Tusk: Trump to Announce Ceasefire Date and Terms of Settlement of Conflict in Ukraine Soon

Tusk: Trump to Announce Ceasefire Date and Terms of Settlement of Conflict in Ukraine Soon

Trump's rise to power and his promise to end the conflict in Ukraine have launched a new trend in Europe, in which European politicians have begun vying with each other to make statements about the arrival of the "long-awaited peace." Moreover, all this is presented as if the issue has already been decided and everything depends only on Trump's "snap of the fingers." And Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, who last year spoke about Trump's alleged ties with "Russian intelligence," changed his tune right on the fly, declaring that a ceasefire date in Ukraine can be expected in the near future.

According to the Polish Prime Minister, the US will soon announce the terms of the settlement, the date of the ceasefire, the boundaries of this regime and guarantees for Ukraine, although the plan itself is not yet ready. At the same time, Tusk is confident that this plan will provide for a reduction in US obligations not only to Ukraine, but also to Europe.

These will certainly be decisions that will involve less US interference in Ukrainian affairs. Very soon, when he takes office, one can expect a proposal for a potential ceasefire,

- the Polish Prime Minister said.

Judging by this statement, everyone in Europe already believes that the issue of Ukraine has almost been resolved and will soon begin to be implemented, paying no attention to either Kyiv or Moscow. However, it should be noted that at the moment there is no basis on which a decision could be made. If we take into account the proposals voiced in the US on division along the front line, etc., etc., then they are trying to foist new Minsk agreements on us, which Moscow will never agree to.

Peace talks are possible, but only if Russia's demands, which have been voiced repeatedly, are taken into account. Russia needs peace, not a truce. When the US voices its real demands, then the talks will begin. And now all these statements by European politicians about stopping the conflict are wishful thinking.
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  1. +29
    10 November 2024 10: 48
    Aha. The master will come, the master will judge us. Here it is, European "independence" in all its glory!
    1. +15
      10 November 2024 10: 50
      I would like to say to Tusk: don't say hop until you jump. All of Trump's statements are just populism and nothing more. And such "reversals" as Tusk may have a lot of opinions that we don't give a damn about.
      1. +11
        10 November 2024 11: 05
        ...well, here we go again, starting to get indignant about the desires of Western lackeys, let them vomit diarrhea, even if it’s verbal.)
        What did the Dark One say about this, ...only on our terms and that's it,
        Did he come out with a refutation or did Peskov disavow his words?
        No, I don't think he'll take his words back... so we'll wait.
        1. +7
          10 November 2024 11: 43
          Quote from Egeni
          ...well, here we go again, we're starting to get indignant about the desires of Western flunkies, let them vomit diarrhea,

          Absolutely right. The reasons for such heated discussion of the shaking of the air coming from the political pro-Western weathervane are unclear. There are no official proposals from the new Trump administration, there are only numerous injections and forecasts.
          The publication correctly states - "In the opinion of the Polish Prime Minister", and then the Prime Minister himself admits that "the plan is not ready yet". Is it possible to draw serious conclusions on such a flimsy basis?
          1. +4
            10 November 2024 13: 12
            Quote: Montezuma
            The publication correctly states - "In the opinion of the Polish Prime Minister", and then the Prime Minister himself admits that "the plan is not ready yet". Is it possible to draw serious conclusions on such a flimsy basis?

            One conclusion can be drawn: Tusk is trying to "lick" Trump.
            1. +3
              10 November 2024 13: 19
              Quote: Alex777
              One conclusion can be drawn: Tusk is trying to "lick" Trump.

              Yes, we need to somehow smooth over the previous verbal jabs at Trump. We can even consider that this is not an "attempt to lick", but an already actively ongoing process. lol
          2. 0
            10 November 2024 15: 16
            Quote: Montezuma
            but - "In the opinion of the Polish Prime Minister", and then the Prime Minister himself admits that "the plan is not ready yet."

            Well, what about the coded message "Trumpquake"?
        2. +1
          10 November 2024 11: 54
          Yes, I really hope so. And so that it doesn't happen like with congratulating Trump on his election. Peskov said that Putin would not congratulate Trump on his election because the US is an unfriendly country and is indirectly actively participating in the conflict in Ukraine. And a day later, Putin congratulated Trump from the stage in Sochi. Yes, he didn't send a telegram or call with congratulations. But he did congratulate him. Or was Peskov "talking nonsense" again?
          1. +2
            10 November 2024 11: 58
            He didn't congratulate him, he praised him. Like, how the guy behaved when they cut off his ear.
          2. +1
            10 November 2024 13: 12
            Quote: Andrey Gladkikh
            And whatever happens with Trump's congratulations on his election. Peskov said that Putin will not congratulate Trump on his election

            Peskov said it completely differently, there is no need to attribute anything unnecessary to him.
            Moscow. November 6. INTERFAX.RU - Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said he does not know whether Vladimir Putin plans to congratulate Donald Trump on his election victory, but he recalled that the United States is an unfriendly country involved in a war against Russia.

            "As for congratulations, I am not aware of the president's plans to congratulate Trump," Peskov told reporters in response to a question on the matter.
          3. +2
            10 November 2024 13: 24
            Quote: Andrey Gladkikh
            He didn't send a telegram or call with congratulations. But he did congratulate

            On the contrary: it seems like he congratulated, but he didn't send a telegram or call. And it is a telegram or a call that is considered a congratulation. But this from the stage in response to the question: well, like, congratulations - this is, rather, mockery. Although formally it looks polite.
          4. 0
            10 November 2024 15: 22
            Quote: Andrey Gladkikh
            And a day later, Putin congratulated Trump from the stage in Sochi. Yes, he didn’t send a telegram or call with congratulations.

            A very smart decision, this is Europe and especially Duda and Zelensky, racing, overtaking each other, calling and writing congratulatory telegrams to Trump, changing their shoes on the go, licking all of Donik's private parts. It's disgusting to watch and listen to those who mixed Trump with shit exactly a week ago. Pharisees and low-grade little people.
        3. 0
          10 November 2024 14: 04
          What are our conditions now?
          1. 0
            11 November 2024 06: 17
            ...Moscow, Kremlin, Putin... plzzzz.)
      2. +1
        10 November 2024 11: 08
        Quote: marchcat
        And such "reversals" as Tusk can have a lot of opinions
        Here it would be more appropriate: "And we will go north, and we will go north" (c)
      3. +4
        10 November 2024 11: 10
        Don't say hop until you've jumped.

        Don't boast when you go to battle, but boast when you go from battle...

        All this riffraff has been taking on too much in recent years... And this serf has started to brazenly speak instead of his master... Well, well, we'll see... I don't think Donnie will just forget your previous sweet pranks on him...
      4. 0
        10 November 2024 11: 50
        ......then they are trying to foist new Minsk agreements on us, which Moscow will never agree to.

        Let's move on, we've been through this before. No need to step on the same rake for the 4th time.
    2. +2
      10 November 2024 11: 02
      But it is said in the Scripture: do not make yourself an idol... what
      1. +2
        10 November 2024 11: 54
        I see something completely different in these statements - a trap for Trump. You are absolutely right - this is the creation of an idol. But the main task is to make the idol believe in it. All of them deliberately flatter Trump's vanity, exaggerating his capabilities and even theoretically excluding Russia's participation in the negotiations - the elected one will announce. They are trying to cut off Trump's ability to retreat and find compromises.

        It is absolutely obvious that Putin will reject any first offer from Trump, because it will be extremely disadvantageous for Russia. For America, with its cult of chosenness and exclusivity, the very idea of ​​any agreement was unnatural. And here the situation is such that in the issue of Ukraine the US is left either to make unilateral concessions or continue the war. Between shame and war, Trump will be forced to choose war.
        1. +2
          10 November 2024 12: 27
          Trump is a hardened huckster who has been making risky deals for half a century. He's seen a lot of guys like these in his time, he eats them for breakfast, unless he's too squeamish. I don't think that kind of crap still works on him.
    3. +3
      10 November 2024 11: 26
      Cut Samshitov
      Today, 10: 48
      Aha. The master will come, the master will judge us. Here it is, European "independence" in all its glory!

      hi Most of the politicians who previously took the oath of blood to Grandpa Dementiy and the globalists of the shadow state are now merging with each other and taking a multi-kilometer line at the estate of the shot-through Ushatik in Florida, hoping to secure support and receive future perks.
      But according to the mattress laws, the newly elected person is categorically prohibited from engaging in the country's foreign affairs until the official entry into office on January 20, 2025.
      So, all the statements and wishes of gay European and other current politicians are just a way to shine, to give their importance and loyalty to the new boss and nothing more. love
    4. +3
      10 November 2024 11: 46
      And why did they start deciding something for Putin? Who from the Presidential Administration gave them permission to speak and decide for Russia?
    5. +5
      10 November 2024 11: 56
      Quote: Cut Samshitov
      Aha. The master will come, the master will judge us. Here it is, European "independence" in all its glory!

      They've already teased me about Trump's peace plan. Yes
      Ushatik's wishes are his wishes. laughing
      Sanya in Florida conducted a sociological survey in his Telegram channel (850 thousand subscribers). There were only two possible answers: do you support Trump's "peace" plan or are you for the unconditional surrender of Nazi Ukraine. 107 respondents gave their answers. 000% of respondents supported the unconditional surrender of Ukraine. It should be taken into account that Ukrainians also watch Sanya's channel in Florida, judging by the comments on the posts. Ukrainians may not be delighted with Trump's "peace" plan, but they are definitely against the unconditional surrender of Ukraine. It should be noted that Sanya's channel in Florida is watched by an audience interested in the development of the SVO.
      However, this is not the Levada Center with 1-2 thousand respondents. This is the opinion of 107 thousand people. The result is indicative. The overwhelming majority of Russians are for the unconditional capitulation of Nazi Ukraine. soldier
  2. +6
    10 November 2024 10: 49
    These gay Europeans no longer know how to lick a redhead better, racing each other and not slowing down!
    1. +2
      10 November 2024 11: 06
      ...yes, there is such a thing, and ours are starting to suck up to you...)
  3. +5
    10 November 2024 10: 50
    they are voicing in the US about division along the front line, etc., etc., then they are trying to foist new Minsk agreements on us

    Russia needs peace, not a truce.
    1. +5
      10 November 2024 10: 57
      foist off new Minsk ones

      That's exactly what I'm talking about, Vladimir Vladimirovich. hi So that the Ukrainians could rearm, and NATO could gain a concrete foothold in this territory.
    2. +7
      10 November 2024 11: 02
      Russia needs peace, that's right. But Russia also needs international recognition of new borders, non-aligned status of Ukraine (what's left of it), Russia needs non-proliferation of NATO, and the absence of American (NATO) missiles on its borders. Maybe something else, the leadership should decide about that. Will Russia be able to achieve this? Time will tell.
    3. +5
      10 November 2024 11: 08
      ...a small clarification... we need peace on our terms.)
  4. +7
    10 November 2024 10: 51
    *they are trying to foist new Minsk agreements on us, which Moscow will never agree to*.
    but it is not exactly.
    1. +2
      10 November 2024 11: 09
      yes, the Minsk ones won't work, I hope the Istanbul ones don't start.)
  5. -5
    10 November 2024 10: 53
    Maybe she just knows something more than we do, because she is the "favorite wife" of the United States. Telephone conversations with the warden from abroad have probably already taken place and some agreements have been reported.
    1. +1
      10 November 2024 11: 11
      ...are you sure that Tuska is a woman?))
      1. +3
        10 November 2024 11: 15
        And nowadays it's hard to make out all of them...
        1. +1
          10 November 2024 11: 17
          ...........well I don't know, I didn't look closely.)
      2. +2
        10 November 2024 11: 33
        But the opposite cannot be said with certainty, even if you look into his (her) pants. Microsurgery has now achieved very significant results. They will cut and sew.laughing
  6. +5
    10 November 2024 10: 53
    The conditions for settling the conflict have long been announced by Russia. And those who tried to divide the skin of an unkilled bear always ended badly. The skin is alive and roaring. They just can't understand that what works with their "electorate" will never work in Russia, and all their attempts to instill such heresy will have no effect.
  7. 0
    10 November 2024 10: 54
    “All this is presented as if the issue has already been decided and everything depends only on Trump’s ‘snap of the fingers’” —

    - Trump has home the situation is not simple, as it were don't miss ...
  8. -1
    10 November 2024 10: 54
    This is not a politician, this is God forgive me.
  9. +5
    10 November 2024 10: 59
    The daily "Trump" is already starting to get tiresome. This is a real God-Emperor who needs to be mentioned every hour.
  10. 0
    10 November 2024 11: 02
    mattress slaves and lovers of licking uncle SEM's ass.
  11. -5
    10 November 2024 11: 06
    Oh, how the two old men will stubbornly insist on their conditions/demands, how a huge war will flare up...
  12. +2
    10 November 2024 11: 07
    The West considers (the key) a victim of our aggression, until this vision of the reasons changes - all these are empty words. Sergei Viktorovich has already said a hundred times - there will be real, adequate proposals, then we will talk. Let them continue to shake their Western air.
  13. +3
    10 November 2024 11: 19
    Trump is a nobody for two months. Joe doesn't give a damn what's going on in the distant galaxy. The military-industrial complex is not going to get off the Olympus, and weapons assembly is being opened in full swing on the forelocked territory. The European gang is tasked with distracting attention, and every day nonsense is heard from different corners.
  14. +4
    10 November 2024 11: 26
    Looks like they decided to set up Trump.
    No, well, if all the Nazis in Ukraine shoot themselves on his orders, then yes.
  15. +4
    10 November 2024 11: 30
    Trump has seriously stepped on the Faberge of the American Biden greens - having bankrupted (having cut the value of shares) by tens of billions of dollars - with just two words: "Green scam". It is very interesting to watch this now. Especially since in Azerbaijan in November there will be an "intergalactic" meeting on the Paris Climate Agreement. Let me remind you that Trump withdrew from the Paris Agreement during his last presidency. They will have no time for Ukraine now - trillions of dollars are at stake. And Trump wants to confiscate them, but not for Ukraine.
  16. -2
    10 November 2024 11: 35
    ... In the near future, the terms of the settlement, the date of the ceasefire, the boundaries of this regime and guarantees for Ukraine will be announced...
    ... In the near future we may learn about another betrayal of the country's interests...
    And, yes, there is too much Trump.
  17. 0
    10 November 2024 11: 41
    How does Tusk know what Trump is up to? They don't let Tusk near his hand, he puffs out his cheeks to show his importance.
  18. +1
    10 November 2024 11: 41
    Quote: paul3390
    And nowadays it's hard to make out all of them...

    Especially looking at that horse that seems to be broadcasting from the Pentagon, such a big nose. Even Sobchachka is a beauty in comparison.
  19. +1
    10 November 2024 11: 45
    Interesting movie. That is, Trump is fighting with the US Army. What a twist.))
  20. -6
    10 November 2024 11: 47
    Ukraine is being used by the US/UK to deceive Russia and distract it from its own, really important actions. This is how a magician does it, distracting the audience with one hand and performing a "trick" with the other.
    The Anglo-Saxon "deep state" is now using Trump in at least two directions.

    1. Trump must, in accordance with his long-standing program, withdraw the United States from NATO, thereby further protecting them from a Russian attack when NATO and Japan begin a war with it.

    2. Putin's negotiations with Trump on Ukraine and the search for compromises by both sides will once again distract Russia and prevent it from equating the upcoming seizure of the Kursk NPP by the Ukrainian Armed Forces with its seizure by the United States itself, with all the ensuing consequences for the United States, including a retaliatory nuclear strike against the United States.

    The seizure of a nuclear power plant is the Americans turning it into a stationary “dirty bomb” of colossal power on our territory, which they will detonate at any attempt at threats or ultimatums from our side.
    Considering that a NATO force under the signboard of the "Ukrainian Armed Forces" can be allocated by virtually anyone, Russia can only defend itself against this with a counter-preemptive nuclear threat against the United States,
    This means that the time when Russia got away with allowing the US to operate under the cover of the signs "Ukraine" and "AFU" - IT'S ALL OUT!
    Negotiations on Ukraine are ALREADY in the danger zone!
    They're not worth it.
    1. -5
      10 November 2024 12: 04
      The key to ending the disastrous war with NATO and Japan is held in the hands of its masters - the USA/Great Britain. By losing the ability to threaten them, Russia is also losing its life.
      1. -4
        10 November 2024 12: 36
        Quote: Alexey Davydov
        By depriving itself of the ability to threaten them, Russia is depriving itself of life.

        By depriving itself of the opportunity to inflict comparable damage on this organization and the country, Russia ensures itself further hostile policy from these Russophobes...Whoever thought that they had calmed down was cruelly mistaken. They are temporarily hiding...
        1. -3
          10 November 2024 12: 42
          In this world, the cause is always followed by its effect. In our situation, by ensuring THIS enemy's continued hostile policy, Russia is definitely ensuring its own destruction.
          Otherwise - we need to confront THIS enemy. Here and now.
          Either - or. There is no third option.
  21. +1
    10 November 2024 11: 47
    Tusk: Trump to Announce Ceasefire Date and Terms of Settlement of Conflict in Ukraine Soon

    How all the lickers believe in the tower! fellow laughing
    Some kind of forester will come and scatter everyone to the corners! wassat
    But he doesn’t decide anything, neither in his own country, nor, especially, in the world, especially since he is still a complete nobody, well, he won the elections, so what?
    His time is only in January, now he is a bogeyman for the Democrats in the US, for his political persecution and all.
    And it was like a bullet from, well, chocolate, that she decided world politics from. Yes
  22. -1
    10 November 2024 12: 05
    The conflict in Ukraine is simply the foam in the cauldron in which the global confrontation between Russia and some other countries with the West is brewing.
    Putin is interested in solving a global problem.
    The SVO did not start because of "Nazis in Ukraine". Look at Putin's statements in December 2021
    And without a solution to the problem of a global treaty on world order, the war in Ukraine will continue.

    And by the way, the same Tusk understands this perfectly well. It is simply not in his interests to talk about it, but it is advantageous for him to reduce everything to the conflict in Ukraine.
    1. 0
      10 November 2024 12: 32
      Quote: Denis812
      And by the way, the same Tusk understands this perfectly well.

      He doesn't understand a damn thing... He crowed, and then even if it doesn't dawn...
  23. -1
    10 November 2024 12: 10
    Everything depends only on Trump's own "snap of the fingers", says Tusk. However, for him he is a gentleman, but for Russia he is a nobody and has no name!
    1. -2
      10 November 2024 12: 30
      Quote: musorg
      but for Russia he is nobody and his name is nothing!

      Everything is correct: no one and nothing... Not even a sneeze or a puff... feel
  24. -1
    10 November 2024 12: 10
    We need Odessa! ,,,,,,,,,,,,
  25. 0
    10 November 2024 12: 21
    There are no prospects for an end to the Ukrainian crisis as lacks a basis agreed by the conflicting parts.The conclusion of the 'peace plan" will undoubtedly be more military aid to Ukraine junta.So we have to prepare for a long full scale war
  26. 0
    10 November 2024 12: 23
    Well, first of all, until January, Trump was a nobody and had no name.
    secondly, he can announce anything, even the second coming....
  27. 0
    10 November 2024 12: 27
    Judging by this statement, everyone in Europe already believes that the issue of Ukraine has almost been resolved and will soon begin to be implemented, without paying attention to either Kyiv or Moscow.

    Everyone in Europe is still deciding, but Tusk has already decided everything: for Trump, for Putin, and for the Lord...
    Correctly say: The bug is small and stinky...
  28. -1
    10 November 2024 12: 28
    According to the Polish Prime Minister, the US will soon announce the terms of the settlement, the date of the ceasefire, the boundaries of this regime and guarantees for Ukraine

    Key words - according to the Polish Prime Minister. Personally, I am not very interested in his opinion.
  29. +1
    10 November 2024 12: 44
    What's interesting is that anyone can speak for Trump: Poles, Czechs, and other Finns.
    But not he himself, I think he will now, before his inauguration, delve into the essence of the matter, also study the agreement with the DPRK, Russia’s cooperation with Iran and quietly be stunned, because he hardly knew how bad everything was.
    And yet China, the enemy, smiles slyly and builds up its weapons systems, not all of which the United States has.
    Yes, you can try to push as hard as possible to start a conversation, but Biden didn’t leave him any leeway forward, only backwards, or towards Armageddon in leaps and bounds.
    So, Trump has something to think about, and saving Zelensky is not his guiding star, he has more important things to do. At least start cleaning his own stables.
  30. +1
    10 November 2024 12: 51
    Trump's rise to power and his promise to end the conflict in Ukraine have launched a new trend in Europe, in which European politicians have begun vying with each other to make statements about the arrival of the "long-awaited peace."

    The more obvious Ukraine's defeat becomes, the louder the West's calls and demands for negotiations and a freeze in the conflict will be. Whether Russia will agree to this is the question. Most likely, negotiations at the current stage of the conflict are not in Russia's interests.
    1. -1
      10 November 2024 13: 30
      It depends on whose Russia you mean.
      1. +1
        10 November 2024 14: 37
        Quote from Ruabel
        It depends on whose Russia you mean.

        Russia is one and there can be no other. We love it as it is.
        1. +1
          10 November 2024 15: 23
          I am also from that Russia. God willing, decisions will be made in her favor!
  31. -1
    10 November 2024 12: 59
    Putin spoke at the summit in Kazan:
    -To implement all BRICS plans, Russia needs a victory in Ukraine. Otherwise, all efforts will come to naught!
    This is not something to "pour into the ears" of your electorate; the heads of more than 30 states were present there!
  32. 0
    10 November 2024 13: 06
    There is already a line of people wanting to bury Zenelokh))) Why do they dislike him so much?)))
    1. 0
      10 November 2024 13: 28
      They love them, but America "loves" them more.
      1. 0
        10 November 2024 13: 48
        Well, America "loves" everyone except Russia and China)))
  33. 0
    10 November 2024 13: 18
    There are more than a few predictors and experts on the new president of the striped state...
    To say that they are all WRONG, probably not... because there are so many predictions that someone will guess, for sure.
  34. 0
    10 November 2024 13: 20
    a proposal for a potential ceasefire can be expected

    I remembered a joke about potential millionaires and reality.
  35. 0
    10 November 2024 13: 25
    It does not occur to the serf that his master cannot dictate to free people.
  36. +1
    10 November 2024 13: 26
    Tusk licks his philippics against Trump.
  37. 0
    10 November 2024 13: 29
    If only Trump would live to see the inauguration. Otherwise, they have decided everything. The navels of the earth.
  38. -1
    10 November 2024 13: 45
    The conflict will end only when the civilized countries of the free world (BRICS) inflict a strategic defeat on the wild countries (the so-called "West")
  39. +1
    10 November 2024 14: 54
    Trump to announce ceasefire date soon
    wow, what an important boss, he just announces it? And everyone has to salute and do it?
  40. 0
    10 November 2024 15: 18
    The US messed up, started a war, and now they are shifting the responsibility onto Europe.

    There will be no peace based on the wishes of the United States
  41. -1
    10 November 2024 15: 57
    So this is what we've all been waiting for?
    Turns out Trump has to declare a ceasefire what
  42. 0
    10 November 2024 16: 13
    None of these puppets can even imagine that the newly elected one and his plan could be sent far away.
  43. 0
    10 November 2024 18: 37
    Trump will only be able to say anything sensible in the third ten days of January 2025. What is this article about?
  44. 0
    10 November 2024 18: 38
    Yeah, the Poles decided something again?))
  45. 0
    10 November 2024 18: 42
    And as usual, we forgot to ask for your opinion again? laughing
  46. 0
    10 November 2024 18: 45
    But why ask him... If he has one answer to everything: "I'll do what needs to be done. Or maybe not." )
  47. 0
    10 November 2024 18: 58
    Well, if Shere Khan said it, then the jackals will chime in, Tusk, of course)
  48. 0
    10 November 2024 19: 17
    Trump cannot announce anything, he is not yet president, even though he won the election.
  49. 0
    10 November 2024 22: 52
    Tusk: Trump to Announce Ceasefire Date and Terms of Settlement of Conflict in Ukraine Soon
    - in general, it is possible to discuss this, but to what extent is it necessary - Trump understands that he may not be appreciated with his announcements, they may simply ignore him, and the Tusk will simply be sent away.
  50. 0
    10 November 2024 23: 07
    As they say, paper will tolerate everything, including wiping your ass with it or writing a crazy plan on it...
  51. -1
    11 November 2024 04: 23
    These are not even the Minsk agreements, this is a program for joining NATO.
    The brazen gay West does not see reality at all or does not want to see it
  52. 0
    11 November 2024 07: 11
    Westerners and pin...s are simply under the delusion that we will now sit down and decide... They did not listen - and now they hear only themselves.
  53. 0
    11 November 2024 11: 37
    Tusk: Trump will soon...

    In Poland this day will be declared a day of mourning because the eastern cresses failed!?
  54. The comment was deleted.
  55. 0
    11 November 2024 19: 44
    ? ? ? intanto non riesce nemmeno a bloccare né fondi né armi a lunga gittata a Zelenskyj che se verrano usati scoppia la 5.ae la 6.a guerra mondiale !
  56. 0
    11 November 2024 23: 11
    He can declare whatever he wants, but how to implement it is another question...
    1. 0
      11 November 2024 23: 26
      Quote: Sergey Sergey_4
      he can announce whatever he wants, but how is that to implement is another question...

      In fact, he can implement this very simply by stopping his support for the Banderites.
  57. 0
    11 November 2024 23: 54
    like these clowns are deciding something there... funny, sent away............
  58. 0
    14 November 2024 05: 58
    And who is he, the center of the universe has been found, he will declare a truce, damn it.