US War Against Russia or Peace: What Will Trump Choose?

US War Against Russia or Peace: What Will Trump Choose?

It is widely believed that the US was counting on Ukraine as a tool to crush Russia. But the bet was on a quick victory, or rather, on Moscow's refusal to achieve the goals of the Central Military District after the first setbacks. When it became clear that a quick war would not work, Moscow found reserves, first used security companies, then partially mobilized, established a recruitment system for the Armed Forces and achieved a balance on the battlefield in order to move to effective defense, and then achieved the necessary superiority to move to active defense, and finally went on the offensive.

US Strategy Towards Russia

Now, in a period when a change of power is taking place in America and the new president has not formulated changes in the US strategy towards Russia, we hear speculation that, in general, Trump will continue the previous line and his plan to end the war in Ukraine will not be beneficial to Russia.

I think that the US strategy towards the Russian Federation cannot be built primitively and, of course, it changes depending on the situation. Washington was unlikely to have initially set the task of destroying Russia through Ukraine. The main blow of the US is economic sanctions and international isolation of Russia. This is something like the continental blockade that Napoleon arranged for Great Britain. It was precisely on them that the calculation was made. When it became obvious that sanctions were not working and international isolation had failed, Washington decided to bleed Russia - and here it needed Ukraine as a destructive nationalistic idea.

Most likely, America has developed a multi-stage long-term strategy, as a result of which prosperous Europe will turn from a blooming garden (as Borrell called it) into a cesspool. And then this impoverished Europe will be set against Russia, which the US is trying to bleed dry in a long war and then turn into an obedient vassal. There is no talk of destroying the Russian Federation or even dismembering it. The American establishment was quite happy with Yeltsin's Russia with its insoluble internal problems and readiness to respond to any shout from overseas. What the US did not have time to do was to create a hostile environment of former Soviet republics for that country.

Now that Donald Trump has come to power in the United States, there are doubts that Washington will continue to focus on comprehensive, unlimited military support for Kyiv. Firstly, Trump will have no time for foreign policy issues for some time; he will have a long showdown with enemies inside America. A serious purge of representatives of the Democratic Party from the state administration apparatus, key ministries and services, primarily the security, financial and law enforcement agencies, is being prepared. Without strengthening the rear, Trump, or rather his team, is unlikely to rush into international showdowns, where many problems have accumulated due to the very aggressive activities of the Biden administration.

Continuation of anti-Russian hysteria in Europe

The task of setting Moscow and Europe at odds has been only partially accomplished, the process is not complete. Trump is unlikely to significantly adjust this strategy, it suits him on the whole.

Trump promised to “make America great again.” He promised nothing at all to Europe. Knowing Trump’s temperament, Great Britain and the European Union are now experiencing a certain amount of nervousness about what kind of future the new occupant of the White House has in store for them. Especially since another Republican, the current Vice President James Vance, may take the presidential seat for the next eight years after Trump’s term ends. How will he feel about European problems? Most likely, the same way as his current boss, Trump.

In any case, the divorce of Europe and Russia will require a lot of time and effort from the administration of the new US president. This divorce will definitely be based on anti-Russian hysteria, which Brussels will continue to cultivate with renewed vigor at the instigation of the US. In addition, Europe realizes that it was very lucky: it snatched the Baltics from Russia without a fight, half of which Peter the Great paid the Swedish crown 2 million efimki, in addition to winning it by force. By right, Moscow should demand this money from the European Union in terms of the current Euro exchange rate, and with considerable interest. It will be a tidy sum – approximately 2 trillion Euros.

Let's return to the realities of our days. The main task of the USA remains to cover itself with Europe in case of a nuclear war. The next most important issue for the new US government is the Middle East problem. The third in line, requiring an urgent solution, is the strategy towards China. It turns out that the new White House administration will not be dealing with the Ukrainian issue as energetically as many media outlets write about, putting forward various scenarios, one more frightening than the other for Moscow.

What scenarios for ending the war in Ukraine is the West discussing?

A project related to freezing the conflict and creating a buffer zone is currently being actively discussed. Ukraine must refuse to join NATO in the next 20 years. Moscow and Kyiv will be forced to sit down at the negotiating table, using military aid as a lever. That is, if Kyiv gets stubborn, everything will be cut off. Moscow will refuse such completely unfavorable conditions for it, and the West will overwhelm Ukraine. weapons and money.

Not only is there nothing new in this project, it will not be implemented and it does not lead to peace. Firstly, Moscow does not accept ultimatums, secondly, we know what promises about NATO not advancing to the borders of the Russian Federation are worth. Thirdly, the conflict was already frozen once by means of the Minsk 1 and Minsk 2 agreements. Moscow should not step on the same rake for the third time. Niccolo Machiavelli spoke very accurately on this matter more than 500 years ago in his treatise The Prince:

"War cannot be avoided, it can only be postponed to the advantage of your enemy."

The newly postponed war will strengthen the nationalistic and destructive idea of ​​Ukrainianism and will allow the West to prepare Ukraine for a new war.

The second possible project of the new US administration will definitely be rejected by Moscow. It envisages the payment of prohibitively huge reparations, a return to the 2013 borders and continued sanctions pressure.

It should be noted that a large number of experts have made reasonable statements in unison that the United States may one day abandon Ukraine to its fate, as happened in 1975 with the pro-American government of South Vietnam in Saigon, and most recently in 2021, the United States shamefully fled from Kabul.

What Trump Wants from Moscow

Of course, Trump does not want to become a president who lost the war. Therefore, it is to his advantage to blame all the failures related to Ukraine on his predecessor and to send the American security forces involved in this war home. Trump may well agree that Ukraine is a zone of Russia's interests, with all the ensuing consequences. Of course, Trump would not be Trump if he did not put forward his additional conditions to Moscow for this service. And here, a scythe may meet a stone. Russia, in the person of its leader, is already fed up with the US's exhortations and will not buy into them again. Putin will not abandon the strategic agreement with the DPRK. And Trump will definitely demand it. And Moscow will not break off relations with Iran.

I know the balanced approach to diplomatic work of the President of the Russian Federation and the Russian Foreign Ministry. Most likely, these demands of the new US leader will be hushed up or, in any case, drowned in endless conversations on related topics, since Moscow clearly does not intend to even voice non-committal words about the possibility of betraying its allies.

Trump has repeatedly expressed his desire to split relations between Russia and China during the election campaign. Of course, he will probably talk about this with Vladimir Putin. The result will predictably be zero. Moscow will not even go for neutrality in a possible military confrontation between Washington and Beijing. However, accuracy and caution are needed in everything.

Does Russia need Ukraine?

For Moscow, the most advantageous option is the complete defeat and capitulation of Ukraine, in strict accordance with the statement of Clausewitz: "War until victory - period." Any other option is unacceptable, since none of them will lead to peace. Ideally, it is necessary to make it so that the word "Ukraine" ceases to exist, and along with it, other derivatives of this word: "Ukrainians", "Ukrainian" including the language. The implementation of this will allow us to destroy the very idea of ​​Ukrainianism, as extremely hostile and destructive for us. However, problems with the assimilation of current Ukrainians into the Russian world will still remain. Therefore, the question arises, what to do with those who mentally remain our enemy. The complete deportation of the entire population of Ukrainians abroad is impossible, their destruction is unacceptable.

There is only one way out of this impasse. Russia can take under its jurisdiction all the lands of the former Ukraine within the 1913 borders with the return to them historical names: Little Russia and New Russia. Ukrainians will again become Little Russians, the language – Little Russian.

The remaining territories to the west and to the current western Ukrainian border are not needed and are even harmful to us (history has proven this). It should be divided into several small independent republics, completely demilitarized. For example, these could be: Galicia, Volyn, Podolia, Bukovina, Subcarpathian Rus. The names of their population are: Galicians, Volynians, Podolians, Bukovynians. There are also Rusyns, Boykos, Lemkos, Hutsuls and others. The names of the languages ​​are corresponding: Galician, Volynian and so on.

These small states of the western part of Little Rus' must be neutral, their security must be ensured by international agreements. Any attempts by Poland, Romania or Hungary to seize their lands must be harshly suppressed. Russia must remain the main guarantor of their security. This option, in theory, should suit Europe as the creation of a buffer zone between the EU and the Russian Federation. For the US, such a solution is also not unacceptable, especially since it guarantees peace in the region. And since Trump has declared himself a peacemaker, this scenario should suit him.
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  1. +9
    11 November 2024 04: 35
    And since Trump has declared himself a peacemaker
    The whole world revolves around Trump! Is he God's viceroy on Earth?
    1. +3
      11 November 2024 08: 41
      The whole world revolves around money, or rather around the war between the financial (banking) sector and the manufacturing sector. Trump is just a representative of one of the sides. He will support and promote the interests of manufacturers, including the military-industrial complex. Another thing is that earlier financiers sawed the budget by shifting money from the budget pocket to their own pocket, Trump simply will not allow the clans of Obama, Clinton, Biden and others to get rich on this. More money will simply go to real production, and not to kickbacks. And for us this is a real problem. For us, a victory by Harris would be preferable, Trump is a real problem for us, and not only for us. He himself will not unleash wars, but he will push the whole world to war and he will do it stronger and more effectively than the democrats did. So we will have more problems.
      1. +5
        11 November 2024 08: 48
        Quote: Alex_1973
        Trump is a real problem for us

        Quote: Alex_1973
        So we will have more problems

        I agree. hi
      2. +10
        11 November 2024 08: 49
        No matter how many and what kind of presidents America "elects", its foreign policy towards the Russian Federation will remain unchanged: squeeze all the juices out of it, Russians must kill Russians (which is what is happening now), etc. in the same spirit. Why should the enemy's policy soften? It should not and will not. Only a temporary relaxation (retreat) for the purpose of deception is possible, and nothing more.
        1. -4
          11 November 2024 08: 57
          The FSA policy will not change, that's a fact. The only question is that politics is the art of the possible. But the FSA's opportunities are now severely curtailed, and not without the help of the FSA itself. If Trump manages to stop the growth of the national debt and return the dollar to the status of a world currency (which is quite problematic), then his opportunities to influence the world will increase, otherwise sooner or later they will be eaten up by his own national debt.
          1. man
            11 November 2024 12: 50
            If Trump manages to stop the growth of the national debt and return the dollar to the status of a world currency (which is quite problematic), then his opportunities to influence the world will increase, otherwise sooner or later they will be eaten up by his own national debt.
            I've been hearing these tales about the national debt for many years, as well as the fact that "America will soon be finished". But it seems that this national debt doesn't bother the Americans at all and there's no need to worry about them. As long as they have such an army, they can spit on any national debt!
            1. -6
              11 November 2024 12: 55
              I've been hearing these stories about the national debt for many years now, as well as the fact that "America will soon be finished."
              Keep listening, no one is stopping you... request
              1. man
                11 November 2024 12: 59
                Quote: Alex_1973
                I've been hearing these stories about the national debt for many years now, as well as the fact that "America will soon be finished."
                Keep listening, no one is stopping you... request

                Don't remind me and I'll forget about him. smile
                1. -4
                  11 November 2024 13: 01
                  I personally didn't remind you of anything, if you don't like the comment, just pass by and don't forget to put a minus, otherwise it's kind of boring girls... laughing
                  1. man
                    11 November 2024 13: 08
                    Quote: Alex_1973
                    I personally didn't remind you of anything, if you don't like the comment, just pass by and don't forget to put a minus, otherwise it's kind of boring girls... laughing

                    You are condemning me to psychosis, you are a cruel person! Now when I wake up, I will run to the computer to look at their national debt and calculate with horror the percentage of its increase laughing
                    1. -10
                      11 November 2024 13: 16
                      I don't give a damn what you do in the morning. Whether you pay attention or not, it will only grow. BUT, this cannot continue indefinitely and this is a FACT!!! Whether you believe it or not, it makes no difference, there are laws of physics, and there are laws of economics and no one has cancelled them. Not a single empire in the past believed in its demise, but they did... Should I write a list, or can you remember it yourself?!
                      I repeat once again, if you don't like the comment, move on, I'm not interested in entering into a discussion with a person who doesn't see obvious things... hi
                      1. man
                        11 November 2024 17: 44
                        I repeat once again, if you don't like the comment, move on, I'm not interested in entering into a discussion with a person who doesn't see obvious things...
                        I solemnly promise not to notice you!
                        You too... "it will be up to your waist"
              2. -2
                13 November 2024 17: 40
                And really... When will a creditor come to America and demand repayment of the national debt and what will this demand be backed up with? Has anyone thought about this question? If such a debt exists, it will be repaid by the country that lost the war, that is, with the resources of the defeated side. Doesn't this thought make you think? The longer we watch this from our den, scratching ourselves, the longer we delay the outcome. And while we are stalling for time, occupying farms and small villages in Ukraine, not destroying the main cities and railway holes (tunnels), and allowing the enemy to restore and deliver resources for waging war. Someone is simply wondering how long Russia will last, fighting with all of Europe and America? Wake up, we are a nuclear power! The "guarantor" declared to the whole world: WE ARE READY!, so what are we waiting for? Or has the concrete pouring on the construction sites at the bases in Finland and Sweden not yet hardened? The war is already underway.
  2. +3
    11 November 2024 04: 39
    Trump will demand???? And what if he doesn't demand, but offers: take the DPR, DPR, Zaporozhye with Kherson region, and in addition the Nikolaev, Odessa and Kharkov regions. In general, the entire south and east of Ukraine together with Kiev. And in exchange? And in exchange, a break with North Korea, Iran. The devil loves to tempt.
    1. +2
      11 November 2024 04: 45
      The USA is Russia's enemy, this is forever, this is what we need to proceed from and build a strategy from.
      1. 0
        12 November 2024 12: 38
        The strategy can be built any way you like. But to implement it, you need opportunities. Advancing on the fronts at 10 km a year does not contribute to this. Trump is a cunning beast. He can tempt. If he can bend the Banderites and return the Russian land of the east and south of the outskirts, the fighters will definitely scratch their heads. In this scenario, Yn can go to hell.
    2. +9
      11 November 2024 06: 08
      It is very doubtful that Trump will "offer" Nikolaev, Odessa... regions to Russia. Otherwise, it will be a victory for Russia, and the necessity of Ukraine's existence for the West will lose all meaning. But the "agreement" on delimitation according to the existing LBS suits the West. Then it will be a Pyrrhic victory for Russia with the beginning of the end.
      1. +2
        11 November 2024 09: 18
        Quote: Vladimir M
        It is very doubtful that Trump will "offer" Nikolaev, Odessa... regions to Russia. Otherwise, it will be Russia's victory, and the necessity of Ukraine's existence for the West will lose all meaning.

        None of our leadership declared Odessa and Nikolaev as the goals of victory... rather the opposite, the talk was always about 4 regions... therefore it is logical to think based on the voiced ours too guidance of goals, and not of one's own (even if correct) thoughts.
        1. +8
          11 November 2024 09: 22
          In fact, the stated goal was demilitarization and denifcation of Ukraine, if of course these goals were real. Without occupation of territories it is impossible to achieve the mythical "demilitarization and denifcation". Only these four regions will be a Pyrrhic victory for Russia.
        2. -1
          11 November 2024 11: 50
          The madness was getting worse. Rumors started to spread that Trump himself had called Putin on November 7, asked him not to terrorize Ukraine, and offered Crimea in return!!!! Stormy applause, turning into an ovation. Some particularly gifted people on the Reporter channel announced to the public that Trump had agreed to the call, having previously received permission directly from Zelensky. In fact, everything was different. The base in the forest sent an encrypted message to agent Donald with coded introductory information on further work. But the FBI got involved. Donald had never been so close to failure. He was saved by the fact that the message could not be decrypted. But trumpeting it to the whole world via WP is a sweet thing. The Kremlin is in a turmoil.
          1. man
            11 November 2024 13: 28
            Quote: mikh-korsakov
            The insanity was getting worse. Rumors started to spread that Trump himself had called Putin on November 7, asked him not to terrorize Ukraine, and offered Crimea in return!!!! Stormy applause, turning into an ovation. Some particularly gifted people on the Reporter channel announced to the public that Trump had agreed to the call, having previously received permission directly from Zelensky. In fact, everything was not so. Base in the forest sent an encrypted message to agent Donald with coded input for further work. But the FBI got involved. Donald had never been so close to failure. The fact that the message could not be deciphered saved him. But trumpeting it to the whole world via WP is a sweet deal. The Kremlin is in an uproar.

            Our agent's offer was a bit too low. request And I'm already getting ready for a vacation in Florida... sad
            And how do you know this, how reliable is the source?
            Only the base is not in the forest, but in the Arctic on an ice floe
            1. 0
              11 November 2024 14: 41
              No. IN THE FOREST. The forest is a slang name for the SVR center on the outskirts of Moscow. I learned about this from Popov
              1. man
                11 November 2024 17: 40
                Quote: mikh-korsakov
                No. IN THE FOREST. The forest is a slang name for the SVR center on the outskirts of Moscow. I learned about this from Popov

                Your information is outdated. It was moved to the ice floe for reasons of secrecy, too many people found out about it, even the CIA. So no one knows about the ice floe. stop
        3. +2
          11 November 2024 12: 02
          That's it.. Half-heartedness, incompleteness voiced by our leadership.. Although I will say this - they see the real situation, our capabilities and the capabilities of the enemy. To tell people honestly and openly means to cause discontent, unrest in the country. That's where the legs grow from
        4. 0
          11 November 2024 19: 32
          They remembered about the four (or rather, five at first) regions already in the summer of 2022, when all the war correspondents were trumpeting all spring - what to do with the people? They are sitting without work in some kind of limbo
      2. -1
        11 November 2024 10: 34
        In behind-the-scenes (non-binding) agreements he can also "offer". Like, break off relations with the DPRK and Iran NOW, and take everything you can from Ukraine in the next 3 years (and we will continue to supply weapons to the Ukrainian Armed Forces by the forces of vassals), and THEN sign a deal on our American terms.
        And if you refuse, Zelensky will “craft” a nuclear bomb in his bunker from lard and dirt (it’s not for nothing that the Americans are being pulled out of Ukraine already).
    3. +14
      11 November 2024 06: 58
      Quote: Igor Belobrov
      will offer: take the DPR, DPR, Zaporozhye with Kherson region, and in addition Nikolaev, Odessa and Kharkov regions. In general, the entire south and east of Ukraine together with Kiev.

      Trump will not propose such a thing. Trump's plan is not "4 regions for us", but strictly along the front line for now. Putin speaks too often about agreements based on the initialed Istanbul for this to be just a coincidence. And if you look at the material, at the situation on the ground - there is no continuation of mobilization, it is impossible to take all of Ukraine or even half, to take cities with a million people with the same forces as we have, which means Putin is not going to, he has been waiting for the US elections for the last two years in a last attempt to reach an agreement. Only if these negotiations fail, well, for example, the Americans quite logically do not want to give up what we did not take - Zaporozhye and Kherson, Slavyansk and Kramatorsk, because what is the point in giving us something without losses and destruction? We would all like more, but in three years the enemy has not been defeated and is still holding on steadfastly. Occupying three granko villages a week and butting heads in the Kursk region, we clearly will not take what we would have if we were now fighting near Kiev. Unfortunately, our children will have to wage a new war, but that is the situation, the army, air force and navy were not ready.
    4. +3
      11 November 2024 07: 14
      Quote: Igor Belobrov
      In general, the entire south and east of Ukraine together with Kiev. And in return? And in return

      a complete break with China...
      1. man
        11 November 2024 17: 55
        Quote: Doccor18
        Quote: Igor Belobrov
        In general, the entire south and east of Ukraine together with Kiev. And in return? And in return

        a complete break with China...

        and who will deal with us when the democrats return?
      2. +2
        11 November 2024 19: 40
        Rather, not just a complete break, but a war against China to the last Russian. I believe that in Geneva in the summer of 2021, this was what Biden proposed
        1. +1
          11 November 2024 20: 41
          Quote from alexoff
          Rather, it is not just a complete break, but a war against China to the last Russian

          Well, this is their maximum program...
    5. +4
      11 November 2024 07: 41
      If he is going to tempt, he will most likely offer a partial lifting of sanctions, in exchange for a cunning plan.
    6. +4
      11 November 2024 08: 02
      Quote: Igor Belobrov
      Trump will demand???? And what if he doesn't demand, but offers: take the DPR, DPR, Zaporozhye with Kherson region, and in addition the Nikolaev, Odessa and Kharkov regions. In general, the entire south and east of Ukraine together with Kiev.

      This option is possible only under the condition that the Russian Armed Forces are physically present in Nikolaev, Odessa, Kyiv, etc. – if our forces had been there before January, then such a scenario could well have happened (but this is fantasy).

      In reality, we will definitely get the territory controlled by the Russian Armed Forces... the cities of Kherson and Zaporozhye will most likely return within the framework of the negotiation process, 4 regions - to Russia (DPR, LPR, Kherson, Zaporozhye) + recognition of Crimea is the maximum that can be knocked out of the US regarding the territorial issue.

      There will be bargaining about the future of Ukraine... our goal is to make it so that Ukraine will never be able to join NATO + a ban on the deployment of military bases, missiles, and any military infrastructure in Ukraine (this can be easily achieved). True, in exchange, Ukraine will be allowed to join the EU (the GDP has long been saying that Russia is not against Ukraine joining Europe).

      Well, and the price of the issue... Trump is a pro-American president, not a pro-Russian one, and we must not forget about this) his goal is to redirect resources to Asia to confront China... that means Russia will have to pay something for the deal with the US + not all of our wishes and goals will come true, we must admit this, Trump will not want to go down in history as a president who completely betrayed America's interests, so Ukraine will lose the conflict, but not as shamefully as it could have been.
    7. man
      11 November 2024 12: 54
      Quote: Igor Belobrov
      Trump will demand???? And what if he doesn't demand, but offers: take the DPR, DPR, Zaporozhye with Kherson region, and in addition the Nikolaev, Odessa and Kharkov regions. In general, the entire south and east of Ukraine together with Kiev. And in exchange? And in exchange, a break with North Korea, Iran. The devil loves to tempt.

      Only if it also includes Europe all the way to the English Channel! laughing Appetite comes with eating smile
  3. +1
    11 November 2024 04: 50
    I agree with the author in one thing, that so far there is a real dead end in peaceful solutions to the conflict in Ukraine (I wrote it with a capital letter, so that I wouldn't get another fine). But as for politics, let's imagine that the US President is really the position that can make decisions that really influence the country's policy. The US has always had a strong lobby of arms manufacturers, who are now literally inundated with contracts to equip their army, and allies, who, against the backdrop of hysteria about the "evil Russians", are more willing to enter into contracts to purchase equipment, the mining industry is also in the black, our raw materials are cut off from European markets, and ending the conflict will be extremely unfavorable for these industries in the long term, and Mr. Trump, even if he is such a cutie-peacemaker, will not be allowed to end the conflict in one day. Therefore, the proposals are more likely to be about either freezing the conflict and continuing it, or extremely unfavorable conditions for us, which adequate people cannot agree to, and we return to a logical dead end.
  4. +5
    11 November 2024 05: 05
    Having destroyed Ukraine, will we destroy Soviet Ukraine as well? And then the Republic of Belarus together with the BSSR? And how will we destroy? As the Banderites destroyed the Russian language, so will we destroy the Ukrainian language as well? And then the Belarusian language according to the same scheme?
    1. +9
      11 November 2024 06: 17
      If, for example, the SVO were carried out in relation to Belarus, they would explain to you here that Belarusians are an "artificial" nation, that it was created by the Poles with the Germans and Lithuanians, and finished by the Bolsheviks as a result of Belarusization laughing laughing
      1. man
        11 November 2024 18: 30
        Quote: parusnik
        If, for example, the SVO were carried out in relation to Belarus, they would explain to you here that Belarusians are an "artificial" nation, that it was created by the Poles with the Germans and Lithuanians, and finished by the Bolsheviks as a result of Belarusization laughing laughing

        and reminded that Lukashenko is an illegitimate president
    2. +3
      11 November 2024 06: 20
      Quote: Yuras_Belarus
      Just as Banderovites destroyed the Russian language, so we will destroy the Ukrainian one too?

      Nobody does this. Neither in Crimea nor in the new territories.
      1. -1
        11 November 2024 06: 52
        The author of the article is leading to this.
    3. 0
      11 November 2024 06: 31
      Good morning!
      Here you have a substitution of concepts. By destroying Ukraine, Russia is destroying the enemy bridgehead in order to prevent its emergence in the future. If the confrontation ends with Russia's victory, then all measures to re-form the occupied territory are absolutely justified, and the opinion of PART of the local population does not play a role here. The dissatisfied can be wished successful assimilation in Europe or America, and the adherents of resistance - the settlement of the Asian part of Russia. There they will need their persistence and will to live oh so much.
      1. +2
        11 November 2024 06: 55
        If you can so easily dispose of someone else's territory, then why do you resist the destruction of your own land? Or is "it something else"?
        1. +7
          11 November 2024 07: 22
          I don’t do anything other than what I’m assigned to do, especially not in Ukraine.
          You think that this territory is foreign, I think that it is ours, temporarily occupied. And I don't care in this regard about the opinion of the "majority of the civilized world" or the "international community", how much strength Russia has. What I wrote is in fact the absolute embodiment of centuries-old history: countries fought, acquired or lost territories, tried to reformat what they captured to their order and bring the local population to loyalty.
          Belarus, as a new territorial-state entity, is characterized by exaggerated self-esteem and intolerance to other points of view. Since Belarus in its current form does not possess de facto self-sufficiency, its destiny after the inevitable departure of Alexander Lukashenko is to become one of three:
          - Belarus as part of the Russian Federation;
          - Eastern regions of Greater Poland;
          - A parasite of the European Union under its current name but under the white-red-white flag, with a puppet government that provides its territory and remaining population for an attack on Russia.
          All three paths exclude national independence with varying costs for the local population.
          1. +2
            11 November 2024 11: 26
            Since 1991, this has not been the territory of the Russian Federation. You yourself gave it to another state. And if it were not for the neo-Nazis who made Anti-Russia out of Ukraine, then this would have been the territory of Ukraine. Referendums in Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporozhye would have been impossible if Ukraine had not fallen into the clutches of oligarchs and Nazis.
          2. 0
            12 November 2024 05: 38
            I think it's ours, temporarily occupied

            You're certainly brave, but who occupied it? The Ukrainians?
        2. +7
          11 November 2024 07: 52
          and in the Russian Empire and in the USSR it was all a single territory. As a result of the coup d'etat, part of the lands of the single state broke away and the West quickly recognized them as independent states.
          These are not foreign territories.
        3. man
          11 November 2024 19: 13
          If you can so easily dispose of someone else's territory
          Well, why only someone else's? We have been very easy to dispose of our own territory... for the last 30 years. We give it to almost everyone who asks. The USA, Norway, China will not let me lie. If the greedy Japanese had not been stingy with sake for Yeltsin, they would have gotten everything they wanted
    4. +2
      11 November 2024 07: 45
      where are you wrong? on the contrary, books in Ukrainian are now being brought from Moscow to new lands.
      1. +1
        11 November 2024 08: 55
        But why? I personally don't understand. Is there not enough toilet paper or is debanderization a fiction?
        1. +3
          11 November 2024 09: 02
          Well, fiction or not, but let's remember that there is no socialism, and there are capitalist countries around that need to either make a profit or reduce costs. Well, and fairy tales about Bandera or fascism are for those who can distract from making a profit...
          1. 0
            11 November 2024 11: 08
            Well, and tales about Bandera or fascism are for those who can distract from making a profit...
            This is all clear. But it causes genuine bewilderment. Today, a capitalist made a profit on this "literature", so that tomorrow those who were brought up on it would declare him an enemy and squeeze out his business? Is it really true that profit blinds the eyes so much that the brain switches off. This is an elementary logical connection of the first order! It does not even need to be taught, it should be at the level of instinct! Especially since recently this was broadcast from every "iron". It does not fit in the head, absolutely.
            1. +3
              11 November 2024 11: 18
              The thing is that those who have money can turn propaganda in any direction.
              Today he is a hero and a fighter against the fascists, but tomorrow it turns out that he is a fascist.
              1. man
                11 November 2024 19: 17
                Quote: Gardamir
                The thing is that those who have money can turn propaganda in any direction.
                Today he is a hero and a fighter against the fascists, but tomorrow it turns out that he is a fascist.

                good good good laughing hi
  5. +5
    11 November 2024 05: 44
    There is only one way out of this impasse. Russia can take under its jurisdiction all the lands of the former Ukraine within the 1913 borders
    And what about the members of BRICS, CIS, and AsEC, have they already recognized Crimea as Russian? And the other liberated territories?
  6. +3
    11 November 2024 05: 45
    the divorce will be based on anti-Russian hysteria
    In many ways, it is fueled by such “analytical” materials in Russian media.
    1. man
      11 November 2024 19: 25
      Quote: Bolt Cutter
      the divorce will be based on anti-Russian hysteria
      In many ways, it is fueled by such “analytical” materials in Russian media.

      Yeah, it seems like a lot of the authors and commentators think they're in their own kitchen.
  7. +5
    11 November 2024 05: 53
    How tired I am of this show-off by the enemies of the USSR, they have been showing off for 33 years, and everything always turns out to be to the detriment of Russia and its people.
    And so all this, during all this time, none of them have proven what kind of enormous benefit all this will bring to Russia and its people, which will offset all the enormous damage this has caused, what are they going to do when all this is over?
    1. +12
      11 November 2024 08: 29
      Quote: tatra
      How tired I am of this show-off from the enemies of the USSR

      The author is most likely not an enemy of the USSR, but simply a deceived person, whose virtual reality has completely replaced the real one in his head. Let's take a banal news item from today's Russian Federation
      "In the north of Perm Krai, residents have been without electricity and water for six days now, and Governor Dmitry Makhonin is silent
      In Berezniki, Solikamsk and the surrounding settlements, where more than 220 thousand people live in total, there is an unprecedented communal crisis. The lack of electricity has led to the shutdown of water intakes, causing interruptions in the water supply. In Berezniki, the situation remains critical: the Izver water intake is still without electricity, and attempts to connect it to backup sources have so far been unsuccessful."
      Does the author want to discuss and think about this (while there is still light in his apartment)? Of course not. It is simply unpleasant. He would rather fight in his fantasies with the entire galaxy, and annex Alpha Centauri.
      1. +4
        11 November 2024 17: 08
        Quote: Belisarius
        Residents in the north of Perm Krai have been without electricity and water for the sixth day

        Our Ministry of Truth has an answer to this barbaric action of the enemies.
        Look, hidden cameras were filming.
  8. +5
    11 November 2024 05: 54
    He will choose a deal with the aim of focusing on the PRC, and after the Eastern question is resolved, the American elites will return to resolving the issue with the Russian Federation.
  9. +2
    11 November 2024 06: 03
    Any attempts by Poland, Romania or Hungary to seize their lands must be harshly suppressed.

    Interesting!! And if the residents of these small states hold a referendum and declare THEIR desire to join the above-mentioned countries? Especially since many of them have the appropriate passports!! Sorry for the repetition, but I believe in the prediction of the murdered molfar
    [i]And Ukraine. Transcarpathian Ukraine will be under the Magyars and Czechs. Galicia will be under Poland. Eastern and Central Ukraine will be under Russia, Bukovina will be under Romania.
    correspondent: So you think that Ukraine will split?
    Mikhailo Nechai: Surely. Ukraine will not be on the map, but this is a temporary phenomenon ...
    Correspondent: And when will it be revived?
    Mykhailo Nechay: Never in this form! It will be a completely different country and not in these parts.[/
    1. +1
      11 November 2024 07: 01
      Quote: Egoza
      And what if the residents of these small states hold a referendum and declare THEIR desire to join the above-mentioned countries?

      Most likely, this will be the case; these disunited, agrarian small national entities will not be able to survive. They have always been drawn to Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Poland.
      1. -1
        11 November 2024 09: 01
        They have always been drawn to Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Poland.
        Yes, it looks more satisfying there. But that's only for now. The destiny of these kleinestaatgerumpel is to be suppliers of cannon fodder and provocateurs. And, of course, the first victims of war.
  10. +2
    11 November 2024 06: 14
    The remaining territories to the west and up to the current western Ukrainian border we don't need and even harmful (history has proven this).

    You may not need it. But the USSR was needed and even useful (history has proven this).
    1. +1
      11 November 2024 07: 03
      Quote: Stas157
      You may not need it. But the USSR was needed and even useful (history has proven this).

      "Useful" in that they gave rise to the creeping revolution of 1991, which led to the collapse of the USSR (but this is only one of the conditions for the collapse).
      1. +5
        11 November 2024 07: 10
        Quote: carpenter
        "Useful" in that the creeping revolution of 1991 emerged from them, which led to the collapse of the USSR.

        I don't understand. Can you expand on your thought? Do you think the Western Banderites destroyed the USSR? This is the first time I've heard such a version of events.
        1. 0
          11 November 2024 11: 18
          Quote: Stas157
          Do you think that Western Bandera supporters destroyed the USSR?

          They destroyed the Ukrainian SSR, and then the former rulers helped.
          1. 0
            11 November 2024 20: 09
            And who released the Banderites, who didn’t imprison them later for anti-Soviet activities?
        2. man
          11 November 2024 19: 38
          Quote: Stas157
          Quote: carpenter
          "Useful" in that the creeping revolution of 1991 emerged from them, which led to the collapse of the USSR.

          I don't understand. Can you expand on your thought? Do you think the Western Banderites destroyed the USSR?

          They, they, the damned... It recently turned out that when the trinity in Belovezhskaya Pushcha drank up all the vodka reserves in Belarus, a dead drunk Shushkevich called the Westerners and asked for help... and they brought a truck with moonshine. There's no need to continue...
          1. man
            11 November 2024 21: 33
            The day before yesterday was Pakhmutova's anniversary...
            What a pity that Belovezhskaya Pushcha is now associated not with her brilliant song, but with three scumbags...

            I make my way along an inconspicuous path to the stream,
            Where the grass is tall, where the thickets are thickest.
            Like deer, from my knees, I drink your holy water
            Spring truth, Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

            Warming your heart in the tall birches,
            I will take it with me, as a consolation to those living,
            Your cherished chant, your miraculous chant,
            Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Belovezhskaya Pushcha.
      2. man
        11 November 2024 13: 41
        Quote: carpenter
        Quote: Stas157
        You may not need it. But the USSR was needed and even useful (history has proven this).

        "Useful" in that they gave rise to the creeping revolution of 1991, which led to the collapse of the USSR (but this is only one of the conditions for the collapse).

        This "creeping revolution of 1991" came from Moscow...
    2. +2
      11 November 2024 08: 56
      Quote: Stas157
      But the USSR was needed and even useful (history has proven this).

      They were useful because I.V. Stalin made them a shield in front of the real USSR. At that time, it was right. But now times are different. They should be driven to "dear partners"
      1. +2
        11 November 2024 10: 42
        I'll correct you a little. People make things. There isn't a single patriot in power in Russia. But they know how to make enemies.
  11. +1
    11 November 2024 06: 28
    Firstly, Moscow does not accept ultimatums,

    One small detail.
    If Ukraine, overwhelmed with people and equipment as aid, begins to dominate the battlefield... And there was already a negative offensive in 2022...
    We'll have to either accept the ultimatum or wait for someone to lose their nerve.
    If our defense collapses, the question will arise: accept the ultimatum or go for it.
    Bang - and the result is not very good for both the "elite" and Russia - the former without palaces in bunkers, the latter simply will not survive in the majority.
    Accept the ultimatum - save something...
    Not everything is so clear-cut - as someone from the "elite" said.
    1. +5
      11 November 2024 07: 32
      Bang - and the result is not very good for both the "elite" and Russia - the former without palaces in bunkers, the latter simply will not survive in the majority.
      Accept the ultimatum - save something...
      Not everything is so clear-cut - as someone from the "elite" said.

      This is a primitive trick. Of course, the enemy is not talking about any dominance without escalating the conflict to Eastern Europe. But we also cannot go boom without preliminary preparation, including mobilization and development of a strategic offensive operation.
      Given the history of the conflict, our leadership and especially the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will rush about in search of a deal to pass off a situational ceasefire agreement as some kind of victory. In fact, this will mean a new Compiegne followed by Versailles. There are forces (despite the ongoing purges) that see the harmfulness of such actions. This is the role of the X, and it is an unaccounted factor in this equation.
      1. 0
        11 November 2024 19: 31
        Quote: Victor Leningradets
        Of course, the enemy is not talking about any kind of dominance without escalating the conflict to Eastern Europe.

        God forbid! laughing
        Somehow Israel is doing it... And God forbid the Ukrainians will have overwhelming superiority in artillery, high-precision weapons of all types and ranges. And they already have overwhelming superiority in intelligence and communications.
        Primitive drones have already proven that their numbers can be small... They mow down...
        And then the question is - even with the most patriotic Foreign Ministry, with military failures and retreat - what to do? If suddenly - balls - appear in the enemy and the determination to go to a nuclear conflict?
        If THEY don't stop - is the use of nuclear weapons worth the deal?
        These are unpleasant questions for a country with an economy that has been destroyed in an analogous way...
  12. +4
    11 November 2024 06: 36
    What scenarios for ending the war in Ukraine is the West discussing?

    It all depends on who time is working for. The assessments may be different. The one who makes fewer mistakes in them and is more realistic wins. The peace plan for Ukraine directly depends on this.

    According to the West's assessment. Russian resources will be enough for another year and a half of the operation. Then economic problems will begin. The reserves of old equipment from storage are also running out (this is what the West thinks). On the contrary, the West is actively developing the production of weapons and shells. And the balance of forces in terms of weapons at the front may change.

    According to Russia's assessment. I don't know about this. But it is known who and how planned the SVO. And what came of it.
    1. 0
      11 November 2024 08: 20
      ... According to Russia's assessment. I don't know about that. ...

      This information is not available to mere mortals.
      But Putin’s statement at Valdai shows that the Kremlin is coming to the realization that the course chosen by Russia until 2022 was wrong.

      SOCHI, November 8. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he does not want Russia to return to the path "until 2022," which was a covert intervention against it...

      I would like to specifically understand why V. Putin "does not want Russia to return to the path 'until 2022'".
      I think Russian citizens are gradually being prepared for general mobilization.
      1. +4
        11 November 2024 10: 13
        General mobilization, so what? Is there anyone to provide it, will there be someone to stand at the machine tool and carry grenades/shells, will you send your wives, children, grandchildren to work at the factory to work 16 hours a day, seven days a week?
        1. +3
          11 November 2024 10: 31
          And where to mobilize? At the Volgograd Tractor Plant? Which no longer exists.
          1. +4
            11 November 2024 10: 39
            Exactly, Dear Cornelius, exactly. Besides, it seems to me that some new citizens of the Russian Federation will remember that they are not only citizens of the Russian Federation, and the mobilization potential will be in a bad way.
            1. +2
              11 November 2024 11: 26
              They say one thing and do another, about the same Volgograd Tractor Plant, the plant did not fit into the defense industry...
        2. +3
          11 November 2024 10: 46
          By the way, we can also mobilize. How many "legal" migrants are there in Russia enjoying all rights. If there is a desire, we can also remind about duties.
          1. +2
            11 November 2024 10: 52
            We will find out. But these will immediately go to their villages/auls, the gypsies will start wandering towards "Romania". And with us it will be as comrade kor1vet1974 (Korneliy) wrote below.
            1. +3
              11 November 2024 11: 01
              Unfortunately, it is true. Residents of the south came to Russia in the early 90s, got married. But then 2022 came and their children suddenly remembered that they had never been to their ancestors' homeland and quickly left.
            2. man
              11 November 2024 20: 00
              Quote from AdAstra
              We will find out. But these will immediately go to their villages/auls, the gypsies will start wandering towards "Romania". And with us it will be as comrade kor1vet1974 (Korneliy) wrote below.

              And when they remember how we trashed them on the forum, they will completely run over to the other side... laughing
      2. +3
        11 November 2024 10: 30
        I think Russian citizens are gradually being prepared for general mobilization.
        Russian citizens are simply being prepared for slaughter, what the hell is mobilization. "My heart feels that we are on the eve of a grand mess!" (c)
      3. man
        11 November 2024 19: 51
        I think Russian citizens are gradually being prepared for general mobilization.
        Moreover, they will oblige those mobilized to come with their own weapons.
        Brought an AK - a private, a drone - a lieutenant, if you want to be a senior officer, bring a medium-range missile...
    2. +6
      11 November 2024 10: 35
      Then economic problems will begin
      It has already begun, cows refuse to produce cheap butter, they say there are few of us, there are even fewer of you every year. smile Potatoes have become more expensive, but salaries haven't grown to 200 thousand. I can't, at least for me, join the absolute majority of Russian citizens who have such salaries. laughing
      1. man
        11 November 2024 20: 05
        Quote: kor1vet1974
        Then economic problems will begin
        It has already begun, cows refuse to produce cheap butter, they say there are few of us, there are even fewer of you every year. smile Potatoes have become more expensive, but salaries haven't grown to 200 thousand. I can't, at least for me, join the absolute majority of Russian citizens who have such salaries. laughing

        "Have you signed up as a volunteer?" Sign up and your salary will finally increase laughing
  13. +3
    11 November 2024 06: 38
    Only a sober balance of desires and possibilities will help us to realize many plans. Brusilov recalled how he got stuck with a million-strong army near Lvov. All successes and problems arise only when doing something. Idle talk at such moments is the most terrible enemy. Both ours and the enemy's.
    1. man
      11 November 2024 20: 08
      Quote: Nikolai Malyugin
      Only a sober balance of desires and possibilities will help us to realize many plans. Brusilov recalled how he got stuck with a million-strong army near Lvov. All successes and problems arise only when doing something. Idle talk at such moments is the most terrible enemy. Both ours and the enemy's.

      You know how to calm down future mobilized people, no one can take that away from you smile
  14. -2
    11 November 2024 06: 55
    The remaining territories to the west and to the current western Ukrainian border are not needed and are even harmful to us (history has proven this). It should be divided into several small independent republics, completely demilitarized.

    This is roughly what I am suggesting.

    Ideally, we need to make it so that the word "Ukraine" ceases to exist, and along with it, other derivatives of this word: "Ukrainians", "Ukrainian", including the language. The implementation of this will allow us to destroy the very idea of ​​Ukrainianism, as extremely hostile and destructive for us.

    And I wrote about this
  15. +3
    11 November 2024 06: 56
    ...And since Trump has declared himself a peacemaker, this scenario should suit him.

    The final phrase is intriguing.
    It will be very interesting to understand what Trump will use as a tool to achieve peace: "an olive branch and a dove of peace" or "a kind word and a revolver"?

    Trump had sponsors in his presidential campaign.
    The main sponsor is the American military-industrial complex. This is alarming.

    "...if you look at the political priorities of corporations, it is immediately obvious that the military-industrial complex, airlines and heavy industry prefer to finance Trump and give practically no money to the Democrats. At the same time, the banking sector and high-tech do not make a difference in the campaign to collect donations for the Republican candidate. As of September 2024, Trump's main donors were American Airlines, Walmart, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, United Airlines, FedEx, Wells Fargo, Johnson & Johnson, Brown & Brown, Southwest Airlines, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Costco, Inter & Co., Morgan Stanley, Microsoft, GEO Group, Delta Airlines, General Motors, Home Depot. ..."

    These companies made their investment in Trump, now they should recoup their investment with interest.
    Based on this, Trump must fulfill his obligations to these companies: to create conditions for increasing the production of weapons by the American military-industrial complex.
    In this case, "an olive branch and a dove of peace" is not appropriate, only "a kind word and a revolver."

    This is the instrument Trump will use to resolve the military conflict between Ukraine and Russia.
    1. +4
      11 November 2024 08: 32
      Well, here is the first information: Putin's telephone talks with Trump took place on Thursday, but the content of the talks was only leaked late yesterday evening.

      ...During the call, which Trump made from his Florida resort, he advised the Russian president not to escalate the war in Ukraine and reminded him of Washington's significant military presence in Europe, according to a person familiar with the conversation who, like others interviewed for this article, spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitivity of the matter. ...

      "A Kind Word and a Revolver" - from Trump
    2. +1
      11 November 2024 14: 51
      Quote: AA17
      These companies made their investment in Trump, now they should recoup their investment with interest.

      so today they have contracts for 15 years in advance for a bunch of countries that have dumped their old Ukrainian Armed Forces, for billions of dollars... it has fully fulfilled its role for the military-industrial complex...
    3. man
      11 November 2024 20: 17
      Quote: AA17
      ...And since Trump has declared himself a peacemaker, this scenario should suit him.

      The final phrase is intriguing.
      It will be very interesting to understand what Trump will use as a tool to achieve peace: "an olive branch and a dove of peace" or "a kind word and a revolver"?

      Trump had sponsors in his presidential campaign.
      The main sponsor is the American military-industrial complex. This is alarming.

      "...if you look at the political priorities of corporations, it is immediately obvious that the military-industrial complex, airlines and heavy industry prefer to finance Trump and give practically no money to the Democrats. At the same time, the banking sector and high-tech do not make a difference in the campaign to collect donations for the Republican candidate. As of September 2024, Trump's main donors were American Airlines, Walmart, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, United Airlines, FedEx, Wells Fargo, Johnson & Johnson, Brown & Brown, Southwest Airlines, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Costco, Inter & Co., Morgan Stanley, Microsoft, GEO Group, Delta Airlines, General Motors, Home Depot. ..."

      These companies made their investment in Trump, now they should recoup their investment with interest.
      Based on this, Trump must fulfill his obligations to these companies: to create conditions for increasing the production of weapons by the American military-industrial complex.
      In this case, "an olive branch and a dove of peace" is not appropriate, only "a kind word and a revolver."

      This is the instrument Trump will use to resolve the military conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

      You forgot about the oil companies:
  16. +1
    11 November 2024 06: 57
    the destructive by nature idea of ​​Ukrainianism

    There is no doubt about this; as soon as Ukrainianism appeared, it became the enemy of Russia and everything Russian.
  17. +2
    11 November 2024 06: 59
    although they are already talking about the "decline" of the influence of the "hegemon" in the person of America, but if only as a result of the negotiations on Ukraine between Putin and Trump America recognizes Crimea, Malorossiya, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions as Russian territory, tomorrow with both hands and feet the entire fake political army of Russia in the countries in all sorts of organizations of the CIS, CSTO, BRICS, SCO, etc. will recognize the same thing. What kind of comedy will this be? Let's take the CSTO. While the main enemy in the person of America said that Crimea and Donbass are Ukraine, but the Constitution of Russia stated that this is Russia, the CSTO countries did not recognize what Russia and its Constitution claim, but recognized what the main enemy, ready to destroy Russia, says. But as soon as this enemy decides to recognize Crimea, Malorossiya, Kherson and Zaporozhye as Russia's lands, you'll see that these "defenders" of Russia in the CSTO and "friends" of Russia in BRICS, CIS and SCO will, the very next day, follow America in recognizing Crimea and Malorossiya as legitimate lands of Russia. Okay, so far with this "hegemon", maybe it really is getting weaker as a hegemon and will soon run out of steam, but it turns out that Russia's "allies" and a whole pack of its "friends" don't want this, and they could be put in a museum tomorrow as exhibits of duplicity...
    1. +3
      11 November 2024 07: 16
      Even if a "deal" is concluded (there is a high probability that a deal will be made), why should the US recognize Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhia regions as Russia's? The US will never recognize these territories as Russia's.
      1. +5
        11 November 2024 08: 48
        Why should the US recognize Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhia regions as Russia's property?
        Yes. Then the rest will have to admit it, and also lift the sanctions imposed in connection with Crimea and other events. And no one is going to do these things.
        1. +5
          11 November 2024 08: 51
          Now the US and Britain are quite happy with the agreement on the demarcation line, without official recognition of the borders. This will be a victory for the West.
          1. +4
            11 November 2024 08: 55
            I wrote above, what's the point of recognizing? Recognize the borders, cancel the sanctions, and no one is going to cancel them, even if somehow the forces that are fighting in Donbass liberate all of Ukraine, no one will recognize its entry into Russia. To redistribute modern Europe within new borders, a new Munich or Helsinki is needed.
            1. +3
              11 November 2024 09: 18
              At Valdai, VVP practically admitted that our foreign policy has been a failure over the last quarter of a century. This is already good, but I would like to hear - what next? Where to move and with whom?
              1. +4
                11 November 2024 09: 30
                Ha, well, he spoke in the style of - 22 years were bad, and in the next 20 years it will become even worse.
              2. +2
                11 November 2024 10: 18
                but I would like to hear - what next? where to move and with whom?
                "They themselves don't know what they want" (c). And the most disgusting thing is that it's the same all over the country. Where to go? Who to go with? "Let's go to Alice. And who is this girl and where does she live? What if she doesn't smoke, what if she doesn't drink? Well, we'll just go and show up to Alice in this company.
                Dress beautifully. Speaks beautifully. And knows English and Hebrew perfectly.
                Well, with such faces, we’ll take it and run to Alice..." (C) laughing
                1. +2
                  11 November 2024 11: 10
                  "And he knows English and Hebrew perfectly."
                  Well, this line hints at "Where to go". Yes
                  1. +2
                    11 November 2024 11: 30
                    They won't take us to Alice. Those who go to Alice will go. And they will go. wink
                2. +2
                  11 November 2024 11: 56
                  And what is characteristic is that our leaders themselves have led Russia into a dead end and now it seems they themselves do not know how to get out of it. hi
                  1. +1
                    11 November 2024 12: 07
                    I agree, the country is really at a dead end, both politically and economically. It's only in the media that it's so "lively"... hi
                    1. +3
                      11 November 2024 12: 28
                      At Valdai it was practically declared - we have been going somewhere wrong for 30 years and the next 20 years will be even worse. I would like to understand, do we even know where to go now? All these BRICS-ShMIKS do not inspire optimism either. While the world was bipolar, everything somehow worked on counterweights. When the world became unipolar, the hegemon quickly lost the "sense of reality" and came to what they came to. At the same time, the world cannot be multipolar, it is like "a swan, a crayfish and a pike".
                      In reality, the World can only "restart" through a World War, as has happened more than once in history. But now is a slightly different time and the World War will escalate into a nuclear one...
                      1. +4
                        11 November 2024 14: 12
                        At Valdai it was practically declared that we had been going in the wrong direction for 30 years
                        A dead end is somewhere not there, you can't say it directly. "Horses, where are you?" (c) And even earlier, he said that there will be no revision of privatization.. This is inside. From the outside, Russia is licking the heels of whom.. Those who once built, trained the USSR.. which made galoshes.. The situation is like in the subway, where on the transparent doors it is written on both sides, there is no exit.. Plus the incompetent SVO.. And if you also remember the Chechen CTO, which lasted about 10 years... Russia, in such a Leichtweiss cave, where "and paws are not visible" (c) hi
                  2. +1
                    11 November 2024 20: 42
                    Yes, they are unlikely to be clinical and do not know how countries can get out of the crisis. It just means that something needs to be done, shared, and convenient and such familiar corrupt officials exchanged for inconvenient people of action. And it is difficult to get up from the sofa with silk bedspreads, they did not climb up to do something, on the contrary!
  18. +3
    11 November 2024 07: 00
    There is a lot of talk and discussion about this topic now, especially in Ukraine... And what will happen has already become like fortune telling, and the news has become rumors. I know for sure that we will fight, and there is no need to console ourselves that we are advancing and encircling.... Therefore, Trump's decisions on this issue do not change anything in essence! Let's look at our bastard environment, and we need to deal with our own similar internal environment!
  19. BAI
    11 November 2024 07: 43
    Trump will continue the previous line and his plan to end the war in Ukraine will not be beneficial to Russia.

    Trump will not continue the previous line. Since his "peace" plan does not suit Russia, it will be rejected. And Trump will respond by introducing new sanctions and pumping Ukraine with weapons with increased force.
    And there is no speculation here.
  20. +4
    11 November 2024 08: 17
    The article begins radically abruptly - with the thesis that the US was betting on Russia's quick defeat by Ukraine, and then continues in the same style. What kind of "war" is the US against Russia (in fact, the Russian Federation is not even waging a war against Ukraine), what is the US's task in the form of covering itself with Europe in the event of a nuclear war with no one knows who - this is a great mystery. Further fantasies about "capitulations" (how can one capitulate in a non-existent war), taking all of Ukraine and dismembering the West Ukraine, which is recognized by international treaties (sic!), are no longer surprising.
    P.S. It is especially gratifying that the authors of such fantasies about annexations and dismemberments speak about a “destructive nationalist idea” and “the fight against Nazism.”
    The only thing missing at the end of the article was some kind of militant anti-fascist slogan, like "We are starting a campaign for living space" or "Drang nach Westen".
    1. +10
      11 November 2024 10: 22
      SVO, when some anti-communists fight other anti-communists, while calling each other fascists, and the funniest thing is in Ukraine and Russia, there are monuments to accomplices of Nazism. wink
  21. +7
    11 November 2024 08: 18
    Trump Doesn't Want to Become a President Who Loses a War
    Zelensky, asking to come to the negotiating table? Russian troops near Kiev? It's just beginning, the flywheel of the Western military-industrial complex is spinning, gold is flowing into pockets, the guys have just started living, thanks to military orders. No one there is going to lose the war, especially Trump, what he was saying is called election rhetoric. As they say, we write two, one comes to mind... And everything else in the article is just improvised. At least because the cows have raised the price of butter, they say, our demographics are weak, feed is getting more expensive through gray imports, and there are no more of you every year, why do you people need a lot of butter, and cheap too. smile
  22. +7
    11 November 2024 08: 48
    The article is ordinary propaganda, not at all analytical.

    To begin with, the US has already achieved all of its goals in Ukraine (from ousting Russia from the gas market to ousting it from the world political arena into the camp of poor countries that do not influence the main political processes in the world).

    The author then fantasizes about a “complete and final victory,” which our leadership has never declared and will never declare - there is no such goal and no one is going to achieve it.

    Furthermore, Trump himself has said that he will stop this war - and so far he has made no other statements. So we will soon see him take steps in this direction, which, I fear, will not please the turbopatriots very much.

    The US is not going to war - and is not going to let us do it.
  23. +3
    11 November 2024 10: 24
    And Tau-Ceta, at the same time, in order to definitely avoid the invasion of the reptilians, Mr. Author does not want to join, huh? In general - "Dreamer! You called me!"
  24. +3
    11 November 2024 10: 27
    I am more concerned about what the Russian political and financial elite will choose: continuing the course towards sovereignty or, as usual, blindly bowing to Western partners. Something makes me think that they will most likely choose the second.
  25. +1
    11 November 2024 11: 18
    The PRC economy has become not only the largest in the world, but also has a trade turnover with the US of about $600 billion, second only to China's trade with the EU of $800 billion.
    According to Bloomberg's latest data, China has achieved global leadership in five of 13 key technologies, and occupies "prize" places in seven more, not to mention the displacement of Western monopolies from the markets of Asia, Africa, and South America, as a result of which the United States suffers huge losses. It is not surprising that the United States calls China the main enemy - there is something to fight for.
    The US trade turnover with the Russian Federation was relatively small, and today it is practically non-existent, and therefore the US and the Russian Federation have practically nothing to share.
    The West's strategy towards the Russian Federation is determined by the EU's "Eastern Partnership" program - the US cannot abandon the EU, and the EU cannot do without the US until it creates its own European army and its own European military-industrial complex, and the war in Ukraine has clearly demonstrated the importance for the EU of having its own army and, with a high degree of probability, the process of its creation must inevitably accelerate, which will predetermine the formation of a multipolar world from three leading world centers - China, the US, the EU and several regional ones, with their subsequent struggle for world domination and globalization.
    France is the only state entity in the EU that has aircraft, aircraft carriers, submarines, tanks, missiles, electronics, computing and other equipment, a space testing ground in Suriname and a group in space, rather than US ones. The creation of a European army will glorify France not only in the EU but also in the world, which is what Macron is striving for.
    The problem is that then the US will not only lose its largest and most profitable arms market, but in addition to China, it will also acquire another equally great economic and military-political competitor, and do they need that?
    The Eastern Partnership program will end after Belarus, Ukraine and the Transcaucasian states join the EU, and Moldova has already joined, it only remains to formalize it.
    Unlike the US, the EU has something to share with the Russian Federation and something to fight for in Ukraine, but for now they cannot do without the US, and the US without the EU, and this explains it.
    The end of the war with subsequent bargaining is predetermined by the financial and material costs of the USA (whose main opponent is not the Russian Federation, but the PRC) and the Russian Federation. The task of the USA at the bargaining is to achieve the consent of the Russian Federation to Ukraine's accession to the EU, which for the Russian Federation will mean a strategic defeat with far-reaching consequences, which determine the importance of Ukraine for the Russian Federation.
  26. 0
    11 November 2024 11: 29
    It is not Trump who determines policy, but the corporations; in the USA, power is in the hands of imperialist capitalists, in a word, bourgeois!
  27. +1
    11 November 2024 12: 37
    England, and then the USA/Great Britain, had already chosen this in their history long ago.
    Trump is a puppet in the hands of their "deep state" that they will use in their war to destroy Russia.
    Very simple.
    Preparations for the destruction of Russia began during the Soviet era.
    The USA/Great Britain prepared the betrayal of the top of the CPSU, then with its help they staged a coup in the USSR and destroyed it, installing their protege - Yeltsin.
    During the 10 years under him, they created reliable mechanisms for subordinating Russia to themselves and transferred this power into the hands of the Successor. Their goal, however, was to create from Russia and Ukraine a spark plug for war in Europe and to destroy Russia with the hands of their slaves.
    Now everything is almost ready for war.
    Revolvers from the Baltics, Finland and Norway are pointed at Russia's head, the bridgehead near Kursk is ready to accept hordes of NATO troops under the signboard of "Ukrainian Armed Forces", to ensure their capture of the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant and its transformation into an instrument of nuclear blackmail against Russia from its own territory in the name of "Ukraine". In this way, the US will eliminate the threat of our strategic nuclear weapons for itself.
    Trump will withdraw the US from NATO and thereby protect them from a retaliatory strike by Russia, when NATO and Japan begin to destroy Russia on several fronts at once with vastly superior forces.
    For now we are being led down this path and, alas, there is no turning point in sight.
  28. +3
    11 November 2024 13: 04
    Since we are ALREADY in such a critical situation, the US/UK can dictate terms to us in negotiations, but only to ensure additional convenience for themselves in destroying us. Nothing more.
  29. +2
    11 November 2024 13: 12
    Nothing is impossible when it comes to the fate of Russia.
    1. 0
      11 November 2024 14: 05
      Russia needs to have time to master itself in the literal sense of the word and destroy the practically ready plan for its destruction. Everything that brought us to this situation, we borrowed from our children and future generations.
      We need to have time to repay this debt to them.
  30. DO
    11 November 2024 15: 20
    These small states of the western part of Little Rus' must be neutral, their security ensured by international agreements.

    But there was already a neutral Ukraine, and there were corresponding international agreements. And how did it all end? With the SVO, the invasion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine into the Kursk region, raids by Ukrainian drones and missiles on Russian cities, sabotage of Russian CII facilities, a terrorist attack in the Moscow Crocus Hall and others. Why jump on the same rake again? After all, there are proven solutions:
    - the practice of annexing regions liberated from Ukrainian fascism to Russia;
    - there is the Soviet experience of post-war integration of Ukraine into the single state of the USSR.
    Therefore, negotiations with the Ukrainian Reich should be possible only on unconditional surrender. Or no negotiations at all.
  31. 0
    11 November 2024 17: 16
    What Will Trump Choose? the way that brings maximum prejudice to everyone. prepare to lose; prepare to lose dramatically if you think you are winning. in fact, he won't even suggest a solution or another; he would just make sure he controls all actors and what they do is their problem, if they understand that they can be rolled back or blackmailed anytime based on what they do. the picture catches this well - typical byzantine figure that pretends to know and do anything, when in fact they know and do nothing, except racketeering all sides and using their own openings and vulnerabilities.
    What will Trump do? The way that will cause the most damage to everyone. Prepare to lose; prepare to lose dramatically if you think you are winning. In fact, he will not even offer a solution; he will simply control everyone involved, and what they do will be their problem, if they realize that they can be pushed back or blackmailed at any time based on what they do. The picture captures this well – a typical Byzantine figure who pretends to know and do something when in fact he knows and does nothing except racketeer all parties and exploit his own vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
  32. 0
    11 November 2024 19: 35
    "Russia can take under its jurisdiction all the lands of the former Ukraine within the borders of 1913, returning them to their historical names: Little Russia and New Russia. Ukrainians will again become Little Russians, and the language will be Little Russian."
    The author's desires do not match reality.
    In 1913, Poland, Finland, Moldova (Bessarabia) were part of the Russian Empire. The author suggests reviewing all agreements with the Poles, Finns, and Moldovans.
    Maybe it would be easier to take the Helsinki Accords of 1975 as a basis, and they are valid, fresh, no one has yet abandoned them, and establish borders. Why give up what is yours, give up territories for the defense of which millions of Russian citizens died - this is treason.
  33. 0
    12 November 2024 00: 42
    Of course, Trump does not want to be the president who lost the war. Therefore, it is to his advantage to blame all the failures related to Ukraine on his predecessor and to send the American security forces involved in this war home.

    Trump has repeatedly voiced his strategic goal of achieving profitability of the military-industrial complex and refusal of free military aid. According to Trump's logic, world domination does not imply the maintenance of allies and satellites. Absolutely correct, in its essence, logic. A stable lobby for war has formed in the world, living and earning exclusively on war and unable to exist without war. It is international and capable of making compromises with the enemy in order to preserve the conditions of its existence. The war lobby is not interested in the income of the population, the prosperity of the state, the lives of citizens, their concern is exclusively their own income.
  34. +1
    14 November 2024 14: 20
    Ideally, we need to make it so that the word "Ukraine" ceases to exist, and along with it, other derivatives of this word: "Ukrainians", "Ukrainian", including the language. The implementation of this will allow us to destroy the very idea of ​​Ukrainianism, as extremely hostile and destructive for us.

    The final solution to the Ukrainian question, so to speak. The author would definitely find support in certain circles, if you know what I mean.