War. Causes and consequences

War. Causes and consequences

What is war?

"War is a continuation of politics" - this is the most famous phrase of Clausewitz, which clearly shows that wars are one of the means of implementing state policy, and war is primarily subordinate to politicians, so there is no need to build illusions about the "inadmissibility of war". In addition to continuing politics, war is the highest form of struggle, the goal of which is to achieve a more just world (at least for one of the parties), because an unjust world leads to new wars. An example of this is Hitler's revenge for the humiliating Versailles peace... To sum it up, we can say that war is an attempt to untie the tangle of contradictions between states through violence.

Causes of wars

Wars begin because of economic contradictions, namely the desire for monopoly of corporations in their industries, and the state, which is the apparatus of violence of the ruling class, actively indulges this. Over time, a number of large imperialist powers are formed, which, striving for monopolization, begin military conflicts.

Many idealists blame human nature for everything, but if you look at each conflict, it becomes clear that the economic reason is at the forefront. For example, the Iran-Iraq War began because of Saddam Hussein's desire to seize Iranian oil fields, WWI - for the redivision of the world, the Anglo-Boer War - for minerals, and here, for example, is Samuel Huntington's description of the reason for the start of Desert Storm:

The Gulf War was the first post-Cold War resource war between civilizations. The question at stake was whether the bulk of the world's oil reserves would be controlled by Saudi and Emirati governments whose security depended on Western military might, or by independent, anti-Western regimes that could exploit the "oil boom" weapons against" the West.

The impact of hostilities on the civilian population

The crime rate is increasing, there is often speculation on the ground, soldiers often destroy civilians while advancing (depending on the degree of hostility between the two states and the discipline of the soldiers, the ideology of the countries), after the end of a modern war (by which we mean wars from World War II to the present day) anti-personnel mines remain on the territories of states.

The number of mines in 2005 in Africa was 22 million, in Asia - 39 million, and in the Middle East - 50 million. This problem is especially acute to this day in countries such as Sudan, Iraq, Cambodia, Afghanistan and a number of other states that have been rolled over by war.

The use of chemical and bacteriological weapons also has consequences. For example, the Americans sprayed 72 million liters of defoliants containing 170 kg of dioxin in Vietnam, which exposed more people than anywhere else. In 50 districts of Vietnam, the dioxin content in the environment still remains at dangerous levels. According to the Vietnamese Ministry of Labor, about 2 million people were exposed to defoliants, and the number of children with birth defects reaches 50 thousand.

Military conflicts cause famine and leave behind destroyed homes, factories, hospitals and other residential infrastructure.

Environmental consequences

Modern wars have a strong impact on the environment. We are not even talking about the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons or, say, nuclear weapons, but about the destruction of hydroelectric power stations, oil wells, dams, etc.

The Gulf War (1991) is proof of my words, during which Iraqi troops allegedly dumped oil into the Persian Gulf to stop the American landing. This action was considered an act of eco-terrorism, which caused damage to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. According to scientists from different countries, this is a major ecological tragedy, with serious consequences for the region.

A more recent example can be given: the shelling of the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the detonation of which would have threatened a new “Chernobyl”.


There is an opinion in society that a new war is impossible, that “the politicians at the top will come to an agreement,” that “everything will settle down,” but the Gordian knot of contradictions between states can only be cut with a sword. It would seem that the SVO should open everyone’s eyes, but the majority were surprised again when Hamas attacked Israel. The question is: what could have been expected when the enmity between Arabs and Jews has lasted for a century, when the Arab population is oppressed in Israel, when Gaza has been turned into a reservation? Sooner or later, a war was bound to begin, as, incidentally, did the SVO in Ukraine.

But the media is forming the opinion in society that war is unacceptable and impossible, because human life is sacred and reason will triumph over weapons. Empty populism to calm the population.

Meanwhile, war does not start spontaneously. The political ground is prepared for a long time before the guns are used. In the system in which we live, wars are inevitable. Sooner or later, capitalist contradictions will reach their peak, and a new war will begin.

The First World War was called "the war that will end all wars," but just 21 years later a new war broke out, even more terrible than the last one. No matter what horrors a war brings, no matter what consequences it has, this usually does not stop militarists. Yes, a nuclear war is unlikely, but even without the use of nuclear weapons, war takes thousands of lives and brings only hunger, disease and other eternal companions of war.

Sources of
M. Trebin "Wars of the XXI",
Carl von Clausewitz "On War"
S. Huntington "Clash of Civilizations"
D. Francis "Rethinking War and Peace"
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  1. +9
    12 November 2024 04: 52
    In the system we live in, wars are inevitable.
    Imperialism...And everything else is according to the classics.
    1. +1
      12 November 2024 06: 18
      Wars have been and will be under any state system... request
      Alas, alas...such is the nature of man, prone to violence against all living things.
  2. -1
    12 November 2024 05: 43
    Yes, nuclear war is unlikely
    "If a nuclear bomb is invented and placed in military arsenals, then a nuclear war is inevitable. Otherwise, it would not have been invented" (c).
    1. -1
      12 November 2024 10: 14
      Quote: parusnik
      then nuclear war is inevitable. Otherwise, they wouldn't have invented it"

      more precisely, its use is inevitable... in fact, it was used right away in 1945
  3. +5
    12 November 2024 05: 47
    According to Ozhegov's dictionary, war is an armed struggle between states or peoples, between classes within a state.
  4. -2
    12 November 2024 05: 54
    War. Causes and consequences

    "War is nothing more than a continuation of politics, with the use of other means."

    It is capitalism that is the source of wars:
    Sooner or later, capitalist contradictions will reach their highest point, and a new war will begin.

    Everyone has known for a long time that:
    Capital fears the absence of profit or too little profit, as nature fears a vacuum. But once there is sufficient profit, capital becomes bold. Provide 10 percent, and capital agrees to any application, at 20 percent it becomes animated, at 50 percent it is positively ready to break its head, at 100 percent it tramples all human laws, at 300 percent there is no crime that he would not risk, at least under pain of the gallows.

    The author lied about the gallows...It's a fact!!!
    1. +8
      12 November 2024 06: 23
      It is capitalism that is the source of wars:

      Not always.
      In Africa, massacres of populations sometimes occur on ethnic grounds.
      The USSR intervened in Afghanistan and got bogged down in battles with the mujahideen.
      Communist China at one time attacked communist Vietnam.
      So not everything can be blamed on capitalism and imperialism.
      Both capitalists and communists fight equally for a place in the sun.
      1. -4
        12 November 2024 06: 52
        The enemies of the USSR always tear out from the common only that which is beneficial to you. During the period after the October Revolution and up to now, more than 90% of wars were unleashed by the enemies of the USSR, including ALL wars on the territory of the USSR.
      2. 0
        12 November 2024 07: 36
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        In Africa, massacres of populations sometimes occur on ethnic grounds.

        And who is behind the prerequisites for this massacre? In 99,99% of cases, it is the owners of world capital...
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        The USSR got involved in Afghanistan and got bogged down in battles with the mujahideen

        And who supported the dushmans with instructors and weapons? Not the capitalists?
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        Communist China at one time attacked communist Vietnam.

        Dan was such a "communist" with his famous capitalist slogan...
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        So not everything can be blamed on capitalism and imperialism

        Why "everything"? Only world crises and world wars, which are generated by capitalism/imperialism, without which it cannot exist.
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        Both capitalists and communists fight equally for a place in the sun.

        No, not the same. Capitalists are for a place in the sun only for themselves, and communists are for the whole people...
        1. +3
          12 November 2024 07: 41
          In the USSR in Fergana there was a massacre of Meskhetian Turks by Uzbeks...how will you cover up this fact?
          1. +5
            12 November 2024 07: 46
            What is there to "cover up"? What year? The end of the Union, under the jeers of specially nurtured nationalists of all colors and stripes... And can this conflict be called a "war"? We are not talking about conflicts in general, but about wars whose scale is astounding, and such only occurred on the initiative of capitalists.
          2. +1
            12 November 2024 14: 47
            In the USSR in Fergana there was a massacre of Meskhetian Turks by Uzbeks...how will you cover up this fact?

            I studied at a military school with an Uzbek from Fergana. He told me that when the pogroms happened, their gang went and killed a Meskhetian who ran a local market.
            The pogrom was nationalistic, but apparently everyone there was pursuing their own goals. Some were seeking power, some were seeking money.
      3. +4
        12 November 2024 07: 51
        Both capitalists and communists fight equally for a place in the sun
        Now the socialist system has collapsed, and only capitalists remain under the sun, fighting for markets.
        1. 0
          12 November 2024 08: 20
          Cuba is still holding on... request but with the change of the old generation of politicians, it will also move into the camp of capitalism.
          1. -1
            12 November 2024 08: 23
            Cuba and the DPRK are islands in the capitalist world. So, are Cuba and the DPRK fighting among themselves for a place in the sun? wink Or maybe they are being strangled? Only the squabbles between capitalists prevent them from strangling these countries completely?
            1. -1
              12 November 2024 08: 29
              Is it only the squabbles between capitalists that prevent them from strangling these countries completely?

              No, not a showdown.
              The DPRK has a nuclear bomb.
              And regarding Cuba, the US gave its commitment to the USSR not to attack it.
              The DPRK has constant squabbles with South Korea.
              In Cuba, the American base at Guantanamo is still operating.
              So it's not all that simple with these countries.
              1. +3
                12 November 2024 08: 59
                Nooo, tell me about the friction between Cuba and the DPRK.
                Both capitalists and communists fight equally for a place in the sun
                How the communists of Cuba are fighting against the communists of the DPRK for a place in the sun.
                1. +2
                  12 November 2024 11: 52
                  Quote: kor1vet1974
                  Nooo, tell me about the friction between Cuba and the DPRK.

                  It's too difficult to talk about something that doesn't exist and never existed...
                  1. 0
                    12 November 2024 11: 55
                    At least you could have answered, otherwise it is written as if the countries of the socialist camp were only engaged in dividing the world among themselves. laughing
            2. -1
              12 November 2024 11: 50
              Quote: kor1vet1974
              Is it only the squabbles between capitalists that prevent them from strangling these countries completely?

              It's not so much that, but rather that no one really needs Cuba. The USSR has disappeared, and the large US naval base there is still functioning today, there is no oil or other multi-billion dollar resources there, and no threat to capital, so it's of no interest. The same with the DPRK, 25 million almost fanatical citizens hugging a warhead "somewhere under the Chinese side", and nothing more... If, for example, information appeared about the discovery of huge hydrocarbon reserves in such countries, I wouldn't bet a ruble on their regimes...
          2. +4
            12 November 2024 10: 24
            Quote: Lech from Android.
            Cuba is still holding on... but with the change of the old generation of politicians, it too will move into the camp of capitalism.

            She already has one foot there, the US is cultivating her with all its might - and Cuba is not resisting much, and there are capitalists on the beaches of Cuba, just like ours were in Turkey a few years ago...
      4. -2
        12 November 2024 09: 18
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        Both capitalists and communists fight equally for a place in the sun.

        You might as well sing here that communists are waging wars of conquest for resources... Learn to distinguish military clashes (armed conflicts) from wars... War is a purposeful organization of armed actions, and not a momentary shootout, where the one whose nerves gave out is the first to start...
    2. +8
      12 November 2024 06: 38
      Quote: ROSS 42
      It is capitalism that is the source of wars.

      When our ancestors were still running around in loincloths with clubs and bone tips, there was no capitalism yet...
      1. +1
        12 November 2024 07: 53
        there was no capitalism yet...
        ..But there were hunting grounds, fishing grounds, etc.
      2. 0
        12 November 2024 22: 09
        And hit your neighbor on the head with a stone to squeeze out a piece of meat...
    3. +4
      12 November 2024 09: 45
      It is capitalism that is the source of wars:

      True. We need to go back to feudalism. There were no wars under feudalism. Everyone loved each other.
    4. -1
      12 November 2024 21: 09
      Quote: ROSS 42
      It is capitalism that is the source of wars:

      The destruction of one tribe, what is it to others, capitalism is also to blame. The primitive communal system... and not even close to capitalism. Wars between people are constant. For food, land, security, power, natural resources.
      1. -1
        13 November 2024 04: 11
        Quote: 30 vis
        The destruction of one tribe is what it is to another, capitalism is also to blame.

        Let's not slide into primitivism. We are talking about TODAY... Otherwise we will reach a war of phagocytes with bacteria and viruses...
        1. 0
          13 November 2024 09: 16
          Quote: ROSS 42
          Quote: 30 vis
          The destruction of one tribe is what it is to another, capitalism is also to blame.

          Let's not slide into primitivism. We are talking about TODAY... Otherwise we will reach a war of phagocytes with bacteria and viruses...

          Okay. Alexander the Great's campaign to the east, is it a consequence of capitalism? The reasons for this campaign are not clear at all. And also the invasion of Genghis Khan... Why? Simply why, why... To plunder, to fight? The climate.
  5. -6
    12 November 2024 05: 58
    There is a romance of war. There is a justification that war is an indispensable part of human existence. But war is a terrible naturalism. From the memoirs of refugees after a German air raid - "A boy with a torn off jaw is spinning around his axis, throwing his face back to the sky." And everyone is right. And he who counts his profits from the war is right. And those who defend their native land from any encroachment.
  6. +2
    12 November 2024 06: 07
    Interesting. What economic reasons led the USSR to the war in Afghanistan for 15 years? And then the USA for another 20 years. With the USA it may be understandable. During their stay there, drug production and trafficking grew to cosmic proportions. But what about the USSR?
    1. +2
      12 November 2024 06: 25
      Quote: Vitaly Lyalin
      Well, what about the USSR?
      The USSR was not a capitalist country, so it is hardly worth talking about any economic benefit here, it was a purely political move. In addition, as we were told then, when introducing troops, this was the US's opposition to the prospect of deploying military bases there, in particular, with medium-range missiles. Was this a mistake? Perhaps we should have remembered the sad experience of Britain, besides, we had good relations with Afghanistan even under the monarchy there. Was it worth getting involved there with socialism...
  7. +2
    12 November 2024 06: 11
    As for the reasons for the SVO. President Putin himself rejects the economic version/reason. He and everyone else talk about the political reason. And specifically about the fact that Russia should have a "buffer" between the West and us.
    1. +5
      12 November 2024 06: 30
      Quote: Vitaly Lyalin
      As for the reasons for the SVO.
      The economic version, our oligarchs... Yes, this is the basis of everything that happened with this strange military operation, when we fight here, we trade here. We fight because we brought things to a head, without resolving the issue immediately, in 2014 with little bloodshed. We trade because this is capitalism, the selfish interests of oligarchs, which have not gone away. About the "buffer", gentlemen bourgeois came to their senses a little late, when the West armed the Nazis to the teeth, they killed Russians in Donbass for 8 years, and NATO was knocking at our border, it was necessary to react somehow, save reputation and raise ratings.
    2. 0
      12 November 2024 09: 27
      The newly-minted NATO members in the form of the Finns are now laughing about the "buffer".
  8. +1
    12 November 2024 06: 22
    Let's assume that the reason for wars is economic. But this concerns politicians, capital and capitalists. What could interest ordinary citizens/workers from the warring parties in a war? What could make a specific worker voluntarily go to war? From families, from work, from a stable life. And even shout "bloodthirsty" slogans. What? Maybe they think that after victory they will not have to work, support their families? No. Absolutely nothing will change in their lives. And it will even get worse. Since the psyche traumatized by war can no longer be restored. And this will directly affect their post-war life. So what makes an ordinary person, any state, go to war?
    1. -6
      12 November 2024 07: 37
      Quote: Vitaly Lyalin
      Let's assume that the cause of wars is economic.

      And if we admit that the reason for the war is metaphysical, which is what is happening now in Ukraine.
      And why are economic causes of wars pointed out, since all wars have a religious character.
      1. +1
        12 November 2024 07: 55
        Quote: bober1982
        And if we admit that the reason for the war is metaphysical

        Without potential difference, electric current does not flow, winds do not blow, in general, if we speak globally, there is no movement. To believe or not to believe in God, and which one, under what nationality and mentality is everyone's business, but, I think, if God wanted, we would all be pacifists, good-natured, but this is not the case, war is embedded in the nature of humanity. Good and evil, light and darkness, this is all a divine program of development. By the way, believing in God as a creator, and believing in priests, "pimps" of faith, with their religions, for the sake of embezzling money and influencing the flock, for me are not the same thing. But religion, as a part of history and culture, this must be recognized.
      2. +3
        12 November 2024 10: 29
        Quote: bober1982
        All wars have a religious character.

        All wars have a character that is always beneficial to someone and religion is far from being the first reason.
    2. -1
      12 November 2024 07: 55
      So what about the common man, any state
      This is how the state forces us to go, according to the Constitution.
    3. +2
      12 November 2024 16: 39
      Quote: Vitaly Lyalin
      Let's assume that the cause of wars is economic.

      You are repeating the author's mistake. The Middle Ages -- religious wars, dynastic wars... Afghanistan -- a purely political reason, again the SRV -- the PRC... And our SVO? Naked politics. At the same time, attempts to present the SVO as an "operation" in which all (!) types of the Armed Forces are involved (except for the Strategic Missile Forces and the Strategic Nuclear Forces) do not even come close to an economic background... There is not enough money, prices are rising, inflation is clearly not 4,8%...
      So, V.I. Lenie correctly determined that “war is a continuation of state policy by other, namely violent methods.”
      No one argues that the main reasons are almost always economic, but not only.
  9. +6
    12 November 2024 06: 36
    1. Wars existed before capitalism and before the formation of Homo sapiens. In prides of lions, primate communities, there is a rebellion of young males against an old lion or an old head of a harem.
    2. According to Sun Tzu, the cause of war is the desire to gain advantage and the prevailing favorable conditions. "War is the great business of the state, the cause of life and death."
    3. Wars in the Middle East are caused by irreconcilable religious contradictions, as well as economic reasons. Wars in the triangle of the Wild Field have always been waged by the empires of the West against the Slavs for the sake of expansion to the East (pressure to the East), the peoples of the Steppe for the sake of booty, Turkey and Russia for the sake of expansion of empires.
    Russia was attacked when it demonstrated its weakness and backwardness.
    "The Crimean War revealed the rottenness and impotence of feudal Russia."
    "Tell the Emperor that the British do not clean guns with bricks."
    "They steal."
  10. +7
    12 November 2024 06: 52
    Very simplified. There could be many reasons: economic, political, ideological, religious, linguistic, cultural, mental, moral, military, ambitious, personal, stupid, random.
  11. -1
    12 November 2024 06: 57
    The enemies of the USSR, “liberated” by Gorbachev, immediately began to unleash wars among themselves, both on the territory of the USSR they had captured, and in Eastern Europe they had captured.
    BUT only some of them have a manic passion for military action, for pouring huge amounts of money into militarization.
  12. -1
    12 November 2024 06: 58
    Quote: Vitaly Lyalin
    Let's assume that the reason for wars is economic. But this concerns politicians, capital and capitalists. What could interest ordinary citizens/workers from the warring parties in a war? What could make a specific worker voluntarily go to war? From families, from work, from a stable life. And even shout "bloodthirsty" slogans. What? Maybe they think that after victory they will not have to work, support their families? No. Absolutely nothing will change in their lives. And it will even get worse. Since the psyche traumatized by war can no longer be restored. And this will directly affect their post-war life. So what makes an ordinary person, any state, go to war?

    Ideas, state coercion, self-interest, the hardships of life, hopelessness, revenge, legalized suicide, hatred, bloodthirstiness, etc.
    1. -1
      12 November 2024 11: 04
      Notice. You didn't mention patriotism. And no one did.
      1. +2
        12 November 2024 16: 48
        Quote: Vitaly Lyalin
        You didn't mention patriotism. And no one did.

        You're looking at the problem from the wrong end! Patriotism must be nourished by something: hatred of enemies, love for the Fatherland, understanding of the hopelessness of a slave existence... But at the core, the root cause, are still economics, politics, ideology - in the broad sense of their interpretation.
  13. +3
    12 November 2024 07: 02
    As blasphemous as it may sound, but it is possible to stop wars only in one case - by gaining absolute power, hegemony throughout the world. Only by uniting into one state will humanity stop fighting. By the way, this would also contribute to solving the pressing problems of humanity - overpopulation, hunger, climate control, space threats, and so on. And humanity seemed to be moving in this direction in the 20th century, political blocs were becoming larger, but now, alas, we are witnessing the opposite process - fragmentation into small states, autonomies. In such a situation, it is physically impossible to stop the war. It will smolder constantly - small local conflicts will develop into large ones and so on up to a global one. And it does not matter what motives drive those who participate in this process, but the result is negative for all of humanity. Confirming - the road to hell is paved with good intentions. And the only problem that war solves is overpopulation.
    1. +3
      12 November 2024 07: 23
      I fear there will be even bloodier civil wars. Even pigeons peck each other to death.
    2. +1
      12 November 2024 11: 18
      No. War for the "players" solves dozens, if not hundreds of problems. Which they are no longer able to solve. Let's say, the disposal of hundreds of thousands of tons of expired ammunition and chemicals. For free!!! Or the problem of the gigantic national debt. Checking, testing the latest technologies. Including medical ones. And I have already written. That the problems that war can solve can also be purely personal. And so on, one can continue to list for a very long time and a lot.
      Let's say Zelensky didn't run for president for democracy and Ukraine. And not by himself. He just didn't want to be a poor clown. And now he's a billionaire. He solved his personal problem.
    3. 0
      12 November 2024 11: 26
      No. War for the "players" solves dozens, if not hundreds of problems. Which they are no longer able to solve. Let's say, the disposal of hundreds of thousands of tons of expired ammunition and chemicals. For free!!! Or the problem of the gigantic national debt. Checking, testing the latest technologies. Including medical ones. And I have already written. That the problems that war can solve can also be purely personal. And so on, one can continue to list for a very long time and a lot.
      Let's take Zelensky. Well, he didn't run for president for democracy in Ukraine or against Russia. And not by himself. He just didn't want to be a poor clown. And now he's a billionaire. He solved his personal problem.
  14. -3
    12 November 2024 07: 02
    Many idealists blame human nature for everything, but if you look into each conflict, it becomes clear that economic reasons are at the forefront.

    Hmm? And what economic reasons forced I.V. Stalin to attack Finland in 1939? Or did the division of the USSR economically make all those non-banana republics that separated from Russia happy?
    It would seem that the SVO should have opened everyone's eyes, but most were again surprised when Hamas attacked Israel.

    Again, the question: what should the SVO have opened its eyes to? That it is impossible to fight according to the enemy's patterns, bowing to "S.V. Lavrov's partners"? And to add to that, to pass off a competent provocation by the Mossad with the aim of liquidating the Gaza Strip as a Palestinian attack on Israel is the same as considering the Mainila incident as an attack by Finland on the USSR with the aim of separating the Northwestern Economic Region from it.
    1. 0
      12 November 2024 07: 59
      And what economic reasons forced I.V. Stalin to attack Finland in 1939?
      And what economic reasons forced Finland to attack Soviet Russia from 1918 to 1922?
      1. 0
        12 November 2024 08: 32
        The reason here is banal. The desire to expand the territory at the expense of the Metropolis that had gone mad. The weakness of the Red Army demonstrated during the Polish campaign of 1920 gave rise to an attempt to seize Karelia and the north of the Petrograd province in 1921. And then there was the uprising of the Ingrian Finns. It's good that they managed it, otherwise from the point of view of the World Revolution - it's a blessing!
        1. +1
          12 November 2024 09: 10
          The reason here is banal.
          And in 1939, the USSR had a non-trivial reason to move the border away from Leningrad? At the same time, during the negotiations on the border, they offered territories in exchange, not of strategic importance, but of economic importance with timber. Yes, Finland did not declare its neutrality in 1922. And what would have been bad if from 1923 on the territory of Europe, there was Soviet Germany, Soviet Poland, Soviet Hungary, Soviet Slovakia? Soviet Bulgaria? If, nevertheless, the revolutions in these countries had won, and Poland had become Soviet, had the Entente countries not provided it with enormous assistance?
          1. +2
            12 November 2024 13: 12
            So who's against it?
            But this should be asked of the Bolshevik-Leninists (well, Stalin did ask in the 30s!), why they arranged an operational pause in anticipation of the Polish proletarian uprising. In fact, they gave time to regroup and deliver weapons to the enemy. And when the enemy went on the counteroffensive, they did not provide cover by maneuvering reserves. So Minsk had to be saved from the Polish cavalry by air assault operations.
            Revolution in Europe is a dream of internationalist communists. Only in the end the nationalists ALWAYS gained the upper hand. This was especially evident in Germany: 23.10.1923/08/09.11.1923 - Hamburg Uprising (according to the "free press" the Judeo-cosmopolitans want to seize Germany); XNUMX/XNUMX-XNUMX/XNUMX - Beer Hall Putsch (according to the "free press" the national patriots are trying to save Germany from Bolshevik enslavement).
            1. 0
              12 November 2024 13: 57
              Revolution in Europe - a communist dream
              The revolution in Hungary and Slovakia was strangled by the interventionists, it did not take place in Bulgaria, due to the fault of no one, the uprising was prepared purposefully, but either provocateurs or people in a hurry blew up the St. Sophia Cathedral, they had to act unprepared, before the established deadline... Germany 1923, filled with weapons and advisers, but everything was built on a general strike, and the Social Democrats did not support the communists, they had to cancel, only in Hamburg, they did not know about the cancellation, they had to shoot. I understand that you are an anti-communist? From the bright democrats, the descendant of those workers and peasants who created a great country, and you are one of those who kick it. Such a state was built for the first time and there were no manuals and there are none now. There were quite a few mistakes, but this is not a reason to kick. Moreover.. Your main comrade, at Valdai, said that we went in the wrong direction in 30 years. Oh, how.. hi
              1. -2
                12 November 2024 16: 27
                I understand you are an anti-communist?

                Wrong understand.
                There are plenty of communists of all shades, I am specifically opposed to Trotskyists and the characters of the Third International with their ideas of World Revolution. There is no need to destroy the Empire with utopian dreams of universal equality (achievable only in a mass grave) ready to shed rivers of people's blood. All four of my ancestors were participants in the First World War, the Revolution and the Civil War. I met and talked with three of them. I have neither an enthusiastic perception nor a disdainful attitude towards the events of those days, but it was, undoubtedly, a tragedy of a Great country and its people.
                Who created what will become clear if we finish the era of revolution with the Kronstadt rebellion, workers' strikes and peasant uprisings of 1921. Then, through incredible difficulties, the restoration of a normal state and the formation of social relations began. The last relapse, which did us a lot of harm, was the Civil War in Spain, where the revolutionary ideas of building an anarcho-syndicalist classless paradise through repression suffered a final collapse.
                1. 0
                  13 November 2024 11: 05
                  All people are already equal, only the feudal lords and obscurantists deny this.
                  1. 0
                    13 November 2024 11: 44
                    If this were really the case, humanity would degenerate.
                  2. +1
                    13 November 2024 11: 46
                    Don't you see? In the man's head, everything is mixed up, like in the Oblonskys' house? He only reads what is written on the fences.
  15. +4
    12 November 2024 07: 03
    Cool. The author wrote in the first line that war is a continuation of politics by other means. But everyone liked to challenge the thesis that wars happen under capitalism.
    I'll say it a little differently, wars are a solution to problems. Who is to blame for the rise in price of butter and other products? Well, of course, it's the Ukrainian clown and the self-propelled grandfather.
    1. +3
      12 November 2024 07: 33
      Who is to blame for the rise in price of butter and other products?

      Well, the enemies of the USSR now blame the people for this. When the price of some product increases sharply, they "explain" it by saying that the people suddenly became rich and stubbornly rushed to eat this particular product.
      And so it has been for them for the past 33 years - they blamed others for what they themselves did - and that's it, "the problem is solved", and they don't have to do anything, they can calmly continue to get rich.
    2. +4
      12 November 2024 09: 18
      You have to try to find real butter in the store, GOSTs were not cancelled for nothing, there are a lot of counterfeits on the shelves and not only butter is counterfeited, but other products as well. Lenin wrote on this topic:
      "Margarine is cheaper than real butter. The vast majority of the population in capitalist countries cannot afford real butter. Workers earn so little that they have to buy cheap, low-grade, counterfeit products. But the main consumers are workers. There are millions of workers, hundreds of capitalists. And so, the production of cheap, counterfeit products is growing by leaps and bounds - along with the growth of unheard-of luxury for a handful of millionaires."
    3. +5
      12 November 2024 09: 30
      No, you're wrong about Biden now, he handed over his powers of trashing our entryways and making potholes in the roads to Trump. laughing
    4. +1
      12 November 2024 10: 46
      But everyone liked to challenge the thesis that wars happen under capitalism.
      Yeah, the Roman Empire was created not through conquests, but through peaceful referendums. laughing Although there were such things, the Incas, before declaring war on their neighbors, sent a delegation and told about the goodies that the neighbors would receive in the event of voluntary annexation; if the neighbors refused, war. Yes, if the Incas won, the offered goodies came into effect.
  16. 0
    12 November 2024 07: 06
    According to Dostoevsky, approximately, no progress or reforms from war should cost a single drop of a child's tear. And according to the Soviet thinker Vernadsky, approximately, war is the engine of progress. By the way, about progress. According to Emile Zola, the European Leo Tolstoy, approximately, civilization will not achieve its perfect progress until the last stone of the last Church falls on the head of the last priest. And since people have been fighting since the time of Abel and Cain, and have been going to Church for the last 2000 years, then progress from war, like progress from religions, is in no hurry because of this ...
    Another thing is not a "hot" but a "cold war". It definitely pushed humanity towards progress. No one then rushed engineering and scientific thoughts in an emergency mode with an eye on failures or affairs on the fronts, as in a "hot" war. Scientists, engineers and designers around the world were fed by such huge sums and resources from states for the development of technology and progress that in peacetime, not in a "cold war", no one would have even thought of investing so much. And no human losses! But in a "hot war" the benefit from this is more than offset by the enormous human and material losses that the winner suffers as a result of a "hot war", not to mention the loser. By the way, it even happens the other way around. The winner suffers more victims than the loser.
    I lived during the "cold war" and my Motherland, the USSR, was a blooming garden. No external enemy defeated it in this "cold war". It was betrayed by its own traitors, from whom, in the person of Judas, even he, about the desirable death of the governors on earth for the sake of the progress of civilization, Emile Zola hinted to us, was not insured...
    1. -3
      12 November 2024 07: 59
      Quote: north 2
      According to Emile Zola, the European Leo Tolstoy, civilization will not achieve its perfect progress until the last stone of the last Church falls on the head of the last priest.

      Emile Zola was a liberal and was interested in the theory of naturalism (?), there is no faith in him, so to speak - a typical French foreign agent*
    2. +2
      12 November 2024 08: 41
      And according to the Soviet thinker Vernadsky, war is the engine of progress.

      Have you read the Soviet thinker Vernadsky? Read him so as not to spread fables.
    3. -2
      12 November 2024 16: 06
      The USSR was a blooming garden back then
      Where they "stood" for cheese and blue chickens. And at that time in the decaying West, the mother-in-law changed cars every 3-4 years.
  17. +2
    12 November 2024 08: 03
    War takes thousands of lives and brings only hunger, disease and other eternal companions of war.
    Is this an article about the rise in prices for housing and communal services, food and other things? Like war, everything, will it be written off?
    1. +4
      12 November 2024 09: 35
      The most interesting thing is that we don't have "war", but we have "our own". And for those who write the word "war" in one interesting book, called "criminal code", they added an article, according to which the state at public expense provides these writers with a tour of the beauties of, for example, Siberia or other places where it is cold even in the summer in a coat. So now think what you want about who will write off what. laughing Yes
      1. +2
        12 November 2024 09: 41
        The most interesting thing is that we don’t have a “war”, but we have “our own”

        "And honey - I just can't understand what the secret is: If there is honey, then it's gone right away!" (c) laughing
      2. Aag
        12 November 2024 15: 42
        Quote from AdAstra
        The most interesting thing is that we don't have "war", but we have "our own". And for those who write the word "war" in one interesting book, called "criminal code", they added an article, according to which the state at public expense provides these writers with a tour of the beauties of, for example, Siberia or other places where it is cold even in the summer in a coat. So now think what you want about who will write off what. laughing Yes

        I have no comments regarding the substance of your comment.
        Except: in Siberia in the summer it is sometimes hotter than in the European part of the country... hi
  18. +1
    12 November 2024 09: 52
    War is politics multiplied by business of a limited circle of people. And if everything is clear with capitalists. Then with politicians it is not so simple. The thing is that they are usually already old. Over 70 years old people who really make decisions in this World. And they no longer need money. They already have everything. Human psychology answers this question. In old age, people want recognition, attention, need and usefulness for the people and loved ones. They set goals for themselves. And they try to achieve them according to these definitions. For them it is already like a game. Without this, their life will end near the "TV". And business supports them in this.
  19. +3
    12 November 2024 10: 29
    And naturally, the author carefully partially avoids the topic of the imperialistic character...
    Down below.

    Well, the media, of course, serves the ruling class. Those who are against... are already closed.
  20. +2
    12 November 2024 10: 47
    War is a continuation of politics, and politics is the work of the ruling class, which means that war is the result of the efforts of the ruling class and begins in its interests.

    Wars are not inevitable, but they are not predetermined either; there are too many circumstances for their occurrence.

    No one starts a military action without confidence in their victory, and in about half the cases those who start it are wrong.

    No one intended to unleash world wars or long-term conflicts in general - the calculation is made on one or two decisive blows without involving huge forces, which in itself negates the possible result. But it turns out the way it does.

    It happens that the winning side falls apart after victory, as, for example, the British Empire fell apart after the Second World War.

    War is a roulette, it is better to engage in some other entertainment.
  21. Owl
    12 November 2024 11: 21
    "Meanwhile, war does not start spontaneously. For a long time, the political ground is prepared to put the guns into action. In the system in which we live, wars are inevitable" - a question immediately arises, a question without an answer, Why did two "creatures" from the financial sector of the Russian government, before the start of the war, invest gigantic state funds "for safekeeping" in the US and the EU? Is this a betrayal of the Motherland? Why are these degenerates still alive?
    1. +1
      13 November 2024 08: 21
      Because investments in US and EU securities are the most reliable and the most profitable at this level of risk. And when they were preparing their own, it is logical that no one expected that there would be such sanctions and it would be necessary to prepare.

      Moreover, returning assets is not like transferring them to a friend’s card; the process is not quick, which would greatly reveal the preparation.

      So here are the questions for the geostrategist
  22. +1
    12 November 2024 11: 32
    Quote: Vitaly Lyalin
    Notice. You didn't mention patriotism. And no one did.

    Patriotism is based on the ideology that was mentioned.
    Notice I have "etc." there.
    PS patriotism has nothing in common with pseudo-patriotism/turbo-patriotism/over-confidence, etc.
  23. +1
    12 November 2024 13: 27
    "Nobody wanted war - war was inevitable"

    human nature is such that we cannot live without wars. The apocalypse will come in one form or another
  24. -1
    12 November 2024 14: 33
    If wars are started, it means someone needs it.
    I think that the definition of the concept “war” should be based, first of all, on this function.
    War is (always) a tool in the hands of someone to achieve some goal.
    What is the main feature (charm) of this tool for the one who uses it?
    War allows him to break laws and destroy the established order. It is they who prevent ordinary people from using war in their everyday lives.

    Thus, war is an instrument of forces that have the resources necessary for it, and power over people - a potential army. This barrier has always limited wars.

    In today's dense and overpopulated world, saturated with various types of weapons of mass destruction, one more condition is necessary for using this tool - it is necessary to calculate all the consequences of the war and direct the actions of all its participants.
    Only the US/UK alliance has such capabilities, having received from England a rich historical legacy of the theory and practice of constructing and implementing wars.

    The war of NATO countries and Japan to destroy Russia was started in the 90s by the creation of convenient elements of its design from Ukraine, Russia, NATO countries and Japan.

    Elements of this war prepared by the US/UK:
    1. Russia’s Central Military District in Ukraine is the “fuse” of this war, which has already been activated.
    2. Kursk bridgehead – the possibility of the capture of the Kursk NPP by superior NATO forces under the flag of the “Ukrainian Armed Forces”
    3. The Kursk NPP in the hands of the US is an instrument of nuclear blackmail for Russia on behalf of “Ukraine”, which does not allow the US to be forced to retreat by a nuclear threat
    4. Agreements on US access to the territories of the Baltic states, Finland, Sweden, Norway – potential NATO bridgeheads near Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg, Murmansk.
    5. US Treaties with Japan - Potential Japanese Footholds in the Far East
    6. Trump - US withdrawal from NATO before this war for their greater security.
  25. 0
    13 November 2024 19: 42
    Quote: glory1974
    In the USSR in Fergana there was a massacre of Meskhetian Turks by Uzbeks...how will you cover up this fact?

    I studied at a military school with an Uzbek from Fergana. He told me that when the pogroms happened, their gang went and killed a Meskhetian who ran a local market.
    The pogrom was nationalistic, but apparently everyone there was pursuing their own goals. Some were seeking power, some were seeking money.

    ... who ran the local market...
    This is not about interethnicity, but about the redistribution of power and money, perhaps? Or did Russians kill Russians, Uzbeks kill Uzbeks, French kill French, and English kill English?
    Maybe also about weak official power and its, weak official power's, desire to thin out unofficial power with the hands of unofficial power? But the result can sometimes differ from what was planned.
  26. 0
    16 November 2024 01: 05
    Well, now let the author tell us what economic reasons and players are behind the fighting between Israel and Hamas. He somehow delicately omitted this point.
  27. 0
    16 November 2024 14: 02
    Quote: Lech from Android.
    Wars have been and will be under any state system... request
    Alas, alas...such is the nature of man, prone to violence against all living things.

    Social processes should not be biologized. Aggression is indeed characteristic of humans, as well as other primates, but not necessarily on such a large scale and in such an organized manner. Or maybe tell us about the wars of other primates, chimpanzees, for example?
  28. 0
    1 December 2024 18: 57
    I've always been touched by the leftists' habit of trying to fit everything to their mantras. War may not have any capitalist or imperialist goals, or anything intelligible at all. Tensions accumulate in the people's domestic politics - they go and mess around with their neighbors to get rid of the passionaries. The elites are mown down by schizophrenia - they start imagining that their neighbors are up to no good, and here comes war. A thief stole a baton from another thief - and here comes war again. No access to the sea and a self-importance of level 80 - and here comes war again.
    There can be a ton of reasons - psychological, voluntaristic, some geostrategic considerations, not necessarily adequate ones. It is enough for some guy in power to say "I want" and surround himself with supporters and a fan base - and the war can be about anything. Religious. Class. Civil. For independence or separation. For better borders. Racial. Revolutionary. For resources and living space. Preventive. Based on allied obligations. And so on and so forth.

    Experience shows that war is also an excellent way to train the system's ability to strangle dissenters and renew itself from obsolete elements. And also to enrich oneself, to quietly blame wars for economic and social carelessness and all one's failures, to promote one's exclusive projects and Projects, which can be welded onto the time crunch for good measure.

    If you try to find a rational root for "all wars" - you won't find it. It's irrational. But perhaps one of the reasons is that primitive man began to swing a club and kill much earlier than to talk and negotiate. And as before - it's much easier to learn to punch in our world than to talk and negotiate. The paradox is that if you learn to punch in the face and your opponent doesn't - you'll get what you want from him, but if you learn to negotiate and your opponent doesn't, you won't get it.
    It is precisely because of this primitive efficiency that war still rules the roost, although at times it seems that due to the destructiveness of modern weapons, at some point it will be too risky a strategy.
    But, unfortunately, not today. And not tomorrow.