A mercenary from Armenia who fought on the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was detained at Domodedovo Airport

A mercenary from Armenia who fought on the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was detained at Domodedovo Airport

According to the Investigative Committee of Russia, the country's special services detained a citizen of the Republic of Armenia, Armen Balyan, at Moscow's Domodedovo Airport, who is accused of fighting against the Russian Armed Forces on the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

According to the investigation, the detainee arrived in Ukraine via Moldova in November 2022, where he served as a mercenary for a year in territorial defense units and took part in military operations on the territory of the new Russian regions of the DPR, LPR and the Kherson region.

In August of this year, Balyan was charged in absentia under Article 359 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for mercenarism, and the man was put on the wanted list. He was detained last month when he tried to enter Russian territory. The purpose of his visit to our country is currently being investigated.

The Russian Investigative Committee reported that Balyan has already confessed and is cooperating with the investigation. According to the detainee, the unit in which he served in Ukraine was disbanded, since almost all the servicemen in it were wounded or killed. He himself was also wounded several times.

The Basmanny Court of Moscow has decided to choose a preventive measure for Balyan in the form of detention. The investigation is ongoing. The former mercenary of the Armed Forces of Ukraine may receive up to 15 years in prison.
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  1. +42
    6 November 2024 13: 39
    It would be better to prescribe a sledgehammer to someone like this.
    1. +9
      6 November 2024 13: 49
      Quote: Bolt Cutter
      It would be better to prescribe a sledgehammer to someone like this.

      How cruel you are. am Yes
      It would be better to send him to prison for life and pour 5 kg of chlorine into his toilet every day for disinfection. laughing good
      1. +3
        6 November 2024 21: 45
        this is an option, let him vomit his lungs into this toilet...
    2. +16
      6 November 2024 15: 05
      "When they catch him, they'll stake him. That's the first thing, and only after..." (C)
      1. +14
        6 November 2024 15: 27
        The face is not disfigured by intelligence! Apparently, it is so, since he flew to Russia. Both we and the Ukrainians know who is fighting for whom, right down to the home address and phone number.
    3. -1
      6 November 2024 19: 24
      Quote: Bolt Cutter
      It would be better to prescribe a sledgehammer to someone like this.

      I understand you very well, but what good will it do to dispose of this individual? Like - avenge all those he killed? This is the easiest way for him. But there is another way to take revenge.
      So that he could work hard for the rest of his life for a piece of bread with pearl barley and bring income to our state. It is not for nothing that they say - at least a tuft of wool comes from a dead sheep.
      1. +1
        6 November 2024 19: 27
        Like - they got revenge
        The thing is that among this public there is an idea that Ukraine will win and they will be released or exchanged.
        1. -1
          6 November 2024 19: 40
          Quote: Bolt Cutter
          The thing is that among this public there is an idea that Ukraine will win and they will be released or exchanged.

          After the end of the war, all Ukrainians who are in our captivity will be released after some time, just as the German prisoners of war were once released.
          I am sure that those who have been found guilty of war crimes and foreign mercenaries will not be released.
          1. 0
            8 November 2024 00: 41
            Quote: Krasnoyarsk
            I am sure that those who have been found guilty of war crimes and foreign mercenaries will not be released.

            After the Second World War, ordinary German prisoners of war were released almost immediately. Only those guilty of war crimes remained. It was them that Khrushchev later released, and not "ordinary soldiers", as the propaganda that praised his humanitarian exploits later claimed.
            Unfortunately, there is always a possibility of new Khrushchevs and Gorbachevs emerging, especially if we do not take care of the transfer of power in time before our health condition makes this process difficult to control.
        2. 0
          7 November 2024 10: 52
          Quote: Bolt Cutter
          Like - they got revenge
          The thing is that among this public there is an idea that Ukraine will win and they will be released or exchanged.

          There is a saying on the outskirts: "A fool gets rich by thinking."
          Let them at least dream about flying to Mars. What does it matter to us?
          Those convicted by the court are not subject to exchange. Or am I, which is quite possible, mistaken?
      2. +3
        6 November 2024 22: 19
        You are too humane and mercantile, I suggest a more radical and reliable method - on a stake!
        1. 0
          7 November 2024 10: 56
          Quote: SEVERIN
          You are too humane and mercantile, I suggest a more radical and reliable method - on a stake!

          Mercantile? And why can a person convicted by the court sit on our necks? He must work like a "galley slave". But not in the sense of a well-known "galley slave", but like a real "galley slave". wink
          1. 0
            7 November 2024 12: 30
            And I am not calling for keeping him on our neck - on a stake! - it will be more reliable that way.
            1. 0
              7 November 2024 12: 34
              Quote: SEVERIN
              And I am not calling for keeping him on our neck - on a stake! - it will be more reliable that way.

              Is there at least a tuft of wool from a dead sheep? After all, he must, at least partially, compensate for the material damage that he caused by his participation in the military action on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
              Or should you and I do this? Personally, I don't agree. Let the sv...ch plow until he dies with a pick in his hands.
              1. 0
                7 November 2024 13: 02
                You know, it’s better to crush mosquitoes, bedbugs, flies and other similar vermin!
                1. 0
                  8 November 2024 10: 52
                  Quote: SEVERIN
                  You know, it’s better to crush mosquitoes, bedbugs, flies and other similar vermin!

                  I agree. But only because you can't squeeze anything useful for us out of these bloodsuckers, no matter how hard you try.
                  And from bipedal upright ones it is possible, without making any special efforts.
                  1. 0
                    8 November 2024 11: 10
                    God saved you from the possibility of a brutal murder of your child - that's why you are still trying to get some benefit from this upright one.
                    1. 0
                      8 November 2024 13: 11
                      Quote: SEVERIN
                      God saved you from the possibility of a brutal murder of your child - that's why you are still trying to get some benefit from this upright one.

                      We speak different languages. You speak, introducing children and their deaths into the conversation, i.e. personal motives, and I speak from the position of the state, for which the death of a person is just statistics, not a tragedy. Hence our disagreements. Try to take the position of the state in this matter and everything will fall into place.
                      1. 0
                        8 November 2024 13: 20
                        No, I won't try! - I am a father and a grandfather, and this upright man went to a foreign country to kill! - and if the hopes and pain of people for this state are just statistics, then that's why in our country all the people support the Motherland, Russia, and not the state! - feel the difference!
                      2. 0
                        8 November 2024 13: 43
                        Quote: SEVERIN
                        In our country all people support the Motherland, Russia, and not the state! - feel the difference!

                        It's all emotions. It's not the Motherland that fights, creates, organizes citizens to achieve some goals (whether it creates well or poorly is another question), but the state.
                        The Motherland cannot, for example, form an army to defend your Motherland; the state does this, and as a citizen of this state, you support in this matter not the Motherland, but the state.
                        You all understand perfectly well, you just don’t want to, even understanding that I’m right, agree with me.
                        I, like you, love our Motherland, but everything we need for life, a lot or a little, is given to us by the state.
                        Yes, we are always dissatisfied with our state, it does not always treat us fairly. But who is to blame for the fact that we have such a state?
                      3. 0
                        8 November 2024 14: 03
                        Yes, we are always dissatisfied with our state, it does not always treat us fairly. But who is to blame for the fact that we have such a state?
                        - I agree with this - we ourselves are to blame for this, because we allow people we did not elect to rule us - impostors, that is why the majority of Russians do not go to the polls, that is why many of us have complaints about this state, but this upright one - on a stake!
                      4. 0
                        8 November 2024 16: 50
                        Quote: SEVERIN
                        There are complaints about this state, but this upright one - put it on a stake!

                        I leave you alone with your hatred, which, in its essence, is a bad advisor.
                      5. 0
                        8 November 2024 17: 07
                        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                        Quote: SEVERIN
                        There are complaints about this state, but this upright one - put it on a stake!

                        I leave you alone with your hatred, which, in its essence, is a bad advisor.
                      6. 0
                        8 November 2024 17: 56
                        There is no hatred involved here, there is simply a healthy desire to preserve the lives and health of your fellow tribesmen, including yours, and there is no need to be a wimp in this matter.
                      7. 0
                        8 November 2024 19: 30
                        Quote: SEVERIN
                        There is no hatred involved here, there is simply a healthy desire to preserve the lives and health of your fellow tribesmen, including yours, and there is no need to be a wimp in this matter.

                        By killing a prisoner you are not protecting anyone and you are not saving anyone's life, do not deceive yourself.
                        The guys who are now defending with weapons in their hands are not defending you and me, but the future of our children and grandchildren.
                        And something tells me that despite your toughness, unlike my slobbering, if you were given a weapon in your hands, you would not be able to kill an unarmed prisoner.
                        Let's stop our argument, it's useless.
                      8. 0
                        8 November 2024 20: 45
                        Have you read the book by Alexander Lobantsev "Kosovo 99"? - when you read it, then we'll continue the conversation, without that I consider all this empty chatter - read it!
                      9. 0
                        8 November 2024 22: 03
                        Quote: SEVERIN
                        Have you read the book by Alexander Lobantsev "Kosovo 99"? - when you read it, then we'll continue the conversation, without that I consider all this empty chatter - read it!

                        You are strange, though. I will now give you a list of fifteen books that I think you have not read, and if you have, then clearly not all of them. And what does this mean? Absolutely nothing. In our polemics, you proceed from revenge for emotional reasons and wish death to the arrested person, and I proceed from the rules of warfare and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Which, the "rules", prohibit the killing of prisoners and the Criminal Code, which prohibits the death penalty.
                        And you are stubborn, like some kind of animal, don’t take it as an insult, and demand, in order to justify your position, to read some little-known writer (?), although perhaps a participant in the events in Yugoslavia.
                        I say again - stop your fruitless attempts to prove your case. You are wrong! Killing an arrested person is murder, a criminal offense!
                      10. 0
                        8 November 2024 22: 58
                        I didn't take this upright man prisoner, I have nothing to do with our legal system, but I absolutely agree with those guys from "Wagner" who didn't take such upright men prisoner either - they cut them up, and I'm telling you again - this upright man came to a foreign country to kill! - and he's lucky that our security forces caught him, he's lucky - if he fell into the hands of the parents of tortured children - he would be taken apart for spare parts, and he knows it, and only you don't know!
                      11. 0
                        8 November 2024 14: 23
                        And here's another thing, there is a wonderful book "Kosovo 99", it was written by Alexander Lobantsev - a participant in those events and the daring throw of two hundred of our paratroopers into the Serbian city of Pristina and the capture of the Slatina airfield, read it, maybe you will understand something.
      3. 0
        7 November 2024 10: 22
        There is no hope that the next president of the Russian Federation will not declare an amnesty in honor of his election and all this criminal scum that fought against Russia will calmly go home....
        Better to be expended immediately so that others don't get the same idea...
        1. 0
          7 November 2024 11: 02
          Quote: assault
          There is no hope that the next president of the Russian Federation will not declare an amnesty in honor of his election and all this criminal scum

          It's strange, but everyone says that hope dies last.
          And in your case she hasn’t even been born yet, but has already died. request
          1. 0
            7 November 2024 11: 05
            There was such a case in history when "Khrushchev" released war criminals, policemen and Banderites from the camps and what did this lead to in Ukraine....
            1. 0
              7 November 2024 11: 18
              Quote: assault
              There was such a case in history when "Khrushchev" released war criminals, policemen and Banderites from the camps and what did this lead to in Ukraine....

              You have a superficial view of the reasons that led to these events. Although they played some role in these events, it was so insignificant that there is no need to talk about it.
              They were not the instigators of inciting hatred towards Russia.
          2. 0
            7 November 2024 11: 38
            There are too many examples in my memory when the authorities handed over the interests of the Russian people to please the West and the oligarchs...
            Almost nothing has changed, the same people are still at the helm, so the probability of another "gesture of humanity" is very high...
    4. +3
      6 November 2024 20: 38
      First this. And then you can use a sledgehammer.
      1. 0
        7 November 2024 03: 10
        What a horror, these are relics of the 90s. Again a return to coprophagia. Wouldn't it be easier to iron the belly?
        1. 0
          7 November 2024 07: 50
          You have a distorted understanding of the process of using this "lie detector". Perhaps you don't know anatomy well.
      2. -1
        7 November 2024 11: 06
        Quote: tatarin1972
        First this. And then you can use a sledgehammer.

        Oh, you are such a cruel people, some want a stake, others first a soldering iron, and then a sledgehammer.
        If only he could take his white hands to the uranium mines and give him a pickaxe... wink wassat
        1. 0
          7 November 2024 11: 31
          They don't use prisoners to mine uranium ore; highly skilled workers work there, it's not like sewing gloves.
          1. -1
            7 November 2024 11: 39
            Quote: tatarin1972
            They don't use prisoners to mine uranium ore; highly skilled workers work there, it's not like sewing gloves.

            Don't want to? We'll make you! Don't know how? We'll teach you! Pickaxe techniques are taught in a minute, then a short exam and - a highly skilled worker is ready to work.
            1. 0
              7 November 2024 12: 17
              As a mining engineer in the past, I can say that the game is not worth the candle. The output from such a "method of extraction" is zero point zero, but the costs of transportation, security and the rest will be high, in short, it is not profitable.
              1. 0
                7 November 2024 12: 30
                Quote: tatarin1972
                As a mining engineer in the past, I can say that the game is not worth the candle. The output from such a "method of extraction" is zero point zero, but the costs of transportation, security and the rest will be high, in short, it is not profitable.

                As you may not have understood, there is a popular belief that "uranium mines" are the most terrible place to serve a sentence.
                I used "uranium mines" as a figurative expression. hi
                1. 0
                  7 November 2024 12: 51
                  The thing is that many people don’t say this in an exaggerated way; they really think this way.
  2. +17
    6 November 2024 13: 44
    And he went to Russia. Maybe he didn't just come, but on a sabotage mission.
    1. +11
      6 November 2024 13: 47
      It's not a fact, like many of those who are sitting - he decided that he is more cunning or smarter than everyone else. Perhaps he decided that if he entered through Moldova, then Russia does not know about him. Like, he fought and no one knows about him behind the ribbon.
      1. +1
        6 November 2024 13: 49
        Quote: solovjoff
        It's not a fact, like many of those who are sitting - he decided that he is more cunning or smarter than everyone else. Perhaps he decided that if he entered through Moldova, then Russia does not know about him. Like, he fought and no one knows about him behind the ribbon.

        Maybe so
      2. +1
        7 November 2024 03: 12
        It's normal, tickets via Moldova are 2500 cheaper, saving the family budget.
  3. +13
    6 November 2024 13: 48
    A man of great intelligence, I would say a genius)))
  4. +4
    6 November 2024 13: 54
    And if your hands are covered in blood, then for life. Or "maybe" they should be sent to the "police" zone, or in view of the fact that something unimaginable is happening in our Federal Penitentiary Service - maybe we should create a private prison somewhere in the SMP area?
    1. +3
      6 November 2024 19: 32
      Quote: tralflot1832
      Maybe we should create a private prison somewhere in the SMP area?

      The penal servitude must be resumed. We roll stones up the mountain, from the foot until the morning. wassat
      1. +2
        6 November 2024 21: 45
        Quote: fif21
        Penal servitude must be reinstated.
        It wouldn't hurt.
        Quote: fif21
        We roll stones up the mountain, from the foot until the morning.
        Why the hell? It would have been better to finish the construction of the Transarctic Railway, which Stalin started and Khrushchev abandoned. And what else was there from Stalin's Great Construction Projects? A tunnel to Sakhalin? That would also be useful. Yes, of course, one prisoner won't dig up much, but if the entire former Ukrainian SSR were denazified and all Nazis were lustrated, a considerable contingent would be collected, which should be used somewhere for the benefit of the national economy.
        1. +3
          6 November 2024 21: 54
          Quote: Nagan
          Why the hell? It would have been better to finish the construction of the Transarctic Railway, which Stalin started and Khrushchev abandoned. And what else was there from Stalin's Great Construction Projects? A tunnel to Sakhalin? That would also be useful.

          Who is against? request Let them build during the day, and in their free time they can dig trenches in the permafrost, from the fence until the morning. The Banderites deserve it. They should be given hell during their lifetime, not after death. hi
      2. 0
        7 November 2024 14: 55
        Quote: fif21

        The penal servitude must be resumed. We roll stones up the mountain, from the foot until the morning.

        That's what I'm talking about. And I get a soldering iron, a stake, a sledgehammer!!!
        Only Sisyphus and his work were of no use to anyone. But I need them to bring income to the state.
        1. 0
          7 November 2024 17: 48
          Quote: Krasnoyarsk
          But Sisyphus and his work were of no use to anyone.

          This is an activity in "free time from work" wassat
          Quote: Krasnoyarsk
          But I need them to also bring income to the state.

          Is the state engaged in business? Are you concerned about the income of Russian Railways? Or lumberjacks? belay
          1. 0
            7 November 2024 20: 11
            Quote: fif21
            Is the state engaged in business?

            Isn't it? Prisons and colonies are state institutions. In colonies, convicts work and not only for food and clothes. That is, they are in the position of hired workers. The difference is lower wages, limited rights and freedom of movement.
  5. +1
    6 November 2024 13: 55
    Nessuna pietà. Dopo il dovuto interrogatorio,un colpo alla nuca e basta.
  6. +20
    6 November 2024 13: 58
    A former mercenary of the Ukrainian Armed Forces may receive up to 15 years in prison.

    The dude fought against our troops, killed our guys and possibly civilians! And now we have to feed him for FREE for another 15 years? belay
    Maybe you should sentence him to the highest measure - execution? And the money saved in this case, you can give to pensioners, children in need of paid surgery, and finally to the disabled for rehabilitation!
    I understand that Russia is a generous and rich country, but let's not squander these riches and feed criminals!!!! am
    1. -1
      6 November 2024 18: 29
      And now we have to feed him for FREE for another 15 years?
      I hope he has already "sold out" everything and everyone, so he has earned himself 15 years of life with his personal slop and slop. And his accomplices - bye-bye... Otherwise I refuse to understand such publications!
    2. +1
      7 November 2024 03: 15
      And Nikolka Pashinyan's bill for the wasted cartridge.
  7. +5
    6 November 2024 14: 06
    A mercenary from Armenia who fought on the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was detained at Domodedovo Airport

    Well, what is there to talk about here?
    If you can't shoot him, let him sit there until he dies in the latrine...
  8. +4
    6 November 2024 14: 27
    Quote: Wend
    And he went to Russia. Maybe he didn't just come, but on a sabotage mission.

    I went with fake documents, but apparently I bought them at the crossing, so the border guards immediately noticed the forgery. Well, and then it was a matter of technique
  9. +5
    6 November 2024 15: 03
    How many of them are still scurrying around here? Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo, Vnukovo... Pulkovo.
    It's long and tedious to travel around Russia on a crooked goat.
    Or fly your whole life to Armenia via Turkey, or some other Pakistan.
  10. +2
    6 November 2024 17: 19
    A mercenary from Armenia who fought on the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was detained at Domodedovo Airport

    Is this guy sane in the head??? fool He must understand perfectly well that he is wanted as a war criminal who fought as part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces against the Russian Armed Forces and Russia. It seems that the concussion has completely knocked out his memory and sense of self-preservation. crying He should have stayed at home in Armenia... but no, he went to Russia for the big bucks... And now he's facing many years of jail and gruel... laughing
    The music didn't play for long, the guy didn't dance for long... wassat
    1. +2
      6 November 2024 20: 45
      Now he is provided with housing and three meals a day... laughing
    2. 0
      7 November 2024 03: 17
      Yeah, and the orchestra members are waiting for him there, having arrived at the zone again. How long will he last there? You won't have time to nibble on the popcorn.
  11. +2
    6 November 2024 18: 08
    And you weren't afraid to go to Russia? tongue
    1. 0
      7 November 2024 10: 31
      If Russia's borders are open to everyone, they take advantage of them, they catch one by accident, and hundreds of thousands of criminals travel back and forth...
      In Russia he robbed, killed and hid back in his village, where no one would touch him...
  12. +1
    6 November 2024 18: 58
    I hope they don't let him out of the country. Only to cut down trees.
  13. +2
    6 November 2024 19: 05
    Such people should be given 15 years and above
  14. +2
    6 November 2024 20: 32
    Send me to serve 15 years in an Azerbaijani prison colony as part of an exchange. They'll be happy there.
  15. -1
    6 November 2024 21: 02
    Maybe we should wait for the court's decision?
    It is not even written whether he arrived under his own name or not.
    The state cannot make mistakes in protecting us all.
    But among the defenders there are also Penkovskys, Zakharchenkos, and Tambievs.
  16. +1
    6 November 2024 21: 08
    ...According to the detainee, the unit he served in in Ukraine was disbanded because almost all of its servicemen were wounded or killed. He himself was also wounded several times...

    I don't understand, did you want to make me feel sorry for you?
  17. 0
    7 November 2024 01: 48
    Armenians are like that. They have their own unique logic, incomparable to anyone else! But sending him to the zone with tomato sellers from sunny Azerbaijan would be just right.
  18. 0
    7 November 2024 11: 41
    Quote: assault
    There are too many examples in my memory when the authorities handed over the interests of the Russian people to please the West and the oligarchs...
    Almost nothing has changed, the same people are still at the helm, so the probability of another "gesture of humanity" is very high...

    Who would argue, I will not. For what was, was. Alas.
  19. 0
    7 November 2024 14: 23
    Castration up to the tonsils might help him...
  20. 0
    7 November 2024 23: 32
    We should bring back the highest level of social protection.
    Both traitors and these jerks.
    They'll give him 15 years, and after 10 he'll be released on some kind of parole in honor of Victory Day.
    And he will sit on a porch in the mountains, herding goats and telling his grandchildren about his "heroic deeds"
    And the families of those he killed will... Well, you understand.
  21. 0
    8 November 2024 06: 29
    Finish, the audacity to fly through RUSSIA!