Zelensky's plan involves placing NATO bases in Ukraine

Zelensky's plan involves placing NATO bases in Ukraine

According to the so-called “Zelensky plan,” it is assumed that NATO countries will deploy their military bases on Ukrainian territory missile weapons that will be there for many years. This was stated by the adviser to the head of the Office of the head of the Kyiv regime, Mykhailo Podolyak.

According to the Ukrainian official, the latest plan presented by Zelensky includes a clause that provides for “coercion of Russia” by placing non-nuclear strategic missile deterrent facilities near its borders, around which the corresponding infrastructure will be built. Despite the low probability of Ukraine being invited to NATO soon, Kyiv will provide its territory for the establishment of stable bases for the alliance.

Podolyak believes that NATO exercises in Ukraine are clearly insufficient. The adviser to the head of Zelensky's office believes that the presence of NATO troops in Ukraine can guarantee that Russia will refuse to revise its borders.

It is worth noting that it was the growing presence of NATO forces in Ukraine that became one of the reasons for the special operation of the Russian Armed Forces. Russian President Vladimir Putin clearly outlined the conditions for the start of peace talks to resolve the Ukrainian crisis. The conditions voiced by the Russian leader include, in addition to the withdrawal of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from the Russian regions controlled by Kyiv, a reduction in the Ukrainian army and the non-aligned status of this country.

However, it appears that the Kiev regime deliberately intends to reject the possibility of a peaceful resolution to the conflict and continue military operations until the complete liquidation of Ukrainian statehood.
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  1. +12
    12 November 2024 18: 01
    if we make deals with the West, that's how it will be
    1. 0
      12 November 2024 18: 10
      We just need to negotiate after Ze leaves with a legitimately elected, more or less adequate replacement for Ze. There is no point with Zelensky. He is illegitimate, which means any document signed by him is not worth a penny and inadequate, besides, it is impossible to come to a healthy compromise with him. First, elections in Ukraine, then everything else, if there is no agreement, well, then there will be none, if there is, then there will be. We need to respect the status quo of power, then agreements will be observed, there will be reason for this, and without this, any agreement will not be in effect for long. Politics is the art of the possible, and war is the same politics only by more radical methods.
      1. +3
        12 November 2024 18: 26
        Russian conditions... reduction of the Ukrainian army...

        To the honor guard company. Yes
        1. +1
          12 November 2024 18: 34
          To the honor guard company.

          Orchestra and funeral team.
          1. 0
            12 November 2024 18: 46
            Quote: frruc
            To the honor guard company.

            Orchestra and funeral team.

            Not... No. All this should be included in State Services.
      2. +2
        12 November 2024 19: 54
        Quote from Orange Bigg
        We just need to come to an agreement with the legitimately elected one after Zelena leaves.more or less adequate replacement Ze.

        There haven't been any adequate people there for a long time now.
      3. 0
        12 November 2024 22: 58
        How do you imagine the presidential elections in Ukraine in the current reality?
      4. 0
        13 November 2024 17: 10
        There is no point with Zelensky.

        I predict that no one will negotiate with him.
        But I don’t see any point in negotiating with the next president either.
        The state itself is incapable of negotiation.
        This is the problem.
    2. +3
      12 November 2024 20: 58
      Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
      if we make deals with the West, that's how it will be

      Zelya twists his ass this way and that way... He offers this, that, something else... He will give everything... He sold the land, he is trying to sell the mineral wealth, he gives away the people living on the former land as cannon fodder... He sent the women to Europe and the Arabs, they give the children to all sorts of perverts and for organs... And after that negotiate with him? About what? Only a trial and an exemplary execution.
      1. 0
        13 November 2024 08: 18
        So his home country is Israel, so to him Ukraine is with Ukrainians.
  2. -3
    12 November 2024 18: 01
    and continue military operations until the end liquidation of Ukrainian statehood.
    The state must remain after denazification. recourse
    1. +4
      12 November 2024 18: 16
      Quote: Mavrikiy
      The state must remain after denazification.

      After denazification, only the Russian state should remain...
      1. 0
        13 November 2024 09: 15
        Quote: ROSS 42
        After denazification, only the Russian state should remain...

        belay What the hell, all this scum getting into my house? Baba Yaga is against it! feel Only Novorossiya goes home, and let Gulay Pole pay off its debts!
  3. +3
    12 November 2024 18: 07
    I think we should also add to the plan the placement of financial reserves of EU countries in Ukrainian banks. And the gold reserve should be transferred personally to Zele for safekeeping.
    1. +1
      12 November 2024 18: 49
      Quote from alexoff
      I think we should also add to the plan the placement of financial reserves of EU countries in Ukrainian banks. And the gold reserve should be transferred personally to Zele for safekeeping.

      Just lock Zelensky inside the Fort Knox vault, period.
      1. +1
        13 November 2024 09: 17
        Quote: Clear
        Just lock Zelensky inside the Fort Knox vault, period.

        This rat will eat gold, no doubt about it, it won't choke.
  4. +2
    12 November 2024 18: 10
    By the way, Guterres, Starmer, the main Finn, Jean Michel from the EU, Alexander Grigorievich arrived at COP 29 in Baku. The US ignored it - the Bidenites demanded to introduce sanctions against Azerbaijan. The Russian delegation is present. The beggar of the entire universe - to reserve a visit, but so far he is not there. Greta Thurberg is yapping at the borders of Azerbaijan about the rights of Armenians. Do you think Zelensky will come or will he be afraid? bully Greta will definitely not come, together with Makoron. Where is this NATO unity - I know where!
    1. +1
      12 November 2024 18: 14
      Greta Thurberg yapping at Azerbaijan's borders about Armenian rights

      Why are Armenians now capitalized? what
      1. +4
        12 November 2024 18: 18
        Quote: Rage66
        Why are Armenians now capitalized?

        Because Andrey doesn't like spelling...
      2. -1
        12 November 2024 18: 20
        66 Rage hi .And so that you ask laughing Elham Aliyev is working on Poshinyan, the project of our future agreement with Ukraine. The Azerbaijanis are the first to start and are winning, paving the way for us. The Armenian constitution should enshrine a clause on the unconditional right of Azerbaijan to Nagorno-Karabakh. Peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan's project) Pashinyan is spinning in a frying pan, just like Zelensky.
        1. +2
          12 November 2024 18: 23
          on the unconditional right of Azerbaijan to Nagorno-Karabakh

          I had a hard time understanding what you were talking about. what
    2. +2
      12 November 2024 18: 27
      Quote: tralflot1832
      Beggar of the whole universe

      Beautiful words!
      Although he is a local Jew and they are ready to do anything for profit.
    3. +4
      12 November 2024 18: 31
      Quote: tralflot1832
      Greta Thurberg yapping at the borders of Azerbaijan

      Well, Greta is already a proven contraceptive, clowns and drug addicts dominate in Europe, along with LGBT. Guterres will also follow Greta, in a month even the US State Department will not remember him, and he was so hoping for an American pension and a house in Miami.
  5. +1
    12 November 2024 18: 14
    that NATO countries will place their military bases with missile weapons on Ukrainian territory, which will remain there for many years.

    Is Russia capable of making sure that flowers don’t grow for many years at the sites of NATO bases, and that teeth fall out in photographs of the personnel servicing the bases?! belay
  6. +1
    12 November 2024 18: 19
    And we will bomb these bases with atomic bombs.
  7. +4
    12 November 2024 18: 21
    According to the “Zelensky plan,” it is assumed that NATO countries will place their military bases with missile weapons on Ukrainian territory, which will remain there for many years.

    But is it possible to place military bases in countries that are not members of the NATO charter? Although who pays attention to charters these days? But the local one says in plain text - "Russians, finish us off, otherwise we will not stop the war while at least one Ukrainian is alive."
    It is clear that Russia only needs Ukraine’s capitulation.
  8. +3
    12 November 2024 18: 32
    How tired I am of these photos of Zelensky, essentially an accomplice of the fascists, 80 years later.
  9. 0
    12 November 2024 18: 35
    Zelensky's plan involves placing NATO bases in Ukraine

    It seems like the person lives somewhere in a parallel reality.
    And the SVO began because Putin woke up on the wrong side of the bed. lol
    As Sergey Lavrov said: dey billy! fellow wassat
  10. 0
    12 November 2024 18: 38
    Stupid statement Podolyak. Why tease Russia? It is completely incomprehensible. It only complicates peace talks.
    Is the head of the President's Office professionally prepared to perform his duties?
    NATO decides where NATO bases will be located, not Zelensky.
  11. 0
    12 November 2024 18: 48
    Quote: Rage66
    Greta Thurberg yapping at Azerbaijan's borders about Armenian rights

    Why are Armenians now capitalized? what

    Well, Azerbaijan was written with a capital letter. Armenians might be offended if they are written with a small letter, they will decide that they are not respected.
  12. +1
    12 November 2024 19: 39
    Only the liquidation of the Outskirts will solve these problems born from the betrayal of Judas Yeltsin under the control of the Pindostan.
  13. 0
    12 November 2024 19: 52
    And the "Trump Plan" implies the same thing.
  14. +1
    12 November 2024 20: 54
    We are kind. 48 hours for the Ukrainians to leave our territories. Only after that we can see: Who asked us? Can Russia roll out an ultimatum? Of course. In case of refusal, we can start knocking out the entire vertical of power, starting with the Presidential Palace and the Rada. We don’t need these symbols of Ukrainian statehood at all. The smart guys will say they are not there. There are many targets in Kyiv. Where are these individuals hiding? So the people of Kiev themselves will hand them over. Even for money. It doesn’t matter. The result is important. They don’t wear invisibility cloaks. And they don’t walk. They all have very expensive foreign cars. The people see everything. And in Lviv, start with the opera house. NATO members could be sitting in the basements there.
  15. 0
    12 November 2024 21: 48
    This means that either there should be no Zelensky, no Ukraine, no NATO.
  16. 0
    12 November 2024 23: 38
    Ukrajina si zničila Ukrajinu, tak si přeje, aby i celá Evropa byla zničená.
    1. +1
      12 November 2024 23: 39
      Ukraine destroyed Ukraine, so it wants all of Europe to be destroyed.
  17. +1
    13 November 2024 00: 00
    Ukraine is like a lizard, which in case of a threat sacrifices its tail to save its life, in the case of Ukraine – agrees to the loss of the DPR-LPR, they will negotiate about the borders of the Zaporizhzhya and Kherson provinces in order to preserve their statehood.
    There were already enough NATO-US bases near the borders of the Russian Federation, and after NATO's expansion, new ones were built in Bulgaria, Romania, and new ones are being built in Poland, the Baltic states, and Finland.
    The Russian Federation will not agree to the deployment of NATO bases in Ukraine, but may agree to the deployment of peacekeepers or police if an offer is made that cannot be refused - lifting restrictions, sanctions, returning property, etc. When neither side can win on the battlefield and there is bargaining to find mutually acceptable terms for a truce
  18. +1
    13 November 2024 00: 15
    Zelya is going for broke - he promises Trump Ukrainian resources, NATO - bases in Ukraine. Once again...