing particularly interesting. But a little further is a very strange caldera with a surface studded with stone spikes and small pools in which the water is cool on top and HOT in the depths. Cloudy yellow and hot, the deeper, the hotter. They are at the wall separating the caldera from the sea. The water in them has a healing effect. It heals wounds and bruises almost instantly.
                  2. +1
                    24 November 2024 13: 41
                    I came across a note on Zen, saying, you know, right now two galaxies, 290 million km away from us, collided, and the sound of the collision reached us...
                    Zen is powerful! The distance from the Earth to the Sun is approximately 149,6 million kilometers.
                    1. +5
                      24 November 2024 14: 02
                      The Sun is approximately 149,6 million kilometers.

                      If only that were the case!
                      Sound through a vacuum... Well, I understand, electromagnetic radiation, unprecedented polar lights would flare up, but here - sound. Hmm...
                  3. +2
                    24 November 2024 22: 19
                    Yesterday, between nine and ten in the evening or somewhere around there, I heard - air defense working! I must say, I can distinguish the types of planes, guns and other shooting devices on the fly. And then - the feverish crackling roar of air defense! How is that possible? I rush to the telegram - nothing! In general, it is probably a property of the atmosphere.

                    Atmospheric property? Have you considered other options? Maybe they just forgot to turn off the TV? The evening edition of the "Vremya" program is usually on at these hours.
                    1. +4
                      25 November 2024 00: 05
                      At these hours the evening edition of the program "Time" is usually on.

                      I haven't watched TV for several years. My neighbors don't watch the Vremya program at all. Only two people listen to some discussions late at night, and I'm not sure what's on TV.
                      The sounds came from the street, from a wide open window; it wasn’t fireworks (I’ve also studied these sounds well).
                      By the way, at one time I heard two explosions of different tones and a dull thud - Prigozhin's plane was shot down (300 km). I immediately went online, asking what was that, what kind of explosions... Nothing! I didn't give up, and an hour later a message and footage appeared, filmed by one of the meticulous journalists who managed to get to the crash site in the dark despite the ban. A clearly recognizable Prigozhin (or a double?) was lying on his right side, his pale face lightly splashed with something. Telegrams were still fighting for priority in presenting the sensation, and although the video was quickly removed later, apparently for ethical reasons, I managed to watch it, and I immediately posted a message on one of the VO forums, probably in the News - a message in the form of an obituary (the discussion was already underway!) - I saw a corpse! I was attacked, it can't be, you're lying, Prigozhin is alive! Seeing people's reluctance to accept the fact, I decided not to deprive them of hope and did not tell them that I saw Prigozhin dead, let them believe that he is alive. This comment is in my archive, but I really don't want to dig around to find it in the sea of ​​others. Apparently, of all the VO users, I was the only one who managed to watch the footage of the corpse. And I managed because I heard the explosions and the dull impact of the plane on the ground and continuously monitored the messages on military and news telegrams.
                      And the same thing with the flights to Kursk region. But it is far from always possible to hear the work of long-range air defense at such distances. It was an accident, I was "lucky".
                2. +7
                  24 November 2024 15: 34
                  This is all because, Lyudmila Yakovlevna, you stir your coffee with a spoon and not with a stirring stick. laughing

                  It's not a problem, dear Anton. And for simple villagers - those who stir their coffee with teaspoons, not with the stirrers from "Magnet" - there is scope for creative self-expression. wink
                  1. +5
                    24 November 2024 18: 15
                    space for creative expression.

                    The flowers are stunning! good )))
                    I didn't even understand at first, I thought, what are the flowers for here)))
                    1. +4
                      24 November 2024 18: 34
                      Flowers are amazing! good )

                      I liked the frog with the guitar made of forks and spoons more! laughing And with a cigarette, too! Gorgeous, Dima! Impressed. good
                      1. +4
                        24 November 2024 18: 37
                        And with a cigarette, too!

                        Oh, I didn't even notice!
                        Fans, they are so -- sharp-eyed! Eyes like eyepieces )))
                      2. +3
                        24 November 2024 18: 39

                        Yeah, big-eyed. But sometimes, like yesterday, they can be a little unhappy. feel
                      3. +3
                        24 November 2024 18: 46
                        Yeah, big-eyed. But sometimes, like yesterday, they can be a little unhappy.

                        What else has fallen on our heads?!? To which nearest pyramid should we bring a sacrifice and who should we bring?
                      4. +4
                        24 November 2024 18: 53
                        What else has fallen on our heads?!?

                        The army's foot ball players lost yesterday.
                        Which pyramid is the nearest to which to bring the sacrifice and who to bring?

                        No need, it won't help.
                      5. +2
                        24 November 2024 19: 03
                        Woe-bitter! My hands are wringing themselves -- ha-za-ha! My soul aches and my heart cries (or whatever?)
                        No need, it won't help.

                        Well, in Opinions, sacrifices are in full swing, they don’t stand on ceremony, even Biryukov’s skin was torn off wassat )))
                        And by the way, they still rip us off, saying that there are those who should be put to the pole first, and you are talking about artists here. Only people do not understand that it is necessary to talk about artists, because in the absence of state ideology, it is artists who form the ethics of social relations - well, I just digressed, because you were there, you made your mark...
                        So who did you lose to - CSKA? )))
                      6. +4
                        24 November 2024 19: 05
                        CSKA? )))

                        Rostov, 1-2. No.
                      7. +2
                        24 November 2024 19: 13
                        Rostov, 1-2.

                        And for how much? I mean the amount of the deal. Rostov is a rich city. However, we are unlikely to find out, are we?
                        Or am I wrong, and did they fight like the ancient Aztecs, Mayans, who else? If so, they would have been executed already - that's what the ball game was like in the times of the pyramids!
                      8. +6
                        24 November 2024 19: 25
                        This is what the ball game was like in the times of the pyramids!
                        And the ball there was a solid rubber one. If it hits you in the head, there is a chance you won't live to see the sacrificial altar.
                      9. +5
                        24 November 2024 19: 30
                        If it hits your head

                        I imagined... How the teams thinned out by the end of the game, and how the surviving defeated ones envied those killed just like that, right away.
                        Every time has its own ways to die senselessly. But right away.
                      10. +2
                        25 November 2024 07: 24
                        [quote=depressant][quote]But right away.[/quote]
                        "I wish with all my soul, if death - then instantaneous, if wounds - small!"
                      11. +2
                        25 November 2024 07: 27
                        if the wounds are small!"

                        Vyacheslav Olegovich ... wassat )))
                        Judging by the formatting of your comment, you are also shaking from the cold )))
                        Take heart! Winter will pass sooner or later!
                      12. +3
                        25 November 2024 07: 33
                        Quote: depressant
                        you are also shaking from the cold

                        Good morning to you! No, on the contrary. I'm warm. I'm sitting, pardon me, in my shorts and a T-shirt and it's still hot. But it snowed overnight. But... I went for a walk yesterday, walked 14750 steps and so I slept like a log.
                      13. +3
                        25 November 2024 07: 45
                        walked 14750 steps

                        Vyacheslav Olegovich, I hope you have a pedometer on your watch! wassat )))
                      14. +4
                        25 November 2024 07: 47
                        Quote: depressant
                        pedometer on the watch!

                        On a mobile phone. It even measures the speed. Yesterday it was 5,7 km/h. I want to increase it to 5,8...
                      15. +3
                        25 November 2024 08: 09
                        I want to bring it up to 5,8...

                        I've come across different opinions. Some say, if you're over fifty, walk as much as possible! Others say, under no circumstances, lie down as long as possible! wassat )))
                      16. +4
                        24 November 2024 20: 26
                        If it hits your head

                        It hurts! I got hit by a puck twice. But this guy didn't give a damn. Terry Sawchuk, played goalie in the NHL until 70. Without a MASK!
                      17. +2
                        25 November 2024 07: 24
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        If it hits your head,

                        That's it!
                      18. +3
                        24 November 2024 20: 18
                        Well, in Opinions, sacrifices are in full swing, there is no ceremony there,

                        I liked the comment there with the quote from Ibsen, about freedom, its protection and new trousers. I laughed a lot! laughing
                      19. +7
                        24 November 2024 20: 57
                        comment with a quote from Ibsen

                        Yes, I remember this comment. After all, if I go to a topic, I read everything. And Tatra became evasive there. By the way. This is something new. She began to adapt. I wonder what is behind this. The weather vane condemned, and became a weather vane.
                      20. +3
                        25 November 2024 06: 40
                        The Tatra is evasive there.

                        Not another word, please, not another word! bully No need to talk about sad things.
                        Good morning Lyudmila Yakovlevna!
                      21. +5
                        25 November 2024 06: 47
                        Good morning Lyudmila Yakovlevna!

                        Hello, Sergey Vladimirovich! )))
                        I'm shaking from the cold, I turned on the gas, put the kettle on the burner, I sympathize with you, but apparently in vain, native Muscovites love the cold.
                      22. +3
                        25 November 2024 08: 17
                        I'm shaking from the cold,

                        My God, what a *management company* you have! Our radiators are quite hot, the apartment is warm. I just sympathize with you! request
                        Native Muscovites love the cold.

                        I wouldn't position myself as a true native, but? I really do love winter. However? As well as spring, and summer, and autumn. A lover of life and an optimist with a fair share of skepticism. A pragmatist in a word. What is, is, we cannot change it. bully
                      23. +3
                        25 November 2024 08: 34
                        A pragmatist in a word.

                        Yesterday I did observe how in Biryukov's thread your healthy pragmatism was periodically hit by waves of opinions in opposite phases - sometimes approved, sometimes the opposite. The waves of approved were higher! Pragmatism is increasingly in control.
                      24. +2
                        25 November 2024 08: 36
                        sometimes we approve, sometimes the opposite

                        There's no point in attacking artists and athletes! They found the scapegoats!!! bully
                      25. +4
                        25 November 2024 07: 22
                        Quote: depressant
                        The weather vane condemned and became a weather vane.

                        The party line wavered? Wavered! And all the real communists wavered with it!
                      26. +6
                        25 November 2024 08: 22
                        all real communists

                        Nobody does more to vulgarize the former USSR on the site than this...person.
                      27. +5
                        25 November 2024 08: 45
                        Nobody does more to vulgarize the former USSR on the site than this...person.

                        Yes, sometimes I get the feeling that this is the idea. Oaken inflexibility, dogmaticism. Is it because the idea of ​​a progressive state based on the developments of famous classics was obviously not in line with human nature?
                      28. +2
                        25 November 2024 07: 25
                        Quote: depressant
                        It is the artists who shape the ethics of social relations

                        That's right. Always in sight!
                      29. +3
                        25 November 2024 07: 37
                        Always in sight!

                        Not just always in sight.
                        They are the conductors of ideology. It is one thing when the party secretary gloomily mumbles a report, and everyone listens to him gloomily and everyone understands that mossy and even moldy dogmas are being expounded, and it is quite another when these very dogmas are vividly, with emotional capture of the viewer, revived by the artistic creativity of the artist! And now "I am all yours!" exclaims the grateful mass of the audience. The magic of talent!
                      30. +2
                        25 November 2024 07: 43
                        Quote: depressant
                        The magic of talent!

                        Remember the movie: "The Magic Power of Art"!
                      31. +1
                        25 November 2024 07: 47
                        "The Magic Power of Art"

                        Is that where the cowboys are - or am I getting something wrong?
                      32. +2
                        25 November 2024 07: 48
                        Quote: depressant
                        I'm confused

                        Where Arkady Raikin says: "Brother will sleep drunk with a knife... here son will ride a bicycle..."
                      33. +1
                        25 November 2024 07: 53
                        where is Arkady Raikin

                        I remember it very vaguely. Apparently, I wasn't impressed. Which doesn't exclude the impact on the subconscious - everyone is aware, even those who deny it.
                      34. +3
                        25 November 2024 08: 34
                        This is where the cowboys are

                        There's also Senchina there. Where can I hand in the pea shoots?
                      35. +1
                        25 November 2024 08: 40

                        I don’t remember the reason why I developed an aversion to Senchina, but it happened, it happened...
                        I like the film with cowboys and the wonderful Karachentsev more, it's about cinematography, such naivety, it was very funny
                      36. +3
                        25 November 2024 08: 56
                        the wonderful Karachentsev, there

                        Got it. *The Man from Boulevard des Capucines*!
                      37. +2
                        25 November 2024 09: 41
                        *The Man from Boulevard des Capucines*!

                        Exactly!... Something has happened to my memory, I remember what didn't happen to me. And what happened to me, I don't want to remember, and the general mood erases from my memory the good things that did happen.
                3. +6
                  24 November 2024 17: 07
                  Quote: 3x3zsave
                  Not for me anymore.
                  This is all because, Lyudmila Yakovlevna, there is no Magnit store nearby. And you stir your coffee with a spoon, not a stirrer. laughing

                  Anton, I stir my coffee with sticks from disposable roll sets. I specially order for (plus one) person.
                  And now where should I go?!!!!….
                  P.S. I don’t go to Magnit.
                  P.S.S. I use these sticks to mix paint and oil when I paint crafts.
                  1. +5
                    24 November 2024 17: 11
                    I usually mix the paint with a mixer, but my volumes are different.
              2. +2
                25 November 2024 07: 35
                Quote: depressant
                Not for me anymore.

                Yes, the technology is complicated. Of course, you can glue it just from paper and there are even such patterns on the Internet, but... it bends over time. There is no such effect. And mine is as strong as... wood. I accidentally fell on the floor upside down and nothing happened.
                1. +3
                  25 November 2024 07: 42
                  my strong as... Accidentally fell on the floor and nothing happened.

                  The secrets of such mastery are developed over decades, it has always been this way, since ancient times! Something was lost...
                  1. +2
                    25 November 2024 07: 45
                    Quote: depressant
                    my strong as... Accidentally fell on the floor and nothing happened.

                    The secrets of such mastery are developed over decades, it has always been this way, since ancient times! Something was lost...

                    I borrowed a lot from the NIVA magazine for 1901!
                    1. +4
                      25 November 2024 07: 58
                      from the NIVA magazine for 1901!

                      You might as well say that you are a monarchist! wassat )))
                      However, sometimes I think, maybe it would have been better if the flow of history had not been interrupted... But then the Sun burned and exploded, just like now, and the intensity of the explosions is growing - what will happen in the twenty-fifth year?
    2. +5
      24 November 2024 10: 08
      Andrey. The Kremlin is a ziggurat (Sumerians, Assyrians, Elamites) And the author is promoting to us "analogues" of the bloodthirsty Mayans.
      Although all these temples were created to worship a demon, and not (in our understanding) a god...
      Greeks, Romans, Sumerians, Egyptians, Mayans, etc.
      Will anyone take care of the pantheon of Slavic gods, models of towers, for example???
      1. +7
        24 November 2024 10: 50
        The mausoleum is a ziggurat. The Kremlin is Italian, as is all of Moscow, Nizhny, Tula, Kolomna, etc.
        The author also has Slavic settlements.
        By the way, Slavic gods are also demons, if it comes to that
        1. +6
          24 November 2024 14: 00
          Ivan, our ancestors considered themselves sons/grandsons of gods, and not slaves of God.
          Where are the demons here?
          More like patrons and protectors.
          1. +7
            24 November 2024 14: 28
            The Mayans, Aztecs, Romans, and Greeks also did not consider their gods to be demons. And they even traced their lineage back to them. So, there is no need to offend someone else's religion or culture - this is a bad thing.
      2. +5
        24 November 2024 11: 01
        Quote: knn54
        The Kremlin is a ziggurat

        1. +5
          24 November 2024 12: 03
          A mausoleum is a mausoleum, its architect wrote about it. But the Olgovichi believe that they know better: he built a mausoleum, but built a ziggurat, right?
          1. +8
            24 November 2024 14: 43
            Quote: bk0010
            A mausoleum is a mausoleum, its architect wrote about it. But the Olgovichi believe that they know better: he built a mausoleum, but built a ziggurat, right?

            A mausoleum is not a form. It is a tomb. Look at the Taj Mahal, Lincoln, Sukhbaatar, Tamerlane, Pantheons, etc.
            A mausoleum can be a rotunda, a ziggurat, an underground crypt, a chapel, or even a cube.
            1. +2
              24 November 2024 15: 21
              I was looking for analogs throughout the history of architecture. I found the shape of the pyramids for the Mausoleum on Red Square unsuitable. “Lenin died, but his work lives on” - that, it seemed to me, was the idea that should be expressed in the architecture of his Mausoleum. Based on this, I created the composition of the stepped monument.
              Alexey Shchusev[74]
              According to one opinion, the prototype was, in particular, the mausoleum of King Cyrus[75][76].
              From wikipedia
      3. +7
        24 November 2024 11: 55
        Quote: knn54
        models of towers

        They are being released, I already wrote about this. And I made a model of a Slavic village...
        1. +4
          24 November 2024 22: 32
          Since we're talking about the mausoleum, I suggest that Kalibr be tasked with making a model of the V.I. Lenin Mausoleum for schoolchildren in the history classroom. I'm afraid that the younger generation only sees it on TV draped in plywood and banners. So to speak, to restore historical justice. Kalibr has all the cards here - he's handy and politically savvy, after all, he's a former associate professor of the CPSU History Department.
          1. +3
            25 November 2024 06: 59
            Quote: Richard
            model of the mausoleum of V.I. Lenin in the history room

            The idea itself is very interesting. I need to think about it!
      4. +5
        24 November 2024 11: 57
        Quote: knn54
        And the author propagandizes us

        The author does not promote anything! Except what can be done for school.
  5. +4
    24 November 2024 10: 51
    Well, the Mayan civilization is the least studied and therefore mysterious. There are written testimonies of the Spaniards about the Incas and Aztecs. And the decline of the Mayans began before the arrival of Columbus. There was an interesting film in National Geographic about how Mayan architecture was restored using lidar.
  6. +6
    24 November 2024 11: 08
    Know that at the top of this pyramid human sacrifices were performed around 800 AD... and that this fashion has hardly changed today.
  7. +4
    24 November 2024 17: 59
    "My mother gave me a book by V. Kuzmishchev "The Secret of the Mayan Priests" - an excellent book, but in my childhood there was another one - Keram "Gods, Tombs, Scientists". It told a very fascinating and at the same time quite serious story about the Egyptian pyramids, the Indian ones, about Mesopotamia... fortunately I still have it, plus, already in adulthood, I bought its modern, luxurious edition.
    1. +2
      25 November 2024 07: 01
      Quote: Sergey Valov
      Keram "Gods, Tombs, Scientists"

      Alas, I read it only as an adult. But as a child I had another book, "Where Nevertiti Lived" by Mary Chaab. And "If the Sphinx Spoke" by Kai Petronius Amatuni. I highly recommend it.
      1. +2
        25 November 2024 09: 34
        Thank you. I have read the second one. I can recommend from what I have - Carter. The Lost Pyramid, V. Zamarovsky. Their Majesties the Pyramids, Elebracht. The Tragedy of the Pyramids. The books are not for children, but they are written in a very accessible language. I plan to reread the second one in the near future, because at the beginning of January an 8-day voyage along the Nile is planned, visiting everything that can be seen. And a good tour guide is a rare beast.
        1. +3
          25 November 2024 09: 38
          Quote: Sergey Valov
          I can recommend from what I have - Carter. The Lost Pyramid, V. Zamarovsky. Their Majesties the Pyramids, Elebracht. The Tragedy of the Pyramids. The books are not for children, but they are written in a quite accessible language.

          I read all this! You have a letter in private!