After Musk and Utah Senator's Statements, American Globalists Fear Trump Will Dissolve the Fed

After Musk and Utah Senator's Statements, American Globalists Fear Trump Will Dissolve the Fed

The Trump administration that is being formed is suspected of trying to encroach on the "sacred American cow" - the one that has not given birth or milk for a long time, but is distinguished by its excessive butting. We are talking about the Federal Reserve System, which is separate from any other American institutions and is, in fact, a state within a state. The so-called deep state is often associated with the Fed, which is, in fact, the main "helmsman" in the United States, regardless of who occupies the presidential chair.

The reason for the talk about the “assassination attempt” was the words of Elon Musk, whom Trump intends to include in his future administration.

Musk supported Utah Senator Mike Lee, who proposed introducing executive control over monetary policy and abolishing the American equivalent of the Central Bank.

Senator Lee:

Our constitution is designed so that the executive branch is under presidential control. The Fed is one example of how we have departed from the constitution. And so that is the reason for eliminating the Fed.

Musk wrote on his social network:

The End of the Fed

supporting Lee.

It is noteworthy that earlier, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell stated that he does not intend to leave his post, “even if Trump asks for it.”

Musk, like a number of reformists in the United States, believe that conventional currencies are losing their original purpose. They, being centrally managed, as US Senator Lee believes, are "subject to inflation and devaluation, since they are managed as a monopoly." Accordingly, the "propaganda" of cryptocurrencies is growing in Trump's team. Trump himself, long before his second election, stated that he was "ready to pay off the huge US debt by simply writing a check in bitcoins."

For obvious reasons, the Fed is categorically against its dissolution in the US, as are the American globalists. After all, in that case, the US authorities themselves will carry out de-dollarization...
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  1. +1
    11 November 2024 08: 47
    "The End of the Fed" -

    — "A Double-Edged Sword" © ...
    1. +2
      11 November 2024 11: 25
      The Fed is a parasite that only works in its own interests.
      1. +2
        11 November 2024 13: 01
        The Federal Reserve is a banking cartel that prints/issues money for itself. In any quantities and completely uncontrolled by the US government, the presidential administration, Congress and the Senate.
        And it is this banking cartel that, having founded the IMF, owns all the central banks in all (almost) countries of the world, which manage the credit and financial policy in these countries.
        Quote: TermNachTER
        The Fed is a parasite that only works in its own interests.

        Yes And to the detriment of everyone's interests.
        If Trump really disbands (wants to disband) the Federal Reserve, then... his life before the inauguration becomes alarming. But this is exactly what will point to the customer of the murder and the culprit of all the brutality that has been happening in the world in recent decades.
        They would be better off going into the shadows and engaging in traditional banking, with the strict restrictions of their god (according to the Torah) about the maximum permissible 5% per annum for the borrower. And those who disobey the will of their god, as a rule, lose their Mind.
        1. -1
          11 November 2024 13: 36
          I don't think he'll risk it. Trump is an outrageous guy, but he's not suicidal.
        2. +1
          11 November 2024 13: 52
          Quote: bayard
          If Trump really does disband (wants to disband) the Fed, then... his life before the inauguration becomes worrisome

          I remember Kennedy was killed for something similar. He encroached on the Federal Reserve's monopoly on printing dollars. And only kindergarteners believe in fairy tales about the "loner" Lee Harvey Oswald. I also heard a version that Oswald was simply defending himself, Kennedy shot first (American joke).
  2. +8
    11 November 2024 08: 49
    Yes, there was already one president who took aim at the Federal Reserve. He had an accident - a 6,5x52 mm carcano.
    1. +2
      11 November 2024 08: 51
      Carcano was there as an excuse. It was more interesting there - a wonderful bullet that flew in a zigzag and hit two targets.
    2. +1
      11 November 2024 09: 18
      Good afternoon!!! Are you talking about this case?
      So it’s not just the Federal Reserve System, there is (OH HORROR!!!) an intention to honestly negotiate with the USSR (NIGHTMARE!!!), hence the shooter Lee Harvey Oswald, who lived for some time (October 1959 – June 1962) in the Soviet Union...
      1. +2
        11 November 2024 16: 01
        Lee was not a marksman. He could not have fired so many aimed shots in such a short time that JFK was in his firing sector - he physically could not. Even the Americans themselves later recognized this.
        1. +1
          11 November 2024 16: 44
          Good evening!! I completely agree with you, the word "shooter" should have been put in quotation marks... and regarding the real customers of the murder, there was the film "The Irishman" as one of the versions...
  3. +4
    11 November 2024 08: 51
    Trump will also take the moon from the sky and give it to be cleaned. The power of the Federal Reserve and the power of the next president cannot even be compared. The poor guy will be disassembled into atoms in such an attempt) Trump is not such a loser to try to do something like that...
    1. +2
      11 November 2024 08: 57
      If the Fed really gets "offended" by Trump, they won't get off with just their ears...
      1. -1
        11 November 2024 13: 12
        Quote: Nexcom
        then with just ears they no longer a departmentis......

        Who are "they"? The Federal Reserve? Or is it you who mentioned Donya, like - We, Nicholas II... lol
        1. 0
          11 November 2024 15: 53
          Don't get hung up on me - it was a typo.
          It seems like it was already explained to you, but you don’t have any.
      2. 0
        11 November 2024 13: 15
        Quote: Nexcom
        If the Fed really gets "offended" by Trump, they won't get off with just their ears...

        But what if they were the ones who decided to disband the Fed and bring down the dollar system with Trump's hands?
        And at the same time write off all debts, reset the dollar masses in the world and arrange a reboot?
        By the way, this has long been talked about in global financial circles as a solution to the problem.
        As an alternative to TMV.
        1. 0
          11 November 2024 15: 58
          No, hardly. Trump is not the right figure for this - first we need to somehow resolve the issue with the kakels, with China and us. Because the dead have no need for a stable USD.
    2. +4
      11 November 2024 09: 52
      Trump shouldn't be judged as some kind of lonely Don Quixote. Judging by the election results, the Democrats were simply not allowed to carry out another rigging. Although they were carefully preparing for it. After all, everyone was sure that they would appoint Kambala in any case. And that means that Donnie represents some very, very serious forces. Certainly not weaker than the globalists. And these forces obviously have some kind of action plan, which Trump must implement. And if in the picture of America's future, these forces no longer need the Fed - why not?
  4. +1
    11 November 2024 08: 54
    news from a parallel universe)))? Again the orderlies missed taking the pills, who will disband the Fed if it appoints presidents
  5. +2
    11 November 2024 08: 58
    The Federal Reserve System is a spider's nest that holds half the world under Faberge control, managing and controlling it through finance.
  6. +4
    11 November 2024 08: 58
    Attempts to bring back "real capitalism" with "free competition" are madness) Capitalism doesn't work that way, this was discovered at its very beginning. Since then, many words have been said about "free competition", and all of them are lies. Whoever believes in this nonsense, loses the competition.
    Strange things are happening in the USA. For some reason they suddenly believed in "real democracy", which led the USA to the most severe management failures and an avalanche of mistakes, every other one leading to disasters. That is, the deceptive ideology, invented to destroy competing countries, began to poison the USA itself!
    What is this now - "real" capitalism? Is the collapse of the economy already beyond any chance? What is going on there?!
    1. -1
      11 November 2024 09: 11
      Quote: Mikhail3
      Attempts to bring back "real capitalism" with "free competition" are madness)

      Quote: Mikhail3
      What the hell is going on there?!

      Everyone has gone crazy! Or...they are whipping up the situation to know exactly who will go against them. There is no point in talking about any statements before the inauguration. Words are words, but deeds will show.
      1. +1
        11 November 2024 09: 14
        Trump doesn't need to identify his enemies. He has no problem with that - the enemies have been in plain sight for the last four years. No one has been hiding.) And the ongoing processes are immeasurably greater than any other president, no matter what his name is or what he promises. The president can't do much in terms of real governance of the country, Trump realized that last time.
    2. +4
      11 November 2024 09: 36
      "free competition" many words have been said, and all of them are lies. Who believes in this nonsense?

      We were forced to believe this by Chubais and Co. in the 90s, at the instigation of the Yankees; so many factories and production facilities were closed in Russia for the sake of "free competition" from the West that we don't even produce needles ourselves, let alone airplanes...
      1. 0
        11 November 2024 11: 00
        They didn't force me) But there was little sense in it) I couldn't even explain this self-evident truth to those around me - everyone was under hypnosis)
        1. 0
          11 November 2024 11: 49
          I wasn't forced)

          Well, I understood that too.
          , the so-called "free market" is like "democracy of the American people" for the American people too... They tore the country apart under this sauce...
    3. -1
      11 November 2024 09: 58
      Under capitalism, the winner is the one who can suck on the sovereign's tit... Real money can only be made on government contracts. It is by definition more abundant, and most importantly, it is much easier to get.
      1. 0
        11 November 2024 11: 02
        Quote: paul3390
        Under capitalism, the winner is the one who can suckle on the sovereign's tit.

        Yes, but it's not about orders) The fundamental question is how much money is spent on work, and how much on oneself and distribution to others like them. This robbery is simply formalized by a state order.
  7. -1
    11 November 2024 09: 06
    So what does this mean, a ruble will be equal to a ruble? They're encroaching on something sacred.
  8. +1
    11 November 2024 09: 07
    Billionaire Trump and billionaire Musk are remaking the financial pie, under the "good" intentions of making the deep people happy)
  9. +1
    11 November 2024 09: 10
    And on Wednesday Trump is invited to the White House to talk with Biden!? bully
    1. 0
      11 November 2024 09: 22
      They could provoke the assassination of Trump and Musk.
      And then Vance will just emerge and take charge.
  10. +1
    11 November 2024 09: 11
    Yeah, twice. Now they'll start scaring themselves with horror stories. They might even run away in fright. One of them squealed to the CIA and stayed in Dallas.
    1. -1
      11 November 2024 09: 25
      Trump, Musk and Vance may be left in Washington in black bags for the troupes when they meet Joe Biden, which is so much hyped.
      There is no point in attending this meeting at all, unless it is to finally humiliate the Democrats and the Biden, Obama and Clinton-Lewinsky families.
      There are many chances to knock them down.
      And much simpler than Kennedy.
    2. -1
      11 November 2024 09: 26
      Quote: evgen1221
      One of them squealed to the CIA and stayed in Dallas.

      Quote: Setavr
      An accident happened to him - carcano 6,5x52 mm.

      Are you so overwhelmed with feelings of significance about events known ONLY to YOU ​​that you are concealing information with a set of letters?
      Write in normal Russian, don't be shy...
      A 6,5 x 52 mm Mannlicher-Carcano pistol formerly owned by Lee Harvey Oswald of the Warren Commission investigating the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
  11. 0
    11 November 2024 09: 22
    The destruction of the Federal Reserve is an objectively necessary process, which is why this idea is pulsating time and again at the top of the US.
    But this is only possible if the Federal Reserve System and the other real master of America, the military-industrial complex, part ways.
    The forces of Trump alone (and Roosevelt and Kennedy) are not enough for this, although under Roosevelt there were so many non-market steps that even Stalin was surprised.
    But the Federal Reserve System at that time could not draw money without control and endlessly. That is, it was not yet so powerful and so harmful.
  12. +1
    11 November 2024 09: 30
    It’s even interesting who has a better chance of living until January 20, 2025, Biden or Trump.
  13. 0
    11 November 2024 09: 33
    John Kennedy had the same idea. And how did it end? I have vague doubts ©...
  14. -2
    11 November 2024 09: 36
    So they will abolish it. Keep your mouth wide open. This is the same nightstand from which Rabinovich takes the money that his Sarah puts there after she receives it from Rabinovich (as in the old joke). And in modern parlance, this is the very same photocopier that prints its own "green stuff."
  15. -1
    11 November 2024 09: 54
    If this decision is being discussed, it means that it is sanctioned by the Fed itself. This is the best way to zero out all obligations and reincarnate the international financial institution at a new level.
  16. 0
    11 November 2024 10: 05
    The Federal Reserve System is not something secret and mystical. It is an association of the largest American private banks. Those banks that have proven financial reserves are selected there. These banks pay taxes, like everyone else, their management is known, it is not classified.
    The Federal Reserve banks lend money to the government, the debt is recorded.
    1. 0
      11 November 2024 17: 06
      The Federal Reserve is not something secret and mystical. It is an association of the largest American private banks.

      Why doesn't the US government have its own state-owned, rather than private, Central Bank?
      1. 0
        11 November 2024 23: 30
        There is none in the US nothing state in the economy.
        Except for some museums and all nature reserves and national parks.
        America is against state ownership in principle.
        All military companies are also private.
        And somehow the Americans live and get on. smile
        Sometimes there is a slump, sometimes a boom, but they do not fall apart. Because they are already - in advance! - broken up into 50 states, with their own laws, courts, parliaments...
    2. +1
      11 November 2024 17: 16
      The Federal Reserve banks lend money to the government, the debt is recorded.

      Where do these private banks get dollars from? They print them.
      Where did these private banks get the right to issue dollars?
      1. 0
        11 November 2024 23: 20
        12 banks of the Federal Reserve have the right to print dollars. They print not as much as they want, but exactly as much as the Ministry of Finance allows them to. Otherwise, the dollar would have depreciated long ago. Only one company supplies them with paper for printing. This is also strictly monitored.
    3. 0
      11 November 2024 17: 28
      Alexey, this is an amazingly amazing case when private banks are engaged in emission.
      They print dollars and lend them to the US Federal Treasury for interest!
      There is nothing like this anywhere else in the world. Only in the USA. And you say that there is nothing surprising.
  17. 0
    11 November 2024 10: 22
    The usurer-banker and the speculator-logistician are anachronisms. This is a fact.

    Global settlement, logistics and insurance systems are entirely possible on "common" hardware without the full name of the banker-carrier-insurer.

    The Masters of Number will undoubtedly overthrow the Masters of Paper.
  18. -1
    11 November 2024 11: 16
    I understand this is preparation for
    Who do we owe, do we forgive everyone?)
  19. 0
    11 November 2024 12: 04
    "Break it? Half a liter? I'll... you right now!"
  20. -1
    11 November 2024 12: 11
    Never mind Trump. What's more interesting is this:

    The Bank of Russia has extended restrictions on the withdrawal of foreign currency in cash for another six months, until March 9, 2025.
    The Bank of Russia maintains restrictions on cash currency in connection with the sanctions in force against our country, which prohibit domestic financial institutions from acquiring cash currency from Western countries.

    For citizens whose foreign currency account or deposit was opened before March 9, 2022, the limit on currency withdrawal remains in the amount of the balance of funds as of 00:00 Moscow time on the specified date, but not more than 10 thousand US dollars or the equivalent amount in euros, regardless of the currency of the deposit or account, provided that they have not previously exercised this opportunity.

    The remaining funds can still be received in rubles. The amount paid cannot be less than the amount calculated on the day of payment at the official rate of the Bank of Russia for funds placed in the account before September 9, 2022. Funds placed after September 9, 2022, are issued at the bank's rate on the date of issue.

    The ban on banks charging citizens a commission for issuing currency from accounts or deposits has been extended for six months.

    What is this if not a robbery of citizens? And what kind of trust can we have in banks after this?
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