China's Nuclear Fusion Facility Launches New 'Supereye' Physics Experiment

China's Nuclear Fusion Facility Launches New 'Supereye' Physics Experiment

Not so long ago in historical scale, China, which was quite backward in terms of technical progress, is rapidly developing, mastering and developing the most advanced technologies. It is like Russia, which at the end of the last and beginning of the current century in the West was called nothing other than a "gas station country with 1,5% of the world GDP". Now such definitions of the Russian economy are not given even by the IMF and the World Bank, controlled by the USA.

The latest breakthrough success of Chinese scientists is reported by the official newspaper of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, Science and Technology Daily. The publication, citing the developer, writes that the Chinese new-generation tokamak Huanliu-3 (HL-3) has launched a new cycle of physical experiments, for the first time including a digital twin system that functions as a "super eye".

The HL-3 tokamak is a torus-shaped nuclear fusion reactor that confines hot plasma in fusion using a powerful magnetic field, built entirely in China. It is currently the largest and most advanced magnetic plasma confinement device in the country, and is called a new-generation “artificial sun.”

The key aspect of the device's operation is baking in a vacuum chamber, with the digital twin system acting as a "super eye" for this process, creating a digital model in virtual space identical to the physical object, allowing for real-time and high-precision control of the process. In addition, this will allow scientists to analyze the conduct and results of experiments not only at the time of their implementation, but also subsequently in virtual form.

The digital twin system focuses on the temperature distribution inside the vacuum chamber and creates an accurate digital model. By receiving data from heaters and physical temperature monitoring points, the system uses virtual sensor algorithms to output the complete temperature distribution in real time.

China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) said the application of the digital twin system marks significant progress in the artificial sun technology, ensuring its safe and stable operation and laying the foundation for the development of integrated intelligent control.

Researchers from the Southwest Institute of Physics (SWIP) in Chengdu, part of CNNC, who developed the digital twin system, said they would continue to explore the potential of the technology in nuclear fusion to further expand the capabilities of the "artificial sun".

At the same time, China is open to international cooperation in the field of obtaining "artificial solar energy". After the launch of HL-2023 in December 3, China invited scientists from all over the world to achieve a common goal - obtaining "artificial solar energy". Before this, SWIP signed an agreement with the developers of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (initially a joint project of the EU, Russia, the USA and Japan) for the joint construction of thermonuclear reactors in the future and conducting experiments on them. Moreover, China has already built a tokamak on its own and is working on it, and a similar international project is planned to be completed only by 2035.
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  1. +2
    6 November 2024 11: 50
    The HL-3 tokamak is a torus-shaped nuclear fusion reactor that confines hot plasma in fusion using a powerful magnetic field, built entirely in China. It is currently the largest and most advanced magnetic plasma confinement device in the country, and is called a new-generation “artificial sun.”

    Well done, Chinese! My respects!
    It's like with Russia, which at the end of the last and beginning of this century was called in the West nothing other than "a gas station country with 1,5% of the world's GDP." Now such definitions of the Russian economy are not given even by the IMF and the World Bank, controlled by the USA.

    Author, what definitions do the IMF and the World Bank give to the Russian economy?
    Ah-ah-ah, probably something like this - the Russian economy is the most powerful and advanced economy on the planet, with GDP growth of up to 16%, like under I.V. Stalin in the 30s of the twentieth century, right?
    1. +5
      6 November 2024 11: 55
      So what definitions do the IMF and the World Bank give to the Russian economy?
      The country was created to pump out resources for the golden billion, with the enrichment of the aligarchic layer on this, no matter how the author tried to be ridiculous, the country was a raw materials appendage of developed countries, and will remain so, this is its meaning, its purpose in world capitalism, its main and only role.
      1. -3
        6 November 2024 11: 56
        We need to develop a free market and reduce bureaucracy.
        1. +4
          6 November 2024 12: 15
          Quote from Lemur2023
          We need to develop a free market and reduce bureaucracy.

          Can you tell me what a free market is?
          As I understand it, we have a free market, everyone fights for themselves. Moreover, Nabiullina separately, for example, Putin separately. And business as well.
          And in the West everything is regulated. The same rules of stock trading, these are 6 books, 800 pages each. Where everything is written down to the smallest detail. This fairy tale about the free market has already become boring.
        2. 2al
          6 November 2024 12: 40
          Can you give a historical example of at least one free market?
          The free market is a myth, it has never existed in History. Markets have always been "shepherded" - by criminal gangs, trading empires, the state, transnational companies. They determined what, at what cost and to whom and how much to sell. And bureaucracy is reduced only together with the state, in the course of its liquidation as a mechanism for distributing the product of social production.
    2. 0
      6 November 2024 12: 00
      Quote: Obi Wan Kenobi
      Author, what definitions do they give to the Russian economy?

      Quote: Trapp1st
      no matter how hard the author tried

      Where did you see the author there? No one is obliged to prove anything to you and no one will correct you.
      It's time to start getting used to slogans...
    3. +5
      6 November 2024 12: 17
      The author's praises of Russia and its science are absolutely unfounded. I started working in a research institute in the seventies and have a good idea of ​​how science was financed then, how many new areas there were and how quickly they developed, and I have the opportunity to compare it with the wretchedness that is happening now. Almost everything that was before has been lost, and the money - or rather, its remains - have been burned in Rusnano and similar offices created for theft. Scientific advances from those times are being eaten up in industry research institutes (thank God, the defense industry forced them to), but scientific schools have been destroyed, and instead of a scientific leader who was a scientist, a leader has come - a jug-faced one from among the rich. The Rogozin dynasty is an example of this. The semblance of a scientific movement is imitated by ritual events: some symposiums, congresses and other Potemkin villages. The level of scientific publications is usually below the baseboard.
      1. 0
        6 November 2024 15: 19
        The Rogozin dynasty is an example of this.

        and how many such "dynasties" have appeared over the years?
        and how many talented young people left for this reason???
  2. -2
    6 November 2024 11: 53
    Oh, my heart feels that the Chinese will make a hole in the time-space continuum of our universe. What to do then?
    1. -1
      6 November 2024 11: 59
      Oh, my heart feels that the Chinese will make a hole in the time-space continuum

    2. +1
      6 November 2024 12: 03
      Then it's nothing. You can't plug the hole with either foam or tape. In short, there will be a draft.
  3. 0
    6 November 2024 11: 57
    Now even the IMF and the World Bank, which are controlled by the USA, do not give such definitions of the Russian economy.

    The first army in the world - this is the definition given to the personnel of the Russian Armed Forces.
    The economy is debatable, if only because Russian-made civil aircraft are not yet flying over our great country, and Russian electronics have purely nomenclature names. In addition, the national currency rate is pulling up prices for goods and services...
    But we are happy about this too. We don't want it to be like in Ukraine...
  4. +4
    6 November 2024 12: 03
    This is all great, but the problems with magnetic plasma confinement have not gone away. Comrades are trying to create a system of dynamic magnetic field configuration in the form of this digital twin, it will be interesting to see the results. Although, most likely, the main goal is to collect data on fluctuations for numerical modeling, fortunately there are enough supercomputers, so it is a useful occupation for them.
    1. -1
      6 November 2024 12: 52
      If there is no idea about the elementary - the configuration of the magnetic flux of the dipole, then no computers will help further. And after all, it is also necessary to determine the quantitative parameters of the dimension. In general, everyone can point a finger at the sky.
  5. 0
    6 November 2024 12: 23
    It is interesting that it is planned to reproduce the reactions of matter in the sun, reproducing only the temperature, which is only a consequence of other physical conditions. It would be more logical to reproduce such conditions as the center of rotation of huge plasma masses, but in a tokomak this center is not an experimental space, as far as I understand.
  6. +3
    6 November 2024 12: 35
    Some kind of incomprehensible, creepy journalistic translation.
    "A key aspect of the device's operation is baking in a vacuum chamber, with the digital twin system acting as a 'super eye' for this process...."

    What is the article about?
    1. -2
      6 November 2024 12: 43
      On real-time computer control of a tokamak.
  7. -1
    6 November 2024 12: 38
    It's like with Russia, which at the end of the last and beginning of this century was called in the West nothing other than "a gas station country with 1,5% of the world's GDP." Now such definitions of the Russian economy are not given even by the IMF and the World Bank, controlled by the USA.
    So they stopped filling up at this gas station, because they don’t know what’s going on there and how it is at this gas station... laughing laughing laughing
  8. -2
    6 November 2024 12: 40
    The biggest stupidity is that Plasma is a breakdown between highly polarized elements of the circuit forming the highest magnetic flux intensity. By the way, it is important to notice the magnetic flux within its closed circuit. Therefore, the task is not to hold the plasma, but to obtain such a high energy density of the circuit so as not to get a breakdown. And this is achieved quite simply!
  9. 2al
    6 November 2024 12: 43
    In fact, scientific and technical cooperation between the Russian Federation and the West, the Russian Federation has lost both independence and competence. And the PRC, implementing purely national projects, has ultimately become a scientific and technical leader.
    1. +2
      6 November 2024 13: 25
      Of course. Scientific and technical cooperation with the West was expressed in our country first of all in the brain drain, and then in money for patents on their inventions.
  10. +1
    6 November 2024 14: 41
    It's like with Russia, which at the end of the last and beginning of this century was called in the West nothing other than "a gas station country with 1,5% of the world's GDP." Now such definitions of the Russian economy are not given even by the IMF and the World Bank, controlled by the USA.

    Unspecified author (what a stupid habit not to sign the article), such statements implying the rapid development of Russia must be confirmed. We are waiting for an article where you show what the Russian economy produces, how much of everything, how much is bought by other countries and by which ones. It is highly desirable to present data in comparison with the USSR on a wide list of items. Do not forget to indicate there those various galoshes that were produced in the USSR, and now are not produced in Russia at all. Well, and vice versa. List new production facilities and destroyed. List newly built cities and small settlements and abandoned cities, villages. In general, there is a lot to tell and compare, what was and what has become. Not in one, but in a series of articles.
    Then we ourselves will decide how Russia develops.
  11. 0
    6 November 2024 16: 36
    Not so long ago, China, which was quite backward in terms of technological progress on a historical scale, is rapidly developing, mastering and developing the most advanced technologies.

    Not so long ago, on a historical scale, Russia, which was quite developed in terms of technological progress, is rapidly deteriorating, selling off and losing its most advanced technologies
    1. 0
      7 November 2024 13: 53
      Everything was sold out long ago in the 90s. I personally participated in the sale of the T-11 induction heating system to the Chinese in 1995. And the guys from T-15 and OGRA helped.