"Not the worst option": Former NATO commander believes that Russia and Ukraine will be divided according to the "Korean scenario"

"Not the worst option": Former NATO commander believes that Russia and Ukraine will be divided according to the "Korean scenario"

Ukraine will lose approximately 20% of its territory as a result of the conflict, but will have the opportunity to join NATO in a few years. This statement was made by former Supreme Allied Commander Europe James Stavridis.

According to the admiral, Trump will put pressure not only on Ukraine, but also on Russia, to end the conflict according to the "Korean scenario", when a demilitarized zone will be established between the warring parties. And this is "not the worst" option, he believes. Russia will receive approximately 20% of Ukrainian territory during the negotiations, and Ukraine will have a "real path" to NATO in a few years. But Stavridis did not say anything about the timing, only clarified that this is a matter for Russia and Ukraine.

A negotiated settlement is not something the US can impose, but something that Ukrainians and Russians must agree on,

— the admiral said.

However, it is worth noting that the retired American military man speaks of Trump's plan as something already decided, and without the participation of Russia and Ukraine. In fact, this is only an assumption, or rather, one of many, no one knows about the real proposal that the new US president will make. But on the basis of this proposal, real negotiations will begin, taking into account Russia's conditions. And there will be no "Korean" scenarios there, as well as Zelensky's "peace formula".

Meanwhile, some experts believe that Zelensky will not go to negotiations because it would be political death for him.
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  1. +30
    10 November 2024 20: 34
    If we agree to this, then why was all THIS started?
    1. -2
      10 November 2024 20: 44
      Quote: Titsen
      then why was all THIS started?

      Now I can’t even remember, so many years have passed!
      1. -3
        11 November 2024 07: 00
        ..."this" was started to prevent the outskirts from becoming the 51st state of the USA
      2. +2
        11 November 2024 07: 32
        Not everyone understood your subtle irony and sarcasm. hi
    2. -22
      10 November 2024 20: 51
      What are your suggestions?
      Fight until we reach the Polish border? I don't think that's an option at all.
      What then is victory for the Russian Federation?
      They won't have a pro-Russian president to replace Zelensky, there are none there. So either fight to the bitter end or come to an agreement.
      So what do you suggest?
      1. -7
        10 November 2024 20: 55
        Quote: Neo-9947
        Fight until we reach the Polish border?

        From the border of Poland to our (former Ukrainian) territories - scorched earth as a dividing line between different territories and political views!
        1. +2
          10 November 2024 21: 14
          No, well, I'm serious.
          Of course, you can have fun here, but suddenly someone will suggest something really useful...
          There are no such proposals yet. None at all.
          It is clear to all sensible people that everything did not go according to plan, neither according to ours - Bandera's Ukraine did not fall down, nor according to theirs - Russia stands its ground and does not think of falling apart.
          So we need a way out. There is no need to start TMV because of this.
          1. +12
            10 November 2024 21: 26
            The solution is quite simple: the West stops supporting the Bandera regime, Russia in these conditions finishes off this regime without any problems. A referendum is held on the liberated lands. Those who want to - join Russia, those who don't - good riddance, but not to NATO, but as an absolutely neutral entity. The question is "small", the first point.
            1. +4
              10 November 2024 21: 38
              Not realistic. It means signing a capitulation on Russia's terms.
              (well, so that there are no unnecessary casualties, no "finishing off")
              The West will not agree to this.

              But there should be no referendums in the liberated territories. No referendums. There, in every family, someone was "killed by the Russians in the war."
              Only the VGA with a Russian general at the head and strict laws of wartime. So that no one would even dare to think of saying anything against a Russian soldier.
              But discipline in the Russian Armed Forces must also be at a high level.
              1. +1
                10 November 2024 22: 40
                I know it's unrealistic. But it should be proposed, otherwise our leadership diplomatically says something unintelligible. And to drag those who don't want it into Russia by force is to lay a mine under the future life. That's what I think.
              2. -2
                10 November 2024 23: 09
                Quote: Neo-9947
                The West will not agree to this.

                It will go when the cannon fodder runs out.
                1. +1
                  10 November 2024 23: 13
                  So should we cut down the whole of Ukraine?
                  Slavs, I think, you don't feel sorry for them? Maybe only the crazy ones?
                  And if "cannon fodder", then it means everyone. Including women, this Zelensky will drive them to the front too. He's a fucking pianist.
                  1. -2
                    10 November 2024 23: 15
                    Quote: Neo-9947
                    And if it's "cannon fodder", then it's everyone. And women too, this Zelensky will drive them to the front.

                    And you suggest we wait until it comes at us? If we don't solve this issue now, we'll have to solve it in 20 years, if not sooner, when the enemy is ready again. And those who aren't crazy are suggested to surrender - they don't want their problems.
                    1. -2
                      10 November 2024 23: 19
                      Oh, I agree with you. They'll get you, no need to go to the granny.
                      Brains are washed.
                      Here's how to put their brains back in place.
                      How to enter Kyiv...
                      And put ours there. So that in 20 years they won't be pushing at us, but we'll visit each other again with pleasure.
                      1. -1
                        11 November 2024 00: 02
                        Quote: Neo-9947

                        Fried in batter!!! The brains are full of fat - brains need to be fried, and you can fry chicken eggs in brain fat))).
                    2. +3
                      11 November 2024 00: 10
                      Quote: Dart2027
                      And you suggest we wait until it comes at us?

                      That's why there can't be any freight trains. Any freight train has only one goal: to give Ukraine time to lick its wounds and gather an army. To fight again later. It seems like Putin has already said this.
              3. -1
                11 November 2024 00: 00
                No referendums. There, in every family, someone was "killed by the Russians in the war."

                Here Zeli's Banderovites killed his grandfather's brothers only because they were Jews. This did not prevent the expired one from loving these very Banderovites. And a h.o.h.o.l is not far from a Jew. "When a h.o.h.o.l was born, the Jew cried." - (c).
                1. +2
                  11 November 2024 00: 08
                  Be that as it may, these are our neighbors. And you can't choose your neighbors.
                  That's what they are like. And we have to live with them. Unless we send them to Mars, but that's impossible.
            2. +3
              10 November 2024 23: 01
              Quote: BoyCat
              but as an absolutely neutral entity.

              By the way, "an absolutely neutral formation" in the body is a cancerous tumor. The body simply does not notice it. And the tumor grows to itself, does not bother anyone.
              1. 0
                11 November 2024 00: 00
                There are ways to diagnose tumors, you just (again, simply) can't ignore them, and at the first signs - therapy. Didn't help? Then surgical intervention, pinpoint, and not like now, in a completely neglected case.
              2. 0
                11 November 2024 00: 11
                Quote: Michael
                By the way, "an absolutely neutral formation" in the body is a cancerous tumor. The body simply does not notice it. And the tumor grows to itself, does not bother anyone.

                And how has Switzerland survived for 200 years?
                1. 0
                  11 November 2024 00: 14
                  Quote from: topol717
                  And how has Switzerland survived for 200 years?

                  By the way, yes.
            3. 0
              11 November 2024 14: 48
              There should be no formations there who does not want a suitcase, a train station, Gayrope.
      2. -1
        10 November 2024 21: 09
        The crazy ones and those who definitely won't go to war are ready to fight for entry to Poland, and they don't care how many more working men will die in the process, it's not them.
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. 0
            10 November 2024 22: 30
            By the way, I think that ours could fix the demographic problem that Peskov spoke about if they allocated housing subsidies for Ukrainian women, as the Europeans do. Ukrainian women go there, and not to us, because of the standard of living. But this is the Slavic gene pool (well, at least part of it), which we should not lose because of a guy like Zelensky.
            1. +3
              10 November 2024 23: 48
              how europeans do it
              Ukrainian women in Europe despise these same Europeans for the money of Europeans. Why do you need another diaspora? And the standard of living cannot be compared.
              1. 0
                13 November 2024 05: 35
                What diaspora? They're not Jews. They would have dissolved. And not everything is measured by the standard of living. Some people prefer to live in a Slavic environment and not everyone wants to take a political position. Some just want to live normally. Let them check your phone at the border to avoid Nazism and go ahead. And as for despising, well, half of the SVO in our country despises it. You can't do anything about it.
          2. -5
            11 November 2024 00: 05
            This isn't even about working men who will impregnate Ukrainian women,

            I suggest that everyone who is ready to fertilize h.o.h.l.u.s.k. sign up for the lists!
            I'm ready too. -)
            1. +1
              11 November 2024 00: 10
              Quote: Eugen 62
              I'm ready too

              And are you ready to catch all sorts of venereal diseases too?
              1. 0
                11 November 2024 00: 20
                Quote: Eugen 62
                I suggest that everyone who is ready to fertilize h.o.h.l.u.s.k. sign up for the lists!
                I'm ready too. -)

                Quote: guest
                And are you ready to catch all sorts of venereal diseases too?

                Only if you are a donor of genetic material. Although masturbation, even for humanitarian purposes, is below average pleasure. No. negative
                1. -2
                  11 November 2024 00: 23
                  Well, in general, if you have sex with girls with low social responsibility, then you can catch a lot of things, I didn’t call for sulebad or anything else.
                  1. 0
                    11 November 2024 00: 27
                    Quote: guest
                    if you have sex with girls with low social responsibility
                    Personally, I don't need it for free, and even less for money. I'm married and happy.
                    In general, there are enthusiasts who donate sperm anonymously for those who, for one reason or another, are unable to conceive normally.
                    1. -3
                      11 November 2024 00: 32
                      Quote: Nagan
                      Personally, I don't need it for free, and even less for money. I'm married and happy.

                      And wonderful. True, there in the West some of you use the word "married" not quite as intended.
        2. -2
          10 November 2024 22: 45
          Quote: Vadim S
          The crazy ones and those who definitely won't go to war are ready to fight for entry to Poland, and they don't care how many more working men will die in the process, it's not them.

          And how much will our children and grandchildren have to pay in blood if we do not end this with victory?
      3. -2
        10 November 2024 21: 15
        Quote: Neo-9947
        So either fight to the bitter end, or come to an agreement.

        Was it necessary to negotiate with Hitler too?
        1. -5
          10 November 2024 21: 16
          Is this a question for Neo-9947 or for VVP?
          1. -3
            10 November 2024 21: 18
            To the one who proposes to negotiate with the Banderites.
            1. -5
              10 November 2024 21: 26
              So not to Neo-9947...........................
            2. +1
              11 November 2024 00: 25
              Quote: guest
              To the one who proposes to negotiate with the Banderites.
              We will have to negotiate with Trump. And these sixes will simply be asked to sign what the big uncles agreed on.
              1. -1
                11 November 2024 00: 29
                Quote: Nagan
                We will have to come to an agreement with Trump.

                And what will the agreement with Trump be about, if there will be one at all? Will we leave most of the former Ukraine under the control of Banderites and get NATO troops on our border? Well, then that won't be an agreement, but our capitulation.
                1. +2
                  11 November 2024 00: 33
                  Quote: guest
                  What will the agreement with Trump be about, if there is one at all?
                  To find out, we need to at least start negotiations. How do you like, say, the option of exchanging Ukraine and Transnistria for China and Iran?
                  1. -1
                    11 November 2024 00: 38
                    Quote: Nagan
                    How do you like, say, the option of exchanging Ukraine and Transnistria for China and Iran?

                    I doubt that such an option will happen, but even if it does, both countries are our neighbors, and quarreling with neighbors is not particularly smart.
                    1. +2
                      11 November 2024 00: 40
                      No one will suggest arguing with them, you just have to not get involved on their side when they are brought to a common denominator.
                      1. -1
                        11 November 2024 00: 43
                        Quote: Nagan
                        when they are brought to a common denominator.

                        And then when they're done with them, will they take us on again? Although I'm sure our top brass, or rather a certain part of it, would gladly go for it.
                2. +5
                  11 November 2024 03: 38
                  guest, Don't you think that we have ALREADY suffered our main defeat? This defeat is the very fact of a full-scale war with Ukraine! I couldn't even imagine such a thing in my worst nightmare 20 years ago. But our leadership turned out to be incapable of solving the problems with Ukraine with the help of "soft power". The result is ruined cities and ruined lives of ordinary people. We need to tie up with such SVO. And only then rebuild our own country, simultaneously rebuilding Donbass. Only in Donbass the work will take years. What can we say about Zaporozhye, Kharkov, Kyiv..... Russia is not the USSR, alas.
                  1. -2
                    11 November 2024 03: 45
                    Quote: MBRBS
                    Don't you think that we have ALREADY suffered the main defeat?

                    Perhaps, but we suffered it in 1991. And the main thing is that we suffered this defeat solely because of betrayal. But if we finish the SVO without a victory, we will suffer a much worse defeat.
                    1. +3
                      11 November 2024 03: 57
                      Quote: guest
                      But if we finish the SVO without a victory, we will suffer a much worse defeat.

                      I don't consider ruins on the site of cities, with an embittered population that hates us, a victory. And even without the use of nuclear weapons, we won't see even such a "victory", if in 3 years we haven't even liberated Donbass. We need to proceed from reality. And the reality is that we are losing hundreds of people every day, with minimal progress on the map. For the whole of Ukraine, we will have to sacrifice two million very valuable lives of Russians. I am not satisfied with this option.
                      And we will border and be at odds with NATO in any case. Such is fate.
                      1. -3
                        11 November 2024 04: 00
                        Quote: MBRBS
                        And we will border and be at odds with NATO in any case. Such is fate.

                        Unfortunately, we will have a border, but this border should be as far away as possible.
                        Quote: MBRBS
                        I don’t consider the ruins on the site of cities, with an embittered population that hates us, a victory.

                        Well, even if we don’t win, they will still hate us and constantly shell our territory.
                      2. -2
                        11 November 2024 04: 15
                        guest I think that after a month or two of peace no one will want to start shelling, so as not to start all this horror all over again. Well, and if someone crazy starts shelling, they should be shot immediately :). A demilitarized zone with UN troops - everything is as usual, as in all such conflicts.
                      3. -2
                        11 November 2024 14: 58
                        Quote: MBRBS
                        after a month or two of peace no one will have any desire to shell

                        After Minsk, they continued shelling for 8 years anyway, these devils will not calm down until they destroy us or we destroy them.
        2. -3
          10 November 2024 21: 41
          I am for the first option, although it is no longer conscription, but if it is necessary, then it is necessary.
        3. +3
          11 November 2024 00: 37
          Quote: guest
          Was it necessary to negotiate with Hitler too?

          Well, they tried, and it seemed like they even came to an agreement, but he tore up that piece of paper* at a moment convenient for him.

          *The Non-Aggression Pact, better known in the West as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
          1. +1
            11 November 2024 00: 39
            Quote: Nagan
            The Non-Aggression Pact, better known in the West as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

            But before the USSR, all significant Western countries had concluded similar agreements with Hitler.
            1. 0
              11 November 2024 00: 43
              Well, yes, Chamberlain, on his return to London from Munich, shook the signed paper and proclaimed that he had brought peace to the present generation. So what?
              1. -1
                11 November 2024 00: 45
                Quote: Nagan

                Got a war, as Churchill immediately predicted, well, at least that's what they say.
      4. -5
        10 November 2024 21: 15
        Well, definitely not give up!! Or are you an idiot??
        1. -2
          10 November 2024 21: 18
          No. I am not an idiot. That is why I am asking people how they see the end of the protracted SVO with maximum benefits for Russia.
          1. -10
            10 November 2024 21: 20
            And who are you to see something here? Who are you to be interested in something among the people?
            1. 0
              10 November 2024 21: 24
              Hey, brother, I didn't come to visit you, and it's not up to you to set the rules here. We're having an open exchange of opinions here. Do you understand?
              That's why I'm interested in opinions.
              Did I explain it clearly?
          2. -7
            10 November 2024 21: 44
            And what does your.... protracted SVO mean, you didn't calculate the timing? Did you plan for SVO? What is your last name?
            1. +10
              10 November 2024 21: 50
              You are somehow strange.
              For example, when in February 2022 I heard with pride for the Russian Armed Forces that another wave of Kalibrs had gone to send the restless to Bandera, I watched as dozens of our newest helicopters flew to Kyiv, I never thought that in 2024 I would rejoice at the liberation of Lyubimovka in the Kursk region from the same Banderites.
              And you think that the SVO did not drag on?
              1. -8
                10 November 2024 21: 53
                I do not serve in the General Staff, I do not have full intelligence data, I do not have access to the planning of the course of the SVO. But I am sure that the terms of the SVO will be in effect until the goals of the SVO are achieved.
                1. -2
                  11 November 2024 07: 15
                  ...until the Darkest One gives the all-clear, let the West be afraid.)
                  Denazification is proceeding at an accelerated pace, and demilitarization is no longer limited to the outskirts.
          3. -1
            11 November 2024 00: 51
            Quote: Neo-9947
            How do people see the end of the protracted SVO with maximum benefits for Russia?

            At least in addition to the four new regions, another two will give access to Transnistria and control over the northern part of the Black Sea. And for the remaining territory of the former Ukraine, if anything remains there, a completely neutral status, which means not only no NATO, but no EU either.
            1. +1
              11 November 2024 00: 57
              I completely agree with you. That the emphasis should be on the Black Sea coast. Odessa, Nikolaev...
              But we apparently have more important minds...
              They know better. From the mountain.
              Why are our people silent there...?
      5. +3
        10 November 2024 21: 18
        Fight, and not make strange body movements depicting who knows what.
        Destroy all bridges, dams, tunnels. Destroy the "Rada" together with the "Backs". Destroy the Greens. Destroy the TV-Radio-Internet centers. Finish off the energy sector. BOMB IT TO THE POINT.

        And not to go into frontal assaults across the field.
        1. -4
          10 November 2024 21: 21
          It seems that comrade Trump's advisers warned that this is precisely what should not be done - it would be a transition to a new round of escalation. Namely, drawing Poland into the war is acceptable. Not all of NATO, but the Polish army.
          Better, they said, let's sit down, talk, discuss...
          1. -1
            11 November 2024 07: 07
            that's exactly it, ...it's possible to go to Polish, with an eye to the future, the situation will be calmer.
        2. -5
          10 November 2024 21: 49
          The Russian Armed Forces cannot act like the IDF; our troops do not have the goal of destroying the population of Ukraine.
          1. +3
            11 November 2024 00: 53
            Quote: ideo098
            The Russian Armed Forces cannot act like the IDF; our troops do not have the goal of destroying the population of Ukraine.
            Well, if "we're not like that" prefer to kill not the worst Russian guys just because "we're not like that", what can you do?
            1. +1
              11 November 2024 00: 56
              Quote: Nagan
              what can you do?

              Unfortunately, nothing.
      6. +7
        10 November 2024 21: 55
        Why didn’t anyone ask us in 1943, when half of Ukraine and all of Belarus were under the Germans?
        Or in 1944, when the Red Army reached the state border of the USSR?
        Why did no one ask what our goals were in that war?
        Why did no one say that advancing to Poland, and especially to Berlin, was not an option?
        But I remember that the goals of the SVO were designated as demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine.
        Well, that is, we need to defeat Ukraine until its complete capitulation.
        And capitulation cannot be achieved through negotiations.
        We must fight and win.
        1. -1
          10 November 2024 22: 09
          Quote: Pavel Kosse
          We need to defeat Ukraine until it completely capitulates.

          If it is necessary, it is necessary, but will there be enough strength? Without any "ifs" in the current reality.
          We clearly remember 1943 and 1945, how ours beat them back then. But we must not forget what happened next. That Comrade Stalin had his sights set on Iran. He wanted to control the Bosphorus, having his own Soviet Navy bases there...
          But the reality was such that we had to moderate our appetites and negotiate, because the other side also had an army. And not a small one. And they were also the conquerors of Hitler, with experience.

          That's why VVP never said that we need to reach the Polish border. Or did he? Post a link.
          1. +1
            11 November 2024 00: 57
            Quote: Neo-9947
            Comrade Stalin had his sights set on Iran
            Comrade Stalin withdrew troops from Iranian Azerbaijan in exchange for the withdrawal of Anglo-American troops from mainland China. Otherwise, Mao would never have been able to expel Chiang Kai-shek to Taiwan.
            1. 0
              11 November 2024 01: 00
              Comrade Stalin knows better.
              I won’t argue with him, even with the post-knowledge of the 21st century.
          2. -1
            11 November 2024 00: 58
            Quote: Neo-9947
            But the reality was such that we had to moderate our appetites and negotiate, because there was also an army on the other side.

            But then we didn’t have nuclear weapons, but the enemy did.
            1. +2
              11 November 2024 01: 04
              This is so.
              That’s why I say that we need to remember the current realities.
              They have a thousand F-35s, but we don’t have that many Su-57s.
              1. -1
                11 November 2024 01: 06
                Quote: Neo-9947
                They have a thousand F-35s, but we don’t have that many Su-57s.

                Are we going to fight them conventionally?
                1. +2
                  11 November 2024 01: 09
                  Oh, what are you saying?
                  Everyone knows. Only to Heaven.
                  In Russian, they can't defeat us. But we can't defeat them either. Only together - some to heaven, some to hell.
                  1. -2
                    11 November 2024 01: 10
                    Quote: Neo-9947
                    Oh, what are you saying?

                    Well then, comparing conventional weapons, in which we often lose to the enemy, is pointless.
                    1. 0
                      11 November 2024 01: 12
                      I agree.
                      But only if we don’t encounter them in third countries. /Ukraine/
                      1. -1
                        11 November 2024 01: 13
                        Quote: Neo-9947
                        if we don't encounter them in third countries

                        What third countries are we talking about? We are currently fighting exclusively on our own territory.
                      2. 0
                        11 November 2024 01: 18
                        That's what we think.
                        And they believe that the war is taking place on Ukrainian territory.
                        Yes, if you ask most ordinary people in the Russian Federation, they will say that the SVO is taking place on the territory of Ukraine.
                        So the rivalry between Russia and the West is eternal (for 200 years already), and there is no end in sight, and Ukraine is not the limit. We will butt heads for another 1000 years until someone comes to an end.
        2. +2
          10 November 2024 23: 49
          Quote: Pavel Kosse
          Well, that is, we need to defeat Ukraine until its complete capitulation.
          And capitulation cannot be achieved through negotiations.

          Negotiations are an admission of defeat, the capitulation of the enemy is a flawless Victory. Only Victory will shut the mouths of the West.
      7. +2
        11 November 2024 03: 15
        Quote: Neo-9947
        So what do you suggest?

        Here, usually from their couches, they propose to liquidate Ukrainian statehood, or at the very least create some kind of Malorossiya, where, after such a renaming, Ukrainians will sharply re-educate themselves and love Russia as their own mother. Moreover, of all those I have surveyed, NO ONE PERSONALLY WANTS to go to Ukraine, to take part in the re-education of the fooled natives. laughing
      8. The comment was deleted.
      9. 0
        11 November 2024 13: 02
        A pro-Russian president will be found among the citizens of Ukraine living with us and who are still enjoying their rights in Ukraine. In Ukraine itself, there are citizens who support Russia and are capable of becoming the President of Ukraine. In many regions of Ukraine, there are such citizens who are striving for reunification with Russia, especially in the Odessa, Nikolaev, Dnepropetrovsk, and Kharkov regions.
    3. +2
      10 November 2024 22: 47
      There is strong resistance from collaborators within, who want to change the country’s vector towards reconciliation and submission to the collective West.
    4. +1
      10 November 2024 23: 12
      Today, 20: 34
      If we agree to this, then why was all THIS started?

      hi As the Kremlin's moustache says, there will be a lot of rumors about all sorts of farts from unknown people before the shot-through Ushatik officially takes office, but isn't that a reason to take them seriously? No.
    5. +3
      11 November 2024 00: 23
      Why exactly? With such proposals about a demilitarized zone, which by the way have already been passed, there is only one way - a loss. And after this is the fate of Russia and Belarus and all countries up to China. The latter will be left alone and nothing good awaits it then. The West has long ago democratically sentenced all Ukrainians to a known fate, weapons and finances are actively supplied for this. The Poles were the last option against the USSR, to introduce them somewhere is to get nuclear weapons.
    6. +2
      11 November 2024 02: 33
      If we agree to this, then why was all THIS started?

      Well, the idea of ​​“liberating Ukraine from slavery” was planned literally weeks in advance, and look how it turned out...
      Ukrainians do not want to join the hospitable Russian world, but want to join the demonic EU. In fact, even before the SVO, Ukrainian opinion polls showed that 75% want to join the EU, and only 15% want to join Russia. But our leadership, apparently, considered such opinion polls to be false (by analogy with our opinion polls))))
      Now we have a choice: either lose about a million men in battles until victory, or spit on Kherson and Zaporozhye, going for a "bad peace". Personally, I began to lean towards the second option.
    7. +1
      11 November 2024 06: 31
      Quote: Titsen
      If we agree to this, then why was all THIS started?

      If "sorry, man. Well, I couldn't..." - then the answers are at the beginning of the joke.
  2. +8
    10 November 2024 20: 34
    And you, bald, no one asks for advice, this is Russia’s business.
  3. +7
    10 November 2024 20: 40
    Damn, did they ask Russia what suits it?

    Meanwhile, some experts believe that Zelensky will not go to negotiations because it would be political death for him.
    And not only political, but also physical. I can remind you how Berezovsky ended up. On a scarf.
    1. +1
      10 November 2024 21: 55
      Zelya doesn’t wear scarves, apparently he remembers historical facts and he doesn’t have mountain boots.
  4. +11
    10 November 2024 20: 44
    How many dividers have proliferated? laughing
  5. +3
    10 November 2024 20: 45
    It seems to me that they are deliberately playing up this topic now. Of course, they understand that this is unlikely, because it would mean losing the war for us. Giving up part of the territories that are already written into the Constitution of the Russian Federation, giving up once and for all the official goals of the SVO... And then, what about the ultimatum that Vladimir Putin put forward to NATO on the eve of the war, which spoke of the need to withdraw NATO infrastructure from the Baltics, from Scandinavia, and from Eastern Europe in general...

    Of course, the West is trying to cause internal unrest in Russia. Who knows, the people may react very sharply to such talk. On the other hand, the West is testing the waters, it is clearly preparing something and, perhaps, these are not negotiations at all, but on the contrary - war.

    They can't let go of Donbass - there are too many minerals there, it's a question of survival. And then one of the main conditions of this war has already been fulfilled - the Eastern Slavs have thoroughly chopped each other up. They say that more than a million have died. I can't say for sure, but the figure doesn't seem so fantastic. It's high time to start sowing the soil fertilized with Slavic bones and flesh. That's probably what they think.
    1. +4
      10 November 2024 20: 55
      On the other hand, the West is testing the waters
      Yes, it looks more like our leaders are testing the waters to see what the people think about all this, opening the Overton window. It is in our media that there is a continuous stream of bourgeois proposals for an honorable capitulation, but none of our authorized representatives have found a couple of minutes in the last few days to clearly say - we will not fall for this, go to hell!
      1. +1
        10 November 2024 21: 22
        Quote from alexoff
        It looks like our leaders are testing the waters

        Since when did all sorts of former NATO commanders-in-chief and other Donald Tuskis become our leaders?

        Quote from alexoff
        None of our authorized representatives have found a couple of minutes in the last few days to clearly say - we will not fall for this

        There won't be enough authorized people to respond to every fart from Western exes. If Trump pushes something after his inauguration, then we can respond. Or we can not respond, but just do our job.
        1. +2
          11 November 2024 00: 07
          Quote from: nik-mazur
          There won't be enough authorized people to react to every fart from Western exes.

          that's why they don't answer anything, but every fart of theirs flies across all the media.
          But I'm not surprised that for the main guardian of the VO everything is simple - the bosses know better. Well, and the fact that Peskov was hired for a salary that each of us can only dream of, specifically so that he could speak for the management - this is all nonsense. He is busy, very busy! Every second boss in our country is not at work half the time, he is always busy with some kind of...
          1. -1
            11 November 2024 12: 00
            Quote from alexoff
            Peskov was hired ... to speak for the leadership

            Who is the former commander-in-chief of NATO that the official representative of the Darkest One would notice him, let alone respond to him?
            1. -1
              11 November 2024 14: 12
              Over the past week, a crowd of former, current and future spoke out. But who are they that Peskov himself should say anything? I wonder if you take his annual income and divide it by the number of words he says in a year, will his word be worth more than the average Russian salary?
              1. -1
                11 November 2024 15: 06
                Quote from alexoff
                Over the past week, a crowd of former, current and future have come forward

                That's what I said, didn't I?

                Quote from alexoff
                who are they that Peskov himself would say something

                That's exactly what I asked, wasn't it?

                That is, you simply repeated my words with the appearance of refuting something or answering something.

                Quote from alexoff
                will his word be worth more than the average Russian salary

                So, count it if you're interested.
                1. 0
                  11 November 2024 15: 53
                  That's what I said, didn't I?
                  Internet, you are selectively ignoring words, read it again
                  That's exactly what I asked, wasn't it?
                  Well, in your opinion he shouldn't, which I don't agree with. And in your opinion, what is his job, this arbiter of fates?
                  By the way, do you work as a free lawyer for the Kremlin?
                  1. -1
                    11 November 2024 17: 54
                    Quote from alexoff
                    And what do you think his job is, this arbiter of fates?

                    I have no idea what a press secretary's job entails.
                    But if you are so interested, you can ask Yandex.

                    Quote from alexoff
                    By the way, you work as a free lawyer for the Kremlin.

                    Where did such a ridiculous assumption come from?
                    1. 0
                      11 November 2024 19: 19
                      I have no idea what a press secretary's job entails.
                      You have no idea what the duties of a press secretary are. You have no idea what the Ministry of Defense reports. You know nothing about science, but for some reason you know better than Feynman and other scientists how to interpret a direct phrase. In principle, you never speak in the language of facts, but simply engage in demagogy, write question after question, get personal and that's it. However, you are always there if someone speaks badly of your bosses. Just like a free defense attorney. Write more - these are your words. An amazing skill - to know nothing, to admit that you know nothing, but at the same time to have the opinion that someone else's opinion is wrong, without voicing your own. You should go to work instead of Peskov laughing
                      1. -1
                        11 November 2024 20: 13
                        Quote from alexoff
                        You don't know anything about science.

                        What's this? I actually know a thing or two about science.

                        Quote from alexoff
                        You basically never speak in the language of facts, but simply engage in demagogy.

                        If you think you are speaking the language of facts, then you think it is wrong. You are also fine with demagogy. Although it is clear that this is different and this n̶o̶g̶a̶... demagogy - it is demagogy for those who need it.

                        Quote from alexoff
                        get personal and that's it

                        Četaržu – what are you doing now?

                        Quote from alexoff
                        An amazing skill is to know nothing and admit that you know nothing.

                        As Socrates said: “I know only that I know nothing, but others do not even know this”...
                      2. 0
                        11 November 2024 23: 15
                        I actually know a thing or two about science.
                        Well, yes, because the Dunning-Kruger effect is about you. What else do you know?
                        If you think you are speaking the language of facts, then you think you are wrong.
                        if you think you can judge something, then you think it's wrong
                        You are also doing well with demagogy. Although it is clear that it is different and this n̶o̶g̶a̶... demagogy - it is demagogy for those who need it.
                        blah blah blah, nothing to say again except demagogy
                        As Socrates said
                        Are you Socrates? Or are you one of the others?
                      3. 0
                        12 November 2024 14: 31
                        Quote from alexoff
                        the dunnig-kruger effect is about you


                        Quote from alexoff
                        What else do you know?

                        Why do you need it?

                        Quote from alexoff
                        if you think you can judge something, then you think it's wrong


                        Quote from alexoff
                        there is nothing to say again except demagogy

                        I try to match the level of my interlocutor.

                        Quote from alexoff
                        and you are Socrates

                        Obviously not. So what?
    2. -2
      10 November 2024 21: 20
      what about the ultimatum?
      There was no point in issuing ultimatums to a side that is much stronger and richer.
      1. +1
        11 November 2024 01: 04
        Quote: Bolt Cutter
        There was no point in issuing ultimatums to a side that is much stronger and richer.

        Should I have just committed suicide?
        1. +1
          11 November 2024 01: 08
          No one suggested suicide. Something else had to be thought up. An ultimatum that is guaranteed to be wiped is far from the best idea.
          1. 0
            11 November 2024 12: 07
            Quote: Bolt Cutter
            We had to come up with something else.

            Yeah, for example, lie down and trample.

            Quote: Bolt Cutter
            There was no point in issuing ultimatums to a side that is much stronger and richer.

            Hmm, and what was this ultimatum?
    3. +1
      10 November 2024 22: 00
      I completely agree about the chopped up Slavic lives, sad and inevitable. But the tasks and goals set by the Supreme Commander must be fulfilled, there was no order to stop the SVO, and I hope there will be none.
  6. 0
    10 November 2024 20: 47
    Quote: Vladlous
    and what about the ultimatum that Vladimir Putin gave to NATO on the eve of the war, which spoke of the need to withdraw NATO infrastructure from the Baltics, from Scandinavia, and in general from Eastern Europe...

    Does anyone remember this?
    1. +2
      10 November 2024 21: 04
      Quote: Titsen
      Does anyone remember this?

      Before you put minuses, remember what the Garant said about increasing the retirement age?
      1. +1
        10 November 2024 21: 15
        Those who need to remember, he said a lot of things8sh starting from his first day, and where are we now?! Of course, we can reach Poland, as the bravest ones are drowning here from their sofas, but then we need to call up several hundred thousand more working population and put them there and with that our economy finally!
    2. -4
      10 November 2024 21: 18
      Those who need to remember at the front!!
  7. +3
    10 November 2024 20: 52
    Meanwhile, some experts believe that Zelensky will not go to negotiations because This is political death for him.
    Not only political death, but with a high degree of probability physical death as well.
    It was not for nothing that Fico said: "Have you ever seen a person who is afraid of the end of the war?" And I have. It is Vladimir Zelensky."
    1. +2
      10 November 2024 21: 16
      ...... but with a high degree of probability physical death as well.

      I have no doubt about it, and it is slow and painful, sadly enough.
    2. DO
      10 November 2024 21: 25
      Nyrobsky, if the "partners" want to take a break in the SVO in Ukraine and Zelya gets in the way, they will easily make it so that Zelya stops being president, even until the coming New Year.
      And if they, having accumulated strength in Ukraine, want to strike powerfully from Ukraine at Russia somewhere in the spring of 2025, they will easily push aside anyone who will interfere with their plans, including Trump himself.
      At the same time, Russians need to not be taken in by the sweet promises of their “partners,” which they never fulfill, and to bring their projects to completion.
      1. +1
        10 November 2024 22: 47
        Quote: DO
        If the "partners" want to take a break in the SVO in Ukraine and Zelensky gets in the way, they can easily make it so that Zelensky stops being president, even until the coming New Year.

        There is no doubt about this, moreover, given that the "partners" are increasingly talking about stopping the military action in Ukraine along the existing line of contact, Zelepuka's principled adherence to continuing the military action is an obstacle for them, which, moreover, has very dubious legitimacy and, as a participant in the negotiations, Zelepuka is a toxic asset.
        As strange as it may seem, but given the demonstrated "successes" of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, his physical elimination is only to the West's advantage. Apparently, the only thing left to do is to decide on a successor.
        Quote: DO
        At the same time, Russians need to not be taken in by the sweet promises of their “partners,” which they never fulfill, and to bring their projects to completion.
        Signing any agreements with the West is only possible on Russia's terms, and they have long been announced - non-aligned, non-nuclear, neutral status + demilitarization with denazification. The longer they ignore these terms, the less territory Ukraine will have left, the status of which will have to be discussed.
        1. DO
          10 November 2024 22: 59
          Quote: Nyrobsky
          Signing any agreements with the West (...)

          How many of them have already been signed? Russia has been screwed the same number of times.
    3. +1
      10 November 2024 22: 04
      It is unlikely that "Zelika" will meet a rainbow death, I think he will have an accident from drowning while swimming across the Tisza on an inflatable mattress.
      1. +3
        10 November 2024 22: 50
        Quote: ideo098
        It is unlikely that "Zelika" will meet a rainbow death, I think he will have an accident from drowning while swimming across the Tisza on an inflatable mattress.

        Why so complicated? Berezovsky was strangled with a scarf, and this one will slip on a piece of soap in the bathroom, and completely.
  8. 0
    10 November 2024 21: 13
    Personally, I would be satisfied with the border along the Dnieper, that is, along the Oder, and the island of Rügen as our resort for the Russian Aerospace Forces.
  9. -3
    10 November 2024 21: 14
    The only question is who will do it? wink
  10. +5
    10 November 2024 21: 17
    It is worth noting, however, that the retired American military officer speaks of Trump's plan as something that has already been decided, and without the participation of Russia and Ukraine.

    I still can't understand why the West got it into its head that it can solve something about the conflict without Russia's participation. It seems they have already stopped distinguishing their wishes from reality.
    1. +3
      10 November 2024 22: 09
      Our special services missed all these liberal faggots. It was a restless time, there weren't enough resources for everything, there wasn't enough will for everything. There is time, they will cope, although correction always entails more expenses and losses.
  11. -1
    10 November 2024 21: 19
    Something is not equal, we get 20% and here you go, the rest?
    They are strange there, .... 50 to 50 and that is the minimum that I would like to see. And NOT our 50% is empty, non-NATO land.
    1. +2
      10 November 2024 21: 31
      Russian lands cannot belong to you, even 50:50, because on the remaining 50 new anti-Russians will be raised and will go on the attack...
      1. +1
        10 November 2024 21: 38
        Demographic weapon, however. Georgians have begun to realize what it is, but not all of them yet...
    2. -4
      10 November 2024 21: 34
      How do you imagine this? Break off peace talks and fight all the way to the Polish border? At a cost of how many hundreds of thousands and for how many years? That's how much land has been covered in the last month. At this rate, the journey to the Dnieper will take 10 months, and to Kyiv - 2 years.
      1. -1
        10 November 2024 21: 37
        What kind of negotiations?
        Who with whom? About what?

        And as far as the Dnieper... our people are already on the shore. Ukrainians, wake up, the Russians are not your enemies.
      2. 0
        11 November 2024 12: 10
        Quote: Little Bear
        At this rate, the journey to the Dnieper will take 10 months, and to Kyiv - 2 years

        And a year ago, the all-suckers were talking about a hundred years or even more.
  12. -7
    10 November 2024 21: 21
    The Korean option is the best for us! Of course, we can take over this whole damn country, but how many of ours will die in the process? The economy is falling into the abyss and you want to take out the workers who actually bring in money and not eat it up in the form of a pension, and also pay everyone a contract, taking this money away from where it is most needed. And will we continue to collect money for sick children's treatment with SMS messages on TV?
    1. -1
      10 November 2024 22: 05
      Quote: Vadim S
      The Korean version is the best for us!

      on one condition, that the border will be at least along the Dnieper and Nikolaev and Odessa are ours, only this is not a Korean option, everything else is called the CAPITULATION OF RUSSIA
    2. -1
      11 November 2024 12: 16
      Quote: Vadim S
      The economy is heading towards the abyss

      The Russian economy is so far from falling into the abyss that Nobel laureates from the IMF and the World Bank have retroactively changed their calculation methods in order to justify their failures in forecasts, according to which by 2024 the Russian economy should have collapsed to the level of the early nineties. Instead, economic growth is observed. Which raises questions for Western companies that believed the forecasts and ended up with billions in losses.
      This is such bullshit...
  13. -2
    10 November 2024 21: 26
    and I laugh at such forecasts! of course, there is no (.......!), according to Lavrov, and such "forecasts" will be thrown out periodically. thrown out in order to support their own pants, and to show their people that they are so awesome that at any moment, whenever they want, they will stop the SVO on their own terms. Putin, cunning, even plays along with them, talking about negotiations. periodically. but in fact, guys, Russian land will not be under the heel (..........!), according to Lavrov. and the SVO will end with the complete liberation of Russian lands. rummage through the sites! there are articles there. periodically. in which Russian lands are indicated that need to be liberated from the Ukrobanderers. and from there - up to the border with Poland and Romania. no other way.
  14. -2
    10 November 2024 21: 34
    The Kremlin's consent to such a scenario is a delayed catastrophe for Russia. These are NATO missiles 500 km from Moscow. And the rested and mobilized, calmly trained Banderas in a year and a half under the NATO umbrella.
    Although you can expect anything from Putin and Co. "There is no alternative to Minsk..." Then the death of so many will definitely be in vain.
  15. 0
    10 November 2024 21: 39
    What the hell is a Korean scenario??? They propose to take 4 new regions out of the Russian Federation, create an "Eastern Ukraine" and shove them there or something? And we will have two Ukraines? The Yankees already have jelly instead of brains!
  16. 0
    10 November 2024 21: 46
    Russia and Ukraine to be divided according to the “Korean scenario”

    and we will get a permanent problem, which is exactly what the West needs
  17. +1
    10 November 2024 21: 48
    Yeah. On the Russian side there will be troops from the DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea), and on the outskirts there will be troops from the KR (Republic of Korea). . . love
  18. +1
    10 November 2024 22: 04
    that Russia and Ukraine will be divided according to the "Korean scenario"
    Well, who would dare to "divide"?!!!!
  19. +1
    10 November 2024 22: 10
    "Not the worst option": Former NATO commander believes that Russia and Ukraine will be divided according to the "Korean scenario"
    - We'll count it ourselves, without any help.
  20. +1
    10 November 2024 22: 11
    The bald guy with 4 stars doesn't know what to say, he said what he was taught.
  21. WIS
    10 November 2024 22: 12
    A negotiated settlement is not something the US can impose, but something that Ukrainians and Russians must agree on,
    - (now that's a repost) here you have to work hard to dot all the i's and cross all the t's and understand the hint that in addition to the dollar and the "war for its dominance", the guardians of their own law and order, which is being forcibly imposed on all countries, can (propose) to impose.
    Their "method" of negotiations could not reach Yugoslavia in the literal sense of the word, bombs on the heads of peaceful people, there are no words... (everyone is lamenting, only Japan is still delighted)
    Only one alternative thought comes to mind - why the hell would a goat need a button accordion? I think let them "talk" with their Indians as they please, and not confuse us with them.
    Did they confuse their chairs with their powers?
  22. -1
    10 November 2024 22: 18
    The initiator of all such fabrications is the Russian government and its "elite". The people are being prepared for another deal. They will make a world-class Odessa noise, hang tons of noodles on the people's ears, shout slogans "We won" and then this whole "elite" will live as in "holy times". In fact, this will be Russia's capitulation to NATO and for decades to come Russia will be lowered below the baseboard.
    1. -1
      11 November 2024 12: 18
      Quote: Vlad Gor
      The initiator of all such leaks is the Russian government and its "elite"

      Do you think that the former NATO commander or the Prime Minister of Poland is on the payroll of the Russian government?
  23. +1
    10 November 2024 22: 20
    Until Odessa and Nikolaev regions are returned, at least, there is no point in thinking about ending the SVO. Giving up the coast with a corridor to Transnistria is nonsense.
  24. 0
    10 November 2024 22: 57
    Dreams of Dreamers...Only One Victor, No Korea scenario
  25. 0
    10 November 2024 22: 58
    Well, that is, they are already openly voicing the recognition of the complete failure of all the goals of the SVO, which in essence is a complete defeat of the Russian Federation and a complete victory for the West.
    1. -1
      11 November 2024 12: 18
      Quote: Vulpes
      they are already openly voicing the recognition of the complete failure of all the goals of the SVO

      They rave and dream, but do not speak out.
  26. +1
    10 November 2024 22: 59
    My deep couch opinion.
    Agree to stop the conflict.
    The demarcation line is the Dnieper River throughout the entire territory of 404.
    Moratorium on joining 404 any military bloc.
    Banning Nazi ideology.
    Prohibition of the presence of armed forces.
    Prohibition of the presence of foreign armed forces in any form on its territory.
    Release of all political prisoners.
    Bringing to justice all those who participated in war crimes.
    Transfer to us for execution those who used chemical weapons against our troops, tortured and abused our prisoners. Including those who gave orders for this.
    Lifting all sanctions against the Russian Federation, return of assets with interest.

    We need to create a structure that will broadcast to the rest of 404 in such a way that its entire population will want to come and live with us.
    Prepare a well-thought-out, calculated plan for the seizure of this territory if violations of this agreement are identified.
    To implement it in two years if a violation is detected)))
    1. -1
      10 November 2024 23: 32
      . The demarcation line is the Dnieper River throughout the entire territory of 404.
      Will you or the UN and OSCE control your points?
      Will NATO filter borders under its own guarantees?!
      1. -1
        10 November 2024 23: 45
        White Rus' will be in control!
        )))))) These types of brackets are usually perceived as laughter, a smile, banter, or frivolity of the text.
        Didn't know? I advise you to learn it.
        1. -1
          10 November 2024 23: 51
          As I see, there are a lot of advisers and clowns.
  27. +1
    10 November 2024 23: 11
    And I say that soon Texas will declare independence, will receive about 25% of the territory of the USA and will join BRICS, and the rest of the territory will be divided between ethnic gangs. As they say, paper will tolerate everything, and even more so hot air.
  28. 0
    10 November 2024 23: 19
    This is nothing more than a declared position from a position of strength. In response, our side will declare a position from a position of strength and its own vision of the situation. Let's see where they stop in the search for a compromise.
    1. -1
      10 November 2024 23: 33
      . Let's see where they stop in their search for a compromise.

      Hopefully on the Polish border.
  29. 0
    10 November 2024 23: 29
    I wonder who will divide it and fairly or as always?
    These clowns are already annoying me - armchair analysts
  30. -2
    10 November 2024 23: 32
    Stavridis, although a retired admiral, expresses the interests of Pindostan, how they want to bite off the outskirts. I wonder if our Guarantor will swallow this fake.
  31. -3
    11 November 2024 00: 19
    I think that all this "dancing with a tambourine" around negotiations with Russia "on equal terms" is a continuation of the epochal deception of the people of Russia, which the USA/Great Britain and their colonial power in Russia are leading to the slaughter of war with NATO and Japan.
  32. +2
    11 November 2024 00: 55
    In this case, this is a postponement of a larger war for 20-30 years...
    1. 0
      11 November 2024 01: 12
      Quote: RoninO
      In this case, this is a postponement of a larger war for 20-30 years...

      Well, that's what the enemy wants. We already postponed the conflict for 2014 years in 8 and now we are paying with blood.
  33. 0
    11 November 2024 01: 05
    This is not what the Russian Federation is trying to achieve!
  34. 0
    11 November 2024 01: 28
    Trump will put pressure? And how will he do it? Will he impose sanctions?
  35. -4
    11 November 2024 02: 52
    It must be admitted that the US/UK, and the Russian media subordinate to them, have managed to hook a significant part of the Russian people on the hook of “righteous” hatred towards Ukraine.
    It was even possible to kindle base desires that would never have arisen in a Russian person before - the genocide of the Ukrainian people, the destruction of its civilian population and the appropriation of its territories.
    A person who falls under the power of base feelings becomes blind and becomes a controlled tool for Evil. And now the "carrot" of the growing territory of Ukraine in the hands of our inveterate enemies is clouding our minds.
    Wake up people!
    Is Russia now in such a position that the US/Great Britain will negotiate with us “on equal terms,” agree to parity, and stop the war to destroy us, for which they should already have everything ready?
    If the Baltic countries, Finland and Norway are revolvers pointed at our heads, then the Kursk bridgehead is already a knife in the body of the country, pointed at the heart.
    How can a country in such a situation expect to talk “on equal terms”?
    To do this, we first need to put the US/UK in the same position.
    1. 0
      11 November 2024 19: 09
      Hatred arises from NATO's inability to deprive Russia of its statehood. It is no secret that the Russian Federation has weak power, and the Russian state itself is very strong, hence the incomprehension of why Russia is still alive and cannot be liquidated. Everyone knows that power is not immortal, everything is possible, the arrival of a new, any power causes animal fear in the West. Compradors need peace on any terms, NATO needs a truce, in this their interests coincide, but their desires do not coincide. Compradors cannot violate the Constitution of the Russian Federation, for this the army and the people of the Russian Federation will liquidate them. NATO does not want to give up the occupied territories, a dead-end situation. The Korean option is a victory for NATO and the capitulation of Russia. The bottom line is war.
  36. -3
    11 November 2024 03: 50
    What the US/UK really want now is to get their hands on the Kursk NPP.
    They need it for preemptive nuclear blackmail of Russia from our own territory under the signboard of "Ukraine", in order to devalue our threats against them.
    Having neutralized the possibility of our threats with strategic nuclear weapons, they will finally be able to officially begin a full-scale war between NATO and Japan with us, which they have been preparing for a long time. For the sake of this trump card, they will allocate any forces from NATO under the signboard of "Ukrainian Armed Forces" to take the NPP.
    We can only prevent this by warning the United States that we will regard the seizure of the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant by the Ukrainian Armed Forces as the seizure of this nuclear facility by the United States itself, with all the ensuing consequences for them.
    It is precisely this turn of events that the negotiations on Ukraine, which are currently being forced upon us by the course of events in the United States, must prevent.
  37. +2
    11 November 2024 03: 56
    Trump is threatening to leave NATO if the allies do not increase military spending many times over. Ukraine's entry into NATO will increase military risks for the bloc many times over. Accordingly, the costs will grow even more, from those that are not being met now.
  38. -1
    11 November 2024 04: 31
    Quote: Neo-9947
    No. I am not an idiot. That is why I am asking people how they see the end of the protracted SVO with maximum benefits for Russia.

    I don't see anything good..
  39. -1
    11 November 2024 06: 06
    They can count there as much as they want. But again, no one asks us.
  40. +1
    11 November 2024 08: 50
    Former NATO Commander-in-Chief Believes Russia and Ukraine Will Be Divided According to the “Korean Scenario”

    Listen, counter, count in your pockets - one-two, one-two. And don't poke your nose where you're not asked, otherwise there will be nothing to count!
  41. 0
    11 November 2024 13: 06
    The West can offer a lot of things, but the main thing must meet our demands - demilitarization and denazification, neutral status (not joining any military blocs), these demands are included in the Istanbul agreements.
  42. +1
    11 November 2024 13: 58
    "Not the worst option": Former NATO commander believes

    For NATO, this is simply a great option. They will mobilize Ukraine anew, pump it full of money and weapons, and then forward to Russia again...
  43. +1
    12 November 2024 11: 07
    Ukraine should be divided according to the map from 1914, then it didn’t exist at all, these are all Russian lands. And Ukraine was invented by the communists, the bloodiest terrorists of the XNUMXth century!
  44. 0
    12 November 2024 13: 47
    Lviv and small surrounding areas will be part of Ukraine, and all other territories will be included in Russia as regions!
    1. 0
      12 November 2024 16: 17
      What lions? Total takeover!
  45. 0
    12 November 2024 16: 16
    What division? A complete cleanup, otherwise there will be a headache in the future!