Battles of the Momysh Uly battalion in the area of Matrenino station on November 17 and 18, 1941.
November 17 1941 city
The events that took place on this day at the defensive line of Goryuny, Matrenino station, elevation 231,5, are very poorly covered in the Red Army documents, and in the OS of the headquarters of the 316th rifle division [18] they fit into a couple of lines: “1/1073 – occupies the previous position. At 15.50 the enemy bombed the location of the 1/1073rd rifle regiment.”
The 1st Guards Tank Brigade database as of 11:50 on 17.11.41/XNUMX/XNUMX also does not contain information about combat clashes, but it does indicate in great detail where the brigade units were holding the line:
It follows from the document that the positions of the 1st Guards Tank Brigade and the 27th Tank Brigade were in the same locations as the positions of the 1/1073rd Rifle Regiment, i.e. from 17.11 Momysh-Uly's battalion was not defending the occupied area alone. But for some reason, the documents lack information about the previously agreed upon interaction of the battalion with its neighbors or even about the establishment of "elbow communication" between them.
By the end of the day on November 17.11, Momysh Uly reported to the commander of the 316th rifle division [19]:
Most likely, some spontaneously formed rear column of the enemy, not ready for battle, which was moving from Morozovo to Ivantsovo and missed the necessary turn to the right, accidentally stumbled upon the position at mark 231,5.
The following information was available in the OS of the 16th Army headquarters as of 24.00:17.11.41 on XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX:
It is quite obvious that the same combat episode is described here, however, as often happened, “the dog had time to grow up during the journey”: two destroyed tanks were added to the trophies of the 2nd SR, and a company of motorized infantry from the 1st Guards Tank Brigade was mistakenly “included” in the battle.
Thus, the fleeting skirmish turned into a loud battle and in this form “went” to the headquarters of the Western Front.
By the end of that day, Momysh-uly wrote to the commander of the 316th SD with the following proposal [19]:
There is an error in the text; it is about the 27th Tank Brigade, which, with five T-60 tanks and one T-34, and having its own motorized rifle battalion as infantry, took up positions in the area of mark 13 at 00:17.11 on 231,5, with the task of destroying approaching enemy tanks from ambush [22].
It is also possible to clarify the situation by studying the enemy's documents.
As noted above, on November 15–16 the German command regrouped. The 5th Panzer Division, which had been operating in the area, had moved east by the end of the day on November 15.11, and on November 2 the 16.11nd Panzer Division broke through the battle lines of the 1075th Rifle Regiment and the 2nd Battalion of the 1073rd Rifle Regiment and eventually reached the north of the Volokolamsk Highway in the Lyscevo, Rozhdestveno area [9], [12]. Where it continued its offensive on November 17.11, operating north of the highway [20].
And by the end of the day on 2/16.11, the 11th Tank Division had arrived in the Shitkovo, Vasilyevskoye concentration area previously occupied by the 17.11nd Tank Division, and at the beginning of daylight on 21/XNUMX, it went on the offensive along the Morozovo, Ivantsovo axis [XNUMX].
The 11th TD's combat log describes the actions of the division's combat groups on 17.11 as follows:
The division commander, who is in the combat formations of the Fricke group, sends K.61 to Danilkovo. The battalion crosses Lama at 12.00:14 and before sunset, together with the 5nd Battalion SRXNUMX (XNUMX Pz.D.), which has already arrived in this village, fights the stubbornly defending enemy in Kopytovo and the forest to the south.
SR110 together with the remnants of the tank regiment and artillery arrives late in the evening in the area east of Spasskoye. Due to icy roads and difficult marching conditions, only a small number of SR110s can be brought into action..."
It should be noted here that the terrain in this area is complex: numerous streams, ravines, swamps, heights, and all of this is also overgrown with forest. And the German tanks had mediocre cross-country ability, which forced the enemy combat groups to stick to the roads and the adjacent strip when developing the offensive.
Apparently, BG Fricke, having begun the offensive from Shitkovo, then proceeded along the road to Morozovo, and after its capture, again using several dirt roads, turned east and captured Ivantsovo. These villages were defended by units of the 50th Cavalry Division, and its documents confirm the information provided in the ZhBD of the 11th Tank Division.
As a result, on November 17.11, the offensive of the 11th TD stopped on the left flank in the village of Ivatsovo, and on the right in the vicinity of the village of Kopytsevo, which had not yet been captured by the Germans.
Thus, the information contained in the documents of the Red Army and the Wehrmacht is completely consistent with each other, allows us to weed out erroneous data and ultimately makes it possible to draw a completely objective conclusion: on 17.11.41, the 1/1073rd Rifle Regiment (like the other units of the 16th Army, located in the area of Goryuny, Matrenino station, mark 231,5) did not engage in heavy fighting with the enemy and had no losses. And they could use the lull to strengthen their positions.
November 18 1941 city
There are few documents that allow us to reconstruct the events that took place on 18.11.41/XNUMX/XNUMX in the area under study, so I consider it necessary to present their contents in full and then compare the information contained in them.
In his report [7] Momysh uly reports:
The battle lasted until 17.00:3. The enemy, having the upper hand, surrounded the 2rd rifle company, drove the 2nd rifle company out of its position /it had not yet managed to dig in/ and attacked GORYUNY with 2 columns, where my new command post with 2 tanks was located, as a result the enemy captured GORYUNY, cutting off my rear and the 3nd rifle company. The enemy lost 200 tanks /knocked out by our fighters/, the losses of manpower on both sides cannot be calculated, but approximately the enemy lost up to 100 soldiers and officers, I lost 150-XNUMX people.
5. On 19.11.41 at 5.00:1 the commander of the group of the XNUMXst tank brigade, lieutenant colonel, called me to him and said, “I am leaving the encirclement, you also need to get to your own people, I called you to warn you about this…”
(the following are details of the exit from the encirclement, reprinted verbatim with the original punctuation preserved).
Another document has been preserved: a diagram drawn up on 20.11.41 by the 1st adjutant of the headquarters of the 1/1073rd regiment, senior lieutenant Rakhimov:
If we assume that the situation that developed on the morning of 18.11 is depicted on it, it turns out that one platoon, reinforced by a gun, is located on the height 298,0 with a front to the north, another is on the northern outskirts of Goryuny, one of the companies defends the southern outskirts of Goryuny with a front to the south, and one platoon is on the northern side of the railway east of Goryuny. Further we see the battalion headquarters command post, which covers the combat outpost deployed to the south, and behind it the company is deployed with a front to the southeast.
The enemy strikes from the south and from the east, first at the command post, and then at Goryuny, at the right flank of the 3rd Sr.’s defense.
The enemy document [21] describes the events more briefly:
(Matresino refers to the village of Matrenino, the time indicated is Berlin time).
The enemy also retained the battle plan for November 17-18.11:
It follows from it that on 18.11 the area of the Matrenino station, mark 231,5, was outside the enemy's offensive zone, and the Red Army soldiers who were there on the defensive (1 medium tank of the 1/1073rd regiment and 6 tanks of the 27th tank brigade with the motorized rifle battalion "sitting" in ambushes) did not participate in the battles of the day - the Germans bypassed their positions to the east, and by the end of the day the Red Army soldiers were surrounded.
Comparison of the information presented in the above documents allows us to construct the following version.
17.11 Momysh-uly, fearing another enemy air raid, decided to move his command post to a safer (as he thought) place near the Annino junction. And as a result, on the morning of 18.11 he found himself on the left flank of the offensive line of tanks and motorized infantry of BG Fricke, which drove the Red Army soldiers from their positions and consolidated their positions in the Annino junction area.
In the afternoon (after 15:45), the positions of the 1/1073rd Rifle Regiment near Goryuny were attacked by a weakened enemy rifle battalion, and as a result, by 17:00 Goryuny was captured by the enemy [7], [21].
Apparently, then the remnants of the 3rd SR together with the battalion headquarters retreated west to the Matrenino station, after which the battalion commander had only two options: 2) take up all-round defense, and then die an honorable, but completely senseless death of the brave; 1) leave the position at the station and lead the remnants of the people out of the encirclement, breaking through to the east.
Of stories war, it is known that Momysh Uly chose option 2 and did the right thing – as a result, he saved his own and others’ lives, which allowed the division command to use the remnants of the battalion in subsequent battles.
And the unnamed lieutenant colonel from the battalion commander’s report, who refused to support the companies of the 1/1073rd regiment, was most likely the commander of the 27th tank brigade, Fyodor Mikhailovich Mikhailin, who was in the area of mark 18 on November 19 and 231,5 and personally commanded his men [22].
An excerpt from the 11th TD’s combat log, “In the evening and at night, several attempts by individual cut-off enemy tanks to break through from west to east were successfully repelled, with several tanks destroyed,” apparently recorded an attempt by two tanks from Burda’s group to break through. The former commander of the 1st Guards Tank Brigade, M.E. Katukov, recalled after the war that while attempting to break out of the encirclement through Goryuny, the T-34 tanks of Senior Lieutenant A.F. Burda and Lieutenant S.S. Ivchenko were hit and caught fire. Burda’s crew managed to abandon the tank, but Ivchenko was killed [23]. It will no longer be possible to establish whether this recollection is reliable…
I think it would be interesting to consider the issue of the losses of the Momysh-uly battalion for the period from November 16 to 19.
Unfortunately, the published documents do not provide a direct answer to this question, so we again have to grope our way to the truth by constructing hypotheses.
As of 2.11.41, the 1073rd Rifle Regiment had 1416 men [24]. But we are interested in the number of combat personnel - rifle battalions. It is well known that during combat operations they (compared to other units) suffered the greatest losses, so with the arrival of marching reinforcements, their composition was restored first. Consequently, it is quite reasonable to assume that on 2.11.41, the 1073rd Rifle Regiment had at least 800 "active bayonets".
This number allowed the division command to form either three incapacitated battalions or two combat-ready ones. Since it follows from the documents that by 16.11 the regiment had only two battalions, it turns out that the command of the 316th RD chose the second option, already knowing from experience that in a tense combat situation the demands on an incapacitated battalion are the same as on a combat-ready one, so it would be better to have two of them. Consequently, most likely, on 16.11 there were about 400 people in Momysh-Uly's battalion.
There is information that by the end of the day on November 19.11, only 1973 people remained in the entire 200rd regiment [25], and by the end of the day on November 20.11, there were already 300 (there were no losses in the regiment on this day) [26].
Let's assume that the losses of the 1st and 2nd battalions during this period were approximately the same, and the increase of 100 people occurred thanks to the Red Army soldiers of the battalions who managed to break out of the encirclement (there is also the option of the arrival of marching reinforcements). Then it turns out that by the end of the day on 20.11 the number of 1/1073 Rifle Regiment was about 150 people. Consequently, in 2 days of fighting (16 and 19 November) and during the breakout from the encirclement, Momysh-uly's battalion lost about 250 people (63% of the original composition).
This is the sad statistics...
In the following days, this practically incapable regiment continued to fight hard, retreated, was partially replenished, then retreated again, suffering heavy losses. And in the end, thanks to the greatest fortitude, courage and heroism shown by the soldiers and commanders, it slowed down the pace of the German offensive, inflicted significant losses on the enemy and stopped it near the village of Kryukovo (now a district of the city of Zelenograd), preventing Moscow from being surrounded.
But this stage of the glorious combat path of the 1073rd infantry regiment requires a separate story...
[1] OS headquarters 316 SD No. 33 01.11.41.
[2] Staff No. 04/601 of the Rifle Regiment of the reduced rifle division.
[3] Report map of the Western Front headquarters from 11.11 to 15.11.41.
[4] Combat report of the headquarters of the 43rd Cavalry Regiment no. 15.11.41/14.15/XNUMX to XNUMX:XNUMX.
[5] OS headquarters 316 SD No. 58 15.11.41/XNUMX/XNUMX.
[6] DB of headquarters 1075 joint venture No. 17 15.11.41/XNUMX/XNUMX.
[7] Report from the commander of the 1/1073rd joint venture B. Momysh-uly to the commander of the 8th Guards. SD 20.11.41.
[8] Instructions for the use of combat groups of the Operational Department of the 2nd Panzer Division of the Wehrmacht from 13.11.41/XNUMX/XNUMX.
[9] ZhBD 2nd TD Wehrmacht entry for 16.11.41/XNUMX/XNUMX.
[10] Order of the operational department of the 2nd rifle brigade of the 2nd tank division of the Wehrmacht from 15.11.41/XNUMX/XNUMX.
[11] BD No. 22 of the headquarters of the 316th rifle division 16.11.41/13.00/XNUMX at XNUMX:XNUMX.
[12] ZhBD 2nd rifle regiment 2nd tank division of the Wehrmacht, entry for 16.11.41/XNUMX/XNUMX.
[13] BD 50 cd No. 154 16.11.41/9/40 at XNUMX:XNUMX a.m.
[14] BD of the headquarters of the cavalry group Dovator No. 79 16.11.41/19.00/XNUMX at XNUMX:XNUMX.
[15] OS of the 16th Army Headquarters No. 51 17.11.41/5.00/XNUMX at XNUMX:XNUMX.
[16] OS of the headquarters of the 1073rd regiment No. 83 18.11.41/23.00/XNUMX at XNUMX:XNUMX p.m.
[17] Combat order of the headquarters of the cavalry group Dovator No. 29 16.11.41/19.00/XNUMX XNUMX:XNUMX.
[18] OS of the headquarters of the 316th rifle division No. 60 by 20.00 17.11.41/XNUMX/XNUMX
[19] BD of the commander of the 1/1073rd regiment 17.11.41/18.00/XNUMX no number presumably after XNUMX:XNUMX.
[20] ZhBD 2nd TD Wehrmacht entry for 17.11.41/XNUMX/XNUMX.
[21] ZhBD 11 TD Wehrmacht records for 17-18.11.41.
[22] BD of the headquarters of the 27th tank brigade No. 013 19.11.41/14.00/XNUMX at XNUMX:XNUMX.
[23] M.E. Katukov. At the forefront of the main blow.
[24] BD No. 19 of the headquarters of the 316th rifle division 2.11.41/19.00/XNUMX at XNUMX:XNUMX.
[25] BD No. 25 of the headquarters of the 316th rifle division 19.11.41/20.00/XNUMX at XNUMX:XNUMX.
[26] OS No. 62 of the headquarters of the 316th rifle division 20.11.41/24.00/XNUMX at XNUMX:XNUMX.