Ukrainian Medium-Range Missiles or How the US is Bypassing President Putin's Warning

Ukrainian Medium-Range Missiles or How the US is Bypassing President Putin's Warning

I don’t understand the optimists who laugh when they say that Zelensky, with a serious face, is increasingly talking about Ukraine’s breakthrough in creating new missiles medium-range. Yes, we have seriously reduced the capabilities of Ukrainian industry. Yes, we have seriously reduced the capabilities of Ukraine's energy system. Yes, the existing capacities are not capable of producing modern missiles, but...

I won't be surprised at all if we suddenly see some "Shmatok Layna-1" in the sky, aimed at Moscow or St. Petersburg. Yes, it will look like some Soviet development. Yes, its filling will consist of components from all over the world. But it will have Ukrainian registration. And it doesn't matter where it will be assembled and from what. It will look like..., but in some places it will be "unique".

We quickly forgot about Kyiv's plans, by the way, agreed with other European countries, to organize the production of weapons on the territory of neighboring states. Let me remind you that such plans were actively discussed quite recently, but then, suspiciously coordinated, all conversations on this topic ceased. One conclusion can be made. Either the decision has already been made, or Kyiv has received a refusal.

Zelensky most likely received carte blanche for such production. Again, let me remind you how long the US and Brussels have been looking for ways to circumvent the Russian ban on the use of medium-range missiles on Russian territory? Remember President Putin's warning? This warning was taken quite seriously by the West.

Using "Ukrainian" missiles for such strikes... Isn't that a solution to the problem? Strikes are carried out, but legally the West has nothing to do with it... A completely logical explanation. But the solution has so many nuances that the US will still have to answer for such launches, but the level of response will be higher than when using Western missiles.

High-tech warfare as a trap for the US

It is no secret that the ability of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to resist, the use of many high-tech Western weapons critically depend on the United States and its Western allies. Imagine that communications from Elon Musk's company stopped working in Ukraine. What will happen if the troops are completely lost? What if the United States suddenly stops sharing intelligence information from its satellites?

But what if we "dig" deeper? Ukraine has preserved the "Soviet reserve" in the field of rocket engineering. But time moves inexorably forward. Soviet developments, no matter how progressive they were considered in the USSR, are aging. That is, using them in the form in which they were 40-50 years ago means creating weapons that are already "outdated" from the start.

Over the past half century, industrial capabilities have grown exponentially. New technologies have emerged that have almost completely changed the engineering solutions that were used in the past.

Much of what was familiar to today's pensioners not long ago is now wild for their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Just yesterday I witnessed an interesting conversation between a grandfather and his grandson at a children's slide, from which the grandson wanted to slide down the first snow.

Naturally, they didn’t have any sleds. And the grandfather suggested finding a “cardboard box” and sliding down the hill on it. You should have seen the grandson’s eyes. What cardboard box? It was in the grandfather’s childhood, those same 40–50 years ago, that cardboard boxes were everywhere. Near any post office you could find a wooden mailbox, the walls of which perfectly replaced a modern “sled”…

You can use the "old" filling, you can use old developments of some systems, but how can you do without a modern guidance system, for example? How will the "Ukrainian missile" do without the NAVSTAR (GPS) system?

Next. Let's assume that Ukraine did produce some missiles. It doesn't matter what type. A miracle happened, and this missile has its own guidance system, independent of the American GPS. What next? Will the guys launch this missile manually? Does Ukraine have ground launchers or its own air carriers? No!

The appearance of "Ukrainian missiles", I remind you, the Kyiv authorities have repeatedly stated that Ukraine will receive "its own" missiles, both cruise and ballistic, in the middle of next year, has already been officially announced. From the latest, the statement of the director of the Ukrainian state enterprise "Spetstekhnoeksport" Alexey Petrov:

"I will say that both the state and, finally, the private sector are moving in this direction. And it was a reasonable decision to lift the monopoly on the missile industry. Therefore, I think that we will have our own missiles, say, cruise and ballistic, by mid-2025. I have seen the tests, so far only flight ones, but there are results."

I do not in any way deny the possibility of "producing" missiles on the territory of Ukraine. The scheme of such production has long been known and is used by many companies to circumvent sanctions. The so-called "large-unit assembly". When a practically finished product is delivered, to which you just need to screw an emblem or just paint...

But in any case, even the missiles “painted” by the Ukrainians will have US guidance systems, launchers similar to or even made in the US will be used, American software will be used, etc. Simply put, the Americans will not be able to hide their “tail”. This means that Russia may well “remember” President Putin’s warning…

With the result that

Ukrainian missiles may well be ready by the middle of next year. I don't think the newly elected US president will fulfill his campaign promises. Trump has said a lot. But in his promises he took practically no account of the state of relations between the US and Russia. The reaction of the Russian president to Trump's election is quite indicative.

Missiles with a 500 kg warhead, which is what the Ukrainians are announcing, are serious. Zelensky, cornered, will definitely use them. And then Moscow will be faced with a serious choice. Another "red line" that the enemy has ignored, or the promised response to the decision-making centers and factories that produce these missiles in other countries. I don't think we are happy with this situation.

Let me remind you again, the “red lines” have long been violated. We pretended not to notice. But the fact is there. What is the range of the British and French air-launched missiles Storm Shadow and SCALP-EG? Up to 560 kilometers! And the range of the American land-based ATACMS? 300-310 kilometers! According to some information, the Americans are already preparing to deliver air-launched missiles. And that’s another couple of hundred kilometers of range…

By the way, deliveries of modern missiles to anyone are nothing more than technology transfer. It would be strange if Ukrainian specialists did not get inside these missiles. And even stranger if they did not use the received technologies in their developments.

For myself, I have made a conclusion that may be paradoxical for some readers. It is time to end with Ukraine. Games “on the razor’s edge” are not only boring, but are also becoming truly dangerous. The danger is not in Ukraine, the danger is in other areas of the confrontation.

NATO is increasing production of ammunition and weapons, and, again according to some information, by the middle of next year this production will provide the necessary amount of ammunition for a serious "mess" in Europe. The American military-industrial complex is not lagging behind the European one and is also increasing production.

So... The division of the world into "ours" and "not ours" continues, and we must be prepared for anything...
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  1. +10
    10 November 2024 04: 46
    Another “red line” that the enemy has ignored, or a promised response to decision-making centers and factories producing these missiles in other countries. I don't think this situation suits us.

    Well then enlighten us, what should satisfy us... Or tell the world your own version of the solution to the problem...
    * * *
    So... The division of the world into "ours" and "not ours" continues, and we must be prepared for anything...

    This conclusion can be written under anything. Like in that story with the photo, for which you had to come up with a title...
    1. +3
      10 November 2024 09: 15
      Quote: ROSS 42
      This conclusion can be written under anything.

      The author, who has made mistakes in his forecasts more than once, seems to be becoming an experienced analyst who says nothing specific and allows for any outcome of the event.

      Anecdote. A large financial corporation. A trader is riding in an elevator.
      The elevator opens on one of the floors and an analyst enters with a stack of charts,
      books and notebooks.
      The trader looks at him with disdain and says: "Well, bastard, now what?
      "Will you say UP or DOWN?"
    2. -1
      10 November 2024 20: 35
      It seems that his own version of solving the problem is "Everyone to heaven!"
      1. 0
        10 November 2024 21: 06
        Quote: VSO-396
        It seems that his own version of solving the problem is "Everyone to heaven!"

        Hurry up - everyone to the garden!
        1. 0
          11 November 2024 00: 15
          Quote: Titsen
          Hurry up - everyone to the garden!

          No, the head gardener won't let the barrel in. laughing lol
  2. +9
    10 November 2024 06: 28
    It's time to finish with Ukraine.
    The conclusion has been correct for too long. It does not end because of the marginality of our "strategy". The choice in "both yours and ours" was, after all, given in favor of the "world community". In order to restore order on the outskirts ourselves, we would have to transfer the country to a mobilization mode, leave the unipolar world, take the population out of comfort for many years. This is beyond the powers of the current administration. There is a wait until the boss of the unipolar world solves our problem, putting a (temporary) end to the war. "We are ready to consider ..."
    1. +6
      10 November 2024 09: 06
      Quote: Alexander Ra
      In order to restore order on the outskirts ourselves, we would have to put the country into mobilization mode, leave the unipolar world, and take the population out of comfort for many years

      Didn't you think about this before the operation? Shoigu and Gerasimov should have figured out this scenario. Or was Timur Ivanov distracting them?
    2. +3
      10 November 2024 10: 11
      Quote: Alexander Ra
      The conclusion has been correct for too long.

      Even too long ago... Only, I suppose, there is no point in talking about the marginality of the choice. Here is a specific following of someone's recommendations, under which ordinary citizens have to tighten their belts. I have not seen any high-ranking United Russia member complain about need and poverty.
      We shouldn't try to restore order in Ukraine ourselves. It would have been enough to create disorder in the administration and ensure isolation from Western supplies.
      No Western world boss will restore order or solve our problems. It has already been proven. Roosevelt and Kennedy are witnesses to this.
      The current leadership of Russia has preferred a capitalist rearguard to a socialist vanguard. Russia has nothing to speculate on except raw materials... We have no domestic goods with high added value.
      Quote: Stas157
      Didn't you think about this before the operation? Shoigu and Gerasimov should have figured out this scenario. Or was Timur Ivanov distracting them?

      Rather, it was entertaining. How could one get to parades, biathlons and the Temple, it simply put a cross on the mobilization readiness and combat training of the Armed Forces.
      1. +3
        12 November 2024 08: 19
        We do not have domestic goods with high added value.

        Are we still only making galoshes?

        The whole situation is so simple that it's funny. We have caught up with the standard of living of developed countries, and maybe even surpassed some, but what next??? Capitalism exists, should we build socialism again? Or will we come up with some kind of hybrid?

        I agree with you about entertainment in the Armed Forces.
    3. +4
      10 November 2024 15: 31
      This is beyond the current management's capabilities.

      The current state machine was hastily screwed together in the 90s for completely different tasks. Times have changed, but the same people are on the stage. However, they say that need always gives birth to function. It is not yet visible. Therefore, either the "need" is greatly exaggerated, or we are all blind.
  3. +14
    10 November 2024 06: 33
    For myself, I have made a conclusion that may be paradoxical for some readers. It is time to end with Ukraine. Games “on the razor’s edge” are not only boring, but are also becoming truly dangerous. The danger is not in Ukraine, the danger is in other areas of the confrontation.

    Of course, it is necessary - but in three years I "couldn't"...
    The possibility of arming Ukraine (flooding it with modern weapons) through grey schemes or direct deliveries - together with the collapse of oil prices - is precisely the subject of Trump's pressure. And he will not waste time. And he is always ready to play big.
    And then an obvious problem arises.
    Use nuclear weapons and start a third world war - or negotiate a deal, bargaining for the best conditions.
    But continuing the war with real support from the entire US military-industrial complex of Ukraine will not work.
    So (in my humble opinion) we are waiting for a peace treaty and are preparing to recognize this as denazification, a victory over the world imper... sorry, now it’s somehow different, like a united West.
    1. +4
      10 November 2024 08: 07
      or negotiate, bargaining for the best conditions.

      A deal is possible only by mutual agreement of the parties. There is no such thing on the part of the US. They are quite happy with this grinding, since it inevitably leads Russia to its own Compiegne and Versailles. So if we fail to liberate Ukraine, then we will be the ones to be demilitarized and decolonized according to the well-known patterns.
      1. +2
        10 November 2024 20: 45
        Quote: Victor Leningradets
        There is no such thing observed on the US side. They are quite happy with this grinding, since it inevitably leads Russia to its own Compiegne and Versailles.

        You see, the States are very different. There are followers of Brzezinski - paranoid haters of Russians. There are few of them, but some are in high positions.
        But now is Trump's time - unless they make him another Kennedy. laughing laughing
        He has many points of contact with Russia - he is quite comfortable with a well-fed gas station - as are most Russians and the elite. And some of the gas station's complaints do not conflict with his goals.
        So it is quite possible to come to an agreement with our elite.
      2. 0
        12 November 2024 18: 50
        No, it does not lead Russia to Compiegne. It leads Europe and Ukraine.
        What does it mean to liberate? They must liberate themselves. If a person wants to be a slave voluntarily, then we cannot help him in any way.
  4. +6
    10 November 2024 06: 43
    A high-tech trap, just for us, the people of Russia. These missiles won't fly to Rublyovka. But to the residential areas - easily. Because the Kremlin has no will
    1. +2
      10 November 2024 09: 41
      These missiles will not fly to Rublyovka.

      Yes, they don't fly to Koncha-Zaspa either, surprisingly...
  5. 0
    10 November 2024 07: 08
    Perhaps Ukraine has already built its own factories somewhere in Poland or Romania, where they will assemble these missiles with the "Made in Ukraine" stamp. After all, if BMWs were assembled in Kaliningrad, they were still German cars. Another question is where, on what testing grounds, Ukraine tested these missiles, and how many of these missiles it needs. But the most important thing is that when their complete collapse and capitulation looms, then the Ukrainian Nazis will do anything. They will blow up the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station dams, and launch their missiles made at their factories in Poland or Romania with a dirty warhead at some large Russian city. After all, not all cities with a population of over a million are protected by air defense systems like Moscow or St. Petersburg. And the Banderites will be completely "violet" about the fact that they will then be finally cursed and Ukrainians will be avoided like lepers. It would be better for them to be untouchable from such leprosy than to be humiliated by the act of capitulation. By the way, they will not sign the act of capitulation. That's all they won't. At least the Germans observed the decency of the capitulation ceremony. And these will say, we don't want to and we won't sign and that's it... This is a new, special breed of "Aryans" with obvious signs of lepers that has matured, which they hope to be proud of!
  6. +4
    10 November 2024 08: 14
    Doesn't anyone worry that the market for Russian weapons supplies has been sharply declining over the past three years?
    1. +4
      10 November 2024 08: 53
      Quote: parusnik
      Doesn't anyone worry that the market for Russian weapons supplies has been sharply declining over the past three years?

      This is despite the fact that our competitors are increasing!

      After the collapse of the USSR, we somehow retained our leading positions in space, sports, and arms sales (2nd place). In the first two, we have already lost our leadership. The last one remains.
      1. +8
        10 November 2024 09: 53
        There's only one thing left.
        From the end... I wondered for an hour why Israel has become so brazen in the last three years? Especially in relation to Syria, and Russia can't really rearm the Syrian army with modern weapons. That's why Israeli aircraft are attacking targets in Syria, the Turks don't want to leave Idlib, Syrian Kurdistan is "bullying". And our Volgograd Tractor Plant is closed, not for reconstruction, but in order to build new human anthills there.
    2. +1
      10 November 2024 09: 23
      Doesn't anyone mind that we need it ourselves?
      1. +7
        10 November 2024 09: 44
        And doesn't it bother you that a holy place is never empty? Doesn't it bother you, for example, that after three years of the NWO, Europe hasn't frozen over, as promised? Doesn't it bother you that this arms market will be occupied by others? Doesn't it bother you that Russia, after the end of the NWO, will be left without traditional sales markets? The delay of the NWO is beneficial to the collective West, and it's still a long way to go before it reaches Kyiv, and the language won't get there. The NWO will end when Russian sales markets are occupied by others, both "ours" and "not ours."
        1. -5
          10 November 2024 12: 59
          in three years, the North-East, Europe, has not frozen over, as promised?

          Yeah, yeah, and the economic downturn in Europe is just a trifle. And electricity at 80 rubles per kilowatt is also crap, yeah.
          1. +1
            11 November 2024 00: 00
            electricity at 80 rubles
            Even in really expensive France it’s 20.
            1. The comment was deleted.
    3. +4
      10 November 2024 10: 27
      Quote: parusnik
      Doesn't anyone worry that the market for Russian weapons supplies has been sharply declining over the past three years?

      Well, production capacity is not unlimited.
      The conduct of military operations draws all the production to itself
      There are other factors, but this is the main one.
      1. +6
        10 November 2024 10: 53
        Well, production capacity is not unlimited.
        Volgograd Tractor Plant did not fit into this capacity.
      2. +1
        10 November 2024 12: 07
        There is also the issue of supplier reliability. Every country considers military contracts a matter of national security. When they see that their usual supplier is in trouble and temporarily unable to fulfill large orders, they may think, "So what if it happens again during an emergency?"
    4. -1
      10 November 2024 11: 33
      What market? We don’t have enough of everything ourselves, we don’t have time for the market now!!!
    5. 0
      10 November 2024 12: 33
      Quote: parusnik
      Doesn't anyone worry that the market for Russian weapons supplies has been sharply declining over the past three years?

      It's confusing. winked
      However, I believe that this is most likely caused not by the fact that potential buyers have lost interest in Russian weapons, but by the fact that we need to replenish losses in equipment, ammunition and weapons, which are associated with the implementation of tasks in the SVO zone + the need to cover our needs in view of the fact that in connection with the entry of Sweden and Finland into the NATO bloc, the border of contact between Russia and the bloc has increased by more than 1000 km, which requires the expansion of military districts and their saturation with everything necessary. To fulfill these tasks, we need either the construction of new weapons factories, or the expansion of the production areas of existing ones, but there is a hitch here - an acute shortage of qualified technicians and engineering and technical workers, and in all stages of work, including related workers.
    6. +1
      10 November 2024 13: 34
      Yes, it is clear what the reason is. It would be enough on its own. The expense is huge.
  7. +8
    10 November 2024 08: 27
    "It's time to finish with Ukraine..."
    Your words, yes, in Putin's ears! Only the longer the SVO goes on, the more Putin's incompetence becomes apparent. And the cynicism of the West is that they say everything in plain text. Our "commanders" cannot cope with aircraft-type UAVs, they fly in somewhere every day. That's why they said that in mid-2025, it means it will be.
  8. +8
    10 November 2024 08: 39
    For myself, I have made a conclusion that may be paradoxical for some readers. It is time to finish with Ukraine.
    Ukraine should have been finished back in 2014, while it was possible to get by with a minimum of bloodshed, but our grandmaster prefers to be led by the nose. The fact that citizen Staver has begun to see the light is undoubtedly progress, as they say - better late than never. If only it weren't too late...
  9. The comment was deleted.
  10. -1
    10 November 2024 10: 49
    I agree with the author 100%!!!! Yes
  11. 0
    10 November 2024 10: 50
    It would be strange if Ukrainian specialists did not climb inside these missiles.
    It is unlikely that the Ukrainians are allowed to get close to these missiles.
    and finally the private sector.
    If a Ukrainian private individual takes on the matter, missile technologies will spread around the world like cockroaches.
  12. +1
    10 November 2024 11: 38
    Quote: Alexander Ra
    It's time to finish with Ukraine.
    The conclusion has been correct for too long. It does not end because of the marginality of our "strategy".

    How to finish, how??? Declare a general mobilization and create a three-million-strong invasion army - it needs to be clothed, armed, but with what? Even a second wave of mobilization of 300000 people did not happen this year, they did not consider it possible!
    Bomb Ukraine with nuclear weapons, turn it into a desert? It is impossible for a number of reasons, it is impossible! The Russian leadership is in an obvious dead end and has chosen the strategy of sitting it out and waiting until the enemy dies or surrenders. They have waited for the US elections, now they will wait for Trump's decisions on Ukraine.
    1. 0
      10 November 2024 15: 49
      Even the second wave of mobilization... did not happen this year.

      You can immediately see a "fighter" from the 55+ category
      1. +1
        10 November 2024 17: 33
        I am still 54, but I am most likely no longer subject to conscription and have been removed from the register (I don’t know, I haven’t looked). But what does this have to do with the mobilization issue? If we are going to go at least to the Dnieper, and the front doesn’t want to collapse, we need to call up more people, increase the number of troops, and what age groups to call up is not for me or you to decide.
        1. +1
          10 November 2024 18: 37
          I'm 54... But what does this have to do with the mobilization issue?

          As is known, since 2024 the maximum age for staying in the reserve has been increased from 50 to 55 years. We are talking about privates, sergeants and junior officers (warrant officers). The increase is gradual: this year - 51, in 2025 - 52, in 2026 - 53, in 2027 - 54, in 2028 - 55. So, as soon as a reservist is removed from the register, he begins to sharply push for mobilization, since he himself is no longer subject to it. A very common story.
          1. 0
            10 November 2024 20: 20
            If all this had happened 10-20 years earlier, I would have been subject to conscription, that's all, but I will still have to be conscripted when it becomes clear next year that they were relying on Trump in vain, and we need to continue fighting.
          2. 0
            12 November 2024 11: 04
            I'm 58, but if I get a summons, I won't sit it out. I'll go fight. My friends are of the same opinion.
  13. -2
    10 November 2024 13: 37
    Quote: parusnik
    And doesn't it bother you that a holy place can never be empty? Doesn't it bother you, for example, that after three years of the Second World War, Europe hasn't frozen over, as promised? Doesn't it bother you that this arms market will be occupied by others? Doesn't it bother you that Russia, after the end of the Second World War, will be left without traditional sales markets?

    There is a redistribution of "holy places" as the world itself is divided into the West and the Non-West. Europe has not frozen, but largely because there has been a decline in production, which has reduced energy consumption. In addition, high prices are forcing citizens there to economize, and some have switched to firewood and potbelly stoves.
    Official data on arms exports do not reflect reality, part of our exports went into the grey, sometimes black zone (so as not to let down clients). In addition, we ourselves need weapons more, and income from foreign trade is enough, the foreign trade balance is positive.
    The SVO is a good advertisement for some of our weapons; I am sure that many will want to buy our “lancets” and electronic warfare equipment after the end of the SVO.
    It seems like nothing has been heard about F-16s in Ukraine for a long time. Apparently the Yankees don't want a repeat of the fiasco with the "invincible Abrams". laughing
    1. +1
      10 November 2024 17: 39
      high prices force local citizens to economize
      They are high only if you convert them into rubles and compare them with Russian earnings. Yes For the Europeans themselves, the prices are quite reasonable.
  14. -1
    10 November 2024 15: 39
    And really, we're laughing in vain. There are such small Oshkosh jeeps in the US Marine Corps. Try to find one in the forests near Shostka. And from it, a small, of course purely Uranian, missile called "Sokira" (Tomahawk in our language) can periodically fly out. The range is slightly shorter than the naval version, 1600-1800 km, but this does not make things any easier for us. It is quite possible to quickly remake the naval version, and it is known where there are almost 6000 of them lying around in warehouses, and God himself ordered the Americans to dispose of them in the Russian Federation through a proxy. So I think it is this missile that we should expect to visit in 2025. First with waste raked in from the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant as a warhead, then with Cobalt-60 synthesized at the INR NAS of Urina, and then who knows, who knows... After all, Urina clearly saw and understood the "response" of our VG for the strikes on the same "Voronezh-DM" that it is possible to strike the Strategic Shield of the Russian Federation with whatever is available and whenever it is available with absolute impunity...
  15. 0
    10 November 2024 15: 43
    "Ukrainian Medium-Range Missiles or How the US is Bypassing President Putin's Warning"

    Author! You contrast, at least in the title, the state and the individual.
    It turns out that on their side there is the state, and on our side there is only the President?
    And all those who live in our country, do not participate in the confrontation? So write not the USA and Putin, but the USA and the RF.
  16. 0
    10 November 2024 16: 03
    The author is apparently not an engineer at all. What other "US tail" is there in Ukrainian missiles when Russian ones are filled with American components?

    Also this passage about the "American GPS guidance system" that is in every mobile phone. Put it on a kerosene stove and you will get a decent rocket, a couple of months of work for the radio-electronic circle of the Soviet Station of Young Technicians.

    Staver, don't write articles that require technical expertise. Wave the "American GPS guidance system" in the Lenkomnata
  17. -2
    10 November 2024 19: 13
    I agree with the author: we need to be prepared for everything, and if the West really ramps up production and we can have problems, including with Western missiles assembled in Ukraine, then the SVO must be ended. As for counter-moves to "Ukrainian" missiles, I have already written that there are enough revolutionaries and haters of the West who can strike Europe with missiles. And the range of the Houthis' missiles is no less than 2,5 thousand km (judging by the Houthis' shelling of Israel). The Israelis, with their vaunted air defense and even missile defense, were unable to intercept these missiles. With such a range, almost all of Europe can be subject to shelling. With the modest capabilities of the local air defense, significantly weakened by supplies to Ukraine, this can be critical. Attacks on power plants, ports, liquefied gas regasification terminals, military industry, airfields, warehouses, air defense, command posts, etc., could drive Europe into the Stone Age. And attacks on US territory are also possible. So we will be able to punish the West if it starts to get too brazen.
  18. 0
    10 November 2024 20: 03
    Yes, it will look like some Soviet development.
    No, it will be similar to the American development.
  19. +2
    10 November 2024 20: 35
    Quote: "For myself, I have made a conclusion that may be paradoxical for some readers. It is time to finish with Ukraine."
    ...Let's start with the bridges across the Dnieper? :)
  20. 0
    10 November 2024 22: 28
    Without light there is no production. Why on earth did the Khmelnitsky, Yuzhno-Ukrainsky, and Rivne substations become nuclear facilities?
  21. 0
    10 November 2024 22: 31
    As long as those in power continue to hope for relations with their "partners", we will continue to wipe away every spit from the West.
  22. 0
    11 November 2024 09: 29
    I propose that the military-technical school of Russia create 32 digital tape recorders and record the exact signals of radio transmissions of GPS satellites, then launch them by a rocket carrier into the orbit of the GPS satellite group - 20200 km, with placement at a distance of 1 km from the current GPS satellites. In this case, it is necessary to place satellites (copies with a shift in copies of coordinate transmissions from the southern hemisphere to the northern, and it is even better if the tape recorders contain copies of radio signals of all 32 satellites, which are switched according to a random algorithm). Probably I wrote confusingly, the essence is simple, near each GPS satellite place your satellite - a tape recorder giving other coordinates. And if necessary, we turn on our satellite copies and thus turn the GPS system into useless sources of signals!
  23. 0
    11 November 2024 16: 56
    That's right! Yuzhmash is not completely dead. Someone, something is still capable and able... Therefore, the conclusion is to burn everything down completely! If we feel sorry for them, they won't feel sorry for us!
  24. 0
    12 November 2024 02: 08
    I do not share the author's opinion. Even American ballistics requires suppression of our air defense, which has been tested many times in Crimea. Simple cruise missiles have a similar problem, and there is also electronic warfare from the press. Regarding missiles with eyes like the French Scalp. They are too technologically complex for Ukraine. They will not create something like this quickly.
  25. 0
    12 November 2024 13: 59
    As soon as European-American long-range missiles fly at Russia, partisans from Ukrainian territory will launch retaliatory missile strikes at European bases purchased from Russia and the DPRK with Iran!
  26. 0
    12 November 2024 18: 01
    All these dances can be crossed by disabling the transport infrastructure, primarily railway and automobile bridges. But here the West and Russian business groups have merged in a kiss on the gums. The West has drawn "red lines" that the Russian government is afraid to cross - this is the inviolability of logistics for supplying the Ukrainian Reich with weapons. Business groups have also drawn their "red lines" in relation to an attempt on their business in the transfer of raw materials and materials through the Ukrainian Reich to the West. And therefore there will be no interruption of supplies. Everything will arrive. And the missiles will fly.
    That's why I don't envy the authorities. They are in zugzwang now. They have nothing to respond with, because a strike on NATO territory means a world war. And all the offspring are there. To tolerate the blows of the Ukrainian Wehrmacht, to try to blur them with Iroquois dances on TV - that means to screw up big time in domestic politics, with unpredictable consequences.
    Well, and the use of tactical nuclear weapons, this will never happen. Because this will tie the hands of the West for any terrorist non-nuclear acts on our territory. They have enough proxy structures for this.
  27. 0
    12 November 2024 21: 01
    "Don't shoot the pianist, he's playing the best he can..." - an old American "saying" from the Wild West... I'm talking about another "analytics" by Mr. Staver... I'll remind you of old man Brzezinski: "The wisdom and demand for an analyst: to scare everyone and everything, without saying anything sensible and to the point...." In short and to the point: Ukroreikh will be able, under certain conditions, to create a medium-range missile... Perhaps it will be a compilation of Euro-American components, but THIS will be a medium-range missile... Loud statements, warnings and other "scares" usually don't work on a rat driven into a corner... It's not for nothing that there is a persistent opinion that there is no animal more terrible, more insidious and unpredictable in its actions than a rat driven into a corner... And Zelensky is a RAT, who is almost in the corner already... In such a situation and with such a development of events, we must keep an eye on Ukroreikh "keep your eyes open", act preemptively...
  28. 0
    12 November 2024 22: 04
    Monya, I heard that there will be a Jewish pogrom! But according to my passport I am Russian! So they will not attack according to my passport... The same with Ukrainian missiles... Everything depends on those who make decisions...
  29. 0
    13 November 2024 00: 14
    For myself, I have made a conclusion that may be paradoxical for some readers. It is time to finish with Ukraine.

    And how does the author propose to do this?
  30. 0
    13 November 2024 19: 38
    Missiles with a 500 kg warhead, which is what the Ukrainians are announcing, are serious. Zelensky, driven into a corner, will definitely use them. And then Moscow will be faced with a serious choice. I don't think we are happy with this situation.
    For myself, I have made a conclusion that may be paradoxical for some readers. It is time to end with Ukraine. Games “on the razor’s edge” are not only boring, but are also becoming truly dangerous. The danger is not in Ukraine, the danger is in other areas of the confrontation.

    And the author doesn't write what to do. But I predict: a strike by TNW on Ukraine.
  31. 0
    16 November 2024 01: 07
    Like a black grouse on a mating ground, reveling in its own singing, soaring in the grandeur of its own words