"Not everything was bad under Hitler": the stunning results of a public opinion poll on the 75th anniversary of the Anschluss of Austria

12 March 2013 marks the 75 anniversary of the Anschluss of Austria by Hitler's Germany. On this day in 1938, the German Wehrmacht entered the territory of Austria, and the next day Vienna welcomed in its streets the native Austrian Fuhrer of the German nation and Chancellor of the German Empire, Adolf Hitler.

The leading liberal publication der Standard celebrated this anniversary of the joint Germanic stories a special publication devoted to a survey of Austrians about the Anschluss a week before the anniversary of the Market-Institut from Linz - Hitler's hometown. A total of 502 people were interviewed.

Der Standard authors ask what would happen in Austria if there were no special law threatening to punish Austria’s attempts to join Germany. In this hypothetical case, would the German nationalists in this country be able to mobilize the population to repeat the Anschluss? And now 54% respondents from Linzer Market-Institut answered positively to this question. At the same time, as it turned out, it is young and more educated respondents in Austria who give the German nationalists a chance to Anschluss. 37% of respondents believe that the law prohibiting the Anschluss is a weak obstacle, and 50% consider it just a formal prohibition. But 13% believe that this is too strict a law.

In addition, the Linzer Market-Institut survey indicates that 61% of Austrian respondents would like to see a “strong man” at the head of Austria. It turns out that three out of five Austrians would like to see a strong leader at the head of their country. Similar sociological studies, but with a different formulation of the question, in the 2008 year showed that one fifth of the respondents in Austria would like to "have a strong leader, thanks to whom they will not have to worry about parliament and elections."

Linzer Market-Institut asked another "insidious" question to respondents: "in politics and in public debate, the question is raised that social benefits from the state should apply to their own people." 57% agreed with a similar nationalistic principle of state social policy. Supporters of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ - previously associated with the name of its former leader Jörg Haider) dominate among carriers of such ideas of social justice.

Well, and, finally, the 42% Austrians in the sample answered the most “provocative” question positively. They believe that "under Hitler, not everything was bad." And vice versa, 57% accepted the thesis: "There was nothing good in the era of Hitler." At the same time, as it turned out, supporters of the "strong man" at the head of Austria tend to simultaneously see positive features in the Nazi era. When asked whether Austria in 1938 was "the first victim of Hitler's Germany" or whether it voluntarily joined the Reich, 53% of respondents believe that the Anschluss was voluntary. Less than half - 46% agree to see in Austria a victim of Nazi Germany. Indeed, many Austrians in 1938 wanted unification with Germany. This is a historical fact. For several decades after World War II, the official ideology in Austria supported the thesis that this country became the first victim of Hitler in Europe. The March 2013 survey of the year shows that this interpretation is not deeply rooted in modern Austria. It turned out to be impossible to erase from history and forget the cheering crowds in Vienna, who had greeted Hitler on 13 in March on 1938.

When asked about the possibility of mass excesses against the Jewish population in modern Europe, 12% of respondents consider such crimes to be absolutely impossible, 32% consider them quite probable, 39% quite possible and 17% very likely.

With regard to the denazification of Austria, 61% of respondents consider it sufficient, 39% believe that it is not. A similar division is observed on the question of the sufficiency of compensation to the victims of Nazism. 57% of respondents believe that "the victims of this injustice or their descendants received adequate compensation." 42% believe that the compensation was insufficient.

On the question of whether Austria could resist the Anschluss militarily, 15% believed that a war with Germany would be useful, 42% believed that a war would worsen the situation in Austria, and 43% thought it would have no meaning.

The world media found the results of a survey of Austrians about the anniversary of the Anschluss stunning.

* * *

Anschluss (him. Anschluss) - the accession, the inclusion of Austria into Germany, held 12-13 March 1938. After World War I, the reunification movement was very strong on both sides, both in Austria and Germany. Hitler himself - an Austrian by origin was a German nationalist and fiercely hated the Hapsburg Austrian particularism.

The texts of the 1919 peace treaties of the year: Versailles with Germany, Saint-Germain with Austria and the Geneva Protocols of October 1922 contained articles prohibiting the Anschluss.

The Anschluss of Austria, Germany, took place on the night of 11 on 12 in March of 1938, when German forces, previously concentrated on the border in accordance with the Otto plan, entered without any resistance on the territory of Austria. 13 March 1938 of the year 19 watches Hitler triumphantly drove into Vienna. On the same day, the law “On the reunification of Austria with the German Empire” was published, according to which Austria was declared “one of the lands of the German Empire” and was henceforth called “Ostmark”. The historical name "Austria" (Österreich) was thus abolished. 10 on April 1938 of the year in Germany and Austria was held a plebiscite with the following wording of the question: "Do you agree with the reunification of Austria with Germany on 13 in March of 1938 and vote for the list of our leader Adolf Hitler?". Above the large circle is the inscription "Yes", above the small one - "No". According to official data, 99,08% of the population voted for the Anschluss in Germany, 99,75% in Austria.

In the course of the Second World War, the allies of the anti-Hitler coalition took the course to annul the Anschluss. In the Moscow Declaration 1943, the Anschluss was declared invalid. True, the allies with Austria did not remove guilt for the Nazi crimes.

After the end of the war, Austria was separated from Germany, all the territories that had previously been part of it were returned to it, however, it also carried out an occupation regime. The occupation of Austria continued until the 1955 year, when the country was restored as an independent and sovereign state in accordance with the State Treaty on the Restoration of an Independent and Democratic Austria, signed by 15 in May 1955. The 1955 Agreement of the Year with Austria was concluded by the USSR, the USA, Great Britain and France.

The state contract 1955 of the year forbade the Anschluss, i.e. the unification of Germany and Austria. The 4 Article "Prohibition of the Anschluss" states: "The Allied and United Powers declare that a political or economic union between Austria and Germany is prohibited. Austria fully recognizes its responsibility in this matter and will not enter into a political or economic union with Germany was fit. "

The government of Konrad Adenauer in Germany criticized both the neutrality of Austria and the nationalization of the so-called "German property". For decades, the Austrian government, in spite of the Germans, has been pursuing a conscious policy in Austria to strengthen Austrian identity. However, it took some time for the Austrian national consciousness to prevail among the majority of the country's population.

Nevertheless, despite the ban, Austria and the Federal Republic of Germany eventually established a de facto special relationship. In 1976, the Austrian shilling was tied to the West German brand. There was close cooperation between the Federal Republic of Germany and Austria in the security policy of the special services. In the unofficial German Commonwealth, Austrians specialized in the Balkans - Yugoslavia and transmitted the collected secret information of the West German BND.

Austria initially supported the policy of Germany in relation to the GDR, refusing the latter in state recognition. However, after signing by the will of Willy Brandt of the German-German General Agreement of December 21 1972, Austria went to the diplomatic recognition of the GDR, which became the third German state. Consular relations between Austria and the GDR were established in 1975. Austria recognized the institution of GDR citizenship, to great disappointment in the Federal Republic of Germany. Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kraisky has been sharply criticized for this. Despite this, Krajski made an official state visit to the GDR in the spring of 1978.

However, Austria also played a prominent role in the fall of the GDR, when in 1989 it provided a corridor for the escape of GDR citizens through Hungary to West Germany. Austria welcomed the reunification of Germany, which was officially completed on October 3 1990.

The fall of the USSR led to a change in the neutral status of Austria. In 1995, Austria joined the European Union. The ban of the 1955 Treaty of the Year on the political or economic unification of Austria and Germany by the formula "in whatever form" at that moment was tried to be forgotten, both in Moscow and in Berlin and Vienna.

In the bilateral political relations of Austria and Germany within the EU, the most notable episode was the active role of the government of German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and Vice Chancellor Joschka Fischer in organizing pressure on Austria in 2000, when FPÖ Jörg Heider was in the government coalition. Until the end of the red-green coalition in Germany, relations between the two German states politically remained tense.

European integration in the case of Austria and Germany means the integration of the two German states. As of 2010 year, 180 thousand Austrian citizens live and work in Germany, and 213 thousand German citizens live in Austria. For Austria, Germany is the largest trading partner. About 40% of Austria's imports go to Germany, and a third of its exports go to this country. More than 43% of all foreign direct investment in Austria belongs to Germany. In turn, Germany is the number one object for Austrian foreign direct investment. German firms are involved in a number of large companies in Austria, such as banks, media companies and supermarket chains. Of particular importance to the Austrian economy is the high proportion of German tourists in Austria. Almost half of the nights in the Austrian tourism enterprises accounted for the German guests. Special relations between Austria and Germany were established in the cultural and scientific fields. Many cultural figures and scientists from Austria work on a permanent or temporary basis in Germany, and vice versa.

Many Austrian authors are published in German publications, and Austrian journalists find their use in the German media market, and vice versa. Last but not least it is a question of a close integration of the German publishers in the Austrian media market. Austrian cable television networks are open to many German TV channels. This means that public discussion of political and social issues often takes place in parallel in both German states. Meanwhile, Austrian filmmaking and television, as well as Austrian cultural exports in general, are playing an increasingly prominent role in Germany.
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  1. pinecone
    14 March 2013 15: 52
    And what is "stunning"?
      14 March 2013 20: 27
      you need to honor the politics of your great countrymen laughing
  2. 12061973
    14 March 2013 15: 53
    it was maybe not bad, it ended badly.
    1. Beck
      14 March 2013 19: 09
      Yeah. Psychology is the same in people. I thought only among us the Stalinists, but it turns out there are the Nazis. I wish they were put in one bank today.

      And how is it possible to bitterly bitterly kill two demons of humanity. The most insidious, the most cruel, the most bloodthirsty, the most unprincipled, the most notorious man-haters. For them, in the entire history of the civilizations of the Earth, it was not and the benefit will no longer be. But the memory of them wakes up forever, but not on the bright tablets of history, but on blacker blacks.

      For the Stalinists. The Second World War did not win Stalin, but the peoples of the USSR, led by the Russian people.
      1. +3
        14 March 2013 19: 49
        Quote: Beck
        For the Stalinists. The Second World War did not win Stalin, but the peoples of the USSR, led by the Russian people.

        And add that the Sun rises in the East and for slaughter _ Earth revolves around the Sun!
        Sorry Beck but don't, huh?
        The conversation that it’s time to think already _ And why, in fact, are the same moods there?
        You can’t say it, we live the same way!
        No matter how they marched here and there, security teams.
        And more likely with us.
        Nobody forgot anything!
        1. Beck
          14 March 2013 19: 58
          Quote: Cynic
          And add that the Sun rises in the East and for slaughter _ Earth revolves around the Sun!

          Are you a Stalinist? I wrote for the Stalinists, in anticipation of the fact that they would emphasize that it was not the people of the Great Patriotic War who won, but Stalin personally, to praise Stalin over Hitler. So I answered them in advance.

          And what to think about. The psychology of such people. When in distant years, only a touchingly sad, recruiting-nostalgic, without a real assessment of what was happening is recalled. And with pushing aside the bad and the negative.

          As not an exact example. Old people always remember with tears in their eyes the years of their youth. And they don’t remember that in the same years they did something indecent, outside the scope of the law.
          1. +2
            14 March 2013 20: 30
            Quote: Beck
            And what to think about. The psychology of such people.

            Oh well .
            Right now ?
            I do not remember such a large-scale manifestation. Yes, portraits of I, B, Stalin from the 90s, if not earlier, began to appear. But not so massively!
            Why is it so massive now?
            Or _ Who benefits from this? And for what ?
            Think it over.
            By the way, do you know _ Crystal Knife Night
            But this is so, rhetorically. Now all this _ History repeats itself twice - as a tragedy and as a farce.
            1. Beck
              14 March 2013 20: 41
              Quote: Cynic
              I do not remember such a large-scale manifestation. Yes, portraits of I, B, Stalin from the 90s, if not earlier, began to appear. But not so massively!

              There are many reasons. But the main thing is the degradation of power aside, theft and corruption. People want order, but not a fascist "new order". And without deeply analyzing they remember the order of the camps, but without barbed wire and firing squads. So they yearn for Stalin, as it seems to them, after the years, a "decent" person. And then now what, no freedom. People don't go to jail for jokes.

              And not the night of crystal knives, but the night of long knives, when Beck attack aircraft were cut. A crystal night, this is when the Jews were smashed. Beaten the windows of their stores. Therefore, crystal.
              1. +2
                14 March 2013 21: 21
                Quote: Beck
                when the Beck attack aircraft were cut

                Your attack aircraft dear
                Beck ?
                Quote: Beck
                And not a night of crystal knives, but a night of long knives

                It was said what was said!
                For fun, read what the German night became crystal knives.
                1. Beck
                  15 March 2013 10: 35

                  Why do you always turn in a mentor tone. Can’t you communicate normally?
                  1. -1
                    15 March 2013 17: 19
                    Quote: Beck
                    Can’t you communicate normally?

                    I can, but when they steadily turn to you
                    Quote: Beck

                    it’s better to play mentoring as a form of communication than to have a showdown.
                    By the way _ Information that I found myself has a higher confidence rating than that offered by someone.
              2. +2
                14 March 2013 23: 29
                Quote: Beck
                Beck's attack aircraft.

                Then I will correct you, Rem's attack aircraft. And Beck with us is you, isn't it?
            2. +2
              14 March 2013 23: 27
              Quote: Cynic
              . Yes portraits of I, B, Stalin from the 90s

              Oh, no, much earlier. Even back in the mid-70s. I had a neighbor, the chief of staff in the Strategic Missile Forces, so he always had a portrait of J.V. Stalin on the windshield of his personal car. And when they gathered for a glass of tea at his home, the first toast was "For Stalin" ... so the people did not forget HIM.
          2. +1
            14 March 2013 23: 22
            Quote: Beck
            Are you a Stalinist?

            Well, what's the difference? A Stalinist, not a Stalinist .... Turn on logic elementarily (if you can)
            1. Beck
              15 March 2013 11: 40
              Quote: Tverichanka
              What difference does it make? A Stalinist, not a Stalinist

              Big difference. And between these differences there is a deep abyss.

              I am not a Stalinist, therefore I do not even theoretically suppose that people can be destroyed only because they have a different opinion on CONSCIOUSNESS and BEING.
            2. -1
              15 March 2013 17: 25
              Quote: Tverichanka
              Well, what's the difference? A Stalinist, not a Stalinist ....

              No, dear Beck trying to realize the universal quantifier.
              Not understanding (forgetting?) That he is a special case of a quantifier of existence.
              1. Beck
                15 March 2013 17: 40
                Quote: Cynic
                Not understanding (forgetting?) That he is a special case of the existential quantifier

                What, again. Well, I heard about the quantifier, but you might not know what? No one can know everything. And why in simple communication is a quantifier. It is more suitable for philosophical and mathematical articles.
          3. wax
            15 March 2013 00: 44
            The people in a referendum called for the preservation of the USSR.
          4. 0
            15 March 2013 01: 23
            if people without Stalin won the war, why now people don’t do
      2. Baboon
        14 March 2013 21: 16
        I’ll write to you specifically, when Roosevelt starved to death about 8 million people in the United States, the Japanese killed about 40 million people in China, and you look only at Stalin, how many Algerians were killed by the French at De Gaulle, 1.5 million. And the British as with India Received. If you are talking about Stalinism, then let's completely negotiate about rozvelitizm, de Hollenism, Churchillism. you just learn the opium warriors, and who is the most hateful?
        1. +3
          15 March 2013 01: 47
          I wrote it right, and the Indians of North America were generally recognized not as people under the law, and now they are not to blame for such a law
        2. Beck
          15 March 2013 10: 28
          Quote: Babon
          I’ll write to you specifically, when Roosevelt starved to death about 8 million people in the United States, the Japanese killed about 40 million people in China, and you look only at Stalin,

          Actually, it’s a shame for my power. What everyones, foreign ones did there, so for me the tenth thing. It worries me that our people, grandfathers and great-grandfathers died innocently. And how many sleepwalkers on the moon died to me a bulb.

          And why immediately throw on someone when it comes to his. You still give as an example how many slaves Rome destroyed. And how many people the Mongols chopped down. And then deduce that against their background, Stalin killed 10 fewer people. We will shout cheers and throw caps into the air.
          1. Baboon
            15 March 2013 12: 38
            The power has won, just from the west there are spitting on Stalin, Ivan the Terrible, what kind of Russia the country is the occupier, tyranny is constantly with us, we are already sickened, we can figure it out without them. They themselves are often worse than we had. So I don’t think it is right to sit and sprinkle ashes on my head. It must be compared with everyone. and send everyone. Russia has never been particularly cruel and murderous of the population has never been worse than Western countries. If you recall Stalin now. then in comparison with the whole world, all over the world then millions died. Stalin is no worse than other world leaders, then this was, unfortunately, the norm. I do not condone Stalin, but there were such times, it is not necessary to look at those years from today's positions. Times were completely different.
      3. +4
        14 March 2013 23: 19
        Quote: Beck
        To them

        You are mistaken, dear! And there have been more than once and, alas, they will. And about the fact that the PEOPLE won the war, even write laziness. Without diminishing the courage and heroism of our people, I’ll ask you to shoot from a machine gun or a cannon. I need shells ? And where did these shells fire and where? How do you think they themselves took, organized, agreed how much, who, in what time frame, who drives, who melts the metal, who, on the contrary, takes out beaten equipment for repair, who is engaged in feeding, personal washing composition, treatment of the wounded ... So what is it? Yes, you read such comments and don’t know -That there with his head in humans is not all right, whether consciously demonstrate such proffanizm? Are you from which you?
        1. Beck
          15 March 2013 10: 22
          Quote: Tverichanka
          Do you need shells to shoot from a machine gun or a cannon? And where did these shells fire and where? Who do you think they took, organized, agreed how much, who, in what time frame, who drives, who melts the metal, and vice versa he takes out beaten equipment for repair, who is engaged in feeding, washing personnel, treating the wounded ... So what happens?

          You really cannot generalize, or the yulokilovka of impulses goes in the brain. Won the People. And the people fired shells and healed. That without Stalin, shells would not have fired?

          Quote: Tverichanka
          Yes, do you read such comments and don’t know whether everything is not all right with people’s head, or are they consciously demonstrating such profanism?

          What do you know about me to say that. You that do not understand that the ice may have different opinions, and not just yours. And you do not refer your opinions to profanism. Do you need one opinion? Development will stop if everywhere there is one opinion.

          Quote: Tverichanka
          Which one will you be from?

          Of the people I, and not of those who, due to a lack of horizons and logicians, begin to stick labels. You do not know how to communicate, do not meddle with half-deflection.
      4. +2
        15 March 2013 01: 21
        the war was won by Stalin, leading the Russian people because without a strong leader the Russian people are an amorphous spineless and powerless mass, you don’t have to go far for examples, even modernity, there is no strong personality in power, and there are no people’s successes
  3. Krasnoyarsk
    14 March 2013 15: 53
    Hitler for the Germans was the light of a lighthouse in the dark, tremendous successes in the economy, in military affairs and so on.
    1. +5
      14 March 2013 16: 42
      Quote: Krasnoyarets
      Hitler for the Germans was the light of a lighthouse in the dark, tremendous successes in the economy, in military affairs and so on.

      Yes, the genetic memory of the great (albeit terrible) past and longing for it.
      1. Kaa
        14 March 2013 18: 02
        Quote: Vladimirets
        genetic memory of the great past and longing for it

        Why then Austria (a significant part) is not against unification, and in Ukraine such polls are either not conducted or falsified? Anschluss was there, we had a reunion, it would be necessary for some Russian organization to conduct an objective survey to understand what the people of Ukraine want and how many of them ...
        1. Baboon
          14 March 2013 21: 22
          There is a clarification, according to the results of the First World War, Germany was banned from uniting in Austria. In general, the Anschluss of Austria was legally fully justified by the announcement of the warriors of Germany, but how it happened, everyone knows.
        2. speedy
          14 March 2013 22: 11
          I fully support you, Kaa! But the question of reuniting Great Russia with Kiev must not only be studied and analyzed, but also cultivated because the present young people have such a heresy in their heads - they have taught for 20 years that Ukraine is not Russia ...
          1. 0
            14 March 2013 22: 50
            Quote: short-term
            that Ukraine is not Russia ...

            And note. Such propaganda is carried out on both sides ... Our kings do not want rapprochement. They do not want to ... They are apparently happy with everything ... Therefore, there are no referenda or polls ...
            1. Skavron
              14 March 2013 23: 17
              there were polls online (unofficial) that’s how the votes
              25-30% of the population wants unification with Russia
              somewhere around 30% - do not think about such issues at all
              The rest are against
              1. Skavron
                15 March 2013 00: 36
                oops, of course I don't care about site ratings))) but still wondering why "-"?
        3. 0
          15 March 2013 06: 43
          Well, a lot of relatives live in Ukraine, of course there are ardent nationalists there, BUT, most of them are for reunion. As always, ordinary people suffer from the actions of politicians. Nationalists there, so the tanks hammer that you wonder. There is a friend (good) Mother Turkmen, father Ukrainian with Russian. So here he is an ardent National Ball. To my question, who is he by nationality, he answered that he is Ukrainian, I tell him, you are a strange crest)))) A dark-skinned man with brown eyes and a Muslim face laughing The poor fellow got out of his mouth. So here. The point is, do not care who you are, the main thing is which party you are a member of and what kind of brains you make online, That’s what you will be, that is, cannon fodder. About Ukraine, I would say the words of a movie hero, Ukraine is a country of contrasts. Shine and Poverty. And behind the splendor is poverty.
      14 March 2013 20: 29
      I hope this is a joke wassat
  4. Krasnoyarsk
    14 March 2013 15: 54
    Hitler for the Germans was the light of a lighthouse in the dark, tremendous successes in the economy, in military affairs and so on.
  5. +5
    14 March 2013 16: 03
    It’s not Hitler’s business.
    Simply, the Germans thus expressed their desire to live in a united and independent Germany. ...
    Who like, but I understand them well. And now the Germans are not masters at home .. Neither in Austria nor in Germany .. So .. working cattle .. population ..
    1. +1
      14 March 2013 23: 37
      Quote: ammunition
      . And now the Germans are not masters at home

      Well, it’s not yet evening .... The Germans, too, are not a finger, sorry, done, understand where the legs are growing from. Have you ever wondered why Berlin is the gay capital of the world? Just one more lever of pressure on the Germans and humiliation, respectively. There already teeth were grinded, grinding them. But the vaccine against Nazism is only among the old, and young people, like us, spit from a high bell tower on the fear and caution of the older generation. I think that we will see a lot of interesting things in Germany.
  6. +4
    14 March 2013 16: 07
    As far as I remember, at one time, they taught _ Development is spiraling.
    If in Russia now there is an increase in, let's say, interest in I.V. Stalin, why Austria does not remember the Fuhrer? And in Germany this question is more than interesting.
    In the context of _
    You said — I believed, you repeated — I doubted, you insisted, and I realized that you were lying. ?

    1. Earthman
      14 March 2013 19: 22
      Quote: Cynic
      You said — I believed, you repeated — I doubted, you insisted, and I realized that you were lying. ?

      you can’t say better. the other day I talked with a representative of the KOB current, I just suggested thinking not how they allow thinking, but thinking in my own way, which I received an insult to and looked like a liar in her eyes
      1. -1
        14 March 2013 20: 13
        Quote: Earthman
        to think not as they allow to think, but to think in their own way,

        Debatable. There are no towers like on the Saraksh Strugatsky yet, well, if you count our MASS MEDIA as their ersatz.
        Excuse me, the thought process of each is strictly individual and is determined by his life experience.
        To change it must have a reason.
        Here is the crowd ...
        [media = http: //www.youtube.com/watch? feature = player_detailpage & v = 3OR_3Ss3L50]
        Do not allow the Almighty to appear to such in Russia, then the planet for sure ...
        It sounds like black humor, but the Slavs are the true heirs of the Aryans, the true Aryans, so to speak!
        1. Earthman
          14 March 2013 21: 11
          Quote: Cynic
          It sounds like black humor, but the Slavs are the true heirs of the Aryans, the true Aryans, so to speak!

          Your black humor is so black. Do not flatter. although if in the Second World War the Aryans called Hitler his people. And now Russia smoothly advances to such a role, with the new aka Demiks
        2. -1
          14 March 2013 23: 41
          Quote: Cynic
          but the Slavs are the true heirs of the Aryans,

          Well, why humor, and even black? The time will come and we will remember who we are and where from. And many will not be laughing, I hope.
          1. 0
            15 March 2013 17: 03
            Quote: Tverichanka
            Well, why humor, and even black?

            Depends on a situation .
            The Aryans' glorious name (specifically?) Is currently compromised. Now by definition _ Once the Aryan means Nazi!
            It has long been said _ If your ancestors are monkeys, then nothing of the animal is alien to you and the responsibility is not on you, but if your ancestors are people equal to gods or God's children, then it turns out you are fully responsible for your actions ?!
  7. +1
    14 March 2013 16: 34
    Correctly, the state apparatus at least somehow worked for us and in Germany for the country, and did not sit in vain, sometimes accepting, then repealing the laws of the clowns
  8. танк
    14 March 2013 16: 35
    What is Hitler talking about for them and for us these are 2 completely different personalities! There is nothing new in this poll.
  9. +2
    14 March 2013 16: 42
    Adolf was a strong personality who conquered the whole geyropu, but decided to argue with the USSR by stupidity. And played out.
      14 March 2013 20: 32
      his mental state is a big question wassat
    2. 0
      14 March 2013 23: 44
      Quote: zao74
      but foolishly decided to argue with the USSR.

      Not by stupidity, but by the great pressure of England. And so everything went to a tight alliance with us, but the British naturally could not allow such a thing ... And who knows, if the alliance had taken place, there would have been World War II. ...
  10. +2
    14 March 2013 16: 49
    502 people out of more than 8 million 400 thousand people living in Austria. And this is less than 0,006% of the total population of this country ... However, a representative survey is not too much. So, in my opinion, it is too early to draw any concrete and far-reaching conclusions ...
  11. +1
    14 March 2013 16: 49
    And I think that it would not be bad at all if Austria would be reunited, say with Germany ....
    This would be beneficial for the two economies of these states ...
    Having merged together, this new Germany has already truly taken the first place among European countries in terms of the power of its influence in Europe itself ... where would France be then ?? ... how would the Little British howl ??? ... but how would they start to fight in a log hysteria ????
    At the very time when the British are on the verge of the collapse of their Kingdom (a gift from Scotland), such a surprise from their historical opponents would be especially memorable !!! And in general, as one wise Russian proverb says, "There is no smoke without fire ! "

    And Russian proverbs are never mistaken ....

    I do not understand, but where are the flags ???
    1. +2
      14 March 2013 18: 11
      And I think that it would not be bad at all if Austria would be reunited, say with Germany ....
      This would be beneficial for the two economies of these states ...
      Maybe it's not bad. Only as if the Germans were again pushed against the Slavs by the Euro-Britons. The Germans need a Bismarck who will drive a nemchure into the brain - "there is no enemy in the East"
      1. 0
        14 March 2013 23: 47
        Quote: Vladimir 70
        - "there is no enemy in the East"

        That's right.
  12. AK-47
    14 March 2013 17: 13
    Could ... German nationalists ... mobilize the population for a repetition of the Anschluss?

    It’s never too late to dream of the past, but to no avail!

    Held 10 April 1938 plebiscite unequivocally confirmed the accession of Austria to Germany.
    But not for long.
  13. +4
    14 March 2013 17: 23
    In Germany, national identity has risen very strongly. Experts say that Germany will either modernize the EU for itself or come out of it and form something like the fourth Reich. I think a similar mood of the population of Austria, which is reflected in the article from this order.
    1. +4
      14 March 2013 18: 18
      Quote: GalinaNP
      In Germany, national identity has risen very strongly.

      What are we talking about!
      It’s just that Europeans are already tired of the current geyevropa, after all, Homeland!
    2. +2
      14 March 2013 23: 50
      Quote: GalinaNP
      But national identity has risen.

      Moreover, small cities multiply, where the nationalists control everything! The Germans do not go there, they are afraid. So, in many ways we have the same problems.
  14. +2
    14 March 2013 18: 19
    Yes, patriotism wakes up in Germany! But what it will lead to is a question!
  15. +2
    14 March 2013 18: 46
    Under socialism, too.
    I do not care. What is this article about.
  16. radar75
    14 March 2013 19: 01
    No wonder. Austria for a long time remains a transshipment base for moving from East to West. First from the USSR, now from other countries. Tired of it.
  17. +1
    14 March 2013 19: 34
    Austrian women after Versailles seem to have lost their identity. The people felt good where they eat sweeter and sleep softer. Hitler came - hurray! , The Red Army entered Vienna - again a waltz!
    Difficulties loomed, Hitler began to remember again.
    1. +2
      14 March 2013 23: 53
      Quote: Chen
      as if lost identity.

      Are you sure about this? Do you know something about this? Or just your "feeling" of the situation is this. If you know, then do not share, pliz?
  18. -1
    14 March 2013 20: 09
    It’s like, but the fact that in Germany patriotism wakes up, in Austria they recall the times of Ostmark is very strong. The Czech Republic and Slovakia are also yearning for a common past - Czechoslovakia. If the people are one, but divided, as we are, of course, he will gravitate towards unification. In my opinion, it would be reasonable for Germany to withdraw from the EU. There they pull on themselves all in a row, and the figs themselves get it.
    14 March 2013 20: 24
    everything is very simple, Austria is considered the country that suffered from fascism, while Germany was guilty of Nazi crimes there was no policy of recognizing their crimes, unlike Germany. although the Austrians are not much different from the Germans and actively adopted the Nazi policy.
    1. Baboon
      14 March 2013 21: 24
      What does it mean- Austrians are not much different from Germans? These are the Germans, they are no different, have you ever been to Austria?
      1. +1
        14 March 2013 23: 55
        Quote: Babon
        you were in Austria at all

        And why? We and EVERYBODY see everything.
  20. Alexander-Tomsk
    14 March 2013 21: 04
    Quote: submariner
    And I think that it would not be bad at all if Austria reunited with, say, Germany .... It would be beneficial for the two economies of these states ... Merging together, this new Germany has already taken the first place among European countries the level of power of their influence in Europe itself ... where would France be then ?? ... how would the little Britons howl ??? ... but how would they start to fight in a tantrum of logs ????

    Not bad for the Germans, do we need it?
    Where France and Britain would not know, I think that they would continue to live well at the expense of third world countries ... But the Germans' attention would stop first of all in Eastern Europe and the Balkans, but we again need it? All the same, the Slavs live there ... It is better for us to unite in the framework of the Eurasian Union, and let the geyropeytsy continue to dog.
    1. +4
      15 March 2013 00: 00
      Quote: Alexander-Tomsk
      All the same, the Slavs live there ..

      Do not forget that these very Slovenians fought during both the First and Second World Wars not on our side at all. And they ran away from the weakened USSR and poured water from our hearts as occupants and stranglers of freedom and national identity ... And this is the bare truth ! Though a pity.
  21. 0
    14 March 2013 22: 36
    Russia needs a strong Germany, allied with Russia. We must try to wrest Germany from the EU. If such an alliance competed, then it would become the strongest union on the planet. And now, in fact, Germany is dancing to the tune of the Anglo-Saxons, Russia's geopolitical opponents. Indeed, strong Gemania is definitely not needed, however, as before.
    1. wax
      15 March 2013 00: 52
      Exactly. Great Britain can only maintain its greatness in Europe, pitting Germany and Russia. In the 20th century, she succeeded twice. Will Germany and Russia take the chaff for the third time?
    2. Beck
      15 March 2013 11: 34
      Quote: darkman70
      And now, in fact, Germany is dancing to the tune of the Anglo-Saxons

      Germany is not dancing for anyone. She is now a hegemon in Europe, both in economic terms and in terms of influence.