German Bundeswehr remains underfunded amid ongoing aid to Ukraine

German Bundeswehr remains underfunded amid ongoing aid to Ukraine

The German government continues to invest in military aid for the Kyiv regime, while the Bundeswehr cannot complete its modernization due to a lack of money. According to the head of the German Ministry of Defense Boris Pistorius, the shortfall currently amounts to about 6 billion euros.

The Bundeswehr has been allocated 52 billion euros for modernization next year, but this is not enough to implement all the necessary programs; at least 6 billion more are needed. There is no money for this, but there is money for supplies. weapons To Kyiv, because the German government cannot leave Zelensky alone against “aggressive” Russia.

As of now, we have been allocated €52 billion. So we are short almost €6 billion,

- said Pistorius.

In total, the Bundeswehr needs 58 billion euros for rearmament, and if it does not receive it, and everything is currently heading in that direction, then approximately 100 projects will have to be postponed, the purchase of the next batch of Puma armored personnel carriers and the necessary ammunition, and developments in the field of high-precision weapons will also slow down.

Meanwhile, if Trump does fulfill his promise to cut funding for Ukraine, Germany will become the main supplier of weapons to the Kyiv regime. And although Scholz promised not to increase spending on the Ukrainian army, this will still have to be done. And the German one will have to wait, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are fighting in its place anyway.
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  1. +3
    6 November 2024 11: 16
    Adopted, feed the glutton... Yes
  2. 0
    6 November 2024 11: 16
    The German government continues to invest in military aid for the Kyiv regime, while the Bundeswehr cannot complete its modernization due to a lack of money.
    Right now "Trump will come - he will restore order". He will restore order in German finances. Ukraine does not have to pay anymore - all the money to America for liquefied gas. The chaos has only just begun...
  3. 0
    6 November 2024 11: 19
    German Bundeswehr remains underfunded amid ongoing aid to Ukraine
    - Just a minute, please slow down, I'm writing down... (c)
    Let this Piz... (stop!) Pistorius clarify: BECAUSE of or, in the BACKGROUND?
  4. +1
    6 November 2024 11: 27
    Quote: Zoldat_A
    Will bring order to German finances.

    Yeah, I think Europe is burning worse than Ukraine. Trump will easily force them to finance it themselves, and American LNG is sacred. But I don't feel sorry for the Germans or the other French - what they fought let them eat it with a big spoon.
    I always remember scenes from the film about Yesenin, where Bezrukov plays. There he brought his mother a scarf from America, and she says: Oh, what are you saying, it's expensive!
    And he said to her: No mother, it's not expensive, it's not money, it's dollars! God willing, it will be like that with their Euro. But America only makes money on this.
  5. +2
    6 November 2024 11: 31
    Well, now somehow solve these issues yourselves.
  6. +1
    6 November 2024 12: 16
    Yes, everything is generally correct. The Germans don't need to strengthen their army. No one is going to attack them, and the arms manufacturers still want to eat, so...
  7. 0
    6 November 2024 20: 20
    In the West, people with mental disabilities lost to normal people. This is NORMAL.
    Eh! Now if only we could compare in a GOOD SENSE the great kind mind of the West and the great intelligent soul of the Russians.

    How? Well, maybe philosophers and scientists from both sides will say something very wise - I will be glad. In my opinion, the issue should be resolved at the UNIFICATION everyday level of "live and be happy". And then, from everyday life, expand and deepen to relations between states. From greater - so to speak, potential - to lesser.